mttvwMF:mm.w VW 1BV4'KW 'F"'t 'luSi'm Chanel JVjNtu&M,, h. W'tU i . ..,. r i .... ... .... . inuiyianiu or iiiriit liair find lliht Hunt wnw ' aiming uiu vouecier a mantina- forehead ami it Hv PlDM ?' . .. -j i .. we rtuuy r;cr -nug- .T"- H.wcnij" ";---., -. .. . "."iSTtSKuD&Tci K cooler wteiAccr" .te fffi SSS t tfefore occupies ?.'.:: . n water and heat I l" "i. V .:;. Mn..rlnr Hi at i wil i """ ....? HrB MlTS3i coo! lT6u will rXti the specc, necessary te new it ( less space ii uttujivji muw. . & certain point of coldness the ST. nelnt, where It turns te ice. 25! STneInt nt which water tarn Eftewww. li e.. from the manni F' ."w" i ATtinnda a rain. This KmJS Is'net readily apparent te the ,,St 1! you .' n quart of water tSil;. veu will find jt occupies .iipace as lce than It did as com WVa . .nVn thin cxnerlment K'wssel net completely filledj the ... u...kFa rwminv mere nonce L did the water befere being freacn, nothing n particular nappens wnen ii Is freicn In a vessel In which Vi. !.in nt room for. expansion. Mui'i"11' v : - il. 79 however, you iret hu bwnt of water in a vessel wmen u .completely. uv pp-" . rte tec ie "",.v."'." """-. C- ' .u. nnwer of exnandlna- Ice is 3.nt te break even Iren vessels. iWer pipes are continually full of mf mere w " ..... Kb the pipe, se that If the water in pipes IS aimweu iv "" yiyca r What Enables Us te' Taate Thlnisr fangs You'll Leve te Make wskirt K I"-) H tnmmer frock can be made very nt- tire with a FETALiED uvek RT. Make the body of the frock tny becoming color of taffeta. Cut M forms ei DiacK laiieia. nave ene ill grauunte In size. Htltcb tnese ill te a chiffon overskirt. Just the of the petals need te De stitched waving the points te nutter The illustration shows a allv I MM . .. A .. 1 tem etiect trimmea te maicn me 'ALED OVERSKIRT. FliORA. Brora Bened HICKEN I; Lightens the housewife s taut and saves herputse. Meat of chicken, tasty ana tender, packed in sanitary tins. A standard .product for ever half a century. , Fer campers and bikers. V Fer home uie. i jj&tpJiMQh&va, t: ittt T k. i ieu Uen t Have te Buy New Furniture or Linoleum. It's Thriftier te Make the Old Loek New with LAVA-VAR! At Your Dealer's All Celers and Clear Felten, Sibley & Ce. Incorporate PHILADELPHIA Manufacturers of Celers, faints and Varnishes since 1863 & ri.B5Vftai vr.a'. Hii rlnnr. imnilfCti Ifb.!f.wfwIW 1 ulON,SIBLEY&Ca aJt-ADELPHIA It all ,dppcds, of course, upon' the partlpulnr, type of bill collector you want as te wit indications of char acter you leek for when you are pick ln him But. , But the consensus of, opinion among successful credit men Is that fighting and fighting ability, de net count for se, much as. some peepte would imagine. Tact, quick wit and frlendllnrsn nre In most cases the Ideal characteristics of the bill collector. ' Tact and friendliness nre the at tributes predominately of the narrow -headed and the long-headed mnn. Quickness of thought and cnergv are Sredemlnantly the attributes of the lend and the person of convex profile. auereiurc, u jeu were 'PlCKing your an solely from what you 'could ve of even. RlnntlHIr nt square chin with a 'narrow head arid preferably a long one. , This gives you your preliminary basis .which, of court TOU Will Wfint in irimllf mnn ntr )A rafter an Interview. Tomorrow Eliminating the Stubborn man sttW'pKr', , AftttSfUilra use fetv ha.n7l1 blocked crctennetyin inrge' patterns, w ie nnye them,' mde', into roller shades. The lambrenulrie Used In conjunction with these .'arafniade of light blue dotted silk mulljOn kfeundat!6n ef'buckiumi The side CuMalM. which' ave ruffled at the lower migtr. arc caught back wuh cuffs of buckram covered with 'ruffles of the A Nevel Finish " The wman who likes "hn irfdlvldilal leucn te her things wlll.Ilke.the