fSiiif iKP? ys;vv w ! r' " ( ' r l.'Wr,j(rir -( JffeV EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILABLPHIA, WEDNESDAY, : MJy 1? , 1922 nttt i-vthT mtti riTxViii.cir A V' nrA,'tr -itf 1099, " $1 i f I Mi UK, i?v I. th Canadian Bends it lOi. ,i ? Ifr v Descriptions of fifteen Canadian is?ue arc - contained in our May Bend Circular. These " iniludc Dominion, Pro vincial and City bends. Ask for Circular V-ll Harris, Ferbes & Ce Pine St., Cor. William NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA OFFICE Widcncr Bldg. Telephone Spruce 7040 City of Shrcvcpert. La. Direct Obligation 5r'- Bends Due Serially February I. I Pill In February 1, !i'U Shreveport is one of the leading industrial centers of the state and is the largest manufacturing and dis tributing point within a 200 mile radius. The city is served by 8 railroads with 12 main branch lines. Bends are secured by and payable from a direct and unlimited ad valerem tax irrevocably levied against all taxable property in the City. Price te yield 4 ' ; r'- Hemphill, Noyes C& Ce. , ttwnbsf Nw Yerk Stock Etching Franklin Bk. Bldg., Philadelphia Mw Yerk Boten Scronten Albany Itncun Balttmet) E. H. Rollins & Sens Founded 16 Investment Bends 1421 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia I'henf, l.enit 7300 Bolten Vein Verfc Wilkrs-Rarrr Baltimore Chicago fan Francisce Tax free in Penntytvania PENN PUBLIC SERVICE CORPORATION First & Refunding Mortgage 6" Bends, due 1947 During the paat eight years cre earning of tlna Company havr increased ever 3's times unci net earnings ever 42 times. Approximately 90 of current net earnings were derived from the Company electric light nnd power business. Price 99.50 and interest te yield 6.05 Descriptive areelar en request PENN Public Service Corporation operates in industrial territory in Pennsylvania, serving ever fifty communities. u We have en hand bends secured by lirst mortgage e n electric generating plants and ether proper . ties which we offer at a price te yield ever 67e en the investment. Free of Pennsylvania State tax. Drtuih Hniii'heit en request. , HARPER &TURNER Investment Rankers Jfemfiers rtiilititlpttia SrecA Echtt STOCK EXCHANGE BUILDING aSVwnrcv? Philadelphia J?rirtf COPPERS AT LAST GLT BIG INNING Automatic Shifting of Leader-1 ' ship Brings Red Metal Croup in the Limelight ! New erl(. ln,x 17. A lihrril .niec- I Hen nf cupper lind' n pn'xerf'tl -.tiniu-lljlilltf Influence lipi'll Inilnv' sleck tninke' A., ii iriilt iIkh- xx,n n lit - ', iiinnifTtl mnn-ien ni' ilenlltip:. xxhlch. - ('i.rlnp I'r- lu-.f half "f lli" i--i.i'i, xxet" ni .i I'm iiiUllnn--hiiiP-il:ix li,i The ' fiiarkei lit the .! mc time 'in cue of bullish (Iciminoiriitien in innnx croup, villi ilii ntlxi U-.iilcr-'hlp hifllns for tin- t.n.i- heliis n' 1pp-I te tin- cupper nixt-inn. I ..iter, the cheaper ell pep- i iiKr nviter-, ami iupinenri jem'il 1 1 - . pin. pmIeii. cuius ilie cnieril meiem"))! a il xtiniM hrculnnltis ,"ipeci. The .iiexniipit' hi iln red niPti! h.Ti I wli.rli vn !"iik evpnluc . no' alto- ! KhIipi viirpMlng. .n vipxx of rh- fait lli.ii thi inilu.-lri il lrii.ui hiil ii "" pem ndx.ui"i tln ial'j. nbniii -H i u I 'p tpi mi)iii 's no eiilv n ."l.p'-iir.t nexrn from i In- in iihk-IimI ilurin: , tlir i"no' of il.f pnM-wiir ili'pr".siin '1 hr pi fri'iieiln IP il, I'ivviu'it. In Ihr tmii-il - IIII r"i mi leek of tl.e op- pt-r indnir in tin' im rai-lng en- , iimpwin ini'1 ipiliirtinn in surpl'i1- im It iml t!n- .ippmrnt hanlming of pri " ' In fail, lii'tti'c .nfoimeil iril" n I(Ih ll( OIl'llilHI ll-ll'lll ep'lOl I ttn'iM hi ri"d.ri'e !n n ! tinri uni" I.l,i' tb I". fi i(iiiiiiitr.itietis tn til ilU .iii'l ' 'i-l- lie nieiMuini l.iti!. e ,viitk., ' I'viiai.s'M siiii1. Tlii wai timnil in iln Ulr-, inMilnttun of IiU'lCI' xnrn. Th" oepppiv (inrii tii:i l ! Hip markT from tlip eit."i. anil, witn irw .".'op. ! tl"ii. sum', wp-p pvti'iulpu niHti'i lalh ilnnns 'In' ai't'p forpneon. rpxiilLiis In , npr nihaiifp of I in "J points in .iii-h j p:hpi n IPnn.-eu. T tab. ("irrn il" J I'nw.i ami Ani""i'aii SmPltPV. vbilp litepin'tpiTiiiir piilnip pnipur n markpi ' mi1 ii- (i inje'i-l bj nil' i".v r iniiip- l-pr1; of tin- si'nnp I I'palinK- lirnaririii'il 'I- ihp inermtij I .Khnip'pil. ite cupi!1-.'!!! of pri"ilat:rn i nrtilt ie the rh.PHppr oil". In tnr j ni'.inttrrp issr"sUe riens-rm tnp'h tnp'h eils Hppln'il in S'lnlcbakp". Mrvb'iiii 1'p. . rnili'iiiii iiipi I'.aUlwii' I.oiemouvp nf tl pi.fi I elh llPlll IMlel pI'lipOSlllOllv Imrp npturn". liftini; StiuMmlipr te a i I'i'w liuzli fei- tin- jpiii. 