THE PROFILE ramnus for nearly a century. Pre-eminent as Summer .ntre of wealth and refinement, T.m Profile accommodates .r R0l guests with absolute comfort and convenience Vri it The Profile "accommodates" has a particular mean m It means the constant effort te Insure every comferl. Ii rentier every eervlce that a conslderate and experienced rninaecment mn anticipate. "Slarllinf Scsntry Perennially Attractive" Onlf. tennis, tldlnjr. swimming, canoeing, nhlnar. meun .in ttlmlilnK, Knckv Afrtintaln burros, beautiful new ball- JAern. motion pictures. Hjrophetiy concert orchestra flreplnce. sunlit veranna. ONE OF AMERICA'S COOLEST RESORTS Six thousand Acre Private Park Twenty Cottage OPENS JUNE 27 American Plan, from (6.00 per day KARL P. ABBOTT, General Manager Frincenii Notch, Waits Mountain!, New Hstnpinire ,TAIN,N,H, -B:rrzB H Jr v H JT BAR HARBORTJI B MAINE Mountain and Sea I Lafaretta National Park I line of the meat nelnble, aurely I gfJJJJJBIIJJJJJJJJJJV thn most beautiful all New I HISH Kummerlnnda, I B!MlfcVtefnfciiMM,Y77'Nrrli' i'r TBiLw1riMi yne JLyvrtime i KSMLUSSU'lLLLwa!SmWktnkSmSMmmmmmmmmmm I nr Harber, Mafee I HeLSsilglglgflgEdaBflEH n "election vl Jr HflHBHISH ncrommedatlona Bx fiQre3dR91aflBI I TO II Mf SHHcCtHaHilaHlHvHHB Comfortable Modern Mf BsaWtf' KlHHiH9BEI Roem Appointments B flBW jyVVJBBHflBBBVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAl Fer "l0" we really love the M 93PrHK3lBHBHBV499VAVAVAVAVAPS II BwBPBBgBByBBBBBBMBMjpBiPi" I ciet.p tennis dancing II an uwmnsm -. s.5saes- in tsaweaii I nuiisiiHAin itiau.-su i Manager Jl BBKlBBtBBBMBBBB&MMi reatinq swimming II - - - f ""illrWrnWk I Rites and alt Information en III f . i " !"'". I . reeuast III RgWHSBREVJPJS7 ''jp. ' - ' H- ry V R '" STRRN Mn':"" " I ryk iikach. N. it. rvf, BKAm. N. II. lUsaasaBSaaMs8saraatf IP- II 4 ' II 1 KINEO, MAINE ON MOOSEHEAD LAKE Mount Kinee Heuse OPENS JULY 1ST. WITH A DKFf NITK POLICY TO ESTABLISH EX CLUSIVE PATRONAGE AND WITH REDUCED RATES. Kinee Annex new open for Bprlns; Pishing;. Ralea M te 5 day. Outflta nllalle. Camps and cottages te rent. Iloeklet. XV. GREENE, Mnnaier. PEAKS ISLAND. ME. Peakt Island Heuse 00. r.OO feet from water, en slight eleva tion Wide plawas. IB minutes te T.f,iani hv farrv. Of enav access . . i.-.'- ----r.' - L . ..I aurreunning roserin. .i- water sports. Ralph E. Rewe. D.-L. 1.1.nr1. Me. y .. OAKLAND. MB. flP fty w n . t,mw llhKfr tr j A geed GOLF course A geed BATHING BEACH and a geed HOTEL is a combination te be sought Thi3 combination can be found at RYE beach; N. H. The Gelf Course of the ABENAQUl CLUB is one of the finest 18-hole courses en the NORTH SHORE The Bathing is superb, and se near that a bath is the natural finish te a rewnd of golf, while both are near the FARRAGUT HOUSE nk ( J Jl FOn HUNT On the I'arraajut creunda. Colonial Mansion, beautifully furnlahert. fnr heuaekeeplne. Wrlte W. B. CAJl-TRU. W.E.CARTER, Rye Bcach.N.H. FOIl RENT A'lae nn t'.ie Farraeut Kreunda, dealrable Iluniralnw, with meala at the Karraiut. Write W. B. CAIlTRn. WINCIIENDOS'. MASS. WHITE MOfNTAINS. N. II. ANp 7rvev Si)cAdeA. ss MAYIO - OCT. 15 W EI.Ln.KET. MASS. niK HOTEL OVER TUB SEA" pHEQUISSET INM W WELLFLEET. MASS. 11 11 UArK CfllF Yachting Bathing WATER ISO St and Lake Fitninf Tennii Bowling Billiardt Orchestra r.EOROE B. MORAN. Mnnnicer JjMjOfflrj4J48StnjeiStJlne l'LYMOUTH, MA88. L1 2F X1 Hetel Pilgrim AND IH'NOALOWS TLYMOUTH. MASS. Offera aurwrler accommeda r. .a.