Wmfflgm w CT? wrt. "wrw? .$ VW: m 0 1023 Kit- "W" i"q ,'! "t,W -- - - - t i . . ' 5?3a BS9E3ESSBB9H8BSE9SBSBSSSB38BSSSBSSSSSSBBSSS 2500 Yards, of Beautiful $3.00 Pure Linen Table Damask On Safe Tomorrow t- at $2.25 yd. Your cheice of bleached and unbleached damasks-all of fine, heavy quality with a soft satin luster. , 70 inches wide, in 12 lovely patterns. $1.00 Mercerized Table Damask, Q Yard C Snowy, bleached damask of splendid heavy quality with a permanent satin luster. Full 2 yards wide, in beautiful patterns. 1 85c Hemstitched Pure Linen EJflp HucKaeacK xeweis, uacn, v v v Bleached snow white. Fine quality all pure linen buck towels, size 18x36 inches, with damask borders. 60c Turkish Bath Towels, Each QPJp Woven from fine two-ply terry yarns in all- ''' white. Beautiful, large-size towels, thick and spongy, with hemmed ends. 25c All-Linen Crash Toweling, Yd. 1 K Heavy Barnsley weave pure Irish linen --JV crash, absorbent and lintless. $6.00 Hemstitched All-Linen 9 KA Pillow Cases, Pair tPO.tJV Of snowy white extra-fine round-thread linen, size 45x36 inches, with deep hemstitched hems. 1800 75c te $8.50 Odd Pes. of Fancy Linens at 25c te $4.98 Ea- ' Included in this let am lace scarfs and squares, hem stitched scarfs, squares and "lea cloths, round cluny lace centerpieces, colored printed scarfs and squares, tea cloths, etc., in every wanted size. SneLLENBURGS First Fleer Extra-Fine Values Today in High-Grade Blankets and Bed Coverings Offer Substantial Savings Beautiful $22.50 Lamb's-Weel $ir A A Blankets, Pair tJJ.U.UU Woven from finest grade long lamb's wool in white with pink, blue and old rose borders, and in large block plaid patterns, finished with wide -silk binding. Extra large size. $15.00 Sajin-Finish Bed Sets, M A A A Consisting of one very fine satin-finish spread with scalloped edge and cut corners and bolster threw' te match. Your choice of white and colored mitchclinc. .All full size: $4.00 Crochet Weave Bed Spreads, Each In pretty Marseilles patterns, with hemmed ends. full size. A Choice of Just 65 Very Fine $29.50 te $35.00 Cheney Silk ' and Satin Comfertables Exquisite Bridal Gifts at " $22.50 Ea-" Beautifully designed, with flowered Cheney silk or satin tops and p'lain Jap silk backs, finished with plain 12-inch silk-and-satin borders and filled with pure lamb's wool. Choice of the loveliest of floral patterns and col orings. SNELLENBURGS PArst Fleer $2.69 All The Newest in Tub Suits for Little Beys Of Fine Quality Gingham, Combining Checks and Plain Celer $3.25 ea. Ihc very "cunningest" little-boy suits ever designed! Made up of exccll-nt quality material, the trousers, i" solid color, the blouse in checked pattern, in several becoming : ,les one pic tured. All in excellent colors for boys of 2 te 6 years. Children's Colored Frecks, $1 05 Each ." Prettily smocked models of figured lawn, with white Wgandie cellar, cuffs and sash. Sizes 2 te 6 years. Babies' Dainty Dresses $1.49 t0 $2.25 Ea- In excellent styles the skirts and yoices attractively trimmed. Sizes 6 months, l and 2 years.. . Children's Coel Summer Overalls.... Of striped seersucker in pink or blue --sturdy little models, requiring no "rening. Sizes 2 te 6 years. Sketched. 