TOisn T.'V WjH jl IUN1, J tev M f ww; t . v ,rt( -',V,-7j iur nnriiiMP N CURB SHARES Philip Merris in Urgent Demand. Meters Easier and Frac j tienally Lewer i . " s Yerk, May U2. Tradinn en the .1 . .! .irnillllTH Illllliv n 1IIC viiiij " e rAOflO ArMmilns f. at.'sij. SftiZ innen mtv Rib.rfnM as., k mum ciiy unusnns en . . b.vs an 10000 llimbura 4H k .... 3i 3 jnneriilN Y N II it Vr Is. 74f T-rJ JTUWI nues iiva CUR nnefiHulM TiHr .. 70011 U H Ormll V,in 11000 It H Me -In . r.oeo mx aevt ris . r.000 tex Uet 3s . Is. 74 74l(4 ...101ft 101', .. 07 t7 37H 41 Jl'i 144 MU n 74 18 10174 074 4S'I -'! 14 U GOSSIP OF THE STREET Curb Price movements were . P ,ir hlit n "emp Infttanct-K new ififn nr'k '"ere established. A furlier W Icnnnil was netrcl In Philip -.llliiM mi In Sl'i. ITO- Sed rtrrnuth wen shown In Tieecli. Jut lVklnit t nn Improvement of n IFlter' Iwich' were easier and frnc frnc ttenilk lower. Glen Al.len Cenl. after fbr? Plel of steadiness, sold off ! profit-taking. Klrby Petroleum ig easier nn.l Inclined te rag. while Fensland ruled steedy nt n small frac tional gain- tviilitTttlATJI Hlrh Lew. 1 l'.M .AAA Am. CJnal . . 4000 Acme Packing; ... lOOAcmn Paekln ... teOAmer Drug; -nOAtner leather .... 10 Amer lsM 4 1r, son nefchnut rkij .... 400 Ilroeklyn t'lty Ky. lioe Hmidy nud 20 Celluloid Ce .... innChlcnEe Mpule . fiOO Columbia Emeratd . ,nnrv.ilv TlnfO I ... 1700 Continental Moter istieiuDsn Imi. 10O .' uriiiu" 1. ftrie 10 1MT II 141! 37 . SS 11 as Sugar 114 i; 40c 10 I. 40e in 7fc i' 20 m"i 4ei, 41m 124 2 i 4; 4S B 144 iai no-i 214 11's 21 2'. n'i 77", IV. 2i. 7-i 7U 1 ae 13 ia!i 41 142 142 37 37 l'4j 1 an as 12't 12'4 8 HH 114 ItVi 4 4 18 1.1 1Ri 1!i'l 3n an Hi RS nn n ia ?4 m r.4 200 2104 i2; 12. R!i OH 7Rc 7Ar .. .. Ti 14 1H'4 20 15S 1ftS 40 40 48'i 4r4 R4 U 12 12 24 24 2 2 4i i 4S 4 8S R4 144 144 ias 14 en no 204 21'4 a?cV .3? ae4 04 Sc ie 20 21 s; 04 774 774 m 14 2S 2S 74 74 74 74 14 14 7H" 7Re 10 10 4 K5S"ii,fi.;::,i,;j 22 JOO Durant Metera . . . SO, en eubiiler as 0O Hudsen Moter . . . 22S 700 Frontenae .. JJ,, POO Olf n Alan e1 . . J5 '4 140Olllettp Saf IlM,..2p4 lODOoedjoar Tire .... 12H Honenldui-n Plcturw. 04 SOOOrant Moter .... 100 Havana Teb pf . . 20OHedn Chcm ... I40011ui1en Ce pf . . 00 Hudsen ti Mnn.. . ;(I0 Hudsen i. Man Pf 1100 Inter Clg-ar Mfg. 500 Inter Rubber . . . !0 Kten O 1 . . . IJOOLIbby McNeill .. J00 I.lnreln Metera A 200 Mercer Metera . 400 Mercer Meters V t inn National leather 10 N J Zlne 1800 Packard Moter . . 80 Tacks rt Moter pf 1400 Philip Merrla . . . Mfa .... !100 nadle n TOD Radie pf as 00 Illinois Central rts Rfle lOOPchulta Stores ... l4 inoeaouihern u A 1... t"c BOOSnlft Inter 100 Tenn Rvy MOO Teb Prwl Exp . . . 20 Tedd fchlp loon it s I, if (no 17 8 Heffman . . 50ft l'n 1'ref Shar new Hen l'n Ret Candy . . . 100 Wavne Ceal . . nn Weal End Chem 1000 Wlllya Cerp 10 STANDARD OILS lOOAnale-Am Oil .... 20i 20 20. ' 0O Atlantic Ixbea ... ION 10S 104 1ft Imperial O Canada.1124 H24 1,'4 100 Nat Transit 80 30 30 lljoes oil of Ind . ...1004 107V4 loe II0O8OII of Ky R34 R24 R.14 10 3 Oil of NT.. ..407 407 407 INDEPENDENT OIT.S 100 Aetna 1. ft Pestnn Wyom .... Sir leiiftCarlb Sn 7S 2.1 Cities Rerv old... 23" 200 C'HIee ReiT R rtfa. 234 IftO Cities Service pf . . tl'i4 200 Creele Sjn SS I0O0 Knalneera Tctrel . 43c 1300 Federal Oil Ill 1100 Fennland nS IIOOOIIMlanU Oil OS 4I00Olenreck Oil tj. 11000 Hudsen Oil 20c 4100 Int Tetrel 224 BOO Keystone Ranger . . flOc 400 Klrby Pet Ift'i 1100 t.ance Creek R 200 Livingston Fet ... 1 H 000 I.vens Pet 1.0ft lOOMarlnnd Oil Mex .. 54 8400 Marine Oil 2 DOOMerrltt Oil 13 ITOOO Merldan Pet ... . Re 1200 Mexico Oil 3,', 1100 Meilce .Seaboard . 