jack Dempsey and Jack Kearns Pick Geerges Carpentier te Win Frem Ted-Kid Lewis feM 3T0TON GEORGES Today's Scholastic Games And Results of Yesterday Te Tess First One ENGLISH OARSMEN the Interests of n fixed nnnunl inter national intercollegiate program. At tbnt time it wns explained tbnt what the English oarsmen had in mind was it race similar te that held tn connection with the American Expedi tionary Force games held shortly nfter the armistice. In that contest college oarsmen from various parts of Eng land nnd the United States formed eight and rowed with little preliminary training. It Is understood Hint the proposi preposi tion has met with considerable favor In Canada nnd that the Oxferd-Cum-brldgc enrsmen may visit the Dominion during the summer for a race, or two In case a satisfactory opposing com bination enn be secured te compete with the Englishmen. In Uils country the preposition Is be ing considered by several large univer sity nnd nthletic club rowing centers. The Idea wns explained 'ri'COiitljMuVv f . ,i. .Miiicanr. secretary et tnl tleiiul Association of Amateur 'C men, and speaking unofficially heiri proved of fhe plan. Hu wild he thOMi TO DEFi riillmlflplila Nermal n it would be possible te stage BtiCll 4 1 J". I. .. Mount High. .. WmI Cnllinllc IleiiNtun l'lrltl. rncc ns tlie j.ngiisii collegians haf mind during the national champions t. Centrul INTKIMCUlKMIU I.KAHIX TENNIS HiuVrifeH '"lrf ' '''' ,Inmferd- Shel. ...?.:",,!0f,',. Acnilrmr . (icrmnntenn Acid, (in), Scheel J.unr. TRACK ruin (hnrter b. Ilmtrfertl. Scheel. Mueen J.nnt. VRHTtaiDAY'8 nKSW.TS INTKnS('llni.HTIC I.KAdDK TRACK j'inKferU HUli, 6H4i Northfent B,, 3jVftt riiilflhla Illih. 03 1 Central 1 1 lull. regatta nt riiiinuemniit, the first 1 in August. The distance te ba '1 ii mile te a mile nnd n half wltl ! Carpentier Meets Ted-Kid Championship Beut in Londen Tonight in High Scheel Girls Will Stage Competition en North east Field May 18 Oxford-Cambridge Crew Plan ning te Visit Canada and U. S. This Summer special trepny ter me winners. t , w "1 i RECORD CROWD EXPECTED LIKELY TO ENTER NATIONALS I MANY EVENTS ON PROGRAM 'a ATHLETIC MAIDS EAT LEWIS IN TRACK MEET MAY COMPETE HERE k Londen, May 11. "I think I slinll uMe te make It 11 roeiI fiKlit," snl.l SiKMLfwKtnilny en the morning of II, twcutyreiind bout with OcerRes tummllcr. " JS-te-1 favorite te win, t ,),,. great IneleTd iiniphltlicntre in m.frlnrs read. It Is n certainty, by a, (dvnncc uile. tbnt the amphitheatre ' fnkht will held 11 crowd tbnt will .MMbly cc pse Kiire pran records ler E "," lifi,'nrp.ntrr fares gJ'ne-l'ncli .nan," I.mvls. tl.c two twe Mti shiCKer. for the world s light iMwellit championship. The two lighters weighed in nt tlie rfnVldc this afternoon. LewIn, fully dot! led, wns well Inside the 17r.-ne.iml Unit .while Carpentier, dad only in lil, iindfrKarmentM, tipped the beam at 175 pound". It will nfterwnrd nnneunred that tmIs uridit was 1."7 pounds. Popular Interest In the event exceeds tint of the !'"!" meetlnR between the Frfncliiiinii and Jee UeeUett here, which inirkdl (Scers" H'-e te imglltatlr fame. Thli l mainly due te patriotic faith In the EiiRlMimnii, who him battled tbreueh mere than 2K senilis, nnd te dmlralhm of his pluck in tnkinp en a nin some twcHc pounds heavier thnn 'aihei'ir Carpeiitler" ."