38&fflrjtMP ' HJ'vV '& J itf"-",. ''KiSKWfS iP5f Fii'U V 'l !i:l' ,. U 7l1',ti JJ?R T "T-ff" " t . T t..K " aucji tv i i-jr .rv r? t c. j y"V' ""' V EVENING PUBLIC LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, ' 1922 r&i tv . iWv (ft' t twlmmwMmmm - . , v"-' 'vwr;w' r vMij& $wxfl LV.fi yi - k r 4 .: 'N, :t Pi PARCEL POST I I if rWS i Keen Edge Cutlery j.i' 828 Chestnut St. jpjKSitfull line of cutlery en hand. tfftfimOLK 2C DOU1U.E ec A Rf alar Razors 35 C Ground and Honed Complete Grinding VttabUshment tour N. Y. K. Line NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA OFFERS NFAV. MODF.R TF. PRICED FASSENOKR .SKKV1CK SEATTLE te ORIENT AND FAR EAST TIa 13,000 tens commodious atcimshlp Kaga Maru Shidzueka Mara lye Maru Yokohama Maru Thee steamships are furnished and equipped with modern appliances and conveniences. Cabins are local -d en ilrtdge Deck and met of them i entaln only two berths. Excellent cuisine In Eurepin stjle. Kefreshment", teraces and mtnernl w -iters nt moderate prices. Deck rialrs for pa("em,ers fre rtt. of tassaee Te Yokohama $210 Te Manila and Henpr Keng .$275 Proportionate F-ire te Intermedial Tnlnti Fer Informitlen and Ultervure apply I te Railroad and Tourist reiule or NIPPON YUSEN KAI$HA Maritime lllrir.. 8-10 Drldce St.. Ne Ynrlr Celeman nidi Sr ittte Spend Your Vacation In the Land of Jacques 'Carrier ami ' 'Z?2 Shoc't Shec't the te m T Old 'aww i ' t. TJ r&vm M V -iUeieftJSWE'- . I ii St, V 'SCfc auhle t 7 v VssJSj v TheGlo'ieui Sa&utnay Kivtr of Hitter J A thousand miles of travel A thousand thrills of pleasure IMawrwg!TSbHmwv,'i:. ?CilACARA FAUSS n &.,. , V rttfw?asjBr. laaWSSlTrnaY i i i i i. W$$&&M&L,. PARCEL POST ALWAYS BE YOUNG Morgan'! Pom ade retteree the hair te it original color. Beautifiee and pretervet the hair. Vied by particular people in Europe for. 35 year. $1.00 per jar. Mailed te any addreit. Agentnutanttd Dittributer I 1 t?"u, IM Vlt IH ""!i FRED JACKSON 472 72d Street, Brooklyn, N FARM AND GARDEN CATERER'S SEEDS Fer Success Yeu can make your trarden a real success by planting: Watercr's Seeds. "ur .eeds liavc had a national eputatien for years for bringing pieiidiu results. n our new location we are pre ared te pive you better service han ever before. Large Auertmtni of Pefff Plants ROSEA WATERER (1J C'lifatnnt Kt.. Philadelphia TOCRS L"ui ..TTITTTr.. t'i i"J ferwJBa Here arc Thrills Here is Remance and Adven ture that Will Take Yeu 'Back te the 'Days of French Occupation, THIS year pack your vacation with interest and variety. Here, indeed, are thrills and adventure; an ever changing panorama of charm and beauty en the trip from "Niagara te the Sea". Breasting the waves en Lake Ontario's bread expanse; threading your way through the Thousand Islands of the historic St. Lawrence River; sheeting the Rapids the dusky red men de scended in their bark canoes. Yeu step at