Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 19, 1922, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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ft' WW
1 ."VSir.., J
HQJW.mii. i . r,.. ..
vtinenneuse square ruis en
Gala Garb by Its An
'1 nual Display
Although dark rettd shadowed the
afcy. Kit tr-iiheii-f Square. v h" 'hi'
Annual Charily Flower Shew i being
held, was n bower "f cay flower anil
laughing maiden- all lovely te beheld.
There an- .tppiiixlui.tieli n dn.i'ti
booth. 'I0 Ii wing wtlh the etliei in
beauty nun spirndnt ivid red striped
awning tepi against tin- green of the
trees, pet" of hrlght pink geraniums,
bunches of NeUetj. sweet pea". thick
stalks of asparagus, everything from tin-
i.eomineii garden v.u'.ciy of vcjetiibles
te the lint house display of flew en inane
Wp the display
The Flown- .Market did net uien
officially until 'J e dm k in the after
neon. Inn long before neon found a
busy thifiu loin n ins "'"1 purchasing.
A section of thi n.iiare ilH- been laid
out with table- unil -lulls for tlie cafe
teria The helpers here are dressed In
white. Willi treameri of blue rlhlietis t nv ,(,,, peiile of lleriiutiv and
flappins .i ti.e wind eauilit them I .istrln o'er the li"eid-i e their fi.ot fi.et
Kllrabeth and I'mmte Kes-. Pauline . ir ii.,i. ,k ,.,n,iiiir te m'k - the
IielhiiN nnii Mis tiVeise .Mi Iver. who
"ias ferni-rlj lane Moeie. were en th
Luncheon ('emimttee
Wear Special (iewiis
, A booth wh i eflered -i iheiie e
lertlen of (lowers was supervled In
fTtfra Kt'.liu-t tn i-nn ii mt 1 rw Vllenllul.
ler utirt .iirnf llmse tilin wnlnr.n-n.l In lli.d
Tinrtli-iiln- linr.ll, u,n ri-e.-n ,m,l while
f-heckeied garden aprons eei- white ' eiiicrem-e . i-emmnm nn. i inn - for titMxi tievs were pn.Mileil bj a inem
dresses, large green Mraw hats, with and b thus streuatheninc the Ireii'h ber of 'he Hetnry Club enough te pay
band of the ihecUeied green and white In their resistance te the Hrltlsh the fan s of l(HHi hes te and from the
around the crown. White shoes and Lloyd (ieerge himself is In danger of tesen Woodside Park .made similar
Kreen stockings cempliteil an effective tilling -it home arrangements.
costume Mt Heward Weed and Instead of the nations getting te- Dark rumors ihut the same diffi-
MIm KMher I.levd nle are hi'lpets of s'ether upon a pelic of lrcegnixine cultj inight be mei in gettinir ppr
thls green and white booth j Ilr-sin. the ihancex favor new tiieir ' mission te use L'itj Hall Piaza fur
Then there is a candy booth, vee. agreement upon a policy of net receg- the grand inaible-shoeting contest to te
tables for hale, even eggs and butter i nixing UusMn. The Uritish have al- i morrow as are."! in connection with
and milk and cream at the dairy booth .teaily pledged themselves te make no the Twenty-eighth Division's reunion
ine noetli wlm-li displays tlie things
made In disabled soldiers holds an ami-
Jence of admiring children, who long'
for the simcy wooden ducks painted In
bright colors, and the hoops and
jumping ropes which have tnn hnnil- ,
via , n iu
Her wliiii
frock jiretei'ted h an
preu of flowered cretonne. .Mr Harel
tpn Merkle. Jr.. was flitting about
with a garden basket of pink and lav
ender awiset peas which she had te
replenish frequently
These In Charge of Booths
The booths and these In charge fel
Beeth I -Mm Hnrv Br ntet i'ejs. rhalr
nun, Jlri ihfoder VV Cramp Mm Josph ,
Beeth 2 ti sirjr.v VV. Kith, ch
man. .iirn Jean ', rppr
Beeth S- Mrs Heward Weed, Jr . chair- '
BBan. Mis- Ksth-r I.levtl
Beeth 4- Mm Jehn I. HoUln-'rerth '
, Boosh r. 'r WlilUtt t Oran. chair
Irian. Mm 1 at 101 S Tynen. Mrn. William
Cclmn r'ifrman
$Boe,h 0 rh Ga-dn C!uh of PhiladM
Beeth II rhi- Wu Harden Cltih
Frank Graham Thomien, chairman.
waller Thomsen
..... ...,. r... ..... . . .. ...
n. .u ,n n-k ... V . , -
Beeth 10- 1 h Wdr. Mn. I f apr i
Vlatfr chairman Mrs O H. P-rry rprr
HiTTnn and ecus
Beeth 11 -Mri Hnry Prpper Vaax. rhair-
sin. I
Beeth II Women's Ovraas Service !
Laacu. Mr" n. Brad-n Kyi, chairman
Beeth IS M.a Heln Deuthrrty rhalr
Ltnientd" Boe h Mr Samu: J Hendnr Hendnr
len. ehairmin
Restaurant Mr Charira Strwart Wurta
Fertunn ir ler Mri Walter W Hopkln Hepkln Hopkln
en. chalrren
Punch and Jml Mr Thomai O Aahten.
iFlve Pittsburgh Districts Among
These Falling te Repert
Pittsbin'gh. Mnv lit Examination
yestcidev of the election rerurns In the
Courthouse which were locked up with
the close of Imsiness Wednesday, dis
closed tha' the twenty-fire missing
lectien districts of Allegheny County
lnqludeil five ,n ilie city, sixteen in the
townships and four In tie boroughs
Kcery pesib e effort i- being mnile
yesterday te have the teturrs reported,
Less r tin tt nan tin- qii,nmd i
publican vetei- -ir mis county cast bal
lets in
'lav '
prima rv, reports
n Public II,"
Allegheny i '
success. 1 1
imement bend i-isiies In
miv Imreughs met wth
live boroughs, Brecken-
rldgC. Henlri
tii i e. v eiena, trreenttee
Hnd Reserve, ilin voters passed bend Is-
plies tetaliu.' Sletl.OnO for sihoels,
Mwers, stree's iiml toads.
