PRRPiP lfl . tMETAPHOR AND SMOKE MIX A T CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS Charge Account Invited JBimimMli'.'HilMil Orders Filled iniMRHIinBffll STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIEM J ' Z. ! . ' ' ' ' i BmwPWWWWWPlTiBBitlWillW Ipcll-Drcsscd Women and Bread A's at Pinchot Stronghold Contrast With Streng Talk and Breaths at Vare Sanc tuary as Returns Come In i I 1115 Chestnut Street. 1 Oratory, cigar stubs, red flnres, red 'liquor nnd ctioplderB, bn one linndr conversation, clgnrcttcs, ornnRevpunrh. Mpenslvc perfume nnd brend As en the ether, represent, n brief, the extremes e otmeipherd perment hiR the yarietM rimpnlgn lirndqunrters Inst n glit while ih"iftiirnn from the Htnte-wlde primary election were coming 'n. ncvcrelng the order of thing-, nnd bulnnlnic. m, "H proper stories should, amid cultured surroundings, the curtain riB en the nepubllcnn Women's Club pennsvlvnnln, nt 211) Seuth Seven teenlh street, where high hopes nrc en tcrftilncd for the nomlnntlen of Pinchot ""The telephone Is busy here relaying le the waiting group of well-dressed nemen Mich returns as have come In. Innimtieh ns the enrly rcturni are : al most always freighted, with heavy Alter majorities, the general state of mind Is anything hut optimistic. Hpwevcr, ihcre Is much conversation throughout the rooms, and a sizeable gathering about the orange punch. Mrs. Geerge Wharten Pepper is en hand, as Is Mrs. J. Willis Martin, .. lturflnv II. Warburton. Mru. heeise Dunntait and ethers. Majer Warburton drops In, and then drops out tgntn. rfL. it.. Ciuiii Qhlft. c . I slant personal destruction, the surrcn- Fer purposes or urnmnuc contrast, i ,leil. et cf.rtelii mene.vs alleged te hne the scene Is new shifted le Kleventh I bcen ))r0!iw ,m by n Pinchot cam nnd Chestnut streets wlietc i the nic pn(tnpl. (ev wrvve9 rendeicd. cohorts arc assembled in the edifice U was n night of Miuln for Mr. ntnl mmkcil Uepubllcnii Campaign Head- jj,.,, pchet. The candidate had gene iliiarters." te his home in Pike County te uite, Mounting the slippery brass-bound I nml (,cn IlH,i intended metering with amirs, we come upon n scene which Mrg pjnei,et ,0 this ,.,y. The plan seems composed at first of a solid wall Wllg abandoned Inter, and they cam of backs, surmounted ny tnree ayers et hv tralni nrrivnK n( headquarters en blue cigar smoke., Pcnetrntlng this . the ninth fleer of the HealtEsfatc Trust having occasioned the detonation above mentioned ns its meed of welcome. On the' fleer above the renl business of the evening Is being conducted. Mak Ing our way thither past nn argument en the stnJrs as te whether or net "these farmers can beat the innj-. the mnj mnj mnjer'ty we get here 'n 'n Pittsburgh," we Hud a loom of n strictly commercial aspect, In which telephone bells arc ringing and some tweity of the free born American rltlc.enry cluster about te hear the latest returns. nut Here It's .Justness There Is n clean, cool-looking girl nt a typewriter, like n Dryad In a stoke-held. nnd In the Inner anctum, dimly outlined through the celling cigar smoke is (he familiar figure of Coun cilman Chnrlle Hnll, Intent