Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 16, 1922, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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Inierican Valuation Advocates
frying te Foel People, Says
Senater Capper
Hy Ute Associated Trcsi
Walil"K'). M" 1.-Ajnerlcnii
!? dllciiwlen nf the Tariff Hill teiliiy.
, Senater Ce'iper. Krpub'.lrnn, Knnn.
SSfrman of th Hennte agricultural
m. rlmrKln? Hint "mut stoaletts ml-
.55uV' "f H'l" Vgm desired It be
J.i.c liter believe Hurt by It tjicy could
(uc ". , ..,in ,:.. .,
'Voncre ' , ,"", '" ..."
10 which u'. iifiiv iu hum.-
in ntcri
said, "they admit
tut tlirv nrt- frpklns inte te IiIrIi us
m be miienuavi that llicy are eli eli
JrtVeriHR net te reprcr-cnl the will of
ttc people, but te feel, the pcepV."
Senater Capper predicted that the
n.-,i nrnnnenndn" for Amerirnn vel-
mtleii was co in I lid In spile of the net Ien,
nf (he Senate Finance Committee In
rtintlenitig it In faer of the ferclui.
nidatien, and that It would be
liunched by these who "deslie vrc- I
iltcly high protective duties en inniui-
fitturcd nrt'e'r." lie ndded that num.
nhcturers were net' content with Ci-iff i
rtltK tlmt would eiiunlUe their position I
In competition with feielgn producer-. I
lit ileslied "nil chiivp position In
the America" market." '
Would Injure banners
Senater Capper nc-erted tlmt If
American valuation wn.s te be used te
conceal undue Increases in protective
rites It would become clearly a "bunce
lime" nt lite e:iensp of the farmer,
because It vteuld net apply te his
products the tales en which would be
ipeclfic and net based en value, while
Itatise would lnercanc the prhe of many
products which he uses.
"Aflilii." he continued. "American
uluatieii. by IiicitiieIiis the height of
the tariff wall, would limit the exporta
tion of ngilcultuial' "ireducis in (-.
'binge for liuinutactiircd Reeds bought
in ferelin countries. If the power of
.i,tii ..niiiiit-iex (n 1)11'' the nrniliii-t.il
of our farms and ranches is limited hy '
. I tt tl..l. .n.n.lfu . ........I.. fuA... I
H lunn WIIH " I'Iih-iim -fin ji;wfii- limn
bujlng en n fob" competitive basis the
manufiieluicil articles of the highly In-dm-trinlizrd
teiintrjes of Kurepc. the
plight of njricullure will be even weie
than It Is at present."
Would Weaken Party
"I Ih-IIce." snid tlie Senater, "that I
Amcrkan nIunlleii, If incorporated In '
the pie-em bill, would linxe the simc j
frennnile and political effect ns ilid the.
cpnrtaled pioteetlen in the cempcuvn-
tery duties of schedule K of the Pajne- 1
Aldrieli Ait. American valuation, if
Incorporate I in the present bill, would I
weaken the pesltUh of the Republican I
Party. It would almost certainly van- I
eeal nn c.Mcssive amount of protection, '
hich would be difficult te defend." i
Senater Capper sm( Amerk-uu val
uation might be properly resorted te te i
meet unusual competitive situations as i
rropeseil In the present bill, but adde 1 i?
that "beyond that it Is a cloak for ex- .
rew-lve protection and a needless, pe- '
lltkal burden for the Itepiibllcnn 1'artj ,
te (anv." He expiessed the opinion
that within a few yearn, perhaps, when .
Europe had lecevered from the mine
vjelent effects of Hie war and stabilized
her eunencles. it was net uulikelv that i
tie previt-lun of the bill for the proe pree proe
Ijniatieii of American valuiiCen bv the,
Preelilent would become a dead letter.
Itrvlce Beard Rules Company Mutt
Continue Operation Thirty Days
Brldieten. N. J.. May 10. The Tub-
he Llilli Commission r.ti-nlnv urn. I
rented the Kridgelnn and MilMlle
Traction Company from cea-ing opera
tion nt midnight InHt night. After an
all-day hearing Chairman Harry V.
Oiberne. of Newark, mini that the
company could uluuden Its service nt
JM end of thirty days. This will clve
the (ity until dune IB te secure some
ether means of transportation if the
trolleys step.
forperation Counsel Waller H,
Baren, dr.. who lepresented the cit.
told the (omnilssie,, ,nt ern capital
aa eenslderiiiK nn ntempt te bin tin
entire franchise and operate thc'line.s
either as at present constituted or In
conjunction with buses.