-te-1 supporters ire Jack Dcnuey. the world's jienvy jienvy nelilit clmmplen. nnd Jnck Kenrns, bis manaeiM.. who claim the fight should be 1 aalknwnv for the Krenchiunn. Heth rtmp my their men are in the best of condition. Many fnns today expressed belief tint I.ewN would employ bis familiar ln'ctlioilef InliKhtiiiR in order te counter act theFrenchman's spectacular Ioiir Ieiir ranee tnetlcs. I.ewls is built for this kind of lighting, with spindling legs nnd rtietildcrs and arms like these of a Martfmltli. It is generally enccded tint the men are equals ta far ns per tonality, mrntulity and lighting ukiil arc concerned. Jleth nre iiiaieir m the tins and nre clever foetworkers. Among the prominent persons who hve signified their Intention of nttend injtarc the Iiuke of Yerk, Prince Henry and the Freneli Ambassador. There will be five preliminary bouts Mere the main show, which is sched uled te begin nt 0 :HO o'clock. The re wit will be announced te these un able te gain entrance into the nmplil tleatre by means of rocket". A. J. Wilsen, who is promoting the Hilt, will try te mutch the winner with cither Demp'-ey or Heckett. Venn iine leaves ON NORTHERN TRIP Seventeen Beard Rattlers Tonight . for Vermont Homers Win for Lafayette Ce.nch CarKs end lil;i Penn ball teescrs Imnlndcr of the game. will leave here tonight for Iturllngten. ' Vermont, where they ere scheduled te Teams Have Open Dates !!St1.V,.lrI,,VC"ny Sf ,Vcprei,,I ,emnr- ' On of the tot travtlliu. club, in P.nu P.nu lew afternoon. On Saturday tlie tenin , sylvanl... vhlch h.ir, planl all ih leinllnir will tincl ever te Hanover. N II i''m te Oat" m.i wliii hucccrm, in jiuiUlLnlv hprr ilw.r ,,. TnTf 'i'...,...,... tA..." without a Riim" for (Saturday, ewlnir te a WW the engage .left Icsreail s Part- , m,undcrtandimt. The team can be had by ueutli nine. Seventeen players will be Keuiiur In touch with KcnsliiBten 4201 W in the Ited and Itluc party. I ut,,?r , K Jt t. e, . Yeslerflnv (Mini'li..- lx.' . i.., . lloxberoueh hai May 23 open for a twt ... t J . unilC ISerr s home nin hBht (tame at home and also a few twlllBht MT6 l.alnyctte the victory ever tlie'daten later In the season. The team de.ilPM Ked Olid Hlue ill one of the most licctic t arraiiBO Saturlayand Sunday pmai mcs of Penn s r ensen. Sis home runs re made ever the short fences of the Donevan-A rinMreng field, three by each tfr.i; The Kasteninns came nt mere juspicieu'i times than did thee f lemi, jvPh the result thnr Hill Cough Ceugh linsninc romped liome with n ti.in.S . - - -.----. Tictery. , nil StnrnW. ..,!.. .... IJUajclle leaiu, had two llemcri the lilSt Willi lltll, 1.1, n.i.l 4l. ..n.. 1 . 11 ltlll tULIIILMtU Ik .Jlu.csPlv'.lt.. Ul.lUHll VI III" iH will one en mill tlie second With npp. :iriinc of KahHimineu'H uhotecraph In i0 reposing jjt the sacks, Heriv's I n ndiertlsjn.cnt uppearlnK In Anivrlcm In the ninth mine with tun in.n . 1 1nHE.17.lnen. Center added that a lepri'sen Klilitnf ili nlnn .... it I ,'" tathe of the Hawaiian association would k.i jr-igiii ei the nine runs made by I.nfa.v- te tiu Uniw-d state te interview rred v. 'tie came through thn medium of the itubicn. nctrttary of the A. A. L".. m the trio of homers. nutatien. "Corse Sii ivnn'u (ii-ct li,.mn.. hi, """i limine in tlie X. 1 ,,we ru,1ers te the pentagon Jd of ,im Al Meuradlati followed "nil one. the sneks luln .l.,nl.,.,i II the ' Till .nc ,he sn,'ks being depleted V-i.... m me seventn Mulllvnn shot one er the fence, but this time his brothers ... wii-iiicueus en the base paths tj tneir nb.