vl rr vjw l i"n rfirL?.- f ej yu r p. I j-:ft..,.,i;',i' i 'imii&jWMw 9wmtflsxrsfawi-'fi j . r..il.WijEW,&i .' 5fe' D aijy Mevie Magazine FOR THE FILM FAN'S SCRAPBOOK HBt mmmmWiv-i .. KaHffF 3faSBkaK3: v-r. Erf? 4aBHBBKk .v- .n-v AsW" ill HElP - ' :w JA $ r; r, -- M . RICHARD DIX WILL PLAY JOHN STORM IN FILM, 'CHRISTIAN n.v CONSTANCY FAIAIER Hollywood, Calif. TJlCIIAltl) DIX lias been selected te XV plnv tin- lending pnrt In "The Christian." whleli Maurice Tetirneur Ir te direct In Kngl.nnd. The pnrt of .lehn Storm lins lioen coveted by many n linndeme nnd gifted lending man. Mnny ncters of brilliance luive been considered i In tlie months since It wns derided te film the fnmeiit leek by Hull ('nine, nnd the announcement of Mr. Dlx's geed 1 fortune comes ns ii tilea.tnnt shock. After n lenj period of speculation we elgh with relief and say. "Why, of course!" It N n curiein coincidence that "The Christian" wni the lir'-t theatrical pro duction the actor ever saw. His family frowned upon the -fagc. thinking the theatre n world of debauchery nnd vice. They relented, however, when young Dix pleaded te be allowed te sce tills particular piny. Eliner Glyn has been aided te the Tfeldwyn writers. Her story, "Six Days," lin" been purchased nnd will re Inte production rdiertly. Mrs, (Jlyn sailed for Europe Inst week. During her stay there Mie will tnke nil active part in the supervision of n number of scenes which are te be taken In l'nrls. Hecnuse of their splendid work Ray mond Griffith nnd Helen Lynch, two players in "Her Man." Marshall N'cllan's recently completed picture, nrc te nnnenr in ether productions of that director. Mr. tlriffitli, ns the Wep In 'Feels First," and ns n snappy ehew- ing-gum salesman in "Her Inn," fur nihew, with MIsh Lynch, most of the comedy of both pictures. Mr. Nellan used a very elaborate boudoir set in the latter picture, paying many n pretty penny for the rental of the furniture. "Hut." snid he, wisely, "what If there should be. n lire or sonic ether dire and unforeseen disaster en the very day I nni responsible for till furniture?" Se lie called up n local company and arranged te tnke out $.)0,0()0 lnsurance twenty-four hours. ffiKwittwmxmmMmti "w-mK r, wum i nsaujnJUBs.-i, auaa , j.v, h v , . -"-' " - " -yy - i , ,. i i ,. , msBffim Freckles. But the boy has been making Iiersenal appearance at theatres all ever the country for the last ten weeks and has been doing n geed deal of talking, both en and off the stage. Fer an actor of the w. k. "silent" drama, this per per fennl appearance Bttiff Is rough en the voice ! REVIEWslcHOOL PROGRESS tect itself the company assigned a mnn te watch the set during the life of the policy. ."Actors nru such peer business men,'' t-aid they. l'oer Wesley Harry lest his voice after delivering n carefully memorized speech te President Harding. 'Snuff te make any ene lese his voice, says Superintendent Broeme Addresses Heme and 8choel League The prowess tnade In the public schools nnd the hopes for the future were told by Superintendent Ilroeme te members of the Heme and Scheel Lcngue of Philadelphia, which held Its annual meeting and conference last night at the Philadelphia Nermal Scheel, Thirteenth and Spring Garden streets. Superintendent Broeme stressed the rapid advancement of the building pro gram of the esprit de corps of the en tire' Instructional staff. Others who spoke Included Henry Lauder, presi dent of the Fathers' Association of the for a period of Mlcrmantewn High Scheel; Miss Lmmn In order te