PsaraBSWPfllfl WMwmnmFmkVaWMnzmmmM&mN 'wmmsmmx wjrKmTMMrr??mmwn'ri nrcjsmmnMEW'r-', wmamm'w:-m t W' T. ii i! - ipeis WEREN'T POPULAR SfcklnBWinner of Kensington Baby Parana IS nuru wmm .. rnm Kensington baby late this ir, i b - . - ,,- I'tV ...un Will DO IHU JIUCDVBBKl V"" If uTteU and the title of the handsomest i ' . iM .l at Jin nntna Ime some 400 mothers will be saying MnwthtaK " ",c l",(,ct,en of the jmlBe f the feature event of the May festival ft he Kensington Business Men's As- '"TianAtn formed at 2 o'clock, , at Frent and Tlegn streets SnYl the ether lit KcnoitiRten avenue anil n(l lD0 "l".v fii. .nrnillinfPi) nl Frent JnNerrls streets and iVcrc led by Uey Bc2.. leniillfiil baby will weelVe ?W) In geld. Other prizes ST: Bpstidresscil baby. .$2.-. ; brst-tlere. rated baby arrlnge or von Mr. MB; Jfi clever inpproeiintlon of baby, Me, mi ?W or ,h0 btat-lenklm twins. ftsCewnfrCq Und Till BIdg. pare i'htU. uffc I r-.. ..... milium It V. NEIV JERSEY lUa.OOO.OO -IV. SWVjBB AM CITY MALI, essled pronoun! will, l rerelel by the isederilgn S until Tuesday. May 23. 1022. B ten o'clock A. M.. for the purchase i of ,, Vxertaimt f 119,000 00 Sewer find City Hall coupon bemli of the City of Woedburv, Ufw Sereri' fnl'l bends will lx dated June , te"' In denominations of 11000.00 each. i' ,i .Tim mature en Juna 1st. each year, as llU' innOOOO each sear from 1H23 te IMS "flth Inclusive, and 14O00.0O each ear from I"" nM' th ""-'"'l- T" rale iif interest Is '1)4 PT nnnum, payable semi. JnnSally. ind'bSth principal and Interest will te raab!e at Klrat National Bank, Woedburv, New Jersey. The eum required te be obtained at auch aal. Is lilt), 000. 00, and such bend will he old In net exceeding; such eum. Unless nil hlda are rejected, said bends will be reld in tire bidder or bidders complying; with the terms of aal" nd efferlns; te pay net less thin flin.0O0.OH (and accrued Interest) and in take threfnr the least sum of such bends, luted In multiple of $1000.00. commenelna; iwllh the nret maturity. Should two or mere bldltre offer te take Ihe samn nmeunt of 'uch bend, then, unless all bids are rejected, .they will be sold te the bidder or bidders (Bering te ray therefer the Mshest addl addl Itlenll price. The bends cannot be sold for less than ear and nccrued Internet. Bach bid must 'be accompanied by a certified chck fur two ifer itr.ttim of the amount of the bends bid 'for. rayable te the order of the underslsned land drawn liren an Incorporated bank or (trust company, te secure the municipality imlntt any less resulting from the failure 'of the bidder te comply with the terms of Uie bid The rlstit Is reserved te reject anj er all bids. r WALTER 11. WOOLLnV. Treasurer of the City of Woodbury. Paled. May 1022. TTrnnVA POAI. ANU TOKK f'OMI'ANY Tlrit Mertsace hlx I'rr Tent Hlnklns 1'und uviil iiDnun NOTICU OF REDEMPTION' Pursuant te the previsions of Article IV ef the .Mortgage ei ieu ei irusi irnm lAlloena Ceal and Ceke Company te J'hlla Telphla Trust Company, us Trustee, dated June 1, 1B16. notlie la hereby given that 'Alteena Ceal nnd Ceke Company will redeem land pay en the n ensuing Interest day at one hundred two nnd one-half per cent K102MC) of the principal amount thereof, with the accrued Interest thereon, the bends tiaurd and eutxtnmtlnK IliTeen, the bends aumlred eh fellows te wit: til 11! I 127 130 18.1 122 12.1 12R 131 iai 123 12(1 121" 132 13S Upen preentntlen and surrender for can cellation of Oie bends above described, with 'the coupons payable June 1, 1092, and nil ubfiupnt coupons uttached at the efilce of rhllidlphla Trust Company, N. 13. cor ner Dread and Chestnut streets. Philadel phia, en or uftT June 1, 1022, redemption j 1 made ns abee tated. Interest en said lxmili numbered 121 te im, both Inclusive, will