BBMi 1 I i i ii , , - ' . v ftytl, ' ' f '. '? C" '''' j, .-Si WfT ? i 1 ' ivfUv4v """-Kt '" t "W' ffVl'., , ', 1.1,1 , - aajasJMiaaaaajai HRU .5 f v";-, r fl " ' "-... " ' ' ' ' '" ' - ' """ ' """ t ...IKn hbrekth ' tna hmorte mnuM'WmMmfi & m' " nrriri" rrx- t'j"a - , - J I Wdl for Pennsylvania Man that the mcdnl might be fastened upon ""'"" " , 'y' ; ' r .rilN,MMA PP J iHK sHFrilPF f?tQ JtVlPf 7flf ' The Officer' Medal of the Crown of hls breast by the Klti. but when unable , California California , cAMWimirtA fc ; '. IlMM rHKJrLitL O rUKUM I Ita haTbc? conferred by thRlng e ke tje trip the ceremony w. : 1, 1 the American novelist, wtie has been dV t Te the merry days of yore. t,Ve et Uplntl, 1'n.. who holds a com- ut "asliingten. . , r .. . .- .l- f J.'i.. yet.lnR the lest three years te nwche- When I knelt beside. m meih.r mission In the Itellnn Army. The deco- I I.PlWra W """ iUKlCai rOSCnrell nnil linn I.ntn.. n V. uy lllla bed unnn )h. .,. -..I.... Prohibition a. Success VL ., n,r Krciiliie Public I.cttuc r, '"?. ..nnrlMICC Of J. ( KcCH- glt int. .-I y . . . , net fccrryt ".., whnl i obsnve regard "SS ..Me . Of tbe hundred "L'in rentact with It Is rare Hint eon in re " , 0, formerly ' "",'";. unf them In Hint condition. m" .rniiinliitnm'CB. Vim-c who were h,t,1i nn.l thes! who wcre innileintu jtrlnSr bother new te leek '"eftrc I" nellilnu In .IrlnKlim -1MB no one doe net uiu nnarr the J? ' f iiihere or become tibtiMw, ;r 1S tat ' think It foeMi. 3Bi?r wrSn boiler oft without It. Sjriclani ThS u'sc liquor can obtain t iP uimBlrlv. r. Keen, who Ik n '"iSK ia at tlu liend of the mirRlal ''l-ileii i-mwlilew prohibition a grent C fit te II e public health. . I The nrol'JWtlen amcndmei.l ih III In- the Leg " nturcs of thrcc- 11 Me the States, and Ih a jmrt of fa Rv of "he Innil. 1 de net knew i . .nectablp person who ban n Mill 'I'ihoVilmkesbeerlnvehUou )S the law. in my jmw ". "'," il.nt lins been a Krent HiiuccxM nnil ims L what I did net think peislh'e for t,e public poed The use of a coiiel , .lecreaslnc anyway, except ami 1 JK WZ nfiiMi. AbeHslilmt the f except nmenR ws free ,ncb killed the trade. . A. J. ' rhllndclphln, May 8. 15 the ,f Demands Fairness te Negro V.,. jMller e the KviHlne Public l.nlecr! "sir Fer 1500 Vans the American k. ." .. Inlmieil rellKelVSSl.V. fOIIRllI 1111 MMhTnaly and hacriliced heroically te '.Bl?CDi..rbJ i,ifl Brent country what It 1HP '" ... ti,.u tnr innrn limn ll WW' ..""'':. l.n.. ....-,1 l.e aw .Afiru Til ."rlivp iit- Iwhltes and an freemen hncrilicc. tnou tneu f"nis te destroy autocracy. 'I his is ji-utfi ... - t. !.! !.,... :. ...i V What M hl rewnrl? lynching, HrMcutlnn and mere atrocities! mere v t(,p nee of Drutai wivnecr iBebrule can no leneer exlM. r.i Irrnanertlre of color. is Bene Ilunian mus-t be e""1?": ,i ..i,.l,u nt iiltllnsj nmtm. Theodere Ilnohevclt Mates: "'I lie man I don't knew is the man I den I like. But we de knew the NeRre. we knew hit we have brought them ever here, we knew tlint we have forced them into lrr. We dare net say we de net "new 'them. Wliatever the Negro is the white man has made. '1 he eyes of the whole- world are feeu-ed en u- as the met civilised nntien of the world. Is It humanity te burn Negroes at the ,1,1,0 nn fut recently occurred en May 8 In Tej.'nH. We lid net educate the Krers along the proper lines. The fault Is In u. and net in our colored Mlshber. Take the outbreak In TuVt. ithcre thousands of Negroes were driven from their homes. Their sunken eyes told of sleepless nights, their ashen fnecs hepel;e gripping fear. Virgil state-,: "TresTriusnue mlhl nulle dlscrimlnc iMtur."' ("The Trejnn and the Tjrlan are treated by me without nny discrlminatinn.") As I haie. stated above, regardless . of their color, race or 'nationalities, let tube human and