i , V v" 'y If " EVENING PUBLIC ly sfwr JUV i" Tw, Kt h S J- m , v IT I lf I, b Uncommon Sense : By JOHN BLAKE T9B writer recently nttrnded a meet . Ing of one of the thousands of rotary clubs which nre scattered all ever the world even le Jitpan All the talk he heard thit evening was ! be I work for boy. A deJn hlgh-schoel W !.- t...t ..11.., .... "l beyt who had wen athletic comnetitlena ' were jruests of the club, and while they tiens In their life arc net selii te fall busily atewcl away n very geed dinner,, th wayside, or run nmuck and one of the speakers congratulated them f'tnrt werlu wnrs' en eir success in thp competitions, and ,., ..,.- ,nrlr u nlwavs help- raid a few words, net enough te bore them, about doing as well with their hraina at the school books n they did with their muscle en the track and (Md. The speaker of the evening told of h farewell by General Doeth te a Salva tion Army party which was leaving htm i JL f ler work in another country. The old general was tee far away from his hearers te make a speech, se I ' he merely waved his hands at tliem and ' shouted, "Others! Others!" Q1UGR of the talk at the meeting as , w net of heys was of doing some thing for the town something for eth- ' era always ethers, If was heeding the i admonition of General Beeth, theug!! nene of the members had ever heard of it before that evfening 1 Tt wbb because of this talk that the writer began te understand why there are rotary clubs all ever the world, and why tbey arc all flourishing and grew- I In. Fer their work seems te be work for "there the effort of ttreng. successful and prosperous men te make ethers strong and prosperous nnd successful. Such organizations are bound te grew. Eyery community needs one of them, and because it needs one. it welcomes and encourages the one that Is formed there. Business organizations are almost , necessarily selfish, for the concern TJSBD AUTOMOBILES DEPENDABLE USED CARS A Cadillac is always a Cadillac, no mat ter what the model may be. Dependa ble performance year in and year out is the basis for Cadillac popularity. We have a fine selection of Used Cadillacs, in excellent condition and priced moderately, as a result of the substantial reduction in the price of New Cadillacs. Come in and inspect these cars; also the following used cars of ether makes listed at attractive prices: 1920 Peerless Imperial (Bargain) 1919 Peerless Imperial 1919 Mermen Sedan 1917 Packard Roadster 1920 Franklin Touring 1920 Studebaker Touring 1921 Buick Touring 1918 Standard Town Limousine 1921 Fiat Sedan 1920 Ree Sedan 1920 Standard 8-Sedan 1917 Chalmers Limousine 1916 White Touring i 1913 Steams-Knight Limousine NEEL-CADILLAC COMPANY ... 142 North Bread Street mi , Phene Spruce 0210 Branches : Camden, N. J. Reading, Pa. 30-Day Free Service On Any Car Yeu Buy Here Se sure are we of the tremendous value of the used cars in this sale, and the goodness that is in them, that we make the above offer. We have been collecting these dependable, wantable cars for three months. We started the sale last Sunday and all Week delighted customers hae bought. Seme mere cars came in en Wednesday and have been added te the sale. Come in see if you ever knew such wonderful values as these cars give you. We in our 18 years of business, never offered bigger valued CADILLACS 1020-19-18-17. All models, open and closed...... ..