i1 lTilf VqmiWMMWTffl r.i - Tvr; T -pr" t rz -i y l , ' ' f - -v r? - , WIN SIORE Will Come te U. S. The Hague mee)liiK. fciiI n "feclcr'"te develop the American attitude toward Midi pnttielpatien, It was learned to te dai. The Anieilcaii teply ni I'M"- Socialist Elected Hahway Mayer ANOTHER POLICE Confesses Murder Kllrahcth. N. J. . .. -. . .. .- t t. i .lay 1 1 --.i nmes i. rutber, Socialist, lecrntiy cneten one of Knlittiiy's three 'omml'Ienerj, wn! I., FORJjEWSBOYS Seats Ready for 8100 at Big Free Shew at the Ice Palace pathetic In character, but wn" net an fleeted Majer of the city by the em nilsieti ycMcrdny. Twe jenr nge Kur THE liuceptniice. ultlieiigh iippnrently con 'Uriiisl nt ticnea ns fereciiliiiK pitrtlcl her wn iccnlleil tuition by romnilsiener. I Mayer Hints It Will Be Mere ' Drastic Than Recent Agrees te Allied Proposals for Conference, but Urges Modifications One I SCHOOLS OBSERVFD DAY CITY HALL IS BUZZING FRANCE SENT U. S. 'FEELER' RUSSIA ACCEPTS TaBTaBT M TaTaTaTaTaTam.C"?! BF" tt ' ' " 'v' BaaH bHHIbW. . 11 - -. -' bLLI SHAKE-UP COMING HAGUE PLAN -.mi rmi Si ( $m from tlie emcc ex i Hey Wcch Program ,!, -ltev Day In Scheel anil iwlu'tiy. Semi-final in nimble nimble nimble hoetinB contest. Track nml field chills at McCench Field. Hev rntrcnlh nml Catharine street; S:nO I'. M.. nllilctlcs nml vatitlc-rltlr- entertainment for nil newsboys nf the city In Hip Ice I'elncr, Forty- fifth nml Market streets. ' . m.lr. n... t.l.,t. r 'jumorrew iirm , rmun pi marble-sheeting contest for city chaniplenshlp. Friday Hey In tlie Heme Night. Gniiies en plnynrentitli between pub lic pilvate nml parochial fchoels; 7 P. M., ntliletle nml vnuilevlllc en tcrtninnient nt the. I en I'nlncc for boys from Instiluf lenn. Sntunlny Athletic Day Inlereity mnrbic-MioetlnR centeM with Haiti Haiti mere en City Hnll tilnzn nt 1 :'0 P. . Tim elty will be illvlileil Inte thlit' districts, eneh district having at IraM one recreation i enter, nml lline will be athletic events through out thn day. hiindav Bey Day in the Church. ni: his pal." Hen thrills arc en the card for the MgnewMjejs' free show In the Ice Pai ne nt Ferly-tlftb and Market streets tonight. This Is te be one of the big gest events of Hey Week, nnd there arc teats for 8100 newsies. Geerge Y. Pawling, chairman of the Hey in Athletics Commitre, has ar ranged the hill, the master of ceie- monies te be (jeeige Big llietheis' As.Jeclntl (.'ney, of the j Ien. rCltn linrinr- linulc ivllt nnmn Iti 11 rtnnr1 ' runinx in inc wimi-up neui nci wcuii . , , .. .... ... ... ... , Temmy I.eughran. "the pride of Seuth'11": of Philadelphia Hickslte ! riend. Phlladrlphln" ami I-rankle Uritten, an- ether boxer who has appeared many time nt lecnl boxing clubs. J,cv Tend ler will referee. Program Is Yarlcil Bur boxing is net the whole show by an mean". There will be community ulnsiiig. a mlnstiel show staged by the Big Iliethers' Association. Wree's lluds opluieiw c.piccil b some prominent In n ballet and just lets of ether nets ' practitioners, most physicians de ijpt Including fancy roller skating, juggling, i feci the nted for alcohol in their prae prae tengs, skits and an educated horse. 'lice, as shown by the fact they said. Tickets are being distributed te nil ! that the majority of doctors have net nnvshevs. leir if nnv of them nrc ullli- out tickets they will be admitted some time after 8 o'clock It anv room is left In the knee, amphitheatre that scats I 8100 persons. Today is "Bey Dn.v in Scheel nnd Industry." nnd tnricii pre;rnms were carried out in the schools and plants. The marble-sheeting events con tinned yesterday, when the list of com petitors was narrowed down te sixteen. Today the survivors are beli.g weeded Buttle royal at the Sherwood Community