mimW m- mww i mmmm wm it' F"I A.UW . . TL m wmm i? ywwx X ',,& STtM." Tj rV.(iV3 ,71YT rVffiiRf , I "!li i1i. wi , 4 ti Pa vtftl WSK I V , iJVE&G PtBl-ir MDGElPpHkADELPHIA, THUfcSbAY, MAY 11, 1922 :vv tea fjrvr :w wmmn HAWED 1 BY PEACE FAILURE as Outlook Again i Rogarded Discouraging England Be ,' coming Impatient BLAME DE VALERA FACTION Hy llie Associated Press 'Londen, Mnv 11. Announcement of Ai a III re of the Dnll Blrwinn Pence Smit between t!ie opposing nrmy file ffi hnn bri.ul.t bnek nubile niter , Ien l. linrnlv te the Irish Munitien. hm,l, lm lalelv been ovcH.n.leucd by Jj,c tlciien Conference untl Its utlemlnnt '?c.'.MCii.f'i.n.,n Unit ii neaecniile nrrnnee- Int II eVenttmllv be reached Is net Si el. tbe mitloek Is rcSnrd.'4. ns Prw" '."...., n.l tin. linimt ence of tbe americanjdensIjl dead ' W. W. Maitersen Was 8tatlened at Plymouth, England Londen, Mny Jl, (Hy A. 1'.) An nouncement nn ivnde tntbiy of t. ,lea(h yesterday of William Wcvle. Master Master hen, American consul m Pl.wiim.itli. fol lowing mi opern.len for npin'iitllcltls. Mr, MnMersen was born In Currell Curroll ten, Ivy.. In ljjdl. H fU,r B,.a,i,m. Ien from the Cincinnati I.nw n,-m, '"It Is u" wenucr iiiiii i'M' ' nomlble opinion In I "land. iitlieniiniehy which Is drlvl: ifcV best bleed out of the co Section of kns-lM. opinion was nrciiraUly reflected in " imnve ei Knens debate. Several prcMs de Kes fro'" ,),lblln represent the ffiltv of the public In Ireland ffilv concerned ever the Mute of the '' 1. . .....1- li,,f tlm mnrn rn. "It.'3 " ."." "VL V"",..V.i :: ..." i JII'IUIIII. ,llhfcllOH:u iiitt some of the bet bleed out et me le.iiiiry am i.Lln. irndn bi n standstill. Is cnll- Ki upon tbe Previsional ie eminent e suppress the criminals," ays the Pally Chronicle. "Kven eme of tthc nmibllcmi lenders of the Irish Repub- I llcnn Armj have been eemlus nreund te wide of CeIIIiib and Griffith, and the otter ranks of the nrmy are becoming n Fome arena icstless at the conduct of jhclr Itepiiblienii Mipcrler officers. De Vnlera Faction Blamed The new spinier blames the elements Irndecl bv Kiinien de Vnlcru, which It t undersiai'ids la the peace negotiations would "concede nethlns and de nothing, ahil weie readier for war even than ihflr ilswielates In the army." 'A dispatch te the Times from Dub- ' Hn sns the country Ih thoroughly , ilarmed at tbe condition of disorder ml will new expect the Previsional (leicrimient. ''which has made its last nefcslblc overture te Heiiublleans," te UleWfcellve stciis for the restoration of iw and elder. Despite the gloomy feeling, however, lome of the correspondents retain hope r cnniliiiiniice of the peace negetia tiens. Tbej legnrd It as Important that the committee it Ht ill In existence and tec a pij-siblllty that consideration of tbe lepeits of the two sections te be nftxentcd te tbe Dull Kircann today ulll afford a favorable opening for such t centlmmntc. Government Again Attacked The fievercment was again sharply attacked in tbe Heuse of Commens last night for fal'ing te protect the three BtitUb efficcis leecntly kidnapped in Ireland. ... 