WwKW sT'TsBSSSfflBnsi' vT--Tamtf-y :'' rt?,!wi.mm" &:$. IT Philadelphia, Wednesday, May 17, 1922 Stere Hours, 9 A. M. te 5:30 P. M. Gimbel Brethers MARKET: CHESTNUT a EIGHTH NINTH Fer Save 25ce en Automobile Tires. Buy almost any needed Aute 3upply at half price. Fer Thursday Thursday EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, "ifAY 17, 1922 , ' s '. " H 1 '- . : , ' ' - 2 j rg: ' AZtlNIlill HMD ON LABOR f. m . . M la . A . L I I j? rartiany bunt Aparimenx neuse Ruined by Spectacu lar Fire WOMAN TELLS OF BOMBS A ,: ' 4 V. t ' i '1 4 f F& " . ?(' fc&tf I1: Lr r i By llir Assnrlnlnl I'ip Chicago. Mil? IT.-lVliie today , nirtheil for u nox-te.lo.l tinmli bo be HfVfd te linve lirrn i!ncel In u S.'OO.UOO anattmrnt tiuilrllnc In Nerm Chicnsn. " Which wn il.nnnRPil lnt nlplit l ht , llrlhulnl te tirrnrMs In connection , wllh flic riilt-ncn Inline nt- , Autlmcitle n'-e ii rr I'lineiitmilns thwr cfferi mi the ionfesloii -.iM te Tiate been nlilnliii'il wMrrtlm finmMi. Mnriarel Miller, wife of .Inhn Miller, nnw iiniler sim-t .' the illecrrf ihhrr, of the 'Mealli cflr' fiem which het" - were fii-eil. kllli'iR two nn'tcrtiien enrly Wednesiln. Police lenncct the tlrinc of the biillil ln willi Inlier ilienIers through n man , who wantcil two women in .in adj lining building te clinic before their building , cfcUght tire, lie rnn ilewn the 'tent aheuting. "Te hell with the r.nmlN ( Bwnnl '." The building, ilninaseil In Hie with an estimated In of Slllll.OOO. wa lining ' creeled untler the l.tndU wace award ItivA owned In a coin ailei who de nied ircrMng tht-nt from labei mep That the fin win l ha been nieien bejiiml ilnnht. police n. fei n wa1 started en the tirsl mid end lloer lit : TurietiH pails almeM tlinnlaneetil. The o,netienlii8 of tr.. Millet.' police av. brought a full cnnfelen Jrem her in which the name, of ether occupants of the "death car" were given and it l subMaiitiated bv a tin--rieun confeien attributed te her Iiiih- iend. Tellce said Mrs. Miller admitted car; in for the occupant of the bandits' j car. who were supposed te have bfen wounded bv shots from the policemen s jiIMela. Mrs. Miller ale admitted : fitting in conference with labor leadeis in which bombings and attacks were, discussed, police said, and admitted j Vnewing that explosive were kept in , licr home te be, used hv labor men in i tlicir fight :igairit the I.andls award. ' FANNY H. KIM LEFT $21 ,000 1 I Charitable Bequetta Made in Will, of Orthodox Street Weman Tanny 11. Kim. of i:(-l tii'hndex atreft. whose will was probated ted'iv. If ft SIIMI te the Utder of the Hely Cress' of the PieieMam r.purnp.il Ch'.irrh and SlOfl te the St Maiv's en the Mountain Scheel for UirK both ai Sewanet. Tenn. She left another Sinn te the Protestant i;plmpal fhiwh ) , jnl8)enarv work in t'liina and .lapan. Her estate is nlucd at S'Jl. inn. , Other iharltablc bequest were m.ule fcr Clotilde Kelui. tt01 Neith Proud; tret. MOO of bis S-ja.OOti estate ce'nu te thc'l'cderatlen of Jewish Cherine. nad Harali . "oeawaiu. et n .eiiu Fortieth Mre'ct. Abe left SUOOO of her .1BOJ0OO estate te th Fifth Baptist Church. Other will preb.itc wcie thee or , "William