rEB-: T-.i..,,1yl-'-.' 1- tt..Sr..f." it. " -, .' . ,..'. '!! ' i i'i rfilnhi mi Ml,,,, i' ii .. t"- f L V m. t. nj j j i Wancy 'Wynne Chats of hpeaks of a Number of Interesting , June Dances TONIGHT there will be the second merlins of the Dlnner-Dancc Club ,, (jrecn llill Fnrmx. The committee ?.1ih1m Mm. Alexnnder Itrinten Cexc, mm ThemiiH U. Aditen, Mrs. William t f'-let ler. Mr. Wlstnr Merris, Mrs. ii'hel Oiin'te. MrH. Walter WarinR 1 ankltUii ami Mm. Matthew llnlrd. V, ,"lie Is ihnlrmnn. The first meeting i a ureal sueeeni nnd It kmiihih n It lh meetliiK tonight would be equally ' of dinners hnvc been arranged ij It Among these who will enter are Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dunne, L.a will Rlvc a dinner of fourteen In tZt e Mr. nnd Mrs. Richnrd Duane, Tlr t Merrl8 Weed, of Ovcibroek. iv ten knew that Delly Duanc will EVdbutnntc next winter? She Is ff ceme out at a tea en Saturday, Dc- tfebcr 0. mllCRB will be a great many dances ,1 for the younger crowd in .Tune when l.Ii i. rir nnd the bearding school Lplc roiiie home again. - PTlc "r-t ,nnce fet' tl,e, s?.he.01 -. will he en June . anu win dc . .hat Mr. nml Mrs. Merris Clothier ! -ill give for Dorethy. Their eldest ieihter, Emily, married Freddy Straw Mtn. Ven remember, and another, Trdla. enme out this winter. Dewthy. wwer. will net come out for a year I? two nnd I hear that she expects te X te Mhoel nbrend iic.xt winter. On P' te th-re will be nnethcr Main 1 e dnnee. given by Mr. nnd Mrs. ! "llcVchcr for 0 windy. Hop Hep mm Mr". HerkFclier'a daughter, who nt Dehbs Kerry at whoel. An '.hTr Dehbs Kerry girl. Llbby Wear. mS hive a dnnce given for her some JlraHn .Tune. Libby la coming out next jShSldrt.lfMr..ndM. Richard Norten, of nosement. are net SlM te Rive a dance en May 20 for thlr daughters. Nancy ami Careline, mi fact, never planned one. Hew !;, the rumor get about as rumors nVn way of doing, nnd lets of peo pee t. really thought It was true. The &ten"Vc going nbrend about .the nt of June and se. of ceiirse, a dance en May 29 would .tie an Impossibility. 1AM' the talk of June dances brings A me te the subject of nnethcr party for that month which I've just heard .bout. It is a dance te be given by the members et me im-m ni'i Fraternity, which is known te most wenle as the Triangle, nt the Merlen Cricket Club en .Tunc 2!. Mr. R Uwrencc Miller. Jr.. Is president of tlic fraternity : Ell K. I'rlec, Scl, vice president, and Nelsen Hesse, secre tary. The committee In charge of the dance Includes Sam Jlnndall, Ned Peace, Nelsen Hesse. Buddy I'rlcc. Ber tram Rebmann, Barry Colahan, Henry Lew, Wily Meffly, Fred Ilally, Billy Almy, Hill Dawsen nnd Mr. Law rence Miller, who is chairman. The clinperencs for the dance are Sin. Charles T. Brown. Mrs. G. S. farrlgan, Mrs. Victer Mather, Mrs. P. Chester Williams. Mrs. E. L. Mil ler, Jr., Mrs. W. L. Godley. Mrs. JThemas Browne, Mrs. Alfred Reginald Allen, Mrs. Geerge II. Earle. 3d, Mrs. William II. McCrcary and Mrs. 11. E. ' Thompson. I SAW Mrs. Davis Pearson a few days age, and she was looking very well In a dark brown sweater rilrt with a brown angora snorts hat. She lives In Overbroek, you knew. Sara Bally Is lovely looking, I think. 1 taw her just the ether day. tee, and ihe was wearing n periwinkle blue georgette dress, with a round neck nnd ihert sleeves silt up te the shoulder, mil a tan Neapolitan straw hat, turned tip fit the back nnd trimmed with a Jingle yellow rose. Sara has wonder ful golden hair nnd blue eyes, and you wn Imagine hew pretty she looked. Ellen Orten has an attractive cos tume, tee. a dark blue dress with white Ms en it, made with one of the pep- lT'?a."'flu", nccks- al"l a le.rk blue Wlk hat turned up off the face. Acress I ,1. ' e( tl,e Lftt tncre wns Srnv JMtner, nnd the whole effect was very wtemlng. NANCY WYNNE. ' u SOCIAL ACTIVITIES u,Jr- aJd Mrs. Edward Bek will cive a fekl f0nL?1-r,nna,Mr8' Leepold Ste" KL" Thursday, at their horn.. &; . S.1 :lcr,en- Cevers will be laid like niiA .iT x i,T.reP"1 nazaru will Ced. Snfei,he,f0"Pw,nB day. Miss k a lunlL'80 .b,e. th0 Kuest et honor f Wa$ te.w,ilch MASB Caro'lne Cepe. k1e en ,K. ?", lane' Oermantewn. will mJ n?ht"rday next befere the wed WdSiarM. B,uetH, will Include the Th. timtan.U. ,no '"'mediate families, ik. "me of the weddlnir hns l,inn tbanwi f, "le weaainsr has lie "deck m 1"'-" 'clock te 30 Til mtAitn ..i... ..ii. ... Hrtv S . ".'