PBW!jH MvwMW,wmH s 'ymw ? w. 5JW Iff;: TWl i 1 t 'sTA . ' .' '. . . uglas Stewart, of This 10 MEN BEGIN fflfiE-lAY CONFAB Football Association in'Kr.:::::;::: W 5 : u. s. Annual Session at Bosten I? laiK ui " - EXPECT CHANGE IN RULES . I (serial n.'P""-'' '" K"" P"'i"e '"". "ESeti. My 22.-Fr thr- mcei.,1 l its liWery thr- linltcd atirns football AHiorlntleii IieWh nn minimi iin ni ilm Kwex Hetel here tetln.v. (SSertSw n ml Wwlpwilnv. The enter- . Illdf. n tl.r-ntre nnri, i . "?," "'" " .i.t.. Afftnillfv nlltl 11 dinner en tour nf ln Il t?-inelnv n.s we'l iih n mim ii""" - " r. 2, Inn nf Harvard University en Tnes Ef The e-.iinn.le nf I'hlhitlcliihln Inst .r ulirn H enterlnined the I nited CJL Pentbnll .Vot'lnllen win ire;- Ijrd In Hint II'"1 wnlr" wl" "p ,ml" "' Mnnr nmlteri of linpertniicc lmye te L token up "I l'lis meetlng. notably rcral rlmiiRes ii) tlie rule. Ust jc-nr iidfd Inte eeitrrn nnd western eoinne eeinne eoinne Jltlen ltl sepnrnte committees. This ,i.. proved ciimuerseme. yerv cxiichmvu '!! 1. iibt.lv 10 he breujzlit bnrk te thf M condition of the one committee run- ilm the entire competition which, tewewr. will he p'.l into two dlylsien. Utt enr the nsoclntlen tried the move ef'hnvlns n piild hecretiiry. hill 'l ,f.,-iiinnin in t selection, with (the reMil! (lint Mr. Cnliill. the old In Irambent. wim pulled hnck pre tern. Hh ,ft5!illen will ue 1 cirniiiiH-ii '' iLii Vnttv Ihstuud ne his definite trrfaMl te continue Inst yenr ns the lion lien I itiry MHTetnry. he Is believed ncnin te ' wnt the position. Whether pnld or lonerary is nei iiivuircu. Life Membership .Mr- rnlillt en his reslcnatien wiih Iliren an lionernrliim of ?2000 nnd n life embrrslilp In the iWsoi'intleii. Kx- ipttnldent Kernley in strongly in sup sup pert of a move for the Philadelphia nx. uiplnilnns te nssiiinc the burden of de- teleplnir the sed-r came in the school ind tn hate n Nntienai Public Scheel Aswintien formed. There 1 n creal , ical tn be vaid In favor of his plan. There nlse will he nn effort made l. Ikf Amerlciui Poetbnll Association te 1tc the cniliarse lifted which Inst year Ms placed, en lis operations oatsiderrrf the State of New Jersey. Hew sue emsful the clfert will be time only will tell. It in nfiieient te .a.v that the author- Hi clvrn te the American Lensue te pcrate prneticnlly under the direction if Mr, t'ahill lias net been ulteeethcr Mrmsfnl. finnncinlly or otherwise, lltheugh it operated in, the same ter ritory a the American Poetball Asso ciation en different llnrs. The inaugu ration of n professional soccer league should be a matter of growth and care ful manngement. Amateur Circuit It U proposed by some enthusiasts te take the steiw necessary te ersanizp in amateur cup competition, open only te.amateiir teams en the lines of the National Challenge Cup competition, thleh Is open te either professional or amateur teams. Steps nlse are te be ttn tewaid la.ing the foundation for the making up. financing nnd sending If an amateur tenm tn tin. fil.nn.1,. 1.. 1924. Seme suggest that the 'cx-prc!- j in nmi uie-inemeers form an ad ad jKery beard, but de net state or out line the functions of Mich nn ndviserv ward. It Is te be hoped that semi! definite tpnstructhe policy will be adopted nt ttl mertiiig. The only piece of con cen irajjtlvc piepagandn which the asse- "mm uas none was tlie distribution, tret Of Cl!ir:; nf cnnlnu ,.f .!, ...I... of the game during the past season. Since the roetball Association of Kast jm Icnnsjlvunin has printed nnd dls mbutfd quite as many cepicK as the niuenin Asvociatten the simsiu has net I re iriy creni. Frem piccin Inillciiilniw it , , ' would 1 tint IV. V " ..". ? ' l"inillK elrrti i. rrv,1ent Stewart elected as ircsh lent All of il,,. i'k, L . . ainl- 11.: ''"'..'"" e i tlie t mi '.. . .'"'x'ci-n man is re- PA-nfffiSrs: rtuuuns 111 tin. ,..,.. as he is looked the choir e ,. V ' r ""' P'tlen. but Ut great ' '" ""'" n,"ll-v imble is Amateur Sports tn.... MIIUIOlu ......... ... . " - nrirniiizpii n lime l'CI.,s IrillellllC I till, nn.l 1.1 ... ;" ...lBl., a s ,,V"' ' . ::,';r"" -- ine store teiin, u,uxu .. n: fermerlj , "i' "nn iaun- "teber: lleier a 1 V?0,1 ,,H'" ,Ils,, "i hilliBi.,Pi1"",,rM( "".. pitch- "'I bat , '" Sl '",,s,,: Alis. sec We, ,,'..', r"1!1.1".