W-Im wm n ", 'I ERRICK TO DEFY DEATH IN FLIGHT Congressman Accepts Aviator's Challenge te Prove Himself Real Daredevil DOESN'T CARE "2 WHOOPS" My the Associated Trent WuliiURte". Mn.v 21. Willing te tike fl clmiijp with death te prove hlra elf the only renl nerlnl tlnreuVvlI of Pennrc. Kepreientntlve MntiuM Her tick? of Oklahemn, nccepted 1111 nvln er'g dintletiEe tndny te Jein hlra In a nlsh flls'it "Willi tl" brakes off. Herbert .T. Fully, tlie filer, hnd prorh prerh fafd the Oklahoma", that he would lese jaere tbnn a necktie If he agreed te ' "l'eti -n ill at your enrlieft convenl cenvenl Mce se with me te the Wur Depart menti" Mr. Ilerrlek wrote, "nnd make the request for n plnne nnd 1 will back up the requcrt ns a Congressman, personally-' . The Oklahoma ITetinC member wild (,. would make nn request himself, because he "was nere tit the department for Issulnu nn order that I mum net de anv mere mint flyinst eer the Cnpl. tel fei fear I mlgh tfnll upon the sky light nnd fracture a pane or two and thus put f'Ome Mlver of sinus in t-eme sleepy Senater's or Cengrcssnmn'a '" ,11. 11 "If you really have any wnd in your CTw te innk soed the challenge," Mr. JJcrrlek added, "why you Just mosey ureund te my office nnd we will co te the War Department together." Dropping Inte IiIh own home-made poetry, Herrirk Bfic thin: If when vi Oy away en hSh ve should rail down and die, Anyone 'irrn wants te cry must rub an onion In their ee. Advising Fahy te take out some life lnwrance, lierncK sain lie nnri none, aijdln?: "Pprtenally, I don't have te, is I are net leaving anv dependants be hind. Fer 1 have neither father nor mother, slater npr brother, uncle nor aunt, nephew or niece nor cousin even in the third desree. Life- te me is net iweet and I don't care two whoops in ichennu If you go up a couple of miles nnd ftand her en her none and let her kit." The Daily Novelette Inte the Hands of the Enemy By . Leui Raybeld TTEil.HO, people! ! Forgive me If I tumbled out late. The crowd jazzed te tlie wce small hours, and, believe me. I could go en jazzing yet." And bob-haired Margery jae n few graceful Imitations of the cry newest Jerky step net taught by the best danc ing masters. Then she flung herself Inte her chair nt the brcakf.ist table nd plunged vigorously into the busi ness of eating. Behind the shining percoletor Mar gery's mother sighed. Hut Margery's flther scowled, opened bis lips, then ihut tbem forcibly and a moment later strode from the room. Se many times recently he had wanted te take bis cherished daughter by the shoulders and hake her. Left aleuc with her mother, Mar gery finished two halves of gtnpefrult, in egg, three slices of toast and a cup of coffee. Then, chin en folded hands, fhe gazed dreamily into sp'ice. "There was such a darling fellow there last night, mother," she mur mured. "We danced everv dance to gether. Seme one introduced us nt the ttart. And tomorrow he Is coming te take rae out in his roadster. We'll ride and ride and ride " "Where was Peter?" Mrs. Hollis Hellis ter's voice hreught Margery up short. She frowned. "Dam Peter! I bate him. He's as tad as you and dad. A ptlg from the last century. Tnkcs me te task for Jelng 'jazz, crazy, us he calls It. for hebblng mv hair, for making crs at the bejs wli, the most Innocent lit tle thlius that all the ether girls de JKmadnjs. And last night, en the way. he tald unless I cut it out und was engaged te hint, and him only, he wa3 join-- awaj. I could see afterward he didn't like my dancing se much Jlth Freddy Cele. And when he brought me home he said he was say ing n long goedbj. and I told him T was also, nnd perfectly cheerful!; !" Mrs. Helllster was mere upset ever this particular outburst of her dnugh jr than she