Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 17, 1922, Night Extra, Page 19, Image 19

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    packmen Tie Tigers for Third Place, in American League en Remmel's Hurling !5iiglls
CIVTU FI1R ROMMFI -- I RBIMI VM PnVAl C n. y. amateur bouts
UlA 1 1 1 i U IWimilfc 1 7w Baseball Today UHUUIXLI II 11U inLU
Victory Puts Mackmen In Tie
for Third Place With Tigers.
Bins Miller Stars
HAND tlie. palm te Eddie Hemmel.
Hnnd.eme Etltllc went te the rescue
Mterdny when Ills pal Bryan Yar Yar
'rlien ht.rt hN pitching hand nnd re
M.rd credit for winning the Mack-
n.'s third "trnleht victory In a ninny
" . . . . ii. in...... i'jji.'.i
It ww. ltnlllmere Kddlc
lliavlllR 'inj"- wn" r......e
,.th victory of the Prison. One defeat
mrs hi" record, lint that l eciuable
,(tfr t,l grcnt cemebnek.
Chnrlrr Hobcr'sen. of the perfect
pm fnmr. nskc.l Kid CJlcasen te give
Mm n cli a n co agalnt the Mnckmcn,
" iii i.. ..i -. . i
.bout hem he had heard aa the In-
Jiabltfltltf ei mai. i-b ..uiiiy
yeire. Chnrley get hi wmn, out lie
wlbfd he hadn't get It. lie started
tut all rlRht nnt 'Nvcnt "'""It swim
minrlr for four Innings with a 4-te-l
Then something happened. The Ath
tic, as 1h customary In thexc days,
A. D. 10U2, Marled the usual after
noon fii'lllade nnd drove Robertsen off
the tee te the solace of the showers.
The maltreatment was a joy te the
funs, who expected the m Inning treak
te be blasted the way Robertsen wni
hurling nnd the manner in which the
White Sex were getting te Bryan Ilar-
ilarrli was Invited by Mack te sit
n the bench and wntch the remainder
f the game from n vantage point. ar
risen, whose front menicker Is the same
ti the slim person's, oek the mound In
the fourth. With the Sex in the lend
Tarrisnn did some exceptional hurling
tint!! the seventh, when he hurt his
twirling digits and had te leave the
premise'. Twe runs came across In that
round, one off Ynrrisen nnd the ether
(If Remmel.
Tlint knotted the hgures nnd caused
ren'lderable muttering en the Mack
JAn lincli nt the Inst half of the eighth.
Rfsiilt three large runs that put the
fume en the proverbial Ice and made
It three straight.
Miller Once Again
"Ding" Miller, ni usual, was one of
the Mnr-. All "Ringe" did In the nine
frames ns te hit n triple, two singles
and i-core two runs. On the defense he
was a tower of strength, making n per
fect threw te the plate that set n. Hex
Player hncK a pec, anil caught tlnee file
lf Mi tmclnilt. enrilell nf tlia fpnhn tlennt I
"' i ..-....
The' Victory put theMnckmen in third
tn,nf ic in i i.i. -it., i.. ?..!
the makers of the stand'liics have the l
Tlgeis In third and the A'h in fourth.
The right way is -i tic.
Biimhrr ..f ilefenis. and the Tlrem l.nve !
nnsn iiiut innii I'lnirtixnt n . I t .
fieen of one and an cnunl number of
the ether. .
It must net be forgotten that . ester-
y did an, pass without the usilnl
far as henieis were concerned the Ath-
lethsweie impotent Ksterdnv. 1
The Phillies spent yesterday packing
JP for llnclnnnti. where thev open u
feur-gatin! series this nftemoen with
Taf Mei-an'H Reds. 'Geldle" .Rapp
ad lslied by bis teammates, ntwl they
enr awaj with the geed news thnt he
would be able te leave the Mound City
laa few days for Philadelphia, where,
liter n reek or two, he would be seen in
Hejt Steps Indians
The Yanks, with Wnlte Heyt turning
in one of his really geed games, broke
their losing strenk yesterday nt the
pense of the Indians. The vnntlif.ii
nurture the Spekemen a coat of white, i
JMh .ind allowed five hits scattered I
tlireugh the nine rounds. Stannv ('ova- ,
k.i.".s ?" ,hp hin for h' Ii'dinns,
0"t his six hits were bunched for a trio
l'Kle was oil the hilt for ih.. 1..,1ln
vi runs.
Th Yanks had te win te lemain in
tki p ' ter ,lu 1Jrwns regained
Jl ""h " e"ion at the .exiiens
nf he Heel Sex. It took Feld's neere
Aprils.; j
fatten eleven iniinds te tin-n the i..,.l
and they were luckv nt that for n Set
rally i the last baft of the eleventh fell
one run shy of t.ing the figures
ciuwns unci ntteen hits
and the Bed 1
nor twele.