Uicbcl. K'.l." Sexenty. second iivcnuc. Oak I-ane. ?10.fi0(i: Mnrsaret I H. Iturk, 1PJI Mount Vernen street. ..S18.400: Valentitic Piiikhart. leOIt North Nineteenth lre-t. S700H. ami jMaiy y Marin, who died in St. Leuis. $S300. Itncnteties wcr tiled in the persona! estates of J.eien. Heimuth. ! SID.SOS.O;; : Walter Ile.vl. SIV.K! 10 Marr K. tiannlne. .tll..jt). and l.ulu v. Hail. .n.r;r(5.tir.. MAN IN CRASH' MAY" DIE 9. and O. Train Strikes Truck at Felten Cressing in Chester Charles Hamilton, thirly-sn rears bid, drhcr for II. V. Palcr. a soap maker of riiester, is dying in the Thes. I ter Hospital from injuries revived yes. terday afternoon, when his trmk was hit by a Pa'timere and Ohie train at ' Felten Cres(.lnE. the scene of mere than ' n score of fatalities in recent years. The i truck was demolished. f.i V, ncommen eense Leeking Ahead IJ.v JOHN KLAKE ' pw K tv &:. T Wthe Peek of Preerbs, "the pee)e (Pflsh." Te which Kcclesiastb us ailds; "What.seevir thou takes! in hand. Temember the end. and tiieu sbalt net be amiss." Through the history of the wet id it lias been the few men of isien that have, done the planning. The rest of the people walked in the ways that the planners set for them. JTUST new the world seems without a ) plan for the future, hut men of isien .will he found, as thev always hac been found, te supply one It in when linn is lacking, when the . ieeplf get confused as te the ways they theuld take, that wars arise and popu lations are destroyed, ami the seeds of hatred and bitterness, are .sewn. The world has p.i'scd through such a Jlme. but Is happily out of it What wc arc concerned with in these Article Is the individual, rather than J1he world. It is for the editorial win- era, net for us, te comment en state- rraft and the trend of the times. But what Is true of the weild is true "pt the individual. Vision Is as m-i". t-nrj te the single struggling human lie ing ns It is te a nation or te a whole world. He who remembers the end, no mat ter what lie has taken in hand, shall net be amlfs, whether he Is building a deg kennel or n bridge ever the widest titer in the weild. He must, while his hands ai" em- fe.' V '' '" Tleycd "" ''p P"11 f 'he work before r&them. Veep in his tbeuiht the whole ISSjtUat Is te be completed. HpjFrr ,e must unew wn.it tie intciHi te tie PM' 1n the end. before he niaUrs his begin PaP? 'lnit or ail his efforts will be In vain. T7ISI0N Is merely looking ahead, and V planning for the future We tan tan Het foresee accident, or uphenva's of , nature, et II. e weather of car after 'Heat, Tint If we leuld net ,ee iuf n the futufe at all, wc should get nothing a , 'ceinplit hcd. r, v The men u in hm I Hie Pn fnm hit u nr p4T -Sable te picture them as the" etoed iem- r3V 1'IOtetI oerere the tirr stone was dragged fv tn Its poidlien en thn Fandh. Mr The men who founded the Ameitran iti 1 UlIetl which in the newest of the gtcat .;) jioiiena ceuni see mueii of its fiiiure vC, is n" were nine 10 provide ler ir a en- .