59c Children's Sports Coats $495 te $5.95 Excellent models of sports materials, smartly fin hed with pockets and belts. Geed colors. 2 te 6 i TiflW Mia... tV sizes. ("&' Wednesday Specials In ' Our May Sale of Notions "cap Special $8.50 Each Size A Adjusts 32 te 42 SizcB Adjusts 36 te 46 Can Be Adjusted te Ex aetty Re product Any Weman' Figare. A Thumbserew in the Confer Red 'Collaptes It te Half If Sim,. 2500 Pairs Women's Sew-en Hese Supporters, Pr.. Well made; Asserted styles. 1000 Babies' Rubberized Bibs, Each Ncatittle checks. Waterproof Shopping Bags g Each at. . . Asserted sizes; wonderful values. SneIlcnbUreS Notion Department, First Fleer MlL M 11 ft 9fl mkW E. 1 lit eWskWw V 7 15c 10c ftV 1 ffi PPPSJfC' :i)d Fleer Sale of 6000 Women's 50c te 65c Vests at 35c Ea. 3 for $1.00 Regular Sizes, Extra Sizes and Deuble-Extra Sizes The fincBt grades of combed cotton vests in fine ribbed and Swiss-ribbed styles. Built-up shoulders and bodice tops. All Full Length and Width All Sizes 7 te 50 bNELLENBURflS First Fleer Anether Big Let of These Popular $4.50 Ukuleles Fer Tomorrow at $1.75 Ea- Wonderfully well made lit tle i n s t r u ments light and easily car ried en camp ing trips, out ings and nil 'sorts of jelly informal occa sions. Very fast sellers at this nominal price, going out as quickly as they come in. SNELLENBURflS Fifth Fleer Small Let of High-Grade $18 Genuine Italian Steel Reed Accordions On Sale at Clese te Half Price Tomorrow $9.85 Ea- h Accordions in highly pol ished walnut frames with attractively decorated panels. Nickel - plated heavy Stradella frame cor ners, 21 pearl button keys, 8 pearl button basses, 4 sets of genuine steel reeds nnd long bellows with 16 folds and metal bellows corners and new - style tightening clasps. SNELLENBUROS Flfth rloer STUKSDAY, MAT , IMS. Stere Opa 0 A. M., Oleics at SI 80 F. M. T " NELLENBURGS t fUTlBE BLOCK-MIBKEl IWI2U STREETS V. M Remarkable Sale of Misses' & Women's Spring & Summer Sports Frecks Fer Seashore, Mouii Meuii tain, Metering, Gelf and All Kinds of Out door, Sports and Rec reation Wear, at p75 ea. Stunningly styled new sports models made of the new knitted fabrics in high colors and strik ing color combinations. Materials Include Sports Knit. Tweed Knit, Novelty Weel Suiting, Flannel and Combinations Twe -Piece, Overbleuse, Straight-Line and Sweater Dresses Many With Sep arate Blouses Which Make Smart Sweaters When Wern Alene. JpROL Special Let of Misses' & Women's Sports Dresses Te Sell at $5.00 Flannels, wool jerseys and wool knits; two-piece, sleeveless and. suspender blouse models. Excellent colors. Misses' Dresses, Sizes 14,' 16 and 18 Years, en Sale Misses' Department Women's Dresses en Sale Women's Department SNELLENBURGS Second Fleer Continuing Our Wonderful Sale of Real Laces Offering Unsurpassed Assortments of Real Duchess, Princess, Rese Point, Milan and Venise Laces At Off Regular Prices Wonderful cheesing from these handsomest of laces in a wealth of exquisite pat terns and in many widths irresistibly lovely laces for the June Bride r d the Girl Graduate. Irish ind filet net included. 