:'6,!wP!WBHBHiBBBIH -pfiiLiDEtPHiA, mmdDAximmcm --."'.. -....,.. ,.,,f BVlDNIJNli JPU-B-blU JUttUljUSK -- . . . . . . . - , .. : ? i " 4 $ r? & t. i I fa fw IH m I i. ." V 1 Viy If . ESTATE FOR SALS REAL E8TATE FOR BALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR BALE REAL ESTATE FOR BALE ySiTTANIA BPnURlUN !flip PENNSYLVANIA SCnCBHAJL Pennsylvania suntmnAN rENNSXVANIA--WCnPltUAN PENNSYLVANIA HCTWBBAM iiniimmiimiiiiiiiiiHDiiiiiiiimiiiiiii 4?axfiNWrzzz wSKmfi&mmm . " f Sk bases' -SsT '" J LessssassassassBssBSSBsssissasjsBSMeasssBSBseBessjsi iiiiiiiiiiHiHiiimiiiiiiiimfm K4CK&Z6aZZZZZZZZZZZZZZTZ7ZVZZX77777277ZSWmP77 fyiiuiuiiMfy BssnxznnxBZ NOW AND FOR TIME PAST RECOGNIZED AS HVVu iw A Residence Property Headquarters F NOTHING HERE APPEALS TO YOU MERELY LET US KNOW YOUR REQUIREMENTS GERMANTOWN AND CHESTNUT HILL OVERLOOKING LINCOLN DRIVE Ptaeti sll-stene residence of exception ally fine contraction. In the most beeutl ful aectlcn of Upper Germanlewn. near Upi.l Station. Center-tiall arrangement of the 1st fleer lth conservatory and musle rcemi S chambers and " baths. 2-car c c rese; lartre let! eery modern convenience. Tb.s home must Im teen te be appreciated. BEAUTIFUL WISSAHICKON AVE. CORNER T rc'u.Vityts all-steni modern came con cen Ulnlne 8 bedroema and 3 bath, hardwood floors, het-water beat! heui. desUned and Uillt by prominent Phlla. architect as his home bas many attractlV3 features, with larit grounds, beautifully terraced and eluded, lledern i'-car sarace. cte. TrlM and terras will interest these seekln sucj a home. CARPENTER STA. $11,000 This atone, home of 10 room and 2 bths (6 chambers) la te b re.d at once. The prlce has been reduced at.d nothing Is ta ftand in the. ay at art immediate le. The owner Is leaving the city. l'erLapa It Is lust the house you want If It Is, ou tan set a fal ba reals. QUEEN LANE On beautiful dreene street a corner prop erty of white stucco en brick. Colonial In design. 3 maetr chambers and bth en t?i 2d fleer. 2 bedrooms en the 3d. Elec tric llcht. with very soed fixtures, hot het water heat, hardwood fleer, and every cthr feature te make this a comfortable home. 113,500. BUILDING SITES A aqua re from Falrmaunt Park, parallel ing Wlssahleken DrUe at Sehoe:tuiue Lane, Ilea "The Oak Read," appropriately called the "Beauty t-pet" cf Ocrmantewn. Within the city limit", a acuare from trol ls e and electric trains, within walittna dlstance of banks, echoeli, churches, etc.. this avenue Is etlil In the meat exclusive MCtlen of lower Gerntantewn. With lenient but wise restrictions. tie bulMlnn Rites en "Th Oak Read" assure all who build a beautiful residence itret Tvli.r- ur n'lshbers will be your friends, runs and fu'.l particulars enlv with this efllce We are excltisive agentf. 161 W. CHELTEN AVE. I arse detachd etene residence of 14 roerai and bath. This property his eieeptlen! possibilities for maldne Inte business places and apartments, betnc enu of the N-j; locations en Che!tn ave. Let 70xlM te neiher street, with addltlenil sreund and bulldlnsH. UPSAL STATION 6625 WAYNE AVE. Attracts e comer home In this dcslrabla lectien, famed for handsome hemes: 3 chambers and 2 baths en 2d dr.: 1 ctjamber and bath en 3d; araje: all modern con cen M:ulences. Immediate possession. CARPENTER STA. st d'tached all-stone Colonial home en soed-slrd let 3 chambers and 2 tiled hatha en 2d fleer. 