40 1O0 Mid Columbia .... 3; 1C00 Mountain Gulf 1 . 200 Mountain 1'rcductn. 104 1U0O Mutual Oil 114 SOO Ne Am Oil 2 1000 Neble 2c 200 New Eng Fuel 48 4 1000 Ohie Ranger Re SOO Omar Oil 1 A 200 Pennek Oil KM, 100 New Mex Land ... 2'J 1000 Red Ranks EBc 100 Rjan Cens n( 100 Salt Creek Pred .. 1R4 400 Fait Creek Cen ... 13 MO Sapiilpa R.f . . . 44 iuu prunearn inj & uas 1 i Probably no statement linn'evcr been lwied by the chief executive of the lntiii which hed n mere Htlintilntlng Influenrc tlinn did the announcement of Presi dent Harding, relative te the purpose of the gntlieilng of Iren nntl nteel rep rescntntlveR In Washington en Thurh dny evening. The President Intimated thnt we are en the eve of Important trade revival and activity, nntl tliern was Immediate ropetiRC in the KtecU market te these optimistic vlewH. Iiln statement was Interpreted at one of the most important announcements that hari been made in recent years It being felt br reason of his general observa tion of business conditions, he Is in n poiltlen te make a fairly accurate sur vey as te the outlook. . I'OO Hnimi Pet 11 judo Skelly till . N4 1000 Seuth Pet S. Rpf . 4.V lopnseuttern States .. 31c 400 Spencer Pet 1 ', '00 Rtai.tnn Oil . .34 .JUS11'11 L'nen pref tin MOOTexen ... , ntc 100 VlrierlH Oil new . . 00c K.feTSR:... :. S.': JK,; "J ' '00 Turman ,. .'".' "l A 74 230 2tV or. '. as 42.' 1 10 04 IA 24c 22S JV0c 104 ft 1, 0.1c a 4 14 13 7c 3S 4.'. 4 3S 1 104 ft, . 2Sc 1 24 2Sc ft 4 IR4 184 4', 14 104 SI, I.V :iic 1 30 en no one n4 ft 61 2! IA IS S4c 74 230 234 "as' m 04 x 24c 22H ftOe 104 ft IS er.c 4 i' 13 "e as 4f.4 as 1 104 fV I 4 ' 24 2V ft 4 1RI, 1.14 ''I 10 Tj Hi, Iftu 31c 14 30 no 11(1 IOc 2'' 01 21 J A MINING innAtaslc.n Columbia 000 Am Commander .. sem !"", ''Plratlen. t??J2 9.anl,a Copier .. "1SS t.;nde.larla Mln .. ,15" fopper Canyon ... .1"" f".reen Geld .... tne2pmm,a Sllei- ifflHard Shell 1000 te"1"1 '-'"rt H ne Mining 8JSK ana. . ,?gsS,&iuT?n,w pftftNfen"1 !"0O Re Cen.'" 000 Sllief cnu nnv ti loon ,.'i 1nik"- tf. Kaaa V'".'i I'ilCKer Nil Easy Meney Till Summer General business conditions have shown considerable Improvement In re cent weeks and It Is felt as time gees en, commercial activities will assume broader proportions and this in turn no doubt will call for the supply of substantial amounts of money which are new utilised In ether channels, lie opinion of well-Informed bankers is. However, ir prenuuij i .-.-.... months before nny general borrowing demand for business purposes In ex cess of present normal requirements Is In evidence. ..!,, The moving of the crops te market mnv result in some stiffening In money rates, but In view of the large unnlj of funds throughout the Interior, there Is net likely te be nny material drain en the reserves nt this center for this purpose. The Improvement In business !i.. 1. libni.. , fnllnw the movement or the crops will be the Important factor in the establishment of higher mene rates. This phase or me mum."., however. Is net exerting much of an in fluence ever the general stock market. Municipal Bends One of the striking features of the bend market during the past we wet the comparative, dullness and Inactivity In the municipal group. One of the leading bend men of the street stated the market for tax exempt munlcipn Issues had simply "gene stn e. and until such time ns something happened te promote n revival of activity, he be lieved, there would be comparative quietude in this partl-ular group of securities. Dealers, he said, are buying moderate amounts of municipal issues and are placing them, but it has required real effort te interest the public. Perhaps the offering of