WW Wi 26 .i&'il EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MAY-24, 1922 (sPHINO BKSOBTB XKW LONDOX. I'OXN. -.- s , .', -fjre,-; V.- ,..-.. wrmrm HiiitTlt HrRINO RESORTS MPRIXO ltKSnr.T SPKIVr. BMnUTU c,. ....... . i&U TfeNNHVLVAlNlA PENNSYLVANIA PENNSYLVANIA SPKINC B.ESOBTS HM1NO RESORTS 8PRINO RESORTS gfi'l.immm " NAHATOOA HFHINflH. X. V. HAHATOOA SPniNdH. V. Y. SARATOOA srRIXOS- V- Y. mt'9 " " """- iiiiiiiiJ.i.i..i.iniMMMi.i.re.niiiiiiirfemimiJ.ii ill)ll)'cOVl?yir,yTsrs3BgaBHWggSSii, . .. i .nW, a,j-r r, , , i iMmaaa awe Ban 5TJ!NQJK805T5 y xr.w i.iiNhev.Tn'--'. !I2:.S'?aj RSiJXks 1 B8ff i T Iflft Jr r I i y 1 f frrt ! ? U i.. I?" & - I &" Km,' The Call of the Great r 47 J .m V ' & YW J 'W '. 5 r.l. ", -vv ", WW.(V '"V VrSfe 'T fc' BKACII 11AVKX. S. J. Decoration Day Special 51 0 Saturday, Sunday $11 1m Monday, Tuesday Vu MUth Mml) Ocean Heuse BEACH HAVEN. N. J. Dath.ns, f.h v.x and Uia'ms Cxrenrnt mtali. Mam he.T Trempt inruie. N rue or phen for rs rftiens A. W NTRAMiK I'tnprteter and Manasfr THE ENGLESIDEj-5 flv. unnla ceurts: booklet. R. F ENCJL& iter. A!.e fc. Covtrnten. W.at PhlUartpnit. Mll.Ks T SUV HOTEL BALDWIN "ch nulbU OrlLUTrill Hnpn N .I Optn Uecorat.en Pa ?vr'l rat for f"lllle ". T (""ce 110 Hrmuluav, ' Booklet. H. Ren Turner, Owner POINT l'l.i:ANT. X. J. qiie i-E IGHTON P POtrTT PIEXSANT BWOIKj ' RALLY 'On' Thi OcA.r-l 0?EN3 JULY 1 II BOOKLET AD3RCSI UNTIL JUNB 15 PINE BLUFF INN Point Pleasant, N.J. Assail tbe pleea en iti- beautlftil Manaaouae River shore V.str, ai a-ilen of seashore. rHaranileeuMrv ou'deorspon C)rhen. Irs Noonen linek'n II S BFERDOWFW J K MOVMOITH IIKACH. N. J Monmouth Reach, l.ens Uruncb, N. J New JchWIi (lnrrlilp M.inuKeinrnt North Je-eey Coast. ThoreuKh modern All iiutside roeinr vlti prlate bithN. Kh'Vutera Istthhiff peel Tennia tjelf Iixcellent i ul Hlne. Mus.c Dim irw, Write for booklet Make reairxaijena new rH Jeseph Resen l-rg. 1S01 Corteleu P.nail Ilroekln N. Y. MOt'NT POCONO. PA. 1HE ELVIN MT. POCONO. PA. or- excelleil cuisine. .tb Maaen. Running water. Private bams b'nener en cji.Ii Heur, lloeklet A. J. SI.l'TTER HAWTHORNE INN mt. poceno. Non-IIeusekeeclns cottages te rent In eon een reeimn with Inn H-ek'et I. M. UKXUI.i:it Its Ontwoerl p' ' "r- Medars. sue wniwoea Kl-ani location Up. flat spring rate, nk't. K I,. AV R V. Artmaa The PENNHURST 7n - tsMej quiet soil heieehlt. Miss Marv Prjee. VA1RVIEW INX, Mt. I'nione. Pa. Aula tourist hdqrs. ceed table, pleasant aur reundlraa, ranle rtklt ). L. Jlecariel. VfrjjJjyjJ'r"lIeuse. nxcellsnftable. Finest " Mes Me'hrnte ratra Heek let. MRS n SC'IIOKNDKW w. Cllmrt flarrilT Jledcrn ace Xi Kara ' ..". b,t il J .,". MI I! I Arni'trnna HELAWVRI'. V.ti:r eai pa. Tbe Meuntnin Pnradise KITTATINNY iir.n. eivi 1 a. OELAVARE VATER CAP. PA. Heasun .May Ul lu l enibet l.xi-.'li-slve interior and exteiler iinp-e' etrents. make the Klttatmny the llnest appointed accessible Mountain Resort Hetel Capa city J00. Twe beurs from New Yerk Lackawanna R. It. 7." miles bv auto mobile Three hours from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, It R SI miles by auto mobile, I'uliman Service and Geed Reads. Hetel situated in private park Wild ttewern and rhododendron in profusion. Magnificent sctner'' Oelr. Tennis. HaddU Horses. Ileallnx. rinul and Haas ru'ilrm. Trap Mhoetln. Meuntnin I'llmbltu! Orchestra of Pelnlata Nljhtly dances frequent aectnl features. American plan also a la carte Orlll for 'ieuitMa ivlitiiiinuy eueiutMD and fruit