-ence. U !y ?!f,(J.rnw' Pfnu's beme-run m, vent hitlcss yesterday. He scored e runs as tliu result of walks. Marcher wits the batting star of the "e. In addition te his homers, he "M a single. .nHAnV'.!'" I,nlllIl,r in the sfend M fr,lt,,,.MVP.n,h' ,l10 1,lUl,r Wlth '""'ou te .Stnrrlicr's four-ply wallops. SPEEDBOYS WIN ON TRACK; BEAT CENTRAL HIGH, 62-37 wt Catholic, St. Jeseph's and Frankford Alse Win Meets Set en ii1'" '"IV u'acU "'"I Held d fi0m , .1M"' 1Mlh Twentynlntli I'oen ' ' l' , M,m'ts' yterday after- a)lehei,i V "" '"""linen, hewe 51 te 3!i 'C ''a"ge a,,,t llluu carl" Vim.' 1 ' "I iiilu iri'Ninintn iiriiijii'iir ngs. 'umnern I'ren wns il..fA..,n.i i .. m.. i any .Maxim ...i"" inn i-e.iu Cthelle i,, M , !"'c.n,ed l'J'Het Menutle ion I'nwyi'in Scheel' 1 iKl' '" tllcir ,l11"1 'nthelie yu"nh JIM alMlnlm.. te IS J: J1R,,P "R,,,t "t Vlllnnevii. r.l ,,V!'.';,tl,y ' ' ' u ' "s ItMcaml i""0Tn ,lnH -hm nrBiinlwd'Bl'ui,,, MW 'entry """'i ami was net ex.nciiri i.. !. PIHP f I thn hin.r ...I I . ' . . ,. "id 4 10 jmd runs along with the shot- put, High ?nJSC,tf' I!rc': wnlleYi'd Catholic Al,ln J10 ' "ml Catholic Hcboelf.' St A? dun l,$ b,,'a? N"Vftlica,t IIlKh lu fl?H te'lli' c'1'elnstl(-' 1'C"B,I,! lwvt Hte in Stocking Cuts Short Girls' Ball Game Jei Aiurtes, May J. fllri buie. trains , thu t'vp,,,,,,. , Celli"' -lif0'''"" nna Ueeldental lloje .net jesterday en the for- Wta ' ,'"rml, iM " Mvcn-lniilng e II wjJlc,'iianl 0(1 te 10 in fuver fifth i.. ' At the mtl of tlie h Inning th? sceru weh !H) te 7. nenii l-n .1 .. . . ttii... ... ",,u l0u iiuiiiereiis te -".IHlf, Thu pridlnuf 11 I.I l,n.... tone , ' ...,. .. ..i,,i, nil,,- baa me li'Kiilatlen nine iniiiii s u'i or I in J..,.,,,.., g-'J-teu' hev Maci;ri Hfccw" Wt,: , ,l'l"' ' mere until 10 net iu uccii made. The delay Jnea l,,e centw-t te seven In- V. trnlrni Illrli IVmh. Sit West I'hll.nUl. nhin HUH itmIi, 30. CATirei.ic i.iiaevk Tn " '" VIM. ,; JewpIi'h Prm. 00,i, en ;ack I'lllnnevit Trcii, Cnttieltc High, rnfjiu rnvTt'HTii 11lu".n0i?,",r-t'r Yellm"' 0(" Vrna 'liarler IIAKF.IIAI.I, Kplwepal trnl, 0. ,"' ""' Actiileinj-, II. t'.t.t.i II...1.. ... a a . v .. . i viieirr niii, in i.n nane rren, 0. PREAKNESS CANDIDATES ARE READY AT PIMLICO Miss Jey Looms Up as Favorite in $50,000 Classic Ilaltlmerc. Mnv 11. Virtnnllr nil f the Prenkness candidates nre en hand for thn S.-,n.O(in i.tnl -iiiini. .iii i. inn nt Pimllce next Saturday . MIsh Jey, fiueen of Inst season's two-year-old fillies, is expected tonight. It will be nn open race, in the opinion of many turf experts, although there is 11 disposition in hoiiie qunrteri te install Miss Jey ns the favorite. Hcphaistes' chances went senring. how ever, when he smashed the Pimllce track record for thn distnnce by run ning n mile nnd 11 sixteenth in :44 L'-5 yesterday. The old mark 1m 1 :J3 1-5 held jointly by Sennings Park and .leg. Mack (jiarner. It h announced, will be Miss Jey's jockey. Shu will run coupled in the betting with St. Henry. Other prebable Prenkncss starters are June (Jrnss, Pirn te Geld. Onlantmnn, L'hnmpliiin. Missionary, Oil Man, He lay, Spanish Maize, Mereutie, lieu. I'.ulldeg Drummeud, Caretaker and Pillory. SOUTHERN FRESHMEN COP Defeat Germantown High Yearlings, 11-4, In Ball Game OT.V. HIGH Fit. .SOUTHUUN KilESH r h e a n r li e a n Sjl(e, "b. O OOOO dreen, ?. 