Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 17, 1922, Night Extra, Page 17, Image 17

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Lfilj; . . 7 ''frNl, 1F-1( iaKi-f.JLKL",.4?
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"TX' Vf ,'j-v- ..fniij,.
i AT!rT,.vir.'"JKwiwTJL,rsTr'ir,i.j. w.jjnjbKT-" K.s34n,;jvirirJtfni.,J.ifc. u ;n . 'um' wwnfi.tjit.' 1 i ir ; reiv rpr .' w -?v .-. rir . ,ifj'i.ir?j,.rc. - AiAiL-wsc :rww n.'Aiti rt...ifj-i4Y k rt'jtfffuvs.'V vw.v.te utf vvf 3r -.wi Jhxarijvw'j' - - up - - i ir & v t'v?-- '.m 'e -j p , i-i iw tirTV..iif'.7iri .., j wi-if v - n
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THE MASTER OF MAN :-: By Sir Hall Caine
An Outspoken and Moving Study of a Deep Sex Problem by the Noted Auther of "The
Manxman," "The Deemster." "The Eternal City," "The Weman Theu Gavest Me." Etc.
ubunv nilvevatc nppetnUA despite
h youth nrciiila or chief Judge,
l the hk of Math il.tciich poiltten
he Am 1e ait. n Jndliwtnt en n frU
hu-tinncr. He ,' Wh prinviplctl
and likable, though hi a moment 0
Mvlunl passion he, has, in great later
ptnitcnrr mer the secret hi, had
ilticit relitlieni ivith
nKSHIl! VOl.UHTKItA hattdieme
Pbl illiterate peasant girl. She hat a
ehitd lehirh is arcidcnldllg smothered
en the night of its birth. She u
mrested for murdering her babe.
Ilcisie teallg loves
ALICK (UU.L Agreeable but some
,,hat iceak, irhe persuades Hesue te
hdrelh heiselfi te him despite the
vppoiitien of his father,
BpfHKIW tll'l'l' The rich and
tliiamiital head of the Manx Varlw
tfSVJ.l.A XTASliEY A great
hcartrd mid beautiful gifl .tri'h ad
raiteal ideas en iremen s rightswehe
m in lore irim 1 rcim "' in mm
v htr. She m Ihr daughter of
OESHltAI' ST AX LEY Governer of
Ihe Ifte of Man.
n"v DAlrHlOMMA A brutal
farmer, stepfather of ltcssie, and ,
ifm tries le use. her trouble, for 1
iriici he thinks Qelt is responsible.
Hi lever le advance his own fortune.
Chapter XXIX.
Twe Te Women The Twe Men
OS IIKlN't fnkeii lxn'k le uri- ceil
Hrnp lmtl burft In n fit of lijMerln.
Tlic Iiiiiiis! They're only Irylnjs te
rnldi inr out Hint they may kill me.
Wliv ileii'r 1 hey de t then? Why ilen t
they finMi mc? Thts wnitinjc l the
wef.t." ... . .
Itrr fnce was blue Willi mge. nor
rnl.e was rnniM: nnl hiitky. her mouth
flns full of nsly nnrvnlRnr words nil
llic traees of her lonimen upbringinj;
leinlnp iippennnst.
,t length, out of breath mm ox ex
Imii'tnl. she broke Inte sobs. This
iiiiictnl her nnd after a while "be
esked what had become of her methei.
rcnella, who was alone with her (the
woman warder having gene home HI).
nnercd that some geed women had
earned ber mother away and were go
ing te lake rare. of her.
"And "here ! "
".Mr. O'ell? Up'talrs. He sent me
deiui te spenli te jen."
"I won't sneak te nny ene. They're
nil alik. They'ic only torturing me."
Fenrlla ropree the girl tenderly.
Could she net see thnt the Deemter
hlmfflf was trying te help her? He
hud adjourned the reurl te give her
another I'hance. and if she oenld only
explain away the evidence of the scarr
. '
'T won't explain anything. Why
ra.Vt j en leave mc be?"
"ION liear.l wnm ine idcuisivi inici.
