gHJ7)H" vr ff y wj. rt -. v ? SSJj $ ' '$ il v Sv K ?- w 1 V ET1"- I M iw i W '!' Stf " Wm "V 34 ftV v Uii . X ESTATE FOR SALE t,fWSYr,TAMA St'tlfltnAN a nwvMcim valley .. T RsTATi:. 3 minute 'K from lent bullful high lei-allnn. with ex- r lew. flne surrounding '37 acres, il mansion iinure tnnreugniy moeern, hen ami rrtrtrti l.nlist. lerv reasonable rf nulck sale r would exchange for II Chestnut Mill ur uermanievm prep. A&.V. IL J. PAGER, Ambler, P.'. Htflltt.AM) PARI. ?H liS IN; new; 0 room. '-' baths, gurnge, .Ami, en lie ennlerfed 'nln 2 apart inWltt without expense or alteration what- uhk m InVeMl.lletlt l It ttOT t II a .u. 'tfVVVI'V .. L'lVl' WITH ST. THEA- if -- rfY f fwV t Ar.l,-wnn ?044 tVi HIGHLAND PAHK Tnii-im-ene-lvilf'-tnrv T ' ,,sWlllng; living room. open fireplace; SIMM room aiicnen. .1 wnnwinpi nir uiiu 1, Mtlei lldOO cash- 144 per. month. II SI. ! ' Barnes 14 N. With st Sherwneii 21m -..- , I 'ii HOORRN brick tln-fl nc. 10 rnem, , let 75 lit.! 118.000 georef. 1.. hahnes. 1201 Cfctnul st Walnut,4fl5 . U1)IIHNK $7700 brdroeni' tlln h.ltll , 4 r l.ei 4 li pantry and Inumlrt tlr-t fleer. batl J. II. "tKCKKJr.. eathjyiil JUrUet t NkW COI.ONIAlT ilwelllnc modern threuuh ilt R bi-ilreitn let TS.r.'i. tiellsj ( Mth t.: $'.'imn fit llH.' Ln.1uti.' h l.niiIlj7lnpnteiiv 'y & nrr-iltfii'iMH.iinrr hii nlncd n ' . rUlpiilnii'tlv lii'iv nrl'P for quirk "ill XWAtTKIl A MtCr.ATCHY 70lh inil Mm- Mt Ml. 1 nene i.unsuuniiu -uTii .'ki-ii WMWiy. . I I.A.SKIK'II ONK OK the prjttlut homes In this section, e bedrooms; car tmsii-, iraner will snrrl flf. WALTi:il Mn'I.ATrilY 70th and Marks! its. Phene l.ntitdewnc 20CI Open Sundays. f mi: 1 ke"i: I'UtK SlLRtMIB PARK- -New ilnit. N rm . perch. kitchen, shed t bath; garage. let .VixlBO, Pf. $14. HOP. T A ilnllll Allemu-nx si MERION COLONIAL heue, cenle- hall Hr'snuement breakfast room Inclesed perch, heited J 'hatha. 3 chambers and sleeping perch en 2 1 fleer; 3 baths. 3 ctumbci s en 3d fl or I10' water heut, 2-cjt en I pmi ttbl lante let. beautiful shrubber.. Iho house re csintly papertd and painted threugiMut (here font no repairs are neceis.irj . pi lie $30 000 .111 Beacon Isne THRKIfi new hejs. $1(1300. $14 301" hliti elasa surreumllnKs WM. C. CLM1HOKN 1 rJJ-hr?In!iL"i y en r 1: NEW etrcce house, (I rooms, bath and 'aut dry, het-wat r heat. el,-ctrlc llhl. mm fireplace, built-in tjb tile b.ith, k,t(.iun iau.- only !fl.0e. Choice building lets R. II ALLEN. M0 Presrei t " Meers. Pa, Pr.en ILdlei Pink 411 W mirth ii.xmr. $TeO Attracllte cettavr, 7 rooms gas and electric; let liiixli; fl Immidlat ihkisch- Ien. llENNIVlir.R UENNINUEU tilin- Ids. Pa . or Ardsler. Pa NORWOOD NORWOOD 30; Trltes at. 2,xl2. ml 7 rooms and btth J. P Cunningham. 370, Cheater. Open eienlnas, &undas Huth I'll" KOMUinen," BBAUTIPUL .MODERN HCVOALOW -lweli-IntT en Monastery a 7 rooms and tile btth, paniuetry floors, het-water heat let trie llflils laundr tubs fu!l-slzi-iiilrrer daera; stcne perches, ohm llreplacee. Alae modern dwelling 3370 V 3tth st Sear Mldvale a e.. arae iw'ih. harriweml era. electric lights, het-water heat laundri tuba; evnrythlug modern and up-te-date unl M4M0. small amount cash reuuired. imn c dlate possession JOHN J rORAV 4416 Crt en si. Pnene ilanayunk 1TS70 AY. SUA t MONT AVE. Three.sterv frame dwelling. Id rooms, bath, steam heat. 11U0 h acrea. gBrage. runnlre water plnt fruit II. C. It J. P. liUW'UElt. 4371 Main st Manayunk MODERN RESIDENCE, b-st neighborhood I acre of land, fine old shade fruits nnd flowers, getahle, gi.rdrn set out Karaite t rata; electric light: seen only bv appelntm'nt Jehn J. Feran.441H Cressgn st I'll .Mile no 70 neXHOrtOL'Oli Cerner prepertj 2 main all.: 10 rooms and bath, h -w beat, elec lights: garage In rear: excellent condition NEWMAN . HALL 32.10 (1-rmantewn ae BOSI.YN Building Leta MJ0LTN HOMESTEADS let $173 up. med- rn homes. Or. bath, fireplace, etc $4,100. xwi J- ratene wuiuw urete 31 or uarueiu 1 O-II W. Eiery day. 80FT1! AR'IORE MODERN hollew-tlle-and-stucco dwellne. 7 rooms and bath; let A0xl2.1; IS000 GEO 1- BARNES. 1201 Chestnut t. Wanut 40S3 STftAITDRI) BEAUTIFUL Co'enlal home, modern In " nary respect; close te Strafford station. T.iK. R. and P and W . 11 bedrooms, 3 bath, ateam heat electric light: stable and garage: 3 acrea, 30 minutes from City Hall, $34,000. TREAT TREAT Waine Pa Ltt'ibTiiuniir ' T : ' B 'ARTHMOttE PA Dueling. 3 b-d- ' rooms, just built, hollow tile 3 squares 'ram railroad station, all conveniences' let i?1I?;.Pl.c,': 230. with let 120x120. IU30O. . T. niDPLW. 410 Yale ate Swarthmore. ......... ""', BEALTIFUL nrepertv In Immaculate cendl- iren: a recms. 2 nrep nces en nrt noer (I ' m ' chambers. 3 bath; elettrlcltj. gas, central1 Plant sieanr- neat het water by bteam cell. n Jwoed floors throughout nlc. perches let J feet frent: old trees, $20,500. a very dc atrabls location, J. M. FRONEFIF.I.D Wavne TM IVVNNE nnn MODERN home. Irg let well 12.- 2 baths : planted P 310 car Led ga Off NEW JERSEY SrnURU N PUBLIC SALE Tne ral estate, facterv building machinerv ana eeuipment of the Zee 7. R-ihbcr Ce at 1 AMiaTins. .-. u . win ee nuereii at puenc le en the premise en Pnlav .Mm jil IIS2. at 12 o'clock' neon (dallght-savlng time). Plant In ixcellent condition modern buildings and readv te cem.n.nce the manu laeture of automebllo tires and tue-s IMptctlen Invited HARRY KLAG Jr Trusts, in Ilankrupici . M4 American .Mechanic llldg Trenten N. J BROWNU ifll.LS. N. J lleautlfill new f. I (vvih'vuiuhiuiv, (urnisna. s le:i. ,uieii sleeping torch. 30t;6, screened, all wlndev. s I an4 doers fully screened, will sell at stcr -fie of $2J0O; 1oc4tlen of bungalow I ' llq wall," Pemhertei Blvd. Brown M.ll-ln-:he- ' Tlnm. Browns Mills, N. J for rent or sale , Apply Adjt. V. O Jenes. 143 Asnl ind pin .. reenfcivn N T BilOWNS-MILLS.IN-THE-PI.Si:.- EiTt leta. 20x100, for sale nlenir .Miner Lnk., i opposite clubheuse: geed reason for selling 8. Oeddsrd 34 t)tn sve . n i WtlAr Is erferid for 4 let siixleu mi Li l Pine Lake. Browns iiills-ln thc-Ptnis ' M $24. Ledger Offlc. Arm mi BONOALOW. en Kings Illghwai 0 room t bath; 2 luta. 50x1.10 ft each- b.-autifu shrubbery, frul; tree, prin $(1000 terms IL O. n Hart. 320 .Market si amden IIAItlllMiTO.N FINE new 11-re li house lnt vale- b !' hardwood floors corner property this Is a leal buy ler i u, r no ,i iimm , i , out and leek this preposition ever and make eiler; eelier mux ,ii il t) i,i i , , realtors, 31w M ,iiq(i ie it ft Inn i, ig it C LVYTON FACTORY buildings 2.1,000 wi ft fleer apace, machlni r and tool In mrea of ground, railroad siding P M Pierce i Ce llulldlng I of a -.UILDING LOTS. 20x100. cleir crnun. ready te build en at $15 up. cash e- pay mentsi; lets near station and hike: manv cer- Mr leta can -tilt be obtained geed cummut- - 1 law aervlce; 21H cents fare, we will take r?a te aes lets afler work or en 5unriv, fre or enarge, by auto or train we will send you .booklet fie. with all Information Apply t CIJ.TTON HOilE AND LND CO,, 1th and Jaerrls sts,, Phlla Clalten etlre at the p atstlen. ge jr. Helden, Pliene Oregon 4H7B . tl.RMI.NTHN f- BEAUTIFUL 7 riuiin mmtern bungalow perches, old shade nnd shrubbr near train and trolle let .15x2in S-e photo t fea $4,100; half cash real hue ntfi jft GETTY . N' 13th '.V itf f ivi.