r.ued te show. She and 5r husband had banked se much en dependable Peter. That c cuing Mnrgery's mother ent Inte a long nnd earnest consulta tion with brr husband, the result being Mveral telephone calls, one of which s the ticket office nt the station, Ji. , t''re0 berths were re.sened en me Montreal express. A week later Margery HellMer weed en the reugli-hewn steps of n leg cabin ernndn and gnscd nt the wene before her in dismay. A tiny Path rutiiiltis down te the lake the li in , a bread cxpniiMi with no mible signs of life: in the distance range upon langn of forested moun tains Hrctchin? into misty obscurity. Jipii Mm glanced down nt herself. cre these her own slim legs encased kL ?lbr. 1(,RKlnBs "nd thick high ? ns this her shapelv self in "W tecd skirt nnd flannel blouse? "Bcry en her Up and Hilled back Philadelphia's New College Hie Mniehanrl Cellrirej of I'hlretiractlc is atrletly an "crlumtlenal Institution e me Highest ehuracter" und Is net conducted merely en IfAereie UarAllf a commercial basis, S'oduijfe The College cannot tae ad- hmul11 a 01tlenal students until the leader. VaU ter"1. bfRlnnlng Sep- tcmher 15th, for day and ccnlnc clasaes. We buggest that you en roll caily. Send for de tailed Information. tucA ARC HAND V2JXEG lifjh ROPRACTIC l'ini ,. . . ...- V' '""" 1 PHIUADELPHIA JTRAYER'S Tlie Rent Rualneaa Srhoel ..S07 UIKHTNUT HV. Cattr new. Der or nlsbt. ICllr'.l.a it ywuca tuMsn'd. t t-4 KniX'AHOXAl, Ruth Sexea ' ' tl4. T ', fr n sob. Within tlie Bhnck hn knew her father nnd mother wr-re distending hikes nnd fishing expedition nnd ca nee (tips with nn uncouth, wiry beard ed guide. Well, she would net give them the witlsfncllen of knowing hew she hated the prespedt "Back te nature for you. young ladv, nnd tnke n fresh fclnrt!" had been her father's cool ultimatum. "When yeu're se slel: of it that real rieuni would taRte like nectar nnd it n old-fiiflhleitetl wnlt?, st'ctn like an adveitturn from fairyland, ou tan return te civilisa civilisa teon. Net before!" Followed dnji se unreal that ther seemed Ilka n dream te the city-bred girl. 1-nrJy mornings after die speckled trout which Jim, the guide, wrapped In leave and boiled se deliriously. Lazy hours of puddling and exploration along the shore. Invigorating swims lit the cool, clear wnter. Quiet ecnlngs when the moon rote In sIKcr splendor nbevc tlie pine tree tops te a wlili-pe'-wlll heienndc, "She scii.n contented enough, strange te say," commented her father ene afternoon as lie watched his daughter skillfully benching her canoe en the vellew descent of sand. "I wonder If It's time te spring " "Walt," said Margery's mother. "At first. I nm sure she was spitefully pretending te enjoy the life. Hut re cently I jiuve come te believe she Is genuinely happy. Olvc her and us a little inore time." After nil, It was Margery herself who walked Inte the tinp se rmefully planned. She had been peklwt along the shore in the canoe tpnte n distance bejend the usual limit of her pxplorn pxplern pxplorn tlenti when she spied nn all but Invisi ble trnll leading back into u grove of jeung pines. Impulsiel. site lutiil cd nnd entured a llttfc way In. Suddenly she stepped, hand en her heart. There wns a strange mau bend ing ever the makings of n file. At the instant she paused he turned and straightened up. illUI 1,1:1 . Yeu Peter !'' Followed ni.iny explanations mostly Peter's. "Why. jes, I told your father I had put chased a can.p in the North Weeds the day I asked his permission te marry you If jeu were willing. Which ou weren't! I hud dreams of well, a honc.wneon uere. Tuen, tne day after you refuted me for the last time and I had decided te come up here and forget, jour father telephoned nnd asked permission te bring you tip