fjik i v , . " lj y ' I- rV" - , -,'' ' .- 3 ' ' tPt 5"' wL'v ;.. itr m , &i S',Vi JUSTGOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE ' flamy IFyinc Spccra e the New Officers of the Colonial Dames Society, Chapter II She Chats of the i,r Many Parties for the Brides-te-Bct Ik T A meeting of the C'olenlnl Unmes Aseclrtv. riinptcr H, Phitiiuriphlft. l,.i,i n few 1iM S". Mr. ..nines Larue n(is rc-eleeted preelilent J Mr. J. GnrcU nrr C'nwtt wnc rliinpn firpt vlre presl Iff-if Mrc Frcderlelf T. MiiMin, aerem! , Ice president, find Mis. Wllllnm I.U I.U Wen Hnvnpe. third vice nrrMildit. Mr, 'fnnenli Mlekle Ve wns elected treas urer ami Mli S. i:iliibcth fillpln, tcc- rf The" new mnnnpiers are Mrc Geerge Woelscv HedRe. Mrs. Herner Kinney Hare, Mm. Wllllnm Mnsters Canine, Mrc Alexnnder A nn Krnwclner, Mrs. William 1'enn-Gnskrll Hnll nnd Miss Elizabeth Hrewn Chew. THIS week, with the exception of the W.vnnewoed Pen.v nnd De Shew tedav nnd the Flower Mitrkct in Wttrn Wttrn heuVe Squnre en Friday. met of the celnpx-n.. teem te be for the brldoi-te-x Yevlerdnv Cnrellne Hnrelny gnvn n lunehcen nnd bridge party for Hepe Vllen. Hepe will be married te Heb Dechert next Wednesday nnd Careline J te be one of the bridesmaids. Hepe will give a luncheon for her brides maids en Friday. Tonight Mr. nnd Mrs. .T. Bertram Llpplncett will give n dinner In honor of their niece. Catharine Merris, whose engagement te Hodelphe de Sehaunsee was nnnenneed n few weeks age. The fltnner will be nt Melniar, the I.lppin I.lppin eetts' plaee nt Hcthayres. Tomorrow "night Mr. Friinrls Fisher Kane will entertnlr.' for his niee, Nancy i Cepe, nnd for Jane leatmnn nt a sup per, followed by dancing, nt the .Mines. I'm nre It will be lets of ftm, tee. The I.llacs is nn Idenl plnce for n small party. It is along the Schuylkill, yen knew, and is very quaint with its large hall nnd fireplace. On Friday "night Dr. nnd Mrs. Henry Mlddleten Fisher will give n dinner nnd linncc for Nancy Cepe, tee. She is te he married te Pierre Hazard en Satur day, you remember, and the party is te he after the, wedding rehearsal. The Fishers' Is another lovely place in which te entertain, with Its large rooms nnd hall. The house has n btend stnlmay nud attractive old furniture. HAVI3 you noticed hew popular Iaee Is ns n hat trimming these days? The ether night I saw Mrs. Themas Newhall in n geed-looking lint' with a long streamer of black lace hanging down en one side. Anna Snrteri has a black hat trimmed with sprays of white flowers and streamers of black lace en either side. It's very becoming te her, tee, with her black liair nnd eyes nnd wonderful coloring. I wff Mrs. Arthur Emlen New bold. Jr., several days age, tee, wearing black lace en her lint. Hers, however, was mere In the form of n veil, ns It hung across the front of the hat ever her face. It was long nnd quite, heavily figured, nnd looked most unusual nud attractive. DID you Knew that Elizabeth Griggs Is going te spend u few days with the Bakers nt Hnln the end of the week? Patty Baker's wedding te Elizabeth's brother. Henjamln Griggs they are from St. Pnul, Minn. will take plaee en Saturday, May '27. nnd Elizabeth will be the maid of honor. Shn nnd her mother, Mrs. Chauncey Milten