va "t""" J - . -' J. - M''"WMfaMialMBtfiMMMliitiBiiiMaA . . I M MM i " rilsens Meats ffpr Family of Twe mUsitit Amount te Buy and f? , rrj,;e in Right Onter 4re Important te Rnev) About .. MRS M. A. WILSON . ? ?. V..v. Jf. A. Wilsen. AM Jftt.' IM. . ' --..ij - t., hrlde. who la Just K out te market, will at thla iHirung .nrpftd for her Sen a wonderful array of nature's T .-.. rifts te man. The Urti are fairly groaning under the j.l of tne irciu .vs..- , go he will have no difficulty te " Ai-f tidbits for hubby, If Rjjflrt a matter of personal likes and & - W". .. vmUneA. .Ttrnt hew t ei Mrs. i'i" ---- k te buy, Is the question of the me- A New, u you w - Jithcad of tne marcu uuj, . u these meals dovetail, mucn ei iue ( nrtery of the proper selection of ,m ,n ftwaT. and you will seen lest the proper1 amounts of feed Bfamall measure of peas will make ' . j. . nr thru,, flnn n-nrrinsB '"?". .. iTarlctles of beans will usually glve R pound' of tomatoes ,will serve B I JA Wh " Si i? fiSre for four meals, if kept en the Mi market basket this week will in three mcais en euuu w "lrwed or the ethen families of two. SUGGESTIVE MENU Sunday Breakfast h Straweerries t Omelet with Bacen Garnish r Hash Brown Potatoes C Panned Sliced Tomatoes Toast Radishw ' Coffee '; Dinner (, Orange Cocktail ;Btdlshes Garden Onions dCblcken rawiy uiavj vw Potatoes Peas t Lettuce and Tomate iltnwbtrry Shertcake Coffee ' Supper Deviled Etfga , Petate Salad ' Sliced Tomatoes with Lettuce Cream Dressing Coconut Cake Tea Preserves BUKl a uiivm-" uuviiv J"", i""-- am rnerve tne Drcasi ana wings iur .;Kt Monday evening dinner. Te prepare the breakfast divide the nPkiea in bait and place one let In pan 1 K cold atcr and wash by shaking the (.'Bin. Lift te colander, or sieve, and let Ktafer few mementa, then remove the rKm. If you pick the sterna' from the Knies before washing much of the real tErer of the berries is lest. Place iKtrries en fruit saucers and sprinkle v'lfcltlj nlth powdered sugar, then put iltkm where they will be cold. JIV mVe h nmrlpr. nlnen ana tea- poen of salt In the bkillct, take a soft Sloth ind use the salt te scour the Ha. Ibis will make it smooth se tne tfm.lf ifriAa nnt K.Hflf WlnA nilf thn Ejt lad place the skillet where It will tut ilevriy, and place in tne pan ft Tlrte iallespoens of butter. .New place in mixing bowl B.TArte toil, I One-toil teaspoon of salt, MTiny finch of pepper, MjiTwe taMcipoens of cold water. I Beit well te blend, turn in the smok smek bj het skillet and cook slowly, using ilipttii!a te lift the sides of the omelet .lud te let tbe uncooked portion run . HHmPfnPflth. fVnlc c1a1v iin,ll Av 'llben fold and roll nnj turn en het Wte. If you place the omelet In the mn, using a moderate temperature of 60 1 degrees Fahrenheit, the omelet will m while you nre entlng the berries. ' tee the omelet and see that it cooks eieht minutes. I Dinner Prepare the orange juice a directed ' ioetj, fix the radishes and onions and wer with a piece of ice te make crisp. i ii ,m,arlte'l,iS. have the butcher split y- at pieces. Place the chicken in n incepan and enter with two cups of MUn water. Stcnm slowly ier twen- ' minuies, remove and cool. Scrape the woes, shell the peas, place potatoes ;r 0vn. i , lul3 eaiilU iiun ie f I ., yumus wilier Mini , witching te remove the potatoes ? J cook tcder in fifteen win- . am When ready te serve dinner first dip La ii I !A """' '"v" u eeuien egg K,u t nc brend crumbs and fry l:'u"' uru" i net tut. Have about fc lqmartersi of " cup of "hertenlng in "i.-ii. . " lrJ'"B me PiucKen. 'Ki i ,e c',licL, it cooked drnin oft il tl ' a ln" nb0,,t tlir(,c tablespoons ;""' I" ,lle l,an! nd'l Ave table mbs of flour and stir te blend and r ua t,i iTWe.eusrfcrt cup of the chicken F in tchtch the chicken iru. ennkrrl. "e.Aal cup of milk, w tcairoen of salt, l-Wrtcr teaspoon of pepper, nValf?poen "f "rated onion, "te tablespoons of nar.ileu. :Atlr.'e11 '? blcni1 an" "ring te a bell. 'Kek. i m'.n,",eH n,"l Inv the cooked M 7'u ,'"5r"7-,."v5T. .clesel: (..i ,"".'" iuiku innie ana ;WS?ll sJwly for fifteen minutes. It is i-m- icuuy ie serve. r7 9 eciie SSNqv Summer Frecks "AebtfrJaareM IO75 $1B?00 19 v"),fd IAneni- a wis sea, veues, Organdies, Epenpes ;" full lunge of sixes for tne nxlss and matron. -J 123 Se. 13th St. 