Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 11, 1922, Night Extra, Page 16, Image 16

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Philadelphia, Thursday, May 11, 1922
Stere Hours 9 A. M. te 5:30 Pt M.
Gimbel Brethers
Section for Men adjoining the
New values, tee!
Awnings ordered?
Last year the late, in-a-hurry orders' could net be
filled. Gimbel work is notably geed. 0
New Shee
Clothing Stere.
" ' ' " - - :- '
fhl$t Utiearch Bureau Says
s' t
posed Reorganization Deesn't
Ge Far Enough
Tlip tcnlntiu upon of tin- ('otniiiN ('etniiiN ('otniiiN
Blen for tlie KiwRnnbntlnn of the Stiite
Oocriiinent Is timkI ii fur n it P'".
but It dec-n't "ii far nieii';li. I hi' Ilu-
renu of Mutili iiml K.'imli inH iixlii.
"Nothing 1 'iilil nlmiit mittnis tin
8tnte civil sptxliv mi it incitt IiumIh; nor (
about nbellvhinj tin nlln i" of 1.lu
"truant (Imi'innr mul Semiim of In
, ternal Affiiir." the ri'pnit -nv
t "Xellilns l -nlil almiii fe-titliip tf.il
co-ordination of jnlminl-t r.i t H t effort
by rorreliitins and mcisin:: drpariinrnts
until the, nrc rfduu'd te n uuinhcr
that mata ('nuim't mi'i'tin-i iniu'tliM.
ble." The UcMMirh llurenii iiiil" tlmt li"
tails of the -niiuiil leli - Stnti lmdprt
system have net hoi-n iimile imhlli The
bureau Iie'ii-m tlie mm tin will inrluili
the fellow in; essential ii'Ulrimiit'
"KilM. The (ioMfiier 1umiII tuiiare
the budget Hi xlmiilil Iiiim all the lulp
he tieei'. . inc liiilinj u in w eflieer. a
State buib-it diieetni . but he .lieuld
have no ihiliee fm -htfllnu the lexpeu
siblllt.. for what B"' H1"' ' '" hml' t
te any Miberdinute 01 am in elr.
".Second. I'lope-nK te tin luenev
should be :n 101110.1 tiled bj piiij,ienl. te
raise it.
"Third. 'State aid te veh.ire ncm
clcs should be granted, net perk-bawl
fashion, but in accordance with a util
form plan, enacted into law. whercb.
each Institution of any particular rln-
shall be paid In proportion te the pub- I
lie service it rinder.
"Fourth. Appropriation bills should '
be acted upon t.irlj in the elen in-
stead of beins held te the end and n-ed
meanwhile ax a whip te keep members
of the Legislature subservient te the
Governer's interest1.
"Fifth. The Legislature should be
kept In scf-sien until after the Ian
appropriation bill has been disposed of
by the Coventer, se that 11 veto m.i.v be
ever-ridden if desired and respenslbllit)
for aripropiiatlen) rext en the Legisla- 1
turc alone.
Department of Public Works
"The Heard of Cemmlvinner of
Public (ireunds and Iluildlnss Is entire
ly unsuiteil for detailed administrative'
management Alen- with It are .1 dozen
separate nark, st.tttte, memorial and
building cotumissieiix whuh a pnipetlv
ergaubtd Pe'inittnt'iit of 1'iiblie Wet Us
could supplant at eme. and raimj mere
which It eeu'd tenhue eventual. It N
time the niulttplu atlen of these inde
pendent (ommissiens was iheiked eme
and for all.
