Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 15, 1922, Night Extra, Image 19

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    asssssssssssM.ssssssssssssLsssssssssssssssssHaiPiiiNissBMiaMMeV ,Tf?jrcwiwHniRHW .'stw
TffiiviHBKnMVj M.iywmixwmmmmkttttttttttttttttttttttttimHsmamsj9.kttttSMmmimm"T z-wwmwsirr' . ..v WTErrra wtrfW3wr?'r1r " "mhweww, ';,'"! ..iiKMainar ? vmHiaMHi
ft :A
j, -'
wmrafw a r;vJf?
.'.. SPT3''iCV . '..rTJ," L' ' ..i",.Ta,' f r 7&,!5MBIHICr JT hmumkwhjimmmu fMt..U"i,faii.jut. n .vi,uMnuv iwmrj-n.iiPM ..wai. .vj ..!..-.-" rkT,'n.v;r jBT-flfM
-i v u ' i.riiT,.iP ,,' ,. . v , i'n- : .f ; " - i-v n" r cVtHawsssjaaaaaaajeainanra . , .nirnim'VF vmnvi'w jueuhh v uiin'H.iwru tinti.imsaMasKt.jrjHkiA.g. I, -aw nw-av? -j""---iwt. t : Tt j .. '.7riTxsx vi j. : ' i ' ' 1 1 ii
.fit-..Hf, ,wiy-.'-TOft.n,.' ,....-' k ..f., "uaiMMrei..i3WMWi!v HWjawxP',fyff.f',ntiTrrn,CTft'H()vi - ? i-ft" ", tr"dvir 1 Wwr-iw1 r'r'i MJ HI r
VftiVrt ' i . ' y ".... . 4" ' -V U?V.ivt .H7 ' t l Vf 'T lr . , ",'' r . '1 - ' -r ri ' ' ' 'I . - A . I ."'' W
!. J . V'jt l n re. . 1. r IPX . t 1. A a . T .. i . U i u.lA I 1 I . - . - - - I mimaKmmmammmmmmmmmmBmmmm
Mr-riot is averted
Wjackie Passen,, Enraged
1ST ., n;-nH.
EVfr umpire a cv'i,
Sirews Bert - Ocial rt
States Between Stone Stene
WJStrst and Sphas '
m$s'y n r r itr i c u r n
13 BniieuHy
1 f
Little League Standings; ,
Today' a Independent Games
Kftra.MKKTAI. "Chlckle" Pm
?. t.t imRcmnn nnd.nltrhrr 01
W'.i mil.. irhrw hnm-bntl team.
""". ..J".l.ll lnvBl' tell fMDOn-
U restcrdny nt SWty.nirUH street
tkfftfll uuin ."" -.V1 ..
Kh phitad:fie5sr.ir
.inn ODirciru w . ..-.,--
-nirp In rallln him out en strike
XPiw h?K bnVat. the; official behind
PBfiSe. Dn te the. quick nation of
W,?!?l... n.l these in chnrse, trouble
Averted nnd no, fight'eccurreO.
". ?' ' ": "nv.i;v.iVi.
W. Ii. PC.
Arilnm.. 1,01009 Xetrril.... J 0 .060
ThbriwFnJ. 1 1.000 Ore rbroek.. 0 J .000
UtH M. , ,080 (Mirer.... i 0 1 .000
WalthPf V. 0 0 .000 '
' ' eeix tblrphonk'i.kaevk (,
f - W.IrtPC.V.. . ,W.I-F.
. . W. L.PC. .. W.L.PC
OlriiiiMeJ I 0 1.000 Ft.WMVn.-e i
Ilaibre. l 0 1.000 Anhbearae. 0 1
IVrnilmoer. 1 0 1.000 McKlnlry. 0 1
rWSuml. l 0 l.oeo Hotrffften.. e 1 .000
beritkt'n.. i 'oi.eooCeiMM,kn 1 .oe
w.L,pp. vrm
n nnnran n n ! .f.s a
C5 ter. bntl t had no right' te threw
Xbal rSt the eOclal, ye matter hew
t D 1.000 WrMen.1.. V
r :- i ! a-..
K. SI 1 .0 1.000 N. wl.. 2 '"SK
oi.eoo urcuuM... , -
? T h Snbnn. in explalng the
5Km had this te y:
A l-u f AAI
LTiiite It from met some e( thp'um
OU et the Philadelphia BanebaH Aj-
liUtlen nre peer, imi j. "i- " "
f?"""- ,ri.n had nnrth nz en the
3wlin thin game. .According He the
fit'ef "nv knowledge they wtreiw
iwrt. The official en the bases Mmply
T;H,...in for irrnntcd. nnd the one
fe'ribt rrtJTrte- ninth.
ffiallcd the piny wns at flrrt alklng
I"! . " .1 Tiat.1 trn linnllv out.
Bl Wtched wan called1 out en strlkea.
'"eWckic Paid Remethlnit and next
Im I hl,n threw hlB bnt Rt J5e
CU1. It cnugnr mm urmnu i..
nnd he was stepped going (ter
melon. If he Intended doing se. by
SThlsvers. When Br.iWjW
Slinme wne resumed and Farrcll filed
t. jndlng the centeBt.
kant used three pitchers. Gress lasted
S nnlngs MfclTell three and McDon McDen
iM finished. The were was 7 te 0, and
id ..innlnff runs were made in the
m. Nash Plnglejl. fitting sacri
S.i unfh lnubled. scoring Nah, nnd
,wnlinml, double' counted Rath."
. . Wnhvr. mnnaser of tlie Media
A: A., wni also a, spectator! , and he re
tiu.1 nnc instance where a S. P. II. A.
Kuer safe at third by nt least ten
tU and jet he was called out.
..... in Tllnme
t ItenriHeM of the work of the oin ein
talg Passen is at fault. Ne matter
where the game nowadays, the ump
merally 'come from eme regular aa-
Relation, mm me i
ikenlil hive been reported te the proper
a The umpire problem is one that has
Ittn the Dune ji leeni euwuun u
PttHn, and hns caused the only in
iSb in the ranks. The Philadelphia
toeclntlon is wrestling wnn no iruu
Jetj.jind will no doubt have an Irapor Iraper
ttnt mct brought before its attention
tils evening.
