Mgm$PFw pw" ' i ?1 MtawwU urn: Xj$y.r H 'Sric ancf I: ? Lv t. "W The Industrial Development of our neighborhood has become nn assured fact. The clo.e proximity te the centre of the City the supply of labor the nearness te the Delaware River Bridge terminus and the opening of Sprint? Garden Street te the River, arc all fea 1 turcs that recommend this vicinity as an indus trial center. We have nothing te sell but SERVICE; but we will be glad te assist you in locating near us by finding a site, appraising values, or insuring your title when purchasing. Integrity Trust Company Fourth nnd Green Streets AIR WAS CHARGED mmimwwmmmmmmmiwmfmmmsmswm. ttrpmmJbtPSX!mmmttArmA.T. ' 18, lezr- :7:.r." ':: v. yy-raria -' ' ' ' .... , , , t x.-j t t i' i i II i. a i n m i nrni lin ii EVENING PUBLIC LEDGE! NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS WITH MERGER TALK Capital $500,000 Surplus and Profit. . . .$1,860,000 r& IT Penna. Tax Free Hydro Electric Bends Leng Term Te Yield 6.45 f Baker, Yeung & Company JOSKl'll . SUA1N. .)r.. JlJnatcr Land Title Bldg. Bosten Philadelphia vk havi: MONEY 'or MnrtffRBei.Any Amount t'it rropertjr ABE KOLSKY .&COMPANY,inc. N. W. COn. OTII & WAI.Nt'T STS. Although Lacking Yesterday's Breader Movement, Market Remained in Excited State Nry Yerk. May 1S. Wlille today's sievU innrkct illdplnyed n tendenry of jliniiKiiiR te the wind, trndliig reiitinuril lirend nnd netlvc. Mpi'Rer rumor- 1(cpt tlie steel nnd copper i-teclis In the fore- 'Rrennil, although thcre vn" n iietlt'P- nidi' nbciice of tlie sjieetiicnlnr demon Mrntieiis witnesved In the Immediately 'MeiedliiR M'ealnnx. NnvrrthcIcNM new high ground wns made hv different 1riieh in tliefc Kreii).H and the general lit m kept mere or le. In an welted condition. The air a licit lly rlinrscd with miTRcr talk, which iitupiestlenably ie inalned the dominating .poettlittlvo in in flueiife of the moment. In fact the "trect wn Mrlunlly Heeded with re ported (onvelidatlon nnd similar do de do velepmentN. Thee nnialRamated ru mors Wrtiinll.v involved net only all the xtei-1 and copper -hare" hut nl-n the MiRtir meters and mam nf the ether InilitstrlaN. Much of this talk, of course, appeared te have little founda tion, hut as it Is the Mprriilntlin feed of the moment there was natural!) a tendency te play It strong In every con i citable (piarter. Much of the alarm occasioned by the dinner party te be given by President Hauling te both the Mccl men nnd the railroad officials apparently evaporated ever nlzht In truth there were many in a frame of mind te make tt con structive deelerfuent out of the event. The steel group had some help in the leperted pig Iren ndvnnce nt Chi i age, while the general list found on en tinned geed support in the liberal of fering of call money nt !!' per cent, despite the (ievernment withdinuiiR Although lacking yesterday's lirender movements, the market made further upward pnsies ilurlng the morning. National Lead and American Zinc pre. fericd and Itutte and Superior were ndded te the stretiRer mctnta, nltheuRli additional substantial gains wen icg-i-teicd by jesterday's active lenders. Mldvale, jestcnlay'N spectacular lead er, opened with a transfer of -1(100 shares at 44. unchanged from last night'.- limitation, but ran into a veri table avalanche of profit-taking, cans- I lag a ipilck decline te ll!t,i. Other in- dependent Mecls lield or enhanced prevl- oils gain-. Activity cropped out In Ciui'ihle. Vanadium and Ueplegle based i ii talk of a combine Involving these (empar.ic-. which seemed te have flimsy foiiudatien l-'itudsn issues were stiong stieng i t of the oils and higher pi ices ruled among the leather, textile and .mail .mail order anil merchandising shares.' To ward neon i lie mils showed signs of being whipped Inte line. Dlv, Pnl'i In I 200 D00 100 700 4400 100 tee 100 tee 100 300 300 tee 23 00 Commodity Markets Aldine Trust Ce. Frankford & Seuthwark St. Ry. Equit. 111. Gat Light Pfd. Keystone Watch Case North Penn R. R. Minehill & Schuylkill Haven Northern Trust Ce. MORLEY, WOOD & CO. 1,1 333 Chestnut Street Member X. . 4 l'hll.i. Sleck rich'. ItS K7 broeke, stokes & co. Investment Securities Philadelphia Washington Baltimore GRAIN MARKET Chicago. May IS. The wheat mar ket opened steady today at virtually unchanged prices for May and .Inly and 'ic te .v higher for September. ( The ultimo of business was snmll hut, i , during the early trading, prices de- veleped a tinner tone in absence ef1 'selling pressure, despite a decline of 'jd in the Liverpool market. There . .... i e 1..1 ,,iw, 1.... 