. (inly two games were nlae,l in the
National. The Braves in the twelfth i
'ink the Pirate new with a two-run
hii. .i : u ....:." ..". "
...... ..i.n n neiTic game tnai was
in the ninth bv the Mitehmen.
tied I
-.The (linnts, thanks te the hurline of '
Plier0 i. .. A.'i.r ' ' .' '.."""eT.ei
, -y eun nnrl is W out ps Tirprs iuury " " " ". v ,. V ,;. VV..i el)n0W,1,!W wy a. mck-v team before
ran Art ii. ' ,"fl, lpr cmbr. very en eul or town, ana against I canarltr crowd and wen bv th intrCa.Ml
TP.ak lni.n0lhC';.0"0 Vy down in ' SeSr-lar rnlttmen In hla l.at bout Krankle , ,"etnPef H teB Jliil BaPr.tt. frnrne""
Washington. It was the fourth straight " rem im P mpua. deaplta a handicap I utlc hutler. vra the luminary In tha trl-
for the Bengals, whose streak is sett inir ' hl,rnt ana..w!n, fc0,tae f,erf.nj" mPh of Jim Bennjr'a a-an. He had a,
the aitlnmnhl ..liv viJ At i? 0Uilg, Murray reeentlv have been Edil la O'Dewd. niple and horns, and two men sew en the
inr HiunmnDlle city wild. Oldham did Charley Bay. Tiny Trlnkte, Indian Ruaaell pathway en each occaalen. Klwell, tha
ip nurlltiE and had much the better of and Kid Predeilcka Kei.t & Kendiar pitcher, held Mackey te rte
n v. i i . . .
I'n l inv (' nu Ml ..., . .. , nua
Fiail 'I:..., i B i. i , . ""' ,Jllb81 rrk. Thtrteanth and Johnaen atr.eta. May
iel leney signalized his return te ' . Willie. Erlnarda has arranged four ether
Mgular duty by hurling nn uight-clelit I matches of all-atar vatlety en tha aama pro pre
faun hut kl. inir.i.. iii i iriiu aa fel ea: Herman Miller a. Ad
maklA- . IS ,enmmnt' fell hy ill I Kene. Dick Steb : Rav Mllehell, Jee
making teuntcra. I Rltchla i Pedre Camve and Bebby Wel-
'Malley and Burns Enter Fersythe-Oldham-Grlffith
Temmy O'Mallev. MemlnwhrenL- r..w
m a student at Villanova College, has
htrii entered in the gtnateur teurna-
?"' "e heni uy the Fersytbe-O!
m. irifltili Pem. Ne. 407. of t
. wi a ii, tut, ei tlie
Aineriean Legien nt (he Fex Chase Ball
Villa: m.e ' ,rjrer," lhirm -"-elh""
'llhiiievn lad, also will box.
.7iwlJeV np,e',1I",1K' ficerne I!lmar,
JidKe Rlj-e, Marty Summers, Harry
Gimlet, ,ne (Suinnn. Manuel Trneh
be.K and William Harklni tra ether
.7" " F10X ( '""" Proceeds for this
hmv will be used for the erection of.
inning, te he used as a clubhouse fee
the Fersjihc-Oldliam-Griffith
iilP H
lurry naff, of Cheltenham, Pn., nnd
or the cemniillce In chnrge nf ihe
nt, nnnniineeil today thnt there was
le... t !.... . . . . . '
'"I. line esi in in,, leurnnineni. tick-
hi iinciesi in tin. leurnni
UCie Celllir I'll k I nn. I ll,.t .
:'1"IP se ng last and that a big crowd
Jjmild see Ihe show. William
'"nign Lambert. .Inlin Meir
C. Wenrir.
IlnhA-;.. " j" ,,'"" "."' ." '-'nrerci
i. h V " '"lam Aiimerger nre
"thus en Hie committee.
Heme-Run Hitters in
Majer Games Yesterday
Tel a I
M'Unian, Chicago
Carej,' Pttaburah.
National Uagua ',,,.
, 71
Wen Iat 1
Win 1 .
New Yerk,
m. foul..
Chicago , .
Phlllle ...
Brooklyn . ,
Hern en . . .
..SO R .714
..17 II ,H7
.. 1A It .(ISA
..13 11 ,52B
..10 13 .45.
.. in 14 ,417
,.ii 17 .m
.. 7 17 .101
iZ4 ,nm
,dm I
.400 '
C'luh Wen I.eel p.r.
New Yerk SO 11 .Olfl
t. liOnl 10 11 .033
Athletic U 14 .SAO
Detroit 1.1 13 .300
Cleveland 14 IA .1(17
Itonten 12 14 .4B3
Chicago 11 17 .393
Wftfthlnrten 12 ID .337
Win lef .
n?A .
.481 ,
.432 I
rhlllle-.t. Iuh. poatpenrd. rain.
Chlrnfe. 3i w AerV. 2,
nent.in. 7 1 Plttahurgti. A (12 Inning).
nroeklrn-ClnrlnnHtl, net scheduled.
""'" ,J:mX2l ":
t. Lnnl. Y Boefen. 3 (11 Inning)
. j,?1 JW.,0.
national LEAtit'K
I ,,h,,llVoteWl".d'c,o.
New Yerk t Plitahurgh.
i Brooklyn nt M. nuli,
Chcte ( Philadelphia
Cleveland nt New Yerk.
Mt. Leut at Bosten.
Detroit nt Washington.
Readlnr t Rochester.
terser Cltr at Terente (! cameo).
Rsllimere nt Buffalo.
Newark at Syracuse.
Newcomer Captures Street Run of
Kensington Merchants
D. Clnrke, another new name en the
books of the local amateur cress-country
fame list, wen the marathon held
under the auspices of the Kensington
Merchants' May Festival last night,
out of r pack of 130 harriers. Clarke's
time wnR .11 minutes and 7 seconds,
elapsed running time, having a handi
cap of ten seconds from the go mark.
Xntlvity Catholic Club placed first
en the team prize list, attaining' the lew1
score of UO points te the comparison of
40 for the St. .lean of Arc five, 75 of
ine Mianauan Lniiieim uiui ei est ,
ti,itn,iii,in an enn-..iu.i ... .i... '
Meadowbrook Club and S5 te the Enter
prise Catholic Yeung Men's Assecia
Johnny Grny. the fleet champion I
rrier of the Enterprise, captured the
no prlr.e. notwithstanding the five
nutes' handicap he was placed under.