Griggs, am at Atlantic City new. itwl will make that their iieadqunrters until the. wedding. Milten nnd Chauncey Griggs, Elizabeth's two ether brothers, will be nnieng the ushers: another usher from St. Pnul will be Archibald .Tnckien. nnd Theodere Ames, nle of St. Paul, whose brother. Lcsjey, innrrled Pnttj's sister. Linda, will be the best mnn. Isn't it unusunl that of nil the Hnker girls only one married n Phllndelphlnn? Sht is Mrs. Jehn C. Bell, Jr.. nnd was Sarah Baker. Julie, you remember, married Dr. .Tnrees Nixon nnd lives in San Antonie, Tex., nnd Sephie married Ethan Allen Hitchcock Shepley. of St. j.euis, and new ratty is following their eramplc. I I'VE just been told about Anniversary . Dnr nt the Presbyterian Orphanage. It's te be tomorrow nnd there will be I Mme sort of a baznnr en the grounds of I the eiphnnage. The Beard of Dl- i rectors, of which Mr-. ltichnid Nerrls ' Is president, will hnve charge of the. laneus tables nnd booths. Luncheon nnd slipper wl'l be Mrvcd from II in1 the morning until S in the evening. Mrs. I Benjamin Wells will direct the booths ' "fi the lawn, among which will be nn anion table, In chnrge of Mrs. James I Husten and n fancy table in chnrge of Mrs. Wililiiin Elliett and Mrs. WelN. Member of the auxiliary will run n inilv table. Mrs. Nerman Mncl.eed is, in barge of the decorations. NANCY WYNNE. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Pi Mrs. Jeseph Leldy lme K sued Imitations for a paulen pnrt nt I thf-lr count!, v place nt Ptnll,n en Sat-I urea. June .". fium .'. until s u'( lecK. i Tk.. .,111 1.. ., I ml.. , . Mi .,i'-ir- in ue iiHneuiE. j ne emus or i nml Jt-s J Hamilton i'Iil-mimi, Mi. nnd Mi Mrs Philip LelcH nnd .Ml. Carter Lehlj aie l-u-lescd ,ind Among the Riiesth who will attend the What Clubwemen Will De Tomorrow The federation of Chester Count) Clubs meets nt 1(1 A. M. nt the New Century Club of Wc-t Chester. The nfternoen scbsien is epui te the dub members. Luncheon, sened nt TJ :.'!(, may be hnd at the club house en making ict-rnntiei,. Temple I'nlversity Wemnn's Club Executive Cnnimittee meets nt the home of the pi evident, Mrs. Walter C. IIii)iutk. :i"'-0 fShestnut Mieet. The Speech Beading Club, Hitlti locust street, meets at .'!:".(i, hold ing nnnunl eleotieiv of officers nnd beard members. The Sherwood Vntur Club nt S P. M. gives a card party li, behalf of its philanthropies. Mr.'. Dull and Mrs. McElroy are in charge. Liberty Bell Chapter Daughters of the Bc-oliitien held the tegular meeting nt the home of Mm, .1. Chester WiKen, in Aldan, ut U:.'!u o'clock. Women's Club of Allentown gives the annual liincheer, in the Lehigh Country Club. The club has eted te increase the annual due. .Mis. Jehn A. Prick is president. A talk en "Music Frem the Hjs. terleal Standpoint" Is given by Pr. E. W. Pearson before the Ynrdley Chic Club. Mrs. T. Sidney Car penter Is president. Hostesses nt tea are Msh NpIIIe Glrten, Mrs. Walter, McNenl, Mrs. William C. Beeuer, Mrs. Harry Arnel. Weman'h Club of By-med holds a rnrd parly at the home of Mrs. S. T. Teinlln. 