rcase en nnd after un I. 1022 ALTOONA COAI. AND COKE COMPANY. By JOHN LLOTD. JK., Trc.tsurer. Piled fnv 10 1022. M1TICF. OI' KKDnWITION Te lieldcrn of Mrlery Netei and ethers eenrrriiel: elhe l hereby Klten ns fellows! I Cull for redemption of .fV, Ter Cenf lflnrv Nni. All of the 3 Per tent iif rl of I'nlied States of America Convertible field Notts of 1922-102S. citherwlse known as .1 pr cent V'cterv Netei, are hereby railed for redemption m June l., Hi22. pursuant te the nro'sten for redemption contained In he rotes and In Treasure I)pnrtment clrcu lir Ne. l.ix. duteil A1rll 21. 1111!), under which the note wcre erlKlnallv Issued. In terest en all Victory Notes of the 3i per cnt series will cea3e en said redemption date. June In. 1022. 1 Binpcndnn iiiwl Ternilniillnn r-f Victer Neiw ellen nrlvllei;.., iy lev of the call for ihe r denintlen of all 31t per cent Vlcter Notes en June 16. 1022, and pur suant te the proxtelens of said Treasury De partment circular Ne. 131, the pr'vllece of conversion of Victory Notes of either aeries Inte Victory Notes of the ether series Is rerby upnded from February 0, 1922. te Jilts In 11)22, both Inclusive, and en June IB. 1922, will terminate. Victory Notes ac ac eerd'nitly cease te be. Intercenvertible, effec tive February 0, 1922, and en nnd after thnt lite no conversion of the notes may be made. 3 Detailed Information an te the presen presen istlen and surrender of 3i per cent Victory Notes for redemption, Is riven In Treasury Department circular Ne. 277, dated Pebruary P. 1922. copies of which nre available at the Treasury and the Tederal Iteservn Hanks, (Signed) A. W. MELLON. Secretary of the Treasury. Icb. n. 1922. te tub HOi.nnns op tar. rr.NNYi.VANiA-iiie pewkk a LIGHT COMPANY XTIBHT ft RKFUNO INC. AlOHTOAOK MINKINO FUND r-KRIES " ANO 8KRIRH "11" 7'. w.i neNDS puk i, 106. Netlia Is hereby given that there Is new n d-peslt In the Hlnklng Fund provided under the First and ltetundlnc Mortgage made by the Pennsylvania-Ohie Power & Mint Company dated November 1. 1920, the sum of Slsty-elght Thousand Five Hun dred Thlrtv.feur (868,331) Dollars nnd that guaranty Trust Company of New Yerk, as Truatee under said Mortgage und pursuant te Article VIII thereof, will receive at Its Trust Department. HO Broadway, New Yerlt flty. until 10 o'clock A. M en Wednesday. U.iy 24, 1922. sealed proposals fur lbs sale te It of bends (either Series "A" or Series "11 ') secured by said Mortgage In such amount ai will cihauat the sinking fund tnerejs In hand ut the lowest prices at which such bends will be offered for sale, but net exceeding llOfi of the principal amount thereof nnd aci-rued Interest. Interest mi bends purchased will cease en HW 25. 1922. and pavtnunt of the amount '"..the accepted offers and accrued Intereat !!: be nnda upon delivery te Iho Truatee of the bends, accompanied by properly oxo exo oxe euted Income Tax Ownership Certificate. The right Is reserved by the undersigned te reject any or ull offers In whele or In part. UAYOnKTr TIlUST COHPANV OF NEW By William C. Peltt. New Yerk. May 3. 1022. Preiidwv,. ret AIION TAS L'ON&OLlliATKli COl- UKUIES COMPANY, INCOBI'OHATKD FIKTY-yKAH Kl1i TER CENT GOLD BONDS. DUB JULY 1. 1US7. Netice Is bereby given, pursuant te the arms of the Mortgage dated July 1. IWt. "! the undersigned as Trustee will r fSLv.feiIed W0,,l,SE te IiOO P. M. ea lha eih day of June. 1923, for the eate te II St bends as above described, sufficient te use Si.,am..of-. 8.632.83. Th, underline tseerves tile right le reject any or all tender JSfiJe or In jart. TllB NEW YORK THUBT COMPANY, Trustee By A. C. DOWNINO. JR.. , , .. . Asaistant 8ecreUry. New Ynrk. May 4, 1022. DWUtl M. HAHKIM (iVarVls Rulldlng)' S.lVe riHST MORTQAUK IIONPH muS -n.1 THl"niJ Trust Cempsny. trustee ,r.mrtig dated November .1. lOlfl, te eerner 22d and Market streets. eSadln. Vft1--a" F5- f n6 B' pr,CM n0' SS?...'