vpx&ynffitt'Wisrxt!ifVi v.v $yfe. BL1C LEDGER- PHILADELPHIA, WEDifESDAi-,' -MAY 17,, 1922 ' 1 . - ' i" , " Vv. ' J EVENING PUBLIC 1 J VL .: 3 kJW l 'VI . 3MV r u r i' h Id ' R.. W a . k if 4 wA m s rJ IWd Wy m. e- tVw' aW. r-tWHAF TTMnBr? MABRr & QLJAOD .i" v" . ij;yr flflOPS CLCMf 0-1 SECRECY flljattK Mcijufulv Shines I p His K5BSS- .... l. f ;.. .... JS'av"' i; iit'im if 'IS A . u n sinff rnrtt'peiulmi ttalilntnrr-. Mm 17. -Tim i.!,.niiii nf w , - .-... ... .... ,- --. BaiUinurr ileiiiuii tumble lmt u 1m will orpec t he I'liilntli'lnliln i:niiiitin In thru rlty iu-m Nnliinlii.v Juts linn tils- covered. He It 1'rnnklp M(Utmd. of -NHI North WiiviiliiKtun sirept, uml lie pupic (f n in.irlilp sIieiiIiiik funl'i ' Net enl.x tlip IViiiMp tuililnss nil the ether Hn'linieie .ieiit"ti in kill. but his f.itlii'i, Kuinl. .1 .Miljnndt', wn deadlv lmt lipfurp linn, anil his four year old Inetlipr Meiilsnn n !i fni i' premlfp of fellow In in lit foetpp Kl ankle Is IwpIp cnrs old Mr lins t calm, luminous blown ? . t lear, tanned kln nml white teeth. He (etnejs tlip impie'-sien, In lit t. of being n tool and dPtennliiPd nppe. nenf. and one net 1" he regnrdnl lielillj-h- nn.v fop. "I'm net sfi j in- I'll win." he ie Btarked, when a-k.-tl tu h.inrtl n eon een Jecttire en the mm nine of net Sntur lny'f iiintih but I'M ti.v n haul n I can." JL'hts stiiteniPiit will rm.enr lutii nt once te tlw-p nt ru'-teineil te the pisi beferc-tht'-hattlp speeehes of bepts ntnl caiulidtltes for ptlhllf efHie. Ilia present prenileie position nineiiK marble shooters of this t it.v mi wen through n spries nf deri'lic tteiips in the recpnt oente-t w It u h pihIpiI Satur dar. SliK't Hint time Iip 1ms been pie- Jinrlns lniiisplf ftr m w eiltl- te qner. Frankle. who i known nt l'tiitll" Sihoel n !l!) .- TinnU .1 M iji.nl Jr., 1 iiiiiIKp nM mini t li.iinpimi'-. njt. present nml fuiuie. i.i that he I a m pet weapon tool ni in-tininpiit iippps Jiary te his Iipm ppifei m.im p "It tlnesii t make ntn dlfleienre tt me." he nvs Win. hift Saturdnv I shot nil the time with n bullie 1 picket up en the siieet Needless te . this inein lance in the fare of n gieat crisis, lenders him doubly dangerous te his Philadelphia opponents, who are Unix robbed of the "PRIr. RP.SORTO TI.AXTir CITY. X. J f SLEEP WHERE LIFE IS SAFEST Brisk. Still and Stene Constriction PRINCESS DECORATION DAY SPECIAL Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday '.' persons n efh rerm 50 Reems at SI 2.00 each .".0 Reems at $14.00 each .lO Reems at $16.00 each I.N'CI reivrj Al.r. ME YJ.s. OcRn an1 ?mith Cire m r.-ar Attraftlenn l.arKtst mvWat-r' het. of ubtnt.fli conHiructien Het and cold RUNNING WATER IN ALL ROOMS Pri:r htiin KVxate 'rem street lf) AVJthtn 3 Miliar nf lfa-ltng J'reteitHnt and 'athn e ''hiirch-" nrt main Print ftfFlr. Prpnrh chf frlxcil,rt tahl 14. 0M Ard ue dadv Xmrican plan IS OO and m da . KurepiMn p an .rUl iv-kh ratn Mah he'i"" rh beirdwaik ,ntranr t r frc u of kmj?s Orches tra Dnnr ntr. Knp loeKf and aj'e mid map Hildr?i Paj . Herran eirnr and prerjr p or I'ter 431 l-sil.T-lS1'' DECORATION DAY SPECIAL $ O Saturday, Sunday, $ 12 Monday, Tuesday K ENTUCW ' Q50DAILVWEEKLY? T50l KENTUCKY AVE-rear BEACH Corrviert irs. EVcry Cerixcr Eleater 'e mreer Klecf'cil, and te. te. Pheres in 1 rooms Reoma alnxla r en aulte with runn nir ivatr and p a''hAli stiniuiatlnu -ui!ne. Wh aerslce t'rehestri. LMndij; (Jelf prlvlleea Il..ekirt llHrnrrahlp Manaiir- mnr. ti.i & niKinKT New Helland SwanwNraB SCR.VICE" COURTESY H geean end New erk Aee Eiientlilly modern n 'E",,1?"1! pmaie nttn. ninnlrtr nater Uneierlltil CuUine d'etre roeltlngl Centre!; eeniren ent te ell ettractlcef Capinty KO. Amer ican plen Large, sinny renmi, ell eutnlla Ummenhip mntgement Wnte for booklet ( HAS II WOO!) If Met Onr gunhng tlinuclit -'Hmy nu fTuiii te C. ain" DECORATION DAY Week End stitnrtHy S'tinda. Menda. Tiiradej S6 ' Sll "' nillt Meals. European Plan BJ BJBJI em aw ga aBJalfaK w LEXX Oarage en prm tee . M ll7I.IIT tst: m ., . Mer,T'niJ ave reir Kurh neniy run hd attj refttid for