'I'lii' M""!- ff ; "rratli1. Miilralp. hewnvrr. Ii.ml a IIm'U , lienmli" en tb" "trpneth of lln rppert , l;a iniprp oiitrelline ilia' property . ban lein'pil the Itptli'rhi'in-I.ni kiuvanni ' ciimp and dppn'i th .n-p.irtv" j niPrp0" ! Commodity Markets NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS GRAIN MARKET (hirace. Max IT TIip xxhpir m.ir b.pr nppriP'l in-pcnlar. xMtli thp May pnpp up Hir te .1 4T1.-. xvlnl" i!ip n"v i-op mnnihi xxpri' ' t te v iexxpi. :in' il"r- me Mip parly trnilinir tliPn- xh- n par- , tial ipndpitinpnt. Mux- iflms en" 1 ( from thp top. x 'i: l- th lntpr pnMtien xxnrk-pil up x.r I" ',4' fiem Hip len".' Thp l.ixPi-poel innrKPt faili-d te fellow ( our advanpp of yprtPi'day. and at tip' nncni'iL- of the ilenipxtlr mafknf xxn1-; lift iinpuaitRPd te dpi lard 'Inl tn' rnrlx M a peer Cern M.xvtfd nivhansi'd te 'if levcrr i I'liil riilpd bniplx !pw!x. xxitli ex-iilf in hi-' of ineri' hpili" -pIMhi: .iKam'-t rnnnirx I effpr- Oat- xx pip iibmit -tp.iiiy at uncnani'vi ( ',i- lexxpr liex iien- x-Ptr ijiiji'I but -iiidx. xxitli iiiepi 'ii- zHiiu. !I"S? npi'iii'i), xifnilx- te -trenj:. I TTl '4d lexxi'i' Kxperti'f- ppeit ilpnvtnd i rn H I ll--iii-TTirn-r Vtli-a' mi - i ' ,r - " M t Jl ' eplf ln'n" rtM Julx- I ar.I Julx Vptn-Kr Bit Bl'i . it '- I 4.'. i :" ii.' i'.T'i U fi I 4T 'Jd', fi 1 'J S'.'t ?1 Ct .1.1, x, !, in 1 I' M ?t. , lx I I '. i I in ' ll'i 1 1 fi" ii - ;i ? COTTON MARKET , Npxx 1 i,rl. Max IT. Thc.i nitert mar ki't xxn-T te IT p itnt- lexxpr till- morn-' HIE Til.- xx.i- in rpM,mtiH te cinv iiib'i"- ill"! Iiixf.-poel -p'lilic. xxlnrli off--pi !'pt'!''- "T fii'tbpi- rain- in North Tpxim im I ' 'kl ii 'i'ii.i Mm! heii-P" an-! N'pxx (JriiMii" '"''"k'l" v b ip i iini'iii' inn i-eiirpri- i'd n i" ' I'ep option- I..V"-,' the ' -i ln'iM'iii' MiadiM- and rnl'id RllO'll I'' pe.n'- ft en. imt al 'pxci O'l iiiblp'' ft mil 'i"no,i that rhe Ituwian J had ai'ppptpd iIip inedihrd piopenaK of th AI'.pm. Ki-Pipt- at the pert' for the der an- PMimniPi! at l.'.fMrfi b.'ilp-. acain't 2-' -trill hnl'- i pd: hke. 1 I. - 2.1 bil' a xiar a?e and nW- halp- txxe yrar' aee r - r- rif iipn iff ! p xi !s . Jl .'" C is I i, .ii I'. J" -I" LP xi t , r CP I-' -"' ''.' 2" I" f. -nM .'il I". I'" ?.1 2 Irt it" n - :" s. je ii 'j' - XTa'Mi '.'P 22 .'fl I'. ,1 ' J-r2sM2Kv',SSr- "'ii I !$' Ill We Own and Offer 1J M NEW YORK ,i! ' 1 CONNECTING R. R. ,' v 111 I ' ' 1st 41es, 1953 i "- llll Guaranteed by Pfans. R. R. ' 4? md N. Y. N. Y. & H. R. R. , Txtfe' . llll I?t-.t AAA I... in r.. I ! BsS!! ""'" 'V '"vu ., !,, PsWi-rri WlDtHIR BlOC. PHII.ADIIPHIA ' bVi.,! fmtrn J'AmAMit awf i, n i - K5j5?)(liJ. K:ii)er,SlKkt..aipt ( t,i i. t'jTTt1ii ' ii v - ii iiffviT?SirrTnw!i n llflUH J lv I I W I ittsistisssM 1 1 I c NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET Npax Verl, Max IT Thp i-effpp fn- i ii"- PHik'i'i epiiii'd pn- or ih: inorn inern itij "h hr-i pr't te II pe nt 'ixxpr iindpf n atipni lniulilntinn, pro pre pro nieip.l pi thp iiiifiiverRhlp adxn't from' Hrazi' 'I nidinz. hewrvpr. xxa- no' 'r'lxp And i-nnfiiiPil i" thi- S-'nptPmher I'inbi p.i"ti"ii' tr.p terniPr -pPiiij a' ''.'! .-md Ji.H'Ji mid thp latti-r at li.ii'i. and ! " 'I I' I lll'llkrl 'X.'fkl-il off inn de- ' X peinn aft 0- iip epppiiiR iiiiiIp' f'.-iln-r '.1'tPr.tiB liqn kI.it imi and p.im'i r iah!" ! i i It'e. A .ppi'i.il p.iIiIp iimpix-piI iifTP ii'liiiti'd an i.ildinepal dp' line of T'l m Kill ip.' in thp U'e iiurki'". xx ili ii'i ad-x-iii.i. et 1" i'P' in tlip dollar biixins i .1 1 -. ,'iinl I hi- mil'-.- i'11-i'l'lrd hnxTll'K of i Iip prini.'ivx ni.irki''- b'd Ie I e r it . rpnlir.iii; OI-pi.x'-p. tl"ii' mpfiiPil i" hi- no imi ii i lin piP-i-.H'. ii.lli"MP;h t pip -xf..1- im 'i-lllns ex iiniier'lns iiifrpM . , i Ii ii v ' nf lie- levi-r- in 1 1 reit ',1,'i'a' 111". ".I" it'iUlSM 'ikelx I'l (e'l - iii i-ii-ii"- mm eIIpis p us 100 1200 100 100 COO 11217 3300 100 :ioe 103 100 100 100 ?00 100 1100 (-00 100 100 2-1 10 700 500 100 200 1700 400 100 POO 10O 200 POO 103 100 1C0 ke 24200 100 200 103 TOO 7030 1800 1V50 1100 100 2700 030 100 13800 200 100 400 200 '00 100 200 1100 000 100 B200 4103 101 03 ;oe 1400 100 100 5100 100 1103 100 100 xOO 100 203 203 -100 4'"OJ 3030 100 100 1700 3400 330 100 24C0 6800 4C0 32C'0 1C0 .'03 100 500 700 1600 7600 100 1850(1 7000 6300 200 100 103 200 4933 100 1630 2-100 2400 2930 2100 2130 700 733 100 100 100 10'J 230 100 200 600 100 1700 100 1 500 1133 6703 150 203 i03 800 230 2400 200 1300 42930 100 100 100 10700 100 200 e03 'CO IdiJ 03 100 400 600 100 100 100 6100 2400 '.101 100 100 ,r I TOi'!v Huh . Vilani" rixpi (.'