UVW. TH ' VA't VW,- VWi .'yfyisrei! 'S, v m -" 5!rts55jv& 'V '' vIjjb'!ISI i i "i- EVENING v PUBLIC LEDGERr-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, : T ! .... . ... 1922 21 Farm Shows West Phillie Athletes Should Easily Cep Title i i -- .-.- .,-. -. r . . - 1. 1 . .. . " iSPORTSFORALLIS Hen? Zfees It Strike Yeu? Pinch Hitting Cellcgtftte Tennis Surprise in Sports By THE OBSERVER TIU'MVj nre mnny ways of starting arguments ancnt baseball. One method .- m I.r am flaiA frt It mtlrtililA.. ittj. . -. a& a I 1 li t . . IlCVCr lll.asn.-n iuc u mu eiittuuii u. mu mes (llllinill position oil tnP PENN'S POPE IN HURDLES lie one nttcmnt 112 te helil nn in tnm I'liplr rdintw.i.u flf.i ...., ..! ..,t !... One ennnce uii-y gn 111 n wiioie win gnnie Tliiee swings nt the bnll nnd i- that Pitcher, catcher, short, third, mveiuI, first nnd outfield, they nil hne their full mre of supporters, but consider the ciisc of the plncB -hitter. Often the plnch-hltter Is nn old man old according te baseball stnndnrds-J-whe Is trjlng t held en te the prestige that li fast slipping fiem bit name. Just ns often be Is 11 jeutb, serntcblng for 11 foothold In u league faster There they arc Age and eutb the Hid the ether struggling te attain It T de come they nre crucial. n..- ..!.... .n lm. n.t 1. n nlnl t.nU line ciiuuiv i.'v..t B. i niiuic uiiii giiiiiu. nun' sumgs ni me nnil n.nu opportunity Is gene, nnd pcrhnps gene forever unless a hit resounds from bis bat. Yet It is the pinch-bitter who often decides a bnll game. Such was the vwe at Slilbc l'nrk en Monday when Dnn Clark rapped a borne run when two Tigers were en base nnd tied the bcerc in the ninth Inning. This is Clark's first year in the big leagues. His big chance came, and his neivcs were steeled te the test. He came through. The pitcher can falter and recover in the same game, the ether plecrs can err nnd yet retrieve honors, but the plnch-hltter can full but once. pOV THOMAS Inn beee assigned te the Fert Smith club of the "Western League as manager, The former I'lilllie outfielder and Penn sjhnnla reach knows a .let of baseball and should make geed. He has a personality that appeals If his digestive erguns behave properly and permit him te retain Ills ordinarily geed disposition. Interest in College Tennis Grewing ELOQUENT testimony te the growth of tennis ns'im intercollegiate speit is contained in the schedule of college team inntches for this season. Uefere June dawns close te a hundred and fifty team matches will have born plnjcd. The schedule called for mere than a hundred during May. Net se mnny jenrs age the number of colleges supporting tennis could be counted en the lingers of two hands. This year the list totals eighty. nesnies me numerous team lnntciies, individual championships also will be tt.iged in various sections of the country. ' , Interest is national, although the main center is in the Knst. The tinns tinns centinental trip of the University of .Southern California attests te the popu larity of tennis in the Fur West. The intercollegiate championships will be played nt the Meiien Cricket Club again this jear. The elimination matches will start en June LM. It is forecast that the entry list in the individual title teurncv will be the I largest in ui- msiery et intercollegiate tennis. Tlie schedule of team matches sever reached the same proportions ns it did this season, milEKE Is no place Uie home, and the Plilb are beading there r.ip 1 Idly. The cellar lias been the lienie of the Phils and A's for several seasons,, but the Mackmen are treading en new trails. Wllhelm's athletes have lest slv straight ami arc still going strong. 