Is time wns L'O minutes .'14 seconds,
minutes' handicap he was placed un
Ills time wns 120 minutes .'14 seconds,
Considering the short dlstnnce of the
run and the heavy handicap. Ins twenty-sixth
finishing position wns net se
very bad.
Beets and Saddle
IOUUville. Ky..
May 17.
today nt
which seem best
!. A .
L prat race Colonel Tayler. Graysen,
''hii f. Rearden: second dlcnlivet.
uuni un-.
A.t,1,0'?j Onest of Hener ; third Held
!Mp - . ra7'' '"fus : fourth Miss
The AlBel.leui;,!mmi1' I'at,-'r Madcap. Tejne; fifth
md the same Avlsack Peppe. Sympathy: sixth
Clinrles Heiirj . Dartmoor. Dnnn I.orle-
t(r: seventh Leuis A. Legal.
At Jamnela:
vi..i HI, I Itnaelnwl li..bne ..
V. i'.. M.u 2 ?i , ,,'i Ungate,
,1J?l""k : six,,,-Be -McMillan, Rork,
Scraps About Scrappers
Jee Mandall. local boxer, who has de
veloped Inte n llshtweight. wilt meet Fi ankle
Callahan 'Saturday nftemoen nt Kbbeta
Field, Brooklyn. In the acml-flnat te tbe
Pepper Martin-Jack Sharkey match.
Temmy leuslirui. local AdenlY will maka
hi next Phlladelahia appearance nt en of
the blr ball parka. Either Jehnnv Wllaen
or Harry Oreb will be Leuchran'a opponent,
wlt.h lha latter having tha preference.
Ticket for the llKhtvrelaiit match betnaen
I j.etr 'lanainr una woeny uarreti in tna nrai
freah-alr ahew et th 1822 aummer aoaaen
!i,'he Phlm"'' B'n Park ha" bMn put en
Wllmlntten. 1I.. fan are boeatlnc
a new i
flynetaht boxer.
M.aI nf lh T
H la Johnny Deyle, for-
K. Navy, and ha wants te
meet Jlmmv Baxter, iJebby Wela-aat
Johnny Ma) hook at any of the local cluba
... - a.i. iik.i.i.i.1. i. I
...' ""! ."' .""'I', .... i
maklmr ha hema n Harr abur fellow. ,
!na Ilia lciery mar nvw nouey noeiaaaii,
n.iKiin la te meet flhtek Redaera In Pltla-
....... --.. -... L-..-
hurnh Mav 2T. 'K. O. circua In Harrlabur
Ju'"' ftn" D,ck Cen,ln ln A1,oena Ju"e 17
Tttllav Miirrnr. acrOrdlrvc ta Vila hanrller. I
Peta Tyrell. i hen l.n the marry se-by I
by jnatchin.ker. h.ra P.,. reint. out thnt .
n rumor current that Lew
matched in Jry fitj Juna
,,a" l,en1"1 by n Hurnty
Ilennv Leenard had baen
in, but thla
Fellnwlnx his victory ever Whltey F'lls-
tmt aaalnat Geerge Krna In
. h, rt... ,vhn they c'.aah
aerald, Johnny Mealy wui appaar in hla nest
at Haller's
r nvrii'.ir
gast ".
Matty Dechtar.
I Hwreant lUr SmlOi la hoeMd for two
heuta. Friday night at the Cambria ha will
take en Ad Htena and en June fi the aergeant
I will met Heb Martin at St. I.euie. fieml-
Iflr.al te the Bmlth-Btene match wilt be an
.encounter between Sam Blacklaten and
Cleorre Stark. Other mimhera. Jack Martin
Uh Jack Hedgera. Tnushav Bugan a. Jea
(Kid) Sharkey and Geerge Davla . Johnny
I Adama.
I l Stinger, veteran Seuth Philadelphia
boxer. Tvlll get back Inln olUejj nem Monday
I night at tha National CluR. meeting Teung
.lark uampaey in ;nr Nriu.-mm, ... u .r..
llawllna-MIke Runell bout. Prellma. nanny
Tey a Al Conway. Kid Oreen Veung
Rem and Harry Moere va Teggy Xlui ray.
There Is n letter in the eperte department
of the Kvrstse Pfm ie l.tpnKH for Kddle
Pheenlxvllle Entries for Thursdsy
Fliat lace, for thre-ear-eMi and up,
maidens, rt furlong;:
Voirmlte " Trnah lis
K? P?m. .:: IIH ?ltpetr. 25
r,i Mar 12S Jigger . ... 12ft
Wll. Airow .. ..P-T; Prla.-Ore.nway . 18
Hntl' .... till African Uoe ... 119
Becend race aiecplcchaae. for four-rear-
elda and up. a niuaat
VoxpepuII '-'d . 1n rinr Prlnceaa
, 147
Ormead .
14 Flight Captain
137 Paateta ...
Tliird race. thiee-ear-elda and up, 8
,..., ,,
Pretty Jacksen
. . . .1 I Pill LJ1.I . .
, US
. 123
. 118.
1.0V0 legacy
Halnme ... .
Mary William
Hill Hltnena .
Artful Pedger
Fejrlh lace.
US Pay rxaf .
.tin Klurlmn
HA C'eltle I.aaa
.118 Fancy Man
US l.adv Acton
... 113
. . I 17
I Pretty null .
Haclng Hiar
.ii i;reaaie
11.'. OlUe May .
Flllh lace. thle.eai-cild and up
. I5
jp, fur
men tldeis 1 mile. . ,
Bandmaatar JfJ Arnjaah .
