OiJS T: ' i-fTtV ; ' "". M :ystpwr.-r: . "e?EMNG BWfOv"iiBD&ER-raiI;ADELPHA, THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1922 " ' ' 1 I I '"1 ' -- I , I I"" ,11.11 Ml ....... I MMMM- M II I ! -.1 ' ' ' MPm ' pupii - ' "Mfrt SKIRTS ADD IT TO LEGION'S FUNDS -j r.ivu nf Pest Mem- Increaseu -- - birs Alse Brings in remiy a.. Inch for Building yETERANSTOJSlVE.PLAY ' .iir lii (lie wny of nn nilinit A "?T. i roffce mtt.v tlic ntlier Sf7wil i T. Hliotzllne Pout, ght eMj ""W"1 l,Ne?00.. American ttnce ;! I.orIeij. nddcil a Hint thn ilnm linrf'tiiii-sf- nriil AinV'h Wlielr vlllegc of Mtfln River win flont flent In;? tlewn Hlieiun. llelew the Holten fiirm men were gathering te snvn nny (lircnlcnpil lives, te step nny floating buildings. New tlm river wan nllve wllli stitniRc tieft of cvciy ilemlptlen. Chicken coons, one with n delimit rooster crewing lustily from Its pent, wooden tub", woodsheds, Miinll build ings, bobbed past en the tide: then n house floated down, the inmutcs looking out of the fcecond-stery wIikIeuk, wav ing carcledsly te the women en the hank: they cenld see that the men be low had caught the house with beat hooks nntl, were towing It safely into u cove. Anether house was leining down n low white building with green shut tern. It looked fnmlllar te Mrs. llor ller llor ten, "It's the pnrsennge at l.lttlc River," she exclaimed hysterically, for any one could see that the pnri.oiiage was net at liittie Kivcr Just new. "And luuii, glanced up, saw the rope, the limb nnd made a qlilek grasp for the ,dan; Kline shoe. lie caught It, gripped the mufflcrt inilled lilm.elf up with quick lithe movement nnd then caught .the branch. Ruth's strong young arms did the rest. The parsonage was wrecked en the old snng. but the minister was saved. That night Ruth told him the story of her long unrf. , He nodded, and his strong face looked down at her very ten derly. "Will It hurt you if I tell j;eii that I married that man te n foolish girl last week?" "I don't care n bit." said Ruth, and it was quite true. When Mrs. Merlen came again, some two months later, she tapped Ruth b sunny bend. "Yeu landed a pretty geed fish, my dear'." Every Man His Own Wife : -y ' "y SO MANY admlrntlet ilih- sum te iiMtlfllim fund. About n hundred members of the imisI nnd Its auxil iary ntt ended. Seme one decided i liai each of the i .... ..itnli 4 milt nf - .n n rrnr ui r"'.' in "i Kth ini Hint each of the women i m i nnv n rent for each Inch of ttipSnM. above the fleer. rtSrMm-P realized brought the pe-t hilling fun Hese te $1000. .... Aloeuev. manager of . the flhTuline Pest baseball team is oeUlng Krwlvn'nrofceu'rserlooney-s :!. is 'iVi'i Seuth .icssup sircci. The nmirnillf Club of Walter M. iLr-VevcVer'kiev-e.r.'-wl.lclils "have II" premiere In a few weeks nt """"mM te 1)0 in the script of "fovea or Kleveit ' n grent ueni ei Ke mnnB:VKer the first time rtidWPCM anil (larKcvt sccrcij in mi: taihbev's soul will be revealed." nccentlv (iearty Pest had a visit from ,;.. Commander Thompson. It will PlnK . , .1.-1 .. nn,l ...nut ,t ll.n j-rfmemeerrii null u ," ........... .... nwbers of (his pest were in 'lliomp 'lliemp 'lliomp leit's command overseas. Dtuplte nil Ihis activity, O early Vet l net neglecting baseball. 'Their team la nOW I""'"' "' "" "i'"". " - jmleus for matcbcsi with ether pet turns In or near the ritj Ntxt week the much -celebrated Nebis Vnbls Clim f Housten Pest Ne. It I1 held It" minstrel show, called '"X'nci tiling." Tills Hub. n 0 pretty generally Inewn, liii a number of men who liad parts in Hip viriens "service" shows produced during the wnr. ll,ciRuth, is that a mnn en the root? l't Hew te Order Groceries men gaze with undisguised Ien upeu the assortments of feed which romp Inte their kitchens, wondering hew In the saw hill tltelr wives can ever pick nnd choe'p what they require from the vast conglomera tion in the1 slere. This lessen will draw aside the veil is; perhaps it's the minister. It that nn "mkr it possible for you, tee, te house catches en the old snng the whole order groceries intelligently nnd efli thing will topple ever and he will be deiulr. drowned. Sekes alive, Ruthie. where ,,',' ., , .i ..,.i are you going? Come down this in- , NHPlw '"U wish te order groceries slant 1" !'" dinner. Hut Ruth did net obey. 1'nder her' "t o'clock in the morning call arm was the big bundle of knitting (your grecer-iind sny : "Have you any that she had been working