7017 Pennsylvania avenue at S;ir. p. ,M. A" committee, of the club is collecting pictures, cletblns nnd ether materUU suit RDM for renovation hv the tnAnta M ukn -, Itntljute- lit Alabama. -t-i' 'Ti rf w-, -., 'y; i dinner nnd dance this evening which Mr. iind Mra. t. Bertram t.tpnlnrntt, of t,12 Spruce Mreet, will jcU-j nt Melar, their country place at Hetha ren, In Hener of Minn C'ntlinrlne Wharten Mor Mer ris, clatiprhter of Mr. nnd Mr. Harri son S. Merris, of the Annex. Oak T.ntie, w 1100 engagement te Mr. Itodrrlphe M. tie Hch.nuensce wa iccently announced, ""I Je Mr. nnd .Mrs. Clmrles M. Illil die. Jr.. Mr. nnd Mrs. Itcrtrnin Unpin, cett, Mr. nnd Mrs. William Pnul O'Neill, r'P,,l.Mn'',.v,nllc s,Br-'' Jl'v Miss Mnty C. Wlster. Miss Frnncei Wlster. Miss Anna Lew-Is, ,s, Henrietta MncDenuld W llRen, Mlsn Eleaner V. narker, Mls Alleen Pennen, of Londen, Kntr. : Mr. Hareld Wilghf. .Atr. Lawrence nrnwn. Mr. Charles Wlster. Mr. Jesenh I.tppln I.tppln cett nnd Mr. Mnxltnllllan de Sehauensee. Ainenc the suests v,he will nttend the Kitchen shower nnd tea which MIhr Mnr. Bnretta A. .Shnrpless. daughter of Mr. i riHll T ft Sll t . ill. . - a .... . .'.',. ';'11" nnarpiess, nr encst nut Hill, will pln tomorrow nftcrnoen In honor of Miss Harnli Sf. Harrison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jeseph Har Har rlsen. or Ardmore. whero marriage te Mr. Philip Price will take place en Snt urday. June 10, nt the rpurcli of the Hedeemer, Brjn Mawr, will be Mm Eric Pearson. Mm Geerge, Wlllcex Mclver. Jr.. Mp Margaretta Harrison. Miss Maude Harrison, Miss Harriet Zlmmor Zlmmer rnann, Miss Clarissa Rmythe. Miss Anne Ashton. Miss Katherlne I'erter, Mlns Mary Falniesteck, Miss Margaret Bess nnd Mlsa EsUier Daly. Mr. and Mrs. Poland I,. Tayler, of 1S2.V ue Lanccy plnce. will entertnln nt a bridge, party and linen shower en Wed nesday. June 7, itt her parents' ceuntn M?JLTnt 7,w'li?.rtu ymiev, In honor of iLs -uri?t,ly ljl 'huiRlitcr of Mr. and i m- M."lln'n New held Elv, rf Chestnut ........ i, u-,.! iiiHirinie te .Mr. Herbert Y. da" Ti 'ii ";M " "''"' lllac'e " Wc(Jnes- Mrs. Phillips Jenkins has Issued Invi tations for a musical reception te tnct ,echa,r5J?" of l'regrntns. season 1921. 192.', en Wednesday nfternoen. Mav 24. from ,M.3n until 6 o'clock, nt the Musi cal Art Club, 1811 Itanstcnd street. Mr. William Hatten Oreen Rave n mu sical at his home at West Chester cm Monday evening. Theso who took part were Mr. Nerman Swectser. barltnne; Mr. Krnest Kltaen, pianist; Mr. Wilfred I- rceman, accompanist. The Phebe Anna. Theme Scheel of Brjn Mawr College will present "The blceplnR Beauty" and "The Pled Piper of Itnnielin" In honor of President M. Carey Themas tomorrow afternoon at half past 1 In the Jnpancse open nlr theatre. Miss Margaret Law. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Law. of Sunbrlght Second, West Chestnut avenue, Chestnut Hill, will nail fur France en June 15 with Miss Hdlth GIlllnRham. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hareld L UilliiiRham, of 132 West Trlce street, Germantown. They will upend the summer abroad. Mr. and Mrs. Law. who have recently returned fiem White Sulphur Springs, will spend the summer at Chester, Neva Scotia. Ml"? Nancy N. Page. dauBhler of Dr. and Mrs. Hent !'