m M 8i&mw' 'SMifiA.' ' !msb ;x' umm&w r i.rsp I'rtM? m- rLJli ,. 1 M. . l' ' '3"iSV'VIrrM'JCWli: ' - t '-' .V ? I' . " hfj ' :t.: 'WiV.? S1.'., .. . SH."" i. l . " -j.iUi .tii ' it a v.M. i . ;fL.j!iiiJjyjL .. wJ'f' iif r ra .'' rUBLlU lDiiJWlt--PHIDADELrJUA, 'lUUSDA-r, v-jua'X W",lW?a mmntzftFrw EVJfeJNlSG RSPSP i t : r. nrttifll' Inislnpwa Hum in 'riiM ImtMirtiint ttitinM w'tutitlnn jt Am dr 1:1 1'hI. I'urNi (monthly kMwa In Anicrlcii efTrrii lief nrrtlrrii ;mf knairlrdi la flrt-riile lnisiitn cnn .Tli In Nammtitm ilr trlnil littr far ;Malt n biijfr nr punwir, Hcfc rciit-n I, ,Mdni Nntlijlle lleurndil. '! rue tMniiir, fifU II. Jen't Let the Sun . Ge Down Today i Without Doing A Geed Turn Fer Seme Bey Give him a ride in your auto. Take him te a movie. This IS Do-A-Goed-Turn Day! BOY WEEK COMMITTEE TATOOED CHAMP IN DUMPS; HAS NO VACANT SPACE LEFT Jake. Frem Seuth Africa, frilling te Offer His Epidermis Up. i but He's Well 'Decorated iew Frem out f he cnllrry nf iinliiip In ttivliliinli niit lie Metuileil .liicnbiii IV iiii lVn -new tinil ilcfitiitrl.i n xwt of j till' Sciiiiimii'm Institute lit Sermiil Mint Willllllf Xtl'OflM, The I'lnlnm nf.liiieluis. or. n p nt.iv with IiIh imliilgi'itii' will liim. ".Inkc te illtiiniiun mi' miiti.t nini piissjbly mere vnrleun tliiin lir ts willllns te li't llie werlil in keiii'iiiI Knew (,'hlrf must lii mcntleiieil tlif ilnttu iut fur wiliil liv liit friends tlint lif is tin' cliiimpleii . tiitenivl iniiti of thi' world net ('minting iiineiis Mini (I-s-1hh pro pre pro fcyMennN. ".Inke" hall from .frlitimirhiiri; . wlietii'c flu' iippiireiit rlililli' nf Ins AN pi tieii I iiepcct Mini III- Seuth Lmnleit invent . Sinn' lil lentil j I'll f. lie liiis been I1111II113. .! often nini n well, tlint thorp nri' few pints nf tin- werlil tlint luive in'f li;n 11 leek nt liltn or Iijivp net Inlil some Mimltfr r lnrger run 1 'mi un 011 die wlint net of Ills rpliler. ink'. ".hike" luiv inmle tin' lirst iisp of the fnri'lienil lintiire etnleweii 1 1 1 tit will Little lilne Mllil NifTl'en lilies tllil' sPetli lit first lllie :i rellriiti"H e' ftri.ee vein, prove en 1 le.vev ulntir.- te It m ri'plpnilent serie." of lei'iit.. ern-f hoppers nnil etliri nuiliinunni' "ie Well .Mnrlicl in talk 11! 10.. t gWi! WHM'IIM tlftlliliffllEfflili'lll'ill'.llik.ll W I'll; i,'i W'Mil'i" ,. ti, . m The pride of t he I farmyard gsMZM! Eggs 35c e carton of twelve 1 Cnllf : 1 Fresh Country Eggs I Net quite se large but positively fresh i 30 dez At all our Stores IWi'ifcivivrtiil " rihuivnn iiii!:iJi!!iiniH'!iiii!i:tiiii:iiiB!!;':!iiiiiiisi:;ii!i;iii!i!iiiieii"iiiib jaK3E7' ?bc-. Gay Old Sidney Smith once ficjurccl : If he miule one jiersen liappy cai'h day. nnd lived 40 year. he would h.-ne distributed 14.(500 bits of happiness II V beat Sidney's life acliieMMiicnt ecry day. .37 IIjippinci Stores. 200 kinds of Happiness Candy. Happiness pat runs ".alnte. J''ijure up (lie pleaMin'! IMcnntime 2't, vmir .bare. nil fresli and delieimi. Ilapfiy Thought for Teday: HOME Nt AUK GANDHIS OU Ih United Happiness Candy Stores l"lli A Llii-.lniil M lilt s '.lil si W7I0 lirrnuntiewi Air I ." 1 1 1 M.irUrl st elt.'iH (irriiiKiitnii it t. Wli.v He Is II" wni leth illilee Mien It it -si il litmilv : "Wei! If je'ti mis Knew, "eh ! I'.'in e i .He tlii'in pin there, r w.is i.t n c. 