kimono with the blue embroidery. T.ha kimono' Itself Is. pale pink Japanese 'crepe, rnsde nun u Bimigut ceuar taat conies down njil(e a way en each aide of the front. There' are deep turnedlback folds fer1 cuffs, and both cellar' and cuffs arc trimmed .with squares doneln en out line stitch made with old blue silk thread. There is a dainty white French knot in the center of each aqtiare, tee. 5: ADBLPHTA, fkidat iH. . AM tVfJ!'f ! ?,. if' t . mlk,rtUll About Royalty' The widowed 'ex -Empress Zita, of Austria, is a Bourbon',' anddaughter of rhe"Dukeef Parma. w 5 - - i '. It is an odd fact that Queen Mary, Princess .Mary and puecn Alexandra were all born en a Monday. " TKUi TOUB HTRNOflKAPHICm ' Te remnd you te erfler a. copy pt nxt ' pn.Mn i.inaii in .mmm 'm m. cplie Lspek in advance, rte you naywanra itmeua tin ' .I.IaI. la mmw I .-- . vavKv. nMMiM,Mm tm ..vni a part et ths All-Star Comle.Bfotlon of tblil per. wm .1 a-uaeii." auv. Rundav1 wlll h rartaln te ae COMIC "Bomcpeoya Btani newapapcr. -bp-.i 50 Millien Pounds of Coffee Sold Annually in Our Stores Incomparable Quality .aigaflgHgw agW.' gfff iflgaA VQflLaW aHl gaKlgal Hft ViflVir gaHm jdPBawA faH tBanMSjaagawr ItaB X Sni jSglgV alagaHga agagKV Agagf RED C Economy Prices OUR GUARANTEE Buy ar pound. Try It In your home. If it Is net the best you hv ever tasted, we will refund i your money. Jf Ceet COFFEE Choicest selection from world's finest Coffees, pur chased at the plantations by our experts, and shipped direct te our mammoth roasters. Blended by Masters of the Art and Roasted Fresh Daily "IT MUST BE c Specials for Philadelphia, Reading, Lancaster and .Vicinity SPAN IS lO Fancy Selected, Plain c The Finest Grewn wca JB K J Meaty Crisp, Exquisite Flaver Large Bettle Clicquot Club Ginger Ale Bet. CHOCOLATE BLOSSOMS PURE CHOCOLATE DROPS Individually wrapped in silver foil . Delicious Flaver Nene Finer BULK y4Lb. BAKED BEANS Ne. 2 Can OreaBaked with a Delicious Sauce W SALAD DRESSING 12 Oz. Bet. Made of purest oils, fresh cgfs, viaegar and spjees equal la qealitj le tay af lb higher priced advertised brands. Powdered Sugar ... 9c Tablet Sugar . . . P, 16c A&P Crushed Oats 3 ... 20c Reckitf s Blue .... 9c ORANGES . . . Fly Paper ?f. 5c Fly Ribbons it 5c Pure Peanut Butter M ;.- 15c HIRE ES- Extract Jr. 18c mad. afaa-8 ' 25C BH Cracker Specials Sylph Sandwich lb 29c Chocolate Cocoanut Puffs . . lb 28c Zu Zu . pkfl Sc TEA !i. ATLANTIC & PACIFIC -- THE LARGEST RETAIL GROCERS IN THE WORLD mnsnm raJ ir.l-iri Hilten wui Open in Philadelphi SATURDAY Selling Clothing at Cost Men's and Summer Suits A Including Fine Blue Serges Worsteds 50 2 ERE are two price groups that show you what we meaii when we say Jeseph Hilten ancJ Unfinished stores sell every garment at cost! Manufacturing our own clothing selling at wholesale prices te our C stores and depending upon whole sale volume, net retail prices for our profits, permits our stores te sell te you at cost. These two price groups contain Values te $35 an array of every new fabric every new style each tailored the Jeseph Hilten way. Every one means a saving of 25 te 33 1 3 the profit that every ether store mU8t make' Values te $45 AND UPWARDS The Convenience of a Charge Account Will Be Gladly Extended. . Jeseph Hilten 1332 Chestnut Street Next te Garrick Theatre Our Only Stere in Philadelphia we have no connection with any store operating under similar name! It TLTi T( Tv Tl Ti II aTIPHBMikH liMMMaiiiiBMiMMMaMMiafraMfiALJLsX'--. Xl II T. 1 BMHaaaiBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB UTVjt W1' .te' V 'M . i ' 'V 2,rJ? A5'! i ,i.. v!i JH .W nn ta v ..,.K ...Ml.!!! TV. . .. , 'A.. Uyvi .. . Y.V-f j., !,t& ?., V4 . T iv;iii.ijn inn.' r it -w. i k. v " -. i : jr4;i"j7.ACj.ui.i'Liiirjf'7'i.t.,ir.j J,.i,u Lii. W.wHik .