$575 up STUTZ 1921-20-19-18. Cars of class and performance $700 up DODGES 1921-20-19-18-17. Open and inclesed BUICKS 1921-20-19-18-17. Cars of sustained reputation $340 up MERCERS 1921-20-19-18. High grade all the way through $850 up HUDSON'S 1921-20-19-18-17. Real power in a real car $650 up CHANDLERS 1921-20-19-18-17. Popular since the first one made $425 up YOU MUST SEE THESE CARS TO APPRECIATE TO THE PULL EXTENT THE REALLY WONDERFUL VALUES THEY ARE! AND WE'LL TAKE PART PAYMENTS. ROMAN AUTO CO., inc. 227-233 NORTH BROAD STREET OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9. OPEN TODAY, 9 TO 4 LIVE AGENTS WANTED Others which does net leek out for Itself ! net likely te find nny one cle te leek out ler it. , , Hut n club of bushicM men -one from rnch business in a town enn nfferd te j uiiteinsh, and te take nil Interest in 'n"enwi:,fare' P""1"1" ,hftt J.eu.n lne" . . . i. Vuiinn. M-Moh hum snrh nreanlm- ful, but when it (tees along with n spirit of doing semetninK ter euier. u begins te play an important part In Vmllilliiir un of n real civilization arr 111 inr CovvrieM, ltit. by lubUe Letter Cemranv Help Wanted Situation Wanted Employment Agencies and Lest and Found Advertising will be found en Page 28 USED AUTOMOBILES Pettsvillc, Pa. $e- up I I1 TJ8ED AUTOMOBILES PEERLESS USED CARS PEERLESS Sedan, 1921 Series. Overhauled and beautifully refinished. First-class equipment that can hardly be dis cerned from new. Price $2500. Nete Wc have and offer, subject te prier sale, Peerless Sedans in geed mechanical condition and appearance; will be sold at low prices "AS IS. These cars offer extremely geed value and would be particularly attractive where only a small amount is te be spent. 1918, 1919 and 1920 Medels Prices as low as $900. PEERLESS Sedan-Limousine. 1921 Series. Thoroughly over ever hauled and beautifully refinished. A luxurious enclosed car for the owner who employs a chauffeur and en occasions may wish te drive the car himself. The driver's compart ment is separated from the rear compartment by a partition containing three glass panels which fellow the curve of the front seat. When desirable the centre panel may be con veniently opened. Price $2500. Nete Wc have and can offer, subject te prier sale, a number of Peerless Sedan-Limousines in excellent mechanical condition and appearance, te be sold at lower prices "AS IS." Wc irmte your inspection of these low price late model Peerless enclosed cars. Prices as low as $1400. PEERLESS Touring Car, 1921 Scries. Thoroughly over hauled and Teftnished by us. Fitted with brand new cer,d tires. Tep refinished. This car is capable of the highest class service. Very beautiful in appeavance. Perfect in condition. Price $1900. PEERLESS Touring Car, 1920 Series. Overhauled and refinished by us. Tep redressed. Is fitted with Westing Westing heuse air springs. This beautiful car will render perfect service te the most exacting owner. Price $1700. PEERLESS Roadster, 1920 Series, 4-Pass. 4-Doer Type. Thoroughly overhauled and beautifully cfinished. Brand new top. Leeks exactly like new. Price $1700. PEERLESS Coupe, 1920 Series. Beautifully refinished. New slip covers. Beautiful in appearance and perfect in condition. Price $2000. CARS OF OTHER MAKES Cadillac 55 Touring Car. 1917 Cadillac 53 Touring Car, 1916 Chandler Limousine, 1918 Dedge Sedan, 1919 Franklin Sedan, 1920 Mitchell Touring Car, 1917 Nash Coupe, 1920 Oakland Sedan, 1921 Oldsmobile Touring Car, 1918 Packard Twin Six, 1917 Studebaker Touring, 1919 Winten Limousine, 1916 Hudsen Sedan, 1920 And