'v'aaaHai wr ILaaaaaaV ': 'V'- aaaaaw t" jJ JMBPV, -aiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaattaaaaalaal iMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBr i iiiiiiEvL ar3 lKaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw miaa . wRBPPialaVat jB 1 Haaaaaaaaaaf ' J 'BfBHWalfeNaMalaaaaaaaaaaal I 'HKaV .atAiBttnaaaaaaalaBaiiaaa I 'Jlyv , ' V 'i i aaaaWv S' J tiHaaaaaaaar .aaaaaaaataaaaaaff , . 1 ) II raaai tmma-wmmm0mm M) i Hfl :' KKlL iHHaaaaaMi ' B aaaaaH W aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaal' 'aaaaaH AaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWaaaaaaaaaaB ' 1 aaaaaaaav aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaal-' aaaaaa9MHaaw vHaaaaVaaa1aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa r. m $ raasaalP avaaaamaaaaaxSHaaaaaaanas ' !GaaaaalaaaiaTaaWs v-. Vavl ' ' flaf VII laaaaaaaaaaaaBJHaaaaaaaaaTwi ' vt.x iLaw I Cv . HB(BBPI!I!!!'' 7 -sV '; , -t? yHL' 3$z22iiZ-!?,'4.i; :-. .-;.. s .1-t.aai (Jeerge C. Powers, Jr., has been the surprise of the Penn track team (his season. I'uheraldcd, he came te the spotlight by winning firsts In the Dartmouth nnd Cernell dual meets. He Is figured te pick up some points for the Itcd and Itlue In the hurdles en Saturday LANSDOWNE SLOGAN Oepauw Football Coach Resigns OrfriwuMlr. Iml winning team. A cup te the pliijer hnv. iiiK me iB"esi muling "'J. "i, it, i i repncnlp. Im donated by J, II. .Inrvls, W . W. Hhedn fT iiirnter of i a (. ..I u ...til. 1... l...u efiieh .It IlitllllV eners e,.,. ie mu ,,. .j ... . '"-; V er'.tlnK te Vn n.itm..r...n.-ni l.v ( he I.nnsdevv'ne Country Club will r win i-av.. nt th iie of thp Bchui ........1 m,n ,. ... tl.n Ine.llnp tiltcher. Ne uccer hns h'nt. cl.cti.l ine i.ii.isoewiie ie.iiiiry vi.n .r "i -.. nwnrd a llkn cup te the leading pitcher. nuccsmr ... ..., .. it..n . Jilv , I I. Ml .1 ntlin Htillet.ft. Hfl'l h" I'l fnetlii.ll t'tilvrf-Kltv him l.'H ttn.Ml IU1tIIMrcln"'Ilt tiv (iMirn. . Oft. ri Hlh er Little's Appointment Cenflrmad mi Arlmr. Vtlrl... Mu) '.'I Appelntihtnt of ildirK.' I.itlli' iilhli'llt illrprliir itf Mlntnl t'nHMill, iim nvniRtnnt illr." ter of lntr, (iillnpint, ettilftlin i t tlie L'lilVfrflly 'Of Ml lilKdii, iiiinouerrii .nun' limp nun at, .Mln tm tmn Irtcti erridnlh rimtlrtnril by th be inl of lonlrel of i.tlitnlcn t ih unhtTilly lit re. One-Big-Team Idea Dropped in Faver of Twe Leagues of Five Teams Each MOVEMENT MEETS FAVOR t .. -...a... i. .. . ..lrtj1 I, f ti i tilnirnn n .1 IlllfVrilii'll. Mill H'll III IHUIMI.I.TIH u few weeks age and which might rcntlilj anil .rightly he termed n "spnrts-fer-nll" movement Is meeting with vlennl J success anil threatens te spread te ether communities that permanently adopted the policy of the I.nnsdewne ctlens I Fer jenr nfter enr the fans have I heard of the T'nlen A. A., of I.nns- i devvnc, nnd ether rejiresentntlve clubs i bearing the nniue of Mint horeiigli An- ' nually about the middle of lVbriinrv a i lltllllllt,'! ! II miiiiiiciil i -iiih.M" f'v'' ' tegrtlier ufifl dlsiMiHseil the baseball out The public-hplrttfn ntlcns ruifl bus Iih'sm men i1pcI(ImI flint n town tenni tnu n it itf. tint ti ttlrr tiiK'nrt lunnilMlt . nt r nnil ngreed that fFniinclnlly it was weit i se iiuicn 10 mem, never:., tiiuutiiini um Inrs were collected nnd nt the end of each year they had te shell out again te make up n deficit. In tlie town of I.iiusdewne there are about n dozen teams. At this j.