The general use of private cars nml
w eompetltlen en one bniueh of the
line is given as the underlying reason
Wr the eperating: deficit in recent enrs.
With an nnu-ial deficit accruing, the
wmpanj has permitted Its rolling tock
5n..i'7'1."l"",,)L,n bt,0,,,(' leddedly
i.(pli(ln,,,P'1, "i,l'iN declared it would
I0'1. talf. ""en dollars te put the
.Im'ii , '." ''"''ass shape, net ln
lutling piuniR het he ,.,N ,, ,,
?. . '" Kl' l",,,, wl' l'" tti-n-
i i'.'1. ,"nvi"? iinnreveineniH going
2 in lliidjeten ami lcli.H,. This
Would cost SL'no.One mere.
udget Prevldea'lncreased Sums for
Army and Navy ,
A. l.-(Hv A. P.)-The
ffi.1'1 "'I'lget, for UM. submitted te I
'utnrrJ 'V ..!!"" I''"vldes for cxpen
rt lies f :.ISI.0IMI.0II0 francs. ,
f"eiim aiiieuniiiig te only ULl-S.-.ttOO.- !
ikill i,!!,,.si V l,"'"vi,l',N "" '" '""'" '
" l" raised tlniiiigh leniis.
hoi i f,'"""i ,,SM than in U'l.
Inerrn .".' "'"' rl."1 "" P "visions atel
Z,Z l "!'.! ll,N .ni'fliuilwi. the1
tiens1'",,,!',"11"'' "'" I!,;l "'" nPPiep-'la- ,
eltlinn' ''L'"'1"' tiiineM-r nn Is1
Bv Iss ' "t ,iri'""" and wlH be met I
vm is (iMiiiablc ii ein tic, mam.
yOht Saving interests Veter
rs as
Much as Politics
, Under.
iZr .'" XHili.mil
- .in y 111. iiv a . i i
iftid Slnli- i-iimll.
''- the 'ii r "lmeM "'"'"liu'lewed
"'" IIHflll
'lUlii- ii.?. . V ,""." "Kaint-t iiiiMimii
Hfr .i'.V.V. """ii i in. (ini-4 ur miller
Ilk III III II 111. I. Jl a
held t ,, , " "'': u,''Kli "iniell
') We - "!''' V"1""" mithm-lty te
tldi. ' ' U'M " '" I'"' IMOlllp III
pu , M.:", !,,,MI '"". linn ii'if-inii-
"nnln ,w V""" .'I'' ,,J,Vf i"1
Wtlrr ,7:, i "'!" ,-,(" lieis'ti-
' 'auiisi. h n,,.f
iniTiiM.M, Mtitu.vii:
II A t I. . .
new. m!I1k UB" A " "'"'B "r '
iaceri..;!.0,1"1 fhtr fiem l'uuin.
K.-.v-u-j- .vxwxi.l ,.,, , . .....
aLaj tf "v jHttMflBMgpjriE V B " Mljb. te3KjgK94S$--'S ' i SBaLKZYfBHiiiW
r!;!.."!,0! Pe1MBrlwnta'j faunem
nf i...i-. i .. t",erccu " nr ''anl. mere potent than the pick
frn. Ti? .?e ' '" ,!,cn,' ,Thcy were forced te an Ignominious retreat
T, Mil i'ih 8lrcet ",'', ""Pfwhw-y te Tuenty-first street last night
MIICII they bCcail weeU' rnUimllr... f .1 ...i ..... "
. - -..- ..
t uthhert, toad Cavalry, arc
TACN mDlvLl?.H,S "!!r!ET.
Held First Conference en Old Seuth
American Dispute s
Washington, May 10. ty A. P.)
-The delegations of Chile and "Hejru
met tegethei promptly tit KltliO o'clock
today In their 'first joint conference en
settlement of the long-standing Tacna
Arlca dispute. I
The meeting was held in a piivate'
ienimlttec loom of the Pan-Aincricnn I
Union llulldln". and the delei?ntesi nf !
the two I'ewem weie nccemnanied in !
the meetlii" only by their advisers and
,,. .
I no i niiean ilclcsatien. escorted In-
S. Iteuc. ilii'eelm- -.nur..,.! ,,'r
uie rnu-Amerlcnn I nien. was the first
te enter the session room. Dr. Roue
then went te the office fitted up for tile
Peruvlaa delegates nml escorted them
te the room. The Pan-American Union
dllectnr then left (lie two delegations
and nn executive session was begun.
Xe (luestiens of major Importance
were censldeied at ledin's meeting,
which lasted only a half hour.