-tt unit VV CDLLINGSWOOD. 105 ft en Celfnrd ave" ;,, IM ft. alongside N wten Lake, beautiful J,v It., all Improve.. Ideal heitnste for person elmsans; prk. 121 front ft C 23,1, L. O THRKE new 2Vi-Hnry heusea en Hadden av, ; best residential section. .11 tern $-, $0,100, $700() Cutler Ce lladden -M IJndsn aves, -v KST CMI)KN KAST CAMIirS 1la main-street store front with living aaartmsnls and large gnruge or repair shop a rear. I Just the opportunity for a veung luslness man le buy and establish his busl SfMI let 22x200 ft., pay for like rent. 22111 .t rvaerai st.; pr're itietiii. loeuu nertgages , , -It. AVIAAI1, 11 CSllir.U MIC . C.lilUVI' y . . n. j. n ADDON riF.I.D u "irj DONFIL'LD 13 Washlnxlnn ave Lut alts, near station; all modern eenvs . Doeslit verv reasnnaiiie. ee JW HON". 333 Puleral ht. t'amden . ""I cJT- MOO-l-TnW.N iirl' A' HOME. 4 bathrooms billiard room. In rvlf. (deiftl perch, electricity gas and best Olll ;. r !! nuir acre in lattn vtiui 11110 ilifi auh nd shrubbery and formal flower gar biijM4lt Baraie and rest roem: teuntrv life In V'AHilM'cMnl In most lentenlent und f.tsli- i.",' lnMlt of beautiful Moerrsiuwns pe- ' '-! at, -iBcer. I.a.oeo: a bargain:. i)d HEAT, ESTATE FOB GALE M-nv jkhskv stufitn n LAt'RKL SPRING Four bulldln loin, resld'-Mlnl location .1 if DA'.SBIt, 221) Market -t uatntien. MKnni,NTVIf.f;K SEVERAL modern duellings, cenv J. M DANSEH. '120 M-trkcl st locttlen OiimUn mount ri'HKvnt THREE-remn lnue; let 02'4 fl pnce$l0U0 WALTER READ lh Gloucester lis H .1 Mt Kphrami KIVI.RTON renmn and .1 Mlii? Arth- riverfront estate, is bath Arniv Davis W rlntit WAV JKKHKY SKVMIIOKK ATLANTIC riTY ATIjV.VTM fll'Y t'ultniif. s inUriHiiim '1 both .1 terrhi uplrrt 'ctinn of Lhclept lenl for beard'ni;. II .Moere. .' H itnfv nr CUT. MV IP IiHaCII ST CotTnce. l'J roeim'and bath thoreimhl tneilcrn all cemenleniee l"i llll Trunt Oi.. 3.'.i (.'hentniit ' OCKN CITY llliLAI lUHHAIN Hrntid-new IMamtU einriment. In construction and lerfi m nniiupissed. ni'j i'd t . iinelistructed mem I w , ferever e;s?n nil amund. large U!nR jmmI dining re mis, eptm flreplTces. modern k liliin. Iiundr) saruK 5S,'. flne. ,',,lr"1i"t $30011 cash icjur-d wrtment .. '-;1 ill'il bathrooms etc is terms strend apsrtmeni ,1 i"'i 1 ...A.... .H.I MAl.l . ...AH. ..MI..I fn I'lOft ' I vunn (! llin,', n i.'.'ii. ,mn, ivi - (Rees te butcrl If net sold by 30th will UL.ST I ihi uiarlinciii ts crj r.L,n lurnniici II (J HallhiKcr a,"i7 .x -inth at but will I , ai 'hme louse Haturdn te UVdnesd n OI. HAN CITY New unfurnished cettssc il'D .'Id st , let 10x100 il bedrooms. KtruKC. ewer fleer can be enmcrted Inte upartment" must ,.ct iiulckl before season opens .1 fcTtVKJIfjyiKJl S'.'il l.afniolle HldK PENNSYLVANIA FAKM? Equipped and Planted Farm NEAR PHILA . INSl'RANCE $3000 ,17 aires en Impreird read mile illlaae cmirnlcnt trelles. markits etc., 30 acres 1 illlase pisture woodlot 100-trce orchard Btmd I'Tinm lieiise and bath bread laud laud npe tews 12-cei barn, teultry house e c buslti-ss forcing sxl-, owner Includes hiM. lows heifer, hoes, peulirj tools, .oed a' -e potatoes, b-aiis, acre vegetables. 7 aer's hit 4 acres eats, 0 ucres cai-iern rie girden enl $.100. part cash Dituls Page til Illustrated Catalogue 1J0O llar ca 11s PRE!.. STROP r PARM AOEVCY. 1 42 J I I aid Title Hldg. Ph ladelpllla J' 86 Acres Convenient Phila. ST'SE llOCSE OHOWINU CROP- Henes 3 cow. 23'" peultr, ducks cm -gine mnchlncri tee's. 37 iicrcs tern wheat. in, eats biirlcj. ml Het. pot-toe Ih-ewi In il, e l-aut'ful 1 Her nnd railroad town, weed lei 100 fruit tree fine tl-rnem stone hoe ."i.l-fedt basement barn, accident furies sncrltlce 13)00 pert ihIi W il. STE- I. I' ,,:! W State si Hovle itnwn. Pa , MVIN LINE PARM beautiful land sulnble for deieiepment wuneui grading, noeut ,111 aci" within the limit of geed town In which there are churches, geed sdieni i mm sten and a bank, quaint stem and leg heu .eieiai rooms stone barn a urea, oppertunltt 70- eet lets are sell'ng for a 1 thousand dollar prlce for property $100 ,'1C"'.f .M PRONEPIELD ane. Pa 2J-ACRE MODERNIZED POULTRY PARM -7 non iiene house. ;t ;ieulti- luiufes. ba-n for S heads. iarltv of fruit, cleve te I larke town Including 40(1 laWng h-n. In-I run ters breeder In f irt all tools ann cret pr $4300 Numerous oilier. 1IAPP j (L MV Dnilestewn Pa FARMERS PAR.M near" Wet "Ch-ster. 103, acre, free from trash ,iiid under geed fences stene house S room heat, electrldty. stone bxrn. water bowls milking machine, ejtbulld ngs. engine mlll. ehaftlni; for power work I"t On" 1 M PUONKPIBLn Wavne V sKirPAl K PIKE, north of Cel'egeiille near Dunkard .Meeting Heuse Pour or 1 acre with geed bill 1 ng priie r'rfht for Immediate ale See .Mlt u HAJtA. en prep- erti or phone 7407 FARMS lncal"d In the mldd.e section of ' T'p irereus Montpemerv Counti mostly ithln commuting dlstnnie sold b men who tl-er nMhl understand farming, who ;; ml.' In Muck r.i'slng. grain and peult.-i fai m and Knew th country state lze ,if firm desired. Ofll e. Edgemont Farm. Mir n It Hrunner. IVercrsier. Pa ,1-VCRE PVRM en State highway; , t-ille attractive lawn and old shade Colenlil hnusi rtwn flreplaie, garage gas uiailablc, 3S("d J CARROLL MOLLOY Pine- llle. Pa Det lesle w n efflc" 2J E. Court st mile 1 : r. 1 c.t LEAL B VRGAIN S3 acr s en Slate high wa 3 mln walc Ilucklrghim Sta Bucks 1 Ce : lirge meadow and stream; excellent bldga. Per quick sale for an etat". $5U0O I J. CARROLL .MOLLOY , Plnevilli Pa De- l.stewn off re '.'2 E Court st 40-ACRE Chester Ce farm near Coates Ceates tllle buildings in excellent conditien: house modern low rent te desirable part SifL'LLEN BARRY I.cust 7100 res with sten. house.. 10 sr elect'lclti mailable V.ld shad, "fruit? ill-!: MAIN i,i-r 10 acre room, bath, he rnrn. eutbuild ng 000 I M PRONEPIELD Wavne. Pa. NEW JERSEY FARMS FARM Fruit and peultrt farm 4 acre "" n ,. 0 minut., electric line and all cenienlcnces c' silent dwelling. 0 I looms and bath hetter. elutrMti erchird 0f 30 peach. 150 apple. 20 pear; large peul- 1 lr house, garage f.edheuse screens shades 'and fixtures Includid. JaOOn. enlv J3000 cash I down posesien commuting distance. Phlla- 'eipnia. etner farms alter De tamp. .ilriiitaie f livi,tt,.i -V- ' lrl -' " "'""" -' .1 J7 ACRES netr Moorestown all trucking' soil planted about 1200 fruit tree betr ing. berries, etc 11-room frame heuee , barn fire condition, bargain $S3oe E II ' f.ncket 13.1.1 Arch t DELAWARE FARMS Equipped Farm Near Wilmington SXCRIFICED FOR QUICK SALE .,. nereg, t li sn te.leg,) town 30 acr, I I age alfalfa weed berries orchard rx h e- ' room house barn, poultry house "e letfait horse p jltrv leg turk is in'mi) toe.s, crop Inclcd'd J3VJU IMr' - iiall IVII) E PETER" Middltnw n FUtMs VIIH.INI V ! VIRGINIA FARMS ' .10 acre some woodland rrehn-d fine Leach tnd tirc-wat'r frentate Colonial sec- I Hen of Irslnla s room house in uoed le- palr capable of attractive lemitleling, Ideal site fci country home 5 400 P 507 l.idger Orflce f'WO !JV iilOII-i LASS sun mer home, Cisco Bay. Malrc attractive cottage wide virandn h room, modern Imprevements: aiteslar "ell, reca shore deep witer (pebbled cevei. 