I - . r t : ., l . i . faiunM WiJM MMpffffWf bl-Jll.JPWlHfM ktlerii ".MM.'lHlrpii 2 WftM ita of 'Uicinen?cwif mwei ler V .iSnwa.ef 1878. will deliver S'Veumler'B Dny address speaking" 7johnDIckln8eii,for whom the college named. BBaaMBf' bbKvJIi M E57 . xk P-UrOS KZsssg fkitkw iri'JVP'yiTwi umnLuniwiiiii iy-j ikiwmihiwiiwii gigjiwiiBiiMBwiiyiiiiii,TniiiigHPgJ'7iMiffifc'f iwiw-.it n'wyv i L''yuffm m vet vrnvn i( a -1. ' Vf' r 7: - IWIffJMM i ,! , rtr i iA..k 'LnL'HaSI uUk.iwaW'a iifiMVitlWr '' r wmmEi tmrnm Wlttflll KnM AlllllVr VLLY HflflDflUIIIW wimminmifMmmm - MMmimi- - 11,0 wa . -"Mm mmwji ninjLU DflplAU I Ue SttYml llrl Im l:iwwjoywe" --- - 77t-- 1 l - Ik 1 . it"" Jt 1. 4 .11 - - - ' B"-- mm ar aar V W H M B WW SaTiSX SB I J A - J ONWI.WCKONlNWORinRIW 7 r "w ," "Wllh WWVIIIbVV Atidlonre which included 400 reprc- . w t' " -. 1 Wibeift Cohort 3lta 3742 Gernuntewn Are. . Fer the WheU 'Family ...... IQJ10 F jTrit for BMkbt e) 1 Formerly ITS Market St, sir Open Fri. h nt. terrain f 7M'-Ut ' ! Cn Krar IOB.-M Br rr . - , u r (lore, neasonneio puces, i-rempi j i Vfft IJ'i ... vr ilMOIViiu r.i-.i ...L ri'hl HI.BERT 8T. Locust SSI8 J i . . r -j KM&.a.a.M..KK It ! K.L 1.1. BAFVldJ VTONE lease end Window We Buy Old Geld imti, Silver, Matin aad Falit Tttta 4$ PENN SMELTING CO. J FILBERT ST. i gl.SrBj vv S vm t IUUK MUME ARY HOUSES WIRED FIXWRED S LOW AS $135Jt $10 PER MONTH 15. ,i. ivij-uc ex Tb Old (told Dhw" "u. IWjT A'wIR IW? v K ;1430 N km lfiLi f. 17th SL HAVE US ESTOfATB iH iai Part iftf kttX Tv 8Sr EHRETS SLAG ROOFING rfAfHRET ROOFING A At Ff CTVUVf. - iA r A rFTYIlVt IfewfeaiwGw' lMMM--IV fj rcz5 imKMMTHK SL1VU. WITH W OP CTOVC C git nme nd nambcr of ranee when ordered Slaneractarea only by , GEO. W. PEARCE & CO. 1531 N. American St, Olaer, PUh., Pi. On niftfllar at 1017 Arch 8t. rhene wuemsng vzn ( QWNERS of such homes depend en WILSON for surface protection and decoration joined with paints and painting' that will stand the test of time. ' 1 Painters since 1851 2039 Arch Street SPllUCE 8S11-85TB' RACK 4066-4987 Jinet S. Wilien & Sen, Inc. City History, Society Feels Up per. Drive it Only Beauty Spot Left Pedestrians ON SIDE OF HORSE LOVERS (Opposition te use of Upper Wissa Wissa hlcken Drh-e by motorist Is expressed by members of the City, History So Se clcty. They nnsert that this Is one ht the city's famed beauty spots and should het be liscd for such a purpose. Dr. William J. Campbell, president of the society,' Is among these opposed te use of the drive by nutomeblllsts. Olhcr members declared yesterday they would take serious steps te keep ma chines nwny from this read. Dr. Chnrles K'. Mills, n prominent member, said: "My attention has been directed te the question of opening the upper reaches of the Wlssahicken te auto aute auto mebllo travel by the recent comments of the Pcdlie Ledoer en ''Wlssa ''Wlssa hiceon Dnv.' when the levers of flip .horse had their Inning. -I believe in tne rights of 'the rider and driver of horses and hope their privileges along the Wissnhiekeu will never be cur tailed or. Interfered with seriously. "I would like, however, te call at-' tentien te another point .of view which appeals te me even mere strongly. Thaf li the rleht of the nedestrlan. T trust the Wlssahicken from the bridge near me Kittenueusc Mill site te Dells Mill read Will forever hi kenr." frin nf mitn. bile pleasure-seekers. I desire that in tne interest f the. girls and' boys, the men and women who lnvn tn L'xnlnre nfoejt this region sev full of scenic beauty, history and traditien: "Recently, en three separate occa sions, I acted ns guide for a group of members