- "''fl Held Mrlnker. In . ' mini ii' iiiirh. ,..,,.... F ":..'-'"!. rlglu iei,l, field, and B ill ers .. : f "i U nibueli. "one WarmM'r,. yitttkvl Htr' or HtJli'Aj.L' tk - t kUII IIV I lIllHK. .. VI . Pni. ilat'e, Tuf'Hrf?' cl"""i,wule like Ie Ul3heni. ... '"r'IHy nlEhtH tiun,. e,i fjwur. 'wrence, i'3e Kan, atrSVu ."Hay ball "V r ",''T ?ul'' '"" te pitch jSrVtS r,!nj!Sio-a,e4;,,r,h ''rent i?k"L.lr'"--. J.,TJieTL.W.",,J-K.nty Il'Uh A i wnad- I. U ma - " I Mtlll I ' -l iOI lii ' " '! UlbW nsin m:,'c''JK class! -.- ,., MiHiivMi nve m t)?v;ii,".D'--"ft ci iir Isrtreet ,bmeV1.V ;'""'' . .Jehlrli a - ellnir. I H.l --....i iuip sir u. t taV.riW'. JJawuW Alumni, ra-"w ho'n?el'.i'h,,ledy ei 1 Nr,h W.nTmai,,rm.',rnc' "'.., Al wmthnt there arc llkelv te b, cli iirj ,.- , '" ,.V , n""10. Siwniiey. vs. IU election. nx-Pc'si l", p'c ',7as S," ,or " rlh': "p,",10'1 : "'""rie A. Mourned hi, intention te run for tie P1,Un"- '' National I.inks, vs. H. PreadM,,.,. President Henlcv still S01",,1 ' n"l St. Andrews; Den- "ti It and iniiin in. -n .Ii nld Parson, ounirstewii. OMn teft Mirc-n. l'Vm"nnl AssoeiatVon ikan r . LM:,. H . be'"!, larger uiiu n ivi'U'nrr l.m, ,l,.l.i " " Illl.t' llllll.l- XTHTA ou- fenni 3"' inC'i'I,lr',vr'. wv: ""j1" Hruucl xtK'r ... Ji ' '""neyer. Ilue ..J"'!"''""'" A. " rSrvV"nn Ti rtn SIm Hm ..V.'L"' '' "I c-ass. iraiellnr. C'i Alumnl-.WV. ' n. 1 1 1- ., ,t What May Happen In Bascb.all Tedav NATION.!, t.KACJt'K .. flub . Ww l-mt I'.r. rw ierk e 10 .Ml t. r.mti tn is .no! riUhurffli 10 is .Ml r.'l'"W I 14 ..1M ('InrlnnMI ,1(1 in ,1I ln ,nM ,nM .A4M .4M .4S1 .419 .940 Mm .MS MS .Mi .81 ,4A? .4011 .son .310 Ilosten AMKKH.N I.KAtlt K ... On'' . New lerk ft. l-ei'l., Athlrtlrs , Dpi roll .,; Wen I.eal P.C. Win I.er. .001 .030 1 II .'Mi .COS .31(1 .4 no .404 .4M .441 .SIS .AIM .nil .43 .403 .471 Ml .804 .MM 1 .noe 1 .4nn, .440 ' .441 .439 1 .301 1 I IT. I .441 .430 .410 .333 ,j, C llltHRO ... Ilestnn INTKRNATIONAI. I.KAOIK '. I.. vr W. I.. nltlmre 33 II .007 .trree ('. in III HnrhrMtr in 13 .013 Reridlnir. in 30 Terente, ill 13 ,004 Prrecusc 13 IK lliiffnte.. ie 10 .noe Nrwnrtt. II 33 RASTRRN I.KAfiLK . .. IV. I.. PC. H. I.. V "'V'n 10 .1 .701 nrMcrp't 10 13 ttjOHtl 13 0 ..101 Hnrtferd 0 13 K'trMmrn i l .Rne Untrrli, B 14 Albanr.. It II .soe Pm-lmtflrltl 14 AMKItH'AN ASSOt'IATIO W. I,. PC. W. I.. Mln'iialla 30 II .011 linn. 'll IN IA Si. Pnnl 17 13 .307 f litrnb"". IS 10 Intj'iwll. 17 13 .307 l.nilvJle 14 10 'llln'krr 10 13 .nil) Teleiln . . n 34 XIU TIII-.RN AN.HOtlATIflN W. I.. !. W. I.. Mehllr. . 34 14 .011 Menitiltli 10 10 IT. .433 1 .zn UJ' - UJ' - . ..ii n :i in ,(171 nMilllc in si .431 .30S n, ntirk. 31 in lllr'linm. 10 13 M3 Ihnl'n'tn 14 24 .33)1 Mhinta. II ii .3JJ' YESTERDAY'S RE8ULT8 NATIONAL LBAfiUK Phlli;nrlphlaritlt.bnrh. net srlifduM. rinrlnnatl, Hi Yerk. 1. llroeklyn. i Chtrnitn. 4. Hoten, 4 1 nt, i.nnl. 3. AMKIttCAN I.RA(il1F. nrtreli-Athlrttr. net rh'tiilt, New Jerk. Oi HI l.nuU. n 110 Inntnat). Jnhlnten. Hi Chlp.uce. I. ClntUnd-nosten, net nrhcdulrd. INTI'.ItNATIONAI. t.KMll K Rraillng. 3i Jrrnrr 4 lt.v. llrt rmt. Kendlnr. i Jirn-y f 'Hi . 0 (ten Innlnxs. MTenri ennif). Ilnlllmurp, 3 rtrarl.. 1 (flmt nmt), llnlllmerr, 2i NrnHrk. 0 (ncssind came). ntM-hfklfr. 81 Hjmnikp, 4, Tlif IIiiffalo-Teronto canir nan nonlpened en neceunl or rnln. AMKRIt'AN ASSIM'IATION leiilillti, Oi Indlannnells, 4. Miiavlllr. 3i lndliiiitmelln, 0, I'elnmhin, At Tolrde, 0. relttmlins. 3 Tolrde, II. Milwaukee, Oi Hnrnid Cllj. .1, Kanns CIO, Mi Mlluitut,rr. 7. Nt. Paul, It MinnnipiilU. 3. Silt'TIIhKN ASSOCIATION lllrnilnclinni. 7l tlnttlnnoeitu, 4. Allnnlii 4i Meinphl. 3. Nushtltle, 7 Nrw Orlrtins, 3. Only Hirer minm tKlii'dnlrd. Field of 252 Players Competes for Amateur Championship at Prestwick HUNTER IS THE FAVORITE Ity the Associated Press Prestwick. Eng.. May 2. Ftvi Ajnericnn players were among theirco theirce theirco erd field of L"2 golfers which began te play here today for the Hrltish ama teur championship. The large number of entries will necessitate a whole week's play. There were seventy-four matches in the first round tedny, the remnlnder being carded for tomorrow morning. William Hunter, the present chiun chiun plen. Is the favorite, but with such players as Cyril Telley, Iteger II. Wethercd