THE PEOPLE'S FORUM letters te the Editor TiZkg Dry' Crltlcltm Unjuit Tn .." , i,. Evening rubtie uiatn ,'rMer et ll Vvenlna PubUe Ledger! '' w strange commentary in ? .fMslvc and supposedly tolerant thU ;fir,c c mw "wrB and, nrotegouulH cibVn stead Act should inke such ' rtl0.,m?,ra et ull crltlclmn directed fierce ' bra,tany person having tat tat terr, , rest gc or promlnence te win ficlcnt C cxin ess but the mildest n ,ui 6f e net In question and WTnmrdln tcly the target et th.; ie v tuwrat ve abusc-hls personal fill, elm&d and his character as- "S&'tlie mere nrt that n sufficient New tiic """.'........tin. n dhne- - r niinniii t'ji ir .nc"f . BUKber "' M '!" cnting liquor as n bev e been able te cryatellte the MBftj' PLY!? tli llouer as n bey- ' .t into n law ferblddlnj the ". and use of liquor oe n ST Ita clthV"t. Bunc ?. n ovlslens arc felt te be un hem H Pru0.V.r' Many times In the tly epptcKS he. f,, , ,... ,avc ' Ps,t ' wJunen 'the atute books, only h f Ided or erepcaled under the JlUiaef Ged; mannade laws feline, Pa-.Miy l.fl022' stoutly Defend- Prohlbftlen "S Th bum rthartny one expect sir ,Xrs te believe him. would ,r5(y0.Unr reeklewly about a subject as J! Keesberry. en May 8. There ' 3L .l.whe de net knew the facts "'Kir bene"" it should be slated Vne ether amendment te the Cen- Hen was m. popularly carried as prohibition; ay H. "L,""ii ates hare ratified, in the wet States wen i fe s" ie .ss ".y ,ecr..-rf ..; '; ; m ih dry of Its Institutions, bawd en tendencies In a rlslnc market te buy mer stocks also uiat nave ceme under His own observa tion. That his conclusion is net, founded In groundless fear is amply attested by the activities of churchmen, representing re ligious organizations, before legislative bodies, municipal, State and national, in urging legislation which undertakes te supply needs or regulate the conduct of citizen In matters affcctiim them as Individuals ns well as In their relatien1 te the State and te cneh ether, en the assumption that such legislative bodies can best, determine and secure their highest welfare. J'hls is no new doctrine in government out u reunu no acceptance In the sound en margin, nnd a similar process In sclllns en a declining market, Te the Editor of the Svcntna rublte I.tdeir: Sir Tlie K. N'. Welch Manufacturing- Com pany, of PereslMlle, Conn,, about which your correspondent Ueorse Chldley queried recently. m purchased fifteen or twenty year a se by tha present owner, the Ses sions Cleck Company. Mil. It. fl, TOW.S'SBND, I.ansJewne, I'a,, May 7, 1022. Poems and Songs Desired u,i!iT..n Thirty -three States are IWeir own votes.. Forty..! et til forty-eight States nave "" tM ion a,..,. wit n te half S"JLnnlV were living in dry 'territory LW'leeal I option. Virtually, every hum -f --.i-i. L.rf mMk lin I .th0 ffSV-Urtffn before; . We Tare net feels ' They knew ults when tbey, see them, and the Kit Congress Is even dryer tqan the .7w"n Bcnb the amendment out for . Ifi a ion. Such amendments are net Cw J bv Popular vote, and this one Snsed In the way provided by the rMtltut!en for Us nmendment. The muls lave been beneficial and the B. increasing. The cost of nfemBnt. se far as the law Is en- ibRtd, i m man.y LP,aic? tmere than nit by the fin" of the viola ors. 5.