Pefsle? Tell the trutn: tne wneie
1 ruth : it will be best for you; best for
After tliat Tlessir became ealmer. and
llien Fenclla (Utile knowing whnt she
un doing, for herself I pleaded wltli the
girl te renfes".
"I think I understand." she said.
"Seniel lines a girl love a man e mueli
ihRl slip cannot deny him anything.
Thousands and thousands of neiwn
luve been like that. Net the worst
women either. But tilt dark hour comes
when the man docs Tret marry her
' pwlinps cannot nn.l then she tries, te
rarer up everj thing. And that's your
tar. In't II?"
"Don't ask mc 1 can't tell you,"
cried rtcle.
Fenclla Hied again, still mere ton ten
il'Hr. "And einrt lines n girl who lias done
wrong nirs le shield somebody else
Mimtbcdy who is n guilty as herself,
perhaps guillier. 'J'lieusands of wom
en hac done thnl. tee, ever since the
weild began. They shouldn't, (bough.,
A had man count"' en a woman's si
lence. She should speak out, no mnr
tcr who may be .shamed. And that's
what ou ale going te tin, alen't you?"
But still lles-le cried. "I can't '.
"Hen't be afraid," ald Vcnella.
"The Deemster is net like some ether
jiHlne-.. lie has such pity for a girl
in .011r position Hun he will de what
i right by her whoever the nutn may
"Oli. why de you torture me?" cried
llensi... - . I
"I ilen't mono le de dial." snld Fen
clla. "Hut a girl luw te think of her
mvn position in the long run. and lt'
unly tight she should knew what it !. j
If she is chnrged with a terrible rrlnn".
nnd tlieie is evidence against her which ,
she cannot gnlnay, the law has tin1
piiwei- in punMi her le inttict llic most'
lenihle iiiiiirlini.'iil . perhaps. !lne you
IheiiSlil of that, ltcssie " !
Rese shudileicil and laid held of
i, 1 .
And then, burying her faeci In
Fenella's lap. nessle (old Iter lery
Inte Fenclla's lap nnd made no an
s.wer. 1 "Is he?" s.lld Fenclla. and In ber
githering terror, getting no r"ply. she
llfled HeysleV bend and looked search
Ingly into her fnce, as If te probe her
Al the next moment the
truth had fallen en her. The girl's fel
low sinner, the man she bad been hunt
ing down 10 punish him, te shame him.
trt ex-pose him te public obloquy, was
Victer Stowell himself !
At the first shock of the revelation
Mieuse they suited better with hie
1 mood,
Fenella ! She. must knew everything
by this time, flew was he te meet her
c.ics lu the morning?
("Jell! He. tee, must knew every
thing new. Hew every Innocent thing
he had done te help hi friend would
leek like cunning bribery and cruel
1 treachery !
1 It was a He te say that n sin could
. be rnneenicd. An evil at:., once done
could never be undone : It reuld never
be hidden nway. A man might carry
his sin out te son, and hury it lri the
deepest part of the deep, but some day
It would come scouring up before n
storm as the broken seaweed fame, te
He open and naked en the bench.
The sky darkened nnd he turned
back. On the way home he met Heb
ble Creer, nnd they bad te shout in j
encii oilier nUeie the fury of tne wmu.
The farmer lind been ever te Ihe Np
plu (the fields above the Point) nnd
found hidden fissures in the soil three
feet deep, They would lese land before
morning. I
At dinner .Innet did her heat te make
things cheerful. There wns (he sweet .
home atmosphere the weed lire with lis
oeor or resin nnci gorse, me suew-whih- i
Inblecleth, the silver candlesticks, all
the old-fashioned daintiness. Nut
Stowell was preoccupied nnd h.irdly lis
tened te .land's chattering. Se h" j
j went early (e her room, snying site was
'sure he wished te be nlene his father ,
!alwas did. during' the adjournment of j
,n serious ense. Ills father again! Hew
her devotion te his father drove the Iren I
into ills sniil ; ;
I If Hits Info nmt llie rnl.i lind beeilli
dreadful' 1 slash the window-panes when lie
licnnl (lie front deer bell ringing. Attcr
n few moments be henrd It ringing
again, mere loudly nnd Insistently.
