SES SHSWB! m w '-taw' , ftVElttNG OTBLIiiSLiraKJtelMl ;,; m&rnimmMiJMm . ' r. 'I 1 -Vi J vis., .' .,1 1 rv re vji- 1 1 r tea tv ty ' HfvVw?': sMBM)1 i IPS WBS&m rS 7 .? J f (v If ft pi f. ft- if,. i t r & ia5;. j ?'. IV Kf r 6f lift. I -v i Kn tiJ tv tfC wr ii n . C IV m W & H -1 iV w HD &V Ml HiW HHcy vi jVP M eEasEE31li lie - ; FORECAST FALL OF LLOYD GEORGE FOR BOMBS OR DUDS Prime Minister in Dilemma at Genea Break-Up of Cen ference Probable Ctnd because life -make them. IS te 40 7e W ' WER IN PRICE "?' bbm'bH.V t Capes Te wear with summer dresses. Blue, brown, black, taupe luster pile fabrics lined throughout with crepe de chine. $37.50 te Order Luxurious effective ness that cannot be du plicated under $65 elsewhere, because we save you the usual maker's profits. Summer Dresses 14 Years te Size 44 Famous Gingham Dresses $1C 50 Net $18.50.. M6 Formerly Ttsb-'Silk Dresses Stripes in all colors en white background. $20 te $27.50. Dotted Swiss Dresses Straight - line models and models drawn in at waistband by elastic in jade, Copen, rust, black, white and navy. $19.50 te $45. New Voile Dresses In combination of col cel col orsBlack and white, Copen and white, jade and white. Special, $13.50. French Voile Dresses Hand-drawn models; very unusual ; effective colorings. $22.50 te $65. Leghorn Hats Easily $10 hats; bound edges with bands te match. A 1 1 colors. $7.50 Tweed Sports Skirts $12.50 te order RUSSIAN ISSUE INVOLVED ly CLINTON W. GILBERT Slnff Correspondent Erenlna; rubtle I.edKfr j Cepvrlahl, 1011, bi PubUe Lcdgtr Cempniti ' Washington, May 1). Frem Keureen litre usually well Informed nbeut the Intentions of the Soviet Gecrnment, It li learned thnt the Ru,lnn, nt Genea will decline the allied terms unless there Is n premise of a large lean. Hew they will frnme the reply te 'the Allies, which Is expected In n day or te. Is net elenr. Kcry maneuver new is directed te fixine the responsi bility for the fnllure of the conference upon the Trench. Therefore a cate gorical "no" is net te be expected. Their policy will be te protract the negotiations, confuse the lsue, and If pe-Kible widen the breach that linn tended te develop between the French and RrltNli. ' If they fall te de this, if Llevd Geerge en receipt of the Russian reply decides that further negotiations are useless and adjourns the conference, the Russian diplomacy will have failed. May Threw Manic en Russians Action like this by T.lejd Geerge immediately upon receipt of the reply will threw responsibility for the failure .it Genea upon the Russians nnd will tend le solidify the Allies nnd make separate agreements between Russia ind the rest of Europe unlikely and this object of Russian diplomacy will iwe i)i defeated. A metement for an BURLINGTON READY Trial of Police Captain and Pick of Mayer Has Town en Anxious Seat MAY DEVELOP INTO FARCE The opening act of Burlington's tripartite show gees en the beards this evening, with Mayer Themas S. Moenoy. Captain Jehnsen, of the police force, and the Common- Council placing In the main roles. Rut whether it will be farce-comedy, tragedy, melodrama or a iuidcllle performance remains te be seen. ' He thnt as It may, tbc prologue was given at last week's meeting of Council, when a resolution was passed favoring the trial of Captain Jehnsen ferv al leged Insubordination in his conduct during a conversation with three Court oilmen. It was quickly followed by something in the nature of a bombshell when another resolution was passed providing for an Investigation of the Maer and the police force, with hints from nn unknown quarter that hooch had been passed about the sacred pre cincts of the City Hall and that pecu niary benefits from the same were net locking. Mayer Moency came into office Jan uary 1 of this year. Moreover, as the month of March Is supposed te de, be made his entry like a Hen and an nounced himself In no uncertain terms. In short, it was his show and he was te have the main part In running ti. In a reusing oration te Council and ether cltlrens who crowded te hear him Mnvnr Moency premised action and lets of it ; nnd threatened, moreover, te kick through the root of the City Hall or an thing or anybody that Interfered with his mode of procedure. Since that day there has been action. sometimes In the open, mere often NBMrC Coining. w-ff B2SSJB PaUnt Laaihar With Fawn Over Saddle and Sele te Match $9 The Unusual but very correct in Spert Medels is te be expected from America's foremost designers of sport and walking shoes. is EAGLE: BRAND Condensed Milk Mere healthy children have been raised en Eagle Brand than en all ether infant feeds combined. It is ami able everywhere pure, uni form, digestible, nourishing. H L s3HMrJ H aaMBjtlll!uffigJalas 1228 MARKET agreement among European nations net , trenrn ,varfflre. and henecferth it prom ises te be wnrtare or tnc open variety, with both sides In