many ethers at prices that are extremely low. (Start ing at $250. OPEN EVENINGS THIS WEEK GIRARD AUTOMOBILE CO. Peerless Distributors 2314-16-18 CHESTNUT ST. Spruce 1446 OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS! ARE YOU AT HOME? If you Intend te rid this summer It will pay you te devote the next few minute? te a careful reading' of every word of this message. We are new conducting the most sensational sale ever attempted by any company anywhere. In which we are offering- our entire stock of used meter cars at bedrock prices and at TERMS NEVER BEFORE HEARD OF IN THIS CITY. There Is no lenser any excuse for any person net ewnlnc a reliable car, for we are effering: the pick of our entire stock en the sensational credit plan of NO CASH DOWN PAYMENT I We mean Just what w ay If you cannot pay cash or part cash, come In any way, and we shall explain hew a car may be yours en easy monthly pay ments This offer Is net prmanent. It lasts only as leng: as the present iteck of cars Ib available. TODAY IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY PRICES, $150 te $1500 1 "A CAR FOR EVERY POCKETBOOK" 1 I OAKLANDS, HUPPF, MONROES. CHALMERS, ELGIN'S. GRANTS, j FORDS. DODOES AND MANY OTHER MAKES SEVENTY CARS TO CHOOSE FROM-- TOt'RINCS. ROADSTERS. COUPES. SEDANS I OPEN DAY. NIGHT AND SUNDAY YOUR CAR TAKEN IN TRADE OAKLAND MOTOR CAR CO. 911 NORTH BROAD STREET 'Ceprlht 1P2. by Guirnty Sales Sutem, Clee!ir.d, Oh.e) THE KERNEL hTPu cia -am'-c &&' .. r i r Kr- be a ewe i. -rtPt-A&Qfte . tuen wcia-''-. v .9 r i TTT I v r-r : -Z V A ) . i riT VT-"e V. iMlfc-SP-fi-oeK WUKT ' WPECf SeAkvAOCH OP US jM Z SsrJ Sr "L' m UeOflu I ADDRESS . ':- ,y j-y --- -ya Tas -?-;-7 wcw'-j a; ' rr f p fN - v Emmmnm m . mw m t m ai kjuii r- - raia mj . iv - fi w mmmr- . . mm TT8SD AtTTOXOBIXiM I RiAii 8Tati: vem IAMB WKWT PHILADELPHIA Remarkable Values en Cobb's Creek Boulevard m Three-story homes built in pairs English and Spanish designs. Beautifully Finished Everything Modern Tiled baths enclosed perches, terraced lawns, garages, extended view. i Only a Few Left te Be Sold at Reck Bettem Prices By auto west en Walnut Street te 68d (Cobb's Creek Parkway), then south te houses. Sample Heuse Open 6207 Cobb's Creek Parkway. J. Harker ChadwicK 2123 Land Title Building inn REAL ESTATE FOK SALE city rrnen rmtimnnm mn iimninnnu t r nnn mni inniitniimiitunii mruHmnranm N. E. COR. 33D AND COLUMBIA AVE. DESIRABLE PROPERTY AND LOT 110 x 170 Opposite Park Reasonably priced Near Sesqul-Centennlal exhibitien: 3 street rrenls. 4 store and 4 apart ments; large Int. suitable (or dwell- iE9 or apartment. SPLENDID INVESTMENT I..,. U r:nn 307 Lincoln Bid. j esse n. rinn spruce gdso-be&i NwiitiwiiniiiBiiiUMiiniiiniit MBimmiwiittiiiiirarffi in ' SPECIAL ACCOUNT te be closed out g 244 X. Kith st . 10x42. M 1M25.27 Tenrl st H Cherry st. below Ifith st. gl I Vine st. In ths K00 block fj J.E.LUTZ.240N. 17th St. j mrawiTKinii:,raLa3niiaHtMmuimimi:maimHiswTRnmffliw.'iiiifT! 2025 N. BROAD ST. Docter's Office and Residence Seml-datached: let 30x180: 12 rooms, 2 baths, laundry, electric; metal weather stripping. W. H. Ball & Sen 433 LAND TITLE BLDG. STORE PROPERTY BARGAIN Deuble stere: apartment above; new occu pied by clrln grocery; Ichsb expiring; pos session guaranteed. Established Business Cerner Will finance. Ter particulars II. i:. 