.Nobody answered 11. The household
must be nsleen. 1
I hen came 11 iiurrlru knocking ai iiiei
the woman in Fenelln asserted ltelf 'window of the dining room nnd n voice.
the simple, natural, deceived nnd nut- which wns like the wind itself become
raged woman. Tills girl had gene be-1 articulate, crying out of the darkness:,
fore her! This common, uneducated "l.et mpn."
creature of the fields and the farmyard! It wa t.ell. Fur the first lime In hi?
Fer one cruel moment she lind n vision j life Stowell felt a spnMii of physical
of Bessie in Stowell's arms. This was j fear. But he remembered something 1
the face he had loved! These were t he 1 which (.oil had wild nr thfdoer of the!
lips he had kissed! And she had thought , railway carriage in Douglas en the
he bad loved her only never hnvingdny of (he trial of the Peel fisherman
loved anybody else! ' (! should have killed the ether man")
A feeling of disgust came ever her. 1 anil that strenet boned him. Anything
The girl had net even had the excuse was better than (he (erture of n hidden
of caring for Stowell. She lind bee:i
thinking merelj of n way of escape from
Ihe tyrannies of her stepfather. Or
perhaps nn admixture of sheer animal
instinct had Impelled her. Hew de
grading it all wn!
Itessle. who had begun te realize what
he had done, tried te take her hand,
but Fenelln drew back and cried:
"Don't touch me!"
All the thoughts of years about woman
sin anything:
"Ge back te the deer I'll open it,"
he called through the closed window,
and ihen lie walked te the perch.
Hit heart was beating hard. He
thought lie knew what was coming. Hut
when (Jell entered the house he wns net
the hum Stowell had expected with
flaming eyes and passiennlc voice hut
a peer, broken, irresolute creature. His
hair was disordered, his step was weak
as the victim seemed te he burnt up In 1 nnd shuffling, nnd he was stretching
an Instant In the furnnce of her out- out his nervous hnnds en coming Inte
raged feelings. An almost unconqiier-1 the light as if still walking In the
able impulse enme te leave Besie (e her 1 datkiies.
fate. Let her pay the penalty of her! "I had te come and tell you. 'She's
crime! Why shouldn't she? guilty. She has confessed," he said.
Rut after n while a great pity for the! And then he collapsed into a chnlr
girl came ever her. If she had sinned, I and broke into pitiful meaning. It
she had nlse suffered. If she was there, wns loe cruel. He could have taken
In prison. It was only because she had llie girl's word against the world, yet
been trying in her Ignorant way te wipe slip find deceived him.
out her fnull. I "Did Rhe. say who ,
But she herself her hopes! "Ne."
gene, her love wasted "Ne?"
Fenella burst into a flood of tears. "I didn't nsk. Seme miserable farm
And then Bessie (the (we women had hand, F suppose some brute, some ani ani
ehnnged places new) began le comfort mal. Dnntn Itlm, whoever he is! Damn
her. him! Damn him 10 the devil and hell !"
"I'm sorry. 1 didn t think what I "Bui what matter iiheut the man?"
was doing. Don't cry." sold Gell. "Ii's the girl who has d
At the next moment they were in each ceied me. I dnrrsnv I'm net the first
ether's arms, crying like children two either. Pcrhnps her stepfather didn't
peer ship-broken women nn the ever- mm her out for nothing. There mav
Insting ocean of man's changeless lut. imvP ,cf, ..eineihing te say for (he old
BessJe was the first te recover. She scoundrel."
was full of hope and expectation, and Choking with hvpectisv. Stowell
visions of (he future. New that she lind feurd ,,,.pf pleading for the girl. Pei -confessed
everything the Deemster would ,p, . who could say'
tell the jury te lei her off, nnd then j pcrhnps she hail been 11101c sinned
Ali.k would forgive her nUe. I against than sinning.
"He will forgive me, will he net? 1 "Then whv ili.ln'i she lell t,,.-.i' .,i,i
r. . 1,,.- l.!l.l --..I.. ...!. .. ... -- " . -.,.'
niie wns iike n ciuiu hkj.iu. " ' ticll. Ills voce
Fenella found a cruel rullefr In humor
ing her.