'Ansten Clamberlaln, Government leader, repbhg, lepcated that General t Sir Nevil Mecrcady, the British com mander In Ireland, had seen representa tive) of both tbe previsional govern- meat and the Itepubllean party, but they bad nil assured him they knew nothing about the incident, nltbeugh the) weie doing their utmost te ascer tain the facts of the rase. He iippenlrd (earnestly for a con " tfiAianrc of the experiment. He bc licied that the power and Influence of the piovislenul government were Inei easing, and that, given a little time, the ptovsienal government would secure a mandate from the Irish , people and establish its authority throughout the twenty-six counties. Belfast. May 11. (Hy A. P.) Three Catholic v out lis, James, Francis and Themns McKeevvn, were taken from tbjCir beds at Hallymulderg last night b) n litiug of men. and shot. .Tames win killed and the ethcis seriously npunded, Fiancis received sixteen bul W weuml$. ne vvas nnpelnted consul at Aden. Arabia, icslan imr in Lssti! n . ,te his native town te le-entrr the nrnc- uce ei law and for some time also edited a newspaper. In ll)(:i, ,n ictnrned te Aden as American consul, and la.er vvas transferred in (urn te Hatum, liar put, Durban and Plymouth. VERMONT EX-GOVERNOR. DIES Bedy of A. M. Fletcher, Wealthy Man, Found In Hetel Rutland. Vr.. May 11. (Hv A. p.) Allen M. Fletcher, of Cavendih. former governor of Veiinent, was found dead In a room at the Hervvlik Hetel here today, jlue te a (rielirul lieiimr rllaee. Mr. Fletcher vvas one of Vermont's richest men. He had extensive real es tate holdings in Indianapolis, RAIL SHOP DECISION FACES COURT TEST Reads Will Contest Ruling Laber Beard, Executive Forecasts of 500,000 WORKERS AFFECTED Hy the Asseclated.J'.ress Haltlmere. May 11. Railroads In volved In lust night's decision et tlie Italliead l.nber Heard, declining the contracting of shop work le outside llrms te be n violation of the Trans portation Act, will net submit te (tie decision without testing ts legality In the courts. In the belief of Maxwell C Hjers, president uf 'the Western Mary land Hnilread. While the decision does net npply speeilleally te the Western Mnr.vlaml, which has "funned out" its mainte nance of way department and princi pal sneps te private contractors, me general prlnMplcM established will gov ern nil, It Was understood.' A general i tiling of this nature. Mr. Hjcrs said, would nicnnvmanjr millions et upuars te tiiev railways nnectcu, making n court anneal a logical things The shop men ami maintenance of way, workers of the Western Mar.vland struck some time age In pretest against tlie contract sjstenii 'Chicago, Mny 11. The Hailread T.alier Heard, In n unanimous decision handed down Inst night, ruled that any railroad "farming out" its shnn and maintenance work for the aliened pur pose of removing Its empleyes from tlie protection or benelits of the Transpor tation Act or the jurisdiction of tlie l.nber Heard Is In direct violation of the previsions of the act, although offi cial contracts involved In such transne t Ien h -a re at the same time held legal bv the rail bedj. The decision, dra tell by Hen W. Heeper, chnlrmali, nfTeds mere than 500,000 shop crnfts emplejes. who hnve been prepared for some time te mark strike ballets which would have taken effect immediately if tlie tilling should have been adverse te the brotherhood, as well as some 1 ",0.0(10 ethers who must new. If the railroads arc com- fielled te alrlde by the beard's decision, ic reinstated under former wajp and working conditions. W DIES WEEK AFTER GOLDEN WEDDING Captain Price Brought First Ties for Camden-to-Shere Railroad OTHER ATLANTIC CITY NEWS SpccM Plivatch le Bfciii0 Vull'c t.ctterr Atlantic City, Mny II. Captain Geerge W. Price, commander of the schooner which brought ill the first tie used In building the Heading railroad line te Cnmdetr, died nt his home Ijere last night In his eighty-second jenr. He retired from the sen about twenty jiars age, ten jears nfter coming te this clt.v. He nnd his vvlTe celebrated their golden wedding nnnlvcrsiry n week age. Hcddes n widow, lm is survived by a number of children and grandchildren. United