-tbeunda have ten thrown out f employment is nui i": ....v... ..v Jwney once spent for worse than worth werth 'lew liquor and used te support men he would better have been producers U new spent for things of real value 'wd is Klving mere employment than btn spent for drink.1 The booze fac tories ibat ar6 new turning out Ice eream. for example, are employing mere wen and paying better wages than ha- That "prohibition does net prohibit" h partly true. Ne law produces 100 ... Mnr norfect results. Several laws ire violated mere than tha,ene against llouer. Why does net "J. C. K. howl for their repeal? And If prohibition does net prohibit what is he se un bippy about? Fortunately the law violators are lirgelv in a few large cities. The great Dili of our children are new growing up without the danger from the snlOeu en every hand. It may take twenty jurs te make the land dry, but even tils is rapid progress. He also kicks at the efforts of people who knew the truth and are working ifalngt tobacco. That It la a deranging drug Is proved by the fact that most of lti users arc Its slaves. They cannot quit. Muny have learned Its damaging effects, but arc no longer masters of their, own actions. The drug is atrengcr than they. Philadelphia, May 12, 10'J2. Trees at Memorials Te thtr.iiter et the Evening Publia Ltdatr: Sir Allew me te thank jeu for that editorial you had en brightening a me morial la which you tell of the plans et the Dames of the Leyal Legien So Se utty eM'ennxylvanin te give the Orant Cabin, ucar the summit of Lemen 11111, the proper Fettlr.;: of memorial trees. The American Forestry Association is tremendously interested in nil these things because It has just planted a me morial elm from (Jrant's old farm near Et. Leuis at his tomb. The trce.planting idea in connection with memorials of any kind has been Men up throughout the country. The association staited its campaign for thli the day after the armistice was 'i'ned, end the response has been re narUble, The idea has grown into toads of remembrance, memorial avc Sum and memorial parks. It se happens that at Yerk, Pa., en May 30 there will be dedicated a stretch jf twenty-five miles of the Lincoln Hlihway out of that city, which has been planted with memorial trees. The people of this country are fast coming te tee the possibilities In tree planting. In connection with memorials of va va rieus kinds, the association urges that tbey be given the proper setting of me morial trees. In such a setting the entire community can have a part. In no ether way can n community m brought n closely together that th memorial trecplannting has had this very result In thousands of places. CIIAltLES LATHUOP TACK, nesldent American Forestry Associa tion. Wabhingten, May 11, 1912. American Relief Administration ' I'll Editor e the Evening PubJIe I.ciatr; Sir On April 21 you published a Mmmunlcatlen signed "Working Man" jegardlnj: contributions for famine ie lief. We note that in this letter you I've the address of this organization, which Herbert Hoever is chairman, ll 2?fl llFnn.l..., Tl' ... (.bin. th "eerty of calling te your attention our WITPrr :ir f rea J llenarialp '.-... .".""