'iflJwTf Alx)e nttit vaUDf ' mm. 4 m 1 I Centemerl't V wkt&t&Li May 26, 1922 v .-!. f t? J - ... WANAMAKER'S DOWN STAIRS STORE WANAMAKER'S WEATHER Cleudy Sale of Women's Fashionable Pumps and Oxford Special at $2.90 in the Wanamaker Down Stairs Stere Fresh Fluttering Summer Frecks Tip-Tee for the Holiday Sunshiny gingham frocks in mere than 35 different models! Pongees and cool linens in 15 different styles. Dotted and figured voiles quite as varied. Organdie frocks, crisp and cool as lemon ice. Seft crepes de chine, tinted or printed. Georgette crepes, clear white or flushed with pink. Foulards the real Summer silks. One could set $25 as one's limit for a frock and still have a choice of ever two thousand charming dresses, new and "of the moment." Dresses for young women, dresses for their mothers and aunts, dresses in extra sizes. Nearly 1000 Gingham Frecks at $2.50 te $8 Small checks, large checks and two-tone plaids in all the colors of the rainbow. All gay, new and cheerful. Dresses at $3.50 and upward are made of imported gingham of remarkable fineness. In White and Exquisite Tints Organdies are $5.50 te $16.50. Fine French linens, $13.50 te $16.50. Seft Silk Crepes Start at $11.25 Simple little frocks of printed crepe are in lovely colorings, at $11.25 te $25. Navy blue dresses, Canten crepes; crepes de chine and Georgette crepes, simply made or elaborately beaded, are $15, $16.50 $18.75 and upward. White dresses for confirmation and graduation are of silk crepes and Geergettes at $15, $16.50, $25 and upward. yhM IX ft? I mi. 4iL Wmih tlMfm mas mil V:&rssi&m riSiH?m m m i lift ! $m $m I -M nlS'RSolMleM.I,i"l' t't'fU wUniMilwyflav jr 1 tj y iM4n RSSlflStflN iwirwifflngiilMIIII ll imLMB RE ' VrlflHn'LSlI IrafnTrgTTrSBHPMlBBffllM nut HJHKKfef 911 jJimpjitBjUiwTitjLM $6 $3 $70 A Half Dezen Charming Frecks Are Sketched $3 for a voile dress in lavender, black or rose with white dots. Sizes 14 te 18. $5.50 for a frock of ring1 dotted dimity in navy, orchid, green and black-and-white trimmed with white organdie. Sizes 14 te 36. $6 for a frock of imported gingham in two-tone plaids or checks with a box-pleated skirt and velvet girdle. $6 for a frock of figured or checkeH voile, in plain or crepe weave, with a white veile yoke and sleeves. $9 for a coin-dotted voile in navy, black or brown ground with plated panel trimmed with bands of taffeta. Sizes 36 te 46. $7.50i for a printed foulard dress one of the half-price group. New Foulard Frecks Half Price at $7.50 Navy, Copenhagen and black frocks with white figures in a variety of patterns. Seme have Georgette crepe panels, some are edged with beads. Five different models, and sizes 14 te 38 in the group. $9 $5.50 $6 (Market) Printed Voiles 25c Yard 38 inches wide An exceptional quality in the pretty ctear colors and patterns that will make delightful Summer frocks. Attractive checks, blocks dots, spots and figures in pink, blues, greens, browns, lavender, etc. Sheer Figured Batiste, 25c Yard Crisp and fine for frocks, blouses, etc. 30 inches wide. Underwear Crepe " 25c Yard 30-inch width in pink, blue, white and maize; some with tiny buds." (Central) Gleaming Charmeuse $1.80 Yard A fine quality that is light and cool and 40 inches wide; in black, navy and brown. Semi-Rough White Pongee, $1.90 Yard Ideal for sports frocks, skirts, etc., 36 Inches wide. (Central) Women's Silk Stockings, $1.35 Pair Of a fine even quality silk, these stockings arc full-fashioned and have mercerized .cotton tops and soles. Black, cordovan, cham pagne, silver and camel's hair. (Central) Fringed or Hemmed Sports Skirts of Epenge, $3 Pleasant te wear, as they de net muss easily and leek decid edly smart with sweaters. Fringed skirts are in club checks of black, geld, green or violet en white grounds. Hemmed skirts are in plain colors brown, green or rose, piped with white or in white piped with orange. (Market) Holiday Veils With Chiffen Borders Extremely becoming with large