iii.ii ttuniiiin mm. HEARS FIRST CASE Price Dispute Between Sheet Metal Makers Laid Be fore Arbitrator NO LAWYERS AND NO OATH Stxr Yerk, Mny 25. The first cne in the new Tribunal of Arbitration .., tried yesterday In n room of the layers' Club nt 115 Broadway. It vis presented te thn arbitrator in one liniir and fifteen minutes instead of ilirce ilnvB which it was estimated it 'Z 1,1 take In a court of law. The ,. t0 the disputants will be net mere him S10, depending upon what sum the club chaw ter the use of the room. The result of the experiment will be .nDnrcnt today, when Jesse M. Ilnrry- , !5re nn.1 Benjamin II. Lee, the "Htl- ....te." rcanncar before Alexander Ker. the jtnlKC-arbltrnter, nnd an nounce the result of their negotiations. Their failure te reach an agreement will have the case te the arbitrator te decide. The amount of money involved In the dispute ! only $130. After hearing Hnrrymere and Lee nrcnt their argument without counsel nnd sitting oppeslto each ether, Mr. Hese, who is a lawyer, told the two thnt the dispute was one which could lust as well be adjusted between them and advised them te think It ever. Otherwise, he said, he would dcclde the rase" in accordance with the evidence presented and as agreed te by the two when they brought their dispute before the arbitration tribunal. Uftrrymere and Lee arc in the sheet meial manufacturing business at Ii Cooper Square. Harrymerc contends thnt Lee failed te live up te an ngree mrnt made between the two as te tlie amount Lcc, as the purchaser of metal teds manufactured by Hurrymerc, wns te pny fcr the.se goods. Harrymere said Lee agreed verbally te give him 25 per (nt of the selling price. Lcc denied Ms. nssertinc that he was te pay liar- rymore "n fair market vnlue." based en the price of goods that, Lee bald, could be bought elsewhere ,nt ?1 per Item cheaper than from his business associate. Lee claims Harrymere ewes Mm a refund nnd Harrymere claims I.ee violated whatever agreement was tntcrcd into. In the opinion of Mr. Hese, the case resolves Itself down te the question as te what constitutes a "fnir market vnlue" In the absence of any written agreement between the disputants. lit- thereupon told Hnrrymere and Ivce that they reuld best conserve their Inter ests by trying te adjust the matter themselves, ench placing himself in the position of the ether nnd report back te him this afternoon. "Neither one of jeu is perfectly right, remember thnt," ndmenislwd the lay judge. "Yeu arc both te blame be cause neither of you made an agree ment. I hope jeu will wipe out this difference which is due te a misunder standing between two honest men. If you cannot de this. I will decide this case en its merits." CONTRACTS FOR PURCHASE Of MUSCLE SHOALS INVALID De Net Give Exclusive Options, Daugherty'a Opinion Washington, May 25. (By A. P.) An opinion by Attorney General Daug nerty, submitted te Secretary Weeks indTerwnrdcd today te the Heuse Mill tary Committee, holds that the contract executed bv the government with the Alabama l'ewer Cemnnnv N "Invnlifi' with respect te the prevision which the power company officials contend gives them the rijiht of exclusive purchase of tup geuTunicnt'H Interest in the steam potter plant ut (lergas. Aln. I he contract negotiated by the War Department with the Air Nitrates Cor poration of New Yerk, a subsidiary et the American Cynnamld Company, un der which nitrate nlant Ne. 2 was con cen ?t?!c,.!1 at Muscle Sheals, Ala., also U held 'Invalid" bv the attorney general llli regard te the option of exclusive purchase claimed by the corporation In he eient the plant Is disposed of bv titf government t0 private enterprises'. THEATRICAL MEN FETED Fred G. Nlxen-Nlrdlinger Enter tains at Tenth Annual Meeting Theatrical managers enjoyed n so ciable time lust night nt the Cafe In Rlvltrn, en the Kest Itlver drive, Fair mount I'nrk, as the guests of Fred U. NKen-NIrdllnger. The gathering was the tenth annual dinner of the Theatrical Managers' Association, of Jhich Mr. NIxen-Nlrdllngcr is presl- Seme of the mnnngers became per ZftV ''VKning. Abe Sablesky Musing "Mj .Su-et Hertense." with TiT ")In, ,MI,T,I,J,,H hy Harry Jerdan. l,J,,",rr-y A- SmI,l, Abe Einstein, niu hnhlesky and (icerge Metzlcr. & "."""; w,ns f"-"lhed by JMUerc fenuter s Hnml. ln,!,lSl,1,rS l""", "n"1,',l tlle 'liners In- lll'(l J Fred lfavHnnii V.....L, IV Una.... ,i t. . " "" . n.n ii i '' ."iiiiniu lien enueix P i V:1 l"1'1' ( lil,,en h-hardsen am v, 1'uttvrsen. 