the comrertaoa pleasure of eir sue.te llennlng watrr in err room rrirate hut, g2jr,,0.,.r.7-" r'r"'"" Mui-rwri Pane, RJLr ' ulslne M irrTireiirtcrparxd Hnrkl-l SPECIAL MAY AM) JL.M RAIFS Oweerihip Vtntgtit,ent ll HEKSSY tVntrai lltirneln.e- n 'er'al le Seuth Carel nil m rear flea ! A hotel fill M fe Meter nc I e? u It'NMMI MATI1K IN I.M.m AmerUnn plr cek,i tux u Prliate ijuih jr, ie tie iiiii ii N, I-IVTDV H HtKJ) Itnmi. J.i. e a 0LMHURST HOTEL Pennalfanla Aea , eleaa te Beard and Ettel I Pier. Alwaiseaen rarx-ltr tee. rrttate I baths, rsnnlnt water I all bedroemi Ket.l I haa ieit btan thoretlghlr rrneate4 aiH rf I l"",u ' A Bert II Darrel I 9BBau.MnUsMMMrH3BaBESBBJBSHBQ ' MBEMiirjafpjjMfSiJ ijt! vn san iret i ,t Mui leler j,e r.e ( en. bultee . tu hull tunning ira ' a I ae: eleater Snrlnz tHtea 11 !,, n i s. i weekly. Atn,r nlur, ll t ttr t-1 tttru 7Z 1 AKflK INN ecchii nti lnnscllclJ Ai i'iVaiV Idnl Iccailgn lrge a !ttj roema; excellent tnhle VOili aeaaen nivne- tagmt. spring ratee J P. A M Hunn HOTEL CONTINENTAL Hetel Boicebel K ;ntijcky , nr bacb l-.krelltt llhle. 1 17 K II MARION 'AVkly. mtesf tis ui . P- P Wfiuor-phe -" ii " WaiSVi niJNOAN. I I ly IZitflkT SiraJr 1V $ GRANDE NTOeWSeVemenr W WTiKl y. quistania i rj,rli r:.7 v W ,cs&5- ? IVV,CALVERT ,Y.'rJ"" ,Af 'irar. "! tiKliIH.P. I'llfTI HARII j.iV iC U.S:.t.u KentucKV Ae. nr. Peach Pftr . " Kleater. ptUate baths iJl'J.'g''rininln wsler Oiiett ell lear A V KePP 'i , Naiar fTlninn Kentucay Ave luet off ii$l '" "feardrrilK R K Henlface .VLailfRHril MP 37 s North crelinn ,iURHOLME c H m" it t tble. Mliml. Mr. eher'i'llrrr, prep. '- "i- labor eh am VlrslnA Ae. nenr llei h tS amaaaaalBBarM ar lataam . at& Aaa .;?Ti. ,. t ? J ' -Mner. Plan. t. flU A;frltilaUtaH..rA- e.iilletrs. A'eU Ortiber. k Tn": 1 fWafewiertaileiai " Hull ' m, (iiMmM "f?rrf aaarelHiilk aaaaamaygttai f a1ttiriBt '-v I M-JM-M4 kJ M M II - Slccltcs. Leeks I p rluladcl -;. : ;.:.. i c i-.. yjiiuminviixmn uuiu cuiuuiuj sKlit mH milngc w lilfli uilslit nrrrilc llnnti'-li Ins Icnlne lus net "hoelni nt r . iiui' "1 Imxn tieer Lppii In I'lillnrlelphla. up nw. nni i in jrinn i in keiiib i mr "nj .win nmp nn itutiim Rmni unir iIitp." nml he smlli'il n hup "IiiIIp. ilW- lil.nliu lil iinniinll. wlilte ippMi t Krnnklc'e rprpv i-niiimin 1. his I'.iipnK wll' nut niNempnif 111 in I" I'lilliulplplili. (Imp In his fi'nr flint tliclr pi-pvpiip.. win nlTt'i't 111- iipim'. if win j;pi pnri it'tnrn. mi tup nuKiniie of the teiiihnt Iiewpxpi-. through the courtesy of i he liiR-tline pnpprs Kmtil.le Is t knuikle -.hoetei Piillrelv, nppr hill-sins his thuinh-tiall into piny under anj lr(iimtati(ps i "'I'lilt niu t no mi in hoot," he nlt stnrnfull) with referent e le the lfltlet method, hut nil efforts nt u fut Ihpr elucidation of the iintlerlitiiK muses were fntl However, hnslng wen n slher din bv sticking te his principles, it ,R, , nuiueil that the nip sound Just hew h. will 'nre when pitted again! the I'hilndelphln leelinlc remains te he M,, aij-,., c...u n u s. Windew-Smashers Reb Stere The show window of the shtu store of D-nld I'ndnw!i). at 07O Verth S eml sticer was smashed early this meriiiiig and ill the shirts mi disn!n stolen .PRINT. KKS0R1" tll.MIC tllt.N.j" OCEW riTV. N. .1. tepeM' . ati. nt f n v. n. ,i. DECORATION DAY "SPECIAL .00 Salarday. Sunday, $ Monday, Tuesday Including Meali u iULj "A Better .UeW.ren Knit IJettl WELLSBORO KeiitniU; 4ntir r.m Hentli Capaeity ZS runntnir wlr in rooms i rira'e bathe; elerater. AtiTtnr n l ainmlai v p"'l f.klT Eere 11 60 up ,lii 'r i, hngp n i.ge from hotel New Owr.rhiii Mn8fmrt UsLI'H MFCKI FA ".. .irelinu e. nr.ir lletirh nml HnniilnHlK fmral i h i ' 'un Nei' rem. if .il nl r' ir sin i tut, u tJmin u e'J RUNNING WATER IN ALL ROOMS i al e m. r a t ut 1J) ui 0Mifrlil) Mm iKiMi.rnt. 4ilnnrltl Ure (mnrrelilu Mill lariiirnr. t.lnnelll Ilres. Michigan Aie near Beach and Boardwalk Atlantic Clt's most beautiful hotel section. RUNNING WATER IN KVKHY ROOM Newly Furnished, Prive'e Baths. Electric Lights Flerater Mtrrlre. Euivptsn Plan, XI W na Dailr. Slagle