wnzzvm If' iK :Wi.?.Mfim: iinr -d,'y 4 ' wm sfi W ?' . ' Wmb& PUfiLlO tED(SBBPfflliADEtPJaiA( WEDNESDAY MAY 24, 1922 UK NPISI ?jji 1ST Father McCalllen Made Assist ant te Monslgner Cantwell in Perth Ambey PRISONER TRIES L.EAP The Kv. Frends J. McCalHen, first .Jriant pastor of the Church of the TmniiKuIete Conception, tjuniueu, win today ter Perth Ambejr. N. J. He l!m be nsVstnnt te Monslgner Cant- WPer six years Father McCalllen has JnVeurnte at the Immaculate Cen- ?i narish. He Is regarded as tee ,SM2t young prteatln i the Trcn- , 5n diocese. An orator of extraordinary iwilty Father McCalllen has scores of time" addressed big gatherings In Cem- deHc was an active member of the 'ftmden Kotary Club and recent y ad irewed the members of the local club, it fie New Jersey Bankers' Conven Cenven Conven Jlenln AUantle City he was one of the nrinclpal speakers and was present at Ke MM table with President Harding. ' Father McCalllen's departure from Cimdcn Is deeply, regretted. He was Btreraely popular both among Catholics isd these of ether faiths. e..i,inr tn lmra his former wife. Mrs. Helen F. Dickinsen, of Mcrchantvllle, Sludged guilty of contempt of court, f harks F. Dickinsen, wholesale grocer, of Camden, has filed a rule te show cause In the Chancery Ceur,t at Camden, declaring that the former Mrs. Dick inwn has Ignored the order of Vice Chancellor Learning te permit him te have the custody of their youngest daughter, Marjerie Lee Dickinsen, en Friday and Saturday of each week. Mr. Dickinsen charges that his former wife has permitted him te enjoy the company of his daughter at his mother's home only en two occasions since January 12 last, when the order of visitation was made. The rule is 'returnable next Monday in the Camden Chancery Court. , The Dickinsons were divorced a year age when Mrs. Dickinsen brought enarges of infidelity. After the divorce Dickinsen married the woman named as sortspendent In the action. Before marital difficulties Mr. and Mrs. Dick Dick ineon were popular in Camden County society. Shouting thnt he wanted te die, Frank Ohew, a bnrber, of 827 Seuth Fifth street, Camden, bade an unsuccessful attempt yestenlay morning, te jump from a window in Camden Police Court. Chew dived through the window which was open, but lie was caught by Geerge Merke, of 512 Lester Terrace. Fight ing the officer who tried te restrain him, Chew was taken te a cell. Chew was charged with the larceny of a watch. He suddenly darted from the prisoner's deck and started for the window and took a dive through the open window. It is believed that Chew is deranged, no will be examined for insanity. ILLEGAL DISTILLERY RAIDED AT SHORE Paster, Hearing Barroom Hilar ity, Sends Weman for Evi dence Arsenal Found Sttcial Dispatch te Evening Publle Ledger Atlantic City, May 24. Sounds hearing a striking resemblance te the hilarity of the old -time barroom proved the undoing of Jehn Hardy, of 1120 Arctic avenue, last night. While passing the establishment, pre sumably a general grocery store, shortly after dark, the Rev. J. B. Adams, of Ocean City, who, in addition te his pastoral duties, is a Federal prohibition gent, became suspicious of tire sounds, and sent woman operative en a shopping Wp. She returned with n quart of whisky, obtained, she said, at the place In exchange for $8. Mr. Adams then obtained a search warrant, and with members of the City Hall vice squad raided the place. They found a completely equipped miniature distillery and a qunntlty of corn liquor, in addition te the nntl-Velstead goods, w raiders found the store te be a veritable arsenal. Revolvers, cleavers 7 auivcs were round secreted In closets and drawers In all directions. A iedcrul warrant has been issued for Hardy, who was net in when the raiding party called. Delegates nre arriving here today for S w -annual convention of the New Jersey Building and Lean League, which owns tomorrow. The chief speaker at P ?e';.day conference will be William b; J?ttIe' "fr-. stnte Commissioner of S'5 and Insurance, and leading candidate for the Democratic guberna guberna erlnl Domination in the fall. Other efpteW,l.bB Dnnlel Crawford, Jr., e Plilladclphia, and Charles 0. Hcnnes- IbJ'.