&-m&ietif the home 'l TOMORROW THURSDAY IS THE BIG EVENT! ;, j llv Ill.'VltV t VI-..-. f I -. l .. A RESULT - .050ff VlLl If j en ilim'l Iwpppii'te li.tvp rnmlrimcrs nf Hip cmm-I mpjiclty railed ler In ti rriinlii neon-up. two or Wrpp or limit' jnii Imp ran be nirnncril lesrlhrr In Rite ou Hip ilr-Mrnl (iipurlly. Thli pit (lire shows hew II l tlnnr Sema Ways of Using Condensers Tim Iiiivp lenrncil Ihiil n cDiiilpnxi'i' Iwvp n fn if miIimIIIiiIe for n I.". plair (in lank I" wliMi we Mnreltip n- ' vnrlitlile. ,r in mukr plpplrU- euwnt In our , " " " w " ,ll,nF ,0 ,,"v,, "'vcrnl .001 TBflie Mt. Sew II Is wlcr- te i-nnMilnr. nil,,,,,,, flv nimlilmitinii out of t hftn for A fp' moments, khiip of t In' wny Hint jeu vvnnt le, Anil hooking up your in which ( ran iikp cenilpiidpr- te rp , "r '-'? PinlP.vnrliihlp with tlipm mnke '" . -.,,. thpiu nlw viiii'fncte'll,vni'l(ih'p. Tirlell PIIPi'J. ' leijn;.l, mil, hu fubl.r l.hlerr Cempni'j Whfii we .leiv up wntPf In miiK. wt riMMire It .In Knilens tinil iiini'l mm jini anil sill. W nre se nMiMnnuMl te jpcnklnjt of thevp nirnMUTiiiiwitx ihnt It never efciirs te us Hint their N 'any thing illlridilt in i e names Pound Dead In Bathroom After going llpMiilfs te the Imtli Imtli Imtli roem In her Iieiiip, lUIIII North Twenty clKhlli mi reel, itlmitt - o'clock yp.'ter (lny nflPi-mien, Wnry DejtPn, forty thrrp years old, fulled te t'etnrn. Her 'tniuijmiiift 1m LnHruliiir till the IntrnMIni tli-W nf HOV WKhK HI" Ml te ICH'I III- tnni'iitnic I'l HI.H I.KIiKii vs'. It ft ll.ilill - Ailf. ilny. .tku Vurluhlr Cenilrnfr, ? I'l., f'i.SO Vnrlnlilp Cenilfifr. 4S PI.. t!.4l l.lditnlnc Sultchf.. 1(10 Amn.. fl.ir, l.lclitnlnic Arrclfr. S'.'..MI und S.illl I'hiIii 'rNiiil Drlfilcir. . ..'. (Ml A-l (Y.i-I:il Dflci'liir . . SI.HII H?Ih i iipf(i?eill, .1(111(1 IH.ni llrml Sri Ml.n.'i .Mull Driler-. Premiilh I'lllnl (turn I'rlritp A Srtliirilay Kc. A'Ujmjl-lifcia.faMIHBUi PEERING B Vmip Sprprli Vrltrt CnrrffUU II ffL. TUB KIXOSI.EV PLAN II im I'luh Nic hi 'or Kinswcy t-iuD. Meiiilfiv, Mnv '-' All hitnrcnlxl In tt. rorrrrtleii nf ilpfertlv niwrrh weleenn, I'lienp Wnlinii ii!i2, Sind for )'.villt. lL..,..' I3IS Wnliml HI.. '"" " p sny thnt nlMt cnliWns is the a. , . inVp,tlentp(l several hours Inter parity of n .".nk. Wp nise stwnk of the I nml found the woman dead. A gas jet (ipaeltv of n pnndenser. which l I1ip wn open. ftnrage ' tnpk of the rmlle set. Hut we de net mcniiire thl .fjpap.lty In Knllenn. , KVKNTS r n0Y WBEK We nicssiirp it in nulls thnt Kclentl-N ev Wm(1 ,11n. WK nf ,,, (lBm rnll ffll'.nN. ion need net hettier le r.,,,.w. iiii'r-ltiv inn 'n cvrrytmnB. Thf knew U. hew llliicll of Nliilt II r:i"ii( Mentlnr ri mi.ip I. km Kit h-in iiih;1 if(, j. Mighty few of iw could really (.ive Ail letel'lKlhlc deiinllleii of il. Hut llu-fill-mi i the mill of mpniire of the en iill,v of n condenser of il f plilllty te flere up energy liefere It overllew mid Kr(U electric eurrents rtishliiB through thf. wire. Bui the fnrntl Is tee big n measure te use with the simill condensers em- , ple.vffl In radio apparatus. 'i use u Uiridivlslnn of the farad called the mlcie-fnrad, which mean1 one one ene thntissndlh of a fnrnd. Vetir l.'l plntc vnilahle cendenser1 tnres up. nt its greatest enpac'ty. only one one-iheunndlh of u micro-farad. J ii ether words, Its rnpnclify l one one ene thnuniullh of one iiie-theu-tllidtli f .1 farad. The Held niicre-fnrnil rs ummlly ah brevhiii'd mfd. And. when jen write flown the cnpiiclty of jour CI (dale con cen (irn'er. (en write it .1101 mfd. which is speVen nf nmeiiE "hnrd hailed hums" IK "(Iniihle-eh one." Ynne "!t jdnle con denser Im only half that cnpiiclty n e write it .000." and call Ir. In talking llli'iiit It. "trlple-eli