"Yes. yes," she answered.
"When I leave this place I'm going
le be se geed." said Bessie. "I will
make him such a happy life. We'll be
married immediately by bishop's
license, veu knew and theii lenve the
Isle of Man and go te America. Hel
often spoke of that, nnd It. will be best I
After nil ihls trouble it will
lie best, don't yen think se?"
"Ne doubt, no doubt." said Fenella.
Ai length she remembered that ticll
would be wailing for her. She must
go te him. When she reached the cer-,
(rlder she paused, wondering whin she
wns te say and hew she was te sny It.1
While she steed there he lieaid iiin.s
from the cell behind her. Bessie wns
Meantime (Jell lind been lighting bl
own battle. The black thought which,
hnd come hurl ling down en him at Deili
Hmen. when he hrst read llie teller
" 1 1 . 1 il.l I l-f l.nl,l...l line uild
ether bund, if she can ex- vuicn ncssi ...,., . .. """""'".":,
ienium), ni'w nfciii". " - ... 1
Stowell, and t crush it he had te (all.
up til" memory of llie long line or geed'
lift renel'iuis- thllies Hint Stowell lliltl .
was like n w.ill
"Who can say " (Stowell felt
a throb in his thrent and was speaking
with difficulty I. "who can say she
wasn't trying te snc you pain
knowing hew you believed lu her nnd
eared for lier?"
"But if she hnd only told me," said
Oell. "If she hnd only been strnight
with me!"
Stowell felt himself en the edge of
terrible revelation. But he controlled
himself. If llessle hnd concealed part
of the truth what right lind h.Mercvcul
It? After n moment of silent terror he
asked Cell what lie meant te de in the
"Adiire her te amend her plea nnd
cast herself mi the mercy of the Court."
"Yes. thai l the only proper course
ntwv." said Stowell, nnd then liell rose
te go.
Te he continued tomorrow
Uopuilehi. I0!l, Int'ntatwiial Magazine Ce.)
plain " if she can say that her
'MM was born dead and (hat she merely
.nnienled the blitli of it, or that she
Mllcrl it by accident , perhaps, when
lie wns alone and didn'l knew what
lie was .loins " '
lie.ssjc wns hrriilhiug rapidl, nnd
I'enelln (s unceiiM-inus of the feni -fnl
came llie unseen powers were pln.s -l"E
witli her) followed up her ndvnu
llge. "Ynn can 11 usl Ihe Deemster, Bessie
He will he ineiclfiil te a girl who bus
steed silent In her shame te sae the
honor nf the man she loves I'm sure
h will. And llie jury, tee, when
they see that ou did net Intend te kill
our child, they may who
knows? ,Pj. ,luly pvcivncqult
jen altogether
done ler Him nil 1110 way up rinrc
was a bnj
When nl Inst he saw Ieiielln ap
proaching he searched her face for a
my of hope, but his heart snnU nl 1 lie
sight of It.
"She hns confessed.
"She had 11 child?"
"It wns born dend.'
"Ne. she killed It." ., ,
"Ged in heaven!" said dell, nnd it
seemed le FencllB that at that moment
the man's heart had broken.
She knew she ought te sny mere, but
she could net de se nothing neing 01
Send for a '
Copy of
Hall CaineS
"Why I Wrete The Master of Man"
Hessip vin silent imv. nnef Fenella ' conseeuence event the one terrible tact
'"UN see. in 1 he lin f darkness of the of the mnii s beiraya
'ell, (lint the ..hi's hie enlhetic ejes
were kii,IiiK up m her.
"111l 1 lien Ihe people w hnve been
TiihiMng haul nf win, hecausp jeu have
'leeched ihr-iri. will -ellen te jeu w lien
thej se,. t h ri 1 what jeu did. however
Wtmig it was inul eicii criminal, was
'lone pei Imps for snmehed you loved
'"ttei 1 halt yeuisplf."
Suddenly Bessie dropped le her knees
" IVnclln's fret and cried :
"Vcr, W., j M)l confess. Yes, it's
If"-. 1 hnd. a child, and I
killed It. 'Itul I didn't menu le
'"'I knows 1 didn't."