hats or small. A -plain mesh veil with chiffon border is $1.50; a dotted mesh with wider border, $2.50. In black, navy, brown and many combinations of bright col ors, such as fiame and sand, taupe and blue, etc. (Central) Imported Perfumes in Tiny Bettles Safely sealed te keep all the fragrance and small enough te tuck in the corner of a bag. These delicious scents are 50c te $1.60 bottle. (Central) Deris Petticoats and Princess Slips Perfect petticoats te wear under any kind of Summer dress. The 22-inch i''i ii Ml lull H IT V ,fi Uu -Lin urn w i V, hem does away with any need Vx panels, making it possible te need of double wear this petticoat under the sheerest or or gandie dresses. Deris petticoats are cut with just the right amount of full ness for comfort, yet are close enough te wear under straight line dresses. Of Silk or Cotten flesh-nink or white batiste or rOf flesh-Pink or whitn sateen at $1. Of fine white sateen, $2. Tub silk petticoats in white, navy or black are $3.50; extra sizes, $5. Deris Princess Slips TjirT- w-.. n,vu. flpsh or ercnm Dausie nave tiny filet edging around the top, $2; the same style with satin and lace-trimmed top, S3. All have deep uens ncm. In the right 'lengths for the present fashions inches. A 1V (Central) -28, 30 te 34 Gay Are the Hats of Summertime! $5 '. & s7 Gay and happy! They seem te knew that they are going te have geed times! Seme are essentially sports hats cheery affairs of glis tening spotted straw, often com bined with crepe de chine. Hats of white baronet satin are lovely for the seashore hew they glisten in the sun! Many arc hand embroidered in black. Others are dress hats of taffeta with interesting hand embroidery. All leek like considerably mere than $5! (Market) Holiday Gleve Specials 16-Butten Heavy Milanese Silk Gloves, $1.65 The fashionable gray and sand shades in a beautiful quality with double finger tips and wide two-tone embroid ered backs. Novelty Strap-Wrist Chamois-Lisle Gloves, 75c Half the regular price for these gloves. In beaver, covert and white with 5-inch braided cuffs and two-tone embroidered backs te match. (Central) Linen Luncheon Girls' Fresh Gingham Cleths, $4 Suspender Frecks Fine silver-bleached linen da- Special at $2 mask luncheon cloths have a soft Pleated skirts and suspenders satin finish and are very satis- are 0f checked gingham in red, factory for every-day use because blue or green. Waists, which are of their durability. They are separate, are of white rep stitched neatly hemstitched all around jn coier te match the skirt3i size& and one may cheese from several 8 te 14 years, designs. 55x56 inches. " , fiQ (Central) At !?0 White jean regulation dresses with blue or brown cellars are in Little Children's New e'ffm . WndhnMp TTnfS rcf Rreen r brown are embreid- y aanauic xaais em, Jn colergi g te r, sizeSi Ever se many snowy pique and M.ii. j OI . . gabardine hats are in little reufid Middies and bkll'tS shapes for boys and mere bonnet- White or dark blue middie3, like affairs, with hand-embreid- sizes 8 te 18 years, $1.50. ery, for girls! 80c te $1.25. Pleated white jean skirts, sizes Frilly organdie hats, in pink, ? te u years, are $2. Easy te blue, yellow and orchid, are decid- ,.ren B ey unbutton from waist- edly for little girls, 1.25 te $2. band te hem- (Market) Sturdy Rompers, A New silk Blouse yearseach cunning! All are lYlSll JbClCC, pO."( durable and will stand hard weur ifs a Peter Pan blouse of and many tubbings. A Peter Pan heavy white crepe de chine romper is of checked gingham with tucks and two inch-and- with a white waist, while another n-half bands of Irish crochet with a square neck is entirely of ice down the front. Cellar checked gingham. These are in an(j turn-back cuffs are edged pink, blue or red open checks en with Irish picot. Ever se white. The third is of chambray pretty te wear with Summer in buttercup, rambler "pink or for- skirts, get-me-net. (Market) (Central) Today's Styles today's sports oxfords, today's dress pumps, today's street oxfords and pumps net undesir able styles of yesterday, but the low shoes that women will be wearing at the