-.llllllf.,.. .. I.I..1. I. a. ..MM.lM.l 1..., 11,11.. .r'liui.vu i.iiivit tins iiviuiu uui Mini "chanie. Lirattinr toinennw lake (arc. of lUelf I ',!H"ljT foolish .policy,, Our work is leday, jtvwtjl.'U we no net .try te make tomorrow K.w.Mwuin we, we snnn nave 110 urjiBHi niM tee or niuiviuiiai. ive i . "h.. . A Mid-May Toilet Goods Sale : All Articles Mentioned Are Specially Priced Leave Your Order at Desk, en Grand Aisle. Mail and Phene Orders Filled Teeth Pastes and Powders 50e tVpsedent Teeth Taste, 3Sr. f.Or Peliece Toetl Taste. Sir. I5c Kal Tliene Teeth Taste, 1r. .ftc Sanitel Teeth Taste, 1r. Jt 00 Tverrhlclde, for re ceding Riiin "Sr. 25c I.merls, at 1(r. II I.averls nt 'Or. 23c S. S White Teeth Taste. t;. Talcum Powders 2.V .lohnaen fr .tohnen Ued Cresa Bahv Talcum. IBc. 2Xc UJct Kiss Talcum Powder, 19c. 26c MaU Talcum Powder He. ftimbel Talcum Powder In 1 lb cans In 'orlep.ls odors or unscentecl. tee. 28c I.ar.el!s -As th Petals' LTalcum PnvMer. at ttir. 2,"c Smith, Kline French Orane Bloseni Talcum Pow Pew ilcr, nt ttic. Face Creams S'ii Ulnrl ltene & Almeml 'ream. 3le, $1 Hindu Monr A Almend Cream. tv. SOc tlansett A P,amdll s Celd Crenni 3tr. iV Vale's Almend Blojem i ream. SRe. S"m Helmes' Frestllla, !te. fii lb -tin ftimbels Theat rical Cream, 0e. Hair Preparations I ROc Watklns' Mulslfled Co Ce Co ceanut Oil Shampoo, 3Je. Bc lilmbels Liquid Green Seap Shamnoe, 40e. 3nc tmnrtcrine, at S3e. nc Patulerlne, at 4!e. J1.20 rianderlne. at Sr. .tee Wildroet Hair Tonic, llr. 60c WIMroet Hair Tonic, 42r. $1 20 Wildroet Hair Tonic, Kir. $ 1 50 F e r r e n d ' Hair Grewer. 5e. fiOc Hav Hair Health. SSe. $1 20 Hay's Hair Health, :5r. 'ic '"Jlmbels Bandeline. 3r. .15c Glmbels Brllllantlne. 25r. T5e l!Ieer's Mange Cure, 4Sr. $1 P.. I.. Watkin'a T.lnuld Aren for remevlnB dandruff, at H3c. fiOc Patnielie Shampoo. 35r. or 3 for t. Ivory-Coler Celluloid Toilet Ware Half Price and Less Several attractive pat terns, all of Reed, heavy, creamy stock. A few of the prices are Hair Brushes, H.9S and fS.SO. Mirrors, S3. S3. 80. S4.R0. Combs, 13e. 3Se and 5e. Powder Bexes, 8Se and SI. IS. Hair Ttecelsers, SI. IS. Clethea Brushes. Sl.43. Bennet Brushes, St.00, Trays. 40e, S1.15 and H.ti. Heme Remedies and Household Drugs Analqeslque Ammonia, Aromatic Spirits, s-ex, bottle, HOe. Witch Haiel triple distilled 60c Belle Ilevey Face Powder. Rnc Belle llexey Vant.shlnc r ream. The two for ser. Hair, Teeth, Nail and Bath Brushes Hair Brushes, all Kinds, at 2.1r. SOc, 7Sr and up te tl.HO; values 50c te H 50 Teeth Brushes, nil textuies and snles, at ter. 11Vtr. He. Isr, ?.lc and 3r; a lues 18c te V5c Natl Brushes at lOe. ISe. tar, ?Se and up te R0r: alues 16e te $1 II 50 Bath Bruihe. nsr. Shaving Preparations 25r ra(TKtt A- P.amfdell ShainB Stick 20p. :.c PaKKit A r,amdell Sha!np ( ream, 30r. ,15c Melle ?hauic Cream, Cr. "e Melle MiainK "rani tlr. 35c Pubbcr'f ? h a v i n c Brush :.r. Dressing Combs TRc Hard llubber Presiin? Combs, 4(ir. 35c Hard Kubbi T'ressinK Cemhs 20e. shll-coler ''lluIeld Press ine Combs T5c, R0r and 35c kinds at JOr, 3Ri- and 2Je. T5c Baume BenRU. SOr. fier California P.vrup of F1r 4 He 00c Mustere'e, 40e. 10c Miuternle Iflr. 25c i'acaret. '' 50c ('ascarels 3e. 3'V Crev.s l.axa.tie Brome Qu nlti". 