net beast. It is net the Negro who should He taught, hut the white men in Te.Mis who should be taught the principles of liw and order. Murder is murder, whether it Is committed dnylercnlght. TW must he tnticht that it Is ciuel. wicked, unlawful te commit such crimes IS that of Texas. If a Negro Im committed a crime then let the law of the fulled States take its proper course. Ucmcmber, the command from ibeve, "Theu shalt net kill." ALBERT I'. SELTZER. Philadelphia, May 8, 1022. Which Sunshine or Moonshine? foPie-iTcfller 0 ffic Evening Public T.cilaer: Sir I wns just thinking of nn arti cle I rend li the Forum 'the ether day hcided "Would Restore Wet Days." I think William M. S. must be sick: le'seems he worried ever buying medi cine nt 2 or .?: n prescription. I ns in abstainer never hnvc given that end of the subject a passing thought. Seme pwple doctor themselves te dentil with whl?ky when they might live te a goeu old age. Be does surely want te restore these lovely wet days, when the' little doers did swing and the brasu rails shone ltbln. The-c delightful dus for the Biny wives te see their drunken halves Come home with twisted tongues, stng jerlng steps, reddened eyes and silly Pins; in fact, the ether fellow whom be never steeped te marry and hardly resemblance te the line looking "pert" in her album. Had these beautiful licensed aen Ter existed there would be no bootleg writs te harp en. He says, "Loek nt the Eighteenth Amendmcut nnd see where the United Bwtes is going te." I sincerely hope Jjt'KeIng te be se dry that William M. V'11 Mdt cotton nmV be mighty "Mk-ful te get a geed drink of cold u J.' IIp Pcnks of Arbucklc having M Ws times and I will speak of Me AUater. Kerr, Death and Campbell all bunch, who wdre. sentenced te prison for thirty enrs for the murder 1. F00,r 'Tt'"nl(! Patterson under the Iyy I,lcc,ns, hiw, 4 te 1 In this case, '""feed, William, en that. UQ alSO Ptll'lnu llin .lnlt nr. ..-lis. ejarnlts blw suicide and poisons his -- fiiug; our, somehow. 1 idtv the vwr rich n nin ninn ..i . i.i.i bt I.? t,,is ridiculous Idea. Wlllinfrf. Wt perhaps If real, earnest, honest Tre rev" .ProWMllenlst. whose Initials of P.5?r,,iP,nehet' H c,ecte'1 Governer ttiBw2.nT-vun,n' s"nhlnft will fellow peilndelpliin, May 8, 1022. -hLJVe ln the "Upper Story" file i"r 0 "" Kxtni" r'""" 'e thiivT' "as Oliver Wendell Helmes, an mnlLTa ," "' hal mnu was ire eL. i lM .wh,p,, n11 1,lH onePkterH JteSi ?n "vry nnn'1 ,lmt rei-tal tSSSH '".recH-riMlfK. such as the miM en'1 wpHWHty te certain lien te' "re ,rnnsmlttcil from genera - s i? ",inks ran ,leny " llut ttVinorei mcs .,0 t,,c transmitting of tt're is! ,?., , ,,,c fntellcctuul nature, Tha) ,,(, variety of opinion, lock? Sien,Pn,t f th Philosopher, ft min ?. "'" "a'netl that at birth Pc?SrnWn8 Iiku." sll(,et of b'ak fin i tK !'' . b" .'ltten. is well known. tiite.1 i . ...,s. lnt nil knowledge erlgl I,. .", ' I" riciice, Environment, wns :r rcit inc or, ..? scal0 we II On tlin fililee end nf llllll - l.Sll'i ...1 " rf"rgi e.. .1 ' ivuiiu rII0I. VVI e that fV Spowe.r "f Jiei'r se much fates u,i,.m,.Ule llol,(wef cscnpi ne Th. .t..V,ru,e. . seem hopeless. two ,I",ftuy. I'm between the pewerfi if.;,. "IU ,""t ''credlty Is a ibterr nf ri """" wl, Knew ,lin renS &.. L0 Al"Prlcen Ailnniees, the tttrcmes, hut that ArltIl. Will V" "111111118 that mlglit be nuincd In. "' iUO latest contrihullen ,, tin. ,iu. euiiin- J l yentriuui c ah made by Vin sten Churchill, i r "' nfrafi'i". nr.".m wl, iinprnr dn Uen.iJT-'l1." . I nhllc I rdirer. . I.rlli n 'ly iHO llerH lLil 1 rVX., '"I'1 "' ! nrlnteil, it. v ' ""'I Interest will bt unawt red. - i logical reSCnrell nnil lm. I.n.n.. n tlia conclusion that man embodies a primi tive or nnlmnl mind, and, as it were, a stipci inpesed creative mind. If he allows