Reema. ft M per Dar. COMFORT WITHOUT F.XTRAVAG NCK IIJVERTOJN Kentuck) Ae adjacem te Beach newly rene. vaietl refurniehed: prUaiehaths het and cold HUNMNCi VATPII IN KVKHY HOUM Truly a wonderful hotel at meat reatenableraiea. II (0 up daily. Special weekly. European plan. EUROPEAN PLAN ( tie .mil Rest iiirunt ttut Iik 1 Nieiliil l.urlj-easen Rules t Hll'i.h II ( llll MN. M.ipii e n iaes S3 OS heniiiitft ae ii'.tr bn.b .11 M'u.he X ii meie il nr a beicl wiih a the-rv s'inn pieie of I mel ke luispr i il inn. modern hihI luiiu at. jpiem'e.i este'r r ill i , n tlnrti t t V rt ren 'I'llppeil ttirri'w te inu e mnte it bfda pr ttt tt il p I I alt h hi I e e,er. t'-sja if' avr..Blr e sesevaia.a- nmuated t u lie tinl'r .raut " .,. f ,, spet Sprine nl . all aa. riuit. ., ' 10US J. SfUnPIfT. Owner Sillier. parlboreubiBIenbcinil SSre'rhsrv 153 1 ATLANTIClCITyN.'J.- i J mMNftlKryi jflf ' P1:u,Tlr l"cti. with iti central location and ( 11 j, Si lltf i Hry H II ' block! el ocean frentaie en lh Boardwalk, durinf I "PT i m B 1 M A Y AND JUNE & HfJOttll' Hlf I! if AtliBtir's aest drlilktlnl laaitha E- JfjQOt Jj T fW J " hai 400 private bathi. each with tea water, and It, Ste I IZwafS! . iBSfil I quiite munc, everjr nifht throuiheut the jtear. with asj I t ' .1?..'.'..'.J1 !P,.cil ,0,' w'l end leaturet. 1 lu.tllr cclebrattd. I I I hum re I ..ntte rvicv tn oem American and a la carte dining - i r ?ri . I roemi.Thealrei. Rellini-cKaui, Cell and ether amu.e. W Ml ID 3 ral,..iniul1 ,wnf- MAY IS THK BEST MONTH U MIS (N FOR HORSEBACK RIDING OS THK BEACH. S3 399 g 3 Ownerhip Manai emtnt. JOJUH KHITE t SHJ CO. ! OJ99 8 -1 tV4!lA.. te r y -SaPT UWM&LJ&. metcm?. aa sBBavsiBwr i stbbbbbt aBaw lirgrjrfyrjrBr-jii aaafaT j 12.oe OJffl3eLJ-3iSKL TW 1 " -TATEL- - -"S - r fc'f-, f.C'( .. .? uwM''l.xKi-''i'&:3i&3"frt'i'r t .ttl'-r.fe- . -Mjw itiEitert-;.JslJiEAh&!iL&$imJim& ' MAN HELD IN SHOOTING Charged With Wounding of Watch man at 1429 Seuth 51st Street .Mm ISnrwIn. t'iit.v.fmir jmi nM, - Hwt i. Mnpi-tiaic Dmtnn tedny. ,limr" """ " J1.". " ",n .en". """ " niriiniaii, "i i i;i mmiiii t nry-iirst i "licet, March m Menn una nut " tevrdl mi m el e ii 1 1, te npiK'nr ni I he , 'icarlm.'. i, ,.,.,,i:.i ,i,nl ve,.. t,,i ..... l ,,!- I' 'Mil' II llllll I-,." ,1, ll i meii wtiiif MiMilciuusIt nlinut (he j'litiuh of St. IV-iitcis tic Snltv. nt I erl srrnlli nrel urnl SptJiisfieltl niniir mill znt ln". SUnls ric nM-nrfmri'd nml Slimn hs Mi. I.nipr Spicpunt Mut pli .'iml lit"ilhp llnri-i imm ( t IViidmIviiiIii Itnlluinil )if. i lit p. sm In n tip lit with iIip iiipii in tlip I i.iili eml ,tnnl-, Up mIe IiiuiIIj IipIiik lirenjlit iltiwn liv .Ici'ppli iVrril, of IIT Wes IV nn slieet. i tieslnl eiillilete. 'he wns lilnifelf shut. Serge.int ,'lur I hj and l'enll ipvIIHpiI tixtns CHILDREN TO GIVE TABLEAUX A fashion shnw which will hate n $1(1,000 cewn innde In rhlciiEe an one "f "'' features and tableaux by children will he part of the program tomorrow ' "f 'I"' Matinee .Musical nub's Mny fe. thni nt tin- Heilejuc-Mrnueii euiicsiprs well known In the moving Pbuiie world wi'l lake pntf in it nre- '?"p S1"''1' V'1 ''TT'0 lt"' '""'"en show Seme of the child' He' Clnrk. Hem Clnik. Itillle Compten, Mtldted It an nnd Marie Hlnik. Dancing nuinbeis In members of th Mnk ind Wig. nnd side ohew nttrac tlens without number also are premised, The festival will tun from neon te mid- night The pieceetls are for the I'hiln- tlelphm Music Club ri.Ti( cir v j J fir I I(KN CITY. N. .1 cean City New Jersey The finest bathing: creunrls alenu the coast await j en. There's nething: mere enticing than it lenp bread beaches of firm, silvery sand o'er which the tumbling, frothing breakeis sweep meirily. Here the veais and mantles of dignity fall quickly from the sheuldeis of men andf women as they become children again in keen enjoyment of health giving water sports. Hre one finds locreatien, health and without dullness. ei rtctri)iti r, illutlrnlrd benU'' ' Orrtjn r'ifv nttx'js HARRY A. MORRIS City Clerk Lincoln OCEAN CITY.NJ, SPRING RATES H'i'i'r for initie: Special a i rlbj rut ft. American jihih, Superior nriiivc. fiinmivy water. Steam I -at. J. ( . II Nf h, .IK. THE MAYBERRY !ril KA'.OV ll (i r ri'on,fe t and if -trmcnt pm a I 027 Wesley Ave. WILL OPEN FOR MEMORIAL DAV lureirn I'lnn Jun ? XmerlcHn Plan Keonis Mllli h Hi; running ater In rierj room. Te ne l-roetii .iimrlments le one uremic! fir. mil. ler Information urltr te . P. Mlli:KR, Mgr. OCEAN CITY'S Tal OPENS JUNE 30.1922 iiriKiefle DirxKOTUcesflireMj DeardwaiK (..,,,l..finn XAteHan$bciun "r"""" Zesree<ns!tr TKe SEASIDE I 1 1I nTKFKI Klt llf)KI)U lek Open, .lime 29th It iiik i . iiii! mertrn J un I a'p eatliw mericiii pian M rn f " iMma' ifif.si THE BREAKERS 01 I N C 1T . N- .1. ONLY BOARDWALK HOTEL OPl.N W 51 K. A. lOLNfi, .Mgr. Pretniil Itiforiintlen RRIHHTON h a"'1 "t"n senue OiHiri umu,,,u" Ijnt. .1 Ail im clwrncaiH' i xli'f I rooms i in t,r w.t'ieiit batlt Het I hiii iel ' lunnuiir viatt-r Kleattti erjce, It. K. HjlO RALEIGH lT,n N,V jr' He' "".'j' avraaauas pe) runnne ,.,r m ie rrsJune ran, Mrn &faribs "3teMjrf ini FVVII r till rJOrl! rerreie "hlurp lUl.CXYlL.fJ p ai janm , Ml)lpiplen ST fiFORHF 'b st'rr bec"! iene 31. UnUKUt . ,..,,, ,. epretm t tpi im, n. j. HOTEL VIND30R Opens Meinuri.il Hit) i. r tit ,i 1 1,? i tv b Kilt iiiniiis r,u li.t'bs Mnei(.jn iin, .letia, tales iuring.i-ari SCitSUil ,., ....... ...j., 1 m T I I ! 1 prise resort! pennhylvanm The Call f2 VfjffA WW . hi fr U . IX ? . ih'" V vjfflr .. . MMM-L' ., i$MW'. X yiit PRI.Nn 1.AKK URACIL N. .1. s I, W vyys ' ZfZ- fJ i-i. - ".' .iM xmm .nmwf 1 1 JW m s i lSCSflSBBBfllBSlSBBBBHBBBlaiLt 'x t ', J!&HJhnPr'BHHil''( CSSEXSUSSEX ctlOTEL AND COTTAGES Spring Lake Beach, N. J. A Reanrt Hetel of DUtinctive Superiority DIRECTLY ON THE OCEAN Twe Exceptional Eighteen Hele Gelf Courses Furnished Cottages With Hetel Sen-ice C. S KROM, Manager. On "The New Jersey Tour A Read of Never Ending Delight" i I A MAGNIFICENT HOTEL fNCOAfPARABLE LOCATION THE MO l s OPENS JUNE 22 Pre Emineml)" n Sedal Centre Daily Concern and Dancing Attractive Grill Wonderful Ocean Bathing Riding Beating j)6 Heles of Exhilarating Gelf Putting Green and Tennis en the Greunda LUKB GLENNON, Manager New Yerk Office; Roem 416, 522 Fifth Avenue. Tel. Vanderbilt 7860 HEI.MAR. I aaliiaSPteaW aUBBaprTv.. i J 1 1 , ' 'Irf ISlKlli iJMikw SPECIAL RATK Epllf:gSLAl a. las. COLUMBIA HOTEL BELMAR. Plve- Minutes from IMTKs: Krem Kridtn lmnv f.ist. room nntl menN iii lei. Beimur "CO V. K. I.L teueuii rules. S3 tu S1U per tln HILDWOOD. . HELDOX1 WIUOWOI I-IO WILOWOO tS FINEST 1 GIVES asar ler the eriee 7n par than air ether ttelel ia Wild. H. nATES-L'MlL Jl'LY lit One Tenen Ameriren TUn Per Da Roem with running water . H M up Roem with private hath - Oil up Twe Perfena Par Dar Roem with running water - ST 00 up Roem with private bath 10 CO up GOLF. nANCIS'O. TENNIS RADIO CONCERTS Ownership Management of I). J. WOODS The Winifred JTdU t.annr We I'urn AMst'KY PARK. N. J. CORNISH ARMS Msth ve. Klniislf s.f. Oterloekir.K Ocean a n '1 Muirdunlk. Het u: tl teirt rur.nink w ,tr in rooms. Uxceptien4l tab u Special ratrs for M and Jum-. (iKOKOK II. ORNISH Owner Htitl ManaKer HOTEL WELLINGTON fltli Are,, Asbur Park, N. ,1, Right at ecenti. luttnnc; watet In eiery i room electric lights, capacity '-"J5. Music I daprlns Iloeltlet C. W. HART. Ownersliln-Msnngement HOTEL SAVOY Idt'ally lecat Teiirih AM'tiw I one hleck from beach jbu e most modern hotel. Ooed music eilnt cula ne nifd r.ls. 1 Uelaanerger Jl 11 tunnn Mgr. THE ALBEMARLE h-,V;'A' ,J" h' itk from et eau Open ai' jer. ltoerns , hi' .mil told water .Special ra'ee for mn mk nml fill V.M II M II.UOJ 1'iup. VICTORIA Ml .aids from Hcach Het A. t I ruiiulni; nater. n. a . t. w si'i rev IirClXfaT'V 3-1 AM; rirm heu.n from liitWf T IW1 lifsjish It'.rts . h rtii.niTic Cnrarl U"i M 'Mini NORTH A'slllltm PARK. .N ,1, N EVVvJERSRY-N.ASBURYPARK MONTEREY I INJart h JKttDUVV h'iU'K.IN.kJe aa m m J OPC.NS JUNE 24th I H Febre blejk en ereaa frunt. Caparily H 600 all eutiide roema. Frerr modern H H hotel fartlil;. Het and reld ."ll xeter H H coneertton. Perfert citttire Vbita D H aerrlre. Grill rennt llrelrr'a eTtce. 