B&P 5 H U " EVENING- PUBLIC LEDaBtt-PHiCADBLPHlAV EptRDA M&SJ" 1ST 1022 L - f V " ' ' ' ' """ ' " '" ' " ' '" " ' ' "" - I 111 II -, ,., M " '' "- -- - 111! I H l - 1 .l l. I fS ... I III lAt IflTATE roil SALB RBAL ESTATE FOR SALE HEAI, ESTATE FOR SAM1 BBAL ESTATE FOR SALS REAL ESTATE FOR RENT MORTGAGES APARTMENTS lr-J , ; SJ8V.-v, rf. VTlJ X H .Ta . K Lift k V1- 'i r klr. t mi- 5.5.5 iXa . tm. Vi m i fj, . 'ifi'Vj' Xi wiwT Philadelphia ni lane pkkxhvi-.vama stimmnAN r,w .if.rsky seashore . . cirr fteml-iletnchcd e r'etn heme: It t Tit-tH HllVCI tlsllltf l.ll we rnn'l fall lMhnllt ll lit ui(. nlliAK .. n t.,.1 ... t." eilnclrlc, Hied bath. rnl nxreuetrv , finished tr.rotiKheut in Iverv and ma rt at lllfleii ii i,i i't lie surpasse'd. l MiiiinTi.mni: mi s ,-,r,th m TlT HIT S. Mil HT " 3-stury rvniiteni. het-water heat v) i llaht. MAGEE & RODGERS ft .ujerufet m Mnmcfi non TL Spruce l:p i- 't. r.im u i vi-ii ui ?f""ctleniil htrnnln cnintr iieuss 13 room". SW'tV 8 "Ml" het water heat, electric! light. tr "IMA t nmtu'i en nn cn-... fiinft --- imi i it i ' ' i.''i ur '"' inW, 6213-15 CHESTNUT ST. New duelling ft .Mlrne.tn - bilh HARRYG. C. WjLUAMS w& JsJXTIlAOHDrNARY "HOME 'Die opportu nity of u lifetime: perfect order, main treet: near car line, house will nppcil t most critical timer, priced attractively JOHN M, ENUL'HO 3207 Illi'Jmetjeiive 8412 WIliLOWfl AVE Twe story, 'brick. heated Inclesed pnich Karaite het-water heat, electric 1 ght tiled limn built-in fhewer bath leek nt this before von bus 'AUI, II. HI I'M. Mertis Hid Spruce 11121 13(11' S ftisr ST Pour bedrooms up-le I !!, enU ffisoe 17'jrt S 54th t T room; R30: 18.'.' H Yeilll (it. "Bcrince J4300 1S31 S. IMx.m room JlflOO. OAV VT mil Woodland aie B418 willl'tiA A i: - "-ix rooms and Iwth percll. old trie i. het-uiter heit a Kitchen, taundrv In biement excellent mil dlttenj pnPcmen !h ne Walnut J'-x CANNOT be dunlUated wfthln 700 of mv price: CQ.Ifl Warrlnsteli ae : Incleied perch, garnee ami eery modern cenv . con vnlnt te ChceUr ave or 00th at cam. 1724 MA11K1.V s-r -ierc and ds Hi-ff front. Ill f depth can le eeen bv ap pointment. Win I' l.c Hilt rrnncti e Poplar aaie . MAIN 8TJIKBT afruinten axe. home, rt foema and bath elefrle het water heat main utreet JGDOi) Uenant . lit. J Ilnu 9d anl Cheater ae 1000 BLOCIC ft MST HT - Twe sterj thoroughly modem 4 bedrooms, basement laundry: price 7i00 Donald V. Helding. B2d, and Chester ae MASTKR ST In tha(U00 block Tvo-(ters jperch dwelling. 0 rooms Including bath, Vlth heater, cte HENHY HflQq 1213 Fllbertat ftrenES and apta rri,'tliand Thetnas ae , nav operation. bct Bherwoed section, lell cheap befere cempl Bokelove Diamond Jt7in. fceii OIIED SIT. v. B9th. 2 stirs enif house 4 bedrooms, Dutch hill, electricity, het Xjratsr heat I owner . 4WBT CHESTNUT 8 sty . IS rms 3 bath tilt, for apt. heusa, geed Investmen' Q. M. AMAN'S SONS 1 218 Chestnut st 1224 tk Mll-inC ST Six recini hnt- srater heat parquetry floors, geml cend mm. poss.: jX2W. Owner. Woodland 4030 M $21 ADDISON r i ll rooms, geed condition t-KWIB COHEN, 17th and Dxlnbrl 1 e rnnN heck fERN ROCK In t)ls prosperous center of 3 ear 10,000 souls there are fine openings I an 'rant need for a bxnk or trust com any, a theatre or movlng-plcture house modern hotel and bearding house a big apartment heus, a publ'c hall for meeting" JTc a departmen' and clothing store and ay Juore bioiei unu uw-iimf- . First-class corner sues anu lets rer above ' iUierapuiri!,cs en very ea"v lerms'Nedre M, lavu rt . e. ... u.. ..pin, vitiiuiii cer. 118x80 sat ave. i-in ec. .. ". enr u.xu N. W cer hamnlest Te A Park ave E. cer . 4x fi nmjil at. A chsmD'.est ave . X' al. eer S'v. ---.'" . . i . :,. 'J. ... SUV?: wrean si. c ranipieni iv? a vv Blk, 30X100 lencrn t wimuiMi v , n e"r.. ;-uxiw. v.iiauii"i j vJJ'"'" . B w .cer.. " '" '" a fronts. OOxlrtr). ana mmy ether inside low. This popular suburb is only - miles iij,.h, u. aiiEM, 303 Real E-txte RMg xirriau ( i"i '-'?"."' -x- : "v, plicatien. J. It. HOPE (Hepe. Sr.). 13.'l w dre ave HERMAN TOWN , 306 W. H0RTTER ST. Mptrd-detached. stnn: central heat XTpssl Station 0 rooms 3 baths. WALTER V ASHIIY 2040 N Cflth n?ar st HANSBERRY NEAR OREENE Twe story Gserch. (I rooms nnd bath, het air heat and eWc, una kitchen, laundry trxs, rerfect conditien: early possession CHARLES 1 WAKEFIELD. . 1218cis'nut I OEBMANTOIVN AVE ,41100 blk 3-stv store dws.. upts . 2d ti 3d poers, loc ;uxn'- nrcallent business loc . geed investment Mieemaker. 7th and Erie Tiega 7(i87 BMI-DETACHED stone, 0 rooms. 2 baths. het-water heat e'ectrlc llsht garage deep lt: 8 minutes Upsil Statloe. $12 eUO. Ger- cantewn .'isju j. "WEST SIDE 3-stnr detached corner. 10 , rooms and 2 baths, het-water heat, elec . rrdwoed. large let. cenv. I train and trol trel W. Chas T Wkefll1jUCJiestnutsi. ...... r.. r..n.... .,.. III.. ti VAnn.u nn.1 h.lh . eml.detachd convenient te the business I ectlen et Clermintnvvn. price J0100 CHAS. T WAKEFIELD. 1218 Chestnut st HANSHERR1 nuir CSrecne J st5 t,r. and anrl ' . bath, het-air heat. e!eitrlcn laundrv tubs WAKKP in T) tV hea uu" it Z ,.;.-, ITT-, ;C H.V-xrr-S TWO-STORY dwelling thorough! modern rooms and bath linm possession, price 4(lOO Cha T Wa (.'field P.'lx t h'stnut si QTN. Green and Tulpehec kn l best lectien in can . iiuracuw nemes, ui'j garages. Di"hv A Evinx J0O7L In ihn Rldg 101 E. 1V1ST LR "s r btere and dwelllnv , elec . vacant let 30x101 worth lnvsti gating. De.ine 3'137CPn ave riega073l K.WAI.Nl I LVNE Three slur- cr I dwell ing, 11 roetns J haths etei stenn heal Gee W Peine IBM Gerrpantewji if 1.00 N FVl'PriTIOVll. IlltinilV ill l...llltiflll Lecan hr nit setnl-det tclu d l ledrecms, I. modern, line "ertieti 10th ibeve ltuaceiiu It en easy terms for J710' AjllinNETIIY132fs Chestnut ...in I'lllT lsl 1' ST Tun .tore 1 h.l ' -I.E ST Twe uterv 1 bed le-wt .. rooms, sleeping pnrci un secnnii peer living room dining room brn.ikfxst room and kitchen first Hern birgain pr $i00O I HARRY C S IJ I ER IT,'' Ituscumb 0021 M.UlVtNE ST -Twe sterv eldevard Mllletl house , I rooms and bath m seren 1 .fleer, h.-vv ht.i electricity excellent cer.d - Hen. HARRY ( WEI.I.ER 1T38 Ruscentb -t J427 WYOMING ML Six re m anil buth perch-frnnt house i w liat, electrlcitj HARRY (' UJ.LJ.ER 1 1 1 Ruseemb at lADGAN Old Yer rd uml Ileulevxrd muiit sell. Welsman i Metjn P'O'I N Hread II3NKIJHU) - b lei ii Png.ish Iw.'l ins i nv let it i n li n st bet Unu sis 'J blocks Wl st (if -WlANKPORD priced .ew .Orthednx nnd Jrankferu ave Kvnns 1007 1 30x121 g ir.igt?s Drebj ii llidg spru 7 lid 'SEVEN H()OM end oath In u i n v perch. ,iiui i 'u s (.nni I i a'li ii $1101 vCarless. Ills 1 I . IT I lis- BUNGALOWS with garage 7 rooms first fleer, latest Improvements Dl FK Pkd 0.12J llulldln I -ets SEVERAL va ualile, in UI I r v High Schei I Will flll.il e, rtUsen sl'1-S l-r. nkf.ril ne TIIH. V sites near Fkd E AI J tl Pkd nil 1 TIOOA Three sim perch fie" i ' 36th nnd Ui" s apartment Anpi. German-town ave he ise hei-wu ! heal uns and hath N I" cer - 1e uu inea'i hi f ii I e i nni I rust e'e 0740 22D & ONTARIO i 1 1 r iM-ti r h elei Dutch hall E A II i ipseli iHJs N .