Montreal; then Quebec, 'where an hour's, trolley trip will take you te the miracle-working shrine of Ste. Anne de Beaupre; then Mont morency Falls, 100 feet higher than Niagara. Frem Quebec you continue your voyage down the majestic St. Lawrence towards the Sea, stepping at beautiful Murray Bay; then Tadeusac, at the feet of the Laurentian Mountains, where you be gin your journey up the far-famed Sag uenay, with its stupendous capes, "Trinity" and "Eternity", above which the wheeling eagle is but a speck against the blue. Throughout the trip history unfolds a story rich in memories of the past. Romantic scenes remind you of the heroes of a byegene age. Can you afford te spend your whole va cation in any one place when such rich entertainment is within your reach? - i - i .Vjpi.'s La-vJinf, at Quebec Fesnui Fer full interwattiiii, I otters, etc., call or telephone J. V. Canvht, District Pabsrnyrr Agent, hlU Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pit., or send Jc in stamps ter illustrated booklet, map and (juidc, "S'iuijara te the Sea," te Jehn I Pierce, Passenger Traffic Manager, Canada Steamship Lines, Ltd., lit; C. S. L. Pudding, Montreal, Canada. CANADA STEAMSHIP LINES awH I - i., T i a a I II , ... al , QyWy. !.! '' i .ffADOUlAC 1 h r te ''it 7 am. . PARCEL POST .SLIP COVERS AND DRAPERIES Aa They Should He Mad, with Your aintenai or Cheese Frem our I.trse selection of Imported and Demeatle Designs, at wholesale) Drlces. T'hnne Wal. 1.106 for samples Upholstery SellcltlnK lira llrda Relneqnered CROWN LFHOLSTF.RINO COMTANT Hacked by 40 rear' eiperlence atO-fMl WALXDT ST. 4-PLY SLAG ROOFS OUATtANTEED 10 TEAJtH SPECIAL PRICES 4.ROOM HOt"K 14(100 n - Rotni n - Retni iiersn s3oe rt - ROOM HOl'BK IBn.OO TIME PAYMENTS CAN ME ARRANCIED Heater and Rtmp;e Werk W. Cummings. Phene Cel. 0890 1127 N. IlAniHEY "T . riHIA. Men's and Yeung Men's Suits Cashmere anlta with twe-pailr panta, altea 3S te 42, nt the C1Q "TfJ peclnl price of WM0 Farce! Fest, lBe Eitra Meney refunded If net satisfactory. U. S. TRADING COMPANY 540 Race Street, Harrisburg, Pa. Hae year old Panama mid new $1 SO Years' Exprricnce at Your Service TARFF.N. tfi Untter 1282 nibert Ht Fhlla. llaia, Twin Entelenrs Urnpplnr Fnper tt heleanle ft Retall PAPERS (lummed Paper Tape Maehlnea and Faper .iiotn-i'reor liaca ana nneeta Faper Cups. Ire frenm Rexea, U ex Faper EZRA LEV1NS0N, 26 SOUTH 5TH I'lienei Tnmhnrd "121ft Main 387B TOfRS & T i j HHUmlnleMTHL SACUCNAY '' "iCSHiOTtL) PARCEL POST M m aWaBaVBW FLY WIRE New a th tin te buy fly wire whll til altea ar available. Mttr In tb aa ea It It aemttiaita latpeitlbl te ftt juit nmi jdu require. 1UU ROLL PRIOX . 