nre- V. Tlndnl, principal of the Helmes Junier High Scheel; Edwin L. Fugate, Jr., principal or the Whlttler Scheel ; Miss Anna B. Pratt, director of the Whlte-Wllllems Foundation, nnd E. I'rner Geedman, executive of the Bey Sevuts. Mrs. James L. Pennypackcr was re-elected president, and the ether officers wcre also re-elected. HrVill Kane r 'y KV Ml." NORMA TALMADGE We tcill be glad ie publish the pictures of such tcrccn players n are suggested by the fans THE MOVIE FAN'S LETTERBOX ny HENBY M. NEELY Old Timer the Second" writes "Yes, I am a newcomer, but net n 'new reader' by any mentis. The different Tlews and opinions of the 'movie fan' are most interesting. A great mi)y of them (your own included sometimes i 'clash with my own views, but that's all right; I find them of Interest just the same. It is Instructive te read what love scenes; hence the beardless Al Al varade. "Geraldlne was a total failure n an Aztec Princess. When Alvarado was brought In a prisoner before the throne of Montezuma he was looked upon with curiosity, mingled with awe, as they thought him a god. lie was one of the white eomiuerers. and they ethers think. had never seen a white man before. 'ITnrn la n nnptlHnn T U'tsh tO ftSkilM.n..,. ...n ., (n ,1.A 1tl. Trn .a.TOU. Seme months age I saw n picture tezuma's dnuchtei- KSernlclineK hew- ft ., oalfetl 'Tlie Wnnilprine Jew" with He- ,,. ct, ii,j i,:m .. ,1,1, nn n.,. X''4elph and Jeseph Sclilldkniut fentnrcd. previl)g CJ(1 Hbi. ext move was tn h& I this the same Jeseph Sehildkraut as threw ft 1)ewer (with u trU(, CnrmeI1 the, one of 'Urphnns et the Menn i nn tletirisht at the feet of Alvarado-und '.Jill,?m fam(:'L l have.,nS? bC(,.n cUlu,r tiuatemec (her eeu-in nnd suitor i. Of , ' wp" ur mv inn; """','" cours.e. Wally cot the tleuer (utcr fi-I iDUJT JUUKL I. Will Ifti'ilWh"!'' "" I'" 'Prs. Somehow he leeks tse dlftercnt Wu '?The one I hnvc seen (jemed a man of Pp' about forty years nnd rather heavily iii. .set, while the etner seems se de.visii aim PiiA "OL Are they father and son, or the FtC . k; IS? aaiwai mnn ' "Have read lately In your column some unfavorable comment en William Farnum. My neighborhood theatre does net show Fex films any mere. si have net seen Mr. Farnum for nbeut three .years. He always was, nnd till 1". a mah1m i inlnn T linrn ini.ll llfm 111 many 'films, but think the following lNt of pictures were the Best: ine spoil ers,' 'The Price of Silence,' 'A Tale of $,Twe Cities,' 'The New Governer.' 'Riders of the Purple Sage' and 'Heart t r m m m M &: r l.lllem. v) can Illy. I believel, and their love -tarted then and there. AVeil, thnt'h all ever nnd done for. hut it troubled me a let. and new that it's out of my sjstem 1 , teel better only you nrc the victim." "I'll move te a mere cheerful sub- . jer. Rodelph? Why. certainly, I like I lifm what girl does net? He has a i verv likable way and a geed-natured I Muile which llghti up his whole face. ' Saw him Ir. "The Sheik, I'he Pour Horsemen ' and "Mran of the Lndv I.tty" and thought htm splendid in all three. "I de net like Alice Terry She re- minds me tee much of Kntherlne MacDennld. She Is afraid te cry lest 1 she spoil her pretty face a trembling of HtrinffS ' luur iit uuu ui.m nun iwe ji-uii. miri'.. v.. i.. mnisOTi.ti,tt'!irs is the extent of their crying. I II Mt u uwuiiii vi ...in. .. . .. . ..,, . V-.- 1'IJ.. U-tel her J l(leS mv- ri u .."iii.u titiiiai.. . i,.-5..