(read ,2319 HUNTING PMIK AMI O-uit. apt . house, mnki offer lajlaie (ill, walnut eisia i - I 546 W. Duncannon Ave, hxt. jPwo-atery modem dive ling bnt-w iter MCtricitv narriuptiv Ceirs en IS 1x70 e Tl-toot drive low piir.. for qui. k sal .. ' G A ANSI FY I Jis Chistnut 128 ALBANUS ST. ''KX rooms tile it tli het ivatei h'ai es. trlelty. hardv oei flm rs throughout ev:iellent oration, near train mil trnilev RROW .HEALTY CO INC 621 W eine nve TWIN HOUSE .Six rooms anl ba'h hit water hmt elec all modern coins eei llut leealien reiir t'-nln aitid tml'e MP AlllteU Rl- M.l'Y CO jnu . rr.'.i Wen CORNER PROPERTY fifSj - B- sit Mnrshhll Hid Glsn ei . rms a, ir-tii bam. n w llnei s llirulicheut ll v heat is UI flnan-e W FISCHERS sons Hull I- era. r. W en k"i mui Iteeklind sts 5610 N. 7THST. nunii lih li n : cr r i . i h r h.,r-;.ln CO V.I W O n-v bv- Afinnw i:t i rv 5714 N. AMERICAN ST. Twin ll rooms bath lui 5xle)(i ft modern conveniences rr . x iiiui) ARROW RFvl.TY (O 1.M O n. NEW RUSCOMH s'T HOMES between 21 and 3d sis I hi ii k no th of Roosevelt Boulevard tl rooms and bath h -w hant in in ceosed perch easv terms. EMU. P STAHL, 62011 N. 3d at W vumingri72s J 340 W. LOUDEN SI "eine Severn rooms eul.kltcheii inirch let 20x110 ft excellent cend'llen. boulevard view WILLIAM J iTHOMAS. 3.11.1 Henna mown nve B0O CASH hu b.'ntitiful modern home, fi7a.i Chiij-ch: 7 rceiiia, inclesid perch wldn Btreetj , X2-I vv. x'isnern ave ciest in jiii'triiainui r.ir,-t- bees Buccieii, enav i,aiuc'eia, 47 and frWIeya. AllERNE'l IIV, 13JS Chestnut MALE Olne. move In vvlthlii 3 vvee.es HvisrM. near Ht, iiuirys i-nurcn -tie vv vvnmu "' SaMvcklnsr st . ll rooms, bath elccirli. purcli only t.e F'Si" Stores and nuellliigB I.e'OTJI HT, Iarte atore. .1 rooms un.1 nei-wuier neat, electric; iei jex F.i-evi tyussvpsien ax nei . iimv, ev 'ax, Ota eu Wvemln . " ' .! iii i I l - . . - Ml I I I II ii -, I .., ... . . I.. I - i num. ! .-.. OAK lwNn PAIIK Aleclern rtet. atone and lio!lut.(iie dwg , rcrfect cend,, 1J rm . 2 hatha, li.-w. Ii-nt hilwd rtra . mien flreplace, l'-cnr ear , let KUxI'JA, beaut, garden, true It palch' nndrfnl prep Shields i00 Tork id TWO 3. ".TONY etucce dwelllnga en Yerk rd. north of Chelten ae.. roema, beautifully located, apace for earane. will aacrlHce, iay terma, JANKK. U2II5 N llread. Oak 1.x no 171H V. OAK I.ANK IJeautlful med. i:ngllsh Co lonial, center hall, '2 open flreplacea, 14 roemi. t bxthx; cer. prep , bit. train and Hella, a real bargain. Hhlelda I.S00 Yerk rd IIAK IM.Ni: 31," l)7th ae , 10 rnn . modern bvK . 2 hatha let 40xH0. beaut. Interior, white A mah., hdwd lira, thr'eut: bet cend,; I e.t prep In Oak l.a Shlelda. I.80U Yerk rd .Mi;i.ltOSL: AVB, eaat of lerk read Klivj Mitmrban home, II looms, let 140x140: old Jliade choice location, thla Is geed. Shield!, mhi Yerk read . OKK LANK 13th et nr. C'hellen av . Dr., a Imha h,.v, ht : bar. shield, t.8011 Yerk rd 1VISSINOMINO Ml ST Im sold, IIS2S Torresdale ave . 0 rms,, bath, perrh. modern, iiaiase pr . pesaeas ehel w I'-' I'liiikfnnl hm flar nl17 TORBKMnAI.K I AND 5 ACRE TRACTS I78n per acre main read: adjoins coif clubs. r T HCKCinVdOD, llll Arch. Hpr 7B3.' PINSA I.VANlA SUIUTRHAN have steam heat tras eleclrlcltv connected i with -ewer nnd pure mountain water, the soft water make the sulmm ng delightful the buildings were ere, ted In IMn and aie all In flrst-cla condl'len immediate posses slen and gecd P"ice tu iu ck purhsrr In quire M 37 fflBr office POIl SALE THREE rjlEH Of I.VN'O v'th fruit or chard 4-rnen xnd-bath tr 1. beuse fur r sheil with antlyu furniture also attrnct lely furnleneii ettnlle and gsrige :i minuter ftem Has ler a lie beuutlful prUxte locu tion cah lIMld ll mll.i from stmudsbuig I and Delaware Water Cap Vipl te E UOlltilLMEH I'cstmastiT f-ajlersburg Pi POR BLE 8ler nnd brick mnnlen, suit ! for iipirtments. ix.rch two s.des. v.. rnge corner let city conveniences Hevers ford Pa . geed tialn service, ere hejr fiuin, Ph ladelphla prl.e 1110O0 I- S t) I'INICHINER Real Estate. lloversferd Px . HROOKL1NE I.-2H MANOA" R' D Le 73x10(1. tlnrt ilnnn unH hlnle. hllilt I dav s work Inclesed nerch. I bedrooms liv Irg. dining and breakfast rooms, open fire piace pxntrv. tl.ed kitchen xnd bath eiec-, trie light het water heat haidwncd floors I - lr y sooner um nnn Karate ARDMORK- $10 .100" nenii side attractive detached sjene and-xnlngle residence 11 r hvvd firs . h w. heat, elec light, let iklx .'OO. garage 2 cars 510 000 Setnl-dstxched modern residence 2 baths and gat age eniv smi amount 'ash neeiled. UJIII CO 7.17 Walnut st VALUAULE PARM and woedland: Ideal le- catien fe- club hotel or sanatorium. rUraam of uitur MAGEE & RODGERS 1200 T OCUST ST Phen Spruce . . n..nM ,L n nne iiiu ijjrra r m i -non spruce v'iji 14-RDOM MANSION all cenvs 2 stnrv gx rat- I acrs land variety fruit fine Inwn shad" and shnilbery just few steps from vv.... . h,.... tiv, . . LINCOLN HK1HWAY PRt PERTY xleng Ma'n Line. Pnn 11. R 70 acres line old pointed stone house nbeut 13 rt ems het-ilr heat pravltv water- larie barn -'! 000 1 .M FRON'EFlEI D Wa wie ,P FOR SALE LIT acres of coal land in (Tear Held and Center Counties, must be sold at OTlCu fe settle estate I SHOEMAKER tJU Ral lirpae I ST !AVtnK. htilMlnr. alts sheiil ?. neres wm dlvld" Inte .1 pxrts and make beneficial restrictions chore loritien J M FRONEPlEI. Wavn Px M0DERV 3 sterv stone-and slucrn house fl bedrooms 2 baths, private 2-car garage 31.1 Maple ave Drcxel Hill. Lined. 1572 W OLNEY 1020 N llule tfr A b .med I40( nr. feears-Rne ewnr r en prem Wje 4S1I1 .1 llulldlng I.nls WsilINOTON CROSSINd PA large lets overlooking Delaware River in1 '-late Me Me eorial Park beautiful location bathing beatirg mnvenlent terms booklet ARTHUR P TOWNS END Washington Cressing Pa AIJV THREE new houses J7n00 all conveniences, also nuildlm ets ,10x141 1000, terms c T HE ECU WOOD 1.111 Arch at. Spruce 7032 lR1 1IAWR 'J30 00O HRYN MAWH Nen stone detached ' dwelling, wlih -' car garage In finest leca ,nn x,pnr li.n ng hardwood fleo-s through out tlled-ln t lis showers full partk uliirs h m,M M.URVN DOLMAN A CO N E mr HreBdan.lCheetni hTORY. 1! roemi. .' baths roemi. .' baths garagr let 1 .'1x110 financed pofcseaslen make offer. C.EOnOH M AMAN s M1XC 1 H Chestnu' lll.MM.II I.K i OI.LINGD M.E llungalew, near trolley te ilJth st 7 moms elec .10x131 $(1500. owner bieakins up housekeeping ' SWOPE si.i niti Mi n ,t . Dxrby f 01 WN ll' -STORY Queen Anne stvle hem en trolley lln (one firei electric front and side perch slate reef $7100 let 37x140 hWOPE .t son sir Miln st Ddrby (1.NWH) I llulldlng IiiIh CYNWYD tit igrner 177xl'0 ft Ideal lniatien run rotnmis'en paid brokers. IKTAtJf JW s Rread. Spruce 0203 J-i,!ARK . NEW Colonial tvpc en comer eT 10 rooms. ' bats h w heat hardwood floors, com te train or trn lnun te suit McCermlcl A lr( ermlck l.lnieln bc.dg. or Elklns Park Gl ENSIIII. MODERN .! sierv l.'