Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 17, 1922, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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;? Kju-f v wjff, '-f -r "Oiypi
Ean plays at 9, 11 and 4:50
Meledy nl Chime at Noen)
Stere Opens at 9
Daylight-Saving Timt
Stere Closes at 5
Daylight-Saving Time
A White Sale, Fashions.
Full of Opportunity at
Heme, a Whole Stere
Things for the
and Every Bit New
i it.
Conceit May Puff a Man Up
for Occasions
but it never holds him up long, and it sometimes
fails him suddenly and -leaves him in awkward
situations. There is no prep that can be bought
or obtained through favor or wealth that can be
depended upon as a certainty.
One can never get far by pretense or
Only the genuine article will win the day.
May IT, 1932.
The Daintiest Frecks for Small
Daughter of Six te Fourteen
Fine imported Swisses and dimities, made with charming
Imagine a bouffant ruffled frock of sheer orange-color swiss,
hand whipped in black with just a suggestion of blue.
Or one of emerald green swiss, the
net sleeve puffs finished with real
Anether captivating one is of clear
apricot swiss and softest cream net.
Others are of candy-striped Irish
dimity, or quaint-patterned voile.
The collection provides for girls
of six te fourteen years, and is
priced $9 te $25.
(Second Fleer)
TWEED Coats and Capes
in Plenty at $37.50
Women may have any one of four styles in tweed sports coats
and one style in" a tweed cape at $37.50.
And tweed is the coating above all ethers te cheese for travel
ing or metering. It minds neither rain, dust nor strong sunshine.
The coats arc in Raglan or strictly The capes are long and se full they
mannish cut with set-in sleeves. In are completely circular without any
plain colors or with an ever-plaid. enavm BJ't sJ!?uidner ,darts' Tvhe
c . ,. , m, ,, . , nave wide arm slashes, large pockets
Seme arc belted. There are all the aml stft,ps. In pjain color a'nd ase
soft pastel shades in the group. indistinct plaids. ,
(Flrt Fleer)
nos and Slip
Overs Reduced
New $2.85 te $10, which is
considerably below former prices.
All arc cotton crepe, embroidered
by hand.
(West A Mr)
RESS Linens of Every Variety
Are Ready
Belgian ramie linens of sturdy
quality for serviceable suits are 85c
a yard. ' .
Irish ramie weaves of lighter
weight and glossier finish, $1 a yard.
The smooth and nen-crushablc
"French" weaves are $1.25 a yard.
V (rimt
All the above are a yard wide, and
in white and colors.
Sheer handkerchief linen in white
is $1.25 a yard, and colors $1.50.
Natural-color linen crash in yard
width for 75c and $1. A heavy
quality for riding suits and hard
service, 54 inches wide, is $2 a yard.
The Merry Heart Travels Only en
Easy Feet
If there is one thing in the world that can blot the sun out
of the sky and the joy out of life, it is feet that are tortured in
the wrong kind of shoes.
Every woman who has had the experience knows the truth
of thiB.
Thousands of such women have found their first real relief in
I - iH Wffl' 20"t
flie Anatemik is an ideal correc
tive shoe that leeks like any ethor
shop, but perfectly supports the
edys weight and gives solid com
fort te the feet.
In three different high shoe models
te uit varying needs, and one oxford
model, nil of black glazed kidskin.
Priced $14 and $15.
Women in
All-black from top te tip, and
dull black handles if desired.
With excellent cotton coven,
$2.50. Silk-and-cotton, $4, $5 and
50. All-silk, $5 te $12.
(Main FloerJ
bung Women 's Len(g Capes
of Seft, Rippling Black
Are $38.50 te $110
A WONDERFULLY lovely collection, presenting mere
diversity and mere originality than might be thought
possible in just black silk.
There is rich Canten crepe, twisted silk faille, and
the mere transparent crepe romaine, which is particularly
effective in an unlined model.
Fer young women the gayer linings are favored vivid
French blue, periwinkle, American Beauty rose. (Others are
beige or gray or even black within.
Seme have the fullness gathered te a yoke. Others are
tucked or pleated or hand embroidered or strewn with flower-like
ornaments of self-materials.
Cellars are of blue fox fur, squirrel, black or natural caracul,
or some elaboration of the silk itself.
Beyond question, the most attractive capes procurable at
$38.50, $48, $58, $65, $78 and en up te $110.
(Second Fleer)
i the White Sale
are dotted crepe de chine under
garments in matching sets or
separately. They are flesh-color,
the dots hand embroidered.
The nightgown has the new
deep-pointed hem and nanew tic
sash, V neck and sleeveless. It
is $9.75; the step-in bloomer, $5,
and the matching vest, $5.