.- . . 65 Ailxntipp ttuinly 18U 3 AdxatiL-p TliimMv pf 46 ' . . A.tai Rubber . ... 16S .. Alaska Meld Mlnen. T . A aU.i Juneau O ai 2 i AIMpiI fhim ft Dy 00 1 ( ' Ml.cd i'Ii & Pyp pf107?i 4 Alllj.fli.t ineis . 4Bn T Al.ls.fhllmci Pf . 97J . Am Afr1 rheni . 38 si .. Am AitiU' ( liMti pf. 65?i Am Hpet Pmrar . 41 ' Am P.esch MaRnete. 44 ' A" It be l pf lipxx 106 Am fun 474 " i'i Tan pf . . 105 32 Am Car ft Filv . . .160 Am ('bu'li 12' Am I'otlen Ol' R 1i . Am Cotten en pf . GO At'i Drug l-'xti 5' j .. m Hide A Ix-atlur 15' .. Am ttlile Lefttll pf 70 H Am Internnt Cerp . 454 i Am le . . .108 Am Ipp pf 81 U 1 Am l,n France Enc 13U Am T.inippd . . 34 Atn I.lnppd pf . 54 'i (I Am Loisemotlv. . .114 7 Am r.H-emit've pf .116 x Am Itadlater .... 993-i .. Am faftv Itaxer... 7 -. Am Sh p & Cem . . 17S Am SuiMt . . . 64 7 m Snielt nf 97 1 m '.pp KeundrlfS 3R5 7 m Pti-Pl Vnv pf. . 09 ' Am Suftar PW .... 75 in S'jnutr.i . . 36T ? Am T! A Tel 122'i 12 Am Tobacco. . .. 1 4 1 & i: Am Tob.iP-e .138 Km Watrxxk." pf 31 'i T Am Woeipn . 92 Am Xlne l.il A "m t 19 . Am Zlncl.i1 . pf . 45'', .. Anaconda Cepppr.. T5 Ann Arhei pf 47'; fi A se n 1 ... 12S 6 Vteh Tep A San Fn 99'i 5 AtPh Tep A F pf- CI Allan ni' A Atlantic 3'r 7 Atlantir Coast Urn-. 102 1 .. AMantlc Fr'ilt . . 3H . Atl (Julf A W I S S 37 Mlamilf A W I pf. . 26Ji Aiut'-i Nlcbe'i; 2A " nailwin I.ocemitlxpl 17 Baltlmerp A Ohie . 46Ti 4 Rait! A Oh e pi . . 60i . Rarntlal! C'.iss 48 Rainsrla." i'U H 34'4 5 Rcth'chpm StPel. . 76 7 Rcth S-pf' 7 P' "37 ? Reth Rted Sc pf- 112 5 Rpth Stci"! B . . . 78 .. Rr t i:m S-' Intl pf '-R . Rklxn Ripid Ttpni- 25 U . . Rkn F. T ctfa of deb 22 . Rrki'n Viiien (3ap 103 Rre xt Shoe . . Rtur- i Tprrn . 5 Rums Rres . .: R'i-ni Rres R 7 R :'i "Vriii Rid pf R-utp Cepppr A Z'ni . . R'i" Sup Cnp Rutter ck . . 6 California PacklnK Cal'fe-nia Tetrel Callahan Zinc t l.d : Cn.nmpt A Arliena 10 Canadian Taciflc . . Cer.tral Leather . . Crro-le-Paqpe Cprta n-tpp'l Frert ChHndlPr Moter ChPsappakc A I'ale Chicago A V.cn Chicago A 'ir Wpl . Chi A Cr WpRt pf flu Mil A . F . CM Mil A St F pf. . . . flit It I & Pacific 6 CM II I A Pac6"V Chilp Cnpppr . . . Chlne f epper . . 4 Cra Cela Ce t KiipI A Iren 46 1 J 4 13V. 31 T 97 74 31 's 26 t-i 7RS 56 ? 60 139 "2 29 39'4 49 Ti 74, 65 8 0 21 25' j 424 44H pf 81 .. 21 ' . . 30 'i .. 5 . 34', S Celum '3.n A IllPC Kli . Celum i7rap''oplien 4'i Cel Orap'iaphen.- ?f 'a'i 4 Ceinput Tab Rcc . fc8 1 or.iel f'ljar 274 7 Cor,felidti1 .'a. . 118' . Consel Textllen . '3S 4 Cern Freducts Ref 1001 :-. Cosden A Ce 43' 2 .. Crucible StPPl . 1ii .. Cuban m Suear 22, .. Cuba Can Riipar . 1r'T Davisen Chp'nlcpl E8' : "i DPBpr c Mm I.'d 21 fi Dlaxv.i- A H de-121 'S t. IIpI l.s.i.'k A Wcs' 117 fictreit Kdmen 106'i 1 Demp Mines -73 5 nastmm Kodak nexv 77' .. R pc S'er Bat new- 43 . Klk Hern Ceal . . . 201 7 Fiullcott-Jehnson pfHO Er'e IfJ . Kt lit nf -' 1 r-'amei'i riax-er" I. 81 I-Vil Mli A Smptt 16 'i FpiI Mm 'i Hmelt p.' "53 i V V hUf Bedx- . . 1 ' f F 'Ii' ReiIx or i"i ' r'r . . F '. Rnbh'r . . . 1 e . Freppurt Tt-Tas . 21 "-, ("la ten mix A x S "2 Uenpral Acphnlt S rjpnral Clear . S Kpnerjl F.lei'trlc (;ner! Moter ... fi C.pii Met db P." 7 f;pp Met tleh 7"0 . r.oedr'.ch (B F) Ce. .. Granby Cen M & ri 7 i;rpat N'erthprn pf 4 Gt Vertb Orp ctf. . .. Gr'ppp Cananea Cep 32' rtuantaname Sucar 1 1 . . Gulf Statp Pfppl . . HahllRhaw Flrlrlp Hpndpp Mfc Ce ... .. HeusiV" "" 7 Mum Mote'car . . Hx'riraull'- SippI 7 Illlne'.F Cpnttal rnrilahema Rf lnpirat1nn ''nn Cip 42 , . lntpr con ' eppr . ?A . Intprbore Cen f op pf 4S 62 73' 165'4 . 1""-4 , 82 ' , 95 40 H 30 'i 74', 41 S4 t . 20 . 7" 21 3 103 4S Inter AKTiculturp Intr AgrlPul pf 1200 S4 lnternaf fmnt .. 100 ; inic-nat Cem Knjr . 4100 5 lin Uarxplp- iifv . tee hi V.fr M.i' in' 403 r In' Mi M:artn pf S'OO .. Intp.rnatienal .Nip-m.1 '00 International l'apc 200 Invlnciblp Oil Cerp 100 . Jren Freducta ... . 1603 . Inland O'l 100 . . .IcxxpI Tea pf . . R03 . .lenek Bres Tea 100 , Kama A Gulf 100 . Kan Cllx Seuthprn. 2030 Knyer A Ce iipn- 730 .. KeliV-Sne Tire 10" 41 H 37 h T'.H 104 1', 2? , 8? mil 49 '4 in 31 I'l 71 42 "x'i 27 44", r.0', t pix 65 46'j 16V ? 1' 66' 4 107?i 4H2 97 n 38 H 65'i 41 'i, 44 Ii 106 47' 1 10414 160 12tj 27?, 59-4 b'i 15'i 70 '. 441$ 107f 81 '4 13 ','4 34 54iJ 114' 110 fP1 7 17 t, C1 97 P9, 7ri 34 x, 121 ' 139 136'j 31 U 90 ' 19 45', 54 47 99 i 01 33 1021, 3H 36 26 12 24 i 116U 46 60 ', 46 ' 33 73'j 951, 112 76 28 h, 24 t 22 10? AG 4 131 39", 96 3, 7' 31 26'-i 78 V 56 R'4 59 139!i 28' 28',i 9W 73 V 6S 7", R 20 25 41 1, 42'; 81 20 H 30 57 'j 34 fiR IJi iR'n 67 274 117'? 