ever a huge sheet of vital statistics. The scenes In the Pinchot headquar ters may be reduced in exposition te two words : Watchful' waiting. Ilelng In point of fact an audacious outpett 1 nthe enemy's country, no rallying of the faithful may be expected. There is little te de but take the re turns as they ceme 1n, and te answer the numcieus calls of these Interested in the outcome. Once there is a slieht break In the uneventful course of the evening by the visit of nn Indignant youth, who demand", upon pain of In curtain with a fev deft strokes of the elbow, we find that some one is deliv ering an address at the ether end of the long red room drlrk It fs Freeland Ken- 11. ..I. Ii. -..-.. t -f.,rr v r jmuhiiiik uueiii jii;iu i. ai. i Ne one was at the railroad station te greet them when they nrrved. that detail having been overlooked in the general excitement. Beth Mr. and Mr. Mr. Kendrlck Is speaking of some pnci,et siewel the effect of the stinln ..'i.imin. in whom he ascribes most et these qualities prominent in the re spective characters et Washington, Lincoln nnd William Heward Taft. At the end of his remarks he explains that he Is alluding te Geerge K. Alter, who, he believes, is the most worthy candi date that ever figured in a primary elec- Senater A'arc himself reclines against the wall in a distant corner, with his hnnds in his pockets, nnd an expres tin nf intense displeasure en his fnce. it is evident that his thoughts are else- t00 tnp let,'0 ., Watcbful waiting wieic, hhu iii-nii..i. .w wtfvii. lieu tenants leave him in august seclusion. Rang ! M,. Vara thn orator anil the mull ,.rf n n hnmh ia set. off nn tee !ntln. i a former raqin expert bw. or the 1-in.r .... ----- ..-.-- --- ------- united mates .-Maw. ms aniens are writ which deemed te tell mere heavily en the wife of the candidate. Finally, as the fortunes et the can didates swajed. the Plnchets left the clumer and excitement of headquarters nnd went te their suite In the Hellenic Stratford. There they snt until 4:110 o'clock this morning, at which time they tetlred, feeling confident nt last I hut victory had perched upon their banner". As te the Republican State heudquar ters. an Alter stronghold at 500 Seuth Bread street, it is peace itself. Here, RADIO FACTS BY AN EXPERT The articles In the mernln Pdblie I.aneKH by Sluart wnnanune are aumeruaiue. iiai ,nef. Great v te the detriment of Mr, Kendrick's train of thought, a small un fnr the lavnian. understandable. planaterv. Read them In the merntne Pen liarade appears in the street helew, .jidt. TPeciprocalAutemobileTnsurance () SAVING for the careful driver the preferred or selected risk. Our policyholders appre ciate what it means te be insured where this feature is given thought and attention and therefore only the best type of business is written. Cut this out new and mail it. Pennsylvania Indemnity Exchange Bread Street and Seuth Perm Square PHILADELPHIA Qreatli Reduced Fares Colerado wdlWest Summer Excursions-r-leiDest in ijears le Colerado, California and the national Parks. Choice of routes qeincj and returning; stopover anurehere; superior service. "Recky WeuidamLiimted