' On Saturday nt tne ueutn rniny
peundH, it appears thnt only one of the
cBclalH unsigned by the Philadelphia
Association put in nu appearance. After
the fele nrbltrnter worked single hand
ed for tlinu innings, Manager Hudelph
lced two effidiils of the United Um
pires' Association In the field.
The matter will receive the1 attention
of the Heard of Governors at their
meeting tonight, but It is about time
something was done, n the tans are
tired of hearing the yelps of both the
Binagers and the umpires en tne subject.
W. p. rv-
JaiT .1, 0 1.000 OlmMMTO.. 0 1 .JNO
iJore. i' e l.oeo nwtMMn e i .oeo
,!. villi i A I .AAA PAnitel P. O 1
FoUem.... 1 e 1.000 Merten.. v. 0 1
Folcroft... I 0 1.000 tnemHdtjB., 0 1
Amrien Chain at North Phillies. Feerth
Ferd Kenilit at. Donevan Aimorrear,
Forty-ninth na Walnnt otreyto. l
i:reserni'wuinis.-i m!et""w,. ji-
BwlSHHnHiHll"H mill
K. T. W. Wllien Jr.f entry capture fhe S1,000 turf claaslc at Pimllee', paling Man e War'a' record of U6i 3-5. Ilea flnj.hed a close aecend and
Pittsburgh .7
Pkllllea ....
kCinclniuitl .
Brooklyn ...
Chicago -
Ht. Loels...
New Yerk..
i v -
eighth V
Twentt-flfth airt and BnHer
"Tnirx. .... .t
Hiiiaaie at iwn, "
millM.I1ffclfc Twvmllittl et
Ferty-nfTf ntn. nnn "wruei, ,
RIkmr, FortrHMTfeth enil "Proeo Mre.
nrdia at Biernu, nirnin r .
Atlantic City Evnt Is Big Tour
ney This Week Dates All
'Spoken Fer"
Wlua MayHappen
, In 'Baseball Today
Clnb " W. U. P.C w'n 1X
&! :::::::1J i ffi : u
rlililMKk Kill .Mu .All ???
ChUace .,
BroeMyn ,u...!.. 11 .14 "
CtnHanaU ;. if. I -11
Bosten 1 18 .804
1 li
11 !
W. U P.C. Win
10 10
...:... 1 It
........ 14 14
Hoetoa 11 Jf
Ietrelt ............ IS 15
New Yerk
SI- 1fSS
gerhiantewh pick
of gutmwr euads
an .hoi .via
,3 .095 .eni
.000 .817 .
,461 . .444
.488 .480 .440
.401 .483 .
.418 .444 .407
.810 .400 .867
Iumnla avenue.
'Wft Derlln
Vft Derlln at Pannw waaia, - aiaiirena
ah?nn t,Seath Phllly HcbroweV Thir
teenth and JohBeniiW,to.
M. E. Bmlth WfrnlnateB.
Cnbn,8tr te. PhlladephU Royal Stan,
"llT"S?,Kaw,Afr Sjar.'at Beuth .PhlUdel
phln. HreRd nnd Wifr otreeto.
Stonehont nt Kennlntten, FrankteTd. ava-
"avJZli' Stinten F." C. Chew and
"BkVtJrftBii X-.koer-PrOTtd.nt 14f
nnd Troet romemur te. tmmereUI ,Tnt
Cemimny. EUhteenih end RerkUnd otreoto,
. .National Bank and Tnt Loaiie GJrard
TTnt Company te. Fedfral Rcaerre Bank.
nkilll... Daab '
' """ t"V .. ,1. ..
syiTaua naiirviiq wwuv ahuiwi- w
Bnperinienaeni or ,vr rnnw,
at Forty-fourth otreet nnd Parktlde avenue.
Mriree of. Atlantic City, 4i Nlretewn, 3
(eteht-lnnlmre), -. ,
Hhanahan; 0 Vlfeoeo. 7.
Ardmerr. 81 Marehall E, Hmlth. 7.
UonATun-Arnutrenc. 81 llbhtand Park, 2.
Btenhurnt. 7.1 Bphnj.,6.
MradbwbrMk. ft nilldale. 5.
Pnteraen Bilk Bex.'Ai HlUdale.,3.
IRimanM, w, .-. . .. .
jpna a.
Iancaeter, l Old Tlmen, 4 (IS Innlnae).
Ht. Raphaels bi Ht. u. ...
Roeoluto A. A., 81 Parkwood, 6.
Fortieth Werd, 4i Amity. 8.
.Drlaney'e kAnwBtan, It Twenty-eUhth
. Bnremerneld, 7i Uahtheaae. 1. r
' Kuwud. in, Ut. Fhlla. Browna. 1.
Ferty-etfhth Ward.' Ill Weottniheoio, 2.
Triancie. 1x1 nt. jaixe. x.
Wtldler-.B. C Oi Ttalenn.,4.
fiearrlew, Bi.Lafayrtte, 1.
Ht, Calllita. ai.Narbrrth, S.
A., JSt Moerlyn, 1.
Triancie. 11 1 Bt. l.nkr. 1.
' Staple Bhadr, li Fert Richmond, 0,
American Hnuway Exprtoe,
mtnaw. a.
Macnnile, 12i J. J.- Debten
Ftankferd. Bi Aehland. 4.
Kaaffman, 61 Frankford. 1.
Atiantie .uiTmien. isi Eaet Hide A
7i Cemma-
1. sV
a., t:
Twentieth Ward Prof. 4t Thompson. 1.
rarrra a. a, ivi naerwoea, e,
Hell Havrn, Si Ancher A. A.. 3,
anceea anai
Idlne A. C.
Are A. A,. 81 Courtland Cnbe.'l
1 Haven. Oi Ancher A. A.. B.
Hancock Midteta, B.i Twin Onk Jantera. 2.
Hie n. ;.. lai Lianen ifia
White ElrphanU. Oi.MrlreM.
Clarien Olanta, 12.
Seuth Phl'l'llea
Fdrmera. 2.