..?.. "cupprceiate most heartily me sup ft and Interest which thei Eyknine t'BI,TO LEIini'n. hna tnben In fhU hn Junlturlan work which we arc en eivnrlns te carrr en. irnVi?ICAX UKLIKF ADM1NIS TrtATION. by FUANK C. PAGE, as UMant secretary. w Yerk, May 11, 1022. vOmDUlasru P.KnrU ltirf9 tsE(J0re the Eventng Publia Udgtr: ft m i ,mep ,co 'resident Tnemas Uk. .' Jn n "eccnt church lecture --.v.,- .iicuieiiist iiuuicnce, aeundeu i.K?'rn nR net0 nalnst a proposal rt'. I'leh hss gained currency that ,"l'rch attendance be made compulsory. J;1' Vcw" the hubject have my own T humble Indersement. iem ,v 'ersenins the principles of tewu,r.!hnt, cverv mn has a right v"vn inn riinrnrnu tW h .. ..- $ Yin ,'u H,a,'" ntl the fer-wsMJ-f pMdent. These nre net the lien f "" n""nat, but the expres- friend rco!len by a man who Is Vml of the Chuich ami a suppetter Longfellow and Tennyson r. A. M." The llnfs "f.lfe l Ilfn principles laid down bv the founders of I '.!L '?"'"''' ..e,e.' CH.L. m. 1jnefeiiew'n .., ...ii . r. ii.. i i.c !.''" ei Lira,- wu. u ,tiuuui; iu uj lll'lllivu ill till; dctclepmcnt of our political Institu tions. Net long nge a member of the Mas sachusetts Legislature introduced n bill In that body te require everybody te ut tend church en Sunday. It is te be as sumed the bill, if It ever emerged from committee, would command the votes of only n few members The time Is net yet rlpe for a serious effort te be made In behalf of n bill Intolerant of indi vidual rights and of the dictates of In dividual conscience. Legislation t.e ex treme as that must nwalt u vigorous educational campaign te Impress voters tjiat it is in the interest of their high est wclfnrc. Let us net veer nway from the sound principles te which the fathers taught us legislation should be confined. Com pulsory church attendance had no part in the theories which lie at the basis of our government. IlECtULAR CHURCHGOER. Chnmbcrsburg, Pn., May 12, 1022. Questions Answered U. S. Navy at End of War Te the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger: Sir What was the slzi of the American Navy personnel at the termination of ths World War? INQUtKER. Philadelphia. Mar 12. 1022. The Navy Department says that upon the sln!n of the armistice, en November 11. 1D1S, ther were 21M21 men enlisted In ths resular navy and 280.000 enrolled In the naal reaere force, thereby making a told of 407,221 In the naval aervlce. The Cemedle Francalte Te the Editor of the Evening rublie Ledger: Sir Wilt you kindly tell m Juit what Is meant by the "Cemedle FVancalee" tn Paris? IGNORANT. Philadelphia. May 10. 1022. The Cemedle Krancaise Is the official name uf the national Ihentre of France, which Is supported by public funds for the purpose of advandnr dramatle art. tt was long known as L Malsen de Moliere. or Mo Me llsre'a Theatre. ''Pyramiding" In. Stocks Te the Editor of the Evrlng rublte Ledger: Sit Please tell m the mennlnc of the word "pjramldlnn" when applied te a deal en the stock eichante. D. B. C. Philadelphia. May 11. 1922. Pjramldlnc Is the !culatlve process of uslnc the profits en stocks beurht en margin atid "The r'hnttfn f thr. T.lKht Hrla-ade' Is h Tennviinn. The wrltlnun of both poets ero niceslh!e In the Tree I.I I.I bretv. The imi re tee long for retire, ductlen In ths Peeples Porum. The ether poem yu mention was published tee re cently te warrant reprlntlnif at this time. Alice Cafys "Nobility" Te thr Editor of the Evening Publte Ledger: fir Teu will obllge me try much If ou will print In the People's Forum Alice Cary'a leem "Nobility." MATIY McC. P.illadelphla, May It, 