2 2 S e llucl. ss. 0 0 0 2 0 DesBhr, 21i I 1 1 2 0 CIIIIchpIc.c 1 0 l 0 l'erreca, II II 9 0 U 0 Uuliten, rf 1 2 0 0 AValker. 3b 1 3 0 4 0 Hlnub. cf. 0 0 1 0 0 I'ernt'n rf 0 1 2 e 0 Tuyiep. lb 2 2 8 1 4 Jtorrew, p 0 0 0 2 1 i)BrBhr,2b 0 0 2 11 I'r'dman.c 0 17 0 0 Karnt'il. If 0 0 0 0 0 Nitre. cf. 1110 1 Shruder. p 0 0 1 1 e Contole, lb 3 3 H 0 1 Loes, p.. 0 10 10 Totals 1113 210 3 Tetnls. 4 1 21 0 5 Southern 2 1 0 4 4 0 0 11 Ucrmantewn . ... O 2 0 1 0 1 0 4 Ceachc Fisher's Southern High Freshman team triumphed ever the Germantown High yearlings, 11 te -1, nt Housten Field this morning, The downtewners gained n two-run advantage In the first inning when Perrecn walloped a home run into deep center with one man en base. Four runs in the fourth and fifth Innings assured Southern the game, as Merrow, the Hcd and Mack twirler, held the t.'llvedens safe for the re- inaan.. 117.... 1 .- b'OA.Inv.Alf .. I.'.". lln.. I strwt. ltoxberouuli. Pa. Tin, Ninth lrcbvterlnn team hm enfn dates for Saturday. Teams averaclnir nine. teen te twenty learn can necure the ame with Charlra I.'. flerhain. G015 Webnter acnue. West J'hlladeliililn. ; - Knhanameku Net a Prn ' ., ,,,,, ,,,. . "0""'u V:.. ?. n, ..-. LV.'.'"!.. '"H''.'' ! tyur Athletic Union would net d"elara Uul.e rep nuuvcr iicr uames Ped" Hoeer. the veteran1 miwAser of th , Northwestern rrnfemlmmli,, lias n number U U1?!1 tittira "ii iii nufcgmu ,, iut.-ii lit.- tvuuill f llkn te liae Illleil by tlie best teams ln this in My nnd vicinity M.iy 1 1 In open, alens with a number of dates tlie latter part of the month. Teunm deslrlnir K.inies nr ftHked te cemmutilciita with J. Hoever. 2035 North American utrcet. Columbia 0000. Boxer Dying After Beut Sun I'riinrlM'O. May 11. Hebert Turne. tueniy-one-Miir-uld boxer. was reported i ilvlntr urly today nt a hespltul from h tiiiHlc Iriicluru or tne naun i-uuereti in me fourth inuiid of a bout with William Hick rimii. billfd as "Al McCoy." biterj the Assoc IiUiem Clul) hire lant nlsht Pimllce Entries for Friday ' 1 list t.ice. puitu $11100. Itto-jcai-eM?, pell-I ' MuK fUH.TS 110.ne,al Oa. . ..100 I soldier 'Jd . . Ili rtlihdid Murray .MJi I lr,y Haul .. lO.'i lUai Hi)' Liuii't Jletlur .Me.107 Second rece. purHe (SOOrt. t lie Kmersen .Siieiili'chHue. fuur-yii-jld and up, maid- , ell". 'J Illllc-H : (u)Tlie VlrKlnlnn ltn (n'Quecreik 140 Iliixal Urems ....140 lleujhiiliuin ....110 I Wrack Oram . 13s Knthen Harlan.. 117 V..1.H Tlili, KM HV HPi-lt 1 III lied Start I III Clronatller 14n riliiB WelKliman 117 HUtury 117 Tell .Me 147 (u).I. i:. pHVln-UoaerlH Stable entry. 'I'lirie pounds clnlincil ler rldei. Tlilnl race. DUIe tir.00 tln-ee-yuir-elds I and up. non-winner- tlili nuetlna, (I fur- I liiiriv Maxim ...ten Twe 1'Viilhers l.l .urn '" .101 U.'i 1'uurtli mi-1 aiul dp. K-llln WIM llimt-r Sin.iu Hail; Mill I'annle Hi-mi i:tlahe , .l.K-IIUCH .MiirU Wcsl llulumriiile . purne II.Iik) ilu-'c i-ai-eMi I I 1 1-10 IlllllH IDil Sminv mil in.". I lliil llelarl'i .. l.ein;h llr'l Unii M.umiiHl i'eiiuiim i'l Tin. Win . UniilniK- . 11. ' inn .10!) ..1"7 .Mil 11. 'i in ''- 'r U5 , Fifth iac. nurt.0 iiniui. I'imlhn ili-un-i , llm.illi-up, C'laea A. thu-c-ji-ur-eUlH ami up. 1 tniie: HrhtemiMU I'm nk . . (,01'iuillMluua ll)).MviL-utlii ... IcICnpt. All nek lit (IeIiIpii Hphfi-.i . . II" i II I iiOt'allKiihi . Ill i ,nr. ili)Muttlkln ..IIP i lul uiltt'lay . . lU.'i I .U'l ,..ii i- (li'.l K I. I leai (au. u. iiavii entry. (cKJulney iupi nur. PlMh iai" pume ll.'iiH). I'lmlliii iSi.niVij i Haiulli-ap. i.Maa IS, llirii--c,ir-ulils unJ up. Tli'""'i!ml. . 