-ar s liltHllll 11 llUAt'll It'llllll. ai nun ..III. I I meeting the Idea of one big team et 1 tn - I ported players hns "given the air" am ,n "sports-for-all" program dectdei! upon. Accordingly two leagues of tci I -- j.. ... vull iuiivu inirin OrLLUDUIOriUIALU te wirnir QUADS" Ferm Depe Shows Germantown High Should Take Second te West Philly Probable Winners in Interscholastic "Quads" 100-jnnl ilniih Winner. Mathlas. Oer msr.ttmn, euand, Felev Seuthirn. thlnl. Kurlmrh. Oprmantewn: fourth. (ieulJ, Oen 'rnl. ilfth. WrlKht Oi-rmanttwii L'.'0-attl ilnuli Winner. Suinmttj I'ranli I'ranli ferd. M'culul, Ueulil Central: thlnl. Ktirbii' li. ilcrtniintewni fourth. Feley, Southern rtfth, Hnlcenib, Qermantewn. 4i)-anl run winrer. liuitnn. vd(n rhllnilelphla: nrcenil, Jrckseu, Went (lulnhlti .hl.il tl'T.iifinilanf Wru, .1 I'uiivi ieur.n. lompH.ea. ueuiiiiiuunii, iiiiu. llllll. ikLUHl MIIIKI. I"U IT-11RU1-I Ul IVII .An...M 1..1.K.. ffi.liiii.1 It... nllll'Itli. Il, 11 In, t IIUIII mil: iiji. ii'iii nil- i...t .iik I. ..' Ih known a.s the Twilight League and the ether five in the Saturday circuit Kech team plavs four games nnd tin winners of tlie two divisions meet en the Fourth of July te determine the championship. The twilight games start at 0:.'50 1. M. and the Snturduy con tests at .'t :!50 1. M. I.nrge crowds nre turning out nnd the movement hns been n success. All the collections derived will be set aside and a grandstand will lie erected en the public playground where the games are being plujcd. l'hiin. Instead of luiviliir it let .if Olivers l'hilniiei- w, arrive i few minutes before the game and tarry long enough te Taste is a matter of tobacco quality We state it as our honest belief that the tobaccos used !n Chesterfield are of finer quality and hence of better taste than in any ether cigarette at the price. titgttt & Mjtrj Ttbacte 6 c. It I. '3 v aaaaaaaaaaaaaaKflaXtiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV-' aaaaaaataar j&aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar. aaaaaaaHllaaaHl&u aaaHaaaaaaai aaaaaaaaaaaaafgj-ji aTTTl fTX Xlll. .aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV aaSPkMaaaZaalalaaaKS Hl.ljV 1 WT aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV Chesterfield CIGARETTES of Turkish and Demestic tobaccos blended tr JH & The Element of Sunirlse in Sports llMTIIUUT the element of surprise, sports would be dull and drab. " would be cone, a blank remninine. MATHIAS "100" FAVORITE The color " i p - . The Athlptles. enleitl.'iteil in finlc.li lntt I,,. ..,t. ... . i i...... . , , . . . .in.ei. .l.ll., n.iuiicniy uccemc one of the meit feurtsl clubs in ttie league. The 1'hlls, floundering around nenr the bottom, strike Chicago and win four straight. The Interest Ilnrenicter rNcs and fulls again when the club icttles into another slump. Mr Stetson, medalist and n favorite te win the women's title, bows te tie golfing prowess of Miss Helen Median, n scventecii-)ear-eld girl. lMller), u rank outsider nt almost 12 te 1, wins tlie Prenkncss and MI-3 Jey, the favorite, is shut out of the menej . Tlldeii. world's champion anil many times conqueror et