Marine Cermittees Want te Knew
if Measure Violates Treaties
W.sIiIiiL'Iihi Mnv I'l i Itt V l
'mi l&.:BnV tnV1"'"" - '- "rltish overseas,
frWn' f.enea regarding this country s attl- li(.. ., :,' vVtrsei ii.l t.;k v""wl? """ "," ' 7"',V '."" "'"
Ij. plants rLOWERS and heset I rude toward The Hague proposal ! I t Vfl "ffi Ph in J tmi ., I w i" ""l ,I,,,,'?le,l "' ,he ' -11 '"'.I'' '
PAINTLP t.ASKETS SEEDLINGS I ,t would hlrdlJ U? TZ Z"i iT,' ""'' L' "' Tin f" CV AU"r " """'" " ''l called '
Beeth 8-The .tardfn.ra Mr. C Heward , !''"'" J f .". i''.'Tn t". Zl I'Thuman skill w ill, the pills llpen Mr,. , Webster Pox. piesl.lel.t
Oirk. ehair-nar Mr. I'lim tr Hackrr. I "xcept in the belief that the I nlted , that h was able te send his rival down nf ,i. iji,im f ,i, tt,j,.i, pm.
PLanth and Ft.ewER? States would accept It and that Mr. , te defeat yesterday ' I",'., THca. and late, was taken
Ifr i Opinion et ' ie Sfllie llepartmeiil as
te whether .iiiv provisietis of tne Ad Ad
mliilstratieii 'up subsidy bill would
Tlelate e. Sim" , emiiicri'ial treatnt, will
be sought liv tin- Senati Ceiiiuiene nnd
lieuse Men bant Marine Cemmittres,
which met teilav te com hide joint hear
1 lugs en the tin usiire
Stst '- l'viaring inat lour sections or the
WSi&bill were in the deiibiful ' las. Senaim
illetcher, of I' let ida niniended it
'jireuld be n iiii-t.ike for Congress te n-t
!en it v j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iiii n i ertaining th
views of Silica tv Hughes. 'I'he ciun
'mittees dri uli'il in ask the ilcpaitineiit
te fnrwnui an opinion te thein
Beth Candidates Still Claiming Con
gress Nomination , METEOR AT VALLEY FORGE
,, ..... .,, , ... in. ' Valley f-ercn. Pa., May 111 A metenr
j' .puicemr of Tl,c ...nlest be, w .,, Reure-
i .. aaarTiKiiui u. vi.'iv i,i - i iv . i i
i imittni i-p ii iv i ei'in h fin e.iiwnri .m .
Wvi l'cers for the Repu h can congreienn
tl& .nominntiei. in the Eighteenth District
''r 1' lcmalned in diuht as the ntbcial teunt
V.eiT leduy Beth candidates c.aim
Sfi.i lteera for the Iti'Dublicaii ceiicreisrinnn
vvy iflf iiiiiuiiiuiii'ii,
'Kfli!iJ ..Meth based thelp claims en Fiichi
Vmwsieiitles in Fulton, FiiiiiMiu, .Iiml-
fc.,''3t" "nt' I'y Counties nnd Beers'
ritiea In Huntingdon, Snyder,
In anti Union Counties, the differ.
?tiii,ciISBS resting en different ter
:s" '
r-'-r- ;
mWrJi '
Transmission Over Radius of 1000
Miles Near, He Tells Experts
Washington. Mnv ll I B.v A 1
Klrctricnl transmission if power wul
.vel hi' developed in n itiuiixiiutl mil
ladius. .Srercliirv Hoever declared today
iti nn 'address innilr fiem Washington
Mit ii letig-illslnucc telephone !e 11
convention of t Ik Niitiunnl Kleetr
Light Association, meeting in At In tit li
"'I'llr time is ripe. ' lie said for i
gient national program of super-powe
development The stretch of ccoiienin
tiaifiiilw-ien distances hut lireiigh'
power development from the nnui'li of
i'iir ion! mines and upon our streams
in within Hie eioneniic rem h of our in
iltiMiial centers iiml our farms
Mr Hoever legieitcd ln inability '
appear m person before the convention.
1t ,(,., i,mi , securing sucicssfii
ip .iioue' in tin- negotiations te niie
i.sing pnri" of iiml I hope I hni pei
fi.iuii'il ii service in tlii ccciti 'g '
iiilunttj of much mere rartii'(i "
pe-T ilian h pnt Ii
Allies Still Hepe
U. S. Will Accept
( iititlniinl from I'aee One
weaken the Soviet tievernnietit w i' lt
ew'n peenle And npparentlv the pe li v
of Mr Hughes is tn weaken ilie Sev c'
tieM-riiment with it own people
Mt flushes is borrowing a laf fr-n
ilsen's dtp'utnacy during the w ip Mi
U'!len. it will be leineiubered mmei
ni-elile of Htissi uvei- the heads of their
(iiiM'iniiie ii
The fuiluie of (Seiien li.i- -icateil n
new siinutien. Theie is l.tl'e iirmlit
'hat if l.lmil (teeri;i lri-1 ," en'-d in
lis lOllfeienie nud b-eujlit abeiil 'lie
ici oiriiitleu of Ituss'ii. this i-eiuury
WOllld illlTe fellow e
sun lint t h :
I.Ie.mI teere's
(Ollllliy tt ris-keil Ml
separate agiectnetits with the !iHict.
. ... , , . .
"'" e-:1en soviet
A united policy en the part this
country and Europe net te recognize
Hussla would perhaps have the etleet
of weakening the Soviet (Jevernnii'iit at
home or et forcing it te niedift it
attitude upon proper) v. at least the
nrerert.v of foreigners In Bussia.