. Page, of 3ir, Seuth Sixteenth street, has Issued Invitations for a luncheon at her .home en Saturday afternoon, May 27. The guests will In clude her class at Miss Irwin's school. luMiyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJiiii I lillilffliiiliilil Our May Sale Brings an opportunity te' select the newest and finest in Lingerie, Negligees, Sweaters At Substantial Savings All these garments are new and fresh within the month and of the very finest quality. Gleve Silk Underwear Vest and Silk-Tep Union Suits. ? -g f7R Formerly S2.2S te $2.95 JL Bleemers, Vests and Silk-Tep Union Suits. j?Q Qf Formerly $3.25 te $3.95 mi' Vests and Bleemers. ?0 Q Formerly $4.25 te $5.95 3 " Radium Silk Undergarments StcRIn Drawers (Tailored). Ouhid and ' $Q 7K Formerly $3.50 j& ' Vest te match $2.75 Nightgowns (Tailored); stiap shoulder, ? O QE Formerly $4.95 tJ Philippine Undergarments m Nightgowns and Envelope Chemise of .sheer fiatiste, lc.iutiftill anil variously cinhieidcrcd. Formerly $2,95 , Petticoats Wash-Satin Petticoats; sliadov sliadev model, embreidered: .scalloped Value $3.95 Crepe Meteer Step-In Medel, IciiKth licm. In llcsli, wliitc, Value $5.95 Sweaters Pure Mohair Slipen Sweaters; leund or V neck; all shades. Value $5.90, at Fiber-Silk Sweaters; lti.cde and Slip-en Medels; plaited girdles; nil shades and sics. Value $9.75, at Pure Silk Sweaters; Tuxedo Medel; all shades and nny ami black, Sizes .14 te 40. ' Value te $18.50, at AH Pur chat $ Hpspgu-Zg-Zf Walnpt Street BVEAING PUBLIC Engaged MISS MARION BUCKLEY Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles II. Buckley, of Les Angeles, for merly of Ihls city, whose engage ment has been announced te Mr. ICIcluird Stiles Ingcrsell. son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Themas S. Ingersoll, of Les Angeles, formerly of .Minne apolis. Ne date has hecn set for the wedding Mlis PaRe Is president of the class. There will he about thirty Ruests. Mls Lillian Aldrlch and Miss Anna Wlnslew. of Borsten ; Miss Pelly Enslne. of Slmsbury, Conn.: Miss Jean Chain bcrlln, of HarrlsburR: M'sa Catharlne White, of Syracuse, N. V.. nnd Miss Eleaner Hall, of HarrlsburR, Pa., will arrive the latter part of thiSWeek te spend a few days nt the Green Hill Farms Hetel. They will be bridesmaids at the wcddlnR of Miss Nannie Dale, daughter of Mrs. Richard C. Dale, of 135 Seuth Eighteenth street, nnd Mr. Edward M. Biddle, son of JudRn nnd Mrs. Kdwntil W. Hlddle. of the Welling ton, which will take place nt neon en Saturday next nt the Church of Xhe Redeemer, Ilryn Mawr. Mrs. Emery J. Kerrlck, of West Hort Hert tor ntreet, Germantown, announces the engagement of her daURhter, Miss Helen Augusta Kerrlck, nnd Mr. Harvey Haven Frank, of Glcnslde. Pa. Mra. Kerrlck will entertain nt a bridge party tills nfternoen In honor of her daughter Mrs. Christopher Llndback, of Over brook, will entertnln nt luncheon, fol lowed by n bridge party, at the Pala f'eunt, Club, en Thursday afternoon, May -V,. Mr. nnd Mrs. James Ackereyd, of Tel ham Cem t, Germantown, have l&Eiied Imitations for a dnnce nt the Philadel phia Count! v Club en Friday cvcnlnff next In honor of their daughter, Miss Edith Ackereyd. Mlsa Katharine Hubhs, daughter of $J.95 - puif. - puif. edge UMhi $2M featuring the lnp- navy and Mack $4.95 $4.50 Billed July Itt . " t 1 LEDGER PHILADELPHIA. WJfiDAliiSliA . i in . .