-.. . -k.a. ..t.l..u . hi.i A- pneuah te tnaure the beat In Mrvlce and cuisine. 16-hele golf course tdlelnlnz hotel grounds. Open June 15 te September 15 Management of P. F. nrine Alte Operating Hetel Canterbury. Beaten BRETTON WOODS WHITE MOUNTAINS. N.M. THE MOUNT PLEASANT. OpcksJuhc so'f-cteses ocreaeyT THE MOUNT WASHINGTON.- QeCHS JULY6P, I.LOS13 niOOLC UCr. - C.J ROOT. MSB NW VORM aOOKINO OFUCt.- 24J-'-Vt Maplewood Club WHITE MTS.. N. H. Inf. at Tester Travel Service, Btrnwbrldge & Clothier Stere, or N. Y. office. 8 W. 40tn at. hOITHI'OKT. MI- COVE COTTAGE INN A beautirul apni en the Maine C'nnat. A summer home for pereena of rt'Hnement with nulet taate. Heatlnir. KlkMnc. Swimming. Oolf. llceutlful walka through the I'Ine weeds. Modern cenenlencci. Kxcellent tuble. "SEIJJCT JULY It's the Ideal .Menth" A. T. DVKB, Prep. I'QRTI.M. M K. HOTEL BRUNSWICK PORTLAND'S NEWEST HOTEL Central location. Reems alncle or en tulle with or without prlvatn bath. Rates refl"enabe. noeltli.t 21 TREIILE ST.. I'()RTIM. JIE. Visit r BAR HARBOR -i iH- This Season Unnurpasserl ocean, lake and mountain scenery. Unequalcd, Invigorating; cli mate. THE GATEWAY TO Lafayette National Park Nature's Wonderland Bar Harber provides cither club and social life or quiet and rest Yachting-, Gelf, Tennla Your preference In manalen, cottage, bung-alew, hotel, club or lodging house. Write for Illustrated book lets. AkU questions. Publicity Committee, Itnr llnrber, Main Bear Spring Camps ON BELGRADE LAKE Beat Bowa fishing In Main", fly "Jblna; JurtA lat te Juiy im ir" " " v-i he?e. eimpa open Mey leth, for Trout Fiaharmen. clots Oct. lat. Seventeen In dlvlduaT cablni "n sand beach and Bear MDrlna Heuae. Tennis court. Oarage. ??cellent Uble. floefclef and K$ftrenctt, Addrttf, G. D. MOSHER & SON Main Oakland I.INEKIN. MAINE SPEND VACATION IN MAINE AT WANNAMUIHKTTE LODGE On I.lnekln Hay nenr Hoernbay Harber. Spe cial ratea for June nnd July. Salt-water bath ing. Iloeklet. Aridrea Mra. M. Davidsen. S!ft S. High it.. Weat Chester, ra. ALDEN FARM and Camps - Can LtBKe nf th fatnnus SS S nEI-ORADB LAKES ?; ZS n.hlnv rtnatlns. Hathlnc. Ten- SZS S3 nte. Automeblllnc Leg Cabins In SS SS Pines and lurches. Meals served S In msln dlnlne; room. Ideal place ZSS S5S for adults, families, parties. Reek- S S lets. Oreater New Yprk references. -. SS K. l,. ALDEN. Oakland. Me. nnrvv Private cabins: central dining and KUlrtT using room overlooking lake, fish- e.HflBF lng. bentlnc. canoelng. bathing. teiinls: excellent cuisine: booklet. CAMPS a. R. & N. J. GAYrORD. rroprlter MUSQUEMOOSIE CAMPS "In a lllich Oreve." Bathing. Heatlng. Fishing. Table the hest. Mineral water, tnf en renue-tt HARRY K. TOIER. Tren. BKLGRADE LAKES. ME. Hillside Cames "l- "il.hJ"5' lJwn.,,.H. vn.tvv,ll. fishing, bass. pertAi. pickerel, trout, ealmnn I Wrlte for Information. J. & A, FORRES M f rrer. Me.. It. K. II. 1. V IRC11MA