Johnsten, becomes a Tictlm te the serves and returns of the little Callfernian in tr.e 'West. And se it gees in every spot t. Kemi is pale. It Is the upset that thrills. rpilE Giants swept through the East like the Palm Ileacli Express, f but they hit stem and seldi opposition In tlie West, losing mere i linn i Im.iii .an ui .. li..!.. rii .... ....... ...iiT-liMiinM 01 uirir Kixmva. ineir setliaclt is geed for tlie wel fare of the National League. An easy jennant winner does net majje for enthusiasm. hlln.lAlnV 1M iiihvlnn-r .Trirhflnn. Wttt Phtl.i , uci.inm, Bicenc, nep, eni .'nuauripnia; inira, uoraen. Lennni: leurtn. .-Miiuru. "" Nertheast: llfth, Merinbprlt. Nertheiint H.. nitii iieii. 1 ISCvnrti hlsh hurdles WlnniT. Summers. I'.ll lj l'KI'.I' rrnnkfertl, ncrend. lYanks. r'entntl. third. GKItM W'I'OWV IITCIt linn!il lint V!''!H Central, fourth. Koentr. Wcat Phlla- r.iui.i.viiiH.v 1111.11 SIIOUKl IIOl dcha. ,lftn. Cu8tBr. Xerth'PRt win the "Ouads" this vcar! i'ie-vnril low nurdlew Winner Jonen, .. . ... Krniferd. second. KoenU 'VVfst lillmlrl- 'J Ills prcilletien will take a Heck of 1 ehla third, rrunk" intr.il. fourth. Custr. linlnslle ,l,..i.,e,.a l.v cr,.rUe TT.,,1- I NeJih'-1".!. nf.'h.v '. t:!,nrl i-iiiui jui innnr ..cv ta.n. csi rniia d.Mrlila; second Wt-ckH. I'rnnkfnrd third. Htjler. Seuthern: fourth, Summer. Frank Frank ferd: llfth. I..iuK'Uen. Wt Fhlladplnhla. llread Jume A'lnnr Mahla. Herman ttiun; Mitend. Sumnifm Frankford. third, IlatH, .Vertheant: fourth. I.UKhten. West I'hlladi'lnhlii: llfth. Hweltrcr, Cintral. IIIbIi lump Winner, llatct. Nerthf.in'; . -v..... iiuuimni, ijtiiiinniuwn, iniru, fiwu- field cliamplenshipx, (;r. Central, feurtn. I.nuKhten, Wmt l'hiin- ' ilt.llililii ,!.!. .... I .... l -..i. ,. " ' '.,, ' .-'VllVII 11 .'VHP, i r.uiu- chnnee.s In the Une-un The new era in I.nnsdewne'H sport program is indorsed by tlie ITnlen A. A. and it number of valuable trophies will be awarded at the close of the season. The president of the Union Club will give the championship trophy te the BROWN WILL RUN INHALFMEONLY Penn Leader Will Confine Efferts te One Event at Cambridge His l.v IAKRV IIROWN Celaln of thr 1 nherltv of l'rnnsj Ivdnla Track Tram. rjONTItAKY te what Is expected. I have derided this jenr te centinc nwlf exclusively te the hnlf-mlle run In the intereelleglates en Triday and Saturday. Since the Cernell meet it CHS born Ainnrtnil V11. .1. fll,... .. ...,., ., ,, 1, j ll.tl.ll ,1.1(1,11 i-i -1 Five Leading Batters in Each Majer League AVIEKICAN I.KAttt 1! .llr. St. Lealff. . ih '4k' 'i ns .V.'i'T.l AJhlMIrM . .11 W a ftl U'Nidll. (irrlnntl S7 7.1 .1 31 Vwuker. (Irieluml .11 131 S.l .-.' Witt. New Yerk... 20 101 81 ie .ATlO.AI. J.KAtiCi: (i. A. II. R. ti. Toperrr. St. I, . - Ut 30 3. T. (irtrrith. Ilkli-n. 2S 01 14 85 fiOMib. Iloiten , . 1H ft-, n ..1 lltebrr, IMttnlmrnli. !0 124 2." 47 llornelij. .St. Leuis 34 127 33 48 I'.r. .4,t .4IH .113 .307 .38.1 I'.r. ..is.-, .3H3 .38' .370 .378 schelnstic tlenesters by surprise Hew ever, If every athlete runs true te Ills best form (jcrmnntewn should net win. West 1'hlllle looms up ns the winner. According te most of the wise crack ers, It Is useless te held the public high uclinnl trnelr nnil fiell! eliultinletlshini. .. 