-i V10 N"UenaI League of Build ing nnd Lean Associations. -The JJnMnnnl A.nnAil -a vtv a . Be? .! n Spinners elected these of ef ffi,iiI,''fsltlc,!t' Stunley R. Stager, jfBJelnhta; viee present. II. Lerey u er T f vIc'. N- i' secrctary-trcas- iWi'.V.' NcvIns. New Yerk. I natinni?nl Ur,n establishment of Smith tw hn,0, and indorsing the the annnl?" bl l Wlu b0 nlnccd before bans ?r 8C8H 15, ?f tl10 National hfu. ,f Masen e Clubs at the meeting l thou ii&nn.i "nanini0"s adoption vi.. '"wusslen is expected. ISttm400, d,e"t. "Presenting WKd ihis.eif cies. te ,mif ,ni". woTthre1 X Vm" ln Americanization ties in ii,",r respective communl cemmunl SStelS. add,t,en t0 J""dling reuune Attn ft'?? "' T,rtnnn, of cld th ' ll I1" ann.,ml nd(,ress do de ' year hffi lh of. ", Wnnlintlen WuiriS dmJSS11 btCady' des"lt0 th0 ""yjncrenMed enrollment, this year. PELTED WITH ROTTEN EGGS p"h Ferelan Minister Aasaled by 1m. V. UKraln'an Offleera Mlnls&By n'T? p0,l8h rr- Peltel.'ii,C2nwtantlne Sklrmunt, i.i,4V5lc." with rotten euv hew. inJ P'rtt as h Vn" rtittcn. cbss here Inst B a ani?e.?'? 8ilu8 ,nte a ,,lnner 1,e e feSC,lfr thf, representatives of an.li.i.",.,M,"'S. .His face was bruised . - LlULMliu 1lllnn.l I... i 1 . '"H ClOtllOH rillnp.l l. Three of iY, ti"mi u "'e- attack. "rested. Th '".".'"" 0cpr, were ""t.they w,;t 'i .""v" " !'r renwn "I'elM. ;.;.'".. '" ? ' uurnliie ,.:. ;7" u I'rosKien." Sli".." -uiVHOp Sf helii.n ,.ll.1 upon M. regri't nt Ue Incident. uxpruhscil Ills I0LD eVcharisFcengress B!SXSL?!" BANSFEB I rr i 1 wisaraKi thousand delegates from nil parti of the world gathered In the outside court of Uclvedere at the Vntican today for the opening of the twenty-sixth Interna tional Eucbarlstlc Congress, The uregram of the conference, which will contlnue until next Monday, pro vides for a number of netable features, including another papal benediction from the outside loggia of St. Peter's and a pontifical precession with the sacrament through the heart of Berne. FIGHT WITH INDIANS MARKS "DAYS OF '49" CELEBRATION Spectacular Feature Introduced In Sacramento's Historical Pageant Sacramento, Calif., May 24. Cap tain Jehn A. Sutter, Swiss ad venturer and founder of Sacramento In 1830, landed from the Sacramento River with his company yesterday, overcame an attack bv Indians after he had been extricated fremhj) ambush by united estates Army regulars ana re sumed his march te the site where he later built Sutter's Fert", Sacramento's historic landmark. Thus did Hobart Bosworth, screen actor, in the role of the partner of James Marshall, later discoverer of the geld which brought California te the notice of the world, epen Sacramento's celebration of the "Days of '49." The battle near the Federal Building was spectacular. Scores of Indians "bit the dust," although there' were some casualties among the whites. Pitman Opens Paving Bids Pitman, N, J., May 24. Nine con tractors presented bids for the paving of Helly avenue, Pitman, with concrete for the width of twenty feet and the distance of about n mile. Michael Staub, of Swedesboro, had the low bid at $73,209.45, and Council will meet next Monday night te award the con tract. " E ARNOLD & co. Practical Electricians Metera Lights Fans Commercial Wiring Repairs 1019 CHERRY ST. Pretest Owner-Management for 25 Tears GasMBtees Responsibility and Service Ifchinglnflamcd skins quickly respond te RESINOL Soethinq and Healinq Nematter hewsevne or deep