the animal mind te dominate we have the nnttu-al lesults. But man has n choice of Irtlug in either mind, cre ative or primitive. Mr. Churchill be icves that giving free tcepc te the inwhnl erealhc energy of the universe Is the whole secret of living, and that, RiMjii that, the conduct will take care of ilNi'lf. In the conflict between primi tive niui creative emotions, the latter inuM dominate. Thus come the-artlsts anil the gieal works of nit. Mr. Churchill points out that the meic (he will dwells in the primitive ii-liiicts. the stronger they become, and he mere it dwells in the creative cmo cme cmo tens, the mere dominant they get te he. After nil. what is this but the old religion disputed nr prhnp the mar Huge of rcligiun and art? Mr. Church Ill nys : , "As-' time rocs en ve hiill rc mere intervals of cie.itiw thythm ns our spas spas inedlc primitive rniitileni cen-e. When crenthu emolien comes, it expresses It self In writing or in muie, and thin is our true n-lf. We honr.wer.N break ing en our conscieti'-iiess like the sea upon the shore and th cQeet of the rhjthm Is like mtHc ' Se that the tirst effort of man. when lie aiises te an uudcrtuml!ng of him elf. should be In establish Ills residence In the sunny upper rooms of his nature, net in the basement. HORATIO 8UMMHUS. Iicnlen, N. J., Mny . 11)22. Wants Vete en Daylight Saving Te fly tMler nf the r..intne Puhllv t.nletr: hir-A) I have noticed 'mid hnvn heaiil Hint the majority of the voting people nte against thtx ilavllght sav ing, or "fnke lime." what they could de Is ,i May 1(1, primary election iat . Ihey should all murk en the bottom of their lullet "Against Daylight Hav ing, and the judge of the division must count and make a record of them, lhls should be decided by the voters. I'reMdent Harding Was right when lie nld he was opposed te oceompllsh eceompllsh oceempllsh ln da. light ta leg by turning the Mauds of clocks and watches; let the Imslne-.s men open their Meres one hour Cm'ilZ- , , AInKKT J. ARNOLD. rhllailelpliia, Mny (I. 1!)22. Questions Answered Weighing the Baby Baby Te the Editor el the Kvcnlrp PnhUc Udgcrt Sir Hew boeh cheuld n npw-bern Imhv dhow an npprocalile Rain In w.klit nnd uhat pheuld be the normal Increase In weight? rhlladclphla. May S, inj2. ' ' ' Durlns lh first tlire menlln the Increas. In welriit of (i normal babv cheul.l be about half a :)tinj lath wtck: by the end nf thp fiflli month the baby that has been per fectly well and U b-ln? properly nourished hmiM liJie doubled lis birth weight and uelch about fifteen pounds, nnd at the end if tlit. fifteent'i month It should nelph three times Its weight nt birth. Infantu that arc ery larse at wrtn de net Increase Idly. se rap- Trie Ivery Coast Te thr Editor et the Vvtntng Public I.rdeer: Sir Will seu ptraie tell me vvhern the Ivery Ceat Is located? j, j (j, (ormantevvn, Miy s, 1022. 'Ihe Ivery Ceist Is n colony In Trench West Africa. Ivlng between Liberia nnd the British Geld Const Colens. California and Flerida Te th Ed.ier of tl c Kicnlna Public Ledger, slr ,, ..,.,,, spe,,.. mero lll(,ly te cur in lalirernla than In llerlda? Your an swer will deUde a disputp between n friend and msself. VI1HA Meri.I.MrtY. Philadelphia, May s, IOL'2. Yes. a "cold snap" U ireie IIKrlv te oc cur In California than In I'leild.i. fl3 United StntOH Wiathei Bureau at-, bow bew bow evcr. thnt both of these Staler nre liable te. fro-H te mero or less lent, dependlnK iipuii the localities. ('Hllfernli exti nd ever a vvlde territory north end beuth, with many high meunlulns, which nli'u te It a v.irletv 1 of (limine, rendering a rtillly visitation much mero likely thin In I'lerlda, whltli Is letated much farther south and has, all told, a muUi milder climate. Andrew Jehnsen as U. S. Senater Te the Editor of the Evening