and .1. I.. C. .Tenklns In form the experts consider there may be a surprise in store for the holder In the Inter stages of the tournament, and there are net wanting these who think It likely that a dangerous contender may loom up in the person of Jehn Ii. Andcr-en, of Slwaney. He Is con sidered here te haw the best chance of the American entrants. The Americans are nalred dm fnllnu-,. by the draw : i0iin 1; .n,erKi, Alex Mnntzies. Italph Jehn D. Chap man. Greenwich. Conn., vs. II. E layier. MW-Murrey; G. E. Van Vleck, Jr.. Pin alley Gelf Club. vs. A W S. Aldrldge. Iatherhcad. CHAMP NOT CONFIDENT Hutchisen Doesn't Expect te Re tain British Gelf Title Chicago. May 22. Jeck HutchWen, Glenview professional, who departs Thursday te defend his title in the British open golf championship. June 11. at Sandwich, said tedav lie had small hopes of repeating his vlcterv of Inst yenr. After his final practice round en this side, he said: "I'll have te de much better at Sandwich," ami added he did net expect te win the title two vears In succession. "I can't say that I feel I'm going te win. although I certainly will trv mv best. They will all be there und 'what a bunch of golfers te beat." FAVOR MISS STIRLING Mrs. Gavin Will Net Defend Her Gelf Title New Verk. May 22. Miss Alexn Stirling, former national woman's golf champion. Is expec ed tn win the women's metropolitan t hamplenslilp teiininmeiit, which began today at the Merris County, N. ,L, Gelf Club. Miss Marlen Helllns, nntienai cham pion, was prevented by illness from en tering ami Mrs W. A. Gavin, winner of the Metropolitan last year, will net defend her title, as she is in England. MRS. G. W. GIBBONS DIES Mether of Tennis President Sue. cutnbs at Sixty. nine Years Mrs. Geerge W. Gibbens. hieiIipi. nf 30 13 is in in it 13 in in in in id 13 20 XHI ' FIVE AMERI AN IN BRITISH GOLF Paul . Gibbens, president of thelplicltv; third Lord Herbert. Drum Philadelphia and District Tennis As-Ipiend. Wnlkup; fourth Hephaistes. Miclntlen, died early this morning at I Lcttcrman. Emotien: fifth Muskol Muskel her home, fUK) Cedar avenue. She was lenge, Gladiator, Lord Brighten; sixth Mxiy-iiiue years mil, Airs. Gibbens Is suiiiietl In- Imr him. baud and three sons, Paul' W. Gib Gib eons, Jeseph A. Gibbens, who has been living in Pails for the last several vears, and Edwin L. Gibbens, of Hnrrisburg. Te Inclese Dartmouth Fields llnneirr. N. II.. May !!2 A nrw fence in urica i'iisvs nun iruiiwerK. te cost anlllt . U'A.Mlii. Hill 1st erected this summer ie I Inrlese the fentlull llelds. baseball diamonds i and runnln track en the new Dartmouth I memorial Held fur athleilcv. It Is pineciel Ihut Ihe et'( will be completed by Ihe erenlnc of tellrje In Nepiembcr. Schoolboy Golfers Play Today If rrrnw Ml Conn.. M.i '.'-J. An Intel Intel schelnstlu coif tournament In which fifty or mere schools from various parts of the country are entered will he held ever I he course of the Greenwich Country Club be ginning today and centlnulnt Tuesday, at.1 Wedneiday, i ",, , . , , , City, May Be Named as "''v'-, "v'? "" ""pf9imijtKmAJk' iriiriMi.iraiMtMiiMt,iaB M B aaH .aaaaaspppppppj ,: 'ppK i.ij.(M:'tt, W"i 7 'KaBiF'I hh aaKjajHps '-,'afpppH -i jTpHpj4)' ',' ': .; i:;'-;',tBmmftUllt&, 'ppppppppppppppHMijdHMHallIHP'l,,,'l'-VPJPJIpK WMitMetiTi iiii' ': viiipjplBppppMHMpMpppppppp ' Y f' f -,'tPjP,'!-x23ppppppBpp"S5r ff COLLEGES ENTER iFour iFeur Crews Frem Annapolis te Rew en the Schuylkill Next Saturday PENN IN ALL THE EVENTS The American Rowing Association will held Its seventeenth annual re re gettn next Saturday afternoon ever the mile and five-sixteenths course en the Schuylkill Iliver. Klght colleges will be represented in the various races, which Include eight elght-enred shell' events. The United States Naval Academy will send four crews. Pennsylvania will be represented In all eveiite In which collegiate crews are eligible. Vale, Har vard. Princeton. Columbia nnd Syracuse have entered crew". The I'ndine Hnrge. West Philadelphia and Vesper will have eights in the spe cial Inter-club eight -eared rnec. I'ndine hns a strong crew, made up nf ltescwisch. bow; Chambers, F. Fert erschmldt, I.ukens. Armstrong, E. (Iraef. C. (Sraef and K. Federschmldt. stroke. Captain Hartley will stcr the