The State Department appears te be
mev irg toward a united policy upon
1 Ifussja net te tecegnUe it. As iiearlv
as inn be learned here the State De-
p.iitinent does net wish te negotiate the
lecogiiltlen of Hitssiii, which i- what
'Clause 1. ipieied above. i(iiis te call
'for. but te nut that tonic entirely out
of consideration and investigate the
!coti4teiens which make recognition im-lf-
' nessible.
It ma verv well ne that 1 tie tuis
sians. who nave accepieu iiie n.igu- , le1 (M)Pri Tweutv -second stieet and
proposals, will decline a mere iuvesti-jjj,. nv(,nl wh(,rP ,, defeated
giitien by experts which they would de- , '-Barnie" Powers, the Seuth Phlladel
dare te have for its purpose nothing t ,,hia marvel, in the final contest,
but anti-Sevlet propaganda j Tomorrow he will threw down the
Se thus in spite of reports from gnge te the champions of New Yerk and
Genea, any agreement which will in- Baltimore, and the great national cot.
dude the I nited States iu The Hague , fPSt ,() determine the 1 hainpien marble
mecuiis seems uiiiii.:i
IIUII.I .. I. U ,LI. . '
nun unihi imi- ui-i-ii icniuisiue ier
that belief. Ir has since transnlred '
'bar Mr. Child did lead the powers te!
'U.. .
believe that their Invitation would be
..,, ,i
acf opted.
One hears much quietly said here
about "he bull". Mr Child made But
no explanation is available as te hew
he came te mal.e It.
Stock Plunge Proof
Tern Up by Clerk
Continued from Pe One
1 want tu knew." insisted Mr. r.efb
Humphries, who had proved te be a
rather cannv witness, looked at his at
torney and said- "Must 1 tell about
lour customers' account?''"
"I advise you net te answer," said
' Mr. fiibliens,
"De you fear that your answer tnav
incriminate veu?" nked Mr. Leeb.
"S'e, I don't,"
"He doesn't have te annnver." called
Mr. lilbbens. "I advise him net te "
Leeb then said te the referee:
"This constant interference en the
part of Mr. (iibhens l becoming disor
derly, and if he continues I u nt going
te ask that he be ordered te leave the
loom "
"There 1 no uuestien that the wit
ness Is ent te,j ii counsel," t referee
aid "If 'he question nut te him is
nor lneriminafing he must realize that
be is taking a -han'e .n being In con
tempi of court bv net answering.''
admits Destroying Cards
The referee then took the witness
in hand and finnllv 2er hlni te .iiinni
'hat ,n 'he event of a customer failing
i.i innke geed when cglled up fur a
margin the usual procedure was te close
out the account
Mr Leeb, In dint of close question
ing, made Humphries admit that he
din handle the margin account of Co!e-
nel Hughes, and that he had destrejed
'he cards en his own volition, fie
lurtnntly admitted thai he still had
piisscsslen of the cards of ether fus
lullier" "Ymi are attempting 'e rum mh
hreugh the newspapers ' (iibimns stud
te Mi I.eeb "Thnt Information ns
lentalmil in a letter te me '
"All the publicity you get you havf
earned." retorted Mr Ixieh. "1 -insure
voc that as fai t the lecelveis ,ue
cer.-erned the hearings before the ri'f
i ree w ,11 be orderly "
'I hen iheie was some talk about a
settlement ie be forced en Bell & f'e
" i en
ion t think we s,rH going te
make a
."" " "r imiiiiui uii-H i en mni
te feice us te come te New Urk Yen
cetilil net oe it. it was enlv a -hake
Then the heating ended.
. , i . , ' . ------..
' ' " ,' r ' ;', Han
- . . . "'"'.
tiial runs about tvventj feet from his
'"",', '"" Vrll '"," f ,V ' . """ "
'; '?"'. t & nbe "f?,?
' ,n ,'M"'"1,1' "',' "'' "b "", '- pounds
( and is live inches thick
May Da at College
The annual Mn lav festival of the
Carsen College fur Orphan (Jlrls at
rlourtewn, was held en Hie itimpus of
the institution at .'t o'clock.
A feature was' the presentation of
old EBgtisp jeu aances
mjdj,tr ",1-j-ir.j.
make a settlement upon some RiippeS,., ' re nb )0,P, On Ilev Hay all the
Ibiiii mi tn- threat that vim will ruin "lasses move up. and the senior, ap
us III the newKpapeis- ' 1, Kibbnn-1 Pnl. ff. tht. f,rsl tne official Ij en the
said "If wc did ne: ewe .iinihln; ,'n,nn,1N cap and gown, which thc.v
veu would harass u an.vhivv ,in'f , pul. ,),,. icst of the term, at
i li I mill ftjh Ilii tivr.n V, nt ah ... a "' "
mBsR'' BiinKsV iaRsi8IH!!9wv''tcWir
ILvNsssssWlU" ' vMsUfl''' - '-A :'iBsBsHKC. XiV yiWA'hKfJfiiA ' t
sVltTBHisHsWEiitMiissV!r .afL. ''gtKWmJjiU 't if JwirSmJmfJS'MmA "p"J
sflHKSsisssssssssaWLssHsliHslH'i &fi (V Vm&' JnssHlMsisKS!!