gdnlena ind Ua.ry supply abundant fresh products. Hperlnl curl season rite1 ntse In famll en nnd In.trlsts. lloeklet. terms nnd ntii inins iirt Inl. .1(111 V PI'RIIY I OPE. KARAMAf KAMP VS.erever ene has ARAiTiAL rvrtmr a kiki(1 lmi ,latniIlli free lients, tennis hikes ilnnclna. entertmn menla. flood thliiKS tu rat Rites Jin te IL'U Write for booklet I, KJIINDT Director DELAWARE HOUSE "i M r IJi'" Vbunnnivu ssvwuu ,r(,10n nl,iern lierre toeklna. farm products, Indoor and outdoor sports. Ilenl.let PrnkI. Yirrjkk Tri flliri woeH Delaware Water Gap.Pa. snev.ienwueas.gu. open c.,pnclty 40 Oarsie. ballrni , orchestra. Gelf, tennis, all amust'ts. Fur bklt addresa Hilt Ures Mr HILLCHEM - lecated: bathlns ralas, llnnklet New modern centrally , runnlnr vvnter Afnderat I' V IIUIVARD JRaaiBil.ie'ri Watei UaP s new flrepruef hotel ' nnai(u ., ., llh ,. riMIII1 ew1 ,. course, leflned suind-i'. HnM It Feley .Mar i Wycr View Heuse Dcl,?; aware Water Gap Aeeein. l.MI I enlcall located iinntlnir, bnthlnt:. flshlnc All nfiln linnnnls. Mrs l.lzrle T I. a llnrrs i;t Ferrest HeUSO "tmlly located private lellevuc g l.'O Hun water Dnnclni: tHna"in't Kellv A Iturke, WlfV I ltitll. lfllfefir fll tl'n.e fitu I., lees f.ihle nnl r"iliir- Mri.W.'lieHenlerer i ' ' The Riverside Hetel, Drl.itviire Water tiip, A M. rf " SrAIIIK PARK. N. .1. llWSEASrDD PABK lyi Z17 Open June 15 te Sept. 15 " fj'1 P. H.il'reeni. "iittlis, hiiiif. flshlnr. sfrv li' slenrlasr. tennisi iiRir. I,, n. ,ir.. iteii, X ORTII WATKH OAP. PA . BUS North Water Clap. Fa. OU8C Ilnme ennklni. nwiHarn. tnstanr'aW'otiideor spnrta. srarat. ratts mv BpsiKisH v r.. H-nTMis ... iLadare. BUMIt.: .. rn aiiintiruiiir: ri(i,.i'jis"f. This year avoid regrets by planning te spend these precious vacation days amid the weeds and health-giving surroundings of Delaware Water Gap Cresce Stroudsburg Pecene Summit Mount Pecene Henryville Delaware Valley Resorts Fishing, Beating, Bathing, Tennis, Gelf and ether outdoor sports await you in this delightful Tegien. Located in the cool mountain section of nearby Pennsylvania, reached in a few hours hy train or automobile. Fer wide choice of hotels and bearding houses consult our illustrated Summer Boek "Mountain and Lake Resorts" Free at Information Bureaus or send 4 cents in stamps te James Fister, 90 West Street, New Yerk City. INFORMATION BUREAU PHILA. J. C. DAWSON Commercial Agent 1302 Finance Building t.TKl"l)IH K(i, rA. HIGHLANDlNN ZT ?t rid pr at tathi. Outdoor pert khx. re0s OiraE, own sarrten and da!r .r,vl rat rnii Write for bUIt Wm V. Morten PENNLYN Nr Stroudsburg dcllshtfui vIpws floeklet M M"'tttn E.1ST HTKOt'OMlfBO. I'A . 0 Mitplrhiirnt Inn, i:. Streudsburc I'a lilh faaen, luppllcn from en farm spacious f randan, laric lawn rlerity had. most deliehtful Piac COO Karaff- rtoeklet MR ANL MHS W M HfRNETT TURN VILLA 0n auhWll PU. Bunti- enabla rates Geed coekins. liemtiue. Boek' !!. Lndfr manasfnent N. U. Turn Eatut O.ilt Greve 'l"--"' T-" ' rurpiltd from own mnt. Med rat Dkit. Mrs B. I.. Wceff Sunri" Cottage ?e"- "-" i " red J!"