Farm Land Hank tax exempt bends may have hnd something te de with the creation of stagnation in the municipal market, but the man ner in which this offering was Mib scrlbed was the subject of, considerable favorable criticism, the demand having been greater than for nny similar issue that has been put out in recent weeks. It is stated In the trade, the group which was awarded the New Yerk City benJs has found some difficulty in suc cessfully placing them with Investors, but this is net surprising particularly as the price paid was semewhnt above the prevailing market level for this class of securities. Heme of the ether New Yerk City maturities are new bell ing en a mere attractive basis. Big Gliange in Copper Situation The copper market was sensational Inst week. Advances in jirices started at the beginning of tin.' period and loti leti ti nued right tip te the end. It is doubt ful if there hns been 11 week of se many developments in the market since the end of the war, and the Indications uie that quotations will go still higher. Seme of the dealers- who have been shading the market for some time paht apparently sold mere copper than they had available and nt the end of the wee!; they were bald te be making efforts te purchiiKU a substantial round block te cover their commitments. However, the producers are net inclined te din din pec of the metal te these who are .short and arc only giving the copper te actual itistemers. In view of this circumstance, It ! easily possible tlfnt the metal will be established at fourteen cents per pound before the end of another week, ns thf tendency new appears te be definitely upward and there are mere buyers than sellers In the market for the first time In many months. net go eh indefinitely, a if many stocks have doubled In price In '4the last'elght months of bullish mnrkets, and care should he taken net te buy iniuscrim lnntely en bulges, llesldes the rails and coppers, there Is one stock that stands out conspicuously ns being n safe pur chase, and that one is l'nlted Stntes .Steel. It has been censtnntl' decreas ing Its capitalization and Is in a strong position, owing te Its low mnniifnctur ltic costs when front! .limes nrrlve. Knsy 1 money, however, will favorably affect I citMwiiilrt.lriM am, I d1...1.I 1... n fnrtrV. Ill n.t i...i,...i. nil. riiwi,.,i ,- I. .,.. -- sustaining stocks nt these leveli. THi: TRADER. LONDON STOCK MARKET Operations In Oils Mere Brisk In dustrial List Steady Londen, May 1!2. Notwithstanding a het wave, there was a cautious broadening of dealings In speculative Is sues en the stock exchange today, fol lowing the resumption of account busi ness. (fPiiernlly. the markets were firm, and the feeling throughout the city was confident. Opeintlens In the oil group were mere brisk, and the undertone was one of health. Royal Dutch was H!9i. Shell Transport and Trading t and Mexican Kngle !l. In the gllt-ctlgcd department geed support was In evidence, nntl firmness prevailed. French lenns were dull, fol lowing Pails. Heme rails moved up ward, with sentiment cheerful. Dol Del lar descriptions displayed stublllty, but were quid. There was moderate profit taking In Argentine rails. The Industrial llt was stendy. with sentiment optimistic. Hudsen's liny was 0!ji. lvaltirs were regarded wit 11 favor and were firm. The rubber sec tion was Inactive and unchanged. . TENNESSEE POWER 5s, 1962 EAST ST. LOUIS AND SUBURBAN 5s, 1932 These two issues, new selling at about 77, In our opinion sfteuld and will sell at higher prices. Orders executed at the market , LILLEY, BLIZZARD & CO. COMMERCIAL TRUST BLDtl. Philadelphia Locust 7880 Race 8S80 Ne Change In Raw