8MITH 600 W. EHIE AVK. Bell phones. Tiega e3i ana ;iih. FOR SALE 1902 GREEN STREET 538-40 N. 19TH ST. MAKE OrFER Fi minutes' walk from main entrance of Senqul-OntennlKl ALBERT H. LADNER. INC.. eth & Own Valuable Central Property 112 S. 20TH ST. LOT 3x80 FT. MAGEE and RODGERS 1UO0 LOCUST ST. Spruce 0208. VALUABLE SITE ! NEAn NEW BRIDGE 7th near Race; two 4-tery properties. MAGEE 8c RODGERS 1200 Locust st. Phene Spruce 0207 or 0208. mm AND UREEN 3U.000 se., ft.: near Parkway and 8equl-Centennlal; suitable for mf. or any kind, gurace serwee sta tion, moving pictures' no restrictions. JOSEPH FELDMAN 200 Lincoln Bide FOR CITY AND SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE ,. . J. LEE PATTON. LINCOLN BLDO Runlnfm Properties and Pteres mm SALE 1424-26-28-30 VINE STREET LOT 82' x 90' HEYMANN & BRO. WIDENEIl BLDG. wrainnwisu Building lets, rnetery Bites. Elc. GROUND We have a number of parcels, various sizes, different sections, Heme en rail road and rler front; suitable for In dustrial. E. S. TOMUNSON, JR. "flg Factories, Warehouses & Sites J. LEB PATTOV. Lincoln Bldg al mtact em tALa wmt rwrtApLwnA cm Bnlldlnr Let". Fsrterr Bttea. Kte. COR. 23D& ALLEGHENY AV. 3 STREET FRONTS: LOT 120 BT' 225. MYERS & BARTH RIDOE AVE. ft 10TH Factories. Wnreheunw. Manufacturing Woerg FACTORIES & WAREHOUSES Northeast, 1-story cencrete construction! modern; railroad aldlns: additional greund: ran be purchased below cost. Northeast. 3 story and basement, brick, elevater. electric pewer: near railread: ever D0OO square feet; price 118,000. Northeast, sunllsht building. 3 floors and basemunt; 30,000 square feet; elevator, het-water heat, sprinkled, etc.: rent 118. 500 per annum: will sell below cost. Seuth, I story, concrete and brick; SSx 2R0; additional ground; traveling cranes, etr. West, 1-story guraee building, 87.8x180; ult manufacturing. E. S. TOMUNSON, JR."eln ON PENNA. R. R. N. Y. DIV. N. W. COR. TACONY ft LEVICIC ST3. 10.000 Sq. Ft. of Fleer Space NEW 1 AND 2 BTOUV BUILDINOS ENOINE, BOILETtB. ARTESIAN WELL. 05.000 8QUAKB FEET OP GROUND IMMEDIATE POSSESSION James L. Stevenson & Sen I.AND TITLE BLDO. FACTORIES. SITES A FLOOR SPACE AT WAYNE JUNCTION Space for rent Addmss Mr. Darling. J, LEE PATTON. Uncoil Bldg. WEST PHILADELPHIA BIlDHffilM HADFIELD ST. 5400 BLOCK The most up-te-date homes te be found anywhere, selllne at $5950 lncleed heated perrti. hardwood floors, het-water heat. 3 Large Bedrooms. hAMPLE HOUSE OPEN 1! Blocks Seuth from r.2d at. and Baltimore a. J. HARKER CHADWICK Land Title Bids. Spruce 0307 SUGGESTIONS 43P, MONTHLY -, EXPENSE TWO SQS. (10TII ST. FROM "L" iC MONTHLY I TWIN HOUSE "' EXPENSE m SQS. TO "L" it-l MONTHLY I 69TH BT. SEC. 5J& EXPENSE I SINOLB HOUSE 4 Bedrooms. Exceptionally Lew Priced. OTHER HOUSES IN DREXEL HILL. LANSDOWNB, BROOKLINE, 18000 UP. WalterAWClalcfiji 70th b Market, Opp. 09th St. Theatre Lansdewne 2064 Evg. Overbroek 797 rainiiiimMiM AT 5740 WINDSOR Be en-room dwelling; mutt be sold; reduced from 15000 te 14000; owner will take 12500 mortgage and arrange for second B. i. L. PURDY, THE PROVIDER SO. 1 CHESTER PIKE, DARBY, PA. Phemt Darby 2S0 aiiiiHuiiniffliiiiwiinaiiniiaisi OWNER LEAVING: CITT WILL BELL 4312 SPRUCE STREET Mett beautiful 3-story house In West Phlla delphla; will also sell furniture It desired at 30 per centsopfAcej.t.TOR MAGEE & RODGERS 1200 LOCUST ST. PHONE SPRUCE 0208 F THIS IS REAL MARSHALL- JIIJILT JIll.MB 1 Overbroek. corner 65th and Malvern ae.; I 7 rooms, garage: a geed buy at 112,600, i.iiue casn. W. EARL YONKER nist ab. I'alte, Weed. 6545 Mrs. Ericsen Starts Spending Gus Share mx