1..1. ... ! were uvuvi'l li' in iiii. wuu uurui-i-- ,u I May contracts in Chicago, but the wheat (Wiis promptly taken up by two promi premi 'lient commission houses. On the whole, i there were little new features te the, i market and trader- were cautious, i Cern started unchanged te ise higher and early in the day ruled stead), although prices reacted from the top. There was little feature te eats, al though expert sales yesterday were nbeut .100.000 bushel-. Proisieus opened quiet and steady with narrow price changes. Hogs were Istendv te stieng with lie bid In the West C.irn Trcv. f"lee Open tB tee 200 100 tee tee 100 12000 tee 2600 900 tee 3200 tee 200 16200 700 100 430 1300 300 tee 100 100 . 2030 100 3100 300 12000 700 400 100 1800 2900 900 100 1100 2300 1303 100 1203 100 100 100 600 103 2900 100 100 300 100 1900 3800 200 100 52 200 1000 100 293J 12030 1600 100 700 9030 300 100 400 100 11 CO 600 3800 900 1600 100 103 100 800 1900 100 700 1103 1000 3700 100 2630(1 8010 4700 10700 100 103 2630 1800 500 15430 100 STOCK ltlrh .. .Adams Kxpress . ,,. 64J-4 .. Ajar nubber 17 . . Alaska Geld Mines. 3 . . Alaska Juneau O M 1 Ji Allied Chcm & Dye 60 ?i i Allls-Chalmera .... 40 Vi . Am Asrla Chcm ... 30 Am Aprlc Chetn pf. 64 . Am Ilcct Sugar .... 41 14 .. Am Besch Magneto. 45 'A Am Can 40J 12 Am Car & Fdy....160 Am Chicle 12U Am cotton Oil 20 H .. Am Cotten Oil pf .. 58 Ks . Am Druu Syn 6 8 Am Kxprcsi 136 .. Am Hide life Leather 15 ',4 Am Hide & Leath pf 69J's 7 Am Ice 107 Am Intcrnnt Cerp.. 40 1 Am La France Eng 13 H Am Unseed 35? Am Linseed pf .... 56 C Am Locomotive. .. .114 Am llndlater 101 'i .. Am Safety Razor... 7Yt Am Ship & Cem.... 17 Am Smelt 66 7 Am Smelt pf 98 3 Am Steel Foundries 38 .. Am Suuar Itef 75 H Am Sumatra 36 Ji 9 Am T.l & Tel 1221a 12 Am Tobacco 141 12 Am Tobacco B 137 .. Am Watrwlts 6 pf 31 Vi 7 Am Woolen 92 .. Am Writ Paper pf . 33' .. Am Zinc l.d & Sm t 20 .. Am ZlncLd&Spf. . 47 .. Anaconda Copper.. 5514 6 Atch Tep & San Fe. 99 V 5 Atcli Tep a a V pf. 91 14 .. Allan nir & Atlantic 3'4 .. Atlantic Fruit 3H . .. Atl Gulf & W 1 S S 38 . . Atl.uiGIf &W I pf.. 21 V2 7 All ncfl'nlnjf pf . .114 . . Austin N'lchels ... 25 ?i 7 Baldwin Locomotive! 17 .. Baltimore & Ohie .. 47 i 4 Haiti & Ohie m 60H . . Barnsdall Class A.. 50 .. n.irnsriale Class B. . 34 i . . Uatopeles MlnlnR . . 1 V . . Bayult Bres 48 5 Betbleliem Steel.... 76 'z 8 Beth Steel 81 pf..112 5 Beth Steel B 77 Ji . Brit Km .teel 1 1 Vt 7 Brit Km Stl 1st pf 76 .. Brit Kin Stl 2nd pf. -BVz .. Brooklyn Edisen rts 2i . . BUlyn Rapid Trnnnlt 25 . . Brown Shee 51 7 Brown Shee pf . . . 90 fi Buff ftech & Pitts.. 63 . . de Odd Lets 64 8 Burns Bres si 133 'A 2 Burns Bres B .... 40 7 Bush Term Bid pf. 97 .. Butte Copper & Zinc 8 .. Butte Sup Cep .... 33 .. Butterlck Z9V 6 California Tacking. 7814 .. California Tetrel .. 57 .. Callahan Zinc ft Ld 9'i 2 Calumet & Arizona 61 10 Canadian Pacific ..140 .. Carsen Hill Mining 14Ji .. Case .1 I T'ew V? .. Central Leather ... 38-f . . Central Leather pf 71 U .. Cerre-dc-Pasco .... 29 Ja . . Certaln-teed Pred . . 50 fi Chandler Meters .. 74 4 4 Chesapeake & Ohie. 65 '4 .. Chicago & Alten .. 8i8 .. r-hlcane & Alen pf. 16 .. Chi & E III (new).. 39 V2 .. Chi & E 111 (new)pf 57 Ts .. Chi ft Gr West pf.. 21 .. Chi Mil ft St P 26 V4 . Chi Mil ft St P pf.. 43 U 6 Ch' ft Northwestern 75 H . . Chi It I ft Pacific. . 45 C Chi It I ft PacC pf 81 ',j . . Chile Copper 23 .. Chlne Copper 32 ! 4 Ceca Cela 59 W . . Cole Fuel ft Iren . . 37 3 Colerado ft Southern 48 6 Celum Gas ft Elec 87 .. Celum Graphophene 4 4 Cemput Tab Bee ..68 7 Consolidated Gas ..118 '4 ,. Conel Textiles ... 14 '4 4 Cern Products Ref.101: 43 Crueible Steel 73 ' ..Cuban Am Sugar .. 227a 7 Cub Am Sugar pf . 90 . Cuba Cane Sugar.. 155 , Cuba Cane sugar pf 34 1 Davisen cnemicai.. uu'2 4200 2' 3 C'e.sden ft Ce 700 1100 100 100 330 5700 July actit Wheat nm ni'j I'm MORRIS J. ROOT Certified Public Accountant Lafayette Building, Philadelphia 1 I.-.", 1 "J7 l.'JO'l Mbv July . STt. . Oats Tulv . . s. r-t 1 iu- 1 ,Iu v . . Sent Jj . . 11 00 40 114 P.1U (17 1 l.'.'j 1.27 ft 1 2T; LSI It 1 'M 40 41 ' t.Ofi'i 1 r. y. civ, Hi, 1 1.41 j 1 2'1' 1 1 1'0 j te 1 41 I 1 tiui; 11.0 J Lawrence E. Brown & Ce. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS lSO BEAL ESTATE TRCST BLOO. Inrstttsita and adjust corporation and Krtnjrshlp accounts and prpar Inoemo z Rtturns. b Ft COTTON MARKET New Yerk. May IS. The rettnn mar- ' ker was irregular at the epeninK. Ma ; and March were, three points hlchcr oil Initial transactions, while ether option- were two te thirteen points lower. The selling came mestlv from commission ' houses and New Orleans, presumahly baeil en better weather In the .South west, Liverpool bought considerable .it I the outset. There were sixty-eight j notices iHSiied this morning. After the start, the list improved en covering 1 SALESMEN TVr nlsh-class financial erirantzntinn r.i- .1 , .1... ..