3 te 21 acre of woodland at option S miles fr m Pert! ind 1 ml from mamlsnd Ad die, if E ( ON Couin Island Me. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE IPNTRXI. ' O.Mill Hi I VL In) ding equity $7101111 pajin.; 10 ie cent net tmnll m'ge cv hang, for 2 su iniesiment heus t LAMB A CO 7'I7 W'ulnut et tlnclnes Pri,nertle and Stores "( ES I'RVlT M'lDERN I.i il r BUILDING 11 0' 0 vijare f et 11 r itrmci fire 1 uer ,1- 1 'e eiaiers i mpiete plnlH eqll t jse 11110 ever cense v trertiaue P 427 Leilu. r ()ftll e REAL ESTATE SALEOB RENT liili. E TRIG I il mi' b7rh pnri h, i0Mi rnllll)hhuttp((c rth 3014 Kenslnlen l''re nnd DwcljlugM 1 .'IVi tlERMANTOWN' AVE -3-st store 1 1 ivl'h -'-st d , in r ur let lbxi: go 1 1 1 . lenun t DONNELLY Sc SUESS (j ,RM MOWN N'I) I EIIIGH A !- PKNNSYLV..NI SIHURIIAN '1 I WMl-AMl-MII.Nlil.l IIOUKI 11 roelll J laths I in. lili-n , I' eel all Heitp, nit mew fruit anil hade a!e prlc $15n'j'i III mud reillal 1121 P( I inel 111 'In a v 'I real W it ne p, 'EW n-roein heus k 1 elunlai (J, ajn iet ."xl.1e brd k and sten ur 10 mi Uti et t, 17H' Rising Sun and (jedf rr 1 uief $70 per month P J Ilrankln Builder e. THE DOO-DADS Fish Stories I HEAR.D VOU VJENT F5HNr . VEST..DA.ucHOLs. , HOVI MftNV D0 VOU CATCH? ,, SX0 i'dt... A'iJ Ll( EVENING PUBLIC REAL ESTATE WANTED WOULD LIKE te rent furnished cottage from June IS te October 1: m;it hv 4 bedrooms, located In Ventner or Ocean City; Hate price, il 417. Ledger Office. avi: Vi: HAVi: a lenind for prePrllM In nil f0llen of lh i-IM .: YKA II l.M L.K1- :nci: inhliu iiCai. pniivict A I' UL'.SSIlt.I. N" li ter. l.'th and ranker rf. Ileal i:Utf Mortnttes, IniirnjncM, i; lVU IIAVB client he w II tjufhase heiuc- "est of Hread and eeuth of Locust t .11 " ant te avll. llrt "UM"wmI).M, li n, ch itre unlpa -iicce'iful Wliltesiue . Mt itiahHii 1.1th and rln MAVUPACTUlir.ll tnllc, ",rr,,p"n,J'i' with owner who will sell, his facto" I ren- , tt e deslre 3(1.000 te Ml OOd 4Unre fci I Uulteble for textiles answer- 1"'",''', 1,?" " " ' '.ntinllr no brokers t l'B0JILHj: lHUllr PIltVATU puicliasr wishes 10 h'jy "f '"''J 1 e.r u.,i,irtTiiM iw,Mnhinc. it iianins or rh-stnut Hill Address U fl. A Mreet Offlce Philadelphia rnisf .' llred ULOCKS or Rreupi of 7-room houses In sped sections; mi commlsalens asked. Aiierntin. 1 ' fhsstnut st TO PURCHASE COAL YARD any section of cltx must b poed location, niETRtril, 737 Walnutat, WE CAN" sell that proton for ..u In short , , bujers wnltltiK Urlscem 2HK) ,nthnrln st At.ecut rt-Uft ' IIAB 1IUYERS POR t'EN TRAI REALTY WHAT UAH, mi. ,,. ,1 HI'UHKS.. JO H lnthsl Spruce 41 ! WILL buy focterv 10 0OH te llll.nne squne feet. 1 2 or ft floors, must be In koeiI con. ion principals enli P .'0 1editT Office. WANT te buy 2 and 3 "terZ,dnellln,K." tn West Phlla or In Seuth Phils. Addrcsj P 413. L-dasr Offlcs CI TENT'S waiting for 2 and 3 story dw ings What hate uu" McAULIPP SeS lweli- N 2iitn l'epiar h.ti DI IVCDC waiting for our prererty If BUILKi rM il locations.. FREMONT I A CO.. North American ldg.Vdjit)S... IP YOP haie prerertv te sell In northwest section llt It with u for quick results. THOMAS, 2317 W Lehigh Ke, 1 I 1LNTS waiting for t'.etwals S. Sen 213' IMly. store A dwg. nub cei 4e:i. CLIENTS wnlfg for apt prep eer $30,000: Cent, or W Phlla. ltelnhart. 1324 Chestnut MODERN home with gnrages, Legan Olnei Inner walling Kern 4JHrt N Furnished and 7th. PI RNltIBD seashore or country, bunga low 3 li-droem, bath electric nhenc fei 3 or 4 month, beginning June 13 reason able, references exchanged, adilee full.i Ad Mrtler 1121 Semertllle ae , Phlla , Pa Factories. Warehouses. Manufacturing floors FACTORIES and warehouses for sale or rent with R It. or without, from .1000 te SO 0U0 se ft hae but era waiting. DIETERICH 737 Walnut st WF.MT PHIL 1)1)1. PHIA II WE puriha'er fur 2-tnrj upt heue, 10m te train or trelle full rartlcu 'us Munderf Ce, lHn Arch t BEAL ESTATE FOB RENT CITY I .'40 N 3D ST Three sterj 10 rooms and I ui'n electric, tacant rem 530 per ruenl.t. -s Hre 204 Diamond st .'O Ijl Wl Spruce 0 r . 2 baths: June 1 te S7.1 R. A DAVIES. Spruce 137H. 1IASKMBNT for lent dr suitable for any use, elevator; central Walnut 2400 I'm lurlr. nreheiieH. Miinnfiiitiirllig Floers j RENT in Olen Eche Mills Wnnt Junction. ' 13 1 no hii. ft en 3d fleer "UUO sq ft. en 2d and .Id floors 10.1)01) q f! In Frankford 1 mill, aisn new medm mill. Hx'iO. 21st and " Washington ate. W HRPCE HARROW 13d N 12th 200-70 3. AMERICAN Per rent, reas . 1st 0th floors, also basement, about 4000 sq. ft ea.h. geed light new building; large elec eleiater. S S Garrett 23') S dd t. .", ui'D MJ IT . 3 and 4 st heavy cencrete anl slew -burning construction, elutaters. R R. siding, will diude J Alin Middle Middle ten, factory .p,clallt and Industtltl en?l-pe-r Pi"2 Wlilener Bldg. Phil Sprue tii7.'. 47 N" FRONT Pour nerv .iml basement I warehouse elei nor. n,e' riverfront; "in ii.lii per month, L. & Tomlinben, Jr , i.tnreiti llldg.,,, luV? i.i, "l r month. L. n RACE Pour-srery ware): 2230 hiiuere feet. r-nt $100 pe - lomilnsen )r . Lincoln mug 1610. CA.THARINE ST. Thren""floors sult nble for light manufacturing 1 B JARDELLA 1533 Christ fxr sL 12 000 &Q IT fleer space, well lighted and up-te-date first-class ml. I 1' 310. Ledger Office WILL ERECT building 30.000 te 100,000 square feet. D1ETBR1CH. 737 Walnut st. Business Properties and Mcrra ' l-'J'-SO R.CE ST.-Three-story mfg. Vdg , steam belt, electric, delater, Mi'u s-4. It. PENNSYLVANIA CO. 317 Chestnut st. 213 N 2D ST A en ncsiraDie t sierj- building suitable for business purpe PENNSYLVANIA CO . 317 Chestnut st THREE VERY DESIRABLE STORES, lust "1 enmnlele.l 23."S S. 17th St PPly OlVnOr, 13J S 4th Phene Lembard 300, , 421 IIROA.D First fleer. Milt beauty par- or or mediste x.-te square ieet ROACH 410 S Bread. Spruce (VJCI Oarages GARAGE for 2 cars. 4th and Locust Ivushln a. Katzman. 3th and IMncLemj;ajlll OFFICES. HISINESH ROOMS. ETC. FURNISHED large suite, modern eltlcea, nearly 4000 sq ft financial district. Im- m.-ttate pn-HPSslen LAMB k CO. 737 Walnu tst BURD BUILDING 0th and Chestnut V .fi,,i .t,.vllht nfflces. Apply te Super- Intendent or .auw.u ....?...-- ,, u tc .lie Mamuei i xian, -j, " - 17th and Sansom OFFICES for rent. 20th and Chestnut suit- able for doctor dentist. Magee i Redcers 1200 Lecvst it. Pheno fcpruce u.e, ' or hliruie O'.'Od . - FURNISHED OFFICE in th" Real .!; Trut Bldg facing Bread st ue of yhene 'and sttnegiaphlc service, If d"lrcu. c J Ledger.)fflce DESIRABLE office spare, fireproof building' i elevator service moderate rent. APPiy E J l.l,UUII. .l.t Clieenim.," MPDIO 2042 Hanstcd at Full nter imtlm atl! owner 132 S 4th st. Pher.c Iaimbard 31)0 M VCHINERY (llspiav office space rer rent. rre,. phone light etc , reasonable rental. Wa mut2 100. 