25 will be deducted from the total amount of pur chase when selections are completed. bNELLENBURCS First Fleer First Fleer Commercial Stationery Specials $1 Weeden Bex Files, 69c Complete Oak or mahogany files containing A te Z alphabet and 100 3x5 cards. Same File Unfilled, 45c $1.50 Bosten Pencil Sharpeners, 95 c 500 Sheets Geed Bend Typewriter Paper, 55c 500 Sheets Manila Typewriter Paper, 45c 500 Sheets Left-Dried Water-Marked Typewriter Paper, 95c 100 Sheets Typewriter Tablet, 29c 500 6 Envelopes, 85c 15c Davis' Writing Fluid, Black, 10c Fountain Pen Specials $2 Self-Filling Fountain Pen, 79c 14-kt. point; highly polished barrel. $2 Self-Filling Fountain Pen. 98c 14-kt.; ring topjfer guaid. 50c Ribbon Guard with Geld Slide, 39c bNELLENbUROS First Fleer May Sale Values in Corsets and Girdles 'In a Complete Range of Sizes and Styles AU-elastic girdles in the popular 8 te 12 inch lengths. Breche girdles with rubber inserts at the top splendid for general wear. Well-boned corsets, $1.98, in low-bust and long-hip models. $3 Elastic Girdles & Corsets, $1.50 $4.50 Corsets.... $1.98 $5 Elastic Girdles & Corsets, $2.69 85c and $1.25 Pink Bandeaux at 49c and 59c In novelty materials, - JjNCUENpURfiS Scend Flet M New iii the May Sale Women's Regular and Extra Size Bungalow Dresses of Amoskeag Gingham In Splendid Assortments All Most Extraordinary Values at 1a, ea. $1.59 Fresh, pretty new Bungalows of the fa mous Amoskeag Ging ham, in attractive striped, checked and large broken plaid pat terns, finished with braid or trimmings of plain chambray. A 1 1 pocketed, and sashed or belted. Sizes 30 te 54. Twe sketched. d v r SneUInBURgS Second Fleer Our May Toilet Goods Sale Continues We Reserve the Right te Limit Quantity Sold te Any nc Customer. Mail and Phene Orders Filled Unless Otherwise Specified Snellenburg's Shaving lOp Cream, Special. . J-QC Cot)' S7.00 l.'Orltau K. tract. In original fancy bottle, boxed, SO CQ special . O.UU I.lmlt one te a purchaser. Cety'n T.'Orlican Extract In hulk, special at, $4 Q Cety'V S7.00 '6iV IOrlnan Toilet Water, special SO CQ Cety'n I.a llenn Jacqueminet Extract, In bulk, - Q sneclal. oz JM Cety'n I-u Hene Juripie Juripie mlnet Toilet Water, l7Ce speclnl. ei O UourJelH M n n e n I.eiraiit Face rewiler, f 1 f( special l.UU BOe le nerln' I.O Dnrlne Compact Face Powder, Ole nil dhndes, special, at.. rT ifl.OO Uerln'i Cem- CQe I pact Powder, special US I l.UU Uerln'n Compact Cf Itenite, special OU SOe alxe-Uerin's Cem- QPc pact Roae, special, nt. . OO IHneUenhurc's llnrd Water Henp. dozen . . 50 I OIItIIe Seap, Special Maxlne Elliett Hnap. Special at, cake, . . . Green Caitlle Seap. Large bar El Almeda Cnntlle Seap. Special l.irce bar Pear'a Unscented Sep, Special nt White Floating ('untile OQr Seap, Large bar . . . J7 8 35 59c 12' Hnellenbure' Mpanluli Cnn Cnn tlle Seap, wrapped f (Je In tin foil. Special 1 0 Kirk's Oninlbiin Snap. Large size, S efi dozen xiJ Limit ene dozen Xn a purchaser. Snellenburg's La Charme Lemen rfp Cream, Large Tin. Special M1 Hnellenburg's Den- 15 I 17' H. S. hlte Dental Cream, Special at,., Kol-I'lirne Teeth Vinte or Powder. Special, gjr each 19 '.hensha, (or the gums. A fie Special, at 0 (Hever's Mange Remedy. Special Ferend'i Hair Grewer Special Cunute Water. Speclnl