filJkPj: SKyiBsiS mmmmm SPKKr aramsn ? i-' Kiu?WP' v wfBT;'s,1 pb r BB' I B,B y; - ,rfw " '$ TKMt'KmJIlB AT EACH HOtfR i) no in 112 i i ) 2 i a i 4T5 02 IBO ICO 67 70 70 a PRICE TWO CENTS W VOL. VIII. NO. 207 Kntmd Beend.nM JWttr . the I'estnnw t I'hllaiphl, r. . Undw, the Act Q( Murrti 3, 1879 PublUhtd Dlt nxrppt Sunday. PutiieripHen Prlr IS Tf by MtL PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, MAY 13, 1922 COPTNffni 1UZZ. D7 I'UDiie Aeacer v,ujiipiir '! Vi-ftr- m r'S OUR DAY AN' OUR WEEK! TOGETHER NOW, FELLOWS! GET READY, GET SET! GO! .MFZ, rt; ;". il..V3 "3 y?jJ u 7VX Wn 3 a -',. j rm iMfMMm k " t, V 'V Ufr"'! SMBf-i WW 1 ii if FB mm nr Wk ran t ' MMMMHMMWilliXJjUMHMIHMHHHH JCIbb --'mi f t tisJfBBBBBBBWPfwy IL ' ;'llrWflWHaffflffl BF,9BlxVjl3HKMfl?3 JBBBMBBBIBrVf&k'ViH1 "UjBBBBBK3?BBBB 'flBBMEvJmJ 2jBBBBBBBBKi? Wl, ! JePPWItH ilJBBBBTBBBBBBKiiBBVHBBBBVf HTBffJB- ,,Cs1fKF?B - FIM4';S'BBBMBMBBBBBDl7BB7HiiMl' ' ' .PtU5-.1 ' Sv! JK1 Jj'jM ' SaBttifaflPHHr.' '-'-'' V''iBBJwBBr ' 5'; 'iSlfc-i. '"'' BiiJiBJBMUBBJ BBBfBBBBBBBBBBBV , ;tm" rB ZSBP?fcA 'i vi BBJbV BlBBBPBJ ' BHKBBBflBS'iBiy lFlK3MH BBBBBBIIbPVBU V ?!?, ' NBbVBBBBBBK '-"' VBBBP -iiiS?BBfr '4j' BBBBBBBBV!rr'M!v4 rU' 2V3JJ, , ; F ';lBBBB'llBBBBBBBAV.BBHaEfeBKB'J ' BBBbKhwSj ?s"9lm&$i ,L ,''T7BBBEr v,BBBBBBBjyBBBCBBFB'n;;-.; WBKKfKK:yJiLJ:mKmMitfZmSmmJ4' iTBBBkLv j BBBBBBBBBBflVJ9BBW ' - pnetv tyUA t , m w- J TBeLLLLBr LBr "r" r BgMMinMHiliHBV .lLV 1Bv jSTBjKHVHlHP044MK?$taj:v J JKHt'-WV-SIHH R'K.CJIAI,; 9&tfWfcMMm2".gl &V rlKHV!HIH,vr,Hr'iifM3KBPBr:Vnr:&b V 4;PmW4HIILLLMMMKlI.LLH yMfotae9LLHoLHLBF ' ' v'LiP,aMti-v - zw- a. "f tw JIB.Mii.LLMBBMF HHiLP t ' 'iHHCBMPBBP'waflKln - WTfBMWBF 'rJBi a 4iBBeLB mt: rv-t K:ME2 imim :z,.w- im-smtiMsmKmmw:rnmmcmm " -, i.rpsHV'-aH lK.i.laHr J m aKH B " T s HHHBSP. . MfVH y? ZBBBBBBBBBCR-' rrviBBBBBBHB iSBBBBRTVBBv rjUB BBBBMFVSiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK. ---- BBBflBK-VfnBBBBBBBL b bBBV 7 'BBBBBV B"T 'JflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr " BBBBBBBBBBI BBBBVBBBBBBBBbVbBBBBBBbIbBbT B'H 1 )LBBBBBF SBBbVIbBBBPBBBBBBBBBBK -" v..- afiBBBBBBPV-r Jr BBBhBBBBBk !M'aBBBBBBBlBBBBBCaBBBBBBBBBBBBK,BBD 'fJfJfJL 4iBViK0 bH fHBlBBBBBBBBBBBBP JP5y1BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi ' 'AJHlAVHkvSiSV PJH JZJUBMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBb iMI BBBBBBBBBBBBT BbW-bF3SbF1J 5i 'ITBBflf. -WBlBBBvllr-nBiiBlRBlB ,BBBBBFaMfBBVv 11bKBBBbKKbI '. Ji HBBBBBBTaBBBBBK' F,iaBl BBBBBkIBBBBBKK"11' A' V ' TC'SlMyL 1 : SBB": -J'BBfF 1' ' IVBHbb1 A!bBBbUbBBT BBBBBBBBBH -; .JSbBbP 'Wm :' ;BBBkPW: - BBBBBJ 7 fM MlllBBffflaBBffflffflffB ' ' A BBb1 IbBBBMWBB -: :;"': -'r '' "ifBBBttflBBl- :;iBBB kJbV 'BBB1 ' -; JBBbPPB'. 'BBk :VBVi A .BBBbI BBBBBBBiFK:4fK;7 v:' 'iBBBBf'' VBBBmBBBPUBiv3 I'Vl :v:v':Jgg-Ct iVMMrV9vBKflU44i?lBBBBBl HBpHaUMttkL KfV ' U!bbL!K3b1 N URLhUHt is UST FLING OF I AT PINCHOT Jslls Pittsburgh Crowds Alter Sidestepped Debate Before Own Townspeople FLAYS ATTEMPT TO SHIELD JUGGLING OF STATE FUNDS Halts Opponent's Plea te Avoid "Making Ammunition for Democrats" OVATION HERE LAST NIGHT Thousands at Academy Heard " and Cheered Final Shet at Vares ' 'Scandal and scare' beet dcscribe ' fa condition of our opponents," said Giford Pinchot, cnndldate for the Re public nomination for Governer, In si riiertus Bpcech In Pittsburgh today. '"They arc badly frightened and I jetting proves M better than Attorney General Alter'? refusal te accept my ctalkDge te debate the Issue of the campaign before an audlcnce of his wn townspeople upon topics of his own caMtlng. "Mr. Alter, at New CasUe, objected te my telling the truth en the ground tilt te de se makes 'ammunition for Ai Democrats.' and asserted his reftrtnee for Max Leslie ever Senater nan as a suppertec. ' "He new sldrstPDa my challenge te 'firusa these questions of his own w- MCtlen by calling It 'foolishness.' is it foolishness te debate whethrr or net III truth should be suppressed for pe- nucai purposes Washing Lene; Fast Due "Mr. Alter objects (e washing the dirty linen of the organization In pub lic. I repent that It is better te wnsh It than te wear It. "Ii 'It foolishness te 1 it cups the po litical' record of ene of the men who wai meft directly responsible for put ting my opponent in the fiVld. "Majer (- (', McGovern, whose visit te Pbilarteliihln ychterdny was one of tte events of the enmpnign, hns assert ed in public-, and It hnt net been de-' iletf, fhat Mnv Leslie Is responsible for rutting men itli criminal records Inlo tai Plttsburijli Detective Bureau for tee demoralization of thnt bureau. Is jt foolishness te discuss that? 