I wmmtimmMFM i immmmwrnm w.r": - . rav twhsT.t?w,dMsM1m im .. i- . . "L. 7" iri -l.". .-.t- ,ver mm'mmsw . 5t tfncy (" -!-. ;r vjtS'akW',- W'VWwwi te a "sfiy H'ynneapewwwan interesting Lecture at1 the ArtttUiuwe Tdday and of the Wynnewood n !' Ppny ShowTemorrow V ST lV .., I 1 ... . , M1& afternoon there m ee nn inwr inwr inwr fotfeic talk en "Italian Gardens" at Art' Alliance. Mis Emily Extey, f rt ii .wilt he tlie maker, and S de iptlens x,W b.Mllutrated with gtefT slide- Among the he.tes will he MlM .'"" - - - ffliellV Mr.:, Ol'leen Beerlckc, Mlsa Rfi.fr- 't,ln HettS. Mrs, uvecvu " IKft fl'Conrerte. Mrs. E. Etey Mr . a -Kite;' Mrs. Heward W. kC.M il..,rnH. KOCCrS. aim, DUUllll-l A'""""'" -' r . .' r,u.i.u- WetlieriU, Jr.anu , u teler, Jr .1 ' x J'' . .' I....1 tl,. IMnt tffi been liearini mere nuwm. i .,. en'tertnlnment'et. The Genealogical . -. ' rnnRvlvanla and the Pcnn- SWanla Society of Colonial Dames 5 America, which Is te be given en fiU.t H In comrricmeratton of the Swed- S.P" " .. . it... n.lonerl 1ftAR. sr.'v deHixmcntH en i ici""i -- MiM (I hope I've igef It right thlB Wu, It's a mouthful, don't you think?) r.nl,m'isd7xrem P i ii nfPt- 3 until 0 o'clock. Therewill RtfWart n.Wrt by Judge J. Wills JR-tf-rt nf'liS;' nVl grtath'tan Yacht Clubs His BxceUency. V". iV n'.ii.Mhnrtf. rhn Swedish Mln- tffi- Mr Hampton' L. Carsen. Mr. &ti Themas fining " - ii.i IfilTnch Montgomery arid Dr. Henry FflhW . , V" -?i. nr h Amr-rlcnn Scan- $T San foundation. There will also ILXUr;nthTmrnd "tea will be Pffurvcd at 5 o'clock. TCURandafBIorganJathalrmanef l&eTaKF1? g'the Entertauimem wmiwiKv " -Genealogical Society. ImeMORROW we will have the first k. I . a., ...n.ini hi falm. h Wvnne- i$l Peny nnd Deg Shew at the Blllte M-'Clothiers' place, and' every one,wno tS.hL.V .Mini nr tnUlnir uart5' In some jj xtu will come anyhow 'te see the fun. E?, Most of the younger children will be in Kthe Peny Shew, ana men Heme vi . 'r.'thst such girls as Peggy Thayer, Peggy ; DiUett, Jiaisic eiewuri uuu eujn fiDenk!a who will be among the mnny v, :ii.i..ern i,nri tn hpnt. Of course. V weall hope it won't rain, but even If it , does the fair has been insured against ?. Doesn't that sound "swell"? f-T SAW Mrs. Harrison Cancr yestcr ,V'l day nnd she was wearing n very ," geed-looking black canton crepe arcss '..-.. n n-nli Inn? nnnclH en the skirt c.iu.uu ' -.: - -,. . . i ,"?un. w h white crene. 'in mecve' 'tis", .c - i 1.. ,!...! e,l ltne TOlfh tV white crepe, tee. With it she were a Ss black poke uennct iacwi wun cnerry-. .Siminred straw and edsed with shirred 'XT cherry satin. Leng loops of the cherry ?.iitin icu irem ine unin eh e eiuk. Yr Doesn't that sound striking? It was V. wry becoming te Mrs. Cancr, tee. tfcrEIiL, I've just heard of another (. W itnrnirpmpnf fn hp nnneunccd seen. 'Wihe itirl has golden hair and is ex- lV . . .1 1 iL. ...MM 1.1 4.11 ...1 ;i, iremciy cievcr gnu uv iimu 10 ian nuu ,'a wry geed looking. I can't sny another i wen, eerauBc meii juu uugui. nuun vS exactly who they are, and that would ' never de. It's te be announced in. a jiweek or se, se you'll have te wait till ' then, J ' NAMCY WYNNE. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Mrs. Arthur E. Pew will be the ma tron of honor at the marriage- of her alster, Miss Hannah Marim Elliett, diurhter of Mr. nnd Mrs. William J. f" vElllett, of 317 Seuth Seventeenth street. ana Mr. Walter C. Pew, son or Mrs. PharljiB T riT'nnnftr nt flnrlnvhroek. '' , Bnra Mawr, which will take place en t Saturday, June 24, at Calvary Prcsby- , Urlan Church, Fifteenth and locust trets. MIbs Pauline du Pent, of WIN mlngten, and Miss Banrlngr Granfte will , p the maids of honor. Xhcre will also , b several brldcbmalds. . Miss Careline S. Barclay, daughter of I Mr. and Mrs. William Lyttleton Bar 1 eliy, or Gravers lane, cfhestnut Hill, will entertain at a luncheon nnd bridge party today In honor of Miss Helen ;S Hepe Wllflen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ' AUn I). W(lnn of PunrrrnVA IfnilHA. i Vlllaneva. whose marrlage te Mr. Bob Beb V rt Dechert will tale place en Wednes- , navy 2i. una guests will inciuae Mrs. Jehn O. Piatt, Mrs. Edward Clark. Mri. filimilel n CliUaA 1- IVTIcu Turin ic B.' Yeatman, Miss Frances" Day, Miss i niaLewls, Miss Lerraine Dlssten, it wh iiosamena stewarasen. Miss jiar 'nret Ress and Miss Anne Wister Bar- cy. Miss Careline Barclay will be one V of Miss Wilsen's bridesmaids. 'v?t JJnjs. of C012 Greene street, German r$ town, will entertain at dinner this eve- t. 5,n ,m noner of Miss Dorethy Ely, K 2J,u1Uf et JIr- and Mrs. William New- DOM Pl. n u.H..& inn . ........ . VILif. Mr- Herbert W. Warden. Jr., " I ! Jah. place cm June 26. The guests ' tJ" mciuae Miss Adelaide Newlln, MIsh :ne Yeatman. Miss Lucia Warden, wm, priscilla Merris, of Baltimore ; Mr. William A. H. Pnnl Tr Vrnnar C Hnv. , ft, Mr. Carl Erdman, of Princeten: r $ Antheny Merris, Jr., and Mr. Hcr- rt Warden, Jr. null f' nd JIrs- Nerman MacLeed, of k'neMUiurst, Wyncete. accorepanled by . r. Kodman Wanamaker and Mrs. and rarA. (.Ilrnn. XT.mn ...III ....I, V..HA t 5 .- .t . ,"i, win, nan uii uuiiv y J. en the Olympic. They will snend the ,f, ummer abroad. ' '1? Un!tcl States Tennis Association 2f nsylvll"la n"d Eastern States will , jive a woman's epen tennis tournament ' d.v '?, Mer.l0M Cricket Club en Mon Men ( n, May 29. n, ... ',uaM.Juila,A' nerwlnd. of this city ' W ,hlcw Y,erk- w,,l rctur" from Europe Mi, ih r? ar.ly BUmmer mid will occupy ,Fdi?im, H'? vlIlft of her brother, Mr. '. NfSnU, J' '.'"wind; of New Yerk and H1',, Mr. Berwlnd will Jein her h S VJJ. lhe 'lie summer, after return tr8 from a Eurenean tour. It?1 i511,10". Carmlchael. daughter of lShS?-Mrft.u'S!l . Carmlchael, of 'j'Mre nX; ' rl r0 ,mH ueen visiting r JTe?r,k?rg,i " I'ewer, of Vancouver. ' Verrilal;. for n. wnnlt r,i,m.i r h Cir1mlS'frd":-,.Th redding et Miss ; tain n ' "U? lr0, "ewers son, cap cap Hitake fe60 Bwer. U. H. M. C, will i i place " Saturday, June 24. .7 MP nt,.l -a.. . - f iie nT!,. "? "arnsen it Caner, Jr., f 810 Pin ."'." '.'.7". 'V. -nnr, jr.. 'm'nuuiiii ? V. "CCV.W"' ,eve eariy,nexi ieccunv L Cap?. May- where they will .$ "reupy their cottage for the summer. ''riBalrbi.nnUJ!:0iVH,Wr,ht Crawford, who Cit- .,.'..?pe,nd,nP a week In Atlantic i&'ttreet. neme, 2421 spruce .TA'..R.V' and Mrs. I.eula F. Bensen. iliummVi-n, anc?7 lace. wl" snend the yber Tl Cev6 Cottage, Northeast Har. mhclvm.eJBency ,Ald of Pennsylvania $W$V&!$"1 -u"'0" '"the Gar- 11 til 8 nvi;.r. v.,5' "lai. "i rem e un &UP?er C ' The,e W'" be mu8lc and ifth"r,cIi!l!,MrP- Pal" , "off Reed and ifivr.-L,"1!, of Wurdman Iarlc Inn. ften .?'"";," A. will leave early next weeciitn- Vii.i. "i"5 'y. wnere tney will 'ffSrs H,flr c"Bfte- until the autumn. ?Vd,,eetedth,r2lty'.,Up E1UabetU NeyeH KVCatm? ? rfl"'. "nllewcll, U. S. -A J'S-wi'D IJcnnlngteii, Columbus, Gn.( &!! uA yj,l.i.l?rr,v ,n thls clty the latter pa or this month te be one et the usne art n BC Ilia wdllnB of his cousin, Mlsa 'all VI. uaV,. 