"Tel me ever) thing," xald Fenella,
Alllt limit Uiii'fi,,.. I,.i.. Cni.n !,
flrinir!,,s ,"1' nml ''I'l'iKli'B I" her, liessiu
old her story, nieili lening no ilnmes, '
""j .rimcniing and excusing nothing.,
Heroic she had cinne te an end,
y'nella, who hnd h-en xayin'i "Yen"
ni "Ves," and asking short and eager
'iieieiis (the two v.emen speaking in
wh spers as If afraid Ihnl Hie dark
"lls would hear 1, felt herself seized b)
gient terror.
Ihen it was nel Mr. Cell who took
0,i into his looms when jour fnl her
hut you out?"
, "Ne, no! Would le Hed It had
"''"hen who wns It?"
"Don't aik ,111c tlinl. I calitiet 1111
MMM jeu," 0
j'JVhii wnsjt? Tell mc, tell inc."
1 inn 1 ; 1 can't:"
..IJiy.H l Itiiiiisc his chnmbers?"
nan I ii.
kjD? '"tV
S tin he anything te
i!nl in heaven said ''
nnd he turned le leave her.
"What me you going te de in the
morning?" ,, 1
"I don't knew jel.,,
"Where are jeu going te new .'
Te Hallaiunai."
Again she knew thnl she ought te snv
mere, but again she could net
Cell wns making for Ihe gate, ami
Fenella, bankrupt In henrt herself,
wanted te comfort him. 1
"Mr. fSell." she said. "I have been,
doing you a great injustice. I ask jeu
te forgive me." '
With his band en the belt he turned
his broken fnce 10 her.
"That's nothing nothing new, he
said. , , 1
And again he heard. ded lu
heaven!" as the gale closed behind him 1
"Ah, heie jeu nre, dear!"
It W8H .lanel who had heard (be hum
of Stowell's car en the drive and hnd
conic hurrying out te meet htm,
"Yeu'nc had 11 tiling day I can see
thai." she said, ns she poured out a,
iicup of ten for him. "Ah, these nigh .
positiens: -uiere munie - ' 1
'without being paid for.' as your father
used te sny." ,,
Te escape from .lane' s solicitude and '
le the himself out se thai he might
'have 11 dinner of sleeping thnt night, j
he walked down te thn shore. 1
A storm was rising. 'Ihe gulls were.
flying inland and their white wings'
were mingling wiin me nun- .."" "
(lip reeks. The fierce sH,v te the. south.
lh cold gray of -the cn te the Jwrlh.
th hlek ehurcllewif ..Uir atark
A stinging reply . the ciitlclnm that
I his novel Is "An Apology Fer Sin." Ten
' will enjoy the story mere after reading
this article.
I is en sale at all bookstores.
Price $1.75
RtauaitM, N. II, $30
Unhrwead, Ne. S, $41
Ttn Utf Frt Tntl
Pare Expense
All Hard Reet
nd mik
Weahh Frem Wait
M k
Economy Basement Specials for Thurs
Tomorrow a Wonderful
Brand-New Purchase of
Girls' Fashionable
$5.00 Capes
In the Newest, Smartest Checks, Plaids
and Dressy Plain Celers
On Sale at $2.95 eacl)
SVKD.VUI.nAY. MAY 17. 1PM. IMerOOpen. 9 A.M. CIem. t B0 l'.M. C
In the Economy Basement Tomorrow
Drastic Clearance Sale of
Women's and Misses' Spring
Coats, Capes & Wraps
Highly desirable garments taken right out of regular
stock and sharply reduced for immediate disposal.
v Scarcely mere than half price and the very newest
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.summer days and evcninjjs and far into the fall!
Developed in the smart model
shown, full circular style, of soft new
coating in a complete line of the best
new colors and color combinations.
A most exceptional value, which we arc able te offer
rifrht in the height of the season becuuse of the wonder
fully low purchnsc price. Sizes 7 te 14 years.