- i.eve. iicien .lereni" i.m.y, iuinin uisni and Pauline Frederick ery nnturallj : tliej wcie net nfrnid te make them- l selves a little less geed looking for a j few minutes. Any Mncere nctre-s rhe I live- lier parr .mil feels bnd 'neuqii te, cr does nor think of her face and hew It leeks, just e she makes her audience ,1,1,1 feel her sorrow or pain. I de net mean The DJ t'lls f'mt ceiihider 'making faces' Andersen), K" aP"B, ir irein ir. ueuver mci her ridiculous face! She can be tee. If she chesses ; that is the worst pnrt of it. Hasn t anv one around her get the nerc te tell her hew silly she leeks'.' Or won't she. listen te sense? i "De you like Helen Jereme Eddy': Vi) one seems te speak of her in thei Letter Bex. I like her ury much. She I is verv sincere in her work. Think she Is far superior te many 'st.irs.' Flor ence Vlder is another favorite of mine, also Sessue IlHyakuwii l I knew he Is net n favorite of .ieursl. Theuglit Hayuknwa excellent with Fanny Ward, in "The Client," also liked him In "The; Hener of III" Heuse." "The Jaguar's Clnw," "The Tengmnn." "The Swamp" nnd finite n few ethers I have' seen sorry 1 missed "The Pettle Imp. "Seny te hear that Pauline Fred ericks will leave the screen hope It is only for n rest. Seme of her pictures have net been se geed, but she always I i makes the best of her pnrt. An old one of hers was u mtj geed one, "Lyilln (Jllmere " De .ou recall It? "Bella ' Denna,'' "Ashes of Embers." "One , Week of Lifu" (splendid! i. "Madame X" and "Pence of Bearing Blvcr." The last named had some scenes I did net like; reminded me of n 'serial, but found it very interesting otherwise. "Will you plcnse print Hayakawa's . 1 IIAt.... I....M. I. 1,1.... nlnhi.nu'. "I have very little time for writing ami It took m nbeut four weeks te I complete this letter. Will net bother, jeu again for a long time te come." I remember with measure of Barnegnt.' 'Stelen Goods, 'T.he Cap tive,' "the Thousand Dellar Husband," 'The Clue' nnd 'Fighting C'rcssy.' 1 ' "When Betty Nanen left, she seems te have gene for geed. De ;.ou remem ,ber her In 'Should a Mether Tell'? Al- "' ways thought that a fine picture. Seme .. ether old ones which impressed me as SVlbeln aoed were 'the Hese et fe," iBancbe' (Bcssie Barri'cale) mi. w M-m t.' . eAI.Ivim' i l z i in til AS2?.g;;Fl,iV .Sr k' : from that -Jumpin ;.- h - - - "---- . . ,1 m. J'Dust of Egypt' (Edith Storey ami An- "" M'v.Jrmn Mnnnnl. "Tli I.nw Decides i Koeu' Itjfy (Harry T. Merey. Dorethy Kelly and f,x , ijenaiu tiaui, xne ieve -uusn, ivicu VA Rldgeley, 'Wnllace Beld and Eurle Fexe) S&V'Barhary Sheep' (Elsie Fergusen nnd lSf" 'Fadre de Cordoba). p? ,' One of my favorites Is Theodere Heb- :,sijTy ens. ue you rememecr niin in run- VK," .Jin'lup.l V'(lu,lM'' T thfsn-rtit thnt n 'aplendld picture. I alwajblike the cliar- actcr man. irie screen can ueusr ei quite a few very geed ones Kuymend .Jlatten, Charles Ogle. Frank Leee. , Claude Glllingwater, Nnnli nnd Wallace Beery, Theodere Kosloff nnu Init, but snot least, Theodere Roberts. "Mary Plckferd has been 'knocked' a geed bit lately. I like her well M v enough, but the parts sue piajs arc mere for children. Thought her best $ (really very geed) In 'Stella Meris' and iiVlEJbJk MtLa Ttn nA f iliA T? a1 nr4irl ti f'l . feV-illet Dexter was splendid In the Inst v.-n mmmn rnn nr Mnrv u finriinr1 inn- sAr""-"", . . . " ' ', . .... - jfjtures, W'Jieii no one seemed te line, was I4ttie rai." sue wns a nau-urei-u in ftc'S-ilan In It and, of course, did net have !- .'nftUtf mtttn ,.itrl nrwl tlint wns whv the fcre?MpU did net iike It It did net leek ,,:ilVm Mary Plckferd. I liked it a let. irMfe;1"! was amusel and a little surprised P ;? one of the 'fnns' who called Gcrul- K ": din Farrar l .