Baltimore H.'ack
Giant. 3.
Ilarliaraeh Glanta,
Uttle Reck, li Belmont A.
Panutlae, 81 Buaqnehanna. 0.
t;eine( A. i, 111 v. M II. A., fl
lllllca. Mi Bt, Axatha, II.
Bi PJilladelphla Olanta. 4.
0 Philadelphia Profenslennla, 81
Sex, 7t Bacharaeh
Bi Baltimore Black
C. 0 (llftccn
-"r , ., in 1, m n, a., q,
Klrkwved A. C, Oi Phlla. Prukl J,
Mt. CpjtoeI D. C.i Bi Nertheaat B. C. B.
Bulletin, 2t ledger A. A., 1.
Gleanings of the Independents
T3E North Phillies Jumped in the
limelight lnat week by reason of
taelr geed work. The uptewnera handed
the CrcRsenn Tlgera n 0 te 1 setback en
,8iturday with "8ex" Scibeld en the
hill. The former Mucklnn held the vl vl
iterf te a valr of hits, while the home
(teim massaged the offerings of Mat-
uewg xer an even dozen. The rniis
trtrtled te CrcHHena ientcrdny. but the
Weather man wbb unkindnnd rain pre-
Tented the. name. This evening they en
tertain Fxank L)eManH American Chain
lug from Yerk. The Acces were et
Chester en Satunlnv nnd Iet te Urls
lord's team In the opener there, 0 te 5',
la eleven w-4en8. .Tim Clancy will
ke his bow te North lhilly fann this
erenlne. IIi ttirnnd In n vlptnrv In thl
Blygamc he pitched at Sotidcrten.
Til Ha..,,, nhlllu ir.t.-.- J Hln.J nH
Utlr metlnt. With Hhfln.h.n a, ThlrtAMnfh
4 Johmen atreeta tenlaht. Johnny Caatle
ni.wni l'Mladelpniana are Plunnif
cenalaent ball. They handed Btrawrdgi It
ill .',r a 7" tbck li their epening: gm
M traveJed te Marcus Heek yeatardny and
wx vlacoae Inte ramp, 0 te 7, before "
normeui crowd Al Meena relieved Douxh Deuxh
ty In the fifth and yielded but one hit and
runt Jehnnv ' (!ull will Illtev uae
Ufty" Moyd, who defeated Btrawbrldge
ClOt tit Ad vk Ut.-A-.. ...Kile Itklnltla,'
"en 111 be Uddle Uetf.leb'a nemlnatlpn
MuiuiiK uuiy. i
Xd llellB nnn hla MI.Atnwn .Ulrrlflr. flMd
Wtty well ever the week-end In two xamea
PHyed en alien tell On Suturday they took
J fall out nf the Flelther(Yrnera, 14 te 8.
ud ytaterdny lilted Francla X. Murphy at
Atlantic City and were neaed out by Mel
f In e'aht Irmlnxa, 4 te 3. Welaa only had
IX reau'urH nnrl unit rnmiwIUil ffn Ivnrk a.
eetiple of pltchera and the coach In the, out-
-" ienium tne meat important cam 01
i ' ou,l ,n uii ., l,uar,ll AVIIlll MUM
t'er, where Nlcelewn enggu Hlildule.
"elii win ue "rJpider'' Maaen a crack at
tt Uarbyltea. ' '
. W 1 I.nak Is In naaln. The rotund manager
M twfti se ec.ed te lead St. iturnabaa and
umed churge of the club today. Luk hue
jut taken ever the team nnd la uncertain aa
j? nla plana nitren gamea Qhedulrd will
flf Played, They arei lueaday, at home with
Kickey; Thursday, at Hutch Moter, and
;wy, Herry A. Mackcy Cltiu.
TWM 1.14 ...- ll iU.t t la Tltk -1 ..,tA
JJi'Kt off pltcher flweenty at Cftmden City
rv "mruu hiui xnt jermvinen neu iu-u inn
HI.. , .n .II U. an..H. .ln..u rnn.llrA.I
1.; " Intleld. puljlntf a pan et lluntn ng
ble killings ; '
'il.,,?r,,,"lrK '"Pi u? I'a winning , streak by
jjwerlnjr the colern.of anrtner (A. C. of
K 'Si ""' ' ,0 '" "nint tenma met at
farkiand eaterdny. and with the aummer
SJ't I'ids leadng. 4 te 3. In their half of
w tnlid, the cMim wna hnlted by rain. An
normeus crowd esuv '.he gnmr, mere than
v nuins malting the trip te Parkland.
nTJ"eRvu,u ln" ,r engaged In three gamei
n Ht Acnthn's, of ltroeklyn, rover the
fK-end, The lecnls wen here en Hatur-
)r. 10 ti '., nnd captured the drat halt
te rany,
1 been
Jeff: Th0. "puea Ien the aecend ennteat,
flu tki, 1nht at nread and .Big ler atreeta
J'hlla engage tie U. H. Ndvy All Stan.
!itS!!glie. 1".nd.. Th commandant, from
(W laland will be among the specta-
h.n.Den 4'"1, W'th arap.back. of I.a
Sfi'iti ,hd SVie"v of F" Phllly. In th
pelnta. the FaKa champ ena took Lancaater
Inte 1 camp. 7 :e 0. Net a vlaltlnr playe? get
dfrfuf'bau "" arnn,bclc- wh0 Pitched wen-
The Montgomery County jVengue atarted
tiff In g;ed atjle. The Perknale fans aiw the
home team hand 8euderl6n a 8 te 1 SeVrat
In a sensational battle nt the opening of the
SJrw.b";",B."-rk th?r'' lck MVnna a?ar ?d
off aa a manager In great style when Lane
dale trimmed Ambler. 18 te 1, and Deylea.
town wen ever Conahehocken. B te 4,
."t?n,.(m aaMt n In a double bill wlih
the Baltimore Black Sex. It wen the Brat
In ten aeaalena. 8 te 2. with lx Powell en
the hill and dropped the aicend. 8 te 0
P!.!l.antm.rreet.DOb,0n ,0n,,h, and
HANDS tired nnd blistered, aching
. limbs and uinburnt noses will
have a chance ,te Recuperate today from
severe golf action, but forthwith the
action will be fast nnd .furious in local
links circles. , ,'
Events jostle and tumble all evefc one
another. All the teams n en "
cup leagues play their finnl matches to
morrow. Thnt means nearly :
pert woman player in town will sally
forth under arms te wrench 1 hon
ors from many links.. The foltew ng
day, Wednesday, Is the official opening
of the Gelf Association of Philadelphia
Hchcdule. when competition, starts in
Ave divisions for the Suburban Team
Cup, the local miner league team cham
pionship for men. There nre twentj
teams with Vn gelfmcn te n tentu,
which means that 200 golfers will engage-each
ether in terrific tilting.
