.K.4i'tf 1 - Pvi,w3m"S7v'" "mskSX f " T,Vi-Vwt WWST-rT3i"T4rV-,lt, M8?a ; v - &! ?. r,t "' ' " i, .acftfi Vfiv . s . " 1 r. -xr; J - ' ? ' - .. .miB I r - " -r - - r F EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1922 Mr" " ' W''V' UL 1 te h. M. 17' N b i IS tiMaul and Virginia fc5A w$A. Lecture en Psychosis rU CHUCKT.Kl) ns he m down I" flintier nnil rr1 licr humoreu-clv. iJtll !..., Inf tlln (.tf.lf. till! "vii mm.' hi v .-.....- "' joke one sniu inuui inuui Kently. "I whs tliinUnc nbeut nld Jehn Miller. down nt tlie efliiv. Up is tlie funnlet pimp I pvpi knew. I'rup; Tlml's lil Utile vice" "Oil, .vnii moil and your soeret vlcci." "Who h n i d liny tiling nbeut secret vicei? Larch. Vir ginia, Jehn Miller li nrniiil of Ills pride. h'n no -pcrPt. lle S3' --vm WAjJW ii'a bti thr whole wide world te knew U... He's Kcnslblc as pan bp in hlislnpss and J&;aH that, but he's proud nn Lurlfer PSWwnt well, that's the funny thins ' kheut lilin: Iip.'s Inst nreuil of ills own Kit onlnlens nbeut thliurs. He'.s " K ' ''Thnt's jut ordinary oeiu'elt. Isn't iL';V . , Bi J' J uun l niitin, .rimii im-- -"'" tfitnffs lln tlifnLu nnrnr. I . ppl I llifli? i ithet s en the pitnbllshi'd order is "Pep, jeu knew, is famous first ns a rinathenin te Jehn. He doesn't argue I drunkard' and as a sreat writer after after ftbeut It. He just delieis his own epin- , Wllrd. Thorenu is reniembered tiist he he Ien en the matter under discussion and pause of his niiialus pnrstmem and for then withdraws into his .shell with u hH philosophy afterward. Nien is klml of n spiritual sneer that surt of known for his love nffnlrs first and for makes n fellow feel defeated." peetrv seeend. Why, thpv pnn't even "Must be n nipp eharaeter te have te Wltt.'n meinelr of (Jeneral Grant with associate witk nil da." niurmured ir- , hlntlns that he ued the whisky ginln Ironically. ( jug parelessiv nnd Miieked heaven knows "He's reallj -i likable fellow. That - , manv eisars n d.ij." .what's ciurer about It. I've known ft Virrinln sIl-IipiI let or men who will argue jeu iii inn and down nbeut ipiecr idem they have. and tliPV almost net jeu te beliee their way. Hut old Jehn does nothing of tlie kind. He's mere spbt'c lie just let". the gnus down there talk en and en, nd then s.iddenly he pokes up his .Ijead, hurls a bombshell of one or two sentences into them nnd then jeu an I count their mangled remains all ecr, the place." I !'Oh, these folk who have madc-te- order epigrams always in stock bore me j frightfully," murmured Virginia. I "There's always some one like that te t Jnst spoil things." I 'Om Jehn is like a tlnsti of pepper, like cayenne, nnd he'd he enjejnble If It were net for his infernal pride. He fairly oozes wdf-satlsfaetlen after he Weman s Life and Leve . By WINIFRED IIARrEK COOLEY Meeting Your Old Sweetheart YOU women who are forty have ex perienced that with a thrill and horror, or regret. it is a marvel ous thing te see HIM once mere, after many jenis' Yeu may lie with out much senti mentality and n buxom mother of a large family. He may be bew nicker ed, or fat or tire some ; or else, just easy-going a n d jelly. ou both may laugh easily and goed-naturedly ever the puppy love dajs, and eon een cratulate p a h f WINIFRED HARPER COOLST ether en net having married nt thut Ubm. OR YOt tuny meet under the most romantic and disquieting plrcum stances. Kaeh may have developed n rreatcr beauty, because of nature, and a finer mind, nnd deeper character. Time may have softened the violent tempers, and you may bitterly regret the hasty quarrel, and the letter' that brought him back his ring. Kach may be tied te an uncongenial mate, or one may b widowed. "When we were twenty-one." jeu slfh. Then, "IS there such nn age an twenty-one!" Your boy nnd girl leek with scorn en .the hnndseme, white-haired lawjer They think of you both ns "old folks." and such a thing ns romance between you would make them jell witli derision. i. Yet appreciation comes enlj after ex perience, suffering, a long list of fail ures, and many acquaintance!-, with whom one computes the ONE. who really was unusually fine nnd steadfast. "Of all snd words of tongue or pen. tba sadden are, It might have been!" A WOMAN I knew had loved madly CX a brnlinnt college boy. when he was 7, -nineteen and she seventeen. Their uni versity werK wns equally remarkable. They vied with one nnethrr in clever 1 achievements. Yet they found tlm te WAnflai. 