?T anrl eccrued Interest te ex V'l"k'r5..'ui1 ' .2.?9n.9S. .Te'ndJr. j(j """ " "v cu jj e cieck neon, way te, n. TJ?,.' DepaHment Star T'lle and Trust Company B. Vf. rner Bread and rheelearltwetg rhlteitelnMsi. p. Dividend Wn. . OFFICII OF THE 0RTU rXWJMflTAJIJ. aULBOAD t, 240 Seuth Third Street, Philadelphia hJnl.i?0.'4 f. Erectors of'Vh'e ' North RHnlu?!; R'"1 Company hive Ihle ") b quarterly dividend of Twe remS.'nc."?i.,cn... l"ll fteck of the the .VCM.ri "" "".u IO "e cieeitfil te ihVtt.0 ",".. hy -land regl.tered 'Jh.2'a,rl,rktn,0,h,",0",1 t 3 o'clock and puvable "in iiiraeifrinslu;!" ,Nl" r""ln c,,,1 T .- JOHN H. Wir.B. Tre....lfer HlinilKn A TIKI.'. riiminuiTinu' J FINANCIAL V,1 The nir..N,,w. YPrl' April HO. 1922. IfrftT5?Sc,w0" "A.."1. '" nubber A Tire u riiiXZiA ':li2.'m a emarea a quart- a"" P! euaniwar. saraDie f - VETERAN RECALLS On of Twe Survivors Says Confederate President Re buked Captors TAKttN 57 YEARS, AGO TODAY By (lie Associated Press Spencer, 0 Stay 10. Fifty-seven years ace today Jeffersen Davis, Prcsl- dent of the Confederate States, was taken prisoner by the Fourth Michigan Cavalry In an early morning surprise near Irwlnsvllle, On. Today Themas Mile Hunter, seventy- nlne years old, veteran of seventy- three Civil War engagements, sat In an old armchair en the front perch of his country home two miles from here and recounted reminiscences of that tragic period. He says he is one of the two survivors of the Fourth Michigan pres. cnt at the capture, the ether being Henry Windser, of Wayne, Mich. The President of the Confederacy was net attired In feminine apparel when surrounded, asserts Hunter, despite his torical statements te the contrary. "He wero a sentlemnn's morning robe ever his regular clothes," said the aged soldier. "On his head was an old striped bonnet. He did net have en any woman's belongings. There wasn't even any strings en his bonnet. He was a man sure enough." The Mlchlgnn troopers, 410 of them, with ten officers, were preparing for rest after three dnys and nights of inarching from Maen, when they es pied a little cnairr secluded amidst a cluster of sapling. An advance guard was sent en, n few shots were fired, the entire regiment swooped down, and the camp was taken. .Tcfforsen Dnyis, his wife and four chlldrciv: Jehn II. Regan, his Postmas ter (icneral: a staff of aides, servant and aeme ethers were with him. I am the man you nre looking for," " veren Quoted Mr. Davis. We all surrounded blm." Mr. Hun- er continued. "Colonel Prltchurd did the tniklne for ua. Wn ...... nil ), nnd wanted te celebrate. That made Davis mad and he 'said : 'Yeu fellows think you nre smart te capture a camp of women and children. Well, you are net. This is vandalism.' " The camp was guarded closely that night, and ouce the Confederate Presl tlcnt left his tent nnd attempted te walk away, only te be betrayed by his spurs as. ,triPpe,d ?)'cp a ,0' Hunter said, i . .? T?ok h,m t0 Macen two dnys later," Hunter said. "Then twenty two men escorted him te Washington Ml? s8'.Trcndere1 hlm t0 MJr General Mr. Hunter said the men of M rri. ment were given a $300 bonus for the capture, It being awarded in 1808, and finally paid nineteen years later. Twe Minutes of Optimism By HERMAN J. STICH Emma-Lindsay Sqitusr's All All Petverful Trinity Peculiar things happen in this world. Emma -Lindsay Squler, for Instance, a Les Angeles newspaper woman, was assigned some tlme age te Interview Busll King. Instead of questioning the great nove list, however, the young newspaper woman found herself being drawn out, telling stories, stories of her childhood, recounting the myriad experiences