1 1 .i .i.i dMlplila, llfth. tin Imtwei-n V felts. l"ra inas'mueh us the Cllvetlens hnve the title 1 -erd and winters. enimntnn. all sewed up and tucked uvvny In their "'" v a tilt -winner. Hiawart. Trankferd: trenliv eiise I f.'00",'1; ?"" Nertheant: third, Siraten. irepnv "i-L. ... ,i 1 lralikferd: letirth. Sharpies, llorniatitein Hut these prophets hnven't been ilith haxen. West l'hilHdeii.hla. watching the dlinl meets closely this 1 yln were-w.st Phil ideii.hia. 77: Trank. season. If tl.cv have they have loose,! SerVivi. ' i"f TelRh''." n" CMruU ': and net seen. Ter the Green anil bite ip'tebi!0 's,renB '""" " W rri,rI'"1! WIN DOUBLES TITLE (tcrmnntevvn without n tleubt has a speedy team, but according te nnst .per- Bartett and McGnn Capture fermunces the team should finish third. v..HiU.c ,,.,,. I Junier Tennis Crown Mahlas taierlte I Knrl llnPtIctt nnil Thrm,H Mr(.Illltl. I he ( liveilens are llgiueil te m ere 1 f iVnn imrter. were lw. ,. in -. BASEBALL Today, 3:30 P. M. S1I111K PARK. 2lsT AMI I.KIIK.It All:. ATiiM-rrifH H. nr.THtiiT Reserved N.-ntx (.Imbeln' nod Senltllnt's GOLF ncnutifut Country Club under con cen con structlen with the finest twenty-seven hole- golf course in the Kaat. Can accept thirty-five mere applications for original membership. Write for Information V 705, Ledger Office XIII- 1 tll.-lll'll .111 llllllll t" ri w. !l tieints in tlie l()l)-vnril tlusli. Mntliin is the probable winner, ire prebnbly will be followed by I'elcy, of Southern, with Knrbach. IJermantewn: (Jeuld, Central, nnd Wright, (Seniinntewn, lin ishlng In the order named. Southern, therefore, vveultl score 4 points nnd Central li. Frankford should score the most points In the L'20-.vnrd dash. The VIo VIe neer.s should garner T ctmnters; tier muntnwn, ! : Central. 4, and Southern, ii. Summers, of Frankford, it favored te win. Gould, of Central, probably will finish second, with Knrbach. 5er 5er mantevvn: Feley. Southern, anil Hei- following Mm te finl of fh ,. ivi.i... ...- ','einb. (lermantevvn : , ' "" eiiimia iuij mar- the wire b'een iuinrevC Ttf "l1 -iSTV! "," I Wert I'liiladelphia is doped te garner I, i,1"8.1" """'! ImI neliit" in the 440-yurd run, with s et ? L . " nUln"gU h5- 'tt. -inckvtn an.l Ofienhauaer lin- "n '"', c cempet tlen of these I NllllB ,irstt second an.l third, rcspt-e lave nlrendv ment ened. lie has a ,ively. Tompkins nnd Holeemb. of tier- h . 'It 1-V' f,heu,d brl"K hlm mantevvn, should finish fourth nnd fifth. up close te the lenders. Tl0 sedlKes In nil Ilkelihoe.l will Camnbc'.l, the liihewn g't III mere points in the eAO-ynrd run. li,.. T ,, . , , . t.i i t 'e, ,,1,1.11 f vi ! uneniinuser ioekn uest, vviin uuiten mat I would run in both the quni ter , . ''"" --'Phell. of ae is an uncer- M.cem mi eidlield fifth. Webensnilth. 'n.1 hnlf In the latercellegiates. t m. ,:,,i,. . L i,P,'l ' , "lr, r".ns "f Cermantewn. should finish fijird und Fer the last two years 1 ran in the j S" Vun"' 'l S" X" 5-SB22i ! Krfl- 'f HeutherB' fl,rt" 1'Ie and the half, three hanl raees In be luckv te de miller tun i,,!,,.,., Jacksen Rest Mller tffe tlajs. a crlml tlint U nttenmieil liv , week later. In the A. A. U. idinm. .Intksen and (Jlle fnilshiiis first nnil inst summer, seienn, iiui'ti.vi'i.v, in ine nine i . , --"---. - . - i..v ,1.1.111.