of the City History Society In a most delightful series of trips from Whlte Marsh Velley te the mouth of the AVissahlck'en. On the first of these a sirming illustration was given of Lew automobiles would interfere with feet pilgrims. "Our group approached the Wlssa Wlssa hiceon read from the point of gathering nt the junction of Hells Mill read and the main street' of Oermantewn and Chestnut Hill. Hells Mill rnn.l at thin point is open te automobile travel and- is-used by automemilsts coming te and going from thq White Marsh Valley. Our little group had te make frequent quick movements te gutter or side hanks from the paths of Uhe machines that passed both ways in rapid sue' cession. "Have that condition all along the Upper Wlssahicken and the drive will be ruined for horsemen and pedestrians. I trust that our city authorities Will never permit the Upper Wlssahicken te pass under the sway of the gnseline dragon." Dr. Lcffmnnn said the upper Wlssa Wlssa hiceon Mas the only rural spot within mll(i of the city that was safe for pedestrians. . European Stability .Needed, De frees Tells U. S. Chamber of Commerce - BALFOUR URGES HARMONY OE30I BS53i J Step and Think .e i, 12 i e what would happen te your family if the administration of your estate was, left te an inexperienced individual. Avoid this evil by appoint ing this Company as' your executer and be assured 'of, a careful management. Let our officers explain. The Real Estate Title Insurance' and Trust Ce. of Philadelphia S23 Chestnut Street Acress from Independence Hall 45 S. Bread St. Leu, Cem, ene Lincoln Building 0Mj Title Iruttrenct Company in the World mmmmimmmmmmmmi CUTICURA CARES FOR YOUR HAIR iii? ,n ,,ke npoes with Cu Cu Cu !8oap,nihet wrtCT preceded touches of Cutlcure Ointment te JP of dandruff and itching, te SJP the acalp and bair healthy. "y we Ideal for all toilet usee. N Mil www ! Ill RAPS HISTORIANS i Textbook Writers Urged te Cease Exploiting Their Own Opinions New Yerk, May 10. Historians, In writing, textbooks for. use la public schools, would de well te forget the personal weaknesses of our national leaders and te resist the. temptation te exploit their opinions, a committee of school officials "suggested yesterday at the conclusion of en investigation of certain textbooks used in New Yerk bchoels. The committee's report stated that some of the faults of textbook writers were1 : "Failure te realize that many' of the facts of history should be taught in lemcntary grades. "Failure te'describe adequately and vividly many of the most inspiring events of history. "The Inclusion of statements of our national heroes and civic leaders whlcn are offensive. "The use of offensive illustrations and cartoons." By the Associated Press , Washington, May .10. Although business conditions are en the mend in this country, the improvement through out the "world, and particularly In Europe, since th'e war has "riot been sufficient te justify optimism as te the future," Jeseph II. Defreet, president of. the Chamber of Commerce of the United States, declared here today in opening the tenth annual meeting of the chamber. Laying before the con vention, attended by some 5000 dele gates from every section of the country, thoxkeyneto problem te be considered, "European Conditions in Their Effect en American Business," Mr. Dcfrccs said : ' '' "When we leek eastward te the cen ter of modern clvlllzntlen in' Europe, te the markets of hnlf our expert trade, it is only the hopelessly Ignorant or the incurnble optimist who can work out any Immediate assurance of comfort or stability. "Hunger and its kinsman-, bolshe belshe