-"' IFHStx''sssr f'ssssK 3 ''l-lasf .nBkssssssssssVvi
SsWl Vc' ' v'VIVissalJsisssssssssss,ssslsV''P'i''v JE - (sssfiV' 4ssshMIsPwSsi
'rfsssV0ll!P'C!isssississH8:9r i0lM i m JHslssT' '-iilssssaislsftsKlH
iVjHfltsl'PQiiiiiiiiBiSiBSHiBi skkBSi- flkiiiBlSiiiBBUJV
PLV!v?SiBUiiiiiiiiHiiV!iViB&'u.t.':'"'BViBJ aV laiHBwJLKiiiHBiHlKaVi
lEiiHirBBKsIsllBPl XsU m ' bHbbbbBbbbHi'V
bBRbH 'I;v ' 'bbbbH ''v'''x",ri-sHBk'4MilH
The Ulttonlieuse Mower Market epenril teiluy with the limit lis present Oik an appearanre even mere beautiful than
at fanner displays. Mrs. ('harlenmcTie Tnwer, .lr., her arms filled with flowers, was much In evidence at the
75 MOO Beys Jein
in Athletic Carnival
Cnnllniifd from Pki One
Park were thrown open free this after
neon te nil bevs and eirN Cur tickets
risently. were laul te test today by
-In- statement of Themas S Martin,
secretary of the Park Commission, that
no pet nut would lie necessarv for tills
fearful of further complications witii
'he Park Commission. Mayer Moere
hail directed Harry T. Batter. Chief of
City Property, te make formal appllca-
1 ion for a permit in behalf of :.n- Bey
Week authorities in order that there
' might be no hitch 111 their plans te
, stage the content mi tlie I'liua at 1 :30
P. M tomorrow.
"Red" Stoddart. darling of the Wil
liam CTamp Public Scheel, and heie of
the Westmoreland Recreation Center,
has fought his way through in compe
tition with thiOO boys, and is the marble
1 sheeting 1 hauipien of Philadelphia.
1 "Red" achieved this proud distinc
I tlen in a struggle of the Titans yester
day atiernoen at the i-unncui uecrea-
shooter of the universe.
tl c,.,.. , n .
-lerse Re Stay s at Heme
Un.p mfp refusal te permit Ins s.
lii'ii'-i i iiu!Uiiiiii ni iiie i ercl 10
play elsewhere than en his home grounds
was received here today by the di
rector of the Bey eek marble-sheet.
Ing (entest from the manager of the
'.Jersey Citv champion.
, The language In which this refusal
i was couched leads te the suspicion that
It was intended te invite further cor cer
! respendence en the subject, but the
director here has expressed himself as
uirvi no lien- mis i-Aiii csru uiuiscii
through He will stick te his ulti-
iniatum: unless the Jersey City champ
! enters rhe Philadelphia contest by neon
I tedav he will be debarred.
Beys without a real home will net he
forgotten tonight A big entertain
ment al the Ice Palace has beer, ar
ranged for all boys in Institutions, for
whom automobiles will call at (1:45 P.
M The show will start at 7 o'clock
and end at ft. during which time there
will be boxing by real wind-up boxers,
music, vaudeville, feed, drills and
everything te gladden the boy heart.
'Hie L Triangle Club of the tier tier
inaiitewn Bevs' Club will present Beeth
Tnrkingten's comedy, "Clarence," to
night at the Orpheum Theatre, (ier (ier
inaniewn and Chelten avenues, in con-
, neciien with Bey Week. The use of
ihe 'heatre has been donated bv Fred
.1 Zimmerman, Sr , and admission wtl,
be free.
uiass r-articipaies in snnum ncy
, , . , A LI..
Day Exercises and Luncheon
.. ... i .
Themas B Rlnge was announced h
ihenew P';'''''l''-Y"V:,rLartHRI
ne i nm-iMi.i "i i i.,.".-.........
annual lley nay exercises teuay
i'he name et tee new senior presiuein
was announced bv Jehn M Sheedy.
wiir.se own lerm ei eime us i-man !,!.-..-
(e"f 1" almost ever I be new presi-
lent niiide a brief sneccli, in which he
pH-iln en great tilings mr ins hum--
ii tirst tn enter the I nlverslty tel-
n . ri tf the war.
Annuuniemeiit was made ahe of tin
award of the interfrarernitv scholar
ship cup. presented by Martin T. Wis
gand president of the Inierfraternir.v
I'euncil. The award vvas made te Phi
Sigma Kappa.
Acting Provest Penniman opened the
dav with a reading from Scripture. A
i-a'ture of the day's observance was the
unchcen nf the senior class at the Ner-
1 inandle. 'I'he deans, the seniets and the
,,., ' nrovesr marched in can and
, , lr.erninl.B
Slialie Rlgby. nineteen years old
Abler street near Walnut, was belt;
without ball for court today by Magls
Itrate Cewaiil en a charge" of forcible I
entry and larceny. Mrs Catharine'
....... ";., ,-. ,. ,,. .,,,
.,.. te.-iff her iinartrnent at Sixty,
nil infill iiirii 111111 un 1 . iaHa ni
Mm ns tne man sue
iineplmanl nt SsItIc.
streets Mav 'A He
r en a description.
inird ami imeru -im-i
wnR ar,'",,l ""r "" "
j Mexican Bandit Must
third and fmerd
Die In U. S.
Neeale7. Arlf.. May 10 I By A P 1
-Manuel Martinez, one of seven ban
Ilia who cres.ed tne Mourn 11 border
last August, raided the Ruby, Ariz..
posteffice and killed the postmaster and
his wife, wan found guilty of murder
and sentenced te death, after tha jurors
had deliberated only fifteen minute.
SuT.Hj.-f lis. -jlfifi..ttL., . - ..-' 1.. .... ..... t,.
. i . --.-' .- .,- .-,--., , , t -,'.,;-.
Hey Week Program
Today Hey In the' Heme Night.
(James en playgrounds between pub
lic, private and parochial school?.
7 P M . athletic and vaudeville en
tertainment at the Ice Palace for
boys from Institutions.
Tomorrow Athletic Day. Inter
city marble-sheeting contest with
Baltimore en City Hall l'larn at
1 :,10 P M. The city will he divided
into thirty districts', each district
having at least one iccreatlen cen
ter and there will be athletic events
throughout the day.
Sunday llev Dav in the Church.