-a Mr. nnd Mrs. Jehn If, Hubbs, of 5101 Way no avenue, flermantewn, whose en gagement te Mr. U. Wllmore Tayler iccently ns announced, will be the RUest of honor at n luncheon nnd brldRc party this nfternern te be Rive a by Miss Knthnrlne Kelb, daughter or Mr. nnd Mra, IOuls Kelb, Jr.. at her home, 6532 Wayne nvenue, Germantown. The marrlaRe of Mlsa Kelb and Mr. Mathleu Pnnnnker, of Helland, will take place en Saturday, June .1. 1 1 1 WEST PHILADELPHIA Dr. nnd Mrs. William Parka Belk have taken nn apartment at Ktenelelgli Court, Kerty-slxth nnd Walnut streets. Mrs. Helk was Miss LMlznbetli A. Cassldy before her marriage In January. The marriage of Miss Helen Owens, dnuRhter of Mr. Patrick Owens, of 2041 Seuth Klfty-neventh street, nnd Mr, Jehn J. NaliRhten took place en Wednesday morning last at 9 o'clock nt the Church of the Blessed Sacrament, Fifty-sixth alreet nnd Chester avenue. The cere mony was performed by the Bcv. Father Hlgglns nnd wan solemnized with a nup tial mass. Mr. nnd Mrs, James Maltsen, of 6611 WyaluslnR avenue, have announced tni miRaRement of )hclr daughter, Mlsn June May Mattsen, and Mr. James Wes Icy Stevenson, son of Mr. and Mn. Jehn Stevenson, also of this city. Miss Lwethy McClees, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward J, McUleca, of 4002 Walnut street, has returned from Chelsea, where she and Miss Mildred Kcehlcr were the guests of Mlsa Alary Burk. NORTH PHILADELPHIA Mrs. William Wallace ,S'mlth, of -1131 North Bread street, announces the en gagement of her daURhter, Miss Ellen Hnll, te Mr. Lawrence Townsend Darrln, of New Yerk. The Mercantile Club held the third of its scries of club nlRhtn last night. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Mr. nnd Mrs. Edmund J Fuller, 2312 Carpenter atreet, have tent out cards for a birthday reception nt their linmu en Friday enlnR net In honor of their dnifghter. Miss Helen Bentrlee, Fuller. The niembeii of the Phi Sterna Tau Sorority will Rive a leccptleu nnd dance en Saturday evening next at the Twen tieth Century Club, Lnnsdewne. Among the members axe Miss Klener Heyle, Miss Itose Cerklll, Miss Helen Jenkln Jenkln sen. Miss Florence Jerdan. Miss Ariics Kellv, Miss Cecelia Kenn, Mls Anna Lnne, Miss Kathleen Mullln. MWs Marie Murphy, Miss Mary Merlarlty and Miss Frances Macren. Miss Florence Morehouse has returned home after spendltiR n few days In Uoylestewn, Pa. GERMANTOWN Mr nnd Mrs Oakley Cewdilck. of 237 East Durham street, Mount Airy, nnneuncn the enRagement of thetr daughter. Miss Krnlly Clayten Cewdrlck. te Mr. Jelin Rebert Fltr. 3d, son of Mr. and Mr. Jehn Rebert Fltr., Jr., also of Mount Airy. Mrs. James H. Lamb, Jr., of 321 Wlster read, who has been visiting her father, Mrs CJeorge Bulst Wadler, of Engle Engle weed, has returned te her home. The Germantown Yeuntr Women's Christian Association will held its next meetlnR en Thursday evening. The speakers will be Miss Helen W. Pom Pem Pom eiey nnd Miss France Inslngcr, dele MISS DA Y 1316 Walnut Street An Exceptional Clearance of All Our SMART MILLINERY Thursday, Friday, Saturday AT y2 PRICE . Make Your Own Selection of Our Entire Stock U Light tan elk with brown russia trimming, kid lined. Smart sport hosiery at $2.25 a pair CLAFLIN, 1107 Chestnut Fine Footwear