Center and Starr Garden. Then to morrow the championship of Philadel phia will be decided nL 4 o'clock nt the Funfield Playground. Championship Decided Saturday New Yerk has decided te send her en champion te contest in the- inter- dtv iliampiensiiip te take place en Sat- miln, afternoon at 1 111 n'ntnnt- .. f'l.. " " ,0l en ut-v 1 11.11 nn,n ...... ,.,;... ...I Yesterdays wmneis 111 the qualify- Ing leur.ds in the marblo-shoeting rtinmmensliin contest ,.n,l ilm nlnr. ground center they represent are as 1 A recital will be given tomorrow follews: levelling by Tem Burke. Irish tenor, "In William .Minfri. Tunnpri, i. rerdiarrii. . the Academy of Music for the benefit ':(7 jrnn aim-. Morten. eit iiritt. v- 0f a fund te provide a girls Industrial :rhwvVltfrariare.1n?,..J!i.r'l'",', nt ;n,',:,,1v e,",, T"en,j- ' .'mtntc. hunhiii: Themnii imnrmki 4I0T ninth street and Allegheny avenue. SI'rTnerl Stnnavunk. Geerge fiorden. 4l'-'4 y N. MlllniRii. Whlttler: Hruce Ilamer. ".I"!'. , . r 1 runurnrd aiiui, Keniln.ten: William Hr- ' ll". '.Mil Ileltnn, llsnel(iR. William JloltT. JleltT. man. Welsh: It. lliimesHrtl. l'OSe N. jnili, J1 In. A Klrdeiriu. a.17 b lh, Man irrln. f l.awrcnre. 1733 ,llr. I.nrt, , nebrt lm. ni'7 H. .17th. Hhirwoeit. llarn . ..-iii ..... uninrrv. lagKnn. ' l'"tr ita. 133R Kalnneunt avenu". linn- jock. Jehn McCahf, 118 C'arppnlr. Shet! rnnjr. Omrnt Atpfhan. 2111 17. TIioiiitieii, He lop. .leHfiih Oatrew. 4.10 Christian, vp- ! 'V'. II' 1 11 Powers. H3l Wllilri . Vine, "illlam rteaEMi M.'t fl-nnantewn imi, 1 water Teh.j. rin I1 Illptinian. Ml Mrrey. iRii2h.('n: William Hceut nnae llrewn, ' nunlap; Cliften S'Uiauffrle. ;i.11 N. Culornile, Mtiner William ,StriMart. HtL'n X. 1'hlllp, ' frame, Leuli .siral. asss N. Uppsp Went Vvr',.',P',: Jea'an Tmliice. IIIIA S 7th. O. , w 1 hllrin, ti Tuprl.e. 2701 lloudlnet, Ills- , t.euli Wi-lnei, 10'J Mifflin. H. 11. fur ns. Abraham Yasain. MM Cantrll, I'. S.. 1 Jvf llenitnlp cilnvenetti. 103.1 H. IO1I1, South Seuth wtik. llperiie Albrlulit. :il3:i WVIUpI Haiti wll. Themas lllll, 312 Pcim Wi'salilcken. I SAYS SHE'S WIFE NO. 2 I Jehn A. Michel, Camden, Held en Charges of Edna Riley leliu A. Michel, flia Seuth Seienlh1 fticrt, f.'imden, was lialled hcfetc .Itistirn of the Peace Sheildan in Cam den this meinliiB, chiuged by Edna ' JJijev, who sajs ln man led him in l-MS, with hieing two ies. Muhel has a wife nml two ihildreul Jiving in lliiltfmere. Edna Kllcv allege., j .um wnir te see meni cvei, wee; or t two without her knowing it. iie was nt te jail iii default of S1.10O bail. resides this clinrge Michel is nc- used of passing ;i worthless ( hei k for. Nf)4 en the Greenwood. Moter (Jempauv I for lepnirs te his automeh!le.and with I he sale of u machine en which he had net paid the full pun hase price. , wiini.i) nehs in riCTtmF.s iiippsnlnst n eriy cllme. Important pre. fh! ,uL'',.e? ?ml ";i's bi ncrv land; In fnrt. h. nieat lntrrtlnB rlcturen 111 rvinrraiiinn an iiii'i, rcaariUpp of epn nr .ii.t.ir,. rfry Sunday In the bcauilful Hotecrauire f'Ptlpn et th Sunday Puiue LLuaia. ' Ml- U Habit rft.. I The finest 1 butter I I in America! i I Today .KC 1 1 ,b 1 I At all our Stores mi.i.k. uounev meukumsky Yeiiiib Ituulaii ilie allege she wni marileil In Yalta In 1020 te An drehltilt Yenil.itsliy, the youthful eiiRliieer who wai wedded leeently te .Mm. Marlen Itenm Stfplieni. MPHlthy lielrrsH of CIiIcure. Mile. Mouremsky Is Milng VenslnlMiy In Paris en a charge of bigamy. The YenilatskH are new residents of Itldley Park FRIEND HEAR UM E Dr. Nathan Therne and Dr. Pusey Heald Take Issue With Seme Surgeons RAPPPn nHrr CO i GIRL SMOKERS Alcohol Is entirely unnecessary in the prnctJjA of medicine, according te spmkers at the joint session of men ! n.i.l ...... In.lnt .tf,ltn A.fi,1e Alnnt. .nt l-lfleentli nml Hate streets Dr. Nathan Therne. Moerctown. N. .1.. nnd Dr. Pusey Heald, AYilming AYilming Ien. Del., both took thiv stai.d. Their addresses followed n discussion of the prohibition Kml temperanci' nuestieii. TIica both lnilcd that, contrary te the tul.eii out permits ter niconei. sunpij I .... -I.