Stales Henaler Kdge, of Uila city, came te the shore vesterday and completed arrangement for the "" end visit of President Harding anil his part) at the Senvlcvv Country ( lull, seven miles from here. There will be sixteen inemberK In the party. Including Several Cabinet officers and their wives, neeerdlng te reserva tiens made at the club. The party win leave Washington early tomorrow and meter te the fhere, going direct te the country club, where they are te remain until Tuesday, under the iirrungemcnts made .vesteiduy. Names of the party vvetc net disclosed here. The Slate Hichvvav Department os- 1 leiihiy was petitioned by the Heard of Fneheldcrs for tlie erection of u tetaln fig wall along the new highway new leading from the resort toward New Yerk, te prevent damaging graves a century old In the Hmlthvillc Cemetery. J. Vauglinn Mathls, arehltect-builder. of tills city, vvas serieusl.v injured at l.otiBiiert .vesterday. when bis autome bile vvas struck by a trolley car. The inn- i . . . . .. , , , .. ciiine vvas vvrecKfii. i-iis-sciigcrH ei me trolley, themselves badly shaken up by the force of the Impact, extricated and rushed him te the City Hospital. Later be was removed te his home. LIBERIAN REPUBLIC LOAN FIGHT SHIFTS TO SENATE Republican Leaders Insist Wilsen Agreement Be Carried Out Washington. Mn II. (Hj A. P.l Wk-ibc hj the Heuse of the resolution JutherUIng a lu.in bj this count! v of MW.IHIU te tlie I.Iberian Republic had wificd the issue le the Senate teda. t)llehig the vote in th" Heuse last alpt. vvhb h was lib te l.'li), Chairman terdne.v . of the Heuse Wn.vs and Me.m teiniulitic. picdleted the resolution eiihl be put tlueugh the Senate speed II) and sent te the President. lhe lui.il vote in tlie Heuse vvns taken iter the defeat of a motion te leceiuiuit with liistiiirtlens te amenil the resolu tion se thai in, part of the lean should Je used in pn,vitig the Indebtedness of 1014 1"(''""',' nrler t0 August 1, I)chate en the lesolutlen occasioned n Wter imitis.ni light, and at tlie same "me fin nished what some members yewlbed ns the lemnrkablc spectacle of Kepnb I.mii leaders insisting that an njreemeiit of the Wilsen Administration Hieulil lie .allied nut, with Democratic eailirs iiss.ni,,,, tluif the lean te 1.1 Hm vuts niitheiUcd in 101S In "deli Wc of law." PEGGY JOYCE LOVER ILL Chilean Takes Poison Called An eher Victim of Unrequited Affection ,. Is' M,lv !! Anether victim of , "nieipilted leve of Peggy Hepkins j Jce, la tlie belief of the French police, W In a tiltlcul condition ut Nice. Meutennnt Ithas Muntt, an attache tmiCiUll,1",M LfButhm nt Paris, at- opted suicide by swallowing an over ever In hi i ", I':,ls"'us medicine. Clutched imsluilicd hands, when he vvas found. ,,; "ewMiaper dipping containing feUnii "V," " 'tniitement of her love 'I 'Hilly Hiraiirl.. i!111 , another Chilean youth. W ,, Ui "lM," '" I',",1 ten dn.vs age Wr "tei Ki' j",(l1 ''""' ,'(-,ceri""S ,0 ''T-nlbcllcf Is that Muntt. tee, forth' ,0 die because of unriulted leve ' esii. 1)l'"l,iful "Mrcn of thu century," 118 the) i,w Ul)l ie(fBV 2EPPELINF0R U. S. lGrmany Ordered te Build Ship of 70,000 Meters' Capacity -,'erwllles, Mnv 11. (Hv P 1 fey Wlllumnufacture1 u'zeppn u'zeppn te renin" ('l.,,t tl,01""'l meters' capacity WttM i1' !V "l''' allotted e the United CreJ,'i "-" v,,M1'i'b'H Tieatj. but f( !1P V ,,Pr"'. under the award -lows vml1'',ss,,!,(l,"ti Council which al ,i'f'aiai'!)