11M Ah Over . . ,tl'i Nluht HhIiKi ...II" 1'allnlau lllaiiiuiiill.' I riyhiK t'lnuil ... "J? ."' 'rl Uxcusu Me . U.i Ureinwi'll .. .. U-j KeVHiitli riu-e. purse tluiid. I'lnilU'e UraiK-il Hiiiullrap, Cluna t". thrt-e-ear-nili( mm up. Caniciu'tteur -'"" naiminun ClfKii Hen" !;'; t'",""" ,, lliiln (Ii- CnUBe..ia.l ,.Mner llnU(. IndUn I'rlmu . .UJl .ady M';ae Hlr I'liirmce '-! r'M' II Saihlle anil H"In Mil HaiiBiiidi; Appii-nllee alliiwanci) claluii'il Weather (leal InuK IkbI, .li'i .l.'.l .11-.' . 1"U ! .118 .Ml OTHER SPORTS ON PAGE 22 INSIDE UOl'K ON UA4KIIAIX Teu cn ki-eu reileJ en h "In' nnd 'nutl,' cf. Ii f-lfauua baseball, and be en of the tout-Informed fane In the country, by redn ''UOD" MMnell'a tralirtit-frenj-thf. iheuUtf r weru urtlelee. which wpefi dlly vi'k( i;vjue Lacoie. Ily PAUL PREP Tim Philadelphia girls' public high schools will held their first nnnunl track nnd field meet en Northeast Field, Twenty-ninth nnd (lenrfield streets, May 18. ill' II Ml-1 . Miuv 1 ill riuii. fhm'v The meet, which will start promptly nt :i:30 o'clock, will have entries from - ' ... t .I. every one of the seven gins nigu schools. Itesidcs a team from the Phil adelphia Nermal Scheel will be icen in the competition. . . , , .Miss Janet U. Walters, head of girls athletics in the public schools, aided by representatives from each of the high schools, has mapped out 11 hue pro gram for the afternoon. I.nst vear the supervisory .iiiiiumcv Ien Athletics decided that the i Rlrls nnu heys' athletics in tlie puuiu. ey"""" lu.iii.i ....nin under different iicntis. Therefore, separate committees were appointed for endi class. When the llrst meeting of the girls Athletic Committee took place It was decided te held this track meet. Lest car Frnnkferd, Kensington ntm Southern High Schools had a rlangulnr meet, but the ether schools did net par ticipate in track events. Mrs. AVilllnm Ilelelielt, I1 "jM0 High; Miss Ida Helzbnuer. V tlllntn Penn High; MKs Kdlth Hrewn, bouth beuth em High; Miss 51. Hemlngtnn, ct Phllndclphln High; Miss Lucas, Ken sington High; Miss Stegcr, German -town High, nnd Miss Legan, of the Nermal Scheel, assisting Miss falters and Dr. William A. Steelier, head of the physical education department, are responsible for the meet. It wns only through their hard work tbnt the plans for the event ware finally completed, nnd they deserve credit far their ef forts. Shake-up for Cliveden Thern ill he n bic shuUc-iii) In the Germantown High Scheel baseball team before the Cliveden meet Frnnkferd High nt Pencoyd tomorrow afternoon, nccerdlng te reliable information re cently received. Heperts were issued nt Ocrmnntewn this morning nnd .Tenes wns declared eligible. Jenes is said te he the best Infielder In the High street institution, nnd he will be Inserted into the line up, probably going te shortstop. This means that Kehn will have te be switched te right field In order te make room for Harrett, who played the key stone bng last year. Geerge Steel, who has guarded right field all season, will be switched te center nnd Karbach benched. While the conches would make no comments, it wns learned that one player was ineligible. TIGERS PRACTICE STARTING Prepare for