FOT.iTN'S wr tVT V'?vkr?r'. ivvf'Kr'1! i-t-'i-j , ji v '-r,ir,'iV'k W' U- 1 ", !",!?, 'erAjSfgji t-VWB fi'W t'ft ! ' yr ;1??X ? l VXr,z. . !. WJy'' ' t t."aje 'it . 11 . " v 'K vsa , "n. . ",N- , mmmw mt 'wSSBtiK si;.nrir h 7 I?.-"' t h llV p f h f t f 'V hit tf '4 Bft-i. H MkM BKS! mi f - ffetlftfnn Hate J'. 'ijmmwtmmmmm e; ."A, im ii tff..i ..i IM Trlmmrd In an; i SS (.' We us nn injure your EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MAY "17, 1922 "j .vni Bll . -- ki.lyri"i . - iff'.wimnN uat rn tie c mil. SWIM DAILY" r irAii Aeirn AOirn JMLiK JtHII MLK HOIXLU ! FACTS OF DIVORCE KM I Q WOMAN AMD HIMSELF i,rn,nv et ""'l Instantly killed Jim. MLLb WUIVIHIM HHU mmeul-r ' ChnrleH.. llitrll. twenty-two. iiIhe of Several Persons Witness Deuble Sheeting at Cemetery (ilmcrsvllle. X. .. Mn 17. ( H A. I. I WiiIit Weed-. :i prominent rcldrnt of llrmiilnllun, ilrnr here. ye- i W tr flVK. Mtjr Pf te Lifcer Dij , f-.oe s cnt. .iwim. Valentine s Recent Marriage te Miss Hudnut Is Being Investigated iicmi. s.nn Tire lame peel. cIM. clnr untr rnnlury ' shower baths, twr- I mnnent looker. i flnxlntttlnua hv appointment) I CrNTRAI. V. V. f. A. I "I Mini T. I n f L? 792 Oakland Six Touring. New Last October. Private Owner Three cord tires and one new fabric. "Twinleck" carrier for two spare tires. Equipment in tact. Bedy paint has original lustre. Excellent nickel appoint ments. Run 6t500 miles. Holds six comfortably. 3 l-D model. 5075. Demonstration can be arranged for Thursday or Friday evenins between 5:30 and S:30 o'clock. Call Poplar 2590-W. RESINOL Soelhinq andHcalinq Doctors daily prescribe this ointment fe heal skin trouble because they knew it gives prompt results .a. jp- J "Q!-x:k:X"::::x V x::-: PHONE ' YOUR ORDER SRuyera Lepez ISc straight Blunts at $2.50. A can of 50 at retail, 5c each. Thin l thr Ermtfl efTer In thr mekrr. Send in your order te the busy store . SCARLETT 703 Chestnut St.,Phila., Pa. I .. The design different America's only Knight-Six Ask us te mail you our booklet "Why we Believe in the Knight Moter." Batdorf Moter Sales Ce. 2504 X. Bread Street Peme Attrirllte Territory In Prnn ylvnnlit, Jrnry unri;irr htlll Onrn for (lead lleulrr Dlimend 1333 Park 480H 1 - ""ir ! Ytstir -1 vu mj Brace your tired spirits up with this tingling, healthful, fragrant delight EACOCK Ginqei'Ah tlVurituPreductcf WnSBRQDtfiESS p a n ' jllMf ' ami A.r V V f r.ienthilliln. nt Itidlnn I. tike. N. Y., and tlien tinned the kiiii en himself, dyliif; tittnexl litstimtly. YeMtenlny nfternoeif they walked from the hotel te n nenrliy (emetery, where in full view of ti number of person the t rimed) took plncc. paftttw l Mcssanc ie Mothers i0 Fathers PROOF OF BIGAMY SOUGHT Hj the Asxielatnl I'rc' I .ts Ain;c!rs. Miij 17. .lenn A'ker. tilm nitres'., from whom Hoclelph Val Val entieo, film nelnr. nhtnllied nn Inter locutory decree of divorce n few month month nee. wits under Instructions' 1 iil.i ie report te the District Atternej's of ef lii e te tell wlmt she knnwv of the fm M in the (eurt action which unc Vnlen . tme v. deeiee. but left him terlnilinll her htisbimil for u ear. Themas Mi Clelltind, l)eput I i t r't Attorney, sent it summons m Mi--Acker nnd nt the -nine time :--iti t in vest valers te learn whether Vnleu Vnleu tine committed his:inn, nccenlinu te the California Inw. when he nmrried Winified Hudnut. dancer and tilm nit director, known jirofe-iletinlh