BEACH. VA . VIRGINIA I1KAC1I. .. I''er infer. write Hetel Committee. Chamber of Cemmerc. VIRGINIA BEACH. VA. VIRGINIA BEACH. VA. ri3i TSl m : r am-i" -- gBu H iSSkkaal 1& .aW PEAKS ISLAND. ME. The Avenue Heuse 1r"lkH ,H,nd' Reopens Jun m. New miinanement. An Ideil plnie for a vacation Unusual wnfr view. Bithlng, beating and fishing. Rntes nn npiillcntten. Booklet, DBV1NB ft LATHAM. Prupa HA0A.M0RE BEACH. MASS. SAGAMORE LODGE (Open May 2T) SAGAMORE BEACH, MASS. BRADFORD ARMS (Open June 28) SAGAMORE BEACH. MASS. vl (hit tratalt nnrn faftt T7aannVil n ( peeklet. CHARLES L. GIFFORD. Mgr.. HTANNIB. MASS. MARBLEIIEAD. MASS. MARBLEHEAD, MASS. New Fountain Inn, Marblehead, Mass. Opens Mar '20lh. 1022. under thn same ssgrment as last year. Reems single "I en suite, with or without prliate baths, lap) the best ever. I. F. ANDERSON, Proprietor. MARBLEHEAD. MASS. THE LESLIE tl,5u'fi' S?!!y "'" Heuse by the sea. Opens WnelO prjVi Dath. Dea. bklt. 18th aeaaen. MANCHESTER. VERMONT EQUINOX HOUSE ., . OPEN JUNK 10 Manehester-ln-tlie-Meuntalna. Vermont . . Hooking Office. 3 Eaat 4Sth SI. RETHLEHE-M, N. II. SOUTH HARPSWE1.L. .ME. MERRICONEAG HOUSE Seuth Hurpauell. Maine. Hetel of 40 rooms Overlooking Cnace Ha nnd Island Booklet. E. I,. KEHBW h SON. Preps. CANADA my TOKaflgaCjWjaCagUl3r VaBPBInG 81' JPLS: W SSs55Egn iSeha vemplereiDu "There's every attraction that heart. could desire." May Opens the Surf Bathing Season The teawater is delightfully tempered, owing te the close proximity of the Gulf stream. Virginia Beach is only 20 miles from Norfolk, en the Atlantic Ocean, adjacent te Lynnhareu Bay and fresh water lakes. Splendid Fishing, Sailing and Beating The Princess Anne Country Club affords the finest golf in the country perfrct 18-hole course. Tennis courts, large attractive Casine. Hard surface reads for metering te points of greatest historical interest. , Fine hotels and bearding houses always open. EralUat ititwUp atrriM from Baltimore ind Watblnglen.Tla Old Feist Comfert sad Hamptns Reada. Geed Uala tchedule from Norfolk ntt Norfolk and SeuOura R, H. Fer hotel ralaa aad fnll laleraialltin. Addresa Haiti Ceamiltae. Virgiaia Baaek Ckaaiher at Ceaiaeree CANADA ajMntfsgu sA Canadian Pacific UotdAte of Old Quebec 5 UPLAND Ml ( BWMJlaajL , . Hf Bethlehem (White Mts.), N. H. A splendid modern hotel of moderate "ts, accommodating 300. Juat acreaa "la street from the Bethlehem Oolf and Tennis Club famous 18-hole links. All utnmer tperta,1 theatres, stores, village Ufa. FRANK II. ABBOTT & SON, Proprietors FBAMONIA (WHITE MTS.). N. If. kresf Hills Hefeli rarest mils neteli FRANCONIA (Wkits Mts.), N. H. Sj.V.y c.nenlence for three bundled I...,, Under same management an The i renie, i'rancenlu Notch. N. II. Finsit Visw East of tat Reckies C0LFTKNMS DANCINfl REHT Cottages, bungalows, hundreds of acres f.,'wi35 n'' fragrant pines. Ne hay 'ver, ideal for children. f Pre-war rates. SEASON OPENS JUNE 10 t, . "',"" '" iweirsi(i rentr 22l rs AaaetT, ftstisral Maaaatr A Citadel of Three Centuries Thrke remarkable perspectives from (his fa mous rock. Backward, 5oe years. Eastward, 5oeo miles. Forward, 5 speeds. . . . Te one side, a relic of the days when French, English and In dians fought ever the new world. Frowning bat tlements. Deep meats. Chain wrought gates. . . . Belew, a glimpse into quaintest Normandy. 