-. n u. the junior doubles tennis cliiiimiiiinui.ii. of I'lilladelphin jesterday afternoon when they defeated Jack Hrnmmiil, of West I'hilailelphia, and William Kraft, of Lewer Merlen. The matches were played en the courts of the (termantewn Cricket Club and the final score was 6-L 0-1, 4-0, e-:i. Travelers Beeking Games , 'I he I It H TriM-lerK would like te lioelc twlllcht tfatneu itlh flf.l.il,.B hnmu t,.!.. raln a fair Guarantee. The Travelers iiIhe would like tu urrancL' Hiturdny nnd Sunday Fames with ilrFt lans hum- nines. Any team ...tal-lnV thlu n..vnn.l..n Kmal.l .m . Ih .-r,..,.w ,,,,n .. , . . ..v., .tin -.iiiiu.ii .Hi in muin 1 ..in. ii. .... .iiiiuiieu, ...it .-erin rwentv. flpvnth ntreut. thn evenlnBS." or phene Diamond 3104 In Lecal Schoolboy In Hall of Fame Th Jamei1 Martin SVhoel defeated the, Ilnckett Sihoel at Hkhmen.l and Wentmnre land HtrcetM, n te n Pitcher Prank Moere , (I'd net allow the Il.irltitt team a hit or iv ' run. a feat seldom iwcemulluhej by a cram mar school pitcher. S few athletes. The comnetitlen In the lV""sh,l,s "'. J 'nsaden.i last suininer, second, respet lively, in the mile run . i hlle nnd the ,iV i i .' ' ( ,,11lbell finished a peer fifth. Twe Leonid net the Orange and lllue !l mere mile an.l the half ale is alwa.vs se k.en Peks inter he competed against Oxford 1 1 Points. tiorden. Central ; McCunlv. I $ mat few athletes will attempt te run and defeated the great Ilevil Iludd, of Northeast, and Merenbcck, Northeast,) thra both en the same, day The strain 'I'"' English team In 1:55. ' I should bu the ether point winners. , ; ' tee great and most of the experienced ! "'"Pbell hns been running poorly nil I Summers, of Frankford. is selected te t,,. , , , M,lr-'" ""jen,. JPt having practiced with him wIn ,1,s w'enil tlr.it place In the 1110- $ S '"""finf themselves te one or the run against him and knowing hlm 0 i "' ' hurdles. F.anks and Wells, &e nt-"".'r',,tl,,'lr.,P',,n,' T ft I f.fl Hiiro that Iip will turn In " cnt (V"t': K01"1"' Wt Philadelphia, I '& "ln the ''''""'Pienships by n.tmlf-nille nt Cambridge. 8 nnd Cester. Northeast. nHe bheuld , 5 point or two. ' i. t.i. i j.i. . ..... . . i,....i I vviin. nr two. ' i. t.i. i j.i. . ..,.. . . Thelmlf.milernn tli.w ,e,. III !..' .V "" ' "' CI1.1 Mine, and Cen- no of th, K,e,est ,;,,ecf,en of m ddle AVZT'aXVl: ; ;-, Erny .?.::"':. l f thev m d,i ,ere ,.,;", P ..,..,,, ( ,,, l(f. IPUIIIIUI. I'lLinnt Iim. ...... r J .11 . . . li lalt-mile rill, is ..l.e nf the ,.,a Inter. ,"'" """"'' " .""t HI1I1K. tlint ,! Wll " i li pi will nciirn firvtnltirtil.. t .. .! I ! mid te give kh ' .'.' "". '" .' ' in " ".,.- mi a iwu-iv llllll illll, Itllll , ,,. n. f., ,!,,. ..Ill . ", 'tils v ear. ulth the n. ,.,... ..P 0... I '.p.nt . ",p ,,l0 V"l be forced Wd i, "..:,.i ." V. ' el. .. i tlielr lie-t in the longer event. ---., . 1. - Slll-I II I'l llll.l HIP II 1 Ilia -a " ''esting few minutes. .. " l "rc entering Johnny Hidden, hi n ti . '""'f ."ereiiiin ami i.u. .McMuliln, nil T '"" v..si ci.in.uie iieneriuers ill me li.ut. who inuv nlnee. Anether Frankford runner, Jene., leeks like the i.'L'0-Mird low hurdles winner. Keent, est Philailelphia ; itruukH, Leutriil : Lester. Northeast. .....I Al,.llu r..,l Ll,....l.l .:i.... i.. , HUH li ..nn, v., ill. li. rriiwillil IIIIIOll J.I iuc order, McClaln, West I'liiladelphia. the liiinirileii, nppiars te lead the shot nut ters. Weeks, Frankford; Stvler. Seuth- rllh Allen Ilelfrieh, of I'eun Stntc : ' "l,st't tlie dope und get places. All lern Campbell, 0f Yale; Carter and thiee hnve done better than I :,rW. eik, of Cernell: Mnsteis, of (leerge- Judging by the manner in which the nvvn, ami number of ethers, the niiildle distance men ran In the I'.