-rnnm. s"ml detached stone-and shingle due. line, convenient te lal'reHd st itlpfi gar.me for 3 cars beautiful lawn owner gong 10 Eurepe must be seen tu bi .ippreclat'd 112 100 for n euick sale Te ephniie Ogenl 700 n Hppl te ALDERT i- c MILIEU 113 S 12th st. Phlladel 1 phli Jjeii tleijinne Walnut 1438 NEW. modern house under construction, 7 roeTi9t geed lecat en. ml street Improve- nents JHOOO frus WM T H ROliERTS & ses' (lens 0 I'a Open nver day II H.'HL M PRK MODERN tw'n dwell nf U rooms bath and icnlr Ic 17'-axrtu prh e $7710 smieM nir.uint of ijkIi GF.e l DARNES 1201 I liesirru. si Walnut 4d8f, .IP Nlv I N 10 WN , s T( RY DI.I Vt lll.l) HOUeB and simile Im HOxJoe 13r j baths elec and ni lM snam hei n el mnd . pos June 1 T I C fi. C 1-ANp TITLE J. . lJICVCIISUII CX U11 H.lLlll.'Cj hi-aim net I. iinvii: ut ii siierltlre. U rmp bath all ones many ntliers Apply te pur leniilninivn, i-ie ngemz ui; vv 1017 FANSHxWE hT Tln. 2'i sters 0 i rooms pain itiunurv anu .vine nui-wutr I hes.t gas and eleclrtiltj. hardwood floors In ..lesed nerch large lawns price light '.Ed J llltl'N'I RAGEIt 0410 N Mil at '1 x i base lull W i.-.n(v II, XN-OOWNE Detached" (I room brlck-and I ah ngle home steam heat e'ectrlcltj laun I drs gxrage. le- 10x121. 17SU0 SWOPE ve' ,11U Main it Darby I ,,,. I.I,Xr.u( II I.l.tMtltf'll STONE detxch.d home, I I. land iff read men deelrabln pecilen modern r, bedrooms and bath large let an eppnrtunltv id buy a well-built house jmmedlutu poBB-sslen at , tract s ni be I ll Y AM'URDT 133 S 1 tli at THE DOO-DADS It ' IR-.tVNS.7,3x0.y,f1l"HY.V5r..,m..SS &" 'frrS. V"--:-r-S-',-;'' ..ff-ef,bSViS'. 'J?eils':,!ey,aU,fn4uCt- I reef, .,,' ',c cTdlege "town, en ,a inaln ,Pr"J"' F' -Tending ,. WSffift '&'. NKW .lERSEY FARMS A KIHVCHOICH ettfcTKrm' lnthe r.n .".,'u""..f,..? .?a.'.P ,m.:,""i ST. UAVms trcm. adjoin, ixke i'shluir. Wing and DESHtAIILi; ifricTwarhrrpr'nef bulld"Tn"g: ming peel 4x,5"i, .1... building gMw-' STONU AND PRASririSuse lr. "" iT'eBrSMra'llSM'' 5' ffl'eTT UU Chestnut tPP'y ;iiclci,.. corrl.le, connate a l,.sieiy build- room with flre..aie llbrarv with llreplnc.',. ! VX are birr and eultrv'l.n. . im-vt-uVi . .-?Tf,' .. CT - ' Iiib 4xl2 of the same centru. tten -vlth the dining room putitry. kltchn mid laundry. 'J ?uctrlc KKhti In all hulWmp flK shndn' nhiT"MMiMlCi:3'. Ir??d ?hi' ,TS.1?n' n.i.n building these l ,lnBs would In ult-' cliambers - baths, Plectrum a cen ral , Tcmil ?iTHt 10 ml m Phi?aileliinla! -a-Mf' W""-Wlnchestfr Ce '." 1 Iwth st. "hie fe, , . , ,ex ate located en a , Plant steam heat, jet 111 ft "m- ripe "fir l?x elepmen . Viel llke this net efliMi" BT,,lfMV' .,hlr''. ,,enr' ,r",,! 1,s, W""" corner, aciuss iii tr. t frmn 1100 students J. if 1 HON'El'llll.D iinelM ' f'n(i ....i, tTniiri. ,., in... ' V-.i." Winchester Ce. 2r. S 18th st S " n i-v OH 0EV v OH'. VJV.UT A 5D ZZ ( THW SWT OV.E OH OErVH! HIS ( SAP END. THA L V f MV VJORD ( ELEFUNT S AHEAD N y0 ( FEET PRHT5 LEAD v PLAVMATE OF MA 1 -. WHT A SUDDEMA -jIlSOMEViViERES. I ) v (VCl RWrHT WTO THA 1 rvDREApiS HAS ONE S ,, 5H0VMER - EWEN - --t OUST CARE i . Cf "A SftLTYSEA. N L JS FOMENAM. I WANTED "','', . THE SES VJEEP 1 m N 6-J X H0W FAR rt,& J v, Jlak ( POOR -POOR FELi- "S WM TO BE MA PAL-7 " ''' 3 FOR POOR OLE ,& 13f5kVTRALWEs-S cv, Q Q$x HE HA5 cemmited v?(Vvn?h"0'0"" -s H 'If '. ;'' V 1 -P -xTrnvJ y IS.'i nun 1IOMH In Mellen for JT.SOO; 3 atery, alone! larire narane! tl-oreiigliVv modern In ccry detail, Oicrbroek 8368 . MBI Lebanon ttn . BOXBOROUOn Bf:AUTirUI. bungalow lejldence 7 rooms, bath, Inclesed perch, h '. heat, hardwoe-i floera. tiled bathroom! owner leavlna;, cltvi will sell lows near Park and public choelii alsn fine old residence, with garage! let B8x 14S, fruit ana flower", JrtOOO, JOHN J. KOIIAN. 4410 Cressen it. Phene Manayunk 0B70. SOMEKTON HANOSOMK Hirill'IUIAN HOXIt roil 8Aljh at Koxrr.meN.. nhau station, m-- 15W PRU.WAlt COST ,, .. Onl In miiei from Headlni Terminal, weed train serke. 'J he dwelling If of "to"' "te"' "lato reef, (entalna 14 rooms and 2 ua.Yl",. Iaundr and het-water heat, artesian xxen 2(10 feet deep: stable and carajie actpmmo actpmme dntlnit I horses Bnd 2 cera. 2 chicken houses for 330 or mere chickens, large Harden, in rlelv nf fruit, berrlea and asparagus bi-n, , dwelllnc mrreundul b spacious lawn! ele. (taut tnaple chad, elttnte eh elevation com. inandlntr splendid Mew of country, IW acies of land, wonderful location and laeut for nrlvniK sniiatiirluni. 'this property wllli In cllv llmllx for uulck sxle. Ne reasonnble 1 ulTer tefusfd yeT further particulars ad 'dress MHH t'HMU.ns MII.t.Klt. JH.-'eun-IV I.lnu nbei llustleten pike Sllber l'ret SWAnTHMORK HWAKTHMOIIK PA KA!ON iKADON SI.MiO bungalow, ft room Hen- sll ae , b.lew 1'ernwoed Btatlen: 30x12a. slOPB A sxjN 51UMaln at , Darbv M.W JPRSKY- st until U APDCC 40(1 bearing nppli trees k? rAk-lij i,rrip ttrines oilier fruit Hnndsotne lesldrnce nn Improved read, ad- ' lelnlng town HOOP 10 reiinx, ull modern im prevements birn. Karige shop, poultry buildings a'l hue concrete floors fine order. ALI1EIII' W. imESsEIl Hurllnglen N.J. I CVS' SELL teu .v ilroein modern jub urbin home In New Icrsv fe- 130(10 that would loot Jt'iMI In Philadelphia, lart'e let 11 nlmii's I" llreid and Matket l tasli hiilxnce .asc I. ml" Write L. t. IU'CHXI.17iSjrrucj.. bi Hep-JK e moms, excellent i jndit en. eler hnl wat.r heit garage few tnlnutes" walk. n siallen tmllevH vnclit club nnd golf , ours let .10x110 Jxeiiii te eiulck buvet. 40B rhemas ave Riverien J'h lt!verWjtiM.i Ul'VOALOWT 4 toems hn coop, nrer train ami luke ttr.OII llex J7 lena .N. I in: vi it i.i envif nrTP ni IMP 1 1 (1T CONLKC. 1 L bUINuALUVV ROOM'S Ml en oe fleer clv renveniencs, let M) l.'O shad" ntni station and trel ev ' PETERS ,t Q tlOs (Ml Eb 1 PTJ" P. PH11.V nneMvs jiji.i.s ' iTl'VOAlJW 7 rooms no" ft inclesed perch karate app e t es jTxlii H 711 Ledger Orrice ri.WTON ItiillngIeU I UUILDINC! LOTS, 20fte c ear ground readv In build en at $1.1 up cash or pav-m-nts. lets near nation and lake, many cor ner lets can still b" obtained geed iiinitnut Ing seivl e "Jl'i cents fire we will lake veu le a-" in's after wcik or en iundav free of charse bv umn ni tram we will send nu booklet free vvl'h it It Information Applv , CLAITOS' IIO.VE AND LAND CO llh and 'Merris sis I'Mh clnvten office at the station S"e M r Uelden Phene Orernn 107(1 coi.i.iNc.swenn !12 ItEI.MONT AVE. New frame house" I large living room, dining room, kitchen and lantrv cm first fleer 3 large bedrooms and bath en second Meer and a big attic Oas e ertr e guaranteed heat Ixrge let, ran be tlnincd IHIIIO Collingswend Real I Estate Le TJ'l Hadden ave Coll.ngsvxeod I 10.18 WOODLMW rEHHACE Prime bungalow .1 rooms iMth all .enventfiiees comer let. fir quick ea e 13S00 Colllngsvveod Retl Estste c-e 7j(l Hidden ave Culllnisvvoed lull pi ill. el.' UELMOST AVE Liv ng room, dining room, pantrv and Kitchen en first fleer. 