:gppp iWPfel jW 24 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 1922 U J w EJ . ." V I J w I Hr ffe LiVrf' -1 " 1 r it , if J? ft? wt te MM asvi-T NEW YORK BONDS i. mm ...;, ? &'. - - aj.i jr.. inn ii '' . - " V tHAI.l-'S IN S1000J U r.aplil T MM 111 ' Paule ct Si 1 ... 11)3 Sullz'd con 8s IS.... 118 117. sersTMi; " iiWj itn ill .Cty Chris' a "iU K Clrt lint rJi 1.... 110j ru iu.'u ; "Clty of Copen' liagen stts 3 id.... .n.l J1 3 113 'CHjr Lyens flj 8 87 Cty We da Ja- i j. nerle 8s wl S'Ll,.,. JO.Tj . f 1..., 1034 1.... 1034 iT Ceecho-Slevaa it U nD'e Ss wl 15 2 p.sv t . . lest, Dept Seine 7s U K Ort llrli )t. & I'd 1037 2 imi 2 102H ft 04ii ' ln-l C Canada i Msale) 103t, R MM.1 1 .. 10214 0 034 V 3 lir.tall Mi c & Ohie 4Se De Can 'tW wi 11 .. 1'Mv.ji ,0 ,,,, I Urn Si II (I fi) 1 2. . . nn 1 .... us 1 .. . fin'. 1 .... S3 " BO's Canndlun'Oenl I ""u 'I " 4" Klee Us wl - 78 H 1. . . 101 1. i H(snlp) 78' 3 70 I M .Murine n 2 1.7 i lnt'1 1'up li .", 7 Ml Invincible 01 Cerp'n 8 1.... 1091, Mftile) lOMt, 1 . . 108 0 .. lOSli Msale) IOHI4 1'fi.iO 108 O K Ort ltrit & I'd 1020 ' .1. .. 109i 3.. lOSij 1.. . 108'j Kfl.it) 10SH 3 101 I Dct Ttm'l t' ft.. .. 074 la'n Pur 4 '- 874 Iowa Cent'I If Cnna1 n I.. r.. ft. .. 78', 4 . 711 1... . 78 1 . 78 Carnl'a Clinch A Ohie Ss 2 00 4 Cen'I l'ae 34 1 ... 80 4 Jt 7S', I I de Nemours 3 48 .Strut Western T84 I I'wdr U4h Julius Knysef llell in 78, 1 10,4, b Cj 7s rctj 2, . leili, "' iUi'4 I,... 1U44 1.... 10(1, uu.i Light tiM Kan C Tt 3 1. .. infli 1 I03 Mmp4i 1.... intl Du Llitht T4m 10 te .V Ohie Trnc Jt I 1. . len'i Kan U .1 n 31 I.IkM U l lOilv, cgi4 . 07 maaiajloe'Knn & H 3s 4 . . n ump una s. e i 4 . . . 8S n... . n 74' wi k c r niy 4i r... .. 11 llH4'Cere du l'ase' "' "s'il 2 S2 .V IMrlllc 11 3i Cep'r 8m ' '" i' KlitBi County 1 10 024 3.... 121 4 1 El'" He"' '"'"'I i:ie'd tli '.N I'avltla It Hi 3 . 1211.' 1'-' n , 1 ... 1004 0. 105 fill Li H M a :i4n'OriKiin S I, 4i .V Y Tele'e '41 2.... 103'4 1. 103 103 1034 103 10.M, 103 ' 103 101 Third A 4 2 ... 1111s; 2 ''. 3.. Hll4 2. .. 11.1 I 1 . . II) IV Tidewater Oil I 3.. . 1III4 Ce ct 04m I 7(i.llf) 1044 10.. l-" l(llnt) 1UIV 1. .. 10.'4 3.... 104 4 Tobucce Pred- ' 7(nle) 104 4 I ucla C 7 1 l(flat) l"l 2 . . 1034 Hflat) 10l I'nlen Pac cv 2. . . liil 4 1 .1 . . . 01 Vi 2. .. liilV 8 .... 04 aiiHlalr Crudf.ftilen Pae M Oil P Ce Vif' 17 804 ID. 121 121 121 120 4 8'4, Lake Hhers .11 Ora.i 14 ,, 0,... 100 2.... 1011 l 6(ale) 10H B 100 a.... 100 I Dulcfi K InJ's rct '47 I 1 P(l I 1 0.14 1... . mi Duton K In 14 U S Mexico At rrt B2 , 3 . . . M 104 4 Chi Alt 3 4 1IH4' 2. 48 104 Chi II Q .".M 2 . . . IOI'.i 1 00', 7(Me) 1044 3 nil 2(tlflt) 1014' 1 ... 00 II 10141C II & Q H4m 0(snle) IO44I 13 .. 103', 14.... 104! 2 10.14 1 . . 104't 1.. . 1034 lO(iale) IO.14 1 4.. . 10.14 f, nil' 2. . MU. 2 nil',1 S'n 4s '31 I eunr'd 3i 2. ... no 2 .. DJ4I 1.... 102 1 MS L Mycri 7Pac T H V Ilnelt llrv.ii 1. . 1134I t Oil ( ... 314 1 H3'4.Pac le. i 'i'l Kmu itlt iv u,!,mi: 1I1 It M 31 I 10 784 1 M I 2... . 78 17 31 10.. . 784 10 01 L, IM It Cm '37 f"IIR'i D 1 824 I" . .. MV.LeuUX N'aah. 1 .. Rl'il llle 5H ! 8s rcta 1 044 Packard Melt r Car Ce 8x 1. .. 1074 1.. 1.. Oil mi mi' en 1 20(snle) 30 'C A U I 6s Ml 1 (flat) 3rt , 2. ... 82 1 . .. B0a4 1. .81 V . Mexico 3a 33 M, 1.. 8.. 1.. 1.. 1.. .1. . Oeve't French R7HrctM I 1.... 101 10141 1014 1014 1014 100'. 101V '.... 103 1014 Amu S It .' .Oeva't F II M - 02 H.... 101 1 " R.. . 104 American Sug II 103i eiE ui 1. ... tins 1 . . tins, 4 .. . 7 Am'n AKr'c A Chin 7 4 21.... 1034 10.... 103 Chicago Mil A SIP 4a '21 4 80S Chlcase Mil A StP cv 44m 4... . 71V 8- . f.4 4 10 ... 11)1 3 .... ,114 I.... 1034 3 .... 314 MM StOr .In Erie Kit Cn .) 3 . ... 014 1 . .. (US'M StP tt S Ste, R .... OH. Marie m 10 . . . 034 1 034 1 1.. 17 10(ale) 107 1.... 107 00 S 1 OOS Se'n Puflile id HI . 87 S 1 1.. . 87S 0 . . 87 S 7(ile) 7 S Se'n Pacific 4i 1 '. 834 a n lic t' 4j 2 . 01 Hi S I 1. . et ! 2.... of. 23. .. lilt. HI 4 I fa" Itailusv 4r l-m 1. . 07 .1. . 117 1 07 Mi itaiiurav 1 2 .. 0.11, 3 . . OS'. Sn HiiH'y 114 '1 004 2 00 2 004 Term' I R It A 01 S HIS en. U0S t'nlen Pac 4a 4. 1... . 1. ... It Tanlc 1.... 103 t'nl'd Droit S 1.... 1104 2.... Ill 1.... 1104 t't'd Illy I C R l'ran Bm 3 ... 804 S 80S .i Uubb'r S 3 . . SO S 1. . 80S 2... . 80S 1 . MIS t lluhh'r 7i i.... 102'; V a Hub 7 4 1.... 1074 l"M S Steel 3 Pan A Petr m I ft T Ce 7 1.... 100 8 1004 Pa ltd cn 4 4 1 .... P04 102S'I' "1 Km 49 1024' 1 91 St Leula 4i 10 814 Third Ave uj 2. OOS 10 . ilOV 8. R . 1 . 6.. 11 1. 4 . 1.. 1 . 10IS ion, 1014 1014 ii4 1014 mis 0.... 1014 VilC Chin lit 2 I'll'. ;.. no'. 004 Vm! t'li 7a wl 1 . . . . 0!14 2. ... 004 Va-e Cn 7 4m 4. .. 103 O(sate) 103 2.... 1034 1.. . 10.1 1 1034 R . 1034 V Itwy Ce Rl 1. 1. V. 00 en Ml j en en new en Mnale) 00 2 .... D0U Vu : S IV cn 2 . 814 W'wl'n Md 4-1 R 03 Vj R... 0.14 WtiM'n Pac iim 1.. . H84 W Pa I'wr 7m 3. 1034 XS'catlnuhii'e 11 ft Mfc 7a 1 . 1074 1.. . 1074 V & I. U 4V4m 1 084 Wllaen Ce e 04 4 Wilsen Ce lit 1... . P04 Wllaen C 74 R.... 103 lOHi Wii L,enl i 4i lul'.J 1 SOU flV 714 T(ale) 103S l(flat) 1034 Or'd Trunk or 'Can 0 rcti 22.... let Jan Oee't it 23.. . 