Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 20, 1922, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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Band at 9; Organ at 11;
Band at 4:45
Mrteily unit C'lilmtn at Noen
Stere Opens at 9
Daylight-Saving Tim
Stere Closes at 5
Daylight-Saving Time
m r
The Evening Rell Call of Wanamaker's Happy Company of Finer$
Wm, i
Many Men With Small Ambitions
Gould Rise
if they were net misled by a desire te reach
the top by a single leap.
Ne honest person is down se far that he
needs te stay there unless satisfied and
content with his condition.
My friend Mr. Selfridge, of Londen,
formerly a partner of Marshall Field, has
just said:
"Allyeung people should have a strong
ambition te improve their position. Ambition
is a necessary asset for any young man or
jyeman setting out en life's journey."
thy se, 192S
fHE Taffeta Hat
With Paris
Speaking mere exactly, it
was Careline Rcbeux who
showed what really charming
hats could be made- from taf
feta silk, and it was this noted
Paris milliner who introduced
the new note of fur en taffeta
Just such hats as Paris most
approves have been created
after French models by our
A Handsome Belivia Ceat
May Ge Anywhere
' That is te say, it is appropriate for almost any occasion.
Hence many women are buying the lighter-weight belivia
coats for Summer resorts.
The newest fashions show the extremely large armhole
ind wide cuff or the square Chinese sleeve with heavy
embroidery. The coat itself is loose, se that it may be
slipped en ever-a kimono-sleeve dress or even a suit. Em
broidery or silk stitching is the only trimming.
In colors there are blue and black, of course, also burro,
Malay brown, Sorrento, dolphin-gray and fallow.
Prices start at $95 and go up te $145.
(Flnt Fleer)
u ii. ti,
announces that it will
make te measure for
women and girls suits of
the finest quality serge at
a special price of $75.
The work i3 done by the
Londen Shep's own tai
lors and is unsurpassed.
A tailored costume of un
questioned distinction is
(Tim (lallerjr)
All-Silk Scarfs
$7.50 te $18.50
8eme arc imported.
All are every thread silk. En
wely plain effects may be chosen,
"f mixtures. Or colored borders.
A" are fringed. An excellent
Mertment is here new.
twilev Rive a becoming finish
wLI collflJ,less dress, and many
yemen wear them with coats.
(Main rioer)
When the Bride or
Fair Graduate
as a Blue or Rese
wJ8, "Writable wealth of
th ffi tlunBS ,f?r Bifts umen
le leather novelties.
ebtSthe finest lenther thi"Bs
BSh vIc' every Plcce bing of
Bretew80 an(1 Ported from
Ke PHhere. ma8terct af tsmen.
Vi0ah?a Untchab,
rItlnLn.aJ"c writing cases or
evahw.db' J(nve ry cn8ea with
SS H' Ctc" en?Bncy cases,
ttevt nenr'ii bl0Us. ha"8e,s Ux
"WH nir ti- "1 Pen Cttaes'
rful pieces.8 a"U many ethcr
rAnefC"c,08ed ln lather,
SUTices arn'tutlui... tnen ;
;Q. "" v ana
"& ' ,UblaMk ' 1'
Fashion Started
own milliners. Of plain or
shirred taffeta, tricerne, sailor
or large flat shapes. In black
with a rosette of ermine tails,
in navy blue with squirrel or
brown with sable.
The most convenient sort of
hats, going equally well with
silk or cotton frocks or tailored
Seme are $22, ethers higher
in price.
A Little Miscellany
of Lace Tunics
at $12.75
Only about forty, which we are
clearing out tunics in many
styles, many kinds of lace and
many colors.
In almost every instance the
lace is worth mere than the price
of the entire robe.
They require only a little work
te be complete and worn ever
satin underslips make charming
(Weit Alile)
Have Yeu Seen the New Good Goed Geed
Luck Umbrella?
It has a white elephant en its carved handle and ten
little white elephants in place of tips.
New, tee, is the golfer's umbrella a stick for the
handle and a ball for the ferule end.
Other novelties, also, among the mere flatly ever ten ribs in place
new bun-and-rain umbrellas for of eight.
women. Twe inches smaller than Al1 ,?ilk' '" ty Prettiest colors
ti, . 1 11 1 i. j as well as black. And treated te
the ordinary umbrella, but spread- (lefy Bunshine or raln. Priced
ing as wide, because stretched $,"5 te $15.