't'l me nf n premise I'd ni:i.e te iln , nl'l people." 'I'll.' prenuse, tt seriiiPil. w ns. tlt.it .l.l'"li'is weiilil never cnmlile. Hew tliej pK'sen f tile Inillililehees -ttul In-' !-t t hn lie cannot lunisclf ee l niM iiiinaiimlile I'ltiilortieli. set ve t" keep his pren.jcp fresh in Ihh memery 's ti Hint for for xpeenliitien. 'n either MiniiMer .Inoelnis wears a trenii'.il hiittertlv in full wlnir. In the iimliliii of his chest he enrrlei thr t'nllfernln, mnsse, colors or the Allies, tin hl bi r.trllcr. inner lefr feienrni nre the name of sexett ciiiipmiiiitis nini ills own, who were ailrifi in the Irish sen after the stennisliip Iti.i!iilmiij tie was torpedoed in 1PI7. ( in the richi forearm is a work shutting hew life is with tlie Indies in the TrniisMinl. Here, there "id elM'where ever Ills biceps, abdomen. . chest nml neck are laiy-lnicd ninths. dripping dagger!., links, hearts and hemll) epigram". Only .lahe Knows the Answer Knob of these insignia has an nic,i,t n.eiiniiig if .liike eeiild only lip ninde te talk of them. They are doubtless nn allegory of "Jake's" career of which one can get only such fragments a" digging for diamonds in a Rhodes mine. d.Wng for pearls off Fniilklnnd. a des perate desertion from the French For Fer r.gn Legien as Cnssa Itlnnen. Spanish' 'oreco and a bayonet wound at lion lien i'irt a few days before the Armistice. no tiling, however, one learns iinte .1 . 'Make'- Is n hover, who would rather fight than go te sen or. when lie is net particularly hungry, than car. All ever Fngland and particularly m Liverpool he is known as the "Hattcrlng liner." I-'nr some reason, though, tlie States have been left colt by bis prow i ess. He has been refused several ap plications for a berth as a Ferk and Beaner. ; YEAD0N PATROLMAN ! GOES ON RAMPAGE: FIRED Sheets at Taxleab and Then Lecks Driver in Cell Yeaden was tremendously stirred up vesterdnv b a "bandit chase." m whleh two tuxjeabs figured. There was sheeting and even thing and the whole town was aroused. Finally . II. .Iaeken. chairman of the I'olfec Com mittee, wns appealed te by residents' . who heard the row. and lie hurried out. re find one of Ins cm n pa'rolnien en the i inmpnge. i 1 Locked in the little jail of the bnr- ouch was n perfect lj innocent tnl i driver, who was Uuidlv demanding hi i rights. He was freed at once with profuse apologies by Hurse.ss .W, Vor Ver non Phillips ; then enme tlie ticklish job of getting the gun awn.i from Jehn H. Paul, the offending patrolman Paul, it appears, hnd cenliscated some hooch, ttiwnrdlv. When the stuff 'began te work he went out and hired1 a tiixii'uh. according te Harness Phillips. "Paul was a perfectly geed ; man and a fine patrolman until he get intoxicated." said the turgp.. "We were sorry te let him go, but of course I we had te dismiss him. "He hired a liixnab and then set . in chase of another unicah. sheeting I at it. and himiis u three times. Then he arresied the driver, and put him in ;..:t ,r ., . . e , jiiii. ci course, ii na1' mesi uuier. 13 'innate, but I think the man who was S locked 1. p. while mad enough at the time, sees the humor of it new Ne. I riall.i cniinei rciall his mime, lie lived in Norwood 1 ! m 1 p." e? i''.:7 I St 'Mfcmnnviii ii'l S- 1 ML- p' ' ,rW ' y . N HYN Hie bold touch of the bluchcr pattern tivea this oxterd added emphasis a sport shoe. Seft Tan drain With I'inl: Vacuum Cup Hubbtr Seles Special 1 1 i W6S-MASKS i te TO HIRE It an I I " raeie im eg , iv 1 il nLX i 1 , m MARKET Harpers Wakve? 