MtATi 'tern liii I riNftBYLTANIA BPBPgBAM rant, ma. , pekxkl iiimT--?m AqPMll h IT 1" 'II" Ij Sl Though you search all of the 'beautiful suburbs around 1 Philadelphia you will net beauty and moderate cost Riverview Section ONE BLOCK PROM High above the city, just roiling 10 WO majestic ueiaware un vnc auuincrn norizen I air as clear as crystal, the sun-lit greensward rimiM i here and there with magnificent trees, through which you glimpse the beautiful Every convenience every improvement that gees te'n make suburban life se court OI your own b a garage everything. -iS WEST PHILADELPHIA mmmmtMmmKKmMmmimmm As a Residential Quarter 58th & Willows Avenue Is most desirable; near the Park and boulevard, vlih the Sherwood Field Club, Sherwood Improvement Asso ciation, maiy churches, schools, stores, etc.; It Ii an Ideal com munity center, with trains and trol leys giving ample service; we have a few houses for sale here, and some -rftgrai jr. 18 lIAnKIHO?vBIPP. MMgMlgHMArssnMMesgM CEDAR AVE. NEAR 48TH Three-story semi-detached residence, h.-w. heat, elec, 3 baths, hardwood floers: especially adapted for physician or dentist's office nnd waltlnc room; cabinet kaa kitchen1; owner leaving- city. Hermen Andersen woodland 0200 OERMANTOWN THE HOUSE YOU WANT IS PROBAMT OM OUR LIST AWAITINO TOTO INQUIRT ONLY CHOICB LOCATIONS OFFBRBD AND PRICES RANOB FROM 110,000 TO 180.000 YOU WILL SAVE TIME AND MONEY BY WRITINO FOR LI8T OF DESIRABLE PROPERTIES FOR HALE MAURAN. DOLMAN & CO. N E. COR. BROAD AND CHESTNUT 306 W. HORTTER Semi-detached. fnn' ritnlrnl heat; near Upsal station tatlen: 9 rooms, B baths. WALTER V. ASHBY 2040 N. 20th at. OVSKT LAST CHANCE ONLY ONE LEFT Falrhltl St. at OIney Ave . C000 Bleck Beautiful 2-story house complete In eery respect: for further particulars apply te JOSEPH FELDMAN. 200 Lincoln Bldg. insniinniiiiiiiig FISHER AVE. HOMES Fisher ave. between 3d and 4th (8800 north): a rooms, tiled bath. Inclesed perch; garage; laundry; hardwood floors, etc.; sample house open Satur day and Sunday. INPY "H" W. PASSTUNK AVE. JlllCiA B0O3 N. BTH ST. NEW HOMES $5200 EACH 4435 TO 40 N. 3D ST. 3 rooms and bath, perch, het-wtiter heat, electric: lets 120 feet deep; garage privilege; easy terms; sample house open. OLNEY REALTY COMPANY 5510 N. Sth st. Wye. 5250. LOOAN 5000 N. 11th St.: cer. Mlllett built. 480S Yerk rd, 0 rms , bth.; rm. for gar. 4000-AOntt bile. 12th 3-sty. med. houses 4DOO-rnoe blk. Manlne st.: 8 rms , bath. 4018 Camae 3 sty.; 10 rms., 1 bath. W. D. CHAMBERSR:DrT. 1 5100 CARLISLE ST. Twe story, corner, 0 rooms. 1 bath: convenient te train and trel. W. D. Chambers, 483S N.Dread PENNSYLVANIA BUBUBBAN UPPER MERION Several new, well-constructed homes that will meet the requirements of the most discriminating buyers, are new ready for Inspeotlen. Mam HMIrUMDimi KML wmmmmmmammmmM A REAL BARGAIN 4i ACRES STONE HOUSE UNDER VALUE FOR QUICK SALE Media; clnau te station. 8 baths, h.-w. heat; garage: shade In abundance, nees. 80 days. C. P. PETERS k SON, 608 CHESTNUT ST. mAL IWAWf yfjj rgNwrnxTANlA-fUmt. find another where convenience ' are se ideally combined as in the of Drexel Hill J DREXEL HILL STATION m visible te the eastward, gently M surrounding Hemes. m enjoyable a garden, a tennis ' wiuiikry uuu tiusu uy room ler ' JJ The lets are large yet the prices are very low and we will arrange te build the house of your dreams for you. Come out today and select your hemesite. G. Percy Fex ON THE PREMISES or 40th and Lancaster Ave. j rENNHYLVAXIA 8CBI RBAN flLPRJMMBMffiMMsaHHMniRtHBIIHIininnnH! OVERBROOK ' ill... MHl. Pltlklll It..