. ,W1U ""end tile Det Rcademv J",-Ma,k a1 WK " the &',IL, i0"'; which Mrs. tesdaifi i' ll Vancouver, 'i'or 'i'er Eri1!' m Phe in honor of MIhs V" ,K'e . I" honor of MIhs iun rnrm Aini .1 .. . i.: 155. "H .Oemu'l n,t MlillKlllI.'l til .Ul. Bewi,r",ainyn-',,W,,OSP marrlaBe te Mrs. US Vs?!1' c7!J)tnll Oeerne Hewer. St, will iiwVwllLtali0 ",acQ en June fttr Mltl"i1,0,,r' a,ld x,rs. Henry fcn Bewerr? nbert ariffllh and CaP" rAwlll,1CnrCM,1"B,,,e.buta,Ue of "est win "r of v J ,lHS, U?len VaPman. daugh f 335 5e, id ,r.s Henr-V Chapman. fternoen hVt. par,.,ts " New Year's Bmlth Pnii..Ml8S c'ia',man will attend htheMtuSn." VerH,amc. JIass- M'ealinnrt'1'.,'- Reynolds Wilsen. heusft nV Vl'lunevn-. will entertain "nth36 ?,!;'' t,,e. lar part of this i,'ln HlO KUDSts will lr,l,,,l ntlDa ki" ""'h. or cjievc a l reV ,l:i'- .of. New Yerk. ir.. ".-"' -J0IU ins wllin.7. . .'" "HHKuspeure, i the r i,K,"in w,,l'u wl take place Mai"r .rcl1 ,.( J'10 Hedeemer. Uryn May at, " "euiiesuay afternoon, caraa,iJIr;' l?aul Thompson, of the n May JSvei ford, w II sail for Kurtfpe Br traviiin .. Vl" hnelu e sum iravcllne cm the Continent. 'Mr a.!',r,.f!ft,''U,cr I,usl1' daushter Naples tthwl",Ba" 0'' ' -5 for three i nienH 2 W.I r(mul" abredd for fafhtcr I,8 MM,S?, nih '" " crnnd- U 501 fim.ii. ii. '.""J"" '- iiiomae. Vch,e.trn,t;lni,r;ii1.irht Btreet una Waarr. 1!fU r$; Edward Bell Krum- t..Mri" Kr ".''' J?mPn'! uise Divi,., 7..i "..:" . ".. lln. "le wl" spend the summer trav &MiitlnilrM?r'V Philemen Dickinsen, of " trBbSSJa.""1, ,,ave returned &finneM JJ.r.s' T,r'8?. n'yn. 1,n West r. f,,Hm..?venue., rhestnut Hill, and ! Oh..i..',rlJ. William J. Caner. also i w ftV'L" Ape."dv iitf eek- .William T.Betts, e; .Wtet Upwl Dr. and m .r-... mu.i...... ,-.,. tVrtalnr,thorpe' Jenkintown, will cn Ji? eveni.,2 "pcan.d dance en Frl Wnw p,V,MiVr 19S ,n ,lener of Mies Cw?nf h pe' d;lushter of Mrs. Walter tofir.Thn,a?,te.w.n' wl?9 marriage Orlftin ..'' of New Yerk : Mr. H. lid. O.. nml Mr. aDferand !' Jesephine crK frce i'5ni0f ,Mr" and Mrs- J- A l ta i d' u,se of Chestnut Hill, whir..?!' ry lr July for Kurene jji mm a m m m rnrn Mw What's Doing Today She street, Oermantewn, will give a dinner dance at the Pelham Club en Thursday evening. May 18, In horner et Miss Dorethy Osberne Tlly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Tlly. of Cvnwyd, whose marrlage te Mr. Charles Malone nettpi, 3d, will take place en Thursday evening, June 1. ..HIri.nnd Mrg- Nerman Cendcrman, of 642 Montgomery avenue. Bryn Mawr. are entertaining as their guests evor the weak-end Mr. and Mrs. Newall J. y nrd, of New Yerk. They will give a dinner this evening at Green Hill Farms before the dance there. Mr. and Mrs. Cenderninn will spend next week-end In New Yerk. Mr. and Mrs. Ward will sail for Europe next Saturday. Mrs. Themas H. Miles Jr., of Oerman Oerman eown, will be the gueat of honor at a bridge party which Mrs. Halph Herrlck. of Penllyn will give at her home en Friday, May 19. The marriage of Mrs. Miles and Mr. Charles White Steele, of Bryn Mawr, will take place en Thurs day, June 1. The Pennsylvania Society of the Co lonial Dames of America will entertain the foreign students of Bryn Mawr and Haverford Colleges and the University of Pennsylvania this afternoon at Sten Sten ten Mansion, Eighteenth and Court land, streets. There will be music and tea In the garden. Mrs. James Starr, Jr., president of the society, will re ceive, assisted by the members of the Berard of Americanization Committee, of which Mrs. James D. Wlnser is chair man. , Miss Hazel Coffin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Ceflln, of ,G07 Hansbcrry street. Oer.mantewn, will be the guest of honor nt a luncheon and- thearte party te be given by Mrs William Wallace, of Overbroek, en Wednesday, Mav 17. The guests will include, Mrs. Stanley ICetcham. Miss rjorethy Coeke. Miss Prances Ollkey, Mrs. J. Wallace, Mrs. I A. Passmerc, Mrs. S. Italph Herrlck and Mrs. Russell It. Robinson. Miss Coffin's engagement has recently been announced te Mr. J. Wallace Brown. Mrs. William H. Clawsen, of 217 Hertter strcet, Oermantewn, entertained en Wednesday afternoon at a bridge party, In honor of Miss Emily Sutro, whose engagement te Mr. Leuis Land enberger haa been announced. Mrs. Jehn IT. nnViirtn nt 147 V.ant Durham street, Oermantewn, and Mrs. Leuis Green, of the Pelham Apart ments, Oermantewn. will entertaln at luncheon at the Whltemarsh Country Club en Friday afternoon, May 19. The wedding of Miss Katharine Gll llngham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Gllllngham, of 1G8 Mnploweod ave nue. Oermantewn. and Mr. Philip E. Heward. Jr.. will tnkn nlnrn Wprinea- day, June 14. Sir. nnd Mrs. B. Hubert Cooper, of Plnehurst. Moercstown, N. J are re ceiving congratulations upon the birth of twins, Elizabeth Maude Cooper and Kenneth Edward Cooper, en May 1. Mrs. Cooper was Miss Marguerite Strawbrldge. Frem' Les Angeles, Calif., comes the announcement of the engagement of Miss Marien Buckley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles II, Buckley, formerly of Philadelphia, te