of a Ilttle boy and girl who lived a few years age en the shores of Pugct Bound, stor ies that were intriguing, absorbing, Ir resistible, and that, withal, exemplified the potency of the axiom that truth Is frequenly stranger than fiction. The upshot was that Basil King urged her te write out these stories ehe had tefd him, and "The Wild Heart" is the result a book fairly brimming ever with love, courage und the precious In tangible thing we call heart. On cursory reading "The Wild Heart" seems te be a collection of cork ing animal stories as geed as any ever turned out by Jack Londen nnd Oliver Curwood But it Is mere. The world, for all Its pretests te the contrary, likes sermons when they are well done and net tee long. And underneath every Incident re counted in "The Wild Heart," through every boyish and girlish adventure re called, runs the thread of an unsur passable sermon en the felly of fear and bate, the power of confidence and faith, the all-conquering strength of sympathy and leve. Oene Stratton-Perter In a few Intro ductory words tella us that, fearless, slte has held her face within two feet of a celled rattlesnake ready te strike, but it did net strike, whlle two min utes later a man afraid came along, and Immediately the snake showed fight; she reminds us of F.nes Mills end Ar thur Ilemlng, both passionate levera of the wilds and the creatures that home there, that the ene tramps the Recky Mountains for weeks at a time abso lutely without a weapon, and the ether travels Canada from elde te side, North and Seuth, passing all kinds of wild creatures at all seasons und under all conditions, and nothing teucheshim. The author of "The Wild Heart" baa SEIZING ef DAVIS Moving-Picture of a Man Trying te Sleep in a Railway Seat : : B J p- vey SCENE Man curls up en a seat, placing head en window, legs and feet en Opposite scat. Feet slip off. Ledge begins te hurt bead. Shifts, putting head en arm of scat near aisle, and tucking feet under him. Fairly comfortable. Train takes curve and wn pepa Inte his eyee. , Geta up te pull down shade. Tries te remember hew he waa lying. Oan't quite get feet back into com fortable position. Train taken another curve and un shines in from window across aisle. Gets up and aecures hat. Puts it ever his eyes nnd curls up en reut again. Train cemea te audden step. lint falls off. Feet slip off. Sl'BTlTLE: (CENSORED.) Man tries te rest head, but places seem te be all angles. Finally rolls up overcoat and uaea it for pillow. 0U (aaVluk4 Ut am't stt ax, I, . .. rr held converse en the trail with a wild cat that just befere was panting with the dealre te spring, te kill; the has stroked the note of a tigress whose nos tril n few moments previous were di lated with the bated human scent; she has walked Inte the cage of a crouch ing lioness and said te her the things she would have said had she met the lienets in the weeds, and watched the snarling lips relax-, the glint of green Se out of the slanting eyes, the crouch leappear. The triumph of deep sympathy, great love and fearlesa confidence these arc the keynotes of Kmma-Ltndsay Hauler a gripping "The Wild Heart" and they make up an all-powerful trinity that. It wn will, can help every single one of ns almlgbtlly te win ever and te make menus ei tne liens tnat comrent us In our own various paths. Embassy Is Nen-Committal, but Will Make Further Investigation FAMILY DROPS THE AFFAIR Washington, May 10. Alexander E. Robertsen, the romantic British war veteran, appealed in pcren te the Brit ish Embassy yesterday te help him press his charges that agents of Senater Charles A. Culberset, of Texas, Jwhlle posing as Federal officers, kidnapped him and tried te spirit blm out of the United Statea, because of bis leve for the Senater's