2 chambers and bath ea 3d; 2-car carage I'rlce $23,500. CHESTNUT HILL rtaiJted all-stone Colenlal-slyl-j house of If. oems and 2 bath. extra. laate.-le3, tars' epn f re?l.i.ee. perches en lt and "4 floors. Property located ery conenl cenenl ettt te train and ttelley3. Let l&OxiMO ft. V.autlful ereundJ. l'ri; and termi v;r.' rcAtenable. "MAIN LINE" P. R. R. MERION An unuauaj opportunity te secure a wonder ful old mansion built befern th Iteolu Iteelu Iteolu tien, with alls two feet thick and con struction throughout such as only homes built at that time can beaat of. This quaint old-fashioned home, wlrh its tnemerles of Washlnaten's Army, and a e-ttlne of almeit two acres of ground, with line old shade trees, plenty of fruit and the choicest of shrubbery, Is modem In etery respect, has the finest kind of hot het water heatlnir plant, and Is in perfect con dition throughout. There Is a 2-car Ra rage wiri heat, and the whole place is juat larga enough net te be a burden te keep up. It la wonderfully situated, near trnlna and trelleja ucd la a hlgh-elaas neighborhood. WYNNEWOOD Heady for fall occupancy. All-sten detached Colonial home with 7 chamber and 3 baths. Substantially built with tile reef and all ether modern cenveniences: 2 jar garage; let Pi) ft. front. 127, BOt). Plans and particulars at office. BRYN MAWR We -an row nunply the dmand fcr nt artistic email family house In a select neighborhood. Designed by a well-known architect, for these who wish the same finish and appointments In u lu-roem heue as In a $100,00 manalen 2-ca.r garag and appropriate let. 130.000. ARDMORE - larp cheerful hem en ?.Ionticemory v. Central hall, 1st fleer arrangement. Seven master chambers ura 3 baths; serv ant's room and bath Over nn acre of rreund with old hhade and fruit tree. Large garage. (10,000. WAYNE $20,000 SOUTH SIDE OF RAILROAD 5 mm te the T. 11. R. Main Line or Phlla. and Wettern Hlectrle Read Beautiful home of 11 rooms and 2 bills. 2nd II.. 4 lire sunny bedrooms, sun parlor mid bath. 3d fl.. maid's room and bith and store room. Large ster.u flreplais In library and living room Unueually attractive lining room. Thoroughly eiiulpyad cs kitchen and laundry, all In Ivery. Hard wood floors throughout. Iery finish In terior. Central riant licit Heuso built of modern materials. $ acre of ground, with finent eld shade, fruit and itirden. The property In In tlrrt-clasa condition. OVERBROOK CITT LINH .VXD BERWICK ROAD The most Ideally situated and cemenlent li-catlen In Oierbroek for the erection of the home of your dreams, m ncrcs with 205' frontage en City ave. Ottered at a prlre which makes It a ery attractive Luy. OVERBROOK SECTION W have ben offering for sale a property en 63d street for the pr.st 2 or 3 week which haa new been reduced in rrlce te a figure which makes It n rial bargain. If you are lcelru: for a modern home in this desirable .'cml-euburban section, we advute you te ace thui property at onee. "READING ROAD" ELKINS PARK 0nU and Church Rd. A tiandeema prop erty of stone construction en a let with 00 ft. frentage: 5 chambers and 2 baths en the upper floors. Every modem conven ience te make for comfertablo living. Trice en reuuest. FRANKFORD Just oft! of Koeaevelt Boulevard, at Vorth Verth Vorth weod Park. A home of 6 rooms tiled bath with shower. French doers, leading te perch. Hardwood floors. While finish. Exoellent condition. Price. JIO.OOO. MELROSE PARK Charming atone and stucco bungalow In this eectlen of beautiful homes approached by aplendld drives and avenues. Ltunir room, dining room, kitchen, pantry. 