J'uMIc Ledger: Sir Wai Andrew Jehnsen elected te the United States Srnate after the end of his term m 1'resldent? DUMOS. Phlladelrhij. May S. 102.. Yes. Andrew Jehnsen's service as Piesl dent ended In 1SC0, anil In 187.1 he was fllnctrd te llie United Stales Senate as a after one unHUCcsiful campaign fin the suit and also after falling ns im In dependent candidate for Congress, lie was chosen for the Senate by the Tennessee 1'Ulslature In January, 1S7B. nnd was In his seat during the short session of March, lS7'i. His triumph was short lived, for he died July 31, 1S75. In his slxts -seventh scar. Poems and Songs Desired "Midnight en the Ocean" Te the Editor e the Et ening Public Ledger: air The "Nonsenne Verses" which ap pcircd In the People's Forum net Ions age, beginning "'Twas tntdnlelit en the ocean." reminded rne of lints about a sea experience written In mero serious viln. which I In In clesu nnd would be slad te ee In print. Mns. w, it. n. Philadelphia. May 0. 10J.'. MIDNIGHT ON" TIIU OCHAN1" AVe were crowded In the cibln: Net n soul would diru te nleepi It was midnight en the waters And a storm was en the deep. 'TIs. a fearful thine In winter Te be shattered ly the blast And te hear these rattllnj trumpets Thunder. "Cut awa the mast"' Se we shuddered there In tllence, Ter the stoutest held his breath, While the hung'y sea was reailnu And the breiKi-rs talked with death. As thus we sat In drUness, Each one busy In his prasers, "We nre leaf' the cupnin fcheuted As he stacnercd Juwn the stairs Hut his little dauKhler whispered As shn took his Icy hand. "Isn't Oed upon the ocean Just tha f.ime as en the land?" Then we klsied Ihe little maiden, As we npolte In better cheer, And we anchored sJfrf In harbor When the morn was shlnlnn clear. "My Trundle Bed" Te the Editor et the Evening Public Ledger: SlrKecently seu primed a beautiful poem called "Childhood llecollcctlens." which I enjoyed reading very much "Will seu kindly print the fellow Ins. the nsme of which Is "My Trundla Bed." an old favorite of mine and probably remembered by some, of our readers 7 M.UY O. J. l'hlladelphla. May 0, J 0 JL. MY TRUNIJI.U HUP As I ruminated through the attic. I.lst'nlns te the falllns iln, Ap It pattered en the shliiBles And aualnst llie window iwne! PeeplnB ever chests nnd boxes Which with dust wire thickly spread. Saw I In thu faitheiit corner AVhit wus ence my trundle bed. Se I drew It from the tecess. Whr It had lemnlned se long, He-irlnir all lhn while ihe muste Of my melher'H voice In sonar. As he saiu; In sweetiHt accents What I mnce hase efin read m dear, lln iul n"'! slumber. Hull uiiiii Is guard Ihs b il " M I llslencil ruel'ri llcni That I theusht had been foraet Cama with nil the push et inenier', Iluahlnr, threnln te the spot; And I wandered bclt te childhood, V Then It wi with handi se wntly Placed upon my Infint hd That ihvtuuRht my llpi te utter Carefully the werdi iha aald. ..ever can they be fortetton, ' Deep are they In memory riven! 'Hallowed be- Thy name. O Tathwt father! Theu who art In htavan." Thla rhs taught me. then aha told m Of Its Impert, great and deep, After which I learned te utter, 'Wew 1 lay me down te aleep." Thn It waa v.lth handa uplifted, And In accents aeft and mild, t That my mother aaked "Our rather! father! de thou bleaa my child." Tear hie paeeed and that dear mother 1 t.eng hni slumbered 'neath thj ted, And 1 trust her sainted spirit Revets In the home of Ued. Hut that scene at aumm-r twilight N'ecr has from memory fled, And It comes In all Ita freshneas When I 3e the trundle bed. "Mill May" Te Hie Editor et thr Evtntng Publtc I.tdatr: Mir Diss like these we ha been en ltiK of late remind me of a song I used te shut wh"i I was n bev, which I ask you te print. It Is called "Mill May," and was set te a very melodleuF tune. james u ruLLnn. Chester. I'a,, May 0. 