Mr. Richard Stiles In In gersell, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Themas S. Ingersoll, formerly of Minneapolis, Minn., new of Les Angeles.. Ne date has been set for the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Prettyman. of S14 Seuth Bread street, will enter tain at dinner at their home en Tues day evjnlng, May 16, In honor of Miss Eleaner Harris Beggs, et Oermantewn, whose mnrrlage te their son, Mr. Charles B. Prettyman, Jr., will take place in the Second Presbyterian Church. Oermantewn, en Wednesday evening. June 7. The guests will In clude the bridal party. Mr. and Mrs. Levis Ayrcs, of Wayne avenue, Ger Ger mantewn, will give a brldge party at their home en Saturday evening, May 27, also In honor of Miss Beggs and Miss Katharine Kelb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leuis Kelb. Jr., of West Scheel Heuse lane, Oermantewn. whose marriage te Mr. Mathieu Pannakker, of Helland, will take place en Saturday evening, June 3. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher LIndback, of Sixty-second and Jeffcrscn streets, will entertain at a small dinner this evening at the Bala Country Club, be fore the dnnce te be given at the open ing of the new clubhouse. Mr. Ashbridge Sharpless. of German town, will sail from New Yerk In June for p. trip through Europe. He will be gene about four months. Dr Frank Read and Mrs, Read en tertained yesterday In honor of the Daughters of the Revolution, at their summer home, Annadale, Malvern. WEST PHILADELPHIA Dr. and Mrs. Elmer H. Funk, of 6307 Sherwoel read, are receiving congiatu cengiatu congiatu latlens upon the birth qf a ten. Mrs. Funk was Miss Mabel Wray Buzby, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. William L. Buzby. Mr. and Mrs. Themas F. Power, of 492J Cedar avenue, have announced the marriage of their daughter, Miss Ger trude Kathryn Power, and Mr. Daniel A. McKendry, April 17. Mr. and Mrs. William P. Clement, of 1148 Marlyn read, have announced the mnrringe of thetr daughter, Miss Doro Dero Dore thy Clement, and Mr. Albert II. Merz. also of this city, en Saturday, May 6, at St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church, Overbroek. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Aldas, of 6123 Pine street, announce the engagement of their daughter, Mies Kitty Aldas. te Mr. Lewis Gressman, also of this city. NORTH PHILADELPHIA The marriage of Mrs. L, Dengler Pat Pat ter.sen and Mr. Walter Ress McShea, of Atlantic City, N. J., leek place en Wednesday evening at 6 o'clock at the home of the bride's brother and sister, Dr. nnd Mrs. Sherman Tucker Mever, of 3346 North Fifteenth Btreet. Rev. James O. Mcllhenny, rector of the Church of the Resurrection, officiated. The Women's Association of the Pur-man-Bennlcker Pest. Xe. 188, American Legien, held a meeting last evening nt their headquarters, 1429 North Eighth street. The following officers were elect ed: Mrs. David Schwartz, president; Mrs. M. E. IJclp, vice presiuent; .Mrs. je. seph V. Hoffecker, secretarj. and Mrs. Uncommon Sense : By JOHN blakk THK young man who In company always "does his stuff" is enter tulning. but net especially valuable. Ills "stuff" mey be card tricks, or cester songs, or voluble converbntlen, or a dlspluy of cliannlus cravats nud hosiery. Whatever it is, his mind is en It. He is generous with his abilities tee generous, for while he Is giving ethers the benefit of them he has no opportunity te gain any Impressions of his own. TIIR necessary lessens of life are learned from nnlure and from people, mostly from people, who after nil are renlly n part of nature. We must through our whole careers make our business chiefly learning or chiefly teaching. If we expect te he real teachers we must nlfce be pupils, nnd very eager and attentive pupils net only through long years of schooling, but through Wc can, If we cheese, be teachers of card tricks, or parlor manners, or of Myles In wearing apparel without n great deal of effort. ( But careers of that sort are very costly because we pay for them all that we might be learning In the time that Is devoted te "delus our stud." Te desire te plrufre ami te entertain r natural, as the lore of praise Is H&turaU Attractive Debutante i ? yvf.rT? -, 6 iti.'