Jehn Pa . 1i Held llu ..,
VreckeH .IflO MlJflt .
flxlli lace I lirre.j ear-old and
reatdtnta of PunnaUvanta 1 Hill.
.Supermald Ha Oloieae ,
ilHnlght .118 Bapdinaater ,
Apprenllce allowance claimed.
waataar oieari.irgeia, xaau
Ftrt race,
; ayOTF.
Seuth Phils Will Battle Potts.
town in Twilight Tilt
Till: Brooklyn Royal (Jlnnts, who
have established n wonderful record
en the baseball diamond, will be the
I opponents of the Seuth l'lillly Hebrtws
I nt Thirteenth nnd Jehnsen streets thii
I evening.
j The fJ'innts Imve been breezing along
this season mewing down their op
penents one nfter the ether nnd haxe1
lest but n single contest.
Jn meeting the Hphns they cntch the ,
iiowntewneis ;il tneir best nnd -Manager
IMdie (lettlleh has Rube Chnmbcrs .ill
pilmed te go against the colored
players. With the Sphns socking the
hall for n team nveiuge of .t(HI thf
.lohnsen street lads hope te make plenty
of tieuhle for the visitors.
The Seuth Phillies who held forth
in the same locality, take cm Dick
Smith's Philadelphia Terminal nggr -gallon
nt Bread nnd Byler streets, Re
cently the Phils journeyed te Pottstown
wlieie 'Richard holds forth en Sunday
and the Pottstewners knocked our ath
letes for a row and the score wns a big
The lecnls nte anxious te get bnck .it
their opponents and the gnme will "be
well north witnensing. Dick Smith can
call en nny of n quartet of classy
hurlers. whlrh Includes Ed Barclss, Ed
T.ennen, Beb David nnd Themas L.
The management of the Seuth PhlW
announced today that they will act as
host te the bes of the city, in con
junction with Bey Week. All boys will
be ndtnltted free, and a record attend
ance Is expected.
Wildwecnl Moves Up
At Dittman nnd Wakellng streets,
,;, . , : , i'.-i,fr,i hnlile forth the
which is in rranutent. neius teriii ine
Wildwood A. A. Tins team has yet
in tin lientmi Thev have been held te
a 4-4 tie by Steneliurst, and that's the J
de''t nny one has con
",Pn!'u,T ?f '"""R01' '
'lenlght they step up n
"p (uban Stars Def
way be registered, but I
one has come te lahing me
Shnllcress heys.
neg nnd oppee
Defeat number ene
may be registered, but the fans will see
a geed game.
Anether ct-te in rne .-veruicrn pec
tlnn in listed nt 'I'enth and Butler streets 1
heuveen N'lrotewn and Delnnce. The '
visitors are one of the best of the out
vu....... -....- .
of-town teams. Manager Hay ward has
n classv club nnd the citizens of Delance
knew It. In nil games plaed with op
ponents In the Philadelphia Association
the scores have been close, nnd Delance
has wen a mnjerlty of games nt home.
Jehnnv Carsen, of Mlddletewn. Del.,
who defeated llilldale en Monday eve
ning, will be lu the box for Nicetown.
Legan A. A. has one of its big games
nit for the. fans in that locality. .Tes
Dande hns booked llilldale, and the
season s innner crown in cxpecieu 10
be en hand. Scheffy will he nu the hill
against tlie Darbyltes.
Out nt Thirtieth nnd Columbia ave-
nue. .Marty v ousen s ream win oppose;
Fex Moter.
Shanalian and Hatch
West Philadelphia rivals will clash
at Shnnahan's grounds. Forty-eighth
and Brown streets, when Shanahan
stacks un against Hatch Moter. Johnny
Cnsllc announces that Lefty Dleyd.
I Trenten eteran, who is staging a real
; comeback, will be en the hill for Shana
han. while Tiey will work for tlie me-
Theie will be plenty nf ether action
in West Phllly. The North Phillies
show their wares at the Donevan-Armstrong
grounds, Ht Forty-ninth nrid
Walnut streets. Manager MeCerrnlelc
will send Bill Hockenbury in against
Kans. Hockenbury appears te be in the !
best of shape of any of the Advertisers'
hurlers right new, and has been win
ning consistently.
At Forty-seventh and Spruce streets
Pat O'Brien's Mackey combination
stacks up against Media A. A. Harry
"run - lb uitu nuuiMng goeci
form, and up until last evening hnd wen
lit loot four enmes in smveuilnn ,.ntii
i last night, when they were wallened
. . . -; w. ,.(,,,,
I I... Vfll'tr-nlrrllll, Waml 1-M1 ...III
.n.L . nl..nl. ..' ..k i.. .ul "' i
.. .. . -. ru.iikr. in mr renin,
, n 111 ru ,. t.. f- . ... u. ...'
.e.n. ..... i,t m.i rr 1,1, as ,. iirp I fin
, i i
Ill mi ess hetfer remliu or
shown immediately. Seeral
ln at:tIe tonight.
new racn
-, . ..
nr3 t FlftrSahthanil Walnut a'tre.?
f,! ." ueiTnaSnSr -nTU'
Mrlnvee. of Atlairtle City
naile i9
appearame here opposed
. . . ..- . .