.State Purchasing sent
"It does net appear wIm te lmluile a
State purchasing useiit in the Depart
ment of Public Werk as tin Reorgani Reergani Reorgani
sateon Commslei proposes. It seems
desirable, however, te create the ethi e
of State Puiehaslns A "em. provided It
is fullv rea'bed that there aie limits
upon his abllitv te bm for the vvldelv
scattered State Institutions. l!ut Midi
jn efitcial ha nothing 111 dimnien with
" a "Department of Public Works an (
.) imere than with unv ether State depart
ment. The aseiuj should he entlrcl.v
Tav Commission
"Valuing piepeit. ngain-t vhlih
taxes are levied, anil making ami eipitl
Icing assessments, are inittits which in.
elected official inn be expeeted te iet -form
in the public interest, and which
any sing'e individual will tun! dlthi n't
te withstand. These duties, new divided
between the Auditor (leneral and State
Treasurer, are te be taken awn.v from
both according te the tei oinmendntien of
the Reorganization ('omuiis-ien. and
rested In an appointed ta commission. ,
This is u geed recommendation.
"At the snine time there should be
a complete reorganization of the ether
duties new ambigmmxlj divided between
the Auditor fieneial and the State
Treasurer, lleth these efthlals should
be made appointive. Tin Auditor (Jen
oral should be rt cognized 111 his tun
capacity as a state mntteller, and a new
and eutlrel.v Inib pendent auditing 1
office should be set up under the con
trol of the Lcglslatuie. substantiallv as
recommended bj the repeit of the Penn
sylvania State AssedatU'ii
Abolishing "Obsolete" 'Activities
"The Reorganization Commission
Urates a 'Misxiblc s,mn5 f Siido.nne
lb each two-year period bv reorganizing
the duties of some divisions el the Slat
government and il!-eiitinuing lertaln
work altegethet . The publli will await
with Inteiest an uppertuuitv te pass
judgment en a bill of partlculais.
"The tendency te multiplv special
funds in the Stute Treasury is simplv
an invitation te complicated disorderly
and wasteful tinaiuiug It Is desirable
that nil sjiccitl funds ixcipt tnist and
sinking funds be mer.-ecl with tln gru
cral fund and that no new sjiedni funds
be crcntd "
Takes Own Life by Gas
Censtat! W aniletublts, twpntv -seven,
was found dead In a room at .'HIM Sal Sal
eon street shortly after ." 1 lei k vex.
Urdaj afternoon. A gas lube was in
his mouth. Neighbors sav that de de
spendenc ever the less of his wife.
wrhe left him a week age, was the
cause of th man's killing himself.
A jter -Dinner Tricks
flJIk Il
Their Duplicates Sold
Elsewhere at
$25 te $29.75
These Are ( d1 -T
Sale-Priced ( M1
And all spick-span new!
All are silks and mostly crepy silks
some few taffetas some perfectly fasci
nating crepeknits included; the taffetas
mostly bouffant; the crepeknits mostly
Almest all the crepes are beaded all all
ever or en panels or in borders or in
motifs any way and every way Fashion
"says it with beads !"
Plenty of lovely high colors especially
hennas and blues and jades. But
browns, blues and blacks galore.
Sizes for 16, 18 and 20 years.
(,mtl, Hulens of Irf. Third deer.
341 Guaranteed
Indestructible Pearl Bead
Necklaces, $1.95
Regular $5 Value !
The pearls even boiling water wenVpcel."
24 inches long; solid geld clasp.
All beautifully graduated. And pearls
are especially cool and dainty and
smart with summer gowns.
278 Pairs of Fine
Earrings at $1
Sterling silver wires and mountings.
"Dreps" of finest cut "stones" in beauti
ful "jewel colors." Regular $2 te
$6 values
Glnilwln, First flew.
Sale of Deuble-Panel White
Sateen Petticoats at 85c
But Their Value Is $1.25
Twe styles both with the shadow-proof double panels.
Scalloped or hemstitched.
Extra-sizes at 51.25 with full 60-inch hip-mcasurc.
Sample Silk Petticoats at $3.9 T
Values Run Frem $5.95 te $9.75 ,
Mostly silk-jcrseys mostly perfectly gorgeous "novelties."
Glmbtts, Scnd fleer.
5000 Yards Woven Striped Slip-Cevering
at at 29c
Launders perfectly wears splendidly.