3 llroenis and halh en second fleer, lirge at- tie Btn electric Jii't lslng finished lilloe , .an be financed ('oillnksweod Rial Est.iie Ce 720 Hadden ne Celllnssuix d n,ij i i8(ll "RK AVE. 0 rooms end balh: Het-water heat leautlful loc , 17000 can be financ ed. Colllngsweol R E Ce. 7JI, Hadden ave I'eillnRsvvnnd lOAd DKI.AIIt TWO riverfront cottages, furnished, geed hathlmt Phene Merchantvllle 321 It DESIKAIILK let .1(7x1.111 reliant walk J M Pansei 'jj'iMjirketjit . Cninden ECHO PARR BEAUTIFUL ( ree i efTIi Landing, N ter Read wecdland lets near lane s et en .verv dav P e Chews J Ph. Gloucester 0 IIS Wal- llDDON HKIOHTs 101 11 7TH AVE 10 rms ft H S. Gnff Ce . H. 2 cxr car let 7fix J ' t Pa lly A Sun HADDON HEIGHTS m rms Inth pinttv silicon slate reef HITEMAN' l.'USihave. I,t ItKL sPRINf.s BUILDING lets resldeniiiil lm VI Dxnser L-") Ma-kct st Cx I.INIir.NWOU) ,1-ROOM HUNOALOW 81.1IHI. IfOO cash, let lexi .ii runnimr wntei gr n.ar station Itlc.lns '.'ill Smith-Aiistermuhl Hdg Cnimbn TERCII A VrVIJXE F.i:itAI. model n dwellingi. I M U umT 220 Market cenv st . ( location 'amdert NXTIONAl. PARK j THREE and'U rm bungalows from $1000 up nee Mr Phelps, O.vk and Hessian nves nr i Wehei 3JT-' Frankford aye Ga-field 0037 TKKNTON factories. W'trebeuses. Manufnctnrlng Floers I FACTORY at Trenten. N J suitnuin it I manufaciuilng shirts, pajimas, Ptp . ,n I machines new rea'.v for eper itlen. Imiuii. live Mercer T rust ('e Trenleji NT WTTf OI.LINGi'WOOD illNOALOV, , (1 rooms, bath garage het water hea ee, irlc. LOUIS Hl.AbE. IUU Rlchey nve (Ha1denJ(eJghtsar i woen ciir.sT jmieei ii r. fc bith, new near stn JO nun Mkt st Pejrrv Hthlmaler, 102 l.llieriv HI NEW .1 r.BSV SKASHOR K I VI NTNOIl .' nttrnct've new h'lji ttages 7 rsdroems .1 baths eun parlor i .imust Hours ge-nge south of Atlsntie ave in t en iral epmer. Hrvan Jenkins Il'i'ir f,.'0 1 t antli ae . Atlantic 'Ttv I PK MY TWO ( OTTVf.ES (I Winds ir jv- 10 loneis -.ii.l ImIm un Tie hi h drive. 'I Grnit si H noun and bull neur Hnfi dr v Te I m sold us ere priperlv. Appiy L' a Ksiids 7 Mi snsem st Phil cilelililj Oj:'EANjfJITY OCEVN CI I Y N I. Rungalew "hend- semeiy turnisnee in ion u huhiui uuj I front pactien ncivr l'curtecnth st , Jiuue Rungii ew Central ave. at 32 1 et erein view 1 b'eilrnems dining alcove lurgH ll. Ing room. bath, kitchen: newl built. I Joe. llunniew 10th anl Asbury a 3 bed rooms dining alrevn larie living room, Inth k ti hen rewlv built pi c J.'.inu TOWNSEND A e sth s' between penpa nnd II a 1 i g ll P. ei EAN CIIY, N. 1 Ha front prepertv errei ITfth street cempleielj furnished rA.cn bedrooms, two balhioems living i oem eD"n tireplnce, illnlnc room, pantrv and kitchen gas nnd coal range bisunent bli nurd and shufflelKiard room store room open tireplnce, limine room, pantrv and t i,nt,Ar wa nmt eeal range bisiinem bli steam heat stationary tun-, ivvci'ar garagi large perches floating oeck ier psn ng, lain ling and homing trees, flowers nnd lunula K.iirl Applv Harry F Stanten I1 1 Elghlh Im (lean l It), N J Was a Sad, Wet Day OTBAN TITY NKIV npsrtmcnt, ready June 1! finest In Ocean City In construction, location and design: first floei, living and dining and bathroom, 4 line bedrooms, kitchen and boeth: upper floors, ft bedrooms and maid's roemi open hard wool stairs; 2 garages; $3000 buys It; rem R00 and JM0; pajs 30 en In estment! 012 2d st full ocean view. II (I HAf.MNOKIl, 27 3. 4"th. 417 OCEAN AVU. Open Bun.i sale or rent! perfect condition, Woodland SOflx W, PUNNSV-VANIA FARMp) BARGAIN IS acre eaulpped poultry farm, 1 mll te station; fl-room alene heuse: eleclrle lights; hath; I10O In Ins hena, 2000 baby chicks that will lav In Octnb-r: Incuhalers for 2000 breeders. 1 herxe cow, calf. I'erd truck, all machinery and crops, price Is r'nht and tirmi can be arranged hewlnir n, profit of lift tier da. Don't write, call. This Is u barcaln. lItNAIH)fJ NKEtlLK". fjoleslewn, Pa, THIHTY-NINU A"Clti:sfru't, truck, poultry and dalrj farm, 7-room house, barn, alie. excellent outbuildings, 2 horses, fi cows. Hill chlckeiix. crops, tools and Implements; price (100. half cash or consider city Dreuertv In wxrnnnce. Henry napp :iiiuw N Bin J- j;r. At'itks with r. beuses, n b.-irni. 7n acres in urandjwine meailewa; railroad en the repert will sacrifice (must sell) CHAP 11 ftl'siqi, 305 Heal Hstntft l:idg. PAXSON USTATi: PARM 12'. acies. at llucklngham Kta . Huclts Ce ; Cel stone house, woedinno, meaunws, stream: Imin pr rirm. UAl.TIJll iu i .uir, i. coeptr si Woedbuiv, N .T, Farms in Sunny Southern Jersey Pre list describing farm hariralns nretiml "HKAl'TII-'UI, VINE-ANIV. manv leeulre mi -.i", v.i'ii. eiiM.Kc'11 llliu eicilliyeil vvri'e I ledav nr call Vl.VKl.AM r.viiM viir.vi'v. .'411 C l.lndls .up . VlnaMnil. M .1 VIA INK YORK HARBOR, MAINE Twenty furnished collages fnr rent at ren ren ren sonebb prices .1 PEIM.KY PUTNAM, agent R. E. SALE OR EXCHANGE CENTRAL cenimeidal building, eeultv S71 000 p.iv ng te per cent net small mig (xrlmise for 2 siv unistnii houses, I.A.MU ,1. CO. 737 Walnut st. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT . 'NORTH U'lI.DWOOll Rent or sn'e 121 W I ' Jt Ii 1 rms , hilh turn Applv .speehr 1'JJ. in I'hiln. or en pmnls.s Sunday i'i.x.x.ii,.ii lilHKHtN N'KW "tmni heusis' iVenlal d-slpif lets -,... ...n.!. ..I,,, -.iiiiii.' t.ii mi nn .no "i te ,i7"n fllsli Sun and (ledftej iven , J7n ni mcniii i-. ,i. iirenuin iiuilder REAL ESTATE WANTED WOUI D 1 IKE in rent furnlhd cottage, from June 1.1 tn October 1 must have 4 ' bedteeiiti. located In Vetilnei or Ocean Cits. atuepne At 317 Ledger Office . HAIL ( LII.NIS walling te imrrnase stores utid dwellings In nculheast cecilen. .... ...n .... i HAKKY k. H MMN -, . --,.., . .'i.'i II WE . 1 ' P. A NK P( I R D A V F. p P. Icinand for nrepettles In all ser-uens if thi cllv 2,1 YIJVIIS' EM'ERl ENl I, IN'-IRES REM. Sl.'RMCE A I RUSSEL1 4 E cer. 1 1th vnd 'lnsl.r sts lti KstTte, Mfirtg.grs liisuratice 11 K CI ILN'IN IVAI rive MNOl.E PROPERTIES ONLY LOUIS E. MARRITS 21IH'. S 7TH ST. T... ,.-.."-e " ."t,,. .. '. . . UANIJ.D Te tent. M Maitlns or Chfstiiu IPI. pojse.slen Oct 1. modem unfurnished res deuce wl:h garage, must have .bed looms J bathrooms, references furn shd I "It I edcer Ofllee Rt IYFR vciltlng for veur property If re.i DU I Cr0 sern,C ,,u inrailens PRE.MON r A CO Norih Amu ban Illdg. Walnut OSH1 MODERN henu's with garages: Legan and O.nev . buveis waltlirg. KERNS H0ION. 7th st. liAVt. $3000 le Invent in geed paying 4 or B room beuses 1 hat have you te offer 1 Jls l.cdg. r Office E.(I.ISIE LIMIN'US solicited. N W seitlen quick results JIARI.Y A 11LHLER L'ST7 Lehigh. Diamond -"127 , 111 PI UCIIA1-!-. COM. YARD nn) section of j cli. imist be poed location UlEf 1 1 R I C 1 1 7 37 Wain u ts t . CLIENTS WMit e fur apt pmp""ever S.10 TOO. Cent, or W Philx. Rejnhart 1.121 Chestnut IS ANTED Central n ei" estali munv appli cants S.M Galej. 1P0, P nest I'ncterles. Wiirflieiises. Mnnufiirl urine Ploers PACrOHIES and warrhnuses for rnle nr I tent with R ll. or without from 3000 te 60 oue mi ft , have huvers waiting DIEI'FRICH 717 Walnul st IT.NNS1 1.V1V1 SUIIPRHAN i WANTED te rim a furnished house In the i letintrv with ground or tariten pv tre - xeiirnul rcntiijJ'h Anlmnrl!l".W . HOME WANTED, suburban about 7 rooms. let big enough for rarden. bungalow pre. feiied. new or mnlern H . 