Since 1868 yjhef lurenrvRS. dcsigxeks axd makers or iveje.vs axd cuiLvrtEjrs apparrt. of the highest chAactei: FOR MORE THA.V TWENTY-SIX YEAfiU !f njtfs APPAREL OF THE BETTER KIND pr Fer Thursday Extraordinary Dress Clearance 13.50 Fermer Prices te 29.50 Numbers of styles that have sold te few of a kind. Canten crepe, taffeta, crepe de chine and jcrsev. All sizes, but net in every style. Silk Sweaters, 19.95 Formerly te 27.50 In tuxedo and coat style, navy and black. celSr?,V19.95WC 8' SUk' ,n black' naVy aml m aNK; mc i a.. -, ., -.4--h gates te the national convention of the Y. W. O. A, at Het Springs, Ark, Mr. 'and Mrs. Nicholas Hug. of fit Muplewoed avenue, will leavn 'shortly te spend several months traveling thieitgli France nnd Switzerland. FRANKFORD Mrs. Charles C. Davis, of Krankferd avenue and Grant !''? Ji lawn fete en June 3, for the Ijeneflt of the Frankfard Yeung Women Christian AssoclJttlen. The sewing circle, of' which Mrs. Charles B. Conn, of 1637 pyre street, Is n member, will be entertained at m. iuii iuii cheen en Thursday, at the home of Mrs. Nerman Burean, of Audubon, .N.J The Rticsts will tie Mrs. 'ljarlcj y II coxsen. Mrs. r. Wclnoeop. Miss Bertha Habeck, Miss Ann Fergusen. Miss Ann Pnllatt, Miss Marlen Hotherseii, Sheila Helm, MrSj Jehn Bill. Ms Carrie, Pontleus. Mrs. Charles Welnlng, Mr. Harry Crary, Mlti Edith Stokley and Mrs. Frederick Sykes. Mr. and Mra. Jehn Sonneborn. of 5011 Pcnn street, entertained nt n. house party ever the week-end at their cot cet taRe In Ocean City. Mrs. H. Newton, of East Orthodox street, Is spending a fnrtnlRht In Nor folk. Va.. where she Is visiting Mrs Paul Sayler. DELAWARE COUNTY AmenR thoe who received at the tea en Tuesday at the New Century Club of Chester were Mrs. William M. Powel, Mrs. B. Hlllyard Sweney and Mis Henry V. Hteever. Mrs. Morten P. Dlckesen. Miss Hlldn Belter and Mrs Jehn Fawcett contributed music. Mrs. Jeseph Brlnten has closed her house en Seuth Carlisle street and is new occupying her summer home near Medln. She will be Joined in a few weeks by her daURhter, Mlas Margaret Brlnten, who Is a student at Vassar College. Mr. and Mrs. J. Claude Bedford and their family have closed their apart ment en Seuth Sixteenth street nnd are occupying their summer home near Media. Brier Schaeffer An Interesting home wedding took plare last evening at 7 o'clock, when Mls Kltzabeth Schaeffer. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ijuls Schaeffer, of 122 Seuth 1 KNITTING WOOL 1 2- & 4-ph Per of I Ac Silk t wool IPere 20 BEADS Embroidering. Beading, Braiding Novelty Embroidery Ce. 15 N. 10th St. Ground Fleer Stere ; 1007 Filbert St. . 1: i i li I Te Radiate Health and Personality S H te possess a great business I! aset. J Women executives who have ability, ambition nnd antma- g tlen And work 11 delight when S they are In fine physical con- llt Ien. I If your responsibilities pre vent a long vacation, l,eep in fine form by our s.vstem of Baths and Massage. I Arrange today for a trial P treatment without obligation. 