fe Colerado Gelden Stale Limited ie California Comfert and Ceurtesi are qeur felletD travelers en the Heck Island Lines Travel information, sleeper reservations and illustrated booklets en request (erq B. Farrcnw, Qenaral Aqnt Wll Chtahiut StPhcm Klttanheuae 28IS PhiUdalphlcPa. TO EFFECT IMMEDIATE CLEARANCE WE OFFER EIGHTY-NINE FUR COATS RE-PRICED BELOW THE ACTUAL COST OF THE SKINS ALONE BUY NOW FOR NEXT SEASON'S- NEEDS A Small Will tarn Tour Purchase In Our Sterajc Veulls linlll Nct Fall Pavmcnt ti be Cenllnuci Monthly Threuah the Sprlnit nnd Summer. Steraic rec -......... .. ii (tsHrtiimutii iiimiipttwnmtnnnit mtiiuvTSMfl1l1Vl ,illlllll!WllirillllillIlll1ll!l 111 JllBWI'C'ffl'lEll IJ Wlltl'I'IITllBfimBI! mniimiSl niWIIll!llllillilllT.'Ell'll!i:iiri,ia .'iiiawj mmwr limn, iiiimniiimiffliiiwi-1" ,. - I Fur CeaU Fur CeaU 39.50 Rtgutarly 100.00 te 12S.00 Coats of French Seal III 4-1en.Ttl. models, with col cel lar and cuffs of self fur. Alse Leepard Cat Ceatv with cellar and cuffs of seal. m l;lEl5lllllllll!!ll,l!l!l.lil!l, lISSSMSaSSSSSSSSIIIIIatalllllSISSSIMaa) IS Fur Coats 48.00 Regularly 126.00 te 145.00 Coats of French Seal, 40 Inches lehg. .Made of se lectel 1lnn with shawl col cel lar and bell cuffs et self fur. Fur Coats 98.50 Rtgularly 200.00 te 22S.00 Ceat of Moleskin. Nat ural Muikrat and SkunU Trlmmed French Seal. -, length medeli. All arc made of selected skins. 1 1 mfHnt! ltHunti 1 1 ifm. nmm tm . mt'ti'i 1 1 tn n .: n n n 1 1 tmr ii ( i ii i h i 1 I xFur Coats 165.00 Rmgularly 330.00 te 36S.00 Coats of Black Catacul In 40-Inch models. Natural Itaccoen with cellar and t lifts of self fur. Wrap et .Moleskin. rwmz tk. 64.00 Rtgularly 160.00 te 176.00 French Seal. 40 Inches Ionic; cellars and cuffs of darkj Fltch. Alse Marmet Coats, with cellar and cuffs of Itaccoen. ''ii'iuiiuiirHiiii'uiii'iiiiMiiiiiiiiwuMiiair'iiiaraiiHiiiiiiiuiiinJjii Hudsen Seal Coats 195.00 Rtgularly 400.00 te 435.00 Full 40-Inch Coats of Hudsen Seal, with lar cellars and bell cuffs of Natural Skunk. l'i,l:illl!lillll!lll!l1H!!!Llli;i;i,!MlHir!llfflltrlflffllItl!IIl.llira''J,Ililliilii !ii'!iiiiiiwii'iiiii,iiiw iM HwiiiiiirauuNiiniuniiiin; (2) Leepard Cat, Seal Trimmed 95.00 110.00 (9) French Seal Coats 100.00 125.00 (2) Marmet, Raccoon Trimmed 150.00 98.50 (5) Natural Muskrat CeaU 200.00 165.00 (7) French Seal, Skunk Trimmed 200.00 42.50 (2) French Seal, Squirrel Trimmed 225.00 39.50 (3) French Seal Wraps 150.00 ' 64.00 (2) Scotch Moleskin Coats 200.00 98.50 (3) Black Caracul Coats 330.00 98.50 (2) Moleskin Wraps 350.00 165.00 (4) Hudsen Seal, Skunk Trimmed 400.00 195.00 (5) Hudsen Seal, Beaver Trimmed 470.00 235.00 (3) Hudsen Seal, Squirrel Trimmed 470.00 235.00 (4) Natural Squirrel Coats 600.00 295.00 (2) Hudsen Seal Wraps 490.00 245.00 (2) Natural Squirrel Wraps 800.00 395.00 (1) Broadtail Wrap 900.00 445.00 (1) Natural Mink Ceat 1500.00 745.00 (1) Natural Mink Wrap 2000.00 995.00 Extra Size Coats and Wraps Frem UG te 5U Bust (Hudsen Seal Is Dyed Muskrat, French Seal Is Dyed Ceney) iiiuinMittMHi'iiiBiiuiiin Purchasing Agents' Orders Accepted 'iiiiiiiiniiii.iuiniiw.ii CTHgHEaBBBMUMUt HARbVICK MAGEE CO. Coel