1. Il.nnli.nl nn.iJneu 1... ..... , I- iihuuii .., i,uitii,i h.ii.ii us i,, iiiuuil- .' lifht and dream of domestic delights te come. Ah, that first leVe ; nothing ever quite resembles It, its maddening bliss. There were heartrending misunder standings. False friends separated rled tt Klrl te whom she had introduced him. Hn wns romferr.ihlv hm.nv. An.. bitien carried him te thp height. He became m famous that I cannot tell jmi the position he new lield, it Is to te to lessal. She, tee, was fulrl) happy In the jog- t-w f n.lnnni. ... n , i . n. ....! . 1. .1 1 nrofcasienal mippcss. - Twenty ears afterward he found her across a continent He wevninaxed at ' the youthful beauty she had retained. ' M wns n bniwisemn hm e ' i. ' ..' mn. Up Indeed nenle iVrL . ,, I included himself in the hnrsli iuik'- I . meats. Hut the old snell enshrouded jrjatbtm. The jnMiune nnd the magnolias "! me irenieai moeniignt of "tlint lest Wiftime and thnt far clinic" overpowered SCfata senses. He strucEled with his ni.i .' ui " i .:. "lip""1 ',u"i fiiiHiuerpu, ami nt insi feWent his way. The woman wns gently leacneu, nut ncrs wns the larger world, despite bis fame. t-Ti Aai. tney met, when she nnd s(1f. fw . XI. fered terrible misfortunes nnd nn ffr t the depths of despair. Hut still she jWMHnlled, and felt nlniest contempt. He vwwf nw g'w...l...M ..in, n, sen -s.llisnt'11, u ""i i en tne ii-rent Jinn, nccustemed SMSIt Wng bowed down before. M'VtAnd se it gees. The yenrs develop us !.Cii Ml BtrailEP wns. nnd Ibn tem, ....... fc?iK5?tl.O admires a Ctrl for nlnlc eheflfs n.l TO flaxen hair may find her brainless nnd I fi .Stupid, or hnrsh nnd shrill, ns a woman p of forty. Or the girl who is fascinated y ey tne neys football achievements ma i S nd lilm In mnturp nge n rather licaw, fS5 Unattractive tqulre. ?2 lHR mernl nenld tm i,. l. . c,.i.i i'ir "... ... I..-. .i,iini riSK''!' murrlnges. If we select our fiV&m partner when he. or she H fnlrly L'tvifinature nnd shows icmlencies tmvnrli K"ttrtan llnei of conduct, we pan guess lifMitlif outcome. Hut If we jump Inte Ettai") wng-miip ceiitnict with n chlldisli. IWWiatum crcature wp ennnet conceive L'Vrif"Just what the future will nvile. f Rv"jttaer her. Yeu may say thnt umr-fcL-FlafS is it lottery nn)wn), but surely ifpnrfu inn. up iiusemiciy unnil vi Asanitsii meiiip wtsilniii In ,ln.i.i.i.iifT fnd.l. .fWif n Kites n mtie ut results ,Nt ienceajiuve YOU hnd in 4H VnllH AhllilkAn.I i,....kna. wmu-ph nnivt- "Ihl 'urncremfr nnq, iTwaMf t My IIKI.KNA 1I0YT CKASt lin pet ten nff ehp of hl rnMPi'-lllp llirnvN. Tlmt'M whnt .pelN it."' Virginia lieurrd (he coffee. "Thnt's thp vvn with incut people In this world, I gtirsx. IMtj l'ranc N t ii p iipit cireeii ueiiiini In this town, lint clip always t:il;ps tlie edge off llP.' 1 1 tii nmli liv telling pvprvhedy just hew iinirn npr new iiiuurrii suit pest lipr. and 1ip nlwnjs wants te show j en thp Paris label In hpr lints." l'aul neddpd. "Yep. I knew " "And I think It's thp sanie way with pvorbedy who pevpcs nil niuisnal distinction. Tlip nueer thins is that most distinctions tire feiindpd en a wrong prlnciplp. Iluiiinn IipIiire are proud of unique vIpps and fallinsx be cause " Slip hesitntrd. trepins for thp thought Must bpcausp they nrp iiuhiup. that nil. III1I1PJ . Sfllll I'aill. n'l.nt'u !... I, ' ........... 1 Vt..n!nln "Whj Is it. henej ? Why - Paul grinned. 'I m afraid it ' tee ilrep for me. dear." he said nnimblv. "1 cuess if .nine (,f these sharps who knew nil about pj pilesis if that's the right word ftni eeniplexes and things, wanted te explain It, they'd saj it was the envy 0f mass mediocrity." "Goodness, Pnul, that sounds terribly trite." H,. laughed shortly as he lighted a cigarette. - guess it's the tritest thing there Is, nt that, dear." Hut Virginia only sniffed pentemptu- euslj at her Jerd s unaccustomed su- perieritj . Tomorrow Vice, the Serdllni; The Unconscious Sinner Ry HAZKI, DEYO BATCIIELOR ttrcnii'i' Clcn litlnrf,c!d icme tn viarru him. Dirk Whcclrr uttruipti tMiriWc lie ii uncd III thr appear ance of An guardian. Crtic; I'hrlpi, irhn. when he heart the story, be Uevei Clen te he a fcheming urirm me", and decide te pap her haek hy trlnniny her lore, nnd then telling her Am real opinion of hei . On the night that Clre and Carey meet, Clee treat e a ptopetal frnm lieh ' worth, and fAn fact ceidt her hap ;mir in meeting Carey, trhem the immediately iir.. i'atey letci 110 fimp in ecjiiiiiiHS Am campaign, and e?li Clee if he may call. A few tnhtuten lefere Ac is expecting him, Heb Ellswerth arrhes en the scene. The Wprst Happens TiEO realized that whatever she had te say te Reb must be said quickly. If Carey Phelps arrived nnd understood the situation he would immediately jump te the conclusion that she was a girl who liked te trifle with men. Desperately she