17th Century houses. Haphazard streets. French civ ilization. . . . Immediately about, the life of mod med erncst America. A Canadian Pacific hotel for its center. Travelled people of a continent gathered for golf and metering, for dancing and promenad ing, for rest and recreation. . . . Take this trip of European sights and American sports this Spring. . . . Only an overnight run. Geed meter reads. Make reservations new. Information at Cana dian Pacific Office, 629 Chestnut St., Philadel phia, or Chateau Frontenac, Quebec, Canada. Write and let iij help you plan a t'Lul IbU Spring CHATEAU FRONTENAC BETTERTQN, MI). HOTEL BETTERTON Right en beach. Haililmr from hotel. Freh vegetables. Oarage. J. T. Crew. Bell phone Htlllrend T6F21. ST. JOV1TE. CANADA 1tP ST.J0VITE Quebec, Canada In the Laerrntlnn Mta. Catering te a restricted rllentele IS hours from Nw Yerk City. 3' hours from Montreal The Inn. metlprn In every re spect, accommodates ISO guests. Cottages, Rungaleu'H, Ledges nnd Outlying Camps In a territory of evr 1000 ncres comprising Woodlands and Trails. 32 Lakes and he Finest Fishing streams In the Quebec rerlen at the Gate way of the Famous 30,000 acre Quebec Government Reserve. All outdoor sport, Beating, Bathing, Caneeluii, (YunK Sndule Horses, Guides, etc. Spert)' 0-Ilele (lelf Course ITSHINM SEASON NOW OPEN Reservations being made for May i' nd June Rates S20.00 vreekh en. , Booklet. F. II. Wheeler, Hetel Mgr. (RAY ROCKS INN, St. Jevlte, (luebrc FOX TOINT. ONTARIO. CAN. ISLAND VIEW r "nd campa. Open for flailing sea son, tap 50. Ouldes nnd supplies furnished. Central dining room Hates med. T.Salmen TOURS LET US PLAN YOUR SUMMEfc TRIP NOW Rcrimidu Jamult.i West Indies Perte men Ureal Lukes nuluth Chicago CRUISES New Yerk Halifax St .lehn St Lawrence River Diuhm rer rates and tnormnflei nnplj te TH "STREET NATIONAL BANK Foreign Exrliange Letters of Credit i Travelers' Checks Sfcnmahlp anil Travel Dent, 143 SOUTH 4TII NT,, Philadelphia, GRAND OPENING Season 1922 && LDLiAXXU BEACH NEW BURLINGTON IS. PARK Saturday, May 20th Sunday, May 21st Orcr Quarter Millien Dollars tn ."New Menern Aimisemeuis anu lmprerements 8pent This Sprlne wli, Everythlne; Is Her Ceaster, Deduern, The Old Mill. Btc, Etc. BOATS LEAVE ARCH ST. WHARF Mtarday 1 P. M 3 P. M.. B P. M H 7M V. M. Sunday O A. M., 10.30 A. M., 1 P. M.. 3 P. M.. B P. M., 7 JO P. M. Ratind Trie. BO cent. nnans. nu v.rnis Delpiiin line :,l se.uwuue KM 'OMTBHWl II II I I f 7- Jr TfesCijfTB mseaE&&ZMi -I fir T mm j V, iOg!!la&a "r!Tr'2sa5gMsBIss TOURS i e ji 4uiM V ' . rAi IORTHCAPE CRUISE y mi my ti&t '(., .. 12 TOUR) TOURS Jb'na The Best in Travel sam-L-lki Pacific Northwest Calif ernia Alaska Let Raymond-Whitcomb relieve you of the bothersome details of your pleasure trip and make it a pleasure trip, indeed. Tcurs te California Alaska Na tional Parks Pacific Northwest Canadian Reckies etc. Frequent departures new till Sept. Select what you wieh, we de the rest. Ask for New Bccklet Raymond & Whitcomb Ce. 1338 Walnut Street; Tel. Spruce 8663 mmmMLJLm The Best in Travel a Vll the elements ml a x ui i.v v uwaiiuii without the monotony of summering in one spot. .