4 . Leneye Adah McCall. ana Mrs. Jesenh n. Menn.it. nf nvramnr Avenue, . Merlen, and Mr. Nerman H. MaeLelsh, which will take place en June i, i. Mlf Mary K. Ctibsen, of Maybrook. Wynnewood, has Issued invitations for 5;,S"3n Ratiy ,P Saturday, June. 10, frere ff until 8 o'clock, te- meet Mr. ana mrs. Henry C. Gibsen. The card' of mid. nuoeri vs. , urecK is enclosed. . Miss Dorethy Kent, of 422 West Price ?tEe!tila!rmantewn' Wl entertain nt Bmhardt, dauijhter efthe Rev. William SLimhrdtVi Mr Emhardt. nccom nccem tenlSd, byr, y? daughter and Miss i P- Warder daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. Oeerge Buckley Warder, will sail en May 20 en a Mediterranean trip. The guests who will attend the lunch eon and bridge en Tuesday which Mrs. Henry F. Rcbrr.an, of 216 East Gergas !"' 5erna.n,t0)yn' W"1 ve In honor of Miss Helen E. Oermley, whose marriage te Mr William Charleton Haddock, Jr., il,i..tky,ac5 6n Sturday, June 3, will lTJS,ludSrMS,-.J0erFB w- McClellen, 'Mrs. wS!"1.1, Hojten, Mrs. Geerge W. Fern SC: HtB' i Hrry.w-' .Butterworth, Jr., HJSi,ii.0U'A C JPlck MrB- Kverett iJ. Hesklns, Mrs. Nerman L. Barr, Mrs. S-S? ppeniJ?d.rCMM, Wtnee H. Wall nA18, ,lck?ck Mrs. Charles Chandlee, Mrs. Phllln D. Fowler. Mr. S2S'W S"ftlW Chap." .. .. utl9a ncnnneenun. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Tlly. of uvnwvd. win ie. n ji.... j.. ' .i: Phlladelnhla Ceuntrv rinh An aei.r. A l-f.-Vr y 2V m h0l0r e' their ihter' MJBS frothy Osberne Tlly, nM8 marrlaire te Mr. Charles Malene wetts, 3d, of Germantown. will take giace en Thursday, evening. .Tune 1, in pbniSir B $rlQBUint BP'wepal Church, bridal party BM wl11 ,nclud6 tn" Miss Martha E. Pettlt, daughter et Mr. and Mrs. David Pettft, cfTBevirly: wh'J h has retumed from Paris, wnere she nrn n.aiA ..mj ... SSff, ' S riy???i5 ict-iini in ueverly today. Ameni the lVsW)Jeh,CSwar,,E- Brt eVbb! Mrs. Jehn W. Woedslde. Mm wrnin a B F H',,ihJs' 1HIII . Baker Mw Jr..Hrh.t.rsanPvJene5. Bee5e"7v " M". J, win h. eV.ii.ri "?"l "-. .? ?' Pettlt deraiH pmn- ul ner recital by Mrs. uerald Efflng, soprano, of Hwarthmere xrML8jJ(Vepn4n6 Fernley, daughter of wivnd M.": Jam" T- Pernley" of Clli tSfth? ivenVe! Qwmantewn, 'w"i en iertaln uat a luncheon and bridge party at her home en Monday afternoon. May 22. In honor of Miss KatAeHne T Kefb raUgepwefM.nnd Mrs. Leuis KeS; .In",. Sch001 Huse lane. GcS mnntewn, whose marriage te Mr. Ma- erSa?uVeveHn? WE8T PHILADELPHIA Mm. Harry d Clark and her son. Mr. Reger Barren Clark, of 245 Seuth Wr ragut street, have left forPMadene; site 'ssgs.s" thTea,tnerwr,i GPrrd,cSfyetn:0Ar?z.Ch,eag0 and thC dauhtefn..8- W.JKS, B0," ad Hampton Mcere, formerly of 6229 jef-- wi tL'L i"' "veruroeK, are new liv ng at the Eleaner Apartments, 4110 Park- file eSuf.'. JEhey BaXe a huse warm Ing en Saturday evening. -Mrs Wendell S. Trcdlck, of 6105 Christian street, entertained at bridge ?viiilrjJdaa,"0r,r'?en !n mer et Mrs. William Scott, of Lerain. O. The guests Included Mrs. Rellln Richardson Meyers, Mrs. A. A. MncCubbln. Mrs. E J Slnglser, Mrs. William P. Brenz, Jr.". Mrs. Earl Saegcr, Mrs. Harry Cadwalla- ,JcrrtaJld,br 5?e-,.Mr9A- P. Balrd, Mrs. ?; W. Schmidt, Mrs. Hareld C. Gedwin. Mrs. Francis A. Fought, Mrs. Samuel Tutt?eree William C. Mr. and Mrs. Clifferd J .Fink have returned from their wedding trip and will be at h6me after June 1, at 1903 Wynnewood read. Mrs. Fink was Miss Anna C. Whalen, et 5119 Hazel avenue, before her marriage en April 19. ,M.r;and.,Mr8, J- A,uert Cadwallader, et 1209 Wynnowced read, will shortly go te Pittsburgh, where they will make