3 -hambrs and bath en lit floer: 2 cham bers and billiard room en the 2d. A comfortable home wlttt all modern con veniences te save, annejance and expense of upkeep. J12.B00. LOGAN Brick resldex.ee, with Dutch hall, dining room, kitchen, laundry and storeroom, llvlnsr room, 6 chambers and 2 baths. tld.OOO for a home with all modern con veniences. "HOLLY TREE FARM" BTATE HIGHWAY. NORRISTOWN Within commuting distance of Philadelphia Ma T. & R. aed Penna. R. R-i 30-mlnuU express trains. Phlla, & Western Ma !th Street. 50 minutes. Lre. comfertabla stone mansion house overlooking' two inlr-rer-Ilke lakes, runnln atrcatn. Large stable and coach hsuae. Oarage and mui'i room. This property with about 10 acres for JS3. JS3. JS3. noe. Wonderful old shade. Frent en State Highway of COO feet. We recommend the purchase of this property. GLENSIDE Deelrable corner property of Colonial de e'jm. About an acre of ground, with beau tiful ahade and shrubbery, Center-hall arntngemert 1st fleer. 3 perches. B chambers 3 baths en 2d fleer. Lara studio, storeroom and 2 chambers en 3d fleer. 2-car garage and nn. y ether un usual features seldom found In a property offered at tcueh n. low furure. Prlce vry texsenable for quick sale. NORTH WALES 401 S. SIA1N ST. Convenient te fast trains for Philadelphia, making commuting easy this suburban home is particularly denlrable for the city buslress man. There ar 11 roemg in this residence, which Improves a let 94x215. CENTRAL CITY First offering Twe exclusive listing between nread and 17th, south of Mar ket. Wonderful value. Ne SI" S. 15th street. 3-sfjry 15-room brick ttructure. All modern conveni ences. Divided fer offices and apart ments WEST PHILADELPHIA Stcne residence and garasre. nnd office nn goed-slied let. Convenient neighbor hood, near 4Cth rtreet. 12 rooms, 3 bath. 7 chamber-!. All modern con veniences. Ideal for profektlenal nan. Four-story residence of 14 rooms; eas ily convertible Inte apartments or most desirable for professional man's rssl derre. All med.irn witvenlenccs. Oeen te reasonable offer. Ne. 22S S. 40th street; 12 rooms. 2 baths. Garage lledern conveniences. Telephone for particulars. DELAWARE COUNTY DREXEL HILL Exceptionally well-built modern nema) atenej and stucce: large llvln room with largei atone fireplace) and French doera te perch, spacious hall, sunny dining room, very convenient kitchen, laundry, lavatory, etc. On 2d fleer 4 bedroema and das. til barti. Seven cleeeta en 2d fleer and en 8d fleer 2 larga bedrooms and atorereom, hall and 2 soed deseta and apace for bath. Woodwork In hetiM ! whit and mavi hegtny. $16,000. SWARTHMORE Convenient te the cellere and but a short dlrtr.nce from the P. R. R. Sta.. thli Dutch Colonial home H meat dealrably located. 4 bedrooms and bath en the "d fleer, with comfortably spacious living rooms en the 1st: hardwood floors, screens, shrubbery, trees, open fireplace, and an 86-ft. front are a few of the many fea tures of this chinning bems. Pries 113,500. OWNER MOVING TO NEW YORK with hla family must sell his beautiful Colonial home en plot facing three atreets (extending from corner te corner). 