vism, stilt stalk menacingly across the stage, wars and rumors of wars arc yet in progress, boundaries arc net fixed, governments nre net secure, finances are in turmoil. These things thnt we fought for, the defeat of militarism and the safety of our -own and ether frce gov ernments, have net yet been attained. Hew and when we shall aid, we who nre most powerful te aid, In restoring stability in Europe in our own Intercut ns well as in theirs, arc. I assert, tlie greatest and most immedinte problems before American business today." Balfour Urges Harmony, The convention nlke. was addressed nt the opening session b Arthur Bal four, vice president of the Association of British Chambers of Commerce, who (poke en the economic and Industrial Slttlntlnn nf Rnrnnn "' IT.. f. .!..., ..., .. v jviiBiujiu, jur. .uaneur'Baiu, and In some ether countries .we have seen -the worst. We arc reaching en couraging conditions where trade en' a proper basis will again be possible and I 0111 VPrV hnrinftll flint-, hnfnrn H nml of the j car trade will begin te flew'in us normal cnanncis. , It is Imperative that you and we. jrrenr Aiigio-saxen people' of. the the SAY WE LIVE LONGER Advance In Medicine Has Brought Added Years, Docter Says Chicago, May 10. It's net just be cause you feel a little elder. Persons actually are living longer between ten end fifteen years longer. That is, the stntcment of Dr. Charles E. Humlsten, S resident of the Illinois State Medical oclety,'whe supports it with statistics, The added years, lie states, arc the result of the' advance in surgery and medical science. "Statistics show," he sold, "that in 1850 the death rate was twenty-five per 1000 persons annually. Today the rate is fifteen per 1000 and in some places where the climate is especially salubri ous it drops te eight per 1000. "This means that in a short time the physician will net be in practice as we knew him today, but will become sort of community physical adviser.'' MANY CLAIM GEM ap-Poer Penniless Widow Forgotten as Women Fight for Diamond New Yerk, Mey 10. Wealth, Hearing suddenly yesterday in junn s court, cnusea a net. a young lawyer was trying his oratory, in be half of a widow with five children, who could net pny her rent or her debts. The courtroom was still. Then the lawyer stepped and picked up a two-carat bUio-uhite diamond set ,iu platinum. He had stepped upon it. "Te whom does it belong?" asked the Judge. Three women in the rear of the room squealed "Me!" Seven ether women then claimed it. The courtroom was in an uproar. At nlghtfalSlt bad been claimed by twenty women. "Can you dcscrlbe it?" the clerk asked tbcm, "Yes," each replied. "It's a dia mond." Sunday Scheel Superintendents Meet Huddenfleld, N. J., May 10. The enuuul meeting of the Sunday Scheel Superintendents' Association, of Cam den County and vicinity, took place last night in the First Presbyterian Church, with the president, Jt. It. Resscll, pre siding. The meeting wfls preceded by a dinner and n tahle conference, nt which the Hev. Ivan Ilagcdern, pastor of St. Paul's Ruthcran Church, of Colllngs Celllngs Colllngs weod, spoke eh "The Christianity Needed Today." At the business ses sion and after the nuiiunl election of officers, Ralph O. Norten, director of the Bvlglun (Sespcl Mission, of Brussels, Belgium, spoke en his work, Injury te Finger Is Fatal ' Shenandoah, Pa., May 1(1. As the result of n suinll cut and in(cctcd finger, Charles F. Stauffcnberger, ferty-even years old, died yesterday. He, wus n former colliery superintendent, n Spim Mh War veteran and a vestryman ' of St. Jehn's Lutheran Church. World. Should