1 r.eir IIAIHIM. IINNIS H stjrfipan Drptu. Managtr Winter H(l I tl llrsOIO.sa anali.Ca. I ,N,w Verk lin.r, 8 Kill s,,rr, H pnjNenjK50RT5 PKNN1T.V.VNIA of the Great This year avoid regrets by planning te spend these precious vacation days amid the weeds and health-giving surroundings of Delaware Water Gap Cresce Stroudsburg Pecene Summit Mount Pecene Henryville Delaware Valley Resorts Fishing, Beating, Bathing, Tennia, Gelf and ether outdoor sports await you in this delightful region. Located in the cool mountain section of nearby Pennsylvania, reached in a few hours by train or automobile. Fer wide choice of hotels and bearding houses consult our illustrated Summer Boek "Mountain and Lake Resorts" Free at Information Bureaus or send 4 cents in stamps te James Fister, 90 West Street, New Yerk City. INFORMATION BUREAU PHILA. J. C. DAWSON ' Commercial Agent 1302 Finance Building tsPRIXC. I.AKK RKAI II. N .1. OP BY-THE-SBA. Spring Lake. N.J. HKf.MAR. V. .1. I I 1 1 aft. A. Sk A . mm i I l-f fLTMVVi DEC0R4TI0NM y Tsff ttmTi 7agnfejBaBl ufiawv rmsfc "n.i . m afififs ? ur 1'arK " . I etlni'stlTy brenU Si J 1 ll itli, l. -I v 1 v. c Pres (Jen mKi ,i .-s . II S rltf for Booklet. .r.smE PARK. V. .1. &ePark,NJ FULL of the tang and fresh ness of the open sea, en nnrrew land between ocean pjttl bay; efferinB fiahJns, saihn, hathing, tennis, metering, danc ing, geed hotels and a charming cottage life. Booklet. Address Secretary, BOARD OF TRADE - BoeUet. H. Ren Turner, Owner 3-l -- - . POJNT Pl.i:SNTN. J. PINE BLUFF INN Point Pleasant, N.J. Among the pin, en ihc beautiful Mansafluan ntier shore !te- nifacilen of aeiahere rUerne'rniiitr ai eiitdn.iriKi-ta Jirrhtu tr Nrsrvpen lloelt rt 11 S KFFRIiOWhH " I l 7imt PLtaNT araru , Vl reiNT PLEASAHT FtatA uu-i-'O t-j" Tw sc Ocican nr"l aw a r ( akbg D OPENS JUbY iM BOOKLET ADDFttCaa LJN-Tll. OUIlvJBC lSu rum uiMziri. CArf eoepttva etr.. iitevi:. n. j. " s-ea.aKJ "'"'U nreen Greir. N. 1. Ocenn IMIIiVfa,. All modern cenr. A. 1 C Straestairger. Prep WRITE for booklet en nnglarl, Ixmdnn and Nnrthwealem Hiry.. !!00 fitb Av.. New Yerk. i THE QUEEN 0ccan ar"' N- J- " wa-a-.as0tl.ail 1MtnBnVi uirectlj I I en ocean front ' '', Bl'N'sIlM, Ardmerc-Summerfield (18 Ocean I'Jihun.v ipsclui rntes for Dee. lortllen Ua' Tel :TM. 11 L. SHAW. 1 Ocean Avenue Heme, 17 Ocean Ave, Dlreellv nit Oien-i I rout, N. (I, Nellle, ' , nmnt iiArrrs. n .. 1 rT. V-T"i-, w nn..n t.n.TT J !LliMliLKllJK, ir- In, IlrHstt. belli' ivtth e, n, r.ih water, J leniila .unite, btieklet. H. K l.'Nlll.t; it. Alse the Covington, Wcet riilladjlphla. Mil i i f I X L. WObblI I IQBythe Sea '1-ijvi1VSeaside Papk fNl'SSaOj NCW JCRSEY .i)lL7 Open June 15 le Sept. 15 WrjtlNO KKOBTi PKVNMLVAM Outdoors si'Rivn i.akk nmcii, X. J. SPRINb ItrTKE.N. J. WILL OPEN JUNE 24U MNar;MeNTANDBEJMUHHV. OWNIR3HIIB WILLIAM . STUBalS c.v.MunPMy,r. Mars. OOKLST AOOXIM UNTIL JUNt IV , LAUREL HOUSE I. AKtWQQD. N. J. . siSHOREHAM anniNe- "X LAKE. BEACH f J- IN A BEAUTIFUL LOCATION ONE BLOCK FROM BEACH, ON LAKE. OPENS SATURTWCY. JUNE 1721 MANAGEMENT- M E.McCaRTER AieNMOTTii ni:rii, N. .1. Monmouth He.ich. J.enc llranch, N, J. I New .lenlali (Inneralilp Mannrement North Je-nrv Ceaat. Thorough modern. All nuta'de rooms. Mli'i prUnt tithe. Kleatera, Ihithlnic peel. Tennis, (Jelf. Kxcellent nil- i nine.. .Music. Uanclnir. Wrltx for JjneUet. Mnke leservatienn no Ifra. jexeph Kesen- nerg, inui i oneieu noea, ure0Kln, r. y. RIVF.RTON. y. J. Ijium Hanu f"19' mllaa from Phlla Lwn nel,e delphla. en th. Banlc e' Delaware mer. uiv urN, "errrant and Transient. V. V. Rnller MOCNT POrtlXO. PA. THE ELVIN IT- roceNo. pa. u- . exrelletl culalne 27 th 1 en. Running water PrUate baths. Shower en eaili Itoei. Booklet ! A.. J. Sl.tlTTER. HAWTHORNE INN mtpoceno. Non-Ileuaekeeping cetlagea le lent' In con ' necilen with Inn. Ilneklet I.. Al. DHNtlt.KU I TI DrMMUIIDCT ?sniir nn..7 1I1C icaiiiuwtui e r n: excellent I table: quiet and homelike. Mlsa Marv Prlea. I SUMMIT nu Hteellent table. Flneat Jlewa Jteil crate ratea Ttoek- Jet. MRS K. SCHOBNDEW. i IVMRVrEW 1VN, alt. 1'nrone. Pa. Aute tourist hdara : ceed table: pleaaant aur- ' rnu ndlnga. raa le unit O. 1,. Meggjgel. The Ontwoed r,n " ,,r- Medarm. me wmwueu B1)t motion. Sp ' ctal aprlng rates Bklt. E. L. A E V. Artman spnerpsniRn. p. - HIGHLAND INN ". Pb. Merl. . ... cr?: , running water I ird prlxale baths. Outdenr sports, geed - red Onraae, own garden and dalr Jred i -i i.w ....... ...,..