-.-. -1 fAil raasIAl ff-A ItA I uccniiNP incj i" i i-i "-uui i us- necessary. "vYhnt was termed the I'emic supple ment arguments against prohibition, ns ndvanced by the wet. was declared hv .T. Bernard "A'nlten. of this city, te be a matter thnt must be met bv public opinion, directed into the right channel. Anether phase of Inteii.perancc ear nestly discussed was the growing prac tice of cigarette fineklns by young glrl. It w-as declared te be a great evil hv Mary A. Yarnnll. who espe cially deplored the amount of smoking being done by lellege girls. She urged mothers te use nil their Influence te put nn end te the practice. , Charles Pason. speaking of love nr.tl I unify, urged the prevention rnther than the cure of differences among Friends. William l.ittlcbey. a Friend from Len loll. r.iinn"". -"" "" i "- "; country haxe been facing well the vital den. England, said the I rlends in (his .,..,. ,nlu i"""" Burke te Give Recital A long arm! A short arm! A regular arm! Our shirts fit them all. We take as much pride in our scale of sizes as we de n..ri; r,nA T m our Quality ana value FERRO & COMPANY Rogers P'ect Clethes Chestnut St. at Juniper Telephener "Helle, Mackin Meters? I intended te drive back te your (hew roemi after the demomtratien, but I was enjoying it 10 much I forget about the time. Send the papers down tomorrow, will you?" Open Car.s $1785 Closed Cars $2785 Prices F. O. B, Factory Diiplay room open evening Moter Cars The car of the ten proven unitM MACKIN MOTORS, Inc. Jay Vandergrift, Pre. 8SS N. Rrert St. Frem Pcplir 7581 HIT AS ilIEDICIN I'IHj1- 1 13 C " i I Mayer Moere nnneunced nn Impend ! injr police "dinke-up today which hni set City Hull te tnlklns and cniifeil nn en'lnexs In the Depnrtmenl of Public Snfet). .Iiint hew rxlpiinlvc the chnnircs will I be the Mnyer lefii'ed te dlclee nt this time. Apparently, however. It will be , mere, drnstlc than that of several days age. when three lieutenants ncrc or- dered te resign, nnd one who refused te I'emply with the order wan reduced te tlie rank of a pntrelmnn. "New that the election Is ever." said iltn Mntnf "tliAi'A tvlll tin inme chnnffes In tin. 'pol'lce department'. The Mnyer knew mere new than he knew hefete. .These changes which I nm rentemplnl- inir will be innde reeai'dlesR of nny pe- . 'lltlcal leader, nml the police will be I given final orders te go straight "The Director and Assistant Dlrec .. i, iw,e..i.m,.it nf i.ih1i. SnfciT 'report there Is no commercialized gam- j kll- 1 fll.l1,..1nl..t.1.. Wm. t.m.i tns'ifntl ' iniii in i ii lUMii'ijiiiiit v ntn ' '' ' the I.nw Fufercement I-engue te co operate Tith the pe'icc authorities in a light against boeilogglng." The Majer denied absolutely n ru mor, said te lmve been spread by his political enemies, that Captain Ynn Hern was shifted just befeie election se as le give protection te "Huck" Dev lin, boss of the Klghth AVard. Yan Hern N known as n difficult man te ileal with, nnd has cleaned up various parts of town with ruthless hand. "That is perfect ret," Mild the Mayer of the report that Captnin Yan Hern had been transferred for a political purpose. "Captain' au Hern was Irnnsfcircd because of his known quail- jjeB as (lenn-tip man,' te a district where reports indicated gambling, beet legging anil vice were oeuuning pnvi- leges under the new peimcni compact made In that district. "The cantaiu will be en the job In the , -IM-HIIU UIMI M I .Mini H III ...IT 111 .it. first district. The orders against gam bling, bootlegging and vice protection arc just as strong as they ever were, and no protection of this kind will be tolerated anywhere." .AAA.... . . ... ,..