Te Heuse President Jehnsen's Shep
Nashville. Twin.. Mny 10. (Bv A.
P.) Contract, for the erection of a
building te house the tailor shop nt
(iieeneville. Trim., whetc former Pres
dent Andrew doluiben once worked.
wiin awarded te a construction firm
theie today bj the Andrew Jehnsen
Memerial Commission.
, , - , -.-...,.. ni.(i...i .,
Market Street
naruallen for France. Private Harris, in.t.l Fninr .i i.iv-u
Blauncr's Underselling Specialty Stere-Women's Misses' and Children's Wear at 15 te 50 Savings
Great Dress Sale
, If) ' I k' Jp SJ
400 Mere
Wonderfully Fine
Every Dress
Werth Mere
Heavy Crepe Romaine Seft, Printed Canten
Crepes Helsil Crepe Georgette Crepe, Gor
geously Beaded Keshanara Crepe Canten
Crepe Krepc-Knits, Triceshan, etc.
I lip-line blouse elt'ecK side-draped panels, irregular
hem lines-, new tlaring ?leees in fact, eer. dress Ijeast
of some new- yes, brand-new style touch. We are Mtre
there is at least one drc.- that has been especially de
signed for you!
m,AUNKB'fl srccejfi) n.oen
281h "Iren" Division found Park
ffi iiiiiiivrrvTirv
.shown preparing te evacuate
All Agricultural Products Placed en
Dutiable List
Washington, May 10. (Hy A. P.)
All products of tlie farm are en the
dutiable list In the MtCumber-Ferd-ney
Tail fit Hill. Senater Heeding, of
Mrrhe, announced today In tlie Senate.
"If any farm product is en the free
list. I de net knew what It Is," be
said, "f we , jt wp wj ,)Ut lt n
the dutiable list If It needs protection."
r,te of duty In the bill en farm products
isenaier (moiling said the average
was 1J1 :t.( per cent, and called at
tentlen Hint only a few ihings produced
by the farmer were nu the dutiable list
in the Underwood Inw.
"All this talk about the McCumber
bill being framed behind closed (loots
Is without foundation," said .Senater
(oeding. He added tlint when the doers
were closed any Senater was welcome,
adding that be had been present with
farmers en several occasions.
Declaring t tint this was the first tralff
bill eer fiamed that gave the farmer
a "square deal." Senater flooding
charged tlmt "all this delay in the Sen
ate" was for the purpose of "melding
public opinion te the idea t lint this bill
Is infamous."
Brussels. May 10. (By A. P.) Tlie
(crinaii ieernnient has deposited with
the Helginu treasury tlie final pnvment
of fifty million geld marks under tlie
previsional moratorium granted by the
reparations commission.
ni iiiPir an in
, r '
Mme, Mouremsky Decides te Delay
Trip te Press Wifely Claims
Paris, May 10. Madame T.lebnuv
Mouremsky today said she lin decided
te remain In -Purl until she luirns wlint
nctien tlie t'nlted Hlntcs Attorney (Jen
eral will take en the document she
forwarded tlueirli the American Em
bassy. In which she lnliin te be t lie
lejjal wife cf AnnBlase Venlnlslv, who
was icccntly iiuurlcd te Mrs. Marian
Iluckingbnm Itenm-Kteiihens, of Chi
cago. I. list, week Mail'inie Moiireuis;y said
she Intended te go te the Culled Slat's
in a few das, but she said ted.jy flic
weulil jcinuhi in I'm Is until her pies
encc In the United Htnles senus ucce-i-snry
In order te pies her claims.
prohibitFenjob for nutt
Fermer Chief of Narcotic Section Is
Sent te Illinois
Warlilngten, May l(i. fll A. 1'.)
Appointment of I.. (!. N'utt. former
cldef of tlie narcotic reel Ien of the In
ternal Revenue Hi.reau, as associate
Federal Prohibition Director for the
Htate of Illinois, was announced today
l.v Commissioner llinnes.
' Mr. Null, who was iccently In clutige
of the dry drive In Flerida, will icpett
Buy at MICHELL'S te Plant New
Vl'lv."' '"-" lv',i'-"-'-': '-"' ' ' ' '"' ' ':-' ''
Butterfly Bushca
English Ivy
Japanese Ivy
Gelden Glew
Scarlet Sage
Grass Seeds, Fertilizers, Lawn Mowers. Rellers, Lawn -Sprinkle,
Garden Hese, and everything for the lawn and Garden. Catalog.
I iTktCT5; pRnters-blankboekImfrs
I 12N..13thSt, PHILADELPHIA. 719WWmrtSt.