157'x 210'. Heuse Is constructed et atone and stucco en hollow tiles with red slata reef. Contains 10 rooms and 3 baths, sleeping and breakfast perches, also sun parlor. Hardwood floors, weartier stripped through out. Copper screens for all windows, doers and perchos. Eltctrla vacuum sys tem. Thermostat and rotary ash receiver. Twe-car garage. Must be aeen te be ap preciated. Prlce S28.00O. STONEHURST Frem the perch et this horns one bas a beautiful outlook, a feature te be desired In any property but for this house It is but nn added charm. There are S rooms, bath and shower. Modern in every respect, with open fireplace, partiuctry floors. In In ceosed rerch and awnings, snreens, etc.. In cluded in the price of 111,000. The lawn is attractively planted, with southern exposure. LLANERCH New Germantown Hemes $5950 (Taxes paid for 1922) 1 lieai? attractive new homes embody every possible comfort of modern living. Raymond built, attractive exterior, well planned interior and located in a most desirable and convenient residential section of this beautiful suburb, as famous today as it was one hundred years age. Six sold last week. 6600 NORTH HORTTER STREET AT GERMANTOWN .WE. COME OUT TODAY! On a large let. well planted with ahade trees and shrubbery, thla desirable prop erty etnbedlca all the features et a true suburban home. There la every modern comenlence te make for geed living, Includ ing open flreplace, het-water heat, e'.oetrle lights, licensed government radio station; 2 baths, dressing room, etc: 2-car garage. Irnmedlate possession. Particulars en request. LANSDOWNE ."n one of the most prominent corners In this suburb) this fine property la without rival for stability of construction and leslrable Interior and exterior features. 18-room residence en acre of ground; ga rage, stable and eeiy modern convenience. $4U,0OO; open te offer. WALLINGFORD Few properties offer the desirability of location which this place offers, with all tha beauty et the open country yet con venient te the city; B chambers and 2 baths en the 2d fir. : 3 chambers and battj en 3d; 3.car garage: nearly 20 acres of greund: stable, man's cottage of 4 rooms and bath; tool huuse; chicken run, etc An Ideal property for a (Jentleman Farmer or the Philadelphia business man dealrlnr a country home. ALDAN R. story comer resMenca of atone construc tion, having 11 rooms. 2 hatha. 0 cham bers. Oarage with heat and llcht. Open flieplace, hardwood floors, asbostea shingle reef. Large perch around 2 sides. South western exposure. Convenient tranDorla tranDerla tranDorla tlen, 25 mln. te Hread St. Sta.: train and trolley, llxceptlenally well built by owner fur horns; geed reasen for selling. 15 oeo TO BUY OR SELL A HOME SEE rr SS. rs V. Vs V. V. JJ ww.jawwww.ww 22Z52ZZ22 1206-11 LIBERTY BLDG., BROAD & CHESTNUT STS.- PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE, LOCUST 7100 wtwtnnnrrnirr'rrsrrm-j-rrrrsr?r7srxr7rA H V 'vvy - XmiimiiiiiiiihllhililllllHIIIilllllililiitHITil niinn7J.Nr7,ARiv ki.kins pabk " - ! iillilHHHilMtill'i'il.'l'TTTTlFTTT n wvyvKWoeu NEW STONE HOUSE is m Mimns' avk. htiMi-nu.sv.At.ew Lxnan bchjms. amplk closets 1 Square from Trelley Station LOT. 110x12.1 W J DICKSON prnt'CK 02r, inne merrw ni.int lunkudi MMHiBiai MBVMHI! illiaiUII1ffllllllBUr.il YA LLANERCH MANOR I Fer axis. 1010 Darby read beautiful S property, built for owner's home, PJ first claaa In every detail, hardwood ra floors, open flrtplace, tile bth latest g plumbing Installed all cepp-r meul & used; planted hi shrubbery fni.t nd i newerv. I'nene l.janerr.u me ' . ELKINS PARK l'nuual opportunity te purchase one cf the Ment beiuttnJ homes In n.klr Park containing 13 roern. 