13H 1 00 ii 42'j 72 '7 22 15', r-7 ?ii 121 'j. 117 105 'i 274 77 V, 43 19W 110 13H 21 'i 80'i 15', 52'4 11S 95 17', 20 H i 60 " 71 ' 163 12f, 82 'i "5 ,i 10 H 29H 74', 41 '2', 11 P4 20 78', :e 9 103 4H 41 i ?- 4' lOVi 41 H 25 S 98 V 22 81 '4 I7'i 49 ' 18 31 ii 1 W 71 42 5', 27 43 V 10 1 fin V M 65 17'. ' 46 Jn -10V U ! 2 - 67Ti-l 107TM 48 ' j -: 97 S 38 H 65JJ-I 41 i -Y 44 H 5 N't 1 rhp 1 ' 1 2 V 'i I I. V ' 14 I t t 106 47l.i r 105 ! 160 r 1217 8'i : 59 'i - 5'i 154 t 108 1 81 ' 1 13" 34 - 54'j 1 114i 116 . 99 i 7 17H f 64 V ' 97' ' 38 V i 99 V 75 37 ,'i r 122 141 J 117'i ! 31 'i ' 92 ' 19 V " 4-5 'i 1 14?. ' 47 'i 125 99' 91 3's 10?V 3 V 36'i 26 '2 24 i 117V is r 60' 4eu 34 76 97 112 7R 2flV -r 25'- r 22 ! 103 46 '4 : 4 111 39 'i -07 7 V r 31 "4 -2614 -78 V 1 56 ''2 -i 8'i 60 - 1 39 '4 38 V -f 39 -r 49 V r 74'i 1 65 7'i -8 21 , 25 ',2 -r 42 44 V R1 21" f 30 V f 58 "2 34 88 4.' 18V : vS 'i ' 2.7 J i 118 ' 13V - I00H r 43V 73 22 t.i 15'i ' 'O', ' 21V ! 121 '4 117 106 '2 -27 V ' 77', i 43 -r 201, 1- 110 -13 "j 21 f, -r 81 f 1 -i 52 '4 4 115 j 95 18 ; 20 ', U - ( 1 ' V 't V V V 1 114 ' " 4 V H 4 i 'ft V 2 "4 2 "4 1'4 4 1'. V ' 1 V 1'e i'. .e.l. 100 36300 200 ,. 6600 . . 100 .. 1400 300 2 200 31- 100 J2 500 200 100 1800 300 200 100 100 100 100 100 100 400 2800 ' 300 5300 8200 15700 2100 '4 ' 1'4 ?. 3' 'i 2'-. 1'i V 1 i " '4 1'4 '4 V V H V V I '4 1 "4 14 M H 2V V 1 V 1 r 114 !.! Va ,' S! V V 1'v i 1 62 73' 165!, 1 3 i - 8214 r 9514 i 40K 39 14 -4 74' f 41 t 32 4 n?4-f- 84 2 20 79'. rev 9 103 4V 42 V ' 10TJ-I-41 V f 25 V - 104", ! 22', -' 82 ' 18 f 49U-I IE -31 V ! 1 14 71 42V 4 2 '4 H ! H 1H ' '4 14 Hi 14 IK i 4 '4 '4 V V ' 5 V 4 '. Wi'i In I STOCK llilth 6 Ulcv Wheel 100 .. Kcrinrcett Copper.. 3B14 .. Kcystone T & n ... 21 J4 .. l.ncknwnnna Steel.. 79 .. l.ake Erie ft West.. 16? Lake Krle A W pf . . 35 t.ee ntibber Tire.. .. 33 l.eiil-h Vnllex- .... 62U l.lctett A Mvera . 1661 1 Lima r.ocemotlxc ..1081 .. r.eewn Ce 16 1 Left Candy 13U 12 l-errllard I' 155 . MaPk Truck 49 7 Mnck Truck lut pf 87 "6 Mclntyra new .... 17' . Manatl Supar 44 4 Mnnhnttnii F.l Supp 60 T Manhat Kiev Ouar. 50 1 Manhat Shirt 39 . Market St Uxw .... 7J4 Marland Oil 31 '4 2 atnrOn Parry 31 M Math Alkali 29 .. Max Moter Claaa A . 74 VJ Max Moter Claii R. 24 1. 12 Mexican Petroleum. 132 z aiiainl Copper 29J4 4800 1 29 Mlrlillp lllilii Cni-n 144 33300 .. MldvalP Steel .... 40!4 COO .. Minn St t,eul new. 12 300 .. Me Kanaas a Te.xaa 11 ZOO .. ate Kan Tex (wl) 17 "4 100 .. Me K.111 T (xrl) pf 39V4 200 .. .Missouri Pacific .... 23 300 .. Me Pacific pf 561 ZOO .1 Mentana Power .. 73 H 9100 . MentKnmerx- Ward.. 22V 100 7 Vnt RljiPtilt 150 100 .. Nat cloak A Suit . 39 100 .. .at Kn & Stamp .. 40 V 4600 15 National Lead .... 96' 100 7 National lnd pf . 110 200 .. Nn'Tin of M Id pf 5V 9300 . Npv con Cep 1814 2?00 6 N O Tex A Mex .... 67 V 500 . x v Air Brake .... 76 100 B Nxv Tork Central .. 88 '2 800 f. .S- Yerk I'&Sih, 71 100 .', V - ''111 A SI , 2pf 76V 200 2.1, Npxx- Yerk Fuck .... 36 V 100 S Npxx- Ve-I: Ijec 60ii I Nexv Yerk N II ft Jl 30 . Nut folk A Southern 18 7 Norfolk A Western. 105V .1 North Amer elf. ... bS'j 3 N Amerlcanctfs pf 43 V . North American rla 7H B Northern Pacific .. 75',, . Ohie Bedy Blewer IP, 12300 100 100 400 100 100 100 300 500 600 100 100 100 100 10J 600 82.00 2200 200 2200 4700 . 100 200 100 10600 7700 . 2100 . 26700 100 600 800 100 1' 500 500 11700 100 100 100 3500 1500 3900 3000 100 100 3200 1900 6500 . Ont Silver Mining: .. 8' fkla Pretl A Kef ., 2j; . Orpheum Circuit .. 19 V fltn Stpp 14V 6 niU Klevater pf . . . 99 : n-.vpig Ret Mach . 36 '2 PacPc V)evM Cerp . 9 V P.icIIIp Mall 13'i 3 Pacific Oil C5 Pan Amer 1'elrei . . b5 fi Pan-Amer K 57 '2 1 Pennsylx-anla ft R . 40 V Penn Scab Steel .. 12', " Peeples Gas xhlcage 86 Per Marquette- .... ?0V .1 Philadelphia. Ce ... 391, 2 Phillips Pet 47 V PiTce-Arrexv meter 19 . Pierce-Arrexv Met pt 37 ' 2 Pierce Oil 10 V S Pierce Oil pt 55 h P!H Ceal 61 V Pitta A AV Va 35 1 Pend Creek Ceai .. 21 0 Festum Cereal .... 78V 8 Pestum Cereal pf. .107V Producers & P.ef .. 40 ;4 fi Public. Scr Cor of X j 88 'j K Pullman. . . Punta Alegra Suit . 2 Pure Oil 41 Itanrt Mines . . , . Ray Cen Copper . . . 4 Heading 2 Reading lit pf . . Remington Type. . .. Ileplegle. Steel .... P.epuh Iren A Steel 121 40', 32 ?4 28 17'i 78 14 45', 3412 3514 70 V .1 Reynolds Tobacco B 471. 