- venlently situated In "Over. 5 brook Farms." nmld beautiful surreundings: wide center en U trance hall, , large living room 5 with glass-Inclesed perch off same, dining room, den; 5 bd I rooms and 2 baths en second 2 fleer; 3 bedrooms and 1 bath 'j en third fleer; whlte and ma- hegany finish; hardnoed floors 8 first and Hecend floers: excel. 5? lent condition; largn grounds; 7 old forest shnde trees: tilth . nn-n,uiiTj ..uitiiitni J1UUSC. COn ,'. elevatien: one of the tnnt A. XI slrable properties being offered Bl In this high-class neighbor- n i heed On 63d Street; within walk- ( ing distance of Oxerbroek Station; semi-detached brief -residence: front and slds " fierches: excellent condition; ,i Ot 4O'xlB0'! nrlrn ItK.nnn Owner might consider offer (or t! M muh;iv nine, vn tw nnanceu. Near station and trolley; ti cellent locatien: southern ti nesure: detached stone and brick English-style heuse: 0 bedrooms, 2 baths; central plant heat; large irreunds, oil shade; prlce 120,000. Stene and stucco Colonial-. style house, tl bedrooms. 3 H baths' (...ntm! nlnnt h..t. house finished throughout WiX white; screens and awnings In. c eluded) large let: en of thi ' ) most desirable locations In. ,' wveroreox farms; pries'1 We have ncvcral low-priced tomes in Overbroek and ttii Overbroek Section tMlh e. tral $team heat, which con", A be purchased at extremely"' 1 1 "TV. "";ri easy termt; ull eladlv turnteh ieu vMh full particulars. 'MERION -Modern plastered Colonial house with renter entrancd hall: large living roem: 5 bed rooms, 2 tiled baths, built-in, tub and shewer: white and mt-' hegany finish: het-water heat: garage: let 100' frentage: oust, of the best valuea being offered In this sectien: prlce 118.500. A full and complete list cl ' desirable homes in this rapidly creicing community; adt,(je tu your reaulrrmenti. Charles J. Heed & Ce;. (Merris Bldg.) 1421 Chestnut Strwfi MiillllllilillllllCMPlll.irai'lLIIIL'lllIIIIIlirtllfflllifflillHffiEii: GENTLEMAN'S HOME . RIDICULOUSLY j LOW PRICED J c BEDROOMS. 2 BATHS LOT 100x150 2-CAR OARAOE QUICK SALE DESIRED ) TfalterAWQalM 70th & Market. Opp. 00th St. TermlJJ Lansdowne 20U4. Evg. Overbroek 7JTfc Building Lets tsmmmrnwrnwrnmamfrnm I mnnncnwe BUILDING L0TJ HORSHAM HEIGHTS Beith bathing. Ashing; Jutt above W Oreve Park en Doylettewn trolley, ilte modern homes, with convenience NESHAMTNY FALLS BeatlM. bathing, fishing. The everylM mer resert: 17 miles from BesilJI Terminal; commutation only SO right at station and creek. NORTH OLENSIDB Belew WJ low Qreve Park; right at train " trelleyi 10 cntUa from City " 3500 Choice Lets. S50 EASY MONTHLY PAYME.NTB Free Tine ins. Take advantage of ths 1 Linui Divtvn anrf let us ieu un after work In an autenWW FERGUSON. Frent & Yerk .. . L.. .. m DSii wnneui any eDiicauun u ".jti kindly send me free booklets of fwj ....nn'. ti,iiMin tii and Pitas N b wmmKmmB HIOHUVND l'ARJL NEW STONE HOUSE ntK iiiniunv AVE. LAROB ROOMS; AllI'LJ. CLO. 1 Square from Trelley ajfI LOT, n"'-1'-.. w. j. nu'KHe; HPRlirB nsK lniin i" mVAKTHMOKE, HWAIlTIIMOniJ Near . ..JJMeV Line, 8-room slilngle hung'0; room, with open llwlace. n. .. f,lan. Ilaht. las. kitchen. B".V:..i ,iieui .n dry: let. 114x200 ft.t nne Jt , Hultlmere pike, epiwslte handee"" T"i iiumaBM "mm H try seats; ivoeo. .,r,r.p YOCUM & POWERS i Hftj Wi. 20 S. 15TH . fflT ., M J :M"i ,l temjw. M