100 Llaaal ret jn nam b II Maih B 18 Matli Black ....10 ttar as. ft. uair. ... S vet at. air. rania Vie par , te par . t. Branza H Cnt . Ua tt. A, Our wire ti aalranlied after It la wta. IUU which weldt the wires tot-ether, Our brente wire la made ri rera pur ep allav tA taska far and centaiaa auflrctent alley ti he wire rlaid te pretent stretehli he wire rlaid te pretent stretphlet and ts OTercem the tendency te corrode In salt ir, wnirr ner wi.a which se eftea occurs with pur cap. we carry a full line of knockdown screens. TVe also carry all elasies of screen flttlnf, Includlnf brent flttlifi far aeashere ne. Phila. Lawn Mower Ce.'s COLLEGE MOllKR With a BJ-year repntatlen back or it. Made of the hlfhut crad mattrtiL Bladea double rtreted. Cannet work loes. Thoreuthlr reliable, fluarantred tiy twtb tb manufacturer! and eurselrea and yea can alwara eMaln part her. net. i rice uuy i-rice 12-ln., $10.50 14-ln., $11.50 , 16-in., $12.50 . 18-in., $14.00 . .$7.50 .$8.00 .$8.50 .$9.25 -Inch 5-Ply Garden Hosa In Sfl-foet er RO-feet lencths. coil- 1 9. pled. lncludlnashrs. per ft e -lnch Kndless Wufen Oarden Hese, IK. coupled. Including washers. I'er ft. uw Farcsl Pest IS ft., SOel SO ft., 80a. "PRAY NOZZLES. 00c KACH (Wa will cut till Endless Het any lengths from 10 feet te 100 feet). This .It exceptionally Una hose. It it made of ptra rubbtr and we can only offer It at these prices owing te the Terr low rjbber market. E. M. HANSON & CO. 130 NORTH 4TH STREET Varktt 5ie. Main 7SS1 Telephone Tour Orders We delUer Within City Limits Open Tuesday Eig. and All Day Saturday I 1. OneBttrnen 'ELECTRIC STOVE r.A bu t h I well deslcu- .u ed, atrenicly built, hand somely tin Ished Klec- trie Steva, fully guaranteed apalnst all defect. 7 ',4 Inches diameter. 6 teet durable ex ex tenalen cord with two-piece pluc that flti any lamp sock et 1'ellshed nickel surface. Works perfectb. Hella, frlea, turtata, percolate. Mnn ether usea at home, efflce and shop. lOe extra parcel pest. te utirner Electric move Special Price Q Cfil I'ARCri. tort. J ll He EXTRA ttV With ft. of Cord. I-plere Plus; that flte anv lame aeeket and 2-Pelnt bnUcli for beat rerulattei Pnllahed nlehel surface. Ux7', In In dlamet-. Giiernnteeil In aMv fn'l tls fnetlrn or n-nner refunded Chas. Emery Ce. 120 N. 13th St. Philadelphia, Pa. I'.ell Phene. Locust 06 j a v i j u r cvti 1RICE ftTSfi r..-.m A V.wa . 5t.ta, "HAKHJ Custom-Made , AWNINGS It n t from fru I it MtHt fJUlllt h 'i !ieay u h rait lur umnlcle ' v u ,i milium, uiit f nnieK Vurl- fMIH r lit rs Si fid I f I larilt- 0 &: a ita J nr H all)) lt3, 0 Rell-Up Perch Curtains ..iine imit'ilul and in'irn ih wlndiw . t a.vnlni-s (Viiniikte wltn 4 leller gal- f IIIIZIII lllUr.' l"l I M. VT .-1UJ III 'UIIH, . 6x8 ft. (value $8) $4.40 J It. v,1It; v f-i.-mv f ft. (value $10) 5.90 J 8 ft. (value $15) 7.90 ' Q.O i "" t 10x8 J Wall Tent, $4.98 if A' W3B -ldde nf heavy iff 4 nriitnmmnr ettnVUS. r t Kuirnnterrl cemplete w th te I hialui iiiiiU t" vet up M rnpp niul ft M(l6 t either Slzci (Jltntul oil .'r; est i Hirer! from faelnri te sun ' 'end for price Mm nnd saniidis nf nil . ' hlir tent nnd uwiiIiiks. ililri-n lie it. I,, i '. Barnett Canvas Goods, Inc. i . iMVinui HIIAfTILAI. :. M.IIII.VI'n ' mt ....." ...