&t i&iWtsA ttX, i'-ii VJ mzzM Photo by Mareeiu. MISS EVELYN R. DRAYTON Daughter of Mr. Rdbert Massey Drayten, of the Cedars, Penllyn, who was one of (he most popular debutantes of the last season. Miss Drayten will be one of the aides at the Country Fair at the Oermantewn Cricket Club en Tues day, May 23, In nld of the Chil dren's Seashore IIouse at Atlan tic City Philip Margeltes, financial secretary. Mrs. J, M. Mountain Is chairman of the entertainment committee. Arrangements are being made for n card party a be given next month for the benefit of the pest. Lady Monteflero Ledge, Ne. 1, of Phil adelphia, will give Its annual picnic nt Hunting Park en June 11. The vari ous committees in charge Include Mrs. C. Slnscr. Mrs. Wnrshaw, Mrs. C. Pearl, Mrs. R, Rosman. Mrs. R. Shatten, Miss Dera Shatten, Miss Rebecca Fein, Mrs. Mrs. It. Ievy, Mrs. Simen, Mrs. A. Gressman, Mrs. S. Weinberg. Mrs. L. Iscew. Miss Rese Helders, Mrs. Potemktn. Mra L. Frankul and Mrs. C Ltvlngstten. Mr. and Mrs. William H'olllngswertn, of 3422 G street, will entertain at a family dinner en Sunday, Miiy 21, In honor of the christening of William II. Illedel, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles 13. Rledel. of 2837 Jasper street. Mrs. Rledci was Miss Holllngswerth. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA The members of the Tau Kappa Sorority will give a May dance this evening at the Aldine Hetel, Nineteenth nnd Chestnut streets. The members in clude Miss Anna Brctvn, Miss Eleaner OUmere. Miss Gertrude Clark, Miss Mary Harley. Miss Florence Brown, Miss Margaret Madden, Miss Marie Oil Oil mere, Miss Anna McDermott, Miss Florence Rlttcr. Miss Mary Slean, and Miss Kathryn Stoughten. St. Themas Aquinas' Eramatlc Club will give a play and dance in the school hall. Eighteenth and Merris streets, next Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings. NAVY YARD Mrs. Geerge Vroom and her daughters, Mrs. E. James Estes and Mrs. Rescoe Davis, have Issued invitations for a bridge party at the New Century Draw ing Roem, en Tuesday afternoon next. Lieutenant Colonel and Mrs. William Smith, and Lieutenant Commander and Mrs. Charles L. Blackburn will give a dance this evening at 2409 Seuth Twenty-first htreet. Lieutenant Commander and Mrs. Geerge W. Simpsen will tall for the Orient In several weeks. Commander nnd Mrs. Jehn Abbett are spending a few weeks at the Bcllcvu6 Bcllcvu6 StratfeTd. LAWNDALE Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hause are re reiving congratulations upon the birth of a son. Mrs. Heward Rellly. et Oxford avenue, will entertain at a luncheon and card party In honor of Miss Selma Meltzer, of Reading, who Is spending several weeks as Mrs. Rcllly's guest. Mr. nnd Mrs. Rebert Dunne, of Verree read, nre receiving congratulations upon the birth of a son. NORRISTOWN Mr. nnd Mrs. Wlnficld Leughln, of 220 Ferrest avenue, nre receiving con gratulations en the birth of twin daugh ters. Mrs. Leughln was Miss Mary Bergey. A non-partisan candidates' meeting will be held thlB evening under the aus pices of the Norrlstewn branch of the League of Women Voters. Mrs. Aaren Swartz Is the chairman of the league. The speakers will Include Miss Jean nettc Moere. Mr. Benjamin Ludlow. Mr. Theodere Lane Bean, Mr. Fletcher W. Stltes, Mr. Irwin Kelts, Mr. A. K. Kneute and Mr. Geerge. Fratt. MOORESTOWN Mrs. Hareld Otter and her sister, Mrs. West, aie spending a few days In Doylcs Deylcs Doylcs tewn, Pn. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Stroud, Mr. ana Mis. E. Maul. Miss Ixulse Mnlseed, Mrs. M. (flickering, Mr. Legan Gnsklll anu the Rev. P. A. Warden attended the ban quet at St. Jehn's Church en Tuesday evening. The Rev. W. Northey Jenes nnd Mr. Themas Clevlngcr, of Perth Ambey, were the cuests of Judge and Mrs. Jesenh Onsklll en Teesday und Wednesday et this week. iAU Geins Out and Nothing Coming In" By the time a baby learns te talk he wants te talk because he tiuds that his talking nnuiKcs people, nnd gains him these pats en the head which (for some reason known only te bubies) are se desirable BUT babies de net spend all or even a large part of their time "doing their stuff." They nre nnturnl observ ers, anil they have the hnblt of watch ing their elders very closely, and of learning from I hem. I'he best imitators nnd mimics nre net these who show off continually, but these who put In considerable time and observation watching ethers. THE jeuth who is Intent only en Im pressing ethers will never Impress them very much, for he never Mops long enough te receive these impressions which make hint cither clever or enter taining. CcpvrleM, tots REUID ALTERED Linoleum laid nnd cemented. eiv eitrjifU aenrd and Ulil. Old rsrpetn altered, rlr.tnrd nnd rr-lald, STACKHOUSE & RAPP 1820 Cherry St. Held Hnruie 0939 s innnBHa mmMmm'vnmmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMm MmmW'f i.MmmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMm mF'Mti 'WmtMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMm wSnLmwfWSmmmmmmmmm mMMMMWKKBmWB:-lmtMMMMMM mmmmmmmmmWmmmM'mmm mMMMMMMMMMMMMWWMMMWmffiwJmWMMMMMMM mMMMMMMMMMMMMmmMMMWmMMMMMMMMm mmmmmmmmmmmF''- "':VjMMW&':i mmmmmk fJmmmmmmmmmmWm8mi!'iM m'Ammi ii MtmmtmmtmmtmmtmmtmammM?t mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmamx-.