- J, h A, h-.hi'nJ 2L,.hem?l.,'- SrVm.t?0 n'p D 5"c "ArSSSbu'K mrhau, mi.ia nersK Tabl upp'id from our out, f.irm Ueamiful cnr en R'jshklll Pike N.irrr.an Heffman ni'MiKii.t.. r.. RIVERSIDE Lana "" "Ports. Dane minu i.iin, caci. atetary On the Delaware, TaM Oar Kutnr Ures. The Laurelton ';"- tenm. erti: cool nmfer homelike Arr an mn.rd te Rmnklll Falla bk.M F McCall J'ODYnAN,-A.PA, Chicheiter Heu'1 :OOI) ft ''tien Teb7- hanna Pa Mra rhlfhiter Bklt. MOfNT lNifOMK7rX MONOMONOCK INN Mountiilnhemr'a Iailinc Hetel rrearn Mntlen, Mnuntalnheme. Pa. ri'hlnu Oolf Tnnu Roem? with pruat.) tmtha Roektt H. E. 8c J. M. Geininger New Mount Airv i-niire.y ramed rleJ I ery I ..... , nnJ mr Imprnvcnent Hklt rebuilt. Hn ti.irrt k. lie WAYSIDE INN ""' lemellke. ijoed coekinz cool an1 mm. i fertable Reasonable II. c. riMITn. CANADENSIS PA. The Mountainside In J'"1""1": modem IDC muuuiaiuatuE reRV,n comfertabl9 Pules reienntiMe. UnekTet. Wm Leng. Mtfr r.lrncaim Villa 1,em comferti. kuki n.h. uiencauu Tina lne klt M. m, . Mule CKr-SCO. PA. MAPI F LAWN Health, rest and pleas mArist. LnnMp Geed table Modern. floeklet Reaeenahle rat C. SKfiKI.KEN. Tr nirl Inn A refined family hotel, con- "w - enint'y locatee e-suD- ' led tih'e ries nn anp Icatlen ST I Starff SU IFTWATER. PA. The Swiftwater ""; i-a. New npn for th ftlat season. JOHN H. WOODLINO. WI-RNKBSVII.I.K. p"v WALTERS PARK UN'DF.R NKW MANAOKMKXT) Twe Hours Frem Philadelphia en Reading Railroad Resort hotel nnl sanatorium advantage such us !tdro-i:iectre Mei hane-Therapy jvat'un teart of Ihue Rldire Mfuntnln RanT. rcenlc panorama unsurpassed Kvery en lea Mir toward inakim; the amy of each in ilUlduat nuest mrmerab.e Spec .11 rates ever helldav a Write for bceKlct or phene ink ln .Mr.ni" 1"' The Highland Ue"h' '"-L'?! 0" n..Hnl.lnL. the famous Lebanon Viillev. The A - . t ........ t anaml VI n.i.rl. I tli, . .. ..li.n nates moderate Oeen June 1st Write ' r e'lijkiei HlKhiaiid Hutml Cenipan). J rVAIUJFiyKS. President Hillside I'eaullful icws .Modern irarr;e TerniM moderate Kath Gerhart 51 IIMSFT HAI I WerneraTllle, Pa. 3vJlwci nL,L 0nK ,n0UJI4ni, ,; iliove ea level oveneoklntr beautiful and n.sterlcal Lebanon Vailes. iiedern improte imprete menis btperler table. OF.O. e. GACL. s,r. GALEN HALL WernersTllle, I'a, New Open SUIMKNKVH.I.K. p. 1'IJtlvlOMr.N INN Med. Imp.. Usai loe Hunt. bath., fish , te'.ms danclne. Mpeclal Uuni'nj rh.cken dinner Fer Nielttet write tHAS CMiER, Prep,. SrhvvenkatlHe. Pa. SPRING MOUNTAIN HOI'sR Hlkiiest point near J'lnl.i Noted mirlm, Twcntj-mlle v ew H It i rnm Schvvenkvlile p ii r.nnm i springs. r. EDFORD SPRINGS lllsli no In the biinmtnluH en s KIHiO srre estalc Kerry niirer liinltT for Ideal summer life- tennli relf rlillnc swlmmlni dsnrlnf Famous Mlnenl Waters, tin I.lnieln Hlk'liwrr Opens June ard ... .VIAHlli l,r.vi jisiiewi-r DING MAN" FKKKi. P. High Falls Heuse Kleitri' lights pnvate baths vepet.il les from our own mrdm in li da iib " acres of Inwn inclU'l nu brenk vr ' e pl.iycreunds, clay and turf tennis courts beatitiK buthlllK lUhuii; beHinrul Male falls and muuntii n Fiennri uiisurpii.ed reads Ne ineauultnes II ustr.ited bon,, PHILIP J ril.MKIt Prupr'etur AI.LEJkFtmOE. PA. HASIIINGreN INN Chicken and Watfln Dinners DA Mi I. J VOOItllh'KS Prep MT. GRETNA PA. Hetel Conewago Lake Couewauo, Mt Grulna. I'm Opena June 'i P. I, lAS'J. Ker rates address WKIMER Prep - GRATERFORD, PA, f.rnlsirfnrrJ H'"el Aloni.- the J'erktntnen Virai.iiuiu Aul() partfJ fhlikeu ilmnera Oar. Airy rms. Ph. Gellea-evllle 10 lis. B. It. UI.IGKi:it. I ' re A ovnmiReoK. im. fWasrWaelt' "OO Drexel Read, Jure IS J.'T 7r " Se-id, 1.. HAlmtnlniclVn'. bbihhs, vviHfi-.