9100 6 20 F.eyal Dutch N Y.. 631, 200 1 St Jeseph l.ead 1 r, '4 400 . St Leuis San Fran 29 V 100 . St U"eul Seuthxxeat 28V 100 . St L Snuthxvpst pf 46 '2 1300 . Srfiita Ocejia Sug.ir 4'j 100 .. Seaboard Air Line. . CV 200 .. Peab Air Line pf... 10 t 2000 . Seais-Keebuclt .... 74?, 6600 .. Seneca Cep Cerp... 14 14 5900 . Sballiick Arlr t.erp 11 100 .".u simii Ti-nnxp'nt .... 45 1. 5300 . Sinclair Oil 32!, 400 . Sle.is Sheffield ... 51 ', 2900 a Southern Pacific .. '0?', 2400 Southern P.all 24',, 200 . Southern Hull pf . 56Ji 1200 . Spicer Mfs Ce . 18?i 2900 t Standard en of call 14 V 100 f. Slandaul oil of N .M87'i 300 7 Stand Oil of N .1 pf 11514 V 1 ' 1 '' V '-4 U 5j 27 43 V 50 14 1 300 2efi Sterling Preduclfi 1300 100 64500 900 300 40J 8200 1100 10200 800 2400 200 3800 300 11600 300 3200 1200 200 100 200 14100 70090 1100 10600 100 100 1200 5200 100 1200 14100 500 1700 frOO 900 200 100 600 1200 2100 100 300 400 2900 100 100 100 000 900 2i00 1400 100 48 Stewart Warnci . . . . 40 J, Strembcr Caib .. 52J4 7 StudebaUer 121 . . Sub Beat. ' erp .... 5 .. Superior Oil C01 p . 7 V SxxppIh Ce of Amer 3 V . Teim ''en A C'hem . 12'2 .' Texas i ' 1 . . . 47 74 . . Tex 1 in 'f A Snip . 47 TeH Pa'-lfi. . 32V 1 Tpvhs A Pap c .x e 29 U Tliinl Axe . 22V fi TobBPi'e PierliiciB . . 71 . Te I St I. A W clfs R 35 Trnii.cnt mental xnl 17 '4 I 'lian'ue AVm Steel 4214 rnlen Oil 22 V l" Vrtk'ii Paelflp ..1371, 4 I'nien PttcifiP Pf 75 .. riiltprt Pnisc . . . . 72' 1'nitpil Fruit .140 f. 1 Tiled FJetall Stoies. C5 . I .- C I P A Fdy . 34 1, . I - l'-end Preduel 5 r - Ind Alcohol 53 7 I Ind A'oehol pf 94 'j ' S rie.i'tv ft Imp . 68 V . C -; Huhlier . . G4 ' it F S Smelt A Ref 44 IV F S Smelt A Ref pf 46'i, Ii F S S'eel 99 V 1 Flail f upper . ... 67?i Ftah Spp. ... 17V Vanadium Cetp .... 50'4 . Xn.rnr ChPtmeal .. 33 n. .. a-Car chemical pf 7414 f. V Iren Ceal A Coke 57' il a Iren C A ' pf . 71 "a Vixadeu Im . .. 13', Wabasb 10 V Wabash lit 31 1 Weber A Hellbiener. 14 V . Western Pacific . 21 Western Pacific pf . ne7, We-tlnc 11 A M . . 63 fi 4 4 Wheel in if A 1. K . .B0 While Eagle Oil ... I White Moter .. White Oil Cerp ... . . W'eVt hpenc St Cerp. .. TV.llxx Oxerl.uid . . . . Wilsen A Ce West B A M 1i' pf 72 V 11V 26 49 101. 19?4 8 46 t.oxx t.exx 100 37 21 14 78 H IS-? 33 33 0214 1661' 10714 16 13H 152 49U 8614 17 44 CO 0 S9 7?i 3P, 30 H ?9 73 V 2314 121 i 29' 14V 39V 12 11V 17'j 3914 22 U 55 ?4 73 V 21 '4 150 39 40 V 93 14 t;e 5 V 17' 66 V 75 88 '4 60 76 V 3GV bOU 28 !4 IB 105 V f8 43V 7 V 75 ' 11 8' Ht 9V 14 V 99 16 '4 9 V 11', b.'. l, 63', 57'; 40' 11 V OR 0V 391, 46'4 '7'4 35 V 9' 55 61 1,4 35 2.1 77V 107 V 38'i 87 ?4 121 40'4 321, .'6 V 17 77 V -15 'j 34'4- 34 V 69 '4 45'4 6t 'j 15 4 29', 28 V 46!'j 4 6 V 10 '4 74 13 V 0 45(4 31V 50 90'; 56 '4 iev 112J. 1871 j 1152 47 V 40 V 52 Ji 118 V 5 7 V 3 V 12 47 V 4r.'t 32' ; 8V 22 0 '4 25 16V 42 21V 1361, 74 V 72!' 140 63 V 34 4 V 31 'a 94'4 68 V 63 V 41V 46 '4 98 V 66 17 '4 49 !4 33 73 V 56?, 71'' 12 V I0H 20' 14?j 21 60 I-. 62 72 '4 11 V 26 48 10 19H ', 46 14 " 14 '4 1H 1 V '4 2'i V ! 3' 1 1 V 1 u 3 1'4 Street rumor tlml llip tllreclnr of Hip Amcripnti Stere f iliclr mcplinc tlil nftorneon would Increase thr divi dend rate en the common from n 4 te 0 per rent bnei. ravp that spwlnlt.v tin tin ether lift In lis upxvaiil flljlit. tni r.v I tiff the qiinintien te a nexv lilRh tererd nt J20'A. Th was an ruernlcht Kfllu et i!',4 peliitc. TIip Irntllng wnn quitr iH'tlve, while the lleallnR supply, net -wlthslandlnK the iihenemcnHl ntlrance et the pnKf. tour month, wm found equally limited ns when thp tock eeld 20 te .'10 nelnt under the fiirrent nnn- V latien. Thp rlret preferred followed ns ' iiriinl. niul en etuall trnnsactlens ad- rniited 2i point te li'P'.i- The Street I confident the dlrldend i te bp incienscd, peintlnc out that in paving only ?4 a year in illvldends thp mock is out of line xtith nil ether leral ntPpkM. Jt li also known, liecatif-e of the. huge sucpph of the new ven ture In Ualtitnnrp. It has Iippii ilepldpil te open Mere In ether InrRp rifles In the nearby Slates. The movement was virtually Inde pendent of the KPiiernl lift n the Irntl ing I'lsewher.p reumined qtilei. There! wax. hexvever ,n fre.'h revival of speeu lntlve activity In llndle Corporation lifting that isup te (IVf. iliereliy re RnlnliiB about nil thp recent less. Lake Superior made 11 imall frartlnnal gain en the geld mine story rpnehlng 11'. eaunl In ilie IiIeIi of the year. Phlln- I 'delphia Elprtrif shaven remained firm 1 I at about thp Ix'st price of the move- '4'ment. P. H. T. continued nuler at '4 j33a4. There wn further evldeiipp nf I accumulation nf American Hallways 14 preferred, xvhlrh displayed slgnlticant jfirninep" at 41. I'piinsvlvnniii mill hung 4 j around 4HTh. I.ehlgh Navigation xx.t , unihanged at "(I. 4 1 Ilnth t In linnni'inl anil mnrkeltl com- tnunliy xx-ns ciirleubly indifferent te ypMenlnj's interesting primary elec tion. Much mere discussion i lis te he n 14 l hen nl concerning the forthreiulng iun ' T 1 1; ifpictiii' hi'ixxppn Presidenr Harding mil '.,' 'the railroad pipsldetil. Fer some nc r ' 1 ..u ..