-tt.Ti - , ;TWerd 'refined.' Thnt is the last I should use In a description of -WFarrar. alie strikes me as neing ceare tai both expression and acMen. She is Tectly nt home when she can slap one In the face, or unvc a hnir- ng match, or walk along with her en tier bin. but when It comes te ,, . , i, ..... ,1 serlbus part of a geed and lien- ; , ' 7 Zl n,J d1 woman she simply cannot de it. , .t ,' i. :.. f. n... r...-,i, i . . . i - a t ui, I liuiii ill iiuitn lit nn i iul uuer mi i hew she does net ring true in a , e-hiMi,,,. nf i.iuir.m" fnmr ,n,i part. 'The Weman Ged Forget i b ..., ni.v. i l", ...i hi. have been e really fine picture if. nhi.i- itudninh Hehiwikmnt. is n v,.t. Idlne had been forgotten. It nl- i,.re nninn ..,. n u'r imr,a.,iiii hii w-nm puiHW Hi jiiBi uuw vjini .urgui ! tlcy reaie tlie pltturu ill ijurepe. Jwr. Her father and all her people wem i lilanche Sweet has retired from pic- r euicnerew or ensiuveu, wuue sue lures. I Haven't heard of Hetty Nan act iree te marry tee man sue marry the man It leeks as If she was the enlv ttwhem Ged remembered. It wns a It pity, tee, as the supporting cast 'B splendid one Raymond Ilatten. r Emperor Mentesunia ; Tlieoilere I'rlnce uuatcmec: Hobart erth, Cortex, and Walter Leng, i t nigh priest et tbe' temple each r very goeu in nis part. rauace iteiu as Alvarado could s pasted if he had only put a I an, Alvarado was famous for his i ! beard New, Wallace's safety I -net far off or his checks Mjbaaa so'smeoth, and It's 'no satet i sen in years. Yes. 1 remember "Pud- d'n'hend Wilsen." It was a fine pro duction. I neither like nor illsllke Helen Jereme Eddy. She leaves me perfectly indifferent.) Spaniard Assails Bull Fights Madrid, May 10. Instead of bull fighting being called the national sport, It should be culled the national shame. declared Deputy Francl'ce Hastes, who . raised In the Chamber of Deputies ji.s- terday the subject of bull lights and the i fatalities attending them. HIIK IIEMKVEH IN CXAITEIM UlM Anna Jrvli. iht feundtr et Melhr' Day, Ml why ah ballevM In ttw ntmt-i kHS uub ar (Pfl euriMn jtnevia i' ' iimi-iwbv ,tftTiw .waica IIWIIW Btrntiaa ei m a M-a"Y xs&syp sssar. . " v w . The beverage for every age mm&w9 yet full of pep and ginger. 3& Anheuser-Busch cwtmfr$ie' ANHEUSER-BUSCH, INC., ST. LOUIS Uncommon Sense : Morning Inspection By JOHN BLAKE THE great ship Is en Its way across the ocean. Overside the steady swish of the water accompanies the thump, thump, thumping of the pro peller. On the brldge Is the officer of the watch, with his eyes sweeping the sea ahead. Above htm is the lookout tn the crew's nest. In the pilot house ts the quartermas ter, with his hands en the stcahi steer ing gear, his ears elert for orders as le the course from the officer, though no word nbeut the course mny be spoken for hours. The passengers nre coming out of their staterooms and mnklng ready te stretch themselves en the deck, or go te the dining room for breakfast. EVERYTHING te all outward ap nenrnnce ts In shipshape. Yet presently the Inspecting officers i appear en deck, and with painstaking minuteness leek ever every mirt of the ship. , , , A second Inspection is taking place in the engine room. Fer tin ess the captain can knew beyond question that everything ts nil right he Is net satis- The symptoms of ship hcnlth nnd steadiness may be nil present. That is net enough. He must be sure that everything, from the position of the vessel te the working of the smallest pump that supplies water te the boil ers is what tt should be. If It Isn't It Is made se immediately. It Is by rigid and regular Inspection that ships perform the seeming miracle of safely crossing nn ocean en which thcre nre no rends nnd no lighthouses, nnd arriving In their destined pert en schedule time. - It is by the same sort of Inspection that armies are kept fit foraeHean without such n , system. N tSS cntiM nnerntn trUhnm I-...