-v. iiudiiiig tummy v.iuu for your home a perfected rnttlA fnt flt AMIrMftVIArll mw. M &:,fM w. 7j. &M2b WR-'w:-:::! i'f .i Wft :vvavi',v,5iw w&vwmwvm v;m m !i;VV? -. :'.. '.y-Ti'.' Vi, Vt I VMS IIWIIIV KiyiaoVetaV route for your enjoyment. S. S. "Osterlcy" direct frei Ww Yerk. Tunc 28. Rates ?fi :..i..j:.. .... llH-IUUIIiy ICIUIII N. Y. K. Line NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA OFFERS NEW. MODERATE TRICED , PASSENGER SERVICE SEATTLE te ORIENT AND FAR EAST Via 13,000 tens commodious steamships Kaga Meru Shidzuelca Maru lye Maru Yokohama Maru These steamships Jre furnished and equipped with modern appliances and ..nnverilencaa. Cabins are located en Urldge Deck nnd most of them contain only two berths. Excellent cuisine In European stle. Refreshments, leverages land mlnerni waters at moderate prices, LDecl; i'.ialrs for passengers fr-ec. RATES OF PASSAGE Te Yokohama $210 Te Manila and Heng Keng .$275 Proportionate Fire te Intermedial Points Fer Information and Literature apply te Kanreaa ana ieui-ihi Agrncira or NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA Maritime Blrtgi. 8-10 Bridge St.. Neir Yerk Celeman Bids Senttle r L W' i aaVMHtagotfiSBVsMsVsUrtglsVMeMHgt'Jn S A IO AN I Krll I j i . . ' . i i met from S67S ud Oet the North Cape Boeklst (illustrated EUROPEAN TOURS Raymor.d-Whitcemb Euro pean Tours offer you "The Best in Travel" in Europe. Te go with Raymond-Whitcomb is te place oneself among discriminating travelers of the best type. Apply for our .illustrated Europe Booklet. Maditirranian Cruttt S. S. "Rotterdam" the Ideal ship for a Mediterranean Cruise. Schedule eludes everything of Interest. Feb. 10, 1923. Rates $625 up-New YorkteNewYork. 2 Cruliit Reurid-tt.iWtrld The finest and best equipped ships "Resolute" and "Volen "Velen dam." The most adept man agers. The most experienced company. The most up-te-date contact. The most V Interesting and com- t L prehenslva routes. i, Rates S1050 up Neva te Hew lOTK. :& Complete Itinerary an Pacific Nerthwttt Turn ever te us the business details of your pleasure trip and become master of your own time, free from the fear that you will have te emit part of your trip or alter your plant., California Alaska Pacific) Northwest National Parka Canadian Reckies, te. Yeu select what you wish, we de the rest. Apply for our New Pacific Northwest Book Beok Boek letjust en the press. Call, Writ or TaUphen Raymond & Whitcomb Ce. oarcQecsr. Telephone Spruce 8083 -- ii a- aajsjn la g SaaTsalsasalsaMsMsgMsgelgW FRANK'S TOURS P EUROPE Independent and Escorted Tours Our 4" years of experience has made our reputation world-wide for handling Tours most satisfactorily. " De Luxe Tours ering Red Cress Line 19 Rau ALL EXPENSES si Oflup L WJ Northern Cruise SrEND YOVR VACATION SEF.INO FOREIGN AMERICA. NOVEL. DE LIGHTFl'L & IIFALTIIGlVLMi TRIP TO NOVA SCOTIA NEWFOUNDLAND HALIFAX ' ANTS ST. JOHN'S NO PASSPORTS NEHDRD Ne hotel bills, chAnves or transfers (veu live en the ship). SalllnKs M.iy 7, June 17. July J. July 15. Ker full