five." In the IlitlM ration, there are hnwii some wnjN nf "hooking up" two cen-dfnier- te gel different capacities. In wine diagram printed In the radio magazines, you will see thnt jnu nre te use n .OOO.'i ceiidemer. IVrhnpM you liave none of tills capacitj- but have ttwi of these neat little ihlriy-live-cent .001 cnndeiifx'rs known ps "phone ,ini ilpneri." If jeu book tliein up in what wp call "serlen." you will make tli' total capacity of ill" two just half what one N. In ether words jour two .001 condense will take I he place nf one .0005 cendener. "Series." as shown in the Illustra tion, is like (hiving two horses tandem -one ahead of the ether. If yen fol fel low nu imaginary radio Impulse from the aerial down Ip the 'illu"t ration, you Hill see thul ft must first pa, tjireugh one condenser and -then, through the ether le ivni;h t'hfri.)j:YftUud,. ,jis. .reprv- , ffnted hj- 1 he 'spig'M .' New supiiese ,jour diagram called ' for a condenser of .002 tiiicre-fiirniN. Yeu would takn Miur I we .001 ' nld join tliem ns show n in (he second pari ef the Illustration. Thi h called "parallel. " The radio energy comes dnvn from the ncrlnl. udcs iuie both enwlensers at once and conic out of the m her end of doth at eiu c and m te tlir spigot. Hooking up condensers in parallel ndds the two capacities, Ymi might Ibiiik from this thnt two condensers in series would juxt make the capacity half, but tills is se only when they are of the same capacity individually. A series of condensers has a total rapacity that is pet very hnrd te figure, hut il Involves a imiiheiiintlcal formula that we wnn'l go into in tliee arlicics. The thud llltiMrathVii N jiM a sug KfMinn for llie mull who lias a .001 Mirlable condenser l he 111 plate kind anil tinil hr lias n ilingram which calls fnr a -'.'! plaic one. He can simply take one nf his fne( condensers and put It la ferlfs wlili his -111 plnte nml the ( salt Is ii mmj fair iniltnileu of u ':: plate oenilenscr, or .OOO.'i variable And, If jeu Imvp a i". plate mid tieed a "In plate, honk up your '-'.'I plate with a .0110.1 grid condenser, accord ing te the niiddl" diagram, and jeu jamw f fvw m fVH7lVaaBaaBaB BS23BbW Sav Ben-Gay at any drug store and voe will get a tube of the original French Baurac Bencue (Ana!g aique), then apply at follews: rub the Baume en the chest and cover with warm flannelcleths repeat as ntten as may be ncccnary. Keep a tube handy for Sere Threat. THO?. t.EEMING t CO., NEW YORK nn q' ' S II HwffMHftfei IIS il 1' 88 W n(SlJ p Market and fourth Sh. 1 rdlbisJfflfl I1 PHILADELPHIA. MJigBgH SAFEGUARD I'l You'll taste Ihc Sj YOUR MONEY l "Terence! ; U7IIKNY0UTRAVKL, 1 MSCQ it muiicy acninst theft and 1 g 4 1 less ly usinu our Travel- H a -. 1 m . M f eis' Checks and l.ettui.s 1 0 B ATTiO I of Credit. I I VUllCC Thus you can leave I I a worry behind ami better 1 i s 2 enjoy your journey. I m ' JI'lC 1 Our Letters of Credit I f m lb B ' and Travelers' Checks ft s fLF i nienn safely and con- I S Hi J vcn,c,u,- B 1 Al all our Stores g I CAPITAL & SI'KI'I.US I j--. il II $1,600,000.00 1 I IMI I m ii I sm at w. i tj Mv raliiffllitalliilliiyi'illltlA'JiliriiJiiiKiiilMIiSl.flliaitlillS!!!!; 'Ml'! HIM Bfc i:n4e.v nil Ini'nl Knrh Hrt Ceniiilett) Mllh llrudnhnn. llUHrantead till, Ii. mnii.ii fnn liv Whu ..uu mei.r ' ' ' erdif" 0lir Promptly filled. Hml .'sh with Aal- mm. ,a., .,..,- .i ... . . i? ".hn,v thin nemlerful AI.VO le jeu. If net In un l I. nu leek notify i,, 0 vXli nil n" """PT. "'"I llccllller n-1, ' .'. ""'. ... . . nii.ii kmne r.rptn t vor Krrr1t Irtf nf nhnre. ELcTJi BATTERIES l w ALVO Radie RECEIVING SETS $ 1 K.00 Mt Jf Complete "Motle in OurTewn" Out-of-Town Patrons Should Order by Mail Cut out the picture of the style you de3lre mail this promptly with money order for same. Give the sixe nod color you prefer. We cannot take care of mall orders for less than four aprons. 