--. ..''IP mere than a few months. 'n TTlTT trirt nrAffitrn UI.U . , . .. -..vmBu .iii'n mirax.. a. way calmly without treublin. Ii ; self'te tnke hl-i position or cveng,hl,a' amine into ns physical cendlt en ,,. less some mnlady nnd the neenm- Ua ' ing 'pain or disability se ,1. him TT sick bed or the hesplta 1 for T tM' hauling. " an wi. He Is satisfied with where he I. v matter hew far toward his se 1 V. N9 be. he takes tt for granted that .. thing will move In the same" Eft' fashion te the end of his (lays? - dtt1' A morning Inspection eslablll,.j i every Individual would illSnerS b; least half of the Illnesses anda, .f1 lnzlncss in men, and as the 1W what It ts made by theso who com. b It. the progress upward which w.0" all striving for would be SrS eusly nccclcratcd. u,ti. Cepurlaht, tut 1 jStffTW PfsHN mJ .ran jBBfci iy issajasJ i cjr. Jgra p '"IfWl 8aWJ85BaW $2750 . e. b. Factory The Scientific Proof of National Efficiency The ability te creep along in high gear indefinitely at leas than a mile an hour with easy nonchalance, plus its capability of instant acceleration te high est speeds if you cheese, is proof positive of the balanced efficiency of the 1922 National Six. It is unimpeachable evi dence of meter car ability and a test few cars dare undertake. The 1922 National Six passes the low lew tpeed test as confidently as it meets comparison in every ether detail of per fermance. It will throttle down lower than you ever have been able te travel in high gear with the same smooth silence that makes its motion at higher speeds se delightfully serene. This ideal performance is accompanied by truly amazing economy in upkeep and operation economy never before attained by a car of such impressive size and commanding power as that of the 1922 National Six. Withal, itTTa car of captivating beauty. ROBINSON SUPPLY CO. Wholesale Distributors 24th and Race Sts. SPRUCE 4232 RACE 3485 NATIONAL MOTOR CAR AND VEHICLE CORPORATION Indianapolis, Indiana NATIONAL MOTOR CAR & VEHICLE CORP. Philadelphia Branch 675 N. Bread St., Philadelphia, Pa. IQ22-SIX JS.iaBSBBBSBSjSSlBB). .Bw J&mmmmmW- .bk ipMBeWsWaWeTMaWaWq -gjjFgjMala afk rHOIOPLAYS rnoTen.Ais rllOTOPLAYa "pdlTtauff, MMMjrr The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley .Com pany of America. I wiante, . eMMjfT w M N Reliable, Lew-Cost Service The years of reliable, low-cost service for which the Hupmebile is se well known, form the real basis for judging its value The thing 'that people tell each ether most often, about the Hupmebile, is that it is al most impossible te wear it out. The first Hupmebiles ever built,-12 and 13 years age, are in use today, all ever the world. Owners will tell you the Hupmebile's depre ciation is slower and smaller; that its price as a used car is proportionately higher. Touring Car, $1250; Roadster, $1250 Roadster-Coup $M8S; Coupe, $183Si Sedan, S193S- Cord Tires en all models Prices F. O. B. Detroit. Revenue Tax Extra. x rrtl 1 -v R5r A TITOMPSO: ArULLU MATINKK PAI1.T BILLIE RHODES In "TIIK. BTAB BETORTEn" ADr ATM A CHESTNUT flel 1 AKLADIA je a m ion -t i' CONSTANCE B1NNEY In "MinNIaHT" HTS. ' fT?Tt rn--vi.r r.jrf iiivKnr i v crDiUUrv aviVnT'k ; "THE FOUR HORSEMEN ertD m The NIXON-NIRDLINCER THEATRES ASTOR EIGHTH & GIIAD AVE. ' MATINEE DAILY TIIK MIHAT NKW YORK JJKNJJATION "THE BOOTLEGGERS" j PrmDhenjr Oreh. Vecal & Imtruiuental Koloi hKATS. 