500 Women's
and Misses'
Canten CrepesSatin Cantens Krepe-Knit
Weel Crepes Brocaded Jacquilt Taffetas
Iteshanara Crepe Tricelette Linens Shan
tungs, etc.
Fhc hundred dresses--
li.i i,iillrl rlrcr,Kr .--..! ..
.""'." ".. .-uv.il uui.i.KT ei ucautiiul creations
in li.s amount e space wc would need an entire pairc
In (In ifmni iiierii'-,. I Mini. I i i ' "
... .... . , ,K,
trinuned; sports styles,
BBJB9 BBBBB vAB'BBBft A t i9 fjl hV'
ledny at the Chloage office nuthnrlxei!
te act "with nil tlie power .'tint nuuior nuuier
lly of a dl'ecter." Mr. lln.Mies mid.
willi new custom-made
designs arc en the
strcrtK. Dcrlinni body
lutildinpr, painting and
upholstering renovated
them our meter me
chanics made them run.
239 S.12 Hi Street I'iul
' Rosement-Monlg Ce. P
Cinnamon Vinea
Hardy Lilies
Mexican Vines
Cabbage Plants
Cauliflower Plants
Egg Plants
Lettuce Plants
Parsley Plants
Pepper Plants
Tomate Plants
Sizes from 8'a x 14 te the
smallest memorandum. We
carry a large stock of these
handy, flnt-epeninp; books
with a great variety of rul
ings of the fillers.
p x Win
Market Street
Values Up
te $25
tWO lllliwlivxl I,., nl. ....1..
.......1 r . ....
,llK. ,)l;aucUi )r,.,I(C(
one-piece styles, etc.
X'l f
Anether Fresh Purchase of Women's
Capes and Wrap-Coats
Special at $22.50
That Are Marvels in Value-Giving
ONE HUNDRED Capes, Capesleeve Coats and loose Coats
with wide, flowing sleeves thiee types that are hitfli in favor, made
of veleurs, in plain and two-tone effects, and of the fine, light
weight twills. Many elaborately embroidered and all lined through
out. Three models are sketched, but there are many ethers, as
the purchase consisted of many small lets. All of the most desir
nble shades of the season in the collection.
If you like te select from many models (all highly desiinble),
as se many women de, you have a treat in steie for you te-morrow.
v- Straw bri-Jgu S. c uth.T iiun,j r, ,or Ontr-
Yeu May Cheese Your Summer
Rugs Frem Thousands in
Stock Here!
Such a vast assemblage of Fleer Coverings for Summer Hemes! Se manv, manv patterns
and many, many sizes. Every wanted weave, every wanted material fibre, grass, wool-and-fibre.
rag, rush and ethers. Levely, cool-looking Rug in colorings te harmonize with anv interior and
please any home furnisher.
Pricesjarc extremely low lower than for some time, as the following will illustrate:
Colonial Rag Rugs Weel-and-Fibre Rugs Japanese Rush Rugs
9x12 feet$U:,0 X.lxlO.6 feet $17.00 te $22.50 Srle feet $17. r0 and S27.30
Aj-70 feet SU.eO 0x12 feet Slfl.nn tn 4:nn ,-ie t m f , r
All-Fibre Rugs Prairie Grass Rugs "RattaniaFibreRugs i
SJxlO.6-SlS.S3 9X12 $1.1.00 8x10 fit. 7S 9x12-$14.23 7.GxW.C-$lS.73 9x12-$12, 25
"Formosa", Blocks te Make Up into Rugs 85c ,
These Blocks come in units of 18 square inches at S.h- n hWL- nnd m-,. k,. ..,;i,. ,,ie I
into Rugs of any size or shape. In green, blue, tan, lavender, and the natural color for the alter
nate blocks.
3 Straw brllEi rinthlrr fourth rioer. Wt
Playthings te Keep
Beys Outdoors
And there is no better time
than new during BOY
WEEK te get the boy some
new playthings te keep him
happy, and out of doers:
Velocipedes arc $3.30 te $22.30
Hand Cur are Hi. 00 te X27.30
Bi-Plane Flyers are Si.30
Pege Sticks, great fun $3.00
te Si. 30
Slides for the luicu $18,00 te
SecSuia (ire $7.30, $9.00 and
Jitney Coasters arc $0.00
"tinwlirlilgp A I'lelhler
l'euith Fleer. Ontr
Grass Rugs
36x72 Inches $1.00
Stenciled in attractive de
signs, including Chinese pat
terns, in desirable shades of
blue, tan or green.