crew. ' Twe West Plill Crews Conch Kddie Marsh, of the West Phillies, will have a mixed intermediate nnd senior crew entered. The order of the crew Is Harry or Ward, bow; llewen. Mclnerney. Kelly. MacXIcho MacXIche las. Welsh. Itegnn and Cunningham, stroke. Paul Costrlle will row in first singles for the Vesper. Fnlloen nnd Nelsen will row ' In senior doubles. A four made un of Ilnnna. McOuire. .1. Ces- telle and Myers, stroke, will be en tered. A senior eight is entered in special inter-club eight -eared shclj rncc. Themas Iloeney will row in second singles for Undine, and Ctcerge Allisen and Jehn Blcssinj will enter In doubles. Allisen. Messing, E. (Sraef and Supplee are rowing in a ccrttlpede. Malta's lone entry In the American regatta will be Nelan nnd Sherwood in a double. .. . Hilten Belycn and Tem Hoeney rowed ever the course yesterday along with 11 number of Undine crews. Heb Agnew was In n single, the senior centipede four-eared gig crew and junior eight all went down together, the centipede crossing the line first. Belyea Sunburned Heven Is rowing from eighteen te twenty-four miles daily, nn.l is suf fering at present with a bad sunburned back. In speaking nbeut It. he said : "We seldom. If ever, have as warm weather at St. Jehn's. N. !.. as we are having here, and the recent warm days caused a very painful sunburn. He in n little ever-weight, tipping tlie scales above 100. "When at his best he is nbeut 15'J. Walter Hoever, who will row for the Philadelphia Challenje Cup en June . will nrrlve In Philadelphia tomorrow te take up training en the local course Immediately. Contain Nenemaker. of the Crescent Club," is working with n number of juniors nt present; He has Marshall and Hendersen rowing for junior dou bles en Nnvy Day. and Keegan, bow; Dalv, Wilsen and Campbell comprise a four-eared gig crew te enter the same regatta. Captain Hartley announced he would send two men te row in three races in the Harlem regntta en Memerial Day. Frank Frets: wl" row in Intermediate singles and (Scergc Allisen will row lu senior singles and senior quarter mile dash. The race for the Philadelphia Geld Challenge Cup en June U seems te be drawing new challenges. The latest rumor is that Eddie Duriian, Jr., son of the famous Cnnadlnn professional oars man, will compete. If he does conic te Philadelphia he will probably hnve te row in the race en June 1 with Tem Iloeney nnd Garrett Gilmere. the win ner te qualify te row against Costelle, Hoever nnd Belyea. Beets and Saddle Horses which seem best at Churchill Downs today are: First race Dinnhmeur. Precious Lula, Martha Fallen: second Ment fort Jenes entry. Victoire, JlelphrJzenla ; third Pit, Picter. Sun Gid ; fourth Dr. Clark. High Cloud. Mlnte II; fifth Peppy e. Anna Ted. Full S'poen ; sixth Held Me. Tomahel. Dartmoor; seventh Cllntenville, Tedy, Uncle Vele. At Torento: First race Wraith, High Gear, Satana; second (steeple chase) St. l'aul, Bcllringer, Brig anna; third Semme, Treubler, Flea; fourth Star Jester. Grace Mayers, Mcrcutie; fifth Lady Bess. Full e' Fun. Tepange; sixth Muttiklns, Dresden. Brilliant Jester: seventh Sword, Delhlmar. Evelyn White. Jamaica: First race Rork, Reap, itnlrlr.. second Manna. Dure sit... Certain, Piavus, Roseate II Exterminator, in winning the $10,000 Clark Handicap at Louisville en Sat urday, came within one-fifth of a sec end of equaling the track record with Hill pounds up. He ran the mile and an eighth In 1 :f0 flat. The old cam paigner was given nn ovation almost equal te that accorded te Mervlch in the Derby. The Canadian racing season opened auspiciously Saturday at Terente. The Kings Plate, run consecutively for sixty-two years, was wen by Seuth Shere. This lace It for Canadian breds. and king Geerge of England gives fifty guineas toward the $10,000 stake. OTHER SPORT ON PAGE 22 :-hhWffl REGATTA w, , y:wx LtetiGEKPHlMBEJliPHlA, TWO CHAMPION MERMEN , ,1 1 rl 'l MaLl: ' KBa j i'i,lk?aHSBalafl Am aaaaBaaaaaaLk'aaH V' :'Aaaaaa.....B..V flaaHI T'f aBBBBBBBBBK 'JBBBH ' '.'bbbbbbbTbbI" '.'"