1e. 2ic Hill's Casrara Quinine, He. 25c Bellans for Indigestion, lr. (!0e Fermamlnt Tablets 40e. Rue Phillips' Milk of Mait nesla, SRr. Jl 00 I.ysel Plslnfectant, e. R0c I.iel Plslnfectant, 40e. 26c t,ysel Disinfectant, 20c. ROc Glmbels FIr Syrup. ?5r. f 3 75 Herllck s Malted Milk, .'.se. 25c rarter's I.lver Pills, 15r. Jl 25 Gljco-Thymellne, 3r. isec Glcio-Thymellrt. 42r, r.e,- Glyco-Thymellne 7le. 25i lb. Peroxide of Hdro Hdre pen 13c. Jl 00 Brome Seltzer. 1e. Glcerlnc and P,ee 'Water, 3 or., lie. GKcerlne and P.ose Water, 01, ISr. GI.M.crlne, plain, 1 or. lOr. Ghcerine. plain or. ROr, ( ampheratd Oil 3 oz ser. Httence of Peppermlnt, 2 ut 2.V. I's'enee of Teppermlnt, 4 07 4.1r. i asier nti 3 or. bottle. ?Re. ' aster Oil, K-07. beltl". ROr, Ammonia Velt pt. bottle, lc Ammonia. Violet, nt bettl Sir. Ammonia, Household, pt. bottle, lRp. Ammonia. Household, qt. betllf, 2Rr. mmenla. Aromatic Spirits, 3 nr. bottle. 3Ur. !-oz. bottle, tOe. Witch llarel. triple distilled, 16-or. bottle, 38e. Witch Haitel. triple dlitllled, 32-os bottle. .1r. , 1 Witch Haiel, violet,' S-or. delus, Jee. Witch Har.e, Violet, 16-oz. hiettle, 8e. Benieln, Cllycerlne and Rese Water Letien S os. bottle, IRe. -e. bottle. JRe, Bay Bum. Imported Glm bels "or,, bottle, Rc. 14-ex. bottle. SI. in, Qt. bottle, St.KS. Kpsem Salts, lb. pkg, tOe. Chalk and Orris, '--lb. pkg 20e. Sodium Phosphate, lb. pkc., 20e. Bicarbonate of Seda. lb. pkc., tOe. Krax lb. pkg , lie. Pills and Tablets Aspirin Tablets, Bayer's, 100 5 Rr.. 30e. Zfie Aspirin, S K F, 100 5 (rr.. me 25e Blaud's Iren Pills, ler i.e. , 45- Cathartic Compound I Tablets. 100 for 2Re. . 25c Calomel and Seda Tab lets. i-Rr. 1O0 for IRe. 36c Cascara Sagrada Tab lets, 100 5-Rr ?0e. 35c ascara Saprada Tab lets. 100 3-Rr He. Aleln - Belladonna - Strych nine Tablets me for He, Rhinitis Tablets 100 In hot het tie. at JOr. Quinine Pills, 2-Rrain, 100 for fle, MlRralne Pills, ion for ;nP Asafetlda, me 3-gralu for JOr. Round Glass Bettles Filled With Guerlain't Jickey Perfume 1i or., at 80r, 1 or., at SI.JR. Heublgant's Ceeiir de .lean netle. ij oz., at SI.JOi 1 et., at 1J.25. fivers Floramye. s et. at i 1 or . at DOr. Kerkoff's UJer Kiss. ' et , at 70ci 1 or, at SI 35. Bouquets of French Fragrance for Milady Purse-slse hammered bot tles .with perfumes from Coty. Heublgant, Caren and Guer lain, enclosed In a, black silk case, at Jl.RO. Cely's odors are 1Orlgan, Styx, Ambre Antique, Ress Jacqueminet. Heublgant's odors are Tdeal, Men Boudoir, Quelques Fleurs. Round Glass Bettles filled with Cety'n Toilet Waters In TOrlRan. Rese Jacnuemlnet. I Chypre, at 4 oz 60n 1 oz., i SI. 00. Coty's Stx Toilet Water I fi en., at 7e I oz. nt ft. 3.1 Colored striped long narrow bottles with olencated dren- pers, filled with Vnntlne'a Perfumes, at JSe. ety's Toilet Water L'Ori Ran in original tiettle T.ne pire. at S 3.7X 113.00 size, nt S 7.50 J21.00 Hlze. at S17.3Q Ch-pr Toilet Water $ 7,00 site, nt S3.78 13 00 z, at S7.50 L Or Toilet Water-t-Jl.1.00 air. a.t S 7,50 124 00 size, At stf.nn Iris Perfume. 