Rugs for Warm Days i . N'ame Address , i:. The most interesting and by far the largest assortment of Summer Rugs we have ever offered, surpassing all previous seasons in variety and of that character which will appeal te these who desire distinctive furnishings. Any requirement can be most sat isfactorily and quickly met at PRICES MUCH BELOW FORMER SEASONS 'w&ustwlr$..h$ L &Az.f&&tf.A&mt American Fibre Rugs At Special Prices In beautiful and solid tone effects, with floral and Persian borders, unique and distinctive in weave and most serviceable. One of the best summer rugs at the price. 30x60 in 82.25 6x0 ft $9.25 36x72 in $2.73 7.6x10.6 ft.. .SI 2.7.-) 9x12 ft $M.OO Colonial Rag Rugs One of the best for an inexpensive summer rug. This season's new color combina tions are especially inviting; in solid tones, hit-and-miss and cretonne effects with handsome band borders. These of the silk and rag mixture are wonderfully attractive. t ' .$ 24x36 in 30x60 in 2.00 te 36x72 in 2.85 te 6x9 ft 8.00 te 8x10 ft 12.00 te 9x12 ft 15.50 te .83 te $ 1.S3 3.75 1.50 13.00 19.50 25.50 Bleck Rush Rugs Imported and seamless. Celers in natural and blue and natu ral and brown. Sizes suitable for perches and indoor use. Prices very reasonable. At One-Half Price A number of basket-weave rush rugs with decorated borders oval and oblenj; shapes. 27x54 in new $ .90 36x72 in new 1.90 Mazeurk Perch Rugs Very durable, made le withstand hardest kind of wear. The designs and colorings are in striking Oriental effects and are unusually decorative. 27x54 in $3.00 6x9 ft Si 6.75 3x6 ft 5.75 I 6x12 ft 22.50 1x7 ft 9.00 8x10 It 25.50 9x12 ft $33.50 Prairie Grass Ruas These splendid, long-weaving and ever" M popular rugs are here in new and attrac tive color combinations in blue, rose, gray, brown, etc. Exceptional values and priced as fellows : 27x54 in $1.85 I 6x12 ft $11.50 36x72 in 2.75 8x10 ft 12.50 ix9 ft 9.25 I 9x12 ft 15.00 9x15 ft $18.75 Japanese Rush Rugs Ne better rug te be had for perch, living room and dining room. Seme in the oval shapes. Sturdily built and most satisfac tory for summer home or seashore cottage. 27x54 in $ 3.93 36x72 in 5.75 6x9 ft 1 1.50 8x10 ft 22.50 9x12 ft 29.50 HARbWICK MAGEE CO. 1220 MARKET ST. y kJ3hAjr. . V -M. , 4i fc r ft'' V " ' e . . A.,-..' .!.,. j t .i. 1 ' . i . r. i . jft-rttffci'i3tfLa2 kwvv.fex. . .v,i;f'u,v.wu,M'; m z I 5. '. Fer Her Wedding (D i HE newest version of the Bridal Gewn, just arrived it is a fairy like creation of net and flowers and gleaming white satin. It is one of scores of White Gowns designed with the bride in mind, for te-day's bride is net limited in her choice te stately white satins. She may cheese the sheer silk crepes, the lovely crepe de chine or Canten crepe, white laces, embroidered nets or fine white voiles. Seme of the loveliest are of classic simplicity. Misses' White Dresses, fi 25.00 te X79.00 Women's White Dresses, $35.00 te $160.00 Any dress in stock may be adapted te the bride's particular ideas. We frequently add a train, which may be removed later, or supply the sleeveless Gewn with draped or flowing sleevps. which nlay be slipped out easily, if