(MiUn Fleer)
Twe New White Gere Pumps
at $13
One dainty model is white buckskin with three perfor
ated straps across instep.
The ether is white glazed kid with latticed strapwerk
in front.
Beth have medium plain tee, light turned sole, low Leuis
The little gussets of white elastic set in the sides insure
a perfect fit around the ankle.
(Flnt Fleer)
Crystal Glass Iced Tea Sets
Special at $1 in the China
Set comprises one four-pint jug with inset cover
and six tall iced tea tumblers, all in an attractive grape
and vine cutting. Special at $1 a set.
1000 Pieces of Canary-Celer Stemware
at Half
Of excellent quality crystal glass in a beautiful
shade of canary. Selection includes goblets, sherbet
glasses and ice-cream glasses. All at half.
The sale also includes a wide assortment of dinner
sets, domestic and imported, all at substantial reduc
tions from our regular prices.
Sets of 106 pieces new range from $22.50 te $75,
l! ilil8Hl:
h tIWMUl I VI M at OTeNIV fi
Semi-Evening Gowns
of Beaded Georgette
A PPROPRIATE for elaborate afternoon ecca-"-
siens, tee. Georgette of a rich, heavy qual
ity, in exquisite shades of blue, orchid, sea-green,
tangerine, shell-pink, cornflower, sand, white and
A lovely example is a Princess blue Georgette,
slashed into sharp points at the hem and lavishly beaded
in crystal from rounded neck te feet.
A crystal-beaded sea-green Georgette is cut into
deep tabs, falling ever a charmeuse underskirt.
Anether charming model is in sapphire-beaded
cornflower blue, with side draperies and long flowing
sleeves of blue-dyed Spanish lace.
Each of the half-dozen different models in the group
of 75 gowns is delightfully new.
Prices from $57.50 te $72.50.
(First Fleer)
Three New Voile
Waists, Irish
Lace Trimmed
Twe are in the Peter Pan
style se much in vogue with
suits and sweaters.
One has an Irish lace inser
tion down the front with nar
row picot lace ruffles en each
The ether has lace en either
side of the opening. Beth are
tucked down the front and
have cellars edged wtih wide
Irish lace and cuffs finished
with the picot lace. Beth are
priced $5.50.
The third style has a vest
and cellar of hand-drawn
work and the cellar is edged
with wide Irish lace. This is
(Third Fleer)
Dinner and
the Bicycle Yeu
Can Leck
just as one can lock an auto
mobile, is a beautifully fin
ished machine, equipped
with heavy read tires,
coaster brake, front and
rear mudguards, tool-bag
and tools.
Beys' and Girls' models,
$80; Men's and Women's
models, $35.
(The Gallery)
TTigh-Grade Baby
-" Carriages, Special
at $34
Ty UILT en handsome, roomy lines.
D Of fine reed, in a choice of three
finishes, white enamel, cream
enamel or natural.
Reversible gear, detachable sanitary
cushions, reclining back.
In every essential and detail a high
grade, standard baby carriage at a spe
cial price $84.
Household Fresheners
Aluminum paint and liquid
Rold are two of the best. Beth
are poed protections as well as
beautitlers used en either metal
or weed.
White woodwork brightens a
room like sunshine, and when
woodwork is treated with old
Dutch enamel it is mere apt te
stay white pure white, ivory and
a French gray, each with dull or
gloss finish as you prefer.
Stovepipe and iron enamel is
an economy, since a spot of rust
causes rapid deterioration of
heating equipment. Give all
black surfaces a coating.
Decetint is an ideal wall-coating
for the decoration of inter
iors, comes in white, delicate
tints and (jeep colors, and needs
only te be mixed with cold water
te be ready for use.
(Fuurtli Fleer)
Letitia Corsets
Are Favorites
because they are designed te tuit
se many types of figures, and
keep their shape, as well as be
ing dainty and pretty.
There ere Letltia models for
plump and slender and average
ftguru priced from 2.50 te flf,
Silk Underclothes
in Large Sizes
in the White Sale,
600 pieces and mightily at
tractive they are, being in the
daintiest colors.