( n .. i a ...no ... , nn NABBED AFJER-2-YR. HUNT Eugene Zaborevsky I Wanted en Charge of Stealing Thousands After eluding the police for two jenrs, Eugene Zaborevsky. charged with the theft of several thousand dollars, was arrested jescterdny In n shoemaker shei) at Dauphin and Cern I streets. Zaborevsky, with, two ether men, was m ..... - . n,.,.eMeii m jjie ter swindling a man. All three were held in ball for court They never appeared for trial and left the city. Later It was learned that Zaborevskv bad joined tlie I mted States Army no was iraceu ie ucriuanj . but en Irarnlng that detcctlics weie en his track, succeeded In being trnnsferied te Camp Dix. The police were en his trail nnd nbeut le arrest Zaborevsky there when he was discharged and re turned te this city. He obtained em ployment In a shoemaker shop under the name of Harry Smith. K-LEftf 5lLVER,rfH3 ST:! Jt-"' The Polished Girdle Diamond Excels in Brilliancy and has been accepted bj- society for exclusive engagement rings QueKljr and Workmanship unquestioned Special exhibition of Silver throughout the week Spring and Summer Weight Suits for Men fl We de net claim that these suits are worth $55 or $60, because they are net. I However, we are in position te knew their real value, and there fore emphatically state that there are no better suits any where at $45. IJ The fabrics arc choice qualities of Tweeds, Cheviots and Unfinished Worsteds made up in this season's approved models, and all arc made in accordance with the rigid requirements of Reed's Standard of Tailoring. $ We urge upon you the suits at $45. "W A a .TYfe jauum vvh - V KltNEST MAYO Camp I)l.v Midler, who says he shot Jonas Fex, Wrlghtstewn, N. !., Jitney man CONFESS TO MURDER nc utiucv nDICD UP JIINtl UnlVCri - ; Three Camp Dix Men Arrested In N. Y. One Says He Shet Fex EniP.sl Mave. n deserter from Camp DXt mR been arrested and has made full confession of the murder of Jonas ( K. Fex. a iltney driver at AYrights- town. N. .1. The pnrllv cremated body ' ' , , ,, -,. f hiii-iiwl weeds near Halnespnrr, . .).. Ma i. Of the three ether men snl.l te have been in the automobile with Maye at. the time of the sheeting, two were nr- listed in New Yerk nnd with nye S:C"S BMrTdr"l!!y rKS ntifl Crnnflnll Altnticnii. Tlu niltome- bile of the murdered man was used te leturn the nrlsencrs from the Ilroelclyn Navy Yard, where Maje was first ar rested. Detective. Ellis Parker, of Burling ton Count v. suspected Maye when he heanl he had disappeared fiem Camp I uix. He found he man Had enlisted i in dtp navy under the name of Hey Stuart, that he bad deserted and ieined the nrmv iust before the war. He be- llnfA.t Af A..1.1 ..a....... . Inl.l, . IIM-..1I ..If! ,1,1 tlUllllf 1UIII11I l 1H1MII,II.'I-M, I "" " . . I ... . , w ll.v ....i- and notified the officers there. In due trary previously published. The news- . time Maye turned up and confessed his desertion te the naval authorities. In his confession. Mave said Fex had sold him bad rum and lie bad sworn i te get him. "I shut him In the back while In his automobile." the authorities .aj he confessed. 'Ter fear he was net dead 1 leek the body te the weeds, tired two mere shots into it and then set tlie te the undergrowth." TRY BROTHERS FOR MURDER Pasquale and James Meslte Charged With Killing Jeseph Anzalone Pasquale Mesite. LVS4I North Yan Pelt street, and his brother, .lames. 