here, tee. When he suggested that he hoped I might see fit te remc up. also, and well, feurt you under different and primlthe surroundings I couldn't re sist. I linxts been living in an old lum ber shack net fur away, surreptitiously supplied by Jim. and waiting until you had forgotten the old life n bit." Peter paused. It seemed no If hts whole future depended en what weras were forthcoming from the lips of the dear girl before him. "Se." said Margery nt length, "my bclecd parents brought me here only te deliver me into the hands of ' "Don't soy, 'enemy'!" begged l'fter. "Well, perhaps net," said Margery with the tiniest of smiles. Then she held out nn Inviting, nut-brown hand. "Come, Peter. Paddle mc home te supper. Jim hus piemlscd us ban nocks and dried-apple pudding." SPRING KliSOBTS ATIANTIO UTV. N. J. DECORATION DAY $12 SATURDAY, SUNDAY, MONDAY $12 Afc AND TUESDAY, WITH MEALS ELSEBiON IROQUOIS & fireproof Ann"e. Tcnnt avnue neir ... -.,. ." ,.. t,,. . 1...11,. 15.4ch. Capacity tee. Central. Open Mir- n t 1" ?ll "UrJc't Sn Cclty V0 re-tncllnc.-. Opposite Catholic anrt TretfMunt ! ?ir1?y ncd.-n l! a r I K.u ! W. Blrf.Veal"e&oeWeV.'Bl0HJ "rCened- Jti.Z Cl""n an'1 "vlc' RUNNING WATER IN EVERY ROOM Beth Hotels .Under Management of R. El LUDY, Owner DECORATION DAY SPECIAL $10 Sat., Sun., Men. & $1 O Tuei., including meals ATLANTIC CITY'S FOnEUOST MODERATE RATE HOTEL gJgaPlBw'r ammSssr'.maBmmBimi muMmmmtaiw fle Ca-elina Ave . Jgt off Beach anu l!earuadc; near Steel I'ler and all amuiementa, two b'lxlls te Preteat- ant and Cattellc Churchea HUNNING WATER IN EVERY ROOM Improved at a Cot Encetdlmj SSO.OUO All roema refurnlihed. elerle hghta Simneni bed, : repapartd and mpalnted, prlat" bathi: elev, te all Soen: aicellent tablt; private ret g and l-e plant; bathheunea anJ thewera with attendanu Write for Booklet ml Cab of tha Silt SprV " J'rene Pcncnally rranafc br . ier. STiTZIR ITITIU DECORATION DAY SPECIAL ilO.OO Saturday, Sunday, 51O-00 Monday, Tuesday including Jleali I9U!( fPR 3 "A Bi IEI.L KnNTUCKY AVtNLi: NEMl HKACll Cemer beuie; open surroundings, centra of all atLrac t Ions and Tiers Itunnlng wattrlnroems. nrHatebathe P"r bathing privileges from hotel Electricity tl reugli reugli euf Hevaler te atreit. Table unexcelled UbO up tally, Special weekly, American plan Music 1 lancing. Garage Phene W. Booklet. New Ownership Manageraant-BALPH MECKLKT Hlret) nbrrn life I aufrat. Ilrlrl. Steel ami htene Conatrucllen. . PRINCESS 1 (tin in mil r. I arelln 1 ue. Imigiat rueiler- 1 iite rati) hetian of large cltv ronatniitleii. Decoration Day Specials, $12,$14,$16 Siitiniln. sun.. "Mnu .V '1 111'Klin I lint & Celli RUNNING VATER IN ALL ROOMS I'rli. baths Klovatet I'renrii c' ef i:iel-li-nt tht Orcheetra Danilne Hath lieiieej with Ilefirdwjlk cntranip free te gueata 1.1 50 and up ll- American plan J." and up ll liurnpeiii pltiti, fpeclal weekly rntea Hklt with auto read man in tiled I'Iip. I.'ll- 12IO I'At'l. C. HOSIli'KANS Uwner & I'rep, lje JBreafter. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. tin tin Orean Frent Amrrlein und Knrni'iii l'latl FIREPROOF I'netuallv nttractlMi nt this aeasen Dancing. New (lelf fluli pilWK'ges, Qaracu en piem Ivra lenijJe ratea MILLER COTTAGE t . for Its table 'l up il.i'lv tH up uenki, l''ih rniann I 111 t n I'inuthamel Mer Hntel Rncnlipl Kentucky Av nr btacb nOiei DOSCODCI KXr.ic,,i table. Wklv r-tra, lis un. I"i 117 A K. HAIUflS , r MONTICELLO Kentucky me. close te Heai h S3. no 1 iv un. 120 up tveekly. FETTKn IIOI.I.INtHlH I Cnrlwin 1AIU raclflu Ae. I'rlv. luiths. Uunnlei watsr. Euretan plan. I I f Afag y I dtf i etter Medeirntei Rute Hetel " . taSaw jm. Jj mi mbv ggtasJ fEVg! aSngW ggaflrr J Aw t MJHU VALENTINO ONCE BOS BOY IN N. Y. Get Start When Jean Sawyer Hurriedly Pressed Him Inte Service WAS BARBER FOR A TIME New Yerk. May !... Hew Hodelph Vnlontlne, whec inurrinsc te Miss Winifred Iliidnut has nl te :i charge of blgnmr, breke into TJreadwny en n borrowed suit of evenlnj clothes nnd paved tlm way for stardom in t'1P films was related en Broadway jetcidny after It became known that he as none ether than Itudolfe Ougllclml, n former dancing partner of Jean Sawyer. Kills Island in .December. 