--.-.-.- --...-........-. 41 N. 11th St., Philadelphia t , r r 4 t Mail Order Filled w i(r1f Isiarniidl HniiF ....,......"". Limb Troubles enrreetls supimr'-d I y II ue nf (Oltl.IhH I. At II) STOI ItlMis. Ne need te sulfm rnun Virliest vclna swollen hiis, weak kii-i.i and ankles or any ether lef trim bles whlth ned eennlnrit cert.iln support. Threw awa tnrturlni, elastic atncl Iiiks or troublesome aibapniiae nil" hhh-i h b 'leuiilea, I Corll l.uiejl Sineklnit Inailu te 7 ,,.uHiire. without ilistle u... ter many menlhs. Wushable and aanltar. Hunt and durable cost only aA75..".'.,"' "T. ,wn '"" i same limb, .-'i, and nu'd itludly uay muth meift rer the support and ease attained fall Knd b meaaured free, or write fur self, measurement blank Ne (i. Stere "pen 0 te ft dally, alie Wed. A Bat. Evgi.. 1 te p. W also make b iv.mlnal belts (elastic or nea iwS) .!!Srt.J....- ;w r2ni- KTIh.. 'SSSSffm 8 f . 3W rL .!. P 4IU IIMIl HlsW !.,. e ys"" -": '- .xi'fisa F , 1. W . V '. i'f?j s. -'...'ujj,'i t.rcxi'xii-r:'j P vaaaesiSBBisBBaaBBBBaasaBi t m IXu jC nrti a laaWI ? TWtl aVll " Ml WO tWkM PARCEL FOST CANDY Wholesale X4-&41IS t AND OTIIKH MDSE. . HFECIAL8I RPKOIALHI .. ALL QOOVH OPARANTRRO KKEflll t . FENNY UOODH nnaebalt Rtara n Caramels,. .120 $.S Milk Choe. Dara 180 .70 Milk Chocolate Italia In Feil.. 240 . JV rapped' Milk Caramel ISO .OS 1ine Dettle ,,..,. ,..300 .60 Fink and White Vreaprd Marah- mallow ..J40 .W Metaaaea Ceearrat Hare 180 .SO Imltatlan Llcerlc Drep 0O .80 Data nulla V7. . I . . . 7 .15 Chee. Cream llara ISO .SO Chec. Cream RabbltU ISO .40 Chec. M. M. Etc.. ISO .40 Jelly Flngera HO Chec. Cr. Fried Oyater ISO Meek Ornnre ISO Ire Cream Ftatr , S40 Je"led natter Creama (Aaat.).ltO Hnk MMte Cream nennlea..JS0 Chec. M. M. Almend Pnni....ll0 NKWHOFF IIASKnAI.T, PUNCH tiu .se .40 .40 .40 .40 n Daaemiii a n gg liars tseii- n everywhere) 130 .95 BEFKTTIM.n,.lB."?.0.?r... ... nEFETTI Cnrameia 20 .47 Milk Chec. Cor. M. M. Ilara...S4 .SO Milk Chec. Almend Darn 14 .70 Chec. M. M. Km I . . .24 .40 Knnmuld Ralalna 24 .AS Salt Water Tafflee, In Ueies.. 24 .7A rk Ralalna, In bete 24 .40 Heeten Milk Chee. Nnt nara.,,24 .4S Iloeton flweet Vanilla Chec 24 ,4s Flanfera Cece. M. M. Pnttte...24 .4S Flnntera Cr. Mentha Rare, Sr .21 .43 ., "TIIFR SFECIALTIF.S JT. R. Flar. Ne. 1 f .41 IT. H. Flaw, Ne. IB 70 IT. S. Flnaa, Ne. 24... .... 1.30 Pefla Straw (Rtene'a)... .1000 S.40 Jlljhnr or Heeten Cerea. .6-lb. can .75 Rubber. Halls. ISe-alae der. .01 llernle-11 Ilnlr Nea. any style, der. 78 K-X-Hltf Leads for nU Standard . Fenellai Ereraharp, Fel, etc.. 24 1 4B 4S Sanitary Ire Cr. 1000 5.50 , der 1.28 .dnz. .80 rh.mhl.ll ltm.lnll Kver-Keaitr Matrhea".' CIOARN CIOARETTKS, FTC. The "GRIMM' Claar.'