-.. .ft. f ..nm tie.w.. sHsrjyn rvu1 jsia Mu " nii '- !. ? : t the belt. ! Ittrrlpts nt the ports fur the dny are Elrtlnn e-tllllllteil 'it IL'.OIKI bales, agaill-t P CAMIIKIV .VIXKI, tOMPA.VY Ms."'l' hale!' a eek112n, . Tf bales t t 1 ilia M..aI inn ,.. Id 1 a in inrt 'illi 1 1 1 7."i 1 Itfiutk ttt ii 1 nnrs 930 2 35 DeBeers (J Mln Ltd 21 '2 0 Del Lack & west. .ua 1 Deme Mines 28 . . Duluth Se S ft At nf 9 6 Kastman Kodak new 77 .. n:ec Ster Bat new. 423 .. i:ik Hern Ceal . .. 20 ' 5 Kndloett-.Iohnson . 83 1 nnd'cott-Jehnson pf 1 10 .. nrle 'I5 .. Krle lit Pf f2 . . Trie 2nd nf 15 H Kaineus Plajers L 82 ? Famous P. avers if 93 J4 Keil Mtn Si Smelt. . . 15'4 4 I. d Mln & Smelt pf 53 "J 10 Fltiher Bedy U5'j 8 Klshet- P.edv of O p 95 t , risk Rubber ' . . Frecpert Texas 22 ,. General Asphalt .. 61 '4 6 General Cbjar t.Ji 8 General Klectrlc ,,65''? .. General Meters ....U3'? 6 Gen Met leb 6... 82 H . Gi'.llland Oil , 14 ,. Goedrich (B P) Ce 41 '0 Granby Cen M & S. 31 Ja 7 Great Northern pf. 73 ?s 4 Gt North Ore ctfs. . 41 V2 Greene Cananea Cep 34 '.'. Gulf State Steel E5 iinhlruhnw Electric At tf" Annual .Mneimz nf k,,i,. ' n .120 and It holders of f'ntnhrla Ptrel Cnrmunv k.u ' Mar 10. 102'i. th follewlnit Dlrcieri wr ,i n 11 n. u uiirn j-cara te succeed l1i.v flinM .Vinn t.rm nynfriuti - john r. NKAi.n S. M. VAfCI.AI.V 1 .. ni-i.ii... rti Sre..Hr J,inuar I .Inly . . . I (h tebpr I PerMmber Y. . . 1 , .50 j I :'7 . I'M 17 L'll lis 1 'i ii 1 in 70 Opn, 21 3.-. u a.-i .mi 1:. 11 117 l!l 10 r.i.7.' 1 P M L'iVi.:, ."I 'J7 , L'O 17 lli i't 1 l'reinis;il iirrTrTTiTtmrouNesTirl new yerk coffee market I A8HTAIIULA UAIMVAV COMPANY ' New Yerk. .May I1. The peer show shew show Olllce of tlie Treasurer ing of the Santes market seemed te PlttsburKh. Pa, May j. 1S22. bring our further lliiiidatleu in the ."f1ff,rS::nV"n'i!',0u-r ET' Ctlp(r.M. futuies nmihet today, with a In- cost of Perty-ilx Thousand Kerty UeliafS ''III opening nt declines of 11 te lli points. 500 100 100 500 100 100 100 100 1000 400 200 200 600 200 400 100 100 100 14500 9 DO 100 100 20830 200 100 330 7700 2300 2930 1300 400 430 200 100 200 6003 400 100 100 4001 16J3 2100 20 '4 7B JO ?4 10 104 4! i 0 I? i Mm. itU.010) will U purihawd for the Hlnklne 1 the only months in which there weie t"".'Ln Sih il'?.r yi K L,1-:. '""' Jh trades en the cull, however, being Sep- and Intereat. Sealed prupemils te aril uenij teniber and Mnrih. Willi .Stieet old Jleae of buaiimii thrrn n'clecli V. jj i ' ' '"' mnrket developed further weak-. Wtdnead'iy. Muy 31. lU'ii, anil tienda" ue- ' l""-s around the neon hour, due te the i-Kied munt be delivered en Juna it or . show of weakness In Ilriizll fni- aecurlty furnlshtd that ild y. if rrqulrcd that .. iviiuun.s in diiui . .vuii d.llvery will Le niadu wllhln ten days ,S,iniiis iiune II peer showing liii'l'. I. II. II. .Mili.Ml.lir. Treu3Urr. J Km i nine in I"." nuil Kid ies lower Dividends TUK WI-HT I'llll-ADIIIIMIIA TirUJ AM) IKtM(IIJH'A.NV PhlMilelpliid jray 11. lejy. I'vi The Beard of DlriKliirH h.i thla day d f llared e BKMNANNl'Al. UIVIUhWL) Ol' ; Wiikh ,a. I.Kit ITVT ,lunr nt ..w . H ablt June 1. ID--, te meckliuldem us res WW. . lrM,l nn Iha bonks of the cernnanv ai lte'',t cleW'Of bualnesa May i'll, llli'S Th irons- f,( far bee Kb win ue ueai-u iieiu .nay .-ij te juni i. i.. UAI.I'U I t.KVnrtINfI. Tramrer " TiiK i'iTiui)i:i.i'iuA "ki.k:tkiu te, " 1U0U CIIKMM'T RTttKKT Phllndelphlu. 1' May in. H'-'S-The Heard of DlrectnrH Imve this il.i il. etared u quarterly illvldnnd of i'c (liflnc SO cent a kli'irr) upon th euinineii miiltnl uteck of thin Company, piyabte June 1.1. lBtl, te atockheldrm of iPLjrd May L-a. IH'JL'. If. .'. l.l'CAS. TreiiHiiier rar n i-s.-. TUK I'llll,AI)KI.nil. Kl.Kt'TKIU CO. 1000 CIITM'T hTKIXT !lilladrli'.il,i. l'a . May 1.'.. 102:'. Th Heard of Directors have thin day i! elared a quarterly dividend of S IwIiik SO ceaU a hrr) upon the preferred capital ateek of thl Company paMible June IS, 1IIS2. te stockholder of rwnrrl .May L'.'l, HIU'J, .. H c ul CAH 'j'reuaurer. ICAN HANK AM) THUHT CUMI'AMi aiid htrffi anu iiihaiuiiH annul riilladcipnu, l'a.. .'ny n. iv... "IB (Sii .e-.l. ti rJMl. l. Check will TftMsVfr l'hls briiiiiiht about tntlve liuuiilatiMii which sent values down l.'t te 17 points net. with .lul.v rellliij; at 10:1." and' September nt 11.70, Prev rinjn Opin May 10 WflM IftUOfH'i ,lui 10 a.'lti.'l'i In -f:ie I Srptfinhr I)7fiMH H.7Kfi7'l )mbr Ii .Ml 01 (1 Sllll Maich IM'.'ffll !i3L'H32, Hendee Mfc Ce Housten Oil . . 7 Hupp Motorcar Hvdraullc Steel 7 Illinois Central Indlahema Ttef inrllnn Refining Inspiration Cen Cep 42 Ts ', inter Cen Copper.. 