-..... .i.. 1.. ... ii....i-..i , 1- , i nil ifii'"ii iiivii ii nil lllllllPKlll-t II yt 1 fpclinK of iici'veiisnee (.'enerpnlng this -t mettlng. Perhnp I his Is better ex I pliiinc.i i tin remark of a prominent j; j railroad official lie e.ilil. "Vp nre 14 -nrt of nfrnid the l'resldenl I going 14 ' Ie nk ni in de "-enieihlne which xvp will net HUp tn de, bin xxhk'h pestlhly xxill bp hard 10 tpfup." 1 no r.M 100 38 U h 2174 ' 79 V 4 16i f 35 ' 33 .. 621 1 166! -1 100! I 16 13' 155 ! 49 V !- 87 ? 17V 44 - 60 DO 39 -7J4 31 "'1 t 31 '4 29 -t 74 23 V I 132 4- 29 ?4 14J4 40 ', 12 -1 1 !4 17'4 3914 ! 23 ! 55 ? I 73 V -22'4 i ire 39 40 V 96" 110 5 V 81 14 f 67 V r 75 -88'i 71 ta 76V ! 36 V 601 r 29 ! 18 'r 105 V -58 -43V T.i f 75 '4 -1 1 V -4- 8V ? 2?i 19V 14 V ' 99 I 3G'4 9W - 13 t5 65 -l 5714 40 V ! 86 -30 V -3014 f 47 ?i 1 18 .'4 I 36 V -10'i 55 - 61 U -35 !4 ? 21 -78 V 1- 107V 39 V 'r 87J4 4- 121 ! 14 - 28 ' 17'i l 78 '4 -s-45 !4 34 !i I 35 - 70 414 I 63' ' 1514 I- 29 V -28V I 46'4 414 i SV 10 '4 - 74 ?i i 1414 : 11 J 43 '4 1 32'4 1 51 14 1 90 V 24' I 56 ?i . 18V -1 1 14U : 187J4 i 115(4 47 V : 40 V f 52 7, i 121 -;- 5 : 7 V ? 3 V 12V I 47 V ! 47 , 32 V ' 29 : 22 V . 71 -J5 -16", 42 22 V ' 137', 75 I 72 Va 140 (14 ' j ' 24 ', I 5 52 'j H 94'zS ' C8V i 64'4 ' 44 46(4 ' 99", I 7 14 r 17'4 50 V ' 33 73 V -56 7, - 71 Va -1314 10U 31 14 '4 2.1 ( 60 7i -02 V -1 72 J, -? 11V i 26 . 49 ; 10 ! 19V- 8 I 46 1 AMFRIfiAN STORES DCaPurn mciw TfiD 2'" 111 HI II II II 111 II llll i IILIIUIII-V I1UII I VI M. . 1. 9 V Pi 3 4 V P.2 Street Rumer Had It Dividend) Would Be Increased te 6 Per Cent lViKSS9B.H.lB ,l-H:.E 1 m MmtinmmMSKKHS SSaJkTR g' WHBWWBBC3Sai5iiiaa.aaaaaaaaaial ' .maaJ-J TBiDWamaTPTe PT bbbbbbbbVUbbbbbbbbBI ' VmHL&KIVlJMT I Ji 8HHHULHIIHI ' 'ammmmammmmmmmmmmmmBtSHBaBll II laxammml HHmmml ammuaWH 'HjaaBKEalBBflBBBVBl II II ILK IflSHH taBBHl aaWVIal n faaBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJaaall!! IB aaWaBBBWl HWfftT 1 IV '4 '4 !. Philadelphia Stocks Pi ! I 1'2 I ;:i 'ii Ml H 14 ' 'i P4 1 V V 'i '1 ' ' 1 V 214 '4 V 1 V Ilnth Lew ir,rri Am st 1 . 1 ' , ns 115 de I si pf.l.-ill, 1." :v' Am u pf 11 41 L'-'iH'en l.eath .IS1 ."OtC'erre ip Pasco . :ie I ()'. r,hlle Cep L'P, lOOtCel i-npli ' li'i Klec Ster new ... 411 liWItC.en Mtis. 11! J) In Ce A :t.'i '-a ".-jOtKeniiPcett .".Hi', 11)0 Lake Sup II a, Kt.ri IaIi Nav . "It Wlt.Mldvnle.. 1(H,, 2i'l Penim U K 10 111." Phlla Ce I'liui pf . ,1Si 'Jf!7 I'hl'a Klec 2fHi. Sl'.:i de pief.. Ufl'?, 2f)i r,s." Phiia n t :w mm '.) Phlla Trac Q " 2 1010 Kndie Cor ffi SOOTone Jlel. 1 f k 100 FnlenTrnc -J'-''-.. se r (; r pf. r,3as '.'."i V Cramp fc Sen" . ."." .".0 Yerk It pf :i7- In The Seventh Century When Heme had reached its lowest point of existence since its foundation, whin rnttlc grazed in its streets and thn Meat of the Iamb was hen id in its one Vuiv plaras, and rust and vuin lay thick en the broken monuments, coins wcr nevir . seen, nnd cattle, sheep and imiserable humanity in chains became the money "the living money of the dark ages." Glory, power and wealth had departed Jlut vc in thin ngc rebuild se seen and repair the ravages of war and tlq,e l0 quickly that n deserted city i nln'et a thing unknown. Coins and neUf which years te come as they are new ir thi land of plenty. Why net put some of your eamicjft ajidt for your future needs ? Where find fct. I tcr place or a mere convenient nn& tiisr I Opposite Bread Street Station Take a Step in the Right Direction Third Wat i a i al B at.ft Organized 1863 21 'a 4', 4U IS 5a 38i ll'i 70 -10 IIS N.t r jl chi l.-.l)ll-,.L"i I 11 . . :tsi4.. i. 4-1 13 K5W.-H iA 11V -18 70 .. 40h ', J!i 2fl . " 2 1U 17' ' Ws r 20-li -2!).. an-ii er.i2.. e' i. -12U-"fi :i7'-j. : i 4- aB ' "a V H 214 li '4 ' '4 V '4 V . ' I '4 '4 i 1'4 '4 I SVi rhrit mart' by rnmparl,nn xvllh Mat ' m en ion. hiccK i.xcnanm ! PHIL.IF.I.I'HIA I10NI1S I fniO Liberty 2d lsML" reg.. fill. 20 ; 1000 Liberty 2d 4'-4s '42 P0.40 i IIOOO Liberty 2d 4U "42. .lets 111). B0 1000 Liberty 2l 4V4S 42 WI.M I 200 Liberty fid 4,iu '28 reg.. 01). CO I olio Liberty 4tlt -l',s '3S reg. OO.fiO 11)00 Llbeny 4lh 4I4N '.'tS 00.00 I '.IIHI0 Liberty 4th 4Hs '3S..letfc 01). 