faced neb. her fingers tightly interlaced and her face drained of color. Her voice was very low ns she spoke. "Listen. Reb. Last night 1 ran away because I knew what jeu were going te say te me and I didn't wan' te hurt you I don't care for you that way, nnd r can't premise anything bemuse I knew that I'll never feel any differ enr " "Ven did (are for me, Clee. until last night, jeu pared for me!" Clee shook her head. "Yeu'ie mistaken. I!ub " "Yeu did. I could swear it! Yeu innde nie think jeu did. ntiywa." "Reb. don't 'ny that!" There was almost a sob in Clee' voice. "Say you don't mean that. I'.nb. Whj. we'e ncter been mere than just geed friends!" "I can't say I don't mean It -when it's true. Yeu may net have meant te encourage nie, but j,eu did. 1nre I thought It was Dick Wheeler that you liked, nnd when lie went abroad I de cided thnt, nfter all 1 was mistaken. New I'm beginning te realize the truth. Yeu prebabh get tired of pour old Dick, just ns you're tired of mr. '. s,1!'r 'here some one pKp just aDn'" r'.a" '" J'im.P into nn shoes.' Clee had dropped Iwek from him nnd n queer little hunted leek had leaped Inte her c.ies She was renlizlng hew all tee true Meb's ncctisntien would seem if Cnre I'helps were tn wnlk into tlie loom nt thnt moment First Ick i1 "'" r ''"' '" .'"," '"al'r "f nm ,Ht V,,! , , WnM nI,f1'!1 ", ' '"? 1 , lf "' irr,imMan"' '"' "1? , nml. , "s n"w " wnv "lr ?eemed like a blind alley .' Is herc ..I!1P one els..?" Heb was 'Is there nme one else' asking reughlv. "Weren't vnu expect- ine some one lenisni .' .nswpr me truth fully If )ou can !" Te Clee came the sudden temptation te lie, but almost Instnutlv lier head went up and she met Heb's nngr eves squnrely. "Yes, I nm expecting some one to te night, hut whnt you t,n tn't true." "(If course net," he sneered. ' 1 wouldn't expect )ou te admit it. but mark my words some clny )m'l be caught in your own net nnd' then it will be veur turn te suffer the conse quences." "Without another word, he left the room, but he had hardly reached the hall when the bell rang !mpcrieusl Clee's heart leaped nnd then eon een tracted. ns though some one had spl7ed it nnd were slew!) sq'ieezlng the bleed out of It The two men wen'il nni eai'n ",lf',' '" '"'' hall and U wns ine- '"i""' that recognition would take plnre What then'' What would be the renc- uun ln "1P ll,ar' " '"' " manf Heb, of course, would believe that hU Mimmlng of her hnd been true, and Cnrev I'helps could nut fall te see thnt n 'scene of some kind hnd tnken place prier te his coming, rneenselniiN of tlie fnct. Clee swaged lightly lis she steed theie listening. She could henr Mary en her way te open the deer, and then there was an uneon uneen uneon sciennbly long wnit before the deer closed, (Jut in the hull both men had come fnep le fncp under the hull light. As Clee hnd feared the rpcegnitlnn hnd been iiistnutaiieeiis nml although neither mail spoke. Ciuey icnllzcd with llglil-nliig-llkp Intuition thnt this s thp boy Clee had been nt the dnncu with Inst night, nnd thnt evidently she had just glveu him his conge, r .aJffl'iBfch. fM I 1, 7W ( Tj(wtew Ifce Brilaft;.reJLat Please Tell Me What te De IJ.v CYNTHIA I I Says "Harp's" Search Is In Vain j lie.ir t'jnlhln This Is nt) llrst en-i hup In wilting te mi) newspaper, but en I rending our most IntcrestlnR column en ntl Ice for the Inxelern, I couldn't i irsl)t the temptation I de net seek i niMci', Just tlie opposite, I just wish te' limp en "Mr Hnip" I have coine te1 the conclusion that net nil cuckoei are leund In decks I wonder where you KOt , the gumption te state the geed qunlltlcs our future wife must h.ixr. Are you ns I perfect n )ou want jour wile te be. Mr. I Imp" . Toe had I can't encourage ou. Mr Harp, but first of nil, jour Ideal Is an lnipeslilllt , second, slip would be tee perfect te Iop, Wild. iic would lip tee pnpulnr for jeu te sep her ery much, as such n species of tlie fcninlp sex Is 1 greatly In demand, nnd fourth, she'd he se conceited, that jour leu would I ist a month at the nifct I am a inrl of tedaj . In ether words. I dnnce, sw'lm, can row n beat, a geed i athlete, take a d.ne when It Is lea'en- able am a geed sport nnd hne bobbed hall nod brown eyes, Went 1 d , Mr I Harp" Hen l leek tee long, as jour searching Is all In .itu. and don't keep vtair lad) ft lends In suspense Al.NKS M ! Frem a Flapper of Forty-one Dear Cynthia I am a jeutiir girl of fort) -one autumns and fnlrly Reed looking. Although I have a few wrinkles, with the nld of n. few cos metics I can mnlie imself kek very attractive. 