Probably there's a place in
your bedroom, living-room, or
en your perch for one of these
:envenient little "tlrew" Rugs.
Mi.ilirui;e S. 'lnlhlr
I' t Sin-Mt Cum An,
Small, but Important
Wanted for spring sewing
Kohineor Dro.-s Pusteneis-
the best quality 10c a card,
$1.10 a dozen.
Wilsunp Dris Fastener, in
black or white 10c a card,
$1.10 a dozen.
Elena Hair Nets, cap or
fringe s-bape, in all the best
shades 30c a dozen.
De Leng Hair Nets, in single
or double mesh, in all wanted
shades 2 for 'J3c, or $1.30 a
S. & C. Dress Shields, sizes
2, fl and 4, at HOc, 0'2e and 35c
a pair.
Fitted Lawn Waist Lining,
easily attached and easily
removed for laundering 40e
each; of batiste. 30c each.
Tlie Gem Dress Shield, in
sizes '-. :t and 4. at flSc. 12c
and 4Gc a pair.
Feather - weight Dress
Shields, in sizes 2. .1 and 4,
at 3:ic, 37e and 41c a pair.
siiauiirlds A i ith !
ibl ! Onir
and 'Switches, $2.95
Wavy triple-stem Switches
and all-around Transforma
tions sumo with gray.
siiimli,.-,, i t , ,lhiri
Halcon, r.rct rioer. I',in Hth
400 White
e suggest early selection, for there are only 400 of these
favorite summer Petticoats at this lemarkably low pi ice. Twe
lllVh i unC mudf,Is T wit!,scalIe"ed edge, the ether with hem
stitched hem both with double panel back and fient.
S'raubruJc & flei'iiir ' -ieml I loer Wgt,
ani M.,rl,i Mrp-r ('roil Alslt
ft s w
; iff J h J m
('a ii ten
L Tneeletle JK Larr
4- 'r- )lfi $03.00
A Special Under-Price Greup of
Women's Dresses
$35.00 te $50.00
Many One-Third Less Seme Half Price
ilTT f SPC.C,al pmchaS03' sma" P,0"l'-. s.ngle numbers
-the lets that accumulate se readily in a very active asen-all in
one group, $1)3.00 te $30.00, which in many instances is one-third
less, in some half price or dose te half price.
I hinehilln crepe. Canten cicne. pmnn nenmn i
Inilered plaited
,1 inrwieiu w..i...i '
. ..,-,, icnutu
luiiu-wuiHieu eilCClS. ant n Pir-nt
two-piece model, IHack, while
New Shipments of Canten Crepe and
Tricelette Dresees at $25.00
e,-inm.eiJl stl'akrhvV1,,,0t n,1l tHnU" m0(lels- '"Wel and embrofd embrefd
eied. Black, nay blue, Iiteii, white and rust.
Frecks for Summer Evenings
.en ?SL"cSi5.ruw,8h u;& Sn7n.rtateMia,1
feSttySer' ,n M-hi-wi i-s trfesc.
btnier ils
Maytime Frecks
Fer Maids of 4 te 6
Dainty White Dresses with
festal air. Just the thing for
small gMs te wear in May
Precessions and en Children's
White Organdie or Lawn
Dresses, $3.75 te $12M
Of dainty simplicity or
gaily hefrillcd. And some of
lawn are lace-trimmed.
White Crepe Georgette
Frecks at $11.75
Exquisitely soft and dainty,
and with just the right trim
ming note in rows of narrow
satin ribbon.
Princess Slips, $1 te $3.25
Combinations, $1 te $1.75
Bleemer Draivcrs, 75c
te $1.25
Ptrnn limit riethlr
Th rd rioer. Went
In the French Salen
The Loveliest New
Breakfast Coats
$15.00, $16.00, $22.5.0
They are simply adorable!
Fer never were there lovelier
hues: blue in various shades,
rose, orchid, peach or cool sea
green. There's .a choice of
shimmering changeable satin,
soft chiffon taffeta, crepe satin
or gres de Londres. And
there ate puffings and flowers
and frills and pipings with de
lightful novelty. Oh! they're
just out of their boxes, new
and delightfully pretty.
Sira w br lr A Clnthlr
l'tnrli n'en Third l-'loer, Wit
Tub Silk
at $2.65
'.. :n . r , '"V"" n'" veieue.
,tuu t-niureiur-rr-d mnrlnle , u
t-iiiint,, r .1 i i ,
and '. SZffJ
I c Miner Hrenl Fleer, it.rk.t Htrt
,& !
. .',Lv. T
4 bV
; Mi