Fer instance, there are crepe
de chine nightgowns, pink, in
tailored styles, for $7.50; and
with lace trimmings for $9.50
and $10.50. Alse envelope
chemises of crepe de chine in
flesh-color, white, orchid and
blue, for $6.50 te $7.50; and there
are step-in drawers of crepe de
chine in the same colors for $5.50.
Plenty of domestic and Philip
pine undermuslins also are in the
(Third Fleer)
White Dotted Swiss
Special at 50c a Yard
Imported white swiss of un
commonly fine quality, with
several sizes of dots, ideal for
women's and children's Summer
60c a yard.
(Weit Alile)
New Chiffen
Metering Veils
are used net only te protect the
face but also as a hat drapery.
Wound softly around the
crown, with ends floating airily
from the brim, they make a be
coming trimming.
In brown, black, white, navy,
green, lavender, beige and all
the new colors. Priced $1 te
(Main Fleer)
Leng Gloves of
are among the most asked for.
Here in heavy-weight Milanese
silk, 16-button length, with Parij Parij
peint backs. Deuble finger tippad,
perfectly made, and priced $?..50
a pair.
Imported chamois-lisle gloves
When a Weman Wants a Rug and
Sees the Finest in All the World
there's no trouble in finding one worthy of her own home,
and throughout all the year she knows there are none
And right there is the reason why women who love their homes
get their rugs at Wanamaker's. The finest, most beautiful rugs from
all countries are gathered here. Fer instance, take Summer rugs. The
sturdy weaves and merry patterns from China, Japan, Belgium and
America are side by side and the rug any woman wants certainly
will be found in such an assortment.
Right new Japanese rush rugs are en everybody's lips, because
nothing is mere cozy for a perch.
Plain and two - color
block designs.
9x12 ft. $C0
7.6x10.6 ft $38 50
6x9 ft $26.50
4.6x7.6 ft. $16.60
Rush rugs in the oval
!xl2 ft, $32.60
6x9 ft. $16.50
(Seventh Fleer)
Women Say the New Silk Sports
Hese Wear and Wear
All of which means that a problem has been solved.
A silk sports hose that would wear has been hard te get.
England has supplied the need with a ribbed spun silk that
has just come. In fact, in Philadelphia it is at Wanamaker's
Coel and pretty and surpris
ingly durable.
The colors are: two bhndes of
tan, black, gray and white, fawn,
gray nnd sky, two shades of gray
mixed with blue, two shades of
fPmpire Cord Tires Are
lhat is, low in price
at figures much below the market. Uf5m ,l"Jb unH P,,os et Empire cord tires
And every motorist knows it is time te re-tire when an nnnm. ,.,; n
Kirst quality tires, of the soundest cenatri lng.
.'12x11 i
31x1 :i2x.i
Sale 1'rice
... 521
n - a Empire Extra-Heavy Red
5f?ffLede?Pecialy in size and stngth te use with
corresponding savings.
Diamond Wedding
Gifts for a Bride
After all is said, nothing
else takes the place of a hand
some piece of diamond jewelry.
Ne ether gift gives as much
pleasure or is of such a per
sonal character.
Perhaps that is the reason
diamond jewelry is the cus
tomary wedding present of the
groom and of intimate mem
bers of the family.
It is really n pleasure te
cheese from such a collection
of diamond jewelry mounted
in the finest platinum, the set
tings being the most beautiful
new designs. All the diamonds
are individually selected for
flawlessness and blue white
Bin. 1135 te I2S00.
Itnr pin, HI 00 te M3...
Ilrarflrt. S700 te I37S.
I.b Valllerni, 200 til M',0,
(Main Fleer)
On the Reed Table
Naturally a
Reed Lamp
should stand, or beside the reed
settee, a reed fleer lamp.
Cheerful finishes for perches or
sun room or any ether place one
lingers much in Summer.
Reed table lamps or fleer lamps
are here in every finish reed
furniture could be in and they
are made of whole reed, lined
with silk or cretonne.
Prices start at $12 for a table
lamp and step at $75 for the
most elaborate fleer lamp.
(Fourth Fleer)
Silver Gray Silk
in 16-button length, beautifully
suede-finished, in natural, cream
yellow and white. The finest
chnmois-lisle gloves procurable.