seated the skin trouble maybe Resinol rarely fails te give prompt and ResinoljSeap andbathhtflps fkinfit Twmm 1 Coats, Suits, j7fc I Dresses, i. T M m '"'"""'Y'ii"irm"""'""'u'm"tH'flnHaimn t Afternoon & Dinner Dresses '38 1 m7V W 1 1 fflrUK r fB ftiffflllj?' olio H I " RIV Ull 1 IB 4 of Crepe Remas, aH !HMdHHMMHHMHnaHaHnaBMM Pepe Names Amerlean Bishop Reme, May 24. The appointment of onslsner Bernard J. Mnhenev as Monslgner BlRhep of the Dlocese of Sioux Falls by Pepe Plus was announced yesterday at the Vatican. THE FLAME OF ASIA Over Asia the Irrepressible long leng long ingefpeopletogovernthemselves , is bursting into flame. In India, Gandhi's movement threatens the peace of Britain. India for the In disnsl In Asia Miner, MusUpha Kemal heads a national orgahiu ergahiu orgahiu tien that stands for the integrity pf Turkey. Turkey for the Turks I In the Far Eastern Republic the Siberians are rnakiaa- a geed fight against odds. Free Siberia! These stupendous experimentsare mads clear in political articles in June ASIA The American MAGAZINE en the Orient Richly IlttutraUd Out today all news-stands 35 cents A Ginger Ale that is Ginger Ale. Full of pep and ginger yet fully aged and. nwllem Anheuser-Busch vS&Sr- ANHEUSER-BUSCH, INC.. ST. LOUIS SPRUCE 4232 JiiiiiiiffiiiiiiifiiiiHiiiiiiiiiHiiiiillillniiiiHtiinHiiiiiiffliiiiiiimimwiliaiMMIM Twe Special That were $55 te that Range up te Afternoon Dresses, In charming new models, of Canten Crepe, Foulards and Allover Lace, in navy, black and all the wanted colors; braided and embroidered effects. They were up te $69.50 Reduced te 'Afternoon and Dinner Dresses of Canten Crepe, Crepe Romaine, Georgette, Lace and Crepe Renee, draped and beaded models in all colors. They were up te Reduced te Smart Street Dresses That were up te $49.60, Reduced te Reshanara and Canten Crepea, A varied showing of style and colors, All Purchases Billed July 1st 60 Yellow Cab Service Stands Frem your home or place of business you can get a Yellow Cab in a few moments. Yellow Cab has blanketed Philadelphia with 60 Cab Stands 28 in Central City-10 in North PhUadelphia 15 in West Philadelphia and 7 inSouthPhila inSeuthPhila delphia. When you phone Poplar 8600 you talk with Yellow Cab Headquarters. An instant later your message is relayed te the stand nearestyeu, from whence a Yellow Cab is dispatched. Anether feature of Yellow Cab convenience is our Coupon Beeks. Your can get them from our Office at 1208 N. 31st St. Deduct 2 from your remittance for cash $9.80 for a $10 Boek $24.50 for a $25 Boek. Yellow Cab Ca Poplar 8600 ROBINSON SUPPLY Wheleiale Dittributera 24th and Race Sts. jiMMiinMaiaTpMtnMnHiHWIHHHIBniHIIrlBnBIDIIlHIM Groups of $110, at Savings $55 en a Garment 38 $110 m $25 Peiret Twills, and the nnni,i, in plain, beaded and embroidered Teffi!. St. Poplar 8600 lMMMaaiK' wBMKm CO. RACE 3485 Lingerie Negligees, Sweaters $55 STRAWBRIDGE CLOTHIER Te-morrow! Hundreds of new value-groups added te the under-price lets which were available te-day. Many of te-day's best values in quantities sufficient te insure satisfactory selection te-morrow. Here is but a partial list of the many geed things awaiting you te-morrow there are hundreds of ether money-saving opportunities in which every department is represented. . v Come early save substantially. t FOR MEN SECOND FLOQIt Spring Suits with Extra Trousers $26.50 Worsted, sence nnd cas3lmers. Youthful and conservative styles', ln lzea ter stouts or regulars. Very special price. Fine Gelf Suits, New Only $20.00 and $26.50 Broken leta from stock, Imported and American makes. Gabardine Tep Coats $18.50, Nearly One-third Less Tan gabardine, can be used as a raincoat. Great value. Yeung Men's Alce Suits new $26.50 Fully one-third or mere under price. Well-tailored, smart fabrics, some sllk-llncd, some