80 .'llll Victory -l-i '2;? rcc 100.20 2IMMI Kleclt-i.. A. Feeple'. 1b... tlSL. ."1OIMI I'hl'a Cn con- ."s !i2 ."IMMI Phtln F.lpclric l-l ,'iH..lnf. OS ."lilt I 'hi' 11 l-'.'pclrlc s ,-,v iWij I2IKMI I'IiiIh Klectric Kt ,"..ei 0ir KHKNI Phlla Kleetric 0 letn IOI14 LOCAL MINING STOCKS ruNOPAH JSJOCKH ammmmmmBteJ 1 Guarding against Less A clever creek can execute a well planned theft in very few minutes. The suburban estate, the town-house, and the business office are all the prey of the experienced cracksman. The one. plncc where personal trcai 111 es ate secure against fire, theft or less is a modern vault such as that of the Franklin Trust Company. Indi vidual boxes for .$5 and mere' for the larger sizes. Open from 8:30 A. M. te 4 P. M. Capital and Surplut, $1,900,000.00 Franklin Trust Ce. Main Office: Fifteenth Street below Market Delaware Ave. ic Market St. Fifty. second & Market Sti. Germantown Ave. above Chelten Ave. "The nililolien That Gave Philadelphia Day and Might Strvitt" Vl .' i 1 ,h Mux Urn P.utlr ilaeNxmai, f're4cni .tli Mlre.ih '.itenHnri Murium, Verth S 1 1 r.n K'.il T'ln'Oih F.kln,'nn i xVi-1,1 Kr.il ?4 1 Wi-pi Ten ' 1'i 2'b Rlil .lia fin en .'12 .ni ft'l .n p.i .in "IS .i'i 1- 1 1 A I 111. , Min O'x Hlchr . . H"li-nr v.j Rreurli Dlx Plxlil F.i . . . nix ( en 1 TUvld-nil I Efi nix lUrmll! Knn , imr iin, I Sillllrlin'l Ten nix 14 1 Ten HaehrnurU .', . V.-lery luv '-4 i vrl Pn .. !4 I Ze:i. H 2 '4 "4 '4 I'i ? V Pll IliK T'HJKS net-, ,001, "1 ill 114 'i nil 1." nj .'IIX'j 11 nt 7.1 li'.' fit .12 .11 "4 1 V '4 14 '4 "a nei.nriKi.n stocks . 1. 1 -.. .p-i 11 14 fl Jl. "' ISfl . 11 ,.- irn'' ' in s nt j '. -ili :. 'i i'..iiTii i 9 :xv '.'i ii (11 '.n FOREIGN EXCHANGE Npxx iirk. Max 17 IpPii ng Iie tiret in ih fore c 11 ex.' hnic;p ni.irki'i fhii iimrninc sh.nv xxeaknes- m the al'id exchanges anil in Scanriinaxian fitiiMer- cxniinued " cliinb a ml gained ft point ever TeHteriln"-' losing, xvhith I Fleserve Banks' Knoth tlemli f'rnc I'racKerUrk I'lam Jt U )'leie-ir finldf Ten Cleld Iiev Kiel'lf li-fp r.r-al lleiul .luinhe Kit ! Kix inaii line HI ir - - - file Discount Rates ' iixVi''irk teddx- In .Montreal i-;i" I per . ent. TIip rli-reunl en Canadian fund", in Npix riff'-i ruenjni ite t ih fveixv i-.h 'rHihnri llpk xxns 1111 thp liann of an ennlvalPiit r ""'"' i.nk -i- nr folio-. I .'IZ ni .02 . ji'l .17 .04 .a 02 .ni'-, 17 '1.' was the bixb reeetd of iIip xphi. Marks iciiblee MEWSURGER, HENDERSON & LOEB :, ' 411 vaunt ti imiiv i uu unu V PUihiilfilnUin Sltnrk T?Trhnnntia 1410 Chestnut St. If:"" mw "Wfli ir; MfflhT w pi DIVIDENDS DECLARED - IVin r.s Tvn nt. ..r.niMi t, p m . 1n" ti 1 1 '! . f "feM la 3 1 e r RMit' 'r rrpan rjunrtft,1. 1 . i n' .1 '.I'l iinn ntM piA'p-rfd ie'h pa t p I ii.t l-u ' ' rr rr! fa 3' (,..1) jie i n -iip ri. pf Arr,rt'.rt nu pi ' !, ; ' ui pr t rt i h v., .j a J j'" It1 1 K 'r ' i rl J,jni 1.. (,- il n r p.ic 0 TV ( emphin i1.:-' i.; '". .:- cn .'JVrr rZ" .'xmn,, ' wn4 attributed te sentimental ihsap- immi hi" .tun- l.'i te nn' nt rM ,M Hi ami prtftrri-l June I te ftei-k or rei. Um li' i """ -"- .;:--; ---- T.u w.d vki niii stirn ("empaiij. 'inarter y a rn from tbe principal r.urepean xievern- t'flli Kept. -ih na abl" Jnb 1 19 un.-k of rteerl i WPnlR nbread. ' ', fVM . ti-a. i Hindi -e . orperaiion. ninnmiy i Shei'llv before min-uav hip tn.irKer ' t4' Met! of Wc. the hlghrsi reierd ter the last txre year. neumi vr.STl.TtD.xr is fliSIMt w n MPtns ' rhtlad!?prta ?terlniit Cianr. I,.r l Jiji.rlerp I Cleelnrt .. ixminil . . 44 a 11.14 f. j, as 72 R'climen'l lest I'i. sterlitiff xviif net appreciable. I changed xvhile francs lout 3a. Ilel ' gian .r' lire 4. Norway and flxrprlen 0. jiind I anih 1. Si gained n point, vxliil.. -ipiimsh inndp a jump of -1 point-. I te ilie IujIipm ipiotatiene in h ii'ipiber of vppIxS nuxi l lie course nt iup tnarKPt 4 4R mi', fi ss', as.' TODAY'S OPKN'lNf! Q I'O TATIO V. Merllnt f'rnis l.lre (iu Mr D-manrt . Htl. I'i -MS', 3D 77 CWe ... 44ii 0 II . i'l .a,; jviinnta Chleain r St. foil' Mine pel 'f K.innaa r ix rialliR San Franciaru Tr. rl '-. 'v !' 4'V ' I. in -ijm I rrre MISt'KliU'.HOf.'J llerdj P.pr Ax-tnni lAnlparn 4'i 4S i, I Alls t'n.i rt I'-j 4i iu I aleepi .' 1 4 I5i;r"1',," V.7 is Ci 4!' 