Priced $1.50 a pair.
They are here in all weaves and all
3x6 ft. $6.50
30x60 in. $4.75
27x54 In $350
Rush rugs with plain
centers and band bor
ders. 2" " S17.50
Si!0," 13.50
J $3.76
3x6 ft. t; 5Q
same mixed with white, two
shades of gray mixed with pink,
all being heather mixed of three
The price is $10.
for a stwin.1 nmvhnvn k,..,u4
Jiere Is the List
Sale Price
(the tiUrr )
Fresh Arrival of
Practical, seasonable, serviceable and moderately. ,;
priced. H
Celers are done in oil. And they wash.
Just the draperies for perches and living rooms.
Curtains, $6 and 58 a pair. Table scarfs, $2 each.
Couch covers, $6 and ?7 a chnJr backS( $l c(u.h
Table covers, $1. Te nnd $2.50 Pillow slips, $1 and $1.25
each. each.
(I'lrili fleer)
Play-Time Clethes
for Little Felks
Otherwise known as creepers
and rompers, which are the best
things in the world for playing in
the sand or making mud pies.
The new warm weather kinds
are made of dotted swiss, madras,
dimity, lincne, poplin, seisette,
chambiay or gingham.
In white and colors and for
boys or girls from one te five
years, $1.25 te S3.
(Tlilril Kleer)
ft if Wffi Xr-A &
vim W
rkaybeds, Just 100
U Lowered In Price
te $33 Each
A N OUT and out saving en a little group of
- substantial daybeds taken from the regular
Each one is a genuine piece of furniture, geed for
years and years of service.
Equipped with a high-grade box spring with cotton cetton cotten
nlled mattress top and one square and one long or cylin
drical pillow.
Made in two-color effects mahogany and white
and ivory and blue.
A variety of cretonne coverings te cheese from.
Special at $33.
(Slxlh Fleer)
The New Web Semi-Seft Cellar
Men Like Is On Three
White Shirts
A cellar of comfort and convenience, as every man
knows, and when it is attached te a neat white shirt it's
hard te imagine anything finer for warm days.
First is a shirt of balloon cloth, A chewet shirt also has the
which is close and fine and soft new straight, soft cuff of web
like linen. It has a new cuff, soft and a web cellar, while another
yet straight Hke a stiff cuff with cheviot has a soft, turn-back
holes for cuff links. Cuffs and cuff of cheviot and a web cellar,
cellars are web. Any one is priced $3.50.
CMiiiii I luer)
Irish Linen
Napkins, $7.50 a
1-0 dozen taken right out
of stock and reduced.
Geed, heavy, full-bleached,
pure tlax Irish napkins, in half
a dozen different patterns, and
in Mze 22x22 inches.
50 full-bleached, pure flax
Irish damask table cloths, a
new purchase, size T0.70
inches peeial at 5S.50 each.
il'lrst rioer)
Somehow a Geed Brogue Seems
trie IVatural Shee for a Man
as can be.
y a young man.
hi uiu wry appearance et them. As
And the stoutest, most scmce- ', an scel,.,l ,, cu,fskn
able brogues we have seen in a elid oak soles. The tips are per
long while are here for $12.30. sengly rope sUteheT' bUamB
(Mnln I'loer)
Traveling Fast
m. , ..
Sale Price
. . $3 1.50
$33.50 37.f.
Emnl. 5.-
Full line of sizes
"j--" v 3t
Stenciled Crash
5000 Yards
Ramie Linen
Special, 68c a Yard
Anether shipment of imported
linen in the heavier weave for
dresses, suits and skirts. A yard
wide and remarkable at 68c a
The colors are particularly
pretty shades of light blue, Co
penhagen, navy, pink, rose, coral,
apricot, shrimp, reseda, green,
heliotrope, gray, brown and
(Wi-ftt AInIe)
Handkerchiefs Seme
People Call Them
Handkerchiefs that many men
and women like te take te the
mountains or teashere te save the
finer linen ones.
Fer women, 18c handkerchiefs.
special, and of a firm geed wear
ing linen with narrow hem.
Fer men, Hec handkerchiefs,
special, i lesel ecn linen,
jmoeth fini-h and with (iiaiterer
half inch hem. Priced ?:i.8G a
nu. i m,.i
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