-.l .. u.vra 41 T ilUteil)'; Outdoors l.Ki: I'l.XCII), N. . TVry3"b7 'ADIRONDACK! Here the Lakes, Streams, Kernt Traili, Perfect Ileadu, tielf Links. Tennis Courts and all ether forms of recreation utul ilherslens com bine te make the real ami Ideal eut'nc for tlT vacation seeker. I.AKK Pl.AC'in liue 2000 ft. tilll tudr; In rrnrliril hv New Verk Central Line rind Ilelnnure and lludann S.iMeni, mid la nn direct route of the tOOO-.MIIe Interna Interna tlemil Aute Tour. Fer UoeKlet and Information about It ,(. fAinm and I'mtaife1 nddrei (IIAMIIF.lt OK OMMKHCK l.nkc Pluild, N. Y. WHITEFACE INN ! LAKK PIXCII). X. Y. Opens In June. I Modern In all Its appointment!. J. J. MtKKNKY. Minmer New Yerk Office. Hetel Co1IImwe4 48 t 3.1th .street Winter. Highland Pn'k Hetel. Aiken. 8. C. BELMONT HOTEL S.'iS ce.f llshirp, be.i'.lng. caraire. open May IS ie Oct IS JOHN .e'CHETZ, I'rep. LAKESIDE INN JAAc. n. y. NOW OPEN rtOOK'IJil I T A I.KAIIT. Mr THP PINP Cap. 100 Suporler feed and iiibtuiM wn(( Mmleraif'v prirej Alse lenti .ind hunRntens Orchestra, danc Inn. tennia peel Garage THE HOMESTEAD m ' I'ltn. e v e r v room runn n uater Ecellent lahle Onen all yea- I!oekl-t T. F. ROMMI, I I.Ki: (.KOKflK. N. Y. llueen of Amerlrun Iikea LAKE GEORGE VILLAGE, N. Y. All nmuetments hnthlnir, flshlnjj tennis, beating concerts 'I'.p center of the Brent macadam read sjatem of the north, hlte of old battleBreunds at head of lake Illus trated historic booklet. Hat of hotels and Niardlnc houses and read map free Iiuard uf Trad- I.ake Gtere. N Y. HAGt'K ON LAKE GEORGE. N. Y. HOTEL PHOKNI. Cent located, nr. Stata blKwa Overlooks the lake. Handy bch. Geed !b.e. Rates reasonable Wrlta for booklet. Slr u.L. Streeter.IIajrue en Lake Geerge. N.T. IIOLTON-ON-IJiKK GEORGE. N. Y. ALGONOUIN I,0'ten n 'nl Geerse. I N y A heleet rnnrl hni.l. deal 10c ursurpaased culslna nnd aerv.. all amuse. Bn,i comforts, spec. June nnd Sept. HAINES FALLS. X. Y. Opens Jun L'O. under aatne tnnnvcetnent I'rlva'e park I'p-to.date .ippelntments. I'rlvnie baths Accommodates '.'ID. Private dmina rooms FINEST HOTEL IN CATSKILLS lllch, Reaiitiful location S.'.OO Vcti Kxhllaratmir mountain air. HOTEL ORCHESTRA Ge" DancInK Every amufcement. I'.eas rnbe terms, S per a I familv ratea. C H. BECKER. Prep. I IKO Mrnu.lwav N V. (Tel. Mud. q. 17181 Renner's Mountain Inn Open the Entire Year Devntiil te the traveler .nd tnur.st l-.irreus for ceed feed nnd ueneral comfort Garaae nttarhed. R W ItKN'NKR. UPLAND FARM Heauiifull s tuaied :'."i(Mi frt elevation Modern Write fur b iklet urd rates Mrs t . If. I, EGG. Prep.. Haines Fnlls, X, V. IIEECHVIEW N. V. CATSKILL MOUNTAIN HOUSE On the Rip Van Winkle Trnil BEACHVIEW, NEW YORK he Most Ideally Hllimted .Meuntnin Resort In Thla l'euntr OPENS JUNE 29TH pend jour summer nt thl theruuubly mnlerti hotel nverloeklnt" the lleautlful IIuiIni n River Valley for mans miles 3UIM acres nf feieaiH I we li.-.iut If iji lakes Matil private baths, he' ,ifd cold runiiinK water electric Ilshts, tennis, beating llshlnif (,'luli house w th bowl Un and hi I lards l)all ninieru and due'-inrf ever evenina. Garase Mm klt utid read map up reiiueat FAR FAMED FOR ITS EXCELLENT TABLE AND EFFICIENT SERVICE ptch'l seasun rates fei f.imlllei nnd elners nnkniK lulu; eiav I'eeli't en re'iucst or Public I.'dk't'r Resort llureau JOHN K AN WAGONKN Mlnager CATMvILL, N Y. THE BIENN HOUSE '" " J i .. . , from own farm Med Imiirevfintnts Klec Ilahts Illus. bulls WM HIH.NN I'atakllh N Y PERRY HOUSE s"ctUilllJ;";icp ral"' Caleklll N V f'lirlslinii Heuse (at Green Lake) Ace. tlO, lleatliiK. bathinit. ',.,nviiir. inus, nan , rr-HHV. Pl'RI.INO IIEHIHTS, fiKEENE CO.. N. V. LENNON HOUSE ff HAINES TAUS. N.Y. 