1 Cellins Institute H Fer tremen Exclusively - i! li Phene Spruce 3i8i Bellcvue Court Building 1418 Walnut Street I inniwi a Women's Spert Oxfords $10 DIFFERENT KIND OF STORE Chestnut Cerner Twelfth rn a ,,- a v a r m rr 1922 - i, mai j.., FIfty-nlntli street, became the bride of Mr. Samuel Brier, of C106 Locust street. the Rev, S. W. lien officiating. The, nride, who was Riven in marriage ny net father, were. a. gown of white Canten crepe, with pearl and bead trimming, and a tulle veil arranged In a coronet and fastened with ornnRe blossoms. She carried a shower bouquet of white roses, eweet peas nnd Mies of the valley. A reception followed the ceremony. After an extensive wedding trip tnreuRii jsew EtiRland. Mr. and Mrs. urie.r win live at the Longacre, where they will be nt home after June 1. Wi BONW1T TELLER & CQ Ci5peaafy&fafChainaierU CHESTNUT AT 13'" STREET "The flowers that bloom in the Spring, tra-la" Had a geed deal te de with the case of these FROCKS of Figured Silk Crepe ry 39.50 te 89.50 SPORTS FROCKS Crepes & Novelty SUfe The "all-star" champions of the Sports Mede are these youthful frocks of Rosha Resha nara, crepe de chine, Canten crepe, Epenge and novelty silks. All the smartest shades introduced by Paris, sponsored by Bonwit Teller 6c Ce. 39.50 59.50 Second Fleer $g 3ZS2SZE SSEESSEZSSSESaSZ Geerge Allen, inc. 1214 Chestnut Street 1214 Semi-AnnualReductien Sale of Trimmed Millinery One thousand charmingly trimmed hats at '. te 2 less than the usual prices. These hats are made in our own work rooms from models which are exclusive with us. AN UNUSUAL SELECTION AT SI 0.00 Other hats for Dress, Street Wear and Travel at $5.00, S7.50, $12.00 and $13.00 There Are Alse Wonderful Values in Sports Hats One S6.00 sailor of Lisere with a Georgette band is new only $3.00. A three-tone Milan hemp with wool trimminc has been reduced from $7.50 te $5.00. 0tlerp2!itsHats of beautiful quality at Special tuoe $5'00' $6,50, $7,73, S8,0-SS-5 a" First Fleer Specials $4.50 40-INCH ALL SILK SPORTS CREPE. . $e 2- hi Orchid. Alice Blue, Cinder. Tiger Lily. .Yfl,'v.' Black $4.50 36-INCH CHECKED SPORTS SILK . s? A cri and White. Xavii and Geld. Peacock mu'l'Kh'iJc. .Geld and $2.00 WHITE JERSEY TUB SILK 3i inches wide. 25c IRISH LAWN HANDKERCHIEFS They arc hand minted in min, $1.00 SURF SATIN FOR BATHING SUITS In Black and White $1.75 16.BUT. FOWNES' F1LOSETTE (LOVES In Black. White and all the smart colors 85c WOMEN'S LISLE UNION SUITS .' In all styles and sizes $2.23 VANITY FAIR GLOVE SILK VESTS With Bodice Tops, in Pink $2.50 PURE SILK HOSE IN ALL COLORS Full-fashioned, with, h'sir .,, $3.50 WOOL KNITTING BAGS ... c, - ,. m - In l'arieus ler combinations. uuc 1UIUVISM TOWELS Extra heavy, .. ,v U fifcVc? 50c ALL-LINEN DISH TOWELING . . . . Ifcrt JtCU. H llr ' 75C NPtCES AND INSERTION . . In White and Ecru. Seme, uahm 'in "i ok' Pep. Mat. Today 50c te $1.00 ONLY MUSICAL SHOW IN TOWN )NLY MUSK PHLADELWf. pmiADELPMA's ancArssr favorite mmmmm "LETTY PEPPER." HA 0ATSr(AU.SUCCESSrf SEATS SELLING FOR NEAT WEEK NOW Trocadero A0 && Midnlf ht Maiden. WALHUT 5k Fer Spring's flowered meadows were the inspira tion for exquisite colorings and designs and, per haps, net te de things by halves, Fashion embodied the beautiful texture of the flowers in the silken fab rics and their delicate grace in the unusual beauty of line. Jr 2S2S White --..$1.35 2 for 23c .