daughter, Miss Mary Cul berson. In order te get away from a small army of reporters and photographers, who guarded ull entrances te the Brit ish Embassy, Robertsen fled by way of the garage, crouched down In an auto mobile. What the British Embassy in tends te de about the case remains as much a mystery as ever. Secretary Cralgle Issued a statement after con sulting with the British Ainbnseader. "Mr. Robertsen called at His Maj esty's Embassy today and gave a full statement of his dase," said the state ment. The Embasny are Inclined te consider that certain aspects ns pre sented call for further investigations, nnd they are net prepared te make any further statement at this stage." Se far as the Culbersens nre con cerned, according te reliable statements, they are through with the whole matter. Se Is the Bums Agenc.i, which has dropped the case. Jehn F. Ellis, who was Indicted In New Jersey en Robert Robert eon's charge of kidnapping, hnd left the Burns service when arrested. Austin. Tex., May 10. When Miss Mary Culberson, while a student in the University of Texas, drove up te en Austin garage last fall te have her car filled with gasoline she met Robertsen, employed at the garage and. one of the most picturesque characters en tee uni versity campus. The story is told of Robertaen driv ing up te the house of the Alpha Phi Sorority, te which Miss Culberson was pledged, and carrying the girls out en his shoulders for a ride. Robertsen was gassed in the Euro pean war in 1010 while with the British army In France. He was shell -shocked in a Red Cress hospital bombed by Ger mans, and for fourteen months lest bis memory. He left Liverpool after the war te come te America for a college education, and, although he had only a grammar school education, was admit ted te Texas University en individual approval. "Get all you can and go for the big gest thing," was his expressed philoso phy of life, which he made apply te Ills love nffulr. He was n Hen among the fair sex. He tnlked Impetuously with British ncccnt, had n quick, nervous laugh and, while he hnd a keen in tellect, was considered nemcwhat er ratic. LEGION JARS CONGRESSMAN Hastily Repudiates Invitation for Fecht te Addreia Meeting Cliambersburg, Pa.. May 10. Con gressman Benjamin K. Fecht, a Re publican candidate for rcnominatlen in this district, accepted an Invitation ex tended te him by nn officer of Asper Pest, American Legien, te address the pest last night. The address was advertised and Mr. Fecht came here. Meanwhile It was discovered thai nothing political may be clone in the Legien meetings. A special session was hurriedly called last night, the invitation repudiated and rescinded end Mr. Fecht se ad vised. King Alexnnder, treasurer of Valley Spirit, a newspaper, and can didate for Democratic nomination for Congress, resigned last evening as ad jutant of the pest. AUSTRIAN FILM OPPOSED Haya te Be Asked te Fight Alleged Propaganda Washington, May 10. Patriotic women's organizations are up in arms against the exb'bitien of an alleged AuRtre- Hungarian propaganda motion picture in American theatres. Will H. Hays, director of the merfmr. picture Industry, and the convention of uiotien-piciura incetrn owners, m ses sion' here, will be called upon today by a delegation te adept a resolu tion against showing the picture unless the American and allied side is simul taneously produced. The picture Is said ,te show "Uncle Sam sitting en bags of geld" In con trast with "devastated Austria" and "devastated Hungary." It was stated the picture was "te be. produced by contract at a cost of $206,000 and has the financial backing of Kubn, Leeb & Ce. and the Carnegie Educational Foundation." Sticks one in bis pocket and sleeps en ether. Doesn't quite work out that way se