10 HONOR FIRMS ANNUALLY- iiiiie rumiuni.Ll i Chambe Oer of Cemmnrr. Cnn.Uc -. -.-. ww....Uw.u f'lans for PleneerR' r.l.hralnn c.",01,',,',, Wananmker. M. W. Tavler! (iTV- $ ZMUwr. rBH Yeung. 'i. i unrrFPrii. inhn at. .r. .1-1. J lie Chamber of Coimnerce has muler K,l"We Independent Bepubllcnus In H"'", I.NKi.niVs:. wnslilPratli.fi , ",emm7C0""s ,l,,"cr. every dUlsien of the ward. The mewed ''Cheeks numbered -177. 1110. 5.15. rel.1.. i . ,,re',0f,al f(,r n" nnuual purpose Is le rid the section of Vure M. "'. 555 and 5SI1 were all Indorsed eenii. '" '!' 1,0"or ,f he linns In control. , with the icgulnr rubber stamp used fei mnrn !"s "'"Inciss 100 yenrs or! I indorsing 1ieckb in the treasury le- ( lltlL.10., lm'lml0 ,,m, rr the nd-l MAVA! RFFRUF PRIIKF partment. except that name "Colo "Celo "Cole Clonal ilrms reaching this distinction. l,IHVl- ntitOVt UttUlbt , nml" wis cresM-.l out and the name uiese celebrations would be similar te i e . "" " , ( ''"egle Inserted in its stead, de- i "."one held this week, which has been Scores te Ge Down Delaware en noting that the checks were deposited "ley mentioned the newspapers of' Eagle Beat Ne. 52 '" ! ,,,p.,,rfl,fll( !' ,l,p 'Stut,", '' H'J V1""- tl'e lateuJ,0 ? i?"e p ' '" "dvunelng w II take place Saiu.da ami Sunday nc'te Trust ( ".nmaiiy Januan L'l. 1!) '""le of I'l I i i "' iu- lls '' '" tne 'V'n'hiiadeiphia,,,;;;,;; muile te n, . ii Vi lini AUTO KILLS BOY L,d Hurrvine wm. D.. . - J . -- ...... fiuiia iii rien .. ' Car en Tiega Street ' ' 'eMiig Tle",. ...f ... ,-. "ft Mi nlv ' : " . rr: in biisii,w i,,,V ""u "' ", "mis luiiin .iniii wi.siricc ueainpiaricr.-, -ii, iuik, uj the lolenlal Trust Cem- cenle.I en n ,!,,??.." V""0. '"'' r- J'hlliidelphla Na. nrd. nnd at the pany. nnd Ne ember 1), BUS, by the 'I'lladeliihh. i. liii1" ,,P plPe,U" th ,'. i"fta"0". "'"'luartera, 237 Seuth Carnegie Trust Cempnny. We uie un- tVntc "ii la in in! " nt tl,c Sewjul- I Thirteenth street 1. ieutena.it Ceni.i.an- able te find entries either en the be . Is 'l In 10J0. I der Themas . Budilerew-, ceinn.ande, I of the Carnegie Trust or the Colonial " - , nf Hip ! irht llfitfnlinii kni.I hut tilirli i n 1 i.t..i. i. i "iKlit. Themns ,.,' Ux ",, lliitiJiliiMin. Kim.. .Muy LT.. ItYpb r,ail,raTrw 1 nni,J,,,,i J,'n.rt,,n ''t ln lusl ,,iKl,t '" '""K1"' f'MitHliw-il In ' ""mit, n, iln.' ,?,? rt.ru- iii'l Wlll J WPHhluBten liisimtthrs tlmt !. Im.l. In Imhiii h 11 i" l.. 1' h,y:u,H,,,"',''1-ilill Swrctiirj nf lh. Tn-iiMir. ",l1" I" NiM i inVe J, . 'l-' "'r''.'1' ! nreei'twl fro fro... the Charles W. "aeltliiP n,c r"M ,n frunt "f lel.Merh InlfirMs te IiiIitwiIc in u rue iM"l':i.i1,!!'h,0i !"' North Hfterath 1 t" the v ,V.i """.far, took tht boy &'M!' M'ii. 'trtteZX fl"U te the police. W' , . f lfffffffffffffffffl'iA' ll A'U fl i4 'fYi,,- , -Jft " S i Al r ' A" Ju'. w. - i s. . I Z' .1 ' J Y"i I ' mtjjMUmmjUMimMh vM- ni.ijaft.jafctMiiLjCfJ-, - .r'j ,'jLb-ikr-Tf,V - - - --'' , - U ll.,.' , . 1 r at& win. Star Wins Divorce GLADYS WALTON SIeilc actress, who jcslcrdny was granted an interlocutory decree of dierce from Frank R. Llddcll en grounds of non- support. Slie premised the Judge she Would net go te Mexico nnd marry ugain GLADYS WALTON DIVORCED Will Steer Clear of Mexican Mar riage, Film Star Tells Judge Les Angeles, Mny 23, Gladys Wal Wal eon, motion-picture actress, Known in private life as Mrs. Gladys Llddell, was granted an Interlocutory divorce yesterday from Frank H. Llddcll, en the grounds of non-support. Judge J. W. Summcrficld, announcing the llnding te her, asked : "Yeu won't go te Mexico new and get married, will you?" "I should say net," the actress replied. $100,000 Verdict te Widow Jilted by Bim Continued from Pace One high," but It might have been "Heaven eyes," though seven high is considered a very satisfactory hand In some games. As quickly ns possible, Mr. Hoovey rushed his client, through a side deer (of the courtroom, that Is), and nil further attempts te Interview him failed. Are They Happy Sure! The entrance te Mrs. Zander's apartment wns nlrendy blocked when the reporter reached there. It was ap parent that the nlaintlff's Innl friends I had hastened te congratulate her, but ...aw --s.s,.s,s4 i'WIIIW ltl,ICll.l J IIUIUI, QUI II remarks ns "We'll get it new," and "I'm adding the Interest, tee," which were heard here nnd there In the crowd. Mrs. Zander, it wns biild, wns net nt home, but the reporter caught through ti window a glimpse of a bteut man with n black mustache. This man came te the window In response te an order in a woman's voice. "Carles, please pull down that blind.