full view of each ether and maneuvering for positions of adautage. Se, the zero hour is tonight. Whether one or both parties lay down a heavy barrage and go ecr the top successfully, remains te he heard j or, perhaps, all the shots fired ttlll prove te be duds. LEGION SEEKING LIST OF DISABLED Linen Skirts, $8 Weel Sweaters, $6 Silk Sweaters, $42.50 te $55 W. H. Embick R'5! .. VMtitmif ggj te net separately with regard te Rusla, sin li ns is new reported from Genea, is one of the distinct possibilities if Moyd iterge sns dramatlcnllv that the Rus sian answer is unsatisfactory as a Ivisis of further negotiations and clove-, the Conference. T.lejd Geerge will be under great temptation te de this, for Lloyd Oeergp .it Oenea must be considered in the light of Ills political situation at home. He went te fiene'i threatened with the less of power nt home. The Tery element In his Government h declining te permit him te call a general election en the strength of hl.s bilnging about the Genea Conference luditnteil their weariness of his lead- Hup. Failing te get that general lectien he had either te score n pur ees at ( tenon t hat is, reach a general agreement with the ether European i powers for the recognition of Russia or thtew the blame for the failure of Genea upon Trance nnd move forward te n separate agreement between Eng land and Russia. If ln could net bring about the ac ceptance by Parliament of a separate agreement with Russia his government would fall, but he would have nn issue, n new orientation of Rritish policy away from Trance and toward Germany anil Russia upon which he might lead the opposition with some prospect of labor and liberal biippert. Quick Shift Possible But if Russia rejects the terms which i hnve been proposed te her with Llejd Geerge's approval, at Genea, he is estepped from suggesting te the British Parliament terms mere favorable. Ne new nrientntlen of Rritih policy to ward Germnny nnd Russia is possible i under Llevd Geerge's leadership. Tlic Hritih Prime Minister, if the Genea Conference falls and he throws the responsibility for its failure upon Russia, must mnke n hasty olte face i toward Trance. His enemies are al ready trying te make this shift by the wily nnd n.uIck-mevii.g Prime Minister impossible. I That is the meaning of Lord North- I cliffe's attack upon Lloyd Geerge In the Londen Times, charging him with linking threatened M. Bartheu, the bean of the Trench delegation, with the break up of the Entente. Nerthcliffc has seized the issue which he has been wnlt lng for n long time nnd upon which he I hopes te overthrew the present govern ment. Lloyd Geerge, who denies the Londen Times story, will in any event be placed I in the position of having imperiled Angeo-French relntlens for the sake of nn impossible arrangement with Russia. If Genea leaves England with no choice but te work mere closely with the French, Llejd Geerge will be the last man te lead the country. Fall of LJejtl Geerge Foreseen The prospects point te the brenk up of Genea nnd the fall of Lloyd Geerge at home, a fall which will leave him without an issue nnd without a party te which he enn turn, because the Liberals and Laberltes distrust him nnd would I only ntcept him perforce because he hnd made their best issue, the bringing i back of Germany nnd Russia into the , family of nations, his own. 1 It will be interesting te see whether he can extrlcate himself from this dl- . lemma In the remaining days nt I Genen. Iij the meantime the French are mev. ing tewnrd the United States with the statement that they will be governed with regard te Russia by the attitude ! of this country. If Genea breaks up with the responsi bility for fnllure thrown upon the Rus sians u common policy net te recognize Russia sepnrntely and net te heck ex clusive monopolies or concessions In I Russia is likely te be nrried nt tacitly ler expressly by all the chief Powers, except Germany. Te prevent the ex- ploltntlen of Rusla by the nationals j of any one country has been the aim of Secretary Hughes. I ACQUIT JAPANESE ! Newspaperman Says He Was Tricked Inte Confessing Crime Newark. N. .1.. May 0. (By A. P. A jury In AVest Orange Police Court today acquitted Tnlsnn TsujI en a charge at assault nnd eattery en Mrs. Amelia Cnrtheuser. TsujI, a Japanese newspaperman, testified that he had been tricked into milking n confession of the attack en the pretense thnt he wejld be protecting the geed name of a woman, nnd had been premised n speedy release if he signed the confession. The West Orange police deny Tsuji's allegation. Drive Expected te Bring te Light Every Case Where Care Is Needed avMMV!ra5CsK Harpers Wakt)Ve? I022 CHESTNUT , SHOPS . dewing mat a Pleasure " S. -k. A , i vBBBCafaPsm flaaT ' IHaiaV SBBW aLsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsV SBBBBB kjBBBBBBBBBBBB gfl J . mU .aKM , awsI "aVM