1022. MILL MAY The slran berries grew In the mewing. Mill Miy. And the bobolink sings en the tree, On the l.nells the red clever Is growing, Mill May. Then ceme te the meadows with m. ?HO. cs. come, the ripe cluatera among the thick Bram We'll pick In the mewing, Milt May, Mill May, And the long afternoon together we'll pass, When the clever Is growing, Mill May, Mill May. When the clever Is (rowing, Mill May. Come, reme. ere the aearen Is ever. Mill May, the fields Te where the atrawberrles prew: the thick crewing WhU sterna and the clever. Mill May. fchall meat us wherever we go. UtO. The mm slanting under your bonnet, Mill Mry. Wlil eoen bring a soft glow te sour f.ic... And our lips the strawberries leave en It, Mill May. A tint that the sea shell would grace. CHO. probate Mclaughlin will $41,000 Left te Heirs After Several Bequests te Charity Among the wills admitted te probate today was that of .lehn -McLaughlin, fitHO tiieenwny avenue, who leaves S 11.000 te children nnd grandchildren, yfler the following bequests: Five bun dled dollars each te the Catholic Church of St. Antheny of Padua, Sisters of the Immaculate Conception nnd Little Sisters of the Peer, Fifty-fourth street and Chester avenue ; $300 te St. Jeseph's Orphanage, and $21X1 te the Church of the Most Precious Bleed. Other wills: Theodere A. La Perte.. si (10,000. in private beiiuests; James II. Iloleemb. Ii5(3 East Montgomery 'ave nue. $2(1.001); Themas J. Lawless, 12.33 .liick.-en street, $7112;. Anna Wicker, .WIS Livingston street, $5300. Lctlerbef administration were grant ed by the Bcgister of Wills today In the estate of Alice D. Craig HaUirld. 172."i Wnlnut street, who died May e, te her husband. Majer Henry Reed Hntticld; her nephew, D. ('. Wright, nnd her niece, Catharine C. W. Muckle. The estate is valued at $45,000. Inventories were filed in the personal estates of Charles II. Marshall, $02, 542; and Francis J. McGovern, $145, (I1S.81. CORNS Lift Off with Fingers I Doesn't hurt a bit! Drep a little I "Freezene" en an aching corn, in 'ttantly that corn steps hurting, then , shortly you lift it right off with fin , gers. Truly! Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Freezene" for a few cents, sufficient , te remove every hard corn, soft com or corn between the tees, and the calluses, without soreness or irrita tion. -Advt. VICHY trams bspvbuc. nenarr) Natural Alkaline I Water Unexcelled for Table Um Known and pre scribed by the Medical Profewien for many years as possessing great Meflirinal Properties 5KY0tm Bottled at )fY3lbl"" th Spring BRSRI DISTRIBUTORS W IILNUAUI & MIM.KK MITt'llEM, ri.JITC'IIKK ,t, MlimVEM,, FRYER A CO. SMITH. KMNB FRENCH CO. JOHN WAONER SONS. , E2. TOLKS TOI'IK By -jmtn J - ' HuywIlsliBBi y v' - ssmiwUMKt -."' jtBniu"l..ajTjTrrr.vrarOv'Mv'liirfiT?fl isJ 117 a I aWsVMMsVJHsVHMsVJI fatlen was bestowed for meritorious service te the Italian Government dur ing the World War. Colonel Heep was requested te come te Italy In order lYVAD'JLWATER-WINGS ULAIM SO rfiv 9 9 t ren SALE enc LEARN TO SWIM NOW fiUARANTCCOBYXAKD MFfi.Ca-HOBOKEN- N-J STAMMERING m r Tour Speech Defect Corrected II mW THE KINQSLEY PLAN II Next Club NlKht for Klnesley Club, II Monday, May 1'2. All Interested In the II correction et defective speech welcome. Pheno Wnlnut 1002. Kend for Uoeklet. i cr---r:i!!i5 wainm st ""- " "1 fDESKS Office Eqnis-N ment, Weed St Steel Flies V Jeseph L. Shoemaker & Ce. Bank, Office. Library A Scheel Furniture At 926 Arch St. Since 1884 (Shoemaker llulldlns) BPBIX hi:fmkts ATLANTIC PITY. N. .1, :SaSBB!5ii Kveevmb DUL4 Glorious Spring Weather Insures perfrrt health, happiness and thorough contentment. A gracious sun. beautiful blue sides, salt air from old ocean, the beach and the boardwalk, combined witli Atlantic City's many ether fascinating features, assure a most wonderful sojourn. NOW golf, metering and horseback riding arc exceptionally popular "Yeu Should be in Atlantic City" ANNUAL SPRINTS GOLF TOIKNAMKNT May 18, 10. 