Sugar New Verk. May 22. The raw sugar mac ket Is ateadv and unchanged with Cubak ter Mnv shipment quoted at 2 7-lfl cents, cost and freight, and for June shipment at 2 4 cents, cost and freight. There were nn snles reported Hatunlnv. Importations en that day Included 31.4110 baca Cubas, con. sinned te the American Huebt Heflnlnit Com pany. The local refined market Is unchanged with list prices ranging from 5,30 te ft. 30 cents, lesi 2 per cent for cash. ft- A. M. & Ce. Seasoned Issues Yields ranging from 5.15r,'c te 5.85 Mamlaciartrt Wafer 5re 1939 Gtergia fly. & Elect. Cti..S 1932 Syracuse Lighting lit 5 1951 Merlen & Radner C. & E..5ce 1954 Harwood Electric 6 1942 Lehigh Navigation Elec. ,.6cc 1943 We eirn and offer limited amounts of these issues sub ject te prier sale. Reed A. Morgan & Ce, Writ Knrl Trust Iildn.. PMla. Members of the Phlla. Stock Each Telephone .Spruce 2131 piwraw ESTABLISHED 1865 BIOREN & CO. ANKERS 410 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Government, Municipal, Railroad and Corporation Securities Members Jfew Yerk nntl I'hitadelphia Bteck Exchanges Zrnmmmmmmmwm&mmmmmmmm We take pleasure in announcing that William J. Tayler, Jr. has become associated with us W. A. Harriman & Ce., Inc. DREXEL BLDG. Philadelphia, Pa. TRAVELERS Our Foreign Department iiiues Travelers Cheque for use abroad and in America. Wherever money is used they are readily accepted. COMMERCIAL TRUST COMPANY Member Federal Reserve System City Hall Square 44 tin t 23c 23c 1 411c 3'lc I 14 2H 3c 2.",g 33 I flic 01c Re 124 Sc Be 3$ OH l 40 5' fie 10c m0 17c 21c l(,c nc f,2e !' 02c 50c 14 3IIU 4K, 10c bn S3 lift 4". Sc l'j 22c 21c 04c 4Rc 82e IV 2(1 3c 24c 32 20 10c Me r.c li'4 30c tic 31 '4 1 2S " ntc 37 ?' fie lllc 1'a 10c 17c 21c 10c ftc ,YJc 1. 00c 311c ,'' .111 47c 10c IIS S3 Oft 4', fcc 14 I 00 Am I I.V .c r "" " " "OAm Tni1,t.ifl,.n, -.tnaS lii's Jn"! Armei,: n .7'- "3 103. 0Xl AnAVf .Ce7."-. .101'i 1H4' 02 H .We n; si'. ". iT l." .03. -zm J0O cin vL7V.'-?. iPSIs 'Mecks; ? ' - ie I... V.nsr Iren IS. ... .!B8H2!niiie- BaSE'&Vp' inne p le: OS's 101l 104 nit 10ft II h 102'. 21c ll.'.C 4.',c 32c 1 1'i Si 2.',c 33 22 1c 01c ftc 124 3,1c flc 3... 2, 1lljs Mc It) 0'i ric 10c 14 tee 17c 21c inc 1, lite fiOc 10c IA ft,) S3 0. US 1011 1, ion, inn; . '12 10'., esH 1014 1114 till 1,1ft OH 1II2. i K I II ;r " i I Pennsylvania i Tabc Refund p .-j Public Utility 1 1 " jj' Bends Beles s-Westwood Member's Phila. Sieck Exchande I I a- 1 Baker, Yeung & Company I INVESTMENT, I ' """""-'IT MDW' SECURITIES Land T.tle Bid,. I V"" I Boiten Philadelphia I LandTitleBld Philadelphia - V -rg- First Mortgage 20 Yr. Bend ... IS . 10ft III OS "l. .,.111. H.l... - ' " .,.... 1 ..' II. !0 Dwr. ,'n " I '" ,ft,, ,n,, loeo t-Z!e ,'. . 4 s . .102 inn. in" -50"flKreM. t5tP BS..IO0", iiMUl ioet imaZy-lfcVy ..i2ft t2.nJ i24.4 ."en cjuir en i. '.v.':. "" mi's . 1U4-4 1II4"4 1044 IJOOO In ,?hr- ar ft. tISKnJKSft : ieSS"na; ... :: sss OH iia, 704 11114 !!oeRK'"TO".9Ji .. ?oe Ls;T...r''V . m Tint. ...-." OH ll!l, 70'i n.i 0ft"t 1104 10ft OH), ilj nreken' Opinions N'ewburcer, Hendersen & Ib "Performances such as witnessed in n number of selected Issues recently de mere than Reed te the general market whatever the cause may be. 