20e . . I BALTIMORE g t.1?1 Richard Barthelmess. Tel'able David Addnl t'llAKI.Ii: CIIAl'I.IN. "PAY 1IAV' DIAI TQ I 0K TIIK APOCAIAPSK" PA1 APF -- MAnKirr stiikkt MAE MURRAY In "r.VSCIN.VnON" ' PA1 M I''H.'..NKI-0nD AVIS. " 1 r-vi-,ivi NORMS STREET M.I. MTAIl I'ILT In "THE SHEIK'S WIFE" 0 BF.I MOMT 6D ABOVE MARKIT'j ....,1 1.30 4 3: 0.30 te 11 P. WILLIAM S. HART l"'THnKB-WOM llRAMV" CEDAR In 0TI A CEOAIt A'E!nJl I. .10 and .1. 7 and U P. X. I GLORIA SWANSON HER lirSIIANIPS TRAUEM.UI" REGENT 1UrAs,jr K",," COLISEUM? GARETH HUGHES In "I C,- KXl'UMN" Market b.t. 5D!h MB 1 ;iOuniI , 7 KiidtfP.V. GLORIA SWANSON In "IIKR III hllAMVS TRAniOIAM" DI I ItTOIDr llreiil Husiiuenanna i XJU.l.JJll u centlnuuui - until 11 MARY PICKFORD in "i.rrn.K 1.0110 iwu.nti.kuey" CAPITOL 712 MAIIKKT BT. 10 A M. te 11 IS I'. MATT MOORE In "BACK PAY" XL 1 r OEIIMAVreWN AVENUE AT TI I.PEIIOfJKEN ST. PEARL WHITE In "ANY MIFF." SHER WOOT) M,h "BIUiure A JIIUWVUUU MAT.? EVE. 0 30 "THE QUEEN OF SHEBA" COLONIAL a,!..W. m" At.NKS AYIIF.S AMI JAC'K HOLT In "BOUGHT AND PAID FOR" HOth Ii Cllrard Ai. MATINEE UAI1.Y STANLFY 5IAKIT AT 10TH Rodelph Valentine & Gleria Swanson In "lUOM) THE ROCKS" STANTON KKKT b0NP I0TI . t. uit kith rimiiK rze.N "ORPHANS OF THE STORM JUMBO In ITtONT 8T. A OinAJU) Art I Jumbo June, en Frankfers 'JT BERT LYTELL 11IB MIHI.RADIN l.ADY" I 1 30 FAIRMOUNT M'KCIAI. I ANT ln... "SIN OF MARTHA QUEED crru cy tiieathb-b.uw spruS 333,MARKET.,6TH7" jOln Ol. MATINEE DAIIY ' ..,.. . j; ' "' n ,5 ' M Wallace Reid & Elaie Fergusen I wMtuAct KEID In "PKTKR IIIBKTflON" In "TIIK CHAMPION" fe&m&r m A i,f0f 304 North Bread Street Pheno Spruce 3 SOS Hupmebil H9L L'W GREAT NORTHERN Sl VICTORIA MA"T , , nn MA8SIVK HPM.TAC'1'fcAR PROIIl-CTION HARRY PAOCV "THfcODOKA" IMPPPIAI fOTH WALNUT HTS. lIVlrlLrNlL. jut. 'J-SO UB. 7 4 0 In BERT LYTELL "TIIK RH1I1T THAT rAILEIl" k'ARI TON -HtESTNUT Abeve UROAD rvrtlM-ilUI1! feiy up A M te U:S0 P.M. WALLACE REID In "ACROSS TIIK CONTINENT" HARRY CAREY InJ'MAN TO MAN" GRANT :a a'ltARD ave. SESSUE HAYAKAWA " "I'lVK UA1S TO MVK" MAE MURRAY In "ON WITH THE DANCK" L.ULUOI Ma 1:30 A3iEvir.1.30ttll GLORIA SWANSON In "HER IH'PRANII'S TRADKMAItf", NIXON MU ANU MAn?7",i HOOT GIBSON In "HKADIN' WK8T" RIVOLI tun m a . Mart( CTfl. l:e A a: 0.45 te II r l NORMA TALMADGE In "I)B I.ITXH ANNIE" AQTU CT Theatre. Opp. "I." Tral u' "liJI. M;d(i, 7 nnd Or. MAE MURRAY In "ON WITH THF. DANCK" STRAND a"'na'".? r.ni W AONr.S AYREH ANII JACK HOW "J "BOUGHT AND PAID FOR AT OTHER THEATRES, MEMBERS OF M. P. T. O. A. 1 1RFRTY mteAD a Columbia av. LIOLrU I MATINEE WAII.Y WILL ROGERS & L1LA LEE In "ONE GLORIOUS DAY" OR IF NT WoedUnd Av. t 624 St. VIll-i 1 MATINKK DAILY sB8SCBXys at GAth "IIP. M. AMBASSAD0R"rnmr "THE SHEIK'S WIFE" Nwt Wetk Mabel Norreand In MOI.I.V O1 GERMANTOp BVrAS"?A7 MABEL NORMAND ' la "Meixi B't 0111 i. "u,'j:,m?i MATINEE VWi JEFFERSON WESLEY BARRY " In "HCHOOI, DAYS" PARkT itiDan avb. a davFiI rMrv Mt. 3,5. nv. ij GEORGE ARLISS1 m-mm.jvmmM)t 'V U "TatK HVI4MU fANSKIN'tl K?.WiiJ ,1 itrisv?-: ifiW ( - , . .-'... 1 vrf5& . .. s.jm ,t f.m?f&ts3ii . .fct..-.J. i.:.. '?.' V. v tVih. 3twssmsm i. . 1 - y, .u a v.. .. . . .: .jhmt-!-' jai Kfcv&rt.&fA.:, .. m3mkmm