2 batht. tl. ki'-hm u.ctrle llgnt steam beat, hard wood jloeri 2 open fireplaces, the wood work Is very exceptional and must be keen te be apprt-ciated Fuur a, res of rolling ground, w'th nuertlfccnt e.d shada, tre.ia, girder. ervnnts" house outbuilding and girase he, dlnj .-'. ,.r.u cars Owner Is rut te leave ceuntr nrl will sacrlftre at very low figure; price, unfurnlthej Jje.OOO This property It situated at Church read and New Kerend st. Thei.'j M" rose 618 &HAKKQN rtn.t. HIIHIHfllMlllllimi WYNNEWOOD heue con- lla A -olenl.il an mc usual rlrst-floer rooms i ' ir ivrn-s. 2 baths en the te; fid flour. 2 hedrcima. b4th en il third fleer; het-water heat. u,'-trle light; guraiie in u ti.lent location $2.1,000. ARDMORE Anether CoIetiUl hour en the north side. 4 master bedrooms. 2 baths en tha e&cend fleer; 3 muster bedrooms, bath. 2 serv hiii'i r,iinvt und bath en the t . d rlOiiri 2-car inusjrc. re--hunably prlced. A. D. WARNOCK 'US K.TH ST gWWwiillll,llllHB J pi 1 ARQM I 111 I Onlv 11 minute, m P A NEW HOME NEAR CAMDEN, N. J. If you have never seen Talrvlew you E ewe It te yourself te lnpt before p you buy. Such values hJV uever been p seen and cannot be duplicated after m these real homes axe t-eld, Call or see g TOIUCSHIP BQUAnB. FAIJIVIBW ffl rhone Camden 3&31 W. I ' HADHO.V IIKICIITW ' REAL ESTATE TOR SALE NEW JKBWr,Y tHIBPHOAN KEAL ESTATE FOR ALB tlKW JKKSBY 8WBPKBAN CAMDEN OAMPKN . CITY ULDsIrT M( lr TTaTjijiii niigtafaT KDBy stranceU Today 2V4 Miles P. R. R. Perries Th PMla.-jr. Y. Btat Bighwav oeet through th tract. Alse a tretteu Unta and butet. SINCE 1370 WESTFIELD 81th Blvd. Weatfleld Ave.. Camden.N.J. ' Buy LeU New $160 Up tlO buys two lets, IS a month pays for them. Fer a short ilms ws will build for ou AT.COST. But this offer Is only te a limited number. Don't daisy, the time is frettjn abort. COMB NOW te WEST FIELD. Examine carefully. Ask any question, and as a result et what you see and hear we ars sura you will be convinced. Take Trenten. Westfleld or Pensauken car from Market St. Ferry, Camden, direct te premises, or call at efllce. Tomorrow By Bridge Train in 1926, 15 min. Bread St. Station Freh country air. Bigh ground, charming homes, convenient stores, etc. f 3O7MAW0ET ST. f CAMDEN,NEWJBR.SEY .Cramer Kealty Gempany MOOBE8TOWN MOOBESTOWN IBHBHMM A HOME In every senas of the word, a aelld, well-built residence amid VA sores et well-kept lawns and shade trees at the corner et Chester and Center Sts. IN MOORESTOWN In the heart of the residential district. It Is set exclusive, although convenient te all points. WE INVITE TOUIl INSPECTION GEO. W. JESSUP & SON, 533 Federal St., Camden. N. J. ftiramTunnHn EAL ESTATE gQH nry CITT B!WJ" frtyrtlBLa nZ 'J. Desirable Basement uuuu LIGHT AND aid. NORTHWEST CORNPp' will aSDa SV'sStt n5 WILL MAKE ALTVR a ' TIONS TO SUIT TENANT! JAMES D. WINCHELL Every Phase of Real Estate Service Telephones, Spruce UJ3 and tlS bum an801" Sts., "imumjinia Rent Stores netei Lerraine S. B. Cor. Bread Falnneunt Av. Will Improve te suit tenant. Deslr able for drur atore. florist ?,, showroom or ether retail builrfe,. ,,11 MGREENnEiD LQX uAvmntRn, Rent Stores Majestic Hetel N. E. Cor. Bread & airard Ava Four stersa( en Bread at.) new under construction. Excellent leea. tlen for drutt store, mllllnary. specialty shops or automobile showrooms. ALBERT M.GREEKTlELDLCa Uthvcntnuini. - ."