1 suppose I nm what )0U would call n "Mapper." ns t have all the "requirements." i p, chew gum. dance, di Ink soda water quite freely, ge1 en picnics, wear sdk stockings, sk rts te the "hoeteps nnd tan shoes In short, I inak quite n hit with III" bes ltut this Is inv trouble I nm In love with .i be) thiee cars nn senior and t lieliee that h is In lme wlih me, nltlu ucli l.e i'er told me se . This sild be Is ei geed looking ana buys me nil the ice cte.ini nnd caud) thnt I can eat, but never takes me out te theatres or shows Onre t nsked him te tak .i wnlk with me, but he new. stlncd out of the house until abcut 10 o'clock when It wns dork I nsked him what the tieuble wns, and he asked me If there, was any way In which I could gt my nesa straightened, as It 19 slightly out of alignment. New Cynthia, enn ene help the ivav tones nose was made'.' I'lense advise ma what te de In your helpful column, las It wculd kill me te gte him up. I But we cannot lle happllj If he Is ) n shamed of inn. Cjntnla. nnd Cyn- thlaii", what would jeu de In my case? IMA PEACH. 1 If jeu are se popular with the boys whj den t vim gte up this one and take one of th. clhcrs Inite.id' Cvuthli l will le.ixe ii te the ' cjnthlans te adlse ion further In this. ,,s she has emtigh te de In tnlng te help these who are really in need of advice Get Interested In Something Else Pear I'Mithia Ven hae helped m.iin i people in then personal lee .ht.iIix, and new 1 come t" jut with mine nfi CMirse I lend jrur lelunin eei) ee-i Mug and from the adv.ee jeu Rle te i uihuis nm si.re jeu can help me eut.1 Te begin with, I am er much In I lee I am a htenegiaphei and work In I i the president's nttke of a erj latgej concern I li.ne had er few' gntl. men friend", who hae been manj jenr.-. my senior, but imr re.Utv cued fei them Although I am jeung. I am si. erleus-minded that' I de net. as a rule, attract jwuig men but men that aie . mere matuie My friends have gr.id imllv mat rled ether girls, and I .mi alone. I haven t anj pannts and t! live with a lehitlve Being alone and having no ether InteteMs, I n.itur.-.lh am mere Interested In the ettke It I", in fact, the enlj Interest I hae ' New. Cjnthla. thu president of our concern is a erj geed-natured ind 1 quiei t)pe or a man lie i. et i utir,e. , ir ntell cent and et-v u.vitihv :,u inltheuRh he Is a man 'er nnali elder . have advanced considerably since the than mself, is unmairlerl outside of I "thirties" of the Inst ceighm , when IT.T' ll,',"irM. '' ls "l"u Imminent In , FJiigene Kell) landed in America: hut seelet) and is n -rseiinl filend of ... i,it,mrv f this remarkable mcr mcr setne of the wcaitniest and the nms' i V" ""rj ei i remnrhiuii .uncr well-known men it. the ,,,, m. i "'nn banker published nt the time of though he is vr, ,xtremd wealthv. "h s tastes are indeed simple, and m.iin times he would tathei wall, s-nernl miles te his Korceeuu hemu than n., " V.meKv,, ,,,.'' m, V'lr' T)iehp. landed in America he owned a pf en tippai P!ii suimise, l nni in 1ej .. ,i 111 i 1 m with this man Me has ne"e" "aid a I village school education, sixteen shill word te me. hut sometimes I patch him l"s nni1 ,1" clothing he werp. loelcln nt me with such snd eye. I ' He was twenty-six jenrs old and he try m Wt te let lilin leneu 't love ! went te weik In a dry goods store at S8 him. but sometimes when our eves meet i a Wpek Wmiir t,hhnUfnh ,1,,,t;,rr,.U,,,'?,U,;n. 'r ! l,ate; lie set .up in buslness for him- nis lunation tnni ne Is piv nervous and somehow or ether cannot 'collect his theiiRhts is will as In- jied te Mad, times he become excited when I romp Inte Ids lfem uiif Xin ted'v .I) ilar I den t Knn wh.it te thin ei what ti, de I am in the etlli e, the next mum te IjN diiMntj the iin), and In the ei nlns he seems te haunt me. Nr.(. m) dear Cjnthla, It --eenis almost an impr 'slhllity fei him te -n think of nie i iitslde of Just beln ,i ppm of efiUe fuinlture wnlch is eij e'-sn Hal in thf ilaih unitlne of the weil rnether point is that he Is sijrh prominent man both in the bushier n,cl social worlds while I am mil n st,.. nejrrnpher, a hlRher-pa'd sernnt. se te sneik HesldP' we nie uf e.rterenl f.ilth rieir ('within I am er. unhappy, and 1 would mere than appreciate It If nu weiim nevisp me wnat 10 no siiiall I I encourage h'ni mere or shall I be morn distant and relil te hliii" I think he 's ,. little -h and let win his nlfeitleiis It would sum te me that I would h.ie te I cn'eurace him ini.re Tie )ou thlnU it i would be the difference In our ages' lie is almost nm enough te be mi father hut r.Mith'n. I lee him net ns a father hut as n. swcctheait I'lease pei,e tell me what te de KITTY H Ten had better try te leek at