'Scandal and scare. "My opponent's htatcment that the Mit has net lest a dollar Is proved V Kcctien !5 of the expert accountants. report te 1)0 utterly unjustified. A del Ar.. ? ''.' Int.TPst, te what a man Is "'"i " tin- iima ei ,i uenar. He Calls It Graft i..''?'" '!"' Is net the worst of what . 7" llnPI('n'"' Net only has the lun.i ' ',",rc,l l0 "iucii n was IhFiX Cn ' ' ,mt thu peer,1 ,lnve e eums wrongfully withheld? The Z L. net nnl' lest nie(,y t its Wilneaa hn-, suffered severely. 1 Mr. Airnr mnv mil Kl rn,.i:-i... 1 " It graft.'' llnll I.-'llll JtklC.?ithe pl,rlt ,,r lctnr-v n all triit ii. ' "" vnt"?u,y et music llalaM .1 ngllVA"n Ferester made Ihalii.i i"Ji "" c"(l 0I ,no Wtnte. SL S ?'?. lml1 w.i flllwl. An ever. 0n !,; K . Ila U'M "' Locust street. ."'".?! "'"W.brfqre the. rally ..V.7' I""."' bMinereii as fur as Snrucu 2? Jb. "5f,ii Aml whcn tlu3 Proceed Preceed 8iPi"c.(!' ,u sc.en,, ws utterly dif- Operali- , "I, t,,c Metropolitan med lfew:'5 ?r? workers, con- bed te fnnb "r llCKCt8. were mobii mebii w te ruake a contractors' holiday. i Tk """"ucr vneera cideemTn0hvil,wIeraeu wh.Paed the there J-. bvleUbIy, were e voters. C thundSS-i aJl0,it thue,r "PPlauec. J.B"edc!el.. hcir cheers. There drilled 1 nuflllK h? raechine-llke and MtleVthe yt?E ,mu,' B,PPlna which fectric Iin.i i' thcr? was ft spontaneity, Q new Ta,tlc ln ,t? "Pinion pC broke. n iten A l'l!,pl of "P" " of rifle nut llke .thQ Ktnccnte rat And thnlf 0M ft clfnr n,nt. CintoSwr,ef grDat P0,lcl illlr. WP'O'ednudlence und sneakers pfrtt and lo"cl,"eoscvelt was there iu h0M 1-nV I,hat 0,(1 tlm Wr f3h-?? 0,V lm( reused the eltv fty m&lu(,0f,',h Wlnkeburg iS:"y mention of the r n. K ItSrH:l,t,.?otlen. ,w br V, ,; t "'enKcnuurg, wen m? ' who eeven years 2Len n smashing bnttle wliiT ?h Bm AtnieJ?fhc' flrat te,wlk en r, sne wns culed ou (e . ' nd pa a rib-1 hcHutliencL8t00'1 n h h5b?t0 t0. tb, erny-halred ftWr with .1,1 werk,cd shoulder te S As cendu,lntHUriJy nnkVeburK. irtttitnL Lu(,cd Jer speech with ( em whiei ri,l8Uanu tl,nre were tetra" B whlcb Jld uet swell with t'nll..... "'ng the tremendous and soul- IT A JOKE? Editorial ATTORNEY GENERAL ALTER declines te meet Gifferd . Pinchot and debate the contractor issue. Wouldn't that be a profound issue en which te deter mine a governorship ?" he remarked, and added that Pinchot has no sense of humor. But if Alter tHinks the contractor issue is a joke he has no sense of the gravity of the situation. t rIf CL2ft?;ter Vare' of Philadelphia, and Contractor Leslie, of Pittsburgh, were opposed te him he would have no chance for the nomination. Even his ewrt friends are saying that the-Vare and Leslie vote of Philadelphia and f lttsburgh will be big enough te offset the vote for Pinchot in the rest of the State. Pinchot would have called Alter's attention te this tact and would have challenged him te deny its significance it Alter had been willing te meet him en the same platform. Every one who has get out of the kindergarten in poli tics knows that if Alter is nominated Vare and Leslie will demand that he recognize them as his creator and insist that hf de their bidding. Then we shall have a contractor owned Governer. And this is no joking matter. Think this ever before voting next Tuesday! 5 SUSPECTS CAUGHTI 3 MORE CHICAGO E U LDEFEnS 8- FJ IN AM ON K Believed te Be,Same Gang That Injured Miss Nerma Missimer TRIED TO ROB MAN ftaUnned ,n nun Four. Column Fe Mipm .. ' Jwai for I. .Vli ARTICLE YOU ABB Five motorists, believed te be the same who Berleuslv Injured Miss Nerma Mlsslracr of this city a month age, ln an attempted held-up, were rounded up last night by the Ablngten police, fol lowing their alleged attempt te rob Samuel CelwetL, of Willow Greve, after which they wrecked their machlne ln trylngte elude Ibelr "pursuers. The prisoners are William and Theo Theo eore Zender. seventeen and eighteen years old, 5015 Bcechwoed street. Gcr Gcr mantewn, sons of a IMrlst; Rebert Jehnsen and Edward O'Denncll. both sixteen years old, and both of Twen tieth street and OIney avenue, and James Ward, a Negro, twenty-three years old, also of Twentieth street and OIney avenue. At 11:55 last night, Colwell was standing at Yerk reed and Edge Hill