their home. NORTH PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Mrs. M. Lleber. of 1703 West Geerge Allen, -inc. 1214 Chestnut Street 1214 Announcing Our Annual Summer Sale of Fine Millinery Our entire stock of ever 1000 trimmed hats lowered in price for quick clearance. Hats for every age and occasion are at your disposal. This is undoubtedly the greatest money saving millinery event in Philadelphia, and at a most opportune time. $4.50 40-INCH ALL-SILK SPOltTS CREPE $2.25 In Orchid, Alice Blue, Cinder, Tiger Lily, Navy, Black. $4.50 36-INCH CHECKED SPORTS SILK $2.25 Navy and White, Navy and Geld, Peacock and White, Geld and White ' $2.00 WHITE JERSEY TUB SILK $1.35 36 inches wide, $5.00 ELECTRIC BOUDOIR LAMPS $3.50 Complete with Base, Shade and Bulb. , $2.00 MIDDIE BLOUSES, IN ALL WHITE AND WITH BLUE COLLARS $1,00 Sizes from 12 years up; ethers reduced accordingly. $1.00 WHITE AND COLORED ORGANDIES. FOR TWO DAYS ONLY Permanent finish, 45 inches teide. 50c CURTAIN VOILE AND DOTTED SWISS Fer Summer Curtains, 40 inches wide. $3.50 LACE FLOUNCING, IN BLACK, BROWN AND NAVY :$2.50 Others reduced accordingly, , 85c WOMEN'S LISLE UNION SUITS 65c In all styles and sizes. $1.00 IMPORTED CLOCKED LISLE HOSE 75c Full-fashioned with Embroidered Clocks. $3.75 FULL-FASHIONED ALL-SILK HOSE .... $2.00 In Cordovan and Black. $2.25 VANITY FAIR SILK VESTS $1,85 With Bodice Tops, in Pink. $1.00 A DOZEN JERGEN'S ROYAL PALM SOAP 65c A 6-oz. Cake of Superior Quality Seap, 35c ROGER AND GALLET'S BABY POWDER. . 18c All Shades and Several Oders." , ' $2.75 FAST-COLORED BATH RUGS $1.90 Rug Patterm, in 4-color effects, s W H ' rt5 1 jt.VM.VI JO -WW ' ' Photo 'by Marceau MRS. THOMAS J. DOLAN Of ChestnutweIdFarm, Deven, who is one of the members of the Executive Committee of 'the,. Wynnewood Peny and Deg Shew which will take place tomorrow Dauphin street, .announce the betrothal et their daughter, Mies Aneta Lleber, te Mr. Leuis Whltcnian, son 'et Mr. and Mrs. Hs Whlteman, of Norrlstewn. Mr. and Mrs. larry Welnrelch, of 2315 North Park avenue, have returned from a trip through EurepeT Mrs. J. J. Rice, of the Hetel Lor Ler raine, has , been entertaining as her guest Mrs.' Edward Sternfels, of New Yerk. r Mrs. James Patterson and her daugh ter, Miss Gladys Patterson, of North Eleventh street, are spending" several weeks In Baltimore, where they are visiting Mrs. Patterson's Bister, Mrs. Lewis Madden. Mr. and Mrs. F. 'C. Gersen, who have b6en spending some time in East Lib erty, Pa., are new moving te their new home in Westmont. N. J. Mrs. Gersen was Miss ' Margaret McCauley. daugh ter of Mr. 'and Mrs. Martin- F. McCauley, et 4509 North Eighth street. Mrs. Bedell Wills, of Haddonfield. N. J., entertained last evening In honor of Miss Ann Klein, et 2108. North What Clubwemen Will De Tomorrow The Phlladclphhl Mothers' Club annual luncheon Is given nt 1 o'clock in Hamilton Court Thirty-ninth nnd Chestnut streets. Mrs. Arthur Levis Bunting presides. The Sewing Circle of the club meets at 2 o'clock en Monday nt the home of Mrs. Rebert White Steel, Bryn Mawr. Lantern nnd Lens Guild nt 3 o'clock, annual exhibition and tea. A Cheral May Day arranges by the Octave Club, NorrlBtewn, is the closing event of the club year and Is given in the Erslne Clubhouse. Miss Rae Evans and Miss Marien Span gle direct the concert. Buckingham Weman's Club; n discussion of historic streams and mill sites. The annual luncheon of the Weman'H Club of Wyncote, 1 o'clock at the Huntingdon Valley Country Club. The guests of honor nre Mrs. Harry A. Bedcn and Mrs. Frank R. Whiteside. Century Club of Pottstown, an nual meeting and installation of new officers. The Plnstic Club afternoon, in charge of Reception Committee, Mrs. Jeseph T. Ball, chairman. Mrs. Jehn AUhoiise will speak en "Impressions of Japan." 