A aliutteat waa the reault, with the mmer I
in iiiirn wntnvm
lats en tha long end, 10 te 0. Hatch u
playing In great form and line haen tumlng
back tha representative, teisu. The laltera
made nlna run en but four hit. MoElhene
was wild and allowed al rasaen. and these
were, mixed with four errera. nrlgga, with
three hits, did tha beat stick work for the
Anethrr alugfMt waa wttne.aaed by Weat
Phlllv fana at. I'erty.elghth and Rreun
atreeta. when the 8phaa wen ever Hhann
han, 14 te 0 The downtewners laend the
offering of Fuhrle and Maine for sixteen
aelld wallops, many for extra bam, whlla
the alanta nf Krlppa wei dented for a
deaen aa.attea Harry Frit had thre.
Eddle Farrell, four and Dave Rarel. three.
Ilia Keuth I'hlla turned hack the
Phlla bv B te a '3ex" holbeld wna rhaaed
te tha ahnwrra tn tlie third aeaainn nnd Htein.
adnr took hla plnre. Pitcher Kcllehai', of ,
Sharen, a new addition In tha downtown i
malt, ahnwrii hla mettle tn the fourth. After
panlna- three men and filling: thn banes, ha
fanned- the nnxt three batter and opened ,
the flfth l.y lireexlng two. The uptnwnera
did net eenre until
Ihe ninth, when
mad all tneir runa.
Wildwood. of Frankford tiaeled Ie Sione Siene
liuret and cored tta elgtith itialght victory.
Th defeat was the flrat for the Htenehurat,
The acere waa 6 Ie .1
Marahall R. Smith Introduced Kill f.-Hn
aa a memeer ex uie eucning stun, ani
allied hi debut by turning be.Dk Wll Wll
aten. A tn 1. Thr atore bera himm,.i
,A V.&
ratty kept up Id bluing by (coring- the rTrit
two runa with a elaiblng double.
TA "l.uak atarted as tha manager of St
Barnataa bv tripping Donevan-Armatrong. 9
te 6. Tha Saint ever trailing 5 ,te 4 when
the ninth began, and. with two rm and two
down. Jee Bogart uncorked a, triple that
rerlaterad McLaughlin and Faulkner with the
winning run
"I.efly" SttelV held Nicetown te two hit
at Richmond and Orthodox atreeia, anil
Brtdeaburg wen, 11 te 0. Stlaly broeted
alxtaen nppnelng hatamen. and Charlie Han
ford had three trlpUa and Hebby Rice a
twe-bagger and pair et alnglea.
tn viauing purner ai win, ana liurK Hn.
.. .-...--.." i ,,. - :-. l :. .m
'Met' Champien Defeated In Ladles'
Open in England
Nandwicb, Kng.,'May 17. Mrs. W.
A. (Savin, of New Yerk, holder of the
mctro'ielititn championship title, whh
llnilnnl a.I a a 1 a ln..ll.t ....... 1 J
I'lll.illM.li II null, uir inline Uie K"ll ,
charaplenshtp play heie today by Miss
,I. Cor, of Hpyal St. Davids, two up
and one te play, i -'
.. - fl.,lL J , J
ML f Ml v i "
r.- " . 'm. w
Frem left te right, William HarUlns, Packey I -one and Johnny Dever.
three Kayeula Catholic Club members, Mho leave for New Yerk this
afternoon te compete In an intercity tournament at (lie Garden. I -one
Is In charge of the Philadelphia team. Ilarltlns is a lightweight and
Dever Is a featherweight
Errors Behind
Yadusky Give
Victory .Over
Penn Fans 8 Garnets
(leldblall, 3d
Mrtlratr, rf
Siilllrcw. 3b
Mnurndlnn. If
itrem. 1h
!mlth. rf
Telferd. !li
Inrk, e
Hfark. K
Nelsen. t
Sfoeeelien. 3li
llrnphy, rf
I. 1h
"liner, v
Ksmen. p
Vnuilri" UNmr.
X17AT.TER LARSON. Penn' left-
I nee. will take the hill this
nl'ternoen ngnlnst Columbia In I'cnn's
second game in as many da's. The
contest will be plajcd nt the Donovan Denovan Donevan
Armstrong Field. Forty-eighth and
Walnut streets. Larsen showed a re-
turn of his old-time form last Friday
. . ,.,, ..
when he held the fence-busting Vcr-
menr nine te two scnttereti hits.
Bill Yndnsky held Rwnrthmern te
three hits yesterday, one of them n
fluky triple, nnd fanned eight of Jay
Kelchncr s nine, yet he lest the ver
dict, .'1 te L making the series n tie.
Benehend playing and errors en easy
chnnces prevented Yadusky from enrn-
Ing the verdict and the hard-luck
liurler of the Penn team rlchlv earnivl
.the sebrinuet handed te him early in i
I the season.
i Five errors in all were made by the
. T?n,l unrl rtlt.c nlnn niirl (rt.ibl rt llififll
.proved costly. In the first t.eldblntt
I mussed up Ksrey's ensy bounder and
( j, (jrnw t0vf Karnshaw's ee.ualIy easy ,
fiv. and Ksrey counted. In the feurtn
I'srey scored when MetJraw played his
l.ieh ttv mil v nnd I.nhel (.elilhlnlf lest i
i.i. L- . ,i. uc.l.l
.. u.r , ... ..,.,..
Today's Independent Games '
and Yesterday's Results
llilldale nt Jrn, Klchtevnth and Rock
land street.
Flrlsher nt Wllmlnaten.
Ilrldeabntx at Chester. .
Hutch .Moter at Shanahan. Fertr-rlfhth
anil llrewn streets.
North Pbllllee nt nonernn-Armatrnng.
Ferti-nlnth nnd Wnlnnt alreeta.
Slarahall E. Smith at Ilartram Park, Fifty-fourth
irtrfet nnd Klmwoed BTeniie.
.HeaiA .1. A HI lierry ,. ...virj liuh,
Columbia . TeDiie.