read. Ablngten, waiting for n trolley ear for Philadelphia, when an auto mobile containing four white men nnil u. Negro drew up beside him. The latter jumped out, pointed a revolver at Col well, and demanded his money. Instead of complying, Colwell ran, whlle the Negro fired four shetn after him. Jumping n trolley car n block away, he hurried te the Ablngten pollce station te report the Incident. Just at that moment his recent nssailnnts, evidently confused as te their direction. drove past the station. Patrolmen Give Chase Colwell shouted after them, and will Patrolmen McKcp and Strceper gave chase In another automobile. The fugi tives turned east from Yerk rend into Woodland read, and wrecked their enr Ogen'tz Scheel, cbcaping into the weeds. Early today McKcc and Strceper took two su" "ts answering te the descrip tion f' ilsheil by Colwell from a south south lien' l'hlladelphlu trolley car nenr No Ne bio i mile and a hnlf distant from the scene of the wrecking of the car. After a sevcrf crllllne. the nellce sny they 'admitted their part In the at tempted neiu-up, giving tneir names ns William and Theodere Zender. They lmnllented Ward, who was taken fcem his bed by the police an hour later. Upen their return Je the Abington Station it was learned that, the Zender brothers hntl also implicated Jehnsen and O'Deniivll. Making a second trip te Twentieth street and OIney avenue, the police found the two boys just ar riving, wet and bedraggled, following their long walk home through the dark ness and damp weeds. They were taken at once te Ablngten. ' searched n newspaper clipping nt i!0 was found carefully folded in the wallet of Theodere Zender. beinir an account of the recent attack by live meter bandits upon Miss Nerma Mis simer, 5724 North Lambert street, who was pulled Inte the car by her assail ants and was se seriously injured when she jumped out that she is still in the Ucrmnniewn Hospital. CRASH CRUSHES CHILD Four Others Hurt at Derailed Trol Trel ley Overturns Truck in Woodbury Dorethy IJernard, four years old, 32 Chestnut street, Woodbury, N. J., was crushed te death last night in a colli sion between n light delivery truck and n trolley car ln which four ethers were hurt. The child's fnther. Grant Iternnrd, is a milk dealer in Woodbury with his brother-in-law, Edward Dunn. Last evening they were taking some mills te the Goodwill Flre Heuse and their wives, with Dorethy and Miss Mabel Marnele, 244-1 Sherwood street, Phila delphia, rode with them. As they were passing a Bread street trolley, the ear struck a stenu en the track, was derailed and btrutk the truck overturning It. Mr. and Mrs. Dunn, Mrs. Anna Dernurd and Miss Marpelc all were scratched and bruised. ARB YOU I-0OK1NO FOB IIEM'T I'KR- Impa (lis ry rren you want g iidver Heine under tiituatlutiti en imes 20,Atlv. LABOR CHIEFS HELD Partial Ce- fissions Obtained by Police in Relentless Drive en Gangsters THREAT TO BURN CITY MADE By the Associated Tress Chicago, May 13. The police ne,t about figures in the recent scries of bombings and bcntlngi, which culmi nated Wednesday in the kllllm? nf Km policemen, tightened perceptibly, today, mneriiies sain, with the obtaining of partial confessions from three of the approximately 150 labor men under ar rest, and the arrest of three mere, one in St. Leuis, Me. Identification of the actual slayers was Imminent, the police said, as the relentless drive ngalnst these responsible for the recent disor ders was continued. Confessions obtained, It is under- HnidcrS! w,"iV lllP, recnr,t operations of ''Big Tim" Murphy. Cornelius Shea and 1-rcd Madcr. Twe of the men said te hnve confessed are Isndore Bravermnn, of the rixturq Hangers' Union, .and Rebert M. McCleml. In die ed with Murphy, Mnder and Shea, nnd Harry Hansen. Hansen appealed with counsel in Superior Court nnd made an especial rcnucst that he be kept in custody and nel released en a writ of habeas corpus friends sued out Sensational developments are ex pected te be mnde public within the next forty-eight hours, It was indi cated aftM- n discussion of pollce heads assistant .kite's attorney nnd leaders of civic erjn lizatiens Interested In end ing In Chkii:-e what has been termed b"k run-, wnr eciwcen tne police nnd labor, and terrorist plots. The threatening letters were received .esteulny by assistant State's attorneys They threatened deatli te both the at torneys and Chief Fltzmerris. Thev