1013. re corded the arrival of Itudolfe del Mar chest Citiglielml, eighteen jcars old, occupying a first-clnss cabin and rat ing himself ns an "agriculturist." He rain" from Castelmattn, Italy. He get odd i-bs dish-washing, emnlbuslng In rcstui. rants, cutting hedges und cutting hair once in a barber shop. An a bin boy in n restaurant he attracted the intention of Jean Sawyer. One eve ning when her regular partner hnd do de scrted her, leaving his evening clothes and a note sajlng he would be gene for a week-end, the dancer in desperation i ought the bus bev. The evening clothes fitted nnd itu itu itu doleo made such n lilt with the audience that Miss Snw.er decided te retain him ins it regular partner. An engagement nt the Jtitz-Cnrlten followed, and the next step taken bv ttugllelmi was u flyer Inte ntideville, bv which means he worked West, acquiring hi the mein time n wife in the person of Miss Jenn Acker. As n dancer he was once part ner of Bennie (llass (new Mrs. James Ben All Hasglti), und of Edna Fenten. He went en the legitimate stnge plalng miner teles. When he was in "The Cyea of Youth," June Mnthls, who had adopted "The Four Horsemen of the Apocnljpee" for the screen, saw him nnd decided he was the Ideal type te play Julie Desnejers. His cngegement for the role followed, nnd with it his leup from ebcurlty. He met Miss Iliidnut when playing opposite Nazimea In "Ciimllle." MIs lludnut was then known te the public .is Nutnchu Uambea. u Kustlan pro pre tege of NnzlmeMi, engaged te deign the settings. Florence te Vete en New Scheel Florence, N. J., Mnv 23. Voters of Florence Township will ete tomorrow night en a central sdtoel piejcet, sub mitted by the Beard of Education. The schools nie ever-crowded and ad ditional dusM-oenis have been fur nished in Library Hull. M'KINW RKMWIS vFi.Mrir nrv. n. .t. DECORATION DAY SPECIAL l.xnU In romfert. Sen Ire ami Culaiue Kentucky Ac. Smi Benih Dancing, Orchestra Write for Special May and June Rates Atlantle Clty'a Tlneat. 1-arK.at and Jlest Tnpular Moderate Unto ilotel. flinli.e, .II-;ui-i.i mI un.iii-s, private lutliM. metil beda, rleviteis te street. uniiHUilly .ittrartlvn lebb parlors and reicitlen rooms, capacity ine, eiclieutrn. dnnelnfr Nenlv parere nnd tenevatnd tlirousheut. Public almucra HatPH It SO up dill. apeclal Me!, ..mrlcan Plan RUNNING WATER IN ROOMS iKtneralilp niiiniK t. H r in for boeklot t. 1'Ii'iph ieik. n:'iTi:u c. iihi.i i(ii:n. DECORATION DAY SPECIAL J 1 O-00 Saturday, Sunday, jl Oqe XU Monday, Tuesday L With Meal. rOMFOHT WITHOUT K,TRAVAGANCE S-HOTEaUTt 1 ILVERTON Kentucky Ave . near beach nml HnrHunl ...... lent te t nthi.lic and I'retclant 1 1 urchrs: tborenehi. 'oreughly renovated una modem in every detail upon lurreund- I ieg pmuta painn, ttet and cold ! RUNNING WATER IN EVERY ROOM elcetrn bclit: elevator, sun rarler, ipa-lens torches, fret beihlnpr from hotel; nnderful meals (hum cook Ingl Anvn-an plan (with rerals) HU and up dallv. pi ul utik'y, 12 wimid up dutly urepean plan, re (llicd patronage Uy elepplnir at the hihcilun you are assured of a wen Krful time Tiile visiting Atlantic City Write for Booklet Ownership Uananemeva Decoration Day Special $ O Saturday Dinner te $ J A Lt Tuesday after Supper NETHEriLANOS New Verlt ac DO NariH fiem Hetrdwalk, OMTloeknik' lawn