16.00 size, at $4. SB. Jacqueminet Rese Perfume J P.00 alze. at S3.78 SI 1.00 size, at S7.50 Jacqueminet Rese Toilet Water T no nlze, at s S.7S J13.ne iitt, at g 7, go 124 00 size, at S17.80 Guerlain's Lip stick, leather case, S5c. Guerlain's Lip Stick, metal case, at (ISe. 35c Cutcx for Manl- OE curing ZOC 35c Cutex .Vail nmt White ZOC 3ec Cutex Liquid Nail nsj Polish ZOC 35r Cutex Nail n Past- OC ROc Glaze Nail Polish QO at sJsJC 10c Pumice sy Stene C 25c Glmbels Vail tO Polish IOC 25c GlmbMs Vail 10A Bleach . IOC Lemen Complexion Seap, $1 Bex of 25 Cakes A really delightful soap and a skin whltcner packed 25 In a box. St.50 der, (Umbels rerexlds Hath Renp, large rake, lOe, or SI. 10 dnten. , SI.AO tint, nlmhels Oalmesl Bntli Snap, large cake, lOe, or SI. 10 desen, IRe nlmhels Perelde Toilet Seap, 3 rakes In box, 10c eake, 3 for 28e. 10c Glmbels Ol.Tcerlne Toilet Rean, Rese, rake, 7e deien. 7e, ISe nimliels smulslwoed Toilet Sesp, large eake, lOe, or SI. 10 ileren. Ifle Lehman's Wonder Seap, excellent for shampooing, 7c, ck, or 80e ilnren. 10e eake IMiyslclans' and Surgeons' ' Seap, dozen, at 90e. 10c Kirk's Mquare I.lne Tellt soep, at, cake, 7c t dozen, 78c. S1.S0 dozen Glmbels Hard Water Sean. $1.00 dozen Wash Cleths; $2.50 alue 1 for JRc Cetlcura Toilet s e i cake, ISe. 18c 2Rc Reslnel Toilet Seap, cake . . . J5c Woedbur.T'n Facial IB. 1UI Seap, rake Face Powders and Rouges ROc Pussy-ivlllew Face Pew der. 35e. Lew's La Blache Face Pew. der, 4Rc. 25c Lady Car.v e Face Pew der. IBe. ROc Ladv nar.Me Face Pew der. 3r. 60c perin a compact i-ace Powder, JRe. It.fiO Blauad's t'n-AIr Em- baume large-size compact Face rpwtter. si.sn. !6c uimeeis i.iquia ueuge, ISe. 0c Pempelan HeilRe, at 40e. A 2Re cake Oolda Retire Free wdth each box of Oulfla Face Powder at 2Be and 80e. Dull finish metal box. with puff ajid mirror filled with Coty's Face Powder In L'Orl- ran. styr, iur. AmDre An latie. at SOc i large, size box. at Sl.oe. Metal box with nuff and mirror filled with Heublgant's Quelques Fleurs Face Powder at HOe and SI. 00, $1 oe large size Metal Bexes of Compact Face Pender at AOe. Jl 75 Vaiitlne's Combina tion at BOe. 11 00 double box of Van tine's Compact Face Pow der and Rouge. 75e Vantlne's Wistaria Sachet. The Twe for ROe. Famous F-F ' Lemen Cream ; ROc size at 32e R5c size nt , .4?c 36c size nt son J1.25 size nt 07e Castile and Other Excellent Soaps 3Re Glmbels tin-foil Imported Spanish Castile Seap cake, nt JBe. or fi for St.tS, 4-lb. bar Olive OH Castile Seap, $1 value at 70e bar. Larce bar White Floating Castile Seap, at ROc, value 75c. T.awA hat rirn nlti,, nil' Caatlle Seap, at 40r, value 66c. Spanish Olivn Oil Chatlle Seap, 1 dozen cakes In a box, at 12V4c a cake. S1.J0 a dozen, value 20e a cake. Deodorants 30c OdorenO, nt 23c. (SOr Odoreno. at 40e. 25r. Mum, at 17r. fine Amelln, ftt 40e. 30c Amelln. at 20e. Household Cleaning Chamois $0.50 Chamois, 12xlfi ln J.le .75 Chamois. 13x17 In., 3Re $1.00 fhamels, 16x20 In , SOc $1.25 Chamois, 17x23 in.. flBe $2.00 Chamois. 20x2G in . 00c 75c pt. bottle. Flyesan; DOc Sprayer; $1.25 Off value OOC Rubber Goods at a-Fraction of Their Fermer Prices $2 Metal Het Water Bot Bet tles, at SI.4R. Ketex Sanitary at 43r" dozen $1.25 Le Fevre's Combination at 65c A 60c box of Le Fevre's Nedra Pace Powder; a 65c Jar Nedra Celd Cream the two for 85e. alue 1 2K. $2 and $2 50 Het Water IBettles. at SI. I 75c Infants' or Face Bettles, r.Oe lat 3Rr, I kins, r.pr r.ngllsh-stjle Rubber i Sponges, at ISe. Tlmicehnld Ruhber Anrens. ' geed quality, SSr each or 3 i for St. Guaranteed Het - Water Bettles, value $1.50, at OSe. ' Maroen -color Het - Water ' Bettles. 