85c 30c Wmw mm WpV, ariMM MHM.kati: lMM V." ' t.J V , -., .. t'tWIWi QIRMANTOWN The Weman's Club of Germantown tave a luncheon at the clubhouse yea- erday afternoon for member v and gueata.' Mrs. Irvln M. JameU, president or injtjjoyieitewn Nature uiud, spe; en "wild Flower Peservatlen ana Bird Sanctuaries." Miss Marie Zara was the soloist In a musical program. Mra.' BimiMl M. WiM ni1 tii mevf. of BUS Pulaski avenue, are spending avri meninn wun Mr, wen mwner, Mra., Meyer Getc, at her cottage In Vent nor. Mr, and Mra J. Lewie Knechler, et iziu cast cneiten avenue, are receiving congratulations upon the birth of a daughter, Reberta Knechler. ' DELAWARE COUNTY .A tea followed the inaugural meeting of the Weman's Club of Media en Wed nesday afternoon. Mrs. Edgar Penning ton waa hostess. The newly elected of ficers are Mrs. James P. Hunter, presi dent: Mrs. Frank W. Lange and Mra. I. W, Farquharaen, vice presidents: Mra M. C. Zlnn, recording eecretary: Mrs. .Geerge B, Latham, corresponding eecretary: Mra Arthur Tl. Adams, treas- rufer. Members of the beard Include Mra. Harry H. Battles, Mra. Alexander B. Geary, Mrs. Jehn IC Ktpple. Mra Price Wetherlll Janeway. Mrs. M. P. Dlckesen, Mrs. Clifferd .Woodbury, Mra Walter F. Price, Mrs. 8. Harper Leeper and, Mra F. Edgar Pennington, j Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wlllard. Norten, of Wellesley .Hills, Mass., are receiv ing congratulations 'en the birth of a daughter, Jean Norten, en April 28. Mrs. Norten waa Miss , Kathleen Tuttle, daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. Jehn Ellery Tuttle, of Swarthmore. The marriage of Miss Florence Mitchell, daughter of Mr. W. K. Mitchell, of Ridley Park, 'and Mr. Charles Whitney took place en Saturday evening,' May , Upen their return from a wedding trip, Mr. and Mra Whitney will live In Ridley Park. ' NonmsTewN , The Reformed Church of the Ascen sion celebrated- the seventy-fifth anni versary since it founding In Norrls Nerrls Norrls eown en Sunday, May 14. Special serv Ives will be held throughout the week. The Rev. H. W. Bright la the pastor of the church. Miss Ruth Montague, of 114 ''Frank lin avenue, who waa awarded the Sto Ste Sto kewskl medal In a contest concert at the Unitarian Church, Philadelphia, last Thursday evening, will be heard in a recital Jn the Central Presbyterian Church, Norrlstewn, this evening, with Mr. Renald O'Netl, pianist Mrs. Heward Staler, of New Yerk. Is the guest of Mra J. V. Nelsen, of West Main street. , , Announcement is made erf the en gagement of Miss Irma Felten, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Felten, of 1220 Arch street, and Mr. Van B. Stlth, of Resedate, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Vernen Biendln. of 1018 West Airy street, are receiving con gratulation en the birth of a son en May 12. Mra A. C. Jarrett.' erf 207 West Weed street, has left for a stay In Bloemfleld, W. Va. Matinee Musical Club Fete The Matinee Musical Club's May Fete will be held In the Bellevue-Stratford en Thursday next. The1 fete will start with a cafeteria luncheon from 12 te 1:30 o'clock, 'cards (bridge and Ave hun dred) at 2 o'clock, with Mrs. C. P. Lan dreth In charge. Frem C until 6 o'clock there will be a fashion show. Members of the club