.box of SO SI.78 Camel or Luekr Strike. 20' 1000 f) IB i.er barre, F.rerythlnr In Candy, Fnll Line of Te- , nanenna, Fountain Mnnplies, etc. LEWIS NEWHOFF L 255 Market St Phila., Pa. OPEN EVENINGS TO S P. M. Market BUS Fat. 1SD0 Miiln 84SI C1TV DELIVERY AT ANY TIME 100 Deable- Strain Light or Dark Mall EXTRACT Complete rWSatirfie LI -ZHniarasuataAtirt tt "I """VMsttMfaiitll llbderphijTi. SPECIAL lOR Tllt'RSDAV 2(1. FHIDA1 AND SATIRDW . 2 25-lb. Bex of FIGS CO IO M1IILK TIIEY PaCaT7 LAST 'j-FInt Unities. Ilexen Whole Griiln It jr. 100 lb 'J. lb. Het Pitted Frnne 100 lbs. iraukllii dr. Siicnr 50c $3.75 $1.95 '5.30 While nnd Red ll-U Kegs Frem 95c Up GERMANTOWN DRIED FRUIT BAKERS' Stipplt. Prep. A. CIMi:NT 2011 Germantown Ave. Tel. Diamond R32I White Label Malt FOR HOME USE Step Experimenting ulth ehenp HUbiitltutes, Our Mnlt guaranteed UMie; pure brle. One of fie eldest en the market. White Label Is registered In L H. Pat. Oltlce 34jrMABE gPECIAti hM-TDCTRrrr Clti.u .11 Com plete $1.25 ' lUlunM SST 510.00 "Over The Tep" Spenge Filter A new article of our ein manufacture and tle slun, made of oed. with an I n t e r e h angeabl spenise and hollow cork which can bn caslls' re. meed, washed out and put back In a fw fee ends It floats near the top thereby only collect Inc tb" clear hex erase (nnt the bcillment at tie l-ottem). If It floats tee near the top It should be weighted down, be as te draw the bewraee. He nlhe manufacture Cerks. Crowns nnd (lenernl Bettler' hiippllea. PARCEL POST PREPAID A. F. STOY & CO. 1820-28 lVankferd Are., Phila. Kens. '.'.VJt East 8100 Wesi Phila. Branch .18.tn MMtKF.T ST. Sherwood 2209 :: ."." "7i k'.P. WUMt jour Damn and address a ti d we will tell ou HtltV ii en.n net thli'i iiiseuni (lul.l .. ., fit censlstlnit nf ITSuI liilsrlKlll Milt, Cup. Fielder' (line, Lite League lluse-IU " , iimii, t ut lire's iiin i..A i..,.iv !.- I iteMs.' UV..t ... nnMl ' " II.ITI. . .rWm I .T. for l'ltu Hate bill ui:lt. " III" .1 , UI.I.CI Heme Supply Ce. Ill Nassau M,, Dipt. 281 N. , C, WALL PAPERS 10c, 15c, 20c, Deuble Rell Thousands of homefelks de their own pinerhanir m;, Our wallpapers ar of ceed iih.iIIO and easy te banc, bend for aan lile book. Window Shades " 45c Geed Paints ;,Jt $1 Gal. .WALL PAIER COMPANY I I N. S1XOND HP.. PHILA.. FA $25, Regular Value $55 j Senmless Axnilniter Ituss slightly lirtper-1 feet 'Ihrte luautlful patteins. 'Hits Is an I exceptional offer se don't delay. Send In our order today. Quaker City Rug Mills 106 S. 2D ST. Second and Chestnut Sts. PATENTS and THADIUIARKH Hern red Write, phone or call for- INFORMATION WILLIAMSON & ILLMMS0N SSh" 13M ARC ST PHILA. W'1 Ury Me, rani ' tf. .. Fte fl 7.." .. ' i!&l BJ, .;v..,'h,'i.?" tr WOtt FREE I'- ?! IS ' 'ill pa i ijOfcr3feArt riv K llXASXlllXJUhV-i " " (7 t1' A 1 is)' PARCEL POST STAR BRAND MALT SYRUP ;!