220 s 4TH office nd apartment -vashln Katzman 5th and Pine. Lembard, 1316 CENTRAL uPnCES. geed able Wlll's-Wlnchester C" OFFICE te sub-let large Roem 21H 34 S 17th st light. 2,1 S reason reasen lWth st. and beautiful WEST PHILADELPHIA S E COR 52d and Oirard ave Second fle)r suitable for Insurance office or owner will alter le suit tenant 110 square ft" pf fle.r space WM M. KNATZ. ln 00tb anl irtlng sts . . E CiR 50th nnd Walten ate -Large ter, s and med apartments of 7 rms and bfi'h 2 garacuoeMocafor anybuslness . SPRIVOPIELD AVE. 9 rooms and bath: ih,r. med C0 per me II Watktns, i 3 Lincoln Bldg, Phene Spruce. 7250 FERNROCK iTORE1? apirtments furn'shed houses 1J. Hep- ,Hi(i N Bread st, Wyoming 4337, 1IOFNT AIRY AVE Ten rejin and b-tth. f'j.1 (neiitn: ugents or owner. N Washington aie entner. 7Z PF.N VVk LVANI.WSl'UURHAN el'NUALOW'.VND CAMP SITES POR RENT , Washington Cressing. P, On-the-Dclawars - ami'lng and bungalow site te rent V RTH PR P TOWNS-END Washington fremlng IM 'ii1II 12 rooms Mteiui itiati en nil ion iilmiis, high elevation, old ahaile 2 1 1 h earb Ituse Blttle Real Estate " ''I "He 111 J ... Ll.MV Delaware County. Pa hhady Side. HI nils Phi a . 10-rm, med house, old .hid fruK 5 acre ground, poss , $30, im n'hli ,ease Jn Ink, vii .nl S IVJK' ( I V,EMT A'F.SVllN s YESTI0DV AN" I KETCHED SiX M& OFFJCA . 171 GilW'l N 1 ai' leas" 1 .-- n (u .0 u .? n r LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 1922 BEAL ESTATE FOR BENTN PKNNHYLVAMA -simunnAN AVYNCOTn Ker rent. June 15 le Rentumber in, suhurbnti home, completely furnished; excellent train aervlcec; beautiful surround Inns of real country; 2-car Berate; fruit trees, shrubbery, etc.; home lm large living room, itltilni room, pantry, kitchen; en sec nnd fleer, !l bojreoms, slttlne room, bath, den; third fleer, 2 bedrooms, bath: all med. ern rtintfiilrnccs; screens, nwnlngs, perches, ' tr Pheno Osentz ii.ti J. MAIN LINE A LAnciB L13T OP MAIN LINK HOMES veii rent. puHNisiinn. ker sum- Ml.ll. JpJS TO JSOO PER MONTH, A. D. WARN0CK llg S. IflTH 5-T. CVNWVD A SUil.MiiR HOME close te your business, 11-room stoncand-shlnKle heuse. with "J laths, Allelcctrlcal cenenlences: fruit and ihade. 1.1 Yniniitcs from City Hall: $121 per month TREAT ft TREAT. Wayne. Pa. uwvey . DEVON laurel cabin tearoom. $130 for season trsjfurn. MORHE lf24 Chestnut St.. KUnVsTONB SIX-ROOM houses for rent nt Eddystens. . SWEENEY c CLYDE. Cheater, or 408 S. nn Pelt St.. Philadelphia. KLKINS PARK FURNISHED stene Colonial hrAise. 0 bed rooms. H bain anil z-car enraae: laree grounds; old ehadc, garden. Phene Melrose JilSO v. LAN1DOWNE LANSDOWNE. PA. Per rent. fum.. .Tune in te Sept 13, 7 rirs , 2 baths, eld-fsth-lnnd garden, shade trees; 10 minutes from II. R. station or delated, half-hour trip from city, Phene Lansdewne 1170-J. W. W. Rob Reb rris Drexel ae. Lansdowne. Pa OVERHROOK FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED Going abroad, will rent by ear; 14 rooms. 2 baths: steam heat, sun parlor. 2-car garage C P.PETERS fc SON. 008 CHESTNUT ST. ROMlOHOt'r.H 402 OERHARD ST. 0 rms . bath, electric light, heat: will rent f urn at $73 per meirth, Andy Cl C J. P IIOWKER, 4371 Main st . Mnnaunk. NEW JERSEY SHfRBA BROOKLAWN $20 TO $47 no Pour, fl. 0 and 7 room and bath, nil modern cenvenience: single and semi-detached. Immediate possession; own and attractive surroundings- large yjrds; community club. 17 minutes ey Pcnna. Llec Llec trie It R. and 30 minutes by autobus from Federal st fcrrle Camden, N. J. Office house 0 te 3 P M. dally, neon te 3 1'. M. Sunday. NORECJ REALTY COMPANY. Uroeklawn. N. J. Phene Gloucester 272. MT. HOLLY COUNTRY place, 12 rooms, city water, bath: spacious grounds, ut Mt. Helly, N, J.; will lean for 1 tear A. A. Andersen. NEW JERSEY SEASHORE WILDWOOD. N. J. New It, the time te rent cottages, bungalows and apartments, fur- 1 lehed or unfurn for summer season Fer Information write Wlldwoed Beard of Trade. OCEAN CITY MOST DESIRABLE stores at 7th and Beard. walk, with apartments, at xery reasonable rental, ready about June 15: also apartments at Boardwalk and Ocean ase , at 11th at,; new. Apply Hanscom's, 734 Market St.. Philadelphia OCEAN FRONT COTTAGE. S03 Brighten Fully furnished 4 betLfoems. m 11 Id's room nnd garage, Junu and July; $300. Phene Sharen Hill b82 FOR BENT FUBNISHED I FURNISHED for summer months, highest I spot of West Philadelphia; open exposure; 7,i per month mono tvoenianu iaaa it WI'.ST PHILADELPHIA l'PRNISIIED 70ii block Murlvn read, must be rented, at once, bargain for responsible pnrtv with referencp. WALTER li. SID DA LL Locust 2SS7 or rresten 14S0 W SPLENDIDLY' furn. home, new nnd med., nil cenv,: 2 baths; garage; 3 menths: rcf. Apply 330 S, 13th St. or phone Weed, 0210 M. THREE TO TWELVE MONTHS 13 r.. 2 bath: fireplaces, etc.: shaded lawn. C. P PETERS - SON. BOB CHESTNUT ST. PPRN home, near park. June .te Sept. Web.ter st Wnd, 0.132 W. v : 0235 OEBMANTOWN VITtY' semi-detached funilshi-d heuse; W, Walnut lane, screened: 3 bath- renms, old shade: June 15 te Sept, 15; lnspea- tien by appeintment: available this week I only Pheno Gcrmuntnwn 6717, between 0 nnd S p if. DESIRABLE HOMES FOR SUMMER. 12 reqm: 2 baths, shaded lawn: open outlook. Others 12. 13, 14 rms.; 1 . 2 b.: lawns, etc. C P. PETERS ft SON. 00S CHESTNUT ST. PENNSYLVANIA hUBUBDAN RES'T. furnished for summer, new Colonial stucci house: large living room, perch. 7 chambeis. 3 bath; 2-car garage: man's room nnl bath, corner preperty: shade trceB, ehruebery. beautifully located, reasonable rental, references required. Phene Brin Mavvr 330. evenlngs. POR RENT Nicely furnished cettarxe. en geed State read. 0 mllea from Creste, In Pecene Mountains; room for 2 cars, geed spring water; fine vegetable garden already started Applv te J W. KREWSON. 244 W. Jehn-son at Germantevvn. Phene German town 2073 It COUNTRY MANSION Part of fine old coun try mansion for rent, partly furnished: beautiful surroundings; conveniences; $300 for summer; near Willow Greve, en State read l mile from Doylestown pike. LAURA B. UANKELE, Neshamlny, Pa, DEVON Charming old-stone farmhouse, furn'shed. In park of several acres, an op portunity for u family of children te Hie close te nature; no conveniences In house, leta of fruit, $00 month. J. il. FRONEF1ELD. Wnvn e. Pa WILL RENT at low price te ndult family, new detached suburban heuFe with ga- rige, for summer months, C 102. Ledger iff Ice POR SUMMER, stene farmhouse with perches shade, fruit, garden, plune c 401, Ledger Office, CYNVVYD STONE Colonial house, strlcily medern: 3 baths. 3 perches: beautiful shrubbery and grounds. 