Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 08, 1922, Night Extra, Image 2

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,-v.vrm' m.
Ik .. , . .
wxatien inevitably in
in Partisan Bitterness
Engendered by Cenfli.ct
en, Ma? S. In a pastoral
1 1 the churches en the coal strike
ticfl Service Commission e( the
II Council or the Churches et
Init In America declares that the
ipie or unrist nave Dcen vieiaicu
Miin being violated in the coal
fct'. ... .. .. .. .1.. ...
ry, witn tee remit mac "ii is
tnised. wasteful of human life
;conemlc goods and I endangering
ice et the community."
M" letter Is as fellows :
he present conflict In the coal in
V. wttk 1f t'linlAMlifA ff..f unnn
' 'Itaifl liven nnd human relationships,
I'tfSS'fc"' T' concern te the Chrlxtlen
IJr4iehw of America. The churches are
, rj vswbu vre in uriHUcrnuim, iiii:ii imu
is destroying in tnese enn
faster than the churches can
tin Thi- hav n nrftntf Heilsn.
Zf!t tepensiblHty for the well-being of
Kj!l'i children whose livelihood depends
v?p?l","';M' or '"Uirecuy upon urn niuin
uyf'ttt and is new jeopardized. The
KaKrtJMiKhes arc Involved inevitably in the
Si "laBMafllalnn flnrl na,.-!,,,, MtfAinnu wMpll
&5$vM - div-dlng hundred of mining coin
ivhr t-ttunltlei. Thev hate n vast, stoke In
5S,'( wpaiever manes rer Mren?tn or wenh.
isv.i'v ,.. :: ---- . - - . -.-
i . Mm) nd for solidarity or class dll-
w t mens in the nation.
Ideals of Church Stnted
vt x. .
iji m principles upon whii-ii mc
'a . nprh rt In n tini likn thin nrn net
X ferth in the social Ideals of the churches,
'.hi.f t which v nm rnmmHfnil. Thir rest
2 BSOii the teachings of Christ and they
,v 'fttay be summarized as fellows :
4v .T . Mii ranraiivsn VI uir iimiMuuui
kmnan life, and the supreme Impor
tance of its opportunity for self-expression,
happiness and develoeroent.
"xne spirit or brntlierhneiJ. which ri:-
presses itself in geed will, fair dealing
ana co-operation.
Tne motive et service, which should 1
be the sUDreme motive r.f indiintrr. sub
rdlnatlng the motives of pecuniary gain
fld personal ambition.
"These nrinclnles linvp been violated
ad are being violated in the coal In-
i eustry.- with the result that it is ills,
" anranizril. wntt(fill nf hnmnn llfn nnrl
ik $onein'! A00'' nnJ '"J 'ndar.gerlng the
1T ? of. th? community. ...
f. "in the nrst place the coal industry
.'la one et great hazard te life, and of
t in.!?Jm,,m swu'tr ' rt!P '? cn? -
i JI2rli i "lremc- "retain in Prer gcneralshln of the Islands and re
' . normal times mere men bv at least . " i. t-i.-.i c....... i .-
r&J .u. am .. . . ,
P4rv'2K2.tha-iC,,n be RivC.n mU'r em"
!tyH0K,plyincnt. nnd an excessive number of
'"vS-mlata. The anxiety and the less of in-
7'lW tfVatKlA ramtltlni ff.lln thitt rtivwliffrtti n-A
MVmamIUIh. Tl..t . II U ,I-U tllC O
,fTOJ wnFiiiifc, i-innr ruin muni uu utMlt l -f tU
y?a..8!i,'!. $ pj7. "5: -rcief1.
lflt''"" wr int: uuiuuii ittLiur in luei
?tli-:i f reriens Aciiievementa lxmi
WftvSt.ie J. L.. A-., .....
RiTV ewnnuij. wnuc nutauie pregrnw imi
y.lieen made in the dirxtien of peaceable
LWawvernmcnt nd wholesome human re
j&ktUna in the coal mining industry, the
Vliwmnt nf fnrmr,. VAM.M. l.ni. kim
I j&rilft'tarie measure lest in the bituminous!
Ariach of the Industry bv the sudden
.jAywMMMnment of the machinery of con-
..(Miiet anu agreement, in certain
jIl$UenR and ren(;tit.itknal (Kovernment
&VmH that these fields have been in a
.ltvi" inner runnier nnri virtually
wnr, It U manifest that the right
Mi?Af the mine workers te collective action
jrKl fundamental, net only s a mutter of
wa iuitlce te them, but as essential ti peare
rU).?! the Industry.
rk5'fX."TblHlly. the Ideal of service appears
SiVifle.KiTe had ! little recognition in the,
hf ether Industrial rnterprli-e. It has
-;cn esnelall.v mibiect te exp'oitntlen
W'Sin-re $' n,n 2 i11 """MOURNING GARB BARRED
.4vf.Miied net only te nrnvlile tteailr em. ..
,lvraent. but also In nrent years te AT H. P. DAVISON'S FUNERAL
fpf, Mtnply the Natien with coal at reason-
K&fK.C0Rt' .... Family and Friends of Dead Finan-
,i i t " wn irrrr r rin c rirtitn tmrn .
flaited in a reuuest te the Government
Ij!i prl "I1 "" cnauuve buu scieniinc
.. .A. ... ' 1. .,. ., . ,,n 1
,0dy,te get at the fertlnent farts of
f-tj tBeceal indutttry. Thei should Include i
'c".ttutherltatlve Information ns te wages,
t.P 'FentB capitauratien, ownership, cest.uid.iy, will fellow. Ms request that they
Jf k-A 91. trtnsnortatlell nnd distribution. Sllr- una- no ninlimln" nl 1,1a f,,,,nr,l lr..
'..IW of mines and of mine worker". In-1 morrow In the KpU-rnpal ihapel .it Let
tlj jj terMlttency of the seasonal character tinctnun. 1 T.
fWW inauatry. living eonditlem. of the
EI2J workers, competitive conditions
Ji?, T"-." ". ... -.., ..i i
g,Ty..j , ; . - . " e. i.,i- timi-Mi Hii .-i. ii, 'it nmii."