Pnttatewn at Seuth PhlUiea, Hreart anil
nialer atreeta. .. j ..
Ilelnnre at Nlcrtetrn, lentil and Hntler
Stenton Field rlnb at Rlerld.
nALLM u.,.1 r.l&nta nt Menth Phllaual-
ehla llebreHH, Thirteenth nnd Jehnsen i
Cuban Hlara at Wlldnoed. of Frankford.
Illttman and Wakellnr treta.
National Hank and Trust lrue Juar-
antee Trust vs. Nerthwratern Truat
panr. Philadelphia Park.
ank art Truat tempany iiiu II,. p.
and Trait Cemp'anr Iaaue--K. B. i
smitn te. . maeie iirnr;, mmr e
,l!U ' m St. ..t
n Wu.i a.u.1 B.r.B.A.i .
a..u . ..... rfc. ,-. . .. ,
. .cnwiiim "- "7 .";. i
FortT-fetirth aireet
and Pari aide atenne.
P. R. T. league Sertlen "A" Ridge
Aienue te. Cumberland. Tenth and Ilutler I
MreeUi sertlen "B." Krnnkferd v. Kletatwl. 1
Hiranhridg A Clothier grounds, hlity-thlrd I
and Walnut treda. ... i
Philadelphia Financial league Penn Mu
tual a. Tradeamen'a National, KlncaeaMug
RotTeation Center. Fiftieth street and Che. .
ter avenue, ......'
Flremen'a league Platoon. " Third ,
Ilattallen at llrst. Bread and Itlgler atreetai ,
Second at FJghtlt, Fourth and Hlngohecklnjr I
atreeU; Nltth at Fourth. Fourth anil Berks
utreeUi Fifth at Ninth. Halnea and McMahon I
streets) Seventh al Tenth. Frankford avenue
ana rrnrc atrrer.
Nan Varrf lariifw-rierelilna- Slfltten .
,..r ... .. --- .------j, ,.-.;- -l
Vn,.uIWAn MAvan I'llt 1' 11 '
S I1
Si. H. Celli-
mlnga t. V. S. . Tayler, S:I5 P,
!.. Pltlla-
delnhla Navy Yard
K. B. Utern & r tit Monotype. Fort Fert
aetrnth mvd Mime Ktreeta.
nrhleaburg. Ill Nicetown, 0,
Ht, narnnuna, Al DoneTan-Arraatrong, .1,
lllldwoed. Hi rltenrJiurat. 3.
Ileppe A Ce., MiMeCrerya. III.
Menth Phils, ill North Phils, 3.
Nphaa, 111 Silianahnn, 10.
Hatch Moter, lOi Hhanahan, .
Ferd il Ktnciic. Ill Matkey, 3.
Nertheaat Twilight league He Pnul. Hi
Caater mid Htrds. A.
Fert.v-elihtli Ward. Hi Media. 6.
relumbta, lOi Prlhani, 7.
Irani National, Ht Cern Kxchange, 1.1.
Roxberoturh, 7t Kram's A. C'., 6.
Sitrawhlidtr A llelhlrr Juntera. At lie-
.lewlah World. Ai niauner'a, 4,
Tlnlrum. 7 1 Olrard. 6.
Cuban (ilnr. 7i Puritan. S,
Columbia vs. Pennsylvania
WKHNKSDAV, MAT 17, 3.1.0 I1
Ilnneun & Armetrnng Field
4ftth nnd Walnut Ntraeta
Admlealnn Mln
A Beginner's
Gelf Set
for $15
And It a ene iliat n begin
ner or Htijene alee tan
be proud te itart out
with. The ae-i Includes
una full-ilia ranvaa-and-Uather
bag and rl
club. Prlcea up te I in.
And the right toga, tee.
Oolf and pert ault
f.'2,eO te 85.
40 Seuth 17tm.
knlckara for
man and
Complete Una
of golf and
nhmalm- Oelfmt
High Scheel Track and Field
Championships will Be Held
June 7 and 8
Tlie animal publje high sclnml tiuck
and field championships, pnpulnily j
knew as the "(Juads." have been made
a two-day affair. This wa announced
by Carl A. Hummel, director of boys',
athletics, following a meeting of the
Supervisory Committee en Athletics te-i
The "Quads" originally were sched
uled te take place June 7 en Northeast
Field. Twenty-ninth and Clearfield
streets. However, it wns decided that
thr Nnhnnlq linrn hpccutin tnn Invrn. nnil
that there would be entirely tee man
athletes en the field nt the same time.
Today the Track Committee mnde its'
official report, and nfter some dellbern-
Hen it waR suggested te make the
"Qunds n twe-dnv event. Ever- one
at the meeting approved this sugges
tion, nnd nfter this the championships
will be held en two successive days.
Wednesday. June. 7. the heats of the
track events will ba run off along with
u few field events. Tlie following day
the finals will take plnce, nnd the cham
pionship awarded.
mtcrschnel gymnastic competition
was pasted en the second reading bv
the committee. This mnkes the eleventh
sport that, the Supervisory Committee
tiflk Tmanc1 1 vnrl
. It was voted te bare second teams
in every sport. Heretofore only in
basketball have second teams been up-
ported nv llie schools. In the fiituie
there will be second teams in bne-
hall, haskcth.tll. seecee nm f.intli.ii .
M'l. A...l . ...in i.. .i..i..
. .re., ,,, , !"'.,rmr.
" '- ....... iu.,, 1(.r .innii,. nf,-
gregntiens compcte, points will be kept
and league championships decided.