-nn re- this j ear should be one of the best as expect te see the half-mile en ma most e.cltluK in many seasons. , Suturday provide one of the closest and 1 de Het lmitr ,.,. .. ...... - i i.. .i.. liin.st Interestim. rnn.iu .if .1... .. ,. ."i-v-1 i n.i- .'.uKriiui. fvent i.;v."" .:.." ::v: " "" " u : h . J li"i mm me winner will i itTe tt T.ltvy." M00REST0WN CLINCHES VnVeV,;,. M,L" ,u"'"-rs ,,H '". SOUTH JERSEY TITLE Allen Ilelfrieh. the Vnm' State lad. 1 ".iUfl" f ' M Ut 'enI'rl:!;it,1,!!l,1?mi1' "!',- '''' Ninth Straight Victory Is Sensa tLZjZnZ t,0"al 4-3 Elcven-.nn.na Triumph in n K."lnr form ",ls M's'1". due te Tll Moorestown High Scheel base in. .p.!'.r".! 'i"1 M,;Pr,l! nienths age. Dm- , bull team virtually cliiiche.l the rh.mi. I.. !... t . . . ' pienslilp et the Seuth Jersey High lnK the fiitlmif ,,. i... ...i."".,' ..... I .!,. ... , -" "- ...jiinii inn iik Mrl,,!,a',1,""1' h!.,s Prevented him from reneli big ,is top form. the hlif 'i1', ms "''""' f !." 1-5 for imc, r'n le wh,ch '", ,,HH 'l ""veral rehViii. is ""',"MH ,lmt NNlt1' Helfilch ible te i'""!1 "h,n ,I,,fcats 1,Im '""'t be ? tl?c"; afoitIeneU l:5t te renVai.lnrilr' "'ewjpII, is also nn excel- -- ll.l I 1 I I I I I 1.1. ... .!. , . i. Ill III Illi no, Schoelb by defeating Collinesuneil High, 4 te .'!, in a bcnsntlenal eleven I Inning victory. I It inuiked tlie ninth siicces-lve tri- uinpli for Moeicstovvii. Pluvieus te the gamu both teams hud eliminated ull rivals. Moerestowu Ims numbered among us victims some of tlie best teams I.I ,lCff UIT&L'V ii. r "C IPS lift e, I """ ' W011 'J' Mr eh 1 , i V """ m,,, ,,ew H'" 10 improve siieuki continue ""ie ffi, e',? "v ea,-PlUil. '" ,,', ' tent.iste.ht, ,!"' ,al;. Although a , iieppi "KarUeil hv V V rr' ' 00K ' "et . M0 ",r n second or third Mcrs ef1 !. . i ; "Y'iw(i is.ene or uie senre t moeukstown ror.MNasweon r h a e e r h u n . Shea, If . II l e 4 1 Uehertii lb II J nia 0 llrlW.ir.ef II O n II I 'CM.. .. " . V !."? " ' Ilend.Sl. . 1! a 4 II 0 llelnert e: 1 1 H n iMIe.ns, 0 0 H a O NlcheU p. e e ft L' 0 llbard.C. 0 O a a O .time, nt I n ii . n 1'uttn.p.. . 0 13 0 0 Hudi.en.li' 0 0 ! T O .ionnen,lD 1 1 O.'l 0 I.aviid'e.ab 0 e a " 3 Keiier.Bli 1 0 a 0 a Zunser,. 0 0 3 0 a Moere.if,. u 1 0 0 0 Kern.lf... 0 0 0 1 0 Totals., ,4 7 20 83 4 TeU . 8 i 12 33 B Moercntown. ..... 0 0 OA'l 0 0 10 0 24 coiiinweo4 .j,, oe ofle a e e e e j a if? . ". ern; Summers, Frankford, and Laugh- i ten, West rinintieipnin, also will prob ably pick up points. Ilrend Jump Uncertain Then comes the bread pimp. This event is nn uncertalnt.v , ns Mnthla, the (iermaiitevvn star, has been slipping, However, if lie jumps nt his best he smm in win. Minimer", et e'runkferd, ,is pickeil for seceml. Untes, Nertheast: ' l.aiighten, West Plilluilelphla, mid , 1 Mvveltzer, central, also should garner I nelntM. I Hates, of Northeast, is the probable i 'victor of the high jump. Hubbard, Ger- I I mantevvn, has been chosen te tulie see- end with Swelfer. Central, and Latigh- . Heii, West Philadelphia, tinishlng third and fourth, weeks, Frnnkferd, nnd' Winters, tiermiiiitewu, should tie for' fifth. Stewart, Frankfeid. looms as the best pole vaulter. Cliff, Northeast; ! Stratiin, Frankford : Shnrpless, CJcr CJcr niiintewn, nnd Saxen. West Phllndel- I phla, aie ether likely place winners. The above dope Is placed en indi vidual performances enlj . llelay races, I of course, and