Ir..vIM. umui i i-Kuii liiiii unci nr iiniTnrm ... i rtttii.i.M-e n1!..!.. ........
M 'EiwK t ffi f "v-t: , Rffus,r wvBrt,?P.Bi ::ti: s IBIS'S rS tt z &&xr$a Mre
V&.ton,hupe,uVheich,ro;;s;s rAi;?iVtU
fe?,jdmi.nt8: and. secondly, because tnese ,"- n wh 'c ,. rXB aTth. L- v T,urtaln,, dy nights. I H, Andersen, who went Inte the Arctic .brr-n 2 developments n the amnesty
gyfaeta ere necersarv before any reergan- "..!r l0 " ',0 ' 0l ' '" "l"K at the K0,v . ' , hcmlen. "ndiclate for the j,,t year with the lower beat Eagle. mattcr since their " fit of last Frid, v
rWJkttlen can be attempted such as will Tele-rams from mm, neunirlra ..en ''iB,a.,ur(,f fr0' l" Fifth District, l.s fari.rlnt an expedition of the Smith- ',, tliey left anne itclii- hcv w d
BBa&S.fWBrws C FvHs VSV?!--"' - & "S he wanted that suit "" savkpaving bill : ;C Z r&SgjtT.
Strlli was celled. The operators and ?'?;'. IVA'ftf " ' .".V," ' ' ,M'-- ' Hub. under nhee auspices the meet- .Delaware Avenue Improvements ". Kahir L. Ru.knrt. lnO.T North tWai , iVer!ubrk,47 .Ife '.
fllSi diin-.MiiLiii.iiin.ii, .,..a...i...,. Ilaiii tt. JIi'Adoe and Paul 1) CriiMith. I m iii i, i,.i.i srui-f i n.,th H-ln Rtr-.A,t Hm- .. . k''" Nineteenth street. He was nlnetv. , n. Antoneite Miie-nn-u.iin rS"l'..,A
.- "Th ann In (..,. ..,.1 .1.. " ' ' .' """ i " "' Mill I .1 OM. US linl . 'I Weill V .sill Ii nml Tu. ... ,U.
AW wttle their diirercncei. and it IVbr ter XZ'TlnLV ' Vh" fr"m i -Mr' Pi"('hn, '' W nt M" ' onerea Diamond and Cash ' Ta,, , . Hou8ehelders ''" '" ' '- ""rlnrl and his ,. w..,en , v ' ' ""'
Br2Afitl they should de se voluntarily, and VuI'm' . i ' k , , ., ' District mretmg and at the Olvmpla A. gneres Diamena ana casn A der slen which means u Miin,; of lf celebrated their Uxty-alxtli wed-I M.ry n suheiftv. Si.nijun11 hr,!t ' ""'
Bffhifer the bitterness deepens or the con- ,,,,A '7,U1 "S !"."?V, "r-r f thu A. tom-rrew night. I A L0,' "L'1'. d ffr'inatlng thousands of dellarB te taxpHers was ' K mm er.ary last November 15. "' S5Kr, ..Ii 3;.',h ," "-' a.Br,a
&t,'it becomes mere acute." ' ' '. "'. '!, ' Oiwi inr- Representnthes of six wards In West '"'J! in ,(,let?ln'IS b"t. Vth """J" nnneuiu-l teda) by Judge Simpsen, of J. u,;kn,;t '"""t.vene years old. , itirrv pmVcT,3.i.8- 2753' V r0ter,d .,
?V -7' tied S2.0(K).fMM) in life in-uunce. ru I PhUadelnhin are nrranirinir for tlir , nothing else. Invaded the home e Sal- the Super or Court. Mr. Uurkart was born at 420 ArchJ nd Mae j. in d.ri.st. -J733 s c2?nr ."h X
rV&: ;tCftAR eillTC RCWCRQCn "M n'c I10"""" er ?." "-lwam te be g Ivcu " fe Ice PaUcc ,fl,erfl Cavallere. 110 Seuth Hicks jn .evcrslng an opinion of the Court "' Mn" !): 'p- "' was In tb?,. P Trtn ' ' . ' ' Clor'ie
srtl lJ5UUftn OUIIO ntVtneCU nually. ,f-i..." j.. .,I.huJl,.".. f . '.S'.06 I mreef. late vesterduv afternoon, w h e ' nf r'nmn.n,, in.t r...,.i" ai... .." fnnve.vnne nz buMiets nt s-renil. ,,,,1 'Mm. t,,?,3. Chancellor t.. ,
ai'V-liflrnent Against Aliened Suaar
Y?ist?Jilfr'.trt,t RrAel m 5. A.IJ.
tiz ",:;; :.:: :.:"" :.: .. '
pavJUfy;"1 m,":.aV"" ,,,v s.i,,, is,. mi mi
Y'lT rSmJmAm m n SKllfU 1 ii i iir m An t n?nlnLt lttns
a i!J 1 ?- "" --'""" al-" . j..e...-l. 744M
t.HAWfll. ii ulinlesaleerneer. reitime.1
sr - ---- - "--- ...
iimSV."'"" ... .' "1!iiLr ,::.
favor of the Franklin Sugar Re.
'"hw iuuiijiii, , . uiiii iiiu.'rrii it inrt
Company, uiiii eruercu a jury I
7 .--.- - - - -- ,
r'..vriae cic is
a lemit of the scramble
'sugar that developed here and else.
t JtI i'Ai ava .1,, ..Inc. flu. irni
t WW.".."7 """V" .""'.
Wtfc;ane rriinins ciiiupuiiy ntwririi nimpii iir iimiyvs ni nnutn Airien, ssm ' .,,1.,. f0. ,i.. Kridnv nia-lit meeting nt
"MXM contracted for M.gar nllet.uents en Or Caldwell, "a.- ha.dly better than ,. Acaden v of Musi" S ' ,'
1 "t t.ventv.te and a half cents .nln.." b ut they welcome our ,f,e,. imrarc being undefe omfle m ee -iwwfjwnntl.