SncllenburgS Economy Basement
Just Received Anether Big Let of
Women's $1.35 te $1.65
Silk Stockings
te Sell at 50c Pair
In All the Leading Shee and Costume Celers,
Including Black and White
Frem a manufacturer making the best 12, 14 and 16
strand pure thread silk stockings which sell in firsts a I
$1.35 te $1.65 per pair.
. bNElLFMBURGS Economy Basement
Werth-While Mark-
Downs en
Substantial Furniture
$30.00 Metal
Bed Outfit,
rontlnueiw pest,
in fillers anil panel
creiH-bar . !ill-"-teel
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$8.50 Sliding
Bed Couches,
$18 Genuine
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cretonne , brown or
shellac niilnh.
$45 Period
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French tilatn inlr.
i or and beuutlful
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Slnnle liw: villi
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$40.00 Massive 3-Piecc
Mission Suit, $22.75
IrHI k Inn
'"l. lie;i. vel'd nnK frniiie .l-ep
FPiinc "pain and nplielEicred hacK." In
"ion n linpci in I leather
Sanitary Mattresses
U2 Cotten nnd Ilt MMtren, P.4(l
$!n Silk Flo & Cotten Mnttrrx, gie.tl
Tin Imperial VMk Cotten MnltTfut, .9
S3 Pad Mattresses, $1.95
Fer con. Filled with cotton .10 inch
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Operated from either end by one motion
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All-steel fraiiK", 'guaranteed double-link
sprlnp, nnd an nil-cotton, deep-tufted mat
tree ultli roll cdnc cexere.d in hlgh-Krade
cielennc I'nununl value.
$4.50 Dining Dining
Roem Chair,
I $29.75
I Mahogany-
niiibn Lierarv
Table at
er strenp eal :
seat of Imperial
$35 Chiflforebe,
.'ivnl deuhle ped
pflal pffcrt cm ii
lerilal ji-1 n I te i m
coreu tiai
use Peep
$16 Metal
Beds, $9.95
r( ft. ' VTfSl
2-Inch cent Inueua
pout, l-lncli nilfm
and l-lneli cress
panel liar. lvei or
white enamel nnisli.
All Hilts,
IdNKLLENBURGS Kconemy Basement
Let 1 $15, $18 and $25
Coats, Capes
and Wraps
Vcleur, flannel, tweed, shawshcen,
camel's-hnir and herringbone. Smart
models, many silk lined.
Let 2 $10.00 te $15.00
Coats &
Capes. . .
Vcleur, tweed, flannel, chinchilla and
herringbone. Very beceminp; styles.
Let 3 $8.00 te $10.00
Capes &
Coats . . .
Dress capes of vcleur. sports capes of
soft coatings and sports coats of mixed
tweed and jersey.
577lnBUR0S Economy Hasement
Tomorrow We Open a
New Sewing
Machine Section
In the Economy Basement
Where we will cany a full line of White, New Heme,
Ruby, Sncllcnburp; Special, Davis and ether reliable
machines. '
Needles, Oils, Belts and Paris Alse en Sale
As an Opening Special JVe Offer
4-Drawer Drep-Head
Ruby Sewing Machines
Regular $49 Value Fer
This Week Onlg
at $37.50
ftuy en Club Plan
Small Payment When
Ordering $1.2', a Week
'S'-'.bJHS Economy Basement
50r'c Less for
White Sale!
$2 Corsets
at $1.00
Pink ceutil. with medium
bust and girdle top. Well
be ncd with rust-proof bon ben
inp. Fer small or large
25c te 98c
Plain and fancy materia'
in pink. Heek back.
444 Neme Self
Reducing fl
Corsets . . .
Extra Special! 500 Brand-New
$2.95 Crochet
Bed Spreads
Lowered a Third, at VjJI I Q
( rechet weave in pretty, neat pattern.
nemiiinu enns. nn mu neume-nert size,
200 $10 LambVWoel Filled
Comfertables te Sell at
Satinc and percaline covered with plain satine
ders. Pretty new patterns. . Lamb's-wool fillinc.
size. Share and SAVE!
ILLLNBLfJC'S Economy Basement
, All Our Odds and
Ends of
Including: Values up le
Grouped for One Hig
Sale Tomorrow
at 95c Ea.