en knitting ,yhne nice for dinner this evening'" rp.l And he will sny: "Hew nbeut someJeu need. hns tee much ef: Onions or cauliflower or baked benns. And then you order n leaf of nice bread and some nice celery nnd some nice pickles nnd what ever else Is nice that the grocer recommends. HEX you call up your butcher. Helle," you say, "have you some nice corned beef or sonic nice perk shanks or some nice hnm hocks?" Clinnrcs tire he has nnd that he will admit they arc nil nice, tee. "Will you send me up enough corned beef for three, say?" And he will send you enough plenty. Tf you holler nbeut the size of it he will tell you that corned beef ulway.s bells down nnd that you must order twice as much as jeu think veu want In order te get half ns much as YOU new have your groceries ordered. Chnnces itrc you will be all Jier sorrow Inte It. She pulled out inc nccuies us sue ruiii nun men sue . ..,.. ...i.i .. ' ..!.. .., i. I, ....... ,.. .11. ..i. ,t. t r i. ,... ii., i""' i'lieimgc "i Mime inn- miimvi.ii .- began t din b the old oak tire hat . A , , T ,, , s retched a huge arm across he i Iyer ,,.,.. yhnt ,;, j t , wUh nueve iiip iirenucu snug. isiruic inc .y . f fn.v tlilimn siuli n Inninr LWX?'!'! A"-' h" "III say: "Well, some tilri- ft1 potntew? Bawfmrlleffcc. "Bu't ,,j., ....... D.. a......), " ""'' cornea nepf or porn siinnK.s or nam; you will discover nil that when you Ihen slip tied ene of Jier shoes te the hocks would bp nice." have jour meal prepared. All house- end of the scarf and began te uiiicel And then you will say: "Well, send , wives de. icr rope, une cnii was thrown ever the ,me up some nice cabbage, about enough I This will give you a chance te "slln for tlnee, nnd then spiiiI me something en something" nnd "run down te the te go with it. What would you sug- erner," where you can finish ordering gest?" And he will suggest whatever he 'your groceries nt the delicatessen. limb nnd secured: the ether, with it (landing little shoe, swung low enough te attract the minister's attention, lie The Daily Novelette Geed Fish in the Sw By Rete Meredith RS. MERTOX fixed Her hard bright eyes en Ruth's pale face. "Don't pine after Arthur Bent. Ruthie -it Isn't worth one single tear from ity girl!" "lam net shedding tears, Mrs. Mer Mer eon," said the girl proudly. "The en pjement is broken and he has gene lick cast." "I heard there wns another girl out ttfre." r "f heard se, tee." retorted Ruth. "ami if jeu de net mind. Mrs. Mcrten, jpppiw we talk nbeut something else." "Glad enough, my dear, for he wn is mean as all get -out te steal ymiri leart away nnd then go off but re- i nember, tlieie's as geed, fish in the Ka as ever were caught '." "I niipee se," mid Ruth listlessly.! is she picked up her, knitting; "I am ifralil I am net much of n fisher- teman. Itutli'.s mother came back te the room U'l glanced nt the wcll-meiiiilsig neigh ter. She susnected I lint the trend of Mnvcratliiu liad been toward the liglit- Iwtcd Arthur llent. She snt down nnd brlsVy threaded n needle. "River's ris faf. they sny." she began. "I want f knew! I heard Little Crftk was wny ever the banks, hut I Mint' knew it hnd broken loose If lfifi rlrpr krpni nt. fiulnc nml llin ilnm Irjik then geed -by te Hlue River and iieur homes:" The women looked out nt the. swlftlv JMnlng lthie River and talked about M the small streams were full te wrUeuIng nud that the spring freshets wratluc. "Pre always been afraid of Rlue Klw, vnn,if I've lived en its banks r twenty j ears," remarked Mrs. Mer WJ a Mie wciil. "I am mere worried about these peer Mk In tin. Little Village region along l-'Ulp Ithn." .leclareil Mrs. Holten. eMster.il a while In the doerwny, on en Wnj the frngiancp of apple blossoms and the fresh, eaithy smell from the Mly plowed firld. Tlicn licr gaze inriifd te her pietty daughter mid the winy In her ,. deencned iik she Midi the ; swiftly ll.lng lingers. "Wluit jW jeu kmitlng. Ruth?" she nsl.ed at The girl Mulled, "nen't laugh at me. wncr dear, bin I nm knitting a scurf started eui te he a muffler for .innur and since hp bus geno nwnj . 1 "te kept righi en knitting uwiiy, ubing '! oil tlie st,y bits of yard In the ewse-w ,. cnicy-quilt effect? Seme vl u"' lllu" "''''l ""' 'nst bit of 3," ""I he completed, nud nil my Trouble w hi- knitted Inte it see, it ",' ynrdti long new!" .My ilenr! Don't jeu think you -uvnc pileus i ' ' -CS I tint'ln in fAl !. T ... 