2-car garage: furnished, 3 months. Kershaw & Crewl, 3213 Chestnut Bt.. or Phene Cn BB4 R. GLENSIDE GLENSIDE A nice quiet suburbnn home tewn: high elev. ; 8-rm. med. home, large let. $100 me., come live here this summer, then ou will want te stay, send for list. Wm. T. B Reberta Sen, Glenslde, Pa. Phene Ogontz 082. OVEHBBOOK OVERHROOK Furn. hem for summer months, 6 bedrooms, sleeping perch, plenty of shade. Overbroek 3488 W or P 430 L. O. NEW" 0-room. convenient house thoroughly furnished; gurage; one block from Cobbs' Creek Gelf Ceurse: 2 2-3 summer months; reasonable. Pheno Lansdowne 1009 J. ROXIHIROt'O't PINE modern dwelling, 0 rooms and bath; eiery possible cenv.: let 38x177. cenv. te train and trolley; until Oct. 1, 1022 J. J. FiHAN 4410 Cressen at., Manayunk, ST. MAKTINK ST MAR'l INS Small furnlshid house for rent, ' block from statien: 324 W Spring field ave Phene Chestnut Hill 1117 NEW JERSEY SUBURBAN BELMAR BEL.MAR. N. J.. 100 4tli ave. eiy deslra bis 3-story cottage, furnished, garage In rear; large latin: near ocean Apply Penna. Ce , 51T Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa UADDONFIEI.n HADDONPIELD and furn.. $75 -Te rent, 3 mea , i) rooms month Phene 112 w MOORESTOWN BEAUTIFULLY Pl'RNLHHLD SMALL .MODERN HOME Hist part of Moorestown, owner traveling for a vcar. Immediate possession Appli PETERS SON, 008 Chestnut st l'hlla 13 ROO.MS. all cenvs. ; large perch, 1 acre; vegetable, garden: shade, fruit, quiet street, PETERS A SON.008 CHESTNUT ST .PHILA yNV S,X? lSAV. THElv-N ( VIAVT A MN.T- J (OEE-1 CAU4HT J ---- ( -MAU.EST OHE 1 ).X ( m e Occ rK" ) CnOTV MiMrt r " I CAU4HT X l V HR.OFFjCA! ) hItXvjSstheS ( THA tONST ONE, ( MEASURED TViRCE ) ( 7 1 IT'S MY TURN )SSth W THE ) M-OFFK V4UZ FKT I HOVI V T0 VOU ) m, ajr ! e T FOB RENT FURNISHES NEW JERSEY SKASIIORE 1'URNISHED. 7 rooms, nil Improvements; $300 seasen: 5 minutes ride station. Daniel. Dellvcry Ne. I. Hex 40. llelmar, N, J. witnnoep WH.DWOOD Fer rent, for season, very de de slrable furnished cottage, S rooms and hath, 3 bedrooms, conveniences; rent reason wble. 104 11th at.. Wlldwoedl N. J. ORB'H IHUXD l'URNISHED COTTAGE Attractlie and cemenlenti beautiful surroundings; right en the son, Orra Island, Cnsce Bay; bridge 10 Vho -m..R,,.n,,a.r,diJPu' e?P 'or the season. C. I-MHERTON, Jr.. Harrison Bldg. MORTOAaES " MORTGAGE MONEY Fundi for first and second mortgages prompt answers en desirable applications. DANIEL II. ELLIS 700 Franklin Trust Ride. Spruce 2032, 20 8. I nth st. THIRD mortgages our specialty, any sum. any loc, city or suburban, also building nnd lean nss'n nnd adianre builders' mort gages; 1mm, settlements; short or long terms; tl per cent. Int.. with no ad. charge; terms te suit borrowers; expert adxlce free: brine your papers, Penn Finance Cerp., 013 Lin coin llldg. sphene Spruce 7230. FIRST MORTGAGE FUNDS FOR PENNSYLVANIA WM. H. WILSON & CO. 1017 Walnut st. LOCUST 7S80 APPLICATIONS wanted, first and second mertgage fundi MAGEE & R0DGERS I20O Locust at Phene Spruce 0201 ttre- Bfunpepvii, - ...- . .......a. .. ititjt-j. 4 01 tne largest nuiinina and lean associations and desire applica tions for first, second and split mortgages tB.fn1A'.clJen.' dy "" suburbs. WILLIAM JAMES KKOOH. Land Title Bldr. FUNDS FUNDSIM ANY AMOUNT IMMEDIATB SETTLEMENT BUILDINO ASSOCIATION MONET. s)sal f)p . s n r fi .$rwr-iii m. m ,Jt, n. 10. ft a. KUNDS for first mertBAtei any mount. HARRY E. THOMSON 2B21 FRANKFORD AVE, MAURICE LICHTMAN ,,., MOnTOAOES Building association and private funds for first, second mertgages: quick sen Ice. A. F, RUSSELL, N. E. cer. 15th Taskcr. BUILDING ASSOCIATION and private funds for first and second mertgages: large and small amount. SAMUEL T. HALL, S. W. cer 17th and Sansom, MONEY for flrat and second mortgages en Philadelphia property. IL J. MILLER. 280.' W. Lehigh ave. FUNDS for flrat and second, city or suburbs; also New Jersey first: modernte charges; prompt action. C. O. Schllchter. 200 8. 18th BUILDINO ASSOCIATION FUNDS for horn bujers; 110 commission. EDGAR A. HOBMON. 3028 N, HROAD ST. 1 HAVE (50,000 for frst nnd second mert- gagea. city or country. C 220, Ledger Off. FUNDS, 1st and 2d Phlla. and Del. Ce. i .-. -. ., M,.. . . . FUNDS for building operations and second mnHrrmm A fl D tl VTCM1 f V tdOQ 1t...H., mtgs. a. t, L,yncn. 112 a, loin, pr, 7Pi. I,,,,, , nC. HIJIllll t A 11 A , .! (.ItCllllUl, ru.NDS for lt nnd 2d mtirs.; quick reply. ( IT f ialne-ats Tnl Ps ril.lrt - iiiniciiiiari. Iintl Jfninix- J I u -I ! ia . ilCJNEY for 1st or 2d mtgs.. city or country. Prank 8. Lewis. HIP Flnsncs Bide. W. U. BALL SON 438 LAND TITLE BLDG. FUNDS for well-secured first mtgs.t reas. charges. Fred T. Lewis, 011 Merris Bldg. ROOMS EOB BENT BROAD. S.. 410 Exclus. for bus. women; delight, envlr'm't: unfurn,: $15-117,50 me. CHESTNUT. 1004 Roem with bath; alae slngle room electricity: reference. DIAMOND. 1007 Sitting room.: also single roem: bath, shower, phone: gentlemen. 10TH. N.. 180. HOTEL RURIC Central, shopping district, near statlena; beautiful xe.n. rma.; eiec. : speiiess; aauy, w-kiv raise 21ST, N. 130 Beautifully furn. hskpg. and ethers: newly decorated, electricity, phone. HANDSOMELY furnished room In lnrge modern private home; electric lights: 10 minutes te City Hall. Thene Baring 04 1 3 N. E. COR. ICth nnd Oxford 1 or 2 lnrge unfur. or fur, rms.; med, con. Pep. 6005 W 4U S. BROAD ST. Nicely furnished ream; reasonable also room and bath. BOARDING YOUNO MINISTER and wife, smalt Middle West city, offer private home care for boy 0 te 12 years eld: experience with children; beautiful home; $40 per month, it 427, Ledger Office, LADY with comfertablo West Phlla. home will open same te club of G or mere men; every home comfort; very best feed. Baring 8433. PINE. 4110 Beautiful loc. flne rms., with bath, perch, exc. table: rcf. Bar. 0507. FIRST-CLASS home cooking; strictly fresh vegetables. 82 S. 23d st. COUNTRY BOABDINO SUMMLTt BOARD BRYN MAWR. PA. LOW BUILDINGS, en Bryn Mavvr College campus; slnr'a room end suite available from June lb D September 15: geed table beard: beautiful surrounding; tennis courts; moderate rates; convenient te railroad sta tion; arrange reservations new. Addiess Mis Sutten. Manager Lew Buildings. Bryn Mawr. Pa FOR 2 gentlemen. In strictly modern, well appointed home; private bath available; excellent table, geed ervlce: near station. Helcne Tailor. Churchville 34 M. ABABTMENTS ATTRACTIVE APARTMENTS 281-33 SOUTH 17TH ST. Just completed. 3 story; .modern In every respect; particularly homelike; housekeeping and bachelor. Apply ewner, 132 S. 4th at Pheno Lembard 300, SO. PHILA. APARTMENT 1018 W. Passyunk ave. Apply SINEX. 1610 vv l'l s uiik ave. urcseu .uei S. E. COR. 17th and Summer st. New apartment. 4 rooms and bath, unfurnished. $00 cer month; Janitor aorvlce. Apply en premise. 83D ST.. N.. 2253'. 7-rncrri corner house- kseplng apt.: front and lde perch; hvyd. floors, elec : facing Palrmeunt Park Apply K. J. Elliett. 1112 Chestnut st. Fll. 8H5H. 1020 SPRINO G.UlDEN ST. Very attrac tive apartment, with large, airy rooms, kitchenette and bath, furnished nnd unfur- nlshed: moeern: especially low summer raic MODERN well-furnished apartment, 0 rooms, bath Inclesed perch: 3728 N. 10th, Apart ment B Phene Tiega u-imb r WALNUT ST., 11TH 8 rooms, kitchenette and bath; excellent condition. Abe Kelsky & Ce . Inc.. N. W, corner 0th and Walnut, irntisRKEEPISQ ants.. 3. 4. 0 rms and bath: h.-w. ht.: elec. It.: Imm. pesa. E. J. Elliett. 