-' A futile attempt also was made te sec and interview Andrew (Jump, nephew of the defendant. As the re porter approached the Gump home, there was a loud cry from within. It wan a man's voice, excitedly calling, (The trial of the breach of premise case of Zander vs. Gump has been one of the most famous legal battle in history. Net since the famous case of lylm versus Van Pcpsedlnc (Sec rtemiwcsiern uepertcr. 4 p. f27y.) has an action crented se much ntten- i ... i i ..I . ,. ,. ii-rinn whs : . i ... '" ' .ViV'"".: AV..l.V-' YQV?V Zander wrote, "Yeu ren It l' me of 1 '.., ! i .1." "'J'", m. ". . ...... .,. ,., , . et inuustry. Thirteen Was Unlucky Day WmVmmm. lien. J.WO years ege, en a visit te .".'. '"""' l"""uc'r "' -negncii ;;?'","' ?,"" V "i "" ', "'' 'eiuciucrK i niveivity ana tin his nephew. Andrew Gump, the Aus-'j,hnt ,hIs n1'10""1 wt,H deposited in tlie i0'?-.' received from tlie I rcusurers of Theological Seminary at Lnncuster. trnllun multi-millionaire. mAde the ac-1 "J,1""? J1."1 M,,rf1Mn!,, Xntlenal Hank. I '"Ji "U" ?' in Jim" "' P,' - - qunlntnnce of Mrs. Zander. At thnt ! l,hlUu c,p hl,u' "",1 tlmt 'T,,," " 1"1. ' ! ,t?,,'t7b" -X were net de- niiviMire ucerr time, according te h. Is admissions en th,s ,,t,')esIt WUH recalled and again l,0,.t;.,, .t0 "'; ''T'1" et "T ( "'"t"0"- T' N' PAGE AT DINNEF HERE the stand. " w-s attcn tire te " lier ! ,nrrk,,, as veCQi net lei"-ltcil until . nea, th ''''mediately e receipt, the de- The Philadelphia Auxiliary of tin On one occasion he Inserlhwl her fan" ',,llv - 10,S- 'T'- 12. IfllH, a de-' JV",its '"''"S, 'inferred ever a period of Southern Industrial IMumtli.nul A-. "Mv Heaven Eyes I" Vfter . is return "eslt w,,s ,m!u "' fl'" Commenwcallh tU"- ,0f "l1" ,eta1' 72!),iai,02 wns elation will have IN luncheon tomorrow te Melbourne, or Sydney or wherever Tr,,st "'onpeny. HarrNburg. of S200. - r.c'ferrctl ,0 l "llr. r,,llert- Action 3., In tlie Bitz-Carltnn Hetel. Among the t ivas, tl ev cerres min,Iwf On? of 0,M, The rPCplf,ts "" ePOHlteil. name- :V "".elSr..!1?1.? --or, was mere guests will be T nas .NVImhi Page. M-, Jj.i.ll'l-Al"1. I.v. .S381 .818.00. thereafter ';. .. 'ban $372,054.35 deferred from de- Mrs. B. Algernon Sydney Sullivan. Mrs .-..- r.ul.M.. .1 i.-bi'ta 1IL LIIlll iii-rinn will .- . . . . . - ' aw . -A nen mv. uump returned te thle M-"'" wu "'"I'veivu in tne emce of the "" country last December, lie renewed hi-1 trens-nrer of Allegheny County. Tills "Third. Till? postponing of deposit courtship of Mrs. Zander with Rt-titt CU0'. wn numboreil 4-1. tintecl July S. Permitted the State Trctwuer te held fervor. Finally he proposed and wn 1"'s niid stamped paid bv the t arnegie bank checks, which were blank Us te accepted. They were te hove tieen . r,lst, empany, the bank en which It '"!te. payee and amount, and were married en April 1.1. but although the "lls drawn November Ii. ijm. Hew - signed by an nthVisl of a bank. Said bride waited for nn hour and a half, ,'v(,r J,1'.v '-. I'.U.S. the date tills check blank bnnk checks were recched In ex Mr. rtiiinn ilhl nut iiiiiu.ni. WHS recorded as leceUed. a cheel. fn.. chunire for tlie clieel. i.ii.wt r.n.,. !... i He was discovered bv Air. and Mrs Andrew Gump some duvs later. He claimed te hove found n dlnrv In which the plnlntiff had made entries suggest- ing that his wealth had. in some wa. iniiueuceu ner decision te marry h in (Centlnufil en I'le HI. Column 3) BLOW AIMED AT MACKEY Forty-sixth Ward Independents te Fight for Leadership . Signs of a determined tight te wrer .. v.....,s,.,i, ,,. ..in ., ... .,,, in tne J-erty-siun ward uni seen in j tlin organization yesterday ut a iJ,elin VM?V "' I,,d ,1,0,'l,,, 'm-I chalrtuaii. It was iiuueiinird penua- i $.', neiit heaihiuarters will be i i L-... . V- r V. ". . '" "'" " " ,.'" .".ST ii .