1022. NOBtMTY Fly Alice Cnry True worth Is In being, net seeming; In doing each day that gees by Seme little poed net In the dreaming Of credt thlnss te de by nnd by. Fer whatecr men say in blindness And splte of the fancies of euth, There's nothing se kindly as kindness At.d nothing se royal as truth. We get bick our mlte as we messures Wc cannot de wrenr and feel rleht. Ner can xa give pain tnd gain pleaaure. Fer Justice avenges each sllaht. The air for the wing of the Nparrew, The bush for th reb'n and wren. I Hut nlaj,a the path that Is narrow I And straight for the children of men. ' 'Tle net in ths pages of aterv, 'I he henrt of Its tMs te beguile. Though hn who makus courtship te glory Gives all that he hath for her smile, Fer when from her heights he hath wen her, Alas! It Is only te preve That nothing's se sacred as honor And nothing te loyal as love. We cannot make bargains for blisses. Ner catch them like fishes in nets, And sometimes the. thing our llfe mls3s Helps mere than the thing which tt gets. Fer geed llelh net In pursuing. Ner gaining of great nor et small. Gut Just in the doing, end doing As we would be done by, Is nil. Through envy, threjgh malice, through hatlnr. Agalnit t'ne world early and late. Ne Jet et our courage abating Our part Is te work and te wait. And slight Is the stlrg of his treuble Whose winnings are less than his worth, Fer he who Is honest 1 neble, Whateer his fortune or birth. "Fer Old Sake's Sake" Te the Editor et the Evening Pufclle Ledger: Sir There Is a poem called. I think. "Fer Old Sake s Sake. the author of which I forget. May I ask you te print It In the Peeple s Forum, an It has escaped my mem ery and ItQlias eme tender associations. A MCE, Philadelphia May 10. 1022. FOR OM? BAKU'S BAKE rty Helen Marlen' Burjtistde"' 'TIs sweet te lee when hearts are eung, When o'er spring's tender eUles Ths rainbow hues by fancy flung Entrance our youthful eyesl But sweetsr still, when 'youth is gene. Te knew what we can take O.10 faithful hand within our own, Fer the dear old sake'a sakel TIs sweet te lee when hearts are warm, When homes are open wide, Te welcem In the Jejful calm ' Of happy Christmas tide The faces we have leed se long. Oh, tlme can never break The links we .keep se bright and strong. Fer the dear old sake'a sake! Mere Bridal Lere Te the Editor of the Eicnina Public Ltdgtr: Sir Here are a frw mere bits of bridal lera for the Information of Margaret Mey. who asked you few dasi nre for marriage rhymes and whom jeu furnished wltli some rhymes and Jingles that hae the authority of tradition. MAUIUCI3 McCALL. Philadelphia, May 12, lll.'a. A January brlde will ba a prudent house keeper And lery geed-tempered. A February brlde will be a humane and af af af fectlonate wlfe and tender mother. A March bride will be a frhoteus chatter box, somewhat gten te Quarreling. An April brlde will be Inconstant, net ery Infalllirtnt. hut f.llrlV geed looking. A May bride will be handsome, amiable and likely te be happy. A June bride will be Impetuous and gen gen ereue. A Julv bride will be handsome and smart, but a trlfle nulck-tempered. An August brlda will be amiable and prac tical. A September brlde -will be discreet, af fable and much liked. An October brlde will be pretty, coquot cequot coquet tlah, loving, but Jealous. A November 'brlde will be liberal, kind. but