$24.50 Storage Chests at $19.50
Cedar of
course the ini
mitably geed
Tennessee red
I'ull 44 inches
(jlinbelu, lphelatr sterr, Mftli fleer.
Straightline Coats, Fringe
Trimmed Gapes and Wraps
Fer the Weman Who
Wants "Something in
Navy Blue or Black." .
"?? ft fine Tntvaf tnritl f ttvill rnrAnf Ann. fitld
tricetine or of the men's-wear serge that some
women wear year-'round!
All in smart, yet practical models "without a
date" she can wear it en and en and en! But all
with the lovely little new "differences" that mark
this spring's models as se unlike last's!
Silk-lined, hand-tailored Capes at $12.50, $18, $28
and $35.
Silk-lined, hand-tailored Wraps at $18, $28,
$39.75, $55 and $75.
Silk-lined, hand-tailored Coats at $18.50, $25,
$29.75, $35, $39.75 and $55.
Sizes depending upon line 3G up te 48V.
tilmbtli, Salens of Dremi. TlitrU fleer.
Si Wji v
1 iAT . IK
I Uc te 45c Wall Papers at 3c te 18c
Ol for 12Vic te 18c Wall Paper, single rolls in blocks, granites.and stripes; suitaDie
ITS' for bedrooms, dining-rooms and kitchens. Large color assortment.
1 Rf or 45c sii8'0 re-ls of oatmeal wall papers, in tan, brown, green and blue; 30
1"C inches wide; require no trimming or matching; suitable for 'every room in the
Sold with binders or borders te match, at 1 Q le 1 Kq a y"
'Glmbl, Fifth fleer.
Women's Silk Hosiery at $1.18
Seconds of $2 te $3.50 Kinds
rull-fashiened, 1.18 a pair! If "firsts,," would
be priced from 52 te $3.50. Black, white and
some colors, sizes 8i te 10, $1.18.
' Women's Peintex silk hose, full fashioned, a
wonderful silk; slight seconds of $3.50 te $5
grades, black, white and some colors, size 82 te
10. $1.68 a pair.
McnV Silk Half Hese at 38c. Run-of-the-mill
would 'ell for 7ec te $1 if "firsts." All sizes
9l2 te II1:. -Iilnikln, rirnt fleer.
Net Guimpes
Remarkably pretty, of
fine net daintily trimmed
with lacp, insertion and
some with bias folds of
gingham. Most all have
the becoming round neck,
two-piece cellar and elbow
sleeves; n few extra-length
sleeve among them. Vaii Vaii
eubly at $1 te $7.93.
Sketched is an entirely
new idea n "frilly" sleeve-
ruininc witii tuns te matcn: .Made of
line 01le trimmed with real Irish crochet edging
anil hemstitching; at $3.75. (lmiK rirt fleer.
lCftS Kt
Opening the New Shee Stere for Men
Well-Bought Lets That Have Been Waiting
Half Price and Near
5S-w V
Mete than 10,000 pairs of shoes aie back of the
seivice of this new Men's Shee Stere shoes fei
every piefercnce nnd for ccry purpose, in all the
wanted leathers and styles.
Seme of the Opening Specials Arc
Brogues, Bals and Oxfords
$3.85 and $5.65
Values $7.50 te $9
FlussU Calf Hiekuc, Patent Celt Oxfords,
Black Kid Oxfords, Ilubbcr-Selcd Oxfords, BUcU
Calf Ties
Brockton (Mass.) shoes, in some forty styles.
All are Goodyear-welted, with ever-weight oak selcb;
grain innerheles solid through and through!
$3.85 and $5.65.
(,lmbel. Srcend fleer, Mntli Street Mile.
Willow Summer Furniture in the Cottage Furniture Sale
Shown in new sports finishes done in our shops; and cushions and upholstery as selected by you.