- .... ...it i, ni i- jiorten i EAST s.TBOUpqBL'Bfl. PA. ' ; ? Miplehurat Inn, E .StreudsbiiTi (Ml ''a ,8tl s'10". supplies from e'vn V'. farm, spacious erndas lartje ' He lawn rlenn shade. rnUHt delightful 1 p a'. 200 attrnge. lloeklet, MR AMI MRS. XV M nCRXETT I TURtTVILLA e .BuJ,5f" "J ai lewa. Bathing beach, it... ' senabl rites. Cloed cooking. Homelike. Boek. I i.i, i h'i'i ,iii mmei.ient . ti. jurti Eetate i MOL'NIAIN I.AhK Heuse, mdrn , homelike own farm, beating bathing, geed coeklnr , Jav Huffman It r.D i; H ''trniidibu7. pi' ' Oak GrOTe 'J0"" Table aupplted from enn .. . 'iim. Hemllke. All amiiaa nianis meik rateBiit Mre E. 7, Mxckeff Sunrise Cottage 'J" 1idKe. Heme tout Mpnl lnp.it,. M r. i fenl nnnrflct MR". J I. IIISRINIS a. IS a a a ' . ..!'. '.' iflh! upili-i! front our enn farm. Hgaantirm --ii.-. s .jm i4-siieui rir,p niinnii urrmun Tk.Jt Hpaf jsa. eeavru. '' - aal at m m""-" IZrr-gl-mllNTHE HEART OF THE ADIRONDACKS A I Iskl HI f vKR r,mJ) -M,,-K gj I Mllli l MMIIP. KOIVP of the highest eliar S)""M fl I 'nctcr. euDerh cuisine, an environment mmm. ..... . seclallv ileelrabla. Located en DELAWARE VATCR CAP. PA. wonderful i'PPF.r haranap lake i -- " - - - .e.tjfin Mav in tu D.-tetulei Ktn f' Interim nnd cxietler Impreveinenti. ina.e ihn Mtmt nn the flneat appointed ntfeseihie Mountain Itetert Heii, t'apn ll v fttlll Thii Iiiiuis ftem Netv AniK. Inrkananr.il It I! . T. milts b- ttutn ttutn mebile ihie, hours from Phlitiriclphla. PnnsMnie rt K si miles by titn. mobile Pu Hum sen ice ..iml i.eul J04i1h Hetel eliiute,! ,i priiaie p-,r, u,i ll'tv-rs nml rhe.l irlendten in piefuslnn Magniflc'iit ernrt Cnlf 'lenns Saddle Horses, HeatliiK Tteut .-nd ! PiMilng. Imp Miteum Mountain i limiting r,Th.?,T' "r, Pe'i'Ms Mslitly dances frequent seclnl featurea Ameilcan I Ian also a la rart Orlll Jet leurlst. Klimtlnn. egHtl,l iintl ffc;i,v.e!ru'c.e':n'1 1)M, wm """" r.fi0.1"1 '."T1' .".t'en rales nUn f failures unit tourist. Iloeklet. terms nnd imle mutts nmll. .nuiN Pi'ttiiv nm" Rrenleiek Water Gap's new flreornef hotel I i a 1 1 1 with each room nn golf '' r" '""""i F.irngKe iiiint. it reiei-. at TheGIenwoed laare WtercJap,Pa New open f'unnclK w,it i ian.se bal.rm erc.iestrt. Helf ten lie Tinute is I'm lull, addre.a ijlltVree. M"t lUVer View IlOUie "eiawara Water flap , ,. . .. . P.i . Accetu. tsn entrain- .nrn.eti yeatlng. bathing, fiahlnir Aiitnfri imptmis Mrs l.lrile 'I LftflaiiePat , Illl.I.f RF.M - New. modern, rentrailv eiated, bathlnB. running water Veder, i reles. eBket F. I'. HOv"im NOItril JWJXK OAP, PA. ' Cataract Hniue 'North Wnter Qae. i ' UI,neenb, Rnnklfi ah u'i?..L.. V "." i t mU. ... ' " ' I rine terrace """'uunfigatrietnr j ."V1?",n' outdoor sperta ' ewnfarm rrTjL.N. W.ter Oar .V TTrJn a ue aJ . ni".iih.i,. y. i The Laurelton ri,llnir. tenuis, ij,er"t,, c- .injnn rieJlsbkinFaJlsbk,.t PMcfall I nmrncmr ,..., , - T KIVCKaiUt "" "'" aprtita nunc .. , h ri.i,.,. P.t n ' x'1, d ei.r "n lh r"i1,u" Tebl'' Onr Kutny Bres r-.-- MOI'NTAIV HOME. 'A MONOMONOCK INN Meiinlalnlinnie'a I cadlng Hetel rffce Mtntlen, Moiintnlnlieme, Pa. I Isblng (,elf Tennl. Beems with prlat baths Booklet " H. E. &. J. ffi, Geissingcr WAYSIDE INN ii"-'i. ''i.iiieiike. .oed .'.""' "B ""tl rtl'l in rjji'.""ii:- ii. v. UMirii Ii N it ' Ln W MOUnl Ay .tirel im. dele I I 1",,i' M ' 'HHEMX Cm let aid. nr. HiTT. . 7 . .nud rebuilt K.ery I J'l'"n. uUeuka the lake Pamlk V. (loe.i ' ed tmr.ret.rt.pf nttli n.trr, V. Heller '", . reseenabla Write f ir iVbeVi.,1 I w t, ... : T-r. -.... iinirT,iiague en Luke Ueerae.v r iAt.u.rr.es. rMjtfi . f "Mi . .v gafafafafafafafafafJgigaaaHgalg .