-i- . .. mMMMMEWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMbZli mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmx'' MMMMMMMMMWmWi 9 WmmmmmmmmmWi fVfRPET Death-Defying and Adjectlvely Won derful Stunta Are Planned 'The Greatest Society Shew en Earth',' with aristocratic candy butch ers, gentle-mannered balyhoes, well bred ticket sellers, will be held next Saturday evening en the grounds of the Phtlment Country Club. More officially this will be known as the l'hllment cir cus. The ringmaster in the "bfg top" will be Sydney IC. Allen, and among the stars will be Mrs. Leenard Sesslcr, "a trainer of wild animals," ,who will go through "death-defying stunts" with ferocious pussy cats. Henry Aid man at the head of the trained acro bats. Benedict Olmbcl, Jr., will ex hibit bis trained chimpanzee,, and there will be breath-taking side, shows In charge of Sylvan Hirsch. $101,000 IN CONLY ESTATE Byberry Weman'a Will Is Admitted te Probate Margaret Conly, Academy read, By berry, who aied Mey 3, left en estate valued nt $101,000, according te her will probated today. Other wills pro bated ere these of Jehn H. Dngner, 0828 Old Yerk read. $4700, and Herman, P. Hagenbucher, 453, Lyceum avenue, 58000. Inventories were filed In the personal estates of Jehn J. MeCaffey, 54008.08; O'Neill. $07.10.04, and J. Wal lace Keclcr, .514.042.35. Letters were granted te administrate the estate of Geerge E. Woedslde. who died nt Dev Dev on, Pn., May 0. His estate Is valued at $100,000. JEWS TO START DRIVE $300,000 Fund Sought Here for Palestine Project Jews of Philadelphia will launch n campaign te raise 5.100,000 toward the restoration of Palestine as the Jewish national home nt a banquet tomorrow in the Hltz-Cnrlten. Samuel Untermyer, of New Yerk, nnd Judge Patterson will be the speak ers. The drive will last two weeks. The campaign here is part of a nation wide campaign for $9,000,000 te provide for the development of the land and permit of colonization en a large scale. KKI.IOIOUS NOTICES Bptim Tlfl Tintnt V Bread 'nnd Berks sta. (1000 N.). flOOO neats. JJf.JJSJ the Qrac Baptist Church. nUSSELIi lr. CONWKU. panter. villliam Wrre McCurdy, associate paater. Dr. J. Martin Hanna, muatcal director. Jrederlck K. Starke, ersanlat. Jit. Conwell prcachea Sunday. 10:30 A. J', and 8 I. M. Temole Chorus ainca at both servlcea. ?,.r Jl'.Hr' cett. wl" be th "t solo sole lit et the Temple, Chorus at the evcnlne service and tlie following program will be rendered: "O Fer a Cleser Walk With Oe!" . (Schnccker) .. , ... . Mr- . 1Icnrl Sce" "Spirit Immortal (Verdi) Mian Vance Mr. Weed. Mr. Scott and .. . . .,ne Temple Chorus "O Rejoice" (Mascagnl) ..- Jtr- Henri Scott "Tha rialns of Peace" (Barnard) Mr. Scott and the Combined Temple Chorus Blble Scheel. .Tere L. Cresae. auperinten- iJhrl'stfau Endeavor. 0'30 and 7 P. f. Church prayer meetlnc Friday at fl p. M. ;or reservations for "Acrea of Diamonds." Saturday. May e. at 8:15 P. it., phone Diamond 083T. Ethical setletr V.TlItr.Af. Bnrtvrv Academy of Music. 11 A. M. Mile. Therese Pettecher. Mra. Annet Hob Heb Hob Inaen. Frauleln Gertrud Baer en "A New Spirit In Europe." Friends WILLIAM I'ENNWORSHIPED AT THE OIJ QUAKER MEETIXO HOUSE. JlJlan. Pa.. Just outside of City Mne. This meetlnc was established In 1082. Services are held every First-day (Sunday) mernlnj. at 11 oclecl;. A welcome la extended te all. Presbyterian "ft!1 (S'v!rpraAreh 10:13 'My I.lfa nt,d Oed's Will." Have VAtl .Van u.llii I .. a - .1 ..V " fw w.y. ,hi iiinicu jour ute te Ued a holy will for ou and looked nt your Joya yorretts. bitter disappointments and plerc. Ing thorns In tlie llaht of this truth? 8 The Pathway te Power." the' annual no. ,.,w. v -, atuueuia .Mem. iVOt n few think that our colleges and universi ties, one the nui scries of piety and pa pa trletlsm are new pouring each year a tide of paganism Inte the national llfe. Ig nri educated man who la net a Christian man of any lasting service te his ag7 Dr. Ma rartney will discuss tbeae iiucstlens Sun- ejr lllgin bi:tiii.kiikm pbeshytekian church' Bread nnd Dlatr.end sta. Ilov. WILLIAM L. McCORMICK. Paster. Itev. SAMUEL R. CURRY. Assistant. 10:30 A. M. ".Mether's Portrait." ! 'i'l U- ? bba th i-choel Anniversary. :45 P.M. "Mether's Wages." AI.L SI.ATS FREE AT ALL SERVICES. OVERBROOK PRESBYTERIAN' CnURCn" Cor. Lancaster and City aves. Oeerge Emersen Barnes. D D.. .Panter. 