Mien the sugar scimity '"K" her give it. t aterpl'.lars ure ' i the Cltv Committee hcideunrteia '
r,aCd and Prices tlumpe,! the em- ' r" "'.""' "'." nnd eaten as a choice ,"':" ' ' JrT, ""Ji? "'iV'r"
Ji.W "-WU vefured ,e pny en J"
nWke Supreme Court ruled there was ,'. "'n Ike we eat bread. bay aid (VeeTge K NltaUe
K3Wnniete memorandum of a contract '... T."'."".'-'"" . ." " "W e . 5 - " - -
pp. 'the ueiiKien niiciix numerous
l'?eifreuec between the 1.' til ted
la Workers emclaU und the nntlira nntlira
R'ceal epcratnrd ever the re-
Ul'eC the miners wage scale was
sHl teuay.
' meeting was called one day
than usual after the customary
end recess, because the union
m dealre te attend the c'eslne ne.-i.
h')f the Pennsylvania Federation of I
at ' convention and the Kxecutlvc'
('meeting nt acrnnteu en 'ihurb-
tsr ,
i ynir abtilxk vac ark
' tui ret Bala eeluraa ta-
rrw . -i.
ifi$SUMb COAL WAQt PARLEY Pit. The natives ara rrucllv trented.
I 'UMltttn and Oneraters Renew Dil- ,the lash w'hlle they whipped until bleed
F-ttKtI:5 , . .. j isrreameii irem tnc r hoi e. Thn newer
ffiMfy ouMlena of New Schedule i0f the gospel is ,,-mled in Afrit a "
Su-Jimni VerU. May S. (By A. P.)- . '
Kr i " - . ",
$ McorezieiiiBt:
V'immmmW I
AKmmmW:: ;i
mr? : ) a ftf iJmmmmm I
RJ'U LmmmmXi
She spoke tetlay at a tea given by
(lie women's division of the Pales
tine Foundation Fund Committee
at the Hetel Majestic
Colonel Patterson Helps Jews In
Palestine Restoration Drive
Colonel Jehn II. Patterson, nrltlsh
officer, World War here and big game
hunter. Is In the city as the guest of
the I'hi'adelnhia Jes. and will sneak
en the Palestine Restoration Fund.
Colonel Patterson uns tendered a
reception this afternoon at the Ma
I jeistlt Hetel by the women's dlMen of
the Palestine Foundation Fuu-i of tills
. ,t.L r. . , i n i
' lrp nrmm eraccr. who was a nci -
senai trienu et tue late iiieofjerc noose-
ve!t, was commander of the .Tcnlsh Le
gien and helped wrest Palestine from
the Turk. He is known us one of
the crc.nlest ('hrlstinn cxnimpnt of tlip
"netiiwiHAn nl Ttnli.t.ln.. .. .lt l.....t,.U
national home.
At the reception Mis Peter .f.
Schweitzer nn another speaker. She
has Just returned from the Hely Land.
Pans will be perfected for the .Tt's of
Philadelphia te mine .100,000 In the
i drive
' . . H.. UI.
i "- -.-- ...nw .,,.-.. -
, Plana Renardina UnlvcmlW
Vnlven-lty of Pennsylvanla uiiimnl
'are waitlnc anxinuslv for n renlv from
Majr (i,.,lernl iC0MalJ Weed, new in
, pijilippines te n cable sent him
i Saturday, urging him te resign the gev-
' lliril in lliu mini nuiiv; in null.' u
,al'e'uP "erk lead of the university
, h fall
' i .'v.rt.i t lniAAt) ..,
eneral Alumni Society nnd edi-
e Alumni Regis'er, brought
he cablegram back te Phila-
1flIIJ(l kl'MD,, It Will II tlrt-ilt 111 V1IC
' W'niitaiin PAnfarnnnit rt A In tun I OlitKu
jlf.ltlll tltilll fJHl ft IM&nf lli ,tt tlid
held in Chicago Saturday.
"A lengthy cablegram was sent Gen
eral Weed In cede." aid Mr. I.lppin I.lppin
eett. "I have net received the te.t as
jet. but the snse of it was that the
alumni strongly desired him te come
J"1 expected him te come In fulflllment
of .hi" agreement.
' cneiegram was rcceivcn ireni aia-
i '""i "ua.'' tuJ'"s nm nniai
rR through Southern Luzen. 'I he
' cablegram. In that the soverner general
i " " ""..;. .......-......
I Secretaiy of Wnr W eeks lias put
squarely up te the general the matter
f resigning. In the evi-nt lie deeldes
i te remain In Manila, it Is considered
I likely tliat another will be cheen. The
niumni or the university ate s.rengiy
In favor of General Weed, and leek
forced te find some ene In his place.
cler te Fellow Hie Request
New YerI(. Mav S.dlv A. 1M-
The family and clew ft lends of Heim
p. D.iInn. who die. en r.n operating
table at his U.cuet Vsllev estnte Sat-
i:iBht men ennncfte, villi the ' nn of
j. ; Morgan K Ce.. in whl-h Mr.
i7niMin mi . Miirinrr. win serve as
, ... ..
is wiaue by minister
t""'" ' UP 'eacmnjj uapiered ,
... .' V" -"" ""'"""
bv Dr. Ernest Calriw-ll i
nA mar... imn at vmt.ti ...!... .....
... .... ...... .,. ,w,i.ii ,vun- urn',
'me ninjert or n plea liy I): l.rnest
Caldwell. African ml-Hlenurv. before
the Methodist ministers today in Mal-
m. .nlnlu... ...1... :- t...
. mew nan.
Ninetv.nci. nun I
,(ent of the children of native women
imve wiuie tamers, ami In this rein-
Tickets Are Ready
for Pinehet Rally
Ask at the counter In the business
office en the first fleer of the Vrn
Lie I.uiern. Building, for tickets for
the Plnchet inaHn-mecting.
The meeting Is te be hrld In the
Aiadcmy of Music Friday night.
There Is no charge for the ticket.
- :,'"w ?i., ",K,, Walnut Mreets nnd retire 1 irinn UrinV r xiktSU SiiVfl". .. .. .
.. . i ..... ii TL- ....i i.. i....i .a . .. ... .AII...I ,r. niiiniij u ii.u... iiruiui tl lr
I "" ' 1,
.1 Hf.u.