'If . t aieueru niumuiiiir, fi'c'rte n-i-f. ,ce rhtui'lies I'Mnc'iivf, halli n ' Mlf'M i iviiiuce.vu. t.uj.ct. j, i' x. ..l.:. YlheWaMngtcn uuini-vwwiat Vperated by v. i. ecace. vk'f. V AinueMUCKs. y. v. ine w , i 1 V hrM&l i m Y?!Zz?j, K 2hJ EfW spring of jj l ill , avfiil vV THERE are no dull moments in the Adirondack life is all action and pleasurably se. The exhilarating and tonic properties of the air and sunshine impart the buoyancy of youth and vigor. Diversion galore for old and young, while the hotels provide creature comforts and entertainments that are as unique as they are delightful. Fer booklet and particulars address Hetel Chinipluln, llluff Polnt-en-I.ake fhitmtilnln, Paul Smith's Hetel .Paul Smith'. N. V. N. Y. Hetel Mnrlen Murlon-en-Inko ( eerje N. V. N. . N. V. N. V. N. Y. N. Y. N. V. X. Y. X. V. X. Y. X. Y. X. Y. X. V. X. V X. Y. X. V. X. Y. X. V. X. V. X. Y. Ft. Wllll-wn Htnry Hetel, I.nke Geerge, Wltherill Hetel f'umherlnnd Hetel Deer'a Head Inn .PlnttalMirch Plattsburnh. , Klliahethtewn, Kllznhethteun, ICIIcitltethtnnn, Ellmbethtenn, l,nke Placid, .l.ike Pluctri. . I. like l'lncld, I.nke l'lncld, T.nke 1'lnrld. .Lake Plnrld. . Adlrenrinrk, . I.tirerne, IOnir Iike, Keene. .St. Hulerl'i. . STneuae, . L'tlrn, Hetel Inrtser Hunter'a Heme llrentnoert Inn "stevena Heuse The Grand View l.akealde Inn North" oeds Inn The Plnea . Tlie Itetmnnt Watch llnek Hetel Wnyalde Inn . . The Siii-aniere 'Ottl'M Head Inn in Shle Club The Onnndacn Hei el I'tlcn . Fer new ADIRONDACK lloeklet nnd Information niml. te (iKO. W. RYAN. Sre'. Adirondack Resorts Ahsoclatlen, PLXTTSni'RGH. X. 1. Fer Montreal and Prnilnre nf (lueliee Tour lloeklet nnd Information niil. in Teurlata' llurenu of Montreal. 000 New Itlrka Hid?.. MONTRKAL, Canada. HIGIIMOUXT. N. V. .GRAND Isr 1,111 ' f '1 lltlfM.I M IIS i liiailllllll 1 t JI GRAND HOTEL STATION, H1GHM0UNT, N. Y Openrne Thursday, May 25th Finest in the Catskills; Elevation 3,000 feet Furnishing a Cosmopolitan Resort Life Unequaled Elsewhere Daily Concerts and Dancing; Grill, electric lights, new reads, new concrete outdoor swimming peel with continuous running spring water. Jewish Dietary Laws Observed. Spec. June Hates Write for Booklet and Rates. FRANK SE1DEN. Prep. 'Hiifc ,w tOQPERTOWN N. Y. OOPKRTOWN. X. Y. Ft&Sf Aweremscrs thai ffisJnW (TT5EC0UraxjpxRSTCW'N,N.Y lMK38tM WU.OPCM rOR THt SCASON jraSBL. Sturdly July li APljfBBsVtt.jayP VHDZH Trie KMVnM. JUSSjtF W12- DAVID B. PLUMER XyjJyBMl BOWDOIH PLUM EH sBBjgtjgHBBHHtaBBB THZ SPUS. 425 rUTH AVE. TEL. VANOTRBILT 0274 ,KE ( LEAR. X. Y. I I flee. Inn Adirondack Mts. Gelf Lake Clear Inn tpnn!s flahlnK tP ( llklt. C II. AVardntr i Hen, Lnlte (')ear. N.Y. PIRI.IN'G. GREENE CO.. N. V. CENTRAL VIEW HOUSE S'g' N Y, Ace TiQ, lUcel table llathlns, llshlnc ' tennis court, baae nan ,. . ,..., r '"". -nnd nmurcmenta. IllU' I '.it M. I.AL1I, I 1'LI.TON I'HAIN LAKES, N. V. NEW NEODAK !nfflr,U. J""'- RoyRieK-R'iNIT "XW""' TUV Wnfin INLET, N Y On Fulton s (bain, Ideillv I Ovuled. Iiklt, P. C. WOOD. Prep, AfimeMlArK MOUNTAINH, N. Y. Fer new ADIRONDACK booklet and Inror Inrer Inror mullen address. m. W. Kyan, Nee'. Plans- I kl'. Vridrrwi TrurMs' H.rtiil . r'trt'irf.!,. i 1 VO'J Mautrial. jU-tuU.... Sarateaa Sonnets Mt hffamm fera Century as a Health Resort tSMtt . THREE MODERN RATH HOUSES Hydro therapeutic All With Naturally Carbonated Waters MEDICINAL WATERS FOR INTERNAL USE Owned and Controlled by The State of New Yerk STATE SUPERVISION INSURES PROTECTION All Out-of-Doer