2'4 Interbore Cen Cep pf 4?i 330 5'- internat Cement .. 4 "4 100 .' Inter ARrlculturn . ii 103 2 internat Cem EnB ..25 ?4 6 Int Harvester ne... . Int Mer Marine ... -3 ' t G Int Mtr Marine nf.. 83 5, International Mcltel 18 "international Paper 51 6 Inter Paper pf stpd 67 Invincible Oil Cerp.. 18 ' Iren Pieducts 34H ', Island Oil J 'a Jewel Tea 20 ij , .lew el Tea pf 7 Jenes Hies Tea .... 43 ?g ! Kansas & Gulf 4? Kan Cltv Southern. 7H 4 Kan Cltv Se pf 58 Kaer & Ce new . . 4 0'i '. Keliy-.S'PK Tire 5l?a . Kennecett Copper.. 30 '3 . Keystone T & It.... 21 ?i C KresKO S S HO'i 500 200 300 4030 300 200 700 5000 100 200 100 90 J 100 400 100 37 J J 1900 22400 200 100 I.OVT 63 s4 16H ?4 Hi 67 H 48 Vz 38 64 41'. 45 Vi 47 W 159 V. 12'4 27 58'a 6 136 15'a 69 Ji 107 46H 13'4 23 56 Yt 114 99 7 V. 17H 64K2 97 38 75 36 122 141 137 3114 91 33 V 19'4 461. 54 y 9914 91 3'4 3'2 37 27', 114 25 1 1 6 Vi 46Vi 60 Va 48'j 3414 I'e 48 76 112 77li 11'i 76 28 '4 2V, 24 Vi 48 90 63 64 133 39 Ji 97 7 31 '4 27 !i 78',i E6H 8'i 61 Vi 140 14 14 4Vi 38V4 71 39's 49 U 74 65 U 8',-a 16?s 39 56 Vi 21 25 42 74 44 81 Vi 21 J-i 31 59 35 48 87 4 67 117 71 13 101 Va 43 73 22Vi 90 15;, 34 '4 58 21 !a 119 28 9 76 Ji 42 20 Vi 83'4 110 13 22 15 '4 P1 34 93 15', 52 U 115'i 95 1 b 18 20 'j 61 J, 73 1 65 14 12 82 14 41 30 74 41 l, 32 t5 I 20 78 20 9!. 103 4!i 8 41 ,'i 2'a 4fi 37 11 25 104 23 83 18 51 67 1 0 i4 33 1'i 20 '-j 71 42 4, 27 'i 58 43 seu 38 ', 21 140Vi 1:30 I' M. Net Chte, 1V4 '4 V, Vi Vi 63- 16- 2Ji- C8 -i- 48Vi- 38 - 64 - 4U. 4514 47- 160 12 Vi ae 58Vi 6 136 - 15V4 69J4 107 40 1314 ? 35 1? 54V4 2 114 - Vi 100 2 7 ', Vi 66 r- 2V4 1 tt 14 "14 Vi IV, '"Va "v 14 1 98 38 75 36 - 122 - 141 r 137 ? 31 Vi Q2 14 33 Vi 4 S3 Vi !4 '. Vi Ji 19 47 r 55 Vi f 99 -91 '4 314 314- 37 27 Vi I- 114 - !, 25 Ti IH 1 1 6 ',4 - Vi 4674 r 'a 60 Vi- 14 49 ',i i- 2 34 Vi .. IV. 48-2 76 - 14 112 77 !i -1 1 '4 r 76 r 28 Vi i 2', -24 Vi -50'i i 90 I 63 64 133 '4 r 40 97 - 7 327, i I 1J 14 li 14 Vi 174 1 1 14 74 Vi Vi 1 29 V, 174 78 '.i -56 - 8T-8 61 140 14 r 4'i 3814 - ivi 14 71 7a 1 Ji 12 , IVi ! 14 i !4 "li " Vi 214 r. Vi j, Vi 1 i 3914 50 74 -6514 3914 5714 21 25 43 75 4 J 81 '4 22Vi 31 '4 59 14 35 r 4'j 67 - 117J4 1374 101 Ji 43 73 '4 22 54 90 -15?i 34 '4 -59 21 54 -119 28 9 20 14 83 Vi 110 1354 22 -15 Vi -81 93 -1 5 14 5254 115V4 - 1 95 54 54 18 22 IVi 61 54 - Vi 73 1 65 54 12J4 .. 82 14 -41 l, 31 14 75 41 54 34 65 2 20 78 -f 20 954 104 -f-414 8 - 42 3714 11 25- 105 23 54 83 1854 51 67 18 54 33 i- Hi 20 Vi 71 43 i 4J4-27-58 -45 50 54 38 J4 40 54 1 14 '! Vi I ! 14 IK, 1Vi 14 v, i ii 54 IV4 1:30 P.M. niv. S"I In $ STOCK Hlnh Lew 4700 .. .. 1Q 70 TRti - ?2n - LtikoKrle Wpf.. 3414 34 Vi 34 Vi 122 ll I''"fett & Myeri ... 1 67 1 67 1 67 zee 7 Lima Locomotive ..108 108 108 - IOO 2 Xji n.ii.1... mi.. ill! nit ti tliM ..7 r- ."ra 'noun "'J - enn n in'KH vallev 63 fcw LervA r- 1R X Left Candy 13V4 .. Mack Truclc 50 I Mnclt Truck 1st pf. 87 7 Mack Truck 2d pf.. 78 J4 78 Mclntyre new .... 18 14 6 Mackay Ce 91 Malllsen & Ce .... 23 H i. Malllsen & Ce pf .. 84 Vi Manatl Sugar 45 Manhattan , til Supp 58 1 Manhat Elev Guar. 49 2 Manhat Shirt 39 74 Market st llwv .... 8 ; Mar St Rvvy 2nd pf 23 . Mar St Ry pr pf . . 63 Marland oil ...'... 31 Marlln Rockwell .. 21 Math Alkali 29 2 Martin Parrv 32 Max Moter Claas A. 73 Vi .. Max Moter Clats B. 23 Vi e iiiay ucpt Stores ..117 Net Chce. Vi 54 154 14 LOCAL TRADING NCL ID TO DRAG 200 100 200 100 300 100 7400 300 100 200 100 400 100 100 800 tee 300 200 2800 1700 1000 100 10500 62 Vi 16 13Vi 50 87 ,. 78 7 18V4 91 21 83 Vi 45 58 54 49 39 Ji 8 . 23 63 31 21 29 31 72 23 54 U7 63 16 1314" 50 87 78 Ji- !i 1854 54 91 - 14 23 .1 84J4 45 1 58 Vi - 114 41 Va 39J4 8 23 63 31 21 29 32 117 '. 23 56 74 2214 30 254 41 14 96 54 110 18 68 76 90 54 71 2900 X UffX'C,an!irIeU'"-,"H '30 132 flf l 129 Middle State. Cerp 15 ' 122 - M Steel .... 4414 jnnn st Leula new. 12 Me Knnsas Texaa 1 1 jie an ft Tex (wl) 18 . Missouri racinc . . , Me Pacific of 3 Mentana Power . . Montsemerv Ward. . Mulllns Bedy N'at Cen A Cable . En & Stamp . 6 National Lead , .. 7 National Lead pf , . Nev Cen Cep 6 X O Tex A Mex N V Air Brake . .. 6 .Vew Yerk Central . 5 New Yerk C.QtT. 2 New Yerk N H A u 30 14 7 Norfolk A Western. 1 06 Vi 3 X Amerlcanctfa nf 43 u . North American rts 7 54 6 Northern Paclfle .. 75 Ji . Neva Scotia SAO. 31 . Ohie Bedy a Blewer 1 1 . Okla Pred A Re. .. 3 . Orpheum Circuit .. 2114 . Otis Steel 1 5 . Pacific Devel Cerp . 9 6 Pacific Gas A .Elee.. 70 3 Pacific Oil C5 6 Pan Amer 1'etrei .. b5 54 6 Pan-Amer B 58 54 . Panhandle 714 . Parish & BlnRham. 13Vi 2 Pennsylvania R R. . 41 li . Penn Scab Steel .. 12 54 5 Peeples Gas Chicago 86 . Peoria a Eastern .. 1254 Perc Marquette .... 