Wutkln's Malnllltd Cocoanut Oil, at nirg's Egg Shampoo Cream. Special Danderlne, Special Palmellve Shampoo. Special Toilet Pamlee, cake Special Nnellenhurg'it Told Cream, Special I.a Charinn 22c Hnellcnburg'n Celd Cream. Special Theatrical 34" Snellenburg's Ce. enmber Jelly, pppclnl 48 94 95 34 20 69 35 5 18 Peroxide i-ll. bottle. of II y it r e g e n, spe- Fwanidewn Fate der, Snctial Klce Powder. While and flesh. Speclnl Jae Mlne Talcum. Special Mennen's Violet Tal cum Powder. Special Mennen's IJerated Tal cum Pender. SperMI.. (leiaamer Face Pow der. Special 15 17 10c 18 19l 19 19c Snellenburg's Ne - Oder. This Is h harmless cream which completely neutral izes offensive odors from excessue prcsplra prcsplra tlen. at 22" PATENT MEDICINES Ilerllek's Malted $e 7Q Milk. Hospital size . . ilJ Phillips Milk of Qvle Magnesia Jt V Mint - Have - a Harmleis Cern Itemever, A for OCe Special 4 V Delavau's Cough A'i" nemedr. Special tO Flnkham's Vegetable Q(e Compound. Special . , . OO, dude's Pepte-Maugan. 0T Spteiai Of Mustln's Itunien Tabletn, at . 74 89 75 85 79 40 Artcraft Wall Papers At Less Than Half Price 1 3c Papers, K, Rell Plain stripe, allover, floral, bird chintz and block designs. Sold in combina tion with matching borders at 5c te 7'ic yd. 25c te 35c Papers, 9c fe 14c Rell Shadow-figured; stripes, trrass cloth, two-tone blends, floral nnd block designs, Sold in combination with matching borders at 10c te 15c yd. 45c Papers, 22c Rell Varnish tile papers for bathrooms nnd kitchens. Binders te match at 10c te 15c d. Paste and Paperhangers' Toels at Reasonable Prices bNELLENBUROS Fourth Fleer In the Fourth WM Pfnnc iuHUnrUiml i. fit. ty Tf Wh m Tremendous. JBOOK &31C DisDesin&r of an Enormous Stock of Beeks Frem a Noted Philadelnhia Boek Seller M. .w... -,w- , M O At Less Than 20c en the Dellar t The greatest book opportunity ever presented te the Philadelphia public. Prac?J tipttllv nvcrv sublcct is included, affording a scene of cheice that can meet cverrj demand of the book lever. .... .... - h While these are second-hand books, all are in geed readable condition, n,'1 tavrilii iiuun. iin xiicj lui is vvunin wawi iuum uiv euuiiuiu wj - Reg. 35c Fresh Petted Grewing Geraniums HI in Bleem Mk OK H'c Have a Full Line of Garden and Vegetables SNELLCNBURflS "S These Big Specials Tomorrow in Our, Great May Sale of 17 ' 4-v-b-mv JP- TJ1I i- ruiiutuic 06 jucuuuiifffss, S297.50K $600.00 Solid Walnut 10- Piece Dining-Roem Suit Manufacturer's Surplus Stocks Discontinued Numbers Canceled Orders All Combine in This Marvelous Sale of Men's $2.50te $3.50 Brand-New High-Grade Shirts $ 1 .48 ea. Well-made, serviceable and satisfactory shirts, made of splendid, durable woven materials. In neck-band and cellar-attached styles large range of geed-looking .striped patterns in all desirable colors. Sizes en separate tables 14 te 17. SNELLENBURflS First Fleer PfcSS"-"Tl Mil lV4MVl W J .hw0,'fwMsmm mmf' ml "J SJv Handsome period design dining-room suit, censisting1 of a large GO-inch buffet, inclesed server, 54-inch exten sion table and large china cabinet. Alse 5 side chairs and one armchair te match the scats all covered with genuine leather. $300 Leuis XVI Bedroom Suits