New stcn-in bloomers of white
or flesh tub silk, ruffle-edged, arc
Delightful cheesing in silk
undergarments in many new fash
ions at these prices:
rhemlpie.. 11.8.1 te flOftO.
.VIlitRnvn, S.l.ft. te 20.
Illnnmrrn, fi.lti te 0.
Htep-lni, HI.Hfi te ft).
t'nmlfieIcK, fl.'iO te 1.r().
Demestic and Philippine gar
ments still offer fine cheesing at
tempting prices.
Smocked Dresses
in the JVhite Sale
The prettiest little dresses of
white dotted swiss, barred mus
lin, voile and batiste with just a
touch of color in the pinker blue
A number have cellars te
match the color of the smocking,
but the rest arc collarless. They
are for girls from two te six
years and have such little prices
as $3.75 te $6.75.
(Third Fleer)
1 Lik
! 4rM
TRUE Man Wants a Flannel Suit
rr-M T7 IT I 1
;e inese rrem iMigianu
In the Londen Shep
Sack suits of geed English flannel
in two shades of gray or blue with
white pin stripes.
Perfectly and distinctively tai
lored. Finest suits imaginable for a
man te wear in Summer. Prices arc
$60.50 and $62.50.
Real English cricket trousers of
flannels, the finest since the war, also
are here. All-white ones are priced $25, with the blue or black
pin stripe $18.
( The (.bIIit.t)
'omen's Cape Costumes-
125 of Them at Half
Price, $22.50
It is a piece of rare luck te find such new, fashionable cos
tumes at half price se early in the season.
Seme are of a new silk crepe, ethers are of crepe de chine
and a few are of wool-knitted fabric. In each case the cape is sep
arate from the dress, se either garment may be worn separately
A number are two-toned effects, some are piped with a con
trasting color, but there are few alike and net all sizes in any one
l! htlJP e"S the COlrS aiC rUSt' naVy' black' tan' COCea' gray and
(Flrnt rioer)
Ru irs Frem
Glorious rosy tints, soft and
exquisite, also delicately glow
ing ivbries and lovely blues
think of the interplay of such
colors in all-ever figures, chiefly
floral, with the tree of life out
spreading in some of them and all
combining te make up patterns
of impressive charm.
People long have been wishing
for just such pieces and here they
are, rich and wonderful.
Fer pieces se fine and se scarce
the prices arc really moderate.
Notable choice of small and
medium-sized weaves at $18 te
$35 in size 2x3.2 ft. and at $135
te $2001 in siZe 6.4x4.7 ft. up te
8x5.2 ft.
Large sizes at $575 for 13.1x10
ft. te $1035 for 15.5x11.2 ft.
(Set rntli Fleer)
Geed, Solid Shee for a
Shrewd, Practical Man
at $7.50
And there are six styles, all up-te-the-Spring,
te cheese from at the one
Newest of all is an English oxford in the blucher type. Tan,
of course, being made of smooth calfskin, and it is freely perfor
ated. One of the smartest shoes in many a season at the price.
Brogues are ever fashionable, and trim brogues are a dark
tan calf, freely perforated. The same shoe also in black calf.
Other men insist upon an English last, and a plain shoe at
that. After all, it does make smart footwear, especially the tan
Viking calf shoe, perfectly plain except several rows of orange
stitching that contrast with the leather. The same shoe is here
in black Viking calf.
Fer the man a little elder than he is young, a plain broad-tee
blucher oxford is the most sensible shoe. One of black kid is
in this price group.
(Main Flniir)
MEN New Sleep in a Ceat and
Thev Sav It's Coel
Rather a long coat, for it reaches almost te the knees.
with it, nothing else is needed for a sleeping costume.
Made of, soft mercerized cotton, with a small shawl-like
cellar and frogs of the same material.
It is called the "sleep coat" and the price js $3.50.
(Muin Heur)
Things by Parcel
Iest. .
Streng baskets, or really
hampers, made of whole willow
stoutly reinforced.
Approved by the postal author
ities for parcel pest use and safe
as can be, locking with an iron
bar and lock at the top.
The size is 21 inches long, 13
inches wide, 12Vi inches deep and
are priced $3.85. ,
(Fourth fleer)
Fer Fun AfleatT
Canoes, Rowboats,
Rowboat Meters
Levers of aquatic pastimes will
find much te interest them in the
craft shown In the sporting goods
store, which includes the best
types of small beats and small
beat' supplies.
Kimnebea ennem, five different
medeli, nil iliex nml ninny relnri,
85 te 75.
Yacht tendrri, bl little lientn, eru.v
te row, cafe, roomy, aeanertli) i 9 ft.,
$80) 10 ft., 100.
Outboard rowbeatx, made no a
meter can be attached te etrrni 13
ft., 72 1 14 ft., $RS 18 ft., 11)5.