& V 'XbbbbIH"" vK V vB f " 'm I ' ' dBBBBBBBV B JbBbV JB IbbbbbbT 0 ! Ill flf ) i'V Underwood A I'nilrmnnd Kadel Herbert At the top is Johnny Welssmuller, world's greatest swimmer, showing Ills style. Belew Is Al White, the new national fancy diving champion FIRST DEFEAT FOR Geerge Scheel Is Victorious in Big Track Meet at West Chester By PAUL PREP VlERMANTOWN HIGH SCHOOL vJ was defented in nn interscholastic track and field meet for the first time this season Saturday afternoon. The Clivedens finished second In the eighteenth annual meet of the West Chester State Nermal Scheel en Wnvne Field. West Chester. Geerge Scheel was the winning team. The Newtown aggregation galloped home a winner from one of the fast est fields of the season, garnering 2." points. Gcrn.nntenn was second, with 23: Atlantic City High, third. 17: est Chester State Nermal, fourth, West Philiitlelnhln Tlln-I, ,,! '. nenah Military Aeademv were tw.. nf the best-known teams te meet defent In the same meet. The cadets, after making such a wonderful showing in the recent Swnrthinere meet, were picked as likely winners bv mnnv depesters. but the best they could d'e was gather in eight points. The Speed Speed heys scored an eien dozen. Germnutewn's champion relay team, however, wen its one-mile evciit. The Cliveden quartet hail an easy time In their favorite event, ami loped the distance in :i i'. Atlantic City High finished second in the event. Germontewn finished first and sec- mid lathe century dash for high schools. , .viaiuias. ine star et uie team, wen t he I wen I lie event in 10 2-fi seeends. Kntbach. a teammate, came home second. Geerge Wins .Mile Most of Geerge Scheel's points were scored by winning second nntl third places. The team wen the mile velar for prep and normal schools and Lewi's hurled the discus, n.'i feet 11 Inches for a win. Andrews wen the half-mile inn. McClain. of West Philadelphia High, wen his favorite event, the shot-put. in handy style. The big Spt-cdbey hurled the weight 44 feet I . Inches. Lewis, the Geerge Scheel athlete, was second. Fiankferd High, conqueror of tier tier mantewn High In a dual meet, was another loser. The Pioneers were de feated by the Gettysburg freshmen en the letter's field. The final score was 03 1-3 te 03 2-3. A unique meet was held at Over brook with the Scheel of the Blind and P. I. D.. ns opponents. The sightless athletes, despite their handicap, mnn sged te win the. meet fieni the institu tion for the denf. 02 te 2.1. Three relay races were en the pre grnm. This, was the first time that a lelny with blind athletes as participants was ever held. In two of the relavs P. I, D. was victorious, but In the senior relay the blind youths were the winners. Anether feature of the meet web the way the races were started. The starter would hit a cap. which he had in his hand, against the palm of the ether hand. The blind boys would hear ihe contact and the denf boys would see the cop strike the hand and would start. Hill Scheel wen the twentieth annual interscholastic Hack nnd field meet held under the auspices of Yale I'liiversitv. I he victory was the second in two vears for the Pottstown athletes, who' new have two Icgx en the Yale Cup, which must be wen four times before it be be V?meHe,ur"J"nent !)rPprty of a school. Hill Scheel scored 0UV4 points, while '" nrarert rtwl; Bridgeport High, was eccend with 18. HfflWN '&w MONDAY, President of United States Football I L Scarcely an Absentee at Hunt Hunt ingden Valley in Phila. Cham pionship Qualifying Round MISS DE KOSENKO STARS FAIR GOLFERS OU FOR ORAL CROWN I,,,.0 ,, .... linn neither team has been stepped slnci 1 another year, nnd the bugle once 10. Beth'linvc been sailing aleni mere sounds for the start of n gelflnt n fast dip all season, and it is linn clinmplenshln the firsf Imlirlilnnl lltnlnr lilt of 1D2L'. ' wi" ,)0 " "Rrutlge1' game In s far tn thn .!.. . 