014 3... . 01, StP ti 4 4m 2 004 ChlcnL-e Mil ft St P cv 8 10 .... 7rt 1 . . 1004 1.. 711 4 . 1004 cm & .v n 1 . . 1004 Bi of '37 r.inlc)100S 4 1044 1 . 100 4 c It I ft P fj 1 1004 y 824 3 1004 C It I ft P 4s Amn T ft f clti 20 t3 4 lllli Lew 1 l'.M. Llbprlv Il'ss - . MII.'.W 0H.1W W.V. Liberty 'M -Is .. nil. 74 9) .... 4 I ltd HO Pranvn Indun M K ft T J wl'Penna It 49 I' )'" ..'r," ' i'e 7",s wi , 28 R7'i 1 . 10 "11KI w -" a... . OSS l r.ra!1 1.... 100 , Llbfrtv .'M 4is. . iWM Francisce duil 7 7. 10. .. 1004 I I.ihprtv -Irh 4Um. . 1W.04 Peoria ft 1: in yj0 N-etes ..-)4s. . 100.S0 100.7(1 100.7S "."i';' LOCAL MINING STOCKS a... 074 -mSOPAH STOCKS ?4m wl 17 ... 10141 3 . . 37 0 r.7 Chleaee Mil ft 1 Ojn'ee niv Cs! 5 671, 1 0S4 SI K ft T4s wl Gene 1 Klee tl n CO 1 ... 1034. M K ft T B wl R ..07' 7 IM 1 8341 1 074 , lU, ney 4 . 1034 11 834Phlla lllyn 4 Jim Puller 2 ... 100 0 . 834 2 .. B.14 MarNamara Uonuifer T ft' 1 .. . HU Plerca O 8m ireiceni llll.tli! sm.Mii 1W.7 Hfl.Jll! MUM) 1W.74 i0.K) il!l.70 WAV2 10.01! 20... 014' '" I S'11 Jap Qee't 2nd' 7laale) 01 Chlcaite Union 4.. . 80'. 1 . . 01 Sta 44a Jap Oevfn't 4i A Tel ft Tel , 11 (flat) 7741 " 74 3 77Si 0-'. ,K Belgium 0s Anin T t T Hi Chicago Union 3.... 107 ke 01a tt li 1.... 107 10.... 1074 2.... 1074 Kingdom Dee- nark ct 0 8 00H 8 PS4 Kingdom Ieu- Amcr W I' Hi 3 ... 1134 1. ... 5741 1.... 114 Amer'n Water Chi ft W I 4s Works S3 1 10. . . 74 7 .... S241 1 . . 74 Armour 44 C&WI749 1 004 3 .. 102 00 4 Chile Cep'r 0t mark ct M ,ATft 3 Fe 4. B.... 110S 3- S!vi 1C Italy 04s , B 80 1... . 03 I R SO 1 X of Nether- 2 .... 894' lands ct 0s I R 89 a.. 1.. 00 1 1 80 Chile Cep r 7 PCP; Atla ft Blr 4l 1 ... 103 4 2... 07 ! - ' itaJJl054 2(f1at) 07 Atl Coast I. 7i CN Y 34 34 1 (flat) 004 ' 103S' 2 01 2 0i S.... 1034 Cld Cln Chi ft , Kingdom ,r- Atl'c Fruit 7a St L era 49 way ct Si 3 45 ' 3 SI I.... 1114 Atlantic P.efc Cole Indust Js 1.... 1114 ' l13 ' 1- . 7S4 1.... 1114' 2 ... 1034 1 7S Paris-Lyens M Bait ft O 34s Columbia O ft wl 14 024 Elec 1st 2 J24 Bait ft Ohie 4s 1 034 Oueens'd fi. wl 1 814 1 03 2.... 101S B!t ft Ohie 0s' 1 . . 034 Queensfd Kit. 1 09S Cen'd Ceal Ce 2.... 1104 7 . . 60S of Md 3s 'Tarla-Lyens ii 7sa!e) 09S, 1 ... SS4 wl Ifflal) 10O ,Cer.s'd Gas 7m '2... . S24 I 100 3.... 1164 2... 824 n ft O P I. E Cuba A S s Rep Chile '41 ft W Va 4s 1 105 1 ... 30.14 1... . 74 6sale 103 1. 10SS J 70 4 Cuba Railroad .Hep Chile 4 Bait ft Ohie S Ce 74s 1 103S w'n 34 ' 5 . 108 1.. 1034 OOS 7(ake)li3 Kep'c or L'ru- B ft O Te; 4. liflatl1034 uay Ss 1 1 -. CSS l'flat) 103 1.... 3CS4 B Steel Ss '3flD ft Hud S4s 2 .. 03 4 1 1 ... J004 HubT '31 4 .... 834 1" 103 4 IM K ft T 0i wl 2 103 3 . . OSS Ooedyear T ft Ve P II It 4 Rub'r '41 , 30. . . 044 a . . 1134 me p it rt n 1 .. llflSi R-. . 004 2.. . 11.1S I 3 .. 004 2. .. IIS. 2 100 1 ... 024 Granby C Ml'gl 3 ... 100 1 (sale) 1124 S & p 0i Menfa Pwr Sal . . 100 ' S 07 R . . 100 Nai Fler ft 4. . 100 S Hly 1st O Nlhn It S4t 1. .. 101 2. . . 1004 .New Or Tel 4 7. . . 100 i Stexlce S I 7 100 I 1 704 O(sale) 10O ,N V CV1 3 4e 7 ... 100 ' 11 774 lO(flat) 100 N Oi" ft T 4s Kflat) 100 I 1 . .. 784 C(sale) 100 ' 2 . . . 78 R .. 100S N" Cenfl 4s R . . 100S 2.. .. S04 0 ... 100S N V Gt N'n Illv 7s 1 .... 034 10 ... 10i4 1 1'BS 10 .. 1004 3 034 4 .. 1004 4 .... 03S 1 .. 100S 10 034 a(flat) 100 S 3.. .. 034 2.... 1104 15... . OSS 2 ... 110S N T Cent'I Cs Hel.and-Am n 2.... 103 Line 0s 3.... 103 1 024 ' 1.... 1034 .1 . . 024 1.... 303 2 024 1 ... 1034 Hud ft Man M1 1.... 1034 fi .... S34I 1.... 103 3 . .. 834' 2.... 1034 Hud ft Man In N T Edls'n Ce 4.. . . 034 ' OSs rctM 1. . 04 I 1.... 110 04 60.... 110 7 014 1 01S 1 01 S 4 01S R. .. 014 23.. .02 1A1 .MIOW.4Y r," ,., Mljpah Extenen -, v."1 . .Mentana . . . neck ll'd a St North atar Leul'a 44i llescue Kutft 1.. .. 814 Tonopah Extension Regf rs Brown ! ni1 v ' ' t, p r. i MeMt Tonep.ih . U 07 4 DIVIDE STOCKS Hid .0.1 .08 OS .114 .04 .ml .us .0.1 IS 14 .00 02 8 . .. p.4 Allied Dllde St 1. ft S V a) Alte DlMde S. ... 604 Helclu-r 10. 7!'i 70S 2 70S St L ft .H I" in 1 COS 13... . 004 St L ft s l'ran series A 14 724 14 1. St L ft S Fraii Series C 1 084 Cent'I 3s, St P ft K City S Line 4 4 " B 614 ' Seab'd A I. aj 1.. .. 201, 4 204 8 20 B 23S Belcher Extension . Brough Divide DIM1I0 Extension .. . l'IMJe Cen Dividend East Dlv.da Hannlll Knox Sller King autherland Tonopah Divide 724 Tonopah Hasbrouck 72 4 Victory Divide . . . .004 .004 .01 .01 .U4 .111 .0." .112 004 .11) .03 .004 .'4 .72 02 .01 .02 .12 Verde DlUds Zena GOLDFIELD STOCKS Beeth 02 Comb Fraction . .m Crnckerjack 02 Dlamendfleld Blue Bull. . Klnrencti 20 Geldflfld Cen n7 itelilrleM Dev 12 Ge'.dfleld Deep 02 ureAt Wend . . .'. 004 A ... Kewanaa 02 Lene Star ou Ore H-d Hills 014 Bller Pick 17 Spearhead 01 4.. 10.. 434 434 2 434 1 434 B. ... 43 Sab'd A I. Cs 10 00 10 00 4 BOS 3. ... .IDS Sh Steel H 8s 8 OOS I.!m Cnfl 34s N Tk Light II Sinclair C Oil 3.. . 1014 ft Pwr Bm 1 Cerp 7a rets Irt SI ct 44s 1.... 09 art ... 164 N Tk N II ft 4 . . in , H 349 Ml 1 . 10 I 1.. . 554 2.1 . . lfit, N Tk N H ft; 40.. .. 10 1 Hart'd Cs , In'b'e P. T fd' 1 834 fi . . . . 704 ,New Yerk O ft 2 70S1 West'n 4 1 .... 