Sports Twe Gelf Courses 27 holes; Twe Bathing Beaches; Tennis; Horseback Riding; Charming Drives Twe Free Concerts Daily in Park RACING DURING AUGUST Fer information write Publicity Bureau or N. Y. State Conservation Commission, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. ADinONDACKS, N.V 'CWfli?r W 4j9 v Adirondacks and Montreal'Prevjnce of Quebec Tours Inland Heuse ItreHii Swan t'luli The Rockwell.. . KltiKernld'a . Hetel Rul'ffe WcMperl Inn WeMnnrt Inn FlnniiKHn lintel RlTerslde Inn.. Ik-rkeley Hetel Schroon I.nke, X. Y. Schroon Lake, X. Y. . Glena Fnlla, X. Y. .Glena Kulla. X. Y. . .Glenn Fulls. N. Y. . . WeMnert, X. V. . . Weatpert. X. V. . Miilnne, X. Y. "nnnac I.nke, X. Y. Snrunnc I.nke, X. V. An Su,lc Chasm Hetel. Aua.ihle Chiiam, N. Y. Trimi Ijike Ieilite . .Trlnit Lake, X. Y. MrPhlllhm Heuse. .Frlend'a Lake, X. Y. Lake Hiirrla Heuse . Xeweemb. X. . The Windser Hetel Reuse- Pelnt. N. Y. The Werilen. . Sarntecu. Sprlnes. X, A . Hetel American . Snriiterii Sprlnis, N. Y. Th- Wella Heuse . Pntlerarllle, X. Y. Lake Heuae . . Steny Creek, X. Y. The Ten Kick Mhinr. X. V. Hit i?men Hetel iipntreni, cunnrlii Ulndser Hetel Montreal. Cnnndi The Oiieen: Hetel Montreal, Cnnndi IIIGIIMOI'NT. X. Y. HOTEL v tun until. t ,. 1.. Iflll'lllllttll 111,1111111 f I' VMIW VUafeaV . .s v '.'XSITS JIOl'NT KISCO. N. V. I Heur from ClrauU Central, iui ntinn.-,)hrr-, tdte 1 for ret nnd rprupiratleni outrleor 8litplrr If (.e'irri outdoor upar'i produce from own fnrmi medical 'HtnHlen! nennen ratR V V Oftlrn 131 K nnth Plr 407.T lILl'i: Mttl'NTAIN LAKE. N. Y. Xhe HedffeS MlremlutkN. Formerly 8 Dursea Camp New open, Th most modern camp In the Adlrnudai ka. I Lake. side lixatlnu. All nperts. Including I Eelfj central illnlnu room, tourists welcome, llklt W. II, farcy, Ulue Mm. Lake. N.Yj, Maple Ledge Camp "" t"" r (,'otiHKe camp life vvlth nil ll pleasures Rest uf feed; cleanest of rooms, cuisine adequate. Write E O. HLANCIIARD FRIENDS LAKE. N, Y, ATATEKA-ACLUB iteautliuiiy siiuated, e loeklna Friends iiaw r,i.ceiiem cuiame. Sn .kill,, ill l,Et lit.lU. S.ll iar r eins,wlth jT. R'dlne llklt. liuue lires,', I'fuu'a.rt W""""'' m Treatment of Kinds IH.t'FF POINT, l.AKK CUAMPLAIX N. Y. COTTAGES LOCATED in the Hetel Park are leteral band, leme villi!, completely furnished, combining the privacy of a suburban residence with the com forts and advantages of hotel life. A few are available Inr the coining eaicn. rloer plans en request. ). F. GREAVES N.wY.fkOSea Slanagtr 2M rifih Anu HOTELCHAMPLAIN BLUFF POINT-ON-IAKE CHAMPtAJN NY. TtESTPORT. X. T. BSTPORTINW TJPPKK SABAXAC LAKE. N. T. SARANAC INN IN THE HEART OF THE ADIRONDACK Cl'.RTlFIKD MILK A .SL'MMi:ii Rt:KURT of tlie highest char acter, superb culslne; an enlienment so cially desirable. Cettncea for Rent. I.ecaterl en the shore of the WONDERFUL VPPF.B SABAXAC I-VKF, Excellent State reads, ceed KOlf. All fapert" anil Amusements at their tieit HARRINGTON MILLS. MnnaKer JOHN M. KIRRY. Ass't Mnneter Addre" Hclel Graftnn. Wiiahlncten. D. C. HRIARCLIFr MANOR. X. Y. inurdiff N0W 0PEN 41 1 it 11 ft 1 WtSTCMlSTC HILLS r'Uij-Ul; OVERLOOIVING TMt HUDSON e' illMm BRIARCLIFF MANOR. N.Y. v. HEW YORK OFflCf. . 