20 at the Country Club of Atlantic City Entries Clese Wednesday Evening, May 17, iu--' MnMExlmtfiaffm THE LEADING HOUSES Cemprite the finest in the World. Phene, Wire or Write for Information, Ratei, etc. (Always Open. All are American Plan unlejs otherwise noted). Mirlbaresik-Blesheim The Breaker Aner. and Lu. Plan Amer. and t ti. I'lae Joel lldlmas. Prup. Hetel Dennis Walter J. Buibj Alamec Hetel Ateer. and Eu. I'laea Mack Lata Ce. The Shelbume Lurai ean Plan I.Wrilrl. Mir. JeaiahWhile A SonaCe. Hetel Traymore Amer. andLu. Plana Joa.W.MeU.Ceo.Mcr. Rltz-Carlten Lur. Plaa enlr Ititi Ilestaaraat Hetel Strand Amur. Tlan oelr I'. II. 00, Own. A Mir. .. 1 or Tlnu't.ihle nnil full Information Ite.icheil In three limiru from Spw .7mtniiiii, i.iecriy til. nnil .iu .i., U..l .... ... . ..n l.. s'ntlen or Hudsen Terminal. Threush Tullman service, ...i. . ii.r-iiieiit train dcriire iiein gT A sMEsVal A afl ALBEMARLE Vlrclnla ave.. block from famous Boardwalk and Steel Plr; epen after Improvements I cestlnar 33.O0O. maklnc this finuae strictly modern In eviry sense. Ilactrlcltv thrueut. RUNNING WATER IN ALL ROOMS : Spacious selarium: sun deck; private ba.tha; elevater: 11. SO day UP. rooms only. Owner. ship manasement. QAriLr; A DKVITT. THE LOUVAN Tennessee nve. nr. Peach. Turen. plsn. ont ent aide rms. Runninc water. MI19. E. aurJKB. DE VILLE ? plan rm Igg M week up. Tb wenaeri'ul meals; danclns; .Sprint nmua vi. 11 linen, Banff Sprin'.'i Hetel, has a dining-room capacity of 600. 285 guest rooms, windows opening en mountain fairy lands. S Iphur and fresh water peels, getf, tennis, meter beating, canoeing, and ether outdoor sports. Sumner Tourist Tickets en Sale Commencing May 151b at Greatly Reduced Far. Call or Canadian . ,." ntYTO., city l'aesens-er Asent 020 Chestnut , Btrwt l'hlladelphla . K. PKIlltV. On. Asi. Passenger Dent . Canadian I'aclllc Hulldlng. Miidlsen Ave. at 44th bt.. New Yerk WHERE AURORA SPANS QEE . Canada this j eKiueriana jaiperi'ara.uie national playground Valley 01 a 1 neuiana ram, ine meai msgnmcent trip te be had In all the Rectlei FraicrivirerCanyea Prince Rupert, the (ale. ay teAUita "CONTINENTAL LIMITED" I'nlly U.1I111 Hum Meniru4l utnl Tuiuiilu te louver Itcsirul pmp-eiers nt the Dominion s iiiiiiuui iioieih rummer Tourist Tlcliels en inniiiiiMiclini .Mny is, nt Breatly leduceJ 1 ur full Information, write ir tall, r. 1:. Cinidian . .?.if.t.JtVv z ff ) J y7y & J If Cuticura Talcum Is Se Refreshing A few grains of this exquisitely scented powder dusted en the skin seethes and cools, and overcome heavy perspiration. It, is an ideal face, skin, baby and dusting powder and takes the place of ether perfumes for the skin. SaU iMkftMklMaU. Address: "CaUeanUk fttsrtM.Dipt.mvfialaea i,ii." IUI4 ary. w1it SeapDe. OjptntntU anil tee. TalesaiiM. BCTCutIeart)SeapalwvMwitBMt mug. srnixH nr.seitTW, ATLANTIC TlTV. IZJtir: The Amhiia.aiiinp Chalfenle-tlada'snHall Lreda A LlpptncottCe. Hetel St. Charles Ld. E. CreMcup, Ugr. Seaside Heuse h.P.Coek'aSosa Hetel Morten Bell A Cepe, Owatffl The Wiltshire Samuel Kllii. Owner u. PlauA la Carle and Table d'lleta Galen Hall Calm Hall Ce. Hetel Brlrhten and Caahie Hetel Chelsea J.D.Ttiompten ft Ce. The Helmhurat a. 11. nareaii N. . Calliat.alfr. i-ensult Lecal Tlikrt AcentH, Vnrk ln P.......I . . V. .... 11. 11. ut N. J . or via I'cnna. it It. from Pennn. Comfortable tin points. &&: I AM. TOTJ'D RXPBCT A HC hew ENGLAND TOTJ'D RXPBCT A HOTEL TO BB 9.CareUnaA. jail (T Dd'wk. Imprevtd al mi txenmmg po.eoo Qf)T and COLD RUNNINQ WATER IN ALL ROOMS Getf DrirliMm. Ued rata. rt hcrtnnlnffait tfflj SUTZSN ft bTITiUCR, RA5TMORE "W? XUbrld's Greatest Hetel Success Hetel Boscobel ""IgSf,.