-ii. wit imiiuiiimi iia mBB CHESTNUT &13TH iTa Cr,dueed ntH'.nT'.vaSSSSI. for immediate oceueancv ",'le CHESTNUT AT 13TH Filbert 4052 lllllllMllllllillMlfllllBlllllIMIillliEmMllimMllBMl REAL ESTATE WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED inHHlBIM A CONSERVATIVE, NON-SPECULATIVE REAL ESTATE FIRM REPRESENTING OUR CLIENTS' INTERESTS ONLY i MEARS & BROWN 1 254 SOUTH 15TH ST. The management or listing of YOUR property is respectfully solicited iflllllMIIMHM REAL ESTATE FOR RENT REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY CITY I m m m h ftea? - i - NEW Jt3tHE'e-hUnUKHAN . NEW JKKSKV ; SL'nUUUAJ' """" krti!l!Ui!!iJIWiJ ill W L'ltlMlBaJii'lHI M1lliailil!llliSiaeM ai;duhen p m I uniwre tm i U I 1 IWiUliJ 11 I OFFICE FLOOR SPACE 140 North Bread Street Attractive offices, large and small, In thoroughly modern, centrally located, flrojireof building. This fleer space la particularly adapted for organizations in which te handle large eftlca fercpa economically and clllclcntly. STHAM H13AT SCLISNDID LIGHT AND VENTILATION" ELECRIC PASSENQEK AND FREIGHT ELEVATORS LARGE AND COMMODIOUS WASH ROOMS LINOLEUM FLOOR COVERINGS We also have one 2000 square feet at ere space en the ground fleer, and dry cterage space In the basement Fer further particulars apply te GUARANTY CORPORATION GEORGE E. OLLER, Secretary & Manager. 110 N. Bread St. Phlla., ra. Phone: Spruce 1060 CENTRAL STORE 14 N. llTH STREET In tha heart et Retall District HEYMANN & BR0. WIDENER BLDO. 133 N. 22D Medern, 1-story bulldlnr, 21xl20t van sultable for light manufacturing. A. M. WEAVER & SON 231 N. 22D ST. SPRUCE 2319 Fnrterlcs. Wartlieusw. Mannf ndnrlns. Tliwri 806 & 808 ARCH ST. SECOND AND THIRD FLOORS 101-03-05-07 GRANITE ST. 835 RACE ST. EDELSTEIN & BERNSTEIN 21S S. l.VTH ST. Pl'Mllll!! N. E. Cor. 13th & Chestnut Third-fleer office. 400 sq. ft.; geed light. Mastbaum Bres. & Fleisher 1424 Seuth Penn Sq. lamiiuiiiimnminuiU.uuuii-iHKUiLnMiniiin:iiTiiiii!ir:niiiiuT:rxmiiinriJ!aB 3RD FLOOR SHOO SQUARE FEET CORNER HUILDINtf S. XV. COR. 1UTH AND SANSOM STS. PASSENCiER i FREIGHT ELEVATOR ijultuble offices, dlsp'.av or llcht mf(. CHAS. L. BROWN & CO. 217 S. BROAD ST VOli RENT MODERN WAREHOUSE Centrally Located 1BO.O0O sq. ft.: Penna. R. R.l lenx-tcrm leaie. WM. C. BENKERT 1421 CHESTNUT ST PENNHYLVANIA SURUBIIAN PENNSYLVANIA SUBURBAN rauiiiiuiisuniHiaiiiH A STORE NOW BEING BUILT AND READY FOR OCCUPANCY OCTOBER 1ST In a wlde-awafce city of 80.000 population, and 300,000 mere tvlthln a radius of four miles te draw from. Anthracite region where business f wonderfully geed. Stere 40x210 ft, with sales basement 40x150: large plate-glass windows 16x16 ft, and handsome front This store Is en the Main Street and In the llve part et town. A great opportunity for a medium class department store, or 25e te $1.00 store, or Ge and 10c store. This location Is the beet In the city for u real live merchant The main trafllc of the city centers around this location. M 