& 100 Pure and Guaranteed te Give the Beit Results 1 Package $1.00 6 Package. ,4.50 12 Packages 8.50 KING BRAND MALT SYRUP The King of Them All for the Price QQq Complete PARCEL POST CHARGES FREE We DeUrer Anywhere Within City Limits Phene, Poplar SIM . FINLEY BROS. 2008 Ridge Avenue 4214 Lancaster Avenue Atlas Oil Strainer Trap Every Ferd Owner Needs One Fer "Your Ferd Transmission Case l-wb,TaT..C-Ud Mmj 0hssrs OsaaOIDriaatai' OaTrsaaakilia r.M,,n,... II. Illlnm Inn. nlt ...ll. ...- Wll.titUI.II, Il.tVI 'UU, VI, l IIIV I II. nine. See the dirt-laden oil enter the strainer. Combs ami deposits dirt, kNI, etc.. Inte trap, permitting the clean, pure oil te drop direct en the transmission, m. A meat rcmarknbla lne-tlen. takes but a few minutes te put en. Price, $1.00 RCKL POST Atlas Machine Teel Ce., Inc.Drnt.a 4545 t.ERMANTOWN AVE.. Fhlln.. Pn. Ascnta Send f Liberal Tyrms Ventilator and Rain Shield Permit Healthful Fresh Air Without Drafts and KKKI'H OCT 111E MAIN, wltn absolute PltltACl. It Is adjustable te lit your windows Dr. J. A. Dhsara, banltary expert of th New Yerk City Heard of Health, tay' this is thk 8iMPi.i:si'. most SCIENTIFIC VBNTILATINO DKV1CE I HAVE EVER SUKN." Mml" nr Presed steel be iutlfu"v erameled: backed lth arahanlzed ny bMeti t'olers White, 'tan ei Illaik Nt. I All lndel 19" tt 27" wldt, 12 90 Nt. 2 tHl wlnd.wl 27" te 36" wldt, 2 73 N 3 fitl winftwt 36" tt 45" vldt. 3.90 Postpaid en receipt of price or 0. O. D eine territory Mtlll enen l.le ills- trlbuters. send for Information CHAMPION SALES COMPANY S0I8 C.KRMANTON AVE., PHILA. BEST MALT SYRUP-: SPECIAL! The Buckeye standard Carten Complete PnckaKe at $1.25 Yeu want the best imuUs, Insist en hnilnir the Ilucke stand ird cartnu.' Your lealcr can eel It, or we will lend t dlriLt. BOTH PHONKS MACK-GRATER CO. 1 S. Frent St. At.K.NfS Philadelphia WANTED, EYES EXAMINED FHEE NO DROPS USED SPECIAL JP1 e en Bifocal Glasses Geld-filled Frame Uncial ul e 9 U p2.50 All urejirlptliiiis illled t .. buIiik (,c J." tu ."n , (llnsrcs inade en the prern I, mi,. e" wait MYERSON OPTICAL CO. 8 NORTH 9TH ST. aMpTMM.MutrfAiuiMWMiMt-iir r ... a v. I. . .- aaaiaaiii war.v.'m . r. . '. t A . P- eJ ssaS!3rivfa iwrcBa BaKSgBsHsnaaaTV riar It 1 Scf LOpen Men. & Sat. Evil. Till 9 P. Mi' customers In Yeu Felks Who Have , False Teeth CAULK DENTURE CREAM used twice every day will keep false teeth clean, odorless, smooth, comfortable, bunitary, like new. Packed in tubes eneuKh for three months for fifty ccnts. Send stamps or coin. The L. D. Caulk Company Milferd, Delaware DIAMONDS BOUGHT Urine; ua your diamond tf you want t reallt the hlvhtit possible prlc for tbeen, Ne matter what ethar tell you thay r worth, att our prlc before you sell. V pay in 00 te 1100,00 for each dltmeaal HlO'v lll.ll w,.l-, if fflB, ufmn... m i,vy ,,- .ia.v w PARCEL POST FREE A Pure Malt NONE BETTER at Any Price Shipped Prepaid Anywhere 6 Packages $4 12 Packages $8 Heavy Stene Crocks Six Gallens 1.29 INut Syrup 9 Ullll 100 Per Cent Pare R 11 rCSi m i 75C j! ITTjt frn.,. ''"""' Packag Jjnl KSMstR Established Over 15 Year 3 1217 N. Lawrence St. 2938 Kensington Ave. 17 N. 2d St., Phila. Geld Medal Malt Amerlrn'a Foremost Malt Fer These Who Heek QUALITY I S. 1 I 5glltMta)aaetSflUlt'S Complete Pkg., SPECIAL THIS WEEK Cern Suirnr, ttA Eft , 100 lbs JTfc Imported Three Crown m A ff Choice Itnlsliis. 