BMflalBaA'- bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbh j- Lrw EgHBgWKWiaBBBBBBBlBm. ' '.B S - BsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbYjs9BbbbbbbVI BBbbm l. gHTgLBf Special te Philadelphians or Nearby Residents A complete course of .FREE INSTRUCTION In plain sew--Ing, .hemstitching', embroidery, tucking, .ruffling, etc,, win be given te you, right In your own home, by one of our expert women Instructors. If yeubuy a WILLCOX & GIBBS PORTABLE ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINE any time this menti. A This Is the ONE portable that excels -all ethers. Carry It anywhere and de your sewing In the COOLEST room this summer. Use any eleotrle current Tour old machine taken In part payment. ASK FOR DEMONSTRATION, WITHOUT OBLIGATION. IN YOTJR HOME. A SMAIX PAYMENT 8EOBBB ONE OF THESE. THE f BALANCE ON EASY TERMS, , Willcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine Ce. 1709 Chestnut Street Phene, Sprue 2192 ' SCOURTESY r SERVICE 'lianT JJia v Bfif i r I " fk L POLAND GETS CITRUS FRUITS Oranges and Pineapples for 8ale for First Time In Six Years Warsaw, May 0. (By A. P.) p0. lnnd 1 cnjejlng this spring Its first tiihte et oranges nnd pineapples for nix years, thanks te the recent lifting of customs tariffs en Imported fruits. Dates also cre appearing en the market in great quantities. Oranges sell for ns little us 100 marks each, or the equivalent of less than one-third of a cent In American money, rer reifj. neweTey n are iia avnK.1 iikib. The verrlce cenus being undertaken hv the nrieus legion pests throughout the State, according te Department Adjutant Wil liam G. Mur Mur deck, has devel oped Inte one of the grentcst drives for infor mation and help fulness te the former sendee mea nnd their relatives that has yet been undertaken. Colonel Charles R. Ferbes, director of the United States Vetcrnns' Bureau, in n (statement te Paul J. McUnhan, the department publicity officer for Penn sylvania, has declared that cery effort is being made te carry out the decen tralization program for the bureau. There has been transferred In the headquarters of the Third District, em bracing Pennsylvania nnd Delaware, from the bureau nt Washington n total of 21.043 cases. On file at the Phila delphia offices of the district were 10. 731 cases, making a total of cases In the district of .'11,214. The decentralization program pro pre icled by the Sweet bill calls for the trnntifer of active and pending disability eases from the central office In Wash ington te the fourteen district offices throughout the ceuntfy. These cases are sent te the district wherein the claimant resides. Te date, 201,404 cases have been transferred te the dis trict offices. Of this number, 09,505 cases were decentralized during the week ending April 20 as the result of a drive Inaugurated for this purpose. On April 15 there were 284.485 dis allowed cases in the central office. These I disallowed cases are forwarded te the district offices upon request, and these lequests are arriving at the central of fice at the rate of 800 or 000 a day. Therefore, it can be seen that the de- I centralization of these cases is contin uing dolly. There were en April 18 ' 72.003 dlsnllewcd cases In the district offices. On the same date there were 175,550 insurance cases In the central office which will remnln permanently in the central office in Washington. Of this number, 152,041 have been allowed. In addition te the cases which have been decentralized from the central of- j lice in Washington, these district effliw lint! en hand 120,244 original claims tiled In these offices. . Lieutenant Jeseph S. Fergusen Pen, I Ne. 333, will held Its rcgulnr meeting i next Tucsdaj night in the Thlid Ilepi ment Armery. The Women's Auxiliary will meet en the same night. Man te criilts nrc being received in both organ izations, nnd the committee in charge of ' the recent dnnce nnd bazanr report thnt it has secured mere thnn bufficiunt funds te pay for the colors te be presented te . the pest. ' The next meeting of Delnney Pet, Ne. 20, will be held this evening, at the pest headquarters, 057 North Twenty-second street. A radiophone will be Installed In the Pest Memerial Heme. It Is hoped te have It ready for next social evening, Triday, May 10. TheM weekly beclal evenings line furnished ( the members nnd their friends with u great deal of enjejment. Next Friday evening nn elimination dnncn will be, held and the winning couple presented with a handsome prUe. The pest will turn out Memerial Day with the Second Legien District. Ar rangements for the ceremony will be completed in a fevydajs. Angele Cezzl nnd .Tesse Reiser, mem bers of Hnry h. Sclunltt Pest 180, will leave here Saturday morning and hike te New Orleans, where they will attend the third nntlennl convention of the Legien, which opens In October. The bikers will carry a letter from Majer Moere te