71 I 2 73 Sinclair C OH 1 . .71 N Yk niys Rsl Cere 74s 7 .... 70S 3 124 8.... 104; 1.. 1.. 1.. 2.. R . 1 . 1.. 4.. 1. Amparo Arlxena United Caledonia Candelarla .... Eden Emma SlUer . . Eureka Croesus Eureka Helly . . Hecla Marsh Slether Lede . . . Neada Hills Neada Wonder Huccabs 00 4 iTeeepa Sllnlnc . J:" Whtw Cap .... P0 4 Wllbert . ... 004 MISCELLANEOUS 00 .15 09 4 094 09 4 004 .211 .05 .02 .24 .004 63 .11 .nj .24 .02 OH .4.1 .07 .02 Ask 00 .01) 111 en .mi 08 12 "7 . .21 l.tm Wl 01 .111 02 118 110 18 .03 114 01 .12 .03 .HI .01 .74 1)4 I).' 03 13 .".1 1)2 01 HI .23 (W 114 04 .01 114 .03 Hi .HI 024 19 .0.1 1 05 .23 .if .2s 10 1)3 .211 l C4 .5 .13 .00 .2S 04 12 4S 00 04 BAR SILVER Bar m " was Sd lower In Londen te day. at .1044. ,y M 60,000 Shares Of a Total of 154,213 Shares Outstanding (Ne Par Value Common Stock) Moen Moter Car Company ST. LOUIS, MO. (A Delaware Corporation) T-ansicr Apcnt. THE MECHANICS & METALS NATIONAL BANK of the City of New Yerk Registrar: THE NEW YORK TRUST COMPANY HISTORY OF THE COMPANY: The Moen Moter Car Company of Delaware in 1916 took ever the Moen Moter Car Company of Missouri, which was organized in 1907 with a net worth of approximately $40,000. The growth of the business te its present size has been entirely taken care of from earnings. MANAGEMENT: The management of the Company is in the hands of men who have been responsible for the building up of the business from its inception te its present size and who have been identified with the automobile industry for the past fifteen years. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: The Company's plant is located in St. Leuis, Me., and consists of modern buildings aggregating approximately 225,000 square feet of fleer space. In addition te this, the Company owns in fee enough adjacent real estate te take care of natural expansion. The present facilities are considered ample for the manufacture of 8,000 cars per annum without any extensive alterations and their present production is 30 cars a day. SALES ORGANIZATION: A large and well established dealer organization exists in practically every section of the United States, assuring a widely distributed market. About sixty distributors in the various principal cities of the United States purchase cars under franchise contracts, and they in turn distribute through numerous dealers the total number aggregating approximately 360 at the present time. In addition te its regular line of cars, the Company has brought out this year a light six, selling for $1,295, which has met with particular favor in the trade. EARNINGS: Fer the years 1919, 1920 and 1921 -sales have averaged approximately $3,600,000 per annum, the average number of cars produced being 2,100 per annum. The earnings before depreciation and taxes for these three years . have been $549,745.45 or an average of $183,248.48 per annum. Based en the present rate of taxation and after preferred dividends, these earnings show an average of $138,509.42 per annum. All indications point te net earnings of approximately $415,000 this year en the production of 5,110 cars which is the schedule for the year. REMARKS: The Company has no funded debt, no bank leans and for the past year has operated its business without borrowing. This Company was one of the few which operated at a substantial profit during 1921, which was a year of depression in the industry. This stock has always been very closely held and never before offered te the public. locality of this lsu will be approved by Messrs. Chapman, Cutlr ft Parker of Cilcaie for the banliem and Wllfley. Williams, Mrlniyre, Hensley ft NVIsen nf bt. Imls for the Company. Appraisals by American Appraisal Company. Audit as of December 81. 1021, by Marwick, Mitchell ft Ce. Application will be made te list this stock en the New Yerk Curb We are offering a limited amount when, as and if received by us, and subject te the approval of counsel. Price $9.50 Per Share LA0E BROTHERS & CO. it embers A'ete Yerk Stock Exchange NEW YORK CHICAGO WM. H. COLVIN & CO. Members .Vete Yerk Stock Exchange CHICAGO - fW3'' 2vx i v.- ... , ff.fff- nformatlen contained herein Is net iruarantseU but Is ta irem sources wmen we belis te be accural. !V fc GOSSIP OF ' THE STREET Irregular movements marked the frmllnjr In the stork tnnrkct yesterday, mill although declines occurred In .many Issues there wns no essential chnnKe In market conditions, the general tone be ing Mreng anil the Important move menli recorded in the course of the day were te materially higher prices. Demonstrations of strength, however, were net helped by "speculative senti ment or by the market operations of the room traders, but where advances occurred they were In ncajly nil enses due te special Incentives, many stocks being ncciimiilntcd with some definite purpose In view. Tills was the case especially In the railroad group, in which persistent buy ing of Krlc shares. lv it strene -hank ing .Troup, made both the common nnd first preferred Mecks move up te new high rccerdls for the yenr, and their iieilen wns regarded as confirming cur rent reports thnt a movement is In progress te obtain