1022 chestnut Sheps -A .) U'OIU'S PORTLAND HAS 'QUAKE Pictures Shaken en Walls In Oregon Capital, but Ne Damage Caused I'nrl laiMl. Or. Ma 10 A siKm earth shock was felt here nt It iIJO A. M. esterday. Pictures were shaken en walls and windows rattled. Iteperts from Oulnev indicated shocks were felt in hut (he time was said te Ne damage was reported. rvrxr.w. articm'.s inn women SAIt.Mt t LOWIIIK w-iti'5i I10111 th went. ni x pct'if nf vfw "s (inn Weman S". s It. .she hn Ih- ir""ejs nf wnniit i lie.irt end t- iln inn whnt she thinks aliut Mirleiv nf ubJe-t!T Uenl hr etrnlBht-frnm-the-.hnulitiT tnlu which nprenr riri. ll"l ntl IMItOU.ll l'.lffe nf Ihn tiVKMMl I'L'B. In I.Li'Utii "MakD It 11 Habit." Adv. unce ai SankSjppSncs lank fieaka . i-umtuiMwuw icai Lithographing Prtntiin Ensravin4 NIK' M iT mtaszzi i tdrau'Le Q29 Market Stree' Sewing Made a Pleasure ra n Oq j r 1 11 BHUJiii HrnB BasBsSBHHIylBBDLJlkflV Ah Expert Sewing Teacher Cemes te Your Heme Free -ami she will tea-li you anything1 you want te knew about sewinjr, hvnistitchinc, embroidery, tucking, rufllins:, etc. Positively no charjre. She will come te you as often as necessary until you learn all you wish te knew. This offer is open te every woman in or nearby Philadelphia who buys a Willcox & Gibhs Portable Klectiic .Scwitii: Machine any time this month. Your old machine taken in part payment. ASK lOlt lli:MIINt.TIIAIIIlN. WITHOUT OtlMliAl ION. IN Mlllt iie.Mi;. a .ii.i,i, iwmiAT s.i:t'tKi-:s eni: or tiiksi:. tub iiai m r. en i:as ti:rms. Villcex & Gibbs Sewing Machine Ce. 1709 Chestnut Street Phene, Spruce 2192 .iCOURTESV. .SERVICE. J I IplLlliiiLaillJillii!!!!..!1 mi ..lliiLJiig, !!i,'iii;:iii,iiili!!Mtil H "ijjiiiMiiaiiiiiiiiiUuiiiiiiiiiiiJuiiiii.iv. .:.. .'..'. ...lliTiiiuuJiiifS?! TT".::::.. ":: jiiiiilL: .:. ij' lii'iiiiii'iiiiii I'niiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii g E 1Vhy275,OOOteeph went te Carlsbad last yeav An1 (h.v - m from . e r -tf nnr'd 10 rxrtiiltr r,f en n'gr curH prnpfti.d for 'emll tleub:. 11 r rj kirtn.y 1 ihim rhfunn'i'm rermlpat'in 'C nr Ulnl ,n Carlihl sr'udei .pr ni 'Kumeu fnr centtirl Nmv ten can obtain iTie. nalu.i rfmrdtaa at your dr izzw ASK FOR THE GENUINE Carlibld Sprndcl Water tad arldadfJBBff P 1 m : , iK Irffr !" IKK I3BQ epruuei nan ii'-i- " "r.al in?- If Agent WiiiE2mi l . II CarfcM Products Ce. MQBMU fefeb-alt A? " pl' x v' iEBMI May Sale Our Entire Slecks of This Season's Daytime Dresses .1-1. . II. 1.,., . I. 1 I. II ' Reduced 20 te 40 BIDDLE CLASS REUNION International Beard of Directors of Bible Movement Meets Here The Jn -r re.inii'ii s ice the war "f '' International lieinl nf I lii'ei'er. of liie A .1. Iirevl r.iddle Itllllc H.asc ti.iivenient nj. '11 'i i :i -1 niglit in Ie TiIiiim par s, hii'ise, the !c ) Fluid W Toiekiiii pieslding A wei'il w!(.' i'oiui'iitien of !re.rl 7!iiili' I'.ihle classes for the Sesiui l "iitennial I'vi'esii 'i'ii was suggested bv tl.i' Rev S II Weed, nf the t 'Impel f tlie IIel I'oiuii.ui'ieii. The iiieetm.' jolepied nieas.ins planning for a regu !u i" iiinntlil' lie "i ii',' tin estnblisinii in of ' ll i" tel liii(. ii"l' eighteen aihl leu ii.ing hrii. Itidiile workers te en niile niis iiilnisies te eiijnj slier' vai-.i ' ."ii- il ir'ng 'ii" - iiniiiei' nieiitli-. BOY AND GIRL HURT Suffer Cuts nnd Bruises When Herse Tries te Run Away lehn Reunion. ,Ji, tie year- i), nr 1 ins si.slt i Jesephine, three were "i t I'lred w-tcHinv in I'le-trui stfirt m r.