will act as mannequins. Tea and Ice cream will be served during the fashion show and at the card party. Mrs. Enill W. Seaaongecd, the chairman, has arranged te have a dinner served between 5:30 and 7:30 o'clock; then at 9 o'clock there will be dancing, with Mrs. Q.i W. Edmonds In Charge. The candy table will be in charge of Mrs. II. O. Wilbur. Mrs. Walter Atwood and Mrs. II. O. Palst; Miss Sarah Renlck will have cakes, Mrs. Meredith T. Jenes a booth of plants and cut flowers, Mr. P. W. Feedlsch. Ice -cream and soft drinks : Mrs. W. M. Heullngs, Jr., aprons and ether useful articles; Mrs. L. Car man, hat boxes, fancy goods, etc. ; Mrs. William B. Geld, lingerie, nats anu bags made by students of the Trades Scheel for Girls; Mra H. .Mt Tracy, vanities, and a vaudeville show in charge of Mrs, W. tl. HUDDara. mere win de a magi clan, a ballet and dances by members of the Mask and wig. Mrs. W. E. Rees Is the chairman of the fete. The proceeds are te be given te- the Philadelphia Mu sic League. Strawbridge JsasCaV JJb bsbbbbbsAV J v v f IV II Vy V haVi t-JjifcsrMijfl Yeung 3SJrafif Girl's ffljffl Figure V "1 i 111 V ill 111 Te think that the youthful figure need net be cor seted is te make a grave mistake and one which is always paid for in less of beauty and health. , There are Redfern models specially designed te fur nish that slight support and restraint that a girl's figure needs, but without discomfort or less of easy movement. We make a specialty of fitting girls from fourteen years up and have a number of suitable models at a range of pricey. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER MARKET STREET EIGHTH STREET FILBERT STREET EJ'ivn :: Te !tf lrldeeM' .y,vii i s hxta u -" ' ,j,.,?p '? WgjsMHHHKW .BSBSSSSBsaBSSSKaSBSSV'tfBSSA ' .ssssssssssssVISssssMflBWjB bsssssssssssssssssshRIIbsVIbssssssI mmmmmixi illlHte-HiifsHs saassssssssssslJrvv; .'sssssssS sK-IB 'BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSF , iJtdier Phlte Service MISS FRANCES K. WISTER Daughter of Mr. Owen Wister, of Butler place, Germantown, who will ' be one of the bridesmaids at the marriage of Miss Nancy Cepe and Mr. Plerrepent Haiard, which will take place en -Saturday next. Mlsi .Wister will take one of the princi pal parts In the production of "Iolanthe," which will be given by the Savey Company en May 25, 2u and 27 at the Bread Street Theatre SELL JUDGE PATTERSON'S LIBRARY FOR $23,688 618 Items In Collection Disposed of In New Yerk Auction ' The nrlvatA library of Judge Patter son waa sold at auction in New Yerk yesterday for n total of $23,088.25. The collection numbered 018 items, includ ing rare works collected by the jurist ever a period of twenty years. Geerge A. Bilker & Ce., of this city, paid $1050. the highest price of the sale, for the rare first issue of the first edition of "Robinson Crusoe," which was printed In Londen in 1710. Anether first edition, which brought a high figure wns Goldsmith's "The Vicar of Wnkcflcld," the genuine first issue in original calf, with case by Riviere, which "was acquired by a dealer, for 1.700. Abraham Lincoln's law book, "A Treatise en the Limitations of Actions at Law and Suits In Equity and Ad miralty," by J. K. Angc'I, was sold for $050, going te tire gttmc buyer. ' An example of the earliest European type printing, the twenty-aeven-line fragment of "eDnatus," printed by Modernize Your Jewelry Platinum new being about the same price as before the war makes It possible te medernise your Jewelry at pre-war prices. Let us suggest designs and estimate. Our rep resentative will call. Complicated Watch & Jewelry Repairing at a Saving Martin W. Abrams Manufacturing Jeweler 1026 Chestnut St. & Clothier and Specially Designed for Girls and Slender Women ra-? ,(mw. 