et a wild disposition. A December bride will be well propor tioned, fend of novelty, entertaining, but ex travagant. Asks for Words of Twe Songs Te the F. llter et ths Evening PulUe Ledger: Sir i would llke te have the words of a poem that was In some old school reader, something about "Mether." One stanza was: "I knew thou has bathed In the Lethe that flews Tn a land where they de net forge!. That shede ever memory only repese And tikes from It only regret," Alse the words of the song about the old bellrlnger who rang the Liberty Hell when the Declaration of IndePndnca was signed, cemmencing: "High In the old belfry the old setteu stands." BUN Philadelphia. May 12, DA YLJCrHT SAVING WRENCHES MACHINERY IN WASHINGTON Capital Partly Off and Partly On, With Chaes Everywhere and Everybody Upset as Result II u a Staff Cotrespendcnt Washington. May 10. Official ennlVntnl Wntlll n (.( fltl WOKft 110 with a headache. It wasn't dissipated hv the .ilscnverv thnt attempts nre still lieliiv imiili tn snve daylight, in sefnc int the White llouse.vhichbcretefore nnd i were nciu nt i e cieck j u.-...j a "-.- today be 'i.v Vi-Mnvu nre hereafter 10 held nt 12 nnd , respectively, in recog nition of the revixed schedule. As In the Government departments, .1 i t . ai.. n ,ni nm rttnninr nil spots, nnd net In ether, i" conse; .iiirllffht-savlnar schedule, but keep ng ntience llie came staggered iieurn mm (-.-.. ".",. nt .1, n( tlmc. Thus, in staggering experiences marked today as . w 0"Jg s(lt J,viib as usual. yesterday. inunlls nnd clerks report 11 1 S. Of The confusion arises .from he fa : t,P " " , fl hr earlier, that Congress wen t enact a d Might ' ...hurban serv- arff?'K -ak iwjiaw issj'ttu'eJvS! 1 10 tJevnrnment flcnerimpius. uru m- tnu wv;t w iifivf hum - uhpn lunch hour arrived. At enft iiistltiitlen'ln the capital there Is no change, neither agitation nor in terest In the new order. Il occupants put In the tiny as usual. They hnve no particular place te ke. nun nun 1 l-m' nnrtlcularlv about ecttlnc there. It Is tbu district Jail. WROTE SONG MTS Composer of "Shade of the Old Apple Tree'' Dead Oakland, Calif ..toy lfj.-my A. flnrry IT. Williams, widely known as n composer and niotlen-piottirc ill- fm JKUM Ing daylight "lawlessly." 'riie resun Is something nppreaching chaos. Heme clocks are turned back, ethers nre net. Seme departments arc oper ating en- a daylight-tavlng schedule, with clocks an hour earlier thnn usual; ethers have simply Instructed their cm cm plercn te report for work an hour earlier nnd qui an hour earlier. The White Heuse Kt.'ift Is wiving iiayiigui, hut President Harding gets hi emul nt the usual tlmc by his own watNi. A few department stores niul mer chants have declined te go alone en the daylight-saving schedule, saying they can't afford te leso an hour h busi ness In the nfternoen, nnd that nobody will buy early in the morning nnywny. Seme of thein, however, have "gene along." District en Old Time As It happens, the District Commis sioners, who govern the cnpitel under authority from Congress, hnvc refused te recegnle the Innovation, and the district government therefore runs along en the old schedule. I'icsltlcnt Harding, who recently pre. neunccd nn executive ban en daylight saving, wiylng lie saw trvlntf te feel yourself. succumbed. It 1st announced efllclnlly that the Cabinet will meet hereafter while daylight is being saved at 10 o'clock "regular" time instead of 11. The regular seral-wcckly conferences b.V .