he shifts hands. Still devsa't work ; sticks both bands under blm. Dreps off Inte fitful slumber. Train takes curve. Suitcase totters in upper rack, then falls en man. SUBTITLE: (CENSORED.) Gees through all the agonies of get ting settled again. Tired young mother comes in. Carries baby who is even mere tired. Tired of everything. Man trie) te sleep in spite of babe, Babv finally unlets down. Man. new In desperate need of .lemi. Dreps off Inte light slumber. Begins te sleep deeply. New thoroughly comfnrtable and sleeping beautifully. Conductor stalks down aisle and leeks at him keenly. Grabs him by shoulder and snakes him awake. , UsTKTWB CWjWHari Tics, BRITISH LOOK INTO CULBERSON CASE in r " i i - i n ' COMPLAIN! LEADS Man, Sought by Ventner Police, Arrested as He Reports Theft of Suitcase ALLEGED BIGAMIST NABBED ffaeeial DUpeteh te Kvtntne PubUe LtSetr Atlantic City, May 10. Lack of sporting spirit proved the undoing of Jeseph V. Hughes, twenty years old, of Philadelphia, here yesterday. Ac cording te the police. Hughes walked Inte the Detectlve Bureau and com plained some one had stolen Ills suit case from his benrdlng beuse en Seuth Seuth Carolina avenue. Drawing a complaint form toward him, Captain Barnsbaw put the usual first question, "Your name, please." Ne sooner had Hughes given It than a half-dozen detectives broke up their pinochle game and Jumped en hlm. Just an hour before word lisd heen rnmlrnrl from the Ventner police thnt Hughes was wanted there for the larceny of .0. After Hughes' complaint had been recorded In full he was given an ctcert te the city jail. The "he-flapper" and net the jazay girls with their bobbed treses, fads nnd foibles, is the real danger te so ciety, according te Frank McOill, pres Ident of the Penn Hall Scheel for Girls, Chembersburg, Pa. He addressed the Atlantic City Rotary Club yester day. The 250 girl pupils are spending the month here. Following complaint of Birdie Tyler, of Bosten, that he had married her in that city January LfJ, f)14, Jehn C. Themas, 0 local undertaker, was ar rested en a charge of bigamy. According te the police, Themas de serted the girl shortly after their mar riage, and ske only recently learned his whereabouts. In the meantime Themas came te this city, established himself In business and married. Iln was re leased under $1000 ball te uvvtlt the arrival of extradition papers from Bes- It would take 1000 meu. earning 1 .uO nn hour and working fertv-eicht ?u?.a week "(1 ynra te earn the f 1,000,000,000 wasted by fire In the J.",.'1 ,8.t!!fe?. durh,K 102 nni1 B-'1. i. h. Mallalleu, president of the Nu Nu llenal Fire Protection Association, told the association's convention here yes terday. Mr. Mallalleu, who also is general manager of the National Beard of Fire Underwriters, said 30,000 persons lest their lives and 34,000 were injured. Establishing court in her home nt 28 Seuth Flerida avenue, Mrs. Harry Freed, the only woman justlce of the peace in the city, presided yesterday at a hearing ever Jehn Merse, a hotel clerk, at present unattached. Merso was arrested en a warrant charging him with passing two worthless cheeks. Merse was held under $300 en the first charge and $300 en the second, and will be given an opportunity te tell his version te the Grand Jury. Upen his arrival at the shore Friday President Harding will address the At lantic City Klwnnis Club nt the Sea view Gelf Club, where he will make his headquarters for three days as the guest of United States Senater Edge, of this city. The State convention of the Knights of Columbus will open here tomorrow for a two-day session. CARDIFF THE 100 PORT. NKATtEIl t". K ket for all feedstuffs and areneral cargoes. SA"h7" ."old ever 100.000 tens. Arely nerland. 