1112 Chestnut st. Filbert 3838. COLUMBIA AVE. APTS.: 5 room & bath: Immed. possession, moderate rental. DHVla IJCrPOr. Ola Lincoln iuuk. 11, -11,1 m-q ,,. NEW heusekeeplrir apartments tilth perches at CYMVV yii liuuni., 1 dieck jibiu ma and golf club; mrce gr'nd,, gal.. Cynwyd ili. 1020 W SUSQUEHANNA AVE 3 rooms and hath: nil modern Dlnmend 4123, 1402 N lOTH Beauc. new apt,. 2 rail., bath hitch,: strictly med. Fop. 2(143 V. 2 APTS . 0 and 8 rooms; cempletisly mod ern. E. II, Riddle. 1300 Columbia ave, WEST PHILADELPHIA 114 S. 40TH iST Apt. II, U rooms and bath; modern, GREENWELL DORNAN, 422 p. 52d st. WALNUT ST , 45200 rms, and bath ; un furn. Apply Apt 1). I'll Preston 2104 J, REFINED people Stere; rent kitchen, din rm llv nn , hedrin. 4222 Pine. GERMAN'TOWN 10O W. CHELTEN AVE Sunlight upts ; large, airy rooms, single ur en suite, light hkpg permitted. Gtn. 0e04. APARTMENTS WEST PHILADELPHIA 4170 LEIDY AVE, Three room and bath, ililrd fleer rear: alt cenv.; nn children: near i-airmeur.t I'arg. iieiment 217a vv. 4000 WALNUT ST. Second-fleer apartment, 5 roema nnd bath! $70, S. FE1N3TEIN SON, 708 H. 3th at. , CHESTNUT, 4514 Flrat fleer, 0 rooms, i bath; rent $110 month, Preston 8810 M. ATTRACTIVE H-room-and-bath apt. Mage A Redger, 1200 Locust at. Th, Spruce 0-08 PENNSYLVANIA MIIBURBAN FOR RENT Apartment, It roema and bath, every convenience, hardwood fleer, gar and electric light, het-water heat I aeuthera expeiure; close te train and trolley; 7 mile from Philadelphia. C. EDWIN HUNTER, North American Bldg. , LANSDOWNE ONE- VACANCY, June 1; ft outside rooms, private perch; modern apartment build Ing; convenient te transportation; old shade and lawn; adult family. A3 N. Lansdewnt ate. Phene Lansdewne fllH EAST LANSDOWNE Baltlmore nnd Bev erly ave.: 8 outslde roema and bath. Lansdowne 1390 W. HOUSEKEEPING APABTMENTS WE HAVE a great many. met attractive Apartment, both furnished and unfur nished, for rent nt the present time. Sher wood Apartment Agency, 1834 Walnut st, . 1BTH ST., N., 1807 One apartment, fur nished or unfurnished, 2 rooms, bath and kitchen; nil conveniences PENNSYLVANIA HUDCIHIAN MEDIA BROOKE HALL Housekeeping Apartment. .Media. Ta 'Ive mlnutea te train and trolleys; perch 10j 1- feet 8 acre OVERHROOK SIX OUTSIDE rms. and bath. heat. elec. gas. water, garage privileges. hand tn train or trolley; an Meal home. Sherwood Apartment Agency, 1834 Walnut. FURNISHED APABTMENTS WILL sublet furnished, for less than tha price of the unfurnished apartment. 6 room apartment In modern npartment house. 30th and Chestnut, from June 15 tn Septem ber 10, te responsible fumlly: all light, out Ide, airy rooms; phone, electric light; let erences: $50 per month. Call Baring 1073 M. S. E. COR. 17th and Summer t.t 1 room nnd kitchenette, furnished, $45 per month; 2 roema and bath, furnished. $80 per month. Apply en premises. BROAD ABOVE TIOOA Furnished house keeping upartment. 3' room and bath; $00 Tiega 0881 R. NEW -EBSEV SUnPBBAy FURNISHED apnrtmcnts, 5 roema and bath. all Imprevements: beautiful lawn and shade trees. M. K. Qrev. Frankllnvllle. N. J. APABTMENTS WANTED YOU ARE INVITED te list your vacant or te-bo-vacant apartments tilth the Sherwood Apartment Agency, 1834 Walnut at.; phone Spruce 8000: )t Is qulte Impossible te fill the requirement of our manv applicant with out your hearty co-operation. ABOUT June 3. furnished housekeeping npartment, business couple, summer month or permanently: Philadelphia & Read. Ing or Main Line suburb preferred; about $30; references exchanged. Write Mr. Graham. 50 Glcnwund uvenue, East Orange, N. J YOUNO man desires unfurnished npartment, - rooms anu pain or 1 iare room and bath: must be unfurnished; loca tion te be near center of city; state price. P 420, Lager umce, WANTED Tite or 3 rooms and kitchenette, furn.. In W. Phlla.. by responsible party; state full particulars: lowest terms. C 332. i.eeger uiuce APARTMENT HOTELS THE GLADSTONE 11TH AND PINE STS. ABSOLUTELT FIREPROO" APARTMENTS. FURNISHED, UNFURN'D LONG AND SHORT TERM LEASES NEW HOTEL BARTRAM 33D AND CHESTNUT Apartments, furnished or unfurnished AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLAN PHONE PRESTON 2310 THE DELMAR-M0RRIS W. Cheltnn av. QERMANIOWN !0 MINUTES TO BROAD ST. STATION Hetel or 'i-.furn. sultis. housekeeping apt. HOTEL COLONIAL SPRUCE AT I1TH ST. A family hotel; J rcems and hath C. IT! MAN BARER. JR.. Manager THE SWARTHMORL. 22d and Walnut Furnished. 2 rooms and bath, and 1 room and bath; maid service apd linen Included. Phene Locust 8182. HOTEL HAMILTON. 1334 Walnut st. (east of Bread) A quiet, conservative hotel; beautifully furnished and conducted. HELP 'WANTED FEMALE ARE YOU STENOGRAPHER, 20 te 23 jears of nge? Are ou well educated and have nu had thorough experience? De ou con sider yourself first clasH? If se, call at once. We have un exceptional opportunity atull able. Mrs. Patten, Curtis Publishing Ce., liu-i hansom at COOK Wanted, Protestant tihlte woman for small adult family, te go te country; ref erence required. Call al or write te 1C20 Locust et. INSPECTRKSSES and bundle girls for silk dept.. must be neut In und net afraid of iierk. Thresher Bres.. 1322 Chest nut st. NURSES-Wanted 2 registered nurses, 24 te 27 years old, Industilnl medical work; 1 must be experienced In routlne urine analyses and sputum examinations; SJ5 per week, H-hour day. hour lunch; Saturday afternoons. Sundavg and hellduvs off. C 335, Ledger Office. OPERV'IORS vvinted. experienced en nil parts of shirts, nlse experienced single needle Jeiners: tie use folders; best price In city paid in 01m of the beat, cleanest and brightest factories ill the clti: there nre ad vantages here for operators that 1 annet be found In any ether factory Miller Bres. Ce., S W. cer. Bread und Wullace sts., second flne r, SALESLADIES for Camden nnd Thlla. terri tory, te demonstrate and s, II nutv guaran teed hosier, tienderful upp te start in veur locality, leads furnished. 423 Victory llldg.. 1011 mistniit st. SALESWOMEN, experienced for retail slllt department, position permanent, with amenilld opportunity for the right part). 