the Majer of New Or- leuux. .Majers ei uu cuius tnreugli which the Legien men puss will add te the Mayer's letter a note of their own. Anether letter from the com mander of Pest 189 te the chnlrman of the convention will also be taken. The American Legien and the City of Philadelphia will both come In for a large share of boosting bv the jenng men ns they have arranged te glve tnlks en these topics at the towns they pass through. HUMMH-NH' 1822 CHESTNUT STREET VHE collection in the VALIANT Galleries is of great interest te these who love and under stand fine furniture. The sound beauty of de sign and splendid construction of VALIANT pieces have that dignity and charm which insures admiratiqn through the passing years. The prices are most moderate for such characterful quality. Attractive Decorative Fabrics new being shown are specially appropriate at this season. CURTAINS DRAPERIES DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR DECORATION "VALIANT SERVICE IS CORDIAL VALIANT PRICES ARE MODERATE" u Wwi 5SE Leuis E.Wiseic Qhc Quality Qurniture Center 260-262 Se. Fifth St Philadelphia Bet Locust and Spruce ATEVER were Wiser values mere attrac tive than at- present prices are prac tically one-third what they were a year age and, of course, the quality remains unques tionably high, as always. And, we might add, never was the choice of selection mere varied endless assortments in every department. -T-L- Quern Anne Bedroom Suite in American Walnut 4 pltcti $240 And besides Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, even Refrigera tors share in the Wiser program of extra value-giving. Tomorrow Is Our Fiftieth Anniversary Upen the completion of half a century of consecutive business in this city we take pride in announcing that Wednesday, May 10th, 1922 marks the Gelden Anniversary of the founding of this estab lishment. On May 10th, 1872, the late Samuel Kind started this business in a modest way at 241 Market Street, Philadelphia. He remained actively at the head of the business through its many years of progress until his death in 1915. The business is new being conducted by three sons of the founder, who have associated with them a highly trained and efficient group of loyal employees, many of whom have been with the firm for mere trim a quarter of a century. We feel sincerely indebted te the thousands of customers of the old days, as well as the new, who have shown by their continued patronage (in many cases two arid sometimes three generations of the same families) their fidelity te this firm. A cordial invitation is extended te all our friends, customers and ethers te visit our store tomorrow. The honor of your presence will be greatly appreciated. S. Kind & Sens, ine chestnut st! DIAMOND MERCHANTS JEWELERS SILVERSMITHS P ESSEX COACH 2n!IJ2IiMMMi!r3M2JSJMI2H I .BEAD,rN KCOn THOtT.HT" J E., Heum ! considered en of th. meat brilliant celumnlila in Amerlcn. I, column "On Second Thought" appears every day en he Editorial l'age of the I'usuc Ijuhii. It la nnaueatleiiakiv nnm ,,,. !Ti. "' i Blaaatu e4 utcmlvely read feature In uS aWHMtir. "MMU It KUnHW'-JUfi Diamonds and Real Estate Yeu surely would net buy an ex pensive diamond without having an expert examine it for possible flaws. Neither should you purchase real estate without our Title Policy. It gees into the minute details - and guards you against any pos sible less. Let us explain. The Real Estate Title Insurance Trust Company of Philadelphia 523 Chestnut Street 45 S. Bread Street Acrete from Independence Hall Lincoln t,y jW, Oldest Title insurance Company In the World t It ,- .j,. .. ii Selling Fast Because Buyers Knew Its Value This car meets a new demand. Motorists want its year-round comfort and distinction. They also want te keepthe lively read performance of the open car. And the Coach satisfies both demands. It affords the protection and comfort of a closed car in all weathers. It has all the nimble activity of the Essex touring models. It ib beautiful and reliable and owners are proud of it. Essex Coach bodies are of the same durable con struction followed in the costliest cars. Quiet ness, smart appearance and weather resistance are its chief distinctions. The Coach will endure in geed, useful service for many years, Its price advantage you cannot ignore. Fer little mere than open car presents the details of a fine closed car. $ 1345 ESSE.X B-Pasa. Touring . ...$10tS B-Paai. Coach I34S Cabriolet I2SB Sedan 169S HUDSON1 Phaeton 91695 7.P. Phaiten ... 174S Coach I79S Cabriolet 95 Ceupa 3570 Sedan , 2SS0 Tour. Limousin ... 2920 Limousin 3195 Freight and Tern Extra G0MERY SCHWARTZ MOTOR CAR CO. sale. Roem, 128-140 North Bro.d-Serv.ce Station, 2400-14 Market St. ; i 31 iaabairag.- -tmMSmm V - V i ."s,--JtiC, . i jP J Jh 'ZbFA ?-?l ;;? j .Tr.iv1 ib.. .b. J'..' ?' 'If..Jf , ,u4IOi,.,V',i'f fll"iD m --v .' -. jmj ktf -1. r ' ' ' ' 4 .Hy