Flat-bottom nahln riorlen, 10 ft,,
42 1 13 ft., 5J.
Cnllle outboard meter, complete,
ready te attach te beat, 7S te f 130.
Kvlnrude outbenrd meter, com
plete, flOO,
Canoe paddle, our, Illicit ret,
cushion, beat lamp, nnUier and all
ether acctiaerlei for a beat,
. (Tk Gallery) '
tai Bought at
First Hand
Plain white and plain black.
New goods purchased direct from
the looms by our own resident
representative in Japan and
brought direct te the Wanamakcr
silk store.
This means lower prices for
silks of undoubted excellence
$1.25 te $2.50. with a geed choice
at various prices in between.
(I'lrM Fleer)
BOYS' Coel Wash
Suits in Full
ftiddy htyles, shut styles,
Oliver Twist styles in washabl
cotton fabrics and in sizes from
" te 10 years at $3.75 te $6.50.
Fine legulatien linen suits for
lads of the same ages, at $9.
Norfolk style suits in khaki,
gray crash, palm beach and tan
linen for boys of 8 te 18 years at
$7.50 in khaki, S10 in gray crash,
S8.50 in tan linen and $12 in palm
(Third Fleer)
tpOUR-PIECE Willow Suits in Cretonne
-1 Believed Unequaled at the Price
beltee is 68 inches long with seat 22 inches deep. Cushion
eack. Ohaii; and rocker large and roomy and comfortable All
pieces in cretonne upholstery.
in11,!! f10 haS K,af s top 28 Inches The w hole suit buift en full, com-
in diameter ever cretonne, the only fertable, geed-looking lines. Painted
practical and satisfactory tee for in .wn.nnW -irt- i --- i.-u..?
OU-li i ., : " .., ui tan uu Iliiu
euu unaerneatn. in natural color.
(SUth Doer)
ftbti.cj nun
a willow table.
IRISH Linen Handkerchiefs in the
White Sale
Geed, everyday handkerchiefs, the kind many men and
women like te have.
Men's handkerchiefs, 45c each or 53.15 dozen, aie an excellent quality
linen, soft and smooth, and with either a quaitcr or half inch hem
Women's handkerchiefs, "(V each or S2.20 n dozen, arc unusually nice
for girls or women going camping.
(HH UIp)
WHAT Pirate Fly Is Around Again-
Through Window Screens
let SuntmfSe insWe.the Whl hUSe he''e' SCreens that keep the flies out but
all typ,1lls?esfel" Whle hUSe' bUt f01' a"y h0Use' for thcrf are screcns ei
avery one new and dependably made and every one moderately nrleed
but He Can't Break
---- - r -wW, M 4t
Sfl 'SrvfftTWS' Th,J5,z? hatKe red.v te hang are:
.v. w ..,., u iv. iu in. a u ii. iu in., a it. x 1 it.
Screens are as follews:
Spring Screen
High Wide Price
r,in :lfi In $1 jn
28 111 32 In si "11
'Sin 36 in. I:..:: 1130
18 in.
20 in.
24 In.
24 in.
..32 In.
..32 In.
..28 in.
. ..Ji.er.
High Wide
In 111 33 In.
18 In.
i) In.
12 in.
IB in.
18 in.
18 in.
22, In.
33 In ,' CSc
Metal Frame Screens
High Wide Prire
2$ in
2S In
2S In.
28 In.
2 ft. 6 in. x G ft. 6 in.,
.4" In.
.44 In.
..48 iii.
..54 In.
24 In.
24 111,
30 in.
,.33 in.
..37 In.
..37 in.
. 8 Or
.11 00
30 In.
3.' In.
..43 In.
..43 In.
33 in. .
33 in. .
33 in. .
33 in. .
18 in.v.,
33 in. ,
. 36c.
. 4 On
. 48c
. nSu
. 4Kr
24 In.
24 in.
24' In.
241 in.
.2fi In.
.3.1 111.
.37 In.
.41 in.
.33 in.
Extension Screens
Price .r' ff S2iKsE
V 7 .iHBuF
rm S ft MKriBHnV
f t.r.r. fx. X j2f ntWSm
"v' f'iiK -niBk 3s
m VBP -u
r rV
1 ViN
Prk. m
!H II im
37 In.
41 in.
2rt In.
33 in.
37 in.
. K0i
. 85e
. "Or
. 8O0
45 111,
37 K
i.4n in.
.37 in.
.45 In.
:: 55 !:::
2?" 30 in ..
76 30 In. . .
3 J
3 J
Th...! "'"T""1'. Cele, (mentor of (he Anatemik tliee, will be In the Shet Stere
"""i irum it h i e cieck.
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