Phila. Honors
Marshal French
Continued from Pere One
llbetty was bem and in which 'he Cen
i 111111 111 which -ui' I.VOH-
stitiitien of he Cnied Saes ae framed. ' 7"",."? n,,r'.' sTeen Mnr- w"
"We thank these distinguished ,-ltl- ' LSpI"TinK ,n iidoville iiere. expresses
.ens who have invited you here and ' no "0Ir;v "", tn ',h.n Proposed Federaf In
join with them in extending cur cordial . yeVlWtien lntn " , "'arriage.
geed will. As Mayer I present te ypu there are .ibselutely no grounds for
tl.e hand of hospitality and the shield a,n "nveatisatUin Inte my second mar
of protection " ,,iac"i '" ".""l '" night. "I married
Replying. Karl French said: '"' n ret wife. Kabelle renten. an
I am deeply touched by the kind
reception given me In Philadelphia. 1
realize that it is n tribute nor only te
me. nut te the great nation I retire-
sent. I am giateful that you appre
ciate the work done by my comrades
and myself. I nKe consider it a privi
lege teivtstt this great citv which holds
se large a place in tlie lOarts of the
American people."
1 he precession was joined by de
for an automobile ride up tlie River
drive te the estate of Kauiial Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Housten will
" ........... -., .,.,, ... .... , ,. , iuive mis eisciisspii ni i the rniinneipnia veniercnce et
entertain the distinguished guest al tea. both mens and women's sessions of Methodist Episcopal Church. Hi
nder which he will go te the home of fhf vearly meeting of Hickslte Friends lis his only survivor. Burial wi
Alba .lohnseu in Rosemont, where he
will pass the night.
A dinner In his honor will be given at
7:30 tonight by the Trans-Atlantic So
ciety of America at tlie (tresnhill
Farms. City Line and Lancaster ave
nue. Vnited States Solicitor (Jeneral
lames M. Beck. (Jeneral .lames Harrl-
,... ii-i ....,. c ,. .
? L'S?,r,UJ I? li'LH.
and Reland Merris, former Ambassador
te .Inpan, will be among the speakers.
Tomorrow morning Marshal French
will visit the I'nlverslt.v of Pennsvlm
nia and Independence Hall, after which
he will return te New Yerk.
British Subject Arrested en Com
plaint of Fermer Employer
New Yerli, May 10.- (By A. P i
Arrested upon tlie complaint of Rebert
M. Theman, head of an electrical sup
piles concern, that she had annmed
him witn aeciaratiensj of love for four
ariJiX.K. .WhiW:
Island pending an examination into he
A business associate ,,f the com- i
plalnant said yesterday Mr Themas,
who Is married ar.d has two children!
engaged Mrs. Temperley as a hllng clerk
in his office about feurtien ears aim
. . i ", " " f (
she werkeii ter nneut three months ii
"aid. th-n ifMBniKi and began te send
letters te Mr. Tneiuas declaring she
d, , ,0Vf. ,,,, h 'ns s .
frequently called ... his home and lie
canned her te ue sent te a
hesriitnl fee
observation. She
M,,nt hack te
During the last ten years, h wnR
stntpd. H stenuy si ream of etleis writ
tr, ln nrieus countries by ,Mrs, Tem-
llllrt, has come te Mr 'Tin. .,,'
cy, has come te .Mr Themas' of.
After her arrival here .Mny m,
called at Mr Themas eliice and de-
mandt.il te se
4000 Supporters In Thirty-sixth
Ward Celebrate j
Four thousand Pinclmt supporters!
from the Thirty-sixth Ward paraded
, ight in celebration of nomination
f their candidate. With two hands,
the line, led bj Patrick Scanlon, Lr.
Kdward Morrison. Jeseph Biirratf. Jes
eph McFnlls and Frank Kdwards,
' moved from headquarters at Tweutv -fourth
and Federal streets te Breiid
street, te Chestnut, te F.leventh, te
Market nnd around City Hall.
i The nrocessien stnnned lone unenirli
in front of the Alter headquarters, te
play the funeral march nnd again at jTrbucUler air," T at an-1 Janle .Mc
Kicventh and Chestnut streets, wheie, ('Mian. 8348 V I'htiin at. ,
the City Committee hendquartera was ' JPheH JS' s& ?V'k "
i saluted similarly. ,
M . IAnlt.M .CI... A .
neperi hii-m-s7.v rsgrcemeni
itnmfl. ,iav 11. my A. J' 'rh
1 -
newspaper I rinuna states that
agreement has been concluded between
, Tfelc nml liiire.Slavln fixinir tlw, cn,i
, Italy nml .ijige rsiavia nxing tlie status
of the Adrlntlc seaports of Zara nnd
Twe Flerida Reiert Hotels Burn
SI. Pelersburs. l-'hi . Mnv III (p,.v
A. I' ) The Halliivvaj Hetel nnd the
1 Masen Heuse at Passagrllle, known te
' tourist from all parts of the country,
were destroyed by n re early today. The
iUss is estimated ft. 175,000,
Valentine Inquiry
eri .. j j lf. i.
t'entlnurd from Pr One
Miss Hudnul. That was Wednesday
night at Pomona, thiity miles east of
T.es Angeles, when he escorted his bride
te the castbeund t'tain
Federal authorities also are investi
gating the actor's tnatilage. Frank M.
Sturgis, of the Department of .Justice,
, said the department desired te knew
whether the actor had violated the
Mann white slave ad
Salt Lake City. I'lah. .May 10. (Bv
A. P. 1 Miss Winifred Iludnut. recent
bride of Rodelph Vulenfine, was aboard
a train which passed thieugli here last
night en route te New Yerk. She de
clined te lie interviewed
Sim busied herself during 0 thirty-five-minute
step In seeing that her pet
deg was properly cared for by train at
tendants. She is traveling under the
1 name of Miss Wit.ifred Sliaughncssy.
according te the conductor.