1 .in , x- li n """' teams have been "knocking" in he peace nn.l stillness of Neble. Pm ,, , ,,. ,W ,,., Kach I a., this morning all the leading golfers j claims it is the stronger, and both will of this city's llnkswnmnn citizenry were I"' I" there figlitlns hnr.l all the time, teeing off ever the green links nt Hunt- ,. V,1".'" f'0'" .' Yeukle Lnckey re linrlni Veii.. . .t . ir r,s,d te say who would twirl for the ligdeit A a Icy for the women s golf (Jermantown team, or anneunte hl ehampienshlp of Philadelphia. , line-up. it is n certainty that Whlt- Tlie only notable absentee was Mrs. "ey. king of schoolboy speed pitchers. Clarence H. Vnnderbcek. Inst year's ",'," Lthcf ChMPcliman. Whitney liea i,.m, ... . .... ... '"' kinds of sheet, and bis dazzling champion, who is out of the contest be- speed nnd change of pace bheuld win cause of illness. The title thereby gees ' the decision for him. b default without a defender. Mrs.1 Coach Charley McCarth . well-known nnderbeck was the lending Phlladel- football official and coach of Episcopal, phla player last year, having wen the , "kc Lackey had nothing te say. But -.iiniiTii 11s wen ns iiic local title, .siie i-uhr, wiiiieui neiini, will lie tlie pltclicr also went te the semi-final round of the I '" l'"e the Green mid White. Leng Is1 nntienai. ' a star of the highest caliber, and hr The piny today calls for eighteen ill linve a twirier of his own class op holes medal te qualify for the mutch l'01-'' liint. Leng has everything neccs- ' piny which will be played "one round per 'ar' ler n winning pitcher, nnd may day till the finals en Friday. w" '"' Rn'"e for the Churchmen te- Therc will be various Incidental '"'. driving, nppreaching nnd ether contests Germnntewn recently switched its through the week, ending Saturday at i Une-np. nnd the team has net been Merlen when It Is hoped te play n match """dug se well under the change. How Hew bet ween men nnd women the inen giving eer. the bejs may be handed their old the ladles half n stroke a hole, n con- Positions again before the first ball i-I tout wllll.ll lifW nnlnnil .miJ..,,!,!. tllTOU'll Ollt. I popularity nt Stokes Poges abroad. Huntingdon Valley always lin proved 10 ue 11 iinrti test, tiieugli n goetl one, i for the fnlr sex, nnd It was nrcdicted I that any one fortunate enough te get 1 in .1 .i 1.1 ..... r. iiiiiii'r ini iiicru uiu.v nvillll win Hie medal. Mrs. Itenald II. Barlew, unbeaten se far this year In match or medal piny, is the favorite te win tlie title unless the unexpected happen", ns it did some years age at Whltcmarsh in the local championship, when she was ousted by Mrs. G. 8. Munson. Scraps About Scrappers CharlrT Croud. nretrr nf th. i(. A ti. Mi QulB-nn nnd tnntchmdKrr of thr Nntiennl this' iuinmer. hn. n e heuts arrnriir 1 for tneleht. r.rn Hawlln. ll mrrt Miifr nu - sell in th- wtnd-uii. Isw Silngrr u, Veunn .Tnck Drmpar-r l the srml. 1'rellms: Ilann" Tev mi. Al I'enwav. Kid flrern Veuni Kesj nnd Harry Moere h vit.y .uurmy. The frnlnrr of thli wrk'n Ire Palace nhon nhen Thurfday nUht will lw a boxer . fiBhter rnpeuntrr betwrrn Harrv Kid Hrewn and Ulllv Anitelr.. This will Iv in -IitM-reund bout. n will malchri leturti Johnny Mralj and Whltrv Kltswerald nnd Temir JIurrj and Dattllnir Mack Other UeutM Willie (irern i. Murlln Judge nnd Kid Wolf "s Tiny Trlnklr All bexrrw aceiulrd te appear In the open epen nh nhew nt Hnllern Park iim .Mmiduv nlcht n, ln r.Ur.' ,.r,n,'nln',' ncierdlnu te Matei maker Willi Kdnards. Cnrae IJrne and Johnny Mraly tee the program, with nlhr l.i!t by ilcrmar. Miller s Ad Hiene. Dlclt Steih m. Rav Mitchell lne ititchh V Pedre Curnpe and Iiebb Weleaxt va u.n, Oechtcr. Open-air hexlne for the season ullt be started at Hmrdlrv I'ark, Chester Pa u,. nleht. Jehnnv Urlffllh lne Jackie .ioere In the wind-up. Ralph p.avmend vh. Jack McCnulrv will be the semi. Iw Ballev Is tn be the referee of all nuilche" Jack Hennessey la th'i mitchmaker Oeerrr Chanrr will meet hhnmus O Hrien In the emi-nnal te the Tendlei.llarrrtt font' " "i" i-niines iau Park June S .tun TIpHti, -who haa recovered from a cold, will u Karl France rnd,Jee Juckyen lu ,Kc !en phl1 K"Pi". Danni GreUea. Manaunk featherweleht. haa returned here after a tejr of the West ills manacer. Jim McFadden. has nreles In fit fettle and la neumlatlinf for matches with Gene Delmont Willi.. Urecn and eth" Is.vh Iila wetsht. McFadden a he also Is dickering for a bout between tlrelvcs and Johnny KM bone. .lee Mendell. of thl elti ih.m.ii ,i,n. ... was bexlnir lu geed shaie en .s.iturdav aftci- I "pen., when he was reniierid a dec slim mer ! rankle Callahan ln ten muniU nt Klibrt'a I'leld Mi.ndell had llttlu trouble defe,tt-i- I Ihe llroekbn veteran "" Jimmy (Inedrlrh. Iluffaie Jumer licin ;if!?"i'. !l eenteinplatlnit an Invasion ,f Philadelphia. Hebby Dillen Is icpresentlnc (IfMMlrlch here nn.l .3n ... .... t. ..... ..'T "rry Kid Urewn """ smniev unu. ..,., ,,s...