77c WPSWiBiWSWBslSSWSBSSBSWSMsrtSBSJSSJSWSSSMBHWMMi Eleventh and Market Streets. Extra Sizes As Well Aft Regular Sizes There are sizes here te fit every woman 'especially a large as sortment of these hard-te-gct LARGE sizes for stout women. 77c Positively the Greatest Sale of '.!. 117 9 1? yy e ve Lver 3mm ApffOTs TOMORROW l Heard of-Any where ! THURSDAY 7,500 feet of fleer snace devoted entirclv te this Sale. Last vcar vc sold ever 3d,00() of these high-grade Aprons in One Day. And all through the Summer we were forced te duplicate orders te accommodate customers who bought these aprons by the deen. THIS SALE abpunds in even Greater Values! Better quality aprons, prettier styles and greater assortments. ife A Gigantic Purchase of 60,000 Heuse Dress Aprons Frem the Lakeview Garment Ce. of Chicago, 111. Every One Werth Exactly $1. 75 s? aw Buy in the Basement or en Street Fleer ,tA TSfl 37 a -N Ve Of Geed Quality Ginghams and Percales. Plenty of Plain Shades of Pink and Blue. The material is of very reed jyrade far superior te what you would ordinarily expect at this ridiculously low price. The patterns are asserted; ranging from the desirable check and plaid tritiKhams te innumerable eaincy esie;ns in iijrht colorings en lipht and plain pinks and blue. crreunds, Tomorrow -Thursday Is the Big Sale Day Ninety-five New Spring Styles AU Excellently Made There are these that button at the side-front; as well as slipover models in a prreat variety of pleasing effects, with sashes. Neatly finished with self-materials and contrasting bindings. Many with large pockets and fancy belts and rick-rack braid. e VSe0; V O Le' Surely Ne Weman Will Buy Less Than Four Most Women Will Want Frem Six te Twelve! Buy Four for $3.08 Buy Six for $4.62 Buy Twelve for $9.24 ' VOv '16' . G Jv& UJ ;Ke J. - X ' e.' a '-d ' "I irA ,,ws 'ei l. 77f v A c-le Can you picture this mammoth let of 00.000 wonderful sc Dresses all fresh and new lu-utipc! hicrh en es with hs many ns they can held can you picture crowds of enthusiastic women buying thpm at I he st price in years. Thousands mere in the stock- in in reserve. Heu tahl the low ree He stri Compare the quality of materials; their fullness, fine finish, trimmings and color assortment and you'll realise that nowhere could you buy such high-grade aprons at such a ridiculously low price. Get at least a half dozen (or better still, a dozen) it. will prove the most worth-while investment you ever made! assured you will find many among this treat let that will anneal te veu! Thev come in fhwks. pes, small patterns and plain effects in an endless varietv of pleasing color effects. -, Four Important Facts About This Wonderful Sale! j 60,000 Heusedreas Aprons are included the opportunity for selection is unlimited there are a great many styles in hundreds of ixttterns. 2 Every garment is made of a genuinely geed quality percale. 3 Styles are new the designs that will be most popular this spring. f Women will recognize these at once as the most extraordinary bargain we ever offered in desirable quality aprons. Ne Phene Orders : Ne C. 0. D's : All Sales Final. A'e Exchanges! 7 77 M Tl r SssVlsHHsViliswslsassssB M9 fe A St JWm' yVBJ ssssH rT"M''tf5 1 11 nmHmEEf , J3H3M JtL w ' TTV v'HsIHsHHBHsVv yw wjTjfJLifc sssst 77d ' I 7 I I iff i m i . i i i i ; i i svm.j ill m ni 77fl kr L '' ' - w v " v See 77 Window Displays rd Tuu 77 v. 7 sfi , f- J 77- 77f w 77t ml l mi fly" m m m ' !i' .1, W&l t)---. Z4b n, na at. lc. (bds TQMORRO)VlHUaSpY- '.V 'i t s ii v. VK.i S- J.V(i ." -' 'l. MlX&A fte.,.,- E&m f'i ta-i Ji3i