sample Suits. Serge Suits with Extra Trousers $19.50 All-wool fierce ln the wanted con servative styles for regular-size or stout men. Werth far mere than (19.50. Youths' Twe-trousers Suits Special $17.50 New spring; shades, ln styles te (It the hard-te-tlt. Under price. i ' A Greup of Odd Suits $13.00 Incomplete in range of sizes or fabrics. Men's and young men's styles. Average half former prices. Men's Straw Hats Far Less Than Usual $1.65 Natural color straw. This season's newest shapes. Excellent value. Smart Leghorn Hats Unusual in Price $2.95 Geed looking Hats in several shapes. Light In weight. Handkerchiefs at a Saying new 10c each Cambrle Handkerchiefs, all-white or with colored borders. Werth one half mere; Knitted Four-in-Hands Very Special at 65c Net often found at no low a price. Many wanted plain shades. Save Mere Than One third en Silk Neckties 85c Made In America of silk from Switzerland. Plenty of patterns and color combinations. Madras Shirts $1.35 A Price for Saving! Fine printed fancy striped madras In absolutely fast colors. Neat pat terns, wanted shades. Well-made Pajamas Under Price new $1.45 Many varieties of stripes and col cel col erlngs. All cut full, for comfort and long service. With frogs, FIRST FLOOR Mercerized Lisle Socks for Clever Day, at 20c Black only Seconds of a quality usually higher In price. Black Cotten Socks 6 Pairs for 65c Strongly re-lnferced hecla and teres. Exceptional value. Seconds. Sizes 9W te llj r Athletic Union Suits Greatly Under Price 60c Of checked nainsoek. Mere than one-third less than regular price. Nainsoek Union Suits with Cotten Tep 65c An excellent combination, nainsoek drawers and plain cotton ten. Sec onds of a higher-priced grade. Undershirts 40c Almest Half Price Of whlte gauze cotton, pull-ever style with short sleeves. Seconds. Men's Stylish Oxfords Much Under Price, $5.75 fcLd:Px?rU nnd. a few ' calf. Bhptmtrem regular stock at this valye-glvJng prlc. Anether Wonderful Clever Day Fer the Heme FOURTH FL.OOK Framed Pictures New Sharply Reduced $1.00 A wide variety of attractive pic tures, nicely framed, but frames have become slightly marred. Many are less than half price. Wicker Lamps and ShsMfes New $15 in $25 Table Lamps, Brldge and Fleer Lamps, at a saving of mero than . one-third. Majiy different styles. Shades are sllk-llnd. , THIRD FLOOR i High-grade Cedar Chests Much Under Price $25.00 Beautifully grained, of fine cab!- I net-work finish, with duat-proef lid. Size 48x20x20 Inches. Cotten Flags, 5x8 feet Unusual Value $1.3d Flags under price ln time for Me Me eorial Day! These, wlti sewed stripes and printed stars, are well made. Linene Couch Cevers At a Saving $1.50 In linen shade, with striped bor der. Coel for summer and easy te launder. FLOOR 2, RAST Enameled Bedsteads Unusual Value $9.75 Full-Blze Bedsteads with oval tub ing, enameled In ivory or white. At a saving of mere than one-fourth. Metal Link Bed Springs Much Under Price $6.75 All sizes ln comfortable, strong springs at this special Clever Day price of 6X7S. Felt Mattresses Werth Far Mere Than $13.50 Comfortable Mattresses ln one or two pans. Covered with sturdy ticking with rail edge. Cut Glass Bowls $3.00, $3.50, $5.50 Beautiful patterns In Footed Nut Bowls at 13.00 ; Bowls at $3.50, and Bowls with stands, IB.G0. FIRST FLOOR Linen Dinner Cleths Under Price at $4.15 Attractive designs, and out-of-the-ordinary quality of linen from Ire land. Large Turkish Towels Less Than Usual 42c Heavy, absorbent bleached Turkish ToweIh. bIze 24HX44 Inches, with hemmed ends. Linen Suiting $2.00 One-third Under Price Crash weave, for malting skirts, suits, etc Width 90 Inches. At a great saving. Pillow Casing of Bleached Muslin 31c Geed quality, 45 Inches wide. Sp- i clal Clever Day Price, 31a Cotten Summer Blankets Only $2.75 a Pair And only 200 pairs' Excellent qual- i ity. In whlte or gray with colored borders. 