partlculara applv te B0WRING & CO., 17 Battery Plsce, N.Y. Ideal SUMMER VACATIONS IRERMUDAI DayrtrwnNsTwYeri 8 Days $83.00 ATi"rSp?Bs ami upward, heglnnliw June Coel .in Summer Ne Passports All Sports Modern Hotels FREQUENT SAILINGS Via Luxurious Twin-Screw Steamers 8tnd for Special Summer Tours Booklet FURNESS-BERMUDA LINE H4 Whitehall St.. N . I'urness Withy & Ce.. l.t I . Hnuiee Ildg Phlla., or any TeurlM Agert. We have organized special Automobile Services operated un der our direct super vision. Suggestions ter Moter Trips. Reute des Alpes ct de Jura 745 miles of superb mountain, scenery from Xice te Evian, Geneva, and Alsace. Reute d' Alsace 310 miles through beautiful old Alsace te Mulhouse, Celmar and Strasbourg. Reute des Pyrenees 509 miles through the historic Basque coun try. FJearn. Languedoc. Frem coat te coast in 7 days. The Circuit of the Leire Through a land of Re naissance castle s magnificently built and preserved. Reute d'Auvergne Through Vichy, Royat, I.e Ment Unrc and ether spring of great curative powers. H'c i'iv full ami reliable information, HV plan your entire trip. HV make Steamer, Train, Moter and Hetel rettrva- tieni, HV nrr here In terve teu. Railways of France 281 FIFTH AVE. at 30th St. NEW YORK CITY Largest and finest steam ers. Luxurious hotels Limited 10 12 members. Moderate Price Tours Arranged for comfort cemfort comfert nhlo travel. $655 and up. MEDITERRANEAN Cunard S. S. "Scythia" '"'rid Cruise De Luxe. Sailing Feb. fi, Hemming April 3, by Magnificent New Twin-Screw Turbine Oil-Burner 21.500 ten. Kgvpt, Hely Land, ( onstantlneplo, Greece, Italy, Spain, etc. Pive optional return passage at later date by any Cunard steamer from France or Kngland Hates, $600 and up, Including shere excursions and all expenses. PACIFIC COAST Independent and "With Escort v lilting National Parks. Canadian P.eckle. California, Alaska, Honolulu Frequent departures De Luxe parties, limited te 13 members. Kverythliig flrst-clasi, best trains, best hotels liberal sightseeing and time for resting. Steamer Tickets Everywhere Choice Cabins Regular Rates Call, write or phone for complete information. FRANK TOURIST CO. (Established 1S75) 219 S. 15th St., Phila. ReU Theno !pruce S8.M-3 NoEurepeanTour Complete WithoutaVisitte Soetland'a Hlaxhlnnda, Lecha, Troaaneh and Mediaeval Abbeya 77ie- Cathedral Cities of England Peterborough, Lincoln, Yerk, Durham, Btc. Breakfast, Luncheon and Dining Can, Corridor Lavatory Carriages, sleeping uun leparaie uertns Unequalled Round Trip and Step-Over Privileges via 'THE ROUTE OF THE FLYING SCOTSMAN' COMPRISING THE Great Northern, North Eastern, and North British Railways Fer i unrated toeiiett, lime, tickets and all information, apply te J. P. McCANN. Gen. Paia. Agent. American Agency. 