8' ''I n1 f. 4H U. it Ha M Mhi pelntnieiit exer the attitude assumed by '"f. jir. "''""a thin Government toward the overtures I ,! A.J S. Certificates and Treasury Notes Ma I in 'n; ii' 1 -l 1 l .1 llll 1 .! Inn a.a ., i 00 H-iT.' IOii ;t. in i g.H 1 in i ,lune IfiJ- 1UX2 ibj: tllili. IV'Si. IMS'.' 19'J2 ins.i Liverpool Cotten i l.lremoel. Mx 17 -A uneJ buamere xa! done in pe' co'ien iqnai ivjt prire, ivre Eden Kmma S .ic Flureka i'rne Kurelxa Hiillx Herla . Ma rah Methi' l.eil Ne Hill. N'ex' W dr Siirre- Tetupa .Min X'il. II III) While I'ftDa Wllbert . .(In il'. IK 27 li.-. Hi .2'i .nir, .ni'a !2 ni .'J4 nj nt .l.'i ,117 nj AU"1 .n.-i .n ii nn .ns .ii' en it ."I'v I nu til .11 02 pj en .if m n 'i i 13 n. 01 01 .71 m nj .na .is .ns 02 na .01 2f. nt lit n.l 11 .r n .13 ni 114", I'i I n . I.x n ,2li in 0.1 .34 .nil, rnu, .10 14 IIJ 2 ll.'l 11 .4 (i'l .III WeJiave prepared a comprehensive pamphlet with map, en the Public Service Corporation of New Jersey with'particular reference te the corporation's Common Stock. Copies will he furnished en request Robinson & Ce. 26 Exchange) Place New Yerk Mttnbett New Yerk Stock Exchange TAX FREE PENNSYLVANIA MUNICIPAL BONDS LANCASTER .Scheel Diittict ., Ie return 1.00 MAHANOY TOWNSHIP sdmyi uistiict r.s te return 1.20 McKEES ROCKS S'hoei District .V.s te return -1.30 LEWIS & SNYDER 1524 Walnut Street Philadelphia Sprue 6883 Phc fill!- C. S. PATTON & CO. Il4 M K f I T - IK BANKERS ' pwrr i VTKVn fSNSn.N i.atuai ana 100 100 ir..32 S.ill aaltr ""lb 1;V' ,JU R rteellne of 7 pulnla , M( 100 8-ia 100 JB-Bl! 8.18 ter mldrtllni 121. The anlea xvtre 18, DUO 100 fi li) jne. it sfi a j? i bhlii Thn reealpia xrere 14.00U balea. in ' " K") 100 1 ie 3 30 PlunltiB 8.400 UI.. Amrlc.n Futur.. I "' cellat I'llT 10O 1P..1' .1 44 ' XXrif trwuj " '" --'j ui-aiiiiHi, PpOt KiniJ tna in 5 ! .. prlree xvei.e . . Amur-ran . . inlrtifllnr fair. Pf; ,.e. p. "P e Jan. ,1 . a'eci. of r,ceM J,, f'r'em ,hp ope,)ln, fi,,,,,,, lmt , ..jjl j. ,M4 103 , ,, , , , ,",, .8 M ft MXTi: ' hinrien vxtr Penr i'e npn' nuar ' pie-l can' iii(ifntinns xx'pip -till under ,J m,'), in; inTr. 1 101 7-in 4 'i pod urrtlmr'. in.nrnl, anit nrillnai , Ki.ir,d ii., f '."a .PAiat'ie Juh ia te -in- of ' j,Merdnv final An exception xxas !; Mm iiuc iei ri-n. mi m m , h,, " r"V,;1, t' rf- fnmp.n- iu, ... P. 'nu.Lle.v " hh'h re.nhed i . ix hisli ri lihirrrV.AilTr,,;?";,',!. Raw Sugar Active and Steady 'Te. .'-' --.li I-." '"' "" J"' " ' '" '", "' "'""' ''"""'" ,""' ,','!"' "n 'H' ' mM""' ' Vwk -Mx K ". ,.,.rm..r xi rc-i'l..'i 'i'"'i,f hi ". J'j n- tatieiiK xxeie Ml "HE crln. I 11'4, i ,. mnntfa'e'j .. i ,,mi ,.rtv xvHh ONEY-LENDING RATES Yerk Meney en mil heth elaas.a trai. UDfncrf tedax at au n. ..... for Unilln an'l renewing. , rnn.Anr.i.pniA cui, r, P,r ..nt nmi fi per cim: commercial paper, three te lr mentha 4'i Ie fi pr rent. reni pa all .Vim .1 rtliMn Amer ran f-i'sa' fempinx niur t.rly of J1.7S en piefrreit payab: July l tu atecK of reerd June Jl' Fdrl, leiHlr and Hatnc femany, idwrurly f l'i Pr cmt eirprafrrfail, m.v. ZjLwy M iMtVatacaV4C ;aVU).3, no. k of r-eer'l tlemaild 1,4 ( ' 4 ; franc cilh'P !l 11', ichecKs il Kl-V DpIuIiiii cnhle S..".0Vj. ' ., , eliPcKK h.tJfl'i-, lire cable " -''""i . . re reniln; checKH .'.i'i J guilder cable iitt.Htt, Cheeua HH.7H ; mark .34'-,. DANK CLEARINGS 'ailnttr. tnl4J 'OirpareiJ i ih rer' it 1av la at tixn vente 122 1921 1l)"fl f77.OO(I.OO0 177. 0111. S3 1S..1.4' .HOT, ,n.iniu.iiv, iiiiuDiied" .a,.ai,.vx; 1 , I ..i Vm X iih- . r.ii'Me fur XIa anil June ahipniMii ouetrri at L'.-nie cnai ane ir.irr.i haira jcaier. i flay cen'latft Pf ,4" 00d 'e -,0,efifi ba,a at 3 ,.me iei lain piy apipmni all le Ih. Amarlean Surar Rjflntnir t'empany 'Jhe local reflnid markat it unchanirM. with lin o.eoe, iua 3 Bar Silver Moves Higher liar ailx'r '.i hlhr In 1-enrtnn ie .lay at Sd'ae1 Thia i a new hlb rrcenl for Ilie ar Londen Extend Trading Hours landtt, Hay IT.-Th ,ovrrier, of the i JS?.." " w n'cLaM ln'' MtlH' eplsUQlU Vrt "ii"' "W wmIlWhw. $12,000 Life Insurance at Age 35 for $10.08 Per Menth In Hnlllil-Unn feniuunv Send Yoer IlMe of fllrth nnd Iern What S10 a Menth mil lie for ni PEARL & SUDl.OW AGENCY "llenendaMa Inauranre Hlnrr ISU.1" The First National Bank of Bosten Capital, Surplus and Freflti $37,500,000 I. Franklin Heward & Ce. Cartilltff Public AcceunUnh Laa4 Till HMf Mun a! " 1 . I. fF Frederick Peirce A.r. "SS ' ......ii m m Pt. rim "' 1. HUM " . ' '-'.' - -l. ' ' I .V.W5'. 'f . ' A "'jt ' I., ,f 5KveXwMirfJr!Mir.w ,r, ,y tA''J'h?A'-"!'W." -" 'mnMnfr--, x ' :...x,- . . r .tt - a