were signed "A Bember." ' "If there Is ene laher man in jail Saturday when the sun sets, fires In every corner nnd section of Chicago am going te start simultaneously." one of the letters" read. "This Is going te happen ns sure as there Is a sun that shines in the heavens. We only trust thnt It will' be a nice windy night. Then j en will see tf peeple rise. Then there will be n day of accounting for the working people." STEAL AUTO, bUSn IT ' - Thieves Take Machine Frem Gloucester Man's Garage A sedan owned by Martin A. Cook, a Gloucester butcher, and valued at $3500, was stolen this morning from his garage by thieves, who took the lunges from tne doers. At 0 o'clock this morning t!m car was found, burned nnd abandoned, en Almonesson read, below Westvllle. The thieves had stripped It of everything 1UUVUUIU, Refuses te Accept Blame for Treasury Scandals and De nies State Is "Broke" ASSERTS LACK OF FUNDS IS "JUST WAR AFTERMATH" Disavows Any Ambition te Be Pennsylvania Bess or te Build a Machine SEEK TO IDENTIFYBODY Sailor Found In Delaware May Have Been Member of Destroyer Crew Naval authorities endeavoring te establish the identity of the body of a sailor found llentlnr in the Delaware River nenr League Island Navy Yard, bellere that it Is that of Jeseph Ber nard Kutewski, a water tender, first class, en the destrejer Lunidnle, who has been missing for several days. The body was found by the captnln of a tugboat, who turned It ewr te t lie naval authorities. Kuczewski's mother lives at 20 Grace street, Irvington, . J. SMOKER STARTS BLAZE Early Morning Fire Routs Reed Street Tenement Families Ffrn lisrnwrpt1 In n fnnr.utni. .... ment house at 14 Reed street early this morning was exllngulshed almost ns unsili lid It .tnttw1 ltv nintiikiihu nt T... ginc Company Ne. 40, housed in the IIL'll IMIllUlflj-,. 5-tmnkn lipiiplrutpil tlirniiirli Mm I. -.11.1 lug and sW families rushed te the street In their nightclothes, Thu blaze orig inated in the room of Jehn liernkeff. Police say he was smoking a cigarette In bed and the mattress caught fire. Onrerner Sproul Issued the following statement today ln defense et nls Ad Ad ministrateon: ' "Whe f g net mr desire te engage actively In the primary campaign for the Republican nomination for the gover norship, certain statements which have been made would seem te require some expression from me ln the way of cor recting evident misunderstandings which might result in false Impressions being IcM In tbe minds of the people. "Let It en clearly undersetoed, how ever, thnt I have no complaints te make of any criticism that has been made of me or of my part in the State Admin istration. Criticism is te be expected, especially by the incumbent of an execu tive position, nnd it is necessary in our public life and politics. I am thoroughly proud of the achievements of our State Government; we have no apologies te make and simply seek te set some things right which have been Incorrectly repre sented. Dodges Treasury Scandal Blame "Fer some time past, much effort has been made te turn, into political capital the alleged mlx-un ln the ac counting In the State Treasurer's office, and the 'Administration' is blamed with the conditions there, although the Gov Gov ereor and the office appointed by him' have no" authority or control ever the 'IVeasurcr. "It must be remembered that the State Treasurer Is elected by the people nnd commissioned by them in just the same way as Is the Governer himself, and has his own constitutional rights, powers and duties entirely Independent of the Governer nnd of the Lieutenant Governer, the Auditor General and the Secretary of Internal Affairs, who are likewise elected by nnd responsible te the people directly. "Criticism of the State Treasurer, therefore, Is net an honest campaign argument against the Attorney General any mere thnn it Is against the Com missioner of Forestry, or the Banking Commissioner, or the Secretary of Ag riculture, or any ether member of the Governer's Cabinet. "Where there are any derelictions, however, in the Treasury or elsewhere ln the State Government, where the State's intciests or the rights of the peeple nie involved, the Attorney Gen eral, as the law officer of the Common wealth, has a very definite duty te per form, -and Mr. Alter has promptly and effectively met the issue by appointing n skilled lawyer and busines man, of an opposite political faith, ill) elutclv- dis associated with aunir- n' llurrlsburg, te act iu the matter ami s.