241 Madisen Ave , New Yerk, or Development Agent. Cardiff. Seuth IVales. West Pkili. Office: 52nd it Market Streets Germntewn Office: Germantown Ate. ab. Cheltea Ave. Delaware Avenue Office: Delaware Ayenue ft Market Street Th Institution TOHISOWNARREST aSaaatiG T" Ka esBBBBBBiik(iBBBBBr9wJas BBBeBPeBfV9s9nW VaaSfAvrrf Primin "f i imwtipwwiiiiif I ssBsBLTBannaaiallHHLVH I I KSbii9ESHsI I Concrete Protects Yeu at Grade Crossings The gritty, non-skid surface e! a Concrete read in all kinds e! weather wet or dry gives you that control ever your car which you need in emergencies. This element of safety, in addition te the clean liness, comfort, endurance and economy ei Concrete reads, explains the rapid incrttw in Concrete read construction in recent yetrt and the big increase last year ever any previous yt .. Concrete makes the ideal read for the taxpayer as well as the motorist. PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION FINANCE BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA, PA. eA National Organization te Improve and Extend the Uses of Concrete Offices In 23 Other Cities BUDD WHEEL CO. 8 Preferred Stock Cumulative Participating Priee en Application PETRY, TOLAND & WEISS ' Members of New Yerk and Philadelphia Stock ExcJianges 1326 Walnut Street TAX FREE MUNICIPAL BONDS $300,000.00 CHOICE NEW JERSEY ISSUES Township of Palmyra, Burlington County, N. J., Scheel 5s, 1924 te 1948 Township of Pensauken, Camden County, N. J., Scheel 5s, 1923 te 1950 Borough of Swedesboro, Gloucester County, N. J., Scheel 5s, 1932 te 1962 PRICES TO RETURN 4.50 M. M. FREEMAN & CO. 421 Chestnut St. Phene Lembard 0710 1 GOLD ! In the Days of '49 the geldseeker endured hardships and piivatiens, and the quest for the precious metal waa fraught with peril and danger. Today the competition for wealth is equally keen in the business world, but the dangerous days fellow its acquisition. Safety in saving is the keynote of modern success. De Net be led astray by alluring advertisements of quick and disproportionate returns en your investment. Bank and save with a standard in stitution of known integrity. Capital fi Surplui, $1,900,000.00 FranMmlRi fJfiiliM'.ir IT .2 JiEWwta sm I rWtfim Main Office, 15th St. below Market C. Additon Harri; Jr., Praidtnt that gave Philadelphia Day and ffight i Wiwii iniiM st Ce. Sanfiem M iimm w "' ' "' ' "'" " '." l Are Your making money today?;? WiWalanj7 Optrating 36 Biteminett Mints in II BALDWIN STANDARD MOTIVES READY FOR U7E HAVE for immediate delivery heavy and light designs ; of standard contractors' locomotives, built for standards and narrow gauge tracks. They arc strongly built te with-Jx' stand hard usage, and te give satisfaction under the meat strenuous operating conditions. Prjccs and specifications upon request. v THE BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS rVTEAMMHP N-nTffKH Crewell & Thurlow INTERCOASTAL LINE Will Dispatch from PHILADELPHIA te LOS ANGELES HARBOR SAN FRANCISCO and SEATTLE SS "EAGLE" May 1 Phila. & Reading R. R Pier Si, North Wharves LAVINO SHIPPING CO., AGENTS Bullitt Building Lembard 5600 SHIP BY BOAT 18 day te Lew Angela i 22 day te San Francitce NAWSCO LINES Express Freight Steamers direct from Philadelphia via Panaau Canal the 6th and 20th of each month. f S. S. Artigas May 20 S. S. Lehigh Juao Teuu frelfbt received daily at Pier 19 North (Feet of Vine St.) Assistance- riven In dlsclmrilnr Team Frelcht NORTH ATLANTIC & WESTERN S. S. CO. 136 S. Fourth St., Phila. Phene Lembard 5791-2-3; Main 7781.2 -WILLIAMS LINE-, S S "WILLSOLO" DIRECT SAILING MAY 22 I te Les Angeles, San Francisce, Portland. Seattle and Tacoma Freight Received Daily PIER 27 NORTH rOK BATEb ANO I.UTICLI-VRN AITLV WILLIAMS STEAMSHIP CO., Inc. Ill Drexel Bide;, Custom Heuse Place Lembard 5474-5 . laWHiTE