-jiiiiiu i 111,1 -ni'i-eiiii iieet aim 1 1111 1 (jll iwetk will be started at once te or- wnen scores or the reservists go down uie ucinwaie in tne Kagle lleat .e. ,TJ. .Vindications have lieen reeeiieil m il.n K......1. x- i i.i . i . V. ; ' - ,, tliere was room for a few muri McADOO RESENTS CHARGE . e,., u. w. A e. c.. w"'" "v "w"" "-i"-" rsC nun. i Merse While Secretary luncheon at the Citv Club of the "In- , "rr; """" "I""' urnegie Trust Cem- ""' "-- " - "oerg iintneea at tin. i ity mud of the "' panv llIld ,rflue(l te ,, M Kephart, Swwleslwre. X. ,J., Mnv 25.- Ade- dependent Bepuhlieatlen Association of 'stnte Treasurer, as follews: cnles of municipal ownership of the the 1-erty-sixth "aid. Hemer C. , chu Ne Daue Amount local wuter system wen out by u vote Davis was host at the luncheon and ill Awsmt mis tai.eis.ss of mure than two te one m n kn,.,.i,.i wns elected , halrman of the new ward .8? r, '" ,M; '"' iouletaig, ' , ' ,,!, "'," ",' W h r. v V V " "". iiuiM uy wiiii'ii ii nuiu nnnvnp thp pfiiiliiiK beferr tlie rnltwl .States SIiId- I " Y f, ",c,( "rther Informed by Jehn ""!!. .ln lleiu.l, Wllllum (i. MoAdeo de- , A. Hrll that he liad from tlme teT time, j,.. LPu. , clnred: .m the roquest of H. M. Kephart, Btnte I he inen "Any insinuation or s.iKCostien tlmt Tieiiaiirer. kIvi-ii te him in oxehunge le back 1 repiesenteii iroteHsionaiiy iinjneci.v wlille I a. Soerotary of the Treasury - . .i . . 1 la false and unweUiy of netlw." iCinnimiii, bluuk i-lia-ks diawn en the ' u:.smaLl.,ll:'''':''r:!' ' "' " ' "ir&iZiL'i-i:j&J'mkk-ikhirn niTft Audit Spotlight Glares en Bell Continued from I'nge One f'eunly, of $38l.-?l.(u. which was car ried as recelnls net deneslled until Julv 1. IMS. It npiieiirs from snld records treasurer's i becks, and split up into lesser amounts, i that he eimlu readily use tlu fund lu was creating ns de- mund would be niiidc upon him for it. I "Assuming that he was acting within his oflielul authority,- his request was compiled with, nnd ever a course of' several months he cashed out the tet'il niunuiK due the State Tnnsury. Several times later the same operation was re peated. Kvery facility was nffnided the auditing company In Its Investigation and I am glnd te note from the report that every cent due the State wns paid." The report brought definitely Inte the, open some of the whispered reports thnt flew nbeut the State when Mr. Hell wns mentioned us the successor te Sen Sen aeor Crew. It vtin rumored that the Senate seat was en the mictien block. Kephnrt entered en his books n "cash oil hand," the report shows, i funds which should hnc been placed In ' interest Hearing accounts, tnc account ants contend. The original checks were then turned ever te Mr. Bell, en whose bnnk. the Carnegie Trust Cempnhy, the original checks were drawn by the Allcghen.x County treasurer. A number of blank checks were then given te Kephnrt by Bell, signed "Car negie Trust Cempnny, by Jehn A. Bell, president," for Kephnrt te till out and use ns he saw tit. Repert Is Sensational The uncovering of these trnii'ae trnii'ae tiens provides the most sensntiennl chanter of the nernuntnntH' mnnrl It gives the He, Mr. Lewis contends. 1 10 uie politicians who, before the pri maries, made the beast that State finances were nbvelutely sound unil that the Auditor General wes "playing poll- What Imnllcll. cenfidenen Vr Tlnll lie.l In Kephnrt te give him blank "hecks te nil out as he saw fit can e explained only by the two men who figured in the transactions when they have a public hearing en June 1. , Mr. Bell gees se far as te sny that he did it because Kephnrt asked him te de it. Kephart'u only statement is that he has no comment te nmke before the hearing. N It Is ter them te explain who had the free use of State money ranging in amounts as high as $.172,000 at one tune anil extending ever the period be. Jjven 'T'lnc 20, 1018. and April 30. 10J1. with an Incurrent interest less te the State of some $11,300. The fourth section of Mnln & Ce.'s report deals with the tactics of Kep hnrt In hew he handled .