this matter dtfferenth and de net allow )our hopes te run aw.i with )our common sene l"."n If such a thlntf ns you .no pensld'rlnp euld be pes'lble. de von , thltiK ' en v eulil be napp) with .1 innn se much elder than you and rf a dlf I ferent faith Try te find something that will interest ou In the eienlnRs se I that jmi ' ill nut hae se much time te I think about him His uneasiness when dktnt'iiK ii aj coma fiem our starlnK I at luni se hard f'jnthla knows it Ih hnrd te Pek at this frnm an unpreju i diced standpoint but If he does net earn 'for eti, dear this will enable ou te 'pet ever it oenir, and if be does he will let ion knew seen enough l.et t etne from litni If It Is point; te come ' lie net try te entourage him. .lust try te he natural WHAT'S WHAT py Helen Dcete A mother who cerrerts liet1, children's manners when lslteTH are piesent Ih really giving them it lessen In Incivility, 1 since courtesy dictates that esrvthlnK should be made pleasant for ftuests, who cannot be entertained by domestic dls 1 clpllne I Why. then, de women who "should I knew better" scold their children he ! fore cullers" One disconcerted visitor Ik of the opinion thnt the unpleasant exhjhltlen is Blven solely te Impress the roller with the fact that the mother has a Knowledge of the wny the chil dren ought te behave, unci vvIsIips te Im press the, caller with that Knowledge A woman of this type mal.es chlldien nervous and bad-tempered by her sudden nttucKs upon mem, se tuai sue noieiiis her own purprne by Hhewlng them at their worst. The time te correct the manners of children Is when nff critical strangeis are present. Children," Ilka adulu, jreaeut fluplic ftiunlUaUoe. i f&mW . 'icST9caTfcaaapagsm '''; '-T s HaVPS -Pvflfig BaBy y aB 't . ' 5tEjKa' At l ww y aaaL v W'r m. Twe Minutes of Optimism ll.v IIKKMAN ,1. STICII Tire Kellys What De Yeu Think? What is a proper allowance for the' llvitlR boy? pppiiM' of a fiftecn-jcnr-eld Itebert .1. Kell). nccerdlnc te n bill of particulars liled recently in the New Yerk SurregntP t'eurt. neciK Sill!.-! n month, liH ninther believes. Surrogate Cohalan, in doubt, referred the uiatrer te n lripree. Hebeit .1. Kell) is the crnndsen of Fugene Kelly, the millionaire bnnkpr, who died in 1MU v. ....n .,..... .i. ... . .- , '" "'" '"" ""t'"'- '"" "". t.m- ' his denth nffetds an interesting com purlsen with the uucstien hleh for some time has perplpxeil the court. When Kiigeiip Kelly, of County njiL ill i 111 ii' nt nun 111 ni" 11' i"i- lowed the trail of the "F'erty-Nlners te 'al i fei nin . In the reugh-nnd-iendy life of the frontier, he founded the fortune which made him one of the outstanding elf tn.iile of America's wealth) men. nn in splintlnn te ambltKius Irish lads intent mi seeking fame and fertunp In "the land of tli" free." The allow mice icipicsted by Mrs. Kelh te provide gasoline and amuse ments for flftcen-vcnr-eld Ueliert Is i Intger than the prandfuther s monthly salnr) when he was twcnt)-s ,-'arsef ' (1ge, ! Tl,n mnnililt- item fee Ttebert's "n. lendnnts is nearly ns much as bis grandfather earned in his drt lent- in America. i These and ether allowances are de manded b) the mother en the gipund thnt thp son needs them and that they are geed for him. Yet taking the two Kell)s by nnd Intge. nnd ether things being equal, we wonder which i better for a boy, the experiences of (irandfnther F.ugene or (Jinnds-Pii Itebcrt. Our vote would go. we think, for tlie let of grandpa whnt de YOt' think': Adventures With a Purse Hl'fti; Is seuiPlliln? thnt should be of Interest te an) body who bah need .. ..... - ;. i ,.c .1 .. et ii iinsniignt. ier ii is nm in mi- si peiuenlent nnd powerful ones have seen. Ir comes in n round bev sunilnr te the tin box )Oiir white shoe elennser Is packed In. The light itself is n tin one, net much larger than a len ient piece if ns large, in fact Hut the lid of the box Is highly nellshcd like a mirror, nnd the light from the little bulb is thrown out from that, making a cr bright nnd fnr-i caching rellec- 'ter. I understand cunt cuese were umu I during the war nnd hnw new been re lensed for popular u-p. The price of lone is SI.. 10. The .battery pan be re iienewed when necessary for forty eents. ' f certainly hope you will nsk te see one I of thee flashes if seu hnp any need 'of mipIi n thing for summer wnlks nnd camping trips. These hemic 1 bags are the draw string sort nnd are made of u combi nation of long bends nnd half-inch strings of smnller bends. They are. I should say reughlv, about six. inches In length, nnd will held most nil thp odds nnd ends with which we women consider It essentlnl te lead our purses. , The nice pnrt nbeut them Is that they . 