11 A. M. "The Transformation of Llfe." 8 P. M. "The Enlightened Heart." iuurin oiune j.anKBlen. soloist SECOND PREHH1TEHIAN CHURCH -.'1st and Walnut sts. REV. ALEXANDER MacCOLL. D. D.. MINISTER. ' REV. ALVIN B. QURLEr. ASSISTANT. Dr. .MacCell will priach at It and 8 n clock. Evenlnit subject: "Seme Effects of n Vital Faith In Ged. Hew Mav We Knew Whether We Have It? What Would It De In Ua and Fer Us and-Through Us?" 7:0 P. M. Musical Service: Nune Dlmlttl- Tarheanokeff The Day Theu Uatest Woodward Praise the Name of the Lord. . .Kastalsky Then Shall the Rlghtoeus. . ..Mewlelsiehn Instrumental tries tlelln, harp, organ. 10 A.M. Sunday Scheel nnd Bible Class. All seats free at the evening service. A rnrdlal welcome at all services. Protestant Episcopal CHURCH OK THE HOLY APOSTLES -'1st and Christian sts Rev. UEOROE H. TOOP Rcter. :(l(l A. M. Helv Communion. 10 SO A. M. Morning Prayer and Sermon by Rev. William O. Renne. Jr. i!:30 P. .M. Sunday Scheel, 7.00 P.M. Yeung People's Service League. 8:00 P. M Evening Prnyer and Sermon by Rev. William O. Roene. Jr. CHURCH OF ST. .HJIIE & THE NATIVITY N. W. cer. Eletenlh nnd Mt. Vernen sti. RKV. JAME f. CROSSON. rector. Ii:30 A. Jf. Church Scheel and Bible rlasses. 11,00 A.M. Morning prayer and sermon. 8:0UP.f Evening prayer and sermon. PRO-CATIIKJiRAl. OF bT. MARY Bread nr.d Seuth sts. Rev. GEORGE L. RICHARDSON. D. D.. Rev"siDNEV W. CREASI.V. Assistant. Services: 7:30 A. M. Helv Communion, 10:00 A. Mv- Morning Prayer. 10:30 A. M. Morning Prayer and sermon by Rev, Dr, Richardson. 4:1)0 P M. Evening Prayer and Inter ceislnnt. Address by Rev. 8, W 'rascy. S'OO P. M,- Annual Florence Nightingale Sertlce of the Oulld nf St. Barnabas for Nurses. Sermon by Rev. e. Ashton Old. ham. of Brooklyn. N. Y. Blshop-Cnadju-ter-elect of the DleceRe of Albany. Nurses and phvslrlans especially Invited te nt tend. MusU' bv nurses' rherm. hT. PETER'S CHURCH 3d and Pine sis. Rev. EDWARD M. JEFFERVS, S. T. D., Recter 7.30 P. M. Helv Communion. 11:00 A. M. Morning Service nnd Sermon bv the Recter. The choir will sine: 'Te Deum In ''"... . , .Colerldge-Tavler "Jesus Christ Is Risen" Gaul 8:00 P. M. SPECIAL -MUSICAL SERV. ICE. All nf the musle nt thla Service la by living PHILADELPHIA COMPOSERS. "The Seuls of the Rlshteeut" Banks Three Women Went Ferth"., Mitthews inru rwmu uir i.iKflieeus . . . McCellIn V, 1 1 N I ,-. ..,nti . ......, ..Mll'er Unitarian FIRST UNITARIAN t'HURCII 2123 Chestnut st. Rev. rREDKIUCK R. GRIFFIN. Minister 11 A'...rM,r- "rP" Wl" preach Sub Ject. "Whv Is l.lfn a Burden?" UNITARIAN CHURCH OF OERMANTOWN Greene st. and W. Chelten ate. Hun lay. May 14, 1022. Sert Ices at 1 1 .00 A. M. The Minister. Rev n?.?erH' f,erbea. will preach. Subject . "Tim Free Judgment: The Cltery of It and the Burden uf It." Church school In the par'sli hoi every Sunday morning at the same hour. All nre Invited. Mlscellanreua l.V AND ORDER M SS.MEETINO. S day ufternen. May 14. t-4 ivinlii ' , un- held In the chHiiel nf the Park Avi .Methodist Kpscenal Church, cur. p ate. and. Njrrla st. Hun. Michael .1. ! lie 1U' rk j, 5'.ni"nmim .,.lher w'" "I'-ak. KterybJ ........... v,.iiuSi Antrim, cnairmnn 4a J nt jtft mmnm Get this Mirre Pari at Yeu can get this famous $1.45 Mirre Aluminum 3 Quart Convex Sauce Pan, with cover, for only 89c if you act quickly. This is a limited offer. After it expires you will have te pay the regular price of t$1.45 for this identical pan. Ge te any dealer listed below. Don't wait until the last moment and then be disappointed. These pans will move fast. Yeu must act new ! This introductory offer is made te acquaint you with the beauty, convenience, and especially the durability of Mirre cooking utensils. We knew once you use a Mirre utensil you will never use any ether kind. If none of the stores listed below are located near you, send $1 (89c for pan and lie for postage and packing) direct te our factory address given below. ALUMINUM GOODS MANUFACTURING COMPANY General Offices: Manitowoc, Wis., U. S. A. Makers of Everything in Aluminum Goteany dealer listed belezv and get your bargain price Sauce Pan new! This is a limited offer. Loek for store with Mirre Window Display. Strawbridge & Clothier W1XT lllll..IU.l,I'III.V lce. n. ials Cn . illiliu Ununi J. Hrensteln, fiilnl t'hester Av.' J. J. Ilenilluin. r 107 C'hiNt in -ti (Urard .Vle Stei.-n cilninl ,-. i. ."'J'l ;MV;rten h'pleKel. .Ilii.1 llav-rfni,! w William iladunv. !n I.inu .im, i ..s. M. Welktn. 4087 l-viuTiHtiT .c DenzlB Uemaln, 40.14 r .. . Harry D. Itelanil, (Ini4 I ti n-!.. n.- Ave. Hamilton Ilnr.aar. :)44 Mail, t Maien Hdw. t'uv Bi'l'i M irl.. i Hi lien Jlorelt tc t'e,, r.snt Mail.,' - Moero & HeKiirdus, Hui'S .Mail., t -t llariy .Shapire, km I N .'.lM Si l". Oram Vlle. rit ti A ii im n n Ave. Hrewn llrlw Shep tun t .,-ih ! I'rank WVIat, 0004 Ifaverri'i I e K. R. HUlell. .1100 Wneill.11,1 A. David Welnsteln. il.'.ul Voe,l,iinl A. Weaver. 1)701) Woodland Ave Uerlln Ures., 771' Wemlland A" (iKR)LlNTOHN .lames S, Jenes S. 'ci.. .'nil i, i R ft. Teurlann, fliKill l!eniii,m,mt, v W. A. Kllllan Hrtiv I'ii lll ci n U. (.'