'Jf)2(i North Lambert street, were placed en trial tedav chareril with mm ilm. lie. fore Judge Bnrnett. It is alleged the defendants shot and killed .lesppli Anzalone. L'HD West Cnmbrln street. January I'.", at Twenty-first and Cambria streets, following bitter feeling that arose ever n card game. A general fight eccuried audi three men have since been fugitives, but It is charged that the defendants com cem mitted the fatal assault. 1 -"Neris nrl J. W wisdom of seeing these T-.M' . - 1 Utiles ise Ul-IKSTNUT. V, sf Uy the Associated Press fipiina, Mn 17. Iliisln has accepted (he proposals of the Powers fur the meeting nt The Hague te discuss the Hussinn .situation, It was nnneunced this afternoon. In accepting, the Ituslnri proposed certain modifications In the plan, which j were dlfcufwil nt today's meeting. M. t'bleheiin, the Huslnn Foreign Minister, snlil he thought the fientler' 'trine proposed eheuld Include the allied , Soviet republics, declaring he would take It in thai mmip. He deslied te' 1 bnve the truce broadened. In order le Include ucKie.snlen by bands. Iteferrlng in the troens nf (jpneml Wrangel. for mer nntl-Helsbevlk leader in Seuth ." .. .; .. ..i..i Itus'in. new in the nnii.nn-, nr ni'ii i that they be icmeved te mere m-tniii ! fj,(i(, ,J,t,It01 nf tIP linsiifns mny haie a decided effect en (tie attitude of the fnltnl States, as Secletary,UKhes declination of the Invention te intend f , . " . h-i.i,. .....i ii1P,. iIpIccii- ", , ' ', ' 00 S S he sTill , """ ,, ': . , ,,, ,inltri, e.,.. ,n ' '',,.!.",. ,.(i ,i ' ir,lfirr- of the c J,,,' 'ning "further 'correspondence hhjA.h.ng.e,. t lionden. Mar 17. (IVv A. P.) Im pertnnce attnehed In England te Amor Amer lea's attitude toward Europe's affairs . is indicated by the prominence given by I this morning's newspapers te thn text of Secretary Hughes note declining the invitation te the proposed confer- ence witn tiie uuinus nt i ne Hague, I Vhn nftfmliii.lnr Itii7nfti nsmninp Wefi; that the American reply Is a final re- ' fusal. says this Is very much less vuv i.wtutnr. tit..,. ,1 rt u llin inlifill til flin frill. paper adds: "Many people here mc Inclined te exaggerate the Intrinsic importance of American participation In the settle- ment of Euiepe." Washington. M.ij 17 French smities , at tlenea. piler in issuance by thej Economic Conference of an Invitation te the Fulled Stales te participate In J Make this your personal car Te examine the mechanics of an H. C. S. is like looking into the mind of a mental giant. Yeu ex pect, and get, results. $2-100 AT IXDIAXAPOI.IS II. C. S. Sales Cemp.inv, 832 i Bread Street ' ljL v. 1 DESIGNED BV HAIMtY STL'TZ SON! ST. I - - . Large, Gelden Uak i ' CHIFFOROBE 712-714 Market Street Amcriccts Largest Heme of Furniture-, Half te Third Off Furniture Linde Great Clearance Sale The biggest factory, store and warehouse closeouts ever brought together in Philadelphia. All new, up-te-date patterns of the highest qual ity. Thousands of suits and single pieces at the lowest prices ever marked upon reliable, guar anteed, year-round Furniture the kind you can live with a lifetime without tiring of it. Don't held off for a better opportunity. Yeu will never be able te beat the values in this Sale. Fer every dollar you spend it gives you the biggest dollar's worth you will find anywhere, as the most casual comparison will show. Don't wait any longer. Make your selections at once. - t nr 4-Piece Walnut Suit Rich Queen Anne design. Has large Dresser, with 28x40 inch mirror. Bew end Bed, complete Chiffencttc and large Semi-Vanity. J -MJL ' , - V' 4-Piece Queen Anne Suite ru-F,si,tiY':ly iIt,c b'Sgcst furniture bargain in Philadelphia. Large Buffet, 60 inches lone. China Closet. 