'come in n number of colors, se thnt ' jeu probably could cheese one te match the color scheme of, jour best summer 'frock And their price Is most iea- i isennhle, for they arc marked at ! each. When I nsked if there wns nnjthlng new she could dl 'Or about for the ' Adventures she showed me n new pem- I part powder nnd rouge, which has just I come ever from New Yerk. Beth . powder nnd rouge are of excellent cpinl- I Itv. hut their speclnl fenture Is their , delightful spent. I sniffed critlcnlly. iiiiti thoroughly npprevpd. se I um pass, lug along the Information te the women who like a powder with u distinctive perfunip. Tlie compact powder conies' ln u metnl ruse, slightly mere ornate than the nvernge, nnd fnMs Sl..t0, A case containing both powder and rouge in smaller Quantities costs $l.ri() also. A Fer nmc- of shops addrru We mania Paca tailor or phone tyalnitt SOOO or Mala IW1 tvefa.Uw Mwi atilMi 8, 2&9 A beach robe of delft blue ratine is lined with flowered chintz te match the panels en the bathing suit it is worn ever. This wrap is convenient for playing en the beach . t before and after the bath. It is just warm enough te be nice in a sea breeze. fp rhote h Kadel A Herbert. The Weman's Excliange Removing Dye Spot Te the Editor of IFeman'i Paer: .'cur .uiiuiiui v in juu pit-ue ten me what will take the blue dye from fl rrn t ntit rf n min'u ii'KltA nfann iIa .. yv " vi u. until ii.nv v. vh v eciine sinin aikm. k. A strong f-olutlen of sodium salicylate In water will reme this stain, if you soak the damaged part of the material in it. Wants te Learn Addresses Te the Editor of Y Oman's Paee: Dear Madam Will )ou kindly print1 In your really helpful column the ad Jrcss of the Mnrrlnfte Bureau In New Ye-k City nnd also the address of the i Little Church Around the Cerner? It. , Marriage licenses in New Yerk City must be obtained from the Marriage lit- cense Cleric, i r"y Cleric. In the Ilfiii3flm.nl nf In. The Uttle Church Around . . V. . the corner Is at r. Kasi Twenty-ninth street. New Terlc City. Fer Slim Ankles Te the Editor el Weman's Page: Dear Madam I am a girl of nineteen years and have ery stout ankles. Kindly tell me hew te reduce them. M. It TXerclse will de this for you. There's a special kind of ene that consists or rising en uptee ana nrlnBlnir )our heels i back te the m-eimrl tn,.u" ?i .i,i. LV-Z I night as many times as' ou r.m with. uui BciueK uren. men walklnr, swim- minjr and dancing are fine for slender ankles In a Snfall Space In my small kitchen I have found , l -P,n'''St ,id?a 1".1,"I?'CS 'Vfrks out I well. The window sill is forty inches I mini the tlner. le this is attached n swniK inuie. naiiius nnd feeds. te ! kept cold nrp arranged en this, covered. nm left until needed. My thirty-fire, inch niixins table fits unilpr this. It is en casters se that it can be rolled wherever needed. Then I have a .me- covered table about twenty-four inches squnip nnd thirty Inches high which lit I uuilep the mixing table. This is nlse lnatlen. the piece of rubber, wns wliat en ensters nnd may be rolled tn the Ve new call "vulcnnied." Fortu stove when it is necessary te have n ' natelv (:oedear remembered that the plnee for utensils, ns in makins xvnffles. bflg lind beeii trented with sulphur, nnd or It may be used near the sink for i lm drelHed Hint suhihur in eombinatlen cutting egetnbles. or for collecting dishes m the dining room. E. ('., In Modern I'riscllln. Things You'll Leve te Make Summer PanceFreck Trin VW v ftlan wi Whnt could be mere appropriate for a SI MM Kit DA.VCK F'llOOK TRIM MING ttiail Hliruvs of daintT. snnrkllntr leaves of silver cloth? Cut small leaf shaped forms out of silver cloth. Lightly mark with pencil where you wish te linve thp spray. (If you can not de this have a spray stamped en the tunterinl, or en a piece of paper. If the Intter. baste the pntwr te the innterlnl. stitch en the leaves, then tear away the paper.) F'mbreidcr the i-rems witir siik or metal tureau. I Allew a line of the silver leaves te run ; from the top of the spray up te eeen shoulder and down below the hins. F'asten a large silk or velvet flower of fome bright color nt the. top of the spray. Thii RI'MMBR DANCK F'ltCKJK TKIMMJNO will leek gor ger gor jpeiis under the bright electric lights or under the glow of the moon, if worn et nn out-of-deer affair. FLORA. . 