shore, at the coun try club, wherever they are ever this very week end and Memerial Day. All at $2.90 Mary Jane pumps of tan calfskin with instep straps and low heels ; Twe-tone sports oxfords of creamy smoked leather with tan half-wing tips and waistbands and rubber heels; Patent leather Mary Janes with backs of gray suede-like leather ; Brown oxfords with straight tips excellent for street wear; Black oxfords of various kinds, some with rounded tees, all geed looking; Lew-heel pumps of tan calfskin with gray suede like leather backs and instep straps ; Tan leather oxfords with straight tips and rubber heels. All Are Wanamaker Quality in both leathers and workmanship. Women who knew the usual prices of low shoes of this type will realize the substantial saving en every pair and wisejy procure a whole Summer's supply. Net all sizes in every style, but amazingly geed selection in the let. Children's White Pumps and Oxfords at $1 Think of it! Only a dollar for oxfords of white leather, like buckskin, with geed welted soles in sizes 11 te 12. Only a dollar for well-made Mary Jane pumps of fine white canvas with turned soles in sizes 2 te 4 and 9 te 11. Special at $1.90 Children's brown leather Mary Jane pumps are in sizes 8 ie te 2. Tough brown leather play shoes with well-rounded tees are made for as hard wear as active children give them! Sizes 6 te 2. (Cheitnut) ,--- , -l Men's Street and Sports Oxfords Special at $3.85 l.v "V v-a Never de we remember such all-around geed oxfords at this low price ! Geed-looking street oxfords are of soft, pliable brown and tan leathers with straight or full wing tips, welted soles and low heels. Seme have rubber heels. Sports oxfords are of the well-liked smoked leather in a creamy shade with a brown waistband. They have rubber-like soles and heels, with raised pads for sure footing. Net every size in each style, but all sizes in the let. (Gnllrr.T, Market) leiftr He Black and Cordovan Silk Stockings Are 75c Furthermore, they have seamed backs te make them fit well, mer cerized soles te make them wear well and mercerized tops te make them withstand any stiain. "Sec onds," but you'll find they're geed, none the less. Women's Vests of Mercerized Cotten 30c Silky looking garments of fine ly ribbed white mercerized cotton in bodice or built-up style. Beth regular and extra sizes at this low price, since they arc "sec onds" of a mere expensive grade. A Man's Money's-Werth in All-Weel Suits at $25, $27.50 and $30 ", All-wool fabrics of firm, durable weave; reliable Wanamaker tailoring; correct conservative and semi conservative styles sound worth! That is what men who care about their clothes want in a suit. That is what they get in The Gallery Stere for Men. That is what makes these suits worth every penny of their price te be paid back daily in satisfaction, comfort and not-te-be-exchanged knowledge of a geed appearance. They nre business suits of cheviets and cassimeres the old-time closely woven quality inthe patterns men like or sports suits of tweeds and herringbones. They are the suits men want at the low prices they are looking for. (duller, Market) New Silk Capes Arrive $18.75 te $38.50 Best liked of all the new Summer wraps! Of heavy black Canten crepe, crepe de chine and Russian crepe, somber outwardly, but lined with Bayly colored crepes or pcau de cygne. Deep fringe edges the hems and cellars of some, ethers are topped with cellars of caracul or moufflen. S18.75, ?25, ?30, $35 te 38.50. Crepe Epenge Capes, $25 Black silk capes, lined with color and edged with deep silk fringe. One is sketched. Specials Cleth Capes, $16.50 and $18.75 Plenty of navy blue serges, tricetines and Peiret twills as well as lighter coleicd veleurs. All are silk lined, some nre fringed and some adorned with em broidery. $8.75 for young women's mixed tweed coats. $10 for velour capes and wraps. $15 for an assortment of tweeds, chin chillas and serge capes and coats. $25 $30 (Market) All lAt'tka.. Mv,k&jpgi ;i'A JrtfrMy - -ftt.s i jatef aMfeggHir? .? K 4?lk W' Vfi? 7m m fH SM :vm M Zfl ?i ' Al 31 J ''i (1 1 A m 'i Ll JS W kn ri " m vJ I 1 'ii K$ W 4