EJiwWEsrK.a Jim WH WiMll IWII P MTTTI 1 I f 1 T TTrnglTMWrer laTF "YT .'i Jl ' TV. " 1Jl'. Ii i.'i "'- ,.ljrHIHW'IIIB K"-V kT 'Cj ' VIWMHRI'J u ' I "T. ' . ."JTiW,.M' " .t'i f tft4 (liinHlffVX MJIVrf im I iV .f'.. r i II'. iT, f'!VHnmDBIBIW '.HBnHBr iHir.BiRTOn kw vnuvaHBnnnMT i wfr -btt-j wv:wf . m". '' w" "wi TiiaiBHKViBr - i kvr vjit KmrnuiBmrri n.-i r. ttyieriv ir .. j?.im. t - t ra Wbm : j $fltr& IVilsen Gives Household Hints Scrupulously Kept Refriger ator, Dishes and Pans Are Absolute Necessities for Health of Family By MRS. M. A. WILSON CaniriaM, till, ty Mr, A VfUttn. All THIS l n splendid time for the hoii'ienlfo te leek te the small de lull", tlint nre quKe Important befere the wnl worm weather comet. Th re frigerator should have a cleaning Inside nd et; I 'I011' mPan J"t wiving nut. but te be scalded with plenty e( boiling water and then minnrd for a whole day. Take n knife or piece of fine wire and remove every trace of foreign matter thnt may gather about the neams and the deer opening and ehe the outside of the refrigerator a rent of tarnish. Tiny littl" place no lurjer than the head of a pin wll" af ford plenty of apace for bacteria te grew and create harm. De net store the refrigerator in a.dark or damp place with the Idea in mind that this will Hive ire. Ptomaine Is a deadly germ nnd thrhes well In moist, damp places, nl the refrigerator, unless kept Mtll Iced, is nn Idea) place for the cul ture of tliis germ, particularly if the box h kept filled with feeds. Watch carefully nil leftovers, and If nu are unable te utilize them then (lis inrd (hem at once. De net permit them In remain in the refrigerator nnd tic ulnp sour and ether meld. Arrange n set of disheq that will fit tilrelj In the lefrigerater. and then keep them for this purpese: an old-time liniixculfc jii'-t recently selected a set of Inexpensive blue nnd white dishes that will (it very closely In the refrigerator, ami I was really surprised te see the nlte and orderly array of, both the dishes and feed and they wcre quite Inex pfnhe. It is impossible te cook fine - flavored feed In battered, worn and burnt pans, nnd the housewife who Is using partially cleansed pans te cook Ihr fend must net be surprised if the (hemieal icaetlen between the pan nnd llip feed cause digestive disturbances. Mmv rnseq nf rent acrlnns iitnrh ances of this character can be traced' te this source. Often when I see the housewife con cen trntedly using cracked and chipped illshc. T wish that I could take her into a laboratory and place these dishes under a powerful glass and- show her net only the bacteria, but also the danger of using inch dishes. Make this test for jeurself. Place in n cracked i up a little of the bacon drippings from the skillet mid set the cup swnv until 1 tht fat Is cold, then remove the fat and wash the cup In the usual manner with the regular dishes. New fill this cup with het tea and let stand for a. few minutes and note the tiny particles of fat floating en top of the tea. Alse if you have a fine discriminating taste. note the odd flavor of the tea, and see if it Is net tinlike the dish water. New break this cup open nnd note the matter that has filled up this crack and then take a magnifying glass and leek at thii material. The filthy, deadly fly is a menace te health, and there is no real excuse for Its being in the home. If you can timcl with a fly en its journey for a fen- minutes, I am sure that no one could induce j en te cat anything it has tome in contact with. Every little while an entire family is seriously ill nnd perhaps one and nrn two have died, nnd then comes the word that the deadly ptomaine germ is netlve and the real cause of the trou ble. Quite recently a noted chemist re marked thnt the careless storage of feed in partially chilled boxes or refrig erators was the cause of this