By all the signs and Fred Sherman
calculations, nlraest that number will
compete en Thursday this week for the
qualifying medal in the annual spring
invitation tournament of the Country
Club of Atlantic City. This teurner
Is supposed te pry the ltd off the riill-
Halnhln-ennann. It lasts nil Wek and
will see a goodly bevy of Phlladelphlnna
in action for the nrst time jnis year,
though three tournaments have already
been held.
Ne Let-up
Meantime, there will be no let-up for
the ladles. The second annual play for
the "Nancy Wilbur" Cup will be held
nt St. Davids.' a tourney that nfidinn
overflowing entry Inst year, Miss Mat
garct Deyle and Miss Katharine Hutch
inson sharing the honors, gross and net.
The next tjay ties in the ladies' team
play will be played off, and team elim
ination rnntches will be played Friday
of this week te determine what clubs
shall play in the different divisions next
year. That's iiDeut nifc mat is en me
cards for this week, but nearly,, every
star golfer, both sexes, haH-dinks work
ahead these next few da s. J
The golf prospects of nearly 250
locals were launchnJ last week, nnd for
some the Buln gnlf tournament hit their
sails like the first stermi off Sandy
Bala's farewell te its classic and
historic nine-hole tournaments has been
snid ; also sung and toasted. Bill Flynn
and Frank Toomey leaped en the course
with fury and a fleck of laborers this
morning. Te the sound of "Gee, haw,"
and the crunching of scoops work was
started at erasing the little old nine nine nine
liole course, and this time next year
Bala hopes te'be playing en an eight
een -hole and championship links.
The Idea
Bala's enforced small membership was
made up of highly enthusiastic and, for
the most part, expert golfers. A small
group, sitting around the old Irontteve
in the locker room 'a few months ,nge,
had a happy thought. Why net expand?
"We will enlarge the clubheutc,"
said one. "And the locker room," sug
gested another. "Eighteen holes," all
cried In unison.
The nrst fourteen verses of "Bala
Washington 11 IB
.Terente. iTjlO . & MM '.IS
KSTr . 1. '.Bt gr. U .407
Buffalo.. 14 IS .BIB Newark. 10 17 .870
AintRtnAN AMeciATtun
. w. t.. p.c- . W.t.P..'
Mln'P.11. 17-7 .JOB Bt. PJ-1 " J
BS&& 17 li -..58 iinUii- 10 17 .370
ind'pelU IB 11 .B77 Teler. . 81
J V. T . '!' 1
TJt.Rerk.. IB II .BBS Wrgaani ? '"
w ij r.c. w. i. p.c.
N.Hnren l" B 08 Bria'pert. s 0 .471
Mt..dj i n mil llavffkra 7 10 .412
Fltrhbnrr A a .'stB WateTb'rr B II .SAB
ABmny. 9 8 .Ott Hprt'gflMd l
Clivedens, Undefeated en the
Trabk. Favorite for Bjg
Meet June 9
Today's Scholastic Games
I.Retk.. IB II .838 Wr'fhain 14 IB .488
Ml. IB 18 .844 Nnehrflle 14 IB .407
Drle'na 17.18 .SBfl-Chat 'oesT 10 81 .388
mphla 17 14 .548 Atlnata.. 0 IB .3JI
Philadelphia. 8) Ht. Txrals, 1. . ...,
New Yerk, fit Chicago. 4 (len Innings).
'tlttabnrghTnet iiehednlrd.
Detroit. Bt Niw Yark, 2. m , . .
W'Mhlngten. 4i Clereland, 3.
Only games Hchcdeled.
Jersey City. 9 IlnaTalevt.
Newark, Bi Keeheatrr, B,
Hyreeuae. Bt Reading, 8.
Other teams wen net scheduled.
New Orleans, lOi, Memphis. 4,
Little Reck, Si Chattanooga. 8.
Mobil. Si Nashville. 1.
Other teams net scheduled. ,
Kansas City, 10) Indianapolis, S.
Milwaukee, ill imisruie. i.
Celumbna-St. Paul, rain.
Teledo-Minneapolis, rain.
Pittafleld, 2i Albany. 1. .
uaruore, at nairrpury. .
unageperr, at ntcnearg, .
. Gfrmantewn High vi. Northeatt High.
Northeast Field.
Mlleliell Sehoel at Tlldnv-Sekwel.
Themas Sehoel nt Helmes Scheel.
Mitchell Scheel at Tllden Scheel.
Themas Scheel at Helmes Scheel.
Grrmantewn Academy vs. Fenn Charter
Qoeen Lune.
St. Luke' Sehoel vs. Episcopal Academy.
Harrrfard Scheel vs. Swarthmore Prep.
Runs Scored for Week
vln Three Big Leagues
r.ttmi AjCTBBB
Detroit . ... V 8 8 50
8t? Leuis... 10 0 7 I 5 13 4 46
ClevelaiMi .. 7 14 4 fl ft 4 545
New Yerk.. 8 t 8 1 4 10 5 43
Athletics ... 4 15 7 4 .4 7 41
Chicago .... 057210125
Washington,,! 5 5 2 3 5 4 25
Bosten ...-- 21.2 l 1 5 3 24
Weat Philadelphia tenras are coming te life
Berlin n. nlftv trimming en Saturdas 10
te 2. Clity Touchstone, the RMley Park
youth, did net j lew a Hit until the eighth
and nltched maamrfm in Ti.Vri?1.""