1 1 l.edkei Off NEW JERSEY SEXSHenr. WANTED Te rent ninell furn cottage or bungalow, Atlantic C'i y or nejrhj J2JH te $300 fet Beaten. Mrs Oelfrev, RUh Sprucest I'hiln ITn.ne Il.tr TTi 1 &MALL eeltagn nr hungaluw for setsen in '!UletHjijfhorereso rt. P31.1 J.eilger iKtl . ATLANTIC ( IJV FURNISHED COTTAOK wanted In Chelsea or Ventner from lune 20 te Sept 2e must have at least 4 bedrooms lend r.irage. must be betwnoe Ventner ave, and beach give complete detail and price and I will lnspeet nnl 3 in fnmll no agents need xpplj. Sid l II. Wcller, 14J0 Chestnut et . Phi. a P.i REAL ESTATE FOR RENT ciry I OR RENT N W cer 13th and 1 ntl ir wi h .lerirle flxturirf kul for ,inv bust nees srectHi nii-it maikei - Leldm in Wiedland HI 17 W from !) te le A M .inl 0 ti ! P M. .'.S-10 RICE ST Three story mf,t bldg. steam heat eiereric eievamr Mini si rt. PFNNSYLVxNIA CO r,17 l hestnnt st IMS I OCl ST ST- Ten rnnuii.. '.' (aths .leitrlcltv. low rent fei t rm rxDltlnt. K.jr.'j.' r P. SIM' iN.JJJJi 1 tJiHl Ruslness 1'rnper.tlie and stores .307 GERMAN TOWN VI I Im MnrUel pi of nplewn geed lociillen for shne sieie or leadv made clothing, fronting en G. rmantewn ave and 7th si Information II c CAHHEl. .'Tim Germatitn'vn nve THREE VERY PESIRA1U.E STORES Just completed. 223-2D S. 17th st. Apply uwnur LiLtLltl--,5.,3', 1-enjbard 30.1 :f,1 N 2d ST. A ver deslnble t story building HUiiiieue ier eusini as purposes PENxJriA'A.NIAf'0 ,117 I hestnut si 122S 30 RACE ST - Thi . i st. rv mfg bldg steam lied . lecti Ii el 'inn Sinn se ft PEN'NSILVAM ( e .117 (hestnut si i Factories. Warehouses. Xliitiiifartiirjng rioera I 111)00 SQ rr , 1-sterv wiieieusa c 1 1 h rai. 1 read sldlnk. ncai 4th ind i illeivhm m. peses5lnn ArtliurP 1 taier 21 S..12th st WAREHOUSE for leni cniiHllv mealed ........ se einn utmim r.&i r.in.hi. ..-. i 1. 1. ,,i, i,.. ' .-, .... .- -w,,L,Liir lain, Ti at7. LpiIlit Off i. e , ..rr. . -7.a,......,i .. ..-. - - i ' rV,',, ir(, Ve, , DlilTERII II 737 Witni .V r!LlL' ClJi5!J '"'i' " "" Jnnjii st. ' A PACTORY wreheu" ; ind fleer sieclallsl ARTHUR H. PHASER .'IS 12mst for Nicholas Nutt . . .... 'r.i Mi,.., Aa.n.A i" r.mi ii.ti... t ...,.,, , tiiirii Mini luurii iiuuir, -'in- Farterlf s. Warehouses, Mannfntturlnt I1nen I027-ie3n ('Ai.unvTITnTia.-' NEW PHlKPneOP DATLIOHT UIMJINO ' Oreund fleer, 11,100 q ft. Upper floerc 80x120: sprinkled ery modern eanxenlence: light 8 sldex Possession August If,, 102J WM J. HAlNKa, 1(111 Chesliibt st, R5.O0O SO. I'T. Three and 1 sTe'rv, heaxy concrete and slew-burning construction, ele ctors, railroad siding: will dlldc. .1. AI.AN MIDDJiKTON. Kattery flpeclnllst and Indtis trial .engineer. 0n2 Wldencr Illdg., Phllkdel phlO; Bprurn 01711. ; lUIILOINCJ In 000 block N llrend" St.: 44 feet frontage, 2 floors, 8000 equare feet; eleetnr and rear entrance: suitable for uu uu uu tomebllo agencv or accessories; location In the heart of nutu district. P 301. Ledger Offlce errifEs. nt'sixKHs roemi. ktc. FURN1SHKD .private office, facing Uread st , with use of spacious waiting room; and consulting roem: will let with or without stenographic! aervlcei 2 phones, Ileal Hstatd Tr".tdg,..Hnx H 7e:., Ledaer Office HHAli I2STA1U AOUNT or public stenogra pher can rent desk room In deslrable suite of offices n centrally located erilce building. Call J 2 6'cleck, 1110. Stephen Ulrard Uldg FL'nN'ISHED tarn,. suite: modern nnTlcea: ; financial district; lm- nearly 40UO q. n. mediate possession hAMH ft CO,, 717 Walnut st. DKHIHAtlt.H office rooms In Neilh American nidg;. te sublet at i educed rales. Phene Walnut 1RR5. urvici. nnd desk snaces. phone messages taken: janitor. N. K cer lith and Market. Cnrnresi OARAGE, private, room for I car, watel and heat, (1031 Wavne ave, phene Oln. 2001 J . WIT PIIILADEI.I'lll A SPRINQPIELD AVE Eltht rooms A hath. ilier, med.. Jfle per me. It W. atklns. tL2LUlilS'llLI''jr Pheno Sprute 7J.10 PURNISHED HOUSE, sun im'lTer shower bath, with or" without gxrage: adults $0,1 per .month, l'hone Overbroek 021PI J. 343(1 Merka st. B2(l SPRUCE N rooms, modern, vearly lease; furnished. Apply I. ROY LAM, 320 Welghtman Hldir. C023 WALNUT S. (I rms . bath, furnished. Applv L. ROYLAN. 3.'ll Welghunan Rldg. HEKMANTOW.V 306 W. H0RTTER Sembdetachil, stone, central heat: near Upsal llntlen. II inema 3 lintlis WALTER V ASmiYt 2I140.N. 20th OTN Clrecne and Tti"hecken sts st. "best with location In Gtn . .uirai tlve homes. garages Drebv I Evans 1007 Lincoln HldK IIAK I INK . i rPW ,.-. . ..-.- .I1-.1 ksHireum nA i i...' i .::.,., jt -- i -. arnK.. $E anrl J00 pri month; mmp!e henie flOQ3 n Br0n Ft Oak U-n 1G37. - I I 1LK him i . STORUS, apaitments furn Mud houses H Hepe ,1i)Q( N- Rread st Wyoming 4117 PEN N si l. ASIA si llt'RIMN MOST A'niMrrtVP furnished home In Meirese Pur', fo'enlil. with I" rooms and nains. large nnnhes wpuderrni grmines, ' -';nr Piraar j bltcks from train and Irellev ra " U' tndav for ti.inif ulais. Phune Oak i Lane 3Ptl.' J i imuon'ie. Oak I, ii IK- Office CAMPING SITES I-OR RENT WASHRNllTON CRcissiM), PA On the Delawire Cauip.iig ainl llungalnw sit. s te rent. R1IIPR p KlUNSEND. Wneh- Inglnn Cressing. r OLD YOR R(AO snulh of ciielien ave . 10- loom, partlj furnished cottage. $50 per month Amlv 00 III Old Yerk rend. AltDMdRE ARDMORE AVE', Ne 122 - Slone-and funne dwe.llng. 1( ,oeiiie 2 baths, elee I trieiiv am sn,. let ,nn m 3ne frltlt )rce K,den. rent $1.10 App'v en premises, . ,, .n ,,, . .... ,t .i .. ". l "NI.1l will ttiit. with the option nf buying- new 10 room ilualllnir iiiHrli ll .se. ri.nl $100 per inrjnih It At. IIARNKs. II N l.Olh SI Phene Shervvnn I 2101 NEW ,1I-.USI, SEXMIORF. ATLANTIC CITY i 3713 SU.SSKT 5713 SU.SSKT A E. for r.nt. .easen, furn . 1 hedrmi , linn prlv 711 Drexel It'g .Phlla r:::: '.'Mi'Jixt- TWOi'OTIAGEs fen the reason furnlshed W Imlser live, id inems nnd bath, nn ReirJi dilva 0 Grant si . 14 looms and hath nejr lleaih drive. Anpb Lea Estates. .10 sin-inm si PnilHde'phhi. - iici;in citi i tinl. IIOU.SE, 3 iKilriinni bjtli. J100 from lime an Preston I.HIJ M iAINW ORIIS I SLANT). Casie H.i.. Maine Twe com pleteiv rurfilshd il-renm tollages en hill nverlenklm- sex bridge tu main land, each J 121 for th: se-isen Aptdv te Rev G PEM- HER, JI4 Hlijli st . Gerniantnnn. collages sPMlKn HOUSES MT.PO( ONO RENT Atti.ictlve furnished lOR and hungalOMS E E MERWIN Mi Poreno Pa FOR RENT FURNISHED GKRMANTOWN HORTTER ST. west of Wlseahlcken ve ve lexutlful fuinlshfd. tip-ln-datn ilenehed stone heuse and Harare, fi bedrooms, 3 baths K.enlng pnn h GI.1NDON PRIESTMW, ,1007 Ctn. ave. Teh i hone Gtn Oil" PKN.NSll.VANU Sl'IlllRHW RENT furnished. fnr summer New Colonial I niiue house Inrte living room petih 7 chintbers 3 baths; 2-car gaiage. n .n's I looms i nd bath corner pinpertv , shade trees I shrubberv benutlfull located, reasonable I i.nia references reeulted Phene Hrjnl Mnvt 'no eveelngs I SUHURPAN house. 3 stories, ft bedrmsT"2 hnths, private -'car garage' for rent. furn. Ill .Maple ave . Drexel Hill. Linsd 117.' W, , ARDMORE i. i.e.,ii,.. ?"" 1.rt?,r ARDMORE Furnished. 10 bexutlful grounds. 51 Im.liu .t.11.. nnmtrn f 1 fi X w.w, .. ...w.v..i ., (lermanievvn Fine loiallen. Ii bedrooms. natns sr.'-i also t bedrneins -j lintlis, inti, - G M. RWDLE. 