trouble. The ice chamber in the refrigerator needs te be kept full of ice if the feed is te be Lept at n temperature that will prevent spoiling. De net cover the ice and expect te hnve this ice te main tain the chill of the tefrlgerater below danger point. Mnn.v feeds will develop the deadly ptomaine germ if stored in warm places nnd jet show no real visual evidence of decay or spoil. Hhiir n thermometer in the refriger ator and see thnt sufficient ice is kept in the Ice chamber te maintain a tem neratuie below 4! degrees 'Fnhrenheit. The bread and cake box, tee, will need sppcml attention and n semi-weekly scalding and then sunning in the early morning sunshine will keep this recep. taele sweet nnd clean. Meld quickly forms en bread during the warm, moist season nnd se quickly does this bacteria develop thnt even the bread just freshly baked Is often affected if placed in the be where such bacteria hnve developed. See thnt only small quantities of dials nnd flour nre en hand. It is best te purchase these commodities in small quantities during the summer sea son. Kneh housewife should determine te dcstiej nil mice, rnts and vermin and te see that the rnfrage pall Is kept lop, covered anulTicansed dally with strong soda nnd soapy water. DREAMLAND ADVENTURES The Peer but Proud Slaters Hy DADDY Innct, turned 'into a Faiiy Ged- "i ", c', ""d Jnck turned mte a "my deblin, acki te help thice peer "nt proud ei ithan sistrra gain fame mill feitunc. Anne limits te be a jrat linucr, Muttlda uanta te he a Inuinui cool, nnd Itesc Maiie wants te fashion f teds for wealthy ladies. CHAPTER III Tests That Fall A X.NI3, tli Ider of the tlirce orphan .sistei , wns linppy when the epera ueusn innnnKPi' mid lie wns looking for a slngpr with n sweet elee. She wns read) te Nhew him she luul a elue that weiild win fnmp nnd fortune. I he mnnagir led them Inte the opera Iieiisp. . "'!e nn flic I'PM," he nnid. stage ami .sing jour Ami will jeu give me a thousand e Inrs a night for Kinging for you?" asked Anne. , ""uli!" gi unfed Hie mnnagcr. i.uV' ' mmt Me"r J0Ur 'c0-" Sing a simple song," whispered '"et as Anne climbed en the stage. neet notes Anne snng. sweet nnd fimple. Then, ah befeie, her voice rose ilRlirr. And ns It rose higher it grew d'rlll nnd hnrsh. "Step!" jeled the mnnngcr. "Step jnijt horrid iieIm Yeu are driving folks nwnj from my opera house." And mi she wns. I'elks who had come te buy tickets for the opera hcaid '"e paueallng and the squalling nnd they ran awny ns fnbt ns they could. The njnnnger In hla rage at losing trade, "new his hat at Anne, and then his "Me, and then his shoes, I nr down the read they halted te enteh their lnenth. Peer Anne went. '.Neter mind, dear sister," said Ma "'In, frjlng te console her. "I will win rlclies with mv cooking ns seen as 'can find n rich baker for a partner. '!" I will take enre of you and Sister Kese -Mnrle." Matilda turned e Janet nnd .lack: "INense, Fairy "lodmether anil Jelh Oeblln, help mc te find my rich baker.' ' .! it-lk wiM "" tl?' lr. Uli gefc. !n note had cauaht a mnuin frnm lha "I smell fresh cookies." "Perhaps the smell nines from the bnkeshep of Mntlldn's rich linker," said .inner, "i.et us go nnd sec. " Thpv fnllmti..! thn uim.11 nf , f.J, cookies and it led them te n large I , , " .." . . .:"- "' " "" dnck untitling n little en from tlie main highway. They peered within nnd snw n pertly baker busy at his evens. Janet rapped en the deer. 1ll.,nue 1 tlnl, 11.!.. ......... 1...I.. a. ...ir..