control of that sys tem. Other rnih'entl stocks, including Nickel Pinte, which rose 4 points, te 75, and Chicago nnd Alten, which was in urgent demand in the afternoon, were bought by Interests supposed te Intend te use stee'ts of these companies in connection with plans te' materially niter the railroad map, nnd consolida tions nnd mergers were spoken of in thfc rnllrVml list te the same dejyce that they wera discussed in the industrial group only a short time nge. Old TIiihts Hack en the Jeb Hack of all the bullish discussion that comes into the market, was evidence that important interests formerly mere active In the affairs of St. Paul. Standard Oil issues nnd copper pro ducing companies, had taken an netlve position en the long side, after being out of the market situation for a little ever ten ears. A geed part of the buying that made two classes of Stan dard Oil stock strong, was itmlcrstoed te hnve come from this source. The tension in money that came yes terday after heavy calllnj; of leans wns uttrlbuted te the low rate for call money driving out of town funds from the interior. New Huveii te Sell Holdings The activity in the railroad issues yesterday demanded most attention In expressions of the stock market out look in the Wall Street district, after the cle'c, nnd many statements were heard In regard te important changes thnt nre new being considered in the railroad map. Including nbsorptlen of small lines by the lending railroad systems. These stntcments referred te n great eitent te plans anil changes that nre understood te be under dis cussion among these concerned In the management nnd control of the New Yerk Central's system. Assertions were again made that the New Ilnvcn holdings of New Yerk. Ontario and Western will be taken ever by the New Yerk Central Company, nnd it wns Insisted thnt this change in the lodging place of control of Ontario nnd Western, is reasonable in view of the traffic arrangements new in force ever the West Shere Lines nnd en the close connections made with the New Yerk Central system nt vnrleus points. Other holdings of New Haven are nlse expected te be acquired by New Yerk Central, but se far, no arrange ments have yet been made te provide for compensation for these equities and properties, although It Is expected that some announcement mav seen be mode In regard te en increase in New Yerk Central outstanding capitalization. Pennsylvania Bankers' Convention Mere than 3500 bnnkers from Penn sylvania and cither States are expected te attend the silver anniversary conven tion of the Pennsylvania Bankers' As sociation which opens at Pittsburgh te day and closes Friday. Secretary of the Ireasury Andrew . Mellen will be the honor guest of the bankers en Friday, although he is net tchcduled ler an address. The convention will be presided ever by Alex Dunbar, rice president and cashier of the Hank of Pittsburgh, N. A., who is president of the associa tion. Among the topics te be taken up nre hew te aid the farmers In de veleping the agricultural resources of the ritatc, enlarging of the campaign against fake stock promoters and edu cating the public te the Importance of banking. Extensive preparations have been made by the Pittsburgh bankers for entertaining the visiting delegates dur ing their stay here. Most of the busi ness sessions will be held in the morn ings se as net te interfere with the so cial features. THE TRADER. A CHANCE FOR CITY JOBS The Daily Novelette Alice in the Subway ' By Janm Oibcrn Civil Service Examination Dates for Detectives and Other Positions The Civil Service Commission will held n promotion examination te pre pare nn eligible list for detectives en June 13. Patrolmen, ncting detectives and would-be detectives nre eligible for this examination. The position carries with it n Hilary of $2110. Whllp there Is no dearth of candidates for the detective force, het se with ether positions. , On June 21 the commission will held il test for boiler inspector nt a snlnry of S1400 nnd bonus. The last time this test wns held net an applicant showed up. An examination for architectural draftsman will be held June fi. The position pays from $2400 te ?2700. He cause, of ihe dearth in prospective ap plicants it has been decided te waive the residence- rule, se that applicants may come from anywhere in the United States. NO LONGER A SHOW MAGNATE Alleged Theatrical Producer Con victed en Three Fraud Charges Arthur P. Uuckner's Importance as n "New Yerk theatrical magnate" van ished into thin nir yesterday when he was found guilty before Judge Flnlet ter en three charges of ebtninlng money under false pretence. Hiickncr induceyl three Philndel phinns te join him in n "theatrical venture," each giving him .f.'OO. When Uuckner's "shows" did net take the read his partners Leonine suspi cious. They were Jehn Dlvlnnze, of 1107 Divinity street: William II. Calcy, Forty-third and Walnut streets, and Andrew Wellershelm, 0f .joep, Powelton avenue. They told similar stories of the fraud in eeurt yesterday. Judge Finletter deferred sentence te give Uuckncr nn opportunity te make restitution. Gloucester Scheel Plan Defeated The Heard of Scheel Estimates of Gloucester City last night by a tie vote defeated the proposal te appropriate .