3-Piece Suits "Toffee Brown" (Twe-i
Tene), Complete with Seat Cushions, at i
i ',w -- -
& . I
'1'jr ' '
JC, ISO The If.iluncinj: Corli
- !-.. -,.ll I. I. I
EvJ!te J ujiiiiiiiij iur in uni'ipm cm t lie
Kfw2jWe wlicre It liniiiPilletc-lj t-tunds cm
r?i9B ' ""'11 'pccintern ftiiciiipt te iiu.
LrSrvpllcate the fi-ut tin, Iiml tliPi.nscUe
tr&hr 4""0" '1" "
ild- . fPt.A LAMA. .til.lAtl.1. .1.. .1.
ilir Bi-vtci uum-iiw iaill llMMI Hit
. 'Manner t ueicitiiit tne eeru ami imrtl
vJi P0" P"ni',,c' 'l'1'" 'il mtiKt be In-Ill
'ilV.borlxentttlly. mid eiilj n few InclicH from
7tfciivtble. With u little experiment It
Nt'"vwlH bennee just enough from tlie ferec
jfce fall te tiinil itii'in Its end. 'J'hr
Mtaterx Invnrlhbiy iielil tin cork ctul
Wru, ntid brace tire (loomed te
v ill ueihk me iricu aiuyn lie
mNr.Maeii tuc mtrs. se
Tables are at
arieus prices.
Special B a t
Harber Chairs
and Rockers with
seat and back
cushions, finished
in "Toffee" Brown
or Ivery.
Special at'
Arm Chairs
at $9.50
Fiber Table and Four Chairs, Bare
nial rinish, Complete ....
( peu
Made of
at $2.50
Table with 48
inch octagon top
and four chairs
.suitable for
breakfast - room
or enclosed
peichcs; made of
fiber, finished in
baronial. Com
plete, at $30 the
Other Rustic Cedar Summer and
Lawn Furniture
$109 Bungalow Equipment - Pair
et Brass Bedsteads, Mattress and Spring
In This Outfit We Will
8-ft. Archways at $22
Cedar Gateways at $45
Oblong Tables at $10
White Heuse Arm Chairs
at $3.50
Flerida Settees at $7.50
Cedar Pergolas at $55
Admiral Arm Chairs at $7.50
Rustic Cedar Umbrella
Seats, $35
Klendike Setter at $10
cr : i n t -..a:a "ri,.rr
UJJJ i i B H E p
fi m !lifC wP-it-'1-l fj.
i fcJSLr.lf .lkriF-gg atmt
1 ffii-fflBl iDWRUHmHTT : Mlm
'".Q'U'J'rtrjir' Vft I H Mli Iflf"
l5WtewH53 '
$67 Complete
air silk floss Mattresses.
larly priced S4!
I 'air brass, buncalew Bedsteads.
Regularly priced 00
Pair steel Springs. Itegulaily
priced 17
. tllraWli. SUtk Sew.-
Subway Stere Specials
Friday a New Bargain Day
4 lbs. 40c Coffee
fpr 88c
5000 lbs. Purity Blend.
OlmbtU, Subway Htere.
Silk. Waists at $1 -
Were $2 te $3.95
Seme ever-blouse and tie
back models. Sizes 36 te 40.
uimimi, Bunwnr mere.
$13.95 Dinner Sets
at $7.95
Bluebird decoration. 51
piece; complete for 6 persons.
(Ilmtwli, Sebwar Stere.
Women's Lew $1 .
Shoes at '
aimbd, Habwr Stere
30c Heavy Canten
Flannel at 15c
34 inches wide.
, Glmbtti), Hubwar Stere,
75c French Serge,
58c a Yard
Navy, brown, garnet,
twill weave.
(Umbel, Suljwar Stere.
Ribbon at 10c a Yard
M te 2 inches wide; two
toned satin; picot edge and
fancy. OlmbeU, Subway Stere.
Children's Hats and
Caps, 25c te $1
Lingerie, pique, lawns and
(llmbeli, Subway Stere.