Chllds Cup Race With Penn and Columbia en Saturday Princeton, N. J., May 11. The Ornnge varsity in preparation for the Childs Cup race with Celumbiu and the University of Pennsylvania en Lake Carnegie Snturdey spent yesterday under Dr. .1. Duncan Spaeth, who paid particular attention te the form of the eight in starting. The four-mile stretch te the dam at Kingsten WOS rowed Ut n steady twenty- ' '....., .1,,. luPn i-lvlllL' tl'dr nttntiflnn tn I , J, ' . i, . . " t i ., ine iiui:iiir. m-mi-cii euuncs mm 111c synciironlziitien of the final leg drive at the end of the stroke. At the dam the Orntise and the Iilack rntu - K lined 111. for 7t lnr . Vml oelverton. of the Oriinge crew, took I tills opportunity te catch a crab en tlie four stroke, which tumbled him out of his sent at Ne. 4. Woolverton was I picked up by the launch, which took I him back te the deck, which hit been i built at the lnm and reinstated him in his rightful place. The Orange nnd Illnck crews then iret nwnv te n second start, this time mere successful. Much time was silent lining up the shells and in getting '!,, I,nur nrH t'flllfi 1 lincf f frvtte ter iim start. GIBSON OUT OF YALE CREW! Eli Captain Will Net Rew Against' Princeton and Cernell New Haven. Conn.. May 11. Cap- I tain I.angherne (Slbseu of the Yah) crew ' will be unable te row in the Cernell- I I'rinceton-Vnle race en the lleusatnnle and chances are only about even that lie ' will return te the 1CII beat for the Hnr- , vanl four-mile nice tluit closes the helicon en the Thames in June. lie bus been temporarily crippled b, an injury te his buck which developed i following practice last week. Captain (iibsen was examined by Dr. Temes C. tlreenway. head of the Yale ncnnrtiiient of Health, and ufter con sultatien with n New Yerk specialist Dr. lireenwny sain unit tne only proper course te take wns for the captain te i-utlre from the shell. Harbell te Represent Harding IViitlilnKlen. May 11, One nf the meit Pieniiiiciu i-iiiiie-- in viiu ..uiienai i apitai etuiK'i In the Nations rm pnnw uprinni; nere toinerrnu n h rienlihnt JlanlliiK a Hailille liorwe "liar lm " AnneunciMiiPnt (if the tntry ai niiiile lu u iiiinmlttue uf Dm liiirai. nlinn uimei'latliin "li'Hla llarbll U he rhl- I ,!..ii iiii.l nut threuch Iiin piuc-k at thn nhnw i hy .i-K-.iiil Jetph Afctht-ben, who li.ii In en kHlns the Htt-e-1 il.illy werkuuta te' pivpjiH Inni fur the mem - - - - I Beb Martin Scores Knockout InillanaiiiilN. Iml.. .May II -Hub .Miutln het. ivut cut i-nnniinin or in., a. i: i' kiun'ki'U "(it Sehlli'r Jack Uurrcll, of th I'acllki Ceanl. In Ihi flint ruunil ul' a vt-lu-d- ulcil ti-n-rnuiul lmvit hre last nluht, thu fi-Hture if a tentluinnlal xheiv for .luck ' nilleii nin a c. P-aillni: Uuht heawi.iiiriii lert l-mllh. et llaennc. N. .1.. linupkeil i nut Ottn IIiikIii-k. of rhllaililiihla. mliMlt- , wflahi In ihc fourth ieuii'1 or a schwluli-d tt-ll-lilUllll bout. 7''.x.s Leaguers Score 150 Runs in Ten Days Tort Werth, Tew, May 11, When Amaillle defeated Clevis US te L1 in u Wt'jt TexiiH League Kome ,tt Amnrille jOHterdny n new rereiil for ruiin Neered In a fclngle week wiih net, iiei'erdins te ligures cemiiiled here today. J.tiNt week Amiirllle scored mere t lu) ii 1-0 ruiiH, wlillt) in Raines of Tuesday and Wednesday almost fifty (allien were I'hulkeil up. Tills is said te he th? largest number of scores ever compiled, In Mich