SSf" VaS!2ter ,k' c1lnL"-n?they SKdJ
.fisiVr Ti v, "vffiCwa i
I an. f. vruwDiy nuri rer
"(Ten Innings.)
S innings.)
ew Haven, Ot Springfield, 0.
Philadelphia at St. Leuis.
New Yerk at Chicago.
Ilosten at Pittsburgh.
Brooklyn at Cincinnati,
St. Leuis nt Philadelphia.
Detroit at New Yerk.
Cle eland nt Washington.
Chicago at Ilosten.
Jersey City at Terente. ,
Newark at Syracuse.
Reading ut Rochester.
Baltimore at Buffalo.
Beets and Saddle
tha politicians.
Anether renptntjilli MMvi.n... . .
furnished a pWsant -arW.e,",."-"r2,--i55!
Thla tSnm m ..J .
air. for th. hi V .n ". "'"Y?" !:
iianinnn tnrx u n-te-l' aetback.' Tk. ...
Armatreng. Thla tenm la
was played at Highland Park, nube Cash
man. star drat ancker. covered the bag for
the ndlert aera and dial.. u-J ..' "'""? ,.n.r
erably alter-d. The Donevanlte. Wr5:.?0SKS;
A Kenaig this evening nt Forty. ninth nnd
Walnut atreee. IPnrrt t. ir V, i.? ".nu
?omFe'r,rowe,nft;n,an, Walnut .,.. BftnlllSJ
eShilm,,hM.hnArdm,re split eve?
2en a 10 te' 0 decision' "th. home field
$R?T$ny.na. '?" " Ardmer." yeMerday?
8 te 7. The feature was the work efiinAi
Hanratty, He has hlf anfely In hU laat nine
trjjja te the plate m times "n Saturday
and en four occasions yesterday. "luru"jr
St. Columba rulnrd the npentnr of Merrill
by defeating Marty U'olfsen'a team ft in ll
In eleen Innlnes. The Tem' tearS" tied the
totals by a rally In the ninth which netted
three runs, but the Saint, proved vlctS?. In
Columbia avenue Merrill eppc... FMrdl, A.
A. Harry yeber,a Oxford street nthletes
ha' heen wlnnlnv ran. .i.. SU.-"j",clp"
erd shows leterla In four "Vanieg nlaved
as rtedb;::,?r.v,SrfedH
Hsdden Heights opened the season with
Orients, of Gloucester, and were beaten out
hy 4 te 1 v hen the visitors staged a ninth
Inning rally. Manager Exra Hcgan mn mn mn
nounecs that he will have two new faces
In the line-up next weey,
rvliss- Sherwood Ellmlnatad Frem
'Women's Gelf In England
Hanuwlclt, Eng., May 15. (Ily A.
I' V '" '-' nn(l captured the nrst
a duul le-hvnder In llroekln esl
ir:ili "ltty" Hterllng. who has
I a?"1 ' Manager lludnlph. flntahr
r.l JIl-s Iwwimeml Hhcrwoed, thu
only Ainenciin rentciKtimti was eliml eliml
natrfrem tha ladles' open gelf't-lmm
plnnship tournament en the Princes
ceurse In the opening round today.
Mrs, Fletcher, of WmJlcy, defeated
her three up nm) two te go,
' 7
Battallpg Jehnsen Arrestad
WeaUleld. Mass., May 19. David Leaser
and Klerlne Petta, a boxer known "a I?at
lima innaen. oein ei .rvraeuse, n, x wen
Will Shine" were sung by nil standing
Nobody had ever thought of changing
the layout at Bala before. Toe many
happy moments had been snent en It
as it was. '
But the iden went big. xliey were
for it. Mere song.
Frem a far cerner: "Hew u,beut the
money?" Oh, jes, 1hc money. It was
a thought, but it was ruled out. It was
a sour note lit a momentous meeting.
Ne nttcnllen was paid te It. Plans
were drawn for the locker room.
It was Friday.
"I can't start till Monday," la la
reented the builder. But he mnde .up
for lest time Mnnduy. By neon he had
the locker house tern te pieces, nnd
by night the first new bricks were laid.
The same went, for the clubhouse. Beth
arc new' complete, nnd visitors last week
blinked before the modern accommoda
tions et the Bala Gelf Club.
Te go back, the housing was finished.
Still no money. ,
. 'New we will build eighteen holes!"
cited the glewjng .members, ffhey yerc
just nulling down the last plank in
their two houses; they were starting
tees en their new course; they were
casting about for a means of financing
It all; "but let's have n farewell tour
ney te our nine-hole course," suggested
some one.
"Hooray !' .shouted the membership,
And they Invited every one in town,
This, man) mignt tnink, was (in un
cial lunacy. They bad started ulth
nothing but an Idea.
Then up stepped Bil.NeeU te stnrt
the mnwimn tlilvc. With, II. Bart Me.
Hugh. Bill Wilsen, Prof, Jehn Lumnn,
Hill S)kcH, Jehn Mnrkin, Frank Mc
Adams and all the rest, the club omen...,!
Saturday night with nearly $3Q,0OQ.
iiii'y nvie ".,, viuy ax file Well
known owl.' All they put ever was a
new clubhouse, a new locker building,
an elghtet'ii-hole course, a tournament
that writes Bala Indellbly In local links
history nnd the prospects are that the
membership In the club will. be doubled.
"Ain't It great te be crazy?"
LenlBVille. Ky., May 14. The horses
appearing best in the races nt Church
ill Downs today follew:
First race, Crajsen, May Bedlne,
Come Die d'Aineur; second, Merchant,
Virge, Kyes of Youth ; third, Peppye,
Pan, Corte; fourth, Pnrls Maid, Uncle
Vele, Keep; fifth. Lewe entry, Jim
Daisy, Chacelct; sixth, McDowell
entry. Shower of Geld, Easter Bells;
seventh, British Maid, Lndy Lengfel.
low, Richelieu.
Czech Player Shares Honors With
Mile. Lenglen at Brussels
Brussels, May 15. Princess Lebko Lebke Lebko
wlczeva of Czecho-Slovakia, by defeat
ing Mrs. Snttcrthwnltc. Enaland. 0-0.