n Nntiiehn Kamlmva, ill Mexleall lust Saturday. T.e Anceles Superior Court .1iicl;eu hri stated informally that Midi a miirringe as that of Valentine and MK ll'idtiut Is hUiimeus. Mi-s lludnut's nnine n intrmlueed Mitn tlie divorce tilnl tlireush the iilen iilen t'liiiitien of ii plctuie of her and VnW OtlllO. The lii-s lccnl aclien w.t- taken h Mih Acker. She tiled a suit for sep arate nmlnietiance, ullccins Valfnilne hud tint supported her. She asserted that when she married him he had noth neth ing: that partly through her efforts lie gained fame ns an actor and that then lie falle I te support her. On a cress. complaint. Valentine asked for a divorce, declaring Mis'" ck i had deerted him. On the wit 'ies stand he detailed alleged attempt -te pitsiinde her te return te him an I made the declaration "he wanted het and loved her" and he would take he bin k if she would go hack te him. Ac Ac erding te Pntiglas Cerrard. film ill ret ter nnd groomsman nt Valentine's v cilding te Mss lludiiiit. the actor "i n tend into the ccrcmnnj in geed faith lie sai.l Valentine i.s at Palm Springs Calif . and nlans te remain there "for tin present. BELGIAN GIRL HEROINE BREAKS BAN ON ALIENS Mils. Galle Secures Marriage Li cense en Being Admitted te U. S. New Yerli. May 17 Mile, l.nure dalle, twentv -tliree-yi ar-old Ilelgian sp and fiancee of Camllle Asp. whom -lie en t while -In- w,is a nurse in n I'n ni'li hespi'al. has wen her tight igiinst deportation l' having the I'.il ipielil ilici'i'il-i'd b s. She left Fills Island In the tempiniy of her I', line and went dne.tlj te the Muni' I'.ullding. whole a murriage lcen-e Wlls l.lkell our. pies-nip in her lielialf was brought upon immigrntinn efliciaN In Washing ton b ineii.beis ,,f ibe diplomatic lei'ps The girl was decorated b King Al beit for braver. In concealing a P.e' -glnn etiicer In the nttie of the hotel! ewnid In her mother In l.llle. She alMi is known te lime thrown a bottle In the face of a Cerman officer who nt temjited te Insult her. She spent two ,enis in tierman priset.-, and only is. laped oeoii!ion through the coming of the armistice. THRILLING MANHUNfiNN.Y. Four Alleged Burglars Caught After Nine-Heur Search New Wli. May 17. illy A. P l -Keiii men were arrested in it lett but.d-,n- in Twentieth street -11111 l-'if'h me luie tedav .it'ier the police searched mere than nine hours for burglars. AH t rathe was diverted from the block and a -elid cordon of etlieers va maintained about it. Ii was the most -.pert-ii ulai man hunt in New eik for .ears, The men were believed te lnve been seeking .1'JII.IMMI reported te be stored eviTV Tuesday night in a safe 111 the building. Smashing into the miliums in which the creeks were well ing ngaiuM the adjacent wall, the lete fives found en tlie top lloer 11 tunnel tmrtly bored into the wall and a complete 1 burglar outfit, including dynamite, m m treglvcerin md storage batteries with wires attached for setting off the blast. PRESTON GIBSON SEEKS 1 REUNION WITH HIS WIFE 1 Playwright Gees Abroad In Effert te Effect Reconciliation New Yerk. Mnv 17 lien Preston (iibsen. p a) w right, failed te nppear 1' fore Supreme Court .lustlce Celabnn en an order for examination in connection with suit brought against him b the Mai in" Magiuine t'empany, it developed ae had gene abmad in nn effort te .ffi 1 a leconclliatien with his wife Mr- I'.eatnee M. lienjnniin Piatt (lib--in. wlie lias been 111 Dirope since ln-t fall Mrs (iibsen was reported last fall as seeking n iltveice following a recon 1 iliatien with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Kvarts Iieninmiu. whom slie Mied for an aci eiinting wheti bn fat nor redueed her a'lnwutlce from ,-ll, tliltl ie MM). )i)0 n ear. I . After-Diimcr Tricks Ne. If, I An Instanl. -menus Ivnit. A handkerchief In held by eernerH di agonally epiiuhite, between the finders of each hand. Tlie hnmls nie 1 e-re ) brought tegcthei and drawn ajiart iui'e Nipidly. A knot h-ia appeared In the center of the clelw. I Tli trifle dependH upon a f-hift of fingers, executed when the'haiuN mini' together. Held the handkerchief ex actly ns shown in the Hint figure, each certipr bttneen the first and second fin- Rers. As the hands come together, t'ie left hand is turned hnek up, while t' right thumb nines up under the hand kerchief. (Fig. U. 1 As the hands meet, the left end of the hnndkcivim t is clipped between the (liiimb and m'i end linger of the right hand, nnd the right end in similarly I a ken b.v tin left hand. TI10 ferefingerH are raided, releasing the original held, and (he hands arc simply drawn apart. The knot is tied automatically. vDsen no HteSelr3 el" Sour Shoes is e uitaranlis? mat , ITiryAWKigm "Be His Pal" BY GIVING HIM Shoes a Bey Likes TUB THRSli In WIMTWAltB Heal rstnte nctlvltltR oil Cheatnut atrat. weat of HreJ, Indlcald some marked clianscs In tluit vicinity, Ker complots Information dally ns te real estate trunaue. liens read "ileal Kstate nnd Uulldlnea In he Itualneea Section of the morning ruB ruB Lie 1.8DUIR every dty. "Mahe It a UablU Adv. Jetling Old or In a Rut? Try FINDING YOUTH At All Boek,eller. Atjgta $1.00 Prett REPAIRS TO Engines and Boilers General Machine Werk J. &G. RICH COMPANY 120-122 N. Sixth St Telephone Market 2081 & Tf ?"&? Mi SEHISRAL Ot JT ,1. t Littli- Cents' Sizes 3.25 Hire Itej s' Sizes 3.7: White Canvas Spert Scout Shots, breuin Russia leather trimmed. Grocerd rubber sole that can be resoled. Red robber heels. These tutily siers 1 belp the liny In work wr nl.iv. lieiaiiM- tbe) rIve better .sen u e anil stand alt tlie lmnl KiiecUm and humps that red red red hloeil' '1 fell-'Wi and "Reed seeuli" guc them. TIS A FEAT TO FIT FEET j-i 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1. 11 1 ilj-U-L -J "' 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 rene hH L ULTU-SrOtTMDAK mj lt B New en DuruY THE BIG SHOE STORE Four Floers With Seatin; Cajmcily for 600 Men, H'eincn, Misses, Heys and Children 1204-06-08 Market Street A Complete Stere for Beys en the Balcony THINGS WORTH WniLL atul because we make them 23J4QZ InTrTce (ok tAere-EIGHT "IT MODEL 890 WILL NEVER BE AN ORPHAN" When you buy a Cele Eight Ninety yett knew that your car will never be an or phan, because the factory behind it is one of the strongest in the world. The .Cele Moter Car Company does net ewe a dol lar. It has no preferred stock or bends and it has a strong cash reserve. In its whole history it has never passed a dis count. Ask your banker He Knows. L. S. BOWERS COMPANY 245-247 N. BROAD ST. I Man's Diamond Ring Heavy and well made of green geld with platinum decoration en the side- large dia mond in an octagonal platinum setting $700. Our rings for men arc made heavy and durable for every-day wear, yet each design is fashionable and in geed taste. S. Kind & Sens, me chestnut st. DIAMOND MERCHANTS JEWELERS SILVERSMITHS LL Hail a Yellow en the Street On almost anjr street at any time you can hail a Yellow Cab. Hundreds of our city's busiest " upand upand geing " men nd women hail a Yellow when they must make time in a safe way it's a habit for efficiency that mere than pays for itself. A further convenience a Yellow Cab Coupon Boek saves the time and trouble of making change. The Vf Cash Discount makes a $10 Coupon Boek csst $9.80. A $25 Coupon Boek costs $t4.S0. Phene Poplar 8600 or write te us at ISO! N. 31st St. Poplar 86Q0 Yellow Cab Poplar 8600 The Summer Dress Section will be found a veritable beauty bower a haven of feminine de light. Beginning with ginghams, with their glorious colorings and extending te voiles, organdies, silks, swiss, in fact, any summer fabric any one can think of fashioned in gar ments that are unusual. Levers of the beautiful will find here anything worth while at a moderate price. Famous Gingham Dresses $16.50 Net $18.50, as heretofore still the prime favorite because it meets the most requirements. EERLESS Wa Capes xs at Luxurious effectiveness th cannot be duplicated under $65 elsewhere. In blue, black, taupe, brown pile fabrics. Lined throughout with heavy crepe de $017 50 chine. With gray or black caracul cellars $59.50. Linen Skirts, $8 Tweed Sports Skirts, $12.50, Weel Sweaters, $6 Tub Silk Sports Dresses All covered atripes at $20 and $27.50 Sizes 14 te 44. New Voile Dresses Black and white, Copen and white, jade and white. Special at $13.50 French Voile Dresses Hnn'd drawn, very effective colorings ,i unusual models. $22.50 te $65 Dotted Swiss Dresses Straight-line models or an elastic band t waist in jade, Copen, rust, black, white and navy. $19.50 te $45 W. H. Embick & Sens 1618-20 Chestnut St. Talk te a Peerless Owner Before Yeu Buy Your New Automobile We de net knew a mere thorough or mere satisfactory way, for you te learn the remarkable investment value of th Peerless than by discussing the car with an owner. Such a discussion will very often result in the owner inviting you te ride in the car, and drive it yourself, se that you may, substantiate his enthusiastic claims of the superiority of Peer less performance. A Peerless owner will give you a demonstration aucri as you never had before, and he will have nothing te gain beyond his natural desire te have you share the genuine pleasure which he enjoys from his metering. Frem this unbiased and impartial source you will discover the marvels of performance which inspire the Peerless own er's eagerness te submit his car te the most exacting cenn parisens with automobiles in the highest price range. Yeu will begin te sense the reasons for the owner's satisfac tion, and, if you analyze these reasons you will find that they are the inevitable result of the meticulous care exercised at the Peerless Works in the purchase of materials, in the pre cise workmanship and in every detail of the superb finish. Let us refer you, at random, te some of the buyers of the present series Peerless, manufactured by R. H. Cellins and his associates, and let them tell you why they regard the Peerless as the greatest value en the market-today. G1RARD AUTOMOBILE COMPANY C. R. CUNL1FFE, President 23 14. Chestnut Street . - . -r 1 ' tn&J&tftifHwt(b.- OWWW.feyJi&.i;Vyt,tAVhyaiL "Mk &&Lts.'&L&&& I- i''Vf fff' .Ai'-'' t?511 "" M '