Hawaiian A. A. U. Refuses te De
clare Kahanamoku Professional
Honolulu, T. II.. May 17. -The
Hawaiian branch of tire A. A. T. to
day threw down the gauntlet te tin
national body in the controversy, ever
Duke Kahanamoku nnd hi varnish nd
vertlsement and refused te obey the un -tlennl
body's mandate tn declare the
Hawaiian sprint swimming champion i
professional. The local organisatien's
decision wns unanimous.
Brltten Scores Technical Knockout
Tnlaa. Qklrt., Jlnv IT .Turk, Hrilten Trl
terelght champion v-ereit a technical
knockout eer Merrla T.ux, of Kanaas i"lf,
in the fifth reunrl ef tlli'lr . hclllle.t fv.Kn.
round Imut last night Br Hen hart l.ux
. nancing- en me lopes wneti 111" irreien lifted
' Tlrlt.nn'a I.bh.1
Brltten'a haml
Reduced from $35 & $30
Illues, Blacks, Browns,
Pencil Stripes,
Made Te Your Order
See Our 15 Windows
Largest Display of Tai
loring in Philadelphia
Merchant Tailors
S. E Cor. 9th & Arch Sts.
Open Uta. Bat. Uvga. Till 0 p, M,
Mrs. Barlew Favored te Win
Second St. Davids Invitation
Tourney Frem Fast Field
mill fl-of fitnrn rt fin JiiT tlllu liinrtl-
i I IIJI4 ill .Ti rjM,' i i' i" '
-Ling in the second iinnunl women's
' Invltntleti Kelf teiiriiamciit nt the St.
Davids (ielf Club was the favorite te,
win. '
This expert plnjer wn Mr" Rennld '
'II I'.nrlew. Merlen, undefeated this
tear mid winner lnt week of the (ielt
4 ill competition
Airs, Jlnrlnw hn played superlatively
in both medal and nintcli gnu se 'r
this eaen nfter n j ear's nbsence.freiu
the game. She teed off with Mls K.
Karnslinw. tin tirst lnir of a large
Held which was considerably augmented
dy pest entries.
The play this -car had added zip.
due te the fact that II cup is new ,
offered. As stated this Is St. Davids
.second tournament, but last yvnr theie
jwne simply elaborate pri.c.
Mrs. Rellin II. Wilbur, un ardent
golf fan and lever of outdoor sport,
.. r 1 .I..- .1 ...1.1. 1 ..
eppei, .erwnru u i new , . . " -
ill! cup ie un hiiunii 111 nit- .".u.i .
Wilbur Cup." The first player whe1" '"' "'"
twice leads this tournament Held for Rank Outsider
the best low gross score will gain per- Snlesinniini. a tank ...it-idrr. lias
mtment possession of the cup. Mean-!brn ceml) alen , , , ,
I lime. ,he names of the winners will be ,, R ,.han(,. , ,, r Vil'nneva for
"'"m?. ltr" ',..., . .,. 1. .1,.. ". ''' Thr Mnm Liners Imte iim
day. Mrs. Vi.ndVbc. k and Miss Cnv- J"'L nT,,?insT ,1,r '"" wl,,V. ""
erly are net competing nor are Mrs. .tram meets Salesianum n might be
.Caleb Fex nnd Mrs. (J. II. Stetson. I K1-0'',1 "''!' " l.""1 s,'"'l" i"1-
'There nre uMrnl In din fiet.t nilnv. I Father rnlirnier llUS II gieflt team
however, who nre expected te be In the
, low liO's. Mrs. .1. W. Turnbitll. Mrs.
N". M. Hutchinson. Miss Maria JVe
Kesenkn. Mrs. .1. F. Bet?:, Hd, Mrs. G.
S. Patterson and ethers nre all likely
te press close behind Mrs. Barlew,
- -
Hammers Pitcher Mackey for 13-4
Win In Opening Heme Game
The Flint Battalion of Platoon "A."
of the Firemen's League, opened the'
I ...... . ..!.......; i.i-..l
inline srnM.n hmjn iit ruviitiiiii r iciu.
Ilrend nnd Miglcr sees. nlll ,eercd a
. .""'"M'." s ''tery at tli cxpetiM
.iwi. i,r
I bird Battalion, J.J te 1.
Pitcher Mac key hurled ler the I In id
and his offerings were socked for seven
runs en eight hils in the second session.
i mi et tne sureties were successive
I Again his offerings were dented for
k counters en seven bingles In the
third. MeGrntin pitched geed ball for
I the winners and had eight strikeouts
' te his credit.
1 Battalion Chief McCiintingh. nf the
, First J'lntnen, tossed out tlie first ball.
Tbe sceie:
Third Jiittallnn. n
0 1(13 a
13 1 0
. Mini Jiitlnllen e 7 U 0 " x
Ratierle jrarkev hrnl Vleh
aryl Vilsea. l'mplre ."lurk and
Wlttmer te Assist Bill Reper
Prlnrelen. N", J, Slav IT- A!hrt i"
mr, .lr et Piltsbtirsh, renter en the Prlni
inn fnethjll 'cieri lHt fall, inrt Wallci
Camp a choice fur the third All-mncan
team, n II return te Princeton nxt fall te
i nflfllt llenpr in LOsrh nor i-ia n'iirr i.r.iti
i inmi-n in- crmmiiienanip I'nnccien tiakethHU
, aulntet this winter
Davis' Wonderful
All the Newest Styles and
Braids, Natural Straws,
Yellow Straws, Sennetts,
and Seft Braids.
Trimmed with brown ribbeB and
wide black ribbon. Eaay fitting
sweat bande.