342 MA0I SON AVeT ELI.AnETIITOWN, N. ' UKKNTWOOD INN Reoma in suite and vvit'.i bath. Hteam heat and open llrcplnces Slvclal latea May and June. Cettaaes ti ""' 1. II. PALMER STAMFORD. X. Y. ii., i.V. c"p lae' Kemu en Hulte and ViiL ."I'.'A !ew m,r,-i renovated! excellent t. . C?. . "S,l7I'-!.en ",u,e reaill Hesen May te Oct bkl . C. A. Kullen. Stamford. Uel Ce., .New Yerk. KEENE VALLEY. X. Y. jf-EKNi; VALLEY INX On Sable Rlter. .AI",,U,, y-en " M,n' climblnir. tennis. riahlnK. Cnpaclty 1K0. Ilhvvlc. up. Vegetables milk cic. from own farm. Illus. booklet. W. W. BLOCK. Prep. XEWCOMII. X. Y. I-ake Hams Heuse Slea"' heat. rm. vvlth bath, cot cet tanes. vesetablea from own farm: line table, Keed nshlnn. lloeklet .1. ORKCIORY AMAGAXSETT. L. I. INDIAM WELLS SNNT AelAOANSSTT LONO IBIANONY Th Gun Spot en Leng Mnnd Adjacent te Eaatlwunpten and Houth Heuth Houth nniPten. UeaUtlfuilv iimmlnl.l tin,..l home Ilathlnir. Gelf, Tennis. Owner ship manaKcment. GREENWICH. CONN. rEly Court Hetel" Greenwich, Connecticut On a limn rtdse overlooking Leu.- Island Mound Hath with every duublu room. Milk from our own Aldernev held vege tables from our sarden. Tennia courts. P'avureunds for children. Motorcars meat nil trtins. NARRAOAXHETT PIER. B. . The Imperial Narraganiett Pier, R. I. OPENW .IINE 24. An rti'luslve hotel for dlscrlmlnat Ins nennle at one nf America's, Finest Henslde Resorts. POI.O. Gelf, Tennis, Hathlng-. Dane. In. Well kept Slate Hlghwajs (or tnetnrlnc Fer reservations address JAMES E. GALIIIIEY. MANAUKII. Nitrrnsansclt Pier, Rhede Island. WATPII HILL. It. THE OCEAN HOUSE Cottages, Annex and Ledges WATCH HILL, R. I. Will receive Riiets lifter Jum 10 Ii Formal Opening June 17 WIHTU FOR 1'A.MPHI.Ur lloeklnes New Mada W'lih yCHAMPAIN V He ret M het W ste T 1 II " " J.K. CHAMPI.IN, Ytch lilll, R NKW YORK OFFICE, Town Country a 11... ..in. d. - r-- i ,. -t 1. umasntssx 1. 111 .?r 3GRlSWOLD Eastern Point NEW LONDON, CONN. OPENS JUNE 17th. Personal' hospitality and aecial charm assure happy day at this most refreshing of sea shore resorts. Most important yacht harbor ea Leng Island Sound, Radiatingcenterofbeautifulmetorroadi, A la carte grill for motorists. 18-holes of golf at famous Shcnecessett Country Club music and dancing. Tennis, aerscDacK riding, sea eauiing. oreKcrs emce. American or European plan Biltmete Cuitine FALMOt'TH. MASS. J. ralmeui J BBil S iTTrBsTiaBaT PI III llvMQHaiiBarsS bhMjTisI-3'I tlltdu!m$SNrnmff uA &:m$ - On 73uzzards39ay,tii7aImenii,7!tassacfiusftt ',.l' laiUMWfiSB Hi e. REACH nHIFF. MASH. a well appointed home com. bined vith lne en.ulpment of a modern hotel. This com bination and Its superb le catien make Hetel Preston the "Ideal Resort Hetel" Management of I. A. KHKIMARD, Pren. Winter liener! y-mUloruHelel. Ilrrmada LEE. MARS. BERKSHIRE HILLS Greenock Inn, Lee, Mass. NOW OPEN lliO Reems, nearly all connect vvlth bath. Dally concerts hotel orchestra. FREE GOLF SSests Rates, 14. DO up. American plan. Booklets en request. S. a. PIHRS. Prep WHITE TIP INN Near Laurel Lake. A dellvhtful summer heire In the Ilerkshlrea; home coeklnsr: home a tmnsphere. Wrlle K. P. LIPPlNfUTT. MARIILEIIEAD. MASS. MARBLEHEAD, MASS. New Fountain Inn, Marblehead, Mass. Opena May SOtli, 1022, under the same ainnacement as last enr. Iteiinis alnde ind en sulle. with or wit het. t prlrute baths, ruble the best ever. I. F. ANDERSON, Proprietor. NORTH Ki'lTl'ATE HF.ACII. MAS'.. Cl7fF HOTR1. AND rOTTAtiES NORTH SCITL'ATE IIEACII J'est Otllce Mlnnt, Massachusetts "ON THE OCEAN FHO.NT" Sandy Reach Kafe Hurf Hiihlni: Oolf and Tennis Haddle Huraea Radie Phenu J'lenty uf Hen Feed The ChnrlesKnle, one uf llosien's best residential hotels, under same niannxement. Herbert C. Summers lloeklet WHITE MOI'NTAIN'v. N. . PjWtrT. ''On las