'Months ero, it was predicted a great era of mergers would mnrk the current jear. Undoubtedly, many contemplated amal gamations will be realized, but there Is lurking danger with promiscuous merger talk prevailing that ninny, unless they keep their wits about them, will be drifting into treacherous wnters. The prospective consolidations, while net being a cuie-ell, will untiestiennbly have fnr-reaching le.sults en line of economy in production and marketing of the output by many of the Industrial concerns. The interesting question, however, is hew much of this mere favorable side nf Ihe industrial and business situation hns been discounted. The constant shifting of speculative activity from one group te another, sug gests a precencerted cnmpnlgn of ills ti Haitian rather than iiccumuliitien. As we expressetl before, the market will tintiiiestiennblv afford many triidinir en- iii 1 Derttinities within the next few weeks. 4c Atlvniitnifp should be taken of all bulges for profit-taking te n-elil the possibility of being landed high nnd dry en the Iciest of Ihe wine of the new familiar bullish demonstrations ns the sensa- itiiiiuil movements are no doubt cngln- ' pored te cover semu very geed selling In ether departments. We feel thnt rails still can be picked up en all recessions, as It Ih almost certain this long neg lected group will conic in for u Hare-tip much the same as the oil", steel ami copper shares." II. V, Ilacliman & Co.--"Ve have tlurliig the hist seveinl weeks freely ex pressed our confident belief in much higher levels before new cren cotton is marketed in any iuuutlt, . The recent rapid rise, however, has fulled te fefce such 11 convict lun in the minds nf niuny iuterests allied te the cotton industry, and for thnt reason we suggest that the cotton situation be calmly reviewed: "It is conceded that in elder te as sure an ndequate supply nf row miite- rial during tlie coming spinning sea Serteli IBrea. & 01a. f uhllr atUlty rrurtrba tsrk Exrbennt BuilHinn, fblU. National Pr. & Lt. Common & Pfd. ,; l'lieneii Locust 0320-1-5-3-4 rrhnte 'I'henes te New Yerk It Bosten GE0.A.HUliN&S0NS Members of the PhllaAelnhln, N"ew lerk and Chicago Sterk Ktcliangn v.... v..-'- ref-.ii 'xrlmnce STOCKS & BONDS beuptht and sold for cash or carried en conservative margin. Uellevue Court lllilg.. 1418 Walnut SL N. V., Ill llreiidwny. Closed First Mortgage 20 Yr. Bend Earnings for 1921 54 Times Interest Charges Price te net 7 Free of Nermal Federal Tax of 2. Penna. Tax Refunded Mackie.C ROUSE Ce. HEAI. KfcTATK Walnut 2.",li tri'ht nuu.niNO Race 0870 II il MEWBURGER, HENDERSON & LOEb Members New Yerk and Philadelphia Stock Exchanges 1410 Chestnut St. C. S. PATTON & CO. Sl A CIII.STM T HTH. BANKERS Sueetsw.f it. NAILER & STi:VP,NSnN Bends nnd storks bought nnd s14V Memberi rtilli. Stock Exetiangr. CAPITAL An established manufacturing corporation lequires .?30,000 additional capital te provide for necessary expansion. C. I. A. statement and thorough de tail open te prospective in vestor. Whole or any part considered. U 218, Ledger Office Before Investing eecum ths ndvlce of these experlencsd In tre election of sound securities. We offer our serlces te Indlvlduili and Institutions with fundf te Inveit, CetuervaHue marfltnel accounts invited. McGLINN & CO. Members New Yerk Stock Exchange Widcner Bids.. Philadelphia OH 113', 704 034 11.1 a, 04 111ft UN" huh n .. . -- wis i m iiiiii. iiini.. jeoe v'D,by. McNeill 7s . fitii? nsT, n 2 "" an American crop of ut least SUmm rV4" ftT "'? "'S 12,500.000 te 13.000,000 bales Is neces- Jonen?.1" Kdisnn'ii. A3 "ij .'.? O ' Iciu means an uiciense lfSSSrhllln V, 7u. ,'ir.fl .'.'r.r? JirVl nv,.i. Isst imr's nre. iiellen of from ,ri.ri USSR ''"'' niirV '" 1l!l.v: -i". ""J "' ,ln P'-rVrnt. ??0 Sab. tf'r . . OK' 0HN IMtJ ,,, ' ....,. .. ..,, 1.1,1,. !,,, nnn L.7'- . ,s neli 4.;' 'ura, InAl. f ... ...v.. 15"" HkilK ti '" -' ""4 , Jjnns ' . 7i. -20 .iciftC lnSS"ur . . nenS.. !' ." 7, Ins mm mi , IMS' III) ii. n, 101, in.", i (. i nil', less 1014 1014 ) IMI'-a . H ., .1 .1 .1 . t 1 nn; realms ei pessimiiiie.s; in ine ugiu n present -day inforiiiatieu en (lie sunjeci, we must emphatically say mil" less 102. 