( Hnvri'leid iivemie vIimi a 1k.i- Ii i In .1 1 baseball iittt'iitptPii te run nw,i The, were tieiitiil III the I'l esi 1, rum les. pitnl The be was in iii 1 an ,hh m, si,,ter was Irving te climb In .1. the Ipn-.e tielteil. The (civ w.'w .i-ii.i'( and 'In girl cut oil the face Leuis ei'klcc. fireman of 'truck li. grubbed He horse's 'iridic mid IMwanl Leng, fire. man of the .same leinpam. p. lied ii,e boy from the wa','011. The he-si dnigge.l (iikier lefeie -lopping. LOSES $850 DIAMOND Mrs. Juliet E. Burchell Robbed In Heme Mi's .lulu t i; I'll'i'iip'! w ir,,,( ,,( ('A P Rurclii'll. a lii nr w In, ii(i 1 nee e,ir. 1150 I .is I. 1 n relilie.l n .111 SN,"!) iliainnnd iing. Slie rcperinl te iln police IihIiix I hiit de' bus been ill in licr room at "l!.'!7 erth Twentv-tir.t .stieci mid has kepi the iing witu ollni ellni jewels in a b'ack b.ig in a dri--ing min A woman who hail eliini'cri'i n nn-lsl till' sick woman lins been erillr.,1 by tint police, but bits indicium! ly i IfJH denied any knowledge of the rlag. - Aw iw wMn lMWt IWnff fffli 1 nliW VB J IB , W ill w A & w$M w lil lMtt?iftt HiiiilLl" !Asllx PaS ill b7 WsfiWlti.w Typical "Sleeker" modes; .smart, distinctive, individual ; in every fabric and every color that is in vogue this season. A splendidly varied showing- of frocks for all occasions. 1 Fermer Prices $25 te $145, Reduced te $15, $25, '38 te $95 SKCONIJ AND THIRD FL0011S All Purchases Billed July 1st mmam I LULL-L& w ainut - tiireeiiiSBiiiiii m nlOMiO BIDDLE - GAUMER Li uh ting Fixture have every quality of distinction except a high price. In every line and detail their design will delight the eye, and their construction is of a soundness te satisfy the most exacting. Lighting Fixtures BIDDLE-GAUMER CO. 3846-56 Lancaster Ave. Take N'i III i'r n Subway Oerti Snlnril.i.va 'III 4 I'. M. l'hn.. HATllnj O7H0 Leuis E.WisERs; 9tc Quality ,Qurnittre Center 260-261 Se. Fifth St Philadelphia Bet Locust and Spruce VESIDE finding prices astonishingly low land quality unquestionably high, you will . undoubtedly be amazed at the extensive variety always displayed at Wiscr's a breadth of selection, that actually insures the certainty of obtaining fust what you want. Come. "Sec. Convince yourself! il i .' I. "M " l" ' 'SSWii!; te V m ilr".T.'AL I 1 I'l lBHIM.'lilll I'M J ' I A I l ' .1 ' OK .. Jlfifiifl-Kei'm .Suite of It'nltitK, in Italian d'2L( Period ncslirn: flnc dull finish In an Antique ip.50U Jtrewnt.ik Gray 10 pitctt I'tejpeitivc Hridcs should, hy eft'crinRs in all departments- all means, inspect prrscnt Furnitiirr. Carpets. Runs cerytliinp that pecs toward beautifying the li6hu'. J .Lyirin4f&m(3. FASHION SHOW In connection with the May Day Fete of the MATI NEE MUSICAL CLUB te be held en the BellevueStrat BellevueStrat ferd Reef next Thursday, May 18th, Jeseph G. Darl ington & Ce. will present a display of the latest fash ions. Members "of the club will act as mannequins. The Philadelphia Music League is the beneficiary. The Fashion Shew will be given at 5 o'clock and again at 8. Tickets arc 25c