-,.u. . Ix-en bexlruc up threueh the Htati h 'i makinar his home In Tat.en ind is training at Jack Martin's. Jer rhllllpi, the Iren man Is about te niakr. a comeback. He Is trHimns dally and Issues challenges te Hebbv llarrctt nn.l Johnny Mraly. A Hose U handlliik- Phillip, Jark McCiirthj has lis eirins- of . rappiH . mil xr .. ...' "'" """' '" " ...ii. ..--,,? 1,1.1 win mix rethlng." Martv i e,nn ''"-TT,.l,r1- ,!$. Knine1,?.' tin f ih '"" n'ner pr iiefra uf Ale i.,ni. i.-.ll. i- V.V ."""".' ""-. """ Wllllr tlrern and tennv H.rr.. a-"matched S,,'!. cl"t-reu"" ui .,! Hi.,. .4rk There are letter. In the sper,, l)ep,rtmnt of the KiiMsii Prime i.kihikr for l.ee D lrtn lain llmi n. n .. iiiiin r-s i . - " v tMna iiu ,- uiie r.OHarun Ne Purse In Argentine Buenes Aires, May la Inquiries hre have failed te Identify the bhiuh of Ar gentlne sportsmen who uere alleged te have offered a bl purse for n rtuht between Jack ivmpsey and l.uls Klrii the Anrenilne heavHe'sht. who has wen thne tattles In the. United Slates Ical spurt, nif urcl s Plata no credni-e In the reisin Men! $100 Will Buy Geed Hese He mm Wild fleck $1.65 A. R.UnderdewiVs Sens MAY 1922 PLAY FOR PHILA. SCHOLASTIC TITLE Cermantewn High and Episco pal Meet in Big Baseball Game Today WHITNEY TO FACE LONG flKttMANTOWN Karharh. rf. Kehn. rf. Carhrrr. . (larrrtt. 3h. Lenrrrn, ll. CI. Hlrrl, 3b. K. Hlrrl, r. Milliner. . Mahtcan, It, KPISCOPAI. Celrtirrr. 2I. Klnrirr. 3ti Rlltrnheunr. . Krnfl. II'. hrrl. I. Ilnrdl. rf. I.enr. l.. Miller, rf. Pryer, r. P. ll.n ...l.r.tnHlif linvelmll rllflin- I plenshlp of Philadelphia ! ! That will be the title nf the act t" be slagc.l en Nertlieifsl High Field. Twenty-ninth and Clearfield Mrcets. this afternoon. " :!10 o'cletk. Gerinniitewn High, champion of tlie Intcrsclielnstlc League fur the last two jears, anil Episcopal Academy, holder 1 nf the Intel-academic League crown for 'the same length of time will be the 1 actor. The game today has nltractcd wide interest among the schelastic: fans in this city. In regular league cempeti tien neither team has been slopped since none Imrtl I te tell hist which Is the stronger. Episcopal's line-up will remain un ' "nnsed. BRITTON IS READY win Defend Title Against Leenard In June New Verk. May 22. Lick Brittnn. welterweight boxing chnmpleii. will be ready te defend his title in a match with Benny Leenard. lightweight champion, early in June, according te word received by Tex Itickurtl from pan Morgan. Britten's malinger. KU'kard Is understood te have made tentntlie plans, as a result, te Mage the contest en June IS or 2(1. fr... . i. . ... . ' . ,: ;, ,, "1 " " ""Jpr '0"- "1,rntl""' H.v1p N Thirty Acre.. In Jersey City, and the newlv built Veu Yerk V..I...I.. m r .t , , eloilreme. If the former . .. flies were sain re lie un.ler coil- clleen, u twelve-round nri.,li.,-Ri contest may be singed, hut If the event is stnged here it may go fifteen round-, te a decision. PLAY POLO TODAY Fexhuntera and Revers Meet in Second Wootten Cup Game t .FOXIirNTEKS p c r HOVKPS I .Tehn V Cemer.. 3 Henry II c " I Hedman Wanama Ji Jehn rr ...-I . II St nhen f'i.lh..ii.. .. Stene ;, .immn H tlufr .. Albert I .smith Alfred A lllddl. e Total Total 1 lie second pole match for the Wootten Challenge Cup will he pHJe.l nu il. hi Minus ei uie ni-n .Mawr Pole Club this afternoon at ."i o'clock. The Fo Fe hiinters and the Philadelphia Ceuntrv Uuti Kevers will be the opponents I he hrst nintcli was plaved Satur day en the same field The Brvn Mnwr BASEBALL Today, 3:30 P. M. hllinK TARK. 2lsT AMI I.KIIIfill AVK ' ATIII.KTICS ,B. DKTKOIT I Kesrrtrd Seals CilmlteU und Sipaldlnsa I POLO TODAY, 5 P. M. Bryn Mawr Pole Club IIRV.N MAM It. , BRYN MAWR FOXHUNTERS Is. PHILADELPHIA C. C. ROVERS Better tailoring lower prices Yes, we are makinw mn,,'a smart clothes at lower ninP And better. We never carried I such a beautiful line of Sprintr m 0",,,ul aUIUngS, OOth in' Tweeds and Hemespuns and " w,,s,:Mrtllve lUUriCS. Me Ii r tier drrserd. i ilur priers urr medrratr. I W; S.Jenes, Inc.1 Cuftem Tailoring 1116 Walnut Street re! Full Fnnhinnffl 7 I I 'I rousers I a .Specialty I i i a SILK HOSIERY Plain.... A '1.00 per pair Seamless True Shape Pure Silk rtZn pcr All Celers &P pir fiarters: 25c. 33c & 50c per pr. Tee Guards: 15c, 2 pain i 23c 222i Market si., puna. ' Freebooters defeated the I'hllinlelphlii Country Club's first team by the store ..