38-ll. box, PW I Very Choice Creek FIrs, 0S Cft 02-lb. box WOtOU Geld Medal 206 West Girard Avenue j l'hene, Market 444.1 upen RADIO Western Electric Phene $11.95 Errrnd Stonier Radie lluttcn .$16.95 (l-i:.-Rndlutren Tube Detector and Amplifier $6.50 Varle Ceuplrra '''$5.00 Pnrnxan Variable t:i Flutes, lendenserN with Hneb $4.75 Radie Uehtnlnc Switch . . ..$2.85 PariiRun Triinsfernic m ''$4.75 Paraxen Tunlnc Cells $2.85 Vurluble-li ll.ittrrle. 'I lipped 4.1 Volts ... $3.25 Rndle Lldrtnlnfr Anehter. .. '!t1.9S R llatterles, tapped 22' i Volts . $1,45 l'nr.iscin -T Socket pet. I Ixeil Condensers . ftnc Pnracen llali ggc Anteunii f eppt strand Hire. per 100 feet jfc fiiilen i Crjklahi, Mounted 20c Cmitnit Prints 2 for qc Snltth Kii.Ii A lfer 3QC &. qc Nlrkehd Illnillni: I'eMs ,g l'ull line i round Mire, sliders. Insulators, (.round Flumps, Reds, Tubes. Illue Prints, etc, LENIHAN'S 45 N. 13th St., Phila. Cigars !:it mmam'l 75c pi Malt SyrupJ cePi.ie- !i EJ "miimiiiiiiw vJ -.f '' ! !i Ss iM'.emi nturmtT -JS $4.00 i J. Jr. itiv.iu M R.J c iMi.t,tjii(. -y in t K'. " '".?:'-'. ""J Complete aaaBFg $7.50' AT OLD TIME PRICES DIRECT TR0M FACTORY BY MAIL SO Blunts. wtra $1.75, new $1.50 50 Ptrfcctet, 'were $1.75, bow $150 ft Wonderful Cigar at 3 Cent Each 50 Jacks Hand Made, new $1.50 iiVr.'.X!11 "."".'i you UP" receipt of. 1 CO fifty of these wonderful cigara. If you don't find Jacks handmade at I cent the entiul of any fc-cetit clrar we will ehcerfully refund your money. Bend cash, check or money order. Ne !ttSl.p,i e,Pe?.,taJCd or Pheno order, shipped C. O. D extra charce 16 cent. All cigars t,eld with money - meney - v Briuw, ivcr i.uuu satiaiiea je days. There must , ne a reason JAS. B. SNYDER YOE, PA. Step BleedingGums Before It Is Toe Late S l'jerrhea ruins teitli bend today for till. I. H.11111I1. of new- sclerititla rem- Vx'ir.L,1?!' r"'Vt b""1' , I'leeUlnrr Riitns. SI A.MOSOI. Ih thn product of Fclentlllc 21 S reseirch tu mil I'jerrhea. Iheus inds Si S liu Inm Iwutltid by this mw lieiiiu 5 treatment and miu nn bn also. Da Si ou knew that four out of eery live S Brown neople hae this dread ells- S1 S e.ise7 )un t wait until It Is tee late. S If yr hi'iith Ih orfenHhe te ether, l If our Itums hlei.il easily. If thev nr. hiiiiuu anil tin 1 i niul 1mm i...;.., ... a fall nwuy frum the teeth take care! S S 1 jeirhi.i has started Its deadly work, S S Jlut If ou knew it In time, pyorrhea S la net hopeless. Let ut help you, S Hlmply send your tiame nnd uddress! S S Streng Laborateriti, Roem 235 E sllUlll N. Market Htrret. Clilruae, III.S KREITZER'S SALVE - . M PARCEL POST T5 - 115 Latest Booklet or Lew Prices SPECIAL JDTHhf LAST 3000 appin, n machines Regular Price, $2.M vJur Price- 7Sc FARrF.r, 108T FRKB Will cap aar bottle f,02 H Pint Um, sallen. ' NEW SOLID OAK KEGS & BARRELS 1 Gallen ....