San Francisce. May 10. (By A. P )
ii 1. ... ., ,.
""" ' . k. neceumnr
gfi aieng anil separated. I obtained a I
'"" -""ag" nve years age. 1 .
. S ' --r.-'.
" '"" a nnai irvcree witn the pre- .
vision that J. would net marrv ncnin in
the State for a year.
"Ten days after my divorce I mar-'
ried my leading lady. Miss Marv
Charleseii. in Indiana. At that time the
legality of my act was thrashed out bv
the Indiana judiciary, and It was de
cided I had done nothing outside of
my legitimate rights.'
Beth Men's and Women's Meetlnas
Discuss Matter
i'he leleasiuc of nelllic.il iii'isnm.rs '
in the Inlted States was discussed at !
' here today.
Twe speakers at the session nf ihe
women. Rachel DuBels and .Mary Anne
Bruhaker. explained why the prisoners I
are being held, and why they thought,
lliey s leitlil De re eased.
At the men s session Walter Abel.
Dr. Jesse Helmes and ethers spoke In
favor nf the prisoners' release. Arthur
Jacksen urged a careful stuuy of the I
case of each prisoner before 'granting
amnesty, rather than recommendation
of wholesale releaese of the orlseners
Werk of he Friends in countries
abroad was described by Wilbur Thom Them
as, secretary of tlie American Friends'
Service Committee. Tlie Friends' relief
werkern will withdraw from Germany
-Inly 31. Mr. Themas said.
Anti-Saleen Head Pleased at Defeat
of Wets
Tlirv nrtuitlnti nf thi A nf i Sn lnnn
'""s:r ln r. -r T" ,na;
ii-iiiiii.i m rriiKlie -ni (! ii.i tin- vii inrj in
(tlfferd Pltichet and a number of can
didates for Congress, and both branches
of the Slate Legislature, declares He-
mer , iepe. superintendent of the
League in Pennsylvania, in a statement i
In many Instances, according te Dr
Tope, wet incumbents have been de.
feated by opponents who have been
lined up with the prohibition forces.
Dr. Tope Js gratified that the next
(nvernnr is snrn 1,1 he il friend nf
prohibition, as lie ays both Mr. Pinchni '
and Jehn A McSparran, the Deme
cratic nominee, have been outspoken
supporters of the amendment
I ajelte ( eunty. he said, has nnmi-
' uated four dry candidates for the Heuse
"' iii'liresentatlves, as ngalnst one last
year, and points te the six diys nomi
nated in Westmoreland County and the
elid dry front presented by the Ment- ,
gemery County delegation 'Of five.
Itnrani S Ilinei Nnrberih. Pa . and Itu
brtR Cnunta T.10 N" 4Mh at.
William V .'enamun 4S W JF Airy ava ,
ujid Ida Mulii. Ardmnre. 1'u
! aSSmS. .YrtcheTi. inls Popl"
Kitjah I'eitier mis jettt-raen at.
intn at., nnii
r at.
nnd l.-OHa I
Kimniri llran. .1.
James . I.eltzell Harrlaliurg, Pa . anl
Hlancha Svvartj. Carllala. Ta
Themas P Hazaid Svracu, N T . and
Ante V f'ep. ine K. Johnaen at
Philip .s'ctiaul. CnatravMIe, Pa , and Mala N
I.rvv. WiltnlnKten Da'
.'larence P. A Hemtrnr. i'3'J Sydney at and
I'irnline K. I.vnch U'D H Mt Airy av
,l(uliW Waver I.am.atei. Pa., and Hmlly
J Tux. iinrriauurc. ra
r.maii Ym, !I2 :. Hteller at , and Marv
-iTTMHi.--KKn -On aTrvit. 1022. JO
iian.na t wiie ni vi" iwmmtKi
niiiilv,.a nnd frlcnda. alaa Altar mid Hungry
Heclrtlea Invlted te funeral Mendav. s .10
, a. M. from her lata reaidenee. ltiiti N Slat
at. Belnmn ranulam maaa si Ht I'.llnalwth'a
(.nurch in A m intermrnt New cath-drai
I c"mtri'
RHOADS May 17 N'AOJII M wlf. ,,f
Heward K Hhead" Melutivna and friend,
alto Seni of Veteran" Auxiliary nf Anm .1
Ueai Pamti Ne 1 nvlled in funenii m r
Irea Menrliv J P M at t'le leeiili-nre ,f
In.r mother Mra VV j-iedli it,- r .ti.il
CmeiHlil at Inteinietu private llema im
inny b viewed Suidj, 7 te ' P. ,M
HlNi:S. Al (llhbabern. N J,, May IS
1022. WIUIREMINA. wife of Jeieph V.
Hilnee. aaed OS. Bervlcita at late rraldence
eurdav. t r. M. Intermeni! Ikrlln Cemo.
tery. Herlln, H. J, ;l. .
1 ' W X
MAY' 19,. ,1022 '
Operators Off or te Settle With
Striking Miners en 21
Per Cent Basis
By the Associated Tress
New Yerk. May It). Wage ruts
which may be enforced in the anthra
cite Industry will Immediately t exult in
cheaper coal te the public, operator
announced today following their offer
te settle with the striking miners en n
basis of 21 per cent wage reduction.
The offer was made as a reply te the
miner'' demand for an increase of 20
per cent for contract men, and $1 a dav
ler shift workers, mude prier te the
strike, which began April 1.
Reductions of 18 per cent for con
tract men and .$1,20 a tiny for shift
workers were proponed by (he operators)
yesterday. Although refused, thev will
form "a basis for future negotiations,"
labor leaders asserted.
"What we him- definitely made up
our minds te de Is te lower the price
of coal." said S. D. Warriner. spokes
man for the operators. "This isi the
jeasen for our insistence that n re
duced scale be put into effect."
'I.'he average labor cost of a ten of
hard coal prier te the strike was $3,02,
he said. A reduction of 21 per cent in
wages would mean it cut of eighty cents
in this labor cost, he pointed out.