0-6, shared with Mile. Suzanne Leng
len, tne cnampien, tne noners et the
secpnd day's play in the international
hard 'court tennis championship.
The Princess displayed wonderful
skill and the experts nre of the opinion
that she may jet prove te be one of the
most formidable challengers for Mile.
Lcnglen's title of "Queen of tlif
Carpentler Returns Unnoticed
Pari. May IK. Geerges Carpentler. the
iriHL itiuy ... wviic vtwrfvimari
worm e-iiini-nfayw.igni cnampien
raturnMl In Parla laat night from
where, laat week, he successfully defended
hla title aga'nst Ted' "Kid" Lewis. The re
turn of the pugilist wax virtually unno
ticed. Only a few personal friends were tit
the station te greet him.
Scraps About Scrappers
VJ U being favored by many Philadel
phia scholastic followers te cop the
outdoor "Quads" when they take place
en Northeast High's Fjeld, Twenty
ninth and Clearfield streets. June 0.
If the High street institution comes
through, it wllf win' the title for the
first time In the history of the school. .
The Clivedens have been 'sweeping
everything before them this i- season.
With the exception of the Northeast
High relay -carnival, they havere
turned the winner in every meet in
which theyihavc participated.
Last Saturday afternoon Coach Fred
Relth had his Green nnd White aggre
gation entered" in the Glen Mills intcr-
whnlnstles. Anu. ns was me cbbe ui
Cheltenham the week before the team
camr .through te victory.
. West Philadelphia, previous te-Sat
urday's meet, had been picked by many
of ,the "wise crackers" te win this
year's "Quads." But Germantown
proved Its superiority ever the 'West
Phlladclphlnns nt Glen Mills, beating
the Speedbeys, who finished third, by n
five-point margin. Germantown was
first with 14; Wenonah, second, 11,
and West Philadelphia, third,' 0. At
lantic City High finished fourth with 7.
, Germantown's relay team, which
holds the scholastic championship of
this vicinity, loped home te another vic
tory In the Glen Mills event. The tenm
Tompkins, Karbach, Webensmlth nnd
Holcomb remned nwar with one of the
fastest fields ever entered In n meet of
thisklnd and crossed the wire in 3 min.
utes 42 seconds fpr the milet
Mnthlas, as usual, was the outstand
ing star for the Clivedens. He gal
loped home In the century dash, closely
followed by Karbach, a teammate, nnd
finished third in the bread jump,
Carranza. a nenhew of the late Presi
dent of Mexico and who is a member of
the Franklin nnd Marshall Academy
team, came through and wen the bread
jump. He net only wen this event, but
also established a new record, His
jump of 20 feet 11 Inches bettered the
old mark by five inches.
Carranza has been n big surprise nnd
has becemeNme of the foremost indi
viduals in (collegiate sports in this sec
tion. This spring he has been busy in
track, tennis and baseball and turned
in two notable victories pitching for
the varsity team.
He was also n member et the team
that participated in the Penn basket
ball tourney agd is expected te enter
Penn in 1023, when he completes his
course at Franklin nnd Marshall, te
tuke up n course in medicine.
Episcopal Academy, boasting of the
only scbelnstlc crew in Philadelphia,
finished third in the scholastic regatta
held under the Ynle crew auspices en
the Housatonic, Derby, Conn., Inst Sat
urday. The churchmen finished third, being
beaten by Cheate Scheel nnd New Ro Re
chelle High. But the Phllndelphinns
rowed a great race and aleservc much
praise for their great work.
Twe-thirds of Baseball Team Under
Faculty Ban
Old Man Ineligibility hns handed
Xrtheast High Scheel's baseball team
another defeat. In fact, the school
boy's dread hns wrecked the entire
Reports were issued at the Eiehth
street nnd Lehigh nvenue institution
Inst Friday. And it hax taken uutil
tedny for the boys te realize just What
Frem new en. nrrnrillni tn the enrtlK
Cnptaln Bpehrlnger, second bnse; Keen
nnd Oberheidt, pitcher. : Bliss. left
Sihi V'!.1.'. eatchr,r.' 1 Time. M.b
stltute inflelder, will wutch the gnmes
from the sfnnds. ,M of these bejs lire
under the faculty ban.
Buffalo ....14 61 9 24 1136
Jersey City. 4 fi 16 4 3 8 8 48
Rochester .. 14 7 5 6 7 4 2 43
Baltimore . . 4 7 14 4 1 4 7 41
.Syracuse . : 5 l 3 6 4, 4 16 41
Terente ... 1 1 0 7 13 30
'Reading ...11 3 2 3 l 6 R 3.1
Newark . . . 3 2 8 8 C 0 26
Business Docs Net Allew J4tti
te Gvi Bexnv Miicn ,:4
- - ,, im
i neuirni. '-JAWH
j . i ' f . - "i
Ln Angeles. SIny IB. Wlfether.TCMi
.ack ef.One and Twe Milers and
Discus Throwers Lest
Meet With Cernell
Haverford ' and Swarthmore
Prep Teams Meet in Annual
Competition Today
YVIM...1 Awmn. wnelflV linn VftVIMffllt
.pugilistic chnnrpien. will enter the box
' ing game" ngnln Is still n mntter of con
jecture, even with himself, according te
n statement hfrnm the cx-chnmplen,
published here today.
Tex Rlckard, promoter, hns ben
, dickering with him for the Inst year ln
1 nn effort te get- him tn re-enter the
ting. Wlllnrd saWi, but he did net stnte'
whether the promoter had suggested
.Tnrk Dempsey ns a possible opponent.
"I have net seriously considered going
bnck in the pugilistic business," Wll
lard declared. "At present I nm kept
prettv busy attending te my personal
affnirs and I have net had time te give
the boxing game much theuglit.
The big Knnsnn' rancher nppenred te
be In geed physical condition., He has
been ln Lns Angeles nbeut ten dnyi,
during which he has secluded himself
from the press and public generally.
Seme reports around the neighborhood
where he hns lensed a heuse arc te the
effect thnt he has been training t-ecrctly.
However, these could net be verified.