$ .93 2 uallens 3 Gallens 6 Gallens 10 Gallens 15 Gallens 20 Gallens 25 Gallens 30 Gallens .$1.20 ..$1.35 ..$1.50 ..$2.25 ..$2.75 ..$3.50 ..$3.75 $4.00 50 Gallens ....$4.90 A-l Quality Ne Nerenda IJL. .rTf in PINT BOTTLES. WITH CROWN CAPS, 49e PER DOZEN QUARTS, SOU FEB DOZEN Bell Pheno, Kensington 1933 Keystone Phene, Park 1486 STORES J5.nSemvw1MA' ' Evere(y CaPPins Machiw : Will rap all slu hettlei Guaranteed by the manufacturer, anil ourselves. WhHi they lasf $1.40 Geld Medal Filter MaiU- of Heavy Cep per, fitted with Brass Cecl;. 4-50 2-Qt Mze, Complete use. ready for Products Ce. 1619 Ridge Avenue! r.teninga- Phene, Poplar 68Z The Dixie Capper, $1.50 Resular Value $1.80 23c E.TR PARCEL FOST Guaranteed te last. Made of Malleable Iren. and will cup any bottle.' Bettle Caps, .1.1r per cress. Parcel pest prepaid . Dixie Filter Filters and Purifies Made of IIeay Copper Has Brass Check Vahc 3-QT. SIZE, S5.00 HI i 6-QT. SIZE, $7.30 I ta fill DT7P emnn LM xe-va. OlflU, iXV.UU PRICES ON Ltr.lllll MIZLS ON REQUEST Send money order, rheri. or rrilslered Irtter. Ne C. O. D. accepted Dixie Manufacturing Ce. 28j6 Kensington Ae.(2l rhilndclphia, Pa. Kexstiine I'lienei F ut MH Heating Boilers AT LESS TH VN' COS TO MAKIl Gnerntnent Material Made te heat I, ". '" looms, or for liet-wstei supply. Urand new, Busranteed, In erlnlnnl crates in.irltcd for Frane $35 te $45 lluy u I r l the ' won't last loin. Spe- l.il prlie for eutntltles te llullders, I'llteis. ' rf rf tlathtuin. Pipe .it il I lltliiK New and seC' nnd'hand Valves Sinks Toilets and Other I Harm 1 wnie 1 1 eup. ty American Pipe & Supply 1420 Seuth 81b St.j;,'1,ums3eV'" BEYOUROWNR00FDI I . unlrtl All u need 'r " "ru,L;. ,",:. d hiiA.Nctivtrru tilt ttO IH ITIUI ",.. anNHteri iejt leninnt na u'i - . iiii.nf uml linlliKI .iiFiirif III J 1 1 I ' " . rubbir runfs fet n p-rlii! of t" 1" '"' "SHANOKOTE" JIADK KOflFIMi "''j.t.U et....w.1,iu lu mil n nl.L t ir pre I-"-1' ', iiiiiiiii..iv . ..-. ---. ,l). .ii revi mom Halt. eaJnW lleailiiUHrterH fin Km puie I' aninvie ami runnei iwiium n Tiir cUA1UMrkM.PI.IJS CO- Midi B, 1 nc jjnnniw w) 20 Se. 7th St.. Pbil. uncoil TENTS i iWi- iiwniwif ""'.YVaiAni nrlrti. "J ,. t ..-... ...i rinrui e"'." fUVH UUM" , tXttilM M ', ft vt r "Mill '"r &mjk fl&aaVU ini iimr ih inn uiikiiiiw ii nil""" ',.,- prl centlPB Itefuse iln.ii; I'"1"'1?", iifl pal will cowl about 7'. ,"'l"" ", A' II In bbls : 11. .10 In fl nal i in" DiJJ cr 1-Kil cans miiiht nllewid en t lm fltiiiriiifjffl' ' ' ." j1m rlli IT'nittaimj.nr !