Warns Women Net te Be 'Bam
boozled" by Besses'
Women See 500,000
Up State for Pinchel
Peltsllle. May S. "Tell Resa
Varc that his boasted majority of a
quarter of n million votes lr.' Phila
delphia for Alter will be met by the
women up State with half n million
majority for Pinehet." was the mes
sage sent Oifferd Plnchet yesterday
by prominent women of the anthra
cite coal region, fcl'.ewlng the tour
of the candidate Saturday. Discov
ery that in a number of the districts
of' this county the women esreed the
men In registered votes en the Re
publican ticket has greatly strength
ened the hopes of the Pinehet man
agers for big majorities all through
this section.
Of the K5.000 registered women
voters In Schuylkill County it is said
that Pinehet will get the votes of
thousands who never before voted,
hut have been stirred by the the en
thusiasm of the present canvass.
Mary Roberts Rlnchart- author, ban
Issued a call te Pennsylvania Republi
can women voters net te be "bam
boozled" by the bosses and te turn in
for Gilferd Pinehet at the primary elec
tion May 10. She urged that the worn
en make the primary what it is intended
te be. In a statement issued through
the Pinehet Campaign Committee Mrs.
Rlnchart says:
"The real issue In this Republican
primary contest is net the respective
pertenalltie? and qualifications of Pit
cbet and Alter. The lue is simply
who is te own nnd control the Repub
lican party of this State is It te be you
and .1 nnd our neighbors, we average
voters, that Is, or is It te be a smnll
group of slf-cen3tItuted lenders the
gieup that put up Alter? That group
docs net represent the best Republican
leadership in this Stale.
"I am an organization woman. I
believe in the patty sjstcm. I know knew
that the Republican Party in Pennsyl
vania cannot function without adequate
machinery behind it. If the World
War tuught us women one thing mere
than another It is that without ergani
zatien no concerted action Is possible.
In political life organisatien is prep-
erly nothing mere or less than the m-
utriiment bv whteli the will of the me-
7lLh, l ncHen.0 I iS? here
pie Is brought into action. Rut here
In PcnnsyUania we rank and tile of
voters have let the control of the neces
sary Instrument pet away from us Inte
the hands of n small self-interested
group. We ought te blame this titua-
tlen net se much en the vlcleusnes,, of '
this small group of bosses as en our eur eur
elves. our own political apathy nnd In
difference, which have permitted us tv
sublet the job of government and party
"The main thing new is that in this
primaay we average folk and voters
have a chance te get hn'd of the party
again. The direct primary system was
Instituted with thie one ereat nurnese
te give the Individual voter mere power ;
than he or she had had without it. I
think the reason why the direct pil
mary meann te much te us women vet
ers Is that, being newer at the game,
we have much mere interest, much mere
I.": , ' ?. ."' "ne,"f OUI J"" nw cw,e"
une.ty In finding out just hew close
little vole can mean I think we have
perhaps n mere direct nnd mere ardent
interest in government, nnd we held
te the spirit of the direct primary
uviuurs- 4. in mi- 11UI Vlllllill tUCl t
eat cnance te make his own vote and I
... ,.'. ivuii( LUUIIl. 1
PINCH0T CHIEFS PLAN MANY , Srattle.May S.-(Ry A. P..-Ra.
MCCTiairse rule mrri int ihe ventuies of Henry Hudsen, the
IVIttllNuS THIS WtcKtCabets nnd ether early navigators, the
Final Drive Under Way Before' Prl-
mu , M ..
mafy Dav' May 16 I
Iiic dme of the Pinehet City Cem-
mlttee te stimulate widespread intni est i
in the cubcrnaterlal candidacy of lhe
i -i.. ..t... .i."i-...Ai" "'.. ..
M,.i.niii.iin ni.-im,.a nf thn H.ub.-.i '.
Committee of the Pinehet Cltv Cem-
i mlttee.
who Is also Pinehet chairman
of the
1 ortr-feurth Ward, and Mrs.
n.vivia un u. er.nrp. asseeinte chair-
'""' " ": "' '''" "'
ii.eii ..r tit., i... tn r..nHii, ia.
Reside Mr. Pinehet the sneakers 111
. .... - ...
icinm . . nt i'. tiirmrr s i' NAnsini. .
iir.i.. n r'.A .., ...i '
... . . ,.' ' A - '
lf..;r. ' .ii-i.." . ,"l iXZ ' "")"""?'
' U .!. III.. ..I.. ...., ...1.....
"I'" """"?' ' "" .' "".""' nwill IUU
iJtAUl i.'I3.iii-i, null Ulligrn,
Discuss Collections and Then
gage In Gelf Tournament
YUiltr Sulphur Springs, W. V.i..
.Mn H. (By A. P.) Mete than .100
bankers gathered hcie tedny f1)r n,-.
annual spring meeting of the executive
K.r: "" ""'""" ,anur"4 A"
Hpeclal subjects llfcted for lensldera-'
lien Included par celled iun. .State
taxation, rnmmerelii! und umrlne prnb- i
lAini nm,. ., ......,n,itin ...i.. .1..
7 ." .- r. e-i,,it,n mc
hnnkeis paitlclpalcd In a gulf tourna
ment. "Family Night" for Oak Lane
'Famllj Night" will be (clehruted bj
the (Ink l.ane lmprnemeni Association
this evening. There will be motion pp.
lures and a lecture by Miss fjeitrude
II. Slicurcr en electrical jervite lu the
i 'ri... i ii pAAri.. n iiaii.ii. .i.h.hJ r .
she's PiweOTffOBNraicrr
MmmmmmKmrM&BLmmmmmmmmmmmLW ''V y jLLLLLLLLm
i LmmmKFilmi3Bmmmmmmmmt!Mt1mmmY')H "V AmmmmmmmL
Mat?' Roberts Rlneliart. the writer. Is tlie latest prtmlncnt Pennsl-
alila te come out strqugly for Oifferd Pinehet. Mi's. Rlnchart says
the bosses arc trlng te "bamboozle" the voters
Swindler Suepected of Having Hyp
notized William B. Lindsay
New Yerk, .May 8. William II.