. Miller. 8.VJ4 (lennHiiiiimi Aw. NORTH OF MAUKirr sr. Taj.!or ft llrether. Kill t'nlinni,ii ... 'has. f. Illd.lle, l'.Mr. t'liluiiibln Av. Thes. J. Hurnby. limn Celiiinln.i ve. Lamiew it Hen. 11th St e. c '. I w M, Av llahn llres . Ulna (lerniatitunn . Rebert A, Orr, '.'n.s.t UliiiuiiiIcvmi ve Israel 'WelMn. 21107 (Iriinmn mn v. A. Hussman, .'34.'. llprniiuitntv i v l.lllus llacli, '.'BIS llrinaiitivn Av,. i'. II. IltedliiKer. a.'i!7 Ciernniii.inii Ave. Samuel Hlchman. 43411 C rm inmnn Itrewerjtevvn llilvv. I'e., y7'.':i V (liard .fjrt Hunplv Ce.. 4ili H. (linn.l v i'-lnier M. Mllhelin, iKi Huntina I'nk ),' S f-,ennnr. l'r.4'J W iIiIkIi v II. .Maclvvuy ft Hun. mini I'ik-n Vve. II. A, Maoalllster. 4IIM'l N Hunt,! M. ( has. Hedaklns. lata Hnikliiml Si I. (', Uemtwln ") . a m (leuiinniiivvn If. 1. tletvvnls. I.v.'l ('out i land M Wulrer llres,, 7IH . ., si Israel Iliessler, tll'.'l' V ',1 i Klchard Kern. ,",Uii N" ."Hi si. iti iwniuiuer, j , in -, Jehn rrltr, r.ain , mi, j. rti. st. .leiepn Weber, Ml I ,. :,t)i st 'rry Hnuilcr. l.'illi i Siiniii'liann.i .. . Tc.iv. any v. i-umiwii.,11.1 .i. J. J rkle. Injii v. vurk Si U. hhtieen, llHilil M nun st August i. Kijeir :,nn v. mi, . Jehn V. CummliMs. L-ai.i N i;j, .,i rniichlevvn ll.lvv, . ,m;, Y,il, Read I. v. I.evva, ISO'.' in,! y,. i!,,,,i IVrVr".",,""' 'n3. I lW- Vi"." f.,',nsJ1' -"n ,li'i-'" -u- ikJa"' Ck (" '--' ''' Ave. Jacob Holeinon. lmii I'utiinr ii oee. .Mert, 730 Spilnu llai.l.'ii Si hOl'TII 111' MARKKT s'. -..'.:jV. ?lra.lMt. 171S j.i si Win, Weinman, IL'I,-, squill St. NORTH K.vr N. Itl.Mnlna.H V,. ...... ij.V, i k i "' "-' ' MUBIl'liv Vm iV1""1 W'rUMir, jair. i: . ..,, ,i Itcn niMck, 1137 1' .w, FOR ADD1 ALUMINUM Special Offer, May 13 te 20 Lit Brethers Ik mmi I'.r s, .'..! KeninKtnn Ave. .Mi" K.iv l!rn i .'!!. K tiHitiKtnn Ave. JhpIvsiiii i U u -m. i. j'.iai-lia KvnilniEten Avf. W'ni. Sb, man .l.'.ls K ninitien Ave. r.ili'V Hium :tl,ij K nMinttei. Ave. Mi v.r ' ilia,,,, jjnj rrnnt St. I. I. v illil N I i ,iu m Jh""'Ii l.'iivvi .;, te N Trent St. 1 1'h.iH .1 wvn.iii,. i :ii:i-, N Frent St. Mis I.evin. i.i 1 I liirutd Av. PENNSYLVANIA Alleiilnun. II ii I! Iilxlinivv i. Pen Ambler, i! M 1 . i Ce Anmlll.', II p i . r Anliinirt', 1 ii"""" ll.l.v Ce. Iti-ilferil. I . n i.-i w j:.-,, tu ' I'.irwIrU. I II it v. v linan .!( sih M S" I, i i HrruMi, W H W.' sli tlwhlehnii. r s -v.- nl m.l lllei inliure. II H el"i lti),ert"vvii, Iti vi. Ilrei llr.Mi Minir, 1 ivvmi 1 ivi'i-r. I arlUlc, II, h i , Carlisle 1iv iIihhIi Cn ii Rinsaintlh 3 Sunt. Tim W ikii r II J i , '.'il.lvvL,n. J s i ,r v, ( lianilnr-hi re, N. man O lluer ,A J M, In ( lii"-tir. (ial.'v ll.lvv i e I'li-urllehl. 1 n ini., i iir.. f'eiislinliiiikrit, D in CiirHeiikVllle. ) i; ii Miwjil. C.v nvv v.l ll"lvv c, ll.irliv. II V i n i ,-,i, m , si W i r I II" m, "."II M"iin m. r II sipi i v,.i m ,m , DiivliHiimn, i'Iik H Mi v." iliilh-i-., j,.ii ,t c,,,i ti I". HiiHiiliiutunti, 'i'. M liiirith ,v Sen la-jiin. in I iial.i. M & Si. n ii. , ' ,v,"' ' & S.ui l.lltilii'ihiiivvn. S.imii, I Ii. lluBCH I Plirat i, I II Spri In i h Sum. lAirt-ti, II I', u.inin n Suns i'e . Inc. ,rttv-liiirB, l'nlir Lean l,ll"l,' Un. k, 1 It lnj ,v s n iiiNlllli W s sir.iiiian riTina-lle. ,1 . Nt,.ti,.r .c. Sen HiiiiPvrr. I v (iiu r lliirrlkliuii:, ll,,uinuii (. i'e J'l" i I ii i ,v lluil... t.'.'ii ,1,1 . Ki.uiiii inn m i ii .. Maiki-t St s.,uti. i - h, i stnr. L'ia Mutl.ei St Hiilliiirn, i' I , K i lir is. lliTkhi'. Il,rlii"v Ivpt lliiiiinii'Niiiwii, i" .. cm i, .liintliiBileii, Vf. i, , iiiutli, ta laiiiliii". s .1 I, ,,1,., lenklniiiuti. v i no.,, f. ii, nt, inc I..HII"IH,, IM. i . ' Ii. In, ' ' l.aiiMl.iti", .1 lin !' n.iiih l.iiii-diiil. N i; Driiinlicll' r la I... ii, in U'U'm mil, . I.,"W islOVV 11. 'I'll,, I'll, i, Mi'llS ("e l.llll. VI ki, i ,v .-.en I I in. nil I n r, I. ll.lvv, Ce. la i Kll.l Vi'i. I "i, u, v II, v C l..v,l'lis, 1( c.ilil. ,t ,nH l.vk. i . S.n.plv ,v Mfk , lalini..n ( u j . ,., ., M.iHi rn. It i i , vii'UI.i. niv .' - i ,!,.,, j, Miiirr-liiiri:. 11 p.- ,v iiv. r MT'llii, 1- M ii ,. ,v -!,,, ji l,;riiiK. l, ... jilvv . Inc. Cl, Muiililau". i, i w Mi'iiU-iinei'j. M. irf ,n, v st i . TiONAi, STOCK, DEALERS Your Dealer's Today i Coe!, smooth, hollow-steel handle tviththumb-gnpfer easier, safer han illinj. Eyeforhanj Eyeferhanj ms. 2 Tijhtiy rolled, san itary bta J. freefrem rtTt-catching crev ices. 3 Inset cover pre vents boding ever conserves heat. 1 Th; bead of cover n upturned, and thus protects ngaimt atcare and hqu d. Gimbel Brethers N. Snellenburg & Merrlsvllle. P., jl (!erb,r Mt. ,le, x 1 tJeiniurt Muncj , 1 i-v h llirdvv ,n e Nujreth, 1' .r ssli.c, i i:. J I ranjit -NenlnHii, J ilmur NorrlMevvn, 'mih X. Y.icum HOvv Ce. Ilelil (Jui. in ill IMvv Ce. J't'ii Arevle. i'iij". Ii.