1328 Broadway. New Yerk City TE Ja Galveston via Key West JErI Regular Scmi-Weehly Sailings FRANK'S MEDITERRANEAN Cruise de Luxe, February 6 by Specially Omrtereil New CUNARD S. S. "SCYTHIA" Tuihlne rail llurner. VI SOia tens. 5 months. SIMM) ,iml up Includes shore f ""I" 0I"' '"1 "H espi'nws r.gjpt. Hely Land, Constantinople. . i,Jr"' I'1' Hpaln. Etc. Oib-r Tours, Lurnre. par. Const, etc. FRANK TOURIST CO. 210 S. ISth St., Phila. irinb 1S75) n-ll Phs. Spruce B8:i-5 e4F V' raises ievt Terk-Malifevc-Quebeci 4 2?1,KVJ,, rltl twtn-screw S. S.'Tort Hamilton" Sailing from New Yerk July 8-22, Aug. 5-19 Werrlng One Day at Halifax anJ Twe Days at Quehec, Magnificent svenery. smoeih water cool weather Orchestra, for IinncliiB. Round trip 12 dayi, $150 sad up 0ns Way ts Qusbsr, 5 days, $80 and up FURNESS-BERMUDA LINE Furness Wllhv M. e in n..!:.. ,. U Pkii. ,c ItBMSSm rXSSL Y . V, ' 1 CL-AR?!S 5UiSE? bjr C- P- R- STEAMERS Clark's 3d Cruise, January 23. 1023 ROUND THE WORLD 18.4KI f.ress Tene, Siirclalb Chartered 4 MONTHS CRUISE. $1000 and un lncluilin Hotels, Fees. Prlves. Uuldas, etc. Clerk'a 19th Cruise, February 3 xlft MEDITERRANEAN 68 DAYS CRUISE, $000 and up Including lletela. Feea. Olives. Ouldea. ate 10 1aa Kpt. Palestine. Spajn. IiJtv" bLrrr!CcruTi. """ ""VO"" allowed Europe and Pauien Play Pattiei. $400 no trank C. Clark, Times Bldg.. New Yerk Bartlet Tours Ce., 200 Se. 13th S Gillespie, Kinports Beaid, Ills Walnut ERICSSON LINE cun U.V.AIUHK i I i , I I i IB AgsKaC. 'm M I RtgyF r j Fast Through Freight Snrvice te all Points in the Southwest QTEAMER Henry R. Mallerv. larc-rsr Y ship in coastwise service, and ether line, fast steamers afford a comfortable means of travel for both tourists and business men traveling through the great Southwest or te Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona and the Pacific Coast. Time your trip te take in t Oleander Fete Galveston Flower Pageant June 3-4-5 EVERY WEDNESDAY TO KEY WEST, FLA. Miami. Palm Deach and ether Flerida resorts also are conveniently icached by Mallery Line via Key West and the famous panoramic Overseas Railway. MALLORY STEAMSHIP CO. S. A. .MONTEITH. (i'J!) Chestnut St., lhila. 'lei. I.imiliurd .l'!'i " : - . Mir V nt B V. Mi Hatnrdar at r. MS) PASSION PLAY Personally Conducted Cenir.l European Midsummer Tour .Vine itrrAt of traiel tn comfort mid luxury through the most attractive and liuen-silne (arts of flermana. Sivltxerland and fpper I tab Hall, lng Julv jy.l en "Rntterdam " return optional rr cIhhs ietei nnd reainurants evervvvhrie N'umrrnua Autoinehlln Itldes CoinprehennlVH Itinerar Travel undei evierlenced leadership and en'ev eurnif te t Srtiil far free booklet with full )iarticulais CONTINENTAL TRAVEL BUREAU Iert. P 47J Woelwortk Bldsj., Nsw Yerk.N.Y. Tslspwam Barclay 1111 Special Course of Lectures at University of Leipzig INCLUDING TWELVE - DAY TOUR THROUGH GERMANY JKNA- EISENACH- Nl'RKMHERG MINK II HEIDELBERG UBI.15A.MMl.HUAl Down the He.uil t il Hn ne n hiei,. Henii -Cologne EIGHT WEEKS ABROAD Ol- INDIA te Quebec thenoe Iv H.,ll t NeU v. erk ArrvlnK Kp,'. ," COMPLETE TOUR $550.00 huUul i n Inlvcrsily ( ou, ,r r. ,,l Hen r, imi,tlatlrn,i, Frem the time unit leave Sew Yuri; till umt irturn Th7s 'w-,1. ,"' ',' 'nV.Mll'l,VH,,fi "h'u"iM" ' ' " "" urctl thn 'rVturUt. l-oVlale'a'n'.l i,.r..te"tlXn?.'l.I.fS-T .'0, iV" ' ",l",,,y ' M "' ''"""' ic&X Booklet te ACADEMIC TOyRS, jnc. , 1133 BROADWAY rtien. cheisea aws NEYORK CITY n vll.'. feV IrfVjiMh..' v.1 "t&v TSS& W i l.-.f.ati' w $&m i M'rt. . . vJ. h ..lit i j k&a .i&temzMsx miTAji'w.-iVsa raSifl w