B.V J ffr Hetel Prcstenif ill AND COTTAOBB III III BIAOH BLUFF, MASS If! Ill 0irn for the aeasen Jane J I III ve- Hetel Pieslen caters te a . F4 V V illscrlmlnstlns patrenste uhe VV ifvS appreciate the tnmrens nf .lVl VI Vt f a! ' aS)BtSin miir- m IS A M $mmi&s& iCftaffi Jehn MeB. Bewman - .avlNwrs. ' " PrttUmt " sST Y'Ami Eartc B. Carler I I I ' S' CV , A vkPrti. - I wmdUMu LaS) C. A. Judkins -I 1 T HHi ,iHl) Boekiecti TheBUtmere.New Yerk, fM BllBa I c Jr" fALMOf Tit. MASH. Tins' - -rife DF.LItlllTFFI.I.Y Sin'ATF.D OX HISTORICAL CAPK COD uruxN f uk inn; buasujn juise 20th MOTORING 0er Splendid Reada DATItd'a In Water Arersrle. st FISHIXH Frem Beat or Shere and Alwaya ''Cntrh" ATer"t1 W TKNNIS On Our WeJI-Krpt CeurM , GOLF Uoeds-llole Ceanln OA June m te net. i Excellent Cuisine and Service Under XeV Management Fer Booklet and Rates. AiMhu D. M. HEALY, M.B.(htf Director HORACE S. CHASE;b.eU.7ai- 042 Washlnsten St.. Bosten, Ifass. f 1"" "Cape Ced's Finest Hetel Mayflower Inn ' Manomet Point Plymouth, Man. Will Open for Season, June J2th Rates Substantially Reduced Try the New ,8-Hele Gelf Course Fr Bsiaryitieas Address CHARLES D00LET, COPLET-PLAZA, BOSTON esatjr WEI.LFLEET. MASS. "THE HOTEI. OVER THK NRA pHEQUISSET IN N V WELLFLEET. MASS. (in capk run Yachting Bathing WATER 73 Ssa and Laka Fiikiei Ttnnii Bewliij Billiards Orchestra CEOItflE n. MORAN. Msnaier JflfymJjrfljjjjJIJMJtMeLwejJI PITTSHEIJ). MASS. Breezy Knell Inn Directly en Lake Pnntoesuc, Plttilieti). Via The most beautiful lake In the nerkihlm Capacity 10U. Rnema with or without He aie uatn. ah rooms vvlth runnliur . Gnraee in connection. neatlnr. ntthisi. Oolf. Tennis. lloeklet. L. M rteckaell. Pre , PLYMOPTn. MASS. Hetel Pilgrim AND ni'SOAI.OHH PLYMOITH, .MASS. Offers superior accemmeei' l ""S nena at rales iucn are nies V- ennush te Insure the best II service and cuisine. 18-hole soil csersl adjoining hotel arnunds. Open June IS te Neptrmbrr It Manarenveeil nf P. K. nrine I Alse Operating Hetel Canterhnry. Bettss MAKDLEHED. MASS. MARBLEHEAD, MASS. THE LESLIE A quiet, cesy little Heuse by tbs sea. OsMl ine ie. iriv. eains. ues. pan, isia .MANCHESTER. VERMONT W ORTHY INNl the Heart of Iht Vicluresme drern 1eualeW 100 rooms. with or wlllw bath. Ne mosqulteis. Lari Opens fully equipped gar.iire. COW' try feed : mountain spnW May vvnter. flelf. tennis, beat n. , bnthliiff. flshlnkT, saddle rW ' mountain climbing, "j"?" lovely meter tnurs. writs or wire reservntleni CARLi. Tfce Wertliy Inn, Msncneittr, VarasjaJ Jaincj C. Brown. K'nni 1,1,7' JEFFERSON. N. II. NEW WAUMBEK Hetel and Cottage irFFPRSON. N. H. In the heart of the White MeuaUl .PL.f..ltI Pieinvn tiiS-CINO. OAtUOII KiaitTEENviieLr: oei.r ceuR" , FRANK F. hllt'TE, (itneral l" nest autn nirrei. .-" --- white mni'NlMN'. N. "mPrefite Francenia Notch White Meuntairu, N. H. The final man-madi 1 leueb thai i sl perfection el a natural j'f'.s. Supsrbly lecatsd at the 9tifi lMt trance il Fraacenla Notch, l above the sta. us f The constant summsr '"v,;( jus. levlnf, goed-llvlnf. '"Xm.rUs. and wemsn Iren, all . W A0M Cell, tennis, rldlnf, sw c.ne.lnf, nshlna. mount-Its eym , Recky Meuntsln burr... J'pkser ballroom, metles. Pictures. itt, Concert orchestra, open nrs, sunlit vsrandas. . ... 'Startllnf Scenery Psrmsn.ntlir " tractive." . . ....rti. ,K'"Tw.:frK a al Opena June ' Amrl Pit fr.00'-W f'-issi vwm. -- V' n av ' affw !wvA H-vyft' .. ."-i k&.A-i igfA.; ex ;Ui .a ,M,f, ,' f i ?l-.(-;. f.,i-..'i!iWM Vlj ti. ..