31 5 Pere Marq pr pf .. 75 l 3 Philadelphia Ce .. 39 1 Phillips Pet i9x . Plerce-Arrew aioter 18 54 . Plerce-Arrew Met ni 37 A ,. Pierce. Oil 10 8 Pierce Oil pf 55 it, 5 PlttsfCeal fc2 U .. Pitta A W Va iki! inn ii' T1.....1 r-.,. 7' , ww A 73 X-Uiiu l.ieeK LOai ., 21 700 6 Pestum Cereal .... 78 54 100 S Pestum Cereal pf, .107 5100 .. Producers A Ref .. 40 li 100 .. Producers A Ref pi 44 100 6 Public Ser Cor of N J 88 100 8 Pullman 22 800 .. Punta Alegra Sus.. 41 Vi 1300 2 Pure OH 32 li 100 8 Railway Steel Spg-. .100 5J 700 3.41 Rand Mines 28 4800 . . Ray Cen Copper ... 1 0 ' 5500 4 Reading 7971 10400 ., Replegle Steel 38 Vi 12400 .. Repub Iren A Steel. 73 54 800 .. Rep Iren A Steel pf 9174 203 .. Republic Meters ... 7 1500 3 Reynolds Tobacco B 4754 2700 5.20 Royal Dutch N Y.. 63 !i 830 1 St Jeseph Lead .... 15 600 .. St Leuis San Fran.. 29 200 .. St L Southwest pf.. 47 Vi 500 . . Santa CecelU Sugar 5 1 00 . . S.ixen Moter 3 Vi 300 .. Seaboard Air Line, . 6 400 . . Scab Air Line pf . . . n ' 2400 .. Scars-Roebuck .... 76 1200 ., Seneca Cep Cerp... 14&J 1000 ,. Shattuck Ariz Cerp 1 1 54 21200 .. Sinclair Oil 33 14 1100 .. Slees Sheffield .... 53' 2600 6 Southern Pacific . . fcl 54 1300 .. Southern Rail .... 2454 400 .. Southern Rail pf . 56Vi 8400 . . Splcer Mfg Ce .... 20 1100 4 Standard Oil of Call 14 W 203 B Standard Oil of N J187Vi 200 7 Stand Oil of N J Df115?i 200 200 2200 400 200 tee 8800 200 300 200 2200 100 5100 103 1000 1700 100 15100 500 100 300 1100 100 100 900 1400 700 100 100 5930 2100 103 100 100 4200 2700 103 300 1700 100 100 11600 1200 700 2830 100 100 4900 200:00 Sterling Products.. 400 2 Stewart Warner. . 200 . . Strembers Carb 1 1 500 7 Studebaker 400 . . Sub Beat Cerp . 100 .. Superior Oil Cerp.. 100 .. Superior Steel .... 300 .. Sweets Ce of Amer. 2400 . Teun Cep A Chcm. . . 5300 3 Texas Ce 5500 .. Tex Gulf A Ship 300 .. Texas A Pacific 1500 1 Texas A Pac C A U 29 Vi 1 2uu ii Totucce Products . , 70 7500 .. Transcontinental Oil 17 54 100 4 Transue Wins Steel 43 300 2 Twin City R T 49 1400 . Pnlen Oil 22 54 700 lu rnlen Pacific 138V4 100 7 1'nlen Tank Car ..100 100 .. Vnlted Alley Steel.. 39Ji 400 .. United Drug 78 Vi 300 3 - united Drug 1st pf.. 4554 47 Ji . 40 53 54 I20J4 5 54 754 3 54 1214 48 54 4674 33 V I '1 114 V v i '2 300 .. United Itwy Invest.. 15 7530 0 United Retail Stores. C4 2100 . l'Si'11'4 Kdy... 3654 1500 r. V S (' I P A Kdy pf 71 300 ,. U S Express 6 300 .. U S Feed Products 474 7600 . V S Ind Alcohol ... 54 300 7US Ind Alcohol pf 95 4100 .. U S Realty A Imp.. 70 1200 .. U S Rubber 64 1500 .. U S Smelt & Ref... 4414 200 Zh V S Smelt A Ret vt 46 10700 5 U S Steel 99 100 7 U S Steel pf 118 12600 2 Utah Copper 68 54 23600 , . Vanadium Cerp , , . , 53 500 .. Va-Car Chemical .. 32 74 400 . . Va-Car Chemical pf 73 100 Va lien Ceal A Coke 56 100 0 Va Iren C A C pf . . 71 1100 ,. Vlvadeu Inc 13 Ji 900 .. Wabash 10 3100 . Wabash pf A 31 Vi 200 . Wabash pf B 20 9, 100 1 Wtber A Ileilbrener. 14 100 ,. Western Maryland. . 10 300 . . Western Pacific .... 21 100 C Western Paclfle pf. . 61 200 7 Western Union Tel. 97 54 1400 4 Westing E AM 63 1700 ., Wheeling A I. E.. 11 100 . . Wheeling A L E pt . 22 700 .00 White. Engle Oil ... 26 100 4 Whit - Moter 43 1 4 600 .. White Oil Cerp.... 10Vi 1930 .. Wick Spcnu St Cerp.. 20J4 500 . . Willys Overland . . 8 100 8 Woetvvorth V W ..157 100 4 Worthlngten Pump. 50 H 100 .2; Wright Aeie 8 30 14 4114 12 11 17 22 74 56 74 r2'i 30 2ii 41 14 95 U 110 18 68 74 89 71 29 106 4314 714 75'i 31 11 274 20 'i 15 9 70 4 C5 58 Vi 714 13 14 41 11 6 I2V4 30 75 54 39 48 54 1814 3654 9 55 54 62 Vi 35 54 ?0 77 ii 107 3914 44 68 122 4154 32 100 54 28 17 54 78 37 Vi 70 90 7 46V4 t2 15 29 54 .47 4& 3V4 6 10 75 Vi 14V4 11 33 Vi 52 S0V5 24 56 Ji 18 113 187 115 47 40 53 119 5 54 7 5i 34 Ji 3 54 12 54 47 54 46 33 29 69 16 43 4814 214 137 100 39J4 78 54 45 54 15V4 62 35 69 6 4 53 Vi 94 54 68 64 V4 43 V4 4654 98 118 67 54 5154 32 72 56 71 13 levi 30J4 20 14 10 21 61 97 5i 62 Vi 11 22 25 48 Vi 10 19 7 74 157 50 54 8 54 54 -54 1 30 54 I- 1474 43 54 12 1J r 17 23 56-74 22 r 30 41 14 95 54 110 18 68 74 -90 71 -2974 106 54 43 Vi - 7'4- 75 74 f 31 11 - 2J4 21 15V4 9 58 54 7V4 .. 13V4 114 41 54 54 12 86 12 54 54 31 14 75J4- 14 39 48J4 1814 li 36Vi 10 55Vi 6254 35 Ji 20- 77 Vi - 154 107 5i 40 54 154 44 14 88 - ?i 122- 54 41 14 - li 3254 .. 10014- 14 28 17J4 79 54 37 15 29 Vi . 47 4 r 3 -, -6 . 