Llndsav. who formerly was n profener
of chemlMrv at Dickinsen College, Is
dead as the ,e.lt of a breakdown which -
followed the less In n stock swindle of I
.$21,000. the savings of a lifetime. Jehn '
II. Crabtree. formerly un invesiment
lV. U ,.rvln i.n.renr iinti.n....
i?.S.". ,!c ' !Th.U, f!il I
the ex-profciter hib fortune und his
Prof. Lindsay retired as an Instruc
tor at Dickinsen College several cars
aae. and was awarded a C'ernegie pen
" Z. Z, ' S.m
!,lk' "'V'ftJ! i,Tri, nf &
Bn at one of ,llp hearings of Crabtree
thnt'it appeared from the testimony that
sien. Since then he had lived In New
Crabtree used hypnotic influence en
Pi of. I.indsa;. Prof, l.indtay was Hx
ty-twe years old.
King Victer at First Session of In
stitute In Reme
Reme. May 8. (Ry A. P.) King
Victer Emmanuel wntt present today nt
the opening of the Mxth assembly of the
International. Institute of Agriculture.
Representatives from all ever the world
were in nttendnnce aud most of the
members of the Diplomatic Cerps hcie
were present ut the opening session.
The I'nltwl Slates is renrchented bv
Alfred IV Dennis.
special representa-
I. .ft .f tl.A PAiKirlmnnf tt fAinmerce.
The opening address was delivered by1
Senater l'"taco. president of the In
"iiruie ann uciegntc .or iiiuj.
"aa-V .1.. ihi i hi i.e A
'dies, rural social centers and agrlcul-
turs' legislation
- ... u- . I
67Foet Cpaft tQ Venture nte
berlan River
tiny power bout Rlue hen. of Ulaf Mwen
son 4 CV only sixty-seven feet overall, , ,:"ll V ,.J,0"
will leave Sentte Harber this week for 'ne '"e , cnisi
the Knlrma River. Arctic Siberia.1'0 fe'- mWh
cnri,. VeOO miles , west of Rrrlng iieupj!8'11 t0(li'V
She will be outfitted te remain sey-
a members et me tninuv
The thief entered through
room window, icnered sll
nml apparently went wiineut uesiia-
lien te the bedroom used by Mr. and
Mrs. Cnvallere. He took from a clesrt
ii biaml new spring suit and departed.
T.riinF nn the ten of ii chlffimlT in nlnln
sight was n valuable diamond ring and '
a small sum of menej . A spring tup-
coat, frech from the tailor's, was hnng
lug In the cleaet beside the suit but
was ulse spurned as loot.
Pree Lance Candidate Parker Wants I
Free Lance fcanaiaaie carKer warns
Friends te Defeat, Alter
ii. iii n,.'. ...i, . ,,
perhenallv enductei candidate for thei,rj', .V1"' ,'1",. ' hcrheltscr. of Phil-
nomination for Majer in UUP. has dclplila, a director of pagcuits. will
i given up his ambition te win the Re- nlKe speak. I nieiieel Miggcstlnns -in
iiubiuan nomination ier uoverner mis
Uar. i
Mr. J'aricer. an engineer, with a
hatred of political machine titles, an
nounced tedny he will support (Jjfferd
Plnchet for the governorship nomina
tion. He uli-e announced his own re-
:Ir ''.nt frflm .,,, rllCP
tlr( "' " 'r "
King Geerge and Queen Mary Pay
w,.,. .. .il,.. anri rnnPt
VlBlt te AiDert ana cencert
Iinden, May S. (By A. P.) King "ailed from l.urepc in a serieiiH condl cendl condl
Geeigc and (Jiieen Mar. wltli a suite ' tlen. the result of complications ful
Including Field Mertal Karl llaig and i !nslnK a long Illness. The Aqijltinilu
Admiral Lord Bcntty. left tedav for Is due in New lerlc Wednesday,
ncigiiun in ue me gurMs 01 iing Allieit
ami Queen Hliziihrth.
Troops lined the breakwater ut the
eastern pier at Dever as the royal patty
embarked en the yucht AMexandrn. which
uaa escorted across the channel by nine
- 'sf SaBiEaKT'
Alleged 'te Have Been Careless In
Uce of Fumigating Gat
New Yerk. May S. (Ry A. P.)
District Attorney Husten. f Kings
County, tedny ordered the arrest en n
y, Brooklyn Heights, whcie Mr. nnd
Mru. Frccment M. JncLsen, aged bridal
''."J1:: j'.lc(l rerently under mysterious
u"1 "13' '"CBS. tIC "IbO OVUCrCU IUC
The action followed exhumation of
the body of Mr. Jacksen nnd a necend
nutepay which was said te have shown
death was caused by poisoning from
cyanegen gas, alleged te have been used
in fumigating rooms beneath these in
wnicn tne .ineksenn lived.
Du Puy and Rradlch nrc alleged te
have caused the deaths by negligence
In net properly sealing the rooms in
which the fumigating gas was used.
Feared Daniel Souder, ,52d Street,
May Be Amnesia Victim
Police today were asked te find
Daniel Souder. n stntiener, whose place
et busincbs is at 121 North Flfty-bccend
The man, who is fifty-threc jears old,
dltappcared Saturday night. He was
lart known te have withdrawn n bag
from the check stand at Rread Street
Station. He was te have gene te
Pittsburgh, there te meet a son, Earl
Jt was tne hen who today
notified the. nn'li'e.
He believes that
"is ir.tncr may have suffered nn attack
nt nmnesla
Souder Is described as dark, n.irrinllv
bald, about (l ve feet ten inched heir,.'
nothing, were n Knights of Pythias
insignia en his fob nnd n diamond rin
with n tepaw setting en his hand. He
carried n suitcase stamped D. K. S.
nrilrilf IIIIIPATU .AnilAlMI-
si-inClMCW HIVlNCaiT UttUbAUt
Women and Children March Again
te White Heuse
Washington. May 8. (By A. P.)
Carrjlng American flnga and sevcrnl
banners, the women nnd children com-
sadc for general tun-
toned war -law viola-
mated en the While
The banners. In accordance ulih or
ders of the White Heuse police, were
T. i. n.,.. u r- ,,. .., ... ..
.... . i. , ". 'V'',j' '"' , '
,r" "'V,,.1 r' '?,"bl .'",, feJ. "'.