at. $165.00 H JL&m tilyce Tliynielliir. Large size. Special,., NuxateU Iren, Special at Karle's Ilypo-Ceil, Special at , TanUe. Special at California Syrup of Viva. SinAMal a. mjimviw, n.,,a. V 5NELUENUFUjS First Fleer f We Want Every Man te Hear About the Superiority of Our Men's Snellenburg Special Straw Hats at $2.00 Come in and try them en they're smart, stylish, comfortable. Examine the quality it compares fav orably with that of hats soiling elsewhere at con cen Mdcrably mere. Snellenburg Special Offer the Maximum of Straw Hats Satisfaction at the Minimum of Outlay Other Splendid Values in Straw Hats at $2.50 te $5.00 $5 Genuine Panama Hats, Special at $3.75 Genuine Leghorn Hats, Special at $3.25 Children's Straw Hats, $1.35 te $5.00 We Will Clean and Rebleck Your Old Panama for $2.00 irM 1 1 rNBURGS First Fleer ei U 46-inch dresser, beautiful semi-vanity dressing case, large chiffelette and full-size bow-end bed. As illustrated. $400.00 Overstuffed 3-Piece Tapestry-Covered Living- Q1QK A A Roem Suit Snerial tD-LiU.UU Roem Suit As Illustrated -Special. f dtSmimssKsTJ''fS smSZMQESSMM All outside backs covered in same material. 84-inch davenport with pillow spring arms, armchair and fireside chair. large $250 3-Piece Living-Roem Suits, $148.75 $450 3-Piece Living-Roem Suits, $249.50 $625 3-Piece Living-Roem Suits, $295.00 $35.00 Painted Willow 3-Piece G1 a QK As illustrated. Clearance Sale of S35 Samnle Englander Couch Beds C"j A rjr & 30x3 Girard CerdTires $12.95 Other Sizes at Proportion ately Lew Prices Scientifically censtiuctud nen-skid-trcud tires of specially treated tough, thick rubber. 30x3M Pure Gum Gray Tubes te Fi These Shoes $1.65 SNELUNBUROS Third Fleer fH One shown. Geed portienate savings. choesinp Other stylcs at pre- 250 $16.50 Single Iren Beds with Springs, Complete at $8.95 Verv HtrenRly conRtiucteil beds. 3 feet wide, made with double link sprlriBH Bedi ure fitted with caster') and de slKned In meHt uttr.icthe pnt-ternH $18.00 Pure Layer Felt Mattresses te fiQ QC Sell at, Each . . w,vv III order te niakr tliU Sale one lenK te be remembered, we nrranffed with ene of the lure est beddlnR mnnufacturern In the State te have made up 100 puie fait mattribsea which they sold te us at 50c en the dollar, and which we paas en te you nt proportionate eav Inc8. All regular bed siren. This In spite of the steady rise In cotton. Mall and phone orders. Nene sent C.D, p. f $20.00 Ivery-Finished .... sl3-50 i CATXMO Beautifully nnlshcd In white or lery namel. Iirced steel cane panels In head and feet. All sizes. Thousands of Fluffy Pillows at Remarkably Lew Prices! $1.30 Pillows 95c $2.50 Pillows $1.60 $3.50 Pillow e m $5.00 Plllnw. tee , J $12.50 Plllew..nj'nu. HIM, -HsuHiU'HMVS Li.-.-'.i 'v fl um , .tl'lll ,gMW '.. t fr'tf v Tr T BMSi J frii M iffl MM rym ? 4" u fin .fSHr :"& R VT. V 1 j.mt. Y V NM SeLSZim ' -t m sm, m V' Jt M V51 Y4-J Ail 1 vl 1"1 y m sJ . m 4 i N. SNELLII x.' jjjv. bm -r t k-AW4fctf?ftA(!; " -jiM T E-iM--I i m : W.HSK. !.-;. ",'. Kls if.'vf-a rwTvwv ?.? w jMsS Ht VRJ - V i ' s ' WftLLBN SNELLEN turn COJ Wsia? 'AtSSSn?T!5ftHftSTv5' AuMm . . iU4ii i.. . 'U-f ..' -ij rf w J ..r (tt iiiiMi ji i :' jwawM-Vij .i ; r"vi w,,..w::