.Mr. Warrmcr declined, however, te
state what tiart of this nronesed re
durtieu would be applied te domestic
or household coal. It might be the en-
tire eighty cents, he said ; It might he
mere or less.
lust what reduction in hard coal
prices te the consumer resulted would
depend, he explained, en "the competi
tive market in steam sizes of anthracite
upon hew much, If any, we are com
pelled te cut the prices of buckwheat
and pea si7.es, te compete with soft -coal
Washington. May 10. (By A. P.I
Plans te give efTcct te the scheme
1 depted by coal operators In conference
with Secretary Hoever for preventing
profiteering in the price of bituminous
coal supplied by non-union nnd "open
bIiep" mines during the present strike
had been placed under way today with
the Issuance of a call for a general con
ference of the operators whose adher
ence te the scheme is regarded as vital
te its success.
Deaths of a Day
Dies' Seated In a Chair at His Heme
In Pert Richmond
Jeseph Wyberski, of Pert. Richmond,
died yesterday afternoon, seated in n
chair, nt his home, at .'134 Livings
ten street. He is survived by seven
children, nineteen grandchildren nnd
nt. n.itn I .ncn mlnlillitAn OnA rt 1.1a
?c nil ft, rt"n, ,ll. ,,,.,.t xi.w ,l lliil
sous is the Rev. Michael Wyberski, as
sistnnt rector of St. Stanislaus Catholic
Church. Fitawatcr street below Third.
The;Rev. Stephen Wyberski, n grand
son, "is stationed In Shenandoah.
Mr. Wyberski waH eighty-seven
years old. His wife died many years
age. He retired from business twenty
sevch years age.
Jehn N. Straw
Funeral services will be conducted at
s o'clock tonight for Jehn N. Straw,
eighty-eight years old, who died Wed-
nesday after a month s illness. The
services will be from the home of his
son, the uev. ciiancs v . Mraw, -itiiT
fllunM,i LtrnAt Vmntfnvi iiltn it. u, .
0li,wlr,-,t nV ilin UV.i Illui..;.., (,,
the Philadelphia Conference" of the
is son
111 be
; in Dauphin. Pa.
Geerge R. Dalley
seerBe n. uancy
. I imernl services will he held at 2:.W
u i-mm iuiuuhu. ...., ,.u,.m ,.,, ii.u.n.
R. Dalley. member of the Rebert (Jreer
Club nnd employ; of the Reach Sport
ing li'neds Company, who died Tues
day. Burial will be in Palmer feme-
Mrs. Marlen Webb Butler
Pottstown. Pa.. May 10, Mrs.
Marlen Webb Butler, eighty-five years
old. widow of Dr. Cyrus Butler, of New New
Yerk City, died yesterday at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Marien Meigs,
widow of Dr. Jehn Meigs, for many
years headmaster of the Hill Scheel.
A few weeks age Mrs. Butler had n fall,
resulting in severe injuries.
Rebert Packer Brodhead
' likes -Barre. May 10. - Rebert
Packer Brodhead,. sixty-two years
old. one of the most prominent
citizens of Lucerne County, died nt his
.home al Kingsten yesterday. Mr. Bred-
head vvas the former head of the Breil
bead Contracting Company, and wns
Identified with the principal industries
1 of the Wyoming Valley. ,
Dr. A. Laveran
Paris. May 1ft. - Dr. A. Laveran,
professor at the Pasteur Institute, fa
mnu for his researches in malarial dis
eases and sleeping sickness, died yester
day He was awarded the Nebel prize
for medicine in 1007.
Features for
Public Ledger
Boek Pages
Harrison S. Merris finds himself
entangled in the seductions of
"Wild Felk" I Atlantic Monthly 1,
by Samuel Scnville, ,r.
Judge William II. Mini reflects
en Frederic Harrison's "Nevlssima
Verba: Last Words" (Helt), and
Stephen McKenna's "While I Re
member" iDeran).
The Rev. .1. A. MacX'allum. D.
I)., reviews "Life of F.lle Metclinl.
keff" (Houghten. Mifflin 1.
A. Hamilton (ilbbs calls Algernon
Blackwood's new book, "Tlie Bright
Messenger" (I)uttensi, nn extraor
dinary weik.
The Rev. (i. Bichley Burns, I).
I),, says "The Carpenter nud His
Kingdom" (Hcribnersi, by Alexan
der Irvine, is a "valuable contribu
tion te Chrlstolegy."
Plioebe Heffman, amusingly "pie
views" I. mils rnlermejer's honk,
poems, 'Heavens" illarceurt
J. II. Rery;ru halls with pleasure
the nirival of J. P. Maniiiai-il'-i In- 1
novel. "The I nspcakablc (iciulr
man" (Scrlbnersi.
"An Attic Salt -Shaker," hy V.
O. T.
Te Take Part in Play
JfcP jbbHibbbbbbA
bbV' x'HIbbbbBbbbbbbbbbbV
HE ?IbbbbbbbbbbbbbI
H3C '"VJRIIIbbbbbbbbbbbbH
EKVe' ' JbbLbbbbbV
JMHjjjjB 1
JW--V. , HHt2:BL'fe:'s- ' I
JtJsBsW' J ' '. 'Fr ' i '' ' 'jtC f
Who will he in the cast of "Clar
ence." the Beeth Tarklngten com
edy at the Orpheum Theatre
$1,500,000 MAIL ROBBERY
Arrests Made After One Conspirator
New Yerk. May 10. (By A. P.)
Seven posteffice clerks were arrested
today, charged with acting In cencert1
with one another in the theft of
Sl.JiOO.OOO worth of bends from the
United States mails here last July.