-, or. beack tnhla. Wkly. ratw, 118 up. Fb. 117. A. E. MARIOM MONTICELLO Kentucliy ave. close te lie if It. S3 SO d.iv tin. gn tin weekly. riiTTnn tt iioi.t.iN'enn -TlohnehwiJh BUFFALO CANADAS ROCKY CCfflfl 7&T !1- 1 I MOUNTAIN PARte At Banff you can crowd ovary hour with the unusual and the beautiful. Prem the Canadian Pacific Hetel Bew River Valley, Tnnnel Mountain with its switch-back ascent, Sulphur Mountain with ita Het Springs and observatory, Mt. Rundle, Steny Squaw an entranc ing view tn every direction. Hiking, aaddle pony, auto or carriage take you te thene and many ether wonders Mt. Asslnlboincf'Matterhern of the Reckies" l.the 'Hoodoos", Lake Minnewanka, Marble Can yon. Including 300 miles of toad and trail In Recky Mountains Park. irrife ter Tour C-13S Pacific Railway Clu THE SKY IN FLAMING BEAUTY Add the Delights of Canada te Your jjummes Trarel year Lucerne, mere picturesque than mest tmln, tun. .ii:nnky. a. a. i i . Will Hreuilxvit), New erk, N, V. NiHeMiMiJlj. M"VHi! .iU. MrTaTaTaTaTaTjBk WKBm&s8BmwHMr A j2i9ssbbbbbbbbbbbbH Ski JIH BBBBBBBB)V!''V?iPRRK MMWfflK IBBBBBBBBBBBBBIbI BBBBBBBBBkaljMkk-'V rl'VV MiA JsBBBBBBBlBffPk ' " VaBBBBBBBBBWislsHaKlHsH "iBBBBBiBBHBVBMBVHaBVBBVBVBT ?"jfe&ffi&l Decide New te spend your vacation in a Different Place DECIDE new that you will net de the usual thing this summer, but that you will see fc'w scenery, de new things in fact, livfa new life for a few; weeks atMcast. Decide new that you'll knew the value of this complete change that has wen the favor of se many people that you'll rejuvenate -yourself in mind and body in this way that you, perhaps, new think impossible. ' Surprise and delight yourself with this experience. Try it, as I did, and then come back and tell your friends what yeuhavc found. V tt ea 1 was run down rest and new diversion. In three weeks I was re-made a new man. I took my wife and children, and we were all repaid, following that vaca tien, by the most healthful year that we trolley had ever known The result is we have spent six sum mers there since then. This great outdoors, se enchanting and se different, repairs the waste of work and worry almost magically. Yeu can't appreciate it till you knew by experience. A myriad interests are provided. 4,000 miles of paved meter reads take you te the mountains, trout streams, fertile ish missions, a desert like Sahara, te De it new. Yeu never will regret ita) fine golf courses, te impressive canyons You'll be glad all your life. Ail-Year Club of Southern California Chamber of Commerce Bklg. Sec. 404, Les Angeles, California Temperature The average mean temperature in Southern California (or the pan 4 years (U. S. Weather Bureau Records) is as fellows; June, 66 July, 70 August, 71 September, 69. The same records show that a treat city in the center of this section has en the average only one day in June, two days in July, three in Aucust and three In September when the ther ecn. t m n .1. BERKELEY "eath f,0,lt lare- Br rms . eiery one with ocean view. Bithlm: from heuiu. Meri Is Sellers BISCAYNE v' oeeai runninc wuter In CAI'K MY. N. .1. HOTEL WINDSOR y0'-- Beach. American plan. Special rntes diirtng .. n, iiaipin. uwner-i'r I'rep. 11E.CH I1AVKN. N. J. THE ENGLESIDE,Ti KN's I'rlvatn bath' with eu up i treah wnter. five tennis courts tioeltlet H K i:ai K iter. Alse the Covington, West Phllaaulphla. TOURH FRANK'S MEDITERRANEAN Cruise de Luxe, February 6 hv Snerlally Chartered New CUNARD S S "SCYTHIA" Turbine Oil Hurner. ill r.nn t ns. 2 month., MOO nnil ifi liHliiilen kliere etriiralnnM nnd nfl epenea, lBil. Hel I41111I. C'nnnlnntliiuplr, refer, llnly, Snnln, K(r. Olliee