KiVd'the iV- wis, , rit. in '.T'"
"""' ."". ,0"i.w?H " Private bill unless
Z"Z u'l', . '". tllr .V
'luestIen Is shown te be lacking.
property In
Te Address Historical Society
Prof, (lenrae P. ltakep. nf liurv.irrl
Will be the nrllielnnl atienL-. tlilQ fvn. '
' nlng at the meeting of the Histeiical,
Society of I'ennsjlvania. Hr. Raker Is
,",." ,"" ,""-se4en Workshop" nt '
Cambridge, an wiMliutlen of his own i
development which has hud great Influ-
ence en iiramntlc tencliinir iii ihiu ,..,,i,i .
- y , . ,. "('" "' nistencni
Pa'"2"tr'V '" ,llc Sesqul-Ccnieniilal will
be efferrd.
A. J. A. Devercux en Way Heme
The condition of A. .J Antelo I)eer
eux, piemlnent pole plajer und cluh
mnii, en his way te this country en beard
the Aqultanle, is teperted bv wireless
today te be Improved. The wireless
meswige was iere!ed this iiiemiiiJ at
the home of Ills wife's mother, Mrs
Alexander A an Renssulaer, Kluhleenth
and Wnlnut strcts. Mr lim...-.,...
Ill-All "ON HKCO.M) IITOllf.in" ,
J L lle; h cenalrtureu Vn "et ,h,
met brilliant celumnlatii in America. iiJ.
fOlu;nn "On Secnml 'llieue hi" aupean, 0,ilr '
ria en lhe Kdllerlal fasa of ths Pwitic
l.xtsjca. II la unnueitlnnahly ehe of h auat I
l.l.j-lnir and extaii.Halrtead featupas In this
levtapaper. "Make It , Habit." Adv.
' 'lining m,emk -,;::' ." -- Mary C N.weem.r. 301 .V." ,,, Vl.' ""a
vfr lablewnrc .r ,,r,t , .i, .1.. ' " "
ll"V I f)l' 1 1.
This Government ReWy te, Act
When Antl-Conf Iscatery " "
Pledge Is Given
By I lie Associated Pres
' Washington, May 8, The American
Government ia standing unalterably for
the guarantees requested -or inc uuro uure uuro
gen regime in Mexico nearly e year jnge.
Se far, General Obrrgen and file ad
visers have given no definite assurances
thnt the guarantee's will be glyen in
order te make, formal recognition of
their Government possible.
The department's attitude still is that
the .Mexican nutherltlea must give ab
solute protection against confiscatery
action in regard te foreign property.
Hcyend this, officials say, this Gov
ernment has net gene. It is declared
there has been no attempt by the de
partment's representatives te add any
demands which would Interfere with
Mexican Internal affairs. or would re
quire special concessions te the United
States in the future.
Much information as the department
has encourages officials te believe that
the formal pledges they require may
eventually be given. It is pointed out,
however, that although personal let
ters nnd some press dispatches from
Mexico have quoted the Obrcgen au
thorities as will te nceede, the State
Department has no official information
whatever te that effect. ,
In explaining their position State De
partment officials said the United States
Government had net nnd would net ask
for any special guarantees for Ameri
can capital in Mexico. The American
request, it was Mild, was simply that
rights nnd titles acquired under Mex
ico's own laws should be respected. If
that guarantee is granted the depart
ment wuh aid te take the position that
American capitalists then could com
pete In the Mexican field if they desired
under nn open-deer arrangement nnd
without nsklng special favors.
Muny Intimations that the Mexican
authorities might be favorably disposed
toward the American request have
reached the State Department, but of
ficials here will net be satisfied with
anything less than a formal pledge byi
the Obrcgen Government itself. The
situation, therefore, ih the same as it
was when the terms of recognition were
submitted te Mexico City in June, 10-11.
Mexico City. May 8 (By A. P.)
.s the Mexican Government is net rec
ognized by the I'nltcd States, Foreign
Minister Paul has announced that an
official exequatur cannot be issued te
Claude I. Dawsen, recently appointed
United States consul general in Mex
ico. A previsional permit has been is
bued te Mr. Dawten, however, "in a
spirit of nmity."
Deatlis of a Day
Camden Man Die Suddenly of Apo
plexy In Heme
Dr. Edgar Jehnsen, fifty-three jears
old, 032 Steven street, Camden, died
suddenly of apoplexy at his home last
evening. Dr. Jehnsen, a chiropodist,
had been complaining all day of severe
pain in his head. He had gene for a
ride te Fnirmeunt Park in the after after after
uoen, nnd had taken a walk again In the.
enrly evening. He had just gene up
stairs te bed when his wife heard him
fall and found him dying. Corener Hell
gave a certificate of death from
Rey E. Gerhart
Masonic funeral services will be con
ducted tomorrow afternoon for Rey E.
Gerhart at his home, 5544 Media street,
where he died Saturday afternoon after
nn illnci.8 of a year. Up until about
n year age Mr. Gerhart was attached
te the City Bureau of Weights and
Measures. He Ib survived by his widow
and two sons.
Geerge D. Woedalde
Geerge D. Woodside, fifty-eight years
old died Saturday nt his home.
Crew's Nest-, Deven. He was presi
dent of the West Chester Street Rail
way Company nnd son of Its founder.
mis tatner died in JiiDi . in rnris. leav
ing him n $.000,000 fortune. In the
winter Sir. Woodside frequently lived
In the liengncre Apartments, and had
made large nnd valuable collections of
paintings and pottery
He Is survived by a dauhter. Mrs.
Frank Paul Jenes, of Edgewater, n
granddaughter, nnd ills mother. Fu
neral services will he conducted Tues
day afternoon from IS20 Chestnut
Valentine Burkart '
Vnlontlne llurkarr a oenvryan.er of I
Pendant Watches
Jbwtjiiy - Silver -.SwiOKerr
New Flower Bowls, Vases, Competes.
Deep Cebalt BlueIridescent.