The arrests of the seven men resulted
from a confession made, according te I
posteffice inspectors, by Mark von ,
Eschcn. who was arrested in the Rrenx
with $30,700 of the stolen bends ln his
pessessisva en January 10 and sentenced
te the Federal Penitentiary in Atlanta. I
(ta., for five years, en March 28, of
i,in renr. after being found guilty of!
attempting te dispose of part of the se
curities. '
The theft became known last July i
after the arrest of Mrs. Abe Attell. di
vorced wife of the former pugilist,
charged with attempting te dispose of
part of the bends.
1 lie prisoners vre iiv.scriueu an ms-
tave Feldman. Merris Steinberg. Ed-
u-iird Fecel. Abraham Goldsmith. Hnrrv ,
Shapire, Gustave Gallcs and Irving I
Weinstein. i
Dr. Hays Names Beaten Opponents
for Important Pests
Des Melnea. la.. May 10. (By A.
P.I One of the first official acts of
the Rev. Dr. Calvin O. Hays, of Johns
town. Pa., elected moderator yesterday
of the IKresbytcrien (Vmrch in ,tlic
Cnited States of America, was the np np
nelntiuent of D'r. William Oxley
Thompson, president of Ohie State
I nlverslty. as vice moderator et tins
morning's session of the 131th (Jeneral
Dr. Thompson was one of the strong
est candidates in the field for the mud mud
eratershlp, but. withdrew from the nice
and nominated Dr. Hays.
Dr. Cleveland B. McAfee, the de
feated candidate for moderator, who
drew 230 votes te Dr. Hays' ."(12, was
designated chairman of the Committee
en" Bills and Overtures, it position
wielding power second only te that of
the moderator.
Chauffeur Will Net Press Counter
Action Against Matzenauer
San Francisce. May 10. i By A. I.)
Heyd Glotzbach. chauffeur of Del
Mente, Calif., today Instructed his at
torney te cancel his divorce petition,
filed several weeks age as a counter ac
tion te the suit brought by his wife.
Mme. Margaret Matzenauer, grand '
opera singer. Her suit was instituted I
in New Yerk after their svpnratien. '
Burke Leads Pepper In Washington
Washington. Ta.. May 10. The race
between li. W. Pepper and W. J.
Burke for the Republican nomination
for Fnlted States Senater was one of
the closest election contests' in the his
tory of Washington County. With
only seven districts missing out of a
total of IJift. Burke had a majority of
Ml votes ever Pepper, the figures show
ing repper, ,ini mirke, ,iVs
Jl-'n k' -'"'!'
'- lM
Manufacturers at White Heuja,
Dinner Faver Harding'-!
Idea in Principle
Washington, May 10. The practlei.
blllly of abolishing the twelve-hour d,.
throughout the steel Industry 0f u
country will be studied by .p,,,,,,
committee of five te be appointed tttn
the industry nt an early date bv .1,,,,,
Elbert II. Gary, ns president of L
American Steel and Iren Institute
Authorization for appointment nfh.
committee te make n scientific InvtMl
gatlen of the matter nnd report ui
conclusions te the Industry was ,0,,J
by forty-one representative steel mani,
facturers last night nfter discussing hi
question with President Harding .
White Ifeilsn dinner conference .!
which they were Invited for that mir
pose. , ' ur
President Harding's suggestion (hat
tint twelve-hour workday be abellshM
for the geed of Industrial America i
approved In principle b'y the steel nun
ufacturcrs present without exception
It was pointed out that the " natuta
of the steel business is such that thtri
is no middle ground ; the fires have n
be kept going nnd the break can be
made only in the shift te twelve heuf.
or eight hours, tanking two or (irM
shifts of the twenty-four hours.
Geerge 1$. Christian, secretary te (hi
President, issued the following statt"
ment from the White Heuse:
"After dining, tlie President statu!
thnt lie wished te knew better the men
comprising his company of guests jnj
te very Informally discuss with them
the complete nbolltlen of the twelve,
hour working day in the steel Industrt
He explained frankly that there wii
no intention of Government Interference
In private business, hut that we art
about te witness a great industrial t.
vivnl, and the one hope of nbetishlnr
tlie excessively long working day wi
te de it before the full swing Is n
A Glorious
Vlritera from faraurn lands would
set think of leTtnx our shorn with
out flnt Mtnc
Niagara Falls
"Naten'i meat wendarful work."
Teu can ipaad n betUr vtcatiea
than that effand dt th Baadtnt.
3Mh Vallay excursions ta tha
Falla, thli aenunar, 10 dlffiraat
date ta chaos from. Tleketi feed
18 daya, Laava Philadelphia anj of
tha follewlnr BATUaSATB ,
.in.T 8-1S.22.20
AUOC8T 6-12-1 9-2
$16.80 ?nr
A tpwetal feMklat ha swan nravarad
llrlnr full daUUa and Information.
Alk Aaenta for tt or addnaa
Philadelphia k Rsalnr Ballwar
Eaadinr Terminal, Philadelphia
Yeu can make ever $25.00
en each sale, selling te
your friends
, Guaranteed latest medeb
Ne Contract Neceary
Buy as you please
Try one if you wish
Every women winte a Vacuum Cieiftet
Any women can sell them end make cm
.w en each sale.
i-'i n.iSend, Couften Te'Dayaaai
1 1 1 Weit 42nd St. New Yeik. N.Y.
Gentlemen: Kindly send further pertlculin
Your iiesrai enenng ei vacuum v.ieantri,
Name .,...... v
( lv.
The Department of Stationery
comprehensive manufacturing facilities
and solicits commissions
upon the basis of
Quafit), Quantity Production
and Prompt Delivery
Jewelbv - SitAtR - Stationery
Colored Glass
Vases, Bowls, Competes, Candlesticks,
Exquisite Tenes of Solid Amber,
Royal Purple, Blue, T6paz
$3.00 te $30.00
Wriylit.Tyriclnlf? van Reclcn. Inc.
ItcuulciJ Un Largest Diblriuuturu ul llih-tiradc Uinnrrwarc
1212 Chestnut Street