ether team events nre i net Included. According te the nbove selection's, West I'lilllie should score 45 points; I Frankford, !l.'l',.j : (ierninntevvn. :S0. Central, L'5 ; Northeast, 18, and South ern, 11. I Remove Wildwood Ball Park ' Mllduned. N. J.. Mnv n. ti,. ,. loner have ordered the rinnv.il of the ll.arh Hull l'nrk from th vicinity of Ment, lunury and Davln avenues te the new nlet recently acquired ly thy beard et trade, want of l'nrk lleulevurd nnd between Hnliler nel Yeune avenues. Tn park will ba ready for I 'H tt BASEBALL GAMES BOOKED Ne Charges Ne Obligation Heme Teams, Netice ! We are Kl-id le de It. as we nre in cenntant touch with all the First-Class Traveling Team And recele d-illy communications from them reaucstlns Bamei In and nreund- l'hiin We'll Bet ou a s-ame any tlme. un der an clicumtancen If eu're left In the lurch, don't hesitate te t all. Kiln UiIh ml for future reference) IHHHIittHtMti,,,,; : BASEBALL .25; : SUITS 4 : ' I'anti, box.. Bhlrt. cap , - enu i;ii, iiiwiuuiuif lettering Self- 4 J meaburlnit blank or representative t WOLFINGTON'S i Painting, Rcnevathip and h'cpnU-- tiiy service ll fel Repainting Our nir-tip;ht, dust proof Varnish Reems arc kept at an cte?i temperature. T li e paint holds en longer, btays bright lenper because it is "sea boned." Special prices for summer work. Phene: Poplar MS. The WOLFINGTON Sheps 19th and Huttonweod Established Wt Ifs Here We Rick en hacker 3T ZK1I$. Wra2FQ'E72iZ?r' ZD 2 J'TT ZeTiZiS Six t aent en request. '.! Passen -GettUeb - Black Sporting Goods 409 S. 8th St. '' I neilf I S ll &YffiYssst,ssssssJJ I'resten SlOe West 1014 sjm Ice palace "I5TII AV1 MARKITT STRnr.T5P- Trnut urtlri ta iviiilil mil sti & a hi ... -r iiii run Thursday May 25th BOXING ,X.,55c,1.10,1.65 Kin (fl Rnundi) TIVV WOLFE vs. TRINKLE VV 11,1, IK ih KutiniUi VtMtTIV GREEN . JUDGE UJTI.IM1 (H KeuniM TOMMi MACK MURRAY ""JKV (R Keundnl .IIIHN.N FITZGERALD v.. MEALY nH'J-V ( neunds) IIVKKV (Klin ANGELOv..BROWN Tlckejn at Ice rnlare: 143? IVnn sn , v iiirM,t . .,.",! ,nt uii. .-, .u:yii A nuiuinell, -IUU ttiirr itp, nhtihili j.iiitSS8S3 IE ffSL W Nll cer dially in- . i i or the year iOU and your friends are vited te inspect "the Car - -me ricken backer, which has just arrived and will be exhibited and demonstrated in Philadelphia for the nrst time this week. 1 he mere you knew about meter carsand meter car values the mere cordially you are invited te see and ride in tne Kickenbacker -the smartest, the smoothest, the snappiest thing en wheels. During This Opening and Exhibition Week the Salesroom Will Remain Open Evenings IH. Mc Culleusk 8 Sen AUTOMOTIVE AND GARAGE SUPPLIES is your car one of the 46 makes with holes drilled in the frame for iABRII 'nritet; 3 5'C.KH?ACKER-PHILADELPHIA CO. i. WrtU "31RCL1 PWII Ar.171 DUIA C II, St eer, Presnluit Keb R. Ram e.v Pi-... tii t.n M, 1 r.'d Mecr, ht. uii'i 1'reisi). r tne niwrnnir irame june id, a uotltlen sinned by Third Ward residents urVeS thi removal of tlieVKrk from the beach front, a" It de' creased property values and was daniireus i!8furi0,ie.rien ,he r"rwal. esStVlully" SNubberS Made for all makes of cars 257-59 N. Bread St. Wm co-epurat with your dtaUr. muy inreugh Mm. tm it- 1 p Fiirkrnhiiikrr Moter te Drtrnit IO UIO BIIUIIM Ul from foul balia. The Price is $1485 S -- - i 7 , i life? J7i 9 S X '1 H 3J t. s I 1 aifjii lb w 'ill 1 K i ICJ a '8 m ! 4 .a ; s r, -v. ' I.