(n ,,im' ,",11," yl,, ,""rkH fifn.'l.!'".1"'''1. States had asked that lQorien ,,, "'"''"''I t build for It a Sw .1 ,', 1,)l'1-Mieti.. Zeppelin, which 14 Mnlctei ViV,"1 "l0 largest ever con- I. n'Ml,.l(l. The uin. ....,...ii .., n... wKmK, Khetl 'I be sufficient. KUNU. llMUll IIA, i.. ' ... Ueui i '.I, yi'ariment at wnsiung- RyHIPI thlkXHOtPU-BIldnn l.....l..n..n. y.a,l'''XB,1?r?"'t'en Inadequate, ' ' Rid your Heme of Disease-carrying Insect Pests One dollar buys a complete outfit THIS special in troductory pack age places Flyesan within the reach of everyone's pocket- book. Fer a dollar bill you can buy everything you need te start a war te the death en all sorts of bugs and insects. This special one dollar package con tains a sprayer and a "pint can of Flyesan. All you need te de is te fill the sprayer and start in. It is astonishingly easy. It is startlingly quick. Te clear a room of flies, spray Flyesan into the air. In five minutes every fly will be dead. They struggle toward the windows and drop dead en the sills. Flyesan kills Hies by the roomful. And flies should be killed. Flies as you knew breed in garbage and filth. They never lese their liking for it. But any strong odor attracts them". BslIllJ They are particularly fend of the odor of cooking. That is why flies are thickest in the kitchen and din ing room. De you knew that a single fly efjen carries 6,000,000 bacteria, thou sands of which lead directly te sick ness and disease ? Once in the house, a fly will wipe his feet impartially in the sugar bowl, en the cream pitcher, en the bread plate or en the nipple of baby's bottle. Flyesan removes this constant men ace te your family's health. This wer ierful discovery is a clear amber liqi d which turns into a fine vapor-like 'spray when used in the ordinary garden sprayer which comes in the introductory package. Flyesan is easy te use. It has a pleasant aromatic odor. It will net gum the hair of animals or the feathers of fowls. Unlike ether insecticides, Flyesan is poisonous te insect life alone. This is absolute. We guarantee it. COLONIAL CHEMICAL CORPORATION, Reading, Pa. Alse makers of Phenesan, the ideal disinfectant for household use flyesan V INSECT EXTERMINATOR Kills 3ugs wholesale v. lt. WjffWiV Harms Nothing else MORE GOOD NEWS Flyesan kills all kinds of in sects net one, but all kinds. Loek at the following list: Mosquitoes y Kin every one in your bedroom by spraying Flyesan before retiring. Flyesan is harmless te you, but death te mosquitoes. V Bedbugs W A vr B. B.'s are every decent woman's "horror of horrors." One spray of Flye san brings them from their hiding places. The second spray kills them. Ne odor left behind. Fleas They carry the plague te human beings and make miserable the lives of cattle, dogs and poultry. A goedsprayingof Flyesan rids animals of these torments. Ants Spray Flyesan around the kitchen.pantry and ice-box te destroy all ants present and keep ethers out of the house. Cockroaches One spray of Fly Fly osan brings these filthy bugs out into the open. Anether finishes them. .Lice These vermin feed en warm-blooded animals, in cluding man, cattle and poultry, and carry disease. A spraying of Flyesan kills lice and prevents hidden nits from hatching. Moths Flyesan does away with the need for expen- si vecedarchests and"smelly" moth balls. Spray Flyesan in a closet full of clothes and shut the deer quickly. Soen the moths will be dead. Flyesan is used by U. S. Army, Navy and Marine Cerps U. S. Public Health service 26 leading steamship companies Beards of health in many cities Many hospitals, restaurants and hotels the country ever Hundreds of large institutions. TF Flyesan should, in any way, fail te live up te your highest expectations, we will refun'd the purchase price. Sold by drug, grocery, hard ware and department stores. Write for the Flyesan Booklet. It tells hew te rid your home of every kind of insect pest. PRICES: Pint .... $ .75 Quart . . . 