stand together 'wnrlr in. gcther, with the greatesf-pessible har mony for the reconstruction of Europe. It is net nlone the reconstruction of Europe which, whether we like it or net, has been placed upon Anglo-Saxen shoulders, but the tiesen nf thn whniK world depends en us, and is our natural, Heritage and we must nssume the burden and face our responsibilities together." The program for today also called for a number of group meetings, includ ing the domestic distribution, fabri cated productlenHnhd insurance groups, which heard .addresses en subjects of special interest te these fields. The afternoon session was devoted te n ceremonial program in connection with the laying of the cornersteno of the new home of the national chamber here for Which ground already has been broken en a site overlooking, Lafnyet te Square en th north. The nrearam called for addresses by Charles N,agcl, who, as Secretary of .Commerce and Laber under President Taft.callcdt the .organization meeting which led te the formation of the chamber, and by Harry A. Wheeler, of Chicago, the .first president of the chamber, i CITY BIBLE WORKERS MEET Philadelphia Presbyterian Associa tion Has Sessions In Colllngsweod Colllngsweod, N. J., May 10. An afternoon of sports in Knights Park opened an afternoon-evening session of the Presbyterian Sunday Scheel Asso ciation, of Philadelphia and vicinity, yesterday, with the Colllngsweod Pres byterian Men's Bible class, Dr. William A. Chambcrlin, ns the 'host. At 0 o'clock women of the church served dinner te ISO delegates. At the evening session in thp church auditorium, Reland M. Evansen, presi dent of the association, presided, and the Rev. Rebert I. MncBrlde,, moder ator of the West Jersey Presbytery, made the wldrcRS of welcome. Follow ing the regular business of the meeting, Philip E. Heward, president of the Sunday Scheel Tlnlts Company, of Philadelphia, made an address. Kaiser's Bust Sells for $835 Seuth Norwalk, Conn., May 10. A bronze bust of former Kaiser Wllhelra get nn opening bid of thirty cents when it, encc.part of the fittings of the Vatcr land. was nut unSfer nurtlnn nf .h. surplus property sale of the United States snipping Beard nt the Wilsen Point Yards here yesterday. It sold 'for Alte Says Irish Wives Are Worse ' than Barroom Bums . Chicago, May 10. Speaking te an liudlcnce which included 400 repre sentative Chicago women, as' well as the lending clubwemen 6fr Illinois. Lady Aster assailed women who attend prize fights and these whose extravagances keep the noses of their husbands te the grindstone. "Are'wc really different from men? I hope Se," she said. "If 'we were' like men, then there would eje no use giving. us the vote. It Is because wc are different that wc hope te 'help, and yet women are ltke men in this. They vary. "The women who attend prize fights, tbe woman who keeps her 'husband's nose te the grindstone because of her personal demands and vulgar ambition te eutshlhe and outdo' her next-deer neighbor, are just ns hampering te real civilization as' the old-fashioned bar-"f room loafer and mere se. f "That- old-fashioned barroom bum was se obviously a warning te all. The ambitious, selfish wife or daughter is net se obvious, often she's- for a tlrae most attractive. "Naturally- you must all vote with parties and later en you will very likely get tied up like men. But I don't think the time is ripe for that just new. As women, fa mustorganlze te educate ourselves net en party lines, but en national lines. Don't become fodder for political cannons." HPKINO RKMOHTW ATLANTIC CITV.'X. .' ALBEMARLE Yersinia nve.. block from finxiia