11 75 Vi 4 14V4 11 33 54 52 54 91 24 6 54- Amerlcan Stores Sells Off en News of Increased Dividend The local market was n rather draggy tiffnlr in tlie nbRcnee of fresh speculative stimulus. Price chnnges were mixed, with most of the recent active leaders showing an Inclination te droop. This was especially noticeable In American Stores, which dropped back te 118V4, as against yesterday's top price. The Increase in the dividend rate te a 7 per rent per 'nnnum basis, seemingly was discounted in the recent pcrpcndleiilav rise. Kvcn en -n 7 per cent dividend basis the current price Is higher than many Issues paying similar rate. These who have been folevvlng the remarkable movement, however, assert the recent specu'atlvc enthusiasm was discounting even mere pleasing developments which nre te come Inted en. A jump of r in Cambria Steel te 00 was one of the exciting events of the dny, nnd was generally regarded ns n natural aftermath of yesterday's big splurge in Midvale, Cnmbrln Iren moved up fractionally at the same time te :il)fl1. Dealings In both Issues were of diminutive proportions. Anether out-ef-the-ordinnry movement was supplied In the advance In the Fourth Street National Hank stock te 1103. Most of the mere active stocks or these that have been standing in -the ficnt ranks indicated moderate profit taking. Tills, nt least, appeared te be responsible for n decline In P. 11. T. te t'fc'Prt. A drop of n point in Union Traction te -HVO came in for mere no lice because in a recent statement .Mr. Mitten asserted no relief could be look ed for from a reduction in rentals te nuclei lying companies Philadelphia Stocks Net chge ". r--Vs .-.4 r.4 1 :', :mVi U no no 5 7:1 va r.i 54 ." 1 . , 1:15 High Lew P. M TO." Am Strs.,121 118i 110 fit) Am Cities prcf .... , J,i.. KlOtAiiiicnndn ""' 1 "",i fii"'4 91 :i(l Itilff & Sus t c pref.. fit DO Ciimb Iren .'ill1,! 10 Camb Steel 110 liltCruci'eStl :s 7 Cen Tr N.I ."it M Fourth St X Ilank.I'.OIl .".Oil JIO.T Vj 440tcn Mtr.s. l.",',i 13 1S',h Vt r.OHnsplrCep I2.-N 4'J':A 4' ItMlt Kennecett HHTs W .'I8!s K 31.-i Lake Sup. 11 11 li's Vh fi Xn v.. 7.' 7.1 75 1U Minehill.. .r.0' fiO'i ri0V4 Vi !)."tMid vnlc. 44 43 43 1 lli Penn Cent i.igbt pf. fi4-ij rur, r.4'?i tint I'ennu H II 41 i 40 41 'A Va 7-y, l4 ', M?$ K Pennsylvania Municipals Tax Frt In Pennsylvania Exempt from all Federal Income Taxes ,''.; i Security ! Maturity, City of Pettiville 4i 1952-32 Northampton County 4'2 1952 Meadville Scheel District 42 1927-51 Yicldin, bout 4.05 4.05 4.15 Complete circular upon request Harris. Ferbes & Ce Pine Street, Cerner William, New Yerk Wldener ullding, Philadelphia Telephone Spruce 7040 1936 1962 2022 1943 1969 1935 Yield 4.15- " 4.25 " 5.50 '$ 5,000 Bore. of Media, Pa., S. D.. .41't, 1942 '' 10,000 City of Hazleton, Pa., Sewer 4M' 1931-35 4,000 Bore. of Marcus Heek, Pa., Sewer 4l2's, 1943-33 10,000 Grand Rapids & Indiana, Second 4's, 25,000 Londen Guarantee & Acci dent Bldg. (Chicago), First Sinking Fund.... 6's, ' 20,000 Utah Pr. & Light Ce. Deb. 6's, 25,000 New Chester Water Ce. (Chester, Pa.), 1st Mertg. 5's, " 10,000 Philadelphia Suburban Gas & Electric Ce. General . . 6's, 20,000 Standard Gas & Electric Ce. 6's, 'Tax Free, vr tux licjunaca. F. E. Warner & Company Investment Securities ' Lembard 1398 421 Chestnut Street, Phila. Main 113! 6.05 6.60 5.40 6.50 7.50 19JJ IK A 'A 1 A K .i 15, K IK 113?i-i 187 - H5H - 120 -5K ? 12?j 47?i i 46!2 33 Z9K 69 x .( I6JJ 43 48 K -22 137 94 - 100 -39 78 K 45 Vt -f 15?4 f -2H -35 K 71 f .. 4 .. 53 1 94 Vt . 69 JJ f 1 64 K K 43 J 46 f j 904 r K 1I8 jj 68 y 52 (g 32 - i z 72 -S6 -71 -13 10K 3IJ4 !0 ) I4?i 10H 21 -61 97 K- y3 62! - K U14 - 22 25 - K 48 V2 - i '0 .. 1SH-. w 157 ti 50 K- K 8 h K 2 I nn nun ec i i'; i 7ei'hiia Ce. :iv, niiVs :mu-f-i 10 ilecumpf ."IS'.. 1181j :i8i-. 10.- Pliilii Elec flVj WW -'OVi-f V '2Sr, ile pref.. ".)(, ''.) tlJITs.. 4.-.0 Wiiin it T ;t::n u:Vj :m k- J00 ltniile Cor .v-;, r, i'4 aioTeno r.ei. iu m iu.. 44S CninnTrae 412U 41"j 41 Va 1 :t:t."i I r: i 4.-.:ii .tr. 4r,m. l ."S de pref.. r,:iH 53 M'i;.. .10 War I & S 7v'i n,i 7-?i . . 7." Yerk Itwy '-'1 21 21 . . tNct chance madn by comparison with Inet sals un New Yerk Stock Kxchance. riUIJVDKU'IIIA BONDS .".00 Liberty 1st ft'js '47 00.1(1 inn Liberty 1st 4'4 '-17 00. J :i000 Liberty 2! 44h '42 00.02 1000 Liberty 2d 4'4s '42. .lets 00. OS 200 Liberty 2d 4,s '42 00. 4S :S00 Liberty 2d 4 Vis '42 00.40 200 Liberty 2,1 4'4s '42 00.44 13000 Libert v 2d 41,k '42 1(0.04 .ifKI Liberty .'Id 4Vi '2S..lets 00.74 2000 Liberty .'Id 4',s '2S 00.02 100 Liberty .'Id 4Uh '2S 00.70 11000 Liberty 4th 4 Vis '.IS. lets 00.00 200 Liberty 4tli 4",s 'IIS.... 00.74 1000 Liberty 4tli 4,s '.'IS 00. SS 200 Victory 4-1, H "S. 100.. "0 200 Victory 4:),s " 100.."! 2000 Victory 4:'js '2.'1. . . .lets. 100. 00 1000 LcbiRli Valley Ox 10H 1DIH1 LehlRb Valley 0 102:l', i 11000 I'hilii E'w ,rijH w i.Jets 00 . 12000 I'liilit Elec ."i'.'.s w i. .lets !l 100 I'hila Elec Im Ti- 00 I 1000 riiiln Elec 1st ."J- 08- .".000 l'hlla Elec Ut ."is (IRij JtKIO I'blln Elec -i lets 104 KHIO l'hlla Elec (Is lOlVi 1000 Iteudins Renernl 48...'