-e thnt fun justice is done. "Thnt crenn ln our politics which has I consistently nnd persistently opposed In- creased iii)iireiriiiutuis wr ine scuoeis, better salaries and higher uualiflcatlens for teachers, better care for the unfor tunate and has bitterly fought the com pensation laws, the regulation of wom wem nn's working hours and child labor, but which Is new strangely and nwkwardly aligned for factional advantage with the enmpnign of our late chief Ferester, is accusing us of extravagance. . Denies Funds Were Wasted "On the ether hand, the chief For esee has likewise been charged with extravagance because the appropriation for his department hns doubled. As n mutter of fact, neither the chief For Fer ester nor the rest of the Administration hnve been cctrnvegant. The nublic money lm.s been expended for public pur poses in response 10 puoue demand nnd te meet public emergencies In extraer. dlnary times. "It has net been wasted, nnd the geed results of its expenditure ure se evident that no succeeding Administra tion will dare take a backward step nor adept a cheese-pnrlng policy regarding the schools, the lilghwajs, the charities, the forests or the ether great public welfare projects which we have ampll- yenw old, same address, and Miss Mnry , kn '"!"?" fnrl,, ?? Jrrsef .wh,.u Lcimhiilcr, twenty years old, 2110' i'cn,ms v., 0,',,lt'11haI'1 n,ll,nr tUK',lc North Second streer. keeping up with his distinguished guest. BURNED IN EXPLOSION Petroleum Ce. Chemist Showered With Liquid Frem Retort Whlle making an experiment with chemicals nt the plant of the Union Petroleum Company, Mifflin and Water streets, last night, Rebert 8tcln, a chemist, was badly burned when liquid exploded in a retort. His clothing was enveloped In flames, which were extinguished by ether work ers. He was taken te Mount Slnal Hospital. His condition is serious. Stein lives nt 5705 Arch street. SHOOTS AT SUSPECT Weman Firing Frem Window Be lieves One Shet Toek Effect Mrs. Mary Schredy, 2042 Seuth Twelfth street, was awakened by a noise at 2:15 o'clock this morning, nnd going Ie the window saw n man standing with his hands en the fence back of her house. Mrs. Schredy get a reveh-cr and fired twice. The man ran nway. Mr. Schredy called the police and told them she thought one of her bullets had found its mark. AUTOS HIT; 3 WOMEN HURT Machines Collide at Midnight at Harvey Street and Lincoln Drive Thren women received brulcc and slight cuts when the automobiles in which they were riding collided nt Harvey street and Lincoln drive at mid night last night. Thev nre Mrs. Florence Cochran, thirty-five years old. 8804 Chestnut street; Mrs. J. A. Hill, thirty-eight HARDING HOLES OUT N WORRIES Gelf, Luncheon, Gelf Is Program He Holds Te Today at Absecon UP WITH BIRDS, NEARLY BEATS GUARDS TO LINKS Quickly Completes Noen Meal in Order te Return te Match Play Atlantic Clly. May 1.1. Gelf liiiii'liron-gelf with the rr-pnt en the golf. Such was the preginm of Presi dent Harding today nt the Sen view Gelf Club itl Absecon. The Piesident wns up with the birds this morning and aline-d brut the secret serv'en men out te the links. His eyes wpip i (en r mill bis walk springy. He took a biiMncss-lIke grip en his driver ns he (pod off and started ln much the same manner ns be did ln the campaign that parried him Inte the White Heuse. Mr. Harding pnlred off with Clarence II. Gclst against United States Senater Edge and E. D. McLean. While Mr. Edge usually carries New Jersey when One machine wns driven by Harrj L. Menrs, 1700 North Sixteenth strcer, the ether by Chcsley G. White, Brandy wine tttreet, west of Fifteenth. Miss Lelmbuler was riding with Mears. CARS CRASH AT $2500 FIRE Three Autes Wrecked During Ex citement at Qp-Cart Plant Egg Harber, Nj. J., May 10. Fire of unknown origin in the reed work painting and varnishing departments of the Blech Ge-Cart Company last night caused damage estimated nt $2500. Net a piece of goods in cither department was saved. - -- During the excitement of the fir three automobiles collided when Michael Bewcn, of Amatel, tried te pass two ether machines. Tre wheels of Bow Bew en's car nnd one of Julius Gnrnlch's car were tern off and the rear part of Rebert Prasch's sntomeblle was smashed. Bewcn was held for a fur ther hearing by Magistrate Mlschlich. PROBST IS HOMESICK Butler In Pittsburgh