$ It Includes an item of $720,123.02 men tioned In Section 3 of the report, but of the tetnl amount enlv X1.2lta.nru in lu involved In the Bell-Kcphurt check ma- j uipuiaiien. The Treasurer of Allegheny Ceuntv kept n non-interest-bearing account in Mr. Bell's trust cempnny. He drew checks for tnxes against thnt account nnd forwarded the checks te the State Treasurer. Kephurt get them, nlid in stead of depositing them te the credit of the State and collecting the funds from Bell's trust company he turned the Mleghenv Ceuntv el eel:" vn "; "ii" ii I and took the blnnk checks from Bell in ' Vtt -in l vnw return, the report shows. ' I f, iuV.. . Using the blank checks ns he saw fit. I! ) ' , Kephnrt made geed te the State from ' amuV'i nSV.. time te time by filling out the blanks! Mny !. iwi'i '......, nnd depositing them te the credit of the k"J; P' ,e!!ii9 J3lalc . iJhrL'H. HUH auditors' Explanation . The auditors explain ns fellows hew the seven different groups of Stnte funds were handled In these manipulatiens: "Greup 1. $4R0,771.88. "June 20. 1018. the State Treasurer's rasn noens snow tlie receipt from L. D( .- . . . . . - .. aw flnceil bv fhlH ilennsli- "Julv 24. 101S. tlm ff,mmnm,..,i,i, , Trust received another check from K. ' D. Frle lertMhnnser fn,. Ofi e-.q n ' (,rawn again,-t . (.,,-, riust Cem- ! pany, ns evidenced bv the canceled $."".Slh.0l was deposited te the credit et ,,1P Commonwealth Tiust. thus ac- r,,li",m .for. 'he first amount of $381,- P. , Veni1 ,.-.?-.n8 reeelpttj net depes- ' ,,' ,V .'". i ". ns at July 21. 101R. , , T ,. ' . ""J.1 "' l" ree- iriii.ii. wetenrr .,, isus, depositing a check drawn ill I rust Company, bear- was made bv en the Coleul Checks Drawn un Bell's Hank 'On cxamiiiiitiini nf the ,,,!, i yn examinariim or the checks erlir f1!1 ,SbU(l i.v the Treasurer nf Allegheny County, uggregatlng the above amount, we find thnt thesechecks Nem mbfr )'.'. ltus aluis.'uu iiriMinner .1, 1U1S iJfceml. r 3 li IS .la mm r 0 1 It lit Jinu,i y ll.lidti .liuii.m II 10 10 Mai la, 1010 ii'ats'ed I7.':.u '"-'Siiii'i.11 ' l.",ler.'..l: .JUU.SU ,. ., ' ,' , ., i '" inn r.niiii.s "''i,u nlm,.!, !.. .i.,,n.,e,l .,t.i , .....i ... , ",," "' j'uiii wiumi'i '..rlrrltinl ..tie,, tlwkiiiul !.. lliAlnn...... .. ... . ..."..... m,. ...v- i i vuMirn ui Aiiegticny leiinty en the Cnrnegle .0:,'i: ('"1"ni1 ""' '" "mount of $!,. ;i,i.,,iit was paid ami we were informed !';v Jel. l,t:1.1- I'u-Wcnt. of tin arnegie i inm ininpauy. Hint tin lurk "f 1 In- i'niiii'glii 'l'i ust (miiMii il.itril ih'lehi'r H.'i. llilS, nIkheiI by Jehn A. Ili'll, pre-lili'iii. nhiivi' ri'fi'ricil te, wits Issued in tnlii the iiuce uf the I'hi'i'h Issueil b. the T.Tt.Mlier of Alli kIh'II County umler ilate of Julj , 1.1 in, IlEO i. 'r .m uni) v.euiuy. ireamirer h el.reKn drawn en Ihe Canu-sie Trust Mlogheny County. Treasurer's JBu '"V11.".1' ,1""- I'-iyi'l'le te tii,. erdei funds herein referred te as reeeheil el . M. ivepliart, State l'reasurer. e Hern the treasurer of Alleghenv Ceuntv 'hearer, and signed '( aniegle Trust ultimately weie deposited te the credit Company, by Je in V. Bell, iires-lijent. of the Commonwealth hefeie April 3(1, (.reup II. .V2.I3,W5.S-.. 1lulf blll s previet.My Mated the Cem Pinchot Lead h 18,090; Only 16 Districts Out OFFICIAL returns from fifty -one counties, and with only sixteen districts missing in three of the ither sKteen counties showed GlfTen! I'lnchet lint night hnd u majority .if 18,0!K) ever Attorney General Geerge 11. Alter for the HepuH can nomination for Governer. The total veti Is IMnchet, ,"IL', 1.11), nnd Alter, -UU.OtT. Olllilfll returns were completed In Berks, Delaware and Northampton Coun ties. These retintles showed the fol lowing figures : ALTKU l'INCIIOT Berks 201)0 O.VJK Delaware 11045 KJi.1l) Northampton . 11." t 1(154 Counties continue te turn In majorities for Hubert K. I'attlsen. Jr.. ever Charles I). MeAvey for (lie Democratic nomination for Lieu tenant Governer. Fifty counties give I'alth-en n lead of 10,4.15. The tetuls are: l'uttlseii, 50,501 and MeAvey 4U,150. MaMMBMia Colenlnl 'Must Company, which he , signed 'Carnegie Trust Cemp.ni, I) j Jehn A. Bell, president.' 1 "The explanation of this precedme .. .... ...1 t.ln...1 l.t. I.I... .I...I font.. .l.llt. ' Will, lid rtuu'ii u.i nun, tutu iiwii, ii...' te time the State Treasurer would have flm said blank checks tilled in nnd de- pestted te the credit of the Common- 1 wealth. the aggregate "f snld cheeks filled in equall Hi; the amount of the original Allegheny County Treasurer's checks substituted therefer. 