... S.- AN INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY A high-grade 7rc Electric Light and Power Bend secured by a first mortgage lien en an extremely valuable property is one of the greatest industrial centers of the United States. Matures in 1947. Callable te 1932 at 120. Pennsylvania Tax Refund. Net Earnings Over Twice Annual Bend Interest. Circular and Price en Application ARTHUR PERRY & CO. Drexel Building, Philadelphia Providence Bosten IB Bi We own and offer Canadian Pacific Perpct. deb. 4'i at a price te yield ever S"c current N. Y. & N. J. Ferry 2d S 1946 (D. L. & W. R. R.) at a price te yield 5.50 current Widinir Bloc, Philadelphia MrmimPJtHadtMatud MuiYerkStxk LxtJunftt C - HIW TOIK IlltABirH. M.J. m ( i pagjQPi Tax Free in Pcnna. Exempt from all Federal 'Income Taxes Abington Township, Pa. Scheel District 4y2 Maturing Mny, 1932 1952 Particulars en Application A. B. Leach & Ce., Inc. Investment Securities 115 Seuth Fourth St. LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAlt STOCKS Jll'l CaMl Ilnv 1,1 .11m llutler " .Miii.S'iiinara mi ('rHHCt'Ilt f- Mlilmiy OS MUp.ih Hxt 'XI MflntHnn n't Nurtti 0.1 Hefl..u Kula til Tnnep.ih l'xtfnslen IIS Wen i:n. eat 'Ien .11.1 Akril .03 .ns .10 ..'! .I'll .IIS .rj .0.1 .lh .01 1.(11 .1)3 BRAZILIAN GOV'T FRANC ISSUES 4s of 1911 Ss of 1908-9 STERLING ISSUES 4s, 1889-1900-1910 414s, 1883-1888 5s, 1895-1903-1908-1913 DONALD J. SMITH & CO. Franklin Trust Bldg. Spruce 181 1-1810 ltucp 1301 SALESMEN An investment Itend Heuse, memhers of the Philadelphia Stock Exchange and selling only high grade securities, have openings for three local representatives. Experience, in security selling is net essen tial, as men selected will be trained. A clean personal record nnd proven selling abil ity are necessary. Give full particulars and references by letter, which will be treated confidentially. C 135, Ledger Office DIViDK STOCKS OfH Allied niv Aim niv neither 01 IMcher i:x 01 HreuKh Hlv e lllde Ku 1.1 Dlv Om ic nilldeml IIJ Kant Dlv "I lKirmlll 11 Knux lift Hllter KIiib Sutherland Div 72 Ten ll.trhreui li UJ Victory Dlv Ill Verde Dlv n'. '.enu i (!0.I)l'Ii:L.D stocks FOREIGN EXCHANGE New Yerli, May .10; Polish, .0250; Austrian, .0101 ; j Brokers Allowed te Reoeen Offir- I i ItJT w t ... . .. ...- IS.-With oe or " '":'- vw Vl, fMUtnlu.""'. ,8'.-The Mlchlmn i in- iui'ihiiiii. .... .mi. vi.un mi Kranieu (,, i.', Jtedmend lloeili .... I'emli Vrkc , . CrHrkerjnrk . ninm II II . Florence (ieldfleiii Cen (iiihl DvV .. . (leldf D.-eri .. (licit lluid . Jumh'i lll .. Kew uiiHK . . . . I.riiii' Sttir .. urn lt-il IIiIIh . . Sllwr I'Kk .. biK' . . . .ni u.1 .i'l'i .117 .ii'j .ii-' .ni .01 .02 ."2 1 JI V I IJH !M U?". U tl.. L J4 Hf H II .1 !.... ..!... twi) (.jjc.pnens, ,,. iiiuinn. nun' .Montreal ledliy wus liniillllllliy 1 pi Company, broker, of Ilosien unci Dttrnli ,. on11nlnmeI--,p.l;nb!r Ju'nlV ?' ?i' V' ,1! . I.iiiire.1 fieiu jeMenliiy's flmiN. sl,en.l rent The discount .... ritnu.llan fiindj. f er.lerr, ;d h fu et prec.dln" ! re.'ird May.22; 1, ,,., u y,rn., ..s vlrtiiallv un- " -New erk mis iriluinl te 7s 'i "'lew'n" "l" reepn iti. Uetrelt erf'c inu. l-HlrtMnliMnr., Compan. n.u,te,. of derllll-.. hteillllS was llltiinilj tin Cuunllii,, dollars weitll I .l;nJ u . mml8atell,c,?r,.'rh0 s,a!" ISWu'Zt'Wti """"'" I'alteml at I It 13-10. .-einpare. with ,. Tll,HK , . hij-l.,-1 n-..r.l in , lie-'ln? nWe "fnleu IlL-'anl Vinlr "empany. ,u..,trlv 1.1.'. for'H. Ji'M.-nlnys tleMllB. ' nl.eut two yrer.s. lnB"i!uiine"CB, JifTi''l'. "T0" Qt ''" ucioeer term. N-ntthrn I'lpn l.lnn Cemrans. i.eml.innual ''"''s. . .. , SlvrllnB l'"riiin n I.lre aullderii nf in p,.iii.i,- Jub 1 lu neck nt 1, co". Areuinl mid -day 1 In nmrket was dull, Demand " )-, J-'.i as an Jun- ( ,t wj,i, miHitUf slreilRth eentllllllllB 1 Cables 4.4.. U.l.'-a ....3'i 3H.iu Ht Maurlc Paper Company quarterly !; J" ..'i,,w nnil Swisllsh The 'lODAY'H Ol'HNINO QlTrATIONS percent p.11 able June 10 lu Heck of leterd " KterllUB, SUIHUTS I I i nwiuiin. 1 111 .. i.-.rnnrM 1 ir ,i,i,i,. June a , ,. 'ii-st of the liiark.'t. while lliactlv.;. was) sterHnw rancH . ; .lu de, :t':,,sr;?.,r,pKl'i''''l ,T Tm?nxPJu?,":-:r" " ,,u r,i" "n:8 ferml, both imyablH June an in m.nk f of the lllijll I'l'i dl'il for hti'l'llllli HP- 1 rcrerd June :10 . nmti'il mi imti-werlliy dei'lllie". 'Jue lui.until .Moter 1 jr nntipi.riu . .... ..:.- ..., t4 per cent en Preferred. payHl.I. June IS ! tatlens WIT" Met llllj, 11 111 t.n. , 1 , , ,K prCM wlf. rm j( te Kteek "f rrurd May ai I dcnillllil 'l.-ll"i; frilllf cilllli'S !.!-'.. 1 iieume tndny. 't'liree per tenl renlea ,Mlf ni.c Atnericiiii iKoinein,. 