$140,000 for a new grade school. All the members of the beard were agreed that the school should be built, but U.nAii AtwlraAti and f?nilnellman afav hufh, .ware oppewd te building it tMf hw'd &r this rcbu; y HE. WAS the kind of mnn who seemed te be holding a eentlnunl compe tition for the "prettiest girl" or "the most beautiful girl." In this competi tion he was sole judge nnd the contest ants were girls he chanced te meet or te rce anywhere. When he went Inte a restaurant where women served, he cast his eyes about te find the girl who, In his opinion, was the prettiest. Then he took a seat nt n table that seemed te be in her zone. After a dnnee he could tell you which of the girls was the prettiest, which the most bcnutlful. In the office of n friend he would leek about In search of the best-locking stenographer. It seemed te be a game Unit interested him immensely nnd that made cyen n rlde in n crowded subway car some thing of nn adventure. Thus he was engaged one nflcrnoen when the offices of the business sec tion had just poured forth their thou sands of young women te mnke their way homeward. This time the laurels were awarded without delay. The girl who steed opposite him In the vcstl- ?;ule of the subway car wns se fresh of ncc. se gracefully proportioned, se brftwn of eye and golden of hair that she wen with flying colors. In fact, she was probably tnc prettiest girl he had ever seen in a Bubway train. In fact, she was perhaps the prettiest girl he Then the surprising thing happened. The pretty girl, with quirk color com ing te her cheeks, stepped ever te him wijli hand outstretched. "You're Jehn Laurence, aren't you?" she said with perfect conviction. "I haven't seen you for ten years, I'm sure. Yet I knew you in a flash." It wns surprising, becnuse the gitl didn't leek at all like the girl who would respond se quickly te his leek of searching interest. "Yeu bet I am. Jehn Laurence's my name, all right." "Yeu don't remember lneV" she asked with n little disappointment. "I remember your fhee couldn't forget that," he nssurcd. "Hut for the minute the name has slipped me." "Alice," she reminded. "I used te sit in front of you in school. Yeu used te walk home after school, tee, nnd carry my books. And I used te call you Johnny te tense jeu, and you used te put the end of my braid In your ink well." "Se I did, se I did. Yeu leek just the same. Let's sec, hew many years nge was that?" "Ten. wasn't it. sue ngurcu. "ivc were fifteen' then and we're twenty- five new. That's ten, isn't it?" Enormous satisfaction swept ever the man. He was thirty-two and n girl who dldnt leek mere than twenty thought he was her own age. "I guess I leek a whole let elder than you," he flushed. "Well, maybe, but then I suppose you have worked pretty hard. I heard you had graduated from Harvard and had gene in business with your uncle," she said, and again the man swelled with pride. He lie looked like a Har vard man, did he? "Weren't wc fool ish?" she went en. "Yeu nnd I used te be such geed pals, Jehn, and then we quarreled ever borne trifle." "We were mere than pals, weren't we?" said the man, making a success ful effort net te overdo the matter, yet eager te knew what role he was entitled te play. "Oh. you used te mnke calf love, Jehn, but thnt doesn't count. We'll forget all that. Hut I'd really like te see you ngain and talk ever school days." She put her hand out. "Come nnd see me some time. I live exactly where I did ten years nge. The neigh borhood hasn't changed. I am gettiug out here tonight te hue a filcnd." And there the man steed glued te the slde of the car. Why he didn't fellow the girl out of the car he could net tell. When he came te his senses and tried te fellow, the subwny deer slammed in his face. That night he took note of the facts en band. Though he had no thought at first but that the girl was just getting an excuse te tauc te linn lie was as sured, as her face and manner had assured him. thnt she wns net the kind of girl te de that sort of thing. He was sure et her story. She had simply mistaken him for some one else. All he knew of her was that she lived where she had ten jcar.s age, (hat her first name was Alice nnd that she bad gene te school ten years age with n man named Jehn Laurence, new twenty-five, who had graduated from Harvard and bore a striking re semblance te htm, Sim Kelly. After all, the clews were net bad. As the mnn thought it ever, he believed that the girl realized her mistake before she left. Much as he admired his own personal appearance he could net be lieve thnt she could hnve looked at him as closely as she did nnd net realize that-he web mere than twenty-five. Jim Kelly took time Ihe next day te drop in nt the Harvard Club in town and find from there something of one Jehn Laurence. He found that he lived nnd operated, with his uncle, a factory, some sixty miles out of the city. The next day was Saturday and Jim had premised te take Kate Hick son, te whom he was then engaged, te the theatre, but he made his ex cuses and took a 2 