2-qt. size, alue $2.50, i at ai.is. r,mels. Toilet (loeds Sertlen. First noer, Alse flrnnd Aisle and Suhtra.r Mere, Nap- P.ubher P.'.rliiKe TublhR. S feet lengths, .it IRe, value 25c. 1 50 2-qxart Fountain S rlnges. Ruaranteed. at OSe, Maroen - color j ard - wide nubber Sheeting, t(J double-coated, at OOC Receivers Sold Us Entire Philadelphia Stocks of United Aute Stores, Inc. -two stores and a warehouse full. bargain en And we pass the Tires 25 Saving Accessories, as a Rule at Half List Prices Onl, known, standard articles are offered we ban ished things that seemed te be made "just te sell." Yeu hear visitors exclaim ever that fact: "Loek. Bill, all this enamel is Sherwin-Williams!" And tires! the great makes only ! Te Sell a Hundred Thousand Dollars' Werth of Accessories is Net the Main Con cern We Are "Selling" Yeu Geed Firm Belief in This Gimbel Aute Accessory Business. Red SpetliKhts, SI.7.'. Fountain Brushes, SI. 7.1. Shprwin-Williami Enamels. pints at 7."ic; quarts at $1.23. Tump Oil Can, 78c. Copper Oil Cans, l.'ic. Tubes of Rubber Cement, .r. Surelite Cigar Lighter, S2.93. Hand Herns, SI. 7.1. Reliable Jack s, extension handle, S.'UO. ahe Toels, 10c. Klectric Cowl Lamps, $3 a ct. V. 7, Back Cushions, S1.50. Magneto Wrench Sets, GOr. rr-Ftcr Kxtinguishers, S.1.3.1. Luggage Carrier?, extension, SI. .10. Storage Batteries, for Ferd, S 1 6.9.1 1 6-8 e I in ge, S 1 8.9.1 ; l'J-1'i eltagc, $23.9.1. Cord and Fabric Tires Save 25 Percent Goodyear : Firestone : Goedrich Michelin : Salem-Columbus : Eclipse Pi ire-Cord I'ricc-Kalinc $ 9.2G Si 7e 30x3 . . 30x3'.. .. 32x3'.. .. 31x1 32x4 . . 33x4 . . 34x4 . . 32x4 1. , .. 33x4L. .. 34x41 e .. 35x41 m .. 36x4'.. .. 33x5 35x5 37x5 . . And etcry ether needed article, m lAJxJll tin! vV ' ' 1AA "I" 0 . $13.50 . 19.13 . 22.05 ..24.30 . 25.05 ..25.69 . 31.49 . 32.14 . 32.93 . 33.90 .'34.62 . 39.12 . 41.07 . 43.20 10.31 14.36 16.02 18.72 19.73 20.14 25.05 25.88 26.74 27.98 28.35 33.25 34.50 Tube $1.05 1.35 1.47 1.75 1.80 1.90 2.00P 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.85 3.00 3.15 Glrabfl. rsurlh flper. A New Kind of Notions Sale Net "odds and ends," but full fresh stocks with all sizes, all colors. Nationally famous makes. Clark's O. N. T. Cotten: all numbers; white or black. PQ Dezen spools OOC 2000 pairs of Sewing Scissor?; imported; asserted bizes; 1 C 35c alucs for, each 1 OC 720 Bag Frames, asserted metal kinds; a few celluloid; values te $L50 each, for 39c, 49c nd 59c Snap Fasteners, "Sonemoor" Brand; 12 dez. white or black, all st7cs; very unutual for Children's Sert Garters, white and coler.s; fancy kind-; less than half price at .1 pairs OEf for 6DC High-grade Rubber Shorting, 4 -1 squares; 65c value O C! for OOC 19c 25c and 35c "Son-en" Hese Sup Sup perlers, special, a J C-, pair lwC Handsome Silk-frilled Elastic Garlrrs, $1.00 te $2.50 7C values for, pair OC 100 Rubber Girdles, asserted kinds. SI te $1.50 kinds for S2.00 te S2.50 kinds for Shinola Heme Sets, a plctc; fcell regularly for ."i!)c: snprinl nt. . . . 