---, mother hern after tl-brlcf IllneM. Williams -was, credited with cei Inir "In the' Hhnilc Of the Old 1'.. ! HI'.,. I In fin 1 1ntTIO V1 .1.. f..1. 'f ....1 .l. Mrtnnliv tnnft v - tJ nuill-wauEM eiwv,, w.r... , -i'M New Verti. May 10.' (Uy A. l0-rN The prohibition navy brought n prlaf into New Yerk harbor today. It wa n sleep of 125 tens displacement, lead' ed, It vns declared, with 2000 cases of whisky. The prize wes captured by .!. ........ tf..1. rtt IA Va... TarM ..n. CJlv ...Antttti-M rif flip ,'rpur immrm J arrested. .w J-. M'l . vn M aj C. WATHUMAN. 1922. Jes-pli M. Spreckley, The "Nonsense Verses. midnight en the ocean, People's Kerum of April 29. "M. If.." Mauch Chunk, veu ask for was printed Forum of April 4. Jr.. Oermantewn " beginning "'Twas wen printed in the Pa. The poem In the Pcople's rtte hvents of boy 'vrnr.K Pey Wok means leta of fun. Onmes, pa rades. stRhtieelng tours "n cerythlng. The morning Pcmic I.gDeen has made npeclal arrangemerits for printing all the Interesting news of HOY WRKK. Be sure te lend the morning Prat-ie LnueEC eery day. "Make It a Habit." Adv. iimn i.iif urn running trnlnH for coin mutcrs nn hour earlier nil day long. Street cer companies nre operating sim ilarly. I'oBtefficc deliveries are. being ninde en the old schedule. Theatres Refuse te Change Theatre-owners refused te recognize the change, nnd opened as usual nt H :J and turned eat tneir rewus areunu 10::?0 or 11, old tlmc. This would be all right If it were net for the fact that theatre-goers who work en daylight-saving schedules thus lese wit hour's sleep getting home around mid night nnd being forced te get up nn hour earlier than under usual condi tions Their plight Is further compli cated by the circumstance thnt traffic cops go off duty new at 10:30 instead of 11:30 ut night. There are none, of them around, therefore, te direct after after after throtre meter traffic. When te eat lunch under the day light -saving schedule is n gastronomic i p: oulem of the lirst inagniturc. Health Offitep Towler urged the department te de the logicel thing and let their em- pleyes go te lunch an hour earlier than usual. Seme of tbcm did, but ethers didn't. Thin war done, nt the h'tnte. no fccnsn n i War. Treasury. Justice, Laber and In- nu- iiaruuiiy , tenor Jjepartments, but tlie old or "regular" hours were ictalncd at thu PofctefDce, Navy, Agriculture and Com merce Departments. Tlesult: Hag gard faces ns 12 o'clock approached, complaints of pains in the vicinity of $1650 1922 t6-44 Oakland All Demonstrator Cars Carry a New Car Guarantee. Oakland Sedan $800 WslinilreiBI A22S3HbssbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV Tmi'J v .tSfi.ff.1 -m SMV1 M &MF.1 WW in Itplitiiit ivIlulrliPd cuiriitifped Th' Minn- rluc piston prjulpnieiit ns In th.' pifrnt il"l prodintlen OAKLAND MOTOR CAR CO. Facter llrancli Tenlar 407 Open ETenlngs 911 N. BROAD ST. slBHsSSSlSWHBBsBBBBBHiiSlllSSSSSSSSSSsls Pi or Accumulated uauy Balance f asM rt ii ii-nw TSwi "r '"" i M L. ' FT '- ' easntuus "M -M " mmmTTZ " IB 1 '.,11 I I "' I i IW ii i ii ' n "i 5 n nsfTiTTliim ill A ppec ivr a WW iMll i.ias!""uV 1 - I sisitl ' j!U I i"ll ,4,lr "?