$4.00 te $30.00
Reputed the Largest Distributor of High-Gradc
1212 Chestnut Street
hmumwmWQx-''4$ i-sH
' mWLmwk;":' WH
mWmWjImWm&'ImL: ' tmWmWmWmWM
' LaBA vF ''- xfV annnnnnnV
' alialif:llw ' '3saW
' innnnnnnVal8blSBH
ianannnV Vm-H v'i- s J- M mm. A
aHaV&fll4 :H it I
' sBaaaf''?iV tUl
BB.U-fev.-.BiV'.,;jBW.vl "
Nineteen -year-old girl, who Is ac
cused of shoplifting from Market
street store
Resides his wife, lie la' also Hurvlvcd by
another son, Edwin H. Burkart, of
New Krltaln, Pa.
Mrs. Susan Maglnn
The funeral of Mrs. Susan Majinn,
who died at her home in Edd.vstenc en
Friday, was held today. High mass
was conducted this morning in St. Rese
of Lima Church, Eddystenc. Mrs.
Mnginn was clghty-twoet the time of
her death and had taught school in Crum
Lynnc for twenty-eight years. She had
made her home with her daughter in
the Prospect Hetel Building en Ches
ter pike.
Funeral of lyilchael F. Morrison
The funeral et Michael P. Morrison,
who died et his home, iUOO Seuth Rread
street. Saturday, will be held Wednes
day nt 8:30 A. M. Solemn requiem mass
will be sung in St. Rltn's Church.
Rurlal will be in Cathedral Cemetery.
Mr. Morrison had been in ill health
several years. He was .engaged Inr the
stenccutting business at 11510 Wash
ington nvenue. A daughter, MYh.
James G'urley, survives. Mr. Morrison
weh n member of Archbishop Rynn
Assembly. K. of C. De Sote Council,
Ne. 315. K. et C., and St. Rita's Hely
Name Society.
inemaa Keny
Werd has just been rrrehed in Cllf
ten Heights of the death of Themat'
Kelly, a widely known baseball player,
nnd who was for years a resident of the
borough. He played with the borough
team twenty years age. nnd afterward
with the Chester and Wnlsh teams. He
was better known as "Slam Kelly."
Miss Jane C. Blddle
Miss Jane Craig Riddle died yester
day at her home, at 1714 Locust street.
She was a daughter of the late James
S. and Meta Craig Riddle. Funeral
services will be conducted nt the home
tomorrow nftcrnoen.
Beys Find Recluse Dead
MaJianey City. Pa.. May 8. (By
A. P.) Richard Miller, sixty, a
stonecutter living alone in a cabin en
the eutskirtS et this city, wen found
dead early today by boys going fish
ing. The coroner is investigating.
SamuM 1. Sklembsrp. Ilnrrlsburs, Pa., and
Dera Davi. 447 K. 4th nt.
Jams P. Deuahertr. 2004 Qranaback at.,
and Ctraea MncDenaM, 004 Gransnack at.
Charles W. Law. S1S4 N. STth at., and
Kathertn E. Frama, -!A28 W. Sem-Tact at.
Kalph K Stark- 118 W. Olnay n.. and
. n-b Ben tall 3A53 N. 7th at.
Mayar Peraky. Nw Yerk City, and Ethel
Solemon. 840 Hansbarry at.
waiter AStlnaman. 142i S. Slat at., and
Ancle .V Clifferd. 204 3. Alder at.
Jacob F. Itlllataa. Quakertevn, Pa., and
Edna, T. Muer. Quakertown. Pa.
Hebert TJ. Clauiner Mllfnn. Pa., and 1.11-
llan Huaten. Milten. Pa.
wniam L. nej-nelcla. V n. Navy, and
Elliahsth A. Silk. 134 Carlten el
CW T,errM' "" 8. 1" at-, and Odette
. P. dujeur. 810 8 lflth at
Jeseph .1. Darabae. .Itsa n, Tliompjen at.,
and listen Janka. nigs E. Thonp-en t.
SaS.aJ,o0j4'-s!-Te,.?-.,0lh t" "a prl
MiiWfiv1'' ,nd
"'pulS'iit''?0' N .23'1 ' "" Ien
Pidcaen, 8958 Sprura al,
Jamea M, Buchanan. 1107 S Alder at and
-May V. Riff. 1804 Diamond at! " Hia
Jehn Penaytlla nan s lath ri nnd
IfloreneB Osntlle. 24311 S. Otit at
Guls-ppe llarl. 3 Mountain at.- and
Frances Delia, fill Creea at.
UWuSn.I8fJfjni.aV.28,tN- 8d "' " '"
Jehn Chwelreth. 2301 OrthMlex at anrt
Adatnlna Michalak. 1848 Ash at
Dnmnlre Calrrenl. 1217 Kimball at nnd
, TUv Jumna.ne, i?n Oarrett it
Milten I, Smith. V. M C ".. Tlrnail nd
tJ?C !?'. hn ,:"ri,,Ja Mrt"n. New
Jehn i: Mack, 4223 Waatmln.i.. .... .-.,
l.lly If Inaterinnr. aei.V "!": ",,u
i O-orare
rre r Mar.ten. i.-in r-..!.- 1'." "i'
Hln t Tlnr...,.' ..iX? 'l'r '
H-rnian 'if. 0 llrV;r FeMMIff In Pa
LV?rVt. .1. '.""H!1.1 ,Wahtntnn. P. C.
oli'e1:,."9 " Martln" 18 S".-
.Ies.phT.lnR. .V. jj. eer. flTth n ri,
J--"- "
nnn i;epnla Surwl(l .030 s. 01st t
T,WV&V,':U2,H I'M. .' "& "a,.
J -- i
Ooverner of Henan Province !'
. Dame vYim forces of
WU Pel Fu
By the AaMlated Press
llanliew. Mav 8 The nti.. ...
kew Railway iierli of Kwangshul hii '
been cut. and It is renerte,! i... '? ,
1 1. fliunary' uoverner of the PreflMi ,
of Henan, has Parted hostilities aw S2
the forces of Wu Pel-K... s aw,nrt
fsni . M --I--..S... tIMIL IjniA '
Fighting v.'eh proceeding tedav it '
Sl-iyangchew. 100 miles north of her. '
m-mi miiuu etcuiTcu jestcruay at Cheh. '
fThe above dispatch would lndl. i
ressful (ii his campaign against th '
.uancnunan general. Chang Tse.Tia '
in the vicinity of Pekln" wb"b"j ,L
jiuacKee irem tne south. Cheat"
Chew, the northernmost point men.
tlened in the dispatch, is in Henan
province n.beut .100 miles eiithM?
of Pckln en the I'ekln-IInnkew Rai !
way. Chae Tl lins been (ioverner of
Hennn since June, 11)10. ue "'
born lnl W0. and educated in the
l'elynng Military Academy.