Boardwalk and Hteel Pler; open after lmprecmem cestlnf 183,000, m.iklnir im heute ntrlctly modern In every one. Klectrlclty thrueut, RUNNING WATER IN ALL ROOMS Spacious aelarlumi atin deck: private bathe; elevator:, $1. BO day up, room only. Owner ehlp manacement. GABLE & Dnvm fflwm Sil "fit'"" ffiSL BUT and COLD WJITEI IIMUM Cell primes. PTKL TO H S.CmluuAT. jatteSBa'wft. impmtt i 1 IN ALL ROOMS federate rataa, txrlnnlef it K. STrnUB STtrZSB. Ovmm On Ocean front at Mentpeller uve.. new cpen. Suttee with bath, running water all roems: elevater: Spring rates $4 day up. 124 "P weekly. AmeiV plan. H. M. RKBVK3. 31, ivemucay are. near neaen: ewrj modern Improvement:, special sprlnr rates, tloeklet Open all year. JOHN J. MURPHY. Owne r. IMaYMOKEW0 XUbrtds Greatest Hetel Success TABOR INN cean end Connecticut A v. i Ideal locatien: large, nlry rooms; excellent table; 20th. season; owner rnatnt. Sprlnr rates.- J. P. a A. SI. Dunn. 7&T : I That Vacation Land you've never seen By an Easterner HOTEL MORTAN Vlrslnla Ave. .Near Beach Write for boeklet: new brick edition. THE LOOVAN ' V JAKt j i Ueaeh Tenn. ae. Running- whterMn rooms. Med. rates. Europ. plan. Mra. B. Gunner. Hetel Boscobel "fiiTVr',"011 '.,,.. . .. Excellent tnble. Wkly. rntes. 118 up. Pb. HT. A. E. MAHION M0NTICELL0.,S?.aV., ...v... -W.UV (20 up xv-jekly. FETTER close te dav un. HOLUNCIEK DE VILLE AmV' PUni wepderful meaUi rates I22.B0 week up, THERE'S s strange land in your country, unlike any ether that you've ever seen--and it's the greatest summer playground that world-wide travelers have ever visited. "Different" from the moment that you enter till .you. leave it and enchanting, everywhere you lepk. Lefty mountains, some rugged, some smooth. Hundred-mile views from peaks that you can climb, or from mile-high trolley lines or meter reads. Fertile valleys en one side a desert like Sahara en the ether. Mountain lakes and trout streams, golfing, sea bathing, tennis, camping, hikes into wildernesses, missions, dancing or the theatre. " AH within a stone's threw of the ninth city in size in the United States! That is Southern California the great vacation land that you have missed. , Perhaps you think it warm there dur ing summer. It it warm and balmy, but hew warm? Temperature ' The averts mean temperature in Southern Call-. ferula for the past 44 years (U. S. Weather Bureau records) is at follews: June, 65 July, 70 Ausust, 71 September, 69. The tame records show that a treat city in the ceater of this section has en the average only one day In June, two days in July, three In Augutt and three in September when the thermometer teuchea or exceeds 90 degrees. . The air is usually dry, se higher temperatures are comfortable here that would be uncomfortable in the East-whets humidity emphasises heat. , Southern California averages 309 day of sunshine. Summer U the rainless season se you cankplan en perfect weather for your fun. ' An Invaluable Change Vacations are of value te the extent that they provide a change of scene, environ ment and interest e most physicians orchestral danclna: Sprlna Themas SI. O'Brlea. AUSTINE raclfla St. James Place. Clene te all churches A amusements. Rnnnlnr water In moms. F. If. JCCJES. OCEAN CITY. K. 3. BERKELEY BKCta front ' ' '.. .... rms.; every one with ocean Mew. Bathlnr from house. Mern. iuiu,. RALEIGH pn" !Uy -"et ana ' . 