-, ..At, tiunvi , llln .tUMHK lllll.t , Is seeking fame nnd fortune with her cooking," she snld, presenting Mntlldn. "Will you take her into jour shop as u i partner?" "Right gladl v wll1 I de thnt," l growled the bnker. "I need it new i cook (eijiclp me In my work. To gether wet will win great iIcIicn, Hut. first she must piove her skill nt cook ing." Matilda went te weik nt once, making biscuits nnd enkes nnd cookies. "Make a pie, loe," whispered .lack i te her, for lie rememhered new deli rious had been the pie she had ntiidc in her home. Hut Mntlldn shook her bend, "I wl'l show thnt I cm cook every thing." she nnsvvered. She put her biscuits nnd her cakes and her cookies into the even, nnd bnked them until they were done. Matilda drew the trajs from the even. "New we shall see what a fine cook jeu arc." said fhe baker. He picked up n biscuit it was ns hnrd ns n rock. He looked nt the cakes they had fallen flnt. He tnsted a cookie it was lumpy and sour. The rich baker flew Inte a rage. "Yeu have been playing u trick en me," he bellowed. "ou are no cook. Yeu have wasted my flour and my eggs nnd my milk. Oet out of try shop." At that he began te pelt peer Mn tllda with the hnrd biscuits, nnd she fled in dismav. Her sisters nnd Janet ; and Jack followed fast, 'for the linker turned his fire of biscuits ngninst them, nnd the reckllUe biscuits hurt when they hit. "Never mind, dear sHer." panted Rese Mnrle, c niching" up with Mn- i tilda. "I will win fame nnd fortune with my needle, nnd (hen I will care for jeu and Sister Anne." (In the next chapter Hese Marie gets a chance te show what ahe can de as a fashionable dressmaker.) PEARL NECKLACES RESTRUNG, 25c A 80c E. u. naajnaaaa 101 Cbattaet St. HAIRPRESSING BOBBED HAIR 7C MARCEL & CURL OC JENNY SELTZER'S SALON WO Cheatnut I'hene WM. Vi47i Roem SOfl (Ine lllitlit Vp R0BERT8 AND MANDER STOVE COMPANY QA8 COMPANIES AND DEALER8 The Only Orltnal' I c MELENE SALON Permanent : cJIairWaiina Bobbed Heads $25.00 te $35.00 A Ilelr Tlnttns Ne Xljt a l'ad I . 102 S. 13th Street J Krnnrdy Bide. Tak Elerater J Thenra: Walnut 7MS-1SB3 J 'Ah, ha!" he cried. v In every lass satisfaction - W ffl Delicious and Refreshing Ml EVENING IUB1jIG WHAT Ifl If AFFKNfSO AMtOAt)? Oppealle (he edlterlnt Pase t very day In the inernlna Punt.le I.pikigr In n nana nf for f Men tiewi. pecll cables from l'tim te i.r.nar correspondents in nil if ipertani ntwa eaniari or tn worm, -rne i'jmi.iu i.Enum mi". ."1" than IIIO.OOO ..month in earn iiein ieii 'Make tt a Habit." Adv. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM nemeTDandnia-stnMHalrrlllB Hftlnr CViIa Anil Btmutr te Gray ana Faded Mali BJjjjxcjjji2JJijJjJJ2g52JiJt THE TRAINED NURSE INFANT SHOP 1810 Chestnut St. Nelfi After June 1 we'll lie located nt ISO, Chntnnt Hlrwt. Silk-and-Weel Shirts $ J.25 Infants' Hand-Made Slips, $1.75 Phene, Spruce 2193 OUR STORE ORDERS Increase Your Personal Value Appearance count theae da. Our plan enable jeu te dreaa well with clethlnjr from the leadline re tall aterea of 1'klln. Aeu par na In moderate amount that will net tax your rarnlnxa, na tlienaanda hnve been delni; for Hie Pmt no .venra. WRITC TOR DETAILS TONIGHT 1H:3 1023 Marriett Bres. 1118 CHESTNUT STREETS Try a Rese Vanilla PUDDINE DESSERT Made in three minutes. A 10c pack age makes 7 delicious helpings. Can you think of any ether genuine dainty se delightfully convenient, se eco nomical, se all-round satisfactory? Eight Flavers At Ail Grocer, 10c, ISc Fruit J'uririlne Cn., Iliilttoiere, Ml. Careless Shampooing Spoils the Hair Seap should be used ery care fully, if jeu want Ie keep jour hair looking Its best. Met soap1 seap1 and prepared shampoos rentnin tee much alkali. This dries the nlp, innkes the hair brittle, mid ruins It. The best thing for steady use Is Mulsifled corennut oil shnu.poe (which Is pure nnd greaselessi, and is better than anj thing eNe jeu ran use. Twir or thrce teaspoonfuls of Mulsifled In n cup or glns with n little warm water is sufficient te cleanse the hair and sculp thor oughly. Simply moisten the bnlr with water nnd rub It In. It mnkes nn abundance of ilch creamy lather, which llnses out cusll, lemevlng cverj particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excess oil. The hair dries quickly and eenly. nnd ,lt lenves the scalp soft, and tfie hair fine ami sllkj. bright, lustrous, fluffy and easy te manage. Yeu can cet Mtilslfied cocoanut ! "II shampoo at any pharmacy. It's cry cheap, nnd a few ounces will, Mipplj eery member of the fnmilj for months. He sure our ruc- Blst Rives jeu Mulslficd. Adv. mM mWuzi EDGER PfillliAiBELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1922 Wi ftp? I li : li Ciiinlnt, ni'imlrlnit, SterlOR H.TERZIAN ffi 15th and Walnut SU. eJ re. .: nerrrr .MiLMaaaaj) . A. jj6At BL.8b. ' 103B Cbcatnut Btrtft FiretAmengCleamn Phene Locust 3940 for Free Demonstration Premier Service Ce. 54 N. 13th St. We liars parla In ateck for nil rremler and Frent Premier Cleaner. The choice of thoughtful mothers Victer Bread 6 Big Leaf At all our Stores '4 B.fiiMSaijl ii ttifeufcc com ., it iii hi mm j mi': i,iii!ii,iiiiiiiiiii!i!iiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiii'i:i,;,ii,i 111,11 " Cocoanut TASTYKAKE will satisfy The Taste of the most particular housekeeper. It is a home - made cake minus the trouble of baking it. feM 9 iMWnf mmmisML..wmma imwmMmmmmmmammmr , t-"aaj! mmmimmmmmi SS 19c " , - " ";'', , tea wamim awMmmmmmmmmmMumm -1 TTT - T - r "- Permanent Hair Waving 23 CURI.8. US Entire Bobbed Heads, $25.00 Ppfdal proeeMferrrayhair Den by Malt Etpcrlt MME. I. L. HEOKER 25 SOUTH 52ND ST. .Open Evm. ex. Wed. Ilet. lO-UOp SPECIAL' .Permanent HalrWaving 3D curia lr Wli'eli' hVad '(In- IOC etndliur l)elb) . . rMARCUS FRIEDE 279 S. 52nd St. n.M rlMii. lcfrtt KVffnftftffflu . Phent Salmons 10343 and WH3mmJ Permanent Waving by the Nestle fivofem w.a Mnmt "iNnrTO" napldi'MTiYy; Hair Djelne. lti7w4Mf III Klnda of Hair 'IWI' Werk In- yrn I'.cperta N. W. THEE S3 Se. Oth (Wal. SIM) Tl Summer Capes and Dresses ie your measure Exceptionally Priced $75 Ak $60 Caees !S&. Dresses of of Vete Dotted Crepes de Chine $35 All Spring Suits & Capes 25 Less Canten nnd Iteshanara Crepe WUh Stlk fringe $50 Gray or Mack Caracul Trimmed $65 &&ettlieb Tailor fJirasiuii&er Furrier 122 S. 13th St. Permanent Waving by Oil Our new OIL method in suics your hair against breaking or losing its lustre. OIL steaming ertly takes 10 te 12 minutes and we fully guarantee every wave. Henna Tinting The. only safe method. Light, medium nnd ilarl' brown shades. Hair pieleusly spoiled by de3 will be restored te proper color. APrjfc I I'lione. I.eruat 3827 H ntM i LrnM m MmA.m-m WANAMAKER'S Down Every Weman Contemplating a Navy Blue $18.75 l ; i ' ! $46.50 Levely White Silks for bridal gowns or graduation frocks. Piicea are low for such estimable qualities. Shimmciinp; white radium, 40 inches wide, $2.75 yard. Lustrous taffeta, 33 inches wide, $1.25 yard. Heavy Canten crepe, 40 inches wide, $3 and $3.50 yard. Beautiful crepe satin (a gleaming satin finish one side and dull crepe the ether), 40 inches wide, 3 yard. (Central) Women's Geed $1 Stockings Of mixed silk-and-fiber that leeks just like heavy silk and wears remarkably well. The stockings have cotton tops and soles and seamed backs; they come in black, white, Kussian calf, cordean, pole gray and taupe. (Crn(rnl) Undermuslins I at $1 In the White Sale A dollar gees a long way in this White Sale, especially in the buy ing of quality. Materials are se much finer than last year, laces are better and it even seems that styles are pietticr, tee. Envelope Chemises aie particularly dainty, especial ly these of bancd voile trimmed I with wee tucks, French knots and lace. Others arc of pink or white batiste in many styles. $1. i Colorful Step-ins arc of fine striped voile in orchid, pink, blue or white, edged with I lace. $1. Extra-Size Nightgowns of durable snowy nainsoek hav.3 ( pretty cmbioidcred medallions, ' insertions, laces and ribbons. ( They have the round or squaie