Leve Affair New V'mts te Leave America " New " rk. May IX (By A. P.) August Probst, Swis butler, who claimed he was being railroaded out of the country because of a love nffalr with a wealthy girl nt tiie Rolling Reck Club near Pittsburgh, wants te go back home. This was learned today when immi gration officials nt Ellis Island, where Probst is awnltlng deportation, sent word te the Dlstilct Attorney's office that Probst des net want te be ques tioned any fun her. Continued en Pekc Four. Column One AUCTION TAYLOIVSEFFECTS Aute Werth $10,000 Among Goods te Be Sijld May 23 Angeles, May II!. (Rv A. P.) The peipiuial effects of William Des mond Tayler, filu. director, who wn shot dead February 1. will be sold at puhlUi auction May 2!!. Thc-e effects Include two automobiles,' one valued at S10.000: a piano, phone pheno phene graph nnd clothing. Tim or's jewelry will bcturncd ever te hi daughter. Ethel Daisy Tanner, new i New Yerk. This Includes n loci.!, containing the photograph of who was his close friend and one or the last persons known te hnve seen him alive. The locket was Miss Nor Ner mand's gift te Tayler. TWO SLAJNJNJARBER SHOP Unknown Assassins With 8hetguns Sheet Down Victims Chicago, May i:t.--(By A. P.I Vlle Gleririn ami .lining ',.uM u.h. of New Orleans, were shot te death In u nuryiT mium uhiiiv in iwe unknown nssasblns. who piiIppp.i i'i .!... , started firing wllli sh i;;mm without IWll lllllfc OBJECT TO ICE PLANT Rising Sun Lane Residents Ask for Injunction Charles F. Mills and a score of ether property owners and residents in the area bounded by Rising Sun lam W.eming n venue. It sfrppr nml vinf.nin...M . - ....... ...... ii nir,uttvvniii. Street petitioned Judges Audcnrlsd nnd JicLiiucn today for an lnjarctlen against the Northeastern Ice Manufac turing Company, which i building a plnnt at Wyemlns acnue. near A street. The proposed Ice plant termed offensive." Professional (Glves Tips "Jim" Eraser, piofessiennl at the elub, kept close te the President dur ing the contest. It Wus rumored thnt he was giving Mr. Harding some vari able pointers. At any rate. It was no ticed that Mr. Harding's piny improved every time Prater steed especially doi-e. Senater Edje past son ' iriuisitlve glances toward Eraser, In i , e latter never flinched. The President appeared te be better nt putting than he was en drives, but as the game progressed he greatly improved. Just ns the first round concluded the bell for luncheon sounded. Scattering returns from raet piecincts indicate that Mr. Harding and his pnrtner wen. The President had te face n bnrrngc of handshaking en his way te luncheon. YOUTHFUL AW, 000 STRONG, "BLACK DIAMOND" EXPRESS WRECKED One Man Killed, 25 Injured When Fast Train Hits Aute Batavla, N. Y May 13. (By A P.) One peren was killed and twenty-five injured today when the Lehigh Valley's eastbound Blnck Dia mond Express ran Inte nn automobile nt a grnde crossing nt North Lcrey and wns derailed. Three cars of the ex press overturned nnd weic bndlj Mnnslipd. The dend man was the driver of the . Thousands Parade en automobile. His identity has net been Bread Street learned. 52,1 CAPTURES CITY: i Bey Week Gets Gala Start as M te! CHESTER COUNTY FIELD DAY RELAY RUNNERS CARRY Mere Than 5000 Pupils Are Assem-j NEWS OF EVENT TO MAYOR bled for Annual Events West Chester. Pa.. Mny Kl.- Leng Line of Trudge Along GAY FLOATS ARE FEATURE Mere i rti-i- ru than five, thousand public school pupils i Ulusl' s "'ci and their instructors, representing , Strinliner Marchers as Thev pr..,r ,iii,iPt tn rioter fount v. flepkcd . tripling iviarcners as i ney into WpsI Chester today for the an nual nll-dif- Mny piny festival of the schools nt ., Fild, the play- ground of the west i.ticster ninie Nermal Silioel. Mere than a thousand automobiles nre . pnrked nbeut the grounds Hnd in near- j by streets, manv of them large ma-. Be His Pal" Slogan Gets Great some country i-rhoel. It is possibly the largest attendance nt nny such event here since the plan was adopted ten years age. Mnny contests nre being conducted in the Nermal buildings and en field and track. Reception Many Prizes Awarded ) Continued en Tnicp Three, Column Twe At Ilrnnil and Arch streets, a review', Jlrn ing stand held clt officials and etheni''! LAST-MINUTE NEWS TRADE BOAP.fl STARTS STEEL 7.TERGER INQUIRY WASHING-TON, May 13. Prenitlcnts of the mere thau halt a dozen independent steel companies