425, LEDGER OFFICE Miraiiii;: KEAL ESTATE SALE OB BENT fleer Snare , CHESTNPT HIU. VERY DESIRABLE RESIDENCES FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED JOSEPH M. JENNINGS CO. riiWcfMi lllf T. DTIf T.A Clistiiut"lllil 1337 Chestnut Hill 20a7. CITY NEW JCTSEYjftUBUBBAN.. , HOMES IN HADDON HIGHLANDS $4500 AND $5000 Ktrlctljr Medm. Near Train and Trelley. JOS. O'HARA ""H,F,P.JLenSE..PIKEi yale ROAD lii-ll 'Phunf. Hadden Holehts 7R8. BYUAt ra!IR!l,illlti,B:iXI2ara.!L,'l3E'l!3!S RYDAL atena Colonial house. Dnalncas Trepf rtlrs anil Sterrs IS roems: farm barm old contain A shAila round bulldlnes; 70 acres rich, fertile Und, aurruun1d by country seata of well-known rhllaJelpblans; cenen- i Isnt te railroad station, ceed schoela, self club, etc.; for EJle at sttrucme HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE HI.DO. Biimia'iiiaiiiiiiMiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiaMM HECANK I CKth st : urequilitil itum ami el'ctrle rail road faclUUea. ! $5600 N"v modern detached houses, bunealeiv iyst. 1 with every cltv renvenlenie, 7 rooms audi ! tmthl en letM 40x125: uinn ter Inrpotlen, i. tquaiPS norm ui rnua, iu it. bihu'jii tr -Mtur'B veuth of Chester vle: turner of Trlbbilt and i;!nrci3 aves., bliaren Hill, i l'a. aee them tedaji th"y ere real birBnlin, only a frw for aale at this figure. L. IJAV'IS. Ip20 Columbia ue , I'atniyra, N. J. I'tiene Rlvorteu II M. OMlMEIJirJW SECANE Delaware Ce., Pa. 9X sjlnutea Knm Uread Rt. Jul Man Dwtllles; 20 Acres ureunai eiresm. CJR5NKERT y;tvyvTrr ,-, AT SHARON HILL Wistaria Ledge atena Cn nrtljil Iiaii,, 1 ,1 ..... h ... ,-. .-:.. "r:7L..:" -!"" ' ' M'ULi i icLirin nirnr itnia n . tealan water, saraire 2 cars. 5U acres; uti, irarden, weeds; low ........ ii-i-um m sun, nimiit rent. HIRST & McMULUN VM.ST END TRUST BUJU. NlV JERSEY Sf BimnAN tl-itery dwelllnsr, newly r'nevated, flrst'Class condition. Let 23x200 feet deep, wltli rear nutratice I'rlr J333u only uiiu casn renuiru. mmnv inuu rjDntnnwn 1 CHESTER 1IKE, UAIUir. VA, raeDsj uuDy xeu, 1 J 16 Lets for $1200 Located in Rrewn's Mllle-ln.the.pines. N. J., a beautiful summer resort! 200 ft. frontage in street CO ft. wide; 2 boulevards, corners, level sroune, nun. sunny ana ary locstie ThA owner, a. ferelrner. smlnir hark i Europe. Writ te JOHN CONCJNAHB, II ijaisysjisi,. ntw uruuswiuc, n, j, STORES FOR SALE AT HADDON HIGHLANDS EAST TERMB JOS. O'HARA 'rT,? y&?,3.Pir.,dls?n eV,E7n8OAD REAL ESTATE SALT. OK BElTt HPMMEB IIOUSEa . WEST-MONT WESTMONT WEBSTER'S Hffi0MB Mine rooms and bath, with l( modern con. -venlencea; front perch and larua let. A real home at a fair price. Open for inspection fiunday and dally Take) lladnen ava. car at KerrUs E. H. WEBSTER OCEAN FRONT APARTMENTS at Lech Arbnr, J', ,T. ADJOI.S'ESO ASBURV PARK, N. J. A strictly modern, htrfi-claaa rrtin.nt house, directly en the ocean front, complete In every de tall; 30 apartmenu, a rooms and bath; handsomely furnished sud equipped: operated te attract u. strlitly hlsh-clssr patrenaxe, Thla Is the coolest, must conven cenven lenl and most desirable summer bome en Ilia Jersey Coast, Sunrncr Sraten Leasts at tSOO up Fergusen & Sen 710 Mattlsnn ave. PHONE 3D2. ASliURV JARK, N. J. LAKESUNAPEE Summer Hemes, Cottage & Camps we akuiia, auiu run OAtttj FOR RENT Twe ery deslrnble ocesnfront properties, one with 18 bedrooms. 