Turkish Bath Towels,
4 for 50c
Geed absorbent quality.
Medium size.
OlmbeU, Subway Stere,
25c White Jersey
Cleth at 15c
Yard wide. Enough for
tomorrow only.
Olmbtli, Subway Stere.
25c te 28c Dress
Ginghams at 15c
Mill lengths. 32 inches
Olmbeti, Subway Stere,
$1.50 Silver-Plated
Bread Trays at $1
Bright finish.
GlmbeU, Subway Stere.
$1 and $1.25
Bungalow QA
Apron, at ' TO-
100 dozen. Light and
dark percales.
Olmbeta, Subway Stere,
. . . -f
25c Chocolate-Covered
Nut Squares, 18c lb.
2 lbs. for 35c
Glmbcli, Subway store.
$2.85 Jersey Silk
Petticoat. $L5(
And Pantalettes.
Clearance of small lets at
Gtmbeln, Subway Stere.
Subway Stere Dresses!
But $27.56 te
$35 Values
Mostly Canten crepes
color-beaded color
faced color-embroidered
flying-paneled two
color combinations
ribbon-paneled button-trimmed
Taffetas, tee.
And crepe-knits.
Misses' sizes for ages
16 and 18.
Women's sizes, 36 te
nimbcla. Subway Stere.
$1.95 Heuse
Dresses, $1
Gingham, few chambrays;
some jumper models.
dliubtU, Subway Stere.
$18 Tapestry Brussels
Rugs, 9x12 ft, $10
Seamed or one-piece.
Subway Stere.
Women's $1.50
Silk Gleve. CQC
12- and 16-button lengths;
slightly mussed; net a large
filrabeU, Subway Stere.
Men's Pajamas, $1.15
Slight seconds of highest
f Men's muslin Night Shirts
at 78c.
GlmbeU, Hubnny Stere.
Fly Screens
18 in. x 21 in. opens te
33 in. 50c.
24 in. x 21 in. opens te
33 in. 60c.
24 in. x 23 in. opens te
37 in 63c.
Metal centers, walnut
stained frames,
-iliubN, Subway btere.
Women's Sweaters,
Sleeveless, slip-ecr and
surplice styles. All colors.
Sizes 36 te 46.
Glmbtln, Sulmay Stere.
Men's $17.50 and $20
Suite at $12.50
All sizes, but net in all
patterns. Fer men and
young 'men.
Glmbeli, bubnay Btere.
Women's 50c
Cellar and Cuff OCr
Ejclet-enibreidery and or
gandie. (iliuliiU, hubuj Stere.
"Seconds" of Men's
40c Half Hese at' 22c
Mercerized lisle.
Glmlxli, Subway Stere.
$1 Cersetlettes tf1
at Twe for vl
Makei's sample line of
Bandeaux and Brassieres.
Glmlielii, Subway Htere.
$1.50 Black Silk
Taffeta at 98c
All silk. Geed quality.
UimbeU, Subway btere.
"Seconds" of Beys'
$1.25 Keveralls, 85c
Sizes 2 te 8 years.
(ilmbr), Subwuy btere.
Youths' High Scheel
Suits With Extra Pair
of Trousers at $12,50
Net all sizes in every pat
tern, but all regular sizes in
mc iei. -Uluibtia, Subway
60c and 65c Figured
Sateens at 25c
I II r rwmmmmmamM M
X. VaaTaTaTaT:aaaai)ar aa
Mill ends,
full pieces,
-when sold from
40c and 50c a
Hub ay Stere.
- e
I 7MftS'fi
i'M ,V ?. ' ' TO
iiilYiiiitti-- -i' r .:
7, '" ' .'UllJ . Ji i i im irsTTMMsrni 1 1 1 1 iii 1
'r-W'-i i'-V -'ri Ti'-'tfifi-v" "" '' i "B. w.i . i ssap '
immMmmmmmm$mA. v
-, MM ,,mummam mm fii a MiisiiiitsYtniiir'iirrT '