necks and short sleeves that women like. Seme show the dainty casings of material above insertion. Of ceuvse, plenty of dainty nightgowns in legular , sizes at $1. Drawers in Extra Sizes .Durable white muslin drawers I are in regular and extra sizes, with deep luffles of embroidery or i lace-trimmed lawn. $1. (Central) Sale of "War a" Straw Rugs at Lewest Prices 27 x54 inches - - 75 c 6x9 feet - - - - $3 SO 36 x 72 inches - - $1 8 x 10 feet - - - - SS 4.6x7.6 feet - - $2.50 9 x 12 feet - - - - $6 They're the Quality Usually Known as Grass Rugs and Are Ideal for Summer Hemes, Shere Bungalows and Perches "Wara" rugs are our own rugs, made in Japan, according te our own specifications, of the first quality rice straw that is used in a grade of runs usually known as "grass" rugs. "Wara" stands first of all for freshncts, and that is the most important point about straw iws. ,r ""u nt uii hi a variety ei goea Each rug is bound all around. a . Mrtiy iWi oivce yuiuueb, Wanamaker's Stairs Cape Should I Special Sale of Corsets 65c , ,A gathering up of a thousand pairs of ceiscts from our own stock a few of this, a few of that, but all perfect goods. Of white and pink ceutil and figured materials in a great number of models suitable for slender, average te medium stout figures. Sizes 21 te JO, but net all sizes in any one style. Bandeaux Special at 25c diffc2ntk.t"cS!lll sSalIUyVLd.CSh r brChC tCria,S in ma"y (Cfntrnl) IELICATE lemon cleansing cream has a spicy -r lemon scent, and v,e can't say tee much for its cleansing properties; enough te say that women who use it once ask for it again and again. , $1 50Cenvenient tubes- 33c; 'ars' Zoc and 50c; large cans, $1 and (Cfntrul) Summery Gingham Frecks Arrive by the Hundred $2.50 te $8 What variety! What freshness and charm ! Dezen and dozens of different styles in brand-new fresh frocks of qheerful wholesome ginghams: Here aie checks of all sizes, nnd gay plaids, trimmed with Peter Pan cellars of white pique, roll cellars of white embroidery, sashes and insets of white organdie or effectn e cros cres stitchery done in black. All of the dresses aie simple and practical and repeated tubbings will net injure them. In red, navy, light blue, brown, lavender, pink, gieen nnd ellew. Sizes 11 te 46. Beth frocks sketched aie $3.25 and come in red, brown, green or blue checks. ( Miirkrl) The Prices Speak for Themselves ui me rugs, mere are any room in me Heuse, offices, etc. (fliealnuO 1 rl J , WANAMAKER'S j; w ? Stere Mi ? M JV, 'til M mili- 4 m See These at $16.50 and $1 8.75 They are by far and away the best value for the money that we have had this season. Of tricetines, French serges and Peiret twills in dark navy blues, and all of re markably fine texture, smooth and closely woven. Every cape is lined with silk, and at the two prices there is a choice of some thing ever two dozen different styles. Trimmed with long silk fringe, short silk fringe, wide bands or cellars of em broidery or borders of nailhead studdings. Seme have no trimming whatever and they're very smart. Special at $16.50 A little group of colored velour capes and wraps in lighter tones. All lined with pilk and all originally priced higher. V (Mnrkrt) Imported Cotten Epenge in Sports Celers, $1 ' Plain colors, 38 inches wide, are in pretty blues, lemon, orange, green, bonfire, brown, tan. etc., at $1 yard. Novelty stripes, plaids and checks are in red, blue, green, brown and the like. A geed time te get enough for a striking sports frock or skirt is new while the assortment is se nried. 38 inches wide, $130 yard. (Central) 1 r T paiierns ana coleripw3. A? patterns suitable for all tfiv X'-'t L'Sh'. (.( m 1 A r n l --w- ; Eft, .r t .Vi ai(yilj ,i ), lyfif A- y. ' X (ijtl'i k K. ....If"., V 1 A jr .V2Sa&i i brw; v v "" V. , . .? .-" .' .j., 0'.7 - ij.i,( ,- '." L'j ' - , V t -X li