1.101) Locust st ARDMORE ll-r7n. fur. house, .luiv Aug cur shade $le0 me 211 E Monlgenierv 1JERH)N c OCIL summer home 3 acre r, lclroems, I laths wldiv neri hes ceinplelsly furnished rarage Mn 1A In Oct I, $-'00 per ninnih R A NEELY JJ-" Chestnui NEW .1EKSE SEASHORi: HEI.MAR RELMAR N. J.. 100 till avn Very dsslr- renr large lawn nrnc Pe" M7 Chestnu ." P nhle ,1 slery cnttase iiurnianrni. garage in ncexn App'y Pcnna Tllla, i'a. MORTGAGES APPLICATIONS wanted first and second merttnge rands MAGEE & RODGERS 1200 Locust st PI ene Sprue ?3 WE REPRESENT 0 of the largest building ntni Insn nsenfiatlnns and desire applica 1 tlena fei first, second and split mnrtcaees In anv Bctlnn nf the city or stiDiirnj, WILLIAM JAMES KEOGI tl, I.an nd Title Rldff . PS path Fl'NfiM for well-secured first mert. gakes imabu In a term of ears or In opilenal iiihih minis . NOKT HEItN THUS T COMPANY I ilue sprins Garden Phlla. Hill M-AI-V-llf ifkLJ ,....,L Hn. ...I , FUNDS FUND! 1M ANY AMOHNT tMMKDIATB BKTTt.rMr:NT IIUILDINO AHSOCIATION MONET. BKMPSnT CU.i JT H ll tl "" PRIVATH KUNDB and building association money available for geed mertgnaex en cltv or nearby suburban nrenerij i prompt decisions. ltnbrt J. Nash 1214 Ixicut st. MOriTOAOES A llt'ILDEIlU' J. LEVICK 5c CO. ADVANCES 707 WALNUT MOHTOAIIHS M , . nulld'nc association and prlatn funds for (lrt, seennd meitgnpes: uulck service, A l HUHalll.L, N 1? cer IBIli fc Tasker, FUNDH for frst and second, city or suburb.i; also New Jersey frst, modern te i charges, prompt action. :. q Hchlli-htor.ine s lath. OWNER of 130 000 0 first mortgage se cured upon I'lilla Irduxtrlnl plant In actlyn operation, alued at tne.OOO; will sell at 10 disretmt: gilt-edge bend, ii en, seiner .u IIUU.DINO ASBOCIATION PUND3 for home bujers; no commission. .... , . TSOOAK A. 1IOHHON, 3028 N, Tlrexd st. MOinOAOH Pl'NDH HARRY G. C. WILLIAMSw r.22 ALNUT MOrtTOAflE MONE rirst. seiend and unmoral v thirds Lern. 1818 uusiiin Katuman fun nriii'ii.e ANY AMOUNT JOHN A. IIAJUIY ',07 I1AND TITLE m.DO PUNDS fur lsl mid 2d mtgs.i aulck reply. M. II Mntslnker. Ilenl Eslftte Trust Hfdg rUNDS, 1st mtgsS. T. nnd 2d Phlli. and Del I.i-nch. 112 B' HVh. Snr. Ce. 044. MONEY for 1st or 2d mtgs.. cltv or country, rrank S. I ewl. Hlo rinnnca Illdc. W. IT. HALL A. SON 418 LAND TITLE BLDC. PUNDS for bufldlnit epTnllnns nnd second mertKnges. Abcrnetiu. nax i iirsmut pi. COUNTRY BOARDINGr 1DLEWII.I) PARM Just piltslde.ef West Chesler, hnt-w.iter heat, electric light, run nint. .tu..,,. in ,iin .men all the year' room i fnr ft,i( phene e. Chester 177 M. .Mrs Themas P Alclier. wesi cncsier. i. ROOMS FOR RENT PINE ST.. 71.1 Large, light, attractive fur nlslied looms, 13 jppi w eek nnd up , SPRUCE ST., 1112 AND 1227 Vacancies, single nr en suite; prlv huth else, phone lllfll. N, 130, HOTEL RURIC Central, Miinnnieir rlisirlct. nexr stations! beautiful furn jmsi elec spetless: dtlly, w'klv rates, EXCLUSIVE prlTxie home, adjltx. will lent room le Pretext-iiit man who Is used te (he i best One loi'itlen. tcavon.iwe ara permiiieni j (iverbriie!.2n3 W I 1127 CIIIUTNUI' ST.- Aftrnrdlie "i'd-llenr i front eenilpilvate b.-lh. cenvenl'-nt te El.iv vti-il CaJlil!niinviyi lliilnc 722.' M. I NICELY furnished" i nema for gentlemen.! centrally located rlin nlry nnd bright: ! reaenal e Lembard 30d0 i 'LAriOE. Ilglt. airy nn . 2 mngle bsds; gentle I men, lue-iis if desired, near Rlttenheux" n.uir". P 23(1 ljilair Oftlpe IIANH40NIEI.Y furnished room In large modern private home, etprtilc. llvjhls 111 ti Inutes te CI tv J.laM Phene Ii irlnc 0111 TWOer 3 fuinlrhed rooms, second floer: all I cenvs , refined ladv. Call eva, 113 Weaver. , I ATTRACT IVl. futtl apis., some lieuselcps, SSS5- sneivvend Apt Agency. j:i;h vvninut st . M)iii(i.. v I'lin- .1 loom -ii nor nn I flIin JM,h ' 0'lrLJuJJ J'ir-nfflrp 41J S HIU)1. erj flcslntblf wanilM i imifi and Hitil't front rnein: nil mm - XRlltTJl I ,.p ni;v P futnlsiied. 0 roenis nnd hsili. from lime I: in September In. Cill Nar- , beilll inc. I it ROOMS WANTED TWO ceniiniinlcillng unfurnished and en. rrpited i Minis sliisin eldnlv grntlennn peiniHiient if i oniferlable, tlilrd or feuilh 11. ni no nhjfltlnn net nve $'' pet pieuth, icfcrcnccs exchiuiKed 11 031. I-dger Office APARTMENTS Tlioreughly Modern Apts. The most lie-uittfiil l-room heusi kreplns apt'. Jn the cllv nvirv me lern convenience In (.iiiHiti. le. kei s tef r'vei alnrs. JanlUu pen- I lie etr JiiU te $7(1. Diamond 1)330 J. 1VJI aid 1821 N Park nve DE LAVCEY ST. near 22d si. Twe beautl- i ...II., riirnl.li. rm Ilia .li.ll lirlvilln ll.l I h 1 lull. milllil'" ' ".- " ' '''.,," 1 simmer rates we have nlsn deslrable house ' keeplnk nparpneiits which tenents desire te sublet for the seaneti Whltcside A Akl.ina- ban. 1.1th and Pine sis HOUSEKEEPING apTs . 3. I. fi mis. and bath, het-water heal elec. lights, m, pos. I E. J. Elliett. 1112 Chestnut stITIbert 31,18. COI.U.IHIA iivi nrts.. 1 roemi and bith. Imnud possession, niederaln rent tl. David Setbi. IH3 l.lnee'ii Illdg. Phene hpruce 7.'1il. .UI) ST . N '.1 Sevcn-renin coiner hkpg i , iii'irtment. front and side perch, hardwood I ,.,lr..:"h5,,.e ,Un,'. .Ae'IVuS'.Vm.J!!.'' wYrwIn'J ' floors, i lee . taclne Pilrmeunt I'irk Apply i ;fL"?,.thcm ou i:"5 advantiisex of working i " che.inUtj.t.i nhet38is ,.iiu. Ak fni PTBv,.sa0j, TIOGA .sr. W, 22212 apartments. 1 side' THE HELL TELEPHONE CO.. , loom klti In n mid bath, lels of etiirnge 1031 Arch St. aneih.r 2 toems kitchen anil liath tine p Ti h s Ivevs at 2(1 W. 1 leg i si Phene I Tleua .'("n W ' ... .. ",." S cer. tltead A Dxuphln. 0 rmx. ard h-vv. heat' $73. Abe tain, luiivd. tioers Krlskv a Inr . N. . cm. nh ft Walnut. Iw ALNUT ST , .., UAn.. I.l.rtl,.ri.,l. 11 i H 3 rooms. Kitchenette Hid bath, . xeellent i e idlt.euB Abe Kelskv 1 Ce.. Inr . N W. cer. nth and Walnut. ff 14 hTeNELEIC.il COURT Ifltii and Wal mil Pive inema and bath. June. Jul. August no rldlilrin, leferenies ATIRACIIVR APAtl'IMRNT i rooms. Ilv ing hell and bath all conveniences. Fer further li.fnrm ijhin jihoeUjrmnnton400 A PA ll I M EN T 1 1 E ADOU A RTEHS I Central niirtmentx i speclaltj. Sherwood At irtmetii Agencv 1131 Wnlnut t jn,. v- mrir Ilenu.. new aet.. 2 rms., I bath il.l , Btllctb inel riip. 2043W. iflllOVD,' s in Tnc double parlei for I 1 1 lnesM et ipt. i lep . rnn water' $i mn I t.O( sr .-! .'OJif Twe looms, tile Inth. V P llltewv I.lrcnln llldj .sprtitidl, 1M7 17111 Three complete ants . elec . trie new It E Pnblnn 1707 N1dl). wivr piiii.i)P.i.riu CH vvf'i-.i.i.en sr r.tim hteel. Med'tn T, tins and bath mil isirrh. luge rooms. geed srtviie l.ucrv A. Dnlnamer ;i.-i" ur ur iruiiewn ave, or innlter. 108 S .3Ttitj I MW ELTON AITh.. 30lh and Powell en ave. Pive looms mid bath perfect condition, rent J7e and $71, excellent servlci linme il n t pnssipslen. I1MIRV M GOhCH. boil I nml Title lllilg. sprui-i, 71(71. I -'10 S I7TTI ( lln. StiVne) -Attractive house I 1 eping apirtmrit, secniul fleer, 7 looms I bath huge peiih 3 bedrooms, $8 . bob- i-essien .lime I. Pheno Hnrlng741.1J. '21' Wli 3D FLOOR apatti, coiner Mlh A I W II mil (I rms un le dste $d0 A. $01 I cer il.ld A Woodland. 