1"". nuuuw rwuer in air ream. June rates. Mra. MtartheT Mfewirt UUMJAYINe. "un s ar in eery room. -injunutiv. Booklet. n. vm,mroen. y. j. Third Effert te, Change Government 'Newark, N. .1., May 10. The third attempt te establish commission form of government In West Orange will be mnde today. When the 'cpicstlen was before the citizens of West Orange last September a majority voted In faVer of the change, but the total vote was net sufficient te legalise the 'election. Rare Malady Kills Woodbury Man Woodbury, N. J., May lO.Willlam Olbbs, forty-four years old. died heS Sunday utter a brief illness from Hedgkln's disease. The malady is r and, according te physicians, feu- cases are known in this country. Mr. Olbbs' was an empleye of the Philadelphia Navy lord. " TKMPI.R HAM Under new mat. 224 R. . ... , Poplar ne. Community plan. I ID week up. Aute meets trains. EDGETON HOTEL Hwcll ""'" Opening May 27. W. II. HUPaiNH?Mgr. CHELTON. Furn ren,s- t-ta-ht iiskp-. .. r.. ttuunnea inr. bench) Derbyshire Junlper and Pacltle Aven. Cem. plan. Aute meets trains WILPWQOD CKEhT. X. J. JUSTICE APTS. D "oem" ""a" h. ' .. . Near bench and amuaemeats. Moderate term. Bathing from house. Large breesy perches. 'W. A. Justice SEA ISf.E f'lTV. X. J. 8EA IHI.B CITY, X. J. Fer Infermiillnn write Ct Clerk. Cltr Hull SPRING LAKE BEACH. X. J. THE BREAKERS Snvlnip T.nlfA Ran.li v v Kldlntr, Ueatlns. Orehai, By the He. Ra rtnttilnp Dancing.' Prlvlletre of two 18-hole aelf courses. Ten Tennis courts. , Hetel new open for Inspection. Early Reservations suKgeetcd. Phene 000 Open for the Season June '17th. BEACH HAVEN. X. J. THE ENGLESIDJMlif Private, baths with sea anu rresh water: five tennis ceurts: booklet. R. F. ENOLB. afar. Alse the Covington. West Philadelphia. HIVERTQN. N. J. Lawn Heuse !?&' V?"11: delpnta. en the Bank of the Delauare IlUert NOW OPEN. t'eemnnt nnd Transient. C. C. Bntler. WKHTI'OBT. X. Y. Hei 1 cett J boa By aten Y " RSTPORT INW I OX LAKE CIIAMPLAIX Heusekeeplnir and non-'.ieutekeeplnc rnttaaes. Own coif llnku t.n.i. beating, Uvthlnir. flshlnr. erchestra: steam 'lent. Rates 17.00 up .Hlkt II. r. SMITH. lVeetPart. X. Y. Ail-Year Club of Southern California Sec. 604, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Les Angeles, California " agssCTtJte - -2$r -Vt f ' "'JggggbgagsaW .eW"-"-. UH .11 V 7 I gT B getBKgsEgBBSllttgsBlllV Kt AL ggHfigliBBBBBWgliBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW yggBBMBjl aHM sHmr I Name Lg MM ' ... .,,,,e m. '"" lOUKK 'H i I I ' - VWwmrtm-. - i tw MUrmttA v '. tf x-tQ, yllglwMt JWkdgiMBMBMBMMBMr 'H; 9 2iBBMBMBMBMBMBl ffl figMBMBftMBMBMMVMBMMBl " ' M V ,w jABBBBBBBBJ BHBBBBBH 7Ma1 IgMJMW" '-rgai ' JHjPw 1 J 4 gSgSBBBBBBBMJgsV ,'Ssi gMMMMMH ssMbMbMbbW H' gaBBBBBBBMBM aBBBBBBBBBBUgaMBUgak 'ftV MMM aflMnMBV M sMbbbbI W am v ' BBBBBBBs bBBBBW ' ml I i BijH I fSRBBBV t BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbV JiA ' aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi siMBBV ' sBgBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV mm Mm am JlmmmWm ' -a. f iMmWlr3JmWrt sB BfiB30BV gBBBBBBBBT 'PMBBBBBBBBBBBgBBBBBBHPr e bFB1 BaM MBB MMM SMBM MMM bbbbbW BBBM1 I MB MBl gBBM r Bl fAA aaJ mu a Am fell mm s m m m A mm X A aL Bl say. They say also that whole families need this change. I an easterner first went te Seuth ern California in the summer en the ad vice of a physician who had been there. I went first for my health. But for each succeeding six summers I went te see sights and enjoy experiences and diver sions that I had never known until I found this wonderland of summer. I found there 4,000 miles of meter highways, paved like city streets, leading te a myriad places filled with that rare charm of unfamiliarity and difference scenery, people and occupations that al ways is suggested by the phrase, "a trip abroad." In fact, I found each" year in Southern California "a trip abroad in my own United States." And se can you, who wish te de se and'at a very reasonable cost. Ge New The thing te de is go new, while you may. Ge see these things that you have never 6een. There's real rest in the new ness of a change like this. Let the entire family have this great trip this summer. It will be a life-long Eeurce of pleasure te you. Special low-rate, round trip fares new in effect -Ne mere War Tax. Ask any railroad ticket agent for further information, or mail cou pon below. If you go te Southern California but once and stay only two weeks you'll never regret it you'll say it's the best trip of your life. All-Year Club of Southern Califenl. Sec. C04, Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Les Angeles, California. m fAAAA mimmi 1 hb a Am fell C mm A m m A mm X A A aL Incase scnu iuc iuii iiiiumiauuu auuui tae . summer vacation possibilities in Southern I I California. a I Name ..-.. ... , , ; EAGLES MERE, PA. The summer resort that Is different because It combines mountain and seashore conditions with unique sur roundings. The sandy beach and temperate water of the X,ake of thn i:aKl afford splendid bathlne 2-00 feet ubee sea level. One of the finest Eulf courses in America. Fer booklet and rates, write: The Ferest Inn Herman V, Yeeger, Uanager. The Lakeside Jehn 8. Kirk Sen. The Raymond I,. B. C. list. Manager. The Cresbnent Inn WHIIam Weeda. Men.ictr. EAGLES MKBE PAKK. PA. Desirable furnished summer cettaees near lake and golf course for rent by the month or season Write II. V. YKAniiR. Mbt. Pacific Juki Northwest California Alaska The Best in Travel EDUCATIONAL Beth Hexes strayer;s eStnV"t r rasltlen auaraa'd. Enter new. Day er night. HCMMKR CAMPH Vnunrfn and Beys THOUSAND 1HI.AXD8. X. T. TABM AND GARDEN" CAMP WEE-E-YAH-YAH Fer boys R te 17 yeara of age. July 7 in Aur. 31. S27IS. Illustrated booklet en reVeat H. H. BUXTON. DO Newell Bt.! , Vtlcafx! Y. FARM AND OABDEN Single Pieces Complete Sets Everything In furniture te beautify the home grounds unique, and attractively fleilgned, Including Weed Arches, Trllle. rtruure, anirance uates. Pergolas, etc, Buy Direct Frem Manufacturer See Our Display at Salesroom Buying direct from us, you are asurd ervlce, quality and attractive prices.' ,, FREDERICK R. GERRY CO. 1835 Market St., Phlla. r at aBB&Wrtetf1'-'WA KTb1 , ' . i-; JgMTTaBsE5tl!BaU' c? . UwakHg t ',' i g ' sliliiiniiir T--iaS!aHS3 MOUNT PHCQNO. PA. DEVONSHIRE PINES Oexln"? Special Spring Rates. Fishlne Bathing and Beating. Booklet. H. D. Hum ph rey. CAXADF.VB1H. PA. LAUREL GROVE INN 'RI Modern! geed tables garage: $13 weeks tit. Let Raymond-Whitcomb relieve you of the bothersome details of your pleasure trip and make it a pleasure trip, indeed. Tcurs te California Alaska Na tional Parks Pacific Northwest Canadian Reckies etc. Frequent departures new till Sept. Select what you wish, we de the rest. v Ask for New Booklet Raymond & Whitcomb Ce. 1338 Walnut Street ; Tel. Spruce 8663 Toms The Best in Travel WASHINGTON'S ANCESTRAL HOME The Ancestral Heme of the First President of the United states is one of the many interesting features of an attractive book, " Charm of England ' Issued free by The Londerl & North Western Railway of Great BrltaUs. It describes many places of His torical Interest and Scenic Beauty ; Ancient Castles. Universities, Cathe drals, etc., served by the Premier Reute for Travel in Ensland. Scot land, Ireland and Wales. Before sailing for Kurupe writs for a free copy and full Information te : JOHN l'AIUMAX, Asrnt Londen A. .Nnrth Western Itnllrrar, 200-1'. Fifth Atenue. New- lerk TQRBESPAT .. pa THE- MORFXTON INN stZTMr-kr JMV7MBsBBsBsBsBBs9'KrlT.SjVBr 9SmMI(mWmKKfml'Lymn -SRgW-.iii BsBBBsBBBBsBBilBsBBBVeaB?K Osrir 'M fWBBg8iBs---salv OX.TIIE-DKLAWAKK TORRESDALE, PA. Secead Dance of the Season Wednesday, May 17th Dancing from v 1 M. te mitlnleht MEALS OF GOOD TASTE Dinner from 0 P. M. until 8.30 P. M, The most beautiful spot near Mie city for a few days' or hours' rent r recreation. Write or phene for t-oeklet. Only forty tnlnufcs from City Hall rur. rraer-awens ph. Tnrrei.diil 7088 World-Famous Cruise en ilia r.