nnd ncian, Hejit located, popular priced hotel. Cipirlt J00. UI"). aler rrlitn btlia het und cold running water In rooms, electric Hsht.. Tabls nl'ini'lanlly ui piled with tlm beat market affords. Mntli nnd riaiicn deer Haitilng prlvllegea from hotel 3 no up dally, 117.55 up weekly. American pliin noeklet. m. c. wwrnNiiv ALBEMARLE I Virginia ,ie . I lerk from fanieua leardalk nnd bttrl rir, open nftPr lniiroetiieniB reetlnic 1.15 0(1(1 rn.iklnsr HiIn lioit.en Mn.t' I modern In cinri iin, VKvtrlcl t thiueut ' RUNNING WATER IN ALL ROOMS , ' Spineus .elarliini un deck pru 1 ,ai,, el laliir Jl m .IM nn mn, liwiii. ahip liiiin-irciiirnt 11 mii 1: ,t m:n 1 CALVERT n,.iiila Ac iuiii lleach l,p.'!.Jl" 5,'"r M'"lrrnt- UUOIlur. PIHTfllAHD. l.lllH TABOR INN,",n,,'n,i6"""'cticuTA. .. . JW l"Stlen! arse. alr roemsj fxcellent table 20th aeaaeni owner eigmt. SpriBC rates, J, F, m A. M. UtlBJk .. i . , . HPRIWH KKHORTH ATLANTIC fclTV. N. J. DECORATION IAY SPECIAL ti,u Monday, Tuesday I luMai Meats I $8.00 Reems without Meats $6.11 ejllEDISON Mffhljtn Ar , nr buch nd neMwlk, AtUntle Cllr'n rnent bfiutlful hotel etlen, renvenlent te (ill churches modern In tyrj rletsll. open iurrwindln,, all cheerful euulde- ( Mnmi. nurli furnlthed and atcei'lted ' tSrueut, virege ccommedttlc forreotorltJ. hoc nn ieia RUNNINQ WATER IN ALL ROOMS Prlte Sth lnt1 and enlult. electrle light, elevtter Mrvlee. luiurleui tun parlor, ipacleuf . attractlta muilc and dance room . and dance root OUR TABLE It a apeelat feature, wonderful home cooling, e k vtiihlB. n... fhA market afrarru. whlta aerelce American plan, W BO up dallyi n, ei ew up ui.iij Special weeklr, European pian, t 10 up daiir Phcfhe 8l9iJ , .j.--i...,-a.J.---.--i; a Decoration Day Special (in 'Saturday Dinner te $1 O Lt Tueidny After Lunch 1 AUSTINE Pnclfie . and. St. Jamea Placs cle te all churohea nnd nmunemrma; running; water In room. V. II. JONES. I J up Dlr. t Ul.v. Am. run.twlth rnemla) Ter. Pacific pml Arkanjn aes. rnv. ro re frUeratlna; plant, electric kltih'n open for lnpetlen. runnlnu walHr, nil cuixlde room jn-rupuleuily clean Kn. prl. batli, Inili InB from hotel, bath houe and ahevrra flee Or'hentrn, dnnclng: n'.ilte KorMce, (jnriBe naekiet rY & irQfKi:.s'ncnv. PLANADE Whole Bleck en Ocean Frent , Opcnlne fei Meocen ICJ'J Hurnreau Plan, .Mnv C7 Ameilcan Pldti. June ID Oivnerhlp Mnngmrnt Booklet. Clip. r.Ol W. F. hltW THURBER Atlantle Jtaaaachuactta nf Cnpurlty 300. All eutalde. airy rooms Bathln from hotel Jl fn diy up. Rpetlal waekl r.urepe n plan lteataurant rennactfd. MRP. V M TllUftBUR f HE ELWOOD oerleokTng neard- alk. Klrcproef. repjclty I'O. PrUate Ualha. Runnlr.if witer In rooms. Uleater. E. T. flRAfF, Owner Jfc'T. R AYMOHE xVnc Worlds Greatest Hetel Success HOTEL MORTON Virginia Are. Near Reach Writ for booklet-new- brick addition. Y&" THE LOUVAN u'h tUf Tenn i Running wntr in -oenn Med Enren plan Mra. K. fiimner. rntea THE PLAZA " chaf i pa.fic. ne- lined surreuiidltiirfl Kary app.firen nil ear. Deltrlfli & Russell. Msra. erF.w riTV. n. j, OPEN DECORATION DAY- bl'ECIAI. RATES fnlurday ee. te Tuesday Dinner. The ALVYN nrlihten rince? near Boardwalk BERKELEY X),tl1 rren,! lare- " -"--"" nns.i every one with eceas 'lew. Hathlnc from heuan. Merrla aellera, RALEIGH 0pens ,ay -5 "et a,,d cold runnlnp water In all roemi Juna ratpa. Mra. Jtartha Mu.art. MELROSE 14m "nd Ahury. nalB JOHN I. New upon van tini: ROSLYN 1113 C"ntrul. 1'ur. roenin Near Hei. h jr. CI. IIUrjM, The Imperial ?r ncs.h. Special June MniiiRUf.OR BISCAYNE Run'e water In eerv room. "t,-Her.Met II nt.t'NDIN. (M'EAN CITV. N. .1. "Amerdcii'H lrentc Family Reanrt" sm.im.riTiTi. n. jT OCEAN VIEW sATiitnAV te iri;.im. $in IRS. I'lrKTRIVII. 