2d deer. 7 rms . $7.1 IGMM r,31s Woelllilld ave. Mil MMIKET ST S-ecend fleer attractive ..' rooms and bath IM1.J II. PLOTKE & .. ,Arl. in,- t nnn,i r.ir.n . I ATTRAC TIVB 0 rnis -nnd-bath ant. M"Kfe f Rndgers P.'OO Locust st Ph. Spruce O.'OS lsl.1 7'TlESTNUT- ITvo'ieum cer apt . furn I anracllv.iv all med eenv. Paring 7fc.' tW OKR1IANTOWT GIN Most dcMnhle mil 0 looms and balh mai train and trellev, h"Hiitirul sur rnun I iii.'i everv comfort and cenv. Dvvld S-'iber Oil I lncnin Illdg Ph Spruce7J.lO. APVRIMl'.NT near Upll I Millien IfTl lalge Hi uu, and illnlng room, iittractlvn kinnnds 211 W Joluipen M or ph(vILn!.-T MOUNT AIRY MOPNT A1R Attractive nparlment: Jun 1 2 rooms kltthen prlvala bnth, heat light gas convenient tn trulns, trollej, ti Phene (hustnit Hill 111,1 OAK LAVE NOItlH IPI'JMi ,ST ti veral new r. anl 01 room inns, ii isonnlile rents, .1 Mi; i Oj'il N Dm I (Ml md 17111 W l PENNSYLVANIA SUIHIRIIAN I HIGH (. LASS HOI HEKEEI'ING APIrT Pieuiiii very rcnseyuble npnrtmeiils ir. In ated In the liest i-esldenllal sectlei. nf I i dewne ul'uiile en a large let xx llh old shat. beautiful Breundn, near truimpertatlnn, large llvlnj mom dining loom, I large heilremns klb hen lath peirh, hel-watei heal hum. d. v icckeis iicieeps shades awnings rver thing ce-nilite Fer Information nddresv Nni-inn llnuliy Ce National 11 ink HliU , Lansduvvpe or ihone I.anBdowne 10'Jl, rBNXHil.V.NIAT-'tinilKAN TWO AND TllllI.E UOOM, APAUTMBNIM "IIIHTLY IODEtN P.J. LAWLER mfflW Phene l.ansdnwnw 830 N'PAY .II'.RSEV 11'HURIIVX AtlDimON 4 ROOMS, both. 1st fleer apartment, fullv furnished, living room with flreplaes and perch 30 feel long, directly oil .btaUl .1 blocks ft urn Peerment Siatien and Ash ing plet, jsv June 1 te July 15, Phene Swnrthmnte (188 J, . RAMI1F.N 2047 WEHTPIELD AVE.. Camden. N J. Desirable apartment for lent, with or without garage Phene Camden 1.47 W. NFAV .IKRHEV SKA SHORE erKAX CITY NICELY furnished apaitment. 0 rooms and bath, near new Catholic church: open Sun day for Inspection, CHAS. T. WAKEKIELD, 1218 Chestnut t. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS LOCUST ST., NO. 1530 A few desirable apxrlinenls still available in 1'ils new Hi-story llreptoef housekeeping apaitment house. Inspei lien ln lied. I6TH ST., NO. 257 SOUTH Very derlrable apatiments nvalhble, ene containing 3 bedrooms and bath. FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR" RENT, furnished, fnr the' price of the unfurnlshid apartments: 0-room apart; ment. In modern apartment house. 30th and Chestnut, from June 1.1 te September 1C, te icspenslble famlli; nil light eutslilx alrv rooms, phone electric lights' reference!, ex- changed Cnll Raring 107.1 M, MOUNT VERNON ST.. 1007 Under new management: .1 beautiful fur. apis . plenty 0 f I'cht A het water: prl v bat lis. Pep 3431. lil'IH A I.OCUSr. s. e, cel will sublet cool hand, furn hnja-kpg. apt.. Willi maid, 1 summer months. Phene Locust 0307 APARTMENT HOTELS THE GLADSTONE 11TII AND TINE STS ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF APARTMENTS. FURNISHED. UNFURN'D LONG AND SHORT TERM LEASES THE DELMAR-M0RRIS W. Cheltnn ave. GERMAN! OWN 20 MINUTES TO RROAD ST. STATION Hele! or 'i-furn suites, housekeeping apts. NEW HOTEL BARTRAM 31D AND CHESTNUT Apartments furnished or unfurnlshel AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLAN PHONE PRESTON 2310 HOTEL COLONIAL SPRUCE AT 11TH ST. A fxmllv heli: rooms nnd bath . C. PITMAN IUKER. ,1R .Manager THE .SlVARTHMnrtH. ??, nml XVslnllt Furnished. 2 rooms end bath, nnd 1 room I and bath, maid service etd linen Included, i I'nnnA t.nfi,a. 11,(1., I IIOIEL HAMILTON. 1331 Walnut st. (east of Rreidl A nillet pnnerittK. hnfM. I Hfiillx furnished nnd well renducted, 1 THE OlfNEVA. 127 S. KITH In the heart of the shopping- district HELP WANTFD FEMALE COOK nnd second maid Prniestnet refined, , gned baker, S10.$12, Merlen Station Pa. M .l.'8 l.edgei Office tOOK While, first tlTss, 0 In fi'imllv. gend I t. .... VAfAPnH. turn vnnxla.l A ....I.. U-,.,1 ' .. ..I ., .'..-(l,,..., I,,UII"1I J i'l'l eeu" seiiiinnia nvp , cih, nun inn ( OOK Exp), white, Ptet,, Boeil wages, no v .ipliliig. tenphnre for sum. Spruie 4230 KNOTTEHS. exp . for rue fringes. II. V. Walllser Ce 1013 N. Hed Ine st . Thlla. SALESLADY l'nr art needlework depart ment for summer months, at the hele: must be experle iced M 318 l.nlger Qffli a TELEPIlON'i; npr-RATTVO Ml A WEEK AT THE START THE RAPID GROWTH OP THE BUSINESS MAKES IT NECESSARY TO 1NCREA8E Ot I! OPERATING FORCE If veu are seeking a position wl ere perma nence, iidvancemi nt and geed salary are as sured, come in ntni m-vl.e annlicallen I . - -. . I ' lllbl Exp veung ladv fnr nfflce of large ' " " 'l"l' .mm lv .lm. P.llllli f,l'.ll-i,, i r ,i. i. .... v ... c.. ..,...,.i ' .' ', ' 7-f- ." "'""":'- v"i.' v.ii, ,, ini'i ,ni, spu-pupperiing, ceiiaeie of earn ncr $31 wesklv. fee nerm.inent tie. ll Ien linm dutv 11 0J8 Ledger Off Ire General CLERKS, ep'sts. stenegs.. qunllty for Gevt. peeit'-ms. Write for sample test l.ntruc l.ntruc tlen JiattlcularH. P 1422 Lcdrer Office. HELP WANTED MALE AU'IO.MIIC screw npcriters en mid i me midlines Write te Spher Mfg Cern S Pin nfleld - IIOOKKEEPER 1 Irsl-cinss, glve references, 'xpiri.nie nml silaiv dislred Apply Uaiiibiirg liroero Winks Ham bury Pa HOY wanted te learn vv holes t lei cloth busl nJ." M 31.', Li dger 'fflP HRICKI.VYERS WXNTED-Tvvenlv. imme. dlalelv. at Piedirlck, Aid: liike Jeb geed , work ng pnndltlnns 11.2(1 ni r hour inmilm of Asher IT re. Proofing Ce Seuthi rn Illdg , Washlngtmi, D C. or E. W. Schiller, Cily Hetel Frederick. AbL CEMENT IMREMAN te furnish laborers for cement work by contract per niuite feel guirauleed sleniv work all viar retind. pi air, i.eiu''i ciiite CEMENT POREMW te siisrlnlrn( is inent werl write fu wliere iluplnjcil nml hew long w.icim $10 pe! dij. stpinh wink, man must Is, Hi t clii's. P 317, l.tdBci OlIUi DRUG SM E.SMAN lie-mono eippnrtunliy fet the ilghl limn, must ln n live wlie anl well m mu, tinted with Phllndelphln drug. klst vv. in loekliik fei a mini who h wert.. Ing tin Phil idelphl i ding irnrie new, but , who is loe.lta fei t beltel nppel ttll.llv than Ills present let. offers, all i ei respendi'ip i enllili muii give full imitli til ire im in u tn ne in e iii, iii (list leiter. 'Ihu Hollinder Knsiiiiiiid i e of llnltiniet" FIRE SETTER FOR SEALING .CUU.r T UliEs WORK IH IN IUDIO DEPARLMENT CALL Oil WHITE EMPLOYMENT DI.PAR1 MLN T WI.SllVUHOl'bE ELECTRIC AND .MAN U PAC.TRI.NO CO. EAST PIllSHUnail, PA, By Arch Dale HELP WANTRTT7T' - . ' '"J'liltTi' CLEtllv lYetini? in-i. -... ' . ." gra;y::nvlefepre',;r,cr3! '"., etIji'3. S ".""."K. hie7-p.rm;nST- """U9B; vuiiapn en prem ses; must h .'v. OcrStl ail nmeblle Piln,ie ' Jiijn xt.tW t4! wlle jtoeni 400 ISM VK"-.,yf' 620;"! aivss nevnns MUST IID EXPEniENCED AND m. ," '-""""Aienr work calij en wniTp, EMPLOYMENT mb.