10, . " 1 n 3000 ''':'.' 7.: llmift ! J 7a lAiii iaii' .! M2?e,.M iL!'.'' m' W 0 B fe, Vr Hug 7. ,. Vuj, 'm "St?! 101. 1U2i li St WIEGNER,R0CKE.&CQ. Certified Public Accountants Orexel Building, Philadelphia MCewttfcC.q Land Title Bldg. Memlers I'lilla. HtecU Kiclmnc. Ileclter Ce. "The slefk maiket Is acting in its usual menuci- of ills counting favorable repertH of future conditions, as indicated by the opti mistic views expressetl by President Herding nnd the different business agencies, This tendency, hew ever, can- Bend and Stock Issues Underwritten WILSON PRICHETT & CO. INCOIU'OUATEL) (Formerly Husineaa Capital Corporation) NORTH AMERICAN BLDG., PHILADELPHIA $12,471,000 (Entire Outstanding Issue) Utah Light and Traction Company (Utah Power & Light System) First and Refunding Mortgage 5 Geld Bends, Series A Dt.d September 18. 1914. Due October I. 1944. Principal, and .emi-annual Interest April I and Oetebtr I. P--J!JJj New Yerk City. Redeemable en any intere.t payment date en four week.' notice at 105 and accrued ntere.t. Pen and fully regi.tered bend, in denomination of $1,000, interchangeable. Banker. Trust Company, New Yerk, I ru.U.. Unconditionally Guaranteed as te Principal and Interest by Endorsement by the Utah Power & Light Company Application will be made te list these Bends en the New Yerk Stock Exchange The information herein has been furnished by Mr. D. F. McGee, Vice President of thti Utah Power & Light Cempany: The Utah Light and Traction Company owns electric light and power properties in Salt Lake City and Ogden. the street railway properties in Salt Lake City and vicinity and the gas properties in Ogden, which together with certain properties owned by the Utah Power fie Light Company serve with out competition under long-term franchises about 1 50,000. or one-third of the population of Utah, com prising the heart of the business field of the Utah Power 6c Light System. The electric light, power and gas properties of the Company, which are capable of successful inde pendent operation, are leased for a period of 99 years from 1915 te the Utah Power fie Light Company for a rental which must at all times be sufficient te provide for the payment of interest en all bends issued under existing mortgages. The properties se leased serve ever 44,000 electric light and power customers in Salt Lake City and Ogden. The Utah Power fit Light Company, which owns the entire capital stock of the Utah Light and Trac tion Company, constitutes with its subsidiaries one of the largest light and power systems in the United States, having an installed generating capacity of ever 208,000 horsepower, of which 88ce is hydro electric. The System serves ever 77,000 electric light and power customers and operates without com petition in a business field of an estimated population of 335,000. The system la under the supervision of the Electric Bend and Share Company which in turn is con trolled by the General Electric Company. EARNINGS Consolidated Earnings of Utah Power &. Light System, Inter-cempa'ny Charges Eliminated Ai officially reported for the 12 months ended March 31, 1922 Gress Income $8,519,227 Operating Expenses, Maintenance and Taxes 4,355,284 Net Income $4,163,943 Annual Interest en all outstanding Mortgage Bends, including this issue 2,227,220 Balance $1,936,723 Net Income 1&7 times the above Interest Charges The average net income of the System for the past five years has been ever one and three-quarters times the annual interest en all mortgage bends new outstanding, including this issue. The First and Refunding