( I 'I ... I! I." . I II.... .1... fl- unu Ilm lief,, nf tin. v i.Iiht . . , i was iiic nciii 111 1 lie Mctni.i. m iiimir eight Of Ills tcilM S points. fl I. Ml tt I II II lllll'. MM' ll'AIIII Plill. C Yeu can't live forever but you can live in comfort while you live. Select your underwear from our large stocks, we guaran tee te fit yeuf, and geed, solid comfort will be yours. Marshall E. Smith & Bre. Men' Furnithinga Faxerita ISc straight Frem zimmm m for real 8. ScBa V S ISA ct. kvvLwI laFi.iifJsJumfiHglff.'.iS.i'Wm C5aaaMlwSf38sl mi fWB MHC?ESTiJ 1 Tl"C Jtfc WyspVVJe J'lMaLaaaaafcjg-i!wT'"B jJJ.ftT 'tj e ftjii!' Wr'' Much 'r'"1 Surplus material is ' ZsriS? -'S:A; rjii JrV reguhr men handiie the lden- " i -a--' tk, mXM.jT Mvi.1 ix)iili rtiiu uuailLIC3 nri arr -ssjy iJsr War Department Sales te your regular stock That's the "straight line" which is the shortest distance between 2llt,,bcn8 N.eM.Jbv t(: Uar Department offers an unequalled source trem which te build and maintain stocks. Army goods bought direct from the Government -me te veur shelves tree from the added ces- et a middleman s profit Thev can be sold at an advance ever the purchase price that v,e.js a splendid return, nf uh'Tf av,v"nta?9 c' th"f Government cfTrr.rgi is merelv a matter of watching the advertised 'ms c.f sales, wrr.ntj for catalog of goods ui"v,0U-are 'ntcr" a",l then participating in the sales. t lere s a guide te geed buv s for you I WAR OCPARTHENT SCLLING PROGRAM H W MAY Ji'SK 7 -Am Slavics Si'r- M -,.,,, 'Lies Mirruen f j, mm :, Oil. F"ej asp Auction Ker cats' e ' U-aaiCATise Washirg nte Air Serirj. Dept! W U i n D C Seale.l bid M irnsen. Va i sr catalog, ynte 2CiI-t , .- Mun-tiens W'?. Wash- Ji M s -y f S' rn ts 9 Dl lift m D ( '".imp lacks .n. S ( ,'JI !T .. Auetisn pr i-u-leif -ill LaL .'. antu 4- Aucti-n Wareh. use. -'ar.i '3 BS I' r cataler-. wnte CO ,H U UM Candler War'. .' m 11 y M b rn rs rH -se At.a itu CS0 Cjn.n Ctant IIL Aj JI T i .. .. , ',J" 'Tea', k, wn'e ;M '.V ,,,)lMrPLIk U M S O IM-i S M , Hrjviklyn S Auction I'erihmc Rd Chi az W I ! r cata'ei w-n'e Q M " O. 1st Ave and 59tn J'm- IV Q M Si rn.irs M l st , Brooklyn. .',. . hie.,. ictien. ! I'-jr Cutaljjj. wri'e y M h- O 1SP W l'Thini Jl'NL Rd . ChK-age ;! J'XEl Q M SiTPttrs - Junk.1 -y M S iplips M San Antor..e. Vt. Au.- Camp t.rtrman U M I ' in I' ir catalog, w-ite Auction Fer lata 1 . ! Het. n Tex C V Pervh .itf R .ad j& " J' s. ,llttLi i"'.ew I, . .. ,, ,, , m -uuumu te.rdbi J ii ,. J kV ' m Sr cata.eK wnti e I) l,Jtt,.r u'" A 'M ' s il 7401) Ashland )"l. LT :,aU' s.tT " m A--n Cr. cugi V. M I'l'.cni .-u IJep.it. ' l''cieiHn,SA 'W J'srJ. y M Mmirs 1 ' P ,Ui"A' Avia""' Nerf.ll. K Au tien M I wrh uk . se ,t Ave. av.r59th I j SEND TOR CATaIqT O ItHO TOH CATALOG I ir atsleji Prupeji II ink. ami lull Information wrle Chief, Sales Promotion Section, Oflk f Director of Sales 2515 Munitions Midi. Wa.hinflien, I). C. ' ' T71""" "' jA """ ' ' nia . iiii i i ii ' B V IH Association Irish Game Entries Clese Tomorrow t:iitrls ftr the rlft"lxtli innual Iflafc Kt,m''-. IIH'M-I in. n.inirib.n .1. uvni kiiiiii., niiilrr tin nimiMcra or 1111 vncicri' liri or ei mie rninnn raniiuiini njr i" n, a v tni ,cilulctl for Memerial Day. a in Ntiitht-uiit 1 1 lull rtihoel KluunU, Wll will 1 le" tnniiirruw. CARTERS KNIT UNION SUITS Blcacht balbriggan $1.85 White lisle $2.50 (Int'erimrHlrd) Athletic 724 Chestnut Street Goods emeument We don't say "El Producte is th best cigar made." But tve DO say : "Ne cigar ia mere carefully made. Ne cigar contains choicer tobacco. And there is something about El Producte that no ether cigar can give. That is its per fectly balanced and uncepyabl blend. It's up te you te decide whether El Producte is the cigar for you. After you have decided, we can give it te you in many shape at 10c te 30c." Bouquet buvig in th: open market every lav. WZfe G. H. P. CIGAR CO.. Inc. 553 iHz PhiUd'ptl. P. P i i i' a a AJ. fli.1 rj'3 u i M-l . Uf. PUl Ml va Ft.-i rwl li! 1 i 1 Wsjjj n M i: 1 . i ji j M rai l Ua. ''- rv2fr&! ,:- . 1'! JM-' .vJ.k l. XM 4 j &r.fra Sm- ' Pis 'i