a brief period by a professional bimcball flub. ----lllllllillllll.llllllllllllll.lllllllillllllll-HfadteM(ar WILLIAM .1. DALLAS Mayer of Hiidden Heights will enter the pitching hev te threw the first ball ns (he baseball season opens in tlie New (Jersey town en Saturday afternoon. Gloucester will be (lie visitors TO HOLD TWILIGHT SHOOTS Penn Gun Club Inaugurates Season at Jeffersenvllle Tonight The Penn Gun Club of Norristown will i . .......... inaugurate a scries ei ten iwiiiriii aiiueis ever Hi"" .11111:1 " n 11114,3 inn tu ning. Secretary Heward D. Vandc grlft has arranged a schedule for these evening nffnirs, consisting of; three events each night of two twcnty-five-tnrget events nnd one fifty-target sheet. Tlie season's schedule calls for sheets en May 11 nnd '", June It) nnd iM, July 8 and Ii-, August 1- nnd 12(1. September !) nnd -.'1. These sheets will be held te give the business men 11 chance te go out and try their skill. , The club expect these , sheets te stimulate interest nmens the shoeiers of that section. Should it prove rainy the evening the sheet is scheduled it will be postponed until the next Thursday evening. Optional will be shot. The shooters will be classified and handicapped nccerdlng te their scores made at the club sheets since the first of last January. Trophies will be given out nt the end of the series of ten sheets in September- Heme-Run Hitters in Games Yesterday AMERICAN I.nGC Scaen' Total lltrs. Athletics 1 Piui9. lX-trult 1 1 NATIONAL IJOAGUi: Hernnby. St. I)ul 1 ." I.KAOL'K TOTALS American I.mBue 72 Nutlenul Irf-ucue 09 FRENCH. SHRINER & URNER The AVENUE for street and business wear! Style, comfort and dura bility. Meets the needs of men who are particular in their dress. In black and mahogany Russia Calf. 115 Seuth 12th St. Just below Chestnut at. Superiority TJuilt in, Jret Rubbed en ygmggmsL - d I ueirern that they u-n ., - nnu Spert Clethe. Gelf Suits Knickers Furnishings Gelf and Tennis Accessories them. :- .. .. 40 I men's shoes I I ' ' fc II i ffa)JI I M American rowing pntlnislnsls nre dis cussing with interest the possibility of an Oxford-Cambridge crew competing I In this city during the coming summer. Aceerdins te word received from Knglund, member of the two English I university crews would r.tit be nvere te forming a combined elgbt-enred shell and row-ins scvcrnl races in Canada nnd this country In July or August, provided their onnencntH were selected nleng somewhat similar lines. If plans nre completed, it is probable that the Englishmen will row hern dur ing thn national championship regnttn en the Schulklll, the first week in August. , ,. , It is understood tbnt the English i collegian de net care te meet at this I time u varsity eight such ns the Navy or Cernell in a Ions rnce owing te the time nnd exnense necessary te trnlnliig. Hawing wns dreppetl te a considerable extent nfter the Oxford-Cambridge race in England some weeks age. Such n contest would require another lenir slece of trnlnliig 6n unfamiliar I waters with the Incidental expense and coaching which the Kngllsli collegians appear te think entirely out of preper- tlnii te the interest t stake When the nroiiesltion v When the preposition wns first ills ssed ln nn informal way durlnc til Mlssetl ln a informal way during th. recent visit of the l'nlverslty of Penn sylvania relay team te Englnnd the sug gestien wns laid