'Ihresber Bres. 1322 Chestnut at. SECRETARIAL S'l E.N'OGRAI'IIER Yeung lady 21 te 30 jeura of age: must be geed stenographer, preferably - celli go graduate or Its Kiulinlent; basing peraenullli, with nlilllty te meet people und handle appoint ments for such an an i.nusual opiertunltv Wllle. Klilng full de tallH of age education und 1 vperlcnce, P 520. Ledgei Office -rhNOGRAPHI.H In bank librais. duties In iiddltieii tn stcnegriiphy censln of filing aril inlscilhiii.iuH office werk: tducitinn .111 1 library ixierlence deslrnlilu, opportunity tn learn llbiury work tilth tiulned llhrnrlnn; In reply .statu ugc salary desired, quallllcatlens. I 0I8, Ledger Office. STENOGRAPHER Bright single woman. undei .10, knowledge credit dept. work help. ft'l. slate age, schooling, experhnce and minimum salary desired. Addiess Credit Stenographer. P O Bex 731. Phlla. ' hTEMXIIlAPHER leung luuv ever 20 for Kciiunii eniee heik, must 11110 inilliitln, 1. tit and linn 'med apnejirniice, geed siltiy te start Roem 201, Smith Austennuhl Bldg, I ,ilh jnd Market sts , Camden, N. J. ' ' HELP WANTE-CrEMtAL-N TEACHERS delrln a position with geed aalary for the summer month, addre - 304. Ledger Office. . TELEPHONE OPERATING DO YOU WANT . A PERMANENT POSITION amid pleasant surrounding, with excellent opportunities for advancement? The Bell Telephone Company has a position of this kind for yeunr women between 18 and 23 $13 a week at the start Apply te Miss Stevenson BEO.L TELEPHONE, COMPANY 10,11 Arch st. TELEPHONE OPERATOR with exchange ex perlence wanted by nn outlying bank; state lie. Hn.elen, artA aalarv enect.fl! r.nll.a ivnce wanted vy nn eunyina uunit. biiq experience and salary expected; replies Untlal. Address P 312. Ledger Office. confide WOMAN We want a young woman who has had one or mere years' advertising ex perlence: she should be able te write copy for trade Journal, prepare direct adver tising campaign and have sufficient Initia tive te relieve n busy executive of these de tails: replies should cover experience, salary wanted and samples of your weik. C 118, Ledger Office WOMEN We require strong women te de scrubbing and cleaning during the day and also at night. These accustomed te hard work and who desire a steady position will be given preference. Apply te Mr. Dowd, fourth fleer. rear, OIMBEL BROTHERS General WOMEN wented: Income-tax clerks, revenue agent, inspector, stenegs. for Wash, and 1,111,1.. ioeu te jvvu yny.; exams. June; met inn U.I nn. ma,... ......1a ! !.......... -!'. v... vim ,iuw , ..un,,, isi, instruction, 1 fl.pfletlla l.nnn an,t Tl Illll t ... ,.. y- m,.e ijv, .vMen. l.l. inTUi tilt CLKniCR. ilinnvi ntiillru In. nn . position. Write for sample test Instruc Instruc tlen particulars. P 1422, Ledger Office. HELP WANTED MALE AUTOMOBILE PAINTER wanted for tern-.J,orary,p?"l,len-. - or 3 veek: must be "" 10 letter ana stripe. tendent, 1220 X. 20th st. Apply Superln AUTO PAINTER Mut be able te letter and .....I,,;, temporary position. App y te Mr. Keppell. 122H X 20th t. Three high-class bend salesmen; reference reeuired! nl D KHA T .J-.- im,,i. ........ , wm, munrr tiuiee. ROY. stre.g and healthy fellow. 17 te IB for work In file nnd mailing room; state age. schooling, experience and minimum J'J-rv desired. Address Bey, P, e. Bex 101. i nuHeeipnia. BOYS, nfter school nnd Saturdnjs: clean .- "I?:..0.0'1 pav: Ca" or write Mr. Hnmll Hnmll ten, 4T23 Lancaster nve . Phtl.tH.inhin CHAUFFEUR with geed reference, who will . . ","". iieiiier,nres. etc., miudlo miudle aged while .man preferred, living In Germnn- town eull n.livuH tit mh s.. ,.1 .. ---..,, ..... uu...,;,, , .inu la u viuck, jiarry T. Saunders, 31 H. 18th st, "any CLERK Bright fellow, 21 te 30: geed ,-Wi!,l,f,r' qulcl5 nni1 necurate nt figures: nlse rnpld Burroughs operater: state age. school Ing. experience and minimum salary desired. Address Burroughs Operator. P. O. Bex 781. -liKRK for general offlce work, manufac turer effice: tempore rv position; must be reed at figures; stule rtf., salary, p 511, Ledger Office, DECIv. HANDS, experienced, for titer tug tug beat. Willi some knmtledge of firing a Scotch boiler. Apply Du Pent Ce. Glbbs Glbbs tewn. X. J. LABORERS ti anted. win. VlTitT 22T0 Ridge nve. LINOTYPE OPERATOR?! wanted. Apply Composing Roem, fifth fleer, 000 Chestnut M-JfA.OKRS - LARGE DEPARTMENT Bravn.!s Aannsr tii6W"havi0iiVi Mfts: I.!-,?1-",,,1. PHILADELPHIA STORES JWi.i,.,SB. sWXBM VnprDRKSCUi . AM, iuctl"cenf,di:ntiai u a.xVKWii'm' ai -lae, i.iZDuizn efici:. . JOT" ?,Aif'-,Ji.1 EXECUTIVE ARU iLMiifeS?? A'OE MEN WHO ARE NOW EMPLOYED but dissatisfied with the possibilities their nresen tinsltlnn. nern. :. i. ..... l,lc,t , ..... ,...,.,, ....... b, uiiu tteuui wel come an opportunity te dovetp their evenings ' .; li'.': " -".eparing inemseites for a iierth-whlle positien: this national enter tiPiua ritfiiilrita t-i-ifi n ..... -. . ' .-. .. -. s iitunuhvi - u- u, nuiii tier or branches It 11 III open In Phllndelphl-i; tie viarrt men between 2.1 and 40. who have suc ceeded In the r present position consistent tilth opportunity offered; the men ucccptcd must h-ie u pleasing personality and be capablii of emplelng r.nd mannglng men- If the reader Is conformable te the above re. quIrementH he Is Invited te write In- con cen fidence: If chosen un Interview mil be granted next Thursday eienlng. Cnll before III A il. or after (I 1-. il.. Roem 435, 1011 Chestnut st., Mr, K. it Wlshart. MEN When it It udvli.ihln tn seek a new position the nv-tniep man loelt for th.t Kind of uerk h known most about; mnnv could brighten their future bv gettln Inte entirely dlffeient vocations, nnd mine reud ere of th s column villi 1st successful tthen they acquire courage te chnnge; tie are loon leon loen Inir for men ne nn irnln: just plain. rnrm.Jl fellows, who havq !-! decent Hies and huie net b"n cenllned te occupations that de tract from usifulniss In ether fleldi,' uur neil:. pi nnd futuru will katlafv such men If vett are around 10 scars of nge nnd cei respenil with thi nliove description call en Tiustees' Sjstem. hut please de net niisiiur unless seu can stev for a thorough ex amination. Ven will 11 ml tne between 10 A. M. and 5 P. il. nnd 7-3(1 P. il, 1)nd 10 P. M. nt 1011 Chestnut St.. Roem 43.1. Mr K .M Wist.nrt " ' f I--V tt-A V'Fnn v-l- A'e. a nnetui.,,, ....... WITH A PLEASING PERSONALITY POR SPECIAL OUTDOOR WORK. APPLY ! AFTER u 30 A. il . 1U01 COLONIAL TRUST BLDG. .,ij,,, rtiiiii 10, ; Can use 2 leung, neat-appearing men for Important spiclal work; men who ham had sales cxperienie nriferrcd: reference re quired 3(1.1 Liberty Bldg. 11PPICE BOY In trnnufncturer'H efflcp, mi'V 00 neat, nil ing anl write geed hand: give refertnre nnd niliirt, P .11.1. Ledger Of lice I PAI'LR CP'I I'ER, cxperlcnted. tinnlcd In paper bes fiulury In neurbi ells, stendy 1 position In old i-siabllnhi-d heuie. where only Disl-elusK mih'i Is d no; rcplv, stating length I "f "xl'erlen'H had, etc iM3(l Ledger Ofllee. SALES rc'iirithPnt.itlie for Iilsh cntcrprih Te sill it 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 fe Issue en c.ipllal stetk of 1 our (timpani, Ininnminteil nndei tlu laws of 1 thu htute of New Yerk; will pay 8 per cent; 1 1. ell managed, we offer eiery co-epeiutiou pnsMlile it 4 12, Lnlger Oflke. SALESMAN I .MOTOR TRUCKS Mii-esinlillshril factory branch his opening for reed mill, pmlliuble (onnectlen for pro pre (Iwer. pist -ccerd must str.nd elnsa luvestl luvestl gallen, wrlln fully ubeul veurself; answers will be held In confidence P 135 Ledger off SAI.l-SMA.N .Man of character and puwer or iMittMitlnl ability mat ( untied per mananetly with n commercial financial ier per.illun new forming n stuff of ergaiiUers: also opening for local manuger, outside ter rlterj : exceptional oppeitunlty unusual ee. opeiutlen See Mr Whiting before neon. 715 Victory Bldg,, 1001 Chestnut at. By Arch Dale - ,V m HELP WANTrjgr? SALESMAN wanted V hlsh u ! SALESMAN, with referee.. . . - i BALEflMAN te call" en b.Th 3? SALES MANAGER wanterte7r""T ' SALESMEN "IFJ" teMye are ueee..fu sale,-,. , fuM,yy.e,dCSyP, W- hav. ,tteMw. -:!!! m!.Ht. J" opening