'On examlnntinn of tlie records m the Carnegie Trust Company, we find no record te si Clieeks numbered 5S5 and 5S7. ng- grcgntlng ...1.u..:e. were properly posited February II. 11)11), in the credit of the Commonwealth in the Colonial Trust Company and were regularly charged against the account of the treasurer of Allegheny County in the Carnegie Trust Company. Said checks bore the proper indersement stamp used !. ln 'I... ..! Il,inntliii.iii by the Treasury Department Ilubbcr Stamp Used Check 008 wns simply indorsed 'Comuienwenlth of Pennsylvania. S. M. Kephnrt, Stnte Treasurer." The rubber stamp erdinnrily used for the indorse inderse ment of cheeks, bearing the (imitation 'Tlttd cltnelf lu ppeell'eil In linn .if ...uli due the Commonwealth ami must be limn in it'tv urK ui j iiiiuut'iiiiua ex change, with rebate, did net appear en this check. The check was stamped raid by the Carnegie 'I rust ( empany.' eiriiii-iiiiirr jiMiiiii. j, in. records in uie Carnegie Trust Company did net show that this check nctuullv was caxhed or charged te the account of the treasurer . ...t w in u..r. uin..... i i-imiieii or r. lti . r. 1.1.. .i," "Commencing April .10, 1010. and' until July HI. 1011), deposits were made 111 -"" '" "'V V'"""""""1"'1 which were apparent v inten-led te be l . a ... .i iiiiwi.fvjiivi just nun ui rill llllli( lVQr.re,i I"-1" " 5!''l' ithnr than 5S7. neirreL'.itlne deposits were as Aninun J'JO.sr.S.U'.'! Sit, I )O0 00 2S.efMi.0n vftoeo'.oi! July ji, iuiu e.i. 10s 3'J Total $0.253.5,-. 'The results of the practices referred , ... , , .;. te in his report uiuy be briefly iet forth as fellows "First Certnln funds of varying . -A eunii "Second. Had said funds been de 0f,lr1c,1 !lH se'' ,,li received In interest bearing accounts, the Commonwealth ,l,"IJ "Vf r.srelvcl interest during the ti,,".. ,,"! deposit f tliese funds was treasurer of Allegn'n Ceuntv tireperh made payable te the order of tlie Cem". menwenlth in pnyt it of taxi tc. which blank checks could h-ie been made pnyable te any p.-rsen whotase- put ami casaeu mr used uy such per checks aimve referred te nltheug mere than S.172.054.35 ever wn firrcd for deposit at one time. . menwealtli did net liine the full u., ,"1"' henetit of these f,ln, fj. ,, nnrimU ,inrit,r u-iii..i, tlm ,in,.Li, ,i .. ... . ,.V.".i ''" " """ ' " JZ'l"."r iue - tou iue - teu of uulheriliig Borough t'eun- '" '" l'"'"ase 'he Iiiterts l' tin Woelw'uh Water Cempnny. Thnt J ''"''" "K" ll" ,"l"", I'lope-ltlou ll-t J .,., , l,, ,.,,. rvi in hi viut t'l' t, if ter-Dinner Triclis Ne. 171 The Knet Tlmt Is Net A linilill.-nri.lili.r 1 . I...I ,.. 1 knot. Il iiieivly drawlui; mi the ends 1 "," ' '3 " 'ii 11 MUKir 1 uie hiiwi iiiMiiipeui''., This triek Is very deeepthe, us the Knet Ix tied in nn upi.urenth Kenulne niiiiiner. The eue iiiommueiiis an i shown bj the diiiitrum. n, ,, Clll el the hliukerc hlef In ilu. III.,..., ..( ' 1 ... , , .,,, , t,' . M ..inn li'U hand. Ihe Important t.eeret lies in lirlnciliL' the loose eml ..f t )... i, n .... chief ever the buck of the left hand. Ily thlu nriirsicu fl.n l......ll.Au..i.t.. . . . V . ,.'".,""; "'""fuiui is neiii in hlle the free end is iuihhed threueh n from tlin r.i..f .... i.Y. V .-.. ""-:,""" " . "VK '"'in hn hnmU mill n , ii ... ri V , . V " J.Zl" ' .nu.i " . cn,',. tl,c 'of 1 nn. n "A.. ' ",eP . ,. ""' un n ts niie I a ' "lr ""', """ ' he IOW IIIUL llieve l'lll'i;uri niifn u nun, ,, ,1. n .....1,.Hl.... I.... were deposited te tie credit et tie , , ,.,m ..-, ,, ,, net ,.,.,, lvlI ,,7,,, ' ,;elJI ',' .n'-nVl hr t alt Commonwealth en this date or any the Kennedv hearlnc vt,..i. .1,... L.V ,. " ,'"r' ' '", "'V1, prier or subscnent date. In this case I lltVlt Mr'.'ll'.fnnum was ,,.,. h,g eV ''. Z ' - ' l , ", w;c were also Informed by Mr. Bell thai nll0Ilt , ,lN , , , s ,; In the 1 .Mh I e ,IIe I u I ,1 f nil jv 3tmp Winn np uina.u. i I I V y S-rnn " ) I 1 i H i M J ill Te leave St. Mary's' I ' akkVBCi' SSlKitm4- , lilt. GICOKGi; L. .KHIIAItOSON Who will k Ut Biirliugteu, VI.. .) rector of Church of SI. I'niil , Yerkes Feils Writ by Fining Auteist .