0 VNION .T. m:a isi.i: ciTA. n, .1. '-rlniern""n!,rI,e cly rlerk. City Ilnll WJI.J10DN. .7. EDGETON HOTEL DECORATION DAY SPECIAL Sat., Sun., Men., Tues., 4 Days $12 All ."Weil Incleded Jtu.r Dim Ink- Rent Steals. Ale merlin; riycliil rii'.cken. Mi ik, t.linre lilnnern W. II. Ill DlilS-. TroprUter AIpe Oiiemtlnt: I'lislewoel Hjtel, '. ri'ii'lmr j Flerl la TErtlPLE KALL ,Vrr nev lust vi e n0. f'emmunttv I PjTn J lt wpx up vun in-ei irnina EDGETON HOTEL -WfarSprini; Op-nlng May 27 W, n HrJDOlNa Jtirr. Chelten ,13 I-"wiU'i end a. ruin.rme I'.rU of hi-pc Jlra O. r. Jlucksen Marlborough Aets. ' ;'V fu"i.-t. iTkpk. CU0.N0I.IA U f fi M icnein. Fur7"rma hjn nrlv rear Flench JjJ IJ. JackFeri ritf.MO.VT, J4S t: .IchelllnBer J2 M day. Am. plin. Hxlnt. tnlile Jtra i: McK'eirn . ,XUir!iP",,i',i!i!'i .-' JUSTICE APTS. n. nejm aI"i "tn. ,, , V ir h h a e h ami amiiaement Mel-rate trm. Hitlilnic from teuM I.trRS bretvi rerchi W A. Justice i '.TONK IIMtneit. V. ,1. SHELTER HAVEN HOTEL Am-rl hii enil Kurei-in in Brlll. music, eluirei rliini'r- iiiieniuMi uirtkr entered te DECORATION DAY-Special Ratei MTl'RDW It) d-irt nn ti i:,i),v plU.UU I i:m I . SI.MON. Prep. north .xnrnYr.nK. n j. NEWJERSEY-NASBURYPAr?K t Winterl IIOTKt l)e-OII),...nT).'i,r,s. j Niw etl Offlrm S V, lOlh i-treet E&mamamBSBsz North Asbury Park.N.kJ. THE BREAKERS Hy tbe beu Rprlnir lalu i trli V I Oini June 17 i op n fir inspection. Tirlv H.'ji-r-tlenn jucieited Wrltr for P'dt liruii h-i:n. n. .1. THE ENGLESIDFJJSfRS 1'rn.na listlu tvitli ita aim rr.-ali water. fia tennla teurta; booklet. It r KN'Ul ,'i ti.-r. Alae tba Covington. We-n PhllaiUlpnia. BREAKERS N. I riu h II iv rn I'm 11 r ft and M'nierl.l i.jj I ' n ii nuUiih'. frclal -yH'W l'KK N J. TUn f.larlunm 'IwK nay and Ocean. 1 'i"".nv n .Met rate. ,tt.N.,i!yiiji -.N-J-L. " " '11a Juat llikllfr IVmii tlsila.ae al. ttThm i.Js. ..;.;: ..""' " The BRYN MAWR "-" . .v. .i. aruiiT nr i.vrrjlh n: new methods. nw nin New HLinnrrnirnt - '' -i - .-m a' r,;;hiUnai;i ,,,lj1"" ,.',7'.Vrll,,V'" . r. . .. . "'' ',' "' "" "' C" but a a coin. en" 1 TL. MATinMAI (I,,.,, .,... v . I Oiuenlent I., i.-. .... ,.,. ! S.-W inanaaaniept new Lima ie tm ,An, ' . Ing with pmriirs, tap. .'-, ii ,0 .,', P lden?'mgl:.0.7lyi"l' iAiSiVpSS. n;- ecjln anevjs, , i ' OSB'iNF MWNTEBEY gj ei'E.ss jum: 2th HI Futira blerk en orrite Tr int t epsrilf H m e00 all outside room., l.ery raejeru I hotel f.-llilj. , ,ui cel.l ,jl y.,t M C conneflieu, 1'rrferl euiil e Vt lilie wj li tervice, (.nil rotie lireter". n(U,e. (fe d r.eir nAiiiiM. ltMS H !Krlsn Dennis. Uaiatfer tX '" ' nrniNii RHaniTa nriainif nnevmm flAI.IFORNIA C'AtJreRNfA , CAMFHKMA CAttrORNIA V n'tjgf S-In ai 1 1 naaa inMiiaggl igaTaMga1gagMgaMgagagaMgaWHgaaP,"M'B,ll,'IM - ': . 1 - ' I .mjjw,.,. 7771 . .i- i m aaaaiaaaiT V"-inQslSaH TerHDeratlire " average ciean tern iwiipwaiure perarure in Southern Cali fornia (or the pait 44 years (U. S. Weather Bureau records) is aa follews: June, 6 July, 70 August. 71 September, 69. The game -ecerdg he-v 'that a great city In the center et tbJg gectiec has en the average only en dgy In June, two days la July, three In AH-Year Club of Southern Sec. 204, Chamber mel.t ret one.p.v DEVONSHIRE PINES"yN1 Special Spring nates, l'iahlnc Hathlng? 