-ller i Sen I'hnenlwllle. J Itnubfeael rillvldll, i:am Hrn 411 J5 Mai'i t I'.lllMclvvn. Raulif.iK.; V.irlnv S:ut s. Krli'ilniai ltinkertnv ii, . j(, fiijssman t'n liiarrj villi". I lliine. Blck non Iti-niltni.'. I" It xnv.ler W'ltt! I H H "V" C. , Red i.ien, w r iwkei ItelnlinliU stntliin. n e V l.heily, H K M, P., lati.i xli.ininkln, I'iii.i .v Ib.gers i ' W r lln K S"n 'lii'ii.iniliiali im .,r, lr iw . i a "iiiilrrtiin. u,lei ,v I'l.Miili.iiii. i iililll llrtlilrheni. lirln.el ,v l-:i-it. prims lt. M.ivvt.v I ii i ".In. v H'liv Ce Mirlni; (.nue. M V. l.;m liile vI'i-ei. .1 . Smith ,v S ,n trmirikti.vtii, ,'.e ,r f. I t.i igh MruiiiNlinri:, A I' v.,efr iirtliniir. .1 l l.iir-ia'i Tiim.iiiiiii, I cm hi .v c, WatMintimn. 'i,uir n ,V II ah liviie. Crank II' ! n Wt (lii"tiT, Jiiiikx ItrnlhiM. tillliiinpiirl " ll.ivv. Ce, nrl., J A i , i NEW JERSEY Atlantic I It Mlalllk- 11, 'vv . -M i: iii.t' i ( 'll I",.' I II I t-l .'4i.' A' .mt i A I 111 lit IO A Ave Seuth I ,S'U ll.lvv i ,, ".;(!.. Atlantic Av." I.. nupnr H .-,m Hill Atlantli" Av i iirrl.. & C. In. K'li", Vllalill, v. Kautinan .V emu 1lia Atlmitli A vi una J II Siaiilen A. t',i , mi; .Mium, Av. will, Ahieii Slllwr" an i Sun. UJln 1 vi. Iltllll." Av," Jar-nl. IMKllj Allamie Ave V Sinn. .'."j'J Ailant,, ,i". AiiiIiiIi.iii, limif;-, i; ,. , JleverU. Il-verlv l,w & Supply c Ikirilriitnun, ii A App Itriilsi'lun. I KvrtiiH s. ii. cau ,,.,., llnrlliiKtnn, W-niam liauln, ,' ' ' J Hesciifiul ( itimli'ii Antheny Hn.s :,2H .Market m Riker-r-liik C. ..( Mr,.., j.,' i iiindfii llilvv Ce, up; K.i'irhti Am. him i I. i,A sih . c ,m M, H I i.fik.ln ij-.ii Ili.,,, A, in rvl' i jrt..,(, aaiti Jtlvcr Av- II H 1 ' I I.I." lllea.liva , Jehn II Mail,, . t. f,,r, sl x v,. .Muimer .'. laiiiK ll.enilmiv .v. I'.-J n, -;t s. I r.u.. A- s "ii i:.7l Mi Kpi.nini I mil- S.I Im.i. linn lliea.lvvaj I 1 .-vviivn ,' - . itii ! , " i' i1' i i Hun , i.iji ,, CALL LOMBARD 7022 OH MAIN 9137 .i.,,t ,1,1,1 V Z. (g) i i Loek at these eight features of beauty, con venience and durability built into this Sauce Pan they are typical of Mirre quality: S Rivetless, ne-bura. ebemzed knob" always cool. C, Convex aides pre vent contents from peurmit elf when liquid is drained. 7 Famous Mirre fiiv nil. rich, lustrous, silvery. i Fumeus Mirr trade-mark stamp ed into the bot tom of every piece. Your cuarantec of excellence through cut. Ce. Shelmire Stere WhA upi Mav II s Ruth, rf.ird ape Mm ( eurl IIeiim", R.iv I Cester iil.irvllli". J iMiienb.iker i Sen iivien. c c Skiniur I I" Mil lllell. I 1,1m ( .1 1I I jt-.--.vv neil. . hr lit tan i Ki h eluniliii".. J. I., imb, i ( riis.vvlik-., I iW.ii UruK A Snr. I.kk llarlinr (It.v, ii.ivvttlil Helt ii i; K ,mii K ii r J V. ' ,t4i.i, I -iraii ,n lil.i-KlHirn, T 1 API,.)'' A Sen 11 M.;, . ii C V .,..Kei lllllliliinllrlll. H C Cnwler Ce IIiiiIiIiiii lli'lulitk. Ham .Mar fen en Illinillieiitnii, Win .. HUi-u .,'" H'lvv i ,, llKllttimil. lllltll"'I.VV!l ll.lvv. Ce. Il.ipcvvell. I ,; , M.n, IjinriliiB. .ii, , .s.n,,!!,,,. MinV,i,i,??.,i'j,-- ' . ..,.;:,,i,n- " '" Cha I. Cife,, u, VliHircitnvvn. I Mra'"" J!'",','," ,!V,I.,., ' ""'"II H'lvr (Je Miilllui Hill, i; , i .. I.,, ,mv Ni'W I.E. i, .,. 1 v., ,, n ( lliiiin I it,, i has Ii Sampson U i'ii, ,. 4 x, ,,,. r.lmri. J,,m n 'l9 rrinlirrlini, llafiiiell Dert siera I fiiii-iKrine. .Ill ,n".,im; I'llm in. j,.n i,h i; Itroemn I'lllslTine. lelm V llrl,l I'lcii-iiin villi', .M.ii, Si,ri,cri I'rlni. Inn, I.. I. .ipf Itlll-r-lil,", I i.i, , ; Cester I'.llvrl.iii, I -. i ii.iii 4 Sem, n0, .1'," M Hei MIS llll-lll, xnulh law & I'nvvell I,vv Ce vvi'ili-liiirii. I t- l.stiluvv Irinliiii, I C, ,ih :i j N. llrnul st I II s-,7 ft lire.iil Mt. i," n A lln. nli- Jl'l V Hliidil Ht II.. .iii ".iii k Ce n.-, M Hreurl N I' 1 ii. .han, A c , ... ic. Kate Ht. Ibh.I.i i,,,",,t i isii-, h. iireail Hi Isail.ii i.i v in i.i IM iiirctuii ft i'en nlnatn.i , '. VnvlMH Ml, is 1J7 Stale SI MeriM M Jph-KPl. N Clinten St. J ' lain am 111,1 lllead HI I i ivii K in i onion f. Dlv'slSB U. ii in I'll.-, V HriM.I Kl Mm I IX Wlnel,. r 'lll'l ,H. llriMd St. Miieliiinl. i i: linn, v Jes, ph I' I', i tat ,H I. ilpM"iil" im I 'I. ii II R. ...I Sn A l. ."ii rn Wi-Wllli", C K t., W ll.livn.iil, II . Rvan l,uillnir. .1 RlKklllH WiMiilMevvn, is. u. lluuiihrea tc Ce, DELAWARE lluier. .1 is I! Illin Ce. la vvi h. I, 1' J.emm Ni'VMitl.. II It WrlKlil Ce Miijriia, Win Nerrla MARYLAND llli.l,nll-, III, t-iry n s- r Ce. .11.11111, I. N. Hvt I &WKRO T ALUMINUM . MtllCl f tee Jl?i, tTJ3!A m TK Vfril "4M m 1 i 'I r i ti .1 M It T. M f.M j f ) . UikiiMMML 4j. .Null. ' . ,& ; iL.?,:;;-....;...,.,TiwiiA'i,fiAtefa iwniiitttr.,i..l., L ' f X, itxr?,? .ii.", j't ,r ., e:c.frrai 'v n ifrSEb -;.