each and are obtainable at Roem 201. Bellcvue-Stratferd, at our La Boutique Shep, en the First Fleer of the Belle-vuc-Stratferd, or at the Per fume Counter, just inside the deer of 1126 Chestnut Street. Neckwear 25c 50c About half the regular prices! Included arc Cellar and CufT Sets of eyelet em broidery with Peter Pan, Buster Brown or Tuxedo cellars; Organdie Cellars and Sets; Vcstcc Cellar and Cuff Sets trimmed with lace; Peter Pan Linen Cellars with colored embroidery. A Refreshing Summer Seap Vardley's Old English Lavender with its clean, re fined odor is a delightful soap for summer use. We also have Yardley's Olive and Lime or Red Rese Seap all at 50c a cake. Women's Silk Dresses Beautifully Beaded Special at $19.00 is riikVW ' -s- si. U . v : ' .. ;.Vf v 'YV4:-H ' ) WW- L'JK L - fit uvr i Ti 'l . ,i V .t A small group of. de lightful Summer Frecks for women; fine silk ma terials, wonderfully beaded. One style is shown there are several ethers. II26If28 GfieUnut Street. The Best Silk Gleve Value in Philadelphia 16-Butten Milanese Silk, Deuble- (1 9C Tipped, Perfect in Every Way V l This is a special purchase and before deciding en the selling price we "shopped out" six ether stores. The lowest price we could find for equal quality was $1.85 and in most places they were marked at $2.00 and $2.50. Ideal for summer wear and in four shades black, white, pongee and mode. Sec them tomorrow you'll agree they are wonderful value at $1.35 a pair. Summer Underwear Women's Athletic Com bination Suits made from light, cool voile, batiste, cress-bar nainsoek or long cloth; pink and white $1.00 te $3.00. Knitted Silk Vests with a fine ribbed weave which makes them unusually clastic and comfortable; bodice top with satin shoulder straps; orchid and pink; $2.75 for regular sizes; $3.00 for extra sizes. Van Raaltc Gleve-Silk Vests in orchid, maize, pink and Nile special at $2.15. Canten Crepe $4.00 Canten Crepe, geed street shades, 40 inches wide $2.85 a yard. Crepe de Chine $2.25 Pure Silk Crepe de Chine $1.75 a yard. Broadcloth Silk $2.25 Broadcloth Silk. 3 I -inch, for waists, dresses and men's shirts $2.00 n yard. Pongee Silk Japanese Silk Pongee for waists, dresses and draperies special at 95c a yard. White Satin $2.75 White Sports Satin. 40 inches wide $1.95 a yard. Wednesday in the Lewer-Price Garment Section, en the First Fleer A Sale of Women's Dresnes at: $5 New Summer Styles of Coel Cotten MM. a materials Made te Sell for $8.00, $10.00 and $12.00 A t i t manufacturer s clearance group bought at about half price! If you want a geed-looking, dainty Summer Dress at a very low cost, come and sec this let Wednesday and come early, for there are only 100. Beth light and dark shades in voiles and dimities; several different styles for street wear these are net Heuse Dresses. Wonderful values, surely! Other Dresses, Suits, Waists at Very Lew Prices ,,, TC haVC "tabli8hef,t thia Fir8t 1:1" Section primarily as a "clearing house" for our regular departments. If a garment has been in stock tee long, if t is a bit soiled or speTl 'in additi1 wWr H KECnry S,W -ml put a very W p ici en it for quick ibt't T fr,m lim6 t0 time "Pecial Purchases of small lets elrkab vings men,,ened' Ye c find here many thing, at really 'la M j m xsmxi; Cn n t - 22., ' . . t&wi .. .".tt;3jdtii t&'lblWiAWM . M'.m ,