o'clock train te the home of the Laurences. He found Jehn Laurence, and was net flattered at having te consider himself his double. Te be sure, they were of the same build and coloring. Their features wcrt similar, though Jehn Laurence looked his junior by ten jtars. Hut while Jim Kelly was the mirror of fashion, with affected sprlghtliness of manner. Jehn Laurence seemed indifferent of his appearance "rt'as digging around some npple trees In bis orchard In a pnlr of old army treuscru when Jim called. "I've come en n rather curious er rand," he began in a grandiose man ner. "Yeu see, I happened te meet a little girl n chance meeting, but we get rather well acquainted. The llt llt tle girl seemed te tuke u fancy 1e me asked me te call. She gave me her address written en n card and some how I lest it. New I didn't want te disappoint her. Helng n mnn of re sources I tried te work en what clews I had. She spoke of having gene te school with a Jehn Lnurence raid that she thought we might be cousins because of a slight family resemblance. Se I happened te be out here today and thought I'd drop around and get you te give me the little girl's address. I can't remember her last name, but her first name is Alice. She finld she lived exactly where she did when she knew you. She said she hadn't thought of you once for ten years until some semo seme thing in my face reminded her dis tinctly of you." Something in the last remark brought the color rlsliuj te Jchn Lau rence's fnce. "Yeu He," were words very near his lips. He. Jehn Lau rence, had thought of Alien many, many times nnd he reultlimt believe that his little childhood sweetheart had never once thought of hlra. "I thought you'd give me the ad dress. I have ether ways et getting it, but I want te get In touch with her new se as net te disappoint her." "You'll have te use your ether sources then," said Jehn Laurence. "And I. wish you geed afternoon." jim tweiir ua net feel entirely and two eas evening he felt that he had been pe culiarly blessed by fortune. She wns even mero charming nijd radiant than she had been the first time he saw her. "This time I'm going te get your ad dress, little lady," he said. "I must apologize for forgetting te ask you for It the last time." Then he noticed the circle of dia monds en her left hand. Pcrhnps she hnd drawn her glove off en purpose. "Dees that ring menn anything?" asked Jim awkwardly. "It has the most wonderful meaning In the world. It Is all such n won derful coincidence. Yeu knew the time I saw you first I thought you were Jehn Laurence, and I guess I didn't give you a chance te say you wen n't, The very' next day the reat Jehn Lau rence came te sec me. He was n very old and very geed friend of mine nnd new. new we're engaged, Don't you think that was a wonderful coin cidence?" "Oh, I don't see anything very re markable about that," said Jim Kelly. The subway train had stepped and he suddenly decided it was time for him te get off. "Who'd have thought," he said te himself with a smile, "thnt old Jim Kelly would play cupid in spite of himself ! LADIES' NIGHT PARTY GIVEN BY R0TARIANS WWPWWWPWWPPPWsWiir rsaSBSBlBBBBSJBaBBaBBSSBSBBBSBBBBaiSBBBS9BBBSBSSBBSBSSSSSSBSSSSSSSBBBBSSSJ Y ssssl V Is Bellevue-Stratford Ballroom Trans formed Inte Gem of Floral Art The magic wand of springtime passed ever the heads of the members of the Philadelphia Rotary Club -Oast night, when they held their Ladles' Night party In the ballroom of the Hcllevue Hcllevue Stratferd and transformed that place te nn apple orchard in full bloom. The famous room has been decorated many times, but It is believed that last night's trimmings, both from artistic nnd realistic points of view, carried away the honors for beauty. The white blossoms hung in profusion from the balcony, nnd the stage wns n bed of ferns, behind which the symphony or chestra of the Combs Concervntery of Music played. The foyer nt the entrance te the ball room had been transformed into nn Italian gnnlen. with n plnjing fountain in the mltlst of coleretl llithts nnd banks of blooming calln lilies. The iiltnlr wns almost Hke n three ring .circus. First there wns the din ner. Then enme the concert. After the music all went into the Clever Iioem. which hnd been termed the "Per kins Opera Heue." in honor of Wil Itliis I'erkins. nresldent of thn eltih nnl chairman of the committee which ar ranged the affair. An elaborate vaude ville performance was given. Gilbert II. Combs, director of the music schools, was presented a lyre made of roses, and Alexander Colville, Sr., chnlrman of the Hey Week Committee, wns given it silver plate for his work in making that week n success. Following the performance every one went back te the ballroom, which had been cleared of tnbles. v The hnllet from "Glncenda" nnd a Maypole dance were presented by pupils of Walter O. Wree. After that there was general dancing. NEIGHBORHOOD CLUBMEETS Bala-Cynwyd Members Held Annual Election In the Fire Hall The Hala-Cynwyd Neighborhood Club met last night in the Union Fire Asse--i elation Hall, Cynwyd, nnd elected these officers for the cnsulus year : President, Henry H. McLnughlin ; vice president, Wnlter L. Chewnlng ; secretary, Hareld K. Scheff; treasurer, Geerge H. Mc Kinney, Jr., and solicitor, Leen W. Melcher. Lcltey A. Worrell was the retiring president. Following tbe election, nn entertain ment nnd motion-picture show wns put en for the amusement of the members. Mether of Eight Dies of Poison t Bayonne, N. J., May 24. Mrs. Mnrv ! McCi'cc, mother of eight children, died in n uespitni yesterday as the result of poison taken Monday. It is said she sent her nine-year-old daughter te purchase the liquid en the pretense she wanted te use it In household cleaning and drank It immediately upon the girl's return. What Makes a Safe Investment? It is the greatness of the factor of safety; the small ness of the clement of risk. The ratio of these two elements in most standard securities is a ma! ter of record te our office. We will gladly consult concerning present or con templated investments. Correspondence invited. SCHIBENEReBOENNING & Ce. Investment Bends 1615 Walnut Street Philadelphia Members Philadelphia Stock Exchange Hell, loeast litO Kerstene, Rnte 32M ijsiwiiiMnMim WE offer a Hit of high-grade bends secured Cby mortgages, maturing from 1924 te 1951, yield, ing from 5 te 7?e and which are free of the Penn sylvania State Tax. Circulars en Request ARTHUR PERRY & CO. BOSTON Drexel Building. Philadelphia New Yerk Providence EmMiBi Dees Your Geal Mine Need Financing? Call en Peabody Service let our experience of 39 years in mining, manage ment, selling, financing-, put your property en a money-making basis. COAL COMPANY 332 Se. Michigan Are. CHICAGO Operating 35 Bituminous Mints in 11 Fields With Annaal Capacity of 21,000,000 Ten - -71 1 RnivfniflnfMiivfM Hathaway, Stene, Wallace & Williams, Inc. ENGINEERS MANAGERS 1713 Santem St., PniUJflpait SPRUCE 7SS7 Operating Management et Industrial Enterprises. Industrial and Technical, Inves tigations and Reports. Consult in? Engineers te Manufacturers In Continuous Business L 8O0eMd MOVER r CO. Bankers & Brokers 301 Chestnut Street FINANCIAL AI.TOONA COAI. AND COKE COMPANY tlrtt Jtterttate Hlx Par Cent Nlnkinc Fund Geld Henda NOTICE OK nEDKMPTION Pursuant te the previsions et Article IV of the MnrUrase et Ueed of Trust from Alteena Ceal and Coke Company te Phila delphia Trust Company, as Trustee, dated June 1, 1010. notice is hereby given that Alteena Ceal and Coke Company will redeem and pay en the next ensulntr Interest day at one hundred two and one-half per cent U'ttf.) of the principal amount thereof, with the accrued Interest thereon, the bends Isiued and outstanding- thereon, the bend" numDerea as louewa te wit: 121 124 12T 130 in.1 122 ,125 12N 1SI 1,-14 123 12(1 120 132 13.1 Upen presentation and surrender for can- rellatian et the bends above described, with the coupons payable June 1. 1922. and all subsequent coupons attached at the office of Philadelphia Trust Company. N, E. cor ner Ilread and Chestnut streets, Philadel phia, en or after June 1, 1D22. redemption will i made as above stated. Interest en said bends numbered 121 te 13.1. both Inclusive, will cease en and after June 1. 1022. ALTOONA COAT, AND COKE COMPANY. By JOHN LLOYD, JR.. Treasurer. Dated May 10. 1022. TAX HKTURNR AUDITS HYHTEU9 I. Franklin Heward ft Ce. Certified Public Accountants Land Title Dldr,, Manser Bld trUladeluUa.ra. Washinitea. iCe,' WIEGRER.ROCKEV&CO. Certified Public Accountants ' Drexel Bunding, Philadelphia f8 gSiif. c ? te tke Je the Helder of First MertfSare A;. n-Yenr Hlnklnf Fund Cleld Dnnds of THE IlKKClt CRKRK COAL & COKK COM I'ANY. Due June let, 1(M4. The undemlKned, Huccesser te Knicker bocker Trust Company as Trustee under the mertsagii of the Jleech Crek Ceil ft Ceke Company, dated June 1, 1004, holds the sum nf Heenty-nve Thousand Six Hundred Elshty-feur Dollars and Beventy-elght Cents 117.1,684.78) In the Kinking Fund provided for under the terms of Article 0 of said mortgage which Is applicable te the purchnse of First Mortgage 8 40-Year Sinking Fund fSelil bends of the Ileech Creek Ceal & Coke Company, flue June 1, 1044. Offera of said bends at net exceeding par and Interest ttlll be received at the office of thn undersigned. THUHT DEPARTMENT. 00 llreadvsay. New Yerk City, en or before May 10, 1022, at twelre o'clock neon, Bends accepted must be delivered en June 1, 1B22. or security furnished, If required, that de livery will Le made wlttiln ten days. The right la reserved by the undersigned te re ject any and all erfers. COLl'MIlIt TBUHT COMPANY, hucceaser-Trustee. Ily UEOKUU E. WAnitEN. Vice President. Dated, New Yerk, May 1, 1022. Annnal Meetings It- THE SIXTY-HE VKM 11 A.N.MJAb meeting et the Contributors te the Heme for Destitute Colored Children will be held at ttte Heme, B4th nnd Derks Streets nn Herand dajr, Fifth month 20th, 1823, at EDWARD R. lONaSTRETH. Secretary. DlTldena OFFICE OF THE UNITED OAH IMPROVEMENT CO. N. W. Cemer Ilread and Arch Htreets lilladelphla, March H, 1U22, The Directors have this day declared a quarterly dividend of one and three-quurler per cent (fttHc per shnre) en the Preferred Hteck of this Company, payable June IS, lOtt. te holders of Preferred Hteck of record at the close of business May 81, 1022, Checks will be mailed, I. W. MORRIH. Treasurer. OFFICE OF THE C. II. (IEIHT COMPANY Lund Title Building Phlladelilila, Pa., Mav 23. 