16 inches. Server, 38 inches. Ex tension Table, 48-inch top. This Suit in Tapestry or Velour Is strictly gujirantecd, inside and out. Has massive Davenport, 87 inches long. LarRc arm and fireside chairs Loese cushions, full spring seats and backs. Rugs and Lineleums Reduced Wiltens l-'OOO Mipci mc. M.' it 9G.50 1120(1 uici mc. S. Kle (i 91.50 im.Ol) Uej.il. lKU t, , , 86i00 10(1.00 iun iS.Kliie . 77.00 'MX) Weel. 'Kl.' ti . 58.00 Summer liuas 2 00 17.00 J I 00 15.00 Nei'iiah, "slJ it . . 12.75 NccimIi, SvlH tt 11.50 udeci, 'M-' ii. . 10.50 ii(i'cr, S(l u , s,oe Oit n Fridun 2rd Street, Columbia A 25th Anniversary Special $9.75 Tomorrow Only Combiner a chiffo nier and wardrobe in one and saves the space of two pieces of furniture. T h 0 r 0 u ghly con structed in every de tail and the superior cabinet work will please you. NCQ . $195 $125 $125 Axminstcrs t'5 mi lir' ),' M '0.00 .M.in.hr.'"'M ' ,, ' (.--Oil Kdiui, (v) . ,, v00 staiul..i., t.Os!j ',, - Ml .Staiid.iHl II ,!sJ Linoleum - " He,i Inl.inl S I Mi.i Inl.n.l .. 1 - .pen.il Inl.ml 1 lll.ltlltt I Ml l 12.00 .15.00 28.00 25.00 4G,00 1.85 l.fiO 1.25 1.35 V. a I , f , II V HENRY LINDE and Ridge Avenue Fine quality at a saving LIKE every e t lrc r well-dressed man, you want geed quality, but you probably aren't offended if you happen te save money atthe same time. Our store is large we sell a mul titudinous variety of fine quality garments, and every last one of them is priced in ac cordance with our Super-Value policy. P ERRY'S SUITS for Spring think of the advantage of cheesing from a really enormous selec tion of everplaids, pen cil stripes, checks, her ringbones, twills, tweeds, cheviets and hemespuns. Super-Values $28, $33, $38 and $43. for Spert ever a dozen different models, with inverted pleats and Norfolk ef ' fects. Three-piece suits Super-Value3 $25, $33, $38. Extra knickers, $7, SB, $9. for Juniors 14 te 18 years old an . amazing variety of pat- ' terns and styjes. Junier Super -Value prices $20, $23, $25, $28. for Hottest Weather exquisitely trimmed Palm Beaches in a wide variety of colors and patterns. Silky mehairs, single or double breast ed. Featherweight, trop ical worsteds, two - piece suits, some with vests. Super -Values $17, $18, $20, $23. $25. WE count our sales men as a most impor tant asset. Net be cause of their SELL ING ability, but be cause of their PLEAS ING ability. This busi ness must please its customers. Perry & Ce. 16th and Chestnut SUPER - VALUES iw Clethes for Men FINE FRAMING Etchings Prints Water Celers Paintings llll, ROSLiVBACH GALLERIES 13-:(t Wulnut Strcrt nwm Steel Lockers, "t Shelving 6c Sheet Steel Srjecialtiea EDWARD DARBY SONS CO. J KiUbhthetl 1854 ' 1922 Germamewn Ave., Philadelphia She could ? eat anything without indigestion or sleeplessness Fer a time Mip had been troubled wuhgasafterhercveiingmeal.The of which she was very fend. Then she started taking two cakea of Fl?isclimann's Yeast every night between her cvrntng meal and bed time. She poured about a h.-ilf'cup- ofbeilinR het water ever thej-east raVes, stirred them thoroughly, nddedalittlcceldwatcranddranlc She found she could cat finything find sleep splendidly afterward. Thousands of men nnd wemenare finding that Flcischmann's Yeait , corrects stomach and intestinal w troubles. It promotes the flew of bileandpancrealic juice. Appetite is always kept normal and you artf protected ecninst indlgesticn. Add 2 te 3 cakes of Flcischmann's en-it te your daily dirt. Yeu u ill find that your whole digestive syg tcmisRriatlybencrited.ncsiirclt'3 Flristhninnu'sYcnst the familiar tin-foil package with tlie yellow ' label. Place a etaiiding order with ' vcurprecerfnrirMu.tm,,..V..v.i. -:'- m ; th i V ( I it a. i M 2 -im AJMQ llHHjt Ti7fcl jlrlf4 IPfVr A &, 1 WM W- yj mimM.. 1 " 'ray-gai w. !.jtZ. ii v: w.v i. V ii-i w?&y8&rt&& 'r Vl..! il 'ft . , uim&si!l ta'$&T,: UfmAI 't . i-pj wi m U V