500 pahs of Baby 1'ants of the I "l!" . 4?: ,cfr- bettrr kind. nieHiiini an.l 4 ul'r'J "-0, HI laige sizes; pair Children's Suspender Rand, garters attached, or value SOc, at 60C Reliable Snap Fasteners, all 8i7.es; regularly e.jc for OC Udk 50c 75c com- 39c s of the 19c 12 dez., sale price. Koh-i-neor Snap Fasteners, all sizes; regularly 10c dez., EJ sale pi ice, dez OC Trnymerc Hair Nets, all guar anteed perfect; all coleis; gA dozen OvfC Mercerised Darning Cotten, black, white, and colors, (? e.Ip deren, or each OC Household Aprons, uibberized, regularly e0r, e C at OC Sanitary Belts. 50c Ofi value, at (60C Jersey - covered Bust Ferms. $1.45 .Tersex - covered Dress Ferms, ith wire skirt at- tQ 7C tached ; i eg. ?5, at . . . vO O Iren Stands for d f QP Bust Ferms special at F 0 Mail and Phene Orders Filled Iilmbrtd, Notion wtlnn nml (Jrnnil AUIr, nt fleer. Mail and Phene Orders Filled Free Delivery Within 100 Miles en Orders of & or Mere, Excepting Fleur, Sugar and Potatoes 5000 lbs. "?" Coffee at 5 lbs. for $1.18 Sugar If purchased with ether groceries, limit one 25-lb. sanitary sack, at gle lb. My Wife's Coffee Liberty Hell. Morning Glory or Mercantile Club Blend, special in 10-, 5- or .'Mb. lets, OC at, lb ....ZOC Pride of Philadelphia Coffee 5000 lbs. Gimbel Popular St. James Rich Coffee, 50c value; in 10- or 4-lb. lets, at, eq lb CtiJC California Peaches A warehouse put chase of 1000 cases, large 45c cans, half price; case, $.1.15; dozen, $2.7.1; OQ 2 -dozen or 3-can lets, at, can JOC 22c Black & Green Tea Quaker Chop Fragrant Green and (1 1 f f Black Mixed Tea at 4 lbs. for plXU Breakfast Bacen Armour's sugar-cured lean or fat streaked at wholesale price, lb Seasoned Laundry Seap Swift's Pride Household Laundry dQ ng Seap at less than wholesale price, at.. Pfc0 Rich Cocea Half Price f.fnnx Framl r pIi n HuttiM Fat .Ifir a liif at 1 lb CE for DOC Evaporated Milk Miarpln rern llrentl, lall ra.n. dozen or 'j-deren let?. el at can . "2C P. & G. Seap I'miUr & damlilF't Naphtha Seap, limit IrtcaUffl 48c ' Buy a Case of Pineapple Tjn'0. flnr Rr.'itrl for desferts anO 1. .e. ,t ..--- KOn nr.'' .rr UK 1111. 'rtPC, -'""" t ileren 'i-rini-fii nr ."-can loin at ran Campbell's Soup enflcn'erl rill Tniiialn; case, lercti, i-t-riezrn let at, ft i an XfC 25c Presened Pitted Cherries r.'lark'a flni Vm Yerk State, 38c ROc value, dozen cana, 11.10; ran HI.: A; Buy a Bag of Rice I.Miex umeatcrl Yhlte Hrnil Rl". l mi. !. f.-ii Ks at .:, in -'-, Q 1 1ft. or r.-lb letc, at, lb. 1-jC Smoked Tongues Ne waste for neil.nK ami allclnB, at, In 29c Maine Sweet Cern Innx Hi and fliiexi lirih .Manif Cern grown and pai kd '.'