-. WESTINOHOUSIl ELECTRIC AND ) wa X-A UitllNfi CO, EAST PITTSRUnair.'pA. I nl-tulti.i ... -'"-. . ...Wtrw'SSS OP iniiKing niitiill bottom i.isi lne ."i'l'Mtn ffl,;nlxnd apply. AyTftg OPI'ICE hey. ever in, wi,- - school educatien: extel lent n!?lnt5! id aneement, ApplvjeVg,1 W", """'J1 ' r'sV.C??n'NTi:NDF.NT-Ti,rrT- .v.iii i-niin. inriier rnndiiir,n "'IM deratands stevedoring, receiving "S'.A1" it ni reign , .into run nxperlep.' .'"' "Iltr; laauniplevwl P 30H I.eriJ!..0 nSl,,tb5f PRINTING llf Mvk-rn experlenreil In the nnnufn. iilF' 1 and lllhegrnphln ink" must be "tt taking full ilinren nf mill ri M IVest farierj: give full nirtkffi.'T JI slntlng nuc. provletts renne" ?n,r. Ji1 'Wl expected. Address .if 324 Ledger OfHc," a .. SALESMAN STOCK " " An old, reliable. ucffii ,m rempnpv rermlre, Iho services "or 'i0 Wfl,, and experlencel sleek salesnmn , '!' block of stock In Phlladelii'la .?,h,,n? A mati with nn eVtebl iliM $.$ steck.b.ivltig customers can " eTecur 'l'T unltv r'ght here te niaUe"s"r" "n,lt. ii'o?.pedSrrer cffnuasj f fe'UlKJ IS (rnrMS for a long established concern fi.".1,1!" tur ng legitimate cnmmndlti?, ."y satisfied with commissions ndmi '.W, "bj 'fin) iiiceine, vvt; WANT HIM r 17? tics are splendid, but require rUr,""1 nnd pnt'encc Full details i,2 K.r,V""lr eniv. P 200 Ledge,- ntilc by ,'""nM SALESMAN Manufacturers vinnt rii sntrsmnn te enrrv Is-n burkle iJ I? lewelrv lln. In n ... .. "V.K, "M.ml I'hlladelphln; siale fxpelpp, llyt?!j In first letter, liberal ' reniVmss.S n ViKK? wear Ce . Imp. Mlrirllainun v ." 'tlllt. N. Y SM.I.SMAS. resident nf Phlli.er,, ,727 r-sent est,,he,l flrm sellIrln;','fn Ishlngs nnd toys te the trade a,i,.!S? propesltlnn fnr fight partv AddrP.V'K.l'i!! "J.0? 'J"?jdh " . New Yerk (Tiv. f S'V'r:S.XI'' "'""'('"xperlenre,! "HiiC dalrv ma.hlneiv and supplies 0nl J perlenccl me need applv u, n ',J, rr i nt il nf infii nvr-.fi.-,.,-,- .".. t0fnpi refeienre. V nun" n, T' sill . . ", ' ' i- Fiiirn 1 h.ii:s!AN Hrimpil."nrt!P hViU uu rnnieiillPiil sp,lntv n ienf;in,",1r(h': (Iva mini Infi ii ni.' ...!, .'! nre I If. I nr I I 't linn. Ir aii .. . i . " " "': niie i-i:"2:r'N,,l7.hr vrs land lerrltnrv. graduate engineer or tninwti belting experlence nrcferiul iat. exiirl7r,S and salary, ele. r imf i -i... 2rTrltllc( ',ir irif - SALESMEN FOR CITHCS An COlTN'Ttrl IN EASTERN PENVSV VlN'It' Tf) Srtt AN AUTOMOlltl.E S'ieck ll 'ri SIIIX II 707 t.t'nni'n Aeein S I-AI.IA- '- -..'.. .fc v,i i iv I, nni.r,-iiv- i.M'eilent opperllllillv fnTTi poed men nf ttnfiuestlen ihle reputation ti sell I'erd cars nnd Irmks, evrerlenr. n-J necessary, but wide iicrni ilnlame n vnluA. asset, romnilsslen less should nteraufl. aLi'JlnL t . Ce' ciAl.l.B.MI. we ar. n up , 0f jjj exp. silesmen who will work -ind elie i mils. In tepresenl ntt old established nh tt n- l . l is ' ' ""J ''"" vtcine 30i. I.eilgei Offlee v rAi.r.s.xii.N with iirrnjiit in. experlrnra H sell natlelnllv lldvertised elfir,. ind lH perlMice s M.1.8MIA' -Wnnied, rxperenea. nu-e i eesserv salesmen bv well- ! il.lhiv r,'. ebln house Write, glv n.- ihene niimSir I- .'.I. l.ei I cer 1 urn e pai.i.-'vii.n ter i intn preposition strict); eiiiiinrniiiii, nvi 1-iin-ns or nones. Llua f?' Vnupjht Ce . 23 S. .12.1 SI SANDPAPERS exp en plies; geed pstj 41 iiiuiew; qui ei low n f .'i, Irf'dgPr Uttlex SIIIPPITTERS (0). first ills rrnlllr rates t lid and renira t w k ivallnb.'. lociillen In Crntrnl New Ynik snir tnlr wnrie, in repiv Hliue muii u iiiiens ana perlenre JJ 3IJ ledger Office SHOPMAN (I) f.niilllii viih ereritlenrf steel IheIh priuallln.,- rnies i ni 1 and run. Irici work av illible lui i'u n In (Vntnil Net, veru, pte.uiv weih, in rep'v rnte quJli tieps xtid experleme M 111 ledger Offlct ISTFNOURSPHEIt ITrst cits c've rtftr. , eirns. exper'rnrn and pahirv eleaireel A pie iiamnuig iiioem wen, n uneurs, fi MOCK SVESMEN High ills, ste'k mlB men with rl'enl'l". fei going intrcinlli cnnipiiiv 'ill H.'O (Tiesttiie at Roem 111 YOl Nil MSN' wanted at cue rreffraM (.niduite iivll englii'ei i , H i m tlmeiii tnatirl.il eliik fei 1 irge eeiinaeturs cirei opper for im I vnnis nieni p .It", nl Off YOUNG MAN wanted experienced in wbeV palewoelenii At na, I erluer (llllre CH'NG M N with knowledge nf stenef.tl lenrn wool una appiv T.'n M irent re (irnrrnl CIVIL service exanlnnllers June and Jrin mnnv vncanrlex, sxlarv $1400-$lsOO: lit pie test Instruction parllculnrs r 14:2, LO, SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMAll DAY'S WORK, icflned while weman: clit ln.- Mrs Tavjer 1 13 W eater it. i. WOMAN Ne it teiinel "vv Irking welti) vvlshcH position sin.iT adult fsmliy. ' taundrv. II lit work peel home preferred I high Wlll.es, geed references. XelilrCSS AL - J'a M. .11 .1 Piilhiil.lnhin WOMAN-(Swedish) vv i hi te tkeij heune flrst-class leferen e 2(e0 rin5 OUNO LADY. ief,, i imp deslr.s.J' nielher's helper or ienium en in inrlil" r.. ur jnmiiv vi ;i.-i i'ifci'r ""i' WOMVN reiitiid. a ill I k ' I luiiieifl,J, iralneil iinih' ib is t itleili IIP-" pr felled Wendlmiil ,1210 I , SITUATIONS WANTED HAtE a , . . ,i "v .I i v-i pi..,. ,.i,r.i. . .i me. ard d irullve, 12 vims exn Ii n nd stlr elusjrv in open for position H ni" ), AC ( T RKI'Il niiiriled n an ilmi nisi If $ i.. ..ii .in,,.iiu lt.tr "li. Hi rlnn n Ml ',. I 'I'-Hlll- ,.'". .. ". AUDITOR, eirice mnniger nccniintaiit' enrs" exis'tlence, mirrlcl desires ptraf nnt poslileii, ixiellent i ferew Addrt" ' (. P 2.'1 s i, n , riiilii ie pins - c IIAI'PPEUR, middle lipid long exp i iieful, w llllu refs l!70S Ledger Office ENGINEER (elei ti ml) .. mrtn ererj' any car; ben i n tniln'r , i,r nfflj In g neral e'J I,- nance nrd s tu s u . . lOUNG MAN I vims' exp llll XII .llll X, Vt III S 1-JI III T work. e. lllng uml mil pnsj"l)es. neiU 'and luliiallve hnl ling i spensible position ""' i "- . .. I of i Ilv .it pi.ffO.it. but illrm cnipiejmr' i.i n. i i iinnrilslltlen WM Inlillllv Is proved M 331 ! !."( .need cliy in irvvellm.- Nil Mleinw Ti Assn . Depl 277 Chlrasc -- MVKi: MONEY inn." i. "s, V '" '". "' ,',S lips In cluhs IeUch mil I In If'" P rt simp'n fe onus pulh i irx fie.' ' lalvn New Uriinswlik N -l LOST AND TOUND . . 1 l Ml 11 Midi. I esl pellfi' li nn. li I llll h I lie In .Huh n I i in spier .i , l ii lull li , -. IHP.DI.I'. nnd villi" '1"''1! '"' fait w.rl lll'l S-illsetn "I lli'iiielil "'-J-1 !' .''': ''s,.r. ',," i..'.,M! a ,..sra i muni aleik of tin In'. ' ". ' i"iilnl( ' I ,, in lb.. MXIlin of I.MIII1 ' . ',.,,1 ha v Ins .1 .. I. lest e. , tm''Vj' , " ' .' 'je ,f civiu tnai iiiiun ni i"ii n,' - - llll will of the smile UIAMOMl"PI.Ql E Pill 'I '"";', Hieml sir-el Millien or en I ' '" fr. in Phllliil. iphln I" V- ,, tew nd If H'luini"! '" ' ' ' al'iwe' i hesinut iindliinij' ' t" DOG -, uTx, hlte I ;.k in. d . ( m' iCl ' iJ lar.1 ..'.V.'.' -.-...."V .' .1 llehiient IliH lll'l I n. H" I m li - h. Tdep' i Iff hV,bx,iAT,7n.Vr...l,f-sf art imiiul tithe, te (be v ,,J,, i'l'y I IllllUell , J "' in ."'- - tl .s 1 llll t i 'i ' 'e ."1 NPl'l'l'l I I. I eel In ' pk Widnnlc en s vv ' ; pa nil id Hi"'. I 41 rl-"7, "mlh & Su inbte) i ...vi.nl, ..l-v'iiinii i ( '.' , H"V T ni rail. II S llh 1 1 . '-'' Sir 1J I'JN Lest, fraternity Jjln-.-Kr. n en. i iriinri. diamond cep.tfr. .,"1 in. ;"-, 1 ' 1 kck et mn. JUWiw-f " r. f liVA-1 iMllJ'i7 vjM JljZ i!.'isKL J twrnb.:-' Jtrf'