Expert hattera te hit ye
$2 & $2-45
13th & Cherry Sts.
Twe New Triangle
Seft White Cellars!
Washed at night, ivern next
dau. Superior te any made.
The "VECK"
& "TOBY"
(niarnnteed 'net
wilt or wrinkle.
te shrink,
Irish Linen-Weave
Handkerchiefs, 20c
3 for 50c
Mall Order Promptly nirii.
A.R. Underdown'sSens
202-204 Market St Phil..
w s
Salesianum New Looms Faver-:
ite for Catholic Baseball
Crown This Season
y I'Afl. PKKP
CM IIKitf SC'HOdl,, of
en, le,. nn" n elinnee te
win the Cnthelle Srhoels League bnc
ball championship this sensen.
Te sehelnstii' fnns in (Ills ct, who
have tint been following the lipln- ,
wnrenns' nine. thl bit of Informalleii
1 liethlng tiert of stncllng. Fer
( before the sp.ismi wn opened, eierj one
i piehee Snleslnuum te give he ethera
teams practiee games and nothing
i mere.
j However, such was nut (be rnc.
, jbe team galloped home te four viete.
ri,.M jn jjve vtnrt-. And It leeks as if
,p Wilmington aggregation will win
' f... mfirp , nnlei.ts befin e it sinus
, Should Salesinnum win. the victory
will be a great tribute te the Rev
Father Peurnler, nthldii director of
I the school. This i the fir) venMin that
Father Foamier ha iri.iebed i team in
, hp C,nthelIe I.enBUr
and II I" Iieeillevs
... ... . .. , .,...
iuivii 111 11 iiiiiincidn. ins uiiieni win
compare with the best in the league.
Shech.c. lirt . Cunningham, second.
Gillespie, shin 1. :.m t.rant. third, are
an innerwerks that are da.-! personified
The outfield 11N0 h inaile up of speeds
plajers. With Pnhejvj,, ,.fr. Unveil ',n
center and Dnnelme in right. Father
Fciurnier has nothing te werrv ahnut
when haid-hit balls nil iule the gar
den. Btitke ' playing a great gnme behind
the bat and t a 'aluablc man en th
club. His handling of the pitWiers i
brilliant and he is a hard hitter Kr-
i,;nn 1. ,.;..i.i.. n ..... . .i .. ..i.
i :"!V,i ,J , 1 ,,' u ?"'" . ' X""
, : " " ' .'-.. . -! . if ' -'
in the bacue
Rverj one i awaiting the game win
Yillnnmn. and down m Willi. ingten the
folks me slrP their team will win. If
will be a gient contest nnd Salesienum
High will fight hnid fiem the first te
the Jat inning. And if Villaueta win
the Minn Liners will knew they ha e
benten the next best team in the league
Ball Player Breaks Leg
Newton Jim... May 1T I3oten Cel!
cUfejte'l yerwirh 11 L. .'.. horn Jami
Pelev nf c.in-i irilK Third l.irnian for He
ion fellc. bruK h' leir hn -liilinr te
ihlrrt hit-
best sellers
bear our
own label
and carry our
well known
Marshall E. Smith & Bre.
Men'a ilncorperated) y4fft,tic
FurntMhingM 724 Chestnut Street Ceed$
" ' Id
1 . , , , , '-if Li
Let Us Take Your Order
Today Instead of Tomorrow
Fer your selection
from mere than 2000
yards of ,$50 and $60
Spring weight tailor
ing cloths.
Finest worsteds,
i weeds, hemespuns.
We will build them te
your individual meas
ure and te your
satisfaction, or you
keep your money and
we keep the suit.
Wanamakcr & Brown
i Market at Sixllr-fer 61 Years
Delaware Count Sportsmen ;t fv
Ataociatien, Inc. , 'M
;hnml' 1'iiriti, Mlilillrlenn Rend. Utni4jS
l'liptrr nnil Mrrilit. ji-'vb.
Admission 50c Children FridPi'M
Beautiful Country Club under cerW
structlen wi'li the finest tenty-ivn
hole geif ceure tn the ICast. Can
accept thlrty-fhe niore nppllcatlena
for original membership. Write for
( ",0S, ledger ftnire
at Phecnixville
Steeplechase 5 Flat Races
'Trains lemc llnllht-"iilnK Tim
Rmdlnc Terminal IJ-S2 V. Jl.. 1 l M.,
IS.", r. M.
Ilrend st. slutlen tills I St.. UtcJ,
P. M 2:10 P. M.
IH auto Hut l.lnrnlii llltlnMiy threuxh
llerun nnd Iwiutlf.'l ulle Force te
Phnenlwlllr ,!8 miles.
Admistlen, $1.00 & War Tax
In White and Brownish Braids
Prices CO..S0
Uli-4 r,4 r f "
tJHIl I It tr
HTtQ New
Bet son
12 S. 52nd St.
4012 Lancaster Ave.
Pullover shirt
white lisle
Knee drawers
nainsoek, 72 x 80
Athletic union suit
nainsoek, 72 x 80
SuAek for Fords
Hnnrlseme I 7-tnrh Composition Rim Aluminum
'-plder Hern, Tlutten en Tep of Wheel. rigid
lecklnc Steerlnc Wheel ih two leckinu posi
tions Cannet he, pirked or jimmied Mounted
in case hardened iu.l head
urleck hat no juperler in quality or efftcir at en) fine
.nin renn dkai r.n ere
r -if
1 1
, 'l
'k M
MKirH.u!iiiiu", w w.1 mi mmw
Mik, mMJi : .uw,. a :l
V .
t ' Ai
...kj' .
snk.j.i i
j'liL.' JV