.ii- liif, case, dozen or 'j-riezen ijl letp. at, can leg C Clese te Half Price rjimbfl real h(f hlRli - teat Laundry soap at 1') rakr-a iel for . . .. tOC Buy a Case Tomatoes ' Fancy eelld meat td-rlpe 'Inma 'Inma tern. Ne, 2 family-size tan , case, j,aat dozen, '--dozen -t e leta, at can..,., , 1AC , Orange Pekoe Tea Ke,ktnne Chop 5f Tlppf Oranie rlie Ifliiri. Ten, special in n-in. ion at n.is, .". inp. at fl.30 or lb Buy a Case of Lenex Peas Karlj .In up lender Act Tea e erU state Park, 2nn alin: lapfs, l,t,nni dozen, '--deeii or l-i'aii Iem nt, 1 1 ""i ADC Armour's Concord Grape Juice Finest qiMllt.x healthful hprrnKe, 4'ie pint hettlen, 4 bottles 1 'r .... P JL 45c Pure Maple Syrup Klnest finality, full ineasure Kriiiijii lanp, at $2.95 Corned Beef Hash "WIlBen'a t erllllnl, half dozen, 'j-depii or 3-can leir, at i ,iii pi Ice , 10c Purity Peas Tender Karl June Pean, uniform In size, natural flawir; dozen 1 I SOr cann ll.es, can .. .. lfrC Apple Butter l.'nex lmmi made style, i-laa's rnnirtiiini, .1 rer !., Att -T-U Pride of Miami ruilt i'enaei'ea parked bv II, vchaaf, (.unia Jelly, firape "fruit Marutnlndn or Kumciiat l'reerre. 1 co n tain ei, t,en, enrh ... OOC Whole Wheat Fleur !;ne.x "'""'H. freshl Kreunil dally, 10. lb, bait mq nt OC I each Ivin a Cakea lleunelintd I'addleg, I.unrheen Thlna, Haltlnrn, Hneet n Alarlen. apecla) at a73C Olmbela, I'ure Fiie4 Stere, Chtatnut Street Annex, Piane Stere Open Till 9 P. M. Evening Entrances Eighth and Market and en Ninth Street Ten Days Mere Can't Premise Any of These Player -Pianos After Saturday, May 27th $335 The price is? inclusive Ne Interest Ne Extras Free Bench Free Delivery Free Tuning The usual price for this instrument is .$500. Lafl BaLaViaflllif; BMff' tHLWiaLBBl aH aaHHclHIIll liaHm fl HaHHiaaflU BaiBnBlHaBBBBBaHi!!SSKsSH WlaW ipHtlTMi'Ti in iii "mi l lfflatfaMliiipaBHI ftH IbhI ILLBaLaVBaLaVH BLbLbLbLbLbII H aH BhBI ri aaalaBBlNtWP9kVHHriiaiKBliWV Sold Under Our Broadest Guarantee Beautifully cased in mahogany double veneerd throughout; empire top; brass pedals and hinges; copper-wound brass strings; extra heavy felt hammers. Rich, full tone. The player action is nation ally known for its efficiency and durability. Pay $10 Instrument and Bench Will Be Sent Heme. Then Pay $2.50 Weekly This offer is sensational the bargain both real and wonderful. Following the Selling of the stocks of several cities, we have taken ever The Natien's Stock of Phonographs An event se important that we'keep the music section open in the eve ning, that all may, have a chance te share. The Pathe Is One of the Country's Great Talking Machines A real musical instru ment, playing any flat record. j Ml' JaafTrfll H r hSPJ This Medel $38 This Sale Is By Order of the Receivers Forced te receivership by the conditions follow ing the war, the company Is new well en the way te reorganization. About One-Third the 1921 Prices A Year te Pay $55 Pathe Phonographs, $18 $110 Pathe Phonegraphs38 $150 Pathe Phonographs, $59 $175 Pathe Phonographs, $69 If you cannot promptly visit the Stere, won't vnn fill in J :i iL- r j .... ... aim limu im5 coupon. Gimbel Brethers. PhnnrJnlr,k; n pithp M,m,."10i ful' lrticulars of the special helling of U J iner I inne. I check one thnt interests me. Name Town State K r .17 a imhrlk, rhoreiiKfifurc nnil. fytfiifh ilu"' avi i " aMirtia.LJM. . ... .j..i.j TrjreiL.v-. v Yii - i7 . FSi! BV mr " " jsr Jf " wri -. m (iUk. rr iiWi...,... r t V ,vAVs IW?-.7..V). 'T. .-. !- ' - A. . Vfc u- " j - i. .' .. . -x- US jM .uM4aarJA2fi,.M .-.'4i , fttes W 7