Mortgage Bends (this issue) are secured, in the opinion of counsel, by direct mortgage en all properties of the Utah Light and Traction Company subject only te $3,746,000 divi sional bends of closed mortgages, whirh mature in 1 930 and 1934, in the liens of which this issue shares through deposit with the Trustee of $1,005,000 additional of these divisional bends. The properties of the Company are valued by independent engineers at an amount substantially in excess of its total funded debt, and have been maintained in a high state of operating efficiency. The Mortgage provides for a strong sinking or improvement fund. Of the Bends herewith offered, $1 2, 1 36,000 were acquired in 1914 and 1 9 1 5 in part payment for these properties by the Oregon Short Line Railroad Company (Union Pacific System) and have in the interim been in the treasury of that company. WE RECOMMEND THESE BONDS FOR INVESTMENT Price 91 and Interest, yielding ever 5.70 These Bends are offered for delivery in definitive form when received by us, which it it expected will be about June 1 E. H. Rollins & Sens Harris, Ferbes & Ce. The National City Company The abQe Information and statistics h n-n obtained from .eurce. that we deem reliable and sltheu net ruirintsed, ire icetptsil by us as accural- .l bends offered eubjct te rrler sale and chines in price without notice All of this stock having been sold, this advertisement appears as a matter of record. $2,000,000 E. I. duPent deNemeurs & Ce. Common Stock (Par Value $100) (being part of the outstanding $63,378,300 Common Stock in the hands of the public) Application has been made te list this stock en the Xew Yerk Stock Exchange Business: The Company and its predecessors have been engaged in the manufacture of explosives for both commercial and military purposes since 1802. Company also manufactures chemicals, paints, varnishes, dyes, artificial leather, pyralin and artificial silk. General Meters Heldings: The duPent Company owns 36.95"0 or 7,628,137 shares of the com mon stock of General Meters Corporation, representing an asset value, at present market quotations, of ever $110,000,000. The duPent holdings of General Meters stock are equivalent te 12 shares of General Meters (with a market value of about $175) for each share of duPent Common outstanding. Inceme: Fer the past 11 years the Company's average annual income applied te the average com mon stock outstanding has amounted te 54.33. Net receipts from commercial business as distinguished from military business, for these 11 years, have averaged ever $7,500,000 annually, or nearly 12 en the present outstanding Common Stock. It should be noted that a large portion "of the profits realized from war business has been re-invested in income-pre-ducing industries. Dividends: Since incorporation in 1915 the Company has paid dividends en the Common Stock without interruption, averaging 35.86 c per share annually, in cash or securities. Present dividend rate is 8rr. AW Assets: According te the balance sheet of December 31. 1921. net assets (including good will, etc.) applicable te Common Stock, amounted te $204 per share. Reckoning securities owned at market value instead of cost, these assets would be $243 per share. Company's surplus, Dec. 31, 1921, was $66,080,659. Cash in bank. March 31, 1922. was $18,500,000. Price $112.50 per share Deminick & Deminick New Yerk Laird & Company Wilmington Gillespie, Meeds & Ce. New Yerk Wilmington The above information and statistic ie net guarantee,), but we believe them te br, accurate. ffl Avr. -wet I3& ife.i AfayitT!iflritMr. aOf . $ Vi i"t Tf-j m m i mi I I V t f 181 I 1 I 3- m I J' Ctl .'M 'M i'V