f, ,.. .. .. "" ""i"""' aeuing erganizsune " u ." s; "r mer 'h.wh,r! Cema In. Lei's talk this ever. NATIONAL SURETY COMPANY Roem 417. Lafayette Bldg. SAIiESMEN WANTED Lri . elalty company ha ewnlnV fe?e !! wire anlesmen In Phlladebhla terHi.H. 1T pllcanta must either hive sreelitw ,K.i ferlencj or general knowledge of tJ.W !!ttUeV'5fflc"e'B "M"" && SlALE8MEN We want a i..i salesmen of the hlghe?t t?pe !S..ffc.urt, curlty that offer an unusual eniSrtui i5 f" sujutnntlal profits; If you nre iSSkle. '? Iw Mn "PPertunlty te make money? .n" 0t' tunlty te grew and build for yourself epS!I" SALESMEN te aill DODUIsr.nrie.n mebiles: we want men who etiiiiieV1. etiiiiieV1. werk; opportunity for advanceminl lR " with abfilty; state expeflen" I? flsl w?.?. itii jiriiHPr iirrira " SALESMEN, experienced, for Pcnniiv.;c: nnd New Jersey te gVll mn. i.Vi a! if. ' m 303, be,wc"' ami 11 tj Aat? fnn m Sit. ...... . ..,, -iiiigram. SALESMEN, experienced., te ,.r service te the miners! h...i.J..K P?':et rnlladelphlB and Camden. CalVtweVn1! rr-.i'nL.' PhMn-;iern"' a cSsaa, nr,w find exceedingly prefltable device 'as, slde line. DAVID KLEIN COifpVvv ,. City Hall Btatlen. New Yerk. N'' 3 SALESMEN wanted We lmVe an enenl 327 WVightman H i 11""1 eul " - .A.KHn t nJ.ii " . . -commlVslen: an" exceT. n. S 52d st man" Dudle-Veuhl Cerp.. fJ SALESMEN for feed preducts: must hi had experience c.tlllng en Phlla-lelnnls J tall grocery trade. Anmv r n- 1..-.V. " 213 S. Frent t. ' "m, (-" SHOES Lxpe-lenred cuttem ,m ia,i.e sS shoes. Lalril. Hchnbcr Ce.. ".i J"J Market, second flnnr ' " -'' " 8T,.nS"8V'"l '.'. WI.-JR or commercial course; high school grsdutti' must be able te take dictation quickly i transcribe notes accuratel; age. Vcneella experlenee and minimum salary de"ed it dresiChlef Clerk. P. e. Hx 7..1. Phil" STONE ilASONS Tnree or I Mrsl'-clai; for about 2 months' wur; (n reild-nciTt Saugerties Farms. Saugeitlc. N. Y 111 per day of 0 hours; geed heard at $1.20 m day; only men expert en fece work ntti rtrS!rN-v.0, """""' -l0 W .' iSS 1 IIINK THIS OVER Have veu a real vision for a revl futu'S te be gained by earnest werK and deieleslrr the -nan that I- In seu? Yeu can get mm dollar mera toy and bigger future by trerk Ing with 111. Try and qualify bv app'ylngt lOUNG MEN Eighteen te 3.1; a wonderful 01 perltudtv nwn I teu tn iweire a m"m "ff". efiC!J; F, ef.U,e ,?3'1 Knglneers" pir. "'"'" Nj.'O'in' Guards: jeu can earn frera II te $3 for IW liuurV work one evening et-h tnck: we offer nil kinds of geed cilia amusements and social nclli-ltles: we train for 2 weeksnt Mount Gretna. Pa.. durlNt tre month of August, nnd we can think ef no Utter w.'y than this for a man te spend his vacation; the least .teu will receive for the 2 weeks spent nt camp will be $22.50: Hike ailvumase of thlj npH rlunlti nnd com up te the armory ut Bread and Callewhlll stJ.. Monday or Th'-rtdny eicnlngs. Asl: fer Caitnln Murruy or S. C. Ileers of Ce. K. '.TiU 'f ,k ". .ever .'..r cn" Murray. Btlment 3133 .1. or Ptera. Weed In rd 31)30 H. General (IREENEWALD'S MAINTENANCE ENGINEER, largs vImI. famll with elev. mchv.. ster, plant. I10CK1. CONtSTRUCTION ENGINEER, exp. In con- crete. steel, brldge & tenk werk: t'ltlni. ENGINEER, mech. elec. physical laberat'n. exp. meter reading Instrument assembling; chief elec. Si steam eng,; ref. engineer, Offlce manager, textile or clothing exp. Office manuger. mechanical or elec. exp Paying teller, bank experience. Credit clerk, leases and accounting. Bookkeeper, ledger clelk. stenegs, stltl Clerks, Asst. hkprs,, stenegs, rapid. curate: ecy. asst. emp. mgr.. Intervles-r, com, h.esls. 230 8. 11 th. Ne. registry ehrM TRANSPORTATION WORK Traffic ,io ,ie ,io elatien wants reliable men te quillfv for lesltlniiH directing domestic and foreign bll rlns: $21(1 tn $300 monthly exp. unnecensir: common sc"ipel education essential: only mm of geed character need apply; If wilting sal desirous of making connection worth whllf, write, without obligation, stating pretest pos . age, Phlla. P. O. lint 2.13. , MEN WANTED Income tax clerks. rv" agent, Inspector for Wash, and Phlla.) $1800 te S30'i0 yearly; exams. June: file plicatiens new; sample test. Instruction pr tlculnrs upon request. P 14 2 1 ledger Olf)-, WE TE VCil YOU TO DRIVE AND REPAIR AUTOMOBILES $2.1 FOR PULL - COMPLETE COfnSB $21 DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES. Open Sundi-i. SATTLEtVB. 11101 te la spring lisra'n ti. eii'ii at-ntMrM cnim-ii- in,tk lrfuti In structien; tuition refunded If net P P nelnted (' 2, ledger Offlie SITUATIONS WANTED MAIB ACCOUNTANT, comptroller, office msnilt'. fln.nilal ..nritiiM' IT, teitrA einirltnCt, thoroughly familiar balance) sheets, colt statements. Inventories. Income tax. creflti. etc.. deslrei permnnent connection In rniii delphla: nccustemed te respenslbllllv; hlrttji reiereiicee. Itt f" -ne ,w.fc .,, .-- it 501. Ledger Office. . , CHAUFFEUR Want te plice mv chnutTeO ( Wltn some ene tiae win wii'i-ti': e - -fill trustworthy driver; light colored. Pnest tt ninut ion, CHAUFFEUR nnd houseman, cel., jeutif. lies, poiiiieni rsii., "im v, . - y terv hnndv und unrlerstends car of ! .. nn.. ... IttJCt Hlnnttn nve.. Otn ,1110 I,,,..,-,-, .,,-.,- GARDENER, single, poi. nrl. jlacei rffi MANAGER Expert manager seeks conn cenn conn tlen with local manufniturer:e--rviN "HP. wr.. brel .M'1:',.0 ft?'" aim' II 111 produce (ifiiri n. . "" SECRP.TARY First-class sienegr.ipher. "... "-..! 1.., . ..-I..I nvnuf nriPAl ITOOJ COI w, 1 yeure me-" rA(.v, ,-- , - - resnellilellt. C 330 Ledger Offl'.ej YOUNO ilAN. married, familiar ""' ceunlliig. costs, finances. -": n-"i ment; willing te.studv bu'ln;" from eitn nngle Aimiv 1. ja.i. """' AGENTS - -. "iV!i"n saTT;1I.V Write for Hut of linM nna - par'tleular.: eVrn filSOO lm ''r" Ji big demand for mn. Ine xPlp"";!, perlenced; city or traveling 0.JBJ.LleTw I....... rr.- !.. neii-irtmrnt -'' e.nic, men's Tr' Assn. CAN'"ou sell life -CLliUiit and '' ..en.. lull In one nellrylj ""'. eU; .rope.ltloh. New Yerk Safety ."" Fund, 1780 Broadiue. piLTsjT.nvMENT AGENCIES MISS HARKINS, 2001 l'lnlj ';',; ,! excellent reeks, butlers, """"r!,. H.tlrt ler ma d" chanibcrmalds: thr,e girl d ;4 .minion, tecettirr: competent neip ".- nnd wanted Snr-ice 30-7, , nnd wanted Spr-ice no... j-. alltles: rer. ren. ," -?-; yftgrp A WD FOUND . ;'tne - I":iL hth Val t?y n-"V renewal of the ame. JJT Flnderjintjfy.."' ' '" ." Leeuee dl7nv"'-NEC'KL7cl:-Le.t, pear) ".fit. te TuSe'ckVr s'um tiUTenu e 1517 Spruce t. . Jjjt Phene liecmt 0404, -- S -ASfe.. horeteiore "",-.. "--(in i cenduci"j a name of "llraker ! ,;uthivsit cprP ;i retail drug Mere nt tha iLniJ5,ph , ) &i4 WWM: Ate I uin'uiiivt ---:.- 1 . nriiBrBiiiK j'i ubl or AV'iiT ualj by NOT11? til ...I anrf will D piiiU ' nAtt lU ririkt-r who will cnnuii- ". fBrti f H -lSil: iLinHr 24L. w gcx" & & , TSWJ - l - - -- - - - . tcm yrnj- DaU. "y3 '" fc f 1 H. alu il. 133. 1 Ifl WW J'.C &$ ' I 'I y-iewe-ftN..A. 1 , V . . . . filVifl i-vyf. ' r) ft . ... -r. i. 1 t "-, .( 11. . . iiiii'f'i '. '- .WSUtHdAMBV .