-t i .1 Trahsit Corpertlion Palatial Steel Steamers x lIUWt&TA" "JUNIATA" "nriYinani. ,SC Buffalo te Duhth and Return 2230 Miles Ut&zL&a&&xgz . . w macaiuac nac viter SnfZ.?' "ft" W- Of clu.iv.iy every ,1, ZtZiJhTSSS S Ueit, Mackinac Wand, S.ult Slef mU, HeuSn.' !!'A,..?!?ln.. "'' . Jf!'ln ue,ouimedatl. i .... "" im-iuuru in lure, UANtlNG flVMPrt ii,".r..VV,:: T Teuf't or Hnllrnn.i i.,... L r ""- "! iimt Tickets anil i esei-vatlens at . fl'BINO HIlhOKTh l.fc.NtlX. MAjf,. Mbbbbbbbbbbbl A tl e IMSSBBBBBBBBalaSBBBj Ma'JSMt fib HOIKL ASMNWAU: LENOX. MAS High and Coel in the Berkshires fK,.J!W5 !? . oelp. a-VDDLE bidin, Ocen JJenlrablr Cettaees S.VDDI.P nmvvn 1. Itt. u-., . .' ABTHMORK. PA. I t.""A."ivOROB. "si.ri,.,8.;" H H A V EN INN i rW4LFR,-' rABTIIMORK. PA. l-W'm.r Resort. Prlne... naT..rl'n fl. S T R A 't BWART Attractive Huburbsn llnt.i "n n,in... . . Phlla. Bread 8t, Station, Krce nute te morn, nir and evenlnir tralnn. QABAUE In rennec tlen. Hpacleus ereunds. Tennis, Cnneeina I Dancing. TEA ROOM. Dny. wkly.'und mlblf' rates queteq. mnner Partlej. Banquets, W F TOURS "eiAfe'S.TRAVEL SERVICE" 'T,U0TurhouhreaJ05,,!; Hflew WsilniiA l w nosTexTtiAKu" B0TEuiSi5TANJ mmwm FRANK'S MEDITERRANEAN CUNARD S. S. "SOTHIA" Tn.l.1.. ... Miuuiq wu.uurnni months, SOOe nml ' -l.eOO tuns Mur.l.a.KfS.aTl'fftSSS. udr khure runMiintlnepIr The riUM -.. Bosten Hm. I I. ft . - .1.T" "? a w,Vtc,"ln,lt"2arh I.!-: rvat.ii. My "" - "IJWBIUt tJTe Krilir. Ill.. flrrVr. i,V.ii,0V lVn'!!r"l"l'lf1 Slr'tt. Me a rvrv 1UUKI5T CO. 219 S. 15tl .:, .., ' (ltali. lhT3) ii.ii i1M '. 1 , .,,, Mvu , spruce JS2.; rthMiuiv .......m . - "1 .rtsiu.ir.1 KAlLM'Aih !saess J Wj.ri Beseaa. j Hre Ciinadi Thl. k,...... lew raree, lrer full details u,n. C. E. NNF.V. O. A. r. D.7 ..,, We offer tbre widely different kinds of BMivlce for summer acutlens In our bli mat uud meet suuderfut Nutluiiul Park. J llorerbucU Tuurs de I.uie through Tel. luwstuna Park. H dye' durutltiu. parties lliuitvd. strlitly first tluss, inemberslile f.!,'.''"..1,, '."e" J""1 'e"i". -hlef gulddi ,.l,'xi, V0,m; et twenty yi-ura' uiperienve. In all Amn'tu no trip Ilk., this. Bate. Pr person, Mull. Frte booklet. ' ?; ''"'"'..f'unimrr Cuinn In yelloirstena I ark In the liwrtef th l.B gama riBi7. ..lllrluls .nd parents mer tnembeTe Open for li it from ara ui 5r?f!' ItW-s Intlude llerHi-bl ipl: "xBleratlMS trull study llshlnii ,wn inhig 'i.,S pxteiulB from July I Auauit -e M.mB bcrahlp cuartie. .ll. I'FeV ie5k,,f,,m 3 htundiiril lour inl - One Hnlf nH.. MiIiIiitIiib Tour tlAh steun ut .V.V"A aumnier I'liiiP". tT6iiiplete test, lc Sdlni !!. " ! '""V'.'l10 d"'inPiirta lien, me7a SS Mw: HUcrcHsfully iejIriih-ii HO IhU Is the lepuTiVr tS, Willi!! hllH HUCTHBSfuily eniriii.i '..I'WI wimitt 'U rittftl ! VI - lUIKIUI HIT llVkP II ,m. . tleii. Ilea miujeii extends Jreni ' Jijiie " t( S..it.mWi IS. Tours slnrt daily Aen! ill P.uk liileiraii. Pree booklet, Vellowtene Park Camps Cempsay Bex 572, Llvlnfiten, Mentana i K', -' ,'"";'-" 4 , ..4 mM A-t !, :.. :. -. " i f, &&$$ MMMM An I i $. "M JJ &,M'S r ' SI 'ilil - & tX$. fthil mi rfrr yfL. m