Wlllard said he was expecting te lenve
for ltls rnnch near Lawrence, Kan.,
within two weeks, te leek after his In
terests there and in ether parts of Kan
sas. Then he intends te return te Les
Angeles te make his home. Hl wife
and children probably will remain here
while nc inaaes inr, trip ie nunwi.
Chlek Kansas la bnek In Philadelphia
alter bexlna a ten-round ilrnw In Ilroeklin
with Prankle Curley. Bebby Dillen suys
Kansas scored four knockdowns and was en
easy winner, the Judies decision tmln
jeered by the audience.
Soccer FarjB Mourn Temmy Qayner
Soccer fans et Kenalnstnn are mourning
the death of Temmy Qayner. who will be
euriea from nia imie resimiice.. izeu isast
qtwlten avenue, tomorrow mtrnlnit. Qayner,
aa ii
Owen Kertland has become connected with
the Nerthelde A. C. qf Atlantic City, buying
out the, shares owned by Harry Jacksen and
Ben Mitchell. With Kertlanrt are Kdward
Masulre and .9,ar?y Truehart as the pro
moters. Jee Wenke continues as Philadel
phia repreaentntlve.
at vrheken and Vincent T.nn n. i.
the wind-up at the Nerthslde Atlantic City
i;illl luiua,.. ... "" iittiicnfli xeunar
Dencle facea Jee Cellettl. Hebby llurna
tacklea Johnny Campl and Otli Uoblnsen
bexea Jlmaiy Kelly,
Temmy Ilnrk Is set tin Inte shape for nn
k... fllnir with hla nets. The Nnuih nhii..
delphla feather elsht, one time one' of the
rlevereat boxers In this ilty. has hJen
bee. Canada, May 28., It .will be' ,en.
rounder. Temmy plana te remain In Canada
or the summer. ' . "
K. O. Hanaam, local Itsht heavyweltht.
new 'Is under the management of Eddie Ka.
wards, who also Is handlna Mike Kenrns.
n.irnlt fcatherweliht: Yeunc Cenn.v u,."
andeah featherwelshl Yeun Sherlock, light
weight: Marty Harris, banlumwelghl. and
Lee Reynolds, bantamweight.
Jaek Claney. New Castle light heavy
weight, has been anxious te. hook, up iwlth
any one of his weight. He la open te meat
K. O. Hansom, Sergeant Bay Smith and Ad
tone, (
T ACK of capable performers in three
-- events prevented Penn from scoring
n possible triumph ever Cernell in their
dual track meet -Saturday. The Ithn
enns captured the meet, 70 1-3 te
nn 2-3.
In the one nnd two -mile events nnd
in the discus threw Tack Moakley's
nagregntien mnde n clean sweep, scoring
27 points. Hnd the Red nnd'Bluc been
able te .score half of this number of
points victory would have been certain.
The lack of second nnd third-place
winners were nlse very much ln evidence
during thn meet. In the half nnd
nunrter-mlle runs Brown was the enlv
Red -and Blue point scorer. In both
sprints Lever nlene contributed points,
as did Powers In the hurdles and
Brnnder ln the javelin.
Starting tomorrow afternoon Robert Robert
eon will drive bis men hard for the
lntercnlleaiates which will be held nt
Cambridge en .May 2(1 nnd 27. Pcnn's
chances te win the championships, nre
net ns forlorn as the defeat en Saturday
would lead the average follower of track
te believe.
The Penn runners nnd their conch nre
net making any beast nbeut their
chances, but with Lever In the sprints,
Brender in the javelin nnd shot, Brown
n the. half and quarter, Powers In the
rturdlcs, Needs in the high jump,
Frank in the hammer Jthrew and Rese
in the bread jump, it can be seen thnt
the Red nnd Blue is net entirely out of
it by nny means. These seven men
scored forty-eight of the points made
ngnlnst Cernell.
Johnny Helden, Geerge Meredith,
Edward McMullen, Johnny Hcrr, Den
Head nnd one or two ether nthletes
who have shown form In the past, may
regain their stride before the inter inter inter
collefclates and should figure ln the
Brown Is the best half-mller ln col
lege ranks tedny, nnd should win the
event, In the quarter he should be able
te score a third or fourth. Brender is
the best in this section ln the javelin
nnd shot-put, nnd unless the far West
ern athletes can show among their num
ber a better performer, the Red nnd
Blue should were first or second place
Rese in tue breau jump nas suewn
better than any college nthlcte in the
country . in his favorite event, whlle
Cuew, the uninese war, comes a close
second in the same event. Thnt should
mean' seven or eight points for Penn.
Pheenlxvllle Entries for Tuesday
First race, three-) ear-olds and up, 0 fur fur
lengs: Trucn 120 Sir Adum 123
iWtlten Arrew. ..117 Prltf Ureenway..ll2
Yesemlte 11 J Jeb Thayer ....125
African Rese. ...107 Seuth Ilretze 120
Fancy Man 121 Snlt I'eter 117
Director eJns,..12.1 Trunes 120
Second race, steeplechase, four- cur-olds
end up. !i mile-.
Itcddest s 142 Voxpepull II 1.10
Fermtatresi ....ISi Yeacmlte 130
Flight Captain.. .14J
Third race, two-ar-old, 4 furlengs:
Pretty Dell lit Ilombe 114
Eresat 114 OUu May 114
threo-jear-elJH and up, sell-
Twe ancient rival Quaker schools,
Haverford and Swarthmore Preparatory,
will struggle for track supremacy this
afternoon en the ntbletic field of
Swarthmore College.
, An Intense rivalry between the two
Qunker schools, equal te that existing
between the colleges from the same
eVucntiennl centers, Is certain te Incite
the athletes te stage bitterly contested
Swnrthmere Pren is out te ebtnln re
venge for the defeat it suffered from the
Haverferdlans en the track last seusen.
Conch Everett Lndd, pilot of the Gar
net and Gray track'men, has been work
ing diligently te round nil his athletes
In shnpe for this afternoon's contest.
However, he will be Handicapped a
trifle in the long-distance runs because
of the recent Illness of Captain Frank
Leng worth, the Swarthmore mllcr.