11 2 Ala t l V yy xi U' J 1 I r Fer a Short Time We Otter te Cut and Fit Slip Cevers or Draperies FREE With Every Purchase Ne Less Than 20 Yarda CRETONNES Half Price Imported nnil Domeetlo iOe te II Petltlvtlr Werth Doutile Furniture Made te Order Fer a Phort Time Only n Cretonne Slip Ceyer Given Free vtllh Mh e'. UphjlHered Wring uiUm or Hall Furniture Made te Order. We hve ir aeeerirneni or rrtmee te eelect from, elte a large line of fur niture covering". FrlwUes. sVeleure. Tapeetrln ana 811k Oamnik We gueniritee Jonitrucllen and material need. Our factory I. open for InepwUen nt all "". Furniture Reuphehtered and Refinished VCVGTANI7 IIPUniQTTOV m i 4 -. in vi IWIMIUII hi:, j ? "i T He Has Become a Weman Hater . at the Early Age of Twenty-four This Is a Tragedy, Because New He Will Try te Ruin His Life Se Much Mere Seriously Than Later On H E WHITKS thai he Is a confirmed woman hntcr nt (he ngp of twenty our. And the reason for It Is thnt nfter an engagement of four jcars his fiancee begnn te show signs of net being true te liiui, Te test her he stayed away from her for a day or two, nnd when lie went back te see her found the deer closed te him. ' He felt tW he wns much better off without her, ns, of course, he Is, If she was net going te be true te him. Hut he Is a wemnn hater nt the nge of twenty-fetfr. That is trngic. Fer at twenty-four n woman hater who has earned his title by nn cxpori cxperi cxpori ence like this has bur-one Idea, and that is te ruin his life, his health and his character as quickly and ns thor oughly as possible. He lias the same Idea as the little boy who starts te run away from home becnuse his mother won't let him play with the hose nnd get himself all wet. He guesses "she'll be sorry all right when she hears nbeut this. And the tragedy Is that the woman hnter of twenty-four, ngaln like the woman lmtev of eight or ten, always tomes hack. SOME time in his life there is sure te enter another woman. When he falls in love the second time he will fall deeper and harder and faster than the ordinary man. because it will be such a surprise te him. And then what will he have te offer the girl who has broken down all these barriers of hate? . Whnt Wnd of life !ha,ct WLU he have been preparing all this time? Whnt kind of pnst will he have te conceal or te confess? , Thnt la the time when he will suffer, all because of his own closing of his own henrt. HATING isn't worth the pleasure thnt anybody gets out of it. Of course it's hard for him new, everybody knows hew hard It is : It unfair when u mnu ha looked forward for four vears te happiness and n hente. -i " "."',, , i ,0,,.,.,1 tee sharp nnd midden te be rececrui t !. .t.llittnlt Of course n blew iikc mni is in".. ir"l ilium"! v , , , ,.,.i It is the natural, prlmitlvp little be impuhc te say stubbernly: ,,"c"' 1 don't enre. I hate women. I m going I te the dogs!" I Hut thnt Isn't manly, or big or even sensible; It's a waste of time and money and energy. irniu iiinmuimvi,i Can Yeu Tell? ?! R. J. and A. W. Bedmcr ... . . r i..i.i. w. Hew the Vulcanizing of Kubber Vtus THri)erCi Tn n prent manv wavs rubber, as i erginallv formed into articles for use. ' wni quite different from the forms in ' ...i.ii. fi.,,1 it tmlnv. Virtually its enlv use in the early years after its .. - t ...1.Imm '.m nr .llennrerr wns In llinklng glim Or rubber shoes. These were ensy te make, but when the weather became cold these shoes became hnrd and stiff, making them uncomfortable te wenr. while en thp ether hand In het weather they were sticky, which wns even worse. TIip problem of making rubbev mere useful and dependable nppenlcd te many minds. Among them wns that of Charles (Joedycnr. It wns while he wns examining the tubes of n life-prp-irarer which Imd bpremc useless thteugh 1 climatic conditions thnt he developed l0 thp preblrm of trentlng rubber te mnkc its use mere nrnPtlcnl. Mere the idea of ileetlng some ei nis nine ii,nn sli tpbi-s wpre snent in frultlrss ,,xncriment. nnd then the solution enme ' te him through a mere nppident. ' ()ne evening: ln discussing with his I brother one of his most recpnt failures. , n mbber mailbag whieh Iip hnd expectPd te sell te the (ievemment. a piece efi the rubber from the bag npcldcntnlly ' struck ngninst the het stove before htel. fhev were slttlnc. t'nen exam- i with the heat of the stove and the rub- J her caused vulennizntlen. Out of this long search nnd the lucky accident the 1 rubber industry hns grown te its pres lent proportions. I Toirprrew What Happens When Our Hands Chap? Read Your Cluiracter By Dxgby Phillips rilling the Sedentary Jeb In a previous article it was explained hew te pick a man for slew, pains taking, careful or plodding work. The position of n clerkship wns iipi1 ns an example. It was explained that per sons of darker complexion and concave profiles fit best