mentioned in connection with the lcperted prejeeted merger, wen; called upon today hy the Federal Trade Commission Ter "full and specific information ab te the plan of proposed merger before the plan is consummated or actual transfers made." IRISH ASK BRITAIN TO LIFT WAR THREAT LONDON. Mny 13. The Irish Self-determination league in Great Britain hdh passed resolutien: calling en the British Gov ernment "te remove the implied Ihrcdt et war by which it Is sought te come the Irish people te accept England's terms, aud pleare itL?lf te the world te respect whatever choice the 'iriuh people mny make." The resolutions invite kindred organiza tions throughout the world te join in this demand NEW TIME IN WEST CHESTER! Burgess Orders Town Cleck Set1 Ahead te Remedy Muddle West Chester. Pa., May IK. Despite j the refusal of the Borough Council te1 adopter duyitgiit snvlng, Burge-s Her man (x. Hutt, at the demand of many citizens Issued a proclamation ordering the hands of the town clock en the Court Heuse tower turned nhend one hour at midnight In nn attempt te cor rect the muddle in business and ether circles here tsiuee Mny 1. Schools and many establishments had adopted the plnn but many business places, the banks nnd privnte citizens refused te de se and have been using standard time only. TAXI OVERTAKES EXPRESS REED, FOE OF BUNK, DROP GERMAN DEBT AT CAREEITS CRISIS IS PLEA OFWOMEN Missouri Senater Sincere in De- Delegates Frem France and nunciatien of Camouflage, but England Assert Pnm-- Makes Many Enemies GOADS WILSON TO REPLY By CLINTON . GILBERT Staff CnrrrMKinilrnt Kirnlnir I'libllp I eilB(.r Corinehf, m. by j'ubHc l.tdecr Company Washington. May 1"..-The most spectacular political campaign in the country is tint of ".Mm" Reed, for re election ns Senater from Misouri t'snallj the met enger spectators of every parade, thousands of boys swung $192,000,000 "WAR FRAUDSr::!!!S:. lZ ntrn'et nnd 'marS U. S. Expects te Recover Mllllensi hupplly down Hreml street te tlie music by Pressing Prosecutions of man hnna'- Washington, May 13. (Bv A. P.), The bl tunwut of youngster., The amount the Government will re- "2,000 of them, opened Bey Week, va reer from alleged war fraud cases' srven-dny period arranged te quicken "will be muny times the amount granted 'a llPeppp niftn, fnr.riKhtcil Interest In te defray expenses incident te thelri., ,. , , ., . ,, prosecution." the Heuse Appropriations ' t"-" P""'Is(, of the men te come." Cenimltee declared today In reporting ' Dreves nnd droves of boys massed ln a bill carrying $."00,000 for uwj by 1 orderly divisions about Bread street and 1,1 -". the starting point e Explaining the need of money nnd ,llL' re,1,c tlllU cn,,cd nt Bread and men assistance. Attorney General ' federal st-ects Daugherty told the committee that. ntieut 'i.i sueb cases ranging from ser- prnl ftimmnnd lnllna f Ain.l mi1 lien dellnrs were pending nnd that the ' ut'rr wl,em the stream of yentk" total amount involved aggregated $102,- ' flowed bv In proud delight. , ' Relay Race Is First Feature A courier relay race preceded thet parade. A parchment, officially an nouncing the stnrt of Bey Week, was jcarrlcd down Bread sticet by swift little) legs and tuken te the Mayer's office. Mr. Moere tried his het te leek sur prised nt the announcement. A large number of brothers (enteit' was one of the clever ideas worked out for the parade. At ;,(. head of the Ninth Division, te which thpe -e-lestunts were assigned, mm died or red the m.iis of MMiw. William KlnsW, 127 Uesclilll sticet, Kensington The Kinilew hejs who tun n lied were Alejsius. .lelin. Loe mihI William, wlillp Dennis. twent mnntlis old. and Jeseph el.-ht ii". alls n!d. iede lui. K of their elder brothers. William, who l elewn wMlr, e'd. pllljs the ticcoidlen I,,.,,, nine. plus the Uulln ; Jehn. cK'hr. the snare diuiii, and AlfUhlus, th... t,r ,.S1 ,rum -rhev had their Instruments along and hoped te i.iptuie a hand prl?p in addition te the slni-r cup offered b lli.)r p Kiihn. pies,en, of the Manufacturers' ' 'lull for the lamest number f brothers In line Hundred., rf the Inns, for the first time in their lives, ilj.l nt fs,, u , n thi'T face, weic v ashed ,ins meriiing.. 1'hev weie willm- te go te any icrin""e for the home- and K:, f ,Uf, prade." Mgnal tilwii en Time I'rempiU nr 1 ;:e eV.;x, ,i -mrr-ing lenimiiml "Icen, hige -choel h;s milking op the tit-t diUsMn iMirth. r down the line s()t)1p f lP t miiiger chillis danced and apered when tin ban !s hhirnl. Ile Teiuinj. this bents tile cieux" one freikli.