- , , "'"iil from vr O.u- matter while waiting for the countable. . Hiiiinum jumped In an automobile . . ''"" "tn""! " f' 'Squire erl.es fn flip II urll I,, lll-nvr.nl ter n wrn 10 precin mil Imposing a fine, 1 ' '", ""ly judge lie could find in a hurry I was Judge Broomal, of Chester. wnltlncr the reiiien of his ceunsil. sum. de-.wild he was posit ,-,. that the rear li-.dn ' of l,e physician's machine was .,.. Dr. Kennuly s,,, . l eUe, ai .1. lititi, before enteilnz the Inreugh ami found it Iil'HmI. Ite ailm rteil. limv . ever that ii was out when he rp.icbju Millbnuriie. . "I believe 1 lint you tried te cemidi ' ...!.l a 1. . I.... 'i t it . wirn uie taw. sail ier.es. niiliesii" Dr. Kennedy, 'and a muii of your chnr- l iti'icr weiiiu 11111 lie. jeu are m ..imrired " The sudden action of the S it it caused amaxement. Verkrs Then "K.plalns" ' discharged the doctor." lie sam later, "because I believe lie wns ndflng uie iruiii. 1 111 nei a train 01 the ie -stone Automobile Club an. I thcy'ic 11 M going te run Mlllhnurne. "Hunnum anticipated that 1 was , uie te nne am tided loe en irk h ' much I'cpuiy Miernr 1 inward ar riVCd at lerKes etlicc W til the writ he c with the wri . liiiiiiii 1 f ii 1 111 iiiiii nil 1 1 t. 1 t'uiriiii r.......i , ...1 1,.. 1....1 ..11 .1 1.1. ... ' " .....,.. 1w111.11 ii. u,. 11.- nun en mi iiuilllll- nil' Te indicate that lie was net evr- nwcjl by the .leelsl,,,, of Ju.P;e Ji.hiis.in. c 1 i i- -A: V.; .,..' 'f. re hi u , iS(t)0 , M , , , '- u-imm(,iiii REV. DR. LEINBACH NAMED Becomes Chairman of Armenian Relief Staff Here I'lm llev. Dr. Paul Selbert I.e'inhach has been iinanitaeiislj V electell cinilrlinin of the excenthe staff of the Phll.iilel pbia Committee for Armenian Belief. L'r. I.einbai.'li was a mt mhr of tlie Vlneptenti Ifiillnf I V. ...... I. . I. 1... .-." ..., fiiiiiiir.-iwii I,, uie Near Fast in 101!). He was bem in . Wnmelsiliirf Pn In 1 vTJ I i. graduate of Fiauk'lln and .Marshall Cel- r .l..nnunni. !.... si..l,,,,l. i if.T. V Irnvrle iVell ' "' l.ewne mil. fl "1 . . j.'w i-.,...-!. ,1 iii.-1-i,-.- iiiiiri 1 11: n . s lilt' ti. r in H l.r....... '..,... 1 ... . .. i m mz (mm ffffffffffffffffffl lsnbw uv-ijCMStivy.jgrT7 ffffffffffffffflflfL wyfw. ltvJftttlffKETCVc lyrt- iffffffl ffffffiff). AaggWaSMgBaF Mi JP vwlm. i mHb IBSSP Grand Canyon NatienalTark gautaK Sale dates: Te California, May 15 te September 30. Te ether points June 1 te September 30. Return limit October 31, 1922. Slop evers in both directions. Fred Harvey meals "all the way. A.l. I "G. or tJ(l lernu rielnr Oripi CiDTen Outlnji," "OIT Feit" ted "Coel Sanncr Wty R. C Smith, Oen Aient O. O. nillanl. nitt. P.m. Art. A. T. Il B, F. Ity 11 Financ Did.. PhlUd.lphla. P, (M"llfl GRAND CANYON LINE BUT 5 IVIUinLK mid tfl f MAT'S PARDON Pourren Serves Only Three Months for Killing of Francis McCabe IS GIVEN CLEAN RECORD Pretest iikiiIiim the reinstatement ' Palielirinii Plilllp Pourren. who shot 'and killed her miii Francis In-1 Septeni- ' I her. will he made te I'hee'er Cetteljini by Mm. Alice .Vicf-ibe. J(llil! Wlut r ' stieel. Slie ileelarcil thnt she would take se, action IeiIiia en healing thai i'cptn run, sentenced te a year's Im-' lirlKininent. Iiad been pardoned jester day 11 ft fi- senlng ibue meiithu. Grief, mingled wl li indignation,1 brought Mrs. McCabe te tears when slie "poke of tile shunting. "That's what the cell justice." she snld. "I didn't mind when 1 sent my ' biy uwny 10 light for Ged nnd Ills I nuntry, but when he is murdered and j the one who commits it ge s only 11 year. I think It's an outrage. 1 reeeiieil notice tee late te an te "llrrIh,,uig te pretest against this man " l'li"niMI. Oil I I Will III) W llllt I ,.,, . ,.,,..... lU ,.,,. , ,i. llii, force and keen a gun out of bis hands." I '"', m"' wlie was elgliteen years old. ....- -ii.,i. mny one nunuay morning as in- nun several coinpunleiis we ti,. '..1 .i ..... ,.... . 1 ..... record mid make-i him ellL'ib'e for re- i,,s(a en "11 1 lwri.ii 111 111 Tw -iim s,end "ti ."'t 111 F Ir 0 in .,A. 1 1 ,' - '"" " NEW FACTS STRENGTHEN SCHEMI MURDER THEORY Toms River Prosecutor Refuses te Disclose Their Nature III n Stu.f C'or-cjieiutrnt Toms Blur, N. .?.. May 25. -In-ormatlen which strengtlieiis the thisiry that Henry Seliemi, ten years old. of ' iuckerten, whose body was found in Pohntceng Lake was murdered has lieen eLtaluid by County Pro-eeuter Wilfred II .layne, Jr. , .Mr. Jay ne said today that he cannot ! d'h-clese the nature of this Information. i,, I...I.I aeM,,!,.!,,.. , , 1 11.. . .... iniiii ni'iiviiij, miner or me nev. is lie- ."7 ' ..1, ,.. , 1,1 lunil In the inl Imp.. ii..i.,i. n. U..I I j.... ..... ... -..,(.,, .