T(ir, r-irene, IVr r..i. .,. FRANK TOURIST CO. 219 S. 15th St., PhiU. (EaUb. 16T8) Bell Phi. Spruce C834-S By An Eastlrner This Great Outdoors repairs the waste of work and worry almost magically an d in need of Where sea shores, lakes, Ask any valleys, old Span- fher information, or mail coupon below. memeter touches or exceeds 90 decrees. The air is usually dry, se higher temperatures arc comfortable here that would be uncomfort able in the Uast where humidity emphasizes heat. Southern -California averages 309 days of sunshine. Summer is the rainless season se you can flan en perfect weather for your un. I MVAKIIIMIHU; I'A. STRATH HAVEN INN SWWITHMOKK, r.. r.fcA.l,r!,"l."i"huJ,,l,n ,I",' :n mlnulec from I'hll.i Il-eiil t station. lr,n mite t morn Inn and evrnlnp; trains. ClAHAOK in eennc tlen Spacious T nnts Canoeing, nsrclmr T' mu.M. Pay, vvkly n.l mtnl rates quoted D nn- 1 rt'es n-iniuuts I'ltAMll IN (it V, .: an Pw Atpt of America" iffl RrbhaWswbk OCTIC? ULUL KDGL MOUNTAINS A ttrlctl; Med helrl wjih ..crllrnt iud eerrle.. IMpnfatt batha, capadlrSOO. AlUlui. MOO feat. jipUndid readt; ,elf, tenla, etc Open .luii. ilrd te Neyrinher 1st Address until Jun 0. lehn J r.ihi-.T. uV,. Hele! Rennert. Daltlmere. Md. ' ' Mr. rtiniMi, r. DEVONSHIRE PINES '' M.O Hjf nil Mnilu It lf MiilllilK II ,1,1 1 li. Si t. inj I'M I it a 'I n llinii- h t Mil NslN. I'. LAUREL GROVE INN ( 1111. Mini. I1. in . ..ledern kiie I t thin Bur S'S ur k K.ll VM MI1KK I'ARK. V, CVw 5j Desirable furnished summer lettugea near laka and sjelf ceurM for rant by the mouth or aeaaen. Write II. T. YBAOEB. Mar- ' Net Youth's Fountain, but as near 16 that long sought for panacea as any thing you'll ever find ! I an easterner was once sent te Southern California in the summer bya physician. I rcftiember my first comment "why, it's tee warm te go there during sum mer." But he showed mc U. S. Weather Bureau figures taken from a 44-year. ; record and proved my mistake te me; ' These figures are printed en this ae) . neuncement. Read them for yourself. and sublime mountain retreats. And all are within a hours rxii' by meter car, train, beat oil trolley from the ninth city in size in the United States. Yeu can even climb a peak by else can you find these fea tures this great difference and invalu able change? Why de the "usual things" each summer? Why net something like this? Decide new that you will go this sum1 mer te Southern California for the best trip of your life. Special low-rate, round trip fares be ginning May 15th A'e mere War Tax. railroad ticket agent for fur- I Information Coupon j All-Year Club of Southern California J ' M. 1 lumilicr of t emmercc Blub'., I Les Angeles, California. I Please send me full information about the summer acatien possibilities in Seuth- crn California. Name Address I.KMIV VIASw HOTEL ASPINWAIX LENOX, MASS. High and Coel in the Berkshirei Opens Jun 17 (,nt I' SAUDI. II ItlDINa. Deiir.nilv u.ntiiupH w 11 ti llmel Het vies, . I.. A. UMlltOI.KIt, .Mannier Add rem until .fa III), cjre lintel HalmeaL. 42.1 it nnil Irk hip New Yerk. rl tt. Winter llein' 'rlnreni. Hetel, UermaaVi i'Iiik, ritwi'K PARIS HOTEL PA VILLON .'It I Itur tip Vtlt hiiiulavfe 3(10 t elj Ment mmltirii ami ntnirat tPiA 'in ,. innm 11 M jiar ruunu jtoeraai trutn ' in 5S franca KurejHran plan S3 U 0i frwi . CIIAUM.V WArilTBH Manaur ).... a.-...-. ..11 . .. ." " I ..MTOli mH llllll M ISIANDS, .V. V. 1 CAMP WEE-E-YAH-YAH un! hv . "T i"in Hi 17 jrar if ime. July .."V.''..l".,,",,,",, fi nn reiiuesj,: II II ill 1IIN, !)( Nm.,.11 Mf, mrt, STA aai ' 1 1 l.ldt . .saw . l H0II1 her -T " ''V1 jf! J- H-? ihi 3ii m?h . ifcyjyq ' ,W VStr-l 1 ifi? ! ' J M .'I ,.m im&'M -A V. 1 tjtt , r'.f&F "", Wr " .$i 4, 1 V ... ? - , fW t ... -T- A A 1 jr&. i. J . V. ... 1 1 ?lfl',fL.M,Vi i i'.V Aj iiJ?v7J )A 4