1022 The Directors of Freeport Gas Company )ian this day declared a. regular quarterly dividend of one :tnd one-half per rent (SI. 30 per share), en th preferred etecTc of the Compan outstanding, payable June 1, 1022 te holders of said stock of record at the close of business this date. Checks will be mailed C. II. WEAK. Secretary. ' Prepusils SEALED I'BOrOBALH WILL, BE OPENED by the Bunt, of LlgJitheu.es, Baltimore:, Md.; S r. M., Jane S. 1SSS. for decklnS. cleaning, painting, ate, U, H. LlghUwtwe LT( iu "vm. imoraatleD uoee, SSfelWaUeBj . C. S. PATTON & CO. SD A CHEHTNl'T STS. BANKERS m M AIIRU,?"5?EVENrlM4 Bends and tefks beefht and eeld, Member Phlla. Stock Exchange. RmnHHtnmmnmniiiiiiiNmiM New Boek! A compendium of useful and necessary information for these interested in New Yerk Curb stocks. A few of topics covered Income building by"Q.L" plan Basis of Investing and Trading Value of Stock Exchanges Geographical scope of stocks traded en New Yerk Curb Exchange Explanation of mere com men Market Terms. Ask for "Investors ft Traders Guide" free en request Jenes & Baker Members NcwYctU Curb Maria Direct Private Wires New Yerk Cblcsse Beftcn Phllsdetph's Pimburgb Detroit Bsltimere Clertlini PHILADELPHIA OFFICE Widener Building TrltnKnn. BU LeCUlt 4730 Telephones Keytene . j ,,6i BALTIMORE OFFICE ( 433 Equitable Building Telephone Plata 8431 auiHiirniiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiuiiiiiwii f........................!J FINANCIAL I notice nr iiKnurMPTinv Te holders of Victory Notes and ethers concerned! Netice Is hereby given n fellows! ' l-r!( for redemption of Sai I'.r f.nt , Victory Notes All of the 3. per cent Us- r.",!,.J. "nltert States of America Convertible I Held Notes of 1022-1023, otherwise known as 3 per cent V'ctery Notes, nre hereby called ' for redemption en June 1ft, 1022. pursuant te i the nrevlatmi fni- rnilAmntlnn .nni.ln I the notes and In Treasurey Department clrcu- lar no, 138. dated AVrll 21, 1010, under milieu inn i eiea were originally issuefl, in terrsi en ai cent series d-iti. June in. in-J: 2 Suspension nnd Termination of Tletnre Nete conversion nrUllewe. In vl., nf ih. notes were originally Issued, In all Victory Notes of the 81 per i will cease en said redemption call for the redemption of all S4 per cent victory notes en June in, ib'jx, and pur suant te the previsions of said Treasury De partment Circular Ne. 1.1H. tile nr'vll.i. nf conversion of Victory Notes of either series Inte Victory Notes of the ether series Is hereby suspended from February 0. 1022. te ?un9.1S; ,0.!?' b0,h inclusive, and en June IB, 1022, will terminate. Victory Notes ac cprd'ngly cease te be Intercenvertible, effec tive February 8. 1022, and en and after that dat; no conversion of the notes may be made. e Detailed Information as te the presen tation and surrender of SSI n. ,,. iri,,t-.. Notes for redemption, la ghen In Treasury Department circular Ne. 27T, dated Februarv U. 1022, cbples et which are available nt the Treasury and the Federal iteeerw Ilanlts. t iniBtirtll J. w. .Mr.l.l.ll?". Secretary of the Treasury, Feb. 0. 1022. POCAHONTAS CONseTTi7a"teTJ Ce I.IER1EK 'COMPANY ' INCORPORATED FIFTY-YEAR FIVE PER CENT UOLD BONUS. .DIE JULY I, 1037. Netice Is hereby len, pursuant te the terms of the Mortgage dated July 1, 1007 that the undersigned as Trustee will re celve sealed proposals up te 2i00 P. M OI, the flth day of June, 1022, for rtie sale te It of bends as ahoy; described, suftlclent te use the sum of S4J.aS2.83. The undei signed reene the right tu r.ejeel any or all tendirs. in whole or In part. THE NEW YORK T1IUBT COMPANY Trustee Ily A. C. DOWNINQ. Jn AHRlstiuit Hecrcturv New Yerk, Mav 4. 1022. "'"ciary. UNDERLYING BONDS First Closed Mortgage (Public Utility) Operating in 33 communitie Company's earnings for 1921 2.70 times interest require ments. Price te Yield 7.10 I Circular C. I. en request i Fairman & Company Drexel Building, PhiU. I Established lOOi Correspondent I A. H. Bickraere & Ce. ! Ill Broadway. New Yerk ' nrrgsiMTiigiiigsiiiisM'T'' Empire Gas & U Fuel Company 8rc Cumulative Preferred Stock Write far Special I.etttir B HENRY L. D0HERTY & CO. 604 Merris Bid., PhiladelpWs LEIIIOH NAVIGATION KLKI"TltlcrT5" FIRST MTOE. D-dfSMl uSXeW-0-' ,eUr?...;hdafer 3u.y"T Yo'lt'et.0. "i, hereby given that ie following bends are drawn for payment: Nes. 48. 82. 11H HV 687. 01T.,00T. 1003, 1001), flerles "II " Paymeht will be made upon surrender of Ki.r'juf T .fey of ,h en Sr TH.?. PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY von i. ANNIIITIK8 N V,M- A. ORANf INO $12,000 Life Insurance Age 35 for $10.08 Per Ment In nn Old'LInn 'n'nDUn,r,..M Send Yeu" II.. ? cf ''""J, Wl.iit Slu :t Menth Will De '"'Sy PEARL & SUDLOW AGENCT .1701 FINANCE IILIKI..,!'.'".,.' "lleiienclHIile insurance- p. NEWBURGER. HENDERSON & LOI s Members New Yerk nijl - Philadelphia Stock " ,1 El SV V.MJSJ mrnkm 1 V" LtHf. i.. I ' ',' .', ' . 'tt!iffiSss1 iwrv -,&krttfl&li&Bl. iwv 'H