- II "- ,..i k tirl' ' I ' I I Ml-""- II '" W'H.ll ll mtm iHMWHfa , 111 I 1 II H ?:'. ll ' t '.' ll !! II .lutiMuiij hi mtf' BsT ll 1 I 11 iJB'j ;."u . H""iL ii-- - gasgyaj! eWr.s.M. f; II I I HaJW" 'JL'mI iPr "" "" T I "" "'' " I it 1 I 1 RhB tidBGPSti !J ,ct ' a"115 ))1 18 1 I I BBBBBBBksfalBBBBBZaSSBBBBBlsC StTI ' 7 ll I 111 iHRiHHHHBVlKftf M tffit'97 4tZTS 1 I 111 LlBBBBBBBlBBBBBBBBVSaBBBBBBBBBC nl" M ll I i rf nw HPf 10 Si ,9 t ' k you get your choice in this 4-in-l Dalten Bookkeeping Machine with three ether services besides Should a firm use a perpetual, or a aemi annual inrentery system? Obviously, it de pends en the firm. Se with bookkeeping. Fer certain buii neises, a daily balance of each customer's account is desirable ; for ethers, an accumu lated proof, or daily balance of each ledger is preferable. In the 4-in-l Dalten you can have either. When a daily balance of each customer's account is required, the Daily Balance 4-in-l Dalten gives it te you, every day. If a daily balance of each ledger only is re quired, the Accumulated Proof 4-in-l Dalten gives it te you, together with a perfect check en postings, thus providing a perpetual daily balance without making it necessary te relist debits and credits. In either model "daily balance" or "accum ulated proof you get four machines in ene at the cost of. ene: (1) a simpler, faster bookkeeping machine (2) a simpler, faster statement machine (3) a simpler, faster adding machine (4) a simpler, faster calculating machine yet se simple in design and operation is the Dalten that all classes of work are handled mere easily and many times faster than is possible with pen or pencil. The small business as well as the large will find the Dalten economical. Have us give you a free demonstration en your own work, se you can form your own conclusions. 'I Phene, or mail the attached request blank. A liberal trade-in allowance en all present equipment The Dalten Adding Machine Sales Company PERRY & COLLINS, Sales Agents 125 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, Pa Phenes: Lembard 1137-38, Main 5962 D K. T. CRITCHFIEIJ), Salea Ant R. B. VAN NOTB, Sales Ajrtnt CHAS. H. KLIJJK. Sales Aeent 304 Franklin Bid., Harnsburf, P. 165 E. Frent St Trenten, N. J. 145 N. Goens St, Yerk, Pa. r. W. SATTEnTnWAITE. Sales Aunt O. It. LAW. Sales Auent ... 124 Penn St, Reedlnj, Fa. 107 Atlantic Ave., Atlantic City, N. J. A Felder for Yeu Information about all that u bett in machine boekkeaping- is contained in this interesting "4-in-l" folder. Te secure it just fill out and mail the attached request blank. N obligation ii inreWed. bft. K?!fnt ttHic SU . ! if WiJ'-JfjIw wlH be nrlnUd, Tin ' Efftai i . . WP7 J V LW. bmen- e. jtr Cellins 125 S. Fourth Street Sale AgenU Phuadeipniai Caeckaere i ,A like a copy of your " n wvw . .ilfiin fc-- would Ilk. a ""7"-u;" that thi. UteIt.. ItU.under.toed.ofcoM.,it Jli,naUou.e..ertom,.. Name BOOKKEEPING-STATEMENT-ADD1NG-CALCULAT1NG MACHINES Main OrTTca end ' Factory , Norwood, Cincmnatl Jn. ' . I Address " I I SUte. ' ggggjjjjjjjjjjjjEjjjjgjBajayjaijayisjaaTjassMaaw - iHy mm i . .' i .', . , ,j M ' i . i..' a. Ii , . "ftAi.. . ... ,. 'AtSlv. S-k t .. , .... .: d!P ?v && CjO "e r-Vv .T5 t .cxy Ae .tc VCV- 13 i .KL lV Vt CM b ..V ivv fltf1" rfVA' v - - ..e - vv -.vp:.,.,. .V ' ..vrV . ". rvw- . v" A . .. V v -ID" .V- ' .e- ;;' .xciv v ..Ja ev ..rfV- &' i ,.rtO .V . . . ,' se.' fs .'