91lze JjxSqjnch.. ' "Wear-Ever" Sheets at Clever Savings, $1.65 Bleached muslin Sheets, bize sixtte lnc.ies. Hxcyllent grade. i Weel-Mixed Blankets I Very Fine at $6.25 a Pair , ,irl'ils ?0,or combinations In thes plaid BlnntctH. e .r ....n ,, I wool. SUe 60x80 Inches FOURTH FLOOR Royal Wilten Rugs 9x12 feet $72.50 S.?011.0"1 weave- The season's new designs, many In blue, rese and tan shades. Special value. . IN TIIK DEPARTMENT OF LOWUR-PRICED FLOOR COVER INCJS FLOOR 4 '4 Imported Herringbone Grass Rugs at a Saving I long service Rugs stenciled In blue, price- ' Uesf"s- inder 27xR4 InchpH- 85c. 4 Cx7 B fet 2 IT. 3x8 feet l BO 9x12 feet 16 95 Cook's Genuine Cerk Linoleum Rugs $8.75 Clean and serviceable, for kltchan raj rrxMrnf Vi? '' y' 'T3 jLLLB . ? v f M aW FOR WOMEN SKCOMD FLOOR New Crepe de Chine Dresses new $12.50 Made ln ever-blouse style with box plaited skirt ; square neck, three-quarter-length loose sleeves. Beige, navy blue, tan, gray, white and henna. Drep-stitch Tricelette Dresses new $16.00 Black, navy blue, dark brown and henna. Straight-line and side-draped effects. Chiefly In sizes 36 tt 40, a few ln larger sizes. New Crepe de Chine Dresses new $20.00 Plalted-tunle model with rows of open-work stitching; long sleeves. Black, white, navy blue, gray, tan and henna. Suits in Extra Sizes Exceptiens1 at $27.50 Smart tweeds in h-Ay, blue, laven der and two-tone mixtures. Made with long semi-fitted coats with separate jelts. t Medium-weight Suits new $7.50 te $15.00 ;, Cheviot, tweeds and duvet de lalne. Blue and brown, some In Oxford gray. Net all sizes. Coats Reduced Mere , Than One-third $22.50 Flne wool Velour Coats. In black, navy blue and brown ; made ln a BOcU, all-around-belted style, with long threw cellar with fringed eiids ; loose panels, fringe-trimmed ; body and sleeves sllk-llned. Smart Tep Coats Special at $12.75 Fleeced rrver-pla!ds ln geed shades of gray. About three-quarter length, plain-tailored, belted, silk - lined throughout. Smart Crepe de Chine Blouses new $3.85 Tailored and oml-tal!ered models, In nuvy blue and flesh color Various Crepe de Chine Over-Blouses $6.75 In light shades. Beaded, tailored and filet lace-trlmmed models, and short sleeves. Leng Twe Hundred Sample Blouses new $3.00 White voile and batiste, prettily trimmed ; long and short sleeves. Neck Furs, One-third Under Price $20.00 Brown Fex Animal Scarfs, with brush tall j light and dark shades of brown Trimmed Hats Much Under Price $5.50 About one hundreil levrlv, sum mery Hats, and all wenderfu' values some uerth nearly double THIRD FLOOR Heuse Dresses Greatly Under Price at $1.65 Olnghatns In chpeks and flne plaids, waist nnd stralghi-llne models, trim m.'il with ergandU aim n uln ehambray Sizes 3G te 40 Gingham Heuse Dresses in Extra Sizes $1.95 "Drman" mnk.- -that's recom mendation enough, and these are one. third te one-hiilf under price All of 8triH-d gingham, hihiie with white pkiun vest, adjustable b.ick. Sizes 48 te 51 Petticoats" of Silk Jersey, Special, $2.95 Male uuh 'plaited flnuncet In two tone effii't Brassieres new 38c Heek-front Ilrawsleren. trimmed with embroidery ; shields under the arms. French and Philippine Underwear Reduced Some at less than half the former prlccH All Femmvhat rumpled. Cambric Petticoats New $1.25 te $2.25 Seft white cnmbrlc, trimmed with lace or embroidery Various stylet., FIRST FLOOR Twe-Clasp Silk Gloves 50c and 85c it White, brown. sable. gray, an biacic. aii in but net U fj-M In in me j tmr " i m 'CTqj vSK .1 fl v.; iWI ? V!r 1 rlV WJt .JI m m J. J 'I vi m HW W r- tm Tw" xfii ff r, mitt ifSte.j;, MMM teM2$M$fflZ tfr fcvSfi,fiaj M&MMm Wtl rtJlk-.!v J, """JlIK tii?Z ikU.uwd.';:. 1u JtiMiMjbi rw "(JUI,'' l 1 i; y t-il. -A.MU4ftri , rta&fet