-i.ii.-uti his first Merthiit'thc'"! ,liMn.,.er.t.M f,e u , u irrel t 1 ' ne .nltliitest will he heh t ere Cor- ell(r Sllllth IU TlR.korfen tlm)mMV n etlioen. .s there Is dllTeretiee nf opin epin opin leti iinieug iniiiity pliy-ieians as ( the I 'oudiiteii of tlie liey'.s liinj;. Dp, 1J, s. Wadswerlh. Cnreuer's pln-lelnu of Pliijadelphia. has been laljid, .Vcigllliel uf Sehenil ay lie freipirtith In at Ills chllilren ami has an imcen. ttellalile temper. Mrs. Scbemf is en the Miige of inllujise ami declares lier Imh baud had no connection with her sim s di-appeanince. THIRTY-TWn HURT IN CRASH, Freight Train Cuts Trelley Car Inte Twe Parts in Alabama ' Birmingham. Al.i.. .May '5 Thlrtv two pci se,,., ueic injured, a n imber of ' them -liniislj today wbrn a ireudcd interuiban tiellej cae en the Mnis nt the l.limingh.im Banwuy. I.I -ht anil Oitli nn I .... . I. i . ....... . .ini.ni nu h-iick ami iitnKen Inte two parts by freight train en the Alabama Great Southern railm.id line at Woedlawii -tatieu, I ,.nfiiwl... It. I.. II ,i ..""".. """""" igmiis ut ;i cr,0"'" 'ingmiin was said te h.-u,. ,. ,,, ,, accident. m years summer unions alifernia mQipmtf&t and Las Veifas wowMexice )t Rn.l " "nt 1. a - Ihe Bcilca Pilh." "PcirlS.J UVDIUk Vflf r " STOHE OPENS AT 9 A. I Til' 'IXIMV 'Mv 1 1liJ m i: Snellenburgn H ENTIRE BLOCK- M4?KT II & te 12 STREETS Furniture&Beddins: Specials 200 Solid Oak Chiffoniers As Shown $11.95 JJ-Pc. Davenport Bed K&E? $59.50 IJiewn leutherette. - Perch Rocker $4.95 S4.00 Oak Dinint; Chair 2.49 30 Solid Oak Dressers As . Illustrated S18.75 $8.00 Brass Sample Costumers $3.95 Dull or bright lini h. well-braced legs; with n u m e r uuj h e e K. s. Slightly shopworn. 2000 $2.00 Pure Feather Pillows te be Sold QK . at. EnHi OOK, " "7 -. E2in 0 M .s -'.""'a - rp'''J 3 R-'.r'IS fl Spring Sale Specials in Heusefurnishings & China Bull or Flake 11c Campher, lb. Slfil Razor Wades II I l . "l I .-' (I ill ,illr,l' tlazer i ,a;; ir: 0 " 1 ' ' r I- $2.2.". ( '.!)(.) Garden Set. S1.58 IK 'O. Ill - '. spadi 'i ?&. vj.:. 41 'cpri Tvcnrrt 1 he- a. ui 11 115.00 Hiuh-Grade Oak Kitchen C'ahinvt. .s2(.f)." SI 9.00 Hi-lnc Ga. SlOM'-s. cr T-nrisil v n 1 writ . B brrriMierd, r Hetl. SI.'.:, Hea. Imported Lift-Out OOn 1 Cake Pans 1,1 1 111 1 ,11 . j 1 r selil mi 1 lul! I'liin, - lilt r- I lllllni-l CX3 '& 1 1'' ' iSsp J T"i Z " -n ' - iiiihift. :i.i.iki Aluminum Tea Kettles J.C-1U. WtHKT S'j.iir, :,. (j in (Juurt Sje 3X'7 200 Rej?. S22.50 American Porcelain Dinner Sets fl?Q OK at 1(1 ir-- T y rV - J.LT J 3. 1 ir. 'v Sp- n. sni:lli:nijijug & co.: -i- . s:.vm MM- M. CLOSES AT 5:30 I. M. V - i f 7 Miiiiitfrntiv.li'inifih 3 llAailVfjUllJ -JL- Jlliait'Y 11 Oval Library $22 , 751 m lllustralcd Bar Harber ir Harber OA QK lairs at, Ea. vr.tl Chai Limit nt I ( Hairn .Sela le a I'ltrritmrr . lull .1 Ill'K. -'Ii. ' of tin - i h.i rr, h I Ulf Mlllll Is s , ,. in.irK ,ll II, 'il Ik s ihl i it i'ji I.- t SO loll' f. r I i mm ill ll l - i 1 1 pr. Ml II ' 1H II- liistralril. M.ill nml I'Iiiiiip Nfiiip sfhi ( . e, ! 4(Mn. Plank 9Q 7 moo B,.ass $14i95 (iii ii , full s.Cs, best liriss elid lllllcl. 815.00 Felt and Cotten 3Iattresses 71 h 7K 'OOU K ll-niire. One or 11 niris. Full ci7f. t red with dainty t.ii ticking. Full 50 u..ntity mi Oil s Fifth Fleer & Screen Deers, Sl.98 l,X(!l. J II II t II Window Screens )." .13, 16c 18 x :i.',48c -'! ..1, 58c 2 1 .'17, 6.1c -A. W 1 i - - Ot)C ' liexen ii, -. 1 i'imi Hunter () e.i ST."). 00 Leenard ' n-a--a-China Dish Hel'ri" or ator QQ (TA 11.95 3 vr - " "'f-CT V n .Al H OiiC 1 . . niu. IliU ,. unit tift tun In ri I "Oil lll llll I lull ll"' lirnpri.t 11 fri!;iTiiter 'J-iJj'Ilt SS.."l() lOlectric iev, cr . $4.65 iiilHIl tp e kj C 1 I .' )ll (.0 -I I ( (ll'J- iii il 'hnpe I (I lill M.J llt'CO- U il I 1 (I il hllKlit mi ll e r f e c lienr. SNLLfrTiBuwjS Third Fleer i (rilrr I'll'ff'. 'r- e c -&m E;j- .,- , .,iy I ' up pi Jf"f 1 18 1 f. B ' I iSv All n-1-1,1,,. kU A't'll''' Ri h turu i3ifil I p e I Si? 11 MM, iffy rigf ;m -m frX CA JrA l m riemmh brass Art- I 1 fcVv'( is!i with fancy cm- U9 hobsetl glebes, EjrJvfl A u 1 ti Si I . a mmM n-' ;-, ai mrp?Am i-iiAv m $&&! tetf 1, j. .!:' ".. . '.,-. t l m