& tt & t& 7e TheNew improved iTt3iie fimM4 Lmm-tQlgm SAFETY RAZOR. STEAMSHIP NOTICES STEAMSHIP NOTIC1M BLACK DIAMOND LINES REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE TO ROTTERDAM SS "INNOKO" (U.S.S.B.) SAILING MAY 2S S S "WEST INSKir" (U.S.S.B. SAILING JUNE 9 TO ANTWERP SS "ARGUS" (U.S.S.B.) SAILING MAY It SS "EASTERN DAWN" (U.S.B.) SAILING JUNE 2 Fer Rates and Particular! Apply Black Diamond Steamship Cerp. 337 Walnut St, Philadelphia Lembard 7628 mm California. Hile and Honolulu Freight received daily at Tier 19 North (feet of Vine street) The S. S II. P Alexander, the finest nnd fnslcst American steamer afloat, will earn- teth paesengerB and fr-lcht via the Pfttiuma Canal te Les Angeles, San Francisce and Honolulu 15 ilay3 te an T'ranelFCO. Freight from Philadelphia May 23, without trans-shipment Passengers from New Yerk May 27. De Luxe accommodations Fer Rates and Information NORTH ATLANTIC & WESTERN S. S. CO. Agents Admiral Line 130 S. Fourth St., Phila. Phene Lembard 5791-2-3; Main 7781-2 -WILLIAMS LINE SS WILLSOLO" DIRECT SAILING MAY 22 S S "WILLFARO" via NEW YORK MAY 30 te Les Angeles, San Francisce, Portland. Seattle and Tacoma Freight Received Daily PIER 27 NORTH TOR UATES AND r.UTICL'I-IlS ArTLY WILLIAMS STEAMSHIP CO., Inc. mmmm 114 Drcxel Bldg, Custom Heuse Place Lembard 3474-5 MALLORY TRANSPORT LINES, Inc. Operating U. S. Gov. Ship Te BARCELONA, GENOA, MARSEILLES, NAPLES, and VALENCIA S S "City of Eureka" May 24 tS S "West Lashaway" June IS 'MarstiUti Direct via Sew Yerk Genea Dhecl via Sew Yerk Fer Rate and Particulars Apply GEYELIN & CO., Inc. Philadelphia Agents 10S S. Fourth St., Phil.. Lembard S144 Main 7620 m. CUNARD! AISLCHQR"", ' V n rh.rbeuru niM -ou hnnip'etl IIERt.M. KI M ,r yu .i .mi JuIt tl M l KKT M J..e (1 .I...,r 27 JiilJ 18 u.v'.. ' meu''1 ,',"'-ur i llrfinburir .JJM Mur21.liilr t ue. a MtOMA .lune 17 Julv 20 Au. !U .e. .'J.'.l,h "JuwiiUmnl hicI t, erpoel trVv.IA M" '" ,"' 's '' i W.Vv11. n,,", MU' 3I "" lls. KACOM i neu i June H Jult tt 'July 2A Hi UtiB trim Hi , en 'c ill . P juilt ij. Y VACATION TRIPS lr.w $16.80 28.20 31.38 KOI NO inir $30.00 43.12 35.00 BY SEA BOSTON Savannah Jacksonville Heun4 trip fsres efteti Ia lOtSi M's an1 nerth Inclurtml Kxtra Chsrses for Preferred Kpaf j Round Trip TlrKel. Limited te (1 leher 31 hull Particulars en lltqurit Tier I ti. Iej. Ale. l.iimliHrd IIXle N.TJ MWJ MNJU u pjAJiI4UAjSsJ U I ' k ' , 'M AMaucA uni fcr NliW 'VORK TO ItOTTT.nUAM Mis I'lyiuuiilh. llouleBDe-hur-Mer lljndsiu SUy 20 Juneil .Inir is N. Amslerilsni June : July H Ain. H Noemsm June lit July in Au. II Netterdsm June 17 July 22 Aur. : ruifeitr 0ct, 1531 Wkbut SU PtiU. ' nn.lnn ft . e t . June S 1.011 J. i nrr n.i ijunrni' Mm 27 .lune 21 July 3J June H (Irl. 7 - June 1 1 Julr S An. (5 se nnd Medittrrnnenn forts 1..H- .M Heiln n Lend nd(rr I frn.Ml jt n.....,...r ASSWIIA May 21 Julr (I hel't. 15 ( irvinn x ANciinu srnMsfn i.ivr.s I'lUKencer nniee, non UhIiiui .St., Phlla. rrtlelit Otllre. Iliurv llldt; V ,B" "" rNOMA S V e rni 1 MiuA Mrnni Al.tif.KIA N V te ITI.I KERR LINES Operating U. S. Cew. S11'pa Sailings from Philadelphia FOR HAMBURG SS "Conen" (U. S. S. B.) Direct, May 17 S S "" (U.S.S.B.) Juia 3 HUDSON SHIPPING CO.., Inc., Agents LAFAYETTE BUILDING PHILADELPHIA, ,iA, Lembard 5264-5 Main 818U 'it "'.I- ii ir- . ji, : S'JT?