'wring t,c pikI am vnmK i(.ss ,.v;rv .''What n blessed scarf that will be! V ' a Pfini i.l,.n ... 1...1 i.i... teu Hful , htngs Uke i hat. Ruthie. I an ,iei ,"' ,llu'r ls rising-sec, I ' Mtrh t, Kli, f lt between these lyi'u. m'y'"r ?"w u before. 1 nm 'u Me ar mi i.ini. i i llM)K he ipl irn. ii, l...ll.1I.. I.i.. I -.- C1hU."' uiiiiimiR llin lieinc aoJ,rU,l'riBet "" "ll'1 we,,t te the hack iillini i?' walllu'il i'"' brliunilng liver (jnf " s iiuvuiuciii lewnru tnc mis- I nm nr....t.i ..t .1. tt . . . . .. lid .i i ' 1 ."' ,lln ,100(l' meuier, Um lvu.rl K0.f,1'- "l ''t comchew. "liin1 '''; 'IITemit after that." S m Ul " .Uh' l"'t remember the nv nnn"" ,,,',i"1' "",1 I'-M ruction I" 'SI F"r peepl.. up the river." - 'in rl am net wishing for that Uj "'.I'l'IMIIg thai t hi. Iirldiri w r's ani (,ni ii. .i ...'?. : Wit I nm i " ..""'" win ini ere k, th; ll '.V'"'11' '"' "lie went back .ft next inni- "wt inernln I'-'iei a.hi , """" '"PJ'lver wiih stil HttT. ,i,,,,p ,lve, we w,n lSoSlar,el,"Mu,,,,,,w, thej-lver wiih still ted t tlillllllpml ; its banks ftn.l 1 . . ' "IWarZ.i ' ,"",l!,', W'ldeic. 1111 1111 Jiiuieiiiul, wntchins the bruwn K;ir...!m!rlilll Its rise: suddenly Er.i'iu in appear in the water: HIIl'Keil l.n..n .1 a' tieumvWe rtleles ibeiif.a. one-eleven cigarettes H H H p H H H TURKISH $i H h jji.CB w& 3 w vI N Jv SI L I 1 I 1 3 Ufa gg nthrce Friendly Gentlemen In a new package that fits the pocket At a price that fits the pocket-book The same unmatched blend of Turkish. Virginia and Burley Tobaccos y FIFTEEN FRIENDS The American Tobacco Company has grown through the friends it has made. "Ill" cigarettes in eighteen months have come te be one of the four largest national selling brands increasing great ly the number of our friends and making possible a new and lower price en "111" cigarettes. Try a package today. C J Ounrantd bv n U O 4hJtS SnvsAsyve&tA. tstt Xf'rfP lhzr. Which meant that if you don't like "III" ClftarctttK jreu can get jour money duck irum ini acaier, 111 FIFTH AVE. yswmijftjWwsiYi 9 What should your catalog cost you? TEN thousand catalogs cost $2,500. That's 25c apiece. j Each catalog cost a quarter. "What was it worth? The answer is that if the catalog sold goods it was worth many times a quarter. If it sold nothing it was worth less than noth ing, no matter what it cost. There you have the test of printing the true way te measure the value of printing. Geed printing, which means, among ether things, printing en geed paper, has been found profitable. Better paper makes for better print ing; better printing makes for better selling. The cost of better printing should bc figured in terms of results. The most expensive printing is the kind that does net pay, no matter hew little it costs. The most profitable is the kind that produces orders. Buy your printing prudently, carefully, wisely. We de net preach extravagance in printing. Simply remember that its cost te you depends ultimately upon its effectiveness as a selling message. S. D. WARREN COMPANY, Bosten Warren's Standard Printing Papers are told by D. L. WARD COMPANY Lembard 6800 Philadelphia Main 1701 Baltimore Washington Richmond Wilkcs-Barr I better paper CW better printing better business WARRENS STANDARD PRINTING PAPERS Te help you in planning direct advertis ing, wc shall bc glad te send you copies of an interesting scries of booklets en titled, "Making It Easy te Plan Printing." MllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllH I STEPHENS Salient Six I with 3 1 new improvements 1 Reduced 1 from $1745 te l b p mpir i f. e. b. Freeport This Value has no equal in America. This tremendous reduction of $150 following the reduction of $655 already made, makes a reduction of $805 within the past few months. This is made possible by the large increase in production coupled with marked economies. Every Owner Declares ITS A GREAT CAR TRAYLOR MOTOR COMPANY 252-254 North Bread Street Open Evenings Phene, Locust 6949 BRANCHES Allcntewn, Reading, Lancaster and Eaiten, Pa. STEPHENS MOTOR WORKS, Freeport, Illinois Reorganized Refinanced Powerfully Capitalized .iWMialJ "'ssisay V Ae -i t'ft iiiiiiiii.H!i!!iiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiutyi f' ) 'UtS"'i- KiWUH mi ' -99 fl V ,, i ; : 1 ! i i 11 'J "it v 1b & il ! te it id n '( m 'Am IUj; 4J4 ,9 c i l tm (w m fa hi m p fs i h y.: j 2 'A 1 '" M! htlfV ' th, "1 hv i tj-t,i. t, rr wr- iwin'M riP"ft '.: L'.f t I.1 ,t'' m&TB UiiS,'rtti 4 J.JrtJik .nii h-:. -tr . i