star N. Y. TO CBEBUOCRG JOOTlLMrTON OLVMPIO May 13 June 3 Jane 21 MAJK4T1R (new . -Mar 20 June 17 Jul) H HOMKRIO (new) . .June III July 1 July ii N. V. te COUIi (QrKKNSTOMN) 4 LIKIl- roeL HAI.Tin May 13 Jmifl 10 Jely H CKIIKIO M.iy 20 June 17 July IS ADRIATIC May 27 June 2 July il CELTIC June 3 Julv 1 July 2'J NEW YORK TO AZORES. MADEIRA. GIBRALTAR. AI.OERIA, NAPLES AND GENOA .RAnir (17.824 tans) July 8 A ax. 20 tRETiri Au. 8 Sept. 2.1 PHILADELPHIA LIVERPOOL MEI.TONIAN May 1 1 HAVERFORD ....Jane 13 July 22 Sept. 12 Ill.l.filAV June IB PITTSBUROH (nen)June 23 July 27 Ant. 31 Cabin and third rln.e na.senKtrs carried. l.EYLANU LINK PITILADEI.rill MANCHESTER Meltenlan ....May 11 IleUtlan .. .June IS Red Star Imt ANTWERP I.XPLANH Mar IS June 17 July 22 FINLAND May 27 July 1 Atic. .1 ZEEI.AND June 3 Jnly H Am. 1! KROOMNT June 10 July 15 Anr. 10 PHILA.. 1IA.-MIII Ktl. LIIMU, Ji.vZIU . SAMLAND (3d clase paMencer. only! May 10 PHILADELPHIA ANTWERP ' Mackinaw . May 20 Nlnlnu . . Jnne 7 , SllHOt'KI . ... Jane 20 ! OOTnLAND May 20, a American Lira N V. TO HAMIU'RO VIA PLYMOUTH AND MINNEKAnDA (3d class) V .S"-i VI Mar 24 June 2k MAM III m.i ST. PAIH. . Mar 31 July .1 I June 7 July 12 ,,."- A -, i.n.A iy t,,.nxi nine i I'll .,.. r.L. f -..ii.',i. . MAHOPAC ..June 20 ATI.ANTIL TRANSPORT LINE PHILADELPHIA LONDON Maeklnaw....Mny 20 Mnlau June 7 1 MISSOURI ."June 20 ; IIOI.IND-AMERICA LINE PHILADELPHIA ROTTERDAM Blydendyk ...... ... . . . . . ...May 'IS International Mercantile Marine Ce. i 130 STEAMERS. 1,300,000 TONS Ps.senrer Office. 1310 Walnut St.. Phila. Vreleht Office. 40.V-II4 IWmrw Bids-.. Phila. . f Famous "Santa" Steamers. a Peru Chile 17 ia Pnnama Canal k l.arse n ' lfrU'.in ships efferlnc ren.t com fertable accommodations. Direct route te south America. Unexcelled Cuisine. Santa Tenaa. May 21, Saala Ellas, June 14 ORACE LINE. Ine. 10 HaneTT8q..N.Y. r , irai Alent COMMERCIAL' aiwwanir a.iwfca PHILADELPHIA TO COHK. DUIILIN. IIEI.PAST AND LONDnMUlltltY SS "Kerhonkson" Last half May BALTIC & SCAND. POUTS SS "Eaatpert". . Sailing May 10 HOOM ud llcCOMIACK, INC i ' iWHSmmmmm a si -fr VifiA,. ' w A tf'i .'ef Ceal Mine) " A T 1 .XI Peabedy-manaeed mines &t4&' Let us show you why. Owtjsi Service includes managiitfV nltAKnllnn1 flfl.HsllIM flf.fcltl.a.'ti ureieun., uiiaiiviug, ovaaaesjtM, Experience 39 years. COAL COMPANY 332 Se.Mlchigan Are. . CHICAC Fittit With Anmal Capacity ei 2t,HH,9tt Timtft CONTRACTORS' LOCO- IMMEDIATE DELIVERY!? Philadelphia RTKAMNIIII TiOTirEH 24 days te Saattla 25 day te Portland 1 tLYMOUTaT, MCLsM UAMUVUm Mr New Ajnericaa-FUsr . Reliance ....May 16 Jnne IS J-1. 11 Reielate Mir 30 Jane 27 J.I. ; TV UAMBCsTti latBC Sawm etirr Tim 1 V. k. - lax steamers Meaiat CtaV, Masaat cS roll. Mount CUataa. Haaaa, Bayen. jrmmmmtaamrw, witB aeacaal ralili sbJI roved taM daa acaxasaaeekttiaiia. United American Leprae, m iiinaaar, Mew Ter or ixxaj Aetata ewbrk te Seuth America en US.Geverninent Fastest Time te nie de Janeiro, Montevideo antl Buenes Aires. Finest uhln. Am.riT lata aervire Amurican loed Amtarl. can comferta. 8alllnaTS rrem Pt . ' llobeken . i' Weelern Warld ....May If Southern Cress ...May SI American Legien . .Juae IS Pan America JuneS4 "Fortnightly Tbereattar SZ M' Manien Tfi iiiiiiIbjiI mt ' Ts Phllsdelphl. Ofllre. Dreiel BUet. j V Jfanaini? Operalera Jar i . 1 kOTSTSHlPPlNG BO TffE FAMOU1 m aff f y "vn cuisine rrancaUM The splendid feed for whl vessels nave loner been celetH only one of the many attr 01 j'rcncii i. me Service, in al inanniliccnl nccouiiiiedatlofwy watchfulness, for the cenifsj pleasure ut tnc traveler ,H maKc in (no 10 prance ic r4)nittniliril ",:r ::.:. . ., rfk or uu (Miaii eenw i ' itIF "P'. n H A I nty . , . TiCflfflSWiJr.: .v'v, 4 4 &'&. i . J' ., 'Jy&iCvW ,. i TW l" ' V" 'vj'a