7 baths: thn ether n bedrooms, 4 baths; earage; M rolls from golf links. E. V. PATTERSON'S SONS Alse ether Attracthe Cettaiei TELEI'IIONE 131. SPRINO LAKE REACH. N. .1. NEW .lEKM'.V -SWASIIOBH - ffllfJBlfflillBBIIIIlEiiiiJiiijiiiiiiiiii 808 Ne. Bread St 4-Story Building. 20x160 Just Completed R Suitable for automobile bhew- room ana sei-vice station, tires m or accessories. i Mastbaum Bres. & Fleisher g 1424 Seuth Penn Sq. aniftiiimmiiinCTin'iianiMiiiiitiiiqiuiiinhHnitniiimininiimiFiiHiwiJiiDaiianiiiuf. ij i ; mn j mi i iur mi it uik i ami ua i ni mi rii: i iruiu ui 1 1 imi i.taiiuimi i. n u i u i tani 1 1 in i m n i un 16TH ABOVE WALNUT SsPBINO LAKE Summer Cetta&es for Sale or Rent SpringLaleSea Qit-'NewJerseV OceanRent BuildinjSites H'H-MOOHEW i&aSSAICr8PWNGMRB ' beajTestate WANTED g'"duJiJmiiiJcii;tniia-mai!ii'i; iaiiiniiiriniiiiiit'ir.MiiiiimiiituiiiuiiiimujiEuiiiii WAlNlbD We hae a client hn desires a borne In the Lincoln Drive Hrctlun, price at about iin.tlOO, Thla home should contain 4 bedrooms and the Accompanying features of an up-le. date moderate-priced house. Your home la probably the eue hnune in which our client Is InterpiitA.i. WRITE TODAY, giving us the details rcL-aruiiic your rieme. I6IT WALNUT PTREET ixinusc issu Fr,JsVfSft.&?kit;A. CeT3niJenc Invited. LaVfOKNT at CO..NawTj,enr!ftn. N.H. m BSUtOMT AVK.MADDOWrqBJtl 9JU:mvmpm P a)u, SallBjUU re"JJult,0rabnU!!alDei WUI l0 "W f'lIESTNUT AT 18TII 1308-10-12 N. 3d St. First Fleer Rear SEPARATE ENTRANCE ON 0RIAN?eA STREET: PPROXI.MATEL.Y MOO S4 i.r" SUITABLE KOR J1KO. OR bTOB' AGE. CHAS. W. MILLER SKST errirB. iu'siness reum. ctc. MMIIMMIIliilM EMPIRE BUILDING N. E. corner 18th and Walnut als. HEYMANN & BR0. WlULKibll "'-ji'Bssal immiiiniiBiiiiiM iiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiaiiiiiiiiiiiifniiiiiiiiiraiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiii1 1 1211-1213-1215 FILBERT M OUTSIDE' ROOMS . BEAFONADLB P urrrv dt in nTMP. nCAU DUlLil-'inv illl1!:iHlllllJl!iUillllllJllll!llllllIII!!Jllli:illl!lill1ailMIIMIllOT SHUBERT BUILDING nun c n-erl 5ir..r fUST A REAL OOOD OrEICE BVlfD. PKNNKYT.VANIA HUni'BIIAN, unni uiiuuiiaiiiuiiuiiiiiii ilfflPlitlitL FOR RENT 45,000 te 60,000 Sq. Ft. Woodland Av. West of 32d St. WM. C. BENKERT 1121 CHESTNUT HT CENTRAL STORE 1417 LOCUST ST. 11)09 Square Ea't IDEAL SHOWROOM AND OFFICB HEYMANN & BRO. WIDKNBn BLDO. S!i!i!iiiii'.!i',iii:i!i'!i:i ira kQnnMiiaivn ifflll'IMKIIIDB OVERBROOK I Fer Rent Unfurnished I AWNKB Ipnvincr city wishes I te rent all-btene, detached residence with 2-cur garage for ii years. Central Pnl heat. IMMEDIATE possession. $200 u month W. GORDON SMITH "Fine Residence Property' Overbroek 8700-01-02 mmmmmmmmmNiwgSS NABIIKKTII. ,ra'airjiiiii;ii!iimiii!iii!;i .idiwbmb mnasaq NARBERTH Several deslraibU .io'SMe'w'lW IUI l0 RltlUll) -. vwi month ROBERT J. NASH f.vRUEiitii Station nBBaw WTiTWlSbH . ea I 3Z?iS. street 11 MAnil 4 ksitUai .l.a-i. II.L1 .. . . D. Ij. CUAMI1KR8 ' n fummfrrUi Trust lllds. nmr,mmmTiinii miimnl!f!l'i:i'i:llll'll I U P r.iuiuui'iust: uuiu.uuiiniiuauuuuuiiu.uuu.in' ' -- - SKWRHY-KB"lt'u!' - SPRING LAKE. N. J. SUMMER HOMES FOR RENT Established ! V V PATTERSONS Wica 'u. mi eBP Tl 'iiMMw&JiMite&ii-li a . w . i f tvitrirKK9i. s w . tefflsmKm.1- . . V W I' r I- fT-.XX WAMfahM.',tbftEfc t y t ,ji mjtemfMAfrA?i.,'.'i-,.i m t ?. .&& J- rr :a&