'nnd Beating. Booklet It D. Humphrey. DELAWARE WTI.K li ir. I'A. I The Mountain Paradise KITTATINNY DEL AVARE VATER CAP. PA. Season Mii;, 1st tu Die-iili-r lit n ilxe Interior jiiJ extrrur linprev-inenti, male the Klttatir tl nne,r appmnteil acceaslbla .Meuntuln l(n rt llutfll Capa city 000. Twe bourn fren Nrt lerk. t-irkananin. n It "J nulti b auto aute auto mebllo Thre heuia f-em l'lillHe'rhli, Pennslanl.i. a II Si nult3 by luto lute luto ineMle. rullmin tervlL anJ l."0ed Reiiia Hetel situated n rri at mrU Wild nera atul rii iliilen Ir I pm'ur n Magnlllcent ae-nen uf f 'I emus AiJKa Iteraea Beatln;;. Ii'u jrl Haja r inis. Trap hhoet n;, M in- I i iriblni; Orchtrj of s, lei. Nuhlli dances frequent setlal features American plan a en a la cnrt Orlll for 'leurlKts. Ivl-tii' nv ciietiil und trult eatilena and Luiri irpl abundant fresh product i. fpedul early aepsen ritet nlae te fimlrea anil teurlats lloeklet. terina nnd into man, m slleil. .mil I'l WIIV f OI'K. C.NAUf.Nsls. y. LAUREL GROVE INN t"i.l;1l" Modern, geed table, garage. SIS wetk. tlilt. Hi:ttKIsMl WALTERS PARK w l".en i'llfe-i)r tewrirl .11 iK nij lait njosable H 1 1 i ( t ( k I Mtikinir .sin Iiibh lu EAGLES MERE, PA. The aumnirr reeert thit In different became it combine a mountain and aeaaliere cotidlllens with unlaua eur rnundlnva. lhJ aiinb beach nnl t"interate water of Ilia I alie i,t thfl I agie a Htferd pli-ndid bathing C.'Ou fiet atoie i!4 level One of the Utictit coif Anierlr-i l'cr booklet jiiiI ralea The Crestmont Inn UMIlani WeniK, Mjuieer. The Ferest Inn llrrmin v. Icugrr. Jlanaier, Tite Lakeside .luhn ti, K.rk .t. ,011i The Raymond I- It. C. List, Mtnagrr. hUAItlllMIIUI.. I'A. STRATH HAVEN . INN , 8viniiM(ii(i:, iv, -ht,n,rai,i!.Jl,.sJ,.,,uj:!"'.n ',0?L ''" minutes from . 1 ' eJUUl. ITM aiUQ lO t feSvS&S B3F0R HEALTH AND RECREAT i0N ,CA"' WBE.E-YAH.VAU " " ' ' Be a New,Man in this wonderful environment This Summer By an Easterner THIS is addressed te men who need a vacation that will recreate-tmd that means all men. Yeu par ticularly, if you are ever-worked and tired. Toe many think of costs in money instead of costs in health. There's a place te go at a reasonable cost, by train which has the same enchantment, the same lure as "a trip abroad." It provides a wonderful, delightful nt-tu environ' ment in which you lese, and thereby find yourself, remade. Se Different You'll find a wonderland of summer there the world's greatest playground, where every summer sport is t its best, and where everything is different, fresh and new. Where you can meter for 4,000 miles en boulevards like city streets, visit a peak by trolley,' camp, swim, fish, play golf, climb mountains, visit the missions, sail, explore canyons, rest in a wilderness, or go te the theatre. Have breakfast en a desert and dinner at a famous restaurant in a great city the same day if you wish. Travel as you will by meter, train or trolley. See for a hundred miles from a golf tee. Breathe an ozone that makes you feel actually "like a boy again." I Was Amazed I an easterner also once thought there was no place se ideal until I went te Southern California for August and three In September when the ther mometer touches or exceeds 90 depeeg. The air is usually dry, se higher temperatures re comfortable here tfitt would be uncomfort able in the East where humidity emphasises heat. Southern California averages 309 days el sun shine Summer is the rainless season se you can plan en perfect weather for your fun. of Cemmcnc Bldg. ND WHERI AURORA SPANSIKE SKY1N RAMING BEAUTY 1 r AilsfJafwaA I-iTr7y aVl.1i til X LmKizXSmi-&mZlVt?. affaBgtaVaT----------A. . - (j 1 lW5422-3 .'Ss.lgfS'! V L, AtK I Iff --"-i N ' ' ' ' 'IVra-a-pr tA Lj5-N 4,400 Square Miles ?T?n!; $Wf' of Captivating Playground r Kyfl A.'rJa,PfrPflrl'arcm.ijcsticpeae.sne cjppeJ .ndclawicr. ' Sirfs I scored; ragged, .ercst-c!a4 slopes, rlewcr-strtwn passes- -." iTST, tTsTI tmprcsne solitudes; beautiful likes; vast snewhelds: crcat MfM h BUfiers nna trie Headwaters of might v tuers. Nature has W V r Fwhnc xn Prevldl"G Canada with a limitless phveeund E(fM '0r ,1hc-f,0lirist' 6P"nian, alpinist ami sightseer in tlm flUIJjSJ wonderful meunu-n scenery PTtt i'TnVni'.'p' 'J" ." -Lu"nie.mere picturesque than S.tierljnd 1 sBsSSft Is iF