Tientsin, Mny 8. (By A. P.) (in
oral Wii Pcl-Fu, who came te TienSi
from Pekin In pursuit of Cfeneral Chiat
Tsp-Lin. was ordered yesterday by tR
allied military commanders here teWa
the city. He refused te de se en thi
gJI!Slt!"U nc,wn' tlle acting Uovcraer
of Chlhli Province.
Should Wu accede te the allied dt
mands te lenve, he would have te meTi
back tewatd Pckln. as rail reinraunlci.
tlen te the cast and north has been
severed by the burning of the bridges
nnd n Japanese destroyer la pi eventing
the dispatch of his forces down the h...
The situation, therefore, is that whlli I
Chang Tse-Lln had unintcrrunleH . I
of the Mukden railway for two- week 1
tiunuE ins euchbivc operations, his pur
sucr is new unable te use the read te
complete his victory.
Numbers of Manchurlan soldiers were
discovered last night teuth of the for
mer German concession here. They are
reported te haic ugreed te lav dewa
their arms if given feed.
Weman Shoeta Father In Accident
. Mrs. Mnry , I.cvenlck. 010 Weed
street, vijis held in .OO bnil for a fur-'
ther hearing en .May in by Magistrate'
Fitzgerald today, charged with shoot sheot shoet
iiiK her father. Carafine OrieK in ih
head while playfully pointing a re
volver at him last night. Orick wis
taken te tnc Hahnemann Hospital,
where he was treated for a wound of
the scalp. Police are convince! th,,
sheeting was nrctdcntal.
Keep your
Tterc it trett ahi ahi
factiea in avintf,
wtctljer in tne bby,
tin bavnl: or corner
of tne bureau drawer.
Tnere it an added
attraction for tneec
wne knew tneir aav
intfc are aafer in Tne
First National.
Savings Dtfartment
of Philadelphia
ntn.npn nn ru a fnii f.vn. ion of
Jereph H. and ,Maiir-t Ilular (nes MeMaj
amln). aced 1! y.nra 0 menthe. S,1"Jli'
anil frlenda Invlted la funeral, en Tueadar,
Mnv 0. at 1) p. M., realdenca nf r"n,t?;
H183 Wnllnn ave. Intermrnt Hely Creu
Cnm-t-rv. ,
CHAIII-TON. On Stay 7. 1022. ANDHBW,
luiiibind nf Mursurei Churlten. nel.'.!
ami friends, also llethaiiv llpitherhoed w
Andrew and Philip, ere Invited tn the aervha
pii Wedneeday afternoon at 3 o'clock frj
his lute realdence, 2348 CUrlatlau alre-t. in
terment urliatf. KilLnda iny tall Tu'
cenlnr ,.
WHITE. At 4S2 Otter at . en "
in22. hUKI.INT!. .il.lnn. nt Iier 11 White;
fenice private en Tuesday ftfternoen atjf
n'eleek at the Oliver II. Hair Il'illdlm. l-
Cheatnut at. Interment private ,.J
KRKITAO. May 7, MAHOAHI-T, wios wies wios
;f,atnr8e J. rreltae. aged 71 JJela'; fljl
friends alan inembera of lhe- Hels' Jfml,'J
Altar and Ileanrv Keclettes are lnjHJJ
Sltenil fiinnral Thiir.rf.v H:H0 A. M . frOIB
her late residence, jsat N. 2d '..D,,,,
renuleni muse Ht Boniface Church 10 A.
Inteyinent New Cathedral C'emetep'. ..
llOYAt.. Mav H. HMIL.Y IOUIBB, W.'dO
of William (.'. Reyel. llelatlvea and frienaj
"" invuea ie nttenu iunri .'"-
Wpdn-nday, 2 M.. at her Ula raaldeijce.
SU Uermsntevn ee., Mount Airy. In',r'
ment strictly private, . ,..-
UAI-.LOWAV. Muy 7. ANNA J.. "
of Ham- W. (1-illowey. IleUtlvei i
frlenda. Captain l'hll'n It. Schuyler. B.
V . Aualllary. Ne. 4. Lieutenant B. W-J i.
Circle. Ne 68. Kaillra of Q. A B.. MJLB
vllei te attend funeral, Tuesday, 8 V.
residence. 2052 N Orlanna at. IntarnwHJ
Pfk". .. .....
HAiinKKn fn. t i'. at Turners-
) lie. N. J.. EDWAItn. eon of WW
Uardner Mid the lain Cartharlne c,. iS .
need 42. Funeral, Wedneaday, 20 V.
iron ira ra.iner'ti rcsiaence, .iui; :;r,.
0t .i nrvicej
In the Tumeravllla M-thdl.
h, a r, Jt. IdWlllMjMJsl
l.p'wnpal Churc:
1 rlenda may eal
, TOOMRV Suddenly. May 7. MAJMAIWg I
t.. TOOMKr. ased lfl. Ilelatlvea ani trWff 1
are Invited te attend funeral, Jll,1,".i' 1
j iu a. .,, irem tne reeiaence ei '-:.,
Jehn A. Huyile. BSB4 Multhewa at "r,,;j
town. Ulh maaa nt Church of tha'm
niacuiaie i,'anceptieii 10 A, JUi "
i private, Hnly Hepulchra Cemeterv. ,, ,,
I &TRl.UTON.-At l.lndeuweld. N, ',
'n. i:m.IA I... widow of Krlend Stri'
i.i?n.l LI U....I... .i,..i....j.. ft P. Itil
Mle ren dence. I.liulenwnld. N. J. """
ir.rnt lltrlln Cemettrj. ,
of Henry I'nlil, ukciI 7.1. l'Mnei
day. U l M,, realdence. 1840
liilfrmrni private, ureenmeunt
Mjvvllu 'rutaday'jjVfnlnBt
iwiiia,. iav 7, IB.".', lAlBr.ii"..
'unerul V9"a
iisri '.
I. ii
5 41
1 .V
'i r