Inte positions of this sort. Rut there are ether considera tions tn be taken Inte account. The work of a elcrk, ns n hi!p, is of thp sedentary kind. And there are cer tain types of individuals who de net fit well into sedentnry jobs, even though they may be the patient, concentrating, thoughtful nnd persistent kind. If you vvnnt te weed out the persons who de net fit thn sedentary job you will hnve te see them personally, and you will find It well worth while te observe whnt kind of hair thev have. This is the point. Coarse haired people ere rarely hnppr, nnd therefore rarely de themselves full justice, in a sedentary job. This is particularly true If tbelr growth of hair Is thick. Select the fine-hnired ones for this sort of werjc, for there is mere chance thnt they lnck thnt physical vigor and activity which icnulrcs a constant out let, nnd which should net be irritated or depressed by the inactive routlne of working constantly at one desk. Tomorrow Selllne the "Schoolboy , Writer." iJ. raaiar 1931 ft Rtprt- "l "f-vwwa.erameri ' l One girl who has been unfair and untriie Isn't nil women; In si.v that she lins niintd your life is te nilmil tamii'p. nnd whnt self-respecting man ever wants te de thnt? "DITTEHNESS can se easily be -- nveided, If run Uthh remember that it Isn't In the least necessary or helpful. We nil have dur moments of tninKing thnt we must, he hitter, must hnte the somebody or something that hns mnde us unhappy. Hut that isn't necessary nt nil. We don't hurt anybody but ourselves by doing (hat. nml we den t 'accomplish anything except our own misery. YOUNG wemnn hntcr, wnlt n J ml minute before you start out en the bitter, disillusioned read te perdition ! Step and think what geed does it de you or anybody, what fun is It, whnt chance will it give ou later en when you are se anxious te make geed? Oh, yes you will be, tee! You're human, even if you de hate all women, because they're all untrue and fickle and wicked nnd utterly no geed. Deep down in your heart you knew they're net all that way, nnd some day A het, full-flavored cup of Tetley's Orange Pekoe revives your flagging nerves, stimulates you and makes you forget you're tired. Yet, it has the delicacy and flowery frngrance that can come only from the world's finest tea plants. aaaaaaaaat--WBaaaljffxl PTrWaaW TETLEY'S Makes geed TEA a. certainty Don't take this chance with your furs te air and shake them out and put them away in a cedar chest. Or even te send them te cold storage. Unless they arc JOO1 clean that is, scientifically processed te kill all germ life as well as rid. the garment of EVERY paiticle of dust you are" running a great risk. Your furs may be ruined when you start te wear them in the fall. , v -5 It Is felw economy te take n chanw en qnestlennble rlennlnc. lln sure nnd fen nrp safe. Send llirm te be denned te J01N J Cleaners S?Djers " Sib Race St 1035 Chestnut St t phone Eitabliihed DOUBLE FOR Yeung's Seap Wrappers During the week of May 22d, all Yeung's Seap Wrappers will be worth double value, BUY a plentiful supply of Yeung's soaps NOW. Save the wrappers of all, and gather together all you have in,eili-r.yVri?me--rin them te our Gift Department, If 4315,R 2,6th S,reet- Philadelphia, during the week of May ZZd, and receive double value for them. The Biggest Oiler We Ever Made Over 4000 gifts from which le select-each requiring only cnc-helf the regular number of wrappers. Fer illustration : 25 wrappers secures j-p. ....... OU wrappers secures wrappers secures Write (or catalog or call and inspect one ut en;,l ,f V" i pecl" week 0 My22d. This offer is ler en uft oni-den forget the d.ie.-May 22. 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27. CHAS. W. YOUNG & CO. MAKERS OF Pearl Borax Seap Pearl Borax Seap Powder PHILADELPHIA IF IT'S YOUNG'S IT'S SAFE, V.i lit A . I Tl ' .... Anil If j our mother Is like most of (U ' iiiethcw I knew jeti'll have te iJ! .' pretty hnrd le prove yourself koeS enough te be her son. uwBnuiiiiiinitt The pick of the nests carton OPc of twelve a Fresh Country Eggs Twelve geed ones in every dozen 3a dez At all our Stores BMMHiMii:re Tetley's Orange Pekoe iuc iacMTa One-qnnrtrr pound , 3S One-half pound -..M.....4Be One pound ...................a0e 1848 VALUE any gift worth 50 ...,j Kni uilll uu any gift worth 100 any gift worth 150 our gills nt any lime Ne mail or pl'ene Pearl Borax Seap' Chips Yeung's Scouring Seap jeu ii yjini te dc -Wfrthf of one il them, if It'H Just your let her 0ne.v ma "Sin i ETEa s .' . " r . i- ' '.. &-'..,?t sWV. m ivi ,t: r t.fn4 ,tii :' fi'rtVij iridai i, Jf 4 ;v .1 .f a J& UdtiU ( . v I, ' . r ' "