'j.Mri, c-Mpjby visBjMtti.piM-a iMr, vrttklhalS isaTeltrtatufe efl the Vr, leaf by WJHMf Penn. which .was Sold .With tlweieWI et rennsyivanw Caatie, PerUandi ln'1010. was knocked down te Dr.' A. 8. W, KescnbacM for $57B. while the Interestlrig memento of Dr. Samuel Jehnsen, ''The Doer Knocker," from his house, Jehnsen Court, in Fleet street, went te the Brick Rew Boek Company for 400. Philemathean, Society Presents OLD FORTUNATUS By THOMAS DEKKER Botanical Gardens, U. of P., 37th and Spruce Streets ENTIRE WEEK OF MAY 15 EVERY EVENING AND WED. AND SAT. MATINEE Price for Coming In TICKETS ON SAI.K AT fllMBKM ORiBY MAU, TO FHIMJMTITIIKIN suur,iii RECORD BREAKING VALUES In Summer Cotten Dress Goods Qualltlea and prlcej that will repay a upcclal visit te this store tomorrow. Levely Printed Batiste 99c In the amart solid and line checks, printed en white dreunils, full MMvn range of colors; as mchea wide; nne weave; wonderful at "" 39-Inch Organdies 0 I'lne weave, crlap Hnleh; Keed ranae et colors and white. Very MMyD, coect at , ' Colored Linenes and Smock Cleth OOc In all the new bright colors; 31! in. wide, apeclul at v aaslsaBl jfJ. Alse 4000 Dress-Length Remnants i rc All Kinds X O Vn Ne mall or phone errtVrs. ?one te dealers. . W. H. SMP & SONS, JEX-. JUPORTERS, DESIGNERS f MAKERS OF WOMEN'S A CIIIL. DEN'B APPAREL OF TBE HtOHEST CHARACTER FOR MORE THAN TWENTY-SIX YEARS tL i&fi APPAREL OF THE BETTER KIND XV" Notable Dress Clearance Fermer Prices te 69.50 25-00 A sale that takes precedence because of the wide style range, the individual beauty of the styles selected for "Harris" regular stocks. Styles for, every hour of the day every smart and wanted fabric from crepe te Georgette. Celers and black. 100 Over-Blouses Half An event that prompts immediate action en your part. Over-Blouses taken right out of regular stock. Crepe de chine, embroidered and beaded.' .We Specialize in Apparel Thai L Stene 6: 1306 Walnut Street All Salt Fer Cash RECEIVER'S SALE EXTENDED BY U. S. COURT UNTIL JUNE 5th Our Entire Stock Must Be Cleared Before That Date Hence These Radical Reductions 195 DRESSES VALUES UP TO S9.S0 Canten Crcpet, Printed $ilk Crepes and Crepe Julias 55 DRESSES VALUES UP TO 9S.00 Frem our regular stock. Ne two alike . . 148 DRESSES VALUES UP TO 110.00 Canten Crepes, Geergettes, Crepe Remas and Reshanara Crepes , COATS CAPES WRAPS VALUES UP TO 150.00 Duvetynes, Belivia; Veldynei, Rogha Regha nara Crepes and Silk Cantens COATS AND CAPES VALUES UP TO 49.S0 Sauchinet, Velours, Belivias and Nor Ner , mandies ,, . , SPORT COATS AND CAPES VALUES UP TO 49.50 - ,- The very finest Tweeds and popular 7.75 Spert materials. M &rV MMi krtffl 4 iwe Ol'-'''t alaJ d1t . CM.- Martin j, ylce !phalrjeh; Mrs. wiuiam at.' crewe.and Mrs. Charles, H. Hykesj treasui'er. Mrs.'Maury D. Leng, nnd I bcq retary, Mrs,. William C Terhune. Cdm mlttcei thus far appointed nre: Heuse, Mra J. J. McDevltt. Jr., chairman : Mrs. James Stene, Mrs. Albert Weed nnd Mrs. J, Samuel Stephenson. Hespitullty, Mrs. Tneodere I. Scott, chairman: Mrs. Jo Je seph Fries. Monthly Card Party and i src"v vnetiinp"! -".:."