before Jehn T. Mc Govern, who accompanied the team in VAN HEUSEN the Worlds Smarteil COLLAQ CMARTEST because style is woven iute it and comfort is tailored into it. As easy te laun der as a handkerchief. Will out-wear half a doz en ordinary cellars. Price fifty cents. It isn't a VAN HEUSEN unless it't ttamped Phillips-Jenes Cerp., Makers CRAFT Xfff Thcnerv' if J shirt &r JwthiHe 11 W VAN 11 'a HEUSEN 'I fff Cellar iff attached rVHE VAN CRAFT is an uncommonly well-made Shirt with the famous VAN HEUSEN Cellar attached. Price $3.00 35.00. Phillips-jencs Corporation 13 N. 13th St., Phila. ANMOUNCING THE OPENING Friday, May 12t!t of n IiiRh-grade spccinltv shop that will enter solely te the sport enthusiasts who arc par ticular nbeut the sport clothes they wear nml who require the better Rinde golf and tennis accessories. fc rfmft will nppreclnte tlie fact will lmve .Stanley h, Uvrn. - Ti . ... . . ' '" cir.. c.Mit-1 1. in Kelf expert, te uere tPECIATIY Shep 36UTH ITI. f IISWSiiJ - - F Sun Proof Blue Serge Suits With 2 Pairs of Trousers $35 M blue. ORE than 50,000 men who have bought and worn Sun Proof Blue Serge Suits swear by them as friends that are true They are as steadfast in their colors as the sun is te his course they never fade. They cannot. That's why we guarantee a new suit for every Sun Proof Serge that fades. But (this is the nub of the story) you get extra' trousers with each suit, virtually two suits for the price of one ordinary blue serge suit. Loek for the label Hollyreod 4-Piece Combination Suits $35 We call them com bination suits because they are really two suits in one. There are long trou sers for business and knickerbecker trousers for golf, hiking and any outdoor purpose. Undoubtedly the most popular of our exclusive creations this season. TEXACO GASOLENE THE WtiL Vel-a-tility : PICK-UP r What happens in your meter cylinder at the instant of the spark: that's what determines hew much power gees te the rear wheels and hew quickly it gees there. Texaco Gasoline, the volatile gas, will make a wonderful difference in the "pick-up" of your meter. It will take you out of traffic pinches and pull you out of emergencies that you have always had te give way te before. Texaco Moter Oils arc hcavy-bedy lubricants and arc dis tmguished by their clear, pale color. Light, medium, heavy and extra-heavy they fit all cars and all conditions. Yeu will hnd them wherever you sec the Texaco red star. THE TEXAS COMPANY, U. S. A. Texaco Petroleum Products TEXACO GASOLINE Run it with Texaco Gas William H. Wanamaker Stere News 1217-19 Chestnut St. Chevy Chase Checks Fer Business Wear and Outdoors, Toe $35 Twe breast pockets with flaps that button down and inverted pleats. This suit is a happy medium between extremes. Very popu lar among young men. WfflLlE the readiness with which gaseline'jives upits power) teAc -J Save New Straw Hats? Plenty of Them $2.50, $3, up te $5 All the new and approved shapes in popular and desirable straws of every kind. Selling by the hun dreds. All sizes. GAS TEXACO MOTOR OILS it with, Texaco Oil. '' - VTii rT's T ""' fri '4 a.. m " 1$. VSCS m .,&? M -A-, i .it. I m - s4' ALXffl&mmml nm K, A'f . ' ' "Jf W' ". Mhtm&Mm I II I If i ' JJfMli.Mi ,ii 'i fa , 1 i , II kiiLShJfdi , . -Jr?SMir ?M,r , , - ,V'jw uw;.w,,.v. i .v .vriMftrva.'t. f A . itfcMi'ietMlneivJ-Jl J.t . . f... ., ., ". V LTTrnMHSaBMHHkMeliHilkBBBBBBBBBl