L'A',"6 "'e'0"'1 P'Kteund-Villey e( a 1 l.e. nnd ll?V,V """tanien-rni.ellur-eit. tliegitenraj teAijils ::: " U-B " Continental Limited cSm5s1 L,p,,,".th! Rr1'" ne lowest altitude, tl,- eisicit rSfit n "J'l nd in ucw of (. an. da's lugheu pea", llr 11 P? . tra"1S rrem ,0"tr! an J Terente te Vaiueincr. KeM- Hi tt0izz:zzr "eui, FeVfu'u llTlril 9' V" JCNNEY, G. A. P. D. I FSjWt9FfW$BKEiZZ7"sMi !!L---l' ttKt.sgMg.gwi , , iri'lrlllrligBiiiiii 1 "W... z: giamrirsBfiarer: ' i . i 81llr 3te2 . -"",lS,,l,N,,"-N TI.UISVM, fiurii siHnM 1 iiiiu M'Kiriii:. iu v - ' .4.,. - SfKlXn KEffORTB mw U SSHav' v r'JtlJm the summer. I thought it would tve warm, but, In a three months' stay during July, August and Sep temberslept under blankets ninety nights. Waa amazed te see the U. S. Weather Bureau figures (printed here) a 44-year record. I went te Southern California first en tne advica of a physician and found this new land that could really re-make men. And I've returned each summer for six summer straight, te keep myself re-made. New tens of thousands de the same thing. Tberf are no longer any "seasons" there. "A If your need is the same as mine was, you will get the same results, and be glad you followed these sug gestiens. Take the entire family re-make them, toew Women and children also gain greatly by this complete change of scene and interest. I consider Southern California "a find" as a vacation land. I think you tee will se consider it Special low-rate, round trip fares new In ef fect Ne mere War Tax. Ask any railroad ticket agent for further Informa tion, or mail coupon below. Ge this summer while you may. Make reservations new. California I Name Le, Angeles, California LtlTZT c.N.vn S.ANIIS, WftrN WWMHMW Find ft j Information Coupon I All-Year Club of Southern California " -01, t. hnmrer of Conmierce Bldg, I Les Angeles, California. I Please send me full information about the ummer vacation possibilities in Southern I California. - ,,,,,,,,,! WEHTPOBT. T. T. RSTPORT INN ON LAKE rtlAMPI SIV Heuaekeeping und noneuaekepln rettag-a. Owii golf llnka. tennis" heating. bathing, fishing, erchsatrat strnjjat Ratea 17 00 tin ntViJ II. P. HinTll. Ueatnerl. N. Y. i.rvnx. iasi. HOTEL ASHNWAIX LENOX, MASS. High and Coel in the Berkshire Opna June 17 QOLF. SADDLE RIDtNO. Dealrab.e Cettagea with Hetel Service I.. A. TUOKOOEII. JlanaaVi aeAd'1,reIlJJ'U11 ?Uv 30- car Hetel BaltaetU, fd t and Park ac New Verk Mnter Htsert, frtnib lletel. OarasssW TtOITON. MAWW. sg a flTTPI DllDITAVl esaawnae(annves nonen ThepistlncHve Bosten Heuio "UW2ZSrW- fcrOm-BeaWat t uudS 3 russartc Tei'rts Vacation Cruise te PORTO RICO Idmal anmmtrr me trip at Kttutt Kaltt 16 $ 1 f? f ar nd Including? j -r -g any ilV up II expsjrtMS Bik, comfortable steamer a your hotel for entire trip. Coel in summer Ne passport, New Cotidade-Vandcrbilt Hetel open .ill summer. Wrife for literature, tAilini; -re, PORTO RICO LINK ZSBreadway N.wYerkCltr mmamtmmmmammiar I ntel Alnll Tim m MHMMBaaBBB FRANK'S MEDITERRANEAN- Cruise de Luxe, Feb. 6, If 23 ' bv Hperlui y CTiarter.d New CUNARDS. "SCV'i'HiA" 'lurblns Oil Ilu. Al.noe tens. : months. I0OO ana . inrluilta aars . esi-iiraliiiia and all eipeneea Frrpt. Hely Land, CenatantlarsW, freer. Italr. Hnaln. Kir. ' O'l-er leura F.uren. I'uf, t'eaat, elg, FRANK TOURIST CO. ? 219 S. 1511, St., Phil. A . 4? li:iali 1H7U) H I'd Hpruc. HI?,' , ... NIAUABA TO 1MK KEA. I rer uiusiraita sumi, map sssi ti i flresa '"" r. risrca, Del.. sjiswaauis i.iasa, t,W,, iHBfjBy e "sS?.- W4Hss ; ,! w "I ' '1 1 I 'f'M iWP. 'MM ,i5 ItfttiT. ' gflfcA!.i...a !tt, 'Mm ..n : ,' . I 'pi9 ll.'T -.fc- .. J V'-r mr.r,,. Ufc&jeUjUu , , J 4 Jdl ,.JS'il WKll fc v iaigi ti -j. ..y . 1 --ii., .m .t. -- HLraavvssti.f.a..-. . . r. .0;a4fti.l.V.lteJi