desired. The Colorful Nete of the March Bridesmaids Tinted Frecks In all the new silk crepes, bouffant taffetas and dyed laces. An excellent assortment here, making it possible te carry out almost any color scheme. Women's Dresses. $.15.00 te $S2.e0 Misses' Dresses, $15.00 te $55.00 . nn 1 Ploer laili -ir.t Bridesmaids' Millinery Shirred and quilled Net Hats, soft straws with crepe Georgette ever-brims, transparent Swiss Hair Hats, and a lovely group of flower-trimmed, scarf-draped Natural Leghorn Hats, that afford many ideas for the development of color schemes, in trimmings, in facings, in streamers of ribbon .civets. Leghorns faced in black elvet and with trailing black velvet ribbons that drape ever the shoulder, are very effective with tinted frocks. Prices $10.00 te $43.00. -peen I I , f. i nt ,.,, The Bridal Gift May Be I 'I il()Rs U 1'mi- s.'fi -.ii . w.ii. li -simum m itimeii ltiiiB tiu"i i r.,i -Wiiiii'tfi ,v xMim sTi:iiUNii Teasp or te Ten a te si ,-r, jti ilr, . , Dfssprt Snoeu-v -SS8 te S4M MiMl .t -Jtllll n' fa in T.'blp hpecmx S30 te SflS.OO (,rrf l...rll.- a ; ,,, , ... DeKHit Kiiir.- tin (e S5000 Mr-it Krl,s..iMi i MJJ" ninner r.iu S3 in n,itr .speunr. -s: no i0 ii ,., n..s.rt Kulrs-SR4 le S47.00 Toilet S v-i, "i ' 7 w.i:i: i,M.pnen SJ...II In SU.un Hsi-rt Knae? l.tnntn Hi-sur'M Spoons, H. se te SJI.r.n "'.ili.i"spoens S.'i te SIK llnnei K""r"- SKI te JJ3 Pr-vrrt Krl)s SI..10 le Tpn S.t.-u t . lf'." SncrflQ.l. T-il. I. ...... -J.l te SIK ,,.(, '"1 "" Aisle. S t) acJ in MRrrt Slif-t Day A BRIDAL SilKs and Satins in a de li?htfil display for quick ss ss let'tien. New eery ilay counts, decisions must be made, and everybody must turn te and help, some with sug gestions, some with deft needles, and some have the Rieatest privl lfjre of all supplying the elegant fabrics that jre into the Bridal (iewn. This year the Gewn may be of the time-honored Satins, Satin, Canten Crepe, Crepe Remain, Crepe Chiffen, Crepe Faille or Crepe de (. hine. Many weights and qualities iiady for selection. liraiitiful Assortments nf Silkn in Levely Shades ter Uncles maids. a.-i e. i"nr DO I NT Appliqued Net Veils, with ' or without Piincess lace bor ber dcis. J1.V00 te 500.00. I Unix u"-,tii,i A ! II Vrkf Si "KII.S artistically draped, te per per cenal ideas of bccem'ngncs3, in the .Millmery Stere. i I f Mai Ul BRIDHSMAIDS' special order, desired te m nny shade " ' l'i n i l Sire. Is blniier FerKi ' I.MI'ORTED tine White Kid Gie' e, Hi-button length, $6.00 and ST.'O; the UO-butten length, .sT.eil. 1 . M.ik- Strest pI.AIN White Silk Stockings, 1 $2.00, ifJ.eO, 5:j.00 and W.fiO. With white lace insteps, $4.50. Trench Stockings. ST.eO. v .e 1 Uikfi Street LM.KGAXT plain Whit.- Satin Pumps, with baby Leuis heels or the high I'tench heels, SI 1.00 and $12.00 K tluli ,lr I y 'htrt S r-t Slippcis ri TVItBSifvVi J POL. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER -111 TH. 7 "lf' SJI MAKKET ST. RinilfTii fiT imi nrenn a ,,,: '- MAUII A 11 hJ A M- lUUEin M. a Ma E-' !&k M i&.JJ&i.M'&ti Is .,, ft . m ',-, (9 i?ia m i ( 1 I ! M .tei w& Ti r.- :7,'IK"-."n ''n "CWfin m j.ekik .i in v A'sssl j fli :,vw .kl " .i Ht.