1.25 Yz gallon . . 2.25 Gallen . . . 4.00 Introductory package . . 1.00 (pint and sprayer) y, 'wfrrft1 ffl," lUt Chtmhti Ctrfttlin t fcfl 751 r ' STORE OPENS AT 9 A. M. CLOSES AT 5t30 P. M. fH m?3 nnellenburgn L J ENTIRE BLOCK -MaBKETIIZ te 12 STREETS L. Wf He use furnishings 1 Screens, 15x33, at.. Screens, 18x33, nt., Screen, 21x33, nt., Screens, 21 x37, at. Window Screens Wnlnut vtulncil. 41c , 13c , 53c 60c $3.25 Leatherette Felding -Card Tables, aY Brass I f Corners $2.59 YT" rt rurnuurc a Bedding Spccialii .'Piece Davenport Bed Suits, Werth 59j plUU.UU, ill n HreMii IrullnTettc Gray Decorated 6-Piece Breakfast CQI 7K Suit 04.0 $24.00 4-Burner Gas Cookers $16.95 A siilemlld Kn s e en , ullli a larKC IG-IikIi ecn. Melll mi Club I'lim. (bread , $40 3-Pc. Natural 01 Q 7K Willow Suits. .. . -L7'' S2.50 White Enamcl Finish Combination Pantry Canister Set, Coffec, Tea, Fleur Set, Four - Piece Sugar, Bread Bex. 81.40 $45 All-White Refrigerators fl I II ui.mifl C iB l In&ldc &ri &Z. H eutf-Idc r b' 1 1 1 B ,efrK- J jS m n II nrater 1 ""-- fl slil mi T IB Clillt lMun Ah llluilratfd I'uxliiun extra. FLOUR fXbf iS25jtW !)-.. 1. V I Ul VII Rocker S4.95 ipZ.J.ye $3.00 4-Pc. Garden Sets, Complete .... S1.75 aV f'ensKUnR of lO-ieDlli i- r. I r.iKf full-slze RarUti liei and -l.ei t-hundle truilv nl( K $3.50 Oak Dining Chair S2.29 50-Inch Plain-Tep CI Q 7K Buffets, as Shown J-7 ' 1 1 'je 0TT0 elt-1 m r if t tipie nl S4.95 5000 Ft. Extra Quality Gar den Hese, Various Lengths i 12c ' ith CeuiilinKs Jehn Lucas & Ce. Tinted Gless Paints ! I. '1(1 t.lllliMl r . !.!; H.'il ' j-.iiIIiiii, ( (ili,rs M ilu $1.71 Willi,', (,.lllen .!.:il Defender Paints leit bj lutui I mi . ( 11 A liile mill Celers, (iiillnii J..MII Sherwin-Williams Paints S'l.J 15 tinllen, Celers S.'.K.' fl.'H '-(. llllell, t iilurx .. St. 1.1 SI. 1)1 )uurt, Celers .... h!) j:i.10 (.iilliin, Uliiti. , iJ1 Reg. $22.50 American Porcelain Dinner Sets at $9.95 ll"-plnv kpts Colonial sh;ic weld band de oration Mlglit linper fi'i liens TJT V I if A jUU Tl . 'I-.1TO .'? C. $8.50 1 Cl inch Indirect Lighting Fixture $4.69 Marbc-llziMl Klas bow I tlttt'd reiniili u ler K.is or uln ti I, liKlit- - -- svrn iV ) 11 . I I n. rt I'l" V? euc icea 1 ea uiasses , cwr- . '- ttSr cv JLvC Each Thln-lilewn Bl.ihh. Ciraiir or lleral dudign. $1.25 Thin Blown Crystal Glass Water Sets 7E Complete tnfii ly Set of pltclier rihI alx tuniblcra. ,SSSpICNBuRS3li;hird Fleer Bar Harber Chairs at, Each. Limit of 'I no Chairs Sold te a I'urchaxcr We hae a linitteil (iiian tity of thctc c li a 1 r -, be come cat'lj te tieul dis dis nppeintmciit. As i 1 1 u . (rated. Uml fail tiiu h nl ( t- ' urn U lie ? J tllcil. $20.00 Drep-Side Couches, I- -I 7pr Complete DJ-A.IU - w ,m ;,v'-crite7 u ti" 1 li 11 I'll fi.inii' . ,u, 'i with I ilmilili I111U hin mev ( imiiilftn il 1 H "l I'.nl Ma 1 UM'd us Hi,-',, OI llnuble In ll A $8.00 Brass Sample Costumers $3.95 Dull or ln-ijjht ftnibh, well-binceil leys; with 11 11 111 r e u m li e e k s. Mu'lulj hliupwern. Solid Oak Chiffonier Drawers $9.75 Y -.f- e a - a e U 0 ; 2000 $2.00 Pure Feather Pillows te Be Sold at, OK, Each VDL I t Mitch, V3 41 ,m i 11 li r. 0 i 1 in sr. mi i .JM 'At ra-n Wlf UlMi I 'Ik :('im '- ih- ju.' VkV " . ,!iTSf MmHHaBMBMMMiMBIMHMBHlBi ;N. SNELI ' m&ift&cfj&, . w.aSr'fl i-:m A -. . U It ,,.,..l.e.WU'WV. m iiimn -m i ii- i jm t-'.A,lgat-Li... y 4vf " 1 t"' Jlfr IJliJAWk.' T I'Mtef ft T' - wnlll in ?1ia .ITi.ii .,.....,. ,-...., - t. 1 f 7irWHWHWfclM& ....,- 'i'MiVaaitflln- .-