-' d , ,.;1P(1 ,,, Uy chum I'.'t.h.i we held our line stnughter'n iimis the ,u.r ,,,,., i n,., ,S" "f the little tcet had treuhU ' Continued en l'Kl. Fmir". "t elumn hrxe PEPPER TO SPEAK Will Be Orator of Day at Radner Exercitcs Senater Petnipp uil lm ,1... , - the iim.ill,,B f the U-idnir Township 'pi , . ' irTl y l! M a ..,.! Wrt,- ; . iAs3 "M v. Halt Economic Changes Bethlehem Weman Races te Allen town te Start Alaskan Trip I Allentnwn. Pn.. Afnv -' ni.. . nn exciting race last evening between ' larr,nR n cl0!,t eircus tent In a motor meter a fast express and a tnxlcab, se Mrs. I truck with him about the Stale, Keed . ii. iwiHini, ei iiciiiicnein, could stnrt is trying te talk his .... .. ,.nb .IW....H.J ,,, Hep parents in Alaska. The young lady left her home iu.t In time te miss the train at Beth lehem. A telephone message wes sent te this city, nsking the station ngent here te delay the Queen of the Val'cv a few minutes. Mr. nnd Mrs. Benhm then benrded a tiulcab and raced te this city, arriving here just ene minute after the scheduled leaving time of the train. However, the trnln hnd been held and she was ghen a reusing send- TALK AT CONFERENCE HERE "Nothing can he done te relieve the economic tension in Europe until Trance's idea et natleiin'lsm and war indemnities is abandoned " was the e pressed epliii i of Ereneh woman. Mile . BoPteher-Anieuld. tiuln. nt the twentv-sixth annual meeting nf . American Aeademj of Political nnd So Se cln Science, in the Bellevue-Stratford in- liiei' I KlPIls: fil I. 1-nn.v. .,!. I he memeiinl w beliiL- ph.iibii i., i...- e nineteen Unduiir men who died 1 lie ceietneiiHA of t "crsisis iii hip war iwn ee leiiuiniei n Mm U'ni.... n-i et the Amen. in. I.egh.i, The memorial was raised ,v pepul.,1 siibsL.rptlen Iu the tewiiHhl'i END AIR HONEYMOON TRIP Mrs. Beahm is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. V Clavean. of Anchorage, Alaska. She is going home in response te a telegram stating that her mother is ill. DO YOC WANT in eiaain eat MDlTm nf ir. uien ur en of th b(t barralim te be feuml .r en Tim? in j... wmm paea 10, Mite, W'll V te nilnlltn I term in V nHhlngten. Twe years ace ' insisted, nre emmsed te son.,,1 ,.,.:,....:. lsaaera Duncan and Husband Reaah. no was rejeete, uy the ,etcrs and ir- principles. The reparations clause of Berlin Frem Moscow of''se c'kife iSi -KT..4 5rhTC,,epn,,,H,t,,rjr "' teM' , , Ad,-A,ri' fr Yv- "tt M" 10 "' ; I enemies than any one else In public I Vn EialisWe.'nn,, m . . '""'I0 "uncin and 1,-r Iweuty-seven.' 'i life. Ex-Presldent Wilsen. We 1," V Urn, sal lnf""f,,?lr','.AniiU It,,l,-' nr-elil poet husband, te whom she, 1 been making an honest attempt te keep E.Tg a,,U m-ard C m J' ",'v! UKn in ' w? .m;,rr",':1 ',:r,,"1'. were te K-nve thst' out of unites, could nni ,.,.! .' ..T ..,".'.. lew'lr" '"''many is djjn- out. night for Her In en an nlmlnn. i. r l ' "" i "mi .iiiiue iicrmniiv nnv" :.. ... i , i ...,..,.. ... ....v- , , taking a hand against Heed Ex-Senater "BUI" stone's old friends in Missouri all say that it was Heed who was responsible for Stene's Ucntn and here are a few of the ether liings Heed has done te utlcnnte all the ether "sentiments' which cvenbedv else has tried te cenciliate: He voted against the prohibition amendment nnd Continued en I'm Four. Column m lllliv nnv" le ... I i i ...,..,.. ..I.. se (Winn,,. I.. ... :i ' "' " "'-. "Vlini """"' "'I'. "; '" 11 once wiih. Tier " .',-, ...awn in i .iir nil,, .I.,. .. I.. . TREAT ; " 'n,e wiih, lucre is no expectation in L'ngland. she aid, that f,e inunv can puv for the war. 3 DOG. BITE VICTIM! Three persons were treated fm. .!-. -.- l 'II 1IV.I IIIIIIII . ... .. . a ---., a,,'I'f""",rf realizes hew much the V', nl n'T VM'I,cr U08'1""1' f''"nJen" ,.....,.yw .,,. i-iiiiuiiuiiiien or iicrman and Eurepe dermis en moral energ ? no less than economic forces. The Rim. slnn-Gcrmtny treaty, l,e hoped, was -rJti 3i i&& Continued en ! Twe. Column Ti tedn They nre Dorethy WJIklna ' jBf4 seven j-vars old. Pensnuken, N. J. 1,125 Pffi ten en the i Ight leg : Jehn i e. ' JOM $ Carpenter street, Camden, bitten ei N rlh nnn. ami Te.l,..j ir-,, '. vm Tl..' ...... . ""'in rvciicr, lour ypiirseld, Pensnuken, bitten en the face. 'W 'w & x ys. 5i fflgzm j-. .i , ,.XLf, tvw. ' s-&! . U'J'j.'., 2 tsaHamsiwstfflsx&k L