$1.50 H5c .S1.S5 $2.00 38c ftiirl Whil J. ; 50c ?isliS K" v f n -,. ft.: 1 :ym Direction tnnty Cmnrnny of Awi NINBTKnNTII A NO MAHKKr II. 1:30. 3'.10, fi-ne. 7ne O:0 SECOND AND I'INAIj WKKKl' M Rodelph Valentine, AtZH& and Gleria Swaiueri IN PAIIAMOUNTH QOtUlKOUB DKAMA'K "Beyond the Reckt J ..,W. UU.11 ! nnt:n caiu. hei.i.inh iiniTeN. M:.T WVA.V. NOIIMA TAI.MADQMA IN "ni.lN' TIIHOKOIl" .... ,. !.! SIXTHRVTH AND MARKBT 11:15, 1:45, 4:30, 7, 9:30 1' 1 Vi-k nf l'nprrrpiliitil (.'rmvdsl D. W. GRIFFITH'S I'KOlJl'i'TJO.V "ORPHANS OF THE STORM" CAST INI-UDnS Lillian and Dorethy GUh Jeseph Schildkraut Mente Blue AND A SUPPOUT OP 15, 000 NO ADVANCE IN PRICES EVKXIKQS. SOe. 7S-- DAtrT. 3Sc, BOB Swtur1nv nnil ltelMii. J:pnlncr Prlet M A I1HUAD ( IIK.STNUT H A M I-'. 4 C, 8 and 10 I. M. "Missing Husbands" Th I'lPiurn Tha' .Made I'nm Unp DAI ATI? "TH HAHKET T nAn,tt ie a m. te it p. u. A l'ANNIi: HURST STOJIY "THE GOOD PROVIDER" VERA GORDON I- DOttK TVlDSOj ADrAniA.a,ri1 CHKHTNUT rlsrsm' a m te 11.13 P. If. ALAIA RUBKNS "Find the Weman" VICTORIA ritl'i'Wff wHn-n "Broadway Peacock" GLOBE jUNii'i:n and MAiimsr VAUDEVILLE CONTINlOfS 11 TO 11 CROSS KEYS COTH & .MA1UCKT NKJHTI.r. 8:15 MAE DESMOND A'VDPv?ERs if "MISS LULU BETT" ' f NEXT WEEK nXPEFlIEXCn BROADWAY hreada.s.vyder EVENINGS. :ia pq., nat., s:l3 "The Sign en the Doer" Stock n. In Net a KPnKFN nRAMA Mr I re ricir rinyrr Nfxt Wk "UP IN MABEL'S nOOM" k nirrrtlen Matuilr K. IIMB A.LDINE Chrstnut nt iQtli Contlnueo 11 A. M. te It P. M. l'rem ' Th Crem Pull lv Hal U Earts Mack "nnett' ii-t nmnl 'On PutreP FIRT SIIOMINO M(IHH( ll'S SEN--ATKIVAI. HIN or TIIK KENTI'C'KV DKIUU KNTIRK R(K FROM START TO I'IMslI IV M.OW 1IOTIOV Orsan Rpi Iihl Ti nlfc-it T te 7 13 I I LOMINt. .NEXT WEEK "MSTER8" ARDMORE THEATRE Lancaiter Pike, Ardmore, Pa. A CRO WN1NG TRIUMPH OF ACHIEVEMENT 51 IUIOI M)EI HV RI'Al T EN i HASTED RV DELIt'Ari: ARTISTRT rn- 'i m: AM'OiMMBNr! i ' Mill. WfiNIii R HAT MASTFIl WUOU.HT THE MI-.ACI.E. .IMIAD HIMS1-LP UfiiLU nK PII.I VCED AT THE ielii:OL'N MM.VIPH EVi'E f'l THIS THEATRE WHP.N IT iiPn.N.-. IO THE PI RL1C This Evening at 7 o'CIeck irn MAE MURRAY in "Fascination" -eiriit for mn i niKS BROAD . r Mat. Ted.r i.. . i at. re nviiMn l Mfi C WILLIAM ILLE'fTE in His l a tes t Success THE DREAM MAKER' GARRICK ''"""iiir MAT TODAY Prlr- S.M H HAlirit I'-'wrin TIT XRAPOS ( UMTDV SLC ES9 WELCOME STRANGER With GEORGE SIDNEY TOM BURKE -iu r.n mi-ll I'KNOIt IN Ml l l IIM 'T ACADEMY OF MUSIC Thursday Evening, May 18 r kit. ;..- re nj.tie ' ri - llpp. no. h,rr,,, q, .nA na ".'.1 , j, h i,Hrt Hi Concert by the CHOIR OF THE SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IIMISW MIRIII'A, I ,llr,OI. I us ri II P I huri li ........IIJ .1, .III- ,' A!.., tl..u MA M TlcUft. "i-ntnr. it lriM.'a, ur rirl.rt. I.DO. K C 1 I MS HEATRE Tavpr BI JULIAN ELTINGE ' tH I n in n I lMt.i.-trlatena JVl Frincii-Dnelcf Frank-D. Vee & Hoiferi-Hirrr V Mnrent O'ltennHIl tlar Rlt f U! Mnrjr Mrrnrri lllh r..iJ.uYi ti w uaii -..arisaa WILLOW GROVE PJW'M . ..... - rT.jtft-ji u.-.r en m: fi i i,.j;-;",i 4.30 & 9:45. Albent Buckler. $emt$, 9:45. Ntfc-n Fratike, ViiuAVTMi PHILOMATHEAN SOCIETY ILA,f4t ULU rUKIUHAIUS WiM ; JJi a m -. . t i .! 4&WfeKite-f&8&&&!fa4 , V 1 && ria&San'w. . ni iiwfHiBnrBMi &Mk ?.w;p WTZT, jHliltr'T -sfn v "'"MrTiyVrf ' -