-A'A fy.'IiXi UPRINO KMOBTW c nerr.m ew N, N. v.. CWcheiterJ'0"' 000 ft. eleat!en. Tebr hanna.Pa. Mra Chlehfittr. Bklt TAyAnKNSIH. TA. i M..ata.fiSitai In Pocenoa: modern The Meuntainiiae pen((1lii mmfertabte. natea renennahle. Booklet. AVm. l.enr..Wr. t.,;rll VTlU Heme comfort i cend fltrt- Ulencairn viiia ,nr Bkl( Mrii Mi h. Meir rBEsre. pa. nFuTimA Inn A "fnsd family hetel: con The via inn ,nently located! welt-iup-t.lled IsWa- "let. mi flcrllcatlen. if. I,.Btapff mTdTc I AWN Henllh, ret and pleaa MArtt LAT,1(li Oe0(, ,,,,!,, Modern. mti... ne.senabta'ralea. V. SKOKI.KEV Poekll. wwirrwATKn. pa. The Swiftwater Swlftirgiter, Pa, New open for th fjlat aeaaen, IOHN H 1VUUUI.1.M1. ivkrf.rs'HJ.t:. ta. SUNSET HALL on'e'Ja'Ki i ,,,. ,,ea level! oerteoklrig beautltul and hlatericil Lebanon Valley. Modern Improve ments. Superior MfifaMSLLUB- GALEN HALL &- iJ'MmiAm Beautiful A le a. Modern garage. rilllSiae 'j-,rm moderate. Kath. Gerhart. SCIlWT.XKSVnXli. PA. pfrkiuMEN 1' Med. Imp.. Ideal loe. Ileat.. bath., tlsh., tennte. danelng. Special B.milev chicken emner. rer poeKiai erriis CHAS UXOEK. Prep. Schwenketllle. Pa. MfNCV. PA. ORATERFORP. PA. r..i-.(rA Hetel. Along th PerVlemen uiemiu." . Auln parties Chicken dinners. Oar. Airy ruin, Ph. Oellegevliie 10 . E. R. OLOOKBR. Trop. MT. GBETXA. PA. Hetel Conewago WrR Open. JwM. irE5rprate. addr... TAMJtY FOROW. TA. WASHINGTON INN Chicken and Waffle Dlnnere DANIEL J. VOOIIHKES. Prep HIT.tlFAOTPARK. STATEX ISLAND. X.Y. THE TERRA MARINE HOTEL Huguenot Park, S. I. GEO. L. MicFARLANE, Prei. ROBT. F. MacFARLANE, Ret. Mgr. Situated en Ocean Frent ' SO Minutes Frem Manhattan Formal Opening May 27th ?d Seaien Management MacFarlane Brei. Mata's Marimba Band Frem Ziegfeld'e Reef Dancing Ocean Bathing All Outdoor Sports I Rates- -$28 Weekly and Up With Meals BOOKINGS DIRECT HOTEL TEL. TOTTENV1LLE 1400 WRITE FOR BOOKLET rrPER SARAACI,AHKr Y. SARANAC INN ...... Very Desirable Leuige ter Rent fijli furnihed and cred fei. Modern 18 hole golf .-euree n.) all summer attractions At then ben Addie.s HAnr.lNGTO.V M1U.. I Hetel Oiitten. Washington, D c I.KF. PI.M'ID. N. A. ! WHITEFACE INN I.UiK PLACID. N. Y. Opens In Jobs. -Modern in all lta appointments .1. 4. MVEENEY. Manager New lerk OfTlce. Hetel Colllegwood 4,1 Wrat 35th Street Winter Highland Park Hete'. Alks n . 3 C. , LAKESIDE INN lam; PLACID. . y. NOW OPRN. HOOKI.K1' T A LK4HV. Mgi THF PINES Caf' " Superior feed and inui im-J HuiMte Mederatels prlce.l Alae lent-i nnd bungalows Orchestra, danc- ' nK leniuw noei itarage THE HOMESTEAD !l oe'm'e with I , n bath, turv rnem "uniilngr ater. r.xtelleiii table Open "" f1 """klel. T. I'. ROLAND. 111,1'IT POINT en LKI, ( II MI'f,AIV.N Y I -. HOTEL HAN PLAIN I JtJf 'OlhT'OH lant CHAnPUIN.H Y. Vaf. OPENS JUNE 24" K OOreeve. yOffiem eneaee Vn,NJ!ii5i'. Ni.li hBYIMM mke hmlth rR l Heur fiomuiaed Central; oiue atnma pbere. Ideal for rsi and recupeintien. outdoor sleeping if dealred; outdoor spjrts prertuce from own farm; medi cal attentien: se.een ratee. N Y Ofrire 1SI K SStti. PI... 47. wrnRTjN.j'. rVVtBSTPORT INN Iff,, I.AKK fll.XMPLAIN HeiisekeepltiB aid lien 'lnusekeep'tig b : : - , "!' ."ii tiiiKs, tennis. J biiatllig. bathing, rlshlng nrehesrr. F stam 'leaf Bates ",( iln niui' J H. P. SMITH. WfMpert! N. Y. ' kElVflPT kV aVvbhLLVI LsV TOBUIANNA, Pt. i itiiiir, im lAKr il lliRll. s KPRINORr.sJIIiTd tnnPKRTtntx. v. y, IlHB!ST0ATlW A0OKe TMM Wjt dMe-jjn 0TSECO 1JMcecpersTvWN,N Y unLLenn re -rue scasen Siturdav; July Is? iMMCncitr e MB- DAVTD B. PLUMCR BOWDOtM PLUMCR AaaeeurrT. Mwt MEW YORK erncE 'imSTVK 425 nfTH AVI TB- VfAMOCKBtLT 0274 ni.iiK MenxTAix nit kTxTvT Th HevlffM Adirondack. rrm Durtei. Inmn The meat modern camp In the AdirnmiiiltJ.' Lake-aide location. All aperlt SJft' elf: central dlnlnif mem: tourist, w.tSl1 Bklt. W. B. Carey. Dlue Mtn. t.ak. vB Maple Ledge Camp rMl ettam,' life with all Us pleaanree S?i.tBef l'f'2fr cleaneat of rooms; cnlaine adeqtiaie SiSs , V.. C. ULAXCHARI) Wlr New CATHK1M.. X. y. THE B1ENN HOUSE a "vv Med. Imprnvemente. Elec. llahta Ttlu?. kliJ'' WM. B1KNN'. Cataklll. .v. f PERRY HOUSE t -cu,i i iun77 Cataklll N. r. ChiUH.r, n.,'.'