1 empnny quarterly 1 ,..i,a !l. I 1 I . ire en if., .ri.''( if. ' l!xehann en Londen, I8f S.'b Kite per tent rlifi-kH B.'Jil; maiks .'A. ' l!An-! "c f'5t lhu "e1""' "llH '""""J "l Tlie (Vntral Kuroiiean pxi'Iiiiiires ' were nominal today, ns follew: Hul- nnrtnii 711 Itiimri nl.1,1 Til StnrKlqn 1 47- (Vpchn.MliivnUlnn' 1 l)'l, . Iiiirn. PIllfDKM'lIlA Call. B per cent) time i.i(, LizrinoTiieyaKian, J.i'-yi . .'? k n.. rent: commercial naner. luce te ill te 5 Pr cent. lloeten I'i eer cent en Loiiiinen and Is. m r .ent en preferred, Unh pay,ibla June, 3D le mnclt of rei'urd June ja, Went IVnn ItalltvnyH 1'ernpiiny riuarlcrly tl Per lent en preft'ired, payable. June 15 te record of June 1. National Iad Company, quarterly of l'i iwr t'eni en toraraen, puyable Jung 30 te mock of record June It, v s Paris Bourse Firm MONEY-LENDING RATES RAILROAD EARNINGS KANSAS CITY HOUTMI-JltN i '"v: . IntrMim Apr crem $l,r.ll,nis 1320,121 Net lifter laxei L'lll.'jiiu,i I 4 nienthe grn 0,330,2,11 1.117,30.1 Net iifttr taxes I,t6s,lu eOH.7au JJecifiue. Amparn Ariz United . Caledonia .... Candelnil.i ,, Kdeti . Kiiima hllver Kurek.t t'rn, a llirek.i llellv llitl.t r.ueh Mnlher ',-idn . .Wv 1IIIN ... Nev Willi' . . . Stl. I'ObH . . Titepa Mln . Vnlt ipe Willi.! ClpH . . Wllbfit el i, 1H 02 MISCKI.I.ANUOL'H no .01 .ii.-, .01 .).. Ti"!' .10 .1:1 .01 .24 .H2 JIM .4.1 .'7 .02 .01 01 .02 .113 ,il .17 .0.1 Ol .112 .13 .II.'. .01 .01 .7H ,ii ,'12 .11.1 .12 .0.1 .li2 II', ,ni n:i ."2 Oft ll.'l ."3 .III .1124 .'.'ll .0.1 1 nn f, .05 .211 .III .02 2.1 III 6 12 .IK II .02 .2S .0.1 .12 .17 .(III ,01 Before Investing ecure th ndvlce, of these experienced In the (election of sound securities. We offer our aerlcca te Individual! and Institutions with funds te Invest. Censcrvafluc morefnol occemtfj iiivltcii. McGLINN & CO. Members New Yerk Stock Exchanne Widcner Bldg., Philadelphia Sierra & San Francisce Pr. 2nd 5s, 1949 Georgia Rwy. & Pr. 6s, 1947 Tenn. Power Ss, 1S62 Fabian F. Levy Drexel Building Hell lMiene. I.umlmril Ke.lhlene I'lieiie. .Mitln H.113 BANK CLEARINGS FhUa... . .a ,...,. , MB M. . ,1, (A. ... .W 7 ... ... , nn., , , ' ,,.".. I . O Per CCnif IUKUHIHIH. .'..,'M, llll.F iu ' ' pwiBu, u74 urcea, itii , cinmae, month!. n nank cknr'iigM today compared with cer. responding day lust two years: 1022 mat ie" S73.OIIO.O0O 170,270,707 101,201 ni 8IT.0U0.tl0Q 810,4.18.484 77n,fln 440 eT.vOO.OlW 63,f)7,Uil Stt.ialoeV LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS Mil, ami. Mnv 111. . CATTI.i: nim. 10,111111, Murlut nctlie; In of alters, streni; te Ku liluher. Tep, Stl, bulk, 17 7,1ff8 B,e I Hlnelt. Hieiniv te virentfi huik rat revtn and ihilfera, S.I H3B 7.K.1; 1 annera and fitter larK'ny .i unn i.i. mom ateauy; uemmiaa ineatly around I4.S.1; early aelea ca cultes te outsider, steady: packers hlddlnir Inwei , l.i.t i'Hlera In Khlppcra and city butchers. tl0..10flli sleckera, i.carcn, dull. HOUrl. Ittcclpts. 27,000 head. Market active, strong te 10c higher than esterdaya atiratie. medium 10 heavy butchers up most. Ten. 111; euik, ii,ri.i' 11; jnaa, weak ti U.ll" lewt'l. HHBKP Itecclpts. 11,000 head. alew, blddlnir lower en ylrtlally nil k'nds: iriY ,! uf lt lltttlTCn 1IUUUI Waterloo, Cedar Falls & Northern. 5' 1940 American Gat Company 10 Year,,,7'i 1928 1 Newport Newt, Hampton Rjr., Cat. & Elec 5'. 1944 Terre Haute, Indpli. & Eait. Tract.S't 1945 I Penn Seaboard Steel Corporation. . .7' 1923 Indianapolis Northern Traction. .. ,5' 1932 Indiana Service Corporation All Inuet Springfield Water Company 5', 1926 North Springfield Water Company. 5'i 1928 American Piper & Cenit. Secur. Pfd. Stk j SAMUEL K. PHILLIPS & CO. ! Serteli ffirea. & CC- ITublir UHllty HVrurtttre tack Exrhnitec ButllHiin. gelU- Amer. Pr. & Lt. 6s, 2016 Harrisbyrg Rwy. 5s, 1963 West Penn Pr. 5s, 1946 I'bimrHi l.ueut tSii-S-r;-a-S Prltete riinnei te New Vel I - Iwi BANKERS 321 Chc.tnut St., Philadelphia Established 1837 Memera New Yerk and Philadelphia y Stock Eacbaagef Eisenlohr & Bres. Pfd. Stock GARRISON & CO. WIDENER BUILDINO, rilllADElfl" HIHHU tllirw" ... . n. .l B..t. tt.... .kdiuii Jsmff U K.- Vaik tlatk Far haft. (VlW i Oil '""' lUTfl ISAAC STARR, JR., & CO. United State. Government Securitiea bought and seW at prevailing market pric"' 16th & Sansom Sts., PhiladelpW te Mnrket k'nds: hulk native' irnrlng . 1 urn he. 113 ''! wi, laratiy ,oeo,&u, ' AigCewnC.Q Land Title Bids. lewbera t'lilU. Htaek Kclmiue C. S. PATTON & CO. Sit CIIKSTM'T K1S. BANKERS KiltiftHiirs '"..uini Der nnd nrk heticM '."i.i. Member viuia n"JiillJi-i; HS w it 4 . ! i i') ' i m I . :i5Jj m 14 A.J S. Si ,rrtj . '.rtffciy ,... t 1, 'Jte'JLt it.Ji t - . . . T .. l-."Wt JZ . II . JJr.JV -yi tj liiite J-' -. kJk