Cenir early for the hrt
Hclectien titty will qt
quickly at tlteiir wonder
fully laic clearance price.'
t'KN5 'KJS ''neni-
Special Tomorrow Only in
Basement Rug Department
200 Seamless
9x12 Ft. Tapestry
Brussels Rugs
Oriental design. $25 val
ues. Seconds. Fer feday
Smith's Seamless
Velvet Rugs
Oriental and floral de
signs 9x12 ft. sire. $50
value. Seconds. Fer today
200 Heavy High
Pile Axminsters
Limited patterns, 9x12 ft.
sire. $40 values. Fer today
only. Seconds.
5000 Yards "Kolerfast" Fiber Carpet. .
Celer guaranteed: Many matchinn length. Special let nf mill
remnanta at half price.
19c yd.
Sturdy Clothing
for Real Beys
At Greatly Cowered
Prices for "Bey t
58.50 Twe-Pantti
Suits at $6.49
Smart, models of mix4 '
cheviets with full line
knickers. Sizes 7 te 17.
$12.50 Twe-Pants
Suits at $8.50 ,
All-wool mixed cheviot.
Full-lined knickers. Sir.cs 7
te 16 years.
$13.75 Twe-Pants
Suits at $9.95
All-wool blue sersre and
mixed cheviets. Full-lined
knickers. Sires 7 te 17
$14.75 Twe-Pants
Suits at $10.50
All-wool mixed cheviot
and cassimeres. Full-lined
knickers and mohair-lined
coats. Sixes 7 te 16 years.
Reefer Suits, $5.75
l.icht-weicht mixed chev chev
eots. Sizes 214 te 10 years.
Tub Knickers, 95c
Washable and mixed
cheviets. Sizes 7 te 16 years.
Play Suits, 8lc
Khaki nnd blue denim.
Sizes ?, te 8 years.
Japanese Grass Rugs
8x10 Feet and 9x12 Feet
50,000 Crex Rurs
1 '
27 54
36 x 72
9x12 Feet ,
Hx 10 Feet.
K x 9 Feet . .
Regular Price
,"4 90 inches
36 x 72 inches
Pay Less Here for Your
Geld Seal
.rn t XVUgS
V'i'2" ' " "
'v -.. ... y
Kvcry Rug Perfeet-Wrapped Individually
nun ine uata seal Guarantee
$16.20 9xl2-Ft. Size
Other sizes proportionately reduced.
Very Special
"A" Quality Inlaid
Linoleum DA
Square ard Ot7C
Remnants te match.
Cerk Lineleums
ivuiiiu-eize icnRins in
Many Patterns
Square jj
S.NEH.EyBURcS Economy Basement
Regular and
Extra Size
Splendid Value
at 79c Ea.
The be-
or per
cale in
Jzhecks "
or ;i
braid or
ash and
tienally geed aprons for
tlT- very leu price.
Bungalow QQ
Aprons, Each OV
Of better quality Bing
ham nnd percale, finished
with sash, rickrack braid
and pockets.
Economy Basement
Extra-Size Day
In May Sale of
Remarkable Values!
Women's Exlra- QO
Size Gowns at . . t
Lingerie cloth, with fet
in slee.r and embroidery
trimming, tiencreusly pro-periioned.
Chemises. .
Lingerie cloth, with cm cm
breidery trimming. Huilt
up shoulders.
Women's Extra
Size Drawers. , .
C ut full of lingerie rleth,
with tucks and embroidery
Women's Extra
Size Skirts
Lingerie cloth, finished
w ith deep embroidery ruffle.
y . e-j l'Vonemj
Black Enamel
Suit Cases
' $4.24
Made with strong cow cew
hidu straps running all
around. S'ently lined and
fund with ji tray, which
can be removed if pi ef erred.
Streng cowhide, reinforced,
In black slcs 21 it ml 20
Mtil and Phene Ordert
4 '
an ?
" "f II
C n. Hff,
., i. n
,.-.. a,
l i .. (Jl"iAlihI
- - 4 t :xjh ht iw.
fjp t
-" ' "-"--M
mv. K .tJiMikrhi - .