.'!' . (al (Ireen Lake). Arc. ,u. llnnttrir. ba'thtn. '; i dancing, lllue. Iikll. M. r VkkS.. PI'RHXn HKIOHTS. f.MSr.Kjn , j, y ', LENNON HOUSE ;rtiTwrt5 Modern plumbing, elcitc lights Act ' m Churches. dvnclnr, bathing. Ill un i,7 rsmndeled. Boeklei. ,M j l.feMsret T.AKF. CI.KAR. X. V. '" Lake Clear Inn Adirondack mis. e,ii i xennis. fish ne tf Bklt. C H. Wardner fe 8en. I.eke Clear, iff. PCRMXH, ORKBXE TO., y. V CENTRAL VIEW HOUSE ru Oreene Ce , S. T. Ace ice. 0. Kcel. teble. Rathlnr iZSZ.' tennis court, beaeball lle'd. n..r ...X!: am .MII..MMI. fllt.a .Kll. l.a .. T.Vl' "' " " "" . -..ni.. .1.11. VEAI.TK BOf.TOy-OX-t.AKK CKOROE. X. T .ALGONQUIN "P11"" ," ';! aK,M n J T Inn "all, a-. - Muncy Ideal loc. unaurpesaetl cuisine ard ssri 'aii KOUtia 1 OP BU situated en elivallen ' attune, and comferts: spec June and ite, .,tniiin Susauelmiina River. fJenullful - T. 0,',Uin lewa. Hpacleua roema. perches. RMZAHhTHTOWN. X. 1. 'i'iiVVaS surroundings. Homelike, state mad. nntrKtemirjew-kisi i.rm7 " neitlng. bathing, tennte. Jereev milk. BRENTWOOD INN r?ra", wiu itnuwufti .,.t.i,ua frnni rtr nv.n farm. I ftllfi with ksh iienie coeklns. Mhdarn Imprevemenia Katea , J'?""1,,""' ;n", '""" ,,ltJ',i',I.Ptlil hiekena irie."'"- ."---.-, .. . -. n.i .. 1 i.- '" SlS.OO UP. JIRO. " JAAwe. . ' -"" ..u,.-. i. n, rjum, D. H. PALSt ADIRONDACK AlOllXTAlXS. X. T ADIRONDACK MOUNTAINS Xw Yerk est, . FOR BF.XT OR I,E fully furnlahed private house. s!tuat4 en t beautiful lake In the heart of the KetiS Weeds. Six rooms and bathroom Oieri replace. Boatheuae and beats PrlVlti " RENT 700 TOR SEASON Fer partlculara and picture address B 703. ledger Ornee. Fer new ADIRONDACK booklet and lafef lafef matlen addrees Ue. W. Ryan. See'r. rielE tSff ' "il1' Fer,MONTREA'-tJEBF.C IOCS bklt. addreaa Teurlsta" Berean of MentnjiC 808 Xwv nirka Bldg.. Montreal. Caneaa? TOLTON CHAIN LAKES. X. T. NEW NEODAK ,"' " 'urm i..k, a.,. x-. . r. "lten Chain. Alie. decks. New Open. Booklet Qoed fishlni. ROT RODHERP. I.NXBT. XT. THE WOOD INI'Er, X. T. en rallee chain. Ideally located Bklf P. C. WOOD. Pree. I , Lake Hams Heuse st,,m h,,,: I, . ,. . Tilth balh; est- j tegee; egetablee from own farm, fine ttbw, geed fishing. Booklet. .1. H ORKQOST. KF.EXK VALLEY. V 1. ITEEXE VALLEY INN On liable Rlfer. i . u.A1,lJu, ,."00 ' XI,n- climbing, tenuis, I Ashing, rapacity 150. Jig wk up. legetaMev milk. etc. from own farm. Ill.s. booklet , W. W. MIJ)rK, Prep. I , AMAOANaETT. 1L AMAejAKtaarr unb iait,ANNJK Th Gtni Spot en Leng hluni ktkm e tVut., ue Sexbeejem aayeUM UtJ Us Mk 9eV. Tamak .OasstAt, ss...ei,t WATCH HILL. R. I. THE OCEAN HOUSE Cottages, Annex and Ledges WATCH HIIX, R. I. Will recehe guests aflet. June 10'h Formal Opening June 17 WHITK I'On PAMPHLET Bookings New Made Wlih I .P. CHAMPI.IN, Watch Hill, R. I NRW YORK OFFICE, Town t Country s R Weet 40th fit. NAKRAOANSETT TIER. R. I. The Imperial Narragansett Pier, R. I. OPENS JUNE 21. An exeluelre hotel for discriminat ing people at one nf America e. Flneet Seaside Resorts. rOLO. Oolf. Tennis, Buthliig. Dine Irg. Well kept State Highway W metering Fer resenatlena addres JAMES E. GAI.HRE. jrANAOEB. Narraganaett Pier. Rhede IUn. (iBEENWirn. re.vN. . rEly Court Hetel! Greenwich, Connecticut On a high ridge merloeklnif Ien 'Jl" Pound Hath Ulh eiy de Iblrt reera.. Milk from our own Alderney here ' I, tablee fient our grden Tennia "', Plevgreunds for c'Uldren. Motorcar " an ttaina. NORTH M'lTrATK nKKCnjUH ClW HOTEL TVr!K, NORTU SCITUATE HEt Pest Office Mlnel. Massachunetls "ON THE OCEAN FRONT" Sandy Be.ch Pafa Hurt Batl'ln Oolf and Tennia IH.nli nf Sea Feed ilie Cliarlesgate. one of Bosten's , best lesldentiai neisi. under aame management. Herbert G. Summers Booklet I.EE. MA8H. BERKSHIRE HILLS Greenock Inn, Lee, M , NOW OPKN ., Hut Beems, iieany all eniiit w bith. Ilill (.emrits hriel erchellf"' , FREE GOLF K's Hales, 11,110 up, Anierlcan plan. Uoeklett en rciuvsl, !S!'a.viPs. yftj! f - teM&M& rthi