Shorty Coombs, 'the Swarthmore
sprinter, is doing some 'speedy work In
the 100-yard and 220 dashes. Gregg,
q Hnverferd, who recently covered the
mile in fast time, appears te have an
edge en the Sunrthmereana in this
event. Rogers, another Hnverferd star,
will have te travel ln the hurdles
ngalnst Evans, of Swarthmore, for tbt,
latter is improving rapidly and appears
rcaffy te push any schoolboy te the tape
In events of this type.
Coombs nnd Rogers will clash in the
bread jump this afternoon. Beth can
de mere than twenty feet, se that it
will be a nip-and-tuck struggle.
Noted Amateur Oarsman Dead
Aaburs- Park. N. J.. May IB. Jehn
O'Regan. one of the most noted amateur
oarsmen of the world, dropped dead whlle
playing handball at hi home here yesterday.
Ha wits alxty-ene jcars old.
"Hew Splendidly
it fits"
This apt comment is net
merely the enthusiastic praise
of one man who is satisfied
with Jenes tailoring; Thou
sands have said this, hence the
widespread popularity of this
Be better dressed.
Prices arc moderate.
W.S. Jenes, -nc-
Ctatem Tailoring
1116 Walnut Street
Amateur Sports
The (rrraiantawn Collegians ulll .pen the
AJarn narntnat Ivsavan ,' " l'lv
nr-ulv .mifnrmA H il ".? !ri!
from rirat.clnM.teams wanting m iittrnrt'en
Reliance A. A. Is anxious te hlul- con
teats with first-class amateur tenn. plny7r?r
street'"8 C. J, Qnbrlel. 2J8 Dickinsen
The tannine Club hns open datw at home
fRJi, eBS V-5t J"1 ft,tt" en HunSa?;. twU
Tha fltrel O. C of N'erth Wales, Pn haa
nil Bunday date open after June 4 td play
SlrSc! F. "xSfth tvT,r.,:",?i'urulr'' -W
Victer B.C.. a fourteen-) ear-old tnu-llnir
team, would like te meet team., of the Kami
. W. P""'". All Sumlajs after
Tenth street"' """" '""" N"rth
The Washington Ntara will plare a semi semi
pre traveling team en the ,li,m,,mi im. ..'
son nnd n number of new men ha'been
'an'!. .TTl- are desirous of aehnlullne
Bmes with the best seml.pre teims J. e.
Malene87lS North Darlen atreit. or tele!
phme Tiega 0427 W.
rirst llaaeman Rer Ulsheu, local semi semi semi
profeealenBl ballplayer, would llk te sign
UII with SOIItA lam nt h. ..- I-..?1?11
ill-hop w-aa Bljen a trjeut with the lh llllea
during Orivath'. stay, 'lie Wna out of th"
game laat aeaapn owing te un Injury. An?
team dealrlrut hla services should w'mmnnf.
atre"et.W ,,uii"r' Wlngdhecklng
a ? X5iTn!5.KSK' ?J J'hoenlxvllle, p..
iLi!r"i"clB bassball nine. cemne of the
liut grounds and offer ng n'asenuLle Iniluio Iniluie
deilr games with alb nrat-class teams hav
tuent. Jamc. w. Htuart. 3U4 HecnTi .VL.
III. ltiOatllwlllsk 'Talj " " '
In the Summer time, Man's fanpy
IP'iV aaa.
and comfort demands n noed soft Shirt
the kind that will launder well no
matter hew often It gees te the tub.
a each
Cellar Attached or 3 for S7.et
These with Neck Band $0.00
Guaranteed net te shrink, wilt or
wrinkle. A soft cellar with a atlft
Similar te
A.R.Underdown'sSens 202-204 Market si., puna.
Fourth rice
Ing, 1 mile:
Royal Jester,
liar Cey , . . .
114 Treher
. 11.1 Regular
.107 Truii As Steel.
Helmsman lu
Fifth race. three-eur-eld and up, 0 fur
Favour l'-' Kins Albert
Mary William. . .12" James ....
MlssAdrlanne. . 11U Old Olb ...
Ulll felmmens V-! Halt Peter
Slbiln !" llundmaster
Wrecklcaa 100 Alt l)elne
CIIh May Ill
Hlxth race, three- ear-olds and up, Penn
sylvania Reildenta, n furlongs;
Solemme 115 Kl Prlme 120
King Albert l"e Wm Humphrey. .120
Uu Scheer 10 Amvll ISO
First race. 2.30 P. M7 (ln light Having.)
Weather, clear; track, fast.
Racing rain or shine.
. . 1-0
. 12.1
5afclur !-,--'wai " Plnce. wishes U
B"-yUnOstl thfltvhfsa Um 1ui"jiaiak1 tlaa.llaaaa.H
ih iti..!.! v . - r u ' .- -v . -'' r-T--r --- g unM uiinnmn. uuin gig .awrsiiTUBei. n . v sirapa i guinru askaiaeraa ii an tsa luruiuvr 'in inaa w ifinr m. il - u u .... . i- - - "- ..Trie a. i maaaa uiiua.iiii. i . - ' - v . .. i
t elS,.
AIM a com cem
UU Una of
gelf gad tan
als aeeaiterUt
Togs for the
AVell-Tegged Man
$22.50 te $35.00
Twe, three and four- .
piece baod-tatlereU gulf
nd spurt suits et Import
ed all-weel materials.
1 atlered sbuiIt eaeugh
for afreet wear and loene.
It eneuch for the link.
Tweeds, Herringbone.
Uraya and attractlre roll rell
turea Separate knickers for
men nnd women I.lnea,
IS and $5 60. Cleth, M
and IJ.
"With the
and Compensating
Spring Suspension
The prowess of the "D-HM metered Stute is
inherent. It is net acquired artificially by adding
complicated auxiliaries te the ruadamental
power unit. This mechanical simplicity and
operating efficiency surpass all previous attain
ments and lead te the belief that the Stutx
.with the"DH"Englne and CempensatingSpring
Suspension is mere nearly 100 efficient
throughout the entire range of meter car per
formance than any ether car available today
Indianapolis, Indiana, U. S. A. '
667 North Bread St.
reii.R J
. hJHsUsi
T. A. A. 'la looking
Jp Seuth 17th.