- :( Will Be One Dellar LAND. AT HOUSTON CI.CD, V. OF I", A DIFFERENT KIND OF STORE Chestnut Cerner Twelfth Price Slenderizes the Larger Weman Ne Charge Acceanti 1275 2275 28-7S 287S 1Q75 have nceri HI temi, rrr ti "nfdifcrt; eh nair UliariesHuCKwal(er)liaa arranged a ( party, for- May jacp ,, ? -- am RfftnevM f-lairv fit Without Pain or Betbw t Met! of Tedv) ' " & W . It I net nrcemary te ute n, psIafetHV' . prncena ie remove nmry growing,', vfA.t.r.'t with n little delntene handy you caetf.tSJ.'i HiA ekln entirely free from thuDbMtiWW te remove iiniry arewine,-ieft,ji'n upurtwtrs. Te remove liair. mmmf'WlY-i, ' ntlff paMe with u little powdered dtwi' erm ana water, nprenn tnig en ine naiBWVI nurface nnd In about " minutes ret wain the skin and the linirn are"l Te ituard ncalnst dlaappelntment Wfi ciireiui te Bet real oeiateno, Mix, a vrantea. Adv , ' if,' & STr. Direction Planter Cempenr of AmeHaaJ KINCTHCNTH AND StAIlKFrf 11. 1:30, 3.30. rudft, 7:30. 0:31 Held Over This Week 'nV rUtlMC DKirAND Rodelph Valentine and Gleria Swanson IN TAIIAMOUNT'S CJOIIC1EOU3 I) KAMA "Beyond the Reckt" By ELINOR GLYN ADDKD CARI. IIOT.MNH. ItAIMTONH STANM5T NGWS-MOV WKI2K I'AHADli niDURK' and nnivnn.s' nijvinvr Ni:XT WnniC NORMA TAI.MADUU. in "srrr.iN' Timeuan" STANTON SIXTEENTH AND MARKCT 11:15, 1:45, 4:30, 7, 9:30 2d WVek of l'nprecertntMl Crmvil' D. W. GRIFFITH'S MIOHTinST PRODUCTION "ORPHANS OF THE STORM" CAST INCLUDES Lillian and Dorethy Gish Jeseph Schildkraut Mente Blue AND A SUPPORT OK 1.', 000 NO ADVANCE IN PRICES nVENINOS. nOc. 7.'ic DAILY. '3r. f.Oc S-'aturdnn and llelldiys. Uvenlnir Price ) I3ROAD . CHESTNUT 10 A. 51., 12. 2. 4. C 8 and 10 V. M. The Picture That Made Paris Caip! "Missing Husbands" FROM FAMOUS NOVEL, IATLANTIDE SUMMER PRICES 50c Jug"-" PAI ATI? 12TU 5IAKKUT I niAtWTt 10 A. M. te 11 p. M. A I'ANNin HURST STORY "THE GOOD PROVIDER" VERA GORDON i. PORE DAVIDSON ARCADIAi,e,T1AW,.fSfS?,t ALIA RUHENS "Find the Weman" VirTliHI A nim'h AfAUftkir V x M. uiwn U A. 21. te 11:13 P. II. PEvVRL. WHITE "Broadway Peacock'! RFGENT 17TH & -MARKET KE.VsE.11 a "CONCEIT" ADDgD "KENTUCKY DERBY RACKS GLOBE JUNIPER AND MAlUvfcir VAUDEVILLJ3 CONTINUOUS 11 TO 11 CROSS KEYS 00TH & .MARKET NIGHTLY. 8:1.-, Ved. i. Hat.. 2M3 MAE DESMOND ANDrj,If?Rn!, mew JMI5S LULU RETT" Vflnn NEXT WEEK EXPERIENCE BROADWAY UROADt SNYDER EVENINGS. N:ir, Wed., Sat., 2:13 m "The Sign en the Doer" '. SPOKEN DRAMA '" Next Week "t'P IN MARKI.'S ROOM" ADIrrctlen Muurlre K. I'dlMB ldinE Chrttnnt nt ',0th Continuous 11 A. M. te It I. M. Frum "The Crons Pull" hy Hal U. Earta Mink ennrtt'd neufst comedy On l'utrel' Organ Rrcltal Tenlaftt. 7 te 7.13 IDMIM, NEXT WEKK ".SI.STKKS" BROAD Last 5 Evgs. '''. " CHARLES FROIIMAN Presents C WILLIAM ILLETTE in His Latest Success "THEOREM MAKE GARRICK ,,("1 '" ''i" i: untuuvn J,TIM:r. lOMIIUItOW SAM II. HARRIS Presents THE SEASON S COMEDY Sl'C CI !3 WELCOME STRANGER With GEORGE SIDNEY WALHUT Pep. Mat. Tomorrow 50c te "Ri nn ONLY MUSICAL SHOW IN TOWN PHIADLPHA'S CRATST FAVORin; (HMTEWWOOD "LETTY PEPPER. HEA GREATEST OP ALL SUCPerrr SEATS SELLING FOB NEAT WEEK OW Ritz-Carlten Reef Philu's Fanhienablc Summit French Cuisine, French .Service UxriulHltu Music BrcaUfnst. lAinchcen, Tea, Dinner, Siipiitr-Daiirex Duuclns HMliirilay Arirruoen after 4:30 O'clock K '...., i&m& Hm faca! UsssssssVy w T BmsI EITH'S THFATDI'', JULIAN ELTINRF '&f III reinltllni, Churn,,...-!..,!.!